Download - KiOUNTRAINiEB RESCUE PARTY LOCATES CORPSE 8 Grim … LOCATES CORPSE nravlaK loy Mi);in''whIclVhiiVB be- come i’;iiK-chlly


4 A. M. Edition

VOL. M. NO. 78-

Ir [V’mnli rn ^

Administration Expccts De- r.

finite Advance in World Disarmament to Result

'■“ rF i^SiJspnsio ii'orDcbls

<Dy Tlie Avoelnlcd Prc.«) .

W ASHINGTON. July 7 r - A (lefinili! mlvanco in world (ilsarmanicnl was ■

cx(i«:tc<l fom'f’Jit hy Hjc c miiilHtrnlion us <niu iMijiortatit »

( conHeijiicnco of the war <Iobl_ “ inoralorlum. ' i,.

With Iho holiilny in inter- pvcrnmcntiil iwiyniciUs- di’f* initoly n.-isiirc(l und slc|)s_«l*. ,, rendy (akNi lo ndliist ri'iimlnlni; de­tails. President Hooi'er iiiul Ills »<!• U visors mudcilie lorllieomlni: Knitr* ■ M dlMnnumenl eoiifcreiicc lliflr

■ '• next (lliilomslle objcellve.

the eWel cxecuUvc has Untcil liic Increaslni: cof.ts ul iirinlu. imvlts ■nd (ortllleatlons dIrectI}- ivlili ilierorld'ii economic biir J e i u . _______R^ciini? bccrcUiry -tiiMJc ol uic ""

"(tale departmcai. la a clironoloslcnl resume o( rvcais to ilic .Iircslilenf* jiropusiil, tllsclo.M'd todny tlial (lie chief rxecullvu'A Iiml oidvc

• toward the moralcrluni waa made■ cxaclly one ivecl; atler u publle ’>»liceeh lirwlilch lie linked worldeconomic rehabllltadon wlili tlic " gucces, of the comlnR clLinnnnnienl | ‘ conference. bi

AddrcMliiR ■ the latcrnnilpiml Chamber ot Commerce, thc iircsl- in dent‘then wid: J,

______ *'* * * Wc mint rccoi:iilzc tlint rc- rc

compeiuioii or nilllinr - eslnblL-J)- co menl* Is In ilie ulilmatc ol nn lm- ih

' portance tnin.Kemlem. over .ill nth- nt cr lormj ol ccoiiomlc eIlort.“ ■ rii

- Cite Armamenl* Ag.In ^----- ACTlnrlnTiroposinrtlirilfo^r.torn'

mn, Ihe president iiolnUtl to itie contribution of "eomaetlllve armn- U, menu" to ihe wtrld-wlde ilc|ires- n

____ »lon. Wlille nMcrtlug Ills debt planHSa‘“ff(3’WdHhs"diniin5«rcHKco

u ./ forJoiltallon.oI.lttail.armanjcaifc" i,■ he expressed the hogw It would con* nr T Irlbuta to the Rood will "neecssnry, „ ' ’ in (lie Mlutlot) of thU major i)uts>

tlon." , jl,■ Yesterday, tellln* of Ihe'agree: ut

ment of the nutjor power* on the th debt holiday, he again touclic«l.on cr the nrms (jucatlon, this time taylns: cb

"I need not repeat lhat one of Ihe.v eauws lof dciireulon) la tho burdens ImiMsed nnd the fears

. aroused by eomiwllllve ammmeiit." jyTho illsarmamcnt conlercnce will in!

be twW ftt Qtm a l» Ftlwuari' un- coder the awi.lcex.ot Iho LeHuue-nf heNations. 'Americ.1 kIII parilclimte (afully and officially, l>r

Str Ronald, the nrliuh m.• . amba-isador, notified ihe an

(tovcrnmcnt today nt ihe acllon by -llie , London Bovernmeat la sum-monlng #n exjiertJi conterencc. Act- ’’I

--- Ing-Stcrctaty-Ciivlr in n formnl iiastatement expnated eoafidcnes tlist l>yllltle dlfficuliy. would bc found In lo

EarUer In llie day. Ihc iiresldent recelveil a mtsyiKc from President

nva lKoplffo' ^ ^ mi• lowBfd world economte rellef. wl


MINNE.U*OU8.JulyTm-OM0-line sold #t Us lowt.n price In M I*year* In the Twin Cities today. ”

Mott dlslrlbuUnB companies nn-nounctd a r«luctlon of 1.1 cenU per ^gallon (or eo.cnlled low test iia.v)* |1line, miaing tlie prka lOi) ccau, |Tills Includes the 3-cenl<iatc tax.. "


DAKER, Ore.. July 7 (J) - Mr*, n. EmmA R)xler,-W,'former LaGrancle ni city tnajwrer. wwi sentenced today to t maximum term nf 10 years in *t«t« prlMa bs a result of lier con­viction on a chargo of nilsiipproprl-

— vKrn or iinatfo of city fun^-------

" b u s in e s s WOKiEN M EET 'f o b NATiONAL SESS IO N S S

_____ da.WOHJJOND, V«„ July 7 M^-As*

sertinif thu -the ttrlousnea of the • ‘tireicntecoBomlc crisis demand* con-

U’ousht and. action." MbiS ifcCknch. Ann, Arbor.

Mlchlgta, In her nrtsldentlal addre.w ” r , tonlshtpropoM^al0.ycarconst;uc- ... live plan for the National Federation J

"■“ " • f f

appsrent mwp, or « dHfieumnind rejciirch hli Indicated the metliod of BlfccilnK a permanent cure," she 1 said, “SO bu*lhe« must adopt both Ch the KlcnUrie attitude and the re- 'nJ' search'method if It wlshcA to find » I'l

. pcrminrrn wlutlon ror the evil* Uiat dcs iwutently te.»ct us.” f

ML** j!tcCl<w:U'» report i -m miCt Cl\' at the llr»i cent ml bu?lne.« sewlon of If*'

^ .th* oU domlnlo;i convention which i r^olKllM IL^W-Cay KMlon here Sua" 'Hn

day. Oovernnr John Garland Pol- h'ai lard the more ihsn JOOO rov delesate* a.v<mblM from all 'puta of ed" Ihe United 6iatP% , rea

E_ :T 1I.UULli Wllll; XIKMMt.K br

AtUtOCIATP) I'llCa:!___________


nravlaK loy Mi);in''whIclVhiiVB be- come i’;iiK-chlly ircncherous ilurlritt Ihe ln.n iViTk, a.rrsciie>" Indtiy found the body ol ItoU'rl K. Zimm oti n shrll 15 fret from the top nf a nilKlity iiiw llio i:,7U0-fuot .l:iT' ii:: i:a:ntrr.- Hir. iri‘-va;.so,h Hljiiii'a fimirler ot a mile ut t ul lliu "cliiiU'.V and about tO . fict Irom llip rim of the Ntmually 'I

•nil- i«ilv (,iV.lna. Who sllil to hL xlcath Kinulay while wlUi ft I'ort-, Utui iiiuuimlin cllinbliiK party, will .

brniicht to I'arndtse tomorrowmnriiliic.' ' --- '

ItaiiBMS rt'iwrii-d falllnB Ice. snow iinl rrwlr< miflf Mm ui-lc rtlfcmplv . ha?.-ird<ms. \


' i'OCAn;iJA-Jiiiy 7 (.T) - G,i>tic;f riiik, 33. &ift iJkc CII)' I nur.H-, who ijkca to a hiupllal ( loday-miltfrlitc froin the cItccU of , an oviTdo-'i- of a ilmif, was retorted 111 11 rrlilcul'cundltlon tpnlKhl. •

Aulliorlilcs were muiblc to find u I truce ot her reliitlven,


• -------- --- ^I

RePKsentatives-oMO-Com- f

monwcaitiis Plan Campaign

'Against Proposed Raise {:

BALT LAKE Cm \ July 7 ,M’r- {A plan of campaliia lor thc opposl- .tlon of Wcjteni :,tntcs lo the pro-. .po.'.i'd 15 lier ceat frelRht IncreuM . by the railroads was lalil liere todayat n confercace jf represealatlvcs ot .10 of ihem. Colorado alone ofAhe '......... . (T>Mip «•[;. ..n.r,w ^

commlMlon! was Kleeted to »lt wilh Ihelnicrsinte commerce commluloa ‘ nt lt.1 Initial hearing on the mil- ' road.t' petliloa In VVaslilniitoa -July I(>. The eonunlulon aUo was rc- > rulndcdJa-iuti'frRram-of-lho-fireAt- ( dl.'luace> hi Ihe.i'inles In qiiwilon- I nbout JCOO mllu (rom ‘Senllte lo Clovis, New Mexico, nnd from San i)let;o lo Snowden. Montana—anil Aaa_a4kcd_to alliiw_lhc_Wcitern _ states n second repr»cnlallve.-Sub‘- Ject to tta nnproval, ]. M. Thompson of the Idaho commission was ( named. J

In another lele ram nulliorlzcd by f iliB.conterencc, the eoTml-Jloa wat ‘ urged 10 conduct three hearings on ’ thc carriers' iielltloa In the Wesl- ‘ era states, iirefrrnbly nt San Pran- clxo, Portland nnd S.i1t Lake City. '

Tendi lo Krslrlef-Traffle ' • | "Such hearms.v It Is bcllevtd." .

the lelegnim said, ".will coavlaclng- « ly establlsli the fact lhal a liorlwa- (, Inl i>creealai:e Increxse In irnns- n comincnial rales oanKrlculiuralaad t hortlculiuml product-Cllvcslock, « forest protlucw, iiciroleHm and Ils n products, ore and. aon-mtu'.lcs and a manuf.uiiired materials will iiot.jh ausmciit the carrlc.-s' revenue* but > will lend 10 w rc trlct Irafllc us to Iciscn Ihclr revomip.i. a conclusion - vlileh wptwrteil by ilie nlmwl f dalli'.-VDlunlarv rediietloa In rales' by the carriers In ordeTio malntahrT|' lonnaKc as well as by a fninlllnrlly - ltmi-tl;ff.dhtrf.wil ftitiM»lm-i nf - Ihe varlBUi Interests affected-"

Tlic telegram declares abo Ihit "a horlunlal giercenlage increase, by........... . ....... . ............|"| -differeniliils. Is not only uiiwUo but will prove disastrous to great Inter* eit* In this terrliory which liave . been, fnilitiil, revenue producers to ;lie earrlcrs."-Mr. Carr IntorniJd lliC'commU- " stoncrs tUat \V. P. Ge»r>'. tMo tx- |>ert for Ihe Callforala comml.ulon,.

(Conilnued on Page sTcZsi

i W l iJ IO H lilT

Racial Warfare In Korea

And Manchuria Claims ’

Scores of Natives* Lives _

TOKYO July.7 (,T>-Korevi and nilncM mohs continued thetr rwtiil warfare In Korea and Manchuria to­day M More-i tay dead and hundreds suffered from Injuries.. Japanese police la Korea killed nnd wounded many Koreans In re­pulsing mobi which attacked police Btatlons In Seoul and suburbs to (el2c liund.-etli of Chinese who had • 4ken rtluRC there from rlolera,

Fearing, tlie Korean outbreak igaliut Chlncw mlglit be dlverled nlo an attack upon Japanese rule iver Korea. the.JnpancM STHhorl- ies plxcttl .v)t<llera about army mag- liines and slorehoujcs to prevent irms belrj: selred.Tlio Chlneie dead at Plnj'iini: and

3hemulpo. Korea, totaled E , .the njured numbered hundredi and the ilnese homes and buslne.u places

lestroyed rcithtd hundreds. ' Fleeing from Korean mobs. iOOO

:i\lncsc erowdtd aboard a ,>(»««' eavlng CliemuIi>o-<(or China.Hie ailne>« Koverrjnent st Nail­

ing Mid -strorg rrprejent-v.Uns laie been lodged with Uie Japancje oi-emir.ent and afjurar.ccs demand* d" lhat anil-Chlnesc ttoa la Ko- ' ea shall nol rceur. •

. r ’ ' . . ,

T H E O y i Y 'AS

_______________________ TW l

S i M J S^EirriEPiulijBipiyni;Up ' ---- , ;

S •Refueling Plane Arrives at '

‘o Fairl)ani(s and Two Texas !< ■t-. * ■ !. j'” Airmen P la n .E a r ly .H o p- i

“ ''•off^ from Seattle Field d i _____________________ _______ J-S

iHyTlieA.isoclaiedrrfMi |';E n K A IT L K , Ju ly 7 - il.'Kl,

N Holiliiii.^ former cmlnr.!, Ifcs linn' flight ream! Iiiilili'r|( II)' ;ifi(l Ji/si“ i or. suiil tiinit'lit they will lioir; ■

off ft'oai-lierc' L’lirly lon^ni'fnw I - on tlicir iiroiKMi’d riKlo.inilci, u fliiflit t.i'Tokyo. ' <

They :imioiiiiced tlieir di'ci-1 , slon iniiiKidialely iip in rW iif . ] - Informnl liy The Avwclalcd

ihi'lr riliik'ltii! tilniic had riadinl t Fairbanks. Al(l l:a, at 0 I’. M. fiiw ,

f. Teli'tiriipli Creek. British CoIumtii:i,: [ C 'llie r-'fudtiiK plane, maiiufd by n . Jlimm'_Malierii_iind Wck OrcmT. I

wm itlill lanWof thtplaw iluuni by iinbbins iini! Joiies ovtr Fjir^ b;iak.N ami iisain over Ihe Uviiiig . ,

in By refiii'ltnK la mld-ulr at ihosc l«o*|Kiiiit.«, Robbins and Jniips m - ;/ pect to riMch Tokyo In HU ii>

* ■ linuM, or .'arly l 'rtday. Pacific eu;iM 1 lliiuir'TlRy •are'kcklaK 523.000'ut-' fcred by a Jaimacse aewspainr, lor ]

7" the Iirn noa-sto|v fllalit bctucca I ' Ihe Unlifd State* and Japan, rUiis 1

to refiii'l In liild-alr comply with ■ ** rules -vit fur the eompeililon. .

Multerii aail Orcener will uccom- pany Unbblns nnd Jones to Snlu-

"® man, Ab«V'- 'ip _fthere to refui'l itie platie over the,''

,1. All four nvlators lire trom Texii. ,! j„ They Iclt Fort Worth, Texa.i. lust • „‘]* I’coiuiauedTtt Pasc 5. Cal. 6i ’ ,*■lly ---- • I«

i in r n r r r T r n rA T p N lii— ^

is GEIiSmPHSlirn _____________________________ J?n NE\v VoRicr^-7-t,r}=oir{iidr'M eve of IiL< ninety-second blrUidiy.!V

John U. nockefellpr wa.i feclln8 "llt | Ijy OS a'.flddlo" tonlRlit and' grateful i ■■ to friend* ^ho are showering him I ( jn wilifTilrthday greetings from all over; f .{. the world. . • ;t

Ifc wished llicni "iieullii and eon-. s y lentnient" la a sla\.einent Mued

throush his public relations ccuascl \ ,- I"''®- ■ !e!• . 'These ocea.<ilon» oiler :r,c n .very.-1 ’■ welcome opportunity." he j.ild. "llrst g >' lo express niy Rratltuile lo Die many. ‘ j

many friends who hoi only at this' t time bul tlirouchoat tlie.ywr have> .

»• nliown their kindly n r.ud tor me [; t* mid. second,.to wi'li them and Ihclr* . i “1 and nil tho world a luri'i- iiifa.-itire of: oi l health and conieniirr:;- '.ili'lrh arc; , ■It Ihe b.-uil»‘ot real hapinn.v.- 10III ------ --

” j.::----------—:— A n d -N ov

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; . .


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8 Grim Reaper Pens 1 j -1 — ; 4 ^ F c e i M > U o l m - I

• i •• (»y nicAs’u';:

i l v t K W YORK. .iMly 7-John Ilri.'l.' ' ^ him over many irall.', Irom-o!'

’ ih.' new W<V.. ihaLuday ut lit. IH<’ bu>UlPW liit.'r.'.sl» 1.1 Ihr liW-M

- flKii Inclmled-coilliol iit lniiii.ntiu>m'> . polltim Manar.lni'. r.iiicher. .'diicaiicii. .1 Mrlan, i>olltlctiia'iiiid tnrmi'r.

Walker was born III Ihp'MoiiwahPl.i

as iorlpiit nnd far twii ypar.i-MTved in ili wl toot upon American will. He weM

ip- iiM In Weil Vlr»rlniii: Tlirce year* a tortunc of thc Rreiit panic I

old Walker thea turnrd to Journall!m. i jclnnall Commerelal-aaielie. n serli''

■ 1 WaihltiBloa Diihy Cliroiilcle.■ „ i llo Introduced alfalto ua a l600-ac:

' vpiilurc la ranntaK. For Imcts In 11:'' ! vlwl a means ot reclalinhw, railroad,.

iiT I OM on a $100,000 InvesinH'nl. He pain :il-' then Ih ;iml vl Jirw blond, and <, ,,,,1 ItI.OOO lo 151.000 with Wllllani Dean III

I lie liilcr wid It lo William Ramlu1|<h 1, lie wa. the first jircjldent of the A 'l‘‘ ! iioa aad the oriiaalwr of n company li

nhav ojiernlloiL-rhiuI iia eftect on llw ; During the war. a* chairman ot the

, ’ of IVacc nnd Jimlce at Chicago, IieJn ''»■ • American wclellrs, ird , ’ _____ . I .. ..TT-

a i i i i us: mmml?j-:Anisrican Aviation Leaders A

« ! And-Si<yway Blazers Pay

I " ! TriliiilD. lo Two Airmen

' NEW YORK. July 7 OT - Wllcy ,n. Vm; and Harold Dully were honored si lu. .iDiilKlit by their own kind, tiie lead- „. liift fl ' of American aviation and those■ he wlw blaied'tarllbl--nir'tralla (u:ri»a

' ircMelierous teas nnd disliiat Iiiads. di

in rccounilloa of tlicir round-lhe- , ivoriil flight by Ihc Aeroaautlcui CliiimUT of Cominerce ot Aniorlca ,al the Hotel Aslor. • il

I { &p<'jklng more freely than nt any r< [— "tWir-rnnrnrtjrmiRlit ilic "WiniiKT «•: I |Mni-’ «lown on Roosevelt tleld Ia*t m

, Wednrday to set a new worid-Rlrd- m I P Iin: rword.'Pllot Post In his Okla- jj J J ' hun'.e twang toM of many liuniorou* ti

■ nl'.T<'-- ul his trip and subiequcnt________

llid, Naii-aior Oatty had already de- ■iy. i'i>crlb(.'(l 111 serious vela the prol>- 'lit li-ins ot navigation he encountered. I” Iul I "I'm not Kolns to let Uut fellow ,‘l' llm I oatiy Rci far ahead of me even lu ** ver; public ;)raklng.’' »a]d Post, who ha.i

: been e.ttrcmely rciuctanl ,lo niake , | >n- • sp 'ciips liiTPioforc. ailed, "He not ahead of me dowii In ni « l W.-i.ih»n;:ca all right. It seems that

I all |i:<'.‘.l(lcnts arc fishermen nnd j. cry. Hooirr f.n'l ariy exception, llaiold's ;vi At a lulirrman tw, m lie and liie pres- ih '>y-‘ ldent did a Iltlle .BO slplng about . I'l*' ttili, Hut I aaJii’l a bit lnlctesl«l.“ “ 'Oj He WM asked bj' tlie loasiniiLWr me I wiia: he-hail learned nbout forclja

' lanRu.ii;fs m Europe. . •' 0*; "Weil - hejopllcd. " I learned tliiee

' ~ c ’iiitwiird on P.tKe 3, Col. 1i Ilr

N o v InferiorityConiplex Di

S I~ —

0 / m ,

% Sw ''y'


N m V S P . \ n E R I N T W IN F A

t S 'lDNRSDAY .MOIINI.N’C. .lU LY.S , ltd

n s End ( o C o Io i ' J i 'u I

m - B w s l )e i i- W a lk e iT 8 4 - 1 -

Aswl Pa-sM. • ' . llrl.'l.'ii \v,,iki.r..ill, whose avid Ute Ird m i r i i ; / ih Chln. lo ploai'.'rlnn in ul 111-. l’,.|M,:;l,ii home, - ' iL'Uli; <,;.i,i, i..-!Hiii.'4 R wore.of yvar*

........... . . v:i''-ltt-; rtlltnrshlp of L' !i-,'.iinr. ro;ul Imllilfr. humanl-

;ahPl.. i:»f uli.y iii prnn.'ylviinla, IMii-

i 111 111" i'l;iiiiv.' army: In 1870 lie nmiia weni iiir<i Ihc liiiii ninnuIm'turliiK bii i' nr* iiii'ii he thmliilit hr had won' lanlc M; him pi-nii1li’.-.i. iU!in. 11 iir.'.i r{|orl' were lor Ihe Clii- h-rlc's .'I .in'rnisliipy in|.lw, He|r»iv.-tr:T7trn-:pOTPinnitn'!iiTBnintir-

!00-uc:i- I.iriii Deliver us his 1 In lli'' m ir valley, whleh he ile. road, lui.l ii:iii » ivimtrd profit ol »»«.•Ic palil j;!iJii/«i) tor>nlUaa Matn- . and <jiti. i;'.' jjjjDiJnl 11.1 rtrriilallwi lumi ean llnv.,')]'. uis hterary adviser, mioli'h IliMfM. Ithe Aurnin:ib:li' Miinufaeturi'rn' n»>clu- |

|i:iny 111 i:in-.triit'i ehrap motor highway.v on till' iirii'iili nf ilie molor Indusir)-. [ If the iiaiiiiiMl convi'atlua ot the Friends i , orcanlmtloa ot Oerman- i

81111 IJOfTi[ y h i ip m itjrs American Secretary Elects c

'ay .Role of _ “ Tourist With i

len No Brass Bands” , ip I t a l i '

llcy NAPLKS. July 7 (/V^llenry L. SUinran, Amcrlcaa (ecrciary ot slate c wlij liM electe<l thc role ot "tourist "

jjjj wIlh ntibr.L'A binds." landed here to- * ids. day Io liMiln lil.\ circuit of Euro|>ean'tn' Vj,,||;,u-fu; dlscasslillU ol dwriii:i- j

menl ,iii<l economic recoaalrucilon. If j The .sccH'tary forROt niailcrR ot

ilaie lu; a olille after hU vcMCi dockt .‘ny rdjiMJiKLiiiiuitOBCiLlQuriat-wcal. .1»I« wi;iiMr.\-H;ni|'.v)ntoPomi>ull,Ve.s»- Iv>t Mus ami Ainalfl. HU talks with Pre- ‘fll- mi(r MiiJ.'c.lliii und I'orelRn MlnlMer ■ «- IJiilocrandhl have been nrransed for»d* Tliur.'day. I - •Tt:r:tnTr;nn:m1n!s^nnilrntlrrftarp ju. .'aid liiat .Mr. Sitmsoa and MujiOllnlol,. have c'luch ihe lamc views cn liie licd. priJlciiis Ihey will dlscuts, and /o ii

,n<ere iimy be no'exhtusllvv eonver* i' Wloas, . s'« The aiinounceiiKni of Hie Franco- ,>« accord la Pnrls provided an 5

ausiilc;ow filiinr for the arrival ol ‘III lhe.6ceiflaiyotMat«. He exprcaeu ?

i'“ l much I'Ira.'iuie nnd urnt hope ol }‘‘“I KOCd rriiih*. but emplia.Mi.-d lhat he ‘ll'* ivoald not commeni publicly on nny- .«- ihlng pallilcal, • •. . F

’He Ins!.-,ird. ;ii lac!, lli;re v,us■rr aj inlUleal inMoii tied up In his v|,„ "tJiirls; loiir." but ni Palrrmu jc.V /

lerdry he snld he ex]jrcted lo make go\»crv.Hloni and form cf.nrlii-slon.i b

.. duiinchlsvlslistoHwne. I',irts, Her- dlln and Uiidr.n. . t:

T ^ v c l o p s ■ ■ ^

/ T l m V !-------------- *

^ Eytrtr • '

. . . «

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. V . ■ -V. “VI ,5 ^ ' II.

/ m M I

M f e # :,\I93I. by Ttie he« Vork Tribune, Ine. Yc

F A l T S r O V N T T

J A l L limu

R i f t A p p e a r s 1

i ] “ O v ^ W o f l 3 l

iS P r o p o s a l D e

n\- More Prosperous Intcrnatior

I"-) Prospects Claim Atlcnlion

Represcntalivcs. in Report

Cliief Executive’s Dcl)t Siisp

t ________

WASHINdTON. .Iiilv 7 - iK-. .-iflki»'MlK'world (ivcr " • li.w iiniiincivc il('|i;irtnii'ii

tivi's ns a n'.-iili of tiic il<i<ivi'ii"n l'l''>|K'Sil.

Siitiiaiariziiij.' i'('in.rls nti the )tln‘ iin-.siilctii .aniKiuiU'rd Ills |il {<) liiu a>.'rcomt’iit witii Fraiirc nii'iit a im .u iriccdtlijilw im iofi

Ids linuNil" had Ik’cii rci'eivt'd I n- loiintrie.s. *.

ni'lfartniciil'i’XiiiTl.s n a id | =:, tliL' |wyi-liolii('icnl cffi’ct of the

' iiKiraloriuni niT<itiatiiiiis tin-- iluistioMiililv liaK. been K>Hid.i|

■ niey were uaable, howpver, ii.i yrt- ia.|!il]_w.lL^LJi]aictliJj:ll!ici.iLiiiiiy, I

SI A "kunry of curri'iit buslncV.s" l«- 1 .-.ui'd lonlght fthowed dccllnei liii ihc i

- ~TIo}iiTsinri»islnO.'i~flHd~firr~ fiTy7

, dlcalliiiii were that there 'Wis a ts cimstdi'inble lipprnvement In June.. . The May emiiloyment Mluiilliin.

[n ihdUKh' filiowii'iK ilecllne.s. was ile- • scribed ns tietter iimn usuni tor ihnt Iv iMsiin, nl-l:oiii;h KenemI bii.sliiess . J l drnpiu'd *ll:!hily morojhaa usual. .

The ri’bouiid of.Kailment iiliroad ( , was reported most marked la Euro- | *'• iH-an.coiinlrl(M. ‘I'here wai no ureal , I'e chaaiie In A',In nnd Knuih Ametlea ) 1st whrre Improved renllnient was nol-'.( o. ed during thc preceding two weeks, tn Ileport (Ml Optimism IIt r - Tllg RrT.HKfTfrllllli Of ll|lllhil.M|l 1

wa.i recorded from. Great Urllaln, '

iCoallnued Ou Paco 3, Col. Ai »

" i in ir f ii iM ! ” INJillE 36 psssEimi i

NEW'YORK; July 7 (/T>-Two Irnl. ’ he Icy car aceideal* in Broskb-n todny ro Injured 3(1 iwrwnf, *ma.sliert three r* surface <ars nud wrecked. a-dni|.~

store iront. ft. Elei'en iiersons were hurt, three of.

them .wrloiLsIy. tonight In the col-,; ,, llsloa of two car* when a car split. '

a iwlteh and craslietJ Into another; ' Uoih mniormen were among the '

z Ihrec who went to ho.-.iil!a*ji. 'Earlier In Ihe day ii car out of

' cbnlro!-had-aiiis,'P.('d lnU> a druR More.wlndiwinjurini;-'persons, . j

iis SDm of Ihe <5 persons in the car ils were hiirled ihtoiii’h"windows.-V Among Uie ln)un-d were r.evcral per- lie roas who hnd been In leJephone ' n.i booUis In Ihl'dnmsinre. which were , r- demollslied H-i 'llic tr<.lley ijloiinhpd '

tliroush them, >


“ • _________ -___________ IMUJFOUD. Ore.. July 7 (JV^~ '

Onn 111 h.ind. Daii Colllpr took a ' M'at neat' liK cli.ekcn li.ouso last.

- -ToWrrteTTr-Ite-fpil-nHen'-------- \When he nwokehe found all hU“

chlckcns r.ifp. Hut n purr< con- p Inlnlng 11055 was mbulnR from !■


aWDEWATKIl. T«m. July 7 (,?) J —A rnniTr and a former of. I fleer were killed In a street [[uaflght liere tonliihi.

Dan MelJiiIlpy. ihe rniiKer. was , shot by Jett Johii.'oii, relieved lo­

day of a post as Jailer here. John­son M3 killed by W. A. Dial, chief of polic:, - • »

Johnson, 6.V started sliooting pro­miscuously nn the xtreet tonlKhl. Tlie otllceraTnnswered nn emergency call and a KuntlEht fallawed. Johti- soa went down with seven bullet

- fey died ialcr In n hoipllal nt Lonj-- view.------ :------ ------- ^


. JE.MfiE.V.U(nh,Jiily7-.l' o II. CIsy, 30, W W drottiird In the Orem n rlvcr'lnnlghl, u feU hour* nficr hUi witc save birth in Ijounillul to tlielr h tlilrd^hlld;— • ol

CUy WO.S u compuicr In aa enifla- w eerlng pirty employed by Ihe .siatc ti Yoad coinml.s.slon near Jciuen. He went f.wimmlni; ullh revcral com- p; tianloiu and li believed to have slip- .11 Pfd Into ft deep hole. JILi body Imd 01 ncl been rtcovered late lonlghl, w



COPENJIAOEN, Denmark. July 7 ke t*VHolRcr ifolrll.i oiid Olio HIIIIr. mwho Hew here from-ihe' United p:Stales two weeks ago. will, leave pjDenmark tomorrow. ' ih

Their plane they said, would be th. shipped to New York, .from whijre In

Holftlj wW fly it to tlberty, KtW mi Yort , ' ull

Y ms I n C l o u d s O i

i A s L a b o r O n

D e t a i l s M o v e s

ational Business Capitals of

lion of Commerce nicnt on

)orl As Result of . Salisfaci

Suspension Offer To Sent!

7 -• IJosi.T Im.-il- • p vK F lX r(iv.T iiru rciKirti'd I ) nf a c

tnii'iit rc|n'('.Heiilii- tlu! d('Hivi'r niriraloriiini vcr's nmnit

and the ini't1 till- |ii-ri(Mi since uci'k.ils jilnii hut jiriiir In nidst i'anrc. Hil* di‘|iarl- ntlii'r I'oiinlof "iiU]iroved sen- American ;i■t'd from several faction and

a ii i i i i i i iE iI,. . — —

i ~ -Berlin-Government-AoFei

^ To Use Debt Plan Fum lin. For St.iliilizalion Purnosilie-hnt • - • ----

nERf.lN, July 7 (■i’)-Thfc'Oerm;’="1 lhat the-money made avjllabli- 1 fo- Ihe Hoover war debt t.laa will I

.ii:ed .Miely fer Ih? purjwe of brim lea iiij. |tt,3ut eomolldailcn of the n: Ol-' lion-* flnancr. .' • "Whtievcr allevailon iiiay come

the credit nnd money markei mu

il,i biulne.'ji and eeon:my." the BOicri _ ment said in nn ofttclal prvclam:

lion.The iiroclaniatloii paid warm trl

IIII. mtafl-Proldeia Hoover and bote wl iN lie;* l3 the feeling of -«i)lrltual reh H I nnd licpe for imprflTcniNit In ll

natlon'A ecuiiomle Ilfo" Induced I Ul.- Ihe certainty ol n yeir’a reparailoi

_____ The i-atlon wai wnmp.l In Ih.. eoernment si.-ilcment that It must I

.,.1 uiirrmliiing la Its' eftorU lo econ mlic. No Increase In tlie exi>«n{l lures of any [lovernmpnt der-irtme:

*'"wlll i;e loleral«l.'lt *ttl(l.'-----, of » Prt*kl«rffpBtiMon'HlDdcn’a !„,* l;ent a aw m t to Prertdeht Ho.' ' lit ! ieUlng of ihe Rr*tIludo of the Oe ? ‘‘V man i»ople nnd of llielr hoi>c for t),,; new era ot iieAcefiil and iriistlul c<

oprratlun. .Qf Clermany recall* lliat tlil* Li ll

>rc:nd lime Mr. Hoover bad come • * I her reieup. In Wia niter liie Armt r,,P 'lice had been declared vast quant ... tin of ti^-.iilM wcrc'nccumiilaXi i«rJ In il'.j allied cnii irlf:. Mr. Heov0... trl*d tl haw ihLi lood relea.’rfd f

bbrtaded nnd rlarvlng German1,pS Fo'.ir n'onllui pn.'.xd b'.'ore the all!

pvmliiril Ihe food lo bs liirned cvi. to Cii^maiiy.

------- |OW»rt)NfMt«H-l‘N!Tt!--BKIII.IN. July 7 MV-«rtnianj

nc unlird {y.-eosofHnanee nnd liidwlr rrjtrc.'. iited by IOOO of thP Lirve; baiik.1 and ladiulrlal concerns ot ll

■" readlncM to sland or fall tojetlier 1 nuarantir* of Oerman ercdll nbroai

T li’if nnnaiineenifnt was mac

‘1-'*“ The banks nnd Indiwlrles whlc are ihrowlng their milled wclcht bt hlni il:e 'iiicvc_lo make Prcsldei

— H-jover'fl-pIan-nulckly- JfpctJve-lr elude the CPtmna dye trust. Oerma polaJh syndicate, ihe great filemet

(Cniitlnued on/aie 5,.CoI. <1

i^SECilfliS ; SIfiiEKCiGIllcf ----

“ Selling On Good News" Dc

Jj'y creases Prices and Bear Out Practice of Year

— NEW YOIUC. July-7 tl'5-WliiIe th wnr aiireimeiiL was being de JcrllKd 111 Kovcnimcntt

. aad linan:Ul tiuarler.s ns an ei»eh IT maklEj! event iircbably Icailliig lo ; ' ' isrv; era of wcrld pio-.|KTlty. Wu!

8;rrT- niinii.-;d n ifrnilng parado i.m of n i.KTepini: decllni' in loday> slocl rn maiki't, . . .tils The nctlon of the rfock -markei elr hoaev.T. did no; ri'flect any eliang

o7 heart bward Ihe war debt plai n- which broucht such a vigorous up ite swing when I: was flr.'.t progxisrd. He "Sdllng on the KOod news’ is 1 n- pirfuf'lon/ aublLmrd lechnlqu' p- snTcnx proIe.-Alonai trader*. Tiie UiC' ad ory'iai whrna piece of-food new,

Which ha.s been nntlelpated fer lom' time tlnnlly nppear.i. » becomes mer<

I hl-'tcry and loie.i Its influence upor the markei. So when such news mv

K peats. IhcTc U a ru.\li lo lnke proflU on the advance whleh anilclguled U

Today's selbnrU in the stock mar- 7 kelwxiasgrivaledbyabenrnllack

iR. timed te eslnelde with ttie wnve ci rf profli-i.iklni talcs.' Selling on tht' ve partleular'llem of good news, fur­

thermore, wa.1 auiimcnled by the fact be that It came during Uie mid-year lull re In Indiyitrj' aeilvliy. 0 time when the iW market wa.i without importanutim-

' ulus trom oilier jourcc*. -

■ TODAY; Fair.

E W S i“8 I ’AG KS - 5 CUNT&

) f D e p r e s s i o n

II Hoover’s Uebts A h e a d R a p i d l y

of World Rcceive Word of Agree- on Moratorium Witli Exnresslons of

action and Natans Involved Act ml Experts to -Session at-LoQdon-

XITl'I aiTan«enieiiti^f(»r « mcelink' a I'limtnlllcu of e.x|iert.-i to work out : delails iif jiiiplyiiiK' IVe.sident Hoo- nitoriuni [ilnii wen’ inudo ycntcrday ni'Ctiiijr is lo he liHd in jic.xV

it of tlu( cuiiilu!!* of liuropc nnd'in iiMtrie/of Ihe world tlic Francft-'I nj'rpement wiiji Ijnilcji-with sntis- ill! eiilhiisiasm.

I'juropcan s l o c k mnrketfl [ I r P 't‘llornlly roiicteii fitvorably lo tfpn Ihc miiiounccmont of thc'nc-

cord, altliouKh the Nctv York B iin -stock •m.'trkel hrokc'fihnrplyU U durhiR tiie day. rceordinc net losses

Secretary Mellon left Pnris for the nivlcra nnd Ihe imiire.«lon prevnll- cd that the part of the United State* ’

I™c5- In tjwiMrhiic llic moratgrlum wa*

imds opinion that" liie experts' task would i>e 11 heavy one nnd Rome announe-

iQSeS <'<1 »>at ll is now ready to partlclpato in nny eontercnce.i regarding . iho oi»ertilton of tha plan. •

'rman In a proclaraailon Issued to the .»t0iilc._.Uie_ac«aan-;R0V«ninctil_

il,l by warned'that greaterYCinomy thanIII be ever befcre i* ncce.isary-. ll proposed ,rhig- that the money relea*ed by Uic mor- ; na- ntorlum wilt be ii^d only lo'nulst

III llie country'* economic recovery, mr tn At Wft-ililnslon tlie state depart-

ment wn* at work nn a ma*» of de-

ed lhat one imporUini-eon*e<iucne8 ama. morulorliim/wll! be on #d-' . ■* vnncc lo world dlsarmnment. trill- •—~

^KMrHKK-KKCONR-fiTAQB---relief I'AKlS. July 7 i/n-Praneo-Amer>I Iho lean nRreenient for economic relief :d tjy. of Oermnny renched 11* lecond *taso iiloM lonlghl wlih tiiennnounctment Uiat

the committee of treasury experts ; p„y. roreteen by ihc_asiwmrot.wUl.meet_

cono- At thp same time the part of tho^„dj. United et.u;s in *poniorlne a mor-inent nlorlumtwa* virtually ended. Ste---- nrtarr-ol-thfl Trttuury Mellon left

;,r smsiansviSK-Oj.. and nighu of arduoui negotiation*, fora nefreahed atler, a nlghf* #Iecp,. U CO- Secretary Mellon left by tmln to-

night with h!s son, .Pnul, for Cap * ll« rvrmt. Hi* 83n came from London ne 10 today. The *eercU0 's visit to Cap rmls- t’errat for two month* wn* planned lanll- before Ihe reparations moratorium ilaUd rnwiUDn tScvcloptd. cover Tiio oulclc action- in.deciding on d for tlia cxperls* meetlnR nimJe a cood nany. imjircalon lure. Tlie Prenefl gov- all.civ.|j|^<;ni renouncjd Itn wbh to Imva I over ijip confcrenc! ot Pnrlj In dcfcrtncc'

to Ihe Invlt.'ttlon of the Uriilah gov* ____ ernment thal It be lield in LondcC^

The fnci thnt parliament ts#itUnj * la I.omIon and that Ihe state of

henltli of lilt- Mrltl.ih chancellor ot it the Snowden, «r If " ‘ f* needed were ad*‘

“ vancfcl as rtMoni why London wa* cho*en.

