Download - KEMENTERIAN KEUANGAN REPUBLIK INDONESIA DIREKTORAT · Yth. 1. Para Pejabat eselon II di Lingkungan kantor Pusat DJBC



SEKRETARIAT DIREKTORAT JENDERAL Jalan Jenderal A. Yani Telepon : (021) 4890308 Jakarta Faksimile : (021) 4890871 Kotak Pos 108 Jakarta – 10002 Website :

Nomor : S- 1414 /BC.1/UP.6/2011 13 September 2011 Sifat : Sangat Segera Lampiran : Satu berkas Hal : Penyelenggaraan Executive Training Program

Kementerian Keuangan Tahun 2011 Yth. 1. Para Pejabat eselon II di Lingkungan kantor Pusat DJBC 2. Para Kepala KWBC 3. Para Kepala Kantor Pelayanan Utama 4. Para Kepala KPPBC Madya Pabean 5. Para Kepala KPPBC Madya Cukai

Sehubungan dengan rencana penyelenggaraan Executive Training Program Kementerian Keuangan Tahun 2011, dengan hormat kami sampaikan hal-hal sebagai berikut :

1. Kementerian Keuangan akan menyelenggarakan 57 (lima puluh tujuh) program training di dalam dan luar negeri, yang secara khusus diperuntukkan bagi para leader dengan membidik kompetensi-kompetensi yang diperlukan dalam menunjang pelaksanaan tugasnya, mulai bulan Oktober 2011 (daftar terlampir).

2. Peserta program training dimaksud adalah Pejabat Eselon I, II dan III di lingkungan Kementerian Keuangan untuk memberikan kontribusi positif terhadap peningkatan kapasitas dan wawasan sesuai bidang tugasnya masing-masing.

3. Adapun persyaratan peserta training dimaksud adalah sebagai berikut :

a. Diprioritaskan Pejabat Eselon I dan II serta Pejabat Eselon III tertentu sesuai dengan tema pelatihan;

b. Memiliki kemampuan Bahasa Inggris yang baik, lisan maupun tertulis;

c. Melakukan knowledge sharing seusai mengikuti training (difasilitasi oleh BPPK).

4. Berkenaan dengan hal tersebut di atas, diharapkan Saudara dan/atau Pejabat Eselon III tertentu (sesuai tema pelatihan) yang berada di bawah pengawasan Saudara dapat mengikuti training dimaksud sesuai jadwal dan persyaratan yang ditentukan.

5. Mohon bantuan Saudara untuk menyampaikan daftar nama calon peserta dan program training yang akan diikuti kepada Sekretaris Direktorat Jenderal u.p. Kepala Bagian Kepegawaian di nomor faksimili (021) 4701733, 4753431 dan alamat email [email protected] sebelum tanggal 16 September 2011 guna proses lebih lanjut.

Atas perhatian dan kerja sama Saudara kami ucapkan terima kasih.

Sekretaris Direktorat Jenderal, Ttd,- Azhar Rasyidi NIP 19630321 199103 1 002

Tembusan : Direktur Jenderal



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Capacity Building Kementerian Keuangan

Biro Biro OrganisasiOrganisasi dandan KetatalaksanaanKetatalaksanaan, 2011 , 2011 1

Usulan Program Pendidikan dan Usulan Program Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Eksekutif Pelatihan Eksekutif --LNLN

No. Program Description/ Curriculum/ Objective Location Dates Person Target


1. Creating Collaborative Solutions

program explores new methods of working across traditional jurisdictions and sectors to identify, understand, and address emerging social problemsTopic includes strategic management, adaptive leadership, public sector innovation,principlednegotiation dan political innovation

John F. Kennedy School of Government Cambridge, MA USA

23-28 October 2011

6 II

2. Strategic Management of Regulatory and Enforcement Agencies

The Program examines the distinctive strategic and managerial challenges that surround government agencies’ regulatory and enforcement functions, focusing on issues of social regulation (the control of risks to society) rather than economic regulation (the control of markets)

John F. Kennedy School of GovernmentCambridge, MA 02138 USA

2-7 October 2011

6 II




Usulan Program Pendidikan dan Usulan Program Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Eksekutif Pelatihan Eksekutif --LNLN

No. Program Description/ Curriculum/ Objective Location Dates Person Target


3. Leading and Managing People

This mind-shifting leadership development program offers you an opportunity to step free of the blind spots that automatically arise in fast-paced, get-it-done work situations. You’ll see how you affect your employees positively and negatively and gain practical tools and frameworks that help you lead

Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, USA

12 - 15 December2011

6 II / III

and frameworks that help you lead them more effectively to achieve the results you need. This program is complementary to Building Relationships That Work, which focuses on revitalizing the relationships that affect the quality and profitability of your business.


