Download - Keepers of the Realms January 2011

  • ISSUE 7


  • Contents: Page: Welcome 3 Featured Groups 4 This Months Horoscopes And Chinese Astrology 7Featured Member Articles 45Events for January 52Lady Pandora's Movie Review 64The Cheshire mad book reviews 66 Sister and Brother Sites 69This months featured site 72 Realms crafts, and rituals 76 Recipes 80 Around the Ning Verse 82 Dear Witchy! 81Featured Stories 91 Humor 108


  • WELCOME!Happy New Years to all and welcome to the first issue of the new that the hang over is gone and in-laws have went back to there caves till next year its time to sit back and relax and read. see what the new year holds for you with our wonderful horoscopes and what movie is worth watching or just missing and.. dont forget we

    also have the best place to get your kink on and who is coming to your town to rock out loud...And thank you for letting us entertain you with out you the readers this

    would not be possible..And we also want to send our love to Mrs peel in her time of need we love you sis and will be here for you when ever you need....May the goddess

    bless you dave and receive you in her loving arms my friend.



    Vampires of The Realms

    Created by Mikhiel Karten

    I have been ask to start a group on Vampires, as that I am a Modern Living Human Vampire. The Focus of this group will be to discuss the many different aspects of what a Vampire is, the Vampires of Myth & Legend, what constitutes one being a Vampire.Location: The WorldMembers: 20Latest Activity: Dec 24

    This is one of our new groups adding to the many diffrent beliefs & practices of our vast community & teaching everyone what it is to be apart of each of these communities.


  • The US Constitution

    Created by Slayer Tudd (Co-Creator)

    Its TIME for a revisiting to the very document that made the United States the beautiful nation it is, the TYRANTS are coming to destroy it!!Members: 15Latest Activity: Dec 17

    This group is for all of us, to remember & to review all the things that are meant to protect us. These very principals are what our freedoms are based on & what our for fathers & our service members fight for, all for us.

    Artistic Dance

    Created by Lady Pandora admin

    From Belly Dancing to Pole Dancing....Fread Astaire Move overWebsite: http://therealms.ning.comLocation: EVERYWEREMembers: 15Latest Activity: Dec 23


  • There is many forms of art & music this month it is not a music group but a group that is full of music in the artistic for of dance, from belly dance to classical ball room, to even poll dance to hip hop & street dance. It is wwhat the art of music is all about the way we express our selves.

    Realm of knowledge

    Created by Sweet Dark Angel

    This is a group that will be for all that would like to learn & have time set a side with one of us to set back & teach what we have to offer & expand to u..

    I have spoken to a few people & I am happy to say that with the next few months to come we will be teaching class's from this group & will be doing private & group studies via skype & MSN for all those that would like to be apart of this group or would like to become a part of the teachers on there feel free to get a hold of me Andrew or Sweet so we can make arrangements & set up times & dates.




  • Aries3/21 4/19

    weekend of the 1st~This weekend, you may be happiest nesting at home by yourself or with one or

    two people who're close to you. Let the world wait.

    Week starting on January 3You have a lot of drive as the week begins, but you need to take time and

    consider your tactics -- not to mention the perspective of others. Make sure you're giving as well as taking, too, for your karma's sake. Around Wednesday and Thursday, you've got creative power, intellectual prowess and a knack for

    finding people you click with. Whatever you've got in mind for the future, it can start right now. From Friday through the weekend, however, you'll want to say 'whoa' instead of 'let's go.' Charging forth could put you in the middle of a real

    issue, so proceed with caution.

    Week starting on January 10You're full-steam ahead at the beginning of the week, and it's definitely a mode that suits you. Act on a spontaneous notion, take the initiative and watch your

    infectious enthusiasm catch on. From around Wednesday afternoon through the end of the workweek, your challenge is to put on the brakes and give your world some measured consideration. Think twice (or three times!) before acting now.

    From Friday evening through the weekend, your charisma's seriously amped up. As long as you're clear about what you're after, you're very likely to make

    progress toward getting it.


  • Week starting on January 17Take a deep breath, relax your shoulders and explain what's going on to

    someone who cares. That's all you need to do on Monday to relieve this crazy tension you feel. On Tuesday, you may hear from someone (possibly a family

    member) who brings a whole new level of tension into your week. Just repeat the breathing and relaxing again. By Wednesday, you won't have to remind

    yourself of this stuff, and Thursday will be a great day -- energy, strength and competition all figure strongly. Friday will find you buried up to your ears in

    work, but then the weekend will be

    upon you. Oh, glorious weekend. On Sunday, shower all your attention on one person.

    Week starting on January 24 kick off new projects at the beginning of the week. A proactive approach to all

    aspects of your life can lead to serious progress now. Around Thursday and Friday, the universe asks you to read between the lines and go beyond the obvious. A little solo contemplation is very fruitful as well -- look within and

    discover the source of your current state of mind and heart. When the weekend comes, you're all fired up, and meeting new people is a grand idea. You might

    just make a great connection.

    Week starting on January 31Whoa! You have your eye on the prize as the week begins, but there's more to life than this one particular goal. Slow down, look around and consider the full

    spectrum of priorities. Around Wednesday, the give and take of life is richly rewarding, whether it's at work, with friends or in a relationship. Lend a hand, and get some support yourself -- it'll feel great. Taking it easy isn't always easy for you, but give it a try on Friday or Saturday; quiet time clears your head. On

    Sunday, you've got just the idea for some fun.


  • Taurus4/20 5/20

    weekend of the 1st~much of the weekend, you're not your usual self. What (or who) is it that's got you all riled up, whether positively, negatively or a confusing mixture of both?

    Be extra cautious with money and financial matters on Sunday; a mix-up is quite possible.

    Week starting on January 3You can make excellent progress in all of your endeavors as the week begins,

    but don't forget to think big, too. Your larger ideals come into play now in very important ways. Around Wednesday and Thursday, life (and possibly love) may

    not go quite as smoothly. How will you handle something or someone who stands in your way? Have a strategy rather than just a reaction (or overreaction!).

    Ideas flow from Friday through the weekend, and the more minds that are involved, the better -- not to mention the merrier. Friends, family and

    community are especially fulfilling and fun now.

    Week starting on January 10You may feel pushed at the beginning of the week, whether from external forces or your own amped-up drive, passion or ambition. It might be unsettling, but it can also be a very productive mode. Then from around Wednesday afternoon

    through the end of the workweek, you're likely feeling just plain good -- the stars are sending some intensely enjoyable energy your way, and if romance is a

    priority now, that can go your way too! More communication is required from Friday evening through the weekend, particularly before you make any big plans

    or big moves. Talk it through.

    Week starting on January 17You can't figure out what gear to be in on Monday. Do you want to fly down the highway? Do you want to go slowly enough to appreciate the wildflowers along


  • the way? On Tuesday, your indecision translates to the commercial realm: Do you want to buy such and such or do you want to shop around? Decisions!

    Wednesday and Thursday you barely have to make any decisions whatsoever -- charisma and magnetism decide everything. Friday is defined by a lack of both

    charisma and magnetism. This week is a roller coaster! Sunday brings equilibrium.

    Week starting on January 24The universe may provide something that jolts you out of your routine at the

    beginning of the week, and if not, you might think about mixing it up yourself. Go someplace new; get a different point of view. You may feel unusually

    vulnerable or moody around Thursday and Friday, and it's important to pinpoint the source of this sensitivity or these emotions. Do something physical, too; it

    will help you destress and get grounded. You might walk to work, go to yoga or try kickboxing. This weekend, wrapping others around your little finger is remarkably easy, so choose whom you exercise your charm on with care.

    Week starting on January 31You're starting the week off on the right foot as the week begins, if the Universe has its say. Get grounded -- with exercise, meditation, those who make you feel most wonderful -- and you can reach for the stars. Around Wednesday, though, the world may feel like it's pushing you. Will you push back, or go with the flow

    and see where it takes you? Your personal connections and community both figure prominently on Friday and Saturday. Let your network work for you, and

    give back, too. On Sunday, a leisurely brunch with a loved one is exactly the thing that makes you happy.

    Gemini5/21 6/21


  • weekend of the 1st~If emails or other messages to family or close friends go unanswered (or if you

    get odd replies) on Monday, don't get miffed -- get an explanation. You're a

    super smarty-pants around Tuesday and Wednesday, with your sense of fun and your brain both all fired up. A little flirtation (or a lot) is pretty much inevitable! Beginning Thursday and through much of the weekend, you'd be wise to slow

    down, take it easy and give current circumstances -- love, work and otherwise -- some serious consideration. Relationships are in the stars on Sunday; check in

    with important people in your life.

    Week starting on January 3

    If you've got a partner, whether in business or romantically speaking, expect some negotiations as the week begins. Your aims and theirs may need some

    discussion and adjusting to work together. Around Wednesday and Thursday, investigate some radically different ideas, meet some highly unusual people and

    taste some foods you've never tried -- it's all mind-expanding and even life-changing now. There's a lot going on from Friday through the weekend,

    both around you and in your own mind and heart. Find a creative outlet while you process it.

