Download - Knowing When? Knowing Why? Easter90749716356f3f6e91c8-ab73898bce96edb74646da34ab943ff3.r83.c… · 2016. 4. 29. · Knowing Why? After we have journeyed in these days following Easter

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Knowing When? Knowing Why?

After we have journeyed in these days following Easter and remembered with joy our call to sing “Hallelujahs” and rejoiced at our renewed awareness of Christ rising from the dead, promising life eternal and forgiveness of sins, we arrive at the day of Pentecost. For the Jews, Pentecost was the Shavuot, the Feast of Weeks, and the celebration of the giving of the Law to Moses at Sinai. For Christians, Pentecost is the day when the Holy Spirit comes down and ignites Christ’s followers with the “new law” and is the day when the disciples knew it was time. It was the time that Christ had told them to wait for and it was the time when they would understand why God’s Holy Spirit had come to them. Pentecost was and should be for us still today an experience that calls us to know the time is now and the reason is God.

Life changing experiences happen to all of us. Some are more dramatic and intense while others are more routine and commonplace. The common thread in all of these “life changers” is the awareness that with alterations or changes in our life, it is in our human nature to try to know when the best time is and why it is we are going to shift or change our direction.

Many life changers are dealt to us. We are born without much visible opportunity to choose when and why and yet, our Creator and natural processes decide these for us. Our dying works the same way except when we choose to take matters into our own hands or innocently have that taken away. Institutional changes like when we go to school, when we can legally drive, vote, protest, or ride the big kid rides at the carnival have been determined by our society and government.

However, there are many life changers that are ours to decide. Recognizing that there will be situational and environmental elements that might color those decisions, we still have the ultimate decision. Much comes from our character – are we introverted or extroverted? Are we passive or active? Are we passionate or apathetic? Are we ambitious or content with letting things happen without our effort? Much of the larger life changers involve others – who and when should we marry? When and why should we change careers, jobs or living locations? When and why should we alter habits, start fresh or wait for more indicators?

Interestingly and maybe even surprisingly to some of us like it was to Christ’s disciples at Pentecost, the constant and dependable presence through all the life changing moments is God. We who are people of faith and believers in a loving Lord, have been given by Jesus this “Companion, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything and will remind you of everything I have told you.” (John 14:26) If we trust in God and keep our relationship strong with our Lord, we have with us at all times and in all places and amidst all life changing experiences, this powerful presence that will always guide us and know what is best for us in the “whens” and “whys” of life. Our relationship is solidified and strengthened by God’s Word, persistent prayer and trusting in the One who will never forsake us.

You will know when and you will know why, if you know the Lord. May God’s Holy Spirit fill you, encompass you and energize you as we come again to celebrate Pentecost and engage in life changing moments.

With Christ’s love, Pastor Helen


Pastor’s Message 1 Ministry Updates 2

Leaders Bible Study 5

Worship 6

Stewardship 7

Member Award 9

Annual Conference 10


Upcoming Events 14

Centennial Corner 16

Youth/WD School 17

Worship Helpers 18

Birthdays 18

Calendar 19

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Ministry Updates

Spring Blessings from the Evangelism Committee! Our committee continues to contact new Frederick residents letting them know Calvary’s welcoming and caring ministry. Our committee sent out 180 post cards to new residents last month. Keep your eyes open for new faces and take some time to make them feel welcome. Remember to keep connected to all aspects of Calvary life by visiting the website often. ( Before or after the hot dogs and fireworks on the 4th of July, come join us for the Great Calvary Water Give Away on the corner of Second and Bentz Streets! Details to follow. We still need new faces, new ideas and willing workers. Come join us! Blessings!

The New Outside Gardens Committee: The Trustees “Sub Committee” for the beautification of the outside of Calvary began its work several weeks ago with the planting of pansies. Plans are evolving for seasonal color all year long. The committee is working with the Men’s Group to update and maintain the gardens, trees and lawn. We want folks to drive down Bentz Street and say “WOW I want to visit inside THAT church!” All to the Glory of the Lord! A special thanks to the folks at the Dutch Plant Farm for working with our committee in providing a great selection of annuals and perennials for us to choose from. Blessings!

Support our Volunteers In Mission (VIM) Team Bake Sale Sunday May 1st is your opportunity to support the VIM team and their work in Vieques, Puerto Rico this summer.

How can you support our mission team?

Make or bake a donation and bring it to the church either Saturday between 5 and 6 pm or Sunday morning.

Pick up some goodies for your family, friends, neighbors and office co-workers on Sunday morning, May 1st. Take this opportunity to tell others what our VIM team is doing as we take God’s word into our larger community.

Your donations make our mission work possible.

Keep us in your prayers as we prepare to take our team of 35 people from CUMC, Tom’s Creek UMC and Middletown UMC.

SINGLE SERVICE in SUMMER This summer we will once again have a single worship service on Sunday mornings. Starting on June 19th and running through the month of August worship will be at 10 a.m. Stay tuned for more information as summer gets closer.

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Calvary Music and Arts The final community concert of Calvary's 2015/16 season is on Sunday, May 1 at 3pm. We will welcome The National Philharmonic Clarinet & String Ensemble. Among the most experienced artists of The National Philharmonic at Strathmore, these five musicians will perform two major works by Mozart and Brahms. On the evening of Sunday, June 19 Calvary will welcome "The Soul Searchers", an interdenominational youth singing and drama group based out of Eastport United Methodist Church in Annapolis Maryland. This talented group of young people was co-founded over 40 years ago by Dr. Ray Moreland, and our own Eric Anderson was a member along with the group's current director, Scott Hughes. They will present a show titled "Prodigal" - so mark your calendar and watch for further details!