Usulan Program Pendidikan dan Usulan Program Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Eksekutif Pelatihan Eksekutif --LNLN

No. Program Description/ Curriculum/ Objective Location Dates Person Target


4. Strategic Thinking and Management for Competitive Advantage

You will learn to create coherent and forceful strategies for your future and get the opportunity to apply these concepts to your own strategic plan.

Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, USA

5 -9 December 2011

6 II

5. Leading Organizational Change

You'll examine the factors that trip up promising organizational transformations and the strategies that can make them more successful. You'll gain a better grasp of the individual, interpersonal, group, and system design issues involved in making you a more effective change agent in your organization

Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, USA

29 November -2 December 2011

6 I / II

effective change agent in your organization.

6. Global Strategic Leadership

Exploring new frameworks for leading across boundaries, making complex decisions with ambiguous data, and discovering new strategies for volatile and uncertain times. The program will provide you with an opportunity for guided practice in transforming your current strategy and vision into a compelling story that inspires your organization to deliver noteworthy results.

Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, USA

7 -9 December 2011

6 I / II




Usulan Program Pendidikan dan Usulan Program Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Eksekutif Pelatihan Eksekutif --LNLN

No. Program Description/ Curriculum/ Objective Location Dates Person Target


7. Leading Change and Organizational Renewal

Practical approaches and tools to help you analyze and design a comprehensive strategy for promoting innovation and strategic change throughout your organizationModels and frameworks for meeting today’s business performance challenges while innovating for the future

Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, USA

13-18 November 2011

6 II

Multimedia Action Learning Toolkit for use during the program and to take back to your workplace, including faculty video cases, electronic slides, and workbooks to help you apply the program insights to your organization’s specific short- and long-term business challenges 5

Usulan Program Pendidikan dan Usulan Program Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Eksekutif Pelatihan Eksekutif --LNLN

No. Program Description/ Curriculum/ Objective Location Dates Person Target


8. High Impact Leadership

you have an action plan for managing yourself and leading others to improved performance, and are more effective at communicating direction and inspiration that aligns people and objectives.

Columbia Business School, New York, USA

4 -9 December 2011

6 II

9. Develop Yourself as a Leader

Looking at leadership as a process, this program is an opportunity to increase your capacity to lead more effectively in your current role and throughout your career.

HEC Paris Le Château, France

6 December 2011

6 II

10. Managing Across Cultures

build trust with remote players who do not reportmanage people with different national and corporate culturesnew comptencies, new tools, sharing problems and challengesManaging operations in the international arena is getting more and more complex and very challenging

HEC Paris Le Château, France

21 November2011

6 I / II




Usulan Program Pendidikan dan Usulan Program Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Eksekutif Pelatihan Eksekutif --LNLN

No. Program Description/ Curriculum/ Objective Location Dates Person Target


11. Developing Leaders

The program will give you the opportunity to assess your processes and systems against best-practice examples and the latest thinking.

European School ofManagement and Technology, Berlin, Germany

11 - 14 October 2011


12. Leading through Crises

You will learn how to prioritize your activities during different stages of a crisis as well as

European School ofManagement

16-18 November 2011

6 II

stages of a crisis as well as how to lead and communicate. We will also look at the issue error management as this is of particular importance in complex situations. Participants will not only learn lessons from the corporate world but also from other areas like airline pilots as well as the military.

Management and Technology, Berlin, Germany



Usulan Program Pendidikan dan Usulan Program Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Eksekutif Pelatihan Eksekutif --LNLN

No. Program Description/ Curriculum/ Objective Location Dates Person Target


13. Leading People and Teams

This program is a leadership laboratory that deals with the “why” and “how” of behavior in organizations. Unlike many other programs on similar topics, it goes beyond the obvious, conscious and rational side of human functioning, adding the opportunity to explore productive as opposed to non-productive drives that individuals subconsciously follow in

European School ofManagement and Technology, Berlin, Germany

15 - 18 November 2011

6 II

subconsciously follow in organizations.

