Download - Kiwaniscope 06 03 2014

Page 1: Kiwaniscope 06 03 2014

Club Officers (2013—2014)

President President Elect Vice President Secretary Treasurer Immediate-Past President

Mahmood Bashir Victoria Davidson– Castillo Charles Karsch Kathy Young Izzeldin Osman David Malkin

Board of Directors (2013—2015)

Maureen Sinclair Grace Chan Tina Banes

Charlie Huff Jim Stewart

Robert Barba Susan Jacklin

Board of Directors (2012—2014)


by Kiwanis Club of Hacienda Heights, a Registered 501(C)(3) Non-Profit Organization

June 3, 2014


Mahmooooo’s Message As this school year comes to an end, and we attend Graduations, Awards Nights, and End of The Year Ban-quets, we can not just be proud of our SLP, and many other youth in our communities, but feel satisfied, that we as Kiwaniansare on to something, that we are doing some-thing right. Its amazing to watch these young adults excel in not just their academic achievements and their athletic prowess, but in their relentless dedication to service to others. Our SLPshine in all aspects, and are so true to their pledge, "to build home, school, and communi-ty". They have rapidly become the backbone of our "Ohana", they make up majority of our Kiwanis family membership, they out per-

form us in service hours, they raise more money than us for our various preferred charities. They are spirit-ed, they are eager to take up leader-ship roles, and they take their re-sponsibilities seriously. They make us proud. Their achievements are a validation of our commitment to the "children of the world". Lets keep encouraging them to always stay involved through servant leader-ship, and to carry the passion with them. It is our involvement with them which will hopefully culminate into them joining Kiwanis Clubs, once they graduate college. Its not just for a few of us to mentor, and provide guidance and encourage-ment to them, the responsibility should be shared by us all. It is also worth mentioning that our clubs selection of scholarship recipi-ents, is also validated by the fact that these bright kids are not only recognized by us for their communi-ty service efforts and academic achievements, they are recognized by multiple groups and organiza-

tions in the community. They are accepted into prestigious universi-ties and colleges, and often with generous scholarships. Lets keep investing in these bright leaders, our best hope for a better future.

Remember to serve, and always serve with a smile.

Page 10-11 Cal Poly Pomona’s End of Year Banquet Page 12 Oue SLP in the News Page 13 Concerts Under The Stars—D35 Eliminate Page 14 Additional News Page 15 SGV Regional Camber of Commerce Page 16 June Calendar

Page 1 President’s Message Page 2 Club Projects and Chair Page 3 Upcoming events & Speakers Page 4-5 Club Meeting Page 5 Kathy’s Korner Page 6-7 Guest Speaker—Joel Beezy Page 8 Happy/ Sad Dollars Page 9 Goldstone & Key club D35 DCM

Our club’s 50 Year Anniversary Pin have

arrived!! Come attend a future meeting or event

to receive your pins.

The President’s Message | By Mahmood Bashir

Kiwanis Hacienda Heights

P.O. Box 5825 Hacienda Hts, CA 91745

(626) 336-0524

Meetings: 1st, 2nd, 4th Wednesdays 7 AM IHOP, 18261 Gale Ave City of Industry

3rd Wednesday, 6 PM Casa Blanca 15822 Gale Ave, Hacienda Heights

Serving the Children of the World

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To give primacy to the human and spiritual rather than to the material values of life.

To encourage the daily living of the Golden Rule in all human relationships.

To promote the adoption and the application of higher social, business and professional standards.

To develop, by precept and example, a more intelligent, aggressive and serviceable citizenship.

To provide, through Kiwanis clubs, a practical means to form enduring friendships, to render altruistic service and to build better communities.

To cooperate in creating and maintaining that sound public opinion and high idealism which make possible the increase of righteousness, justice, patriotism, and goodwill.

Club Projects and Chairs

PROJECT COORDINATOR 4th of July Kathy Young Adopt-A-Hwy Lon Salgren Fireworks Robert Barba Interclub Kathy Young Kiwaniscope Anna Wu Membership Growth Dave Wallach Kiwanis One Day Anna Wu Pancake Breakfast Lon Salgren Pro Rodeo Dave Wallach Shoes that Fit David Malkin Spiritual Aims Martha Lacomba, Ben Su Stuff the Bus Dave Wallach Webmaster Ray Jan Weekly Programs Charlie Huff

COMMITTEE CHAIRS Citizen/ Community Mahmood Bashir Service Finance Grace Chan Policies & Procedures David Malkin Project Eliminate Anna Wu Scholarships Dave Wallach Sponsored Youth Dave Wallach Social & Hospitality Susan Jacklin Ribfest Mahmood Bashir Relay For Life Lon Salgren Youth Services Charlie Huff

K I W A N I S I N T E R N A T I O N A L | O B J E C T I V E S

Kiwaniscope Editorial Staff Anna Wu Editor in Chief Lon Salgren Assistant Editor David Malkin Features Editor Mahmood Bashir Contributing Editor Dave Wallach Contributing Editor Kathy Young Contributing Editor

The Kiwanis Club of Hacienda Heights meets 7:00 am on the 1st, 2nd & 4th Wednesday of every month at IHOP, 18261 Gale Ave, City of Industry. And 3rd Wednesday, 6 pm, at Casa Blanca, 15922 Gale Ave, Hacienda Heights.