VBS Registration is open! Please register your child online at Join us this summer for “SURF SHACK” Vacation Bible School as we Catch the Wave of God’s Amazing Love! VBS will be held from Monday, June 27 – Friday, July 1.

This year’s mission project will be for Group Work camps, specifically for our youth group. Our youth group will use the money raised to purchase food and other necessities for the families they are helping during their mission trip this summer. Please contact Christy Mossburg ([email protected]) for more information or to volunteer.

The Grateful Hearts class is still in need of drivers on Sunday mornings. One driver is needed to report to the church at 8:00 AM to pick up the members of the Grateful Hearts class and another driver is needed at 12:00 PM to take our friends home. We are working to schedule a training class on how to drive the church bus in the coming weeks so that more church members can sign up for this very important ministry. Please contact Dianna Snow at [email protected] if you are willing to become a driver for the Grateful Hearts class. Have you ever wanted to try your hand at puppeteering? Well, now you can! Calvary children's church needs you! Training is provided. We want everyone to have a chance at this exciting and fun ministry! This will be on a rotating basis, so no one will be responsible for a performance every Sunday (unless you want to be)! PLEASE contact [email protected] for more information! ALL AGES WELCOME AND WANTED! Scholarships! Calvary United Methodist Church offers $500.00 scholarships to its members who are pursuing higher education. Priority will be given to those who are actively serving and attending church. Application forms will be available in the Wesley Room beginning on March 20, 2016. Please mark your calendar for these upcoming events:

Friday, May 13 Children’s Movie Night at 6:30 PM

Friday, June 10 Children’s Movie Night at 6:30 PM

Sunday, June 12 Promotion Sunday at 10:00 AM

Sunday, June 19 First day of Summer Sunday School at 9:00 AM

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CHURCH PICNIC! We will be having our annual Church Picnic on Saturday, August 20th in Mullinix Park off Bentz Street within walking distance of the church. We will have games for adults, children, corn hole competitions, gaga ball and much more. Family Life will supply the chicken and we ask that members bring sides to accompany the meal. You will also need to bring lawn or camp chairs for your seating pleasure as well as canopy tents to ward off the sun. Please stay tuned for more details. We have many exciting events planned for the Fall including Calvary’s Got Talent an opportunity for everyone young and old to showcase their hidden or not so hidden talents.

T-Shirt Design Contest

As we continue to grow into our identity as a Cooperative Parish, and as we continue to work together in ministry within our local community and in faraway places, it’s time to show the world who we are. Every good marketing person will tell you that pictures and logos are easier for someone to identify and remember than words. With that in mind, I challenge you to design a T-shirt that reflects the character, heritage, mission, and/or vision of the Calvary/Centennial Memorial Cooperative Parish.

Designs should be no more than two colors with no more than 15 words, including “Calvary/Centennial Memorial United Methodist Cooperative Parish”

All designs will go on the front of the T-shirt. Please keep drawings to no more than 10” wide and 11” long. Designs produced with a computer program such as Illustrator or Photoshop are best, but hand drawn designs will also be considered.

Designs must be original, please do not use someone else’s copyrighted material. Entries should include your full name, e-mail address, phone number, and which congregation you belong to. If you are under 18, please also include your age and a parent signature giving you permission to enter the contest.

Designs must be submitted via e-mail to [email protected] or dropped in the entry box in Parish Hall at Calvary or the Great Room at Centennial no later than May 15th.

Each congregation will have an opportunity to vote for their favorite design during the last two weeks of May. The winning entry will become the design for new parish T-shirts which will be available for members to purchase this summer.

I AM TOO OLD FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL!!! Kay Jacobs Part 2 Here I am again on my third Sunday at Calvary and trying to decide where I can sit this week. So I moved again to the other side of the aisle half way down. Surely I can be invisible. Evidently Marion and Mel had other ideas or a special radar system. Again they asked me to go to with them to the Couples Class. What should I do? I cannot lie again in church. So I went to the class. It is true that some of the group were definitely couples but there were others there that were not. So Mel and Marion introduced me to the class and they gave me a lesson book and I was thinking this is a bit soon I don’t even know why I am here. I don’t remember exactly who the teacher was and as they started I thought I have no clue why I came in the first place, they are really into this adult Bible Class stuff but what can they possible be learning especially at their age they should know it all by now. But as the class continued and I listened I thought I am not even part of this league and I felt really stupid. I DID NOT KNOW IT ALL! I took the lesson book home with me and decided to give the Couples Class a try. So I read the lesson for the next week and read the Bible verses and returned to the class the next week still a bit clueless of why I was there except for the fact Marion and Mel probably would have hunted me down. I am just thankful that no one asked me any questions or my opinion as I was truly out of this league. I really did not know anything and that to me was an eye opener.