14. Advanced Management Program

This program provokes, challenges and inspires you to deepen your understanding of how you can become more effective at the most senior levels of your organisationthrough personal and organisational transformation.

Mt. Eliza Executive Education, University of Melbourne, Melbourne-Australia

10-21 October 2011

6 II / III




Usulan Program Pendidikan dan Usulan Program Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Eksekutif Pelatihan Eksekutif --LNLN

No. Program Description/ Curriculum/ Objective Location Dates Person Target


15. Foundations of Management and Leadership

Create your personal development plan for application back at workTranslate broader organisational visions into key team projects and goalsEngage, motivate, inspire and lead people around youDevelop action plans and budgets with clear targetsTake charge of change and negotiate new work arrangements and processesA refined set of process skills for b ildi t i fl i th

Australian School of Business, UNSWSydney, NSW, Australia

21 November 2011

6 I / II

building teams, influencing others, managing projects and performance, and implementing change

16. Advanced Negotiation and Influencing

Upgrade your skills to manage more complex negotiations and conflict situations

Australian School of Business, UNSWSydney, NSW, Australia

17 October 2011

6 I / II


Usulan Program Pendidikan dan Usulan Program Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Eksekutif Pelatihan Eksekutif --LNLN

No. Program Description/Curriculum/ Objective Location Dates Person Target


17. Creativity and Strategy for Innovation

Gain the creative edge to build innovative business strategies

Australian School of Business, UNSWSydney, NSW, Australia

2 November 2011

6 I

18. Managing People for Performance

Develop leadership and motivational skills to maximise team performance

Australian School of Business, UNSWSydney, NSW, Australia

17 October 2011

6 II / III

19. Leadership D l t

Combined with h i

NUS Business S h l N ti l

5-9 D b

6 I / IIDevelopment Program

comprehensive pressures and the constant need to adapt and change, the demands of strong leadership at every level of an organisation are essential to its strategic alignment, effectiveness and success.

School, National University of Singapore,Singapore





Usulan Program Pendidikan dan Usulan Program Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Eksekutif Pelatihan Eksekutif --LNLN

No. Program Description/ Curriculum/ Objective Location Dates Person Target

EselonObjective Eselon

20. Negotiation and Influence

Negotiate, build and sustain effective deals and working relationshipsEnhance your mental effectiveness by learning the keys to rational thinking, as well as the barriers that keep you from optimal decision-makingDevelop confidence in the

NUS Business School, National University of Singapore,Singapore

2-4 November 2011

6 II

Develop confidence in the negotiation process as an effective means for resolving conflict in organisations.Understand more about the nature of negotiations and gain a broad intellectual understanding of the central concepts in negotiation.


Usulan Program Pendidikan dan Usulan Program Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Eksekutif Pelatihan Eksekutif --LNLN

No. Program Description/ Curriculum/ Objective Location Dates Person Target


21. Negotiation and Influence

Practical approaches and tools to help you analyze and design a comprehensive strategy for promoting innovation and strategic change throughout your organizationModels and frameworks for meeting today’s business performance challenges while innovating for the future

Stanford Graduate School of Business ,California, USA

13-18 November 2011

6 II

Multimedia Action Learning Toolkit for use during the program and to take back to your workplace, including faculty video cases, electronic slides, and workbooks to help you apply the program insights to your organization’s specific short- and long-term business challenges




Usulan Program Pendidikan dan Usulan Program Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Eksekutif Pelatihan Eksekutif --LNLN

No. Program Description/ Curriculum/ Objective Location Dates Person Target

EselonObjective Eselon

22. Anti-Dumping and Anti-Subsidy -Claims, Measures and Stance Postgraduate Diploma Module

This course will cover trade and the global economy, the role of international trade in economic development, sustainability and growth, openness and productivity, the World Trade Agreement (WTA) 1994, the establishment of the World Trade Organization (WTO), Article I -Establishment of the Organization, the effects of dumping on the

HRODC, London UK

24 October 2011

6 I

the effects of dumping on the economy of domestic country, the effects of dumping on the economy of trans shipment countries, the patriotism stance: the British flag scenario and anti-dumping cases and measures and agreement establishing the World Trade Organization.