TU U -UIJ1IJII1I.I M i n .--- milil.e UI3 UllW liUatlOMnell leB“hlch tallve'by Ihe Fnnco-Amerlcan ac*11» . cord- Tiie.'H nre llie (jiiesUons of li Idrnt nuamnlc} to the world bank..ln_ fcr.lnlcmall9aal.a:illcincnli.ia.ea*o-

of a Young plan moratorium, the men* ol payment* In kind and___ Hint of common ncilon by central41 bnnk.s nor the help of other Central

European countries.A-1 tt wiiole. Ihe French people

view plerjantly Ute outcome of the .. ncsoliaUon:. cvery.slde, and..

r.ij>ecially In the flnnnclal tiapen. It in r i»»i>ecificd that the maximum bene- ll'J* fll from llie Hoover plan now de- IU I, p;nds on Cerminy. Pari* feels that

Inlenialionat confldcnce In 'Ger- inJinys iwIUlcal wisdom I* necessar>-

_ before the breach in Ihe Oerman ue* markei cun be tlmlifd or remedied.

Ttie I'Yench reiiiird the polllleal sli- jars France and Oermany

a* one ot Ihe soUd foundation* on *ars confidence in Germany

mi»t be buill.

lli;.VEW INVITATION■ Oe- LO.S’don; July 7 MVIlcnewedln-;ntal vlinUon lo n eonlcrtnce In Londonoeh- of the powers ehlelly cnncemed in10 n the o|K.Tailcn of the Hoover mora-Wall lorliim plan waa issued today byadox ivrmc Minister MacOonildiiock Mr. .MncD-jnnld did not specify

ih;' date ot the conlcrciiee nor iUrkel. fx.iet com|x>slllon, but Purl* advicesitnge llie tcnlghl said the Orilbli ombu-..plan udor there hod Informed Uie Frenchup- gos'crarasnt tiie meeting wa* piac-

ned for next week and would be a1* a confuenco of .experts rathei thau ..l()ue j) leaden.Uie- Speaking t>efore the house of com-lew.i tnons, the recalledome that the Drliishgoi'emmeni Ute lastnere week propoied such a conference toipon F.-nnee and the Unilcd Stales "Innp- order to hasten ngreement over the

3fll* Hoover p.-oposal." -d It. Colh govcmmenls. the-prlme mln* 'nar* ister Mid, expressed their wllilngneOlack 0 nltend such a meeting,e Of “If direct negollaUons have no*Ihts re ultod in an agreement in prlticlpiDfur- the United Stales _»ndfact Frwice." Mr. UcDonald'con'Uaued.lull -they liava lelt even eevtrwl Import-Ihe ojiM>olRl» which wtU need lobe dls*

’ ” tCoatlnu^OnPajc^C^Vr , ■


Ex M lllo n , -Judfftig anil

' H M n m i FeatUf*s of

Ouenrny Bmetlsrs’

' AniuHl Picnic Program

■ (Bpeciil to nto Mewi) - ' ■TOOOBARD'bWUNa8r3nlr^'='

Two hunitrecl llKy ptrwn* iu«m- bM todAjr at thc.Thouuiul Bprlngi

'• ranch. Of Mrs.' Minnie Mlfer, MUlh o{ Wendell, /or aplcnie'fintl'fltmon- Btratlon *i»nsore<J by. Iho Waho-

___ PMCrnscy Brecdcni' u J^U o n antf- the Boiiiti Ceniral Idaho Ou«fiu«y

Dmden' auoelatlon. Al tlie s th- . arlns there »«e addreaes upon the

ralue o( dairying, the points of ex? cellcnce of the Ouernsey breed ot dairy con and on (lia tlnanclal ilt>

• uallon. and «toet Judslne eonlest In ithlch liny E. WllklMoa Buhl, won i «r»t place.

Thq lilt of ipeakert Included ; -- John-'Thomai.—Ooodlnj. Unlkd :

S taW Mnator: F. Leo Johnion. . Dolie, state commluloner ol acrU culture; D. L Pourt. OoUe. exten* alaii dilrymin ot the-Unlvcnlty ot '

. fdifto; o. W. nobluoM' Portland. . Northweitem repreienuilro of the' , American Ouernuy Breeden' ouo* elation: L R. Lounaberry, Pdctboro,

. New Hamivhlre. editor ot the ;

Dan E. Warren. Burley, dltlrtct elub i leader. ,

------IXoUt Ctuunplooililp ’

' up with a demoniiratlon by Mr. j . . Pourt. ot the reiulU following the

proper lort of danu and alrea. He..ttated thal iher* ar# now on the ,-Ttmuandi Sprlnti ranch 19 den* <eendants ot llio cow, Yoeman Mix* tler Sabbctte. owned by U n Mtllcr, :■wHch dfa In »M. holding HhoJi: ^cUlo Norlhweit grand charaplonahlp j

other title* of honor. Three i r - eon OQ the ranch etch had won

oa dltterent yeirt the XJnlrenlty of •. Idaho eup'foi hlgheit production o( ,

bulterfat In the tuie, one ot the»e {on p y i

. Mf COW letted anywhere In Amer- !lea, Ur. Pourt lald. Me ttated, there kll cloaf tompetltlon belwten the ,ranoh«-of-Mn.-Miller-and-Jrcr fFemur, tor one-cuprench-harlng .won 1( twice. lU float ownership , wlH be deUmlned at a oompelltlon

. thU year, U-, nurt uid. .n>« bull'. King.' ot the Thouund u

___ Bprlnn.nneh.Ji(r..Peurt-ttld,-hu -

' 'Urfat producing. quallUea to hit *. .daughteti ol any living dairy tire. *

One oC hU daughters, Portlo, hu “produced Ml pounds ot iuttertat * In a year. Topty, another tuughter,

. ht tald. led the country ki i»Uk pro* Tductloo, -producing » J )00 pwffldi In *a calendar year. Mr. Pourt wu I■Judge of placing in the itock Judg* °lag coQleit which wu won by Mr. ^WUklnsoD. p; E. Sauthwlck. Buhl; ®Johti J , PharrU. Jerome, and John ^Dtim, 7*ln PKUt, tfed for tblrd ''

• pUoe. 5PoUowbg a plenle ]unc]i'.'(or °

which Ur*. MlUer himlihed Quern* » aey milk, President Addy. Burlet, head o( Ihe South Central Idaho * auernstf'y Breeder*' auoelatlon, * oiled the meeting to order, and re. ' iloqulehed the chair to Mr*. Miller, ''

: .wtio.pretidfd. Dan E. Warren. Bur* f __i«i-dJ«tjct_chili_leader.jpo)ie_on, 1

Uw growth ot 4-H eluhi In the (South Central Idaho dlitrlct In re* » oetrt year*. In 1921, ho tald. tho h

■ clubi In the district had S20 mem- b

iM member! He thanked tho O u « ^ Breeder* for their melh-

,i.^.WJL(!nnpfr*Mng _____ ^ d,'jehRsen Speaks J

OoramUtiener' Johnion of the , ^ * e department of agriculture.

_J_n,!L^hj>nl»e.toMt>..Mlller-and - the worfc of ths auoeUtlon. He • fpoke on high freight r*t« u an

• Impedlaew to dairying and predict* uJd I w tranworutlon chnrge*. Mr. Robinson. In behalf ot the -

. Ouern tey Breeder*' association ,, ^ped the commendation ot Mrs. | UlUer. lie gare a history of the II

— Querasey breed'ol catUe. -He «Jd Mr*. MlUer'* herd, through pure- fl br^ da« .toek sold la CalltomU, W hfd enhanced the repuUUon of Idalw la that tUte. He cited a re* pmt elilpmcnt ot 10 buU* to herd*

. In California. Ur. Uuniberry voiced *l>nll»r BenllmenU fot the national « organization. t• »n*tor Thomu la opening hU

«>drtt*, spoke of Ur*. Ulllar u be* log among Ameriea's mott tamnis

• woweo. Refetitog lb the cow, Por*

j J

B t S• < fc p • * “<

: : Hb< ObL at the j a f Batvdsy KIgbl al Twetre '

. Pajw Two

T h e W e a th e rroMCAST ro il to iia v and

TOMOBKOW-K.lf{ no tlianit In tcfnixnltm; loir humldlly. -

Mazlfflum and minimum tcmprr- ,t aturu In the Twin P*ll* vlcluiiv were M J and degree* in thejl*

I Iwur period pri'CNllng } P. M. sc"* terdsy, according to the report "f D. B. Ch^e. go\fmment wrnther'

J Ihe M^eierrcsliwrcrtafl at 5 P.M.

f - ........ -

; I SO C IETYAND cttms

,: Mr*. E. fa. wmuw .

I Mrs. C. A. ilaker and Mts. Uer Bmlth wtre hostetsfi to the Waysldo. Club Tucsrfny nftfmeiin at theI Iiome ot the (omicr on Kimberly

Itowf-litmrarJonfsrthirTtre-pmt-. Went, conducwd a stion businew. *e«lon. The iirogrnm-ln charge of. Mn. M. M. Moore ccMlited of a[ book review of Ed**nl. Evetrtl. Hale's 'Tlie Man Without a Coun-: tr>'."iby Mn. Ollle JotiM, a VK«1I solo. Jewell Jones, und a rccluitlon

by Master Donald Beer, both liveI }-e«n old'.-Mra. J. J. Lwkle-a clubt guest gave on Inlerutlng report ot‘ the slate and dUtrlet convention ot’ Wotnen’t Federated clubs, lield at■ Idaho Falls. Other guest* were Mrs.; Pace. Mr*. Harry Beer and Mrs. MU*• dred C*rl»n, the latter aaUtlng In

*ervlng tho tray luncheon w/ilcn ' completed a plciuant altemoon.

' Tlie manlage of Miss Martli* Peck,' Pocatello, and VeyOlih. Twin Fall*.■ naa-soIemniud-July-thlnUtJAgiuu.' tJtah. Mrt. aiih for the P»« three

year* liu been a member bt llie fnc* ulty of the Kimberly icliool* nnd Mr. OUh I* sn employe of the Tnln Pall*

■ tggiMiif r i i ity'are i i nnm<j lu timr■ friend* at‘8l0 Sccond Avenue North.____' Mr, and Mn. Jamc* I. MulUni an*

nounce tha mtrrl«A* o f' thrlr dauRhler. Marlon Iwibcll. lo Joseph Wlllsrd' Huston In San FrancLuo. June Iwenty-ievenUi. 'Hiey wlU fluke their hbme In San FranelKO. Mr*. Huitoa hu been with her sis­ters there for the put year.

tlo, which produced SOI pound* ot butterfat Iti a year, he comiiared

. hfP ylth Ihft lyimman COW Kllleh cost u much to keep and iiroduced only IK pound*.'He Mid that ho had helped orgtnlie a farmer*' loan

. oisoclBtloii to brlncJmproved-daliy- itock 10 the North Bide project. Thi* had. resulted In feedlns hay to stock and shipping out buttfT Initeid.of ablpping out hay at Jow price‘and shipping In butter, he dteUred.

those writer* who predicted Imme'* dlate recovery were In error;. Thero were mlou* c*use* for depreulon he uid. One wu the result ol lira war. Vwt expenditures ol life tnd *e*im had left etfKl* Vhlch *« were now experiencing. Another wu defUllon..caused by demonltlutlon of *Urer Id tho sliver using eountrle* of-the Orient, due to lha action ot England In India. Tills could bo rrmedled, he uid. should EngJtod consenl. tomethlcg »he hu not yet done. Another cause h*s been tho great drouRht In 31 *tates In Ihl* country. Still mother hu been the w orld 'w lde orer*productlon of wheat and the activity ot Russia In thi* respect. Lastly, there v u tho undue Intlallon ot llie value* ot M^ki, which led lo the croth ot

tie'nator Thomas pnl^Pmlclehl Hoorer for the moratorium, which ha uid wu based on tha principle by which a banker renewt a' note whleh a crmiHnr li im«W» p»y, Inslead ot cancelling tha obllgatloa Ha censured Europe tor . spending vut sum* on armament*, and pri*

tha moratorium would be reduc* llonJi^Europe*n armamenU.

T o o L a te T o C la s s i f y

FOR RENT*-FLEAaANT, MOOntN.fumUhed apsrtment In good loca*

Won. Oarsge u desired. Phone-SM-J.


Controlled Roasting Creates ' Dcdnitely Superior Flavor

In Hills Bros. Coffeo ■

CrIUcalprople. who~Harch for a perfect cofice, usually come to their loumey's end nhen they Uiste HUI* W .CoffceLIl.iu t.a .llavor no. MnercoHeo hi»*-a flavor nono ean equal! Till* {* because of Controlled Roailin i^llillt Broa.’ patented nrocet*. It keep* Hill* Bro*. ColTeo. {re« from the cnutlsfaetory (Utoi rttslu to oflen secured trith ordi* dary, bulk ttetboil*.

As tba accuracy of the tiour-glau depend* upon an even, coDtlnuout flow. . . a littla at a time. . . *p tha matcUeu,tinTirylngf1aroro( HiU* Bro*. C^eo I* produced by this (utented proceu tliit roast* evenly, eonllfluosily. , . o ol a lime.

Here't trhat happen*: every ^rry U roasted to the rljjht denr» KoneU underdone, none Is overdone. At a raralt. Hills Bto*. Coffee h»* the perfect flarort)}*! mrerTarle*) prink um* Bret, today. Youll dollcht in lu uvory flavor. ■ And. Uiat flaror i* alwayi the »me— ItneverTarietl

Hlllj Bros. Coffee Is packed In wcoara can*. Air, which destroy* the UaTcr of coffee, 1* retDOved and

Ordinary,“aI^tJg)1t" cans won’t ken eoflee

A ik^r It by luiina, IndVack for So Arab tndkm*tk on th* ean.

Hill* Broi. Coffee, Ine, Portland,- Pregon,- . o>Ul

- l i i l f i s" I I I B i l lper-lUlIV ---- -

Srs- LodgGfncn Make Merry While

‘I'l" GrafHl Lodge Names Bir-

^ minguam lo r Next MeetinB

^ • SEATTLE. July 7 (,V,-Whlle thou*• , sandx of vbltlnR Elks {mm til part*

I of the country mnde mrrry In vurl- ; oil* part* ot the cliy, the rmna lodge lot the order t«lay elrcinj olllecrii I and chose lllrniliii;Iiam. Alabama, a* 7 the 1033 convention nty.I InsUIIatlon i;! olllccrs will takn

" ■|pIus~tOrter«wnnomingr-3oftrT-tt: ■ J Coen, BtcrlUie, Colorado. Uie new ; , grand cxalttfl nilff. mode hli lii-

augural addrcM twlny. appealing lo• "educated men In I3ltdom to ipcnk ' wUli oulliorlty lo the Klimt* ol <lc-

nrcMlon and itrMlinUin tlmt nro^ ab7o5aiinh-n.nar------- r —

Mlchtol V. Shtnnon. Lo* Angele*. wns appointed new clilcl Justice of

1,* the Grand FV)nim. It wa.i tha l»« ottlelal set of U«eiicc H. »iipi>. Allentown. Pcnnsylrenla. retiring

t " grand MuJied ruirr and Jn»plred a tremendous ovation u It hu been

I, ® the cuitoni for the exalted ruler to name a clilef justice Irom hU own eUte.

' "I Other olllcen to be liistallcd to* morrow err J. Edgar Miulcn. Char*

*:!?• Icrol. Pcimsylvsnla, grand sccrctar>" ‘"J: Uoj-0 Mux«ell,.Mar5lmllto«u.,Iowa.

grand ireuurer; Edwcd J. Mc- Cormlck. Toledo, Ohio, grand cs- iMmed leading kniglit; P. L. Doivhs.

. Temple. Tcim . grand rsleemed loyal '?*' knight: Fred A, Welckln*. Blultton.

Indians', grand uiteemrd lecturing lo:tght:-Dsnlel-R.-Nlhlonr-WAih-

l‘, Ington. grnnd tllcr; Harry T. Pat- terson. Now BeriL North Carolina.

JIJ; ^ d ^ h m ^ u a ^ y i^ a a ^

tnartee,• . Drill Teams tSimpete

Leading drill teems of Elkdom pul *' * on ihelr onniisl campetltlon today,

which wa.1 aon by Sacramento M fe number 6.

Lo* Anseiw - tr Und woii Clau A honor* for bands of 35 pieces luid more. Evcrell, Washington's "band wa* flnt In CliiM D.

In Uio drum and busle corps com* ~ peUtlon. Butte, Montana, wu first.

In Uio national 'rllutllatlc coti* ot test six teams from Ottawa, itllnols;

red Hamilton..Ohio: Wllmlnjton. C*l- leh Ifomla: Ukevlew. Orfeon; Tacoma. ted Wuhlngton. and Wnllue. idahoi ha competed yesterday with aa-ards to lan bo announced later. .,lty. —Ihc.amiufll-repon.of-Uio-irrand- k U lodge toiliy showed subordliulo lay lodges have axKt* lolalUng tIOI.* ter B70.074.1B. while the grand lodge tios <ow n m .m iB .he SUtlstlc* revealed , by J. Edgar

Uuten. Charleroi, Pennsylvania. — 'lfTtmd-»ecret«ry.'*howed“ tIiat“ ttie' ^ fak*^rsantatJ^niiaJBfi!H4_li32_ «.* spent M5.ea<,l¥Sfl In charity work.

Lu t ycu- tho Elk* spent t}.877.* fro JJ5J0. This wa* the largest nmount

for any prevkiu* ia>monUi period.Muten ttlBO reported Uiat the ord*

er allowed ft membership of 707.M7. *• March-31,1031.

iiilBlfllI F liin ilK ;;ha _____• !of

, 5 Tax On Various Companies-

' Nets Taxpayers Reliel

^ — ln-Amoiint-of-$283,433-ich . ' ____ •i)IeQle BOISE. JulycT (>n - Ituurance ay,. EPP'ianitajDcralliuJiailMiiUJald. o„, Ca3.'t]3.0 Into the Hate trcuiury In nj wrtods form* of Hecnwi «ncl faxrj,

durlnt IHO, according lo the an* j L nual report ot tha lUte' bureau of le* • ---- 1

iF F F F (:Jt!LYDRI[ V A L U E S T H A T 1


a i r

" M i V i M i JU ST

u y^/i 1

si ' IH ''»• » M ' W I m . . C O

SeeTIn ■ ^ B E G ]


I Jh ae rtij.- ‘ . 121 M A IN A


C T h r i l l i n g S t o r y o f H “ ■ S u n k e n S u b m a r i

_____A t t e n t io n in-

1 ■(ny’’ITieAi4oetaUdI're«l1 I>ONl>ON. July 7-A llirlllin« stofy

JhilD of liow » llrltlAh Jubmurlno j>ctly at- ' • ficiT, willu by n«mc, . vfd the lives D I. ofhl:ri/c;f BnrtloiirotlicrAoboird'lhe

Piitlilon lit tlie-llme <if ll* recentitinfl ill The lina:e ol ccminoni lodgy by

I A. V. A>xjniler. Ilt*l lord of lha ad- miriilty.

thou- Wlllli, u)io wiw torpfdo gunner'* parta mate. uk,'« c.'-.urge of those In Uie fore vurU co:ii|i.irt'nicii; o! the submarine alter lodffc lu'coll ion ^ Iln K Japanese steuner. Ilccra Aided l>y the "niii-nlfIcent belmvlor" la. as or thoM nlth him. ||C freed six men^

one 1)1 whom illol-'frum Uielr slcel Ukfl tomb :”J failioms below Uie surface.

:ir ltr—'rhmt!er^iwMi;el«.liehtdoort2 new vu. given inunetllately alter Uia col-

I in- lUton rctly officer WlIlls called on ng to ihcmenwlilihlmtoclCL^thedoorof ipciik the compartment with lhem*elVM 1 de- liuKU', Mncc Hits mlsht mean saving nro thefhlp. UuMeads had liuckftd. but

■7— "the door cventuai!>--warTlop:d-wlUr jele*. only is sllsht lesV.CO of. Whll>) Die ttork was In progress, I.lan the ship lurched to starboard-and liipi>. sankbythB'boav The elcclrlo llBhW ;lrlng. were oli aiid lhe only Illumination •ed a B'« ftie cccjulonaJ /lure of an elee-bcen ;________ ;_____________________cr to -- - - ................. — -° ™ R i f t A p p e a r s in ,jC loud 1,!;; O v e r W o r ld a s L a b t b m I ’ ro 'p o sa l D e ta i lsMe-I IA- (Continued Pijjya*’ Ituly, Hungary and Czecho-Blovakla.tlon J “ l’>*" reported optimism due loiring better silk and rice price* while con*

P ,l. Indies and the i>)iil)ppme*. illna.' F.nperts of the bureau of foreign * T. and dnme.nlc commcrcf Mid they

] ntutcmviit of. actual Improvement ' due to the moratorium iilan or final

I pul stAtemcnt.1 on June business, oday. "There l« no doiibt,' wild Dr. H. odjie Tnylor of the tiureau, "Ihnt Ihe piy*

choIo;<lcuI elfcct haii been Rood.'Tlie :iau jjropPMl wu well timed coming aa and It did nftcr.the unexpected slump

wnd (iiirUm Mny- It was cnlculnted to Klvp bu lnexi men a better feeling."

»ni’ iiriMrts received thus far fori llrst. June indicate tu Increase In car* «o“ * loadings and better thon seasonal

production of electric power and niitupiobllej, Tlie rclurns. Iiowcvcr,

Is to s,'.:-------- -------raii(i-liwuranoj,_niude_publlc_l’uetd»y,. inlo Till* compares with similar taxes 101. amounting to t:03,<ni0 paid dur- . lua ins IDM.

Tho lax thus paid represent* 11* [l2tr cchse* tnd filings. sgenU' eertlfl* - inia. Mle ®nd the premium tax on varl* -Ui«-ous-forms-of-pollclcs.-The premium - 1D30 tax li.vlf rrprclcmed tJ12,ia$.47. as ?Otk7^mpawd"' ''H’~WO0J53.00-durlng- J77.. lOJfl.)unt The hoIdliiR* of Idahoans In Ilfs ti. Insurance companies rtiowcd an In- ord* crease of some til.000.000 during ',M7. the year. l*ollcles In ■ force Decem-

• ber 31. IS», totalled S3IR.330M3J0., jnnd at.llie start ot 1031 tha total

I Idaho- life Insurance In force wu ;ttl3.(!M39l.7«. Premium* paid dur*

. jing the year totalled M.S38J13.01. 'and lose* Incurred amounted lo

CP fim3S3A3. n ifM figure* nre Inde*, ijwndcnt of fraternal Insurance: .

. In thli cldulflcallon of Insiirattco ^.the 'slate had 133,473,818.33 In In-

!surance In force nt Ihe start of the. ■year, and IJ8.715M7.W at the slart;

lies -of 1031, A decreaje ot approximate-: lyfourmllllondollnr*,-

Ijnl In effect on Idaho's iM.OOO au(o* mobiles was automobile iiropetiy ditmaga and collUlon Iniurtnee to

loues paid during the year amount* eil to IU4JJ9I.8I. or roughly $1.00

ince pcrtar-lu the state.

y in Mo e llmti SOO.MO.OOOO sw«t po­ur* , fata plant* nre shlpjicd ntinunlly by *hr Biiproxliiintely 1600 Orontl.i grow- a of cn.

lESSSALE,V T S E E M A L M O S T ' . |

! L I E V A B L E I

Ifo u ’ I l S a v e a s M u c h a s '

Y o u S p e n d i


---- C n iFFO N S--------- —L A IN A N I) H U N T E I) FLAT“


INUN P R IN T S - f iE O U f iK lT B ■ -^REI'ES

Special PricM

52.9543.95:$5.00 •

/e T h e m i n O u r W i n d o w

E G I N N I N G J U L Y 9 T H ;

BiwSliep-IN A V E . E A S T


f H e r o is m I n l a r in e G r ip s S o lo n s ’

in - B o u s e o f C o m m o n s

) trie to.-cli. Savlntr Uie precious tore! {Story Ilglii. WIIIU and llif mm wllh hir;ty or- knell in prayt-r, before makliiK prep e lives arailoiw far escape. rd'Uie -.Vr'llIU «ho»'ed.each hnw lo p\ii 0recent ilic c»:jpo appsratii.i nnd e.tplaini

Ity by pa' Jn order to e<ju(i»ze thia ad- prrr;iure with that ouuide the mb

marine.nner'* He uxlgn d etch m*n to Ills slale fore tlon tcUlng joku to keep up Uiellatter heart.iuntr. 'AfU^’lwo hoiui snd kn'mlnutravlor" Ui« water wu up to.Uielr.knec* ah'(nen^ Wlllt* considered the pressure *uf• steel flcleni lo open the huteli. With conace. siderable dllllculty It was op<n6

rrrri't' iiplacol- ward. Tba premre then reclosc'ied on ihe'hatch nnd ll iias mteiMry t.oor of wall further iiressure before a sec i*elVM ondAllemp’.couWbema*!*-.laving wit!) another hour when the meid. but In. the submtrli'm wire up (0 Owl.

little »ir left In the compartment, lln igress, hiUh wu opened aialn tnd fou l.:*nd men. among ihem WlllX *hot up llKhM ward to tlie surltce »licre they wen latlon pliJied up by men Insmill boat*. Oni . elee- mflndlrdbeforejeachlnglliejurtace

lo u d s o f D e p re s s io n ’ L a b o r o n H o o v e r ’s D e b t t a i l s M o v e s A l ie u d R a p id ly

ied Prom P*ge Onmmkla. tiis.vd beta-een the governmenUic lo clilelly toncemcd.' P«1* “Ills mlijesty'* government me ac-

( |iii|!iy-rei>)>>klii«auir-liivuallu: fop ft confcrenee in London," s

'7|kv llt'nticW and oilier well In- fi„nw Tnni!C(l'Hrtlc.'rtn't7ir,".iw tm-js'teii ■mctii Unit two o f tlic ciii-.'i "imiiortum final poluta' to which .Mr. MiicDonulc

referred wore Ihe iiuc llons of the ]{ cunranlee fund nnd iif pnyments ir

tpsy*••Tlie In them alone. U wns felt, there tig as n-iis *u//lfJent. sub>«t !or dlplo- lunip miitlc.debiile to keep ilie ncKOllhloni :d to busy for weeks, •

t Wherever the subJut was discuss- ” -ed In London tonlthl, tlie Idea-waa

•nn.i expressed that the i’ans seitliiment ami had’cteared the whole International

atmosphere and llul the reparations discuMlon* would be carried on In

Franco-Amcrtcnn nrcord .wa* ne* ' . cepled u luvlng ploiied a totally W»y,-dllfertni. course lrom-th.-it-TvhtehthB taxe* rep.,rnttons dlscu.Mlons would have

taken had they oceurred before-llie , Paris accord was reached. ! la 11* - “ ■va' I E.NOOnSF.S MOIIATORIUM nlum ” \VASlllNOTO.“».'JuIy 7'(/T^A'ire** <7. as olutlon endorsing the reparations irlng'Trnd''wiii'“ i!cbU~ini7f.itoflUnl“ was

adopted today by tlicwc'cutlve com- I Ilf# mtlfec of Uie lW:rn» Chambir n In- of Commerce at Paris and commun* Jrlng icnted to Silas H, Slnwn. chairman cem» of the Amcrictn eommitlee. total exeeullve commltlM nlso™ rccomrnrnd:d tli; formation ot com-

millets of exwrts to *tudy Inter- 1301 governmental debt* In their rela- (0 lion lo business, the silver question.

Inde* presenl iluulan situation and r slop* to allcvlalj the world'* cco*

nomlc deprerJlon. _ '' In- — . — 'f the . _____________________________start (late-:

luto*petty . . ,:a to - I

)unt- I .$1.00 ^

t po- - • ly by;row- , ' '

i : ’

■mWm iW T 1


“ i i H i r- ; llBHltlBlorcli • ; . ___III him

16 .Men Battle Flames Nov

5„;S Believed tinder CentretJiilfiS's Heilvy WtmtTtrlSF

( «ib- • ____

s »ta- FAIR^’IELD. July i ' ISpeclal I. Uielr Tha Ncw,i)-nre which broke oul 01

Dig Bmoky early .Monday momln nutu wus believed to be under control lo a and day.after burning over nn area 0 I *uf* more,lhan lOT ncre*. The fire wa 1 con* first reinrtcd 3I 8 o’clock Mondi [xned morning.jLJlp-. -itanfsrMUiCJrind'iinnnrwcn

Immediately ta ihe lire which wa , "S lP J Jiwr ml!;s ,nbove tbe Dt. '. Smoky ranser station. During th , day the/force- was Increased to I

battled *11 niglit long Monda nleht In nn ■■tfgi to nrcvent llv

rVi.-Tilame* from spreading. After back ° firing and clcB.iiig a itrlp aroum

, the tiro It.was believed to be unde, wrre ui‘l«» » hsavy wln<

, o” ' comet up.toiilKlit and causes tin flra lo Jump the cleared strip aroum the bmtaz er<n. U n s neoea*rj

—= for Ih'e lire Iinhtera ,to pack tIv. mile* trom the nearest car road t( gel lo the bLV! of tbe flame*. Tin timber In this area Is not extremelj thick, but their Is considctablo dcac

J i v timber tnd brush lo ’fced the fire M V Forest cfflelnls stated lodty ll wouI(

ba neetssary to guard the <e«ne 0: • the fire for the next 10 daj'* to pre-

___ wnt a further ouibrcnfc Tho eau«nent* U'e fire Is undetermined so far.

iEiyyDuitiiirtunt ____)nald . '! the. BURLED, July 7 (Special lo Tlie its in Ncws) - ralr dutes, m.finally ae-

ccpted by fair bosrds of 'llio Idulio Sturt Fair aj.wlniloii. are an- nounecd by L II. Bweetser, secre-

of tho o.«*ocIallon. ns folfowsr ““ '™ iMolheiii- County fair. Oregon: Aug­

ust 27.33 SO. Western Idaho state cuss-' fnlr. Boise. September 3.4. &. and 6. ■was'Twln Fnlls county folr, Flier. Sep- mentjtembcr B. 0.10 and 11. Wendell Com lonal'show. Weislell, September 14 and tlon* IS. Cassia Counly free fair. Burley. n in.Bepiember IC. 17 nnd 18. Washlhg-

nc*|l8, n-nnd 18. Jcromn county fair. .UllylJjrome. 8eptembfr'24. 25 and 20, ithB iHMtcm-TMntrantrlrt'filrnJlnckT have foot. Septenibcr M anti 30. October i.llie 1 nnd 3.! A modified- c!as.*.IIlc&Uon for

county d*lo- herds bu be«n Bccept* 1 ;ed by fain on the circuit, reducing

Ul« requlred-numlier trom-lO-head ” *‘ ;to eight. An effort 1* being made

of ft car of* " |iurebre<l livestock Irdm the Unlver-

slly of Idaho lo the fain of tho southern clreull for exhibition and

lun* educatlontl iiurposcs. man —


iter- ,BE.VBJ)o(.. July 7 i.l^-MIehael J. rela- Meuirer.JIarward, WUconsln.protu- tlon. sar of painting al Unlvmlly of Ore* and gon. died In a hospital here lu l cco* nisht from compllcatlon* fo!lowing

^an opcntloD from tpi>endlelili.

oyittrS/W- ^ e Q t


n in g , JULY 8. lOfll ,

M ' t h e y . h a r d

underIn hard-w


»d to . cattl«Tlic

emely n>»‘jdead t firc.would ' . • DIggCcne of _opre- i j n ■ iTli*t

fS” '' yiloil.'omYoung

PP i; . In L E V r S . . h u t v.«.p.m lii;-,l,;« ■ *land

n i l Maj.tmtU — dcnir

. (eil—«ur 10 cImo umI . 1B n u eui.lta «Sn ©vttjfli. P9'*'*ly BC- ' S>>** frem 4 >tsn vjw (f)]|Idaho . .

Kc“ .; Tell your IIfow*r . ■■

!i J u J B ig W A l S T I


for ■'...... ■■ttpt*

smade B

A G o m p le te - R a n i

and ^ K e p t

" ®|(ddhoDepcS ' i <» " I f i t m t ROre* ^


■ F in e fabiwcs cs ini^Iit a* well ll

- riol<ali]j youA'kinablc t(

' trifJioui hot v tl m Tlicn'.youll 1;

i v . L l Grauulalcd SoaI M l vegetable and niB Tlio retail it ihy I rich *udf, and r i j)y] the lukcvrinn >

- KoolcD* demtni tkin of tender h

TryW liitoKi; that make* it el -tiio prohlcm 0

- Kin^ washes w.

a glui. floor*, w.Yda 0Md only s A m 'prol lil in *ofl waicr.- Il for today. Sold:

g U p y M

r D R IL L D R O C K . . .• w e a r in g L E V I 'S .O T o r a U s

nd cbe/rt the £nt dicnce of rancfa^ ittiemen and lumbennen, too. Foe aJ. ott 60 year*, since the pioneer day* of • le West—LEV I'S have aJway* befo th< ggut'seiling brand of waitt overall*. h*t just'pnK'cs (hat value, quilit)* and rpendabiliiy hever go out of fashion, ou know lhal no other waist overall ts the L EV I cut—that no oihg make andt.up 10 I«ig"uaern>i^ 'iijage. .lade from the heaviett and tlrongtst rniin ItfoSJed 'oppw^^^ every «nt of strain — and ttiiehed to well' 111 you get a new |>a1r free if (hey rip,

r Dealer you wantlitsO V E R A L L S

m g e - o f- S iz e s - A re - A lw a y s- ^

p t i n S t o c I i a t ^

lartment StoredU ight b rin g i t Back’ ^

can’t slonil scalding waterl YonI ihrovf dollar bill* in the fire..........ii.knnw-lhat,..Biil perhaps youVo_

to •get thingi completely clein vatcr. .II be glad .to IcnoK of While King ioBp. It't mode froni the purest lnut oil»—oil4 good enough to eat.' ~I ^at While Kjng produce* ijuick,d rinses thoroughly and swiftly, io n witer-that filtny silks and ilufTy land. Lukewanii water tparea tho r hand* from irrilalion too.King Cranulated. Tiie *ame purity t elTective in cool water oTercomet I of hard-KBtcr washing. Wbitn , cvfryiAing—fabric*, di^he*, lilrer, . woodwork. .\nd it'i cconomieaL

ly a teaspoonful for 0 wash basin,

.- It* fond!fw«f. Put it on your liit lid by your dealer. ' _ •

< f i s l i i '■[ IK l lS

Variety of Even^ Claims

■ Allcntlon in Minidoka County Seat Week

RUPEBT. July l o * '______ Uenj-councilei.-to

nifj-ji, blrllidny fclebmlloii* ftnU currfpurUM both largo nikl wmll l in«

■ effCTM nocIM cmcrininmcnt In Hup- • ert durlntf the *teek.. .. Anions ilw Iftrper BallitrlnM m

----—Uii»-ttto-lMrty-*ertct.ctvnn al lilt Al-htrt H. Lt« hoina by Mr*. Lee, Mw. 'ir. A. Dftktf. Mrt. E. E. FUibtr and Mn. A. 7.' Be>iner, WednwdAy af­ternoon ruid cvenlnjt. cnlcrlnlnlnR at «efCii UbiM of Riiesu lor brIdRC hmelifon and 10 titblca In Uie eve-

----- SltiffmwsrswtirptM-Bnd-CTTden-■ nowert cmbcllstifd ihe ciitcrlaln-

mf nl rooin* nnd peas were u.i«l on Ihe refieiliment lablM. PrlifJi were r«eflve<l by Mrs. Don Allen. Portland. Orciion, Ulsli Korr. and .Mr* W. VV. QuUlftH. «*'fond hl«Ji. »l Ihc lunehfon. and Mrs. OUene Nel- wn nnd Mrs. Don Worren. Biirley.

'4 ' Jirii wnd second prlrts. ni the eve- 1 nlnif parly. The Riiest 1!&1 lor Ihc tso

^ parllea numbered •«). •A« a siwclal eourtcjy lo Mrs. E.