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Leaders Bible Class On the evening of Monday, May 29, 1911 Calvary’s Leaders Bible Class was born. In the early years Calvary’s Leaders Class was one of the most influential groups at Calvary. The class membership included prominent community leaders and multiple generations of families. At one time, the class membership was over 200! There were “Blue” and “Red” Divisions within the class who competed between each other in a variety of activities for the class and for Calvary Church. Bible study was always in the forefront for the Leaders Class. The class was also involved mission and outreach activities as well. For fundraising, the Leaders Class would conduct their annual “Pancake” breakfast with class members coming to the kitchen at 2 a.m. to start cooking and served hundreds of people throughout the day. Each year, an annual banquet was held to recognize special members, and softball games were played between the Blue and Red Divisions. And of course, they became involved throughout the Frederick County community. When maintenance was needed for Calvary, skilled members from the Leaders Bible class were always called upon first and were eager to help to keep our church in beautiful shape. There are several articles celebrating the 50th and 65th anniversaries of the Leaders Bible Class in the Memorial Room along many pictures. The articles are a glimpse of some of the amazing men who not only followed in the footsteps of Christ, they also devoted their time and skills to make Calvary the great church that it is today! I think it is fitting to say that the Leaders Bible Class embraced the spirit of Tom Brokaw’s book “The Greatest Generation” in that, the stories I heard told for years and witnessed firsthand fit the description of men who gave so much, and never asked for anything in return. Members like the great Charlie Main who always captured the attention of everyone. Charlie was always eager to say hello, and to remind you our Lord Jesus Christ came first. Glenn “Peck” Strine, who made me feel comfortable when I first joined the class so many years ago. Don Bovey, Glenn Magaha and Tom Kolb who were regular teachers and who had an amazing amount knowledge of scripture between them. More recently, Bob Waltz, Bill Bolyard, John Bolyard, Henry Stull, Howard and Nancy Strine, and Cleon Stull who instill the virtues of being humble, help your neighbors, help your church, give to the needy and possess a deep sense of knowing God. In certain times in our life, there are special people who cross our paths. Those special people guide you, encourage you and remind you about what really matters. When we reflect on fond memories, we remember those special encounters. I feel very lucky to have known such great men and feel extremely fortunate that our paths crossed. The Leaders Bible class has influenced and shaped my walk (as well as others) with Jesus. The Leaders Bible Class has disbanded due to dwindling attendance numbers and the passing of members. The Leaders Bible Class at Calvary will never be forgotten. The spirit of the class will always be part of Calvary! Ray McKinnon

Leaders Class 1909-1915

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What Does the Worship Committee Do?

There are several “behind the scenes” and some “out front” activities that

members of the worship committee are part of each week at Calvary. And we are

always looking for new members to help out!

The Worship Committee has several sub-committees to handle various tasks.

When people first get to the building they are typically greeted with a friendly smile and a “welcome!” from

one of our Greeters. Ann Mossburg arranges for these and the greeting team is always looking for new

members. This is a ministry which anyone, from a single person to whole families, can help with.

Once you enter the church, you will most likely be handed a bulletin by one of our Ushers. This team not only

helps at the doors, but also takes up the offering and helps direct the congregation during communion and

other special times in worship. Dave Mills heads our 8:30 ushers and Randy Griffee is helping lead our 11:00

teams. Please contact one of them if you are interested in helping with this ministry. Older children, teens

and adults are welcome.

Our church is a wonderfully large, cathedral style church. This poses some wonderful opportunities for

decorating. There are two groups that help with this: The Banner Committee and the Altar Committee. The

Banner committee is in charge of creating (or selecting manufactured) banners which are large enough to

decorate our columns in the sanctuary. The banners typically reflect the scriptures and themes of the

liturgical seasons. Creative minds and crafters, especially teens and adults who can sew, are always invited

to join this team. Speak with Andrea Willetts or Rita Sharpe if you can help.

The Altar Committee is in charge of keeping the altar looking appropriate for worship in our cathedral style

church. This involves changing the paraments (table cloths and pulpit and lectern decorations) to match the

liturgical season. It also includes making sure we have flower arrangements in place, setting the table for

communion and preparing candles and other special worship elements. If you are interested in helping out

with this ministry one or two months out of the year, please speak with Bonnie Strine or Mary Crum. This is a

ministry where teens – adults are welcome.

Linda English helps coordinate what happens to the flowers after worship. If you would be willing to help

distribute flowers to those who are in nursing homes, please speak to her.

Communion Stewards help serve the bread and juice on Communion Sundays and special holidays such as

Easter. Kyle Bostian is the person to contact if you are interested in helping with this ministry. Teens – adults

are welcome.

Ellen Adams schedules our lay readers. These are the people who read the scripture each Sunday. While

most lay readers are adults, teens and older children are always welcome as well. You will receive the

scripture reading a few days before so you have time to practice it (and ask a pastor for help if you’re not

sure how to pronounce something).

Of course, each worship service has plenty of music. Our organ sounds wonderful at the hands (and feet!) of

Joche, who also directs our adult choirs and bells. If you, or your children, are interested in getting involved in

our music ministry, please speak to him.

Finally, at the start and end of each worship service someone must lead the procession of choir and clergy

with the light of Christ. This person, who lights the candles and assists with communion, is the Acolyte.

Anyone who is interested in the ministry from 4th grade to age 104 is welcome to join the team. We need

more people willing to help in this ministry! Speak to Stephanie Slovikosky if you want to be part of this


As you can tell, it takes a great many people to help each worship service run smoothly so that the

congregation can focus on worshiping God and finding peace in our sanctuary. Please consider how you

could be part of the team that helps make that happen.

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STEWARDSHIP CORNER St. Luke described Jesus’s first sermon, His announcement of His ministry, as the same call God made to

the prophet Isaiah; to bring relief to the poor, release to prisoners, and liberty to the oppressed (Luke 4:18).

