Download - Keyword Strategy Implementation GuideNick+-+Keyword+Strate… · design consulting (not yet exclusively for ecommerce, but it played a part), and as such ... KISSmetrics: SEO: A Comprehensive

Page 1: Keyword Strategy Implementation GuideNick+-+Keyword+Strate… · design consulting (not yet exclusively for ecommerce, but it played a part), and as such ... KISSmetrics: SEO: A Comprehensive

© 2032 I’m From The Future, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Prepared by Nick Eubanks for No part of this document may be copied or reused without express written consent from Nick Eubanks.

Keyword  Strategy  Implementation  Guide The first step to gaining organic traffic for qualified phrases is identifying them.

More people than not completely skimp on keyword research, let along taking the time necessary to truly master it.

Once you have your target keywords identified, and you’ve taken your time to properly prioritize them – now what?

This is The Hard Part Creating a keyword strategy so you can begin building relevancy and attacking the links you need to begin ranking (and thus gaining traffic and momentum) for these keywords is hard; really hard.

What This Is NOT It’s not an exact blueprint for what YOU need to do, because honestly – I don’t know you, I don’t know your website, and I sure as heck don’t know what keywords you’re targeting.

This is not going to be a B.S. document meant shilling some load of garbage on “making money online,” and it’s definitely not going to be me sitting on some half broken down boat somewhere in Florida painting a picture of my perfect life – the life everyone dreams about… with stupid pictures of fancy cars, houses, and Paypal statements.

Screw that crap.

Page 2: Keyword Strategy Implementation GuideNick+-+Keyword+Strate… · design consulting (not yet exclusively for ecommerce, but it played a part), and as such ... KISSmetrics: SEO: A Comprehensive

© 2032 I’m From The Future, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Prepared by Nick Eubanks for No part of this document may be copied or reused without express written consent from Nick Eubanks.

What This IS This guide is designed to show you 3 specific strategies, with REAL examples – yes seriously, I’m going to show you how I’ve used these exact strategies – to get traction for keywords I want to rank for.

One important note is that I’m going to focus on money keywords – not necessarily head terms, but money terms – these are the keywords that you need to identify as those that will bring the most qualified traffic to your site; not just the most traffic.

It’s a very important distinction – this is not a guide on SEO for traffic, it’s meant to help you get traction on doing SEO for conversions.

Here are 3 Keyword Strategies You Can Start Using

#1 Create a Product

That may sound hard – but in reality, it’s much easier than going at it building content, building tons of links, and praying that whenever you land mentions people use the anchor variations that you want them to.

Here are 3 examples where people used the names of their product, to rank for the most qualified keywords for their website(s), me included!

1. Building Profitable Audiences – This is a private, paid forum where product launch mastermind Nathan Barry teaches members the exact steps he’s taken to launch products with over $250,000 in sales. Nathan named this course because he found that while this keyword had low search volume, the searches for this term

Page 3: Keyword Strategy Implementation GuideNick+-+Keyword+Strate… · design consulting (not yet exclusively for ecommerce, but it played a part), and as such ... KISSmetrics: SEO: A Comprehensive

© 2032 I’m From The Future, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Prepared by Nick Eubanks for No part of this document may be copied or reused without express written consent from Nick Eubanks.

were so highly qualified from a conversion perspective – that he knew if he ranked #1 it would directly impact his sales.

2. Double Your Freelancing Rate – This book is what led now serial entrepreneur Brennan Dunn to launch his product empire. What I love about this example so much is that Brennan used this keyword to actually sell backwards… He leveraged the success of his book (which is no longer available as a book) to build an entire content destination at – see what he did there? Then he took it further and expanded his product base from just a book to a full range course bearing the same name. The keyword “double your freelancing rate” only has around ~200 searches per month – but again, these are extremely qualified visits, where the average conversion rate is HUGE.

3. Lastly, I’m going to use myself – because there’s nothing worse that SEO’s who tell you to do things that a) they haven’t tested and b) they don’t believe in enough to do themselves. Master Keyword Research in 7 Days – This is a course I designed to be delivered by email, and was specifically made to go much deeper into the technical analysis side of things than my guide from a couple years prior. I chose this product title because it’s short and easy to remember but mainly because it encompassed the money term I wanted to rank for: master

Page 4: Keyword Strategy Implementation GuideNick+-+Keyword+Strate… · design consulting (not yet exclusively for ecommerce, but it played a part), and as such ... KISSmetrics: SEO: A Comprehensive

© 2032 I’m From The Future, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Prepared by Nick Eubanks for No part of this document may be copied or reused without express written consent from Nick Eubanks.

keyword research. I knew that while this term has very low search volume, I could leverage my existing product base (my last guide on how to do keyword research for SEO) and build additional relevance for my root domain for more terms related to keyword research. Now, when people search for this keyword and see my course landing page ranking at #1 – these are highly qualified visits that convert very well (on average at 30%).

#2 Create an Event

Sounds difficult? It’s really not – and better yet; you don’t even have to operate it for that long…

Let me explain.

While I’m not suggesting you spam the heck out of event sites, I do want to explain the significant SEO advantages at play here that you can quickly leverage.