■ L. night. Lm Aiigelts. house Ru«i of Mr. nnd Jr3. J. B. HOiAliis, a Wldse luticlieon mu'! Riven Tuesday by Mr*. A. E. Hiilil nnd Mr*. Anna Illte at the home of Mrt. Hum. four liblM were In play. Mn. HiRhl. wa* presented rltti honor-fiuest prire. Mrs. CarLUpW.ffOi* high score »nrt_

— Mrr01adys-BBU*rt-se«ond-lilgl)<---............Members of Uic' Uieky'Tliineen

DrtdA Vlub «cre Wednesday alter------ noon-juesls ot-MrsrHrHrJiidd-wHh

seven other icuesls. Mrs. Ouy 8hll- llnglon recelVKi club lilgll pruc and Mrs. Douglas Miller gUMt prlw. A

..•two-eour*c, mnclieon waa ter\M.'Swcw i>ei« and roy-'>"

■ ulners centered the tunchcon tallies.Marjorie McQualn entertained »

group o; 11 schoobwtca »t»U*nand Bwlmmlng party al Iwr home Wed­nesday evening. Alter a pmnge in tho canal the guestA enioyed a de- llelous lunch, ser\-ed by the young hojiesa who waa assisted by her sis­ter, Mlaj Dorothy McQualn. •

Mr. and Mr. Haney Harris, newlyW'e<lded couple, whose majTla

______ plejnj/^"i-^*"h, June la. wereguestsof Ihfl bride’s parents. Mn and

' Mn.O.H.Huhsmlth.atsbeautl(uIly appolnted'7 o'elodc dinner Saturday.

' ■ OuesUbesWesthclionoreeswereMlis.Irene Nubet. M ia Elvn Nlsbel, Ml s Lucille. Hansen. Mr. ond Mrs. J. L.

-----Noble.-Mr.-and-Mr».-Pranees Noble;Arthur Hubsmllh. Esther Hubsmllh >nU Miss nuby Hanls. Qn Monday

__ ,___eTtalnc.ft.sTQun.olJOjp»l«CrrffiQft.asHmbW at Ihe Hubimlllj home. ,

V brlnglnRclftsio the bride and groom , 1 before ihelr depiirture for llielr home * In stone..Idaho. The etenhu; wn»

spent playing games and clwed wllh | 'refreshments.

Mrs. Floyd FTult WM hosltss Mon­day evenlnK to the 8 0 S Card club. Quests beside* elub members were t MTI. A. C. DeMdfj'. MLis Dorothy DeMar}'. Mrs. Don Allen, Partland, f and MUB Mildred llauien. Mrs. Jes- a slo Snider received club prlie and £ Mts* DeMary guest prlte, A two- e .course lunch wsji Mned.

A family reunion, honsrlng Mrs. f Anna M. Johnion. Pieston, Wsho, j, Mother of Herman and llar\'ey John- (, son. Rupert, on the occasion of lier , serenty-nlnth blrUiday, loolc place Sunday at the Pint ward Utter Day . Stints chureh. Her nine sons, three ‘ daushtm and Ihelr rtunlllrs and a * few other near relatives attended. The company numbered close to 100. Tht event included an Impromptu L

---- pnsram or.mus]o-and-re»dlnt3-aiKi |asumptuousctlnner.OfIhe74grand- ' children nearlrall-aro-talentedjnu- * slelans. In the relationship there Is’ ~

■ one-greatgruidchlld. The sons and P

•oo,M*ry»vm«..ldaho:-AtbfrtJohn- ,, son. Logan, Utali; Ncphl. Johnson, Lewiston, UtahLMis. Lonetta Pack- ,,

---- er, Praoklln.-I«l(iho! Ernest John.»n. ”- '■ Predon, Idaho; Mn. Emms Betty.

Swans Lake, Idaho; Lawrcnce Jotm* V son, Ojden; Alma Johnson,.preston, . Idaho; Arnold Johnson, Downer, Idaho, and Hehnan and Harrey Johnaon. Rupert.


JEROME. July 7 {Special to The n f Newsl-Mra. John Nlms, Mfs. W. E. „' Sinclair md Mrs. S. F. nicc enter- v

talned the aintllsry al the home of ti Mrs. John Nlms. Monday evening.Three guest* of ihe group were Mrs. )»James Scott, Independence, Call- fofornia, Mrs.. Jact Oraham, Santa eiCrus. California, and Mn?.Dlanchanl, r J erc*ne.

PIANO TIWINQ TR. T. Logan at Sampson'*. Adv. fe

AhnouriciniBetter Service U

la order to frive oik- cuatoi tain territory the most effi opaned a commiBsIon hous«

• Ynrds w-ith Mr. Lou StauB Ji

“ W T R T S S iliV or,DEN ' D EN V ER •• (

Ranks 9_fE) • (By The Asjoclatccl Prey)

FRANKTORT, Ky.. July 7-M«a prortuclloii of Kentucky colonels In

. Ihe iMi tour ytirs has crenlfd u:i ovcr-Mitiply. It k estliiiuled then:

, aro ciioMKli.of them now lo oKlccr an army ol 3,000,000.

7 ao.iHcrA' Tmor ' nfwi lo ' the governor liWul out his comml:.-

sionv mohs [.jiarlngly. . ^ ontmi- Ixatlbn to be knu»-n as the Kentucky

*. Colonels’ ftwoclatlon. plans to. take IJ out-lnwi>or«llw jKipers,-(«lo|>i In. 2 .ilgiilii and Jonnulate a code of eifilcs

lo rJic coIontU..Ikccnt aamlnl.strallon have been

, Kcncrous wllh tlwlr ' comml»wons, t but Oovernor Hem D.Ssmpwn hiw r bn'SfmniTCCorflnn'hlnhrccand A a Imlf years In ofllce by commh- . MonihK 509 mtn. women nnd chll- g dren ox colonels oir Ills staff e Lleutenanl__: Governor Jamts• Bccutlilit, Jr., his 30 colonels on rr ntrTt3tr.-api»:ntrd-when-the-i(ov-- ernor. of opl>o ll« iwU'tlcJ, wm oul >l of the state. ‘f Thai E. C. Walker, iircsldent pro

lem of tli9 scnaie, opiwlnted J3 , colontU, one d.iy when both ' the

governor and llruieniuit governor were oul of Kentucky.

•’ ■ It b »tlm.itnl that 1000 colunela 5 have been np)Kilnted In the past 23

ycftra.:. Oovernor Sampion alio has op- t pointed enough admirals to dlrcci » 15 fleeU. lfl.s "nn;7“ , H c his ' "army,- 1* all olllccrs. • In addition ‘ .to IS udinlraU he bas ono reornd- mirol. lIuK commodores and one

• colonel of marlncj. J>raetlcally ev- : cry iircam in thu state has an ad-

mlral. nml wmc of tliem wero Icit- iilKli and dry by liutleirs-dfglittntr I The Kentucky CoKxkU' . assocla*

! of Hiving colonel's comeilsitow 1 only in rectntnlllon of ouistandirR

iflim iir:iy|i1ll|fi!PEiD1 JEROME, July 7 (Special to .The• Newsl-ArrtvBls and-departures of

Jerome guests and resldenU during• the last week were numerous.• Several Jerome persons spent lasl '■ u'c{i-cn<i in me mtlUfiliflflirAulOiiJ

it»w-who-w«nn-er*-Mrrand-MH- 1 R. H. Callen. Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. L»e ’ and cliildrcn. Elbert Rice and fsa>• lly, Roy Osborn and family, Kr. snd ‘ Mrs, J.H . Freeman and chlklren. Mr.■ and Mrs, Fred Ellis and eltlldren.' Mrs. Robertson and ton. Kfarvin and .• J. P. Quigley. ^ 7 ^ "I Ike Dsyis and family, Toluca, Illi­

nois, Arc making a two-week- at-the-Herb-Olll-and-E, R. Davta ' home; Tliey drove here by auliinw-

blle.Mr. and' Mrs. 'willlam N. Hard­

wick and daughter. Macgarei, left Mday morning for an eslcnded trip Ihroueh North Idaho.■ Oeorw NIcliols relumed' last week j

from HolU’wood. California: / Jack Oraham an! family arrived

from Santa Cn«. California, Jub’ 3. They are pioneers of the North Side tract, ond will make an extend* ed visit. ■ . ,

Dr. L. O. Plillilps nnd fsmlly, Clil- eogo, arrived July .Fourth for a »Lilt here. They, will remain until tho lat­ter part of July, ns they plan, » spend a vacation In the mountains.

Fern Hougendoubler nnd-Marvin Robertson of Links’ sctiool In liciire. spent the WYck-cnd wllh Uielr par­ents In Jerome.

Mrs.oraee Wallers and two child­ren. Los AiiBeles, and Mrs, Jnmes Scott and tom Independence. Call-

and fnmlly..JrencJIOitftcad, Wainps. Idaiio, Is making a vLvil wiUTDsrotliy Cnrpen-

* ltuuy >uin:i' Munitw6"weeks“wmrAr<le'HamJeti;' ’

Unty and Oeorgc Buckley are tsk- Inc-ft.ttlp.tojhe COM!.


RUPWIT, July 7. (Special lo TJie News! —Efion Kump, »n_oLMr..and.MrB..Parlcy-Kump, who was kicked by a horserSunday morning whllo riding another and received deep gashes on the lefi leg requiring several stitches to close, wos recovered sufflcKntly U) be tak­en to hU home Monday aflernoon.

Th« lad wns taking a bunch ol horse* to the pssture on his father's I farm east of Rupert when the ac- cldept occurred. He was inken’ lo ‘ Rupert general hosplUI. i

iiEaA itnuss OF y o u r foot .TROUBLES, Dr. Foster Is treaUng ’ fett for one dollar, phone 84«. Adr.

ig - '•to Sheep Men

iomcra in the.IntcnBourt- ’fident service, we have

ise at the Ojden Stock I Jn charge.

I . . ■


Kentucky Co^

Is.Ill • ,

m r — f — , .

“ '•‘J' ! ■ - ^

H ” * .............. - - ^ r o - S -Uilcs

I ' I3ml;. \ w ^

ircc; ’ The ninks uf Kcn tiid y ’s ni his Gilljrcath. cxccutivc vicc-pn>

itlon bile club, arc hcinu increased Sampson (licliiw) that the, lit

, jy ! live orjjittii7.jilion. ad- public iJrvlft'. either for the com-

monwealth-or ior lhc-»iBll<m----fShtr aon,, 0} {t;e colonch. nre -Mr . xla- Rutli ilsi;na .McCormuck, coi:i;r».. itnm wonta lroni-Illliiol5:_Cli>a!icc.. D. Ions C.'umixTluln, trnns-AllantlL- nur: dir(! Oraham McNamcc, radio uuiicuiir-


I MOUNTAIN VIEW, JuIyT iSpccliil to Thu Nowsj—Carl .S'elson, sr.. una

, Mil, Carl. Jr.. celebratrd tlielr blRU- ,The day anniversaries Sunday. July s, by , ' ol enterulnlng A reliiilves wr.d ring friends nt ihclr counto’ home.

A number of young people of thu lasl vlclnliy.psrtlelpated In a Jolly dun. lonr vufi ii.iny rur m :. lum’Mii. oiniL»c wuttken lo r ie s lli'separaic cars, iffl* but returned home safely. Thep.irtysnd WB.S Uitn treated to cigars and canrty, Mr. Mr. nnd Mr*. Nelson were recentlylen. married In Twin Falls, .

s i iW iM.iEISTDIlllClON

urd- --- -JEROME, July 7 cSiwt4' to ’Hie

tnp uswsi-Thlrly menibers and vislton were present nt the Jerome Rolary

fcek el«bmcctl.nsTueMlayno3n. Dr.L.O.f phltups. a former charier member

Ived of the Jerome Rotary club. wn.< pres- lub’ ent and Iwueda greellnc lo Ihc ciub. >rt>? ' Dr. Vtrhoeven of the Shoslioiic

club'mnde the prlnclpsl BiUlress, tak­ing as hb subject “ Uu«iue." Dr.

;lil- Verhoeven has speni tnn.e time In fLilt the Pyrcnee* moimtalii.*. which Is lat- the ivtiurrl home of the ILvtiue |>eo. ■» i>te. Because of thbi e.vifriencfl and

z. his deep sljMly of their modes «f llv- Kin Ing-.he .was.aWe.lo (ihe Inwresllng

Information on lhe fiit»)r:t.-“ — Bob Llmbert gave a brief outline

of several scenic point.',-of Intertst Ud.' wlUiln the stnie. ------

!|P A K LE O E S ID £ N ^V JS iL

,, OAKLEV, July 7 <Si>celal to Tlie ’ “ Noxsi—Several Oakley resldenU are

vlsillwt relatives nnd friepds. ' j--- Mrs, Gptdlr tilcL-jn .nmghae»J

Utah, u vbiung In Oakley wiih her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. R, A. Tan-

Nile Mnlthews,-Lewbiown, Mon­tana, Is In Oaklev vbUlng with his

I fathor, H, p. .Mnilh wPQ Mr. nnd Mrs. Ix-n Har'berlson. Or-

ilcn. are vUltlng at the William Jenkins home.

ie -------------Dirt -7-:---- ------- .

"ay RcarEstale'Transferis” iS -------->se, rnmlshed by tht lotermaanUb '»■ TlUe Goaranty Companyo( —;r'S Jt'l-V 6ic. Qultclalrii Deed-Itarry R. Smith ir, lo Florence li. Wrlelit. SI. E 'i NW

SE 31.10-18., N!4 Lot 4. Tyler’s Add 10 Kimberly,

3T ________ .nt --------------------- :---dr. C K .'k k k . K T k r^ l C E 'k .Tg'i

I Goming I

| r OXY T I


'' .


'■« nilimtls. lypiflctl j iIhivc by. W,.y.or Ihe Delrolt Aulomo-

si'd Ml rapiJly hy fJrivcrnor I'lcm I), u’, litmiirnry iirflccrs plan a prolcc-

I'oiii- ct: nnd-tJfbe Daniels, film slar.— ,• W. B.-Qllbreahtt-c»mitlve-vlce- •Mr. iirr.'iijr'nt of the IXIrolt Aulo,no-

liiio I'Uib, was dc.'Jgnaled a colonel C..D, Ul rtcogaUlon.of tils ncllvlij_ln bej. nur: hOl of good roads, pnrtlculnr!y~the cuiir. Dixie htjhway lUrounh Kentucky.

— -MS PiESINlilLKij’iriU. • ' ___

b>' I ■ DURLEV, July 7 ISpeclal to ,Tlie I ;xi.»,i_Mf[nbers of the Claremont

:(!riiii-e executive committee, awalt- flhts'iiix action nt the comliiB, regular i jiari. v.,v|nn q( the Orange, have swung'

fiito me gasoline nrics b»iiie iiere. i wipi^ThfyniuVe-dSIareTllicmselvEnn' ■CJrS' sviniiailiy with Ihe Ilnnicl Motor P.irl)' Irtmiiiany lii Its efforts to bring the •nny, jprire <if rasollne tn the Durley dl*. :enUy inct tbwri lo ia figure In conform-

I'V «iih prices In surrounding dls.:--- incis..Tliiscompatiyha*tlropped'lU

i KiiN itrlfc 10 20 cento, which Is 2 t'li!!: below Ihe rflgular retail price liere. , , ,

r i i M i'itilli-e headed, by .Haven Leigh lo rslabWi cooperative filling sta- tloiw on Ihc Minidoka project, the

, •£.},( r( !all pricf of gas drop|)ed Irom slton *5’' c i't ' 10 22 cent*, at which fig- olary '’ff •"'* remained until llie recent L_0 .jiiciloiw)f the llnniel company, inberl hoim ihe Orange exeeullve com- Prf-ylmtliee, h- dc.l by William Belfleld,' C'UU. I master, .anil tiie special gasoline ilionc commltli-e. of which Leigh Is choir-', lak- man. Ii.ije taken nellon commend- "Dr. Im: the elforts of the local’motor ic In comii.iiiy ni a step In the right dl- :h is rfctlnn.IW- ____________ __

ifllEnpNPLiSs F i / i i i t l i ESIT I niini.FV. Jlllv 7 tflpiwiii !/> -nir

iNew*i-A mall sunilus remaining Tiielln Ihe Foiinh of July treasury of , the,Amrrlcan Uclon Is to be ploced

111 the fund being raised to erect a ^ -Leclnn memorial building WaiL. ),!■, wiiicn Is toTje used as head-

Pan. quarters for the proposed local'Ka- tlonal Guard unit.

Jon- "M'emlH'r.' of the local post are lak- I his Ins *tep\ to meet Ihe requirements

for NatloMi Ounrd Jinlt. Tempo- Or- rary qiiaHers have been procured Ham In the bn-cmeiit of the National

' hotel to* house a company of engi­neers which » to bo allotted lo

— Burley. Uljlnutely. It b proposed lo ,— t’ul up an adequate buUdlnj.----

I Tlie proposed building, as suggest'- cd. win have a ba.-<ment for guard

lg purpo.vs, and a largo gymnasium [on Ihe ground floor of sufficient size lo take esre of basketball touma-

— ments. Tlils will abo be used for company- maneuven. nnd for large

nllh gather Ings during convention. NW There will be a kllehcn, lodge Add rooms, and one or two rooms for

rental, purposes.

: H g ^ |


' South ld.iho Methodist Yimni

Folks Enjoy Ediicatlona

' And Recreational Prooran

\ ■ ' — ' i rASir HTKARMAN. Ill the Iilillli Qk _ ;\i»i<«im>, July 7 iSjieclal to Tin

.s',:»Tr—• Tni<'fce'riic'‘fi>oi” ln'l]n

R 9 Itie himtul tioiilh Idaho rp’><irtl I.<-.inur iiniitule. ill which Melhott

W I'Vjpinik'.lolkn of the entire dlstrlc I liir cnlujiiu; Ihe iirogrnm of ediica' — — tjt;7Ta:r^rrratlonnl“ Bna“ n'liKiou:

(U'tlMllrs.'.'I'lie. Iii'lllule scMloiii ojtenei

. '.iiHi.iy evening wllli services con- .(liirtrd by Kev. Joyce Kcndsll

H B ---Moii(lHy-iiioniliiB-wrui-l«ken-«i■ B V'Uli regi.Mriitlun. song services, in-

iroiiiini(iii.vof (lelegnie.v and prnyn B B 'r.s'iiiiiv TiKMtny fentufed an'Dd- H g ilirvi l)V Ilev. Ik E. Warren, paslin

ol Ihr rir),i Meiho<llst church, Lind- ' y. C:ilHnrnJii, who J.» n xe/ire.ieiiln' live of the Worli .Pcflcn commb- ■•inii; c;uii|ifire smlce; Introdiiellor Ilf Coiiirudi's of the Safely Line; and pr,i>er groups.

The dnlly schedule of classes nnil y u flc;iviilcs folloH-s:

■'» 7:37 A. M .'- Mornlnj! ivatch, Ilev. H. 0. Ilumplitcy, Oood-

tn U. iiiK, __ ___nice- 8:30 lo d;10 A. M.’-Foreign mb-

' slons Mudy, Rev. J.’ D. Olllllnn, Weiulpll; home missions, Rev. Rus- fell In . Jnnes, pastor of tlie ttp"

^ . c i uur«f- irHK‘liPI>WerFboys’-=?iiHi 10,DO- gifi,' problemx Mlsa Olndj-s Hay- olonel ,ic„, cioodliig college.!L « J. fl:j5;tn-0:3»-A.--M;i-i6llirty nr=Kpw y. Tejlaijienl. Hev. Victor Plillilps, Ru- ■**.’ i>ert:.Normal Bible atudy. Rev. 0, — E. Ilelman, Flier; boys* and glrrv

iirolilems. Rev, C, F. Rblow, Twin rn I’nili. • .[H 10 to 10;I5 A. M.-Recreatlon un-

V iler [he direction of D. F. Ford,

|l t l lo;:o to It A. M.-8tudy of Inter- nnilonnl relnllOM. Rev. I . E. War-

. ri'n, Liiidwy. Californio; nnd cKl-I Tlie lenMilp «udy, Rev. Charles M.ihont Reed, Burley: Stewnrdslilp. Rev.wait- Henry VnnVnlkenburgli. Kimberly,gular ji:15 lo-|l:41 A. M.-Llfc serviceWTing .iiiilu inuTi.f T?py .Tnyri. yi.»rtn1|.*icre. dramatics. Mrs-C_D-Merrlll,-Qood- cs in I,IK college; "Fourth Department .lotor Mtiiiodj," ucv. Victor Phillips.,? ‘i'l® Il:M A. M.-lo-l2:30 P, M.-Boys’ 'om* Pfoblenu, Rev. C. F. Rbtow; girls’. problems. Miss Olndys Ifayden.

_i::30 lo.2;00-P..M.-NoQn. lunch 1, 2 nnd rest- iierlod. price '3:00 to.(I P. M,-Recreation pro-

gram.•ang ~lii addliloii'tn'tlic'prfcedlug'pro- l lnh gram lhe eoaclilng conference con- Ma- ‘lucled by Rev. ,11. s. ■Hamilton, il,e Ooodliig. will meet each day ffom

jrom f’- M. Tlie three'1 fig- courses offered nre: "A Study of the ecent Pup'l.” ’The Principles of •Teach­

ing." nml "Courses in llie New Tes- tnmem.'’

' The ImlllHic has ns a motto “We Help Ounelves Only as Wc Help Othen." The imrjio e of the liutl-

1“ ', lute Is lo trnhi for Miccfsslul lead- erjhlp. Ench chapter b.emlileil lo two dclcgaies,

A jMinmlisnry on the grounds supplies food for enm]>ers niiU rrs.* lauraiit meals. Orclieslra mii'sle.

1I|Q supplied by members of the dhtrlct l l I J leagues who have brought instru-

menta with them, is a dnlly feature, lim Itistituto offlcen ate: Rev. O. L, IN jj Kendall, J erome, dean; W. H. Blear-

• Kendall, Blnckfool, dean of women; Mrs. Phyllb Calkins, Fairfield, reg- I5lfhT^^rrr:JaHel[rC6Iat^T^A^ner- lean Falls: orchestra leader; Dr. Russell Weaver. Twin Fulb. camp

, J . physician.

KiT Prayt* «.Jloiks.- 4ddira.v:s.- singing?

tak-lents •

S It Pays lo ingl-

1“ lYourRord:ii'ifrt F o r E c o n o m ic a lilumsiie 1925 W. K. Coujip,

new rubber.........................1D25 UodKo •

ioM. Totirinj:...............................xige 1027 Chevrolet

Cmth ............................. ...1926 Stndehnkcr Duplex

= Phncton ..... ................... ...n 1927 Fordr2 • Coupe.................... ............

_ i 1928'Whippetf l Coupe............................. ..i 1930 Ford Truck.i complcto......................... —i 1929 Ford Town i Sedan..

1929 Nn.iih Six '■ Coach.. - —i ‘ 1929 Ford Staridnrdi Cdupc................................-i 1929 Fordi Truck ..................................I 1926 Ford .t T ru ck .... , .........: . .......\ 1930 Tudor’ Sedan........;........................f 1930 Fordfion Tractor i little; complete oU in t.... —

1 Liberal Terms, h

! -4 In io n-]Mj ' Y o u r m2 , . ' T v r in F a l

n - ■



ilTP EDK.V; .liily 7 ( Speclnl lo 11:, I ■ NV««._v-lni l>r(''rriii.i l.:,(!tf? J I L Al;|'i>flrl,v w^slirMc"li>lLe

Inn liitllrt' Aid l,ut TliuriiUy u.'ter mxiii III ik m.t'iliiirhc'ld ;ii ii;r hdini "I Mrv n. r. Clcmlon. iiriMilnit o

Olinu iiii. juicti grotip. Mori' Itiiin ;ii ruc :.i , Iioiti Ilnri'Hoii iiiU’ndxl niul ninti

lonal i:i.ili IhW inimbiT MMkImI Irun

jrnm .Mi . AllanllorJull'hail il;,itvi‘ n ilw iijoitiiin fo; Ulc nUcriir.iii wiiU'i oiH'm'il wUh ilt'vo'.ltiiiiil r.':frtivs un,

Iiliilio “•''“'inlJly MntiiiK- Oltii'r iiimibi I Thr 'Acre piano toltt, ir

Mrs.-'ArO.-Vnmrs nnd Mrr:.-I..-I1 if), -f Jii'elmul. toadiii«» hy tYiiiirts

and Vliilft aumiiicr. C’:n.\Uii{.wr.i.. ihod- '''■"."Cyliimbln Onn cf Uic Oeisn. mrlf, nn.l "Uletit Uo llie 'Me Tlwl UiniS.' ihica” ■ >\5llawlng the proitrnm Mrv 11. i: Iglouir (lonicin-nnd'Mrar-N—li.—STerw

‘ crvt•d refri'shmi'nu.. iiened ’I'he next n'gulur inivUm: <'f *.h: con- l-l>'n soeely wiir-he held <>n Jiity h

ndsll, I'l’Uie home of .Mrs, E. Ci>Mimii:um' ery. ________________

g i l i i i l Tr 'fOR COHTSiES’‘J’'*' KDEN, July 7 (Special lo Th. t ni>. f*'''«»'-A blind 11.1S been rri:a:il:c,l

" ’ here wlili 11 memberalilp ol 32 play­ers. me orgunltatlon Is befti; s|K>n.

I and wfed by Ihe biislness'men nnd vll- Isuc Iruslees,

riling C, B. Averlll hiu been eletlcd iircs- lood- iik'nL of the orgiinlaitloii, W. C____Cliubbuck... Kctclary. nnd E. II.nilj. amllli, lrr.isuicr. L. W. Uceboiit will lIlAti direct the bnnd, while the nbiiii' Hu,J numed Ihree men will look nftcr Ilw

biislneu mattert.

Hay- during tho rcmnlnder uf the summiT sensun, Reciilar rehenrsiils arc on

, Ri|. The date for the oiwiiIuk concerl V. 0, hu not yet been luninunced, bui glrfs' lirobiibly will be given the comln;: Tttlii Weilnesduy or Thursdny evening. A

more ])cnnuuenl nrgniilutlon will be u_ iicrlected next lall In order to m«l

Ihc demancb for llie coming year. A suitable slnnd is soon to be ctected

liter. ■

JiL lP L E llE S lIi l B l M f iflcnt RUPERT, July 7 iSpeeial lo The

New3)-Mr. and Mm. Manuel Mnr. jo'yi,’ llnct McxIcnM. re.\ldcnts ol "r.ugar girls’ row" at the'Paul sugar factory, nre

lying in Rupert general ho.-.plial suf- jnch 'L«n_lnjurlcs rccdved when

Uiclr tar v.a.s crowded irom (lie li!«li- way by an unknown machine, Mr.

>'™* Marline* has tf fr'aclurcd s]iouIdcr and giislieson Ills head and leir*.'Not.

pro- Mariine* U suffering fi^broken con- ribs and ixvislbte Inlcmat-liijurlcs. Iton, llie accldcnt took place Sunday from nifihi nn llie stale higtiwav between hrcc Ruirrt and Paul, cast of Uie Bfaid* rthe head place. Tlie Marlines ear turnetl ach- over.Tes- .

ilel I’M ior^aSlhSl'nt ccTtmcato^liU. dliilomas and worship fcrvlces. ■ ead- The Inslilute will close ncxl Sun-

iiids ' _____rrj.-

FOR SALEtru-iire. Auto Door Glaia . . .

windshicldB and/window l;las.CNo~ehflrj{<rfor’ Bet“

--- ‘BOON’S —»"i> P a i n t a n d Ihl F u r n i t u r e S to r e

I SeediDealei Eirstc a l T r a n s p o r t a t io n

........ $100.00....:....$50.00___ _ $100.00

.. . $65.00.........$75.00

$150.00____$450.00____ $400.00___....$350.00....'.__ ^.....$275-00

■$290.00..... ....$40.00.......$400.00l-..™.i;.'.'!..-$500;00, L o # E in a n t e C o s t

Motor-Co.-^Oitff Dealer F a l ls , Id a h o

INX. .IUI.Y ». 13,11

s tc iiE iis c L i; - S M l i l l l O f i l l!l.i:..'i- • ____n.'ier- OAKI.KY. Jiily 7 cei>felal to

' hi'iii'’ Newn)—Church rvent.s claimed nit o[ irtillon of 0:\l;ley le. l<lrnI.' dt tiiD inji week..' Cii.vsiii Make (juarleily eonfi'r

eonvenrd in Iho liitKTimcle. Hut'jii'V i..'i>vn!ccrwri' ni-i.i '..t i

"Vi- f'l J.f.. J'l'.+ffnnil li J'. M, ATf wlil.'ii jiniuiin.'of llie cenerni aiitlini « s Kil l of tiie cliiireli was iinabl'' ,lo ni '"'b l ' ix-au e nf lllnm,. , .’■p.-j' -A.uiecUiu;.iV!u held

niirlC under tlie dlrcctlun of ■ ' sl.ihe Mutual luinrovenirnl ur.

teisi'i* nlflit. ■’I'he tlirmhn'is'" '"■'b'' " ’of'l I’f '

dom." uns fiirrled out aii f<il[ Pl’fL'i'iS wnn, "Aiiicrlrn": in. ic,.’<r:. „inj_ .Mllltlalluowmerti UA.wlailon. -We

<'f 'Hire”: linnnonica solo, llyrnn I '>i*y I'J mons: tnik, -niie Poslllve Teacli I'wm- „{ Die Word of Wisdom," V

^ Hariwr; vocal snlin Mrs. Ce

ft Ilf llie Word of Wisdom,- Wi ^ Warr; plnno eoto. Oilve Mel ,y Horen: nddrcu on Ihe "Won

Wl.idom K<hll)t!." st e-ilt Uke ( D [C ITe.ildenl W. a. Hardy; wiig. '1 lllLu ry 0‘U" linijer, Mn. liitnuel Ci

, Tlio UUhoprlc of llir Basin v ' liM been recently le-organlred '

Orville llelner m the new Ills Lmn. counwlors nre Alvn Callt

llrst and Uoyd Marlin, second. " “ sieel Is ward clerk.I nrrs- ffiY nErK.STE.M)’.S .\n;,\T ai ri’ ,V Steaks SOc lb. every day. Bnc

JJj- ldahoDepl.8lore.Phonc232W-,nbove ■. _____ .erlhe

I, bui ffi-------Dumln:: I I H:I1K. A . B ’ B

:= 1 i-tf'tected I ■ ■

u to mah i i . ' l C K l>TheJ Mnr. l lr ” el • There is one sii.1 suf- t I»i,m b e sure y o u r tea

a ffccts t l i t f la v o r

raMii — t lia n - iio t- tc a .—1ICS. ' • .” Jji; su re y o u r tea is

S v a c u u m t in ju s t

^ . Jh c a . 's. GOI EX A M IN E .fla vo r , l ik e c o f l

“ f ro m a cardb oa

tea keeps frcshe i

. !caid tea. Wh vllcn coffcc wa

mim. You have 1 with Schilling I

— vvhat you have n ^ a fresh fragrana

Look for the rot___CE, ■ Ji Sch ’ Tc/y — l - t / M

) J )> ■ lil) - MiI , 1^ A l w a y

. S e a l e d 1- ; —hrl-K-E^-^^

m EDEN FOLKS VISIT WITH ’*11'' RELATIVES AND friend:R M l I EDEN, July 7 fSpeclal to Th

Newsi.^veriU E(ltnT«lflenU"ari . vbltlng wllh relatives nnd friend

to Tlie hero and In olher points Uib week Mr. snd Mr*. M. A. Williams am

1 dtirlnr (bitRhler.-niieo, are here from Bal Ii\ke Cily vlilllng rtlnllvts nnd for

:ifi‘renco mer ac(]ualntence.v ilunilHV. Wr. lry Metcalf and fan lr let ■‘‘ 1'* A, ThurWy morning for tlielr fionv I •rfi>re- in Wisconsin after a feftl'wwk's vl«l ilinrhirs hrrr iT h C.'J, .Metcalf and fomll; 1 nilNirt Mr, nnd Mrs. Jolm K. Rohrer am

children hnve gonr 10 Mlleliell, Ne e.iaber. 'iri''>ka, where .they .Will .visit Mh of Ihr Holler's parents. Mr. Rohrer IS'Oile anutfi. cnKiiie'r here for the, Unlled Biate

irme of' Rpclnmotioa aen'Ice. Clisrles Hw nf Wi<> has clianie Of the work during tin f'lljowsr lloln'cr plans to b<

larii'n- ~OiIformiaxwell‘Tind~iamlly on•e Hull here Irom Ix» Aflseles. Californiain Sim- for a short vbll wllh Mr. and Mra’achlngs J- L. Maxwell, parent* of llie former' Vilftie 0. B. Averllt and family left earl;Ceonie Snturday morning for Baker, Ore-

uchlTWj- gon.-tora-fcw-dsys -TttirwHtrrct'Wwnrd nllves,'vfcnrhle ny),.,, u 1 ,, fron;ord nf Meiirt Colorado, tospend a few weekike Clly, nt u,e j,ome of her aunt, Mr*. E. MJ. "Car- pAtierson.‘ Afr». J. H. Heno- aiw'cifJed r*III ward ceniiy to Sacra'mcnlo, California, tied with ntiend the fuiicrtl service* of 1hbhop. nephew who met death by drownlnjallliler, N( it]e nnd Blanch Bolding hav<nd. Roy returned from Pocatello, wliero the:

have spent Ihe past six weeks rblt- ' - Ing an ount.................... .........

P aiKT. Chester Roloe and famlb’ left Pri'Dnck of day morning for an outing In YelV-Adr: lowitons'parfc— ------ .

OWWdeHciouf' D l- X £ A ^simple rule to follow- ca is VBMSii. Stalcncss or of iced tea even more -The-only|-TOy-to-bc— - is fresh is to bUy it in a st like your coflce.

OVEMMMTTEA- ERS found that tea ! 3flcc' flavor, evaporates. loard-or tin box- that . icst when sealedin vac- 7 , Tea is the vacuum ^.hat_,'Ln»K_disj:ov(^_ ras first packed in vac- 'c the same treat in store': Tea. YouwUI discover- j missed all these years- ' ice new and d^htful, round red vaciura tin,

- _ - ; ■ _

'resh yVtlling,

. . .

w ^ im

r S F R E ^ H



- Thrci

TWIN FALLS DAILY NEWS ^'"^^'^ntB»ciTii^ioNV*ti:»' *1

• w rw oam ---------r r r r i " ^■ tntmd u tKonici^ ru n m»U*f, ms t S u ^ v w . ™ . " ' . . S ' ; , i«t». ■ _______ _ _ ^

jS S H a s s s l•'^itMitEa"o7ir«n'cuTr.bVnMTB^AlfOCltlrt PTf« u ,tcm.Hflr «"• titl'd 10 Iht U.. ml

!___ ih*-|Mti-'a>*i-Pu»ll»ic<l lieieln. Ml II mut onrrsubllouon «l du* IP4ithe»h«teln»1.0tc»tn«l..

’"ilT’cTmi AMotUlfirrwi, __ I

■ ; i ' £ w u ^ s £ '^ i s » s ' ! s • ^ : i ! « s * v ' » s s n s ; j s “:

rorinatuin .ui'pnri 1K»IIt upon»«““ «: *- *78 >«pon.lhir U M.umrt1ori^ Tl

S H ; ; S i S " S ; S ' ai

- ^ A 'S S S S is i^ ^ ^Ini or <l«nn« In pfnonilltlNi will nol Ti M lu h r i.V a m.n>-wu WW N tt. ot

H»W Tof*. Clilc»r>. »«n Pnntlico/.r/s*. ________. u

SAD COMMENTARV A young Rum coming to UW II wJlSi u

— money In hi* pockrt to mak« • p«y- foi mnt BO hit cir pleb up Mother »*' mw«Udn*onth«roa(<lUi«fl- ■fler. lh» )<iui]K tnui lelU liis otde- ] en, Ihl mui who hM Mcepled liU lui hoiplUUty l*ket the' monty Irom

— !“ bta-atih«Totnt-of'«timr«i«l-con»- -], pelt the young m*n to tm r h lV * f

The' Ktorj-, If true, Ij » #ad cohi-' ^ menutronlhetoo-fteouentueend- r« juur a h«er tleoirnw In hiimnn coi mtuie.