Throughout His three year ministry, Jesus cared with His whole heart and spirit for the poor, the oppressed,

the socially outcast, and those on the fringe of society. Those He encountered were cleansed in body and

spirit by and in the Spirit of God. They were given the best that God had to offer through the words and

works of His Son, Jesus Christ. If social outcasts, they were lifted up as people of God’s kingdom. As Jesus

moved through Judea and past its borders into the pagan and gentile world, He taught His disciples and

others who were believing followers that care and nurturing of these lost and weak should be high on their list

of concerns. The social issues that impact us today should be as great a concern to us. It is the Methodist

Wesleyan tradition.

In Matthew 5: 3-7, Jesus teaches His disciples that it is the weak of society that need our care and advocacy:

“Blessed are the poor in spirit, who mourn, the meek, those who hunger and thirst for righteousness.” These

are the poor, oppressed, outcast and on the fringe of today and in that day two centuries ago.

When we practice our faith, expressing the values we hold, we focus on generosity by providing food, shelter

and comfort. We bring to the church food for local food pantries and the Community food bank. Gathering

coats for the winter and toiletries in the spring are things we do for our brothers and sisters in need. The

Calvary Weekday School collects non-perishable food to provide weekend meals to children enrolled in the

public school program.

As important, maybe even of greater importance for lasting impact upon a person in need are the social

issues faced within society. Prostitution, human trafficking, abortion, spousal abuse and child neglect are

some of those important issues that test our Christian values. These are often harder to face and to be

Christian advocates in the name of Christ’s encompasses healing of self-worth.

Calvary – Centennial Parish’s social outreach is conducted through its Church and Society Ministry. This is a

ministry that has the body and soul of others at heart by ministering to those in our community and in the

world who are experiencing social injustice and oppression. Consider in prayer your values and concerns. If

you believe you are being called to be an advocate for those among us who are facing such social issues,

consider the gifts you have to lead Calvary in this Wesleyan tradition. Deacon Julie Wilson can give you

more information about the need and how you can employ your talents.

We took 236 items from the wheelbarrow today to 2nd Street and Hope. Way to Go! As summer approaches, the needs remain the same for food item, but donations tend to decrease. Please consider bringing an extra item next month to help support our local organizations!

The Outreach Committee would like to thank you for your continuous support of our neighbors in need.

Thank you for donating the following items in the month of April: 20 small toiletry items, 4 larger toiletry items, 1 sheet, 1 blanket.

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Frederick’s Dinner Dialogues Sunday, May 22, 2016 5:00 – 8:00 pm Would you like to participate in a dialogue with people of different beliefs in order to understand how they apply their principles when making decisions, resolving conflicts, overcoming fears and expressing joy? Frederick Interfaith, an organization that formed after 9/11, fosters spiritual understanding, unity, and love among people of diverse beliefs. As one of its outreach activities, Frederick Interfaith sponsors an annual Amazing Faiths Dinner. Groups of eight to ten participants will meet all over the Frederick area at

simultaneous dinners for meaningful conversations. During the meal, each person will be asked to answer a question about his or her personal experience with faith or beliefs. Trained moderators will facilitate each meal. People of all faiths and no faith are welcome. This event is free for participants; diners are invited to bring a dish for the meal To register for the dinner: or email [email protected] or phone 301-639-2062 RSVP by May 9, 2016

Blood Drive Wednesday, May 18th 1:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

Parish Hall at Calvary UMC

Each unit of blood we collect can help save up to 3 people - why not consider giving, or inviting a friend to donate?

To sign up, call or text Eric Anderson before the event at 240.506.5759, or connect via email at [email protected].

8th Annual Lori Shipley Memorial Golf Tournament

Join us for our 8th Annual Lori Shipley Memorial Golf Tournament on Monday, June 6th, 2016! We are returning to the same venue this year, PB Dye Golf Course in Ijamsville,

MD. For more information on this great charity event, where all proceeds go to Boys & Girls Club of Frederick County.

Go to or call Amy Full @ 301-600-1875 to Register or become a sponsor

GRADUATES COME FORTH! If you or a loved one is graduating this year, from high school, college, grad school, trade school, etc., we’d love to acknowledge your accomplishment. Please email Katy Mossburg at [email protected] with the details: name, school name, graduation date, future plans.

Thank you, and congratulations!

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Friends and Admirers of Eric C. Anderson

Eric C. Anderson, American Red Cross volunteer blood drive coordinator at Calvary United Methodist Church in Frederick, Maryland, has been selected by the Rotary Club of Carroll Creek (in Frederick, Maryland) as one of this year's three community recipients of the distinguished PAUL HARRIS FELLOW AWARD. "By his extraordinary voluntary service Eric Anderson embodies the elements of character represented by Rotary International, and through his genuine deeds and selfless actions, has served as a beacon of leadership and compassion in his community", states Rotarian Richard Foot, who nominated Eric for this honor. "The fabric of our community is woven with the warp and weave of men and women of vision, whose dedicated volunteer service is emblematic of the objective of Rotary International - Service Above Self." The Rotary Club of Carroll Creek's Paul Harris Fellow Award Community