    Week starting on January 10

    Take a proactive approach to whatever you do at the beginning of the week; it's no time to waffle, and boldness will be rewarded. From around Wednesday

    afternoon through the end of the workweek, though, you'll want to downshift


  • and go slow. Your personal path may have some twists and turns now, and concentration is key. Then, coming up with a revolutionary concept is a distinct

    possibility from Friday evening through the weekend. Open your mind -- and your heart -- to the possibilities (big ideas in romance are favored now too!).

    Week starting on January 17

    Maybe what you need to do is draw up a list of some sort. Get organized. Create a budget. This is what you're feeling on Monday and Tuesday, and as tedious as

    spreadsheets and the like sound, putting things in order may relax you. Wednesday and Thursday are charged days -- you and your friends are happy,

    garrulous, funny and driven -- but Friday is a bit dull. Communicating with family will be hard. Keeping up with all the email in your inbox will be hard. Heck,

    figuring out where to eat lunch will be hard. But luckily, this weekend, especially Sunday, will be blissfully effortless.

    Week starting on January 24

    Two heads are better than one at the beginning of the week -- get a partner, a friend or a coworker in on whatever you're trying to accomplish. Having fun with

    it makes forward motion easy, and they can help keep you on task. Around Thursday and Friday, listen to what your physical being is telling you. Attending

    to your health is important now, and your body's likely trying to send you a message about what it needs. It looks like there's an action-packed weekend

    ahead, with relationships highlighted. A connection can be taken much deeper if you want to go there.

    Week starting on January 31

    A significant other, a friend or someone you're partnering with at work at the beginning of the week may need handling with care. Listen carefully to what

    they're saying, and urge them to verbalize the between-the-lines stuff. Around


  • Wednesday, are you being fickle or are you truly considering new ideas and points of view? Make sure things are legit before incorporating. Creative

    activities and pursuits suit you on Friday and Saturday, and getting creative about communication helps, too. On Sunday, someone's got some words of

    wisdom for you.

    Cancer6/22 7/22

    weekend of the 1st~A friendship may blossom on Monday, and good times at work or play are in the stars to be sure. Around Tuesday and Wednesday, issues at home may surface,

    whether it's an appliance or communication with someone you cohabitate with breaking down. Finding a fix right away is better than letting it drag out.

    Beginning Thursday and through much of the weekend, your instincts will tell you what feels right -- heed them when it comes to decision-making. A friend

    can offer perspective too. Set aside time on Sunday just for you

    Week starting on January 3Beware of a tendency to withdraw as the week begins. It's important to stand

    your ground and defend your position now, whether it's at work or in your personal life (or, right now, even both). Be fair but firm, and it'll go well. Around Wednesday and Thursday, fiscal matters are in the stars -- so double-check your numbers. If anyone else is involved in the finances, a frank discussion may be in

    order. You may be all over the place from Friday through the weekend, but it's in a very good way. Spread the love


  • Week starting on January 10Your memory plays a key role at the beginning of the week. Understanding what's gone before and making the connections to what's happening now gives you a much clearer vision for your life's path. From around Wednesday afternoon through the end of the workweek, you can charm anyone and everyone; it's an ideal time to present your latest, greatest ideas. Projects this weekend demand a patient, step-by-step approach, while when it comes to your social life, doing something entirely different feels fantastic. Break the tension and kick up your heels!

    Week starting on January 17You feel like two people at the week's outset. One of you has a lot of energy and is set on tackling problems that have absolutely nothing to do with you; the other is deeply interested in your own interior life, like your goals and feelings. Finding some balance is necessary. A big purchase defines the middle of the week -- it's funny how striving for balance sometimes brings about extravagance. Toward the end of the week, you catch up with friends, focus on the small things and just generally try to be at your best.

    Week starting on January 24Home may not be the tranquil oasis you'd like at the beginning of the week. Maybe a relationship there needs attention, or maybe it's just the housework ... whatever it is, a proactive attitude on your part is better than a passive one. Around Thursday and Friday, however, you take a wait-and-see approach. Consulting a mentor, whether from the work or personal realm, prior to making a decision is an excellent idea. This weekend, your instinct to take care of others is strong, but you also need to nurture yourself. Block out some time for yourself.


  • Week starting on January 31

    Retreating into your shell (just a bit!) might not be a bad idea as the week begins. Do check in with loved ones, though, and let your boss know exactly what you're working on prior to clamping on the headphones. Around Wednesday, you may still be feeling sensitive, but exercise your emotional intelligence, too; you'll see different aspects of situations around you. You've got a knack for connecting with others -- and proceeding to a deeper level -- on Friday and Saturday. Inquire about their personal philosophies, and enjoy the discussion. On Sunday, practice patience with a friend or relative.

    Leo7/23 8/22

    weekend of the 1st~Monday's a 'do not disturb' kind of day, and you can accomplish a lot on your own. Around Tuesday and Wednesday, though, you're very much a people person, and people mean very much into you. Collaborations of the work or romantic variety go terrifically well now, so partner up. Your instinct's spot-on beginning Thursday and through much of the weekend; pay special attention to first impressions, as they're liable to tell you lots more than the people making them will. Sunday kicks off a couple days that are red-hot for you. Work your magic!


  • Week starting on January 3Who's in charge at the beginning of the week? In any circumstances where

    you're sharing the power, you'll need to make an extra effort to cooperate -- or a renegotiation may be in order. Around Wednesday and Thursday, progress can be made in all areas of your life, but not via the traditional means. Take a holistic

    approach and investigate some unusual options -- the obvious approach isn't the best one. Some drama's in the stars from Friday through the weekend. Will you join in or stay in the audience, waiting for the theatrics to sort themselves


    Week starting on January 10You're all heart and all kinds of fun as the week begins -- even work can feel like play when you're in a mood like this. Learning something new or helping someone out feels extra good. From around Wednesday afternoon through the end of the workweek, beware of extremes like overindulging, overreacting and overthinking. Seek out the middle way, for yourself and in others. Then from Friday evening through the weekend, life's a party -- though you'll love a fete with intriguing conversations and exciting ideas far more than a crazy blowout. Book your social calendar accordingly.

    Week starting on January 17You're sensitive on Monday and Tuesday, but you're also remarkably productive.

    Even good friends won't be able to tell what's going on under your exterior of extreme efficiency. If you want them to know how you feel, you'll have to tell

    them. And no time would be better than Wednesday or Thursday to do so, since warmth and radiance will figure prominently. In the friendship realm, things will be at their best. Your heart will be placed at the center of your life this week. The

    money issues you'll have to deal with on Friday and Saturday may put you on edge, but Sunday will be soothing and social.

    Week starting on January 24

    Sharing your feelings is favored at the beginning of the week, especially feelings of the romantic variety. Go out on a little bit of a limb -- why the heck not? The


  • responses you get are likely to be resoundingly positive. Around Thursday and Friday, family or friends should take priority. Make an extra effort to step outside yourself and take a look from their point of view -- you may be a bit stuck in your own head now. The weekend finds you full of fun and liable to do something spontaneous. People love your wit, your generosity and your wild streak now!

    Week starting on January 31A random or not-so-random act of kindness gets the week off to a positive start -- and that's you performing one, not waiting for it to come to you! Around Wednesday, you'll want to take your outlook, turn it upside-down and shake well for best results. A terrific solution to a certain situation requires only a little stretch of the old noggin. Then let both intellect and instinct weigh in on Friday and Saturday, especially when it comes to others. Look and listen more than you talk. Then, on Sunday, someone may throw you for a loop -- in the best possible way.

    Virgo8/23 9/22

    weekend of the 1st~While everyone else is having their second cup of coffee on Monday, you're taking care of business -- big accomplishments are in the stars, so make it happen. Around Tuesday and Wednesday, a heart-to-heart -- with a mentor, a partner, a friend -- is an essential part of the decision-making process. Another perspective clarifies your own. Then be conscious of your motives beginning


  • Thursday and through the weekend. Your emotions may be powerful now, but that doesn't mean you should act on every single one of them. On Sunday, find a way to relieve stress or proceed at your own risk.

    Week starting on January 3Friendships and fun can blossom at work as the week begins, blurring the lines between labor and play in the nicest way. (Keep any workplace flirtation appropriate!) Around Wednesday and Thursday, you've got innovative power that can have you reexamining the way you do things and even the way you approach your world as a whole. Give yourself time to brainstorm, and don't rule anything out right away. You might as well put aside your to-do list from Friday through the weekend, because getting stuff done will be tough. How will you react? And what will you do instead?

    Week starting on January 10Will you compromise or get combative at the beginning of the week? Finding a way to cooperate may still involve some conflict, but it's likely of the healthy, productive kind. From around Wednesday afternoon through the end of the workweek, you've got a stellar opportunity to go deeper -- delving into your own personal philosophy, forging better bonds with others, you name it. Your usual attention to detail may slip from Friday evening through the weekend, but maybe that's not such a bad thing. Relax and let someone else set the agenda, read the map or keep an eye on the time.