JU eert*in effcct J* lo m»ke mo- ^ torltU more wuttou. In itvlnif pl»y no'

^ l o ! 8enw)^initlon.iiKt.on«- W' . count of the reputed erlmlnilllr of .

eat pertM, « m vt l»n«l men tui• mi«t be (kprtred. 'J

-Some (Uy. prhip*. by way of va- Holy, « m»y leim ot a hlWi-hlker held lip br tnotwWi. W(

— --------e a » a * M B —:----- woFABMEHS OB ROBOTti? ||j,

' An lUuitfatlon In the eumoCsur- Cf»• ver Orephlc li % pholognph ol 01- ” )• g»oti dlrwlcr of wje of the RuiUaa mu

a <table rtudying -wh»i aeeiM to be a ^

; .hw,plcWn'PU«ite-lQt«alltr*m»p n,l — of tlJB'mi5y'*cr*<'ovBf Whtea-he-li jn

'(Ureetor. .Hfl It, reuUUis legend be- a.I n*«hth»plo»ort.-etu<lylnflheiew

■ tBf plan tor Ih# >tM." tht ' OiMDndDoitvulthtBrUctetotM nui

' itlnultM <0 eeveial UioughU. The . ■ cfMeiwr o( agricuHural pUnntng [j*

<* a Itrffi iei)e It tin l nirttted. mt WmwuldbtnohX-o^mlAfann.- J<“

' ' lagunderiuchatyitem-^Uieman ^ at tha lop knew lUi binlDtM veil, tilt

Then eomet tt>« Ihougbt ot thi out famtn ihemtelrei. Dw't they be- *W ocimtmenMridnuworiiacundir ^

' a (Urector? Apparently ihty (lont ,<I«ekIe«i>attopiaat.oi'hov»ueh. or vhere. They do at they're tokL C

OanlfdtoMrttrennderekipfnem,____fimhcfiCtbkwrtjnlghLMjiciUa JJJ

doM by robo»«. Yet Jainiln*. thor- [hj ouitilylmUrldwlMouKllodepeRd- me eot, comellmet leidt loTSnkrupl^ in Ihto coun((^. Obrlouily, Ihero ate u„‘ t n aklei to thk MHelency btulneu. am aiHltlntohifiedtMtlflduAliim.. hU

‘ ^

, UimNQDIBIUD WRITING » RamllD barlaad, •HJitn of AintrJ- '

can letten,* It not ao mil known (o ^ thiridnsnMnttoaorAatrteaniu — III might be.* It via be roriunai« It Q

. . theawwdortheRoo«CTellni(<]kl»t- m Inets tSIenUon onoe more to the n U f

f Ul o< hit jfork in i whal ll re»«»enu, The dtAtlon tetctnpanjing the -

' medal award alatet that the honor. ' comci to » . Oirliuid for "dlt* "tlngUlAM MTVlC* W ft MOltl lilt- ^tatai. a *ttl jwortw ot a fTinlkie<l phiM ot Amnloui. lifr." fIt mlghl have'gob« farther. . 9

li ml3hl have pointed to OuJuid fnot only M ll TWle reeorter ot a >lrile f

'Aoerlea, but an tuthor who kntm .n>w ngNtii Uagutvt, *nd whe hu .u«d it wtUi powtr. aecuraey and [beauty U^Bl#e.tenilu of owb«- "

- —teWnf'•8thon-tr» net-lllcnte !eoODtfitoanjrwltlt. I

■ Te' tor yomr peem «t» wtwM j . .. ' tm IpwrM*; n*ml Cutitnil j

e^=s=aae I; CAMPING CUU.DBEN ■ ' !

HM nicuntr oaop norement hu ?btn growing rapidly laneiBtjWK, f* and thete hai’ been great Imprort- ft»RtlBfteUltl(itad<KrecUbs.TlKre fan BOW about nlat thoutand aemi- fPDbUo eaapi in th* united 0tatet, ilueb at Uk m operated br^Soooti, :OW 0co«tt. Oanptlre Olrlt. th« ■Youbc Menl Chrlitlan Awoctatloa ”aad Young wcmen-aOhrlitlanABio- IcktioB tBd etht; ocsanlMlloo*-- ^charity tad wttfar* gron. Bamt- f

■ tblar 108 OM m l l^ f!?5 b i h ^ f ttaetyandb^aadalrlijio^clgh- f

■ • tetaweaptdedtoaUCTdthemtljU p :— ^afr-Tlw D U B ^ -oontlmit- to In* ■

‘ liwaoB^tumDcrezodtsorclty 1 .cUidifstoiuclicaaHitontofthell^

, . bapp(lr4«ni6jmDlt ol ihta period. ) £

f c

r*eo Four i'fvcn ttioiigh man ot lije youninicr*. 11*iby at camp no loiictr ll‘«n t«o "KcekJ. they get a (ajie or outdoor Ilte ‘and Ihe <vperknc« of a mild inrt or g '•roughing ll" which I* gr«Mly n«*>le(lto ofr«l oiir RrtUicInl city imiii"- *menu, _ [j

^ cl

-jQtken^ i • !"

"■VIEWS |1IldlUrltli >«|>Tli>l<d liun. tlii'i f,

nniii>ip«» In »>’• reliiinn | 11• itiMiHiKj lo 111* i*Jii«» ti I'l; i nNtatdlurirnl •Itvioo iiiiiotiol uputlle Inutnt »nd fln nirf «<«■> ,•ullr tolncld* "llh upinlotii rbt l<Ktui (iflldi- I III

THE SOCIAL 8IDK Of LlMtlKIl 1Ttic lunibcr milts or Hi- Ui'Hi’il \

Statei ean (ett ot , boards • year, , J-TTilr7e*r-i''*-miU4-iiilUuL.U4i 750,000.000 rcet. »»y» Charles KeitlT' , or Kansas City. wIiom campany lian , Inveslfd ttJ.OOO.OOO In ihf Orfjnn , connin'. Ineiiiding the big mill al Vcrnonia. . n

77if mjiput. Mr, Kfiiii adili. «ni Jie only nboiil wliat ih? inill* of , Ocrgon and WAshliiRlon could »»'. " ll will be l«M Ilian Iim been mar- ' kelwl in any year Unce IMP. lUfrc ‘‘ Is a nlRMiriCAnce about this date.II WM Ilia (leejt year of deprcwloii follottliia llie Civil * Ihc world, having foiijtit 11* itccni- w Ml war, is passing Ihrougli lt» most. «| wideiprtad drpresilon.

Dul whal'a lo be doiio about ilio lumber liidiutry, alwnyj the biirom- l*' cler of pro.'nierlty In the r.ictric

" S ‘!.!.iiii K U U . -,.■ I1...I - ^iing Iieople KcUiim married «H1 have tu build buimntoH’t. Now, he tliniy»Fth«ydzigmalb?ead.l32hdi''‘‘‘"ccnl un npirlmeiit. comUllim ora'rmm nnd a kltehciictlo. Tliry be- deoiiie IcM Importanl, as consumers,, siito nil purveyor*. And wholher you ar»pfK thU URD /Mlolofflcal com- efment from an iniluslrlar head or iknot, he add! that nnlcss people rc- biturn lo home.biiildlng Ihl* prr«nt u rlvlllatlon t* going to fali nparl...Tlie better home* cnmpalKn U[ully u pracllcal aa It U Idralitllc. bm

There U another aiuse. aside fromtlie wide depression/for Ihe diriicul- orties or lumber nicrchairdl-tlnff. Miya julie MLuourl-Orejon lumberman. „IVo cut olf iRimlRrftlion and liiere- tnM iiU.^'buyin«Xlieft!S lub/ect to itbnte. But tl I; plw i,r hat men (Ail of work are euttom- q(

ilhcMhan'lieiiil’'*A colored wood* .worker In the ■

louth 1* getllng 12'j cents an hour! tni» ■hlle'lutnbtrjaelt-ln-lhe-'OreBon nnMunlry gcta about 35 rents im nowur; the Chienso carpenter «tio thlail* on boards Ihe mill men make ge[«trti3Snmiour,-nnd‘herert{wrn mt,problem In economic*, Mr. Krllh >nslsU. erWhether wi talk In generaliliei jo'

theie daya or approach by tho ave- vtlue ot ■ particular lodiuCtT. the imvUli retoivea lt«eir Into Ihe Kcur- th ng ol a balance bctKven produc-lon and coniumptlon. between Ihe runan and machine and Into an ad> mi luitment by Rliicli nny man wholan hare n rk and wills to work itinay have a Job upon which he and lelit family may auUlat. There la no iii)ut for IhU civilization unless It initrlkea a balance. — Oregon Dally ail^mal (roTtland). Ill

“A BOMB rSOM TIIE O ILWCOne ot the most iirlkiiie Male-

nenta mad* la Kuropo in reecnt “ rear* has Jail Usued-nol Irom nny »nler*ne«-ot-»ln»eamen-but-frt>m ha past. It It preaenled -In Ih* ncmoln of- Ihe lale Bemiiird. ^ »rlneevonBulowrwho wM-lmperUI-" :liancelior In Qermany from 1000 mtli 1K» and a oloie and rallirr mxioui atudcnt ol Wnhelm II andIII leheme ot world politiet In the wlod whleh aaw tho rise ot war ■twWngy-a* .abominating toreo lo It PoUdamTTflfi^on UuioW, tt'flO Ul vu recalled to ofricial life In liaste I.i 0 lerre a* ambaaador to llaly att- be T the war began, asMrta .bluntly ip

□ - r Thc Home of Tnlklcfi T

R O X Y ^Q Now PlaB “TheEyesofin From Ihc Story by Him MILU6S‘.S LOVED 11J Theamaslnebook'tfimilenorrlrlin eren more entrrialniiig a* a lalVInf l of .lore In Ihe grtat modrm Wn;■j married alrrn Irin lo east a iprliU Iind hcracir hoprlmly eBirivallrd hQ Sh* ploU Ihe Rltl's snMng, and tlm evil, kre and hale be|lni.-llt dra(rpH n(w helfhU etH VIVIDI BTIT

B FViday and SH . Oh IJoyJ Whntm 2>,ooorcei«rHim-a4m Doons oPKN a t iiikSJ Be llm |.:ulr toQ “ INGA'□ Tbwrietwv Yoi'n Walled tart Tb<□ Thrill.: F l t Altog “DAWN PAM TlH)l i ■ m CH AIlD HAR'Q The Ab- SperUtIr Yob'II Want Is ; H Broke Aeeerdi. litar III SeeIn ' Ab«H ■ “The Mystery■I Ximember Ihi Daya-Frfdar'and 8i i i ItYiBWaottoQ Kh«wi Start Friday 1:S0 atd T P. :tl M Note: Oh aeeosnt of the trinnlng I J eat) ahow'only two ahowi Friday a: n Id le* th* eenpiete program try f\ " abon.Jn No Advance In .


«. Ihat'wilhelm rr «■»* the precfplfnt- ,0 ing cause of Ihe deback, l l len't

ttrniige Uml ihc book Ima been ' charactericcd as '!a bomb Irom ihe

gTRVe."^ Prince vonnulbar .wat one.ot tile >■ able* alatfsmen In Kuropr. He ad­

mired the KnRllsh and he wa.*. deep- ir nttccted by the Mrll or Ilallan

• ruliure. Ill* rietnlled »iudlr» or the chnmcter nnd inirpo es of Wilhftm

T ar« dfvaMitlln* In Ilieir general ef- fret. I I was hi* privilege on one oe-

iMsloii lo ffp llie ()1(l king ot Del- ,Bliini tfliiliipnrd and uMouinled l>y •

• :t»o y6iiitH ,taw H-iiiiini mui w » . i I 'lemiiinoiw ftwrtlon thal iho. Uer-. I I 'man army vmild march throuRh liUI 'coiinlrylr the tifrri arose. Tlie ipl- f

Iplleatinn or mental and emotional tI IliiiUbliliy In tlie kalwr appears on I :} .nlmost every OiaH*' or the memoirs, i I) WllMMm vibrated Mtwe'-n .mood* or e I Napolcnnlc reMiintinii nnd mondii or c

iibjcct fflRiii. B.iyi vnn Dulow; J — On-hilr-«rl!iHrlt-wn«-^liII- i

IKWslble 'fur u« lo avoid war. It It ttould Im'vr iieeii mtflclenl lo de- "

Clare nl.Vl;unn Dial «e woiil'l In ! nn rate aiithori«tlie runlnta ot

” reiatloM briueeii Aiiitrla and ScrtJln. . . . Wp AlinuM'liftve pro- ‘

^ «mta.suuia.Uni^io Mllmiil ” lti(“ points Itili In illspme lo ihe ' ' tribunal or arbllratlon nl The"l i;

Tlic v.rn«r turilier airerta' llwtii Oermany declared war on Ru.viiii “ (n hme" m order fo tonw tlw a<l- n, heilbn of (he _8ocial Democralic a.' party In ttie governVnent by giving «

Ihe latter an aiUl.ciarUl nppear-f_ mice. , ba "Now." M>Ti one grenl German ’Inr fieniTpapff blUfrly. "ihty )m« only li. to' tlaiini lili* lx)ok In our faces w■i when we atk for Iho elision of lha >1

wnr.Riiill paragranh from the Ver- 10 saille* lrealy,"-New Vork Evening h : Post, . • l«c — ••• ■ ■ i:^ llliKALEDUCATION ■ uil Tlic exprc4M\l dealre or the Na- ,, e tlonal Education A.voelstlpn to givea' 7ulvaiilnfies-Mnat-to-ilioM'or: their- city cousins cmbodiea n noble de- ,<

*lr«, Tlielr plans lor con.»lldatlonII and modern melhoda wli(ch would .i- etreci decldM economlea nnd maker iKMlb!? a clnXt of leaching now ,• barred by economic con»ld*rallon»t u praiseworthy. ' • , . ^

Bill there aro algiti- in llic pro- it• tiounci.mcnta Itiat th educ.Mort ai ~ Btlll nro aufferlnu froni Ihelr fowl- ii ™ liras for gadgeu. TJie empliasH U *i• on planta and adiitnlalralon and n ‘ aupen-uors, nol on Inspired and n consecrated tcuchliig. There ia « a

‘ tiny hint thtl otin the'educatlonal |>

a. niat«rUl-Um^ii.UijUdea.oLi«lly. ci f brltk buildings with expensive corps ' or faddist tpecallbta tearing hither w• and thllher to . make edutallon u

•'jclentltic.”° Tlie old (lerlnltion “a colIeRe la a oi1 log with- a atudenv on on* end n

nndMuk}Iopklntonthcolher"may -> not conform to modern educational n> theory, bul 11 atlil hu the immortal Ic• germ ot initli KhicU made ll Im-» pwlaSTwhentmrllmTronminctdr u. The truth Is tliat unleu the teach- P

er ha.1 the proper attitude ioirard her oi• Job all the Uchnlcal training In Iho cl• world, all Ihe eoetly brick buildings ^ e iind penfsfent mipervtiori, wurarart• the child nothing. ■ . . =• And iliero aro in the raiikd ot tho• rural teachcrt Ui0Uitnd« of humblo• men and women fired by Iho divine0 apark ot inio teaching gtnlut. Until . k Ihe edueallenil world tumi Its at-1 tentlon to determining ilieje quali-0 net olthe true teacher and develop- t ing ihosc qualiUet on a larger acale y ailiUttrortalonmlimpnn’emcnVoi

the niral schools by creating more liiRl\ly i*ld BieeuUto poiu wlU be

, like carrying waUr In a aleve.K.ii not expensive equliimenl llut

. will make the rural schools great! 'IC t Is Ihe humble, united ctloit or lli:. men nitd women enlriiited with t!ie1 jduffllloiuitiurauhllflrujjuvuuji, ltnola<)ualily'lntnvwayconmcltd I willi expeaiive iwarch proJ«u.,l. eonMlldatlons Of InfffAai/ i,iin(T- (, vuion.-Idaho SlaUiman, Dolie.

J ORASSHOrPCRSINFESTr MOUKTAIN Vnw. July T (Special0 to 'nie Ne«-s)-Oitualioppet»' havee I.irmers on the Silmon trad. It b- believed.the drought ii largely re<T ipotwiblc.

w Thifsoiiiid Nalnral _ i-— Always (3ooi--- <• Alwiijs 10c - 25c ‘

Playinjt 3

»f the World” SI- HuroW Uell W riRhl jD IT A8 A NOVELl '' rirllnn'a great aolhor has benme ^alVliig plfiaw. Hero is Ihe drama iWrtt. .HrdBeltve. tinirnipiiIoBt, a j•pelt over a yeong artlrt only lo ■led h)r « Kholesomo young'beaalf. ind Ihe «tng|Ie belwrfij good and i dramatic power wlll iwrtp you lo’ 'la ot emotion. tBTIRRINOl i

id Saturday ilint n I’roRmm A

Hours'or Talkiei 1IZllO O.N HATURDAY ^ly to Sn- tl Alt ‘ 4 T;A G r 'ITbrGorHlanelBnotCoanllen i irilts! ■\lio <PATROL” 4Ftfh v‘ iA R TH ELM ES fl . i1 lo .See - The Air rirtsre Thai j Sec 11! With Roxy Sound • "

lUo • tery .Trooper” (nd Saturday. Remembtr thi Ttine iit to Hee It All 4P.5I.-.SalBrdayi::M.4and::M !Ing tlmo'of thb big progfiip. r« *ay and tliree tbowa on fialttrdar. 4try lo thrnn the tlaiet iieled d

»v«. ■Ih Admlfwlbns ” •


S I h e F o r u m ?Ihe ll

|!l® - Articles on toplca of- current n Intereii not cxceedlnnlu'ee hun- i, drert .norrt.1 In length a-lli bo ,t... . under lliLi licadiliR. lj

. „ rubltcuilun or nutlior's name al ti ■’J" option or the Editor. No allenllon u "■ will l>e |i.ild to im.'.lgnsd commun- n


[iLi' .'IJ.i--.'rll‘'f IiM [ci.'ciilly reluriH'il ti' m> from M-Mt l« rurtlaiid atid La- h „Rl Ciranij and al each place I had tlio k on prinlfsi' and pleasure of iiitening c Irt to « l»;»l c<niffrt. In Porliand the It of com-trl WK [ilvrn In n park nnd the It of out-iuiidiiig teaiure ol IhU concert

WAI all ot me rltildren ot which ,,, Uifre aer*" Uiou5aiiri». Immediately, i,

wIi?inr;rbiin(rt>esinrttrplarr.wCTP n all wilt'd In the and remained j i*-flii-ily iiiilll llie band »e.. (,|

„ lectlnii ».is rinlshfd. I inquired Why t, ,J tJii* Ko* ini9 Mill »«* lold lhal the rl “ chllrtren ttrre taiiahl. both by their i,,

iia'rfiil'iVnit tlie cliy jwlice In chtri'c - — ft? H'; i>atk, ilial lix) utmc«l quiet

musi"v>f'«ii. '‘ i«trttw"band-:waff ^ |)la)liig. AS aoou u tlw band teUc- „ Ilun anA lliiltlied. tlw children, then

iHt played nnd lalked and ran, until si« thc nr>i aelectnm Vgan. *hen lm- , i<»- medUtely eierj- elilld *eat«d u lie again and iemaliicd.|>erlecUy quiet,Ing Ktiil* Ihc bawl wus playing. ., \> At UUrande I heard one of the

beti biiixb lhal I have ever heard. _ an The leader is un old cornet player ^ lly /rom.Boim'a band. Here the concert

WW Held on iho lootball and track ha field. Jutl back or tlw high uhool.■r. 1 found llie same condition exl*t*d .j. n. in LaOramlc as ll did III Ihe Port­

land park. Wticii tliQ band wu play­ing all pUy and noise by, llie child' ren'ceaAcd and they gave Uriel at-

_ lenilon lo tho music.;----Oii'inrrrtum-to Twln-Pailri-»t» -?! tended Iho usual Ttmrsday night i,„l rp»ceri of clly band In thef'f parttnit-iiarked-oaaiielcurbJaclng - r ' the clly park on Bhothone tireet. ,

When llie band began to play lha children seemed to Increase Ihelr wi thoiiling and running nnd yelling, /u until they cu'mpletely drorncd the jc

™ music. On Uie next Thuraday I took on a seat Jutl In front of the band to wi

■0- iiiBi 1 could hear Iho music and waa in )rt aurprlMd to see children, running m id- back nnd lorth. between Iho aiidl- nl U tnce and tho band, shouting and m

nd running and one of the boya wat nd rolllni; a large lire und pursued by in A a dog. barking at hit matter. Hila in

wl boy ran. repentedly between llie ut ilL mirtlrnfe and lhs_b«nd-.Qnd It-oo- h'lly. curr«Llo.irKiJ__________ • . Tl•pi Finn—Arc we ooing our. dflfffo- Td ler Mrd the children by allowing them pi on 10 lote llwlr respecffor muslo?. aecond-Aro wo doing our duty to or

I A ourselves by allowing children to dU- n-i nd rcRnrd the righla ot others? tliay - 'fhlrd-Are-we ahowlng-the-right n lal resi«ct lo the b.iiid and the band* u\ tal leader? ren- Our Clly band Is lead by a young w Kir manrDrrOrln-Pitller.-who-to-a-Twln H h- Palls product and U conildervd ono ki ler ot the finest comeleila on the Pa- ho cirio coAit and has proven lilmsett gt «t equally as good na A leader. The band dl att ~ho ,------- ^ ^ ----------ale , ■neiiUIt- ■il; ' , • . < lie 01 .





- Oim.bMgrrAUmsTetaooca ■


Is made up Jargefy ol iilglt utiool J. Hiirl collew bojs «ho got lliflr lltU I X mtiklral iralnlnc rt9iii the Tt» In KalU

high scliool under tlie direction ot j'?rotewor J. T. Dambrldge, They 'play an excellen t aelectlon ot i

nt muilc and speaking as a man. with jIt- latit" cxiwrlpiice wlUi b;iiid »ork, 1 <M (to nul hesllute to say lhal our Clly )IR liiiiul l.f aA ituixl a* any of them and ] at tlir I>elt-‘r thun muit bands micein mi (ir voliiiiuers giving their .tlnje .n- nim'v.t lor nothing, • t

’I'h- lj,ind la auBiwrled b) ,llit« j— 'I1ilifMl.iy iilgltf meetlngn. alilch art j

Iinidfnr</utotc»y/(jnd«bya*pecJal t

nod uuiliorlties at a rtonailoii or coiiUi- «La- hutuiii to the pleasure of tlioee whotho lo\p good tnuilo and ll U'lo ourling cverlasimg dlsgmce lhaV** allow rthe It 10 be marred by a lot ot thought- cthe less parenl* and children. I»rt Tlic |urk 1* open every day In iho Iilch nnd children ean ro there and l<lj'. liaie.tiieir-iilay and sliMl and runned (lay night lor two hours. Ihls play fKr [.iioiild c«<M and tlw children ba d ■''hy imiichi to respect the rlglit* of Uiclr i ‘be c/rfen «nd be educated lo reapecl _

giXKl music.___________ _______ __•''Burelyaehaveasmuchcontroiovir '' our ehJIdnn aa they have in other

” *■ Eiiierjfwe-de-not'it-ls timerof-ihe »police lo aiep In and compel proper ‘rc*pect. ’

1' " It the audience could hear IhU‘I) : niit'lc, Ihey would encourage tlie ’*r band by Ihelr applause and the “

**'■ iMdf-r umild know wlui selections 'J,, till- liudleiice likes beit. - "“ If Won i the luirenia and the child- ‘ i

mi please show Ihe proi»cr respect. bolh 10 llie baud and the in'oplc«'"» «'-’h >" h«(r7 /!

S K S omas! “ITain FalU, Juiy 7. ,

•>■* ■ —

ght ,,, n ^ -----LByMa.BeI»nt«eb_______

: T h e BLANR'ifTaiiEF---- 5the jilmr.iDrldger. a native ot Virginia, d lelr waa one of. the first to Join OetJeral , ng. Ability when lha taluradvertlied (or a; Ihe young men In Itn. WhenAshleyeoid c< x>k uulfourj-earalater.Brldgerremalned T to wiui tho new group. inHJOhewenl t]

*a« Inio partnership with several other Ing mounlaln men, later going back tor 0 dl- nine ye.-irs service wl\ii the Rocky p md Moiintaln'Flirfompany. b••at WhllelnrendeatvousonBearRlrer d by in 1034 he made a wager that he could

Ills tlnd thc outlet of the stream. Saihng - llic Ubwn 111 a skin canoe, he won hU bet no- hv dl?eover1ng Ihe Oreat Ball Lake.. Tlio lajie of the water auggesled th*

Co= HSuI5S-t.T.>aTO»<riinimlTinlir - em Pacific ocean.

In ISU Dridaer bulll the tough (ort ' to or sUtlon In wiithaeaiem Wyoming ' iU- wiilcli still bear* his name.- It wai

the first liouse bulH on the Oregon tht iTall tor the cxpreu purpose o( turn* _ md" iahlng ImmigranU with supplies and

repilr*.. Later on. ilmilar stations mg were esiabllshed at Laramie. Fort m Hallnind 01d-I>#rt-Bol.<« located-near- - ino where-Parma now stands.Pa- He wll conslsmty employed u a ’ >ett guide by go\'eminenl sunning expe- ind dillons, tnd waa eoiMldered unequal-

tyVe M lDrive

They' • ' . ■>


od M in hi* know J^ ot Ihi ffloun-] csl taliu. 1iiu .Meeting the (Ir l Mormon train ot Just bcloro they reacned Ball Lake

i«r Valley in iSU. he Uughed at their ot Idea of aeltllng Uie country. TU give

1th }-ou a hundred dollars for the rtnt ear , 1 of corn you ralAc," he. eald, ''Jiisl lly you wait a Iltlle while." rcflionded , nd Brigham Vouns. "We'll show j«u.“

In iRSa a Kovcrnmcni sun-eyor pointed out Iko which he ' thought about iiUielght. ‘-Turn

e« your uloeka on 'em." mid Jim. -K irt yon one rln i a thousand reel or more ! Jal Ujetoirwl.jwTkJflhavf boiJjof.W j LtZ, Thf. «urv»v ulioaTd n dlfterence otri- abodt 1500 feel. --------^ 'ho . . .«r Jim Brldgcr ts a hero or Wyoming • ow ralhtt' l!un'ond*n(rb»i-wii-fc/M.- ( ll’ elated wiUi our history, lie waa at | (■ Plerrc Hole; In the Teton Dasln, In i ho 1B36. and trapped more or le.-a along nd Ihe upper Hnake. ,uu .Th£*'Dlankeichle(.''n.stheliidlanA J

ay farm near Kansas City, und there he ‘ ba dled ln 1(8). One ot hla dsughiertcir was at the Whlunin mtsaacre, ':ct . Io his account ot Bridget's lUe, Uie I

hUltnlan Bancroli- used Uiese I r.r «T>rds: I .,cp “By «J8\lmtt were iohird lhat Ihe an Infitugled traiiptr , could nol 1

spend a ihomand dolKWTdiyTJirhtr iwomin, horses, and alcohol." |

ll} Emenon Hough In the "Covettdhe Wagon" paints. Bridger lA a hard itie drinker. Tlie puMlVien'nerv lutd >ns for libel by tome of the old Scout's [

descendants, a caae raising the quet-d. lion pt wheilier or not a dead man ,st, can be libelled under our I

’"filGltEillSlif ; . HMglinm:

' OIXON. July 7 (Special to The ? Newa>-4-H Leadem' clito,of Jerome

“ rotnttyTneFljerc'liijrThiihdKjrmor*' ■ nlng for Ita regular monthly mnt- log at tho home oIMn. Julia Brown. ^

— An-intetesting-buiiinHa.Mulon-wss '— hdd In which Instructions (or future '— vo ifm iB giieii-brWlM-CltgxPta- - la. district home denionstralion agent. al ,D(in Warren, dhlrict extension or agent, and Tom ’ Speedy. Jerome b id county agent, gave Inleretllng Ulki. F !d Twelve ot the 15 leadera In ths coun- ii nl ty were present, .. -- C er Mra,'Brown,aaslatedb>'Mrs. Frank /i or OranlandMn.OordenMurphy.prt-cy pared n luncheoa.whieh waa served

by the local glrlt 4-K club, which Is i er doing Its fourth-year work. . t Id -ig .

I - C h e a p s s t 4 n s a c i j iI f ------------ Laboratofy-TuM‘

FLY-rokiiTliH- To~RiII * r

a ’ Fliif,A1ofquirooi,Rooch» li M o s t p o p u l a r t h r o i _______ ___________________ i

f t ^

f l — =


IIL D E R' e a p e g d o w n


NG, JULV 8, m i

i 'f l i f f itear ' 'Just 'I— —— — — —— .S “ EYES OF THE WOULO" ■p;. APPEARS HERE AT ROX

"'1.'’,'} NO acttru ever had a more lialu: , “ pan sKcii her than tlie ona XIi

Merkel eiijop in "Ejfaor Uie WlitiC . pj llie current feature showing at U

MlM Merkel pla)n the role ling "Sybir a >oiin;, un.vphlsilcated Rl r«3- or tlie moiiruin* whow hcrmlt-Ill s at lice iito made her ihy and wary.'I In men. .........®‘'‘' ThU-Mer'Iltnl 'lluic acUew w 1,,^ born In Ktniucky. wllhin tight '

C i«t4'it«aillli*tlUh*hjfUtLAniei ca's moil primitive clvlllsaUoii.'

ierfi The ways ot the mountain folk a aa familiar lo her aa are the cl

UiB iicopio with wliom she hu now ca lese Her loi.

MlM Merkel, soon atler leavli: hat Kentucky, entered upon the Ne not York Mage and wlililn two yeaniwi :htr cnfDrBroadwBy'a-nwt-poiHJlar-lr

genue.vHer fuliund, Douthern •olc* wi

a relreslilng noreiiy to a aloge aui " f J felwd wlih too much ot Ihe King

Endwi. let- • ■DIXON BOY SCOUTS MEE'

DIXON, July 7 iflpeclal lo Th News)—Boy Kouta of.Olxon.mH fc

^ Ihelr regmar meellng.Mondsy eve [ T nlng l l the schoolhouse -here. Th M scouUnasier, Flojy Elton, receive " ' reports on the contest, in lUtlch th

boj-a are making an eftortto uppl ihelr acoulcralt,

tni.i*l!nw /.i-Piilno(nen«rek,witlboalUielioiiieo(l C. Cochran,-one of the ipoiiura. A

ru aiMetle oontest will ta held, ure ' "nts.__ (AKg ponn ALFALFA AND

aOVEit OOOD ime by using Anaconda Trcble-Supu Iks. Phoaphsie. Apply att(r (Irst cuttin jn- it taken otf. Buy tt Trl-Blate Bea -- Corp. J. II, Olandon, DUlrtbutor,- mk AdV. : . •^ REGARDLESS OF YOUR FOO l Is TROUBLES, I»r. Foster li teeaUn

feet tor one dollar, phone ttO. Ad

l 4 p r a y -Y o u C a n - U s citM ^SvperS/nagfh— _________

m-Suntf, QuIckeirDeaifTTo 3cb«s, Bed Bugt, Anfs,Moihs iroughout th« world

vn there!

E B E TDrive a peg (

. I


ilural MIUI Oreen and Jackie Searl, clevlXIna er.kld-iciors who were last S4«n to>

Irt-id." gether In th* iio». faiijous ’Jltlpiiy*.t Uie with Jackie Cooper, are again teamed

lure." coming lo tlie Idaho tomorrow d Blrl • l«®'<l»y nn Ui* Paramount

tUmliatlonof.Blnclalr-UwUlhum.l r v ^ orous novel, "Let'i Play Klng,"

. Edna May Oliver, leading (eminini comedy star of Flo ZIegfeld's emi-

1 wa.v nent «taje production. "Bliow Boat," hi o( ind a favorite binedlenn* or the mcrb. lalkIng-acri«i)rU-sMii-ln-a-|Mdlng-

tun-proYlding jiart aaiitled by LouUe Icare Fetenda.'City _____________ ________________ ■•cast ----- ------------------ -

k'S 2««l;3Illoa-.00P.M.(Was —


SINCLAIR LEW IS■Inft Thfl «T)rld-. (oremoit nmllil

writea hU first comedy serial. •'Left Play King.” ' hilariously

[E X “

X "Forbidden H Adventure"tth* A Partimmnt MctiOT tppiy | H M n n » H

orr- witiiMITZI OREEN .


Ex-bundrcu, Now rival Holly-'. wood mother*. P ab u lo us ly

Klngt. Keeping you In kinks of

f- .“ I7AST TIMES TODAYI“ ’ •f “ANNA BEUE'S AFFAIRS" k A Real Comedy Riot

,]f| -lirery .Seal u Co«l Retreat"

■ V - ;

T E R' /*V

down fhere!

MacksPresidM Hoover And Party Watch

GcorDO Earnshaw Plays 'Irot

Man’’ Role, and Alhlclic! Comq Back lo Even Serlci

With Washinoton Tcan

American League

, s S "—— !! i! is \ K K — E i i i i I


. fit Uuli »t Delrall- ' notion l l Ke* York

ClertUnd at Chlciio No olher.

---- ----- iDrThe A»»eUl«d Prai>—... fx r A S H IN G T O N . Ju ly 1

W — Philadelphia, w l l h-------'- ’-b lK Gmfce EomshHw

playlnft the “ Iro nmnn" role — camc*back-(oday-lo-even-lh(

flcrica with Wa«hington. scor inK a.7*lo*3 victory before President Hoover and a crowd of notabic«.-Thc viciorj' pul the A,thrcilcA five nnd 9 hnliBunfs *he#d of tho AraWean iMfui r«f.

Eonuliftv. wlM iMt Uie opcnci on Sunday, outpltejied CfCwdtr and Flsdicr odiiy, lioldlnj Wnihlnglon to elslit lilts nnd poundintf In the flnrf Pniixltlt^la run wim.» <lou-

- CtOBtlrr'a downfall canie lii liie______ aeYenUi->nd-^k9_iiti a Ditching


OMuplNl a box aerou tho (leld from President Hoover and near, the PhlladelphU dugout. In tho uvenih Innlns Clark Ortfllth. oancr of tho

--- Waahbgton leam. MCorUd Uio vel-eran Connie Mack acrou Uio field to Rhake tiinda «l(h Uie president.

-------nttCAOtLPIlIA---AUTl'rt O A *

\ . S a f l E ^ I - i s i i

■ . i f e i i t l l ... a Sm o T o k —

u rn ie i? rT _ :-- Zi 1 1 0 0S J §.?........-Wf»l.-cf-T..... ___ — 4 1 -J 1.0

= » 0 e I Sp i c h t r . ^ p _ _ o 0 0 0 O'O

Toi»l.---- M 1 « « 10 Jrwudf?ph°» soj-twuniriRisn . .. . ___ 001 001 ooi>Bununirj’:« WU - BuBop. Himtnotu. Bpfnctr, nolrr. fjimtlitw. Kuhtl. mn: IhrM'bMrhlu-Cochraiir.

IPT. pllehtr tsr tlii Hro*t».w*(lc«nRl tniuntnunir la ll» tvrlllh tnnlBi hfr» lofiij tnd tlit cnietw wnii« Aoi twk tht llnti i>me ol ifi<

twtiith MimonJ aroff In wnwood »na

™ ^ i : = y i i y

r -niui. _____ « 10 n « 2_______

Ilfllllo, 5b ------- « ? ? ? 2M z ~ z . j I 1 s 0

a . a — : r = j ! S | !K ltS?: p ------ -3 10 3 0

■ c . T 5 S ; . r r = ^ , W a ’8.!’- »flt. Leula_______ iOO 010 a i OOO- S___ «?nib!“D7raZ?i«fm;l‘iSrt^£

Kr«M lo Dunui winnlBi plteair-Tibn: iMlBi pltcbef-KUnifT . i^wn-»r» TofU i»nn potlponKl.oa

lehrfuKd in Amff.


PORTXAND, July 7 (,r>-Cnllfor- nla tennia fUra Tirtually ruled tho couTli In Ih# aanbal o ^ n alate ehunplonahip tournament here to-

.day.Mlia Edith Cro^ Ban Pranclieo.

