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Page 1: Knightline July 2010



Order Sets Charitable Giving Records in 2009

KNIGHTLINEKNIGHTLINEN E W S F O R K N I G H T S O F C O L U M B U S L E A D E R S � 1 C O L U M B U S P L A Z A N E W H A V E N , C T 0 6 5 1 0 - 3 3 2 6 U S A

J U L Y 2 0 1 0 � V O L U M E 2 7 � N U M B E R 7 � W W W . K O F C . O R G

KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS In Service to One. In Service to Al l .

Above: Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson and RomeMayor Giovanni Alemanno prepare to cut the ribbon to officially open the exhibit “Everybody Welcome, Every-thing Free: The Knights of Columbus and Rome, Celebrating 90 Years of Friendship.” Below: New HampshireState Chaplain Father Agapit Jean and Father Marc Angelo from Puerto Rico, in St. Peter’s Square.

E ven in a continuing economic down-turn, members of the Knights of

Columbus embraced the Order’s first princi-ple of charity by once again setting newrecords for charitable donations and volun-teer service hours in 2009.Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson pre-

sented the results of the annual fraternal sur-vey during his keynote address to the annualmeeting of state deputies and members of theboard of directors in New Haven on June 4.“We have kept Father McGivney’s prom-

ise,” Anderson said, adding that the Knightswho gathered in St. Mary’s Church in 1882could hardly have imagined that the Orderwould grow to 1.8 million men, and providemore than $150 million to charity in a singleyear. “If we were an army, we would be oneof the largest in the world. In fact, we are anarmy: an army for charity, an army for serv-ice, an army for good,” he said. The results of the Knights’ annual Survey

of Fraternal Activity for the year ending Dec.31, 2009, indicate that total charitable con-tributions reached $151,105,867 — exceed-ing the previous year’s total by more than $1 million.The figure includes $34,627,896 donated

by the Supreme Council, and $116,477,971in contributions from the organization’s stateand local affiliates.The survey also indicated that volunteer

service hours by Knights to charitable causesgrew to 69,251,926 — an increase of468,291 hours compared to the 2008 total.There were more than 413,000 Knights ofColumbus blood donations during the year


INSIDE: State deputiesgather in NewHaven for annual meeting.Page 2

K of C State ChaplainsJourney to RomeAs the Year for Priests, called by Pope Bene-dict XVI, drew to a close on June 11, priestsand religious from throughout the world con-verged on Rome to be a part of the celebra-tion that was promoted by the Congregationfor the Clergy under the theme of “Faithful-

Exhibit at Rome Museum Chronicles 90 Years of K of CCharitable Work

I n 1920, when leaders of the Knights ofColumbus completed a tour of post-

World War I Europe with an audience at theVatican, Pope Benedict XV invited them tobuild a series of playgrounds for the childrenof Rome. Thus began a 90-year relationshipthat is being celebrated this summer with aspecial exhibit at the Eternal City’s Capito-line Museum. The Order may be best known to most

Romans for the sports fields it establishedand operates around the city. But there ismuch more to the history, and the amazingtale of the Knights of Columbus’ facilitationof a friendship that transcended the Atlantic

Rome Pilgrimage of Faith & Friendship


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MEMBERSHIP IN THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS is open to men 18 years of age or older who are practical (that is, practicing) Catholics in union with theHoly See. This means that an applicant or member accepts the teaching authority of the Catholic Church on matters of faith and morals, aspires to live in accord with the preceptsof the Catholic Church, and is in good standing in the Catholic Church.

I n pursuing growth through the 2010-11fraternal year, the Knights of Columbus,

like Christopher Columbus himself, will needto go places it has not gone before, saidSupreme Knight Carl A. Anderson, addressingnew and returning state deputies at their an-nual meeting in New Haven, June 3-6.“This organization is named after an ex-

plorer ... a man who went places where no onehad ever gone before ... and in doing so, heopened up half of the world,” Anderson said.“That half of the world today is the Christianhalf, as the result of the decision of one lay-man. We have to be prepared to go places thatwe haven’t gone before ... to say ‘come on inand join us.’ The Knights of Columbus needsto reach out to be everywhere the CatholicChurch is — in every parish, every Catholicinstitute, every community with Catholics —so when people think of the Knights ofColumbus and the Catholic Church theythink of them together.”Along with urging state deputies to continue