    Week starting on January 17You have everyone's email addresses, and you have the social capital to make things happen. You're the one to organize this get-together, which likely involves a combination of friends and family. With the stress of the week, you might find yourself taking a walk to clear your head and release some of the pressure on your shoulders, but by Friday, people are going to be thanking you for all you've done. Being the center of the social orbit is not easy, although it can be fun. Plus, knowing you've introduced great people to one another will be


  • one of the thrills of your week.

    Week starting on January 24Indecisive much? At the beginning of the week, even a small choice may be difficult to make. It's the universe urging you to get grounded, including getting in touch with your beliefs and values. Then, around Thursday and Friday, someone may challenge your views. Your knee-jerk reaction might be an emotional one, but a logical consideration of the situation is also in order. Only then can you formulate a full-fledged response. After all of this, the weekend's the time for some sheer pleasure. Make plans of the blowing-off-steam, fun-loving variety.

    Week starting on January 31

    You've got your head on straight and a definite twinkle in your eye as the week begins -- a stellar combination for both work and love. Around Wednesday, kick a preconception, an expectation or a well-worn favorite way of doing something to the curb, then try several ways of replacing it. Feels risky? Good. Then -- gosh!

    -- others are so slow on Friday and Saturday. But acting impatient won't hurry things along. Go at your own pace, and let them do the same. You may be ready to take issue with someone on Sunday, but if it's an older relative, choose your battle carefully.


  • Libra9/23 10/22

    weekend of the 1st~On Monday, you'll be considered an amazing conversationalist, the perfect worker and very attractive, all by doing one simple thing: Listening. (It's surprising how few people really do.) Then a more active role suits you around Tuesday and Wednesday; if you've been thinking about asking for a raise, making a romantic proposal of some kind or any other big moves, the time is now. Beginning Thursday and through much of the weekend, you may be caught up in what you can acquire. Your challenge from the stars: Give as much thought to what you have to give. Exploring of all kinds is favored on Sunday.

    Week starting on January 3What do you do to beat the blues? Have some action steps ready as the week begins -- exercise, time with friends, meditation, whatever works for you. Then the stars give you a big boost around Wednesday and Thursday, both mentally and in terms of your personal pulchritude. These are fabulous days for any romantic endeavors -- you're brainy, beautiful and beloved by those you encounter. From Friday through the weekend, rather than kicking off any new projects, finish off a current one. The sense of accomplishment motivates you afresh.


  • Week starting on January 10Relationships may go either spectacularly well at the beginning of the week, or one or more may seem to implode. Be ready for extremes, and be ready to say

    how you really feel in a diplomatic way. From around Wednesday afternoon through the end of the workweek, harmony returns, though when it comes to work, you might want to reexamine the motives of key parties. Your income's

    also in the stars. If you're looking to augment it, you may have a profitable new idea sometime from Friday evening through the weekend, and partnering up of

    all kinds is favored now.

    Week starting on January 17You're a driven person, and sometimes, when things don't progress as quickly as

    you'd like them to, you get frustrated. That's totally understandable, but also totally unnecessary. Give yourself -- and others -- a break. There are good things on the horizon; let the world deliver them to you when it's ready. Friends crowd every room you're in on Wednesday and Thursday. On Friday, most of the voices

    you hear are in your own head. You just can't rest! Your tirelessness is an amazing quality, but let yourself sleep in on Saturday. Sunday promises to be


    Week starting on January 24You're in top form at the beginning of the week if the stars have their say, multitasking marvelously at work and juggling personal matters with total panache. Fun and flirtation definitely play a role, too. Around Thursday and Friday, give work matters or your broader career concerns top priority. Change is in the air, occupationally speaking, and you don't want to get caught unaware. Make a move rather than waiting to see what happens. This weekend, you're equal parts intellectual and expressive, mind and heart, thought and feeling. It's an excellent combination.

    Week starting on January 31Expect some emotional ups and downs as the week begins. Be ready to breathe,


  • meditate or maybe run screaming through it, and have someone who understands ready on speed-dial. Around Wednesday, it's the upside that's emphasized, and the chance of romance is high! A new sweetie -- or renewed fun with a dear old one -- awaits. Get ready, get set, go! Big agenda items and projects may be hard to cross off your list on Friday and Saturday, but smaller stuff can be surprisingly satisfying. On Sunday, a certain relationship can flourish under your care.

    Scorpio10/23 11/21

    weekend of the 1st~You just might uncover a secret or find a key piece of information you've been

    missing on Monday -- keep those eyes and ears open. Around Tuesday and Wednesday, you might feel like keeping to yourself. Anyone looking to you for

    big ideas now is going to have to wait while they percolate. You'll be full of those ideas -- and full of energy, and full of allure -- beginning Thursday and

    through much of the weekend. You're unstoppable, though who would want to stop you when you're this great? Tone it down on Sunday, though; risks are to be

    avoided in particular

    Week starting on January 3You're both a power player and a team player as the week begins, and when it comes to your personal life, your skills aren't too shabby, either. Getting some great stuff started now is no problem. Around Wednesday and Thursday, however, issues with family may emerge. Be ready to cultivate mutual respect yet set good boundaries. If you've got romance on your mind, Friday through the weekend is your time -- plan a fantastic date or, if you're single, get out and shop around. Your passion and uniqueness make you irresistible now.


  • Week starting on January 10It's best to set your own ambitions and any kind of aggressive approach aside at the beginning of the week. Nip conflict in the bud with charm and compromise,

    and cultivate some good karma. You'll likely be involved in some intense stuff from around Wednesday afternoon through the end of the workweek, whether on a personal level, an occupational level or both. Be courageous but don't bluff -- you've got more than enough real-deal skills to handle this with aplomb. From

    Friday evening through the weekend, what seems to be a minor factor may actually be the crux of the matter

    Week starting on January 17Your intuition is as good as any compass on Monday. You can tell where you're heading, but you wouldn't be able to articulate it to anyone else. On Tuesday you draw on your intuition again to connect with someone on a deep level, but Wednesday and Thursday are superficial and frustrating. The boss is being crazy. Other than keeping your head down, what can you do? Great things await you on Friday and Saturday -- and you will do something that makes someone display the most beautiful smile you've ever seen. Sunday might be a drag.

    Week starting on January 24You may be lost in your own head at the beginning of the week, whether you're sorting something out or just spacing out. While you might feel like being alone, checking in with a friend is a good idea. Expect a major change of mood around Thursday and Friday; you're on fire now, fully present and extra hot. Plenty of attention's coming your way -- attention of the very positive variety (if the stars have their say, that is). When the weekend comes, though, you'll need to buckle down and think seriously. Let your personal philosophy be your guide.

    Week starting on January 31Look at you, biding your time and making brilliant plans as the week begins.


  • You've got patience with a purpose, and calm, cool and collected suits you. Things may be rockier around Wednesday; are you contributing to the drama or just in the audience? It's easier to find it amusing (and stay nice and neutral) as

    an onlooker, so consider your role carefully. On Friday and Saturday, let the good times roll -- and let your love show. You're much admired now, so enjoy the

    attention. Keep the love energy going on Sunday rather than getting entangled in an argument

    Sagittarius11/22 12/21

    weekend of the 1st~Reschedule any meetings with your boss for later in the week, and watch out for other authoritative types on Monday. Getting along with others and getting what you want is much easier around Tuesday and Wednesday; you've got the Midas touch, and everyone wants a piece of your smarts and fun. Strengthen work connections and rev up your love life too. Beginning Thursday and through much of the weekend, your energy may be devoted more to your inner life than to what's going on around you. By Sunday, though, you're back to your extroverted, charming ways.

    Week starting on January 3Money might be on your mind as the week begins, but don't neglect your creative side. After you figure out the finances, head out to a gallery for some imaginative inspiration. Then, around Wednesday and Thursday, you can generate some fantastic ideas -- and if you get some fantastic people in on it, the stars say the sky's the limit. Friendships expand now, too, maybe due to your generosity of spirit. From Friday through the weekend, you're in a slower mode.


  • Keep plans low-key and give yourself time to space out.

    Week starting on January 10It's child's play for you at the beginning of the week, whether it's easily excelling at work or gracefully making your relationships greater than ever. Enjoy yourself and improve your life! From around Wednesday afternoon through the end of the workweek, you may be saddled with some unwanted chores or responsibilities, but what are you gonna do? Plow through and get some help if you can (you do have to ask, you know). There's a lot going on from Friday evening through the weekend, and you'll need to set your priorities. Don't forget to make one of them having fun.

    Week starting on January 17It's no one's fault. Your energies are just mismatched. You proceed through the world with a certain personality, a distinct style, and the clash you experience on Monday and Tuesday is just a minor -- and perhaps fleeting -- incompatibility with someone. Under other circumstances, you might even take to this person. Wednesday and Thursday are incredible days -- luck, travel and cheerfulness are all in the stars. Friday returns you to the same sort of struggles that defined the beginning of the week. People! Do your best and smile a lot to get through it. By Sunday, you're smiling because you mean it.

