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Contact: Nikk Nelson (785) 291-3371 [email protected]

Kansas Performance Teaching Portfolio

Kansas Performance Teaching Portfolio

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KPTP Templates Note: Text fields and tables can be manipulated as needed to fit responses.

Task #1 - Contextual Information & Learning Environment Factors Narrative 1.1.1 General Contextual Information (limited to 1 page)

I am student teaching in a small rural community, but it has very strong and supportive citizen and their main goal is the

children. The citizens want to see all of their children become successful and in most cases the results have been shown thanks to

all the caring and loving people in our small community.

The community has one elementary school, one middle school and one high school. The elementary school Pre-K-5th grade

on an average enrolls 350 students, the middle school 6th-8th grade has approximately 156 students and the high school has 199

students. Within the Tonkawa district there are 353 students that receive free lunches and 75 that receive reduced lunches. The town

has many ethnic groups present in our community, but Native American and Caucasians maintain the highest percents. Located just

one mile east of the town is the Tonkawa Tribe and village; all of those children attending this school district.

The Department of Education has incorporated the new report card system to grade each district and this district has

maintained a “B”, the Pre-K-5th grade scored a 3.67 GPA and the district as a whole scored 2.83 GPA.

Overall, I think this district is doing a wonderful job with their students and I am proud to have my children be a part of their

district and I believe it was the perfect choice for student teaching. The teachers at the elementary school have been nothing but

wonderful and there is many years of teaching experience throughout the entire district. The thing that means the most in my eyes is

that many of the teachers have been in the district for several years and have no intentions on leaving until retirement.

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Table 1.2.1. Class Contextual Information (limited to 1 page)

Grade level: 2nd Content area (e.g., mathematics): Social Studies & Reading Topic (e.g., geometry): Character

Age range of students: 7-8 years old Number of male students: 8

Total number of students: 18 Number of female students: 10

Percentage of students receiving free lunch : 193 PK-5th Percentage of students receiving reduced lunch: 32 PK-5th

[if free/reduced lunch information not available for class, provide school percentages]

Area in which students live (check all that apply) Urban _____ Suburban ______ Rural X

Ethnicity of students (give numbers) ______ African American or Black ___1___ Hispanic or Latino

4 ____ Native American/Alaskan Native ___13___ White

______ Asian or Pacific Islander ______ Other (specify) __________

Language proficiency of students (give numbers)

__16____ Fluent English Proficient ___1___ English Language Learners

Identified special needs categories represented (give numbers)

_______ Specific Learning Disability ___4____ Speech/Language Impaired

_______ Hard of Hearing _______ Visually Impaired

_______ Deaf _______ Orthopedically Impaired

_______ Deaf-Blind _______ Emotionally Disturbed

_______ Other Health Impaired _______ Autism

___2___ Multiple Disabilities _______ Intellectually Disabled

_______ Brain Injury _______Gifted

___1____Established Medical Disability (0-5 yrs) _______ Developmentally Delayed (0-10 yrs)

_______ At risk for developmental disabilities _______ Other (Specify)________________

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Subgroup Selected (describe the group): One student male gender has an established medical disability and has been home schooled until now and is far behind in each content area, one male student has multiple disabilities he is academically achieved, but has social and emotional needs on a daily basis, one male student achieves academically but has a speech impairment that affects his reading and talking and the one female student achieves below grade level and has social, emotional and behavior issues on a daily basis.

Rationale for Selection: Each of the subgroup students selected has various differences, but similarities as well and they require extra support and individual needs from the teacher on a daily basis.

Table 1.2.2 Student Characteristics and Implications for Instruction (limited to 1 page)

Student Characteristics

Indicate whether this was for the Whole Class (W) and Subgroup (S)

Specific Implications For Instruction Whole Class (W) and Subgroup (S)

Intellectual Characteristics - Including readiness, cognitive abilities, learning needs, developmental levels, etc.

W 6 students have different levels of development and learning needs, 75% show and maintain readiness and cognitive abilities.

S Similar developmental levels, but various learning needs, each of these students are easily distracted and struggle with staying on task.

W Most students are ready and change content areas smoothly, others need constant reminders with direct instructions when completing task or changing areas.

S Must be redirected frequently and provide direct instruction on task and when changing content areas.

Previously demonstrated academic performance/ ability:

% Above standard _____ % Meets standard _____ % Below standard _____

W 4 students are able to achieve above standard, 7 are able to meet standards and 6 fall below the standard mark.

S 2 students are able to meet the required standard and 2 achieve below the standard.

W 75% are able to achieve the required standard and there is no need for implication.

S 2 students need direct instruction and require manipulative in math, also provide picture and word cards during reading, phonics and language.

Social Characteristics - Including emotional, attitudinal, motivational, etc.

W 7 students are motivated consistently, 5 students show signs of emotional problems in school and at home and 3 students

S All 4 students lack motivation on a consistent schedule, 2 students have consistent behavior problems during

W 75% volunteer on a regular basis and participate in discussions, promote participation and group activities.

S Provide positive feedback, promote social skills when working in groups and simple rewards when task are

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have consistent behavior problems on a daily basis.

class and 3 have various emotional issues.