Usulan Program Pendidikan dan Usulan Program Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Eksekutif Pelatihan Eksekutif --LNLN

No. Program Description/ Curriculum/ Objective Location Dates Person Target


23. Management of Risk (M_o_R®) Courses (Foundation)

M_o_R® covers a wide range of topics, including strategic, programme / project risk management and operational service risk management as well as business continuity management, security and health and safety. These topics are placed in the context of an organisational framework for

ALARM, The Public Risk Management AssociationBIRMINGHAM, UK

7-10 October 2011

6 II

organisational framework for the management of risk.

24. Transfer Pricing And PE Profit Attribution

The content of the course is combined with practical examples and case studies, and sessions considering the issues surrounding PE in a business restructuring context.

IBFD Head OfficeAmsterdam, Netherlands

• 12 October 2011

• 12 - 14 October 2011, 2,5 days (9am-5pm, 9am-12.45pm)

6 II




Usulan Program Pendidikan dan Usulan Program Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Eksekutif Pelatihan Eksekutif --LNLN

No. Program Description/ Curriculum/ Objective Location Dates Person Target


25. Combo course: Investigating conflict of interest and financial institution fraud

Gain an understanding of how and why conflicts arise and how to spot the warning signs of a conflict of interest, plus leave with an understanding of issues specific to these types of engagements. The course will also address challenges and solutions related to fraud and financial institutions including cyber frauds and privacy issues.

ACFE, The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas,Las Vegas, USA

5-7 December2011

6 I

26. international trade and commodity finance.

Structuring successful trade deals and getting them approved.Understanding all contractual obligations in trade finance.

London School of Trade Finance ,London, UK

12-16 December2011

6 II

a ce t ade a ceMastering facility and back-to-back structures.Supporting the exporter: guarantees and forfeiting including the legal aspects. Learning the structures, products, developments and risk management in commodity trade finance.Managing the recent regulatory developments affecting trade finance.

o do , U


Usulan Program Pendidikan dan Usulan Program Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Eksekutif Pelatihan Eksekutif --LNLN

No. Program Description/ Curriculum/ Objective Location Dates Person Target

EselonObjective Eselon

27. International Trade Finance – Procedures & Practice

Participants will learn how to identify customer needs and recommend appropriate product solutions, as well as assess various risks to both bank and customer in international trade transactions. They will also gain an ability to explain and identify ways of mitigating that risk and carry out the processes involved in documentary

RedcliffeTraining Associates City Of London (London), UK

3-5 October 2011

6 II

processes involved in documentary collections, documentary letters of credit and contract guarantees.

28. Effective Transfer Pricing Course

Transfer pricing is a major issue for all except the smallest groups. A structured approach based on identifying and managing risk is the key to effective compliance and control in this important area.

REED Learning, London, UK

24 November 2011

6 II




Usulan Program Pendidikan dan Usulan Program Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Eksekutif Pelatihan Eksekutif --LNLN

No. Program Description/ Curriculum/ Objective Location Dates Person Target


29. Tax Effective Transfer Pricing

participants should be able to consider more complex transfer pricing issues and understand value chain transformation and the risks associated with such projects

The Independent Course and Training, London, UK

1 December 2011


30. Transfer Pricing -Controlling Risk and Dealing with Challenges

enable you to understand how to assess your level of risk and the degrees and methods of assurance that are appropriate for financial reporting and tax purposes; learn how tax authorities undertake risk assessments; be prepared if you are audited; understand the value of using advance agreements and

European American Tax Institute,London, UK

16 November 2011


value of using advance agreements and arbitration channels.