• ranked number 1 aaont tho worn- 1 en. didn't Io»a-s rtma In defeabDS

• Ellrabeth Salljbury; PorUand"fl-0, 6-0. i ■ ■ '

John Klurlo. San FnocUco l!a> 1 ' ■ ««llnn M*ded number 1 In tho ] : ' men'* alnslt;. hw eome througli Uje , i flrrt tM rounds Wlhoul. plasla* a 1

came. Ke won by def^K in the < KTnnrfty V •

Harrlgan, his leheduled opponent I L for today, failed lo appear.- . t ^ Henn N^r. Portland's leading i

contenier. rtmalhpd In Uie racc by. 1 I def(aUn< Carla BlUaoota. e-2, tA. :

Dr u b !| 0 ) M H l § " P [ L I L ii j y nK im tu usUi/Mttffr writ

pTrie fty?0N 1 \<o&ilHe \ KNOW>><< I .1 H6 C00U

,Hl9gQKt»4Cr / Pt.^y bNC

IIcs j j k

[ 1 O a k le - y - C o n q u e is -

P a u l , 9 t o 8 , O n

1 K u p e r t D i a m o n i

iu ’ RUPERT. July 1 iSpecial lo Tl '« NCM).^aiiIey defeated llio Pa' i l l baseball nine. 6 lo t. In raB8«d<oi

lest In which J3 error* were mac

t S S ”* 'Hunter............ ..........5 1 3D. Marleiidale. m -----6 1 aPcrcell. J b __________ 8 0 11*1. Ellloti; c f----- 5 3 1O. pilot, p ...-.i.____ - 5 1 0Darrett. 3 b 4 1.0

^ ginon— — '............3ri->z7 D. MnrK'ndile 4 1 0 •

I h StrlriRtleld ................ 8 0 0

1) “ rSiuu . 43" o^e" ['■ PAUL AD R Uho l1ari)er.M-.r;:..;— .■■■-.---5-1-1-)r* Benedict, c _______ __ 6 I 0ire Drew. I f ----------- 5 J 1!.a Monr; 3b___________ 8 l 1 — 8 3 3ul Sanford, c f______ _____3 0 ll1f Drower. 2b 4 11rue .Morrison, r f ......... ......4 1 1

O'Brien, p ----------4 0 1'ler •Hodden____________ _ 3 0 IZ ''Clarlc-------- 1 0 0.oil • .— ™ . Ue Totate_____________ .43 8 10 I

'“ • ^ d .irM .r..Ban fnrrtlnv ' lie enlli.ns "Clark bitted for ODrlen 1

lilnthT:"'------ ------------

§ G o l f e r s " l i e k - T o -

K D o m i n i o n C o u r s e

j ; T o r A n n u a l T r a ;

0 TOUON^. Ontario. July 1 i4rS Tlie scene of acilon on Uie (ar-flung batilofleld of.major.tblf abUU th0 ntek to the MUsiuauga strongholi» near Toronto, 'wber« the Canadla

J The majorily of the MaKined can 0 palgnera from the United Slate* an * Orcal Britain, who fought tbo he*2 and.lhe’reuRh at InvtmeM. Toledi

Inst week irUt be on hand Ttiunda' I momlnic to start the T3>holc ques ? of Ihe cnmn now worn by Tomm 0 Armour. BriUsh open' champlot B PJay wUl conltnue through Salurda)

•0 the entry Jlst of ISt are eigh0 former champions, Includlnf Ar

muur, Uo DleRel. Cliarles and Al bert Murray, Montreal. Karl Kelfei OtuwD, Al Walroui. KlncDonati smith and OeoreCummlng.Torontc

•• Ocorge Ton Elm, who lost llv United Slates open bv ono slrok'

u! inJIlin JurRTiWh-phsid hMn tends to piny In the Caitidinn open

■ The entire.BrilUh Ryder cup ttan n- and-Hcnry-and-Lesllo-Cottonrthi If; Drimii free laneea, aro tnlertd, m

Swell os Aubrey Boomer and Augu*i< Boyer. France, andPercyfAlllu, Qer- „ mnny.' Burke plan* lo be preaenl n;

ft an onlooker, nt • 'Id

ip HGHTS1 PEULICK AND ROSSI DRAw"” a - NEW YORK. JUly 7 (flV-Herman « Perllek. Kalamazoo. MUhlgan, fouftlii

•; with Emil Rouft New York, al the ^ Queeniboro iladliun tonlglil. Tliere 0 were no knockdowns. Pcrltck weighed 0 142 poundx; Rowl i<4,S Tlie bout nu a siibriiiutc for one 0 scheduled belwern Phil Z«-lck.Clero- ® land, and Lew Feldman, New York S Jack Rosenberc. Nev York. ]50<>0 ouloplDled Hans Mueller, Oermany1 IW, in 10 rounds,

7 ALLEN n a irrs t o drawPORTtAND, Maine, July 7 m -

» Ham Allen. Brockton, MassachQ- sett*, and Vlncenl Forslone. PhUa-

; delphla, fought a Bruellinj-IJ.round - draw hero'tonight In the main bout 1 at tho arena. Allen weighed IW| “ Porslme, IMH. ,.


(J>-J»ck O'Doi'd, Detroit hea\7* weljtht. «ored a technical knockout orer Buster Trtnkle, Omahn, In Uie

i Uttli round of a «he<lule<l eight- round bout tonight.

KETCIIELL TaiU,MPn.S > PORTLAIfD. July TOP)- Wealer ; KetcheU, ]Q. Portland, knocked out• PeWC«rkan.l71,cl»Elm,W«ah!n8-

ton. m Uio IKUi tounf of a scheduled. 10-rtwnd light her# tonight. They . aro mlddieweljhu. ' .

RUGoinnxo w n sLOS ANOELES, July 7 WV-Sal-

• vatore RusbWHo aoottd a technical I knockout tonleht over hi*' Italian ' eompaW(M, Boberlo Robertl. In the■ flr t round of their , bout at Uie

Olympic elub. • , . .■ i-Rol>erUr nak nf-hto-«et«l( -Oafl- , fomla appearane«, went down for . two nlna ooonla.’ After.the aecond.

he.nantred lo Uiat the fight wi*. awarded to Rugglrello, who weljhed 331. RcberU velghtd 3». '.


Senaloffr i Taylor Doubles'

To Clear Bases ^ AndHosFSc' Pinch-Hittcr For Jurges i J. Eighth Inning Proves Her

' ol Second Qamb' 'Twl K Bill On Windy City .‘Fid

i/n . Salional leaguea n d ^ ........... ^ 1 1fl Tlio liiooAn'l--------*« I I .Jl

dS " Mmado Clnflnniii:-- — ^34 « J i

i ’H G a m e s Tod a y? i lltooklyn al IkHlin

' > New York at Phila<lelphla1 1 0 nilihurth at Clnelnnall

0 ® No olher. •.. 0 0

— (n y n e ia s ip ia n ’t a i i ^ , ; o H i c A G o T w y 7 - n«i_____ I . Tiiylor, pinch-hittcr..for e “ i . JurKCtJ'In tlie'ciRhth'in

U R ning with ihe ba.scH ioadec!->-3 drovc-a-double:to-|eft"ni!l(l

, , cleanini; the based and Klvini1 3 the Cuba a 6-to-3 victory ove

1 3 3 the 1. Louis Curdinnls in th ) 1 0 aecondKunieofadoublC'head

] er todny. The.Cuh.t won th,. , opener, 410 3, and advanced to Ihlr

' } ‘ pUce by the clean *weop, .I 0 0 *“ Opposed b;' BuilZ _ Malone and Blake, Malone celtln

. 10 ift credit for Uie vlcl^. Bush depart ed ilier three run* had been score

n ff„. olf him. glvlM SU 1 * the lead.Th*»(o»- n.11.1

rn In Bt.^uuu----- go no j

vruuD. cMaulH; noot aafl llMuley..Po- S T . t . . » " " ’ ‘ ” a ' n u o «AdUTu. w ___ :____« 0 0 2 1

se x k 'l--- ! s 1 U

■» Ihl* ToUlt...________ U 3 a 31 10ghotd * ninm.ladlan (■'’XCAOO . An n K o A I

:S S S “ . f = ! 8 S S J

S S S ^ ^ = = i ! - ! ' ! iaplon. ».io.i,?n" r ------ n S ; S 1^ a 'v = i i i i i* 1 ; . S f B K M s . ' "

chic.1. - ; t= r r 7 .7 r a iS S t :ronio. flumniirT! Tw-tan hlw - Orlmm 3 t the H'Udhi. d. TiTlor

open. '«>>•■ ■ _ , • . “nnnniftvrriMrtrtr. .


Wrtlht. m i ‘ I e0 rr! ■ ■ J e 0

____ 2j*n'Sp.zi!Z!!rri~o o o• TV>(«1» . M » M |< <1

rman ■riiiuDiii’HiA ad H i o 'r. )U(rlii ji;iet>ii. u ■ a o o

t the KJMn.'irtr~........ i 0 . 0

3i:« I !Kntwr. rf, t f_______ « o j. »TiB*rc. Jn . ■> 0 0.Millaf n — -■■■ 1 0 0lero- naifi). p __________a o oITork. rut^uin, ______o o o o■nu •• Hiinl_____ ■ 0 0 0« . j : — - .1 1 0

' •’S iS o T i S m i . ” , , ; . ! ! , . " " '” »*»W for Doitn la H<iiih._ _

^ M p b i i- 'r ~ - . - 2 J S S S S ; ?

hlla* P'*T* •” ll»nn«n » Wriiht. Dsien to» a K a - w i s i i f f f i . r . ' r s i ' sbout rr~nirlpt; Ilatoi plUhtP-DolRi.

•cliSlulfS." l»a iu» itmt

* ! DIXON TEAM TRIUMPHSkoutI Uic mXON. July 7 (Special to ITie ghl- News)-loaif»nneT»’baseball Uam

defealAl Uie Giants of Uie Oennan LuUieran settlement by ffacort of 10 to 3 on the Qianls* dUmoi«l Sunday allcrooon.

. out —■ns*

Rheumatism8. 1- I N e v e r K n o

l£n I T h e s e T re a tm e n llh5 ncdHo Vipoc B.C1U, B t o n, * I » Baths, TrtMhrw

lafl- l-8«rartk«n*7eeHeet1reeM<.-B for I .Del

' ' . '■ '

A IL Y N EW S. W I N F A IX S . ID A ll

j r s , 7 - 3 , i

- ‘ Hoiindini? Ii

3s. ' . J

:ore|l' . ^...............................

'S i " . ■ 4 ' . " " ^ : ■'H m ; ' J .T W I i i ' ’ V " "

- i l a

Fm amJA U in j E S IP S E ’i’T T lE FER E

• Dun jfdx Bner-at the encniiiorn i^d Uzcudun la t

‘‘r “ itono to-inn I-rnnciseo i: mdeo. vhAifi-''•field;---fIv in K---------■? , .


Jlh irt tContJnued Ftoin Page Oncl • |.i'iw Aeg elecU’lcal concern!. Iht

’ Buili. xoriii Uemian Uoyd and Hiunburc’ (Citing Amerlcanitcanuhlnllnr* and all Um lepan- iirjiCT German bnnl i.

Expresaed In the simplest terms.

„ ,,V artde^ltns«llS*t™ Oe/man gold 2 1 2 dLi count’bank Ihelr note {or 1133,- ;4-ia-o 000££M a*

11 guarantee when and as neceesary fcr commercial Kana lo Germany.

0 A E Tlie money aclunlly will be looned2 I 0 from abroad, but the difference will J J 21 be that Ihe foreign Imdera frill hn\'e

0 iheaajuranetlhatlhelrlosnjueae.■ 0 euifld by Ihe'whole industrial and fl*■ g nanelsl strenflh of. the naUon In-

- ~t eUad-ot-by-Uw-creda-ot-an-lndl. ' 0 vldusl firm.

no J , ' s u n g PLAVS PART3 . BERUN, July 7 MV-Slang pla>-ed0. 0 au -Imporunt pari In Ute. negotla- J 0 tlons over’Prcildeni Itoorer'a war1 ? debt pUn. u waa used aa a code.1 0 . .United Siatea Ambassador ftcde-0 0 rick M. Sackeu told about It today. ? S He explained that durlne hU ;re-• 0 quent ndlophono lalka with Waah- H S lngton,herrgutarlylndulgodlnalanR1___S e*p«»lw because he Ulought Uiat 9 .0 WU a Uie melhod of guarding 3 S agalnsi the poMlbllliy of belnc un- l___ : dtratood by any lUlener-in. >*. 1 ."When queried M»ut k certain

1, phase 01 Uie negotlaUon*, for In- ^ • stance, I rejoined, ‘Ihat docan’i

amount lo a hill o'beans," U»e am*mm 3, ba/'udm' Mid.*

“aimllarlr, *e uirt olher »Un« lelliglbleiomanypeople.'*• Tills rcvelailon s-Ba aboul Uic first

:_____ lhi» ■mta. . riar haa marie fWiforn.nmir In* the conduct of the nesotiallpns. "JL£f Throughout the discuulont, he rc‘. i i iu . malned about v UlkaUve-ao far a rietorr the public was concemed<-BS a lltlle•ciffl* ntfij

4- l-68?H AM -H 6M )fl6 ' .■ S , POST AND OATTY

e ' (Continued Prom Page Ono)I Uilng* In RuHlan, Tad«i' means ‘ycj.’

when you Uini your Ummba up ihat ; i -fi mean*'iTDod'and when you turn'em

g down' Uiat menna 'rotten.' "_ii "Did you ta>!K admnUgf of b>» ° ingaft-ayfromUiedrylBwsnhllej'ou 0 wero gone?" Coloney Brady asked.0 "Not much." tald Post vltl) a unile.0 " I Just had one glass of wine, dolly 0 did all llio beer drhikln; for is be*0 cause I don'l like ll."0 .with Uie words "WNOS AROUND 0 THE WORLD." were presented lo

*J7~r tho filcTB by Charles L. Lamnce. president of the chamber.

Only tvo olher avlalon have Urn K2l? IhM honored by’ Uia nawclatkm. miu. Colonel Charles A. Llndberglk and I euw* Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd.' • ( miiK Poet and Oatty alto received iwin I >it«)i- silver statues senl from friends In

Burbank, California, who iielped M on «lulP 'Winnie Mae" wiUi ita in-

' strumenta.Ooionel CIarci;co>L Ypunj, aas6l-

ant aecretary of conmerce In cliarge auc ^ aeronaullca, represented Pre.n- ' dent Hoover and told how Uiree

yean ago Poal becamc one of Uitcc TIm transport pilots In the United mateo

Uam deemed worthy enough to be given a man dfsplle Uie fact lie hnd only Of IB one eye.nday -It wai revMled Uiat Gatly

ons of Uie ftnt tn tha country to

m Bath—$1.00i n o w n to F a i l

le n t s A r e R e d u c in g ;in luthfc Ekdrio M.iMf,; Hit T.b n rce U4y AlleodanU bto.-wrTBRenrtr*stiflrTRrtDr*t>ne“

ntr thi Btaifceiote ..... _ • Phane»«

fDAiio, WKnNF:snAY Monm’Cf And CiIff Hasque Wiii« Dccision'ii

' ' 3 ^ , 1 ! . ; ' y . - ' . ' . . i v . i i ' . .

?EREE-)iiirf-in’iinioior, Hwnrdinjf-t he end of 20 rounds nf gruelllnjr ba n Id shown .side on. The picture wn .SCO in im hour antl'SB minuten ^d


nc) • iCoiillnued From Page One)II. Ihe will nccomimny him taWashlngto: nburc- and attend the liearlngs. He pledge all Uw hcaniejt ciwiienillon with the com

mlulflh.1 of nil llie states and tali terms, California nill bear ihe expense o

flgoW the other Males will ahare tho cos 1133,* of Mr. Tliompsoii'a'attendance, I

atfaa Uie.Jntenlalc_co;nmerce comml* maty slon iwrmli'i tit wIthK.

Til, cow»Won,i. liloMed ■ i.).i ^ "| I| Ot procedure providing for anolhe. r i , r « Uie call of E, E. OortLre«. of ‘he Utah'wm

mlulon and.of loday’t conference " “ i ' to fallow Ihe Washington hearing

Indl. for Iho pun>o«_of .conilderlnj Ihi fa*e iiresenied by the arrlers am determine' a further campaltn o Ktlon.

rJii-ed Meanwhile It waa recommende< iotil. Ihat the Mate commission* dlrec .* llielr effort! In preparlnit their d ^ fcnsire cases principally to ascer IW , . talnlng llie economic' effect of Uii

proposed Increased rale* upon Iheli , f J . indujirtei and markeli!. the amoUnI

of tonnage that would be adrerse. alaiw ly ftffecled und the lolal Increaset

freight'charses Uiat would remit, irtl,,. Arransemenl* also were madq foi e un- obtalnlng-a copy of all rxhlbll* sub­

mitted- by Ihe .railroad* and * transcript of their evidence for each cf the 1! Western itates In Uili

s am*' 0PP0.HE8INCREABE,

KANSAS cm r, July 7 MV-Oppo- J'Pllli alUon_to.Uu.bUnkH-!{-pn-cenl

freight rale Increase aikr<l br'raU< c first rM ^ WM »pretscdJ>y the' Kansai

illpnt. ntameeUnR[odayotrepre«BtaU»« le rt- of almllar group* from 11 ataiM, In fir a sassion to determine the attitude o< , mile tbe middlewen on tb« re<iue*l«d ruU

advance.N^W ^^tl, In charge of traffic fW

_ l y sriilip will oppose any nite.lncretac, I I I The mcellng a« • whole refrained

from-any expresaJon of policy u did 10) Ihe olher stales repreaented."rrr. Paul R. Walker of Uie Oklahoma t S t wporailon .eommlfslon ami A. R,

n ’em McDonald of the WLwonsIn commU* »!on. wtre appointed to represent ihW

, are* at the heulog of the railroads' pctttloirbefotvthrintmt»t?-conP

J mercc oommlfilon In WashingtonS o . ■dolly Three eommltteca were appointed B be* *0 gather daia lo proMni at U»

hearing,toned Olher kUIm repreaenUd w«re (UND loVa, NorUi and South Dakota. Ne­ed lo bnj>ka, Arkanaa.«, MhinesoU, WIs- ■ence. cjnsln, Oklahoma and Mlsaoifrl,ty^n ------ ~Mkm. rttjiTe , naripator'* Instnidor'* Jl* 5®* cense.

! .:-.Uio bawjuet wound up Uie almo* cca.vlesa round of celebratlona ac-

PiMd Mrtm Uie filer*.'TamorTow.wrallier m’,n. pennitUng, Uiey will hop off from

noyd Bennel fleW In Uie '’Wlnnla 1 ,; Ntae" for Oklahoma, Tlielr wtvea and

C, Ball, flight backer, will foi- > ^ aooUier plane.Uiree ■ , .Uireciialw

:: D A I^ ■ a

K IM BERLY SI 1 TON] ’F JIE E BUS ioavcfl Rosmoi

owland every danco ni;rht.trips ^urihff

lb And don'l forset our Friday ,. 'V IC T O R U A L ^ B J

There’s slways a good « LEE LOGAN*S SH/

TNO. .THT P, IMI■ -rl--- '■ . .

iubs Defn'in Reno Fight

■ ■ - ■ J . ,

itphZyeclaloiTt'crrainino Uzcutlu J battle in Heno. Bner Is fncinK th t wan flown by Shell Oil ‘plane fror ■fttuniion niHhciI'to Hii.s paper.—

iT Es Wrestlingstee le ’pjnr GAniaanr

—r : .BOSTON. July 1 t-D-Ray steel 215, Sin mncL-co, fUllened Gin Garibaldi. :sn, Itnly. wilh a bod

1 .,u ‘l“ '» M iniiiulM of rumc ' ** , wesUlng tonight in the-Boeton G*i " ®‘ den'* feature match. •

Jtni I foMlllcii, tno. Clilo*B [ an “ llsnsaielnke, 340. Oermany, went t

a draw In tho 45-mlnule aeml-flnu Sandor.SeabJ, 205.Jlflly..Uircn-_l«ll Evan*, 330, Oklahoma, in 14 minute

I plan with a double arm roll, lolhcr Pal O’SIiocker, 316. fi&ll Uke Cit; Oort- »nd Earl McRcady. 335, Tulsa, Okla 'nm* honu, went to a 30-mlnule draw, rence. " "arlng. . DE GLANE W N S---jlh e WORCESTER..M«is,^.uly_7J/l t and -HencldeOlane.recojnlaedlnMm rn of SUM u heavyweight WTesUln

champion, defeated Karol NowIn 2>>T«*»n> in itralght falla here te

' J ^ t n'sht. De Olane look tho firat fa In 39:04 wllh ft double rererae'arm Ibck and » backward bod}'alam an U» aecond In 13i03 rtlh a hei

‘ chancery, a froni crotch and a bod IhelrloUnt _____


?',• Harold Anderson, Indlanapoll*, IC poundJ,.knockedoutBobby.Venior Chicago, 194, In the ninth round o

’“ ?■ ft tchedultd lO-round-boalng eon u S te*tlier«tonlghLAndenonoutpolnl

ed Vemon all the way,Owen Phelps, El Paso, Texas, lOi

knocketfoul Buck Easterling, Wlch Ita, Kansas, lU, In the fourth roun< of anoUier Kheduted ten rotind con

S Mt. -----


lUve* 'sEATrLE, July'7 (A’) — Jack M,ln Oalne*.'Oleudale. CallfomU, Uxla; de or won Uie John J. Doylo trophy, eU' In U blem ot the Ells' tullonal sol

’ championship, acorlnc 333 (or ,5- Ic fW hole* at the Englewood eourae here

tw atfoka* better thar •etac. "Chuck" Hunter. Tacoma.OQcd n y Coleman. Culver City, Call . AIM fonlj^ wac Uilrd with 3t8. lied (oi

fourUi wlUi' 230'* were Buasel Thompwo, Olendale. Elks' cham. plon for thi past two year*, anc BUI Yoal, Tacoma. Wilbur Johnson Olendale tied Ed Oreenway, Seattle

a ' ______

J a c o b s a n d See Sign F o r ' B o u l

KEW YORK. July 7 M»l-JO< Jacob*, mansger of Max SchmeUn; and Leon See, repreicnllng Prime Oamem, will meet tomorrow will Uadlson Snuam Oardcn allomeyi lo sign eonlracta for a heavywelghl championship malch tn September

* l( wu annooneed today.As effort will be made to hold tht

moat ccBttat'ln'Nev York, but there op* ac- paan UtUe likelihood Uiat Uie New

iilier:York stale athlcllc commlislon will Irom itncUon any oUtK boaer than Jack nnle’Shaxkey for a title match with and Schaellnc here; Chicago, Phlladel* <ol- j phi* ftnd New Jersey are considered

Ipoaalble site*.

lN C Eat

’ SHADOWLAND )NIGHTiTitoii Hotel for‘Kim i«rly Shad- rht at.O ilG and makes rcKuiar rihff the evening

Iday nJght danccs at T H E NEW,- J^ B f lO JU JL JE R O M E , : : .- . . .

food lime at these dances SHADOWLAND BAN D

leat CaStars Nose Out

: "" Aconis,4liHollywood. Winner 61

Hall of League Rane.

' gins Second W ilh Vli

=---- Sin mndico.________1 »' r.oi Anirlri --, .•__ - -1 »SMlIK' ■......- ...... . I »OnliUnd .......... « I

‘ h.rlijnd ..-.T-. I .Minlun*---- - ---I

OAKLAND. July 7 M'J-HolI sun, Klnoen of the (Inl h

-M — 'iie-rtiolHs-Cjusi-kafiut-racc.. /, ed llic 'seeonil Imlf tonlglil v ; 4-19-3 vicloo' over Oakland.

^ T h e score- R l,r. HoJIyrood ... Mn .ora Il(V-4 'Ja, Oakland ....: 110 OK) 000-3 J- ’ BallerlM: Slielleiibock and \ i reld; DnRllfi, Crnghead mid M n len. •____ ■

ANliKIJi J, DEAVKUS Z -106 AM0ELE8, July 7 tiVi

I elglit-Innlnft mlly whleh score J run* for PorUand wasn't

enough tonight nnd the Angeh

'rhe*K0re ’ r- RPortland .. -.000 OliO 020-3

-Ballerlrti-On’all; Kilecn IK the Woodall; Mom and Itonnah. from f — —

{/P)‘ -----SEAtS*5TS0L0NBT________8ACRAllENTQ,_JjLly 7 ci>-______Gibson turned In hit siiiCcnll— — lory of tho eenaoit here lonlg

Ihe Seals opened the aecond schedule wilh a 3*to*l vrln ovi

• Solons.Tlie scoto- • R

______BnnJlM£Wo...'»5 000 ooo-«LI)f Sncrnmenio .. .010 000 000-1 Steele, Dntt6rl<«: Gibson and M< 1 Glno Hubbell, Vinci and lUccl. a bodynumed l.sniAN.S 6, MISSIONS ! ” SAN KRANCISCO, July 7 i

lehUrinnlne liere lonlghl'to \ 1 flm 1 *0 *• Tnylor'* single nfler two S l y <«l«of"> WjmagerJohnm |

m o o re - “ - ^ R ..- I,, Seattle 000 210 003 l-« nki. ’ MlMlons OOl 040 000 0-3 .Okla- Keallnc, Turpin

Oox; H. Plllette, Wnlsh, Zal and Bnnsel.

g n r n i i j T j '___esUlnc p i f i r r i * ^ ^ 0 i owlna K m W t t H iK ^

:re to- -I i ^ T ~

S ■ .ByTTeA-ocIaledPrea* ft body Ttt-o hlU waa Uie *um tol*l.

agedonebymembenofUiflBl U> opposing pitcher* In j-eslet curtailed program. "Chuck" .1

,ai and Virgil OaTli of Uie Phillies, nclilcved one hll In four aUei

JS* wlille Uio ouier-four-memlw imd nf Ihe select circle were Idle. C » land'* Eddie .Morjan. wlUi a ma

'30- “ »» « «alngle point over “Babe" RuUi. .. . The (Unitmp— a An St *1


S 7 1I hen. ^ ^ t tUian ■ ■ ^

Call-' '• J

I o f f eout PHILC

, b a la n e e d '

sitberhdmdun■ wiiii ‘ !jmeyiS g ■ V ES ,.o o „,p l«o n .«D

.Snpcrhelcr^yno Phll< Id t^ beautifni American vral r^ew I)oycabinct]iIcturedaI>< n will new overalxc apetiker

p<,»orfoUc»iiinMub ladel- nalBDced-Superhetero

« Ivcr, for only 895...C _ wJtLlubea!

llie tlemaad for lLe*e ttU I llUalmotl (ot>0Mlble'l0 ( oftlirm.nul weliiToanew Ju.l lo. While ibey last, wo jon in EXTRA Si’ECIALK X T I t i l K A S Y T ICall atoursiore.SUeet tba pre/er. Well mike joa uto nuy lenni while Uili otEtr 1

, ■ «Dill doon payment... 80naathly. Aod well W o lf

'I* ynrcrotudaDdaerilLhut yon muit act nnalTba

- r ‘ f«t.Wrilee.llopuIrpl

^ “ " ' i BRO'WI

_ rntLce

I*aafl P I

|rds> 4-3l[ Boat Owners Plan

For Another RaclO iJ Mui.1i Inlcmt 1* already manlfti

eirin lha forlhcoinlng boat rai . KhlchnnibeheianlAmerlcanPal

U Wits staled ycaterdny, by 0.-'I First ,|'J B«it club, J. . n . <ch' B tl! flftlrl lliXrasBjrifttc for I .I'e, Oc- llicro hsd iwit yefbwn a

. ii'wiced bui ih.nt ihey would ta Victory |il;.cc Into in July.

Mr. Schwant lird for first pin lit (he race* In Payclle Ukea Ji

^ ‘-^^4rHtirbtwt7“ Misr't'nrrfall*nr » ileoo Mipiilatcd by hU aon. RnstnoDd. w ft Iho (inl raoC'In the second (he b< ? 'S J n.wuiieml ot Umt inii by Dob n i I '.cm Mil. ublAc. but got outside ft fl I ''>»’ -ui)<l had lo turn back. The tleen ' , k'car o( the Itotse boat got out

{oltywood order ao a third racn waa impoaaKi I' half of imd the owner* spill the money a,cg. ouni. (he honor*.________It with nT '

„ J EX-FOE OF TUNNEY D II1-4 IJ 0 ----►-S 10 0 • NElfr .YORK, July 7 (/T)-Wo nd Seve- Lurwii, 27, a former boxer, died t 1 Mc.Mul- nlglil. Aulliorltle* nave the.cause

dcalh aa acute alcoholism.Gene Tiinney, llieu comparath

S 2 . ly unknown, knocked Larsen out (<V)—An Ihe sevenlh round of a f^ht In 19! lored two ■■-■■■■■■" ■


^ _ 5 _ | O N T R IP T O O R IE U

mi, and - (conUnucd rrom“r.{e-bner■h. —..........................week, Robbln* nnd Jones flylnc he

1----- by-CT7T)ni6«eTlKnire«enniW)-^am heading for ralrbank* n

oMhe-^ky-mounlalnii might ns Robbins and Jone* wUl fly ond half Fairbanks tomorrow, by Uie Inlaj over the route."-They will /oUow Uie Ptail

river Sa Canada northward, pa R H E over Prince George. Ilaulbin, Tel

—< 0 0 snph Creek u d WhlU.HQrsa ft] —1 IJ 0 follow the Yukon river Into Aiul Mealcy; to Fnlrbnnk*. .

' 'nicy said laleat weaUier repot . indicated favorablo woaUior iom

'** * . . row and. that Uiey .should reai 7 yr> - Fairbanka in 15 to 17 ’houn. Tl

Sfin’ t” h e a t G R IP S ' PORTLANun.____________ • __________;

..PORTlWlb.-July 7 (flVJThe ll ■7 ** * blaxcd away at PorUand today, leni Iu .„S llif the mercury up to tho M-detr

mark ftt 3 P. M. lt waa Uie holM zahnuer djy jn_u,tw yeara and U

a-armcjt weather Portland had e perienced aince September 3. Is

I’B T ^ year.— ---

lillnoli live itoelc gtower* ha onranlaed ft aUle coopentlve ma

I — < kellng associaUon..

Indlanft'farmars art biiylne p troleum producU cooperfttlv

Sb S^Sx ly Uirough bulk punu In 48 countli

Uveitock. In Uw .fora of caU [ i f t i ^ poulU7 ,liog*.»haepandhssvWS

in flre-*lxtha of Wl*oon*lo'a far ribort Of Mocipta. Only ont-fUUi U tuppl*

oleve- hy »«P«-

ace by ft AIASE ipOOR AtTAtFA AND jUi. CLOVEftGOOD‘ i *5*: by using Anaconda Treble Bupe

M in Phosphate. Apply after (int euttli » I* taken off. b S /at ITl-SUle Bei i« Coni. J. H. Glandon. Dlttrllmlor/

_________________ '

^ T T

1 W«.M.yne. r r i r “ ~

O N L Yb u c im i. .

llI<OVC,«ilIl I ■cer and the.

erodYnero* co* p i i t iw j t h * t" * ” ...oomplele “ *«

B tn U K h m t tw m w teu tl ao seeit ,„„ncTtaoDiM M— *• loietraoafh iNartmu. ' I.lewahlp&enl 1. icTLf ru« liliml 4 wo trill miks !«»*• CM. ‘i*i,.oFiF,n,

UwradloyeB *»«»•■astanlihlDgly , «. T-. C-oJ«rl«j(»-.only J;..aodbtlanee « ., ix w o ~ iu(olf It frrt l« It. m ;

hao *tu »ni u. »r UW.;Irphoo.~«.j .

VN MUSIC CO. ■ ; •

■ i M i i ■ _


Tratos Take Proliis Free- K ly Aller ExhaiislinG Pos-

^— : ||||i68-ol-D«liUica)Hl g. 1-oir

, Markets a l a .Glancc '---- ■ Unl

• V NEWYOIIK. Jaly.7''r— nml

piollt.!akh!ff. cKloHoiiAv Ini-.-iiIttf: r.ilLi.*air- waiCiirb: Wi-sk; KJllrlnp cxtrnA- I soa

Ivr. 6';.l'\i:cun rxclmiisrj: mmm;: «xi

gtprllns nnd ftrndi fniiic cam. wm Coticin; IMCTT *cak Mock

murkcl.8nci>r: SIMdy: flrnHT »i»a mar-

- |‘rt ■ ‘ '• ...... Coflrf; Diirciy sinrty; nim- j

I>fnii buyiiiR, ' • • I,tl,c- ■ . . • III,.

CiUCAUO; T„.|Wlfcat; Incs'ilar: witir>,Mwli

niarkfi.v ■ 'rrriCom: Imuulnr; luiil coiiiilf)'- -ifp,

olfcrlUR*. •r,,.3/wCntllc: 81(ni:2.

Hogs: Slrndy........--------------------- - NJ

ny JO IIS I- C (K)I.»:y ,„on' (AiWlalNl I’ri'.vv Fliiiiiiclal Wrilcr) •pn

. NEW YOUK. July 7-ltavliiK ex- p,.Irnclcdnil llioiioiirliliiiiciiUli;ii U'li/i g,,,;.

— •iniinwlli.lrly nvallnWc In. the >«r>unr dfW moftilorlnrn. I«lt , Il.i

• •Np'*.M)IlliciiclU4UlRiialiiri;oUlic rrnim. Am.-rlca[1 iirfmilfllt.eaVff q „ ic.

' |irl»i a Iltlle lUl nt tlie oi>riU:ii!.-biil gi, ( Imll nil linur Inter ()uot;ilo:iit»m‘

' JoUowcd tUroushout the tfiiialndr;■ ol aic day. . ■ I.,.;

Bliort wllliiK* «wirll)iiicd siiblnii* « ; y linlly to tlie 3,ooo,oo-5hnrc luriiDji'M, zir

• wldfjilns llic break cniiHcl by rmlU- niiit I Itis-wlili-iliA-rMiH-ltiawnol l<v4»o{. -An

3 lo nrnrly 10 inltiir. Kcre iiumeroti.*.■nio (Icellnc of the averases.'f? poliils, ttus itic Inrttc.U ilnc June I. fjr

Hears foiiiiel the lecliiilcnl poiI* nulcl tlon (avomblo (or Uiclr nltuk. Cov* - erlni: »lnec June M Imd been lienvy.

' were quick to «Uc on nmioni tc* yutif tirtUij lliiiildlty of Mmo Oerman priviitc bank* iti rciuioni (or jellliii. ,i„.f

bofrw. where, »ueh prollu inl«hv fcm,h»« been expcclc<lWej;m most In- „n.f(luetice, closed higher, l iidon and „|»uiParli m*rkDti were Ukewinc a. j j(tiTOsUicned by tlicUcblulllemrnl. (,( q______ro r in Dotids Itally . .wiix

— Ptjrtini‘ boad*-cn thc-Nnr-.Yort lucilUKk cxeliniisc milled, notwtih- iiper;

. Vjmllni: Katlertt! reactions nnionit May.tho OerniBM, Donieillc luurs were Inmilled. niHt Uieru wiu n gcncrnl tic comt

- iiprlHK o» In Um laler tmdlim wlicii nn tlulUtiK t>I «tuckii nn.i mo l ncliw.- mciii

Wnll tlitel'n conlldenco In the butbenedta thal stioiilil noominny the tnlncdebt liolldsy vlll doublleta be ncliih- cIosced njnlrut tomo very .Immediate nnd cmlt «ii e I bl c donintle coiuldrmllon'; ttrltliucJi M Kcoml quarter eamlUR*. the Tlilow 'reto of Indnitrlat utlvUy nnd iirlcrUie probability o( u dull Kiimiiirr. It.QJOut Ui6 (eellne U'Hini « ulArl- lo- bmli

- .wani moveo' been made on nn KitliiInternational Kale and that Uio Ini- buye.l«rUiico of favlns Ofrmany (rom tU nulclinuneial colla[so cannot be o\tT-c9- vltib: llnmtcd.' rreasurv apUiul Uie relcluboiiknlaxfd umcR’hnt. but New York Cltankcni itrc nUicr,o(.Uie opinion Allvp

' . there wrf!'ln (^Wm or« Ui*t «udl Iprin a request n a Imminent. 11 u-a.'v Uu

— l»uitM-onrtniroennanri-ccntmt mat . boi)km!slilnotbe(ullTrtllevc<t/rom 23c;i

. ,Ui« pressuro o( wchanjo VlUidraw- iMu . al* (or MTtral daya. Tlie mark open* as K

rd vlUi a sood irnln, then rmct* S7 » Kl and (inally nUlM aealn, clos. tcore ln(T unchangM. Kb:

CloRlng prlee* hera wer« virtual- to (Ir' ~ Ij_ ar ’tfli r ljuttaii."0iiwu' c im Trrn

• TTT ' =;Trrr-y.— ^, Twin Falls Markeli

^^Utfiteck Kir

iiiVMfrwtiini buichcn.' IU>ieo lla. k m Pukint tom. to to 125 llx™ __U jo 1aItfltfTl _______ ______HWIOUOO «'!«Btftn-. IVWIoUSo chrt:! ; S N " ^ . - r r r = ± " : T . 8 SrsDtlr; %tWT¥h>ni. «IUH..iin ■ ■■ tl. 2\c:

Old eotfc,---- ---------- niNll

_ ’■ _______ ■ IV'a o w AUikt. Oonr! n4 ~ SA

o n ^ ISa* ~ — ^ 0"' Snnr-melmli <T)'St$“ • ................ .................•«» 'ui:um ------ ----------- 1010

Ost di«ltr quaim Orut S'nihrm yelto , Ds.’t Iind 3 *1 13 40 Uiil U.U; ili l>r Quet«d «.I» Uld IJOO.•~Wbut lad MOI rtM “ ^nnai. em. «.•SS?t Int. ,1* ^s s r . ; ? f t . s v s ± = : K " S

t - !

S " s ^ = | | -I4ltuer, ctr hmt *■ tal loe I^Sp^aoch , , . rrnig ^

• S g ° J ^ : r — — *'il Cl OolaoL «• IIOSl

. .......... .... . ie dim

' g a . a y ' SCiauimnM i»tiaiii.» pour

‘ *•" “Wl** — ----- --- 4e iijuanuticr. emm«7 '>«> rtrot

'“ f f i*>tndi tnda-loa__________ >.ltl.V) to (• B lw ------------ ------ jlim MOO;l!* ' »]S?2- la 3]

. t i .

P«BC Six _____ _________ ___

Stock Market AverauK I j f

IIKW'c\irliiiiil.i I ^ r ' l

lajr .. . I

'i'-iji; li}!"'; -i'-'-ii'

oir.'i'J?j . i»i:j iii;« I|i l> ■<>. Nf«; Vnrk (Vii- . I•111 iiiirl I.ictias'unn .'ic.ii'd"''!! |l'KlCIl IMclflr, Alll'Tkiill Tc'li'jit'.' Hi- Ind WpMliKlioii'ir 4, llcllilc liMii: P

(Ic. U.ililiiii)rc nnd Olil->. C'''U'<il- :alPf1 (Im, iilid I'lilillf HrnUu <•( c'w Jcf.-ry Bt l< J. niwl Alr!il'-ln -

/Vubuni’s I'XtrriiiP I'fMk <il :’0 a.1 (Jmcli'ri to 18'.. 'Ahllr J. I. Ch-m aauflS'i. ■

IJCIVKttSMKNT llONtlS .'.STW YOilK. July M'l-Jl-'ml qiin-hniTnTTn^n jw j ih:l)C;lv bH'.s3-’-4T.......... liUKl

........ . iiii'j:. --... :.•.... liwifi

ca'llr;,■3’; intn-H ......... lff::4rn.'iiiy:i'..i<:i-lT . .. IWlHi•ri.'.nij- 3'. . ........•«Mry3'.s4i;-4a... .....