Dedicated to Changing the World, One Child and One Community at a Time.

THETHETHE KIWANISCOPEKIWANISCOPEKIWANISCOPE by Kiwanis Club of Hacienda Heights, a Registered 501(C)(3) Non-Profit Organization

June 3, 2014

Contact Us - [email protected], (626) 336-0524, PO Box 5825, Hacienda Heights, CA 91745,

Page 3: Kiwaniscope 06 03 2014


Weekly Inspirational Alms “Happiness is not something readymade. It

comes from your own actions.” - Dalai Lama

UPCOMING CLUB ACTIVITIES June 5th – 4th of July Parade Committee Meeting, 7:00 AM, Casa Blanca June 11th – Scholarship Breakfast June 12th – Division 35 DCM, 5:30 PM Social, 6:00 PM Start, Covina Bowl June 19th – 4th of July Parade Committee Meeting, 7:00 AM, Casa Blanca June 19th – SGV Regional Chamber of Commerce, Installation & Awards Dinner, 5:30 PM, STC Center

UPCOMING SLP ACTIVITIES June 6th – Key Club D35E Year End Banquet, Time TBD, Covina Bowl June 14th – Key Club D35W OTC/DCM - The DCM will start at 11AM and end at 12PM. OTC will be held after from 12PM - 2PM, Arroyo High School (4921 Cedar Avenue, El Monte, CA 91732) June 20th - Goldstone KIWIN’S End of Year Banquet – 6:30 – 9:30 PM, Via Verde Country Club, 1400 Avenida Entrada, San Dimas CA 91773 June 20th & 21st – Key Club D35W, Downtown LA Night Market Booth (Carnival Games) to raise money for PTP


06/04/14 Los Altos Academy of Engineering / Ken Hirscht 06/11/14 Social Media / Gary Lawson 06/25/14 Watershed Restoration / Esmeralda Bracamonte 07/02/14 Professional Tutors of America / Josh Earsley 07/09/14 House Flipping / Sharon Butler 07/23/14 Miraya Surya / Family Support Network 07/30/14 Meals on Wheels / Joe Gardner 08/06/14 Boys & Girls Club progress report/ Charles Karsch 08/13/14 YMCA/ Craig Cerro If you or someone you know would like to be our program please contact Charlie Huff

The Kiwanis Club of Hacienda Heights meets 7:00 am on the 1st, 2nd & 4th Wednesday of every month at IHOP, 18261 Gale Ave, City of Industry. And 3rd Wednesday, 6 pm, at Casa Blanca, 15922 Gale Ave, Hacienda Heights.

Dedicated to Changing the World, One Child and One Community at a Time.

THETHETHE KIWANISCOPEKIWANISCOPEKIWANISCOPE by Kiwanis Club of Hacienda Heights, a Registered 501(C)(3) Non-Profit Organization

June 3, 2014


Contact Us - [email protected], (626) 336-0524, PO Box 5825, Hacienda Heights, CA 91745,

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C l u b M e e t i n g | M a y 2 8 t h , 2 0 1 4

El Presidente called to order at 7:03 AM. Victoria Davidson, bright eyed and bushy tailed, very proudly led us in the Pledge of Al-legiance. Grace Chan led the patriotic song, “America the Beautiful” was her choice. David Malkin delivered an inspi-rational invocation. David found a document on the Kiwanis Web Page, which has a bunch of inspiration-al messages, and he in-tends to use them at our future meetings. Club members in attendance were Dave W, Izzey Os-man, Kathy Young, Maureen Sinclair, Victoria Davidson, Lon Salgren, Jim Stewart, David Malkin, Charlie Huff, Grace Chan, and Anna Wu. Our guests in attendance introduced by Victoria Davidson were