Personal Characteristics - Including physical, social, individual experiences, talents, language, culture, family and community values, etc.

W Diverse classroom, one student that struggles with the English language, culture is strong with the 4 Native Americans, various talents, 75% strong in social skills and 4 students that struggle with physical appearance and hygiene.

S 3 students need improvement on social skills and interaction with others, 2 need help with physical appearance and hygiene, 1 student struggles with speech and only one has support outside of the classroom.

W Model organization and cleanliness, promote positive interaction with social skills during group task, encourage all cultures and support from the families and community.

S Provide and promote guided instruction and model social skills while working in groups give positive feedback and reward when task is successful, group with other students that will encourage positive interaction.

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Table 1.3.1 Focus Student Information (limited to 1 page)

Describe this student using information from

Table 1.2.1

Why was this student selected?

What was learned about this student? Address

characteristics from Table 1.2.2

Based on this information, what are implications for this student’s



Male Caucasian, fluent in English, established medical disability, has speech impairment and achieves below standards. Student is very emotional and has been home schooled until this year of 2nd grade.

This male student was selected because he has an established medical disability, has been home schooled and achieves far below state standards.

Intellectual Student has various learning needs, low developmental levels, struggles with motivation and has behavioral issues frequently.

Removed student from 3 groups working tables and paired with a single partner, provide positive feedback when task are completed and provide manipulative during math and provide guided instruction in other content areas.

Social Student does not work well with others, he is very emotional and gets feelings hurt easily, struggles with cognitive abilities and acts out when he does not get his way.

Partnered student with a student with positive helping and social skills to learn how to interact with others, promote participation and model effective problem solving skills

Personal Student has a neat and clean physical appearance, is unable to use positive social skills to work with others, has been home schooled due to medical condition, family is not overly involved with community or activities, but family is very supportive of the student and his education.

Encourage student and family to promote positive attitude and behavior with other children, reward when expressing positive social skills and interaction with others during group task and involvement.

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Female Caucasian, fluent in English, she is able to meet standards but chooses to achieve below standards because of behavior and involvement with other students. Developmental level is low and she lacks in motivation in the learning environment. Student does have speech impairments.

She was selected because of her educational capabilities; she is capable but is making the choice not to be successful. She struggles with behavior and does not like to follow the rules or directions on assigned task.

Intellectual Student needs direct instruction, positive motivation often and needs improvement in the behavior department. Student does not mind staying from recess or going to the office.

Student has chose to set alone and does not want to be in a group, but lacks motivation. Promote and model motivation and positive behavior, reward with encouragement. Provide direct and guided instruction to stay on task and focus on turning behavior around and make it positive.

Social Student can work in groups with others, but does not participate, she waits for the other students to find the answers; she has excellent social skills but is based on her mood and attitude that vary. She is not self-motivated and needs encouragement. Student tends to be very emotional and mood changes often.

Encourage involvement in group settings and reward with positive feedback when task are completed. Work on emotional skills and involvement with others and problem solving techniques and skills.

Personal Student’s physical appearance is fair and the family seems to struggle outside of school. Family is involved in the community and sports. Student has a poor attitude about learning, but has a positive attitude when playing with others.

Encourage organization and cleanliness. Encourage family to support positive behavior and attitude while in the classroom setting. Help to promote motivation and involvement in the classroom as she does outside of school. Promote fairness when playing and working with others.

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Narrative 1.4.1 Classroom Learning Environment Implications (limited to 2 pages)

WHOLE CLASS: Students will be encouraged to work together as a team and to inspire one another. Positive feedback and encouragement on behavior and achievement will be two of the main goals. Students will be seated by partners that offset each other so that the entire group can become successful. Limit distractions in the classroom while instruction is going on and individuals are working on task. Create and promote a positive learning environment for all learners in the same setting. Keep students motivated and encouragement involvement from every student in a positive manner. SUBGROUP: Model and encourage a positive learning environment. Model working with others successfully and using positive behavior and social skills to inspire productive learning. Provide each learner with a list of daily task that they can refer to when the veer off task and strive for motivation. Promote positive social skills when interacting with others. Monitor and promote appropriate behavior in the classroom and reward when task have been achieved. Pair with other students that will encourage each student to achieve above their abilities and expectations when working in assigned groups on task. Enforce discipline on a routine basis and redirect when disrupting others. Model and teach positive problem solving skills to help improve interaction with others and when working alone. FOCUS STUDENTA: Promote positive behavior and interaction with others while in the classroom and on the playground. Provide individual direct and guided instruction when time allows. Teach and model social skills and how to problem solve when a problem occurs without becoming emotional or distracted. Encourage the family provide extra support and assitance outside of the classroom. Do not place in groups, but assign one partner to begin practicing new skills. Assign a partner that will motivate the learner to exceed expectations and participate equally. Provide manipulative, word cards, picture cards and skills sheets to promote individual working conditions and increase skill levels. Reward positive behavior and social skills, but redirect when veering off task or showing inappropriate behavior. FOCUS STUDENT B: Encourage positive behavior when working in-groups with others or working individually. Limit distraction in her presence, she is easily distracted. Provide a positive and rewarding learning environment. Encourage student to participate in an appropriate behavior with fellow classmates. Group with other students that will inspire and encourage her to exceed expectations daily on assigned task. Reward when task are achieved and discuss with the student when she did not meet her goals and find out why. Model organization and cleanliness in the classroom and at each individuals seating area. Encourage family members to help promote and encourage positive behavior and attitude in the classroom and outside of school. Redirect when student veers off task from distractions and reward with positive feedback when staying on task. Provide extra opportunities for the student to work on behavior and social skills with others while in the classroom. Encourage participation in small groups and the class as a whole.