31. Effective Transfer Pricing

Gain an understanding of advanced transfer pricing issues and how to deal with them including how to:Integrate transfer pricing into business and tax strategiesperform the required transfer pricing analysesselect and implement appropriate transfer pricing policies

BPP Professional Education,London, UK

24 November 2011

6. II


Usulan Program Pendidikan dan Usulan Program Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Eksekutif Pelatihan Eksekutif --LNLN

No. Program Description/ Curriculum/ Objective Location Dates Person Target

EselonObjective Eselon

32. Advanced transfer pricing workshop: Carrying out a comprehensive transfer pricing project

Develop an awareness of the complexities that arise in planning a projectUnderstand how to develop a feel for a viable strategyLearn ways of dealing with various transactions and how to find data to set the price

European American Tax Institute,London, UK

9 November 2011

6 II

33. Fundamentals of Risk

Fundamentals of Risk Management (FoRM) provides a

The Institute of Risk

a. 20-21 September

6 IIof Risk Management: A practical introduction to Enterprise Risk Management and ISO 31000

Management (FoRM) provides a comprehensive introduction to practical enterprise risk management (ERM) and ISO 31000, the global risk management standard. FoRM is available worldwide from IRM and is equally relevant to delegates from business, public organisations or charities.

of Risk Management,London, UK

September 2011

b. 18-19 October 2011,

c. 8-9 November 2011,

d. 13-14 December 2011 18



Usulan Program Pendidikan dan Usulan Program Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Eksekutif Pelatihan Eksekutif --LNLN

No. Program Description/ Curriculum/ Objective Location Dates Person Target

EselonObjective Eselon

34. New LeadershipHorizons

understand the distinctive role and contribution of the SES Band 1 within the APSgain confidence in your new role and abilities as a leaderdeepen your understanding of the APS environment and your role in upholding APS Valuesunderstand why leadership is critical to the APSunderstand the consequences of your

Australian Public Service Commission Program, Australia

8 – 10 November 2011


own leadership styles usingwhole brain thinking technologystrengthen your personal influence and ability to make a positive impactbroaden your networksdeepen your capacity to think critically, articulate a vision andact strategicallysensitise yourself to the political arena to enable sound judgement anddecision making 19

Usulan Program Pendidikan dan Usulan Program Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Eksekutif Pelatihan Eksekutif --LNLN

No. Program Description/ Curriculum/ Objective Location Dates Person Target

Eselong Objective Eselon

35. TransformingLeadership

Understand your distinctive role and contribution as an SES Band 1 leader within your organisationand across the APSDeepen your appreciation of how your experience as a leader in the APS can be leveraged for professional and personal fulfillmentGain new insights into organisational leadership and

Australian Public Service Commission Program, Australia

15 – 17 November 2011

6 II

organisational , leadership and management issuesExperience a renewed capacity for growth and performanceStrengthen your personal influence and broaden your networks as an important means of accomplishing work on day-to-day basisGain renewed clarity, focus and confidence in your career intentions 20



Usulan Program Pendidikan dan Usulan Program Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Eksekutif Pelatihan Eksekutif --LNLN

No. Program Description/ Curriculum/ Objective Location Dates Person Target

Eselong Objective Eselon

36. Leading AcrossBoundaries

Enrich capacity as stewards of a professional public serviceBroaden perspectives on national policy, delivery and regulatory challengesGain insights into how to position yourself and your agency to meet government and political acumenReflect on the dillemas, demands

Australian Public Service Commission Program, Australia

6 – 8 December 2011

6 I / II

and needs of contemporary organisations and effective leaders and how to sustain an effective contribusionUnderstand your distinctive contribution as a member of the Executive and how to align people and resources to meet challenging requirements


Usulan Program Pendidikan dan Usulan Program Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Eksekutif Pelatihan Eksekutif --LNLN

No. Program Description/ Curriculum/ Objective Location Dates Person Target

Eselong Objective Eselon

37. Leadership Mastery

Gain insights from ‘elders and insiders’ on government and APS imperactivesStrengthen peer networks and effectively position as an APS leaderUnderstand how to build and contribute to a high performing executive

Australian Public Service Commission Program, Australia

15 – 17 November 2011

6 I / II

leadership teamSterngthen strategic and conceptual skills, hone judgement and acumen in a challenge yet congenial environmentFeedback on executive strenghts and ‘derailers’ through the use of a valid executive profile 22



Usulan Program Pendidikan dan Usulan Program Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Eksekutif Pelatihan Eksekutif --DNDN

No. Program Description/ Curriculum/ Objective Location Dates Person Target

EselonObjective Eselon

1. Result-Based Management

This five-day course aims to provide you with a set of RBM tools and skills to apply these tools in your day-to-day work. The tools can be used in planning new projects, monitoring systems design, running projects or evaluate those projects that have come