Joel Beezey, Harry Ander-son, and Cookie Ford, from Covina South Hills Club, joining us for an inter-club. Dave Wallach intro-duced the guest at his ta-ble, Nicholas (Victoria’s son) and Maureen Sinclair led us in our “Welcome Song”. Our late arrival and the youngest guest was Kyra looking cute as ever, and donning her ELIMI-NATE T-Shirt. We did not have any birthdays or an-niversaries to acknowledge, but ever so thoughtful Kathy Young had a birthday card for us to sign for our Governor Rae, whose birthday is ay 31. Thank You Kathy. Charlie Huff sold the “Split the Pot” tickets , our guest Nicholas pulled the win-ning ticket and Izzey came out the winner taking

home a whopping $120 Kiwanis dollar ($12). Young Nicholas assisted with pin & badge checks, and helped collect cans for Del Haven. He was quick to point out that mom; Victoria did not have her pin or the badge. Way to go Nicholas! El Presidente circulated the donation cans. We collected $5.00 for Relay for Life, $5.00 for Children’s Hospital, and $7.00 for ELIMINATE. A total of $33.00 was con-tributed by generous members and guests for Happy/Sad dollars. It was time to auction off the “No Fines Badge”, El Presidente, Dave W and Anna Wu had fun going back & forth, but Anna Wu’s superior bidding skills made her the winner with a high bid of $22.00.

Thank You Anna! Rumor has it there is new car for Richard in the near future. Stay tuned!!! Dave W brought with him our much anticipated “50 Year Anniversary Pins” They look great. Thank You Dave! All in attend-ance received one. If you want to receive yours plan on attending our next meeting. El Presidente rang the bell at 8:30 AM, at which time the meeting was ad-journed as we sang “Hail to Kiwanis”. Thank You to all who attended and made the meeting fun and enjoyable. Submitted by: Kathy Young & Mahmood Bashir

Contact Us - [email protected], (626) 336-0524, PO Box 5825, Hacienda Heights, CA 91745,

The Kiwanis Club of Hacienda Heights meets 7:00 am on the 1st, 2nd & 4th Wednesday of every month at IHOP, 18261 Gale Ave, City of Industry. And 3rd Wednesday, 6 pm, at Casa Blanca, 15922 Gale Ave, Hacienda Heights.

Dedicated to Changing the World, One Child and One Community at a Time.

THETHETHE KIWANISCOPEKIWANISCOPEKIWANISCOPE by Kiwanis Club of Hacienda Heights, a Registered 501(C)(3) Non-Profit Organization

June 3, 2014

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Contact Us - [email protected], (626) 336-0524, PO Box 5825, Hacienda Heights, CA 91745

The Kiwanis Club of Hacienda Heights meets 7:00 am on the 1st, 2nd & 4th Wednesday of every month at IHOP, 18261 Gale Ave, City of Industry. And 3rd Wednesday, 6 pm, at Casa Blanca, 15922 Gale Ave, Hacienda Heights.

C l u b M e e t i n g | M a y 2 8 t h , 2 0 1 4

I have planned an Inter-Club for this Wednesday, June 4th. GLENDORA KIWANNIANS 5:30 PM Continental Restaurant 316 W. Route 66, Glendora Please let me know if you are able to attend. Our own Division 35 LTG Elect – Mahmood Bashir will be attending. If you have not yet attended an Inter-club for 2013/2014, please plan on attending. If you are not sure whether you have attended an Inter-Club, please contact me and I will let you know. We need every member to attend an Inter-Club so our club can obtain the Round Robin and Super Round Robin status. Also be sure to mark your calendars for Thursday, June 12th, Division Council Meeting (DCM) Covina Bowl 1060 W. San Bernardino Road, Covina 5:30 PM Social, 6:00 PM Dinner and Meeting. Usually out of there by 7:30/7:45 PM. All the other Inter-Clubs will be either a breakfast or lunch so this is the only evening Inter-Club. Over the next few weeks, I will be planning more Inter-Clubs so be on the lookout for the e-mail. The schedule for the Fireworks stand is now available and has been emailed out. Please let me know what time(s) you would like to work. We have 32 members and if all of us could schedule a few hours and a few days, the heavy load of doing this fundraiser wouldn’t be on just a handful of members and their families. Please plan on helping out. This benefits the whole club, not just a few members. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me either by e-mail or phone.

Kathy’s Korner Secretary's Message

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Our speaker this week was Joel Beezy, Division 35 ELIMINATE Chairperson and Sargent of Arms. Kiwanis’ current global campaign for children, The Eliminate Pro-ject: Kiwanis eliminating maternal/neonatal tetanus, aims to raise $110 million and save the lives of a 129 million mothers and their future babies. In partnership with UNICEF, Kiwanis is committing by 2015 to eliminating ma-ternal/neonatal tetanus, a disease that kills one baby eve-ry nine minutes. By targeting this disease, Kiwanis will not only save lives but also pave the way for other interven-tions that will boost maternal health and child survival among the poorest, most underserved women and chil-dren in the world. Announced at the 95th Annual Kiwanis International Convention in June 2010, this project will tap into Kiwa-nis' global volunteer network and strength in reaching communities and leaders, along with UNICEF’s field staff, technical expertise and unbeatable supply chain to wipe out this cruel, centuries-old disease. During Kiwanis’ first global campaign for children, the Worldwide Service Project for IDD, members worked to virtually eliminate iodine deficiency disorders (IDD), the world’s leading preventable cause of mental retarda-tion, while raising more than $100 million. Heralded as one of the most successful health initiatives in the world, today those dollars are at work in more than 103 nations—and the number of households consuming iodized salt has jumped from an estimated 20 percent in 1990 to more than 70 percent, saving developing na-tions and the world billions of IQ points. SLP youth have been an integral group who has made our goal of reaching $110 million dollars reachable. K-Kids, Builders Club, Key Club, Circle K International and Aktion Club and The Eliminate Project! From Spootaku-lar festivals to Trunk-or-Treats to happy dollars, penny wars, spirit weeks, dances and dress-up days, our Kiwa-nis-family members united to save moms and babies make the 2013-14 school year unforgettable. A few highlights include:

As of May 26, 2014, Kiwanis-family Service Leadership Programs have raised $2,937,246.20 in total funds. These funds will save or protect more than 1.6 million women and babies from maternal and neonatal tetanus.

We surpassed Kiwanis funds raised last year for Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF—with $543,995 submitted as of April 2014.

Both CKI and Key Club surpassed 50 percent of their fundraising goals for this Kiwanis year.

CKI members also reached their goal to save or protect more than 15,000 lives through Show Your Love, Save a Life.

G u e s t S p e a k e r | M a y 2 8 t h , 2 0 1 4


Contact Us - [email protected], (626) 336-0524, PO Box 5825, Hacienda Heights, CA 91745,

The Kiwanis Club of Hacienda Heights meets 7:00 am on the 1st, 2nd & 4th Wednesday of every month at IHOP, 18261 Gale Ave, City of Industry. And 3rd Wednesday, 6 pm, at Casa Blanca, 15922 Gale Ave, Hacienda Heights.

Dedicated to Changing the World, One Child and One Community at a Time.

THETHETHE KIWANISCOPEKIWANISCOPEKIWANISCOPE by Kiwanis Club of Hacienda Heights, a Registered 501(C)(3) Non-Profit Organization

June 3, 2014

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Contact Us - [email protected], (626) 336-0524, PO Box 5825, Hacienda Heights, CA 91745

The Kiwanis Club of Hacienda Heights meets 7:00 am on the 1st, 2nd & 4th Wednesday of every month at IHOP, 18261 Gale Ave, City of Industry. And 3rd Wednesday, 6 pm, at Casa Blanca, 15922 Gale Ave, Hacienda Heights.

G u e s t S p e a k e r | M a y 2 8 t h , 2 0 1 4

We doubled our social media presence for Eliminate Week. Be inspired by some of the fun activities in this special recap.

Kiwanis-family Service Leadership Programs are close to reaching another milestone: raising more than $1 million this school year.

As of May 26, 2014, Kiwanis-family Service Leadership Programs have raised US$2,937,246.20 in total funds. As of April 2014, Kiwanis-family Service Leadership Programs have raised US$543,994.90 in total funds for Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF. This chart shows funds raised per Service Leadership Program:

As of 5/26/14 Total funds raised Members Totals as of October

1, 2013

Per-Member Average as of Oc-tober 1,


Aktion Club US$78,185.14 11,149 US$21,408.70 US$1.92

Builders Club US$148,738.65 46,000 US$41,962.23 US$0.91

Circle K International US$234,674.98 13,773 US$74,264.90 US$5.39

Key Club International US$2,347,549.18 267,384 US$789,098.72 US$2.95

K-Kids US$128,098.25 36,000 US$38,102.38 US$1.06

TOTAL US$2,937,246.20 374,306 US$964,836.93 US$2.58

Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF 2011 total (Included in Total)


Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF 2012 total (Included in Total)


Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF 2013 total (Included in Total)


If you want to be part of this Global Movement, ELIMINATE, you can donate through our Hacienda Heights Club chairperson, Anna Wu. Donations are great ways to honor family members, graduations, friends, special dates, or just to feel good about doing the right thing.

Lets follow the lead of our youth and get involved.

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Contact Us - [email protected], (626) 336-0524, PO Box 5825, Hacienda Heights, CA 91745,

The Kiwanis Club of Hacienda Heights meets 7:00 am on the 1st, 2nd & 4th Wednesday of every month at IHOP, 18261 Gale Ave, City of Industry. And 3rd Wednesday, 6 pm, at Casa Blanca, 15922 Gale Ave, Hacienda Heights.

Dedicated to Changing the World, One Child and One Community at a Time.