MONKVNKW YORK. July 7 (/Ti r.'.Il • Dupy; Stcarly: 1'.- iicrcniiallilay.'rmiP lonits; Hlriidy: );(>(lnv.v I'i to <; 3 tn I montli.1 I 'j tu l'>; b to ami. neiillLir. I3:!|ii-r rent.I’.'lmn ramn'.iTclnl lujier 3 lu S'.iC, n.iiikcr.s’ Mcrnlniirf.v Un;h.iiii;-d. /jm_

• M m i's " AmSKW YOHK. July 7 M-)-C.i|>!ht: J '" iict:-c;«ttu;ytlu-i|i:L.und.Iuluic. aSIi I t<) Dl'. AliaIrniii'Qulft nml unchnntird. t';ii;j':AxUTi*i>utuiUnearbyil'fl.l.: umi ttire *-’07. • • Ij'irU';id; St<ady: i;iiot New Yurk Jl.- ; Kiu.t 61.1.flill;; « 23. ir.n.zmc: sicaily: Ki.M St. LotiLi ll()l i;«' it (ulurtf «.D5 10 H.n llikln}'i Kiwt-tT,----. -----

n,Mtsii,VKit ■ !>kINEW YO»K. July 7 (fl'j-Har nlver let mid uitchaniird i\l 2»'.c,

s'lKiAlt‘jF.w.vnntf .tiitv 1 Mil-. I »rittn.i (irmcr todny ami prlcc:i ml- jj'.''] nml t-32 ii'crnl lo the biuu of ,« (or-'fliiois duly pnld, Local re* >apc Itra u* n rile wero nol Iriclliird to lowthnrtTnntrrnUhotiRh-willHH- tim ;iiicn wrre .%laiwlni: n lUlte more cxn ,;rcst. 'Hic r;i1:s rrjiorUd liicluilcd ‘’r." 9ut 2600 b:iKti of Cuban trom Merc <)o, $3.«,to ll loail re(ln;r SS.OOO ban* ;|o» Cubnu for July fhlpment l» an llK)rt_tfflncr nl $3.'IJ_and jWCO i,,,;

of new rroii I’tilUppinh-(o an J'tw era'.o'r nl U.itl nnd SCKX) bags (or ly.Junc at M.03. i„tIn lino Wllll niMl of itie otlisr im, maCKlltlca luliirea were sleudtcr. the i»nnoun«mjiit ol nn iiKrc:- Km

Mil in llM-.wnr debt moriiloflinn, {jh t (ull 'advnnccK wrr** not miitn- {j'.; Incd. 8nlM uerc' I9,1M Ion*. July fli„ acil 11,30. spjitembcr It J i , De* mbcr ll.« . Jnnuary ll,« . Marcn d " 111, Mny»lil nnd tiexl July 11.60, _ riicro wu nu ctiaiiKe In relltii'd icri, Wltli ull refiners listing nl Qi (or fine irrunulnied. No new ilnru was.reiwrtnl but u belur ,q., tlidrawni dcnmnd waa nottil wltli c yera in iprat Inxtnnccft uklns for ]i.|, Ick ahlpmcnt, InUlrutlnR lhai In- ; iiblcs were cumiwnitlitly imall.■ miCAflOntODUCK V-Vi

CUICAOO. July 7 (/IV-rwItry: jopi Ive. 1 car. S2 tnicka; itcudy; (owI« j j j:JlHi:crj.21c;Jrj'cr«.20c:.«lwln5i AVcroMirrji 12c; iiirkeyi IS loliic; , rlnj duck* lOc; fprlnir se«c lOc.Uuitrr: Itecelpta 1D.3S3 tut»; firm: poo’amrTr*P‘Tlsl.'rtto-j>ewc)-24‘i^io p „:;extrM itHacorci 24e; MlradrslA jmu)toOlKore)ntoac;flrxlA<Ulto ,x,u Korc) 21 lo 2l';e: *«ond» ma toicorc) 19 to SOc; itnndnrda (00 |ihi

)rc centrallifd cwlptA* -Jlc. . ,„i,FIes.c Recelpla 10.7S7 caK«; alcady mnfirm: Mtra (lr»l-i Uc: freili nrwl- nml ll!*U IC-.ii: euFWTrrWltIllS'M',f.''n„u


BAN FRANCISCO. July 7 (.IV- nil! ■dcml-jilflto mnrket ncwn fcrvleet wholesale prtcea: t« ;Diilter 02 gcorcCJe; 01 ocoit Sis; »iui«COrt 23c. :mKn*: U. S. rxtm.1. Inntr, tO'ic; ;.nuwtluni4aur;.tuiall llUc.______ jiiaiL'liecjc: Hals IK. • ' 'a

I.OS .\N{iKi.i.-s nioDtct: rr* • I/3S ANCin.lS. .luly 7 (i»V-Pro- bm c« cxclmnKe: Uuttcr B3.MI0 Ita; gyr 7iJ,ooo 11m; cerj none, pmi nutter In bulk 2Jc. oui,' Ona; Caiidica trrfh Henn rxlnvi p.n, ?; candled frf li cleiui larsc Man* ir;; itU IBln*: cindled (mh clean m ( •dlunu nc; camiled freili clean llum KUindnnlt lie; coiulled

-ill dean nmnlls lie. lVHiltTy;-UricliMn;«l.--- ' —SAN VHANCISCO nioni'CE i', SAN ntANCIsCO, July 7 HI - 1 Ittcrlni :e.-. •Oiiloni: Barkrd, ixt cat. new crop rstal wllllc wax. be.vl 75c lo WJo per f i:jl.S0tojI.75iK-ri0-iioundMck: '“*!* It rrd< »U5 to IliO per cut; Jlal 5"' llo»;iJUV)to|I.OSeal. _l‘ra<; .V lo 5c poimd; poorer low MX .wk. • .. ■-

m:«tof*: shaftcr I I JS to $t,«; m a I'lc to I ’i pound;' No. 2 »er.I’oultry; Drollfii lOc lo ■“iwtm nnd pulleU Bc lo lOc; liea.i ^ e.lo 3c; lurkcya nominal.

. ---- ' '


CHICAOO. July 7 Ml lU 8 D A> fc- 3S»: Rireliiiji 17.000. Irieludlnt IOOO /■} rect; clojcd about atcady wlU> I'/ sterdayj arerase; »pola »cak to ■/ adc lower on wriRlii above 300 punds; plis and llRht llsliU almost > luUble; packing wwa atcady lo rons: lop m s;, bulk 170 to 230 itinda $7J5 to J7,40; few pig* nnd :hl luhu 16 to »7. plain kinds down (S O and bclor; alilppcTS look

M; estimated holdover* OOOfl; 230 - 3J3 paiindt 83,73 to *7.U; parkin':

sco^11 7 DCST OS IMG CHit.CC!OJ. WOfI ! i LoaA. AUO AUfjT m\v^ onIj S 15 ALW '^C NCAI iwikp!, fc VOO IP vou NccD A vjo|, R k ^ A3i

1' I a ^

^ w l ® I.....

' T" N K \ r ' Y '

i S M K M<lly 'niP/U'w UM^‘[«^l L'lc>.r| Nw

V.;.‘S S S ‘" ' . - S : ?i;: £■;-AnrTl.-iIlRi»r- ll’i *tl'. in'. N..TAm Hinrll A: llrl 3K’, 31’« .‘•hiAm Hi.m.rlif ■ If" TW------AmTHA-/rl. . IM'. nf.'.- II7>. I-,..,Am, jiiuiT.i .. i;» Iivy Ii7',j jviiAii>oi*iii> c<iii;iT . w'lAlrlil-Ill t a : H M. in’, 1">. I...lijitinwroiii'i .fi-» « ;■ V;"lliinmit^ AiW 34C»U(iifm» I'.rmiii! i>'. J f , jjAljr l lS n '

, inij sif-- ,— |*'||__i!m

i | j . | : SCom Hol'.c;'i» , ll'i II ' H 'l SimS I S ' ; I ; S I

Ki«m«i‘K'>iii>v. . Ill'; In'< H»‘ i 'It"' IUk I'uir A: l.ielll --4II< 40*i Ulii'R rlpllU.............3'ij av, W , tlnlnfMioiir , . H'l II'. mu ■nmrnrnrr:rte-:-r.T<i— «:*i—«»«• I'nfiKiirnI |-»Kli ......4">t 4D% Ilni0'nri»l Mii|i>i«. ..... JV, il 31 um(lllllllf'l C.i. , im, u', D>, H H(loiii Dun . .... ai'. 311'. W'i II «Ooodirar Miihtirr . 43'< .tii 3UU Uiil(lulwin I-«l«r .3 a’l Vt \Vjfinal Wt»l lliiilir , m'l nii-—B'i W*llu|i|i UuUit'----- ---- 7'i T.jlllliinli C»nuil ___ SI M SIlilt ll«nf«irr ____ _ «»i 41'i <3T, Still-Trl'a'ivi c'j ajij. u O l'* " Kfiilimilt Ci'PPft . 71', fl •JO'. I Aim

Ix ll T j'"' 'i'lffMrKfwioll Tm'I’ ’. ! M ' (I ') P I ' Jm "fliiRil cv.jiwr______ 1 ■M>"ciili’S’»fiiic'''''! »>. :i *' » ' J ] N*»lMl-ouil.llcllle |1( .. 7J', MS C3'. I W.l

iwunds iUS to u io ; AlauElilrr plc: miu KKCtl Mut cliolco ICO to UO pounds tO rd . to'»a.75. • yra

Cnltlc: nerclpta 4M0, calves 2000; 1 Rroj Hslit tti-crs aiiU yearllnits cl'i'itl 10c : Tex lu 2.V: lilBlicr; Iiictllum i\rlKlit mid ' tU ttclchiy Mrer* steady lo aimni:; rx*! bull trcim: lop yrnrllniH « .« ; mixed o(- Moc frrlici S8.3S: ptlme 1SI3 poond bul- clia locks nent on iJilpjivr nccomit nt II M,lO;ncwlilKhonlicaO'»>i'crs; Hoa AVci!t2j_(ed-ttc«liiy-bullock*a7.2i-craj Ici »7,i.S; slftiiBhter i-a.Mc and vrnl- »7.I cw. Uccra kwhI nml cliolcc 000 to to 000 inumls »7.S0 (o IS.'rS; KIO to 1100, nctll»unils $(j!7i lo jalsfl; 1300 to'lSOd llEli iwiindi tilM to »8.2S; comiifon nnd G mrdmm m tn 1300 pounds U lo 17; ncll liHIrr>, Kond nnd'ctiolco SCO to SSO ho; iwiiiHts Win to >7.71: common nml no mcdiwn 1323 'lo $3i0: iowa Koort live nml rl'olro ».7S |o tSJS: commnn nnu uiwniiiirnll) iJi>; built, ycarlinffs cxcIutiFH? - K<«! and cliolce beef. I4JS lo 14,73; fiiltcf m niiHllum' $3i0 to H.M; vcnl-

milk fill. Kond und clu'lcr , to Ji-'.o: medium « lo M.W; cull mid common 13 to $S; atockrr nml iTdiT p.iltle, atccrs Rood and cltolco ,' .•JW lo lO.'J) iiouiidu liJO.lo 17; com- '7' jiiui;;;i:;d.»aslium.»4.lo U.W.___ _■ 8iicrp;'itffcipis 11,000; ilcKinKiu;:. r;'.’ Ive: (.iilamlBnior,!lyI5clo2.ScIilrli- ! : ‘ er ;ntlirr dn,-o .trom:; bulk miicp , hiiM J7J0 to I7.«S; Mrt«l 5 to » . ^ I'cr rent nnd lucraslnc 7B to at ‘ ‘ I'mindv lo.Hl.1 *7,70 to J7.73 i» “ i'iil.‘li1cn; extreme top n.Hlvw $7,7.s. p.iUl by clly biiU'licr nn<t ynrd ir;u1- “ '*•

|c;: raiii;i’ llitowuu. ]S to $S.a. U>ili ‘.'"J III klll'-n. nnd country'. ‘ 'j*|

ST. JOSi;PII LtVKSTOCK, ,_LT..J0SmLJuly.7.Ml.lUHD^\» -fil CiUilc: Ilecclpts IWW, calvr.% ami; l,>r llk’tii Atrm nnd yearllnss modrr* r.irl

' iMe;y ncilic, nbout atc.-uly: .vmie in- jtca I icrrft.» inlklns lower: lllllc done on j Ilf aviiT . tre s; imdertnne wenk: eoiv-s I s, sti-iily 10 .Mn.inR; biilLi ISc 10 | 8 1i1*;1iit; vcaleraunchanffnl: early loii- s U yeivrlmsa J7.75; wnie lifld above 18; [ iuu


■ M EY .Sm be de-'\ ^ ^ u l o j a u k e I u g h t e d , ! ^ Mei0 6RlM6 >lY BOY P I ?ANGELICA ^ . A ' i

W m


I_______ /•


V ? ^ EVGfl'l WA'I S O U yu V c ™ . y - - — --- U l l

- K j H p I,^ !ul .I'l

I^ ^ 1 * = '—•—^ = 3 5 * • ,llrf,Uo,i1..m,r,vW«M'."7:'. 19', I...■ N<V.|1,M(.K.I. .39’. :s', W , Mi’a , I Kul C4..II llri: A 2V, J4J, !»• ijKHii

, fin iv«’a: l.i.:iii :v‘. a-* 2i l , ! } ““ Nit iv-i'iiiiiy . :iit 31 ai lion, Hrw . . |.l>. .M 'i M«.',1|PI r

U iE ,iiiS S 5i]IilE3E3ElEIi. 8 % S S " ". m I. ran iiaii III' ... Ii"j IC. 18'. pi'Ui , t:,i.iii,f« ,M|. i i '. »«. ,),fk; ;shr-u'‘li:.i'?r’, __18!. K'!. lo;. ii’m

! lwur=M>ll-iii. »>, « j|1 ....... . r»rl(lr MU! ‘ «l _ 81*. , ClW

; iiuliil (llV - M 'i M’J “fl’J : . I S ' l i l V v .... ?«’.'• ?!'• J I ': K

, ■ >";i;.Arl';;:'l'n'‘” ' ••^i ""i;, uiiit.f*<.M.r.iii,iti,. s 11 M'^Rmil I Diimii-oil ( . » l-- IS’. • 1**» IS . „I-•1'Bmn l‘BrUlf. . in iy ^ U ', .-1«— —t., nniKi . . ai>i «'> J i 'i naU, S ',I I I « Ilnhlirr . 18', H'. 4’ .. -i~, Uiiiini Kutf^aiffi. Ii'j;. rs;,, «J, bull; . w/lmTI’iiiio'iTrl. ns ' llJ'J\vr>iiii6iii'i>f nfo.. la W t (n*. • mcc, w«>i«Tiiin c» . - ii’i bS'i- M'l-rr-]' rntirsuiiiUT ’I m :w Voi;i;. July i i.v«-cutb uiio-,ycar,,Ull.',»rl..m!: ,,7.7; tniir, Sfnic- ____ ii». med

I ; N«Il(iiial andl.lillilfli lit.“ .'lM ‘ '

-------.................. jpoul. Miiall Inl'cholcc lleltem 18; be t mlt-' Pou' : rd yearlliifts early »7.W: most kiIc.i P5ui

yfariliiiO$7tA$7.71r(our!oad.'i;il:x;i,v H ' Ifira/ji steers W.IS; two loads cafc.-dr'" * ; Texaa MJS; bulk U-ef cows W to I $4ZS; cuitcr KTudc-s JI.7S to »2.7.v.! bull.1 u]i In .{3i0; top veulern t7; r( Mockers nnd feeders .varce, un- -H

■ clianccd. . ’ 270’< . lloKs: HKclpU 3700; (airly iictlvc. M.7! . Hoa'dy U) stroiiR wltli ycottrday'a uv- [ Ct i-crafiu.oii.ay.wliml'j^IuLllCMl-lJl'J.Oriv■ »7.I0; bulk 100 to 230 i»und.s wao.ncai I to »7; nil buyliiRi pr.iellc.illy mi! 'or i.nctlnn on'limvler-n'cliiliW; n w ’ al 'rMMdyi-bulk.J1.2a_liuM;j!:iLJi!:il.iJitL£.

lIclil sown up tu %S.2i. ~ —----- : o( InI Glicep; UccclpU 20C0;>fiil lamfc. weel

ncllvo nnd slendy; three lond\ Ida- b::tI ho rnneh lBUib.1 $7; frcdi-r tnd tS Ji; nbnv1 no cholcfi roiitcer.i oflenxl; top nu* cret1 ilve.1 »7; bulk iiailve.vJS.M.tu }OAO. $s,7JI -r— S2..V ' L -■•■miimx u vEstocK'' '' OCiUKN. July 7 M'i ( U S D A>-

Ilor.: Itecfipi ^ 3, includlni: 1(4 •for market; imi'lly Mr.Kiy lo 10c U

I lilirlier packing ww.i sironc lo 2S! A»- ' hJiBier: top $7.7S«in 170 to'JOO pound-

rrs; early m>s IM to »0 iwund P0'»welKli'i »750 to J7.7j; 200 to 35 IMUII'aund bulchcrs »7 J J to »7i0; mixed f cd

• •wclt:llfTrtm t o- <•.»i-(•MkluqJ5wa- <111? $4 :o J4.C3; linooih llRhi n)m np lo »-M J3. • S'-'®

Ciiltle: Ilccclu'-iilB.liicliMliiiicllio cutti for niAikel; killing clX’ira »lo«'. !.'C or more loner: pra:* litlfcrs flioAln"inn.'t decline; ecmiiion nnd medltini. -

' L-r.i.'dAieersl<.S0 io$S: Eiiu;.ilirllrrA bulkrv'iiinioa and mrditim J4 to J5; pr.u.i cholic.iA-s>3IOM.7j; rciv'in>loH;mtdlimi nl »I$1 to (1; RfiiM roiv* 13'to U.7i; lew lo fup to H; bulU U I UiO; medium und Hecoo<lvealfrs$6:common«io,4, lo H—filiecpi- HfCflpU 1713, incltidim W (ew-lor mirkft; no ranee liimbs .sC! snwr.irly; ilrlve-tn Innita $3 lo I I 7i. Sh jtcady.j ____ wooli


• S D AI-Hors: necclpls 67S. iiidiid- o» [lm; SW Iwldovers;' flow, around Hop

) S . (3 ka£db\I ) 'fjo

jf. ^ .



---v*” / "Re \ Nou N / LAW SA)\es. ^ MAN JUST \ I COM' ■? CO slD ■ / I.EAVe IT HMOW WHN I \ CLP/TO WiE. / ALWAVO'COr .o ) l j/ U H C m /T O W EEPW ieM ] 5(;

WALT. rt.L A SOMEBOOV A ^ i!'RUM th is / V GQIM-AWAW. A tT

i a i l f

.'.i>Mdy; tlurc leads medium lo cood' ft li;.l Id 103 pnimd CoIoRdii nnd Nc* | brj.-' a.i t8.25; quolnblc ,lny KOOd -(jliirlii butchfts J8iO; packiiiK wra Mfonc to 2ic lilKhcr. tS to J5~0.

Cnttle; Itcevlpu S3S. IncludmK 67• dlrr.t, 60 lioldovrrs: nil CalKurnlii*.

(iii.ility. muuly • medium, .Ki’nernlly; Mi’ady; Irad mrdlum to. Rood OS?

ilkiimiLi $0.7j;-tlir<'c loiids medium 1IIKIO to 1080 jiound-1 M lo MiO; cnr Qo liorn il II2S |»und holdovers U.7S; '

•' *l|p .Hoc:*. Innctlve, small lot fommaii-,•' to miillum bulls »3.-a lo H.7S; cfllrt'5' limiie; ile:.lniblc Unlit vealers quot-

• i iibti- $7.25 to M. 0; sood lu cholcc I '.’SS to sea ijmml ciilvn JO.’S to ta,; .Siieei): nebl|it.%-n.'i: frfli’nrrlvali

I Moaday'i.ilufe; Iho dwks medium ■;v4.>.;SHM'iin(l u>0i-Ui«-MoiKUy. <— £

■ five ilcck* medium lo Rood 60 lojo w'h ; piiund norlli w.uM JS lo.siLSO: clglik-lnU . difk-s emmnoii to medium fiO lo 70, “ It . ! inundt SI lo Sl. 0; threo dccks com* | »ui ; iron SO-to S3 pounds KiO| puck-^du' i'"ii;r w to fiS'pouTHlTTiiTtiniXJiniU” '*^' ‘ Kiles 25c lo SOc toa’er limn Pllday’* “ h', clwe. ' . Prl'

., _____ VJ: . KANSAS CITY UVKSTOCK I ■ KANSAi) CUT. July 7. (,!') (U S '‘® ' U Ai^hcep: lUcclpw 2C00;,lambs f™inr'lvr iin m^lin??.lilfilicr; ilictp '” j

, Moad/ tn stroiiR; tliolce colorlldo ' lambs $7.23: natives $7; bcUer *'■“

Rrmlc.s,moilly M.75 to S7; lop cwti

Ll—Caillc; ,ncc:l|ilsj!»0 ealvci 700; J"" I '■ native (ed ywirllnjs. lli;lil and me- ™ •, dluni Mwrs mid slie sicck.jiron* to |.2 J; hlRlicr; uraA.'crs golnif alow; ■tf,. » biilli..vcjlershndMo:kcailIcsteady; [ { :„ ■' cnrly top ie:40 on choice 1047 pound |(. Mccr.1; numerous Icviils light hel(-'I • er-ye.irllnR$uJ8:-olliera-nnd-ml*«lJ— < lots $7 tu <7.73; bulk steers and 1 :=

• yearllnss ol value to sell at M toj„ [»7.75: Briuvi'eua-s up to «.73i !ow|l>8l:

i.cuitera nud cutters JIJO to »2.7S; lO'* , medium bulLi ]} to ».7S; cliolce iTal- I • era »8 and down; (ew. lljht Uock lo 1 ; cnivcs M.,: -Hors: Il.'cclpl.i 2500: alow nnd till- . even; steady lo iCc lower Uian Mon-1 IW ! <lay's iivcrasc; to[i S7,I0 on 100 to i <o:I 210 iKJimdv: dcslwble ICO to 30;i>«u i poundsjiiftjily Jflfii toJ7; 340 lo 250; lari;

. 1 pound! M to J8.M; (ew 3M lo -MO: f?c , pounds »5.43 to ISJIS; packlnu wi»n- V Si lo *4.75: tloek-pl|3-Blcady-.»7 — ,-lo »7J0. '

:roilTLAM) I.IVKSTOCK ; IH5RTLANU, July 7 l-D lU S D A>■ -Hors: ,n«cipn 400; rail aupply■ 270dlrecLi; (cwdrlveasclllnBBteBdy. % . M.75 donn. . , . J• 1 Cattle: lUcclpU 50. cajvta 10; allij.dr!vei;_ii7.carb'__nil«;_qU9tnbly^**‘t.rtcady Bitlidemandcxtrcmcljr weak■ 1 Jor b«vr R:.-de». 'i ’ ,Sheep:' R«tp!pt.s 600, nil drive*: .^i(L£3ili',^ahxAlondiiricMni£*i£*4 I o( lamb'-. 25 tu M: lower lhan late lati

. week;' .Ntonaay'a extreme to;) »iio: '• b::t valley ollcrltiRa nol now. quoted; above J5.25; Mount Adanw. ea.Mem k.‘' Crecon im.-i similar ljT>c quoted up

$S.7S; medium to cIioIm ytcrlln;a S2..W'to M: rull to cholcc fxti M to

“ ' ' ■ 7J5I U )S AStiELM LIVESTOCK . 1X»S A.S(1EL(3. July lU 5 D ; At-CalUe: i:ccelpW ISO; holdovers ve.i . 208; k'-ncrally steady; hal( load 701 [ poiind-lmi'crul sleer* W.SO; load 937 jiot , iMund Cillfornla »CJS; toad local

feed Io;.»iecn II22 pounds tS.7S; load : JmKnnl_M^»ilCTni_ o » _ pounderr, _ [, jSiO; me<Uum to RCod cows M"I?T 31 ,

54.V]: ccmmoii kinds .down lo U; imt cutters nnd I'n-cuttera 5155 to H; sj^ load '..37-i»'jnd CaUfomla cutler j<j cows I3JS; biillstCMce; calvt* flsady y ; to 2Sc hbslier; sood venlrrn Mi.s; p,']

■ hulkmfdluailorood»7A0toM;j:o:i cholcc enlvfi 210 pjunis up lo;ii;f.lnl (8.25; bulk medium to nsod dlo »7-':(>; common klnd,\ down »423. ,„j|

lion: Steady; medium to ro« 1 170 to IBS pound locals I7J4 lo »7.C0; nur (ewJ33 iMuud.alaushtrr pin >715: ;i„( smooth llRhi pscklns soa-s IS.7S.

Sheci>: llefflptaSOO; Mcndy; lojd ROod 74-poi;iKl northern Calirornh nyj woolfd lamb* »7, with 40 oul at SS.

---- ft'sOMAHA l.tVCSTOCK RreiOMAHA. July7(-inU. S, D. A.'- are

Hcs*i Receipts 0500 very uneven: cIo»

•fjo "y^H EY .^N 6EU C# | 6 EEn / IW A NCHATO ..MOt“ ( C O M E O V E R AN





^eWILV. r t '5 ^ I COULDAVJPUlLV / OMLN \ jU S T A S W (co c o OP WISH HA>Je GONI SOL) AMO IT WAS IM M'i CAR AVERN TO TUG / WALT 6U' 5GE US TO 1 etSMV -WGtta ARG i tv6 ' J H E ( i^e op us


" ~-g

■ f ifV m

iio m iis i

jjiDownturns in Prices Super-

— H de FIceling Gains Re-1,„

suiting From Debt Accord tI)

---- Co----- nr3t)iiNiTBt>fu»A X ------ ;_J.

(AMoclnlcd 1*n-M Market Editor) if rtfirAfin .Inlv 7—6nyn»nmii In | »

whent prices today eupencded fleci* | Oa cnlns lhal resulted (rom occord ! Ji

' wltli FYance about war dcbu. Slock I 8 { iiurkct Instabllliy had n bcarMi ln*j D . (luence. nnd irndu In sll cercaU Inck- - r<!-'Voliimc:-ecp;«nbrrTxJcijTn7-.ii —

wheat cqualetl l!ic ua.wn’s botlbm prlcc fecorft. ‘

Wlieal cIosc<l Inejulnf. at ?.c dc* * *' cllnc to ndvancc; com He o(( lo I <

ic up; oala 'ic to Uc down, anil ‘®’ provision.*! vorj'lnK from lOc sclbnck ‘

I to nn eqim! ttnln. '

upturns, rcsponilvc to mudcratc Rcn- crnl buylnR, but Inltlal'prlces-wcrc about. Uie highest o( the day. As dq* mand wnned. trade leaden cxpreascd

• be!lc(-lhal-w-(ar-iia*frtln-WMCon- - ] ccmed the market cf(e:t o( Franco's fm acllon had been utmost completely 531

[nullified because'o( repeated nhUta t>ci ] backtvnrd and (orward In public cx- jjij ] peslationi. ^c) -~An auihorltatlvcunofdclAl cstl* „p

1 = = = = = = = ^ = = = , 'I IlghtJi and butchers steady to Kic t lO'Aer; most dxllne on wclRhu' un­der 230 poiiaO*; patklnn sows sW.idy „ ' to IS: hlfihcr; spota.up.inore on UnlU wtlRhU, top J7-oii-Mrlclly-cholcc around 200 pounds; 'most dcslmblc

! ICO to 230 iwund M.05 to 230- i? 'I lo 270.pounds ts to ta.M: 270 to 330 ;i>uunds SS.SO to't(!.2S: pnckltiR sows — ilnrcely $423 lots JS; lew up totSiO; ■; freder pigs 0 to tCJO; wnRS t4 lo . tlW, f—Slicep: Rcceliii*-l3WQi-op»inln!i - - .ir.l's-(at Iambs sicndy lo 25c lower ijiiin Monday's uveruRc; early lop \\- S7 nn cholci cllpjiers nnd natives: — holilln; b:st.\iTSleni woolsklns IiIrIi* er; .nsed siteep scarce, unchanged. ((.'fdlnR lambs slrong. top S3J5,

Cattle; Receipts. 0500; calvrs 300; - (od atccra ond ycarllnjs' unjvcn. wclRhty steers and'if.edlum weights '

' m»tij^atcady-to-«ttwiirr-lnstancea---:.ic hiRlicr on shipping Rrades; ycur* llnsix nnd llRlit stccn strong to 25: hlRher;-yearlings nt (ull advance;

' li«l(ers-(ully-35o-hlghtrKCowsauady---to trronf;; bulls strong to 23c lilgh- cr; vealersstendy; stockers nnd (:cd> cn Bcnree. slcady; (ed slctrs.nnd VcnrllnRS mi»tly M.73 to $7,75; choice , 13M pound t7J0; 1200 pound nver- ngcs'tS; around 1123 pound'ta.IO;

. •7M-i.o(md-|7JS!-(tw-llBlit.-lead4 — 7J5 10 t7.00; bulk beef eown M io t4iO; cuttcr grades ta to 12.73; med­ium bulli 3.S0 to $3.SS: practlcnl top ve.ilers $8; cliolce loU to Indepen- (lenlA tfi.!» lo »7; (ew lots medium stoekcrs *3 to »SJO.

IIENVER SflKEr _D PiTER . July 7 (4t lU s D A>- _ SlK-eii: Rc:el;iU2S0: few sale.< eholee native Innibi strons to 2&c hlRhcr; slzcnble lot 84 to 88 pounds common S4iO; odd lotA (at ewes steady nt M; common down to tl; native (cod­er la.mbs t335. '

nOSTON wool- IBOSTON. July 7 (.7’)-Tlie wool

markei appean to be Raining tircngih on 3<U and 48. SOa (leecca. A j number o( houses handling Uitae J llnca-haTe-soId-fatrly Ini^e tcelghta ^ recent!! nndMVtfalwcckswlUbere- « quired to complete rradlns and de- 'A liveries of rtfcent oHer*. In view of *• this situation, askln; prices are be* S fns maikcd up 1 cen^a pouwj In Uie Rveaje. However, aome (leece wools are avillablo and sale*.are being closed at prices reoelred last week.


, H E R Y O U L I K E . I T -

- .M M -

I mi.UNn.uA. s»teuLiK. CIM Brtubiuui

JULY 8, 19,11

3 U L D ^iS w ell ! .GONE I ' 7 //A COOB'IB,CAR, I OOM'T6UT g W M ta k e AMN , ARG 1 W ‘ \ ' '•WOODGM

= 05 50 \ CBOIVNS.

f S S

' I mnlc llut tlio amount of domcslk: UluMt Ii l to IKcilock Uio M-a.»n I ciKliil June 30 lud been only 05,- [OCW.WO 75,000,000 bushclj more

I I ; than the seiiomi.-cvlpus wiw Rcncr-V I ally con.itrucd ns bcarl&li. Boinc tnui*I ers hud i'xi>ecti'd Uie Increase to be ' 150,000,000 bwhcls or more. ■'

Com uiid oau follou'ctl (hb Icudcr- jJilp of wlirat.

l»rovl3lorii were RovcnieU mainly by the course cf Rralns.

’ Wieat— Open HUh U ir Clove

d july .....39 50'i fiS'i 63H.S,'p-„ . ._,.50 .Stir. 53VI3cc. ......Bl'.. CIS Wf. iO'i


~ rjftp l.__ SSS J i ’x sT>. a4rit t j j k ____ 49____iVi. 46!. -Itv,

I OaTi-d! July .....271,. 27’; 27 27kl Sept____2«'. 28S 27\ 2:S,*J Dec.__ 31!. 31‘. 30', 30\

**” CHICAGO C,\SH CUAIN' CHICAOO, July 7 (.r»-Mieai; No.

a hard 35'ie No. 2 yello*- hard S«c. ol Corn^No.JmlxedtOHe:No.iyeI* H lowCI'i loOl’jc; No. awlilie Ol!ic. if Oats; No, 2 white 28 10 23 C. .

^Ryc: Notaici. #

. Tlmciliy Wd Sj to $3,73.C 'Clover seed $13.50 to $20.Q0. .

d - rO ltfuNI) GUAIN• -PGRTLAND.-iluiy-TM-l'r-Wlienl < (UIUTM closcd: July old Uc, July ncu.- y SJ'.c; September old 53',c. Sepicm-.* berncw53’ic;Dtcember5«%c.Cahh: ■ Dig Bend blucjlem SSc: soft rhlie,

western white &3c; hnrd winter, ■* norUicni iprlnffi'_we»tcrn red 50c.- Car rccelplA: Wlieal 70, tlour IO.'

« CI.OVEII ItESIDKNT GAINSI' CLOVEH; July-7vSpcclal lo ThcII A’enjl-Ml-a Cleo Clbulka L. con- j vareselns mpldly (olIowin'R nii'emer* 5 Rpiicy appcndlcltl.5 cperatlon l>er-

(omied fialiirday ofterncnn nt Ihe Q Twin FaUi couniy Rcncral h.ojpilril.

V ~!I - - j j ^ l ‘ ---- ' --

; r F O R E S ~ |U ““ Twrurtcirforo.'itBh

: Iq virtue. Moru fronucn,i I n ..vciopctl nblliirKoim

■j cxiicri^cc nnri'slutJHJ I is mnniied by of/iCere , I eiico . . . men wiio 1<

^ That's btisini'ss fores

SJ L nla ^ Ilcp l■ulfll■l a lnc

■ I1C.S.K or finnncinl prn

il The Twin FallsC a p i’t a l a n d S i

I It S B

: I m\V IIU ; K V ]e it fn Is ' v H K A U

ia/e MYl eosH.ANStti K S lAINTYUt

iw S s p -


slk: J ______ ____________ —

11-711111 mes ,m1* •"be . CHICAGO MARKET

(JHICAno. July 7 (.7 ( t S D A) cr- -rutaloM: Receipts U . uQ inek -

M; tolal United Slain alilpniciiU niy Ml; tlrant on coot Trloiiiphv

t.lfarty' nn otlief iloek. Indln* JuH' (air: I'aeked per cwL Oklahoma

o« nilis Triumphs, under lee. $253;SH rvlern jliore Virginia Cobblers SV SI.70! bill. Cobblen $2iO to $2.85,O', medium lo small $J.70; Norfolk set-

Hon S2^^i $t.C3. decayed CJS.4p ,

O'* ■ . .----OMAHA SALES

-----osrAirar35ir7 ispeeuru>-Tii«—NCHSI-Sotd (of JL.F. Brass. Ket- chaiii, 1377 lanib*. averaglnj M.R iwundi al $7.10. lop; M feeders a v erasing 70 pounds at JJJS.


CLOVER. July 7 iSiicclal to The Newn-Sfi'frnl Cover' reildcniA arc vWilnc In cihct' jwlnts and fcvcml oul-D'-taan Bucits nre spending vn- 'caiioiiritti'i’:":-----------:------

Mn., lIO'A'ard’ Sheldon. Uwont. Iowa. .» i:endl1lRlhe•wcfk wilh Mrs.

Peter M.ilUilei:n.erandma Ulrlrh. Callfotnla, Is a.

houie Ruesi at the Jiome o( Iwr wn.E<lmundUlr!eh.niid(tm1Ij-.. _______ ,,

'• -Mr. nnd Mrs. Ocorsc Ballard ti'cnl ' Ihc Fourth of July'bn a ftsiam irlii

. ta Yankee Fcrk, Ml*i Ruflnii rhe Sehroet!cr hnd charsc of the Clover Dn- Mercantile conip.iny during thetr er* ftbaenco..Cf- ' ML'i Emillc Relnke. Twin Falls, is :hc jpcnding tin, iveek fclih her siilcr.1. MrJ.The«lore'OlhrlnR.

SIGHT! IRhtirlnbclcitHTrinbarn--- II —lently forcsiKlil is n tic- n liiiQil tliroiiKli ycnr.s uf : rd icdc^laclsTGurtttik 5er.-4 scjisoneil by,expe i••■D know wlint to expect. . I re.Hiirht of the stiirdiest, |ind>.Oiiiinffit;('r nrc »N - - s .g—


Ils National Bank ~ Surplus‘$167,000--- —



,Eu (A !)N -H -N O .‘’ l V E i

JH jJ-JES' HADv^ y w n e r I ■

fl>> r - J', / - * •

■iSir :

B S— —------- (Conllnutd frt^SiTVOPSIS: Tlw hop* ot ftndia*

• • «mfl roftci rierre ovfr «ln ilw* m lo Mothff MonnWn «hrrt hU nrir (ricnil, llarrtpn' hiil (old lilni (litre are tiro P>I<1 prtMptc*. (on. riffrti’* leent but hoporaWe

_______ lore tof.Brete'i wife, Ann, (i the.' ' iiHa thilrw>maiiretKt' ntr-mim-

(h# »fi«ne oMhfl poijlhl# illielo- » n Uut licr huibvid liad !(((

______Jiome._tli»r(rf«_(lut:_Aiin_smL------ natSTifere'Ifriove; rirrre

Onie« to,rt(ura tiome bcforg hli uj>TC(r(] *rmt (or a murdrr tliat •Ifwdjr Iiu landed Ann’* f»(hef Jn

------ jim ip M fn i i8~Tmon-fM-iiirtllfht (rom (he Ohio \-lltacr. Of Ifw r fonecm I* (he lot* of Wen«’» none}’, tlvcn (o Druce br (h« mln« ln{ Tcn(am Pime »rs no( knnv Ihat hi* own father la Iht Tnlne promoter.