MDF Pacific-Indonesia,Bali, Indonesia

5-9 December2011


p jto an end. The starting point is that all tools are participatory by nature, meaning involving stakeholders, but ultimately focusing on results in stead of activities


Usulan Program Pendidikan dan Usulan Program Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Eksekutif Pelatihan Eksekutif --DNDN

No. Program Description/ Curriculum/ Objective Location Dates Person Target


2. Management Skills

This five day course aims to prepare and improve the functioning of participants for management oriented tasks by broadening their personal skills in a (cross-cultural) working environment. The ultimate aim is to develop a sense for your own most suitable personal management style, which

MDF Pacific-Indonesia,Bali, Indonesia

12-16 December2011

6 II / III

g y ,provides a solid base for further unfolding your own management talents. At the end of the course participants will leave with a personal career development plan, including suggestions for individual coaching




Usulan Program Pendidikan dan Usulan Program Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Eksekutif Pelatihan Eksekutif --DNDN

No. Program Description/ Curriculum/ Objective Location Dates Person Target


3. Project and Program Management

This 10-day training course is especially designed to respond to operational and personal management needs managers will be facing throughout the project cycle and strives to deepen your understanding of the factors affecting project success and failure including policy issues that may influence

MDF Pacific-Indonesia,Bali, Indonesia

5-16 December2011


p y yproject / program progress and impact. The tools are both practical as well as reflective in nature, aiming to increase the capacity of the participants to fully understand and consciously decide which methods, tools, techniques and attitudes to use and apply in different situations 25

Usulan Program Pendidikan dan Usulan Program Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Eksekutif Pelatihan Eksekutif --DNDN

No. Program Description/ Curriculum/ Obj ti Location Dates Person Target

E lNo. Program Objective Location Dates Person Eselon

4. Excellent customer service

This 3-day training course is especially designed to discussed the importance of excellent customer service in the process of building, maintaining and establishing relationship with customer, the role and function of company staff in serving customers

PPM Manajemen,Jakarta, Indonesia

22-24 November2011

6 II / III

staff in serving customers, techniques communicate with excellent customer, problem solving alternatives in dealing with difficult service problems and excellent customer service simulation




Usulan Program Pendidikan dan Usulan Program Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Eksekutif Pelatihan Eksekutif --DNDN

No. Program Description/ Curriculum/ Objective Location Dates Person Target


5. Emotional Quality Management

Kursus pelatihan selama 3 hari, didesain untuk menciptkanakualitas hidup yang sesungguhnyamelalui self inner manajemen.

LP Auditor Internal Jakarta, Indonesia

12-14 December 2011

6 II / III

6. A new dimension in operational Auditing

This 2-day training course is especially designed to understand an audit process used increasingly by world class audit departments, practice the keys skills used in this process and take home proven

LP Auditor Internal Jakarta & Bandung, Indonesia

a. 11-12 Oktober(Bandung)

b. 5-6 December (Jakarta)


process and take home proven evaluation tools used in process


7. Management Fraud

Kursus pelatihan selama 2 haribagi auditor internal yang inginmenambah pengetahuannyadalam berbagai hal yang berkaitandengan fraud Management

LP Auditor Internal Jakarta, Indonesia

a. 27-28 October 2011

b. 7-8 December 2011



Usulan Program Pendidikan dan Usulan Program Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Eksekutif Pelatihan Eksekutif --DNDN

No. Program Description/ Curriculum/ Objective Location Dates Person Target


8. Leadership Skills: Building SuccessThrough Teamwork

1. Meningkatkan kesadaranpeserta akan pentingnyamemiliki tim kerja yang tangguh

2. Meningkatkan kemampuanpeserta dalam meningkatkanleadership skill danmembangun teamwork yang andal

3. Meningkatkan kemampuanpeserta dalam memimpin dan

CareertrackTrainingJakarta & Bandung, Indonesia

a. 19-21 Oktober(Bandung)

b. 7-9 December (Jakarta)

6 II / III

peserta dalam memimpin danmemotivasi anggota teamnyademi meraih sukses dan target perusahaan

4. Secara umum pelatihan inidimaksudkan untuk membantuperusahaan dalammembangun team kerja yang tangguh dan produktif




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No. Program Description/ Curriculum/ Objective Location Dates Person Target


9. Basic Problem Solving Techniques

1. Membekali peserta denganlangkah-langkah model pemecahan masalah yangaplikatif

2. Meningkatkan kemampuanpeserta dalam menggunakanberbagai teknik untukmengumpulkan data/ informasi

3. Meningkatkan kemampuanpeserta melakukan analisis akar

CareertrackTraining Jakarta, Indonesia

25 November 2011


ppenyebab yang akanmengantarkan pada sebuahrencana tindakan korektif

4. Secara umum pelatihan inidimaksudkan untuk memberikandasar pengetahuan yang diperlukan dalam pemecahanmasalah di tempat kerja.