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Task #2 - Designing Instruction Table 2.1.1 Grade Level, Content, Topic, and Rationale (limited to 1 page)

Category Description

Grade Level 2nd

Content Area Social Studies

Unit Topic

Character- learning to do the right thing, being honest, fairness, respect, being a good friend, being a good citizen and always doing your best. Each lesson will focus on a person from history that relates to the topic such as: Helen Keller, Abraham Lincoln, The Wright Brothers, Florence Nightingale, George Washington and Harriet Tubman.

State Standards Addressed (written format)

KS.4. History (Kansas, United States, and World History): The student uses a working knowledge and understanding of significant individuals, groups, ideas, events, eras, and developments in the history of Kansas, the United States, and the world, utilizing essential analytical and research skills. 4.1. The student understands the significance of important individuals and major developments in history. 4.1.2. (A) The student compares and contrasts the ways people communicate with each other past and present. 4.4. The student engages in historical thinking skills.

4.4.3. (A) The student uses information to understand cause and effect.

4.4.4. (A) The student compares and contrasts to draw conclusions.

4.4.5. (A) The student uses research skills (e.g., discusses ideas; formulates broad and specific questions; finds and selects information with help; records, organizes and shares information).

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KS.1. Reading: The student reads and comprehends text across the curriculum.

1.4. The student comprehends a variety of texts (narrative, expository, technical, and persuasive).

1.4.3. The student uses pictures, content, and prior knowledge to make predictions.

1.4.4. The student generates and responds logically to literal, inferential, and critical thinking questions before, during, and after reading the text.

Average Lesson Time

8 days with each lesson being 30 - 45 minutes.

Why was this unit topic selected?

I selected this unit because it not only teaches the students how to treat others on a daily basis, but shows how people in history learned and used the same techniques and skills to become better people and helped support our country.

How does this unit address state curriculum standards?

This unit covers several areas of the state standards in social studies, reading, vocabulary, writing and art; it is even possible to incorporate math and phonics.

Why is this unit appropriate at this time?

In the 2nd grade there is hardly any time for science or social studies and this is something new that my cooperating teacher suggested. 2nd grade is when they are trying to teach the students to be more independent, responsible for their self and their actions and working together as a team.

Table 2.2.1 Unit Design Table (limited to 4 pages)

Obj. No. Unit Objectives Level(s)

(e.g. Bloom’s Taxonomy)

1 Students will learn how to do the right thing in various situations by using honesty, loyalty and good citizenship. Abraham Lincoln

Knowledge, Comprehension and Evaluate

2 Students will learn how to be a good friend to others by using compassion, caring and treating each other equally. Florence Nightingale

Knowledge, Comprehension, Application and Evaluate

3 Students will learn how to be a good citizen in school and out in the community by helping others, being a leader and lending a hand to our neighbors. George Washington

Knowledge, Comprehension,

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Application and Evaluate

4 Students will learn how to treat one another fairly even though we all have different characteristics. Show and provide examples on equal rights. Helen Keller

Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analysis and Evaluate

5 Students will learn to respect one another by standing up for a friend that is being bullied, showing courage, notice the differences of each person and how that makes our world unique. Harriet Tubman

Knowledge, Comprehension, Application and Evaluate

6 Students will learn how to always do their best even though things go wrong, they must keep trying with courage. The Wright Brothers

Knowledge, Comprehension, Application and Evaluate


Provide power point, activate background knowledge, role play and modeling. Observation and participation. Students will review unit and make predictions based on their findings.

Describe the pre-assessment used

Explain rationale for

choosing this assessment

Explain the specific adaptation(s) made for Students A and

B OR why no adaptation(s) are


Which objectives does this

assessment address?

Identify how the assessment will be


Describe specific student results and how those results will impact the unit


Class discussion, observation, questioning, predictions and modeling.

I chose this assessment method to activate background knowledge and make predictions before beginning the unit

No adaptations were needed because I was checking for background knowledge and their own personal thoughts and feelings.

All objectives 1-6 Observation

This allows for me to discover the areas I will need to focus on for any misconceptions and in the end better understanding for each student.

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Lesson Date



Lesson Objective(s)

Instructional Activities/ Strategies

Formative Assessment (formal/informal)

Describe Specific Adaptations/ Differentiation

1 9-23 T All Modeling, questioning,

predictions and open classroom discussion

Informal-Questioning and observation (PowerPoint)



9-24 R/I 1 Prediction, questioning, observation, vocabulary, comprehension

Formal-Short 5 question quiz (true or false) Flag craft

Picture cards for new vocabulary words, direct instruction as needed and positive feedback when task are completed and promote participation.