    Week starting on January 24You're much beloved at the beginning of the week, even more so than usual. Is it your extra-sparkling wit, or the way you intuit others' needs so sweetly, or how you share your knowledge without being condescending? Enjoy the good energy, because around Thursday and Friday, you might have some mood swings to contend with. Where's this coming from? Find out and accomplish some personal growth -- and get happy in time for a lucky-looking weekend. Your spirit of adventure and willingness to try virtually anything new nets you an unexpected reward now.


  • Week starting on January 31

    It's not like you to be less than generous, but tightening the purse strings and taking an overall conservative approach may be best as the week begins.

    Around Wednesday, you're making connections that completely crackle, both in your mind and with others. You're electric, and you just might do something shockingly brilliant. If you're fuzzier on Friday and Saturday, well ... everyone needs downtime, and you're probably processing something important. Do

    something to recharge. Sunday's a fun day -- play a game, see family and friends, just enjoy.

    Capricorn12/22 1/19

    weekend of the 1st~Monday's ideal for setting the rest of your week's agenda, in terms of work, your social life and personal projects. Get that calendar all set -- and schedule kickoff for fresh projects of all kinds for Tuesday and Wednesday, when the stars smile on your new endeavors. Just don't ask for a raise or make a big romantic move now. Beginning Thursday and through much of the weekend, decisions that may have been puzzling become much more clear; you're seeing things as they are. It's a powerful place to be. By Sunday, though, you might be getting ahead of yourself.

    Week starting on January 3You're hot stuff as the week begins, and not in that by-chance, flash-in-the-pan way. It's the effort you've put in so far -- at work, in relationships, into your own

    health -- that's showing so beautifully. You may find yourself thinking of the


  • future around Wednesday and Thursday, and that's a good thing. Make sure a financial plan is part of it. Then, from Friday through the weekend, give your

    practical side a little time off. Open your heart and your mind -- see new things, meet new people. You'll love it, and they'll love you.

    Week starting on January 10Feeling secure is extra important at the beginning of the week. Let loved ones know you need some support -- that's what they're there for, after all -- and make yourself indispensable at work (you'll get bonus points for it). From around Wednesday afternoon through the end of the workweek, though, the stars are sending all sorts of bright, happy stuff your way, including the possibility of some hot romance! Enjoy the world's embrace. This weekend, in order to see a situation for what it is, disregard the fluff and noise and look to the core. It's simpler than you might think.

    Week starting on January 17If you could be anywhere else on Monday and Tuesday, you would be, but you can't. And since you're here, you might as well face the music. The situation is not nearly as fraught as you might think, and you may actually have fun dealing with things -- in the sense that it's a challenge. Wednesday and Thursday are not piece-of-cake days either, but it's nothing you can't handle. On Friday (or sometime this weekend), placing a phone call to someone you miss terribly is a great idea.

    Week starting on January 24All of your efforts may not quite be paying off as they should at the beginning of

    the week, but it would be entirely unlike you to give up. Timing is everything, and this is probably just a delay. By Thursday and Friday, you can perceive

    something you've missed, and a little introspection leads to a lot more personal power. Get organized now, too -- workwise and otherwise. This weekend,

    someone who thinks you're always entirely practical would be surprised (and likely thrilled) to be let in on some of your innermost idealism. Do you dare?


  • Week starting on January 31Your famous persistence pays off at the beginning of the week. Check up on a situation or connection you've been cultivating, and you'll likely see great results. Around Wednesday, approaching a different idea (or the person who has it) with caution makes sense, but don't dismiss it (or them) outright. Expanding your repertoire is a possibility now, and something outlandish could be the starting point. You're awfully impressive on Friday and Saturday, what with your rock-steady heart and open mind. Dare to show you care, and watch what happens. Family's in the forefront on Sunday.

    Aquarius1/20 2/18

    weekend of the 1st~Get to the heart of the matter on Monday; understanding everyone's motives is key. Around Tuesday and Wednesday, judge a book by its cover at your own risk; you might just miss some amazing contents that expand your world's possibilities. Beginning Thursday and through much of the weekend, you may be assessing where you are as opposed to where you want to be, whether professionally or otherwise. Refresh your goals, but don't be too hard on yourself about your progress so far. Sunday might bring a very helpful connection.

    Week starting on January 3A free-form approach isn't going to cut it as the week begins, whether it's at work or in personal matters. Analyze the situation and assess what the best


  • response is (it's not the knee-jerk one). Around Wednesday and Thursday, however, your intuition's right on and your unusual ideas

    find many listening (and impressed!) ears. Capture your extra brilliant concepts for later use. Cultivate your compassionate side from Friday through the weekend -- do a friend a favor, volunteer your time. It's heart-expanding and good for your karma, too.

    Week starting on January 10You've got some serious mental pizzazz at the beginning of the week; you make breakthroughs look easy, and you look great making them. Forge forth and discover all sorts of things -- personally, careerwise and more. From around Wednesday afternoon through the end of the workweek, life may be a bit of a yawn by comparison. Spice it up by feeding your brain with a lecture, a book, the arts or whatever psychs you up. Then you're simply hot stuff from Friday evening through the weekend. Individuals fall at your feet, while you're the sizzling center of any group.

    Week starting on January 17Get things done: Cross them off the list and move on. Such is Monday and Tuesday. This productivity likely comes from you ignoring some deeper emotional question, but when you're being so efficient, you almost don't care where it comes from. Toward the middle of the week, you have plenty of time to duly consider your feelings. A discovery -- probably personal -- awaits you on Thursday, and Friday and Saturday conspire to make you feel more grounded than you've felt in quite a while. On Sunday, you have a mind-blowing conversation with a brand-new friend.


  • Week starting on January 24You're not one to let differences of opinion or background stand in the way of something good. At the beginning of the week, you can make a friendship or forge a fruitful work connection with someone entirely unlike you. Find the common ground. Adjusting your pace is key on Thursday and Friday. Whether it's work, romance or another area entirely, seek the balance between moving too slowly and getting ahead of yourself. Fun is to be found this weekend in a group setting, especially one that involves common values or a joint goal. Get yourself around some like-minded, freethinking individuals.

    Week starting on January 31Get a little help with managing your time and setting your priorities from a mentor or friend as the week begins. Otherwise, the first couple of days this week will be a time-suck. Around Wednesday, though, you're on top of the world and reaching for the stars, if the Universe has its way. Big stuff at work, in romance, related to personal growth -- it's all possible now. Then it's time to get more practical on Friday and Saturday. How will you keep on track? What will you do to stay motivated? When do you take the next steps? Take an objective look. Then, on Sunday, you may have a breakthrough.

    Pisces2/19 3/20


  • weekend of the 1st~Be service-oriented on Monday. Asking what you can do to help (and following through) endears you to coworkers, friends, strangers and the world at large. Around Tuesday and Wednesday, financial or other sorts of debts may be on your mind. If you feel uncomfortable with what you owe or what's due to you, make a plan to restore the balance. Beginning Thursday and through much of the weekend, you can expect emotional ups and downs -- don't mistake your current feelings for your overall opinion, and take care when sharing them. Sunday looks lucky for you.

    Week starting on January 3Those who consider you a dreamer might be surprised as the week begins -- you're a real problem-solver now, and you make it look easy, too. It's also a good time to tidy up your physical surroundings. Around Wednesday and Thursday, it's your headspace that's in some disarray, but possibly in a good way. All these thoughts will congeal eventually, so give yourself time for the free-form part of the process. From Friday through the weekend, all of your best qualities are spotlighted by the stars -- including your innate knack for all things romantic. Hot stuff can happen now!

    Week starting on January 10What glitters on the surface at the beginning of the week may not be so shiny underneath. Scratch the surface, get to the nitty-gritty and exercise some prudent caution. From around Wednesday afternoon through the end of the workweek, you're a master of communication, and you're not too shabby when it comes to romantic matters, either. Consider letting your heart's desire be known. Settle down from Friday evening through the weekend; staying home may be a better idea than a big party or running errands all over town. You'll find plenty to keep you busy.


  • Week starting on January 17Entertaining friends is a great way to see them. Make some dinner (or grab some takeout), find out what's on TV (or get a board game out of the closet) and try to

    have as much fun as possible. Heck, just sit around and chat if you like. The chatting midweek may take a prescriptive note -- friends telling friends what

    they should do about such and such -- and if you can avoid that, all the better. Relationships are your focus at the end of the week and into the weekend. Every impulse to be critical should be ignored. Be the friend you want to have in others

    Week starting on January 24While making a decision may be tough at the beginning of the week, it's important to weigh the pros and cons, then take a proactive step. Otherwise you'll be left in limbo -- or left to deal with someone else's choices. Around Thursday and Friday, your emotions may be running the show. Spend time with trusted loved ones and do an activity that helps clear your head. And while the weekend may bring a difference of opinion, it's all about how you handle it. Ask questions to find out what underpins their point of view, rather than pushing yours.