There are 2 components to this strategy:

1. 2. Building an Events page on your site in an SEO Friendly way

First, let’s talk – a site with a domain authority of 92, and over 17 million backlinks from over 150,000 root domains.

‘Nuff said.

Page 5: Keyword Strategy Implementation GuideNick+-+Keyword+Strate… · design consulting (not yet exclusively for ecommerce, but it played a part), and as such ... KISSmetrics: SEO: A Comprehensive

© 2032 I’m From The Future, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Prepared by Nick Eubanks for No part of this document may be copied or reused without express written consent from Nick Eubanks.

Where this can create SEO value for you is based on the ranking strategy often referred to as parasite pages.

Parasite SEO is the practice of leveraging the massive domain authority of websites that allow you to publish your content on their root domain, not for links – but to leverage their ability to rank for very difficult terms much faster than smaller sites ever could.

The most frequently used parasite publishers are:

x YouTube x PRWeb x LinkedIn x Amazon Product Pages x Yahoo Answers

And many others, but you get the idea.

What you can use for is to rank specifically for competitive local queries, let me give you an example.

A couple years back I was in the business of providing user interface design consulting (not yet exclusively for ecommerce, but it played a part), and as such – I wanted to rank for the head local keyword: user experience Philadelphia.

So I launched a meetup aimed at this specific term, called Shame On UX.

Here’s the current SERP for “user experience Philadelphia” as it sits today, years later:

Page 6: Keyword Strategy Implementation GuideNick+-+Keyword+Strate… · design consulting (not yet exclusively for ecommerce, but it played a part), and as such ... KISSmetrics: SEO: A Comprehensive

© 2032 I’m From The Future, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Prepared by Nick Eubanks for No part of this document may be copied or reused without express written consent from Nick Eubanks.

The meetup page still ranks #4 on this hyper-local, competitive SERP. It used to actually rank #1 AND #2 when it was active, i.e. when the content on the page wasn’t over 12 months old and I was hosting an event every couple months.

I didn’t even have to host that many events to make this “a thing” that Google was paying attention to, I think to date there’s only ever been 6 meetups of Shame On UX.

Page 7: Keyword Strategy Implementation GuideNick+-+Keyword+Strate… · design consulting (not yet exclusively for ecommerce, but it played a part), and as such ... KISSmetrics: SEO: A Comprehensive

© 2032 I’m From The Future, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Prepared by Nick Eubanks for No part of this document may be copied or reused without express written consent from Nick Eubanks.

Again, I’m not saying spam – the example is meant to provide a tangible scenario of how you can leverage parasite pages, like, to get traffic and rank quickly for difficult keywords.

Another good example of this (also on is Bill Rowland’s event SEO Grail, which ranks at #5 for SEO Philadelphia.

AND would rank even higher if he changed the page title.

Page 8: Keyword Strategy Implementation GuideNick+-+Keyword+Strate… · design consulting (not yet exclusively for ecommerce, but it played a part), and as such ... KISSmetrics: SEO: A Comprehensive

© 2032 I’m From The Future, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Prepared by Nick Eubanks for No part of this document may be copied or reused without express written consent from Nick Eubanks.

#3 Create a Content Series

This is very easy to wrap your head around, but to be perfectly honest I see most people that try this give up after just a few posts.

You need to remember that good SEO takes time, and effort.

This is not a quick win strategy – but a sustainable, and squeaky clean way to attack a long list of high value keywords when properly executed.

The best examples of this that I can think, at least for “SEO,” are MOZ and Backlinko, which funny enough compete against each other on a lot of the SERP’s they’re targeting with their series content.

MOZ’s  Beginner’s  Guide  to  SEO – A comprehensive 10 Chapter content series that ranks for almost all “101” terms related to SEO.

Which has been copied (pretty well in my opinion) by other notable tech marketing brands like:

KISSmetrics: SEO: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners

Buffer: The Complete Beginners Guide to SEO

Backlinko took a more focused, niche approach and essentially came at my throat for the term keyword research, with his series titled: Keyword Research: The Definitive Guide.

And even though Brian is a direct SERP competitor of mine, I can’t be upset – he took it a step up to create big content that is better in overall presentation and experience than mine, my competing post is just that – a blog post, nothing more.

Page 9: Keyword Strategy Implementation GuideNick+-+Keyword+Strate… · design consulting (not yet exclusively for ecommerce, but it played a part), and as such ... KISSmetrics: SEO: A Comprehensive

© 2032 I’m From The Future, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Prepared by Nick Eubanks for No part of this document may be copied or reused without express written consent from Nick Eubanks.

The big difference is my treasure trove of keyword research information is all locked away in my 2 paid course;

- Beginner’s  Guide  to  Keyword  Research for SEO (which is $37) and - My advanced course; Master Keyword Research (which is $127).

But our individual content each serves its own unique purpose.

Thank you for downloading this quick resource guide on ways to implement a keyword strategy – I hope you found it useful.

If you ever have any questions please feel free to hit me up on Twitter @nick_eubanks and I also read and respond to every email I get through

Have a great day – and here’s to your SEO success.


Nick Eubanks