9-25 T/R/I/V

2 Prediction, questioning, comprehension, modeling

Formal-5 question quiz (fill in the blank) The students will complete quiz with only an oil lamp for lighting.

Picture cards for new vocabulary, positive feedback, direct and guided instruction as needed.


9-26 R/I/C 3 Prediction, questioning, comprehension. modeling

Formal-5 question quiz (fill in the blank) Police Chief Bill will provide resources from the community on how the students can help and become a good citizen.

Picture cards for new vocabulary, guided instruction, positive feedback when task are completed.


9-30 T/R/I/V

4 Prediction, questioning, comprehension, modeling, observation

Formal-5 question quiz (fill in the banks)

Positive feedback and guided instruction.

6 10-1 T/R/I 5 Prediction,

questioning, comprehension

Formal- 5 question quiz (true or false)

Use direct and guided instruction as needed along with positive feedback.


10-2 T/R/I 6 Prediction, questioning, comprehension, analysis

Formal- 5 question quiz (true or false)

Picture cards for new vocabulary, guided instruction and positive feedback for task completed.

8 10-3 R/I All Questioning for

review, observation, Informal- Study guide Direct instruction, guided instruction

as needed and positive feedback.

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9 10-4 R/I All Evaluation Summative- 20 question( true or

false) Read the test aloud; allow time for students to answer each question.

Summative Assessment:

Formal- 20 question exam (multiple choice) It will cover focus areas from each lesson to evaluate comprehension and understanding.

*V-Lessons (must identify two) to be video recorded and observed; T- Lesson integrates technology; R- Lesson uses reading strategies; I- Lesson demonstrates integration of content across and within content fields; C- Lesson utilizes community resources

Provide a copy of pre-assessment document and the corresponding scoring key/rubric in Appendix A.

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Table 2.2.2 Unit Design Narrative (limited to 2 pages)

Why are the objectives appropriate? The objectives are set to teach each student how they can be a better citizen and friend. The lessons also teach students how they can help in their community and learn to be a better neighbor by helping and respecting others at all times. This unit shows the students how and why they should treat others fairly and stand up for what is right in various situations.

Why are the lessons sequenced in this manner? The lessons are sequenced in this manner based on the people from history and the activities that were planned for each lesson. It was not necessary to sort them by objectives, but needed to be sorted by the classroom time available for each lesson.

Why were these instructional strategies/activities selected?

The strategies and activities were selected to show and give the students better understanding and examples on how they can develop better character skills just as people from history have done in the past to help improve our country and communities.

How do the instructional strategies/activities address the learning objectives for this unit?

Each lesson is presented with a different character skill and a person from history that proved the skill is possible and how to accomplish it in our everyday lives.

How will a variety of levels of thinking skills be addressed (e.g., Bloom’s Taxonomy)? Give specific examples of use.

Students will gain knowledge from each lesson and be able to relate it to the background knowledge they already contain. Students will be able to analyze various situations that they can use the skill in their lives through classroom discussions. Students are able to apply the skills learned in the classroom with activities such as, Helen Keller was a blind and deaf woman that accomplished her college degree, I will give the students brown paper sacks with various items in it and they will work in groups of four as a team to figure out each item in the bag. Also, Florence Nightingale was a helping woman that cared dearly for others before electricity and was able to provide care for wounded soldiers; the students will complete the lesson by only the light of an oil lamp and assist their friends that are struggling with not being able to read or see their paper by being a good friend. I will evaluate the students at the end of each lesson with an informal 5 question quiz to check for comprehension and understanding.

Explain the reading strategies that will be used throughout the unit. Give specific examples. (Remember that using text is not a reading strategy)

Students will use reading strategies to introduce and learn new vocabulary from each lesson with picture cards and various examples. Students will be allowed to work with partners to research the person of the day in computer lab and the library. Students will make a KWL chart over one of the lessons. Students will help me to develop the study guide by reviewing the lessons and retelling the information they recall from each lesson.

What resources will be needed for this unit (include The community resource will be the local police chief and if a student has a parent

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school and community resources)? that is a nurse I would like for him or her to come and talk to the class about how they help others daily. School resources will be the smart board, computer lab and the library. I will also need various items for each lesson that will be provided by the school and I such as: construction paper, crayons, markers, brown paper bags, etc.

How will technology be integrated within the unit? Explain both teacher use and student use.

Students will be allowed a visit to the computer lab to research the person of the day in partners to provide extra knowledge and facts on the person from history. I will incorporate technology into the pre-assessment with a PowerPoint on each character that will be presented during the unit. I will also show a short film about Helen Keller on the smart board during lesson 5.

How does the unit demonstrate integration of content across and within content fields?

The unit incorporates new vocabulary words with each lesson. Lesson 3 provides handwriting skills because each student will rewrite a short paragraph about Florence Nightingale and uses Language to correct misspelled words and punctuation. Social Studies is included in each lesson, because I tie each lesson to a person from history that showed the character skill of the day. I also used art with Lesson 2, each student will draw and design the American flag and lesson 7 the students will make paper airplanes.

How does the unit demonstrate both teacher-centered and student-centered instructional strategies?