the focus on membership growth, the supremeknight also praised them for the charitable ef-forts of councils in their jurisdictions when hereleased the figures from the 2009 FraternalSurvey (see article on Page One). “We can be very proud of what the Knights

of Columbus and our jurisdictions have ac-complished,” he said. He cited that the$151,105,867 in donations and 69,251,926in volunteer hours are both records for theOrder. Supreme Knight Anderson asked state

deputies and the members of the Order to ad-dress criticism of the Church by, as laymen, liv-ing the example of the Gospel through goodworks of charity and unity. The big question

confronting the Catholic Church today, hesaid, is whether “we can live in a way thatshows that the promises of the good news ofthe faith are true.”“What do we do as ordinary laymen? St.

Francis used to say, ‘Preach, and if necessary,use words.’ We have to answer the doubters,we have to answer the critics, we have to an-swer the skeptics, we have to answer those whowant to cast a pall over the Catholic Churchby good works, and by works of charity. “The best way to defend the Church today

is to pick up that disabled child and put him in a wheelchair, to give a poor child a warm new coat this winter, to help thatwounded veteran, to present a gold medal to aSpecial Olympics athlete. That’s how we answer a doubting society, and there is no organization better equipped to give that answer than the Knights of Columbus,” Anderson declared.Ultimately, he added, the Order will succeed

and grow by being the type of organizationthat has members whom people want to emu-late and by inviting men and their families tobe a part of its good works.For more on the supreme knight’s address

and about the state deputies’ meeting in gen-eral, visit


Going Places Like Never BeforeSupreme Knight Urges Members to Continue

Examples of Good Works While Growing the Order

Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson delivers a keynote address to state deputies and their wives during the opening session of the state deputies meeting, June 4 in New Haven.

Mexico Northeast State Deputy Filadelfo Medellin iscongratulated by Supreme Knight Carl A. Andersonafter receiving his jewel of office. The ceremony tookplace during the June 4 Mass at St. Mary’s Churchin New Haven.

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Council 15000 Named!Earlier this year, the Order reached the milestone ofestablishing Council 15000. At the annual meeting ofstate deputies held in New Haven, a drawing was heldto decide which new council would receive this land-mark number. The designation was awarded to a col-lege council, Loyola University Maryland Council15000 in Baltimore. This council was instituted onApril 11, 2010.

Has your Council Filed Its IRS Form?Small tax-exempt organizations in the United States,including Knights of Columbus councils, assembliesand council home corporations are required to file anannual electronic notice, “Form 990-N Electronic No-tice (e-postcard) for Tax-Exempt Organizations NotRequired To File Form 990 or 990-EZ.” Small tax-ex-empt organizations whose gross receipts are normally$25,000 or less are required to file an electronic post-card with the IRS annually. All councils and assem-blies must complete some type of IRS annual filing. Ifyour gross receipts are more than $25,000, file Form990-EZ, unless your receipts are over $500,000, inwhich case use Form 990. Information about this filingrequirement can be found on the Knights of Columbuswebsite if you are authorized to sign in as an officer.Look under “support materials” in the bottom rightcorner of the page under “form 990 information.” Formore information visit or contact theSupreme Advocate’s Office at 203-752-4375.

128th Convention to beHosted in Washington, D.C. The many memorials, museums, historic sites and at-tractions of Washington, D.C., will be open to all atten-dees of the 128th Supreme Convention. Highlights ofthe Aug. 3-5 event will include the opening Mass thatwill be celebrated at the Basilica of the National Shrineof the Immaculate Conception, the annual report bySupreme Knight Carl A. Anderson, the states dinnerand the awards session. The Order has reserved roomsat the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel. All delegates arerequired to reserve room accommodations and statesdinner tickets through the General Office Departmentand should arrive no later than Monday, Aug. 2. Addi-tional information about the 128th Supreme Conven-tion, including a detailed schedule of events, isavailable Forimportant visitor information, such as details abouttours, visit the District of Columbia State Council’swebsite,

Council Audit A (signed copy) of the Semiannual Council Audit Report (#1295) — for the period ending June 30 —must be sent to, and received by, the Supreme Counciloffice by Aug. 15. Make sure the trustees complete theaudit immediately and send it to: Knights of Colum-bus, Council Accounts, 1 Columbus Plaza, New HavenCT 06510-3326. The report can be found on theOrder’s website at and in theCouncil Report Forms Booklet.

