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Bob Johnson, Ph.D.Academic Impressions: Planning for a Higher Ed

Website Redesign Cincinnati, OH: February 28 – March 2

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6 eternal truths, mobile or large screen…

• People are impatient

• People are impatient

• People are impatient

• People are impatient

• People are impatient

• People are impatient

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A potential students speaks…

•  "If I had to change one thing it would probably be size of the paragraphs, when I clicked to go to certain pages there were paragraphs that were so long and tedious just kind of dragging on the description of the school which made me lose interest because I got bored."

Response from one high school student in a January 2016 CCI survey asking “If you could change one thing about our website, what would you change and why?”

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1. Dense content is not web-friendly…

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16 lines!

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2. Extreme claims are not credible…(Names changed to protect the guilty)

• “For more than 60 years, XYZ University has maintained a prestigious reputation for the quality of its engineering program. Today, the XYZ University engineering degree remains the ‘gold standard’ of excellence in engineering education. Students graduating with our degree will enter the marketplace armed with skills that are backed by the XYZ University heritage of unmatched quality in the academic preparation of engineering professionals.”

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3. Reading levels are best kept low…

of Cambridge Research Grade 10 Reading Level

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4. Brevity is best…

• “Twitter forces you to be concise.”• “Twitter forces you to exercise your vocabulary.”

• “Twitter forces you to improve your editing skills.”• Jennifer Blanchard,

• Use the same skills for Facebook entries

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5. “You” is a great web word…

• Write like this…• “Invest in yourself and

your success.”• 8 times…

• Use of “you” or “your” on this page after the first heading.

• Abolish…• “Applicants must…”


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SCANNABILITY IS MOST IMPORTANT……if people can’t scan your content they will not read it.

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<5 seconds to connect in a scan as a page opens.

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Eliminate dense text blocks…

• Short paragraphs… 50 words or less• One-sentence paragraph is OK

• Short sentences… 5 to 10 words• Subheads…

• Active words, not labels, related to page heading

• Bullet points• Line spacing

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You can’t force people to read online…If visitors can’t scan a page, few will stay.

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11-line “Unique Residency…”

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“Residency…” in 2 bullet points…Good original use of the “you” word• 2 Unique Residency Experiences• Two of the defining components of the Penn State iMBA are the Term

3 and Term 8 residencies. • In the Term 3 residency, you will study a prominent U.S. firm by spending

a week on-site, analyzing their organizational structure and strategy. • In the Term 8 residency, you will participate in a team business

simulation held at Penn State University Park in State College, Pennsylvania.

• These residency experiences put you in consulting and decision-making roles, allowing you to use the skills and tools you have developed in the program to find solutions to real business problems.

• At the conclusion of the Term 8 residency, you will have the opportunity to walk at commencement with the other Penn State master’s and doctoral candidates.

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10-line “Program Highlights”…

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“Program Highlights” in 5 bullet points…And change “students” to “you”• The BS in Elementary Education is a Florida Department of Education

(FLDOE) approved program that culminates with both Reading and ESOL endorsement. • The program includes courses in teaching students with English as a second

language, students with exceptionalities, reading competency, classroom management, assessment, and integrated approaches to teaching methodologies at the elementary school level. 

• Students will learn to facilitate lessons that integrate math and science, health, music and movement, as well as literature, fine arts, language arts, and social sciences.

• Field experience requirements are progressive in nature, building upon previous semester experiences.

• Students will observe teachers in the field, teach lessons through the practicum courses, and complete a full-time teaching internship in their final semester. Courses are offered for full-time and part-time students, with blended and online courses where applicable.

• Students will complete one upper division literacy course (3 credit hours) taught by Florida Gulf Coast University faculty.

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FONT SIZE? NO SQUINTING!10 point or 12 point… Fonts are different at same sizes…

(Verdana)Fonts are different at same sizes (Arial)Fonts are different at same sizes (Calibri)

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Don’t make them squint…

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No squinting at Mizzou Grad School…

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Black text on white (or very light) background is best…

Avoid low contrast between text and background whatever the color combination.

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Low-contrast text is a killer…

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SCANNABILITY EXAMPLES…… and a video caveat.

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Easy to scan key numbers…

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Easy to scan program choices…

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Easy to scan “Admissions” links…

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Easy to scan annual report, w/ video…

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Video hides message engagement…

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Your website is not for great literature… Moby Dick on the web“Whenever I find myself

growing grim about the mouth; whenever it is a damp, drizzly November in my soul; whenever I find myself involuntarily pausing before coffin warehouses, and bringing up the rear of every funeral I meet; and especially whenever my hypos get such an upper hand of me, that it requires a strong moral principle to prevent me from deliberately stepping into the street, and methodically knocking people's hats off- then, I account it high time to get to sea as soon as I can.”

I must go to sea when: – I'm depressed or

melancholy. – I stop in front of coffin

warehouses. – I follow funerals. – I have a powerful urge to

knock people's hats off.

Continue the adventure here.Thanks to Kathy Henning, Communications Specialist, Seattle Pacific University

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Simple words help people connect…• Newspaper copy words…

• “walk”… not “ambulate”• “confuse”… not “discombobulate”• “beat around the bush”… not “prevaricate”• “view”… not “purview”• “glaring”… not “egregious” • “wise” or “smart”… not “judicious”

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“Carewords” to engage people…UNC Kenan-Flagler Business School research• Words people cared about… Top 25%• Advance your career• Balancing work, home,

and school• Career advancement• Cost• Best school possible• Prestigious, well-

recognized degree

• Words that didn’t rank high… Low 25%• Accessible faculty• Experience of faculty• Corporate sponsorship• Shaping leaders• Class diversity (industry

or experience)• Format of program

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No need for frou-frou speed bumps…

• “Stanford University, located between San Francisco and San Jose in the heart of California's Silicon Valley, is one of the world's leading teaching and research universities. Since its opening in 1891, Stanford has been dedicated to finding solutions to big challenges and to preparing students for leadership in a complex world.”

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Strong first sentence stands out…

•“ReStart is the academic forgiveness policy of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.”

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Scrolling in moderation…

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Mobile style points…• Importance of the first impression

• Headings and first sentences.• Ability to scan, especially from a smartphone.• Simple writing style is even more important.

• Short sentences• Short paragraphs

• Informal, personal, friendly.• Plenty of white space, as always.

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Best editorial decision for mobile…

• Start with immediately visible content words

• Content words are navigation points

• Don’t let graphics prevent content scans

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The 5 most important pieces…• Identify the top tasks visitors want to complete.

• Different audiences have different tasks.• Reduce excessive content plaguing most websites.

• Make sure that content is scannable… you have 5 seconds or less.• Short words, sentences, paragraphs.• Subheads, bullet points, links.

• Use language that people visiting a site understand & care about.

• Be careful in the use of photos and video.

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THANKS FOR BEING HERE IN CINCINNATI!Bob Johnson, Ph.D. (248.766.6425)[email protected]

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RESEARCH & HIGHER ED RESOURCES…Research sources…Higher education web writing guides.

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Jakob Nielsen on web writing…

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Gerry McGovern on web writing…

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If you only read one book…

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Writing sections… With research strength…

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Test your website for reading level…

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Test your website for mobile…

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Dalhousie University…

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New York University…

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Hampshire College…

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