The unit is taught by the teacher daily. Students are able to share the background knowledge before each lesson, they work in partners and groups to complete various task that apply to the daily lessons and the students do research and recall to help develop the final study guide before the exam.

Provide a copy of two complete detailed lesson plans in Appendix B.

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Narrative 2.3.1 Lesson Plan Design (limited to 2 pages)

Question Lesson Plan 1

Lesson Plan 2

What will the students entering this lesson already know about the topic?

Students will know various skills that they use each day on how to be a good friend and show compassion to others.

Students will know the character skill of the day and how to treat others fairly. They will share background knowledge on how they use the skill daily.

What type of assessment was chosen? Why?

Informal 5 questions quiz fill in the blank to check for comprehension at the end of the lesson. Student also used skills by working in partners to help each other complete the handwriting task by the light of an oil lamp.

Informal 5 question quiz fill in the blank to check for comprehension. Students will use the skill learned to work in assigned teams to complete the brown paper sack task on figuring out what is in the bag by touching and smelling the bag.

How were the specific differentiated activities needed to adapt/accommodate for individual learning needs for the Whole Class, Subgroup, and Focus Students determined?

As a whole class they were assigned partners to complete each task, students in my subgroup and the two focus students were paired with a partner that would help to inspire them to insure successful completion of the assigned task.

The whole class was divided into five teams to complete the assigned to task. The groups were selected to accommodate the needs of the subgroup and the 2 focus student to insure successful completion of each student and inspire learning.

Why was the specific reading strategy(ies) identified in the plan chosen?

Students completed a cluster to show what they already knew about being a good friend and then they were able to read the paragraph provided to correct for spelling and punctuation errors. Students modeled the skills by working together as partners and completing the task.

Students completed a class KWL chart on how they can treat others fairly and what they already knew about Helen Keller by looking at the front cover of the lesson.

How was critical thinking, problem solving, and higher level addressed thinking in the lesson plans?

Students used critical thinking and problem solving skills by rewriting and correcting the provided paragraph and completed all assigned task by only the light from an oil lamp.

Critical thinking, problem solving and higher level thinking will be used when each team completes the assigned task by using teamwork, knowledge and analysis.

How does the technology utilized enhance student learning?

Technology was not used in this lesson. After the students complete the KWL chart, I will show a short video on the accomplishments and life of Helen Keller.

Discuss specific classroom routines The room will be prepared when the The students will just have returned from

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and procedures that will be in place with this lesson to maximize instructional time.

students return from recess and after getting a drink and bathroom break they return to the classroom to lay their heads down for 3 minutes, then I will begin the lesson and it must be completed in 40 minutes so they can be released to music class. Students know that at the beginning of each lesson that their desk must be clean and clear of any distractions to help promote attention. Students must raise their hands to provide insight on the topic to keep structure and focus during the lesson.

recess, they will have their desk cleaned and free of any distraction. The students will rest their heads for a few minutes to begin their focus on the lesson. The lesson must be completed in 40 minutes so the students can report to P.E. Still will raise their hands to provide insight and predictions for the lesson. Students will work together as a team when working in groups and each student will have a chance to participate and keep their voices low while everyone is working.

How will the active and equitable participation of all students during this lesson be ensured?

I allow the students at the beginning of each lesson to raise their hand to help provide background knowledge and prediction. If a student does not raise their hand I might ask them to give me an example. Students will be assigned in partners to complete assigned task throughout the lesson.

Each student will be assigned to a group to complete the assigned task and I follow up with observation while each group is working to ensure equal participation. I will allow the students to take turns participating in the group discussion and call on the ones that did not raise their hands to see if they would like to offer other insight.

How does the lesson demonstrate teacher-centered and student-centered instructional strategies?

I present the lesson and follow up with observation while they are working in partners. Students are assigned the paragraph task and cluster and must present it to their peers and me at the end of the lesson.

I will guide and present the instruction and observe as the students are working in groups. The students must complete the task and present the results to their peers when completed.

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Table 2.3.2 Adaptive Plans (limited to 1 page)




What specific adaptations/modifications to the instructional plan are needed? Why are these adaptations appropriate for the student? If adaptations are determined to be unnecessary, identify the part(s) of the plan that will not be adapted (if any). Why are adaptations/ modifications not needed?

Student must be assigned to partner that is fluent reader. Student does have the Language skills needed for the assignment, but is not a fluent reader

Student must be assigned to someone that will not influence behavior issues and will help guide and keep her on task to insure completion of the task.

Student will be assigned to a group that will share equal responsibilities at all times to insure completion of the task. Student likes to participate, but does not want to feel left out.

Student must be assigned to a group that encourages positive behavior, promote staying on task and limit distractions to insure completion.

Table 2.4.1 Unit Assessment Design Table (limited to 2 pages)

Describe the assessment to be used

Explain rationale for

choosing this assessment

Explain the specific adaptation(s) made

for Students A and B OR why no

adaptation(s) are needed

Which objectives does

this assessment


Identify how the assessment will

be scored

Describe how specific student

results will impact the unit


Formative Assessment

- Informal

Prediction, questioning

and observation

Students will share background knowledge and apply it to each lesson. Students will also be able to use the skills learned in

No adaptations are needed when completing a

classroom discussion because both students volunteer and interact in open discussions.