Usulan Program Pendidikan dan Usulan Program Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Eksekutif Pelatihan Eksekutif --DNDN

No. Program Description/ Curriculum/ Objective Location Dates Person Target


10. Effective Communication and Interpersonal Skills

1. Memberikan pemahaman secaramendasar mengenai pentingnyaketrampilan interpersonal dankomunikasi dalam menjalankantugas sehari-hari

2. Meningkatkan kemampuan pesertadalam membina hubunganinterpersonal

3. Meningkatkan kemampuan pesertadalam berkomunikasi secaraprofesional

CareertrackTraining Jakarta, Indonesia

7-8 November 2011

6 II / III


11. Policies and Procedures to Prevent Fraud

This 2-day training course is designed to help auditingCPAs, internal auditors, fraud investigators, and management understand how to thoroughly evaluate the system of internalcontrols, expose weaknesses that could lead to fraud, and take corrective action to reducethe possibility of victimization

LP Auditor InternalJakarta & Bandung, Indonesia

a. 19-20 Oktober(Bandung)

b. 7-8 December (Jakarta)

6 II / III




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No. Program Description/ Curriculum/ Objective Location Dates Person Target


12. Operational Risk Management

1. Find a systematic and simple way to solve your most difficult problems

2. Understand the crucial role of a responsible management philosophy in controlling risk

3. Develop the skills to provide focused information media which will provide the catalyst for effective risk control

Be Professional The ClubJakarta & Bandung, Indonesia

a. 19-21 Oktober(Bandung)

b. 13-15 December (Jakarta)

6 II / III

4. Recognize the value of an experienced and wellmotivated Operational Risk team

5. Learn how to focus on those few important areas, rather than get bogged down with trivia


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No. Program Description/ Curriculum/ Objective Location Dates Person Target


13. Corporate Governance : Practical Guide for Auditor

1. Memberikan pemahamanmengenai corporate governance sesuaiperkembangan terbaru dalampraktek bisnis masa kini.

2. Membekali peserta denganpanduan-panduan praktisdalam penerapan corporate governance yang dapatdilakukan oleh internal auditor

LP Auditor InternalJakarta & Bandung, Indonesia

a. 17-18 Oktober(Bandung)

b. 7-8 December (Jakarta)





Usulan Program Pendidikan dan Usulan Program Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Eksekutif Pelatihan Eksekutif --DNDN


Usulan Program Pendidikan dan Usulan Program Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Eksekutif Pelatihan Eksekutif --DNDN




Usulan Program Pendidikan dan Usulan Program Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Eksekutif Pelatihan Eksekutif --DNDN


Usulan Program Pendidikan dan Usulan Program Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Eksekutif Pelatihan Eksekutif --DNDN




Usulan Program Pendidikan dan Usulan Program Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Eksekutif Pelatihan Eksekutif --DNDN


Usulan Program Pendidikan dan Usulan Program Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Eksekutif Pelatihan Eksekutif --DNDN




Usulan Program Pendidikan dan Usulan Program Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Eksekutif Pelatihan Eksekutif --DNDN


Usulan Program Pendidikan dan Usulan Program Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Eksekutif Pelatihan Eksekutif --DNDN




Usulan Program Pendidikan dan Usulan Program Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Eksekutif Pelatihan Eksekutif --DNDN


Usulan Program Pendidikan dan Usulan Program Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Eksekutif Pelatihan Eksekutif --DNDN




Usulan Program Pendidikan dan Usulan Program Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Eksekutif Pelatihan Eksekutif --DNDN


Usulan Program Pendidikan dan Usulan Program Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Eksekutif Pelatihan Eksekutif --DNDN




Usulan Program Pendidikan dan Usulan Program Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Eksekutif Pelatihan Eksekutif --DNDN