'ed t« PimtC(he DInclcwftttr Tank* vere smalt iintural hollows or buin* Jn IhB rocks at the Joot ot MoiJier Mounislo where, lor unccftMn p«r- lodj or time rollo7,ln« the Jnfrequent

< dcs((t rnJns, water might be (ound. There were no -sIrm of nvlnif

' iprlnga or uiuIvrRrotind molature . aiu'wlicro Jti the \Iclnlty—.no (ret* or bushes or srou oihrr than Ute uiual apsrse desert vcgetaUon.

'it The'countrjr-rouiid about', ihciud*. Inn tlw long tloplntt rtso of Mother Mountain, wu cut ly gulchM, scar­red with dykes and Icdgcs-a Jumble o( various colored rocks apotted here and Uiere vllh patches of thin Rrov* clly toll.

It w&a mld6tjr when the man. colled Colonldo Bill, and Druce

_.t.-^-iCar«y,-w(ur»c<t-(rom ihalr-nmrn.

camp at the foot ol a litjh ovcrlinn;«'j

It vas IrlBlittuIly hoi. Nut n breatli of llr stirred over tlie expanse of desert and tlie two men ahowcd the «(fecl« of ihelr Ioiir

______ houn o( (ram|i|ng owr_Uie |)uriilni:. (lopes ot tlic mountain. . .

In the thin strip of ahsde aUord- ed by the cll(( they, dropped their

. picks nnd In turn drank lonj and deep from t hsrge eloth-covcrcd cnntcen wb!eh hun; from a imall scrubby busti Jn 'a crcvlce Jn theand throwing aside the smnller empty canleciw wlilch llwycarled, they tealfd fhenuilvrs weorlly iipon convenient roclcs.

"Dad,” said Bruce. “ I've been-----thlnklnit.’-’______________________

‘■You'd better not.- returned Col- orado. "You’re liable to overheat jounelf.”. Dlsrcsardlng'thc pleuantry, Bruce 'eonilnued: "If that old boy who Iclt - his bones and a baR of cold In Skel-

-----elcn BlnkreaJly made hi* rich sUlkcg" In this nelRhborhood wliy didn't he V msrlc out his clnlm wJth monumcnis

-of plied up rocks nnd a location no* Uce as prospectors ftlwAys'«lo?" •

_______:Cmpcciors. don't alnnj's stakeout (heir clnlms when they make u rich strike In aome wild country like Ihls." Colorado' answered. 'Some­times a man «J11 hide hU find and | hotfoot .It .to tho BelUcmcnt to tip i o(( a fe« ot his dote (rlendi before i he makes his dlscovcry knoa-n s'n- i erally. • • . <---- "Tt'cn llilt himfh nf ltuilrtf« lU l ,atako out tlielr claims toiteiher nnd help protect each other's Inter- | est* when Uie blf{ ruth comet.'fn i

' this case. It Is Rcnerally believed that tile fellow who made the strike j didn't Imve timo enough to do hJs < locatin’ on account of the water in ( the Tanks Rivin' out. lie simply luid to leave and leave in a hurrj'." i

— : "Aa m«'Jt-hflrn to do In thi- next j day or two, I suppose," said Bruce I moodily.

“ I figure we cnn. stay tomorrow," i returned Colorado. "U we. hadn't <

-----lume-d'tlirbTirrw-Bdrltf wc'couldnt ihave held out this long. About da£ alter toDunow nlomln' we'll cache ‘ our nnd hit the trail lor I

• Drlpplna^Sprlnf. At the. Spring well llnd ouM>urros and make it i bKk to IVd Buty'. whCT we ew t uy lip until'it raics.Tiicn. witnan- '

. other load ot nippllct, n it come I back, here and be ROOd (ot two or three months. Wlrile wo are here, though, we'U sure hanR on os long I as we ean. bccausc you never can tell-wo might find that rich lode I

______ W o r l d !

' ^

— BY-FWlSe-AtolGS-'FTnnHmrot — tlmatc they M B fly.-arouii(i 1

V ' Mippcd tvith dual controls “ Hibilily of mnkin? the 15,0(

. JIoMOff. Their proposed r _u

ol£. (RM CWxi /tc

X I T Ifrom last Issue) —: the very Isst minute.”

"yeah, we mlshi." drawled Bniee I hopeleiksly.1 .'•Mlrhll" retorted the other: "we ' • will! •rhere’s not a doubt in the world■ about thnt rch vein of gold l>eln ' .“iomfwhrre In (hit vicinity. All wc\c H rS I io So ii fc keeii on'tovmn'm• groimd ayjlematltnlly. llko we’re ; doing, tnd we're ture to (Ind ll.”^ - “Ohririut upt" Riowled-nniee.

"I've llslened lo your pipe dre»m.i [ unlll I'm 4ick,", Colorado Bill K»e tlo'iily to hl.ip ferlr-ryn-i-lonr-mlnul«-l>e-»twit looihiK IhoujihKulIy dopi »l h-’ , conipwiloii, who tat liuiithcd in n . deJccted potture, holding his heart r in liU haiiili. Tlicn, moving wltli , UioughKui deliberation, the oldr

man went (o the canletn and draiii: ugaln. SUndlns wllh tlie c.-intecn In his iiands 'tw again studied Bruce wltli tpecuUllve interest.

, "Havo R driiikr- lift uid luddenly.: ■'Bmco^raiiol FrcirrdUc-nis-nnidr i; -™,"•T lianiiltiR the c»m«n on the bush ■. Colorado walked tlowly back to itand It over his diiheartencd companion.1. "Look here, son," lie wld nt laM,2 "there's tomethlng the matter with 4 you. \ is It?■'■s litiics stirred .uncuily, but did not e louk up.

"I couldn't help It bccau» that• IMlnted McuiilBln proepect o( mine

pinched out. could l?" tald the older■- man. "You ought to b« damned glad e tlmt I (ound out it woa no good be- e lore ftc tank all your money in it-,'• •this Mother Mouni.Hn lode Is

certain to pay big when we (Ind it. 1. I tell you. I've seen thote aamplet < thst were tound with that old |>w*.f-.hlg. chunks.and-BObt-ot-COl<l-all •'I through It. Boy, Juit Jhlnk what H~ wll!-tneith-wheii-ft« Mrlli» Itl’!----a Brute lcui>ed io hi* Icct. "Will you it shut upl" he aliouted. VYou have

Bvcd Bboul tlic millions we're gohij havo until I'm damned near craiyl R When we strike It rlch-wlitn we

Mrlke 11 richi Ail your• been itolng to ttrlke It rlchl Thf, r ll«t thing I cati remember u tt kid d wns you Jujf nbout to mnke.a lor- d luncl D'cry Ihentrlcsl company you II ever hnd iinyihlng lo do with started e out (o be (he blesest bos oldce sue-

rlyou. noy Donovun, iver get,u1ihin li siBhl ol blR money? No. We stuck 1 wlDi each show just long enough i<>

get Ihe wrinklea out o( our belllc: 1 and you were olt alter another sure-

• ^^«"m7nUis you'fTK^agKlnr t me to rolse money enough to'dc-

velop » mine that you knew ]>osl- e lively was a bonnnin, ond when I. t land ii\ Ret! Butte wltli the neccs- - sary cash you Inlorm me that your n bonaniA-hat-plnelied.out,.nnd-U en. m«-out here on Ihls-lw.t0 Atother .Mountain lode proposition.• "Wc have nbout ns much cimnce . ot (hiding this lost gold mlne-11 B Ihere ever was such n mine—at 11 had ot (Indlng ti diamond mine in 9 my doorynrd lisck home.• -"I'd give all (he* gold youH ever, 1 get out or Uils damned deterl (( I ; > was back in Orchard Jllll'right now! with Ann and my Job In the bank. i ' I've made seventeen kinds ot a lool

w t ol TO «£Mq»owlng your billion

I With tlie last word, he lumed lilt• back on his companion And strode I angrily nway.1 Donovan.(to call the man by his I right' nnmc) went to Ihtlr tuiiply I o( provisions nnd began . selecting I cans ol looda (or their midday meal.1 Suddenly Bruce returned, liall

running, atumbling, staggering Jiisr fnrc lil« bHM '«1(h! terror.

WiUi an Inarticulate ery he tank ' down In a cowering heap on the rock 1 where lie 'had'been silting a tew; rhlnutes'Bcfcre:-------- ;------1 Dono\'an sprang to his fide-,I "Bruce." lie cried sharply, 'what m ' hell Is the mailer with you?"

Bruce iwlnted' n shaking hend m . tlio direction trom which he hadI eome._________ ' ______’ "I'he walerl" he cried hoMseiy,I It's-lt's godfl"■ -Oone?"

"Yes, there's liardly a spoonful led In the last big bulnl"

“Helll" Slid Donov'an, " I thought It would surety last through tomor-

M ig h t in E l v c D a y s T h e

■ .■-.J

-■■yi' h■ j) /

S L V- T'V-, > U ^ |y o V K }

cmslreiyric-l’n iurtol'iftlcnrttiit[i the world In five diiys. Tlieir3 and has A.criii.sinfr rnnKC o f ,000-miIo journey in four ho]w. puto ia shoTVTi in map.—W


1 1 _______________ ______

DW ci'oiw l l ; n^ THiNUi THAT 6Y I IIWAKlNCi A. PAUPER ;OF TOAA CAHR- tH t LWI50W WlU. TURN ■ 6 'rev DOWN- He mw mANOTHER 0 U £ « I \COMINfa- Iinn HKt NEVER I I'l

" ” ‘ 1 B n c N s o W P Y , I |„

"'■■'I , l.tT BINS DO y i;': race.' WORST- | |(|:j

•*”" IWC ONLY KNOWS I i;', 1HA.T SHE KIN LOVE- ■ 'l, Hf.^T-^DOtaY I

‘ bi/a Houoa UM 's I S IM THe.- I p,:der OP HIS I k

; s

“n'y- '

S TlMETABtES>n.UM. Sebednlcf of raitengrr Tnliu and

Motor llu»«e» I'aulng Thrcuih Tnln r4ll>;


that Train Bl leaves_______ 3:10 P. M,iilnc Traill I'OIeavft___ ____7;IQ A. M.'’W " . 'WetiboundS'au Traln83|eaVM........._...n:<5 A. M.I be- Train li5 leaves______2;:s P, M

I. jy:jii5 iunASciii ^ ', . Soulhbooiid

Train 238 leaves ....... -1;W P, M,.V r l f c W

Train 310 «rrlvet ---- 2;M P. M,nil 1‘ICKWICK KTARKS

It It Eatlern ilchedule

you catbouiid...0:00 A.M-il:« pTm 'imvc Arrive ironi'ohij cost ..... IO:OOA.M.-B;IOP.'M.a:yl . Westbound Kcbedulei_w'e Leave________________________liave ncMbouiid -lO:^ A. M,-P:3J P. M. Thf .\rrlve (rom• kid west....-...:...8:30 A. M.-li:10P. M.•“f I'NION PACIFIC STAGES >°-J Wr«lboundff,'’ Arrive u l..... .. ............ 0:00 A. M,

I Leave M ..7:00 A. \\

{1 2 Leaiv ni ..T-—..... -.... .dnW. .m!1, 10 railbound -■|llc!\ Anivc lit ............... -..11:30 A. M.urc- Leave at.— ____ —...12:01 P. .S(.

Arrive nt------ _™..ii:£;s P.M.Kinr T<nve~n(~..;;...'.:-... .:-.i3:30 attic

BOISE LOCAL I t I T\V( J •ALLS, JEROME. >VEN- :„ J . ()KI.(, COODINO HLISSfour Uavc ......:r;_i:!0-p. m ;Jysn. Arrive___........ ........-..8:45 P. M.l«t 0T»f;asT.\f:i: LINES n. TU(N FA(.I.S.SI(OSI(ONE ,

Le.-ivc’.... ......_______ B:ob A, M.t Rfiurn... .......— ——.10:30 A, M.

, I- Leave-------------2:05 P. M.return...... ............... a;30 p, M.

ever I nVIN FALLS-\VEL1,SK liLeave_____ _________ 2:30 P. Arrive----------_ _ i : l5 P. M.>nk.i ■ _ ■■________________________tool------- :--------- — ■==•lion row." . ‘ '

Ills -Do? Why. we'ii head lor Drip- 1‘tng spring risht now. I'll mnke up a eouplc or tmcka or pub lo last us

i‘« back to Red But'?.">l’'y As he spoke he went bask lo their ting , tores.

The older man's eoolneu scntd >» f to a',«sdy hit leu «pe:Ien<ed com-. ■Jj“ psnlon nnd wiille Daiiovan was busy

wlth-the^provWona-Bweo-iccat-la. . ■ the canteen.

lie had unscrewed (he can and ■° k Wit raising Ihe can(een to his lipstew iTbcnJJooovaaJawJUm^--------1

With & yell, Dcnovan lilped (or- 'Qf' ward ond literally lore the canteen '>* (rom Bruee'i grasp. r

"What InpOoi's name do you think' [ '2 you're doing?' demanded Donovan. 1"“ * “Are you lU^k mad?"

.-iTM^nrly havirg t f1rl6t," ^> «i>< turned Bnice angrily.

"Only havlRg a drink? You. poor,^ , enuy (oot I"

(Copyright. 19J0,-by D. Appleton ., and Co.)ghl —

or- (CenUnued In next luue) ■

rh e ir - G o a l^ !--------

: ' ' n ■ i '

11 .

■ W

■fttd Hugh Hcmdon (rightX^cs-:: ’ leir monoplane HhowTi-above isi o f SSOO'milw. They aco tho pos. . o]w. The first scheduled halt is I Plioto. . Ji

' . V


T H E G l





^ W a n OI and - - _____________ _Tnln ■ ■ - = •


M. I All Want Ad« alire and aellre and P’ M -Ihey bring (he bnyer.

I Pbonr 22p i j - I------ --- — —

For Sale— Furnllurcp V — .....................--- THRFfi-PIFCB-ttFFB-KKr-AND-

lirfr.k(ait.*.ct. All in gc»lJhiii)e.3W p" m: ^»-Amnie-H«ri. ■» -

usKD n jR itrru iiE - icitchen • fsblntu.r.oves,(ablca.chairs.rug* and (lnveni»rw i>rj.wd io,*ell. Moon'*


r^'' Lindy Honors Fliers................... .....

p. .m! :

' ' »p. M . i n E ' . ' '. :^ W m Ib S | p. m . !K H B « - ' ' '


^ M. D S f f i i f i n i . I ' l i R M a in S B n k k SL- l ^ n B i

- M-

e up Ur’^gflM l l l g g M a W ifflMWst us

Ihelr i. £

ntd ^ ■b” y'

> g —1 IIand 'lip* COLONKli C H A U L liS A.

T - J — tiii(11nn'irj'()-|- iro 'irN e W ', YorkPr.i in |)ayiii;f'tril)utP ' to Wili'y I’ nnd llnrold ]

hink' Galty. ’round - t h e - world . iiirnu'M. Here he is at a li:in- i

~ ■. tiupt in thoir honor. — (.P) J r l^mto. ' | ‘»or, .


<= -DIXON; july'7 (SpWul'toThe 1

NewsI-.Many Dixon resldciiU visit- i

Ihe wec):-tnd in the mountalai nnd |l rt resortJi. during tlie Fourth o( Ju ly,; . holtdays, |t1 'nie lamllies o( Ocorge Cope, Ray i, I ■- Lcontlj'. Henry Buwhhorn, nnd L C. ■

York, fpent the Fourth up Rock; Creek canyon. j

Mr.. 1111(1 Mr*. Uurdcii Murphy e nnd children and Mr.’ and Mrs; Vic- j lor Legmilt and children mntorcd t, to Stanioii croulng lor the holl* j;

' — day.'remaining over untU Sunday- - evciiln;. o

Mr, and''Mri. tl, C. Cocluan nnd n children .and Ocoiuc Proctor, a . guest o( (he Cochrans weir .in

. Hailey lor (he Fourth. Tliey v.t:e atcompnnled by Mr. mid Mrr. ren Proctor. Ooodlng, pftrellt o( - George. .MIm Sarlco Cociiran, wlia had been visiting In Ooodlii;-. re- turned home wltli her pareni>. Jj

Donald Smith »pent the week-riid ... nt the home ol C. O. Dudley in 'I'iiii . Falls. ll

Miss, Beer. WetiricJI. i'. a U gurit o( her aunt. Mrs. Ray U<bii‘ y.

Mr. iincl Mrs. Dave Doiiglrir. niid d Mr, nnd' Mrf.-Hny-ehrpher»i-u-r« n eamptni: in the moiintnlivi <i\<t itie week»cnd.

The rodeo at Rupert uttiacied ®; several Dixon.larmers hYmny-'m* '• eluding MrSfiiid Mrs. Prciloii K'TU. .

. Mr; and Mr*. Tex Burdick nrul '' and Mfs. Amos Wcit. Mr.-.. lifrilia Swann. Francis Kiiiiiitc. !<• ‘ Clair West and Donald Wcit. J*

Alvin York, who is.employed at q J Aberdeen, • p nt iome time hoiiic p

wltli his iwrents Mr. and Mn. L. C. j.< Ig *YOiK, the iaU ot the week. o|

,, I Mias Jean noM, teaciier nl Hie oi DIxoti ;f!i33l. who U nttrmtiiit: Uie A tummer.iMJloii at Albion, called on ti

■ , (mends here the Fourth. - hi

^AiTo; y :D^ K S iJA ' ' : ioTi m c :

G U M . P S - T O M O R

'7 / J THIS IS TO lurORM 1Cft pa y- } VJILL'BE NO.fORTWti AW ■ 4A (iR JT■ D ,>it)U ON Y OfJ / tOMOHH

k ilf g


Ads-BarQ For-Salc Miscellaneous


and TOP. HAI.K.-NEW ALFALFA HAY. Delivered. Phone 1089M.

WANTKU •- OLD OR CRIPPLEDIiuihrft. I’liune HUO. evcnhigt,

BKRtlY CRATE^mI h) PER 100.” imi-nnt Pt;h’1rM:ir- I'OR fiAI,E-COLTS REVOLVfJl;------s:*-!i.tr6-injh-lmrrflri'et(eet-ooit---- (Iliiiiii. ‘:2 larKfi nulomatl: pistol:IHEN nctt- csrulltlon. See nt Pollco atallo;i .rugs SlieruP,M.:oon'* ------- —____ I± !l.‘3ALfc:=CAllBAOE,:i'OMATO.

pf I'ixr H- • other garden plants, al- •:— . |.';ir(!fii MCAs and eating/.puds. 1).

K. >'ro!t. iK'.xt to Kliincj'j grocer}' r s on i:a.v. Main.

PIPE. PIPE'FimNOBrMACinN- B B ' try. 2" Ulld U" plank suitable (or

m Mlllrr. New and ii.vd belting all sir--.!. I m ■ Nr«- It nrt i; rd txittlea, j.nx for any iw. If lH [nanltary ulpliigi mgs. Idaho Junk n n Hoiye, U I Jiirt Aitnue South. PhoneI m 6*0.

X F¥TTBiit=gimDrnishetia B j 3 ^ LL MODET.N HOUSE>-PHONE

_______________B g l TOtTR ROO.M HOUSE TARTLY i n — iiiad<;r».-277-HatTl«iu br Phone

S Wanted to Ren(7'^I n 4-ROOM .MODERN HOUSE. OOOD | H location, mu.’t b; reotonahle. See I|h . "Bu'd" at NfWft alter S P. M.


W ' ' MOUNTAIN VIEW, July 7 <S(WClal H W lo The Ni-wsi-Sevcrhl Mountain JJiF view ttildenU injnytxl vhliA with - .C relatives and (rlends during the last

g . week._ ,W I Mlu Mary Ellen Rayl 'returned

Friday alter a lew dsjV vuit wllh i I- Iricnds In Coeur d'Altne.

Miu Helen Rayl made a« ^•irl|»lo-Bol#o-W('(lne*(ifty.«ul.lhur4t.

day. . - ;. Mr. ond Mrs. Edgar Olmstead aqd

chlld;cn rtturi'ied Frldayntter ri e tt" /our^ay oiiiliig'n Boi«r Tlieir route; lutP took them Uirough the Sawtooth rntrl mountains by way ol Lor,-nnn and ™ cape Horn. • '

Mr, ond Mrs. P. E. Meiill returned Kin- aundsv. alter a weeks' outing In the (,P) Sawtooth mounMliw- At Ilcavrr creek ■’— my Muitiit 'wtiiiun. ttx Ib i i>

Thelrcfltchof troulduring the week . . • numbered 100.lo Corirnd Emlth and Jons. Vcrn and ICC Cl.ircn'ce. nccompanled by .*5am An-

det.sen. riturried Sunday nltir a lew dajA’ (iihlng (rip al Aliuras'-loke.

The Tliry broughrh’ohic'n'blg utrlng Cl isn- Dolly Vardcii troul.Tent ^Mrsr-J.-WrMcDowtll-TClsmed-to nnd [her home Frldoy, alter n weeks' vWt July < wlUi tier iiaieiits, ^Ir. and Mrti O.

I Bailey, Rupert, n-,. ; Roy Bro3k.i and chlldini moved

P , Monday to Dslse.whcre Uiey expect to ma :e thflr (ulure hrnie.'

Jchn V,-i:luy. I0-ytir-o:d wn o(, Mrs. Mabel Varley, Pocatello, arrived

|ihy Sunday (o spend a (ew weeVi at the 1'* Enimeit Bauer J»ine nhH-! hit

moUier is ilslilng relatives In Long ‘Oil- Beacli, Cnlitomla.“ r- -Mils Maxine .M&sonrKimberly, WAS

a week-end guest nt Uiu Im e oJ her nnd nun't. Mrs. II. W.RlMltniin,

Legal Adverlisc'menisM m cii ^

NoUcc Ls hereby given tha! a IkU- tlon wa* riled with Uic Boird-ot Dl-

. rcctorr. ot Ihe American Falls He«r- voipDtstrlct, oh the 23nd day o( June A. D. lOJi, tor the annexation to :aid Irrigation district ot adjicent

'• * Innds,I'J' The name of ihc pftlitcnrr and a iiid description o( Uie lands mentioned in ...r« s*IdpeaUoiiarc*sJoUor.i;_ ‘ llie Name ot pcUtloiicr: O.i:. KuiiUc. '

Description ot land Ideated In Jer- 1 .itd ome County Southeiisi Quarter I

(SE',;) eccuon Eight ia>. Towmhip i ,jj5 Ten (10) SoiiUi, flAiigc T*en(y-one i „u’ <JltEn*i-B, M. I,1,* Notl« is Jiercby further given to all ( i].. i>er:onj interested hi, or that may be I

allected by. such change or boundar- ( les ot (he American rtlls Reservoir, 1

•; District, to appear nt the oKJfc of the I Boird ot Director* or the Ameriesn «

• Falla Rcifr\oIr District,.it Uw blliee t or said Dittrict, in Twin FrOi*. Idaho,

Uie on Tuesday Uie 4th risy of August t Uie A. D, in i. nt 10 o'clock A. M. and s on ihoK cause in wTiUng V any (her t

hare. «h7 the land* menU&ned should

rrc rT n LT-!T,-’Tfi;i t .....................

i R R O y / T H E L A ' s :

, Twi: PINW.M- \«F. PIN&U NOTCe- \ 'mMAT TMhY SAY- . >.U tA YOU THAT Tflf-.k’E j TwcR, i.«Tr.N;ic>M y , 'N YOUtt NOTES / ,OHHOVJ-

......— . -•rXAT■MAT iiiA\ ) LP, :A

fo Ruin } >‘,-4.

Jj BB/

rgalns-<s For Rent—Furnisheciiu j. NollTH? PHONElOOf JH h _________________________~ ROOM AND BO.NRD CLOSE IN, 315

2nd North. ,

(rr rent $13,00. Phene --- 4-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE, IN-

quire 43C Third Avenue East.. com. u■:uR6o l fo r Rent-T-r 411 Jnl,Avc. ul■ Wc.M, I’liuno is». fji: -- «*»~-t*URNI9HED APARTMB:»Ta-FOR stol: rvnt nt redncwf rales. I l l Mainillo;i West, ____________[ h^llNl«HED H{O.Sl~nK[)ilOOM;iTO. _i-l;»f_iii, f.10 North_M«^,_llL®'”!i,al- Hil-W. _________________L r ' I'OR KENT-MODERN FURNISH-

ed uporlment, near Clly Park. ___ Phone 337-J.,*\o'r l,AllOE, COOL'sLEKPISa ROOM

r ubou->-irl»'riit«Uhlw1IMnkl’.cH- ll-,; enettr. i»lione SCOW.

FOR RENT-SMALL BUNOALOW, (iiriiL hcd conipteto. Prlvntc hath,

none .j.1,5 o.<(ord. Main N:— •Fwo ' r OO.M FURNISHED HOUSE J nnd .'Ifcplni; [Kirch, also apart- 0 _ ment. -iJa flUi Ave. Eosl.ONE APARTMENT.MODERN, 2 noom

and-kitcheiieiu. Phone V39J, 243— Blue Lnkes i:o»lc»rd North.wne T H R E E ROOM FURNISHED

' Apartment with hot water and new ilectrle rnnges. Bungalow Apart­ments. PhontJOO.

rp^ FOR RENT FURNISHED L iom Q*; hoiuekerplng nimttmenls, .Clow

In. Ixiiv rstfx hv week or month. Tht Oxford. 423 Maiu Nortii.'

— CALIFORNIA BOSTON A ^ 5 .'Funil'hcd Modern Apartments. * one block No. Pott Olllce. Phcme 'tS 1005. Attraitlvo tummer rates." , LONO'S AD - 8-ROOM MODERN

*lal JJS; s-r03m modern MO; a-room modern $25; 4-rooin modem-MO: i- room house 115:4-room house, I sere ground 12ft. A. N. Long. Phone SflJ.

'lied 'dih Situajiops WantedM « o illL WANTS "w o r k , «• M n i

and IWAOTED - PRACTICAL NtJRa- d Ing Plioii(» 13J2n2.


t io i l i E * QMlZElT^ATTONrrT nunin8._Phone mR«. _ .


:4k Y0Um'lW<3MAN,T«ityciiaDRKN wanui work. Something permanent

and prclerablc. 1238 (ith Are. E.A n---- ----------- - ■

FofSale— Livestock'GobD- co w ' roH " s « i * ju s t

l-to —lreib_Unile-norlli.oLZlvt_Dotnt.•Wt • _____________

FOR SA LE- M ILK COWS 2'i mlle.s south ot South Park Grocery.

' « Phonr 5HSJI2.

o( Wanted—Livestockvcd ----- -----------Uie WANTrU-FEEDEIt PIQS ANU his ahoat.1. Sanipvin Bros. HnnMn.>ng -------- ----- —KA* noib«annex>dtntlieAmerluflF&lU her Reienolr (tetrlct.

Ditfd thu 23rd ilny ot June, A _ D. 1031,— J, II, BARKER.

Secrclary ot tl'ie Uosrd ol Directorso( Ihc American FalU Reten'olr District.

„ tSEALj- By E. B. JOHNSON.|U* AisU;yit '" i s nANKKUITtT NO. 4215 me In lli: District Court ct the United to Atfties, (or the Dtstrlcl o( Idaho,

ent ■ Soulhern Division.In ihcMiillcrot Floyd Hanby, Bsnk*


-niat Fl0]'d Hanb]-. hu lilcd In the iic. United etstcs DI.-,trlcl Cauri (or Idn- er- ho. his jpptlcallwi tor diaharRe in ler bsnkruptey, and Ihat i'll cre<lllors mp and all olher iwrsons l:i interest arc me required, to show caiue, l( nny they

have, why the prnjcr o( said i>eUUon all should not be grantetl, by entering be Uicirappcanincc InMid proceedings, ir- on or be(ore (he ath day o( August, oir ID3I, and within ten dsyt tiiereafter ;hc tiling U-,e lartlcular grounds o( tneir an oppasiiion in the oKlce ot th: Clerk ice or tatd Cour>: •tio. Given under Uie authority or the- list general orders ot .-.aid Couri. and'by nd special order o( Ihc tinderslRnri, iliU ie7 7(bdayotJuly.l831.Jld ■ O. P. DUVALL, RettJtl. ^

i S T . D A Y

ffeliOUGH TVlt Cl-OUD ARt (iK ] T B1.6CH - •m tRVi W P t «


' J'H-'„ : ■ ) LOVE _Y00 y-. ,.

moui: ''thW4 i ' • . M. U E U E :

^ 'M i l

“Oppori Wanled— MIsccllantoulONE WANTED^POliuTlY B iT b U,'Phono 003W;..... '—(015 TWO J,AD1ES WANT TRAN6P

' . latlon in Easu (■tiono 1534W. OUBE WAN'ItO-10 HEAD OF OOOD

Horses .to Posture. Phone St71t H tT- WANTFD - COLORED FRIK ll. .. pouiuW or lurgcr. I7c a K>. H rsT- lutci.tiv.'nSK: WANTtD-TRAN3i*0'liTXlTS

Cnlitomla by jfliing Iscly, E.- 'Ricnnn.smotnc^.TwtnrTsitlirWANTED FORD 0(1 aiEVRO

rr^ r Pick up Truck. Call at 133'j .\tiiln or Plione 00, Frances GrslWAN'l'ED-A PARTY TO RAI

— “ pulIeu on sharei. We^niWi PMk i«d; Hayet Hl-Orode Ha

— , WANTED-TO TnADrYOu” ■ turnlture tw your old (u^

___ ;. Hire H(ort._________________WANTED - IIY ELDERLY T

son, imfurnl'shed roam suitable____ light iioiisrkeeplnc. Address BoOUaE H.Cai^News. ■ • ipart- yyiQ You^Q GENTLEMEN W___ itniisiwriallon to Lo* Angeles.X3M8 share-exiieiisc.-Relerencea lurrj Tw «»' • •


dnet; Teeled Jrr/cy cows. First house jpjfj. o( Hutchins pluee on Kimberly R

J5iFr Hejp Wanted .i.The r ivo u d I e s w m io R W T u i

training lor demorutratlon i — mutt be able U) meet high elas*

^PT8 pie. Wc (rain you. Call Mr. OIso ncnis. Hoiicrton Hotel between 8:30 A Phtme and 5:00 P. M. ' - .— .m CHM -W ANXEO AT_0, 3ERN (or High School nricl Orade i •room lions, also SuperlntendenU, F 10; 4- elpals, and spceail teachers. Ir I acre mountain Teaeliers' Assn, 411 13. Atlas nidg.. salt Lake City. Uta

' For Sale— Real EstateM lS 8E£ THia ACREAOE-^iaiME- :---- 0 »d_J)ullrtl,ng*,_»ims__pioilF.- , LAND DAR0AIN-7S ACRES, - r s ' *“ u*itr’»hirK-muiftelftoon-l

teims. 3 miles norUi Rlchlleld. C Buel.

'*rrt CORNER LOT 9 BLOCK 141 3 tale by absent owner on euy l«

J?!?; FOR SALE-U AaiES SOME ‘ • provcmenu. North of Rock 0;

- 1 . lnNEorSEM7-ll.$nMI.)3M( balance five years. 1137 lUlyard Eugene. Oregon.___________

r r r ? FOR SALE - A BAROAIN » six room modem house, close

Due-to-ll|-heaIlh-the-owner-n iseridee Ihls place and U o((ei I 1K0.00 completely lumlsl

pjtry. 1300.00 will handle Uils, Call 45.BAROAIN 80 ACRES ON OH

---highway. In juldltlon (o Isgrowln? crops and all equlpmini

---operalt. Included In cqulpnienlANU horses, lao-woy plow, good was :n. three »ei* hornew, hay derrick i

all accessories.'good mowing r--- thine and other small tools. 401Falls of liay_no>' In_sUck. 2^aeres i

serdint alfalfa. Owner will (. ( A. SZOPO cuh (or his equity In land I

give bill o: :a'e lor crop nnd eqii ment. Ten year mortgage In amO'

ctocs OM3900 can be n.wumed making pi n'olr (nrevftyUilngiSfiOO, ExceUenlit

pmi)0*tlion. LUttng tor four or I < iinly. Call or write C. 0. Vry. burn. Real Estate, Jerome,' Ida1?“ ’ ' ■ , =

Inho, Lostink- LOgT-rv'ORY COLORED WICX

pt-Jh csrt on highway, Rewt ;EN, U'nie ftt News OKIce.ti!!! LOST-CANVAS BED-ROLL I .'in tuccn Stanley Luke nnd Oal( i._ , Stimmll. Rcsi'ard. Phone BSi-'W ■ftfc 2nd West._________ ' ' . '

STRAYED OR STOLEN — T\ i‘‘° " Shorthorn Vearilng calUe, cc

red. kteer and heifer, Burnett Br« ;[*»;• mllss'nortikwest ot Rock Cr«k.Ifter SMALL BLA(S< MALE SOOT heir ' Terrlei'‘'i(llh plald collar. DIsj 'lerk pciied July 0 rrom'Conitnicti

CUmp at Owsley Bridge near Hap the. man. Reward of 110,00 wiU'be-pi

i'by for rciiirn nr IhU dog to Phoei (ills utlliiy Co. Ally ln(ormatlon regai

ing this dcg call Idaho Power C Twin Falls.

. ■ ' tftee 5eve:

G\YHCRIN(.y- *>Ll. 5EEWV ■ lU'iHC snY- )F m n( OUtt.El

^ / an6 you \t- WOULD \'>/ {ONTlNUt: Yo \• COVE Mtr \

f IP I ,- vC'JWyf • i tJ'OH’T HAVE / ■• y.' -s A PKNNY? I

f f l i g :

rtunitiesious ■-----------------

^ n DcnifiDVJ6P0R- ■ IJOD A-11711-3. I

"S ir’ \ Profsaloiwl^__ > A’ o'n'WEYS

0, a naU-Oret'"W Book 's^JOrW W.~OKAIIAM-.Uwyer. flani

'ROLirr " “ I Tni't Buildlag. Phone OU-Vi 8WECLET A SWZELCT -Uw olllee

Moonnan Building: RANOE ---- 'Ml pul- . BusinessI Hatch. ____________rtUMBlNO . .UNiw lioMiT"PLuanitNo"ireATwr imllute. c a - 6ho* Room and Shop*. IJ; l-Purnt- Thlrdt att— Phone aw.---- MILANTT?<H PLUMRINO Ir PER- Krillag Co.-Shett'MeUI Wbrkt able (or For heating tmublei. phobe 231-ff. Box C. = = = = = =INSURANCErwisH moTfiiuEiilro^Av^^ies. Will Poller Real EiUte. Pbou STi lurnith- - xaw isrE i

H iH r a o T iA N iF M T s fo f f ion 20c. CO.'—Coal and wnod Ptioni use cut 1 .1521^: M’NlC'HOLS TRAHBrai A STOR-----AOE Garbage haolM dtilyPhone aoa.

PAINTlHfl AND KAt80»nNIN0II work r. A. ROWAM-Palntlnr. tnperhsnc' SS* peo- Ing snd kalsominlng 338 Sth i*« )l«n al eatl Phone IJ4WD A. M. .............,;rTr---=s=

MUSIC TXACHKBloNCE AtBCnj_fc_ntANUII« >« JW le posi- riotln ttseher PhonttHJa .imer- " SHOK'nEPAiittNd

n ! ! u T W I N FAtLS SHOE REPAiniNO, ladlft rme work, aoles stitched on.

----- comlor.andtlexiblllly. lJ2ahethontate ________________ ,JM ." For.SafcFralls,.Veselaliles rr—r. red itASPBETOita Xre'rbady!

_Fhgn^MJJ14.I ChU FOR SALE - P IE CHERRIES. Phone I3BJ3. . -II FOR OREEN PSAS TOR SALE—4 /torrw. iwunda 28c. Call 503J2,_________

______ r|e«, phone >6W, J,D,.Wliem«n. .IE 1M> SEMl-SWETT CHERRIES FOn [ Creek sale, EatlHeyburn.S.O.Oaughey.

C K m R IES 'i^R SALE-Jo ON ' tree '4 m'lle.east ot TTie Rock

Crusher. C. Sly.[o if l J BUCK CAP HASPBERRB8 AND

TiUhcd. ff«m Bank.S. ■ =OILED For Sale or Trade

am to 30 HORSeVaSe"ENGINE FOR leni 4 uio or trade. 303 4th West. Phone wagon. i4«o.Ek and ------ . . i- ,g ma- WILL TRADE WHITK ELECTBIO (0 tons Sewing msciiine lor HemstlUhIng it new Machinc, Call ICSS.