The assessment will be scored by

observation, participation and interaction during

the classroom discussion.

It will allow me to focus on areas

that they did not respond to or

were unable to tie it to any

background knowledge. I

might also need to review areas

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various lessons.

they did not connect with are

each lesson.

Formative Assessment

- Formal

5 question quiz (true/

false, multiple choice and fill in the blank)

Students will show their

comprehension level.

Student A will need the quiz read aloud to him

in order to insure understanding and

completion accurately. No adaptations are

needed for student B she is able to read

fluently, may need to limit distractions if other

students finish first.


The students will grade their own quiz together as we read along after everyone has completed. We will discuss each question

and answer as a group. No grade will be recorded, but they will turn

in so I can review the

results to see if there is an area I need to review

the following day

It will allow me to review any area

that was misunderstood or missed by several

students. It will also show areas

that I need to focus on in future


Summative Assessment

20 questions multiple choice

Students will show their

comprehension and knowledge skills learned

during the unit.

Student A will need the exam read to him in

order to assure accurate grading and

assessment. Student B will need minimal distractions while

completing the task


I will grade the assessment

based on 100 points, each

question will be worth 5 points.

Results will allow me to improve on

areas needed when designing the next unit. It will also show

areas that need review.

What is the minimum level of

performance expected of all

students to achieve on the

The minimum level I expect is a 70%. Students will help design the formal exam by assisting with the study guide, so each student should be able to recall the information learned and apply it to the exam. Review daily will help promote and ensure successful scores on the exam.

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summative assessment?

Are any differences in performance

expected between the subgroup

described in Task 1 and the

remainder of the class? Explain.

Yes, I think 2 of the students will score lower than the rest of the class due to the current reading level. One student reads far below grade level and the other student is an ESOL student that struggles with the English language and reading, but reads closer to current grade level. Three of the students struggle daily with classroom distractions, so I must limit the distractions during testing. The students will have a coloring page to work on when they complete testing until all students are finished.

Provide a copy of one formal formative assessment document and the corresponding scoring key/rubric in Appendix C.

Provide a copy of one informal formative assessment document and the corresponding scoring key/rubric in Appendix C. (if applicable)

Provide a copy of the summative assessment document and the corresponding scoring key/rubric in Appendix C.

Task #3 -Teaching and Learning Table 3.1.1 Narrative Daily Teaching Reflection (limited to 4 pages)

Day 1: Today I completed the pre-assessment PowerPoint and we had classroom discussion over each topic and person from history that the students will learn about in future lessons. The lesson went better than I had expected, I was very surprised to see how many students knew the people from history that we were going to be talking about. For example when we discussed George Washington he remembered that he lost all of his teeth and had several pair of false teeth, I found it really funny because I actually remember learning that funny fact in school. The students did a great job on volunteering and participating while offering their insight on each lesson.

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Day 2: The lesson today was over Abraham Lincoln and doing the right thing. The students shared various ways they do the right thing daily in school and at home. The lesson went perfect and the students loved to participate. The students each shared a way they could be loyal to their friends or family. At the end of the lesson I gave the students construction paper and they drew and colored and American flag and listed a way they were loyal to their country like Honest Abe. The kids loved drawing and then I hung them up in the classroom to admire their art work. Day 3: Today’s lesson went absolutely amazing, before the kids returned from I recess I set the mood for the lesson by darkening the room and lighting an oil lamp. The topic was Florence Nightingale and how to be a good friend. The kids responded very well to the atmosphere and questions just started flooding. They were so curious how people survived without electricity and they thought Florence was an amazing woman for helping all those wounded soldiers and showing compassion to others. They enjoyed completing the writing assignment with a partner while under the light of the oil lamp. Students successfully completed the objective for this lesson. The students also did an excellent job on using their critical thinking and problem solving skills while working in partners. Day 4: The lesson today was focused on George Washington and being a good citizen. The students joined in during participation with classroom discussion. Students shared ideas on how they can be a better neighbor and citizen in our community. I offered various resources that are available in our community along with Chief Ward. Chief Ward talked with the students and gave them ideas on how they can help and keep our community strong and clean. The students really enjoyed having the police chief in for a visit. The only problem that I had was not enough time for Chief Bill, I think the kids could have listened and interacted with him for hours. Next time on a scenario like this I would allow the community resource to teach the lesson, because we did not have enough time for both. Overall, it went well and I plan to review the main focus in tomorrow’s lesson. Day 5: Today we discussed Helen Keller and why it is important to treat everyone fairly. I was surprised at the beginning of class when we began with open discussion and I asked the students if they knew who Helen Keller is, to my astonishment not one child had ever heard of her. I then began discussion about Helen and several of the things she achieved throughout her life even though she was deaf and blind. The students immediately started in with many questions they could not even believe that is were possible to achieve so much. I asked the students to give me several ideas on how they treat others fairly and why it is so important. I then related their answers to how being treated fairly was the only way Helen Keller was