The Knights of Columbus Book Club Discusses: Quiet Hero: Secrets From My Father’s PastBy Rita Cosby (Threshold Editions, 2010)On July 29, veteran news corre-spondent and TV host for FoxNews and MSNBC Rita Cosbywill join the Knights of Colum-bus to discuss her recent book,Quiet Hero: Secrets From MyFather’s Past. In this emotionalhistory of war and family, Cosbyuncovers the story of her father’s valiant service as amember of the Warsaw Uprising and Polish resistancemovement during World War II. It is also the story of adaughter coming to understand the tragedy, pain andincredible heroism her father kept hidden from hisfamily for so many years. Please join Rita Cosby onJuly 29 at 5 p.m. EST for an online book chat

‘Life, Spirituality and Message’Mother Teresa was a woman who responded to thecall to do ordinary things with extraordinary love, saidFather Brian Kolodiejchuk, M.C., postulator for MotherTeresa’s cause for canonization. Father Kolodiejchukpresented a lecture, “Mother Teresa’s Life and Mis-sion,” to two overflowing audiences at the Knights ofColumbus Museum in New Haven. To commemoratethe 100th anniversary of Mother Teresa’s birth on Aug.26, 1910, the Knights of Columbus Museum is host-ing the “Mother Teresa: Life, Spirituality and Message”exhibition, which opened March 25 and runs to Oct. 4.

Make Sure you IncludeE-Mail AddressesIf you haven’t done so already, please submit the Re-port of Officers Chosen (#185) and the Service Pro-gram Personnel Report (#365) (both found on theOrder’s website and in the Council Report FormsBooklet). Be sure to include an e-mail address foreach person listed. The information from these formsis used for mailing lists for Knightline as well as pro-gramming materials and “Action Plan” membershipdetails.

The Path to SalvationKnights of Columbus members don’t do good works just to feel good about themselves, they do good worksbecause they believe the word of God is the path to salvation, said Supreme Chaplain Bishop William E. Loriof Bridgeport, during his homily at the June 4 Mass and conferral of state deputy jewels, held during the an-nual meeting of state deputies. Reflecting the theme of the Gospel reading regarding the human and divinenatures of Jesus Christ, Bishop Lori said, “His (Christ’s) human heart is the heart of the God that is love, astorage place of the charity to which we are so devoted.” At the end of Mass, Supreme Knight Carl A. Ander-son and Bishop Lori conferred the state deputy jewels on each state deputy at the event.



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1st Place — Arrive AliveKathleen CamposCouncil 1499.Richmond, Calif.

2nd Place — Crunching NumbersMorgan WintheiserCouncil 4914Savage, Minn.

3rd Place — Abuse KillsGrayson LewisCouncil 9748Grannbury, Texas

1st Place — No More ...Rachel KimCouncil 6766Quispamsis, N.B.

2nd Place — Dog GoneCatriana NicholsCouncil 7623Hale, Mich.

3rd Place — Don’t Be A ...Allison SimpkinsCouncil 11127El Cajon, Calif.

Alcohol Abuse Awareness Winners8- TO 11-YEAR-OLDS

Drug Abuse Awareness Winners8- TO 11-YEAR-OLDS

Drug Abuse Awareness Winners12- TO 14-YEAR-OLDS

2nd Place — I’d Rather Eat BugsRachel GaiCouncil 14267Des Moines, Iowa.

3rd Place — One ShotAnnMarie ArceneauxCouncil 2657Gonzales, La.

Alcohol Abuse Awareness Winners12- TO 14-YEAR-OLDS

2nd Place — Pickle Brain CafeB’Elanna RooneyCouncil 3780Locust Gap, Pa.