    Week starting on January 31Do a little planning as the week begins -- for work, your social life, your personal projects. You'll be that much more impressive as the days progress. Around Wednesday, an interesting vision may come your way. Surrounding yourself with what inspires you helps cue it, as does getting grounded and opening your heart and mind. Then, you're downright inspiring on Friday and Saturday. Affection with friends, hot stuff with a certain someone and fun all over the place is favored -- not to mention transformation. Sunday finds you dreaming all day.


  • Chinese Horoscopes


  • Rat1900,1960,1912,1972,1924,1984,1924,1984,1924,1984

    ~If your heart is free, you can be sure that there'll be plenty of admirers.~

    ~Force yourself to see the good side of things and take into account the benefits that life has granted you.~

    ~Material worries won't be spared you, but don't torture yourself too much! Think about having a healthier diet and doing daily exercise.~

    ~This time at work, give priority to application and method; hastiness as well as ardor will surely be cause of failure; direct your energies towards precise

    objectives and don't loosen your hold.~

    ox 1901,1961,1913, 1973,1925,1985,1937,1997,1949,2009


  • ~You'll have a rather pessimistic outlook on things, with a risk of losing your sleep or appetite; react! It'll be the moment to organize your budget in a more

    rational way.~

    ~Concerning love, sulks, arguments, quarrels, ruptures, and break-ups will be the main currency; but this will by no means exclude unrestrained physical


    ~Possibility of backache.~

    ~You'll think logically and quickly: thus any risk of a misunderstanding will be averted; you can without fear confide yourself to your best friends, and they'll

    know how to advise you.~


    ~You'll tend to spread yourself too thin this time, thus losing your efficiency.~


  • ~You'll also be very receptive to so-called spiritual appeals from various sects or congregations.~

    ~An encounter taking place in a completely unexpected way may turn out to be interesting for single people.~

    ~Beware of imprudent initiatives on the material plane; you will lack patience and discernment in this domain; in the management of the family budget, take

    your spouse's opinion into account.~


    ~You'll have the chance of making some encounters that probably could fulfill your heart's desires.~

    ~You'll compel yourself to develop and follow a precise financial strategy, and you'll quickly obtain good results.~

    ~You'll be inclined to intolerance and intransigence; as a result, the family


  • climate will be oppressive.~

    ~If you have dull hair or if your nails break, it's a sign of a lack of vitamin A; eat plenty of carrots, spinach, string beans, endives, pork liver, and some butter.~


    ~Your nervous resistance will show some weakness: it will be necessary for you to slow down your work pace and to take more rest.~

    ~Whatever your sentimental situation might be, it'll be blocked and you'll only obtain scant satisfactions.~

    ~A good intuition will help you to solve some troubles that have been worrying you for a long time.~

    ~Excellent results in your job thanks to your persevering energy.~


  • ~Enjoying certain ease, it'll be now possible for you to consider financial investments.~


    ~You'll be easily on edge; this will probably be due to a lack of magnesium.~

    ~At work, you'll start seeing the positive results of your past efforts.~

    ~Beware of your current tendency to confuse your dreams and reality, which could lead to irresponsibility and dilettantism, hence to failures.~

    ~The emotional climate will be sunny, this concerns love as well as friendship or relationships between various generations.~

    ~Surrounded by those of who you're fond of, you'll enjoy harmony and gaiety.~


  • horse1930,1990,1942,2002,1954,,1906,1966,1918,1978

    ~You'll have to dominate your enormous appetite; if you can't manage it, watch out for various health complications! Don't make any confidences, because they

    could set off conversations and cause you irreparable damages.~

    ~Your life as a couple will be very pleasant if you pay attention to your remarks.~

    ~You'll show much sympathy and kindness to people around you.~

    ~It'll be stronger than you: you won't be able to resist the pleasure of buying everything that you like, from the most insignificant thing to the most beautiful object of collection; don't be surprised if you have a difficult time at the end of

    the month.~



  • ~Unexpected encounters could very well lead to profound friendships.~

    ~You could be attracted by the so-called spiritual appeals from some sect or a self-styled guru: watch out, show discernment.~

    ~You'll be looking towards the future and you'll enthusiastically follow the direction of the wind.~

    ~Delightful harmony with your spouse or partner; the stars will help you clear up all misunderstandings, and your intuition will work wonders.~


    ~Your prestige will go up.~

    ~You'll have brilliant ideas, and it would be a shame not to put them in practice to improve the quality of your life.~

    ~Be extremely careful with your expenses; don't contract debts.~


  • ~Singles will be lucky enough to meeting a soul mate.~

    ~Your respiratory tracts will have to be protected.~

    ~You'll have more ambition than usual, and you can count on the help of efficient people; don't hesitate to use their competence in order to carry out

    your objectives.~


    ~You'll meet with success in your career; however, watch out for jealous people, who you'll find among your enemies as well as your friends.~

    ~Adopt a more strict diet in order to lower your cholesterol level.~

    ~A favorable month for all sorts of intellectual effort; read a lot, be interested in various subjects.~

    ~You'd better not have a love affair in your professional milieu; problems could arise, and your reputation would be tarnished; find a hunting ground that's less



  • Dog1910,1970,1922,1982,1934,1994,1946,2006,1958

    ~Heartwise there'll be many joyful events: meetings, love at first sight, favorable evolution of the sentiments or intentions of the loved one! Your

    relations with your family will be very tense, but there'll be a possibility of quick reconciliation.~

    ~Beware of absent-mindedness, which could entail annoying consequences during this month.~

    ~These astral aspects will influence the anal area; those suffering from piles should expect having a small upsurge; applying a soothing lotion could be

    enough to relieve the pain.~



  • ~Watch out, a person whom you trust will try to put obstacles on your road.~

    ~Put aside your old habits for a while and go and see new faces.~

    A month that won't be very favorable to financial or real estate transactions.

    ~Crazy and passionate love affairs will be favored.~

    ~Somewhat shaky health, with some headaches.~

    ~To achieve your professional goals, it'll be enough to follow the tracks without deviating; even if you caught the train while rolling, it'll be essential to continue

    from now on in the right direction.~


  • Featured Member Articles

    Stones of the Month by Namor Drath

    Garnet is the modern January birthstone and the gem designated for the 2nd and 6th wedding anniversary. It is also the stone for the Zodiac sign Aquarius.

    There are no known enhancements for garnet, it occurs in every color of the spectrum, except blue. Any of these colors is permissible to wear as the January birthstone.

    The name Garnet appears to originate with the Latin granatum malum which means pomegranate. Pomegranate is the name of the bush which produces a red fruit with seeds. Jewelry made with garnet has been found as early as the Bronze Age (3000 BC) in burial sites. It is thought that early communities valued garnet and believed that it offered protections in the afterlife.

    Garnet occurs in every color except blue and most varieties are named for their color. Rhodolite is a purplish red, hessonite is the name for an orange, cinnamon, or pinkish variety. Tsavorite is the name given to dark green grossularite. Uvarovite and demantoid are also green varieties.

    Pyrope garnets are purplish red, orangy red, crimson, or dark red. Spessartite garnets range from yellow and orange through red to reddish brown to dark black/brown. Color change garnets


  • exhibit an "alexandrite-like" effect when viewed in natural light or artificial lighting.

    Garnets range from a 7.0 to 7.5 on the Mohs scale of hardness and are found in the U.S. (Arizona), South Africa, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Myanmar (Burma), Scotland, Switzerland and Tanzania . Garnets are formed when high temperatures and/or pressure is a factor and geologists often use garnets as a gauge of the amount of temperature and pressure that was present during their formation.

    Legends, Myths and Healing Properties:During the Middle Ages primitive cultures believed that the red stones would stop bleeding. Many early cultures believed that garnets were helpful in preventing and curing blood disorders and infections.

    Garnet's powers include healing, strength, and protection and it is often worn to relieve inflammations of the skin. It is also believed to regulate the heart and blood flow and aid in curing depression. In earlier times, garnets were exchanged as gifts between friends to demonstrate their affection for each other and to insure that they meet again.

    In more modern uses, garnet can be used in aiding in balance, alignment, energizing the root chakra and as always, grounding.

    Sources:Bernadine Fine Jewelry: http://www.bernardine.comCrystals by Jennie Harding


  • L.I.RLesser Invocation Ritual

    Perform the L.B.R first to banish all entities & unwanted influences from the area you are about to work in. Once you finish with that while you are facing East begin the L.I.R. Draw the (invoking pentagram. Starting at the left top)

    East draw the pentagram & as you pull your hand back to your chest inhale, then sharply stab your finger into the center while powerfully vibrating the god name ( Yehovah/ or Yod-He-Vau-Heh)

    turn 90* to the South.

    South draw the pentagram & as you pull your hand back to your chest inhale, then sharply stab your finger into the center while powerfully vibrating the god name (Ah-doh-nai) turn 90* to the west.