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able to achieve her goals and dreams. At the end of the lesson I divided students in to five small groups and gave each group a brown paper sack filled with various items that was sealed shut. The instructions were to discover the items in the bag and to work together as a team. The students responded amazingly and loved the activity. I asked them to use their senses by touching, feeling and smelling the items in the bag. I think this lesson had a huge impact on every student and I hope that it will be something they remember for many years to come. I would not change a single thing about this lesson; I think it was very successful. Day 6: Today my students learned about Harriet Tubman and why we should respect others. I allowed the students to define respect at the beginning of the lesson and they had some great ideas. Students shared ideas on how they should not bully their peers and give their friends compliment on days that they look very nice. I shared the importance on being polite to others and respecting adults and authority figures at all times. I explained how Harriet Tubman was the hero to every slave in America and how she went out of her way to do for others, to ensure that the slaves received the respect they earned and deserved. Today’s lesson was not near as exciting for the students as yesterday’s lesson but they enjoyed learning and understanding about slavery. The students were mesmerized and did not understand why the slaves were treated so unfairly and with no respect. Several of the students commented on how they everyone should have had to work, not just the slaves. At the end of the lesson I showed a short film over the life of Harriet Tubman on the smart board and I think the video was the key to the entire lesson. Overall, I feel the lesson was a complete success and after the short quiz I was informed that each student understood and completed the lesson successfully. Day 7: Today was the final person in history for the unit and I chose the Wright Brothers and how it is important to always do your best in everything that you do. I first mentioned the Wright Brothers and the students had not heard of them, I explained that they are very familiar with something that they invented. I asked how many students have ever flown on a plan and about half of the class had. I then the student that the Wright Brothers invented the first airplane and what would our travels be like today if we did not use airplanes. I shared various ideas such how long it would take to receive our mail and packages, getting foods to the hungry people around the world. I tied in on how the Wright Brothers completed their mission by staying committed to their project, lots of patience and they carried the confidence it took to be successful. The Wright Brothers never gave up and did their best throughout the entire design or they would have never completed the task. I asked the students to share how they could do their best at home and in the classroom. I loved all of their responses, one student says, “I live next to an old lady that does not walk very well and I pick up and take her paper to her every night.” I told the class that was exactly what we should do and if they wanted to achieve their dreams and goals, they must always do their best in each area of their life. At the end of the lesson we attended the computer lab and the student worked with partners to research the Wright Brothers and find pictures of their first plane. The students enjoyed the lesson and they were successful with each task, although I would like to incorporate making a small wooden plan in small groups next to show how they must work together and not give up until they complete the task.

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Day 8: Today I guided a classroom discussion to create a study guide for the summative exam. I thought it was important for the students to help create the study guide, because it allowed me to see areas they recalled and areas that I needed to review for the final exam. This was a new task for the students they had never helped create a test as they called it. The participation and volunteers were tremendous. I think this was a great tool for me and the students. Today’s lesson went perfect and I would not change it, but I do intend to continue to use this method I the future. Day 9: At the beginning of the lesson I allowed 15 minutes for review and questioning. My goal was to ensure that every student had a chance to be successful with the exam. I do not feel that there are any questions on the exam that the students should not recall or have learned if they listened and participated in the review to answer any questions that they were uncertain of.

Table 3.2.1 Narrative Reflection of Video Recorded and Observed Lessons 1 & 2 (limited to 2 pages)

Instructional Strategies Questions Lesson 1 Lesson 2

Overall, how did the instructional strategies for the lesson positively impact learning for all students? How do you know students met or did not meet the objective(s)? Justify response with specific examples/evidence from the video.

I think the modeling made a huge positive impact on learning for all the students. When the students followed along, completed the assignment all by the light of the oil lamp only. Students shared examples such as helping their neighbors that were sitting further from the light read their papers and showed how they could be a good friend by doing so. They lighting truly set the mood for the whole lesson and inspired learning and discovery. The students showed compassion for one another and during discussion they shared ideas on how they could be a good friend at school, on the playground and at home. For example, play with a new friend at recess, helping a neighbor and showing a new student around the school.

The students were very engaged with this lesson, especially at the end when I provided sealed brown paper bags and the students were instructed to discover the items in the bag by using their senses. This lesson was had a positive impact on each student by showing compassion to others, giving everyone the equal opportunity for learning and showing how everyone should be treated fairly in every aspect of life. Student were able to achieve and meet the objectives for the lesson while working in groups on brown bag task and participating in class discussion and analysis, also each student completed the informal quiz at the end of the lesson and achieved successfully.

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In what ways was the use of instructional strategies to address the diverse cognitive, emotional and social needs of all students successful? Provide specific examples.

Prediction allowed the students to discover the Florence Nightingale and how she was a good friend to everyone. Modeling and analysis motivated the students to complete the assigned task successfully. Each strategy allowed the students to discover, analyze and use background knowledge while developing new knowledge. The lesson emotionally and socially connected with each and every student, because many students could not believe that she was able to care for wounded soldiers without electricity and the things we have today in our actual doctor’s offices and hospitals.

The students were very challenged when discovering the items in the bag, but had to work together as a team because not one student could discover every item correctly. It took effort from each individual to contribute to the entire project and group, each student offered different aspects to the task. Students collaborated in small groups effectively to accomplish the task; each student offered various ideas that would trigger another student to begin inquiring the process. I feel that the instructional strategies were successful in all three areas of cognitive, emotional and social needs for each student.