Recognition Committee Chair Linda Roth states that recipients of this Award "have demonstrated their goodwill through genuine deeds and actions, and by going above and beyond the call of duty. In most cases, they want no recognition, are not self-serving and indeed, are truly unsung heroes." The Paul Harris Fellow Award is named for the founder of Rotary International, an organization of business, professional, and community leaders united worldwide to provide humanitarian service and help build goodwill and peace in the world. Rotary Clubs are nonpolitical, nonreligious,and open to all cultures and creeds. There are approximately 1.2 million Rotary Club members belonging to 34,000 Rotary Clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas. Founded in Chicago in 1905, Rotary celebrated 100 years of service in 2005. The Rotary Foundation has awarded more than US $2.1 billion in grants, which are administered at the local level by Rotary Clubs. The Paul Harris Fellow Award is presented to an individual in whose name one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) has been donated to the Rotary Foundation. The Rotary Foundation is a not-for-profit corporation that supports the efforts of Rotary International to achieve world understanding and peace through international humanitarian, educational, and cultural exchange programs. It is supported solely by voluntary contributions from Rotarians and friends of the Foundation who share its vision of a better world. The Foundation was created in 1917 by Rotary International's sixth President, Arch C. Klumph, as an endowment for Rotary "to do good in the world". It has grown from an initial contribution of US $26.50 only to more that US $55 million. It is one of the largest and most prestigious international fellowship programs in the world. Eric will be presented with the Paul Harris Fellow Award medallion and certificate in ceremonies on Tuesday, May 24, 2016 at Holly Hills Country Club (5502 Mussetter Road, Ijamsville, Maryland). The evening program (cocktails and station-style dinner) will commence at 6:00 PM. Tickets are $35.00 per person. Dress is Business or Cocktail attire. Individuals interested in purchasing a ticket may contact Rotary Club of Carroll Creek Paul Harris Award Recognition Committee Chair Linda Roth (E-Mail - [email protected] ) NO LATER THAN MAY 12th.

Congratulations to Eric and his wonderful family on this great honor!

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Annual Conference

The Annual Baltimore-Washington Conference is fast approaching, June 1- 4, 2016. Your clergy and laity

members who will be representing you are:

Calvary: Rev. David W. Simpson, Rev. Harry Cole, Rev. Ken Humbert, Deacon Julie, Jeff Zalatoris, Pat

Staggs, Bob Jacobs, Bruce and Helen Sheppard

Centennial: Rev. Helen Smith, Deacon Leo Yates, Elmira and Bob Fox

Below is a very short description of the petitions that we will be voting on. Longer copies are available by

contacting one of the representatives listed above. If you have questions or would like to express your

options, please talk to one of us.


Petition 1

Amend the Membership of the Nominations Committee

The current configuration of the membership on the Nominations Committee is heavily clergy and very large

(49 members). This petition would allow a better balance of clergy and laity and reduce the number to 35. A

list of suggested members is available to read.

Petition 2

The use of ‘Circles of Grace’ process to discuss and vote on certain pre-identified resolutions.

After town hall meetings, various conversations with and receipt of emails and feedbacks from members of

the Annual Conference, the Rules Committee recommends that the Circle of Grace process be incorporated

into the Rules of the Session. By doing this rules would be set up:

Sessions Committee authorizes a topic for Circle discussions

Publish the topic and resolutions

Determine a time to discuss a single social justice matter and set aside sufficient time.

Divide the members into small groups with, clergy and laity with one trained facilitator for each group,

so all opinions can be heard.

Discussion after the process, collection of ballots.

Prayer and meditation offered before and after the circles.

Petition 3

Loans to Pastors, Church Staff and Volunteers.

Resolve that the BW Conference shall not allow local churches to loan or create any sort of legal entity that

would offer a financial or other benefit defined as an ‘excess’ by the IRS Code, to any appointed pastor, hired

church staff or volunteer. All churches who are currently in such arrangements must report this to their D.S.

and work to resolve and end this arrangement, so as not to jeopardize the tax exempt status of any local


Petition 4

Activate a policy in the case of the death of a pastor while serving as the appointed pastor of a local church.

This is asking for the BW Conference to create a policy for a church whose active pastor dies while serving an


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Assisting the pastor’s family and congregation with funeral, celebration of life, and providing grief


Securing the pastor’s office and confidential information.

Arrange coverage for preaching, and interim pastor, and work with congregation and newly appointed


Petition 5

Create a policy to require District Superintendents to review church annual financial statements prior to a new

pastor’s assumption of duties and to perform a periodic review with continuing pastors.

Each church is required to conduct an annual financial audit/fund balance report. The D.S. would be required

to review financial report with newly appointed pastors prior to the pastor assuming their duties. The D.S.

would also be required to review at least once in a five year period a church’s financial material with a re-

appointed pastor. This is to ensure that both have a clear understanding of the churches financial status.

You’re Invited!

Service of Ordination for the Baltimore-Washington Annual Conference is Saturday, June 4, 2016 at 9 a.m.

The service will be at the Washington Marriot Wardman Park, 2660 Woodley Rd. NW, Washington, DC.

Our own Rev. Julie Wilson will be ordained as a full member Deacon at the service. She has a number of

tickets for preferred seating at the service. If you are interested in a ticket, there is a sign up in the Parish Hall

at Calvary and in the hallway outside the Great Room at Centennial. We hope to have a van leave from

Calvary that morning to help people get to the service. Carpooling is strongly encouraged as parking is

limited. If you would like to go but do not have a ticket, there is additional seating available.

While all Christians are called to be witnesses to Christ and to be ministers of the Gospel, certain men and

women are called to be set apart for service as ordained clergy, either as an Elder or Deacon. In the United

Methodist Church, Elders are ordained to Word, Sacrament, Order and Service. They are what most people

think of when they hear the term “pastor”. Deacons are ordained to Word, Service, Compassion and Justice.

They do not serve as lead pastors but rather in specialized ministries serving as a bridge between the church

and the world.

Come celebrate this joyous occasion with Deacon Julie!

We are seeking volunteers to staff the nursery during services and for special events. If you are interested and able to help out, please contact Cindy Wilson at [email protected].