3rd Place — Stay AliveSamuel BurtchCouncil 2158New Brennan, Ohio


Substance Abuse Poster Awareness Contest

World Day ofPrayer for PeaceT oday, more than ever, our world is in need

of prayers for peace. The Knights ofColumbus World Day of Prayer for Peace, heldannually on Sept. 11, provides an opportunityfor Knights throughout the Order to partici-pate in a powerful international offering ofprayer for peace.This Sept. 11 marks the ninth anniversary of

the terrorist attacks on the United States. As werecall the tragic events of that day nine yearsago, and honor the thousands who lost theirlives, we also pray for peace among nations, es-pecially in those places where war or turmoilpersist. We pray that religion will be a means of

peace and accord and not an excuse for violenceand division.At its annual meeting in 2004, the Supreme

Council passed a resolution that Sept. 11 be ob-served each year as a World Day of Prayer forPeace. Thus, all Knights of Columbus leadersare urged to begin planning for this event nowand hold an appropriate prayer service in achurch, or in a public place such as a war me-morial, a municipal park, or on the grounds ofthe town or city hall. To assist your council in its participation in

this event, the Supreme Council offers a Day ofPrayer poster (#9483) and prayer card (#9484).The prayer card includes a prayer taken fromthe remarks of Pope Benedict XVI during hisvisit to the site in New York wherethe Twin Towers stood.To order materials, you can

download the form on theSupreme Council website(, underthe “For Officers” link.

and, among the most common service pro-grams, Habitat for Humanity received 227,900K of C volunteer hours.Cumulative figures show that during the past

decade, the Knights of Columbus has donatedmore than $1.367 billion to charity, and pro-vided nearly 640 million hours of volunteerservice in support of charitable initiatives.


T he winners are in! The 2009-2010 Substance Abuse Awareness Poster Contest winnershave been announced. This year’s competition was a great success with talented young

artists participating in local competitions through the Order. Here is the list of this year’s winners, their local councils and locations:

To view all of the winning posters and for more information on this program, visit Start planning now for your council’s participation in this competition.

1st Place — Slave to BoozeRachel Napierkowski

Council 12800Denver, Colo.

1st Place — Always a Choice

Joshua MacapagalCouncil 14267Arleta, Calif.

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M ake recruiting new members a part of your Family Week (Aug.7-15) celebrations by sponsoring an open house at your coun-

cil’s meeting place. When planning your open house, use the followingsteps as guidelines: • Appoint a committee to organize the open house. • Set a date and time. • Publicize the event in local newspapers and parish bulletins, at radiostations and on cable television.

• Order quantities of promotional materials including the “OpenHouse” poster (#9430) from the Supply Department at least six weeksin advance.

• Compile a list of prospective members.• Send open house invitations to prospects and follow up with a tele-phone call asking the prospect to attend with his family.

• As the event approaches, reconfirm all arrangements.• Arrange for a display of council scrapbooks, awards, programs and activities.

• Assign a recruiter to each prospect to act as host throughout the event.• Plan the program: Have a welcoming committee togreet guests and introduce officers and members.

• The grand knight or membership directorshould explain council aims and the organization.

• Ask the council’s field agent to explain thebenefits of membership.

Welcome to Recruitment CentralMake Your Council Family Grow Specifically Consider Relatives (Fathers, Uncles,

Cousins, Sons, Grandfathers) of Current Members


Incentives From theTop to the Local


Get ready to rally with councils throughout your jurisdiction toearn a winning spot in the Knights of Columbus World Series ofMembership competition. Under this friendly competition, juris-dictions step into the batter’s box in July for the seating round. Ju-risdictions will be divided into six divisions each with 12 teams.The “seating” for the tournament will determine the eight highestscoring teams from each bracket that will play for the top two prizes($1,000 or $750 for the state council’s membership programs). Theremaining four teams from each bracket will play for the third($500) and fourth ($250) prizes. Teams that are knocked out of thetournament through double elimination will play for “VIP” Clubpoints for their jurisdiction’s membership programs. So make sureyour council is ready to recruit during this exciting competition andhelp your jurisdiction hit a grand slam.


District deputies whose district brings in 10, 20 or 30 new mem-bers during July, August or September will receive a variety ofunique K of C prizes.


Each recruiter who brings in 10 or more new members from July1 to Dec. 31 will receive a specially designed “VIP” Club recruiterpin.


To help your jurisdiction help those in need and to grow in mem-bership, a special incentive is being offered to every state councilthat achieves 50 percent (or more) of membership quota by Dec.31. Each state council that qualifies for this incentive will receive$2,000 for its Christopher Fund.