THETHETHE KIWANISCOPEKIWANISCOPEKIWANISCOPE by Kiwanis Club of Hacienda Heights, a Registered 501(C)(3) Non-Profit Organization

June 3, 2014

Happy & Sad Dollars

Mahmood – He is always happy when we have an Inter-Club. Also happy because we have a bunch of energetic sponsored youth. Happy, because Sara has been nominated for a theatre award. She will find out next week if she is the recipient. Happy, to contribute on Charlie’s behalf because he has money to throw away. Happy and proud that Anna decided to publish the Kiwaniscope this week, as she was not so sure due to the lack of content. Happy because our 50th Anni-versary Pins have arrived and each member at the meeting this morning will receive one. Will have Anna put in the Kiwaniscope that members have to attend a meeting to receive theirs. Dave W – Happy because of the wonderful job our SLP’S from both Key Club and KIWIN’S do. They do so much together as well as individual clubs. District Boards for the SLP’S went well. Congratulations to John John who passed his Eagle Board of Review and received his Eagle Scout status. Happy that the South Hills/Covina Club could join us at this meeting. Happy for how much our club is doing. Jim – Sad because the battery in his car almost died and he had to spend most of the day waiting for the dealer to get one. They didn’t have the one he needed in stock. He was able to read the newspaper, which made the wait bearable. Cookie Ford – Sad because a member of their club Kenny Miller passed away. He was a member of Kiwa-nis for at least 40 years. Lon – Happy because he had a family gathering this past weekend to celebrate family birthdays and his niece Katelyn Monroe’s High School Graduation. She lives in Rancho Cucamonga but since her Mom works in West Covina, that is where she went to school. Hap-py to find out that she received a Scholarship from the South Hills-Covina Kiwanis Club.

David M – Happy for their Son’s wedding this past weekend. He got married at Cal State, Berkley. Happy that the Ribfest auction item has been delivered and the check picked up. Happy that his kitty is feeling much better. Sad to hear that legendary author Myra Angelou passed away. Izzey – Happy to have Joel Beezy at our meeting. Maureen – Happy that she was able to be at this meeting. Sad that Jim will be having surgery again on June 3rd. This is repair surgery and hopefully this will be the last one. Sad, because their house is empty of furniture. They have their bed and a very uncomforta-ble futon. She may be able to make at least 1 more meeting before leaving the state on July 1st. Grace – Happy because she learned this morning the benefit of keeping her name badge in the car. Didn’t have to pay a fine.

A century of service Let's mark this historic date and step up for the next 100 years. We're setting the stage for our future suc-cesses.

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Contact Us - [email protected], (626) 336-0524, PO Box 5825, Hacienda Heights, CA 91745,

The Kiwanis Club of Hacienda Heights meets 7:00 am on the 1st, 2nd & 4th Wednesday of every month at IHOP, 18261 Gale Ave, City of Industry. And 3rd Wednesday, 6 pm, at Casa Blanca, 15922 Gale Ave, Hacienda Heights.

Dedicated to Changing the World, One Child and One Community at a Time.

THETHETHE KIWANISCOPEKIWANISCOPEKIWANISCOPE by Kiwanis Club of Hacienda Heights, a Registered 501(C)(3) Non-Profit Organization

June 3, 2014

Sponsored Youth Corner

By: Sophia Uemura of Goldstone Kiwins On May 31st, Kiwins Goldstone and Key Club Division 35 East and West held their DCM at the Brunswick Covina Bowl. The event was also a fundraiser for PTP (Pediatric Traumatic Program). As a division, we raised nearly $100 from the cost of the tickets of the bowling social event. Attending the meeting and the social event was a really great way for me, as divisional service pro-jects coordinator, to connect and meet my divisional board, other members of the Goldstone, and also Key Club. Bowling with other members of Gold-stone and a fellow divisional board member was a really great way for me to bond with the Goldstone Division. I soon became close to our divisional treasurer, Jianne Sy and we had a fun time bowling even though at time it was not our turn! We would often bowl for other teammates on our bowling team as a joke. The whole bowling experience with other members from Goldstone and the divisional board was incredibly enjoyable as a whole. I first met my divisional board at the DCM, and attended the divisional meeting afterwards. After I was acquainted with the divisional board, we bonded over bowling. I am glad we got to have a social event because it was

a really great way for me to meet, get close to the other people in Goldstone and the divisional board, and also fundraise for Pediatric Traumatic Program.

Goldstone & Key Club D. 35 E & W DCM/Bowling Social

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Contact Us - [email protected], (626) 336-0524, PO Box 5825, Hacienda Heights, CA 91745,

The Kiwanis Club of Hacienda Heights meets 7:00 am on the 1st, 2nd & 4th Wednesday of every month at IHOP, 18261 Gale Ave, City of Industry. And 3rd Wednesday, 6 pm, at Casa Blanca, 15922 Gale Ave, Hacienda Heights.

Dedicated to Changing the World, One Child and One Community at a Time.

THETHETHE KIWANISCOPEKIWANISCOPEKIWANISCOPE by Kiwanis Club of Hacienda Heights, a Registered 501(C)(3) Non-Profit Organization

June 3, 2014

Sponsored Youth Corner

Cal Poly Pomona's End of the Year Banquet!