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United Methodist Men

Greetings from Chuck Kinsley! April and May are busy months in the Men’s Ministry. We have many events going on! Mother’s Day is May 8th. As a thank you to all of our Mothers, we will once again be serving chocolate covered strawberries, as well as some additional goodies during the fellowship hour. We love our mothers and this is just one small way for us to show it. Annual Flower Sale - The weekend of May 14th. Plenty of beautiful posies to choose from. Be looking for the price lists and flyers available at the welcome center. May 14th, Men’s Breakfast and Yard Cleanup day. Calling all men with a wheelbarrow and rake. Come on out and help us spruce up the church for the spring and summer months. We had another successful Men’s Breakfast on April 9th. Pastor Harry Cole delivered an inspirational message. We ate like kings! We can always take more men at our monthly breakfasts!

In Christ, Chuck Kinsley

United Methodist Women On Sunday, April 10, Pastor David shared a message asking the church a simple question; “Do you see Jesus”? He reminded us that we can see Jesus in the unselfish actions of others toward those less fortunate who need a hand up or just a listening ear.

The UMW hosted a potluck the same afternoon where we were blessed to hear from a missionary and sister in Christ, Gwen Gibson. Gwen shared with us her call to be the face of Jesus as a missionary to the people of Dakar, Senegal in West Africa. What a courageous journey she lived for the past three years, and what a joy for her to be able to see the impact on the lives of the school children that she taught. Thank you to everyone that attended Gwen’s presentation and participated in our potluck fellowship time as well. The UMW made a financial gift of $300 to the “Children’s Ministries” at the Senegal mission where Gwen was involved. We also collected a free will offering from our church family in attendance and those funds were added to that gift. We all can share the journey with Gwen through our prayers, our presence and our gifts to support her missionary work. I think we can agree that when we saw Gwen we saw Jesus.

We were also blessed to honor Tom Mullineaux and Becky Issacs with the UMW “Special Mission Recognition Pin”. Tom and Becky were selected for their consistent, unselfish commitment to serving others…allowing us to see the face of Jesus. Congratulations Tom and Becky! ...thank you for all that you do.

Where is God calling you? As United Methodist Women we can encourage one another to not only see the face of Jesus...but to also be the face of Jesus. Christ is counting on you and me to do just that. Mission-U is coming! Registration forms can be found on the UMW board in the hall.

Circles: Miriam – May 21st 9:30- Road Trip- Hagerstown Museum and lunch- meet at the Boscov’s parking lot and car pool. Mary-Martha- Susan Dwyer from the Alzheimer Association presentation- Wesleyan-Tuesday, May 17, 1:30 p.m. at the home of Edna Snyder. The program is a skit from Response Magazine.

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The Annual UMW Yard Sale is on its way!

Here's the deal: Give us the items you no longer want and the United Methodist Women will turn your donations into local, regional, and global mission work. Our success is based on your generous donations of unwanted clothing, toys, books, gently used furniture, and household items. We also want your donations of plants - indoor or outdoor. We CANNOT accept the following: computers, televisions, other electronics and large exercise equipment (elliptical and stationary bikes). Donations can be brought to the stage in Parish Hall beginning Sunday, May 15. UMW also gratefully accepts volunteer time, and we need your help for the following: Saturday, May 28, 10 AM - Table set-up in Parish Hall Sunday, May 29, noon following morning services - moving donated items from the stage to tables Monday, May 30 - Thursday June 2, 8AM - 2PM - yard sale set-up and pricing Thursday, June 2 and Friday, June 3 - bring bake sale donations ** **Due to Health Department regulations we cannot accept items that have custard or cream cheese, rice crispy treats, or fudge. Donated items should be wrapped for sale. Finally, we need you to spread the word and invite friends and neighbors to shop the Yard Sale. Friday, June 3, 7:30 am - noon Saturday, June 4, 8:00 am - noon Thank you! Alice Zalatoris, Yard Sale Coordinator, 301-682-8828

Calvary’s Children’s Church would like to extend a HUGE THANK YOU to Helen Sheppard!

Our puppet ministry is in the works, and Helen created the most wonderful costumes for our new little friends! The puppets were so inspired; they took over the Education Office to plan their ministry! Thanks again, Helen! Your talent and generosity are much appreciated!

Thank you very much for the expressions of sympathy following the loss of my father. I felt a warm hug from my Calvary family which made a difficult time a little easier! Thanks for being there! ~Amy Aguilar

Moved? Dropped Your Home Phone and Only Going Cell Service?

We are transferring to a wonderful new church database program so we want to ensure that your records are correct.

Please send us any changes you may have made so we can keep you informed about what is happening at your church.(email: [email protected] or phone 301-662-1464)

Update forms are also available at the welcome center in Parish Hall. We have placed a spreadsheet with your information so you can verify that what we have is correct! (initial if it is okay!)

Thank you for taking the time to do this simple task! We will be rolling out some exciting new things in the upcoming months. You won’t want to miss them!

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Upcoming Events You Won’t Want to Miss! Tickets available on Sunday between services or contact Angela Mayer. Invite your friends and neighbors..this is sure to be a fun night!

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It’s a Spaghetti Dinner! (and Silent Auction)

Come join us for a fabulous dining experience!

Saturday, May 14 in the Parish Hall

5:00 pm-7:00 pm.