    West draw the pentagram & as you pull your hand back to your chest inhale, then sharply stab your finger into the center while powerfully vibrating the god name (Eh-I-eh){long ee}turn 90* to the North.

    North draw the pentagram & as you pull your hand back to your chest inhale, then sharply stab your finger into the center while powerfully vibrating the god name (Ah-geh-lah) turn 90* to the East to

    complete the invoking pentagram.

    Now you proceed to call the Arch Angels to guard you & the circle. (thi may be all done from the east) But to show proper respect invoke them in there proper quadrant.


  • East: I ( your name/circle name) call thee O great Prince Raphael, come now, come swiftly guard & protect this circle from all evil. Let nothing pass your quarter. Turn 90* to the South.

    South: I ( your name/circle name) call thee O great Prince Michael, come now, come swiftly guard & protect this circle from all evil. Let nothing pass your quarter. Turn 90* to the West.

    West: I ( your name/circle name) call thee O great Prince Gabriel, come now, come swiftly guard & protect this circle from all evil. Let nothing pass your quarter. Turn 90* to the North.

    North: I ( your name/circle name) call thee O great Princess Auriel, come now, come swiftly guard & protect this circle from all evil. Let nothing pass your quarter. Turn 90* back to the East.

    Here are there seals, you may add them if you like to this in there proper quarter, to intensify the ritual, but is not needed, all it does is intensify & adds another focus to you. (I only use the seals in major ritual work & dont really need them for I have meditated on them & they are a part of me & subconscious mind.)Raphael


  • Michael




  • Now you proceed to call down the Watch Towers to guard you & protect your circle. { A note to all, if you are not familiar with these I would recommend you not use it, but also recommend that you learn these as well. As stated w/ the seals I only use these to do major ritual work}

    Watch Tower of the East: I ( your name/circle name) call thee watch tower of the east, by the Name ORO,IBAH,AOZIP, ( O-Ro EE-Bah Oh-Zod-Pih) come now, come swiftly, protect this circle from all evil. Let nothing pass your quarter turn 90* to the South

    Watch Tower of the South: I ( your name/circle name) call thee watch tower of the South, by the Name OIP, TEAA, Pedoke. (Oh-ee-phe Teh-ah-ah Peh-doh-keh) come now, come swiftly, protect this circle from all evil. Let nothing pass your quarter turn 90* to the West.

    Watch Tower of the West: I ( your name/circle name) call thee watch tower of the West, by the Name EmPeh ARSEL GAIOL (Em-peh AR-ESS-EL Gah-ee-ol) come now, come swiftly, protect this circle from all evil. Let nothing pass your quarter turn 90* to the North.

    Watch Tower of the North: I ( your name/circle name) call thee watch tower of the North by the Name EMOR DIAL Hektega (Eh-moh-ahr Dee-ah-Leh heh-keh-the-gah) come now, come swiftly, protect this circle from all evil. Let nothing pass your quarter turn 90* back to the East.

    Now you are free to perform your ritual, & do what work has to be done.

    After you are finished & your work is done to thy Will. You close the circle by dismissing the Watch Towers w/ a word of thanks, then proceed to dismiss the Arch Angels w/ words of thanks. Then Finally perform the L.B.R. again then you are done & free to go about your affairs.


  • Word of thanks:I ( your name/circle name) thank thee oh Lords of Watch towers for coming to my aid & bid you leave, peacefully & quietly, & Peace of God be ever continued between thee & Me. Now go in Peace!

    I ( your name/circle name) thank thee O great Prince Raphael for coming to my aid & bid you leave, peacefully & quietly, & Peace of God be ever continued between thee & Me. Now go in Peace!Do this accordingly to each Arch Angel.

    When it comes to the words of thanks please feel free to create your own if you like as that way it will become a part of you, & will add to your communion with each angel, & Lord of each watch tower.



  • Events for January

    Moon Phases for January

    01/04/11 is the New Moon01/12/11First quarter moon01/19/11 Full Moon01/26/11 Last Quarter

    New Years day 01/01/11

    This officially kicks off the New Year & most of us will celebrate the nite before & take the next few days recovering from partying, it is. It is also a day we set our New Years resolutions into action & hope that this year will be better than the last.


  • Martin Luther King day 01/17/11

    Martin Luther King, Jr. (January 15, 1929 April 4, 1968) was an American clergyman, activist, and prominent leader in the African American civil rights movement. He is best known for being an iconic figure in the advancement of civil rights in the United States and around the world, using nonviolent methods following the teachings of Mahatma Gandhi. King is often presented as a heroic

    leader in the history of modern American liberalism.


  • Metal and Rock Tours and ConcertsThe Ap TourWed. Mar 23, 20117:00 PM House Of Blues Sunset ..West Hollywood, CA

    The Ap TourWed. Apr 20, 20117:00 PM Amos SouthendCharlotte, NC

    Motorhead and ClutchMon. Jan 31, 2011 7:00 PM House of Blues - San Di.. San Diego, CA

    Music As a Weapon - Korn and DisturbedFri. Jan 14, 20117:00 PM U.S. Cellular ColiseumBloomington, IL

    Sat. Jan 15, 20117:00 PM Wells Fargo Arena - De..


  • Des Moines, IA

    Sun. Jan 16, 20117:00 PM Rockford MetrocentreRockford, IL

    Tue. Jan 18, 20117:00 PM Giant CenterHershey, PA

    Wed. Jan 19, 20116:30 PM Main Street ArmoryRochester, NY

    Fri. Jan 21, 20117:30 PM Hammerstein BallroomNew York, NY

    Sat. Jan 22, 20116:30 PM The MAC at Monmouth Un..West Long Branch, NJ

    Sun. Jan 23, 20117:00 PM Glens Falls Civic Cent..Glens Falls, NY

    Fri. Jan 28, 20117:30 PM Mohegan Sun Arena-CT


  • Uncasville, CT

    Sat. Jan 29, 20117:00 PM Cumberland County Civi..Portland, ME

    Sun. Jan 30, 20116:00 PM House of Blues Atlanti..Atlantic City, NJ

    Wed. Feb 2, 20117:00 PM Crown Center Complex o..Fayetteville, NC

    Fri. Feb 4, 20117:00 PM Bridgestone ArenaNashville, TN

    Tue. Feb 8, 20116:00 PM Concrete Street Ampith..Corpus Christi, TX

    Wed. Feb 9, 20117:00 PM AlamodomeSan Antonio, TX

    Sat. May 21, 2011


  • 8:00 PM The Rave-Eagles ClubMilwaukee, WI

    Drivin' N' Cryin'Fri. Jan 7, 20117:00 PM House of Blues - Anahe..Anaheim, CA

    Sat. Jan 8, 20117:00 PM 4th And BSan Diego, CA

    GlassjawSat. Jan 1, 20118:00 PM Best Buy Theatre - Tim..New York, NY

    Sun. Feb 27, 20118:00 PM The Regency BallroomSan Francisco, CA


  • Jagermeister Music Tour - Buckcherry and HellYeahWed. Jan 19, 20118:00 PM 4th And BSan Diego, CA

    Fri. Jan 21, 20118:00 PM Grove of AnaheimAnaheim, CA

    Sat. Jan 22, 20118:00 PM Hard Rock - The JointLas Vegas, NV

    Sun. Jan 23, 20117:00 PM Reno Events CenterReno, NV

    Tue. Jan 25, 20117:00 PM The Great SaltairMagna, UT

    Thu. Jan 27, 20115:30 PM Fillmore-CASan Francisco, CA


  • Sat. Jan 29, 20116:30 PM 7 Flags Event CenterClive, IA

    Mon. Jan 31, 20116:30 PM East Peoria Convention..East Peoria, IL

    Tue. Feb 1, 20116:30 PM Congress TheatreChicago, IL

    Wed. Feb 2, 20116:00 PM McElroy AuditoriumWaterloo, IA

    Fri. Feb 4, 20115:30 PM Pops

    East Saint Louis, IL

    Sat. Feb 5, 20115:00 PM First Avenue


  • Minneapolis, MN

    Tue. Feb 8, 20117:00 PM Covelli CentreYoungstown, OH

    Wed. Feb 9, 20117:30 PM Expo FiveLouisville, KY

    Fri. Feb 11, 20116:00 PM House of Blues-SCNorth Myrtle Beach, SC

    Sat. Feb 12, 20118:00 PM Rams Head LiveBaltimore, MD

    Tue. Feb 15, 20115:00 PM Best Buy Theatre - Tim..New York, NY


  • Fri. Feb 18, 20116:30 PM Northern Lights - Alba..Albany, NY

    Sat. Feb 19, 20118:30 PM Electric FactoryPhiladelphia, PA

    Sun. Feb 20, 2011TBA Verizon Wireless Arena..Manchester, NH


    Fri. Feb 11, 20116:00 PM Masquerade-GAAtlanta, GA

    Sat. Feb 12, 20116:30 PM Amos SouthendCharlotte, NC


  • Wed. Feb 16, 20116:00 PM Blender Theater at Gra..New York, NY

    Fri. Feb 18, 20116:30 PM Starland Ballroom

    Sayreville, NJ

    Fri. Feb 25, 20116:00 PM House of Blues-Clevela..