■■■-L---------- i g g

i i S Miswllaneousg price TRADE YOUR OLD PIANO FOR A I itock >1 electric radio at. Sampjon or rive Music Co.-5. Wll. ■ - ■ ' ^


7: ; ^ on modem hoase.i In Twin Falls. Arthur L. Swim & CO. 'I AM OFFERLVG A VERY CHEAP

andde»irabIetarmIo*n.I(hlnkJt i.irn'* Ul# best tarm loan propoiltlon ever i . Ihe Twin Fslls tract. I t , . wiI|p»y)'ou toiceme betoreplaclm

- . your lean. C. A. Robinson.TWO . ~

ForSate-PoiJllry.:--- TOR SALE-WHfTE LEOTOBHOTCH puUel* 40e to 75c each. Hayes Dl* Dlssp-. Orade Hatcherr. «

.Tu Wanled-To Buy .rgard- WANTED TO BUY WHEAT; OAT8 r COh andbirl«r-Hafe*Hi-Or»d#H»teh.

I ;;

I l i T i f f i . i f i i i i i i i

Soiinii Engineers Ready lo ■ Overhaul Equipmenl When

. Decoralors Fin.isfi’ .Joti

ralntfr*' «i«l' (freomtors Man lo work llils mornlnc wi Hic Onilii'iiin «l-ralrt.-wlille ciii;Jaca*..AruprfpftTjnB lo ovifliiiii! aul lmi ’ii''c the iounn nnrf tiim cqitiimfiit. prc-

---■•-'•.ta-.rc rw .'Hlns,' Silurilftjr iiooti iimlrr !!ip I'llUlx bnn*

' ner» ---- :•Contratl* were iiinile wllh T'iln

Pallj iv\liitf;r; (iiid ilcconiihr yeMrr- ilay nlwrhotl by Jot Krs.sct,mal:i* tpnancc suimkor of Tublix flic/iifrt in Colorado, WyoiiilnK, Ui.ili "txl Vl'i* ho, onrt 111* ttork.o/ imiml"!? “nrt decormlnn the lubbv ni«l iraiiAform- InB ll imo llie Jltip.*; In Ihl* KOtton o(

comiileilon by Friday niclii.AfcomiwnylnR Mr, JYa.v.T from lilt

oflltcs In Ufnvrr wa.t ttrvnk Town- MBrt, Mund expert aiwl irrlmlclan, whOM Iftik 11 Ll to flieclc on llir (Ilm* Mtmdciiutpmtnt ana Iwlall llic 1,11* I Ml dfvlcM to make lln- qrplituniW w modern a* any In Id:iliu. ,

Anoihrr Publtx exreiillve here in advanc! of the ojienlni: of (lie Or- i plifumlsFrftlE.Jlamlin.(llr<ctoror i

- #drfrllilni for iniblu tlitaUe In Utah and Idaho, olflchi In Salt I.-ikc city, A fourth PiiliUSc omdnl. Harry , Darid. dlvWon tnannnpr /or Ulali | and Irialio. r li:riw iirobably hi*- W>* day. Mr. David wai In Twin lajt Wday and MniiilclrtI the lra.T ,

• WlU) A, lt..Anrifnou, of ihc ’I'win i Falls AmiLicmcni company. ,

-------- Idalio UftBiinnH Oiwn— ■

lerday lhal Pabllx uili nol c W Hit , Itfaho.'lmropcmtf t»*!h Ilib OrpMCttifr '5 and Idaho imdrr ihe manancmrnl , of Joe Kotliler,- whn came to 'rftln

- -FalU «hcn-:hft.idal«>.v:a* ths L. MaRiis EntrrprlKM atid una .

--- Ukcn.o\'cr-t»o ytar* bro by I'ubUx., \•Tlie.pcnsonnfl of the Orphtiim and , Idaho thratrra wJIJ.b« anoouticcil In ! a dajr or two, but 11 Uatalcd lhal no

' one will be ImportMl. local.imojiIc btlnff Riven (lie prclcren?e. (

"A firmal annoimtmenl of the t

Cfrphcum and Idaho llleatrea will i plan Twin FalLt In Ihe front rank i orenlCTtalnmenl. will be made on WTlrolof thcdlvWonmaiiaarr,Hnr. . ry David,” flinied Mr. Ilamlln. “Jiui nov «e are bcndlnt all efforla lo |i CH tlie reniodellns and decorallni; j Job' completed, while Mt David I* a arranging llie details ot Ihe flral-nm

T lf f l l lT r i MS'MS Eil! :

• I. JopJumft-n.aecii/fdoflllcRalpoa- \ aeairoa of 20 eallona of nioonihlne vtUikcr.'UKik time to enter tUa |i!caand Ihrn'plcadwt gullly before Jiu* ,tlce of (iie Pence 11. M. Holler, litre. (

I The JiBtlce pronounced JudBmem re- „ .qulrlUE Jump to (me M da>-s In Jailand pay 1100 fin e ,_____________ H

Jump vai on( of eight men ar- i<. Kated by federal tirohlbltloiv vienu ii

oooptrailntr irlth aherlffa and iwllce t___ o^kera lu t rrlitay and flalurday. v

meludlng ths line »MeMtd attalnXl i Jump, lines totallnR tiodo vere lm< poacd by the Justice aESlnil Ihe rli:htKcuaed mtn, all of whom plraded I

.■ sulllrlovlo'jilIqnofll'iuorlDwi. IFederal prohlbltlon.agenujfitcf- ?

day arrcaUd on federal warrariu J. “ E Deaeh. Duhl. ami John Klrkmnn. '' Trtn Fall*. SfarcJi ac Hie IKsdi realdence led to dlMoverv of Uo SO- '*

— n»lJ6injarTcU-[un“ of clifrTr'Ini:ma»h, ll waa reiwrled.

J I MMr*. Maty F. Hwler. 73. rftlJptil

of Tvln Falbi thice I9tG, died:al . 10:30 A. M. Tuciday nt the county f

Kcoeral hospital here where alic had "--- been-Tccelvtd-for-treatment-l.i« *<

Sunday. f'— Funeral-rervlces-will-be-heid-al -Jj

Iho Drake chapel here Friday afwr- noon, and Inlerment will be In ihe Filer eemrlcry br*lilc the grave of her huiband who died livlSa. . -

Mrt. itaclcr It mrvlved by three *on» and iwo daiiRliiers. 8unlvli« eotvt are Fred H. Hauler. Cliiirthill; ' H. 0. HaRler. Flier: John M. Hajler. TM-ln Fall*,.atiil the djUKliitrs are ,, Mrs. Dliel Coolry, Qranlie City, llllnabi. and Mrs, Uiha Chrl'>tian. „ Twin Falls. ^


A decree of divorce was cranud loKenneth C. Beach. T«m Falls, Ircvn “ 'Dorothy Beach. Lc«.Anr;clf.% follow- "Inc hearing before Jixire W. A. Bib- f,conk in dUWct court here yesterday. 1Desertion dating from June, J9M,tfiUi ‘ alifged aa grbund-t for the action. Judgment Included tenwof an ad-jMtmcm of property rlfjhU agreed Tupon In May, IMO, . . ft

You Ought Get Mai

A n d S a v e o n O u r F l

“ 5 t V IU U, : P A I N T A N D F U R ^

“ A H o r a e - O w n

•' , ’ a '

Piige Eight ■ . ,

IpwiuT-Willis-(r Dy ROUCBT qUIUEN


im W“Fatly.U a iliralM. He'wild mr hit

I mrjiJK fnr » dliiir wi f riiuM ml». n rllbmpllr lf«l. an' It xa.ii'l . rtolliln'tmlfhlclifiiP'u"

1 ___ _ -

; B R € V m € S- "fSw t I.. j:i.pjrnt.c-A;iirr ii.-;vii.- , Mil Irfl jTilrrdny on a Jrlp lo . Clieyriinc.

VWl nn <,'.)Otl-Mr. will Mft. Wll- . hum Hlinp'Oii will Irmc liKl.iy foi a tJrli>-u>.H?(4HI* ---------------

I '(•wt lu. Saijjnifxiln — Wllhnm■ Kuf.wll Irlt yr tcrday for H;ifra- ' meiito on Lu'I iicm.I ........... .............................

Vlilli Ilruther - MI.m Helen ' Orov.'.i, Lliicnhi.;ii, I.i vIMl- ' Ing'hrr brothrr, I>. I’ .Clrove.v hrrc.

Ifrre frum Jarbl<I(r -.Jumi'j d■ flioiiii and Clnrle.t Ilawklii-nn, Jar.

bIclKP, were In Twin I’all.t yc'li'rd;iy on buslne.u.

Aulii tlMlrr Vwi»-C. Vfrc I'lirkr.

mr'r •f in KillV rnlilriil. nrrlvi'd ' yrMcfday on a brief lii!Mii<'."» vlsll


- —VlilU l’arrnU — HownrtlM'n. NyMH. OrcMii, iiccomiMnIrd Iiy. Mrr-I-inwn anrtVorivl'-vbltlnrhti pcrrnu. Mr. iind Mr\ II. I’. Urvjii, Kock Creek.

linme fmin Ill1l»-Mr. nnd Mrs. O, C. Ibll. nccnmiianled by tlielr daughters, Mlvt Fern Il{ill ami Miui nrd Flih lake und Ra.'k'y Hol’iSptliigs. .

. I.rave ,1flrr VKIl—Dr. uml ami Mrs. L M. nownlng. Cettar ttip- Ids, lowu. acuinipanled by their miii, John, left Tlir;4iiy for llic coiwl after a vlnlt ut the home of Mr. und .\tn. J. S. Hifwarl. Mrs. l)o»;nliii[ Ii

•hnirsiaVFTriF;^trT»ri(rMrinrN. Terry, acconiiinnird by llielr non, aienn, nnd daughter. Hnicl, will leave Friday, for a trip to Itamlln, Wa.thhiglun, wlipro they will vl ll rciaiivea nnrrrTrrry.“ Tiipy'wiii Ihrn gn lo Prlrsl Illrer'for n vuca- llon. Tliey will return here about AURUlt 1.

Clnelnnall Man Yhll« - Mr. and Mrs. Haynes and nerl Hashler, Cin­cinnati. nftcr aiwndliu: two weckii wllh J, C. Uulcs nnd family, Lociwl ctreel. lefl tliLt mDrnliig for Corval- 113-OrccutU flm IhenOiicy-aUUa- 10 California. Mrs. Iliiynes Is n als- Irr of Mr, Ihle.r Tliry had not Ken each olher fur 32 years. While here vUllhm ihry made a Irlp.lo Yellow- alone park. , ^

(•oiidlllDii Improve* ^ ML« Merle Lrighloit. eldc t dauKliltr ot R. E, Wditon. Twill Falls iMllce chief, nnd Mrs. Leighton, wns rejwrteil lust evening lo be Improved follow. Ing a lmi»fii.tlon fur which her lirothrr, IlnJpJj. save iJje Wooil. She , was taken to itie hospital here Mon- , darrrenlnirfonrniinimrtortiem- i orrhiijiB develQiilng a week after an ' o|)crailon for removal of tomlli.

S liillM L^ :fOBniCip.

Camp Tndoixndenrc will opcii ncxl Sunday for boy a:oula recreation H wut iiniiouiiceil ye.tlerduy by Dr. K. I(uucU..H.-<>lt, T«lii-F.ills, uoui eK- fcullve of thr Snake lllier area. Only

dlcal<'d inirnllon nf.ixwlbly roImi: to thit C4«ip.'.'iirar 0iikley. l»e aald,

Dr. Siotl, ncrompanletl by Frntjrls SiwM,.Mmco*\ iiisinctor (n iJi- Unlverslly of M.iho. imiurc study man: Uiwrrnro Luiidtn. Inslruclor of iihyslciil edilfatUni. •i'win KOK will l:ave umiorn'w fnr' Hie eaniii to jiai 11 in »l;iii <‘ for Ihe Ino wriks . ixrlod (lutiu< ttliifh 11 will bo ojH-n.. Two members of the boy acoul council of Ihc SnaW lUlVr area will be rlii|H)l,< for [rcrp»on ot Ihe new ly rtfjlrd h'nv<r ba ge. tv a of wliicli are given to each arOa council to be ro;il<'rn-d on members who havo dune Hie 'niotl work for scouldom. oul.tidc cf their tegular duties a.i council meniben, U was stated by Dr. 6co!t. who received »«• informa­tion Irom nnilonanu'adquartcra yes- lefday allemoon.

Ki;r.AK1ILi;SS o f yo uu foot T1tOt’IH.»:s, nr. Fotltr l> irwllng frel for fine dolUr. J’hnne JUP. Air, '

tTo'rried Nowi 'u r n l t u r e S p e c ia ls

V M I Q Phone - j / r r 5 ■ :n i t u r e _s t o b e ,rn c d s to r e . ”

i M E i i i t » Oi lippp LI81

Inspector Names A'dditional

Diarymen Meeting Require-

mnts bl-'Ncw Reguialior

. Ill addltlun tl. ft ll.n le|>(.rH<I tc Twin FiilLfcRy council Mmxlay li>

• nr. F. T. llnrrl. , mea*. an.! iliilry Ih- siK'clor, <if TAiii h,iU.t <lair)'men wIhj hnd loted itidr IutiLs imd reliiovrd

___all anlmiilt fmind Ix- lnfrc!i-«l withIlangv'.ilijra-'e. tlir iii.t|i«lor »n-

. lilt notincnl je.-,itr<la)' ;hn:c moro dairy ml'«» herd owners who h.lil cnmi'lled fully i«ii'l wllh rwiiiUriiifni-1 of u lately adopied

. ordinance In ilils ri'i:ind.The od<Iltl(inal dairyii»'n naiiivd by

— the lnii»cinrwcrr C.ll, llcmplfman,

SHa'rry Ulclrlrh nnd John H. Ootl. In each c:u-e, thr ln>|>cctor ftatrd, oil rractflr caille Wfn- rcmovi'd from Uie.V,- heriLt litiini cliiiteiy alter t st


liaiicd Ijy Jmice W. A. Ilaljeock in inm dl.tlrlel toiirl hrre ye.Mercbiy. nut'll* ra* hig tllle of Mn. fCithlren Schlld-

mun. fomi;r Filer re;iidcnl, to n Iiio- . . ncic Tivtii F.illt .c'HiMly farm piir- .]rn chawd In 13i3 from property rccelv* Ml. ed from her mmhi'r’a estate. rfP. The di'cree l.'.iuid here ye.itculay

III effect moillllid ii dccrc ot dl.ttrl- g. bullun iMUrd In lllatiie coiinty'fol-

lar* I'lU'ltig Ihe dcatli'in Aii»iitt. 1U37, of ,l;,y E. I’l Hlrell/, who hi'Id'tlllj lo IhU

|iroi>erty In trii l for Mrs*. Schlldman. Till- Ululiir iiniiitv loiirl ilrerrf In* chid«I Ihls iiri>|ii'rty In ilie-Hircus

v,.,l live ehlldrfii. Mr.t, Sclilltflnan rr-T:ivrd*rfntnrri'nho"|jrui'wHVlil'‘tound liichiilliix 1030, K was shown, J. 11. Keenan <il Walkm. I’arry ami

.,p.. Thoman..iir;';cntcd Ihc caJ<:.lor.ilrs. I,y Schlldman ul hfitring yiSt<Tday.

“ ■ M i i i T " ' ”

s|; ■liiiPMiThe usual iiliie iitimliera liii'ludlng.'

the -3lar BiviiKiIal llaiiiier." will 1 be played ly ihe 'IVIn Fall.t Mu- nlclpat band iii tlir clly park

' Thursday evening beginning ut 8:IS P.M.’

Tlie folluwlng arc Ihe numbers on llio progrum;

‘ ” March,-•'01ii|ktlund": overture.■.... Jolly nnuwrs-; train."Le.i Millloiw

ds—ArIequhr:_Amerlcaii sketch,• "Down Bniuh-; InlermLvtlon; march,

,11: "Conway": trombone aolo, "Av ak- enliiii of Biirlng." iilayed by Iloy

!'■ MeUrldc: selecllon, "llawallmr: inatcli._iWttililii:lon _roit':;l Star

' Sjwing/pd. Jhiniier,

“ liPLEl GUILTy ■■ -iOBifGlGE

al- . '• • .

brcaW fglnioSam Bhaver'a farm .t- Ideiice and cellar near CiwlcforsI June :’6. pltade.l guflty In iirohaie court hire yesterday lo mW.-ineanor charges of malicious Injury lo pni-

, i>e:ly, Kach nt Ihe tliree oftendcr'. Dale no)a.t. Uo I.ewLt ami Mark I »r.idJhaw. wa.t sfntenced by JwUr nuy U Kinney to i« t IJO fine andJKMctula. •-------- .

The nil.uletneanw charge wa.t mb- *tlliit:d )«!rnl.'.y for a felony charge 0/ burglary that waa fl.’eil orklnilly. anil lo whlfh the accutetl men plc.i'detl not giiiliy. •

II Is acahisi the law In Key WcH, Florida. i(» cut down fl tree on joiir own |iri>i>erly withoul't’ermlsslun. I

n ' I X T K I I IH i . t T l l .V K -

Save jntmey- i small iloim

_____ W _ _ . ■_u I H l O F V I I T I I E

T i i x i i c a t i .m ;ayl‘>r -IK .:illl . ■ , ks . . |^ M )W t!io ciniir«rl o cn. I V lie.itlnc, roblinf; nnili'll — > Ily Small ilovrn ]invmeni hicli nienia' uiiliritio'lieatinf! ivJ your llollatui mw, Kec|im. ■ <

' Ural alone 1* mil fnmlurl la- ' Va|Kjrnirc Svnlrm lioea nn

Tltc nir you hrcnllii* Im vtnrnict) for roiiifiiri, ro fuvr^miniiU'!(. TJic niuii InviRorBling— iii marl

ir, ' (Inn^croua, nlininf, Hlflg ^ [iltcrc in liomra licalcd

Ilollnml {jiirna oU, paa or onleni by five.ycar writlc

'->'JnataU yftur Ilolliinil noi dUlcly. 575 branclica in plionc the IIoIlaiK! liran

H o l l a n d F l I ^ ^

. HOLLAND IiVlItNIM 3rd Are. South Tflmlwr

■OLLAnD U K A T in c M.



IPT JlV^KI,‘lt)N,Jiily7ifi|>ecUIloThen Nc'».v>- .S.Airal lta:<ll'm rt-.itdenu

■ IU I .irr 4L-i:iiigri lall',.^aiKl frleiid.i !hltMeik.

Mr.'. Ariliiir (ioodtlch. Manha'.un innni ''’f"'"''')' chrwinciliirl:!'/, Ml-. U vir-liiiic her partnta ..•In at Jir'.mi'. I'.it i:i ilii/cllon ealltni, Hire- p„ •Mcii.Iay. .Slic wa.t uc-,. oumi'-'M'd l>" lli r .'.mall fon. Arthur

allOn|jr. ,\l.-.,(ii. .(lrlcli Lt aK aelu'r in Ihe

I Karl Carroll. Olendjile. Arlajni <■<1 to , ]v II'. II;- '.kTfl end here with his ff- ay Iiyl-Mic. .Mi.-.i Wiia F.O;. . lie u.ii’ae­ry Ih- -oaiii.>iii*ii hcrr by'Mr.i; r;H.-FVe- :i who Itjve iin>l i.iiiatl d.iughter.t wh> iiovfd ,ire vi.’ltiiii; with Sfrs. f-’rcWovi-'a I with ninllnr. Mr.-., Mai’ilc.TliomiiMn. who r i i iT ^ c 'I?:u;j Ira^ I|■n» Illfc■o{ ,If' : dairy Da«.-o:i H iirif.

Clia:!'.' Ni:.;, Io:j 1 <ltui;, went opifd to |‘,va;--l;'j rriday .•vrnlnirjrt s[)cnd

Ihr Koiiiiliand the rx-nialmiWof Hit icdby »„ic.,T<| „ilh home folk*. He re- ■niBM' .Monday morning.'}}■ }'} Mr. atiii Mr::. I/>iiU Webb and ; djiii;h't<r.', ll. lc:i aiifl Dorothy, and

r l^sl Jf"' “ week Inll;r rhail(.. Ilar:i)*' family are en-

>ivmg a fe w d.ayv outing ai their N 0 eiiWii i;eiir i;a :>'y liol MHlnga.

I J i l f WlCIiyillEScX- CLOVWl.'Jidy 7 (SiK'Clal io Tlie

Nciv.ti—liidcirndenco day holiday ;rday plcnlr.t «irc prninlncnt'among w- l.ttrl- clal ai'tlvltirson Hie Clover Iracl dur*• •foi- Ing th" la-w week. A aurprlso p.iriy n, of .and aiiiiitmitof Hie Aid .wcltly were I thUii>l'*o fi' A p'.ciile ul the Lutz reklloiuhlp r In- UIU i nldVNi nil the Ahrens lawn on iri'iis the i'ourili, auesia were Mr. and

r<'- i.\lllii.ii'iiiiann. Mr. and Mrs. Hen- rTiTT ry I.iit;. li> v. ami .Mrs. A. J. Luti. Mr. lown, und Mt.s. Frid Lutz aii<l Mr.t. Caro- ' ami hue Lull. ;.Mrs. ThTlvhiMHkiTrlulIoiihhlppIcnlck-

cd <11 Hip Alb.'ri Llcrmijnii lawn.--- Chiestt were-Mr.-and Mr#.-Wl!l-Leu*

. drt\ Mi . nml .Mrs. W. F. Boehlke. .'.fr. Mix. TJi«xJ<;re KJue/ider a«d Mr. iiiid .Mrs. Jeii.% Lw.'cn,

| l l l 11ie isllowin? families htld a pic- ijjiyi nlc dinner on the LUt lawn: Mr. and-

Mr.t. Iluriolph Miirieiu, Mr. and Mrs.

dhig I Lieriuaiiii mid Mr, nnd Mrs. A. LlsI. will jSever.iI riiuinn famUlca picnicked Mil. Ill Sh'::h'Jiie ba.tln. park Mr. mnl Mr.';. Emil Llennann ,8:15 !i|e,i.Mtii:y iMirprJiJ'd Sunday »ve-

mng i-.tii'u mrmbera nf the local s on Trintiy AM jo:!cty. nml famllle.t and

• relativrs gathiTPd at ihelr home lo ture. Iii-Iji them crlcbrnte Ihi'lr fortleUi lloitt v.eiidhr: auiiiverAary“ wliIch'look rich, placm'Ai. nwulhs&so.u'hen.Mr.LIer2. irrli, mnnii 1 .'L«trr, the former Mrs. Henry vak- Wemrr. rrlilrally 111. Supper Iloy '.ia.t feritTl at 7 I*. M. cafeteria style an": Io ll’.e l.iri;p.number of guesUt.Star . The .luly mfcltng-of Hie Ladles;

AW w f/rjj..Thur.'<}fly a/lrmoon.fli the hnmr of Mrs. Lul*, was well at* Ipiided. nic Mclctj’ voted to. make nnd donate two cumforla for the healHi rampal Iliihl. Itev. A. J. Luiit.

in r as miMlonary In India.PL gave an interesting talk on ••Women

IdL of India." Mra, Liiti served refrcjh* mi'nu.

S n rn U ^RECEIVES DECREE-'forsl —hale On gtcutids of cniclty culmlnaiiii,-, »nor in dpscrtlon lari May 10. Forrr?.; !■> prti- Varney, Twin Falls, wn.t. granteil i :lcr'. dreree of divorce from Maxine Vnf lark I ney, follow'lng hearing before Jt«!'' ,id);r W. A. B.%bcock In dbtrlci court lu-i. and ye.'ierday. Cwlody of Ihelr Ihrec-■ '. je.v-oMdamhterttaxntrardcdlothr Mib- mother. They were married at llur- ante ley, March 7. 1 38.<i!ly. . . --- -----------men . CAItil OF TIHNKS

We wish lo'expre.'.t uur'slnccfc »i>- prtclallon for Hie many floral off.r--'

.•tH, ings aud.for Ihe symiwiliy and kln.l- ioiir new cxIfnd l lo lu In cur bereate- in. [nient.-JI. SchlW and fart ly. Ady

S U M M E R C O O t.l.\ < f

'y—inslall noiv— wn payment-----i r E lC lS V . M E . ^ T S “

i ; . S E . I S O . \ U K K I M i

irl of a Holland Vo[iorairV?; nml air-rontlilionlng ayatrm mil t« a ycar.VniiRil ayrlcni. nl hislalla— no furtiirr pay--ijtinf; Bco»oa‘ liepln*;~O rdfr----\rc|i cool tills aummer.'

^ilorR In u in lrr . Ilielln lland ea more llinn licot your liome.II* Im liucnIdSrird for licallli,I. romplclcly clian(;rtl every niuioaplicro in stinitilnliii^;, narked coiitraat vtilh tl n Hlagnnnl, bokrd-dry. oIdiok-v ;alcd Ly obsolclo iiieiluiiU,

IS or coal. Soliafaclinn piiar. iritlcn bond. . . Save niniiey.I now. Gel the facta Iiiniie- •s in llic llnllc'd Slates. Tele- • liranch Id your commitnily.

I l l N A C E C O .M I 'A N Y


) ^ H E A T I ! V G

tporaireI I AKB* , r a x K r t t i n D i

AILY KEWS. TWIN'f a l l s , IDA

E iE W lE5- JOfOiWraONIEIIi l thit ----

Wllh funeral fkTVlcs lirld h';r latian TU'.i'ihiy alietiioon under au:.;ilct riatlnc Hic l-nH'-r I>ay Saints rhurch. 'artnta IH-'I Hibule w.aa ji.ild lo Mr:. I/<1 calling J'-uii'Olj-rliaiLsIl, ■J7. nlfi- of Cik-l ft,, nc. Olit rhaiish,, Drummond, id.ilio, nni irihur. mu'.liir-of two liuVwms. nl;.. dl" In the h-rr*.' aiuulay evening ("llowlr.g 111

J. W. IllfhliiJ, .r.\ln I illi' ills i t Pr>'ld--nt, was Hi>' .■j"'a::rr at r-r,- ai’ac. h'l'! Iii-Hio Wlii’.' ihaiv.'l. |uy -J.W. |iig-(rlt)»ie-l‘i'lhe-ini'mi.ry ot tii' .1 who yo'i"" m'>tirrr. nnd iHilmKovp's “ “c foii.vVl.iJ/wJ <'f h\' fsilli. } a', who <iuartel ■ rtim;y)-.-d of Mn'jc n.IfiT W:irom-Mt'n-He(llH^iiit‘-“*r-iliti

Ada I’l'ti'ri. n and .Ml.'- Vi'ilii Pctur'„ ,, !j)"OMyFi.Hi'-T.""WhlM..T'

' Ing 1I»|k:" uml "Snmclltne We'l■ . .

{( [f . The grave In Twin Kails cviiieter) 5.U1 dedicated by Willli'iin (i. Slans-

, *■ pr,.Hai’.'en, coiiiix-IInr o! the bl.tho;i' rlc. IMIl-b iSrera were Mrs. Ob-r- hftwli:- brothrrs. omi:'- dodfrey

•'* Itoy CicKlfri'y nnd Vieior (imllrey. ai: r.FFmm=«=<sffFOW7n:x.':r7-i7rmip momi, brullHT of Hie bcrmvid hus'

tbelr ftnd Wallrr nriitv, Drummond ,iiid Hny Pool, Menan.

ik'sld's her husbjind. Mrs. Oblr- flU h,ir,'.li WIU hurvlvcd by hir w;;s,|l|__ ivvi'"v :i Mini fltMi Wrvri- tliT

inontht old. Mn. Wirrti» Aiulrr.ton, r ir p lliinvn. It a bi.iter. Mrs. OlxThaiisirs I f S {>.l;e;lt .Mr. wiiJ Mr*. Jolui Ciodfrey,

I UTimelt. nllend'd the fum-ral wrv- Ires ye.tterday, as did a sitter, Mra.

, Tlie Allen itiirl, lioisr; lier ntinl,-Mr», )llday Mi'b<'l Thomas, .Monaii, and Dciolty 5 no- Obcrhaiish, brothir of the bereaved I dur* huiU nd,(i.iTiy During .M: Olxrhansh'.i loni; ■were illmiJ, all mimbcts ot Hic family

wMiod her, ineliidiitg iwo M.item, luthlp ••'f*' I’-'''" llawkts, Ilid:-': und Mrs. I’n on •lurlf' F'rulfdale: a brolhvr. Itolaiid

unij Oflillii' . Wliln' I’nr; .her i Mr iiUher. Mn. F. K. and uncle, jjPti- Hr. L. K. Cowlc.t, bom ol'aait, Lake ETMrT t'liyrwlKi WTru i:n.ibk''to'im'7fa'Hr" Caro- lun'.ral .t:rvlccs. •

■nick- —Wlicoiiiln produced 2'j.OOO busli- lawM. eU ofiloviT sc'td In IWO, one-HIHi -Leu* of Hi- iiaUon't-lotal nnd.murc llun rhike. .iny,olhi'r'i«t??- ,ra;jd ' —

IlllnolJls warrlnjcn hawks. croKs,. ,,i.. lionicd owli, KUidicrs. wo'jil.chucla. and ground r.anlrrelJ b;c.iuse Ihcy Mra. nuall.

List. - .Icked

,'i Prrces-Be p - T k e - e o n

i Tires Doc S Tires?make . . ■ ;. theLj-j}* W e l l , G o o d y e a r 1: "mei'; y e a r fo r 16 y e a r s ! I

c id e d t h a t / W o u ld n __exarnpl(*, t h a t i r i fu

f^EE ' ^

iiiii,-!■> '

eil I . •!. .

. I . ■S r ' .

..........l e ,.In.l- ■ate- '

■ ' A


^ niefamouiGoodyeorAII-(I Weolher Tread i» luperior 51 In Iroction. Note how the M deep-cul, tighl-grippfng G blocks ore placed in ihs L eenler of Ihe tread, where f i Ihey belong. Press the« palm oF your hond upon fl

' Ihli' Ireod and feel how I Ihe blocks grip and pinch I the fleih. This illutlralei ' tha All-Wealher Tread'i . hold-foil acllon on pove- nenl or road. » • •

•T • 1

~ . ■ - TlOffice nnd Shop Fi

• O ffic in lBow hM as Sales nnd S e n k e i



._ _ _ I’a.',I Ncbln Ciror.ih a■ (x■Jntlon wl [Q l iiipi l Thur.Ml-x July W. at 7 o'eloe

ILIIL'-''- Hie hnmi- ol M.' . C. H. Kldrn iThi' an:;:ial jjIcmc mpi'ir v-lll b !.'i'r\i'd. j;acli mi'inlcT li rniui'

h'.TC,),, (,rin,; ,i covr-(l tll.-li nml dhhe .and slUer'waro U>r hiTcielf.

•I"''' Comnuiiihy Chnreli I-idlrr.' Al v.ill mi c'.' Ill tb- church pit

’' llorr, tlU.t af:ir:V..:; v.lHi .Mr . J. V ’ ‘'|j'j'';MrD;RY..:i ar; hsr.t.r.i.

Ml--.. K. U ,'l....!...) ..Ill'' thi! Soilali'.t elub thl.t afl'-trrr,-r ^onn ftVhrr l-.t;:t'.? 133!) Kl:;hth livef ti;o — V ■--:..... .......... .H.lm- ThelJaiTibi M• '■ll.lmry•wlety w|'Hi. a Hjccl Jn !,';e ll:ihl ji-'-rk FrJd.iy n/terda'jil iii'.tea:! of 'rhursdiiy wlUi th

Vtur- n:i» rtqiii.M.-,! !i> mccl al'Hio Bun M«.T- galow nl 12:l.') and bring a cavcrci We'll dbh,, sandBi.:. s, plate, cup am

silver imd li.;::>|ieriallun will b letery provldvil. Ilev. ami Mts. George I ir uins-' Ion. Uuhl, uill l.-ll'of thu Nortneri ,iio;i- llJiilltt cimi'iitii'Ii. which met li jber- Kantas Clly U't month,tfrey, ------- -------y. all IIKCAttnr.tSS tip YOUH FOO' nuns' •TnntTntTX7-tw1*n«rrHnrfatln hu5- feel for cnr dnllar. i'hone 810. ,\di

nond. -------

3blT- '&o::S' ■ n D B B B Q B ’G D ^ S S j n c - B i i S S S (B H a _____, S i Lu.Urey, W } jW j K l U:: . H .Mrs. .

A”avedH ItanJi:

lone H ablvlo


^ jj-sDma In E'Wlloom-llun Ip.ih* nrw'.SCO ><MD . I- «

KrtmwfKoWorctKd I reding

UcVa <18 i»Jk. itctwint KI I World' Ihcy U ___________ H

fein Equal; iiTipan^7WSii »es.So Becau

ir builds the most (Ires—li s! No need then to say lha Idn’t this be a Rood time 1 future it will pay you to a

' ■ !'i

'*1 w ill bn eadingm


>nw m F:h U Tei u o I lulyffl

''' V \ i v i \ u U U B l ^ H



p Phone 299 Mn^ncto iceSlnlinn*




Kldrfil' A luiMilJir of Twm.F.aliJ v ■111 be who i!i«ti,:lit they were buylni lUi-.trd ‘■''■J' " i'’' '' ‘'‘"i' ‘o 'dl'hes wcelhale b,-n disapiiolnted. acci

to r. I'ort iiiade by a woman re. t: Aid of S'-:iiiid a'.oniic north lo the ■h p:ir-J. W, Till' eaiivnwr, accordlnj lo

nr.i. matiuti rivin ihe jiollce, gav . nami'ol C. Johnson., ami sail

lufl'T- riiiiu' Knitting company. OmiII u e- Ky!!-wtii.; a-liuiH-wali-fir do

ol till' ;.:ti):liigs, the j>ollcc wen---- a mimbrr "I Hie'ciinviwer's pi

!ty will nrtitrr -cri lfit«r9 lo lilanMertei n/ter- pjojpr^-acd fhtf Mu-n came Ul the unclalimil.

S z A G A T A DEMANDS TF1) and ----III be 6lanlcy'Zn';«ta.{l by ( elbr- Mlllrr in a mWemcanar char irtrreni Inti r; wllh an irrigation i net In Jiun' :i7. jileadctl nst guilty oi

r.vtiit;;!:' nt before Judge Quy L. rtiy lU'iirobato court here ycsK

FOOT He.trhi; war. set foe 10 A. M, I lailfC Tii'J.i .1 ii.,jt«ntrrl-br-JrFr I. .AdvJharck.Twin Falls, attorney.


iVcucst nt the Morrison cnioy* ijjl ihe jxuries iii.n only a holel oi prcmici UnJinccanolTcr. Vetratcsorercniark' blyloM, I>ecausc(ub-rcnc.il9 pay oil thi rounJrcnf,savlngii|iaucdont0BUcit3

!5 0 0 R O O M S . $ 2 .5 0 u rivrnr loots In iht Mmdion Ilaid- to eutudi xm with h«h.-o,™1.tin* lc-«i.r.- ■jiling liir,p «nil ServvJor A knueketro I itiontd on fvh (IjvrI’orld's Tolltic Uoiel - 46 StorJtJ >/J«

i, Isn’t l i L. hlch-BuiUs luse If Buiic

i—by millions! It has bu that it huild^thc best ti ie for yoiito doa little to say: __ /__

■' ' ' , '

nake oft

SSL Why Go K m Leading

PiS ilM K m n Th.F

i . v B v S ' Corcc

B i ‘road-

w S K /B fiw m m f i Ask I

^BBw/H h K ' i

nhile CoiQ U IP P ED C A R A G E IN T H E y

Timkc - H.yaU


3 women Mrj„Edn» F, Uarnctt, Claremo:Vo a cwi- ‘I'X'i:!"" pf the late M vceks 1150 William ,M, Lambing, who dle<l he riccordlniT Vur.e J5. liHs j>ctiHun« il,eI resldpiii court here for IcltcritCAtlmcnt.iry :he police i , „ mothcr'a will thIo Infor- ‘‘“ '"■'■j''' "1“ ®...... s:.'::ing of ftcck.t nnd r<eiirltlrs ai

rral prcj CTinn 11 Ilcach , Ct

iinnin proxlmately $30,000. Tlie will > e.xeeul.'dlnf\b.-uary.lKJ. The eoi;

(lomery- jfLTliiy-l!! n. 'tne time for prorJ: iere told, .j;] j,,;] j,c;iring Mrs. RarnetII patrons i>e!ilI(rnT~crA~ntnieyrTwln-Tnl

biffc “ ttcrney for' the ‘iK'lHloher. '

^ D e l i v a i 3 ' f r 3

S™]'X t e -righltoi/mr.lumI' Oil nr- b —r L.ICIn- jim M ■ ■ ja g \ \ cstenlay. iB H l 'if, loday. • Z S C V-FrKcc^

i i « s^ B E j j Inier M M — — -.

^ @ w ell‘5B H KAnOKAt CREST

g = g i i i :.Si.tMd.tSt»«»

J P . fl'tilillwdbreuoriwrhipi*.


ligh Automatic El?cli|c CoJf«* Roaitint Accotfipllihed by

Logical That Is The Most Ids The Best.

)uilt the most tires every : tircs! the public has de- :le deciding; too—as, for

^ :

' f c ______________

tire\ _

EASOWoodyear is The gi Make of Tire

3 ' '

a palenled Goodyear Superlwitt Cord ircais Is superior in vitolily ond long s. Untier continued flexing or sudden ad-shock, whore ordinory cords (oliguo snap, the exlro-elotlie Supertwiit eordi etch ond recover, like rubber bands.■k us lo show you on our corddejting jchine the oalro-ilrelth. . . enormously Bofer. of Supertwijt cord over ihe It standard cord. * « . • . '.. ' *1

; [

' ' ' . ' unpanyJW E S T ' -

ParU Phone 298 ikcn. New Departure and a ll Hcnrinu Distributors .