Calvary UMC Youth will be serving an authentic New York Style Spaghetti dinner and sponsoring a fantastic silent auction. Cost is $10.00 per adult, $5.00 per child, $25 for families. Purchase your tickets between services. Thank you for your support. Proceeds go to the Youth Mission trip. Questions? Contact Katy Mossburg at [email protected] or call 301-662-1464

Academy of St. Cecilia Youth Orchestra Spring Concerts The Academy of St. Cecilia Youth Orchestra celebrates its May Concert Series with the theme, A New World. Taking the theme from the Dvorak Ninth Symphony (New World), which the Youth Orchestra will play the fourth movement of this season, the Series will feature The Youth Orchestra, The Symphonic Band, The Chamber Orchestra, The Prep Orchestra and the Beginning Band over the four concerts. The concert dates, times and venues are the following:

Friday, May 6 at 7pm at First Baptist Church , now Pathways Baptist Church, 200 West Diamond

Ave. Gaithersburg.

Saturday, May 7 at 7:30pm at The Weinberg Center, 20 West Patrick Street, Frederick

Sunday, May 8 at 4pm at Damascus High School, 25921Ridge Road, Damascus.

Tuesday, May 10 at 6:30pm at Damascus United Methodist Church,9700 New Church Street,


One of the great pleasures of the Spring Concert Series in particular is the Senior Solos that are played over the first three concerts. This year John Edward Draganov will play the third movement of Mendelssohn’s Concertin E minot for Violin and Orchestra; Madison Bowe will play von Weber’s Concertino for Clarinet and Orchestra; Juliana Benson will play the first movement of Max Bruch’s Violin Concerto 1. Micah Tsoi will play the last movement of Samuel Barber’s Piano Sonata in E-flat Minor. Comedic musical interest will be provided as Nathan Clugston and three fellow bass violin players play Saint-Saens The Elephant and Henry Mancini Baby Elephant Cake Walk. Nailah Saleem’s original piece Keeping Time for strings will fill out the senior bill.

Come here some great “new world” sounds this May. For further information, you may call the Artistic Director, Walter Edmonds at 301-831-3472.

The Academy of Saint Cecilia Youth Orchestra is supported in part by funding from the Montgomery County government and the Arts and Humanities Council of Montgomery County

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Saturday, April 30 Anniversary and Heritage Weekend Sunday, May 1 The Sacrament of Holy Communion

Scripture Lesson – John 14:23-29 Communion Meditation – “Our Centennial Flair for Jesus – Past, Present and Future”

A Fellowship Luncheon and History Display will follow our Sunday Worship in the Social Hall. All invited to join us and visit together.

Saturday, May 7 Seventh Weekend of Easter – Christ’s Ascension Sunday, May 8 Mother’s Day - Festival of the Christian Home Scripture Lessons – Luke 24:44-49 and Acts 1:1-11 Morning Message – “Clothed with Power from On High” Saturday, May 14 Pentecost Weekend Sunday, May 15 Scripture Lesson – John 14:8-17 (25-27) and Acts 2:1-21 Morning Message - “Our Struggle for Truth” Saturday, May 21 Trinity Sunday Sunday, May 22 Scripture Lessons – Proverbs 8:1-4, 22-31 and John 16:12-15

Morning Message - “Salvation Revealed: Father, Son and Holy Spirit”

Saturday, May 28 Second Weekend after Pentecost Sunday, May 29 Scripture Lesson – Luke 7:1-10 Morning Message – “Amazing Power and Presence”

Anniversary and Heritage Sunday

We invite you to join us for our annual Anniversary and Heritage Sunday which will be celebrated on Sunday, May 1 at 10:30 a.m.. We will share in worship, special music and Holy Communion. Pastor George Earle will share in our worship and Pastor Helen will bring our message. We ask for support for our responsibilities in paying our apportionment to the Annual Conference on this day and appreciate the generosity of many who help us with this.

Following our worship, we will enjoy a Fellowship Luncheon in our Social Hall. We will have several articles and pictures on display to accent our recently updated history of Centennial Memorial UM Church. Come and renew friendships and spend time together on this special Centennial day.

Indoor Flea Market Sunday, May 1 from 12-4 pm

Proceeds will benefit our Imagine No Malaria funds and other ongoing ministries. Contributions may be brought by April 29 and placed in the far left corner of our Great Room. No clothes but other gently used treasures welcome. Let’s get those closets, garages and attics cleared out and recycled to someone else’s!

For information: Call our church phone: 301-663-5273 or www.centennialumc-org

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Calvary Youth

God is so good! We have had a wonderful April, filled with the Spirit of the Lord. We went on a retreat, where we learned how to give our burdens to Jesus and take up His yoke. We had an exciting Youth Sunday, where we shared how God uses us where we are. The Pink Wave has begun, and we are having fun planting joy in the form of flamingos. This May brings many things, as we get ready for our summer mission trip, and as we plan for the end of the year. It is exciting to know that we have 11 graduating seniors! We will be honoring them, and planning for the summer. Stock sales will resume, and we will be serving a delicious spaghetti dinner New York style. Come and eat, and bid on our silent auction! UPCOMING EVENTS: May 1 All day Stock Sales resume May 1 3:30 p.m. Youth Council Meeting May 1 5:45 p.m. Youth group May 7 Mother’s Day NO YOUTH May 14 5:00-7:00 p.m. Spaghetti Dinner/Silent auction May 15 5:45 p.m. Youth group May 22 11:00 a.m. Senior Recognition May 22 5:30 p.m. End of year Youth Picnic