By Stephanie L. Trinh Circle K International Club Secretary Hi everyone, my name is Stephanie Trinh and I am the current Secretary at Cal Poly Pomona and I wanted to talk about our amazing event that we just hosted right on campus! This event was to celebrate our successes and accomplishments that we had during our 2013-2014 year. We went over our year in review and reached 4092.5 total hours!! There was 44 paid members which totaled to about 93 hours per member! We also accomplished 14 Bronze members, 2 Silver members, 2 Gold members, and 5 Platinum. Our accomplishments this year would not have happened without every single one of our members! We raffled off a lot of large plush animals and did a service auctions to different places! The money that we sold from raffle tickets and the service auction will go to towards Project ELIM-INATE and we raised over $100 for that cause. A reason why banquet was so popular was because we had a wrestling fight with Jeffrey Go-lez, the IP president and current MD&E chair, and Alfredo Muñoz, the IP Kiwanis Family chair and current LTG of Foothill. It was unique to our banquet, and the words of Christopher Orte-go, the IP Vice President of Administration, "it was certainly something I have ever seen be-

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Contact Us - [email protected], (626) 336-0524, PO Box 5825, Hacienda Heights, CA 91745

The Kiwanis Club of Hacienda Heights meets 7:00 am on the 1st, 2nd & 4th Wednesday of every month at IHOP, 18261 Gale Ave, City of Industry. And 3rd Wednesday, 6 pm, at Casa Blanca, 15922 Gale Ave, Hacienda Heights.

Sponsored Youth Corner

fore at a banquet, or anyone has ever seen before at a banquet." Alfredo played football and wrestled in high school so he had some experience, while Jeffrey did water polo and swam in high school and frequently works out at the gym. The match was 15 minutes and everyone was on their toes the whole entire time. In the end, our very own Alfredo Muñoz won the match! I wanted to say that our event would not have happened without the support from all the Kiwanis clubs around us. All the support and love that you give us only drives us to do more. So from the bottom of my heart, I wanted to thank you. Although you guys are not the spon-soring Kiwanis club, your support for us is absolutely amazing and I wanted to let you guys know that Cal Poly Pomona loves Hacienda Heights Kiwanis club!

Cal Poly Pomona's End of the Year Banquet!

Jeffery Golez, IP president, Cal Poly Curcke-K

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Contact Us - [email protected], (626) 336-0524, PO Box 5825, Hacienda Heights, CA 91745,

The Kiwanis Club of Hacienda Heights meets 7:00 am on the 1st, 2nd & 4th Wednesday of every month at IHOP, 18261 Gale Ave, City of Industry. And 3rd Wednesday, 6 pm, at Casa Blanca, 15922 Gale Ave, Hacienda Heights.

Dedicated to Changing the World, One Child and One Community at a Time.

THETHETHE KIWANISCOPEKIWANISCOPEKIWANISCOPE by Kiwanis Club of Hacienda Heights, a Registered 501(C)(3) Non-Profit Organization

June 3, 2014

Sponsored Youth Corner

Our SLPs in the News!!

Arroyo High Student to Serve as Lieutenant Governor of Key Club by Anne Donofrio-Holter May 14, 2014 • 82 views Arroyo High School student Vince Nguyen has been elected Key Club Lieutenant Governor of Division 35 West for 2014-15. Key Club International is the old-est and largest service program for high school stu-dents. Affiliated with Kiwanis International, it is a student-led organization that teaches leadership through service to others. “Ever since I attended my first meeting, my love for Key Club has grown from there. This organization has given me something no other club can give, an Ohana – family,” said Nguyen. “My life has been im-mensely impacted by Key Club and all the wonderful

people who are in it.” Nguyen’s goals are centered around making the division better by strengthening the bonds be-tween all clubs in the division, enhancing every member’s Key Club experience through new and innovative ideas to keep current members’ interest as well as attract new members, strengthen-ing leadership qualities in each member and keeping members and officers dedicated and moti-vated throughout his term. “I will also strive towards building stronger clubs and creating a year full of service and memories that will never be forgotten,” said Nguyen. “I will stay dedicated to Key Club and work hard to help each member grow a passion for service.” Some of Nguyen’s duties will include serving as a liaison between the district and the division, serving as a district board member and on one of the committees, holding at least ten divisional council meetings a year, promoting Key Club and helping each club improve. Key Club International has more than 5,000 clubs in 32 countries with a total membership of ap-proximately 260,000 students. “I will dedicate my time to all the members who serve this division by striving towards achieving the goals I’ve set and the goals that each club wants to achieve,” added Nguyen.

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Contact Us - [email protected], (626) 336-0524, PO Box 5825, Hacienda Heights, CA 91745

The Kiwanis Club of Hacienda Heights meets 7:00 am on the 1st, 2nd & 4th Wednesday of every month at IHOP, 18261 Gale Ave, City of Industry. And 3rd Wednesday, 6 pm, at Casa Blanca, 15922 Gale Ave, Hacienda Heights.

