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What is the kidney?

• The kidneys are vital organs in the human body that produces around 189.3L (200 quarts) a day.

• They are located under the rib cage, and near the middle of the back body.

• The waste produced by the kidneys turns into urine, which is flowed through tubes from the bladder called "ureters".

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What happens if the kidneys aren't functioning properly?

• There are lots of reasons why the kidney might not function properly. One of the core reasons towards kidney problems is due to the fact of people ageing.

• As people age, kidneys don't function as good as they would during their youth.

• However, people can be born with kidney diseases as well.

• The Kidney Foundation of Canada states that 1 in 10 Canadians will have kidney stones in some point in their life.

• The Kidney Foundation of Canada also stated that Men are more prone to get kidney stones than woman are. Kidney stones usually occur more commonly during the middle aged period. (30-40)

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What are the causes of kidney stones?

• Kidney stones are formed when the urine volume is decreased, or if there is a stone forming substance in the kidneys. Kidney stones are usually formed by many substances, but they are most commonly formed by calcium mixed with either phosphate or oxalate.

• The disease of kidney stones usually have a source from habits. Some of them include; Dehydration, Kidney Infection due to bacteria, Hereditarily passed, or too little citrate. (A derivative of citric acid)

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• Sever cases kidney stones usually require surgery, or using sound waves to break the stones into smaller pieces. But for small stones and minimal cases or symptoms people may be able to excrete a small stone by drinking unto 2-3L of water, medical therapy, and medication. The most common way to get kidney stones removed is by "extra corporeal shock wave lithotripsy" or SWL, which is sound waves or strong vibrations that break up stones into tiny pieces.

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Conclusion and Links

• In conclusion, to prevent the likelihood of kidney stones. People need to start living healthy lifestyles by staying hydrated, and by not eating too many salty and processed foods.




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