Calvary Weekday School

Greetings from the Weekday School. As the year is winding down, we are happy that so many families have supported the school, and have found it to be a nurturing, caring environment. Our enrollment is looking good for next year, and as a reminder, we have a great Kindergarten Program with an excellent curriculum. We welcome your support, in turn, for the many families you have sent to us over the year. You have also supported the Dr. Earl Beck Scholarship Fund which is still ongoing. Recently, we hosted two Parent Coffees and it was wonderful to see the friendships and connections so many families have made with each other. Many families joined us for a whole school Earth Day celebration focusing on “Peaceful People” leaving this planet even more beautiful “for the next person”. Classes are enjoying nature walks to Baker Park, field trips to the Baltimore Zoo, C. Burr-Artz Library, and the Montgomery Recycling Center. Class picnics and moving up ceremonies will end the year on a high note. It’s been a great year and the staff of Calvary Weekday School thanks you for the opportunity to serve our children, church, and community. Louise Walmsley, Director

Earl Beck Scholarship Fund Fundraiser

The Weekday School is selling an amazing local business gift card to raise money for the Dr. Earl Beck Scholarship Fund, assisting families in need of support to ensure that their child can continue their education at Calvary. We have been able to access this Fund to help several families these past few years through the generosity of our Calvary families and supporters. These make great gifts!

This $20 card will get you discounts to many great local venues such as: IHOP, Dunkin Donuts, Rita’s, Sonic, Firehouse Subs, Dairy Queen, to name a few…there are 19 different vendors to choose from and each one has graciously offered to provide our families with a discounted price/free items. Contact the church office if you are interested in purchasing this wonderful card or if you would be willing to sell some cards in support of this wonderful outreach!

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Calvary Worship Helpers MAY 8:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m.

Greeters May 1 Mary Jane Sanders May 8 Helen and Bruce Sheppard Earl Beck May15 Betty and Norman Waltz Jeff and Amy Stone May 22 Barbara Piper Linda and Scott English May 29 Becky and Ray McKinnon Norie Shipley


May 1 Kendel Wickline Alyxandra Hoover May 8 Steven Zalatoris Karla Hembree May15 Riley MacDonald Grateful Hearts Class May 22 Will Quigley Volunteer Needed May 29 Owen Duthoy Julia Harman

Lay Readers May 1 Katy Mossburg Bonnie Strine May 8 Beth Strakonsky Zan Fleming May15 Sylvia Simpson Dean Calcagni May 22 Helen Sheppard Margie Wilde May 29 Cindy Mills Jim Mackley

Coffee Hosts/Tea Hosts May 1 Corki and Steve Jarvis Sue Krause May 8 Fred and Lynn Schumacher Katherine Hembree May15 Judy and Lou Finneyfrock Sue Krause May 22 The Mills Family Stephanie Slovikosky May 29 Barbara Cook Anne Gray

MAY BIRTHDAYS 1 Crystal Crum, Christopher Graham, Lucy Hardy, Alex Joy 2 James

Bear, Jillian Carlisle, Laura Cosby, Laura Engle, Jennifer Long, Bill Pailen, Bill Riggleman,

Lindsey Shankle 3 Delores Hahn, Zach Mossburg 4 Judith Allen, Helen Alsmeyer, Sarah

Hubbard, Amy Vinar, 5 John Tessier 6 Don Cline, T. Meade Felton, Helen Green, Joshua

Patterson, Mary Beth Pearce, Suzanne Rosen, Joseph Sanders, Caroline Strakonsky, Diane Stull

7 Pamela Beachley, Cara Dragan, Charlie Jones, Shauna Main, Kaitlyn Quigley, Stephanie

Slovikosky, Jill Sugden, Belinda Teague-Levy 8 Nealy Monti 9 Eric Anderson, Tracey Carter,

Calire Reimann, Kyle Shipley 10 Amy Aguilar, McGarity Harper, Alice Linton, Ryan Masser 11

Monica Chickering, Richard Metcalf, Laurel Slivio, Steven Zalatoris 12 Rebecaa Crum, Ronald

Dudley, Timothy Gipson, Susan MacMullen, Susie McMullen 13 Laura Francisco, Melissa Rowley 14 Matthew

Kraham, Amy Lyon, Andrea Willetts 15 Andrew Baughman, Alicia Cosby, Matthew Giller, William Pure, Code

Stottlemyer 16 Bob Byers, Rachel Carter, Katy Mossburg, Ryan Ruffner 17 Clayton Dean 18 Brad Condon,

Paul Dame 19 Ethan Condon, Sydney Crum, Mindy Ramirez 20 Cathee Calvert, Rebecaa Dean, Sheila

Howerd, Sam Shoemaker 21 Hilary Martz, Robert Pickard 22 Stephanie Crow, Traci Davies, Mike Isaacs,

Alexander Phelps 23 Annabel Cromwell, Meredith Miller, Melissa Ritterbusch 24 Natalie Cook, Glenda Hardy

25 Deacon Buchanan 26 Gary Brown 27 Donald Long 28 Dennis Ahr, Jessica Little, Linda Mullineaux 30

Allison MacDonald 31 Stephen Harris, Doris Keeney, Emma Kinsey, Jane Sowers

Anniversaries Lynn and Fred Schumacher May 1st 34 years Tom and Billie Stokes May 5th 26 years Steven and Corki Jarvis May 20th 38 years Brad and Jennifer Davy May 26th 32 years Robert and Joyce Summers May 28th 21 years

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Calvary United Methodist Church seeks and invites all to become disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of our community and our world.

Calvary-Centennial Cooperative Parish 131 W. Second Street Frederick, MD 21701