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Additional News

The Aktion Club at Del haven is collecting pull tabs for SLP’S. The Aktion Club meets every Monday at Del Ha-ven from 7:00 to 8:30 PM. We need members to attend their meetings to find out what they are doing and to let them know what our club is doing. They want to be in-cluded and informed so they can help.

27th Annual “I Love America Parade”

July 4th

The Hacienda Heights 4th of July Parade committee is looking for a few good men and women. If you are com-munity-minded and would like to help organize this an-nual event, than please contact the Parade Committee Chair Dave Wallach (714) 328-2410. Meetings are monthly the first Thursday of the month 7AM at Casa Blanca restaurant. The next meeting of the Hacienda Heights 4th of July Parade Committee is June 5th. We’d love to have you join us!

Sponsored by the Kiwanis Club

of Hacienda Heights

Contact Us - [email protected], (626) 336-0524, PO Box 5825, Hacienda Heights, CA 91745,

The Kiwanis Club of Hacienda Heights meets 7:00 am on the 1st, 2nd & 4th Wednesday of every month at IHOP, 18261 Gale Ave, City of Industry. And 3rd Wednesday, 6 pm, at Casa Blanca, 15922 Gale Ave, Hacienda Heights.

Dedicated to Changing the World, One Child and One Community at a Time.

THETHETHE KIWANISCOPEKIWANISCOPEKIWANISCOPE by Kiwanis Club of Hacienda Heights, a Registered 501(C)(3) Non-Profit Organization

June 3, 2014

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Contact Us - [email protected], (626) 336-0524, PO Box 5825, Hacienda Heights, CA 91745

The Kiwanis Club of Hacienda Heights meets 7:00 am on the 1st, 2nd & 4th Wednesday of every month at IHOP, 18261 Gale Ave, City of Industry. And 3rd Wednesday, 6 pm, at Casa Blanca, 15922 Gale Ave, Hacienda Heights.

5:30 p.m.

STC Center/Seasons Place (Top Floor)

18558 E. Gale Avenue, City of Industry, CA

Thursday, June 19, 2014

JOIN US For our Annual Installation & Awards Gala as we welcome our new incoming President, John Hsu with STC Management. We will also be honoring Mike Gregoryk with Mt. SAC for his year as president. Awards will be given out for the Entrepreneur of the Year and the President's Award. Delicious food and entertainment will also be highlighted. WEAR RED As the business communities start to show signs of prosperity, we would like to take advantage of this movement. Our Annual Installation & Awards Gala will have a "Red" theme to it just for that reason. Show your support for prosperity in the business com-munity and wear red!

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CAL E N D AR | J u n e 2 0 1 4

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2 3 4 7AM Weekly Mtg @ IHOP 5:30 PM Glen-dora Kiwannians Inter-Club

5 7 AM 4th of July Com-mittee Mtg @ Casa Blanca

6 Key Club D35 Year End Ban-quet, Covina Bowl

Criag Cerro


Ben Su

8 9


11 7AM Weekly Mtg @ IHOP Scholarship Breakfast

12 5:30 PM D35 DCM at Covina Bowl

Teri Malkin


Charles Karsch

14 11AM-12PM Key Club D35W DCM 12PM-2PM Key Club D35W OTC Arroyo High School



Gino Kwok & Karen Su


18 6 PM Weekly Mtg & Board Mtg @ Casa Blanca

19 7 AM 4th of July Com-mittee Mtg @ Casa Blanca 5:30 PM SGV Regional Chamber of Commerse, Installation & Awards, STC Center

20 6:30 – 9:30 PM Goldstone KIWIN’S End of Year Banquet, Via Verde Country Club





25 7AM Weekly Mtg @ IHOP

26 7 AM 4th of July Com-mittee Mtg @ Casa Blanca

27 8-10 AM Fire-works Deliv-ery, WalMart

28 Jim Davis Beauti-fication Day






4 5

Dedicated to Changing the World, One Child and One Community at a Time.

THETHETHE KIWANISCOPEKIWANISCOPEKIWANISCOPE by Kiwanis Club of Hacienda Heights, a Registered 501(C)(3) Non-Profit Organization

June 3, 2014

Color Chart: Our Club events, Key Club events, KIWIN’S events, Builder’s, Interclubs, Divisional events, Committee meetings

20th & 21st Key Club D35W, Downtown LA Night Market Booth (Carnival Games) to raise money for PTP

June 28th-July 4th- Fireworks Stand, Stand opens at 12 Noon on the 28th, Contact Kathy

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Banes, Christina (Keith) Tina

High School Admin Los Altos HS

C 626-533-2838 [email protected] [email protected]

Barba, Robert J (Debra) Campus Security W 626-755-9323 [email protected] [email protected]

Bashir, A. Mahmood + Div 35 LTG Designate Bashir, Nancy

Senior Engineer General Conveyor Inc.