    Cleveland, OH

    Sat. Mar 12, 20115:00 PM House Of Blues Sunset ..West Hollywood, CA

    Thu. Mar 24, 20116:30 PM PopsEast Saint Louis, IL


  • Sepultura

    Thu. Jan 13, 20117:00 PM House of Blues - Anahe..Anaheim, CA

    Fri. Jan 14, 20117:30 PM House Of Blues Sunset ..West Hollywood, CA

    Mon. Apr 18, 2011TBA Opera House-TorontoToronto, ON

    Wed. Apr 20, 2011TBA Club SodaMontr, QC

    Fri. Apr 22, 2011TBA Palladium-MAWorcester, MA

    Sat. Apr 23, 2011TBA Starland BallroomSayreville, NJ

    Sun. Apr 24, 2011TBA TrocaderoPhiladelphia, PA


  • Mon. Apr 25, 20116:30 PM Blender Theater at Gra..New York, NY

    Tue. Apr 26, 2011TBA Tremont Music HallCharlotte, NC

    Wed. Apr 27, 20118:00 PM Firestone LiveOrlando, FL

    Thu. Apr 28, 2011TBA Culture RoomFort Lauderdale, FL

    Fri. Apr 29, 2011TBA Masquerade-GAAtlanta, GA

    Mon. May 2, 2011TBA Scout Bar - HoustonHouston, TX

    Tue. May 3, 2011TBA TreesDallas, TX

    Thu. May 5, 2011TBA Jake's Backroom - TX


  • Lubbock, TX

    Fri. May 6, 2011TBA Sunshine TheatreAlbuquerque, NM

    Mon. May 9, 20117:00 PM House of Blues - San D..San Diego, CA

    Tue. May 10, 2011TBA Knitting Factory-RenoReno, NV

    Thu. May 12, 2011TBA Hawthorne TheatrePortland, OR

    Fri. May 13, 2011TBA El CorazonSeattle, WA


    Wed. Apr 6, 2011


  • 8:00 PM Bowery BallroomNew York, NY

    Sat. Apr 9, 20119:00 PM Metro Smart BarChicago, IL

    Sun. Apr 10, 20117:00 PM First AvenueMinneapolis, MN

    Fetish Events Calendar


    Here you go Realmers, another listing of awesome events coming to an area near you.Check out the links and find a hardcore evening or festival that will rock your world :)

    I do hope everyone had a safe holiday and look forward to seeing you all here at The Keepersof the ReAlmS - the greatest site on the web



  • December 28Westcoast Fetish BallHollywood, California,

    January 14-17Mid - Atlantic Leather Weekend and contest (MAL)

    Washington, DC,

    January 16Newyork Rubber Ball/Miss Rubber World 2010New York City, NY,

    January 21-23Southwest Leather ConferencePhoenix, Arizona,

    January 28-30Fetish Fair Fleamarket (tm)Atlanta, Georgia,


  • January 23-30Leather and Bear WeekPuerto Vallarta,


  • Lady Pandora's Movie ReviewWarriors way

    This ladies it is def. a dudes movie its starts off a little slow but when the action starts its starts it kept me at the edge

    of my seat people..and what i love the most is that this tough warrior risked it all to save a baby that ladies is a

    keeper i say take your man to see this he will owe you big tehehe here is the link to watch enjoy...

    Black Swan-

    All i can say is wow this movie blew me away i mean to see this girl slowly go insane was something..all she wanted was to be perfect she let this role take

    over her life in her mind she became the black swan .. the mystery and the acting was great this is a chick

    movie guys so take your fave girl to see she will thank you for it just have to keep an open mind to see this one here is the

    link enjoy.....

    The Chronicals of Narnia (the voyage of the dream treader)


  • This is a great one to take the kids to i watched with my kids and i was just as excited as they where. the special

    effects everything took my breath away and the fact that it was in 3D made it better thinking to go out and buy that 3D tv hahah any way peeps take some time

    out and take the kiddies to see this on they will love it ...but if you cant here is the link to enjoy with them at

    home ...

    well my friends till; next time the box is closed but tune in next time smootiches love and huggg take some time to enjoy go watch some



  • The Cheshire mad book reviewsBy:Andrew

    This months book that I would like to discuss is one that many probably have not read or only just skimmed.

    Three Books of Occult Philosophy


  • This book is filled with many works that have defined the occult practices of today. Originally written by: Henry Cornelius Agrippa & truly a work that many have come to say that was well before his time, but one that has left readers & scholars in awe of the deepness & fullness of what he wrote, considering that it is believed that he was not a practitioner. To this day we adhere to most of the teachings in this book, & have also come across some things that where in error & have expand upawn these things.

    I personally found it to be lacking & a very long read that took many hours of research to make sure that something in it where right, It is a good reference for the beginners that may not know any better but not one I would waste my money on, not even for a reference book. But as with all things in in the occult that is written you can only take a fraction of it to be true & accurate, the rest is incomplete & boarding dangerous to even try.


  • I give this one 2 1/2 stars, but do not recommend one to waste there money on it when U can find better books out there on this topic, but on a side note if

    U can fine the real one & not this one that has been reproduced & by other authors then it would not be a waste of money.


  • Featured Site Of The Month

    Road house rockers spawned from an los angeles based website called live

    digital. LiveDigital shut down in January 2008...there was an attempt

    to purchase it, but the deal fell through. I was a member of LD.:

    During my time at LD i had developed friendships with many people and

    most of them were musically oriented or musicians Being that music is such a large part of my life i decided to start

    roadhouse rockers and brought aboard a co creator name michel petulli who's taste in music is very much akin to mine.we dicided on a direction we wanted for

    roadhouse. originally it was designed for musicians to have a place to come to and store their music and showcase their bands. since the launch of roadhouse

    we have brought on some great admins like dan spinola -janetr-doug-medic88-nina-saccha--all professionals in their own rights. From

    the original roadhouse we decided to expand the genres to cover blues-country-jazz and the bikerwold...over all the years we have maintained a

    site still dedicated to artist and the love of music..its not so much a social network as it is a music library..there are thousands of music videos here and its

    library is constantly updated by its members.while dan- janetr-chewey- doug-medic and nina are the graphic artists and first line admins on the site the majority of the work is done by michel-saccha and myself i credit it success to its

    members. Creator and owner of roadhouse rockers

    Here are some of the fabulous groups you will find here



    Ladies with Attitude

    Road House Rockers Country

    And many more rocking groups just check em put you will love it......


  • Survivors Lounge

    Survivors Lounge

    survivors lounge deals with survivors and all abuse victims, woman,children and men. We have lots of groups dealing with abuse the signs and warnings. We have videos on abuse drugs and alcohol abuse. Members write blogs telling their stories of abuse or anything they feel will help others. You dont have to be a survivor or abused to join u can join to help others. I personally have my life story in this group the years of abuse and struggles this site is very safe i personally let members in and i have a very good admin staff that checks the site as often as i do in case of any wrong doing. we have helped members get help in their hometowns and i have worked long in to the morning to help abuse victims i gladly give my number out. all groups are important the senseless taking of our children and the senseless abuse needs to stop we are a site that willing's helps everyone.


  • Other Great Sites

    Global Conspiracy TheoriesIf you want a Big Brother you get all that comes with it.

    Global Conspiracy Theories is by far the number one Conspiracy site out there, one that you can be assured that the content that is posted is researched & is not full of fictitious lies. Created by my Good Friend Oisin, & with an amazing


  • admin staff lead by Hidden Soldier that poor the Heart into it, You can be assured that it will captivate you & draw you in.

    Definitely Not Selling Snake Oil

    by Oisin

    I dislike fundamentalist bible thumpers from any persuasion, and I particularly dislike those who push their persuasions, religious, atheist, socialist, monetarist, or whatever, on the general public for their own selfish beliefs or monetary gains. Neither I, nor my friends will let become a so-called snake oil salesmen or fundamentalist preacher site, with miracle cures, like those who used to roam the likes of Texas in a covered wagon conning people.

    We are not preaching anything here, but we are posting what is food for thought. Make of it what you believe. I personally believe in much content, have questions about other content, and will be dismissive of some content until someone proves it potentially true. You will find many Conspiracy Theory sites that sell the same old con of trying to make you believe anything, and sell from their Wagon, DVDs , Books etc, usually found to be filled full of crap and with information that you could have found elsewhere for free, once you purchase it, Yeah. Think! Great money for the Illuminati and NWO? They will infiltrate conspiracy sites wherever they can. (We are watching out, here). Beware of their propaganda for their own monetary or selfish gain. I wish that we could offer hope on our site, but we can offer friendship and hopefully some comfort with each other, as we all want to know what is really going on? All I and my friends can do is post what is believed and being said out there by others and offer it up for debate.