So get started on helping your jurisdiction, DDs and recruitersearn these exciting prizes by getting your council recruitment ef-forts up and running ASAP. For more details, go

Page 6: Knightline July 2010

A Polish PilgrimageSUPREME KNIGHT CARL A. ANDERSON joined an estimated100,000 pilgrims at the annual Pilgrimage of Men and Youth to the Shrine of OurLady of Piekary Śląskie in southern Poland. In remarks at the end of the SundayMass, the supreme knight recalled the great truth taught by Pope John Paul II: “Tobe human is to be a pilgrim, constantly drawn to the Father, by the Father’s love.”Six Polish-American Knights from Phoenix were present at the ceremonies andformed a Fourth Degree honor guard during the procession from a parish inRadzionków to the pilgrimage site on Calvary Hill in Piekary Śląskie where Masswas celebrated. The Arizona Knights are members of Our Lady of CzestochowaCouncil 14185 as well as John Paul II Assembly 3148. While in Poland, theSupreme Knight also met with more than 150 new Third Degree Knights, whoformed the first class of candidates to take their Third Degree in Poland.


Knights of Columbus Soccer ChallengeThey shoot! They score! But before that can happen your council needs to start planning now for its participation in thisyear’s Knights of Columbus Soccer Challenge.

Designed for players to demonstrate the most basic of soccer skills — the penalty kick — the Soccer Challenge is open to allboys and girls in your community ages 10-14. All the details about the program are outlined in the Soccer Challenge Kit(#SC-KIT), which can be ordered by logging onto the Order’s website at It can also be orderedby filling out the Soccer Challenge order form found on page three of the Council Report Forms Booklet (#1436).

In our Soccer Challenge, the soccer goal is divided into a series of five scoring zones, with a point value given to each sec-tion. After the participant is given 15 penalty kicks, his or her total number of points will be awarded depending upon thescoring zones that were hit. The contest takes place on the council, district, regional, state and international levels.

Any questions about this program not answered in the guide should be directed to the appropriate national officials, or go “Youth” activities, or call: (203) 752-4154.

W ant to succeed at membership re-cruiting? Then get your council’s

membership committee organized and run-ning as quickly as possible. When looking for members to serve on

this committee, choose Knights who are en-thusiastic about the Order, are detail-oriented, good planners and will followthrough on projects. Also, any memberswith sales experience or who have worked inadvertising or marketing, and are comfort-able speaking in front of people are ideal.Ask your field agent to be a part of, or offeradvice to, your membership committee. Follow these steps in setting up your

membership committee: • Refer to the “Membership Committees”and “Membership Activities” sections inthe Surge ...with Servicemanual (#962).

• The grand knight appoints a membershipdirector to oversee all membership pro-grams and recruitment activities.

• Upon recommendation of the member-ship director, the grand knight appoints a membership committee of three or

more Knights. • The membership director and recruit-ment committee members form two-manrecruitment teams.

• The grand knight, upon recommenda-tion of the membership director, appointsa retention chairman and committee.

• The grand knight appoints an insurancepromotion chairman, preferably thecouncil’s field agent.

• The membership director, committeechairmen and committee members setgoals and plan specific recruitment, re-tention, and insurance promotion activi-ties for the year.

• Plan a full schedule of First Degree exem-plifications.

• Identify and schedule recruitment meth-ods that best suit your council’s needs andgoals: church drives, open houses, teamrecruiting, etc.

• Set membership goals (exceed quota,achieve Star Council or Double StarCouncil, win Century Club, break previ-ous council recruitment record, etc.).

• Show the productions Experience of a Life-time, Membership Recruitment Flip Chart,The Life and Legacy of Father McGivney, orFounding to Future. These are available

• Schedule a question-and-answer session fol-lowing the presentation. Conclude with re-freshments or a light buffet.