H 562-694-0882 W 951-734-3460 X 107 C 562-713-5204

bashirZoo@aolcom [email protected]

Butler, Sharon Forest Lawn Advance Planner

C 909-860-6348 [email protected]

Cerro, Craig (Debbie) Executive Director, San Gabriel Valley YMCA

W 626-339-6221 [email protected]

Chan, Grace (Stephen) Financial Analyst (Retired) H 626-913-4822 C 951-452-5272

[email protected]

Chou, Andrew Wealth Manager C 626-261-1317 [email protected]

Cooper, Keith+ (Arlene) (o) Retired H 562-690-6039 [email protected]

Davidson-Castillo, Victoria (Jay Daub)

Human Resources LA Co Office of Ed

H 626-330-6043 W 562-803-8348

[email protected]

Davis, Robert E. Kiwanis Club of Glendora 2013-14 Div 35 Lt. Governor

CPA H 626-963-0297 [email protected]

Higbee, Samantha (o) Sam

Builders Club Asst. Advisor, Orange Grove Middle School

W 626-933-7015 [email protected]

Hsu, John (Melody) Property Management STC Management

H 626-913-3881 W 562-695-1513

[email protected]

Huff, Charles H+ Charlie

Engineer C.A. Huff & Associates

H 626-357-5853 C 626-840-1985 W 626-332-8900

[email protected]

Jacklin, Susan State Licensed Office Manger State Farm Insurance

H 626-330-2327 [email protected]

Jan, Ray PACE (Pacific Asian Consorti-um in employment)

C 213-271-6416 [email protected]

Karsch, Charles Boys and Girls Club 909-989-0178 [email protected] [email protected]

Kung, Laura Director of Opeations Prosperity Wealth Management

[email protected]

Dedicated to Changing the World, One Child and One Community at a Time.

THETHETHE KIWANISCOPEKIWANISCOPEKIWANISCOPE by Kiwanis Club of Hacienda Heights, a Registered 501(C)(3) Non-Profit Organization

June 3, 2014

(o) Honorary Member (+) Past President (H) Past Lt. Governor (LOA) Leave of Absence

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Kwan, Tsz Fung (Garfield) Student 626-321-6907 [email protected]

Kwok, Gino (Karen Su) HLUSD Board member 626-808-2586 [email protected]

Lacomba, Martha (Tony) LOA Accounting Professional C 626-590-3073 [email protected]

Le Brun, Jennifer (o) Teacher Orange Grove Middle School Builders Club Advisor

H 626-840-3430 W 626-933-7015

[email protected]

Malkin, David + (Teri) Hospital Consultant Licensed Clinical Social Worker (Retired)

H 626-964-5762 W 626-833-3444

[email protected]

Manning, Brad +(o) (Kay) Kiwanis Club of West Covina Immediate—Past LTG Div 35

Administrator (Retired) C 626-260-1997 [email protected]

Manning, Norma (o) (Retired) H 626-839-6911 W 626-962-5080 C 626-533-3376

[email protected]

Osman, Izzeldin Del Haven Community Center H 626-917-5565 C 626-422-2920 W 626-917-9789

[email protected]

Puente Hills Hyundai Corporate Member Auto Sales

W 626-581-5300 [email protected] Kristen&

Rathman, Tom (Dee) (o) (Retired) H 626-968-33306 [email protected]

Salgren, Lon +H (Debra) 2013-16 CNH Region 13 Trustee

Top Down Solutions W 626-369-0040 [email protected]

Schultz, Shauna Student—University of Central Missouri

Sinclair, Maureen (James) + La Puente Valley ROP H 714-350-4755 W 626-810-3300

[email protected]

Stewart, Jim (Jean) + Certified Financial Planner H 626-968-5003 W 626-369-5111

[email protected]

Strinz, Ted (o) Strinz, Nancy (o)

Locksmith (Retired) School Library Technician - Cedargrove Elementary

[email protected]

Su, Ben Prosperity Wealth Management Group

W 888-505-2809 [email protected]

Thoue, Jasper (Karen) Marketing Liberty Glove & Safety

C 657-888-3788 [email protected]

Wallach, Dave H+ (Chris) Environmental Consultant H 626-333-8426 W 714-328-2410

[email protected]

Wang, Xiao Law Offices of Lynn Chao C 206-734-9959 [email protected]

Woo, Morrison Diamond Development Group

W 626-571-0084 [email protected]

Wu, Anna (Richard) Public Relation Specialist/ Consultant

C 626-348-9705 [email protected]

Young, Kathy (Sim) Union Bank (Retired) H 626-336-0524 C 626-827-0663

[email protected]