  • Many thanks to those of you who have contributed, and especially to my valued partner and our friend Hidden Soldier for his many sacrifices and time spent on

    his contributions. Its up to you the reader to see any truth, and up to us all to share it!

    So please share , with your friends and ask them to join us.

    It has over 180 members & growing daily. Over 400 conspiracy videos, & 180 blogs, & such groups just to name a few are: And have added the new leaked documents as well.

    The United NationsCreatedbyHiddenSoldier

    They are the global standing army of the elite.Formed by the victors of WW2, the UN has deviated from inspiring peace,to inspiring total exploitation of nations.

    This group has everything that will leave you wondering why the UN is even allowed to call themselfs peace keepers, it will really make you look at them in a diffrent light & will leave you questioning what this world has come to.


  • Secrets of the CIA

    Created by Oisin

    The name says it all.

    You will find discusions here many of which they wish you never knew about, this group is for those that seek the truth, & not the lies that they wish to feed us from there own propaganda.

    Money Watchers

    Created by Hidden Soldier

    Know where your money goes. Strip the robber barons of MONEY, and you KILL the NWO. Videos, Documents, whatever, post it here !!Members: 12Latest Activity: 8 hours ago

    Have ever wondered where all your hard earned money goes, what programs do they support, or even beter all that money you donate to charity that you believe goes to feed, medical, victims of major desators...ect.. What you will find in this group will make you think twice, & even be outragedged, see for your self.


  • Cheweys Harley Roadhouse



  • Realms Crafts, and Rituals

    How to Create an Altar for Wiccan Magick Spells

    Things You'll Need: Wood Table, Shelf or Trunk Small Wooden Box Altar Cloth Pentacle Candles Three Earthen Bowls Shells, Plants, etc. for Decoration

    For your sacred altar base, you may use any wooden article - a small table, a shelf, a trunk or even a chair. You'll want your altar to face north, as this is the direction of earth and will draw energy to your magick spells.2Your altar cloth should be made of a natural fabric such as cotton or silk. It can be made of any natural fiber of your choice, and the color can be any color. Choose your favorite color if you're undecided.3Your pentacle can be made of any material - you can even draw a pentacle on a piece of paper as a representation. Casting magick spells doesn't need to cost any money!4Your bowls could be made by hand, or they could be store bought. They could


  • even be paper cups! Your bowls will be used in magick spells to hold herbs, water, dirt, and other items from time to time.

    5Your candles can be white, or your favorite color. In most magick spells you'll use from one to four candles.6The wooden box that I've suggested is to hold all of your basic wiccan supplies. You may not need to have a box, if you've chosen a wooden trunk as your altar. The trunk could store your supplies!

    For your sacred altar base, you may use any wooden article - a small table, a shelf, a trunk or even a chair. You'll want your altar to face north, as this is the direction of earth and will draw energy to your magick spells.2Your altar cloth should be made of a natural fabric such as cotton or silk. It can be made of any natural fiber of your choice, and the color can be any color. Choose your favorite color if you're undecided.3Your pentacle can be made of any material - you can even draw a pentacle on a piece of paper as a representation. Casting magick spells doesn't need to cost any money!4Your bowls could be made by hand, or they could be store bought. They could even be paper cups! Your bowls will be used in magick spells to hold herbs, water, dirt, and other items from time to time.5


  • Your candles can be white, or your favorite color. In most magick spells you'll use from one to four candles.6The wooden box that I've suggested is to hold all of your basic wiccan supplies. You may not need to have a box, if you've chosen a wooden trunk as your altar. The trunk could store your supplies!

    For your sacred altar base, you may use any wooden article - a small table, a shelf, a trunk or even a chair. You'll want your altar to face north, as this is the direction of earth and will draw energy to your magick spells.2Your altar cloth should be made of a natural fabric such as cotton or silk. It can be made of any natural fiber of your choice, and the color can be any color. Choose your favorite color if you're undecided.3Your pentacle can be made of any material - you can even draw a pentacle on a piece of paper as a representation. Casting magick spells doesn't need to cost any money!4Your bowls could be made by hand, or they could be store bought. They could even be paper cups! Your bowls will be used in magick spells to hold herbs, water, dirt, and other items from time to time.5Your candles can be white, or your favorite color. In most magick spells you'll use from one to four candles.6The wooden box that I've suggested is to hold all of your basic wiccan supplies. You may not need to have a box, if you've chosen a wooden trunk as your altar. The trunk could store your supplies!



    Items needed:

    red velvet ribbon, 1/2 inch and 1 inch 6 or 8 inch embrodery hoop

    mistletoe florist wire hot glue


    Separate the two pieces of the embrodery hoops and fit them together, one inside the other, at a 90 degree angle. Secure in this position with florist

    wire or hot glue.

    Secure a piece of the 1/2 ribbon to the bottom of the hoop. Wind the ribbon around the edges of the hoop, wrapping each "arm" in a spiral motion until

    the wood is covered completely. Secure with hot glue.

    Form two bows with the 1 inch ribbons, leaving the ends dangling. Secure one to the bottom of the joined hoops, the other to the top.

    Gather the mistletoe into a ball, secure the ends with florist wire.Insert inside the globe and twist the florirst wire to the top of the ball.

    Hang the ball somewhere you are sure to get kissed!


  • RecipesBy, Denise Morgan

    To Die for Crock Pot RoastFor 8 Servings: Ingredients:1 (4 -5 lb) beef roast, any kind 1 (1 1/4 ounce) package brown gravy mix, dry 1 (1 1/4 ounce) package dried Italian salad dressing mix 1 (1 1/4 ounce) package ranch dressing mix, dry 1/2 cup water

    Directions:Prep Time: 5 minsTotal Time: 1/2 day1 Place beef roast in crock pot. 2 Mix the dried mixes together in a bowl and sprinkle over the roast. 3 Pour the water around the roast. 4 Cook on low for 7-9 hours.

    Whole Chicken Crock Pot RecipeIngredients:For 4 Servings: 4 teaspoons salt 2 teaspoons paprika 1 teaspoon cayenne pepper 1 teaspoon onion powder 1 teaspoon thyme 1 teaspoon white pepper 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder 1/2 teaspoon black pepper

    1 large roasting chicken (with pop-up timer if possible)


  • 1 cup chopped onion (optional) Directions: Prep Time: 1/2 day Total Time: 1 day1 In a small bowl, combine the spices. 2 Remove any giblets from chicken and clean chicken. 3 Rub spice mixture onto the chicken. 4 Place in resealable plastic bag and refrigerate overnight. (I usually skip this step because I'm always in a hurry). 5 When ready to cook, put chopped onion in bottom of crock pot. 6 Add chicken. No liquid is needed, the chicken will make it's own juices. 7 Cook on low 4-8 hours. 8 Note: I highly recommend a pop-up timer in the chicken because some crock pots cook faster/slower than others (my crock pot cooks this recipe in 4-5 hours).


  • Around The Ning Verse

    Has we start a new year that is sure to be full of new adventures I wanted to think on all the good we have done on all the various sites that we are on. This last year saw many of us coming together & helping each other out, weather it was by spreading the word about someone in need of help, or passing the word along to keep spamers & hackers off our sites. I believe this past year we saw what we can do as a whole & how we can make a difference by using our sites & by supporting each other, & I look forward to this new year & hope that we can continue this & do even more & make a difference that will last for many years to come.

    The best example of what we did this year was the issue w/amazon & Sunkat's blog post about the Peddifiles guide, & how that everyone spread the word about it & posted & shared the link w/others, & it was taken down by amazon, from that many sites have started awareness groups dealing w/ these issues & taken a stand against this. So I'd like to personally thank Sunkat for posting that & making a big difference to how we use our sites.

    So with this new year lets not stop but continue to make a difference & continue to be there for each other & help our sites be the best they can.By Andrew


  • 89

  • DEAR WITCHYWho needs dear Abby when we have are very own Dear Witchy,

    To send her questions here is the link, you have till Friday nite to get your questions in each week


    Dear Witchy,


  • Featured Stories

    The Last ConfessionWritten by Patrick Brian Miller

    Father Jonathan Brady snapped away from his doleful thoughts as the rusted red Bronco jolted over another jagged pothole on the dirt road leading towards his punishment. The noxious fumes of dust-laced oil saturated the steamy, unforgiving air that blasted across him through the cracked window. Behind them, a thick trail of dust kicked high into the air, blurring any thought of his retreat. Before them lay a long, twisted trail of eroded dirt and endless pines baking in the mid-August noon.The sweat-soaked face of his driver, Nick Broder, had become more and more anxious as they came closer to the small town of Phoenix, their destination. Nicks inane, constant chatter had become slowly sporadic and then blessfully buried underneath a gritty resolve to arrive atand then quickly leavethe dreaded place.Brady recalled again the ridiculous rumors and myths surrounding the isolated, abandoned town of Phoenix, empty of life save for the solitary priest whom Brady would soon replace. But despite the stories, the only fear that Phoenix aroused in him was a desperate recognition that his career was doomed.