• Make certain host-recruiters ask prospectsto join, and assist them in completing theMembership Document (#100).In addition to the open house, attract

prospects to the council by getting their chil-dren involved in council activities. If yourcouncil has a picnic, sports tournament, camp-ing trip, etc., invite prospects and their chil-dren. While the youngsters are having fun, talkto their dads about joining. Explain to themwhat makes you feel good about the Order andwhat it is about being a Knight that gives youand your family satisfaction. Consider specifi-cally targeting the family members (fathers,uncles, cousins, sons, grandfathers) of currentmembers. For more on recruiting go to

FAMILY, FROM PAGE 5Recruit Your Recruiting Committee

Page 7: Knightline July 2010

Ocean is the subject of “Everybody Welcome,Everything Free: The Knights of Columbusand Rome, Celebrating 90 Years of Friend-ship.” The exhibit runs now through Oct. 31. “The story of the Knights of Columbus in

Rome is a story of the power of faith andfriendship that can overcome any adversity andbrings two worlds together for the good ofboth,” said Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson.“Invited by Pope Benedict XV to establish anenduring presence in the city in 1920, we arepleased that for 90 years, despite a turbulent20th century, the Knights have become an es-tablished fixture in the Eternal City, and con-tinue to be at the service of the people of Romeand of the Holy See during the pontificate ofPope Benedict XVI.”The exhibit highlights the Knights’ role in

constructing and operating playgrounds forthe city’s children, as well as the role theKnights have played in Vatican restoration andcommunication projects, and the position theKnights assumed as a quiet diplomatic channelbetween the United States and the Vatican —prior to the formal diplomatic recognition ofthe Vatican by the United States in the 1980s.For details, visit



Hawaii State Chaplain Father Lane Akiona enjoys thecompany of a fellow state chaplain while vesting for aMass celebrated by Vatican Secretary of State CardinalTarcisio Bertone in the Papal Basilica of St. Paul Outside-the-Walls.

Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson addresses members of the media and guests at the conference opening the exhibit.

Supreme Chaplain Bishop William E. Lori celebrates Mass at the Altar of the Chair beneath Bernini’s magnificentsculpture and stained glass window of the Holy Spirit.

ness of Christ, Faithfulness of Priests.” Knights ofColumbus state chaplains from jurisdictions in theUnited States, Canada, the Philippines, Mexico andPoland joined this celebration when they arrived in

Rome on June 7 for a weeklong pilgrimage markingthe conclusion of the Year for Priests. The Knights ofColumbus pilgrims participated in events throughoutthe week including the final celebration on June 11,Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, under the

theme of “With Peter, in Ecclesial Communion.” Thatday, the pope celebrated a morning Mass, duringwhich the clergy renewed their vows and the Holy Fa-ther proclaimed St. John Vianney as the patron saintof all priests.


Page 8: Knightline July 2010

KNIGHTLINEKNIGHTLINE1 Columbus Plaza, New Haven, CT 06510-3326

Nonprofit OrganizationU.S. POSTAGEP A I D


T hat’s probably the exact opposite ofwhat you may think happens when a

representative of a life insurer comes to yourhome. Most people, inundated by too muchinformation, think that a discussion abouttheir financial future with a professional advi-sor leaves them with more questions than an-swers. That may be true under somecircumstances, but not with the Knights ofColumbus.We made a decision some time ago that we

could not and would not be all things to allpeople. We decided to focus on what we cando best — and diligently train our agents andhome office staff to excel at those items. Weoffer you life insurance (whole life and term),fixed annuities and long-term care. We won’tbe discussing 20 or 30 ways you can take ac-tion to prepare for the future. We will sit with

you and your wife, gather some very basic in-formation, draw a conclusion with you, andpropose a solution for you that fits withinyour budget. This can all be accomplished ina couple of appointments in your home (yes,we still make house calls!) that shouldn’t takeall that long.The cynics may say that our offerings sim-

ply cannot solve every situation. Well, ifyou’re investing money in equity-based offer-ings such as variable life insurance or mutual

funds, that’s true. We don’t sell those prod-ucts. But I am hard-pressed to find a situationwhere the products we do have can’t help you.Whole life insurance, for example, is a beauti-ful product that has to be seen to be believed.Once seen, you’ll agree. There really isn’tmuch it can’t do.So if you are avoiding a conversation be-

cause you fear it may leave you more con-fused than ever, let us simplify your life. Norocket science … no complex formulas … noPhDs required. We make it simple, easy tounderstand, cost efficient and helpful. And itall comes with the financial strength of yourorganization serving as a backdrop.I know I scratch my head a lot, wondering

if I am really “getting it.” When my K of Cagent leaves my house, the only thing I “get”is a good night’s sleep. Give it a try.


Thomas P. Smith Jr.Executive Vice President (Agencies and Marketing)

Knights of Columbus Insurance: Your Shield for Life.

Let us Help You Simplify Your Life