Describe how students were meaningfully engaged in active inquiry and higher level thinking.

The students were engaged the minute they stepped in the door from recess, because I already had the mood set, with all the lights turned off and the oil lamp lit. Inquiry followed immediately with each student already thinking ahead about what they were going to learn and how they were going to read and complete their assignment. Higher level of thinking was used throughout the entire lesson; students were very curious how life was possible without electricity.

After I completed the teaching the lesson I allowed for students to inquire further into the areas we had discussed, but I also help to promote and direct the inquiry direction. At the end of the lesson I divided the students into groups to complete the hands on task of discovering the items in the brown bag and this is where the students truly showed their higher level of thinking and inquiry. Students were very inspired by the task and not only asked their peers question, but were asking me to give clues. All they were allowed to use was their senses and teamwork.

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How were instructional strategies effective in providing equitable learning opportunities for all students? Provide specific examples.

Each student was allowed to participate with the hands on task and during classroom discussion to ensure that I was able to answer each of their individual questions about Florence and being a good friend. Observing the students completing the assignment was truly inspiring, watching and listening to the ideas flow.

I provided each and every student equal learning opportunities whether they working individually or in a group. The students that do not volunteer information or inquiry I promoted it with questioning. While the students were working in groups they were all actively involved and took turns providing information about the items in the bag. Each group had a timer and students were to pass the bag around the table and each student only had ten seconds to investigate the bag and offer ideas. The students continued to follow the guidelines until I ended the session.

Was integration within and across content fields successful? Provide specific examples.

The students used reading strategies while completing the informal quiz at the end of the lesson. This lesson was a social studies lesson, but I was able to include reading, character development and hands on task to ensure successful completion of the lesson.

This lesson focused on social studies, but also provided character development, reading and health by using their senses to discover the items in the bag. Students took turns reading from the text and offering insight on their understanding. The students learned to work together as a team and how it was important to treat everyone fairly and that no one could have completed this task on their own.

Classroom Learning Environment Questions

Lesson 1 Lesson 2

Describe how a variety of verbal and nonverbal communication techniques were used to foster active inquiry, collaboration, and supportive interaction in the classroom. Provide specific examples.

The light setting was the best nonverbal use to activate inquiry, along with prediction and open discussion before and after the lesson. As the students were working in their peers I continuously walked around and visited each group to offer support and ideas to help promote learning and inquiry.

Verbal communication was expressed from myself and the students. I promoted inquiry throughout the lesson and the students in return did the same. While working in small groups it was assigned to collaborate together to achieve the final goal of discovering the items in the bag. As the students were working in small groups I continuously observed and visited each small group to further the inquiry process.

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How conducive was the overall classroom learning environment in supporting positive social interaction, equitable engagement, and self-motivation? Provide specific examples.

The learning environment was very high and the students all had equal engagement individually and as a group. The students participated in the active open discussions and completed a group task. The social interaction was very positive when the students were taking turns asking questions and providing ideas while working.

The learning environment was full of excitement, suspense and motivation. The students could not wait for the reveal of the items at the end of the lesson, so they could see how successful they were. When the students were working in groups they promoted each other by helping to provide ideas for the next participant until the ultimate goal was achieved. Every student had an equal opportunity for learning and engagement through the entire lesson. The students were instructed to work together as a team and take constant timed turns through the process, the social interaction was very positive.

Table 3.3.1 Narrative Reflection of Preassessment, Formative Assessments, and Summative Assessment (limited to 3 pages)


Overall analysis of results.

Overall, the results were very impressive. I was very shocked to see how many children already knew the people from history that we were going to cover throughout the unit. Students were very eager to volunteer and participate in the classroom discussion. Students also shared many ideas on how they use the character development skills on a daily basis that will be discussed in the unit. Also, the students did a fabulous job on relating the new ideas, vocabulary and people to their background knowledge. I analyzed my results by observation and participation, 100% of my students knew 2 of the 6 people from history and 75% knew 3 of the 6. 100% of my students knew one way to use the character development successfully in our classroom.

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Discuss the results in reference to the learning objectives.

Students were able to achieve each learning objective for the pre-assessment tool 100%. The learning objectives I selected pertained mainly to the character development and how each selected person from history showed how they used those character traits in their lives.

Describe how pre-assessment data was used to proceed with instruction for all students.

Pre-assessment data showed the areas that I wanted to elaborate on during the unit, such as focusing in on the people from history that they did not know and show the positive roles they played in our history and how they could do the same by applying the character skills learned. I wanted each student to enjoy the learning process and be able to recall this information for many years to come.

What is the plan to differentiate for all learners?

The selected learners that will need differentiation, I will provide picture/word cards for the new vocabulary words, these cards will be posted on the board for reference. I will be available to provide direct and guided instruction as needed and while working in groups I will assign groups to promote a successful learning environment for all learners.

Formative Assessment

Overall analysis of results.

Half of the formative assessments were completed as a group or in partners, but the other half were completed individually and the students did very well averaging a 90% and only missing one question from the five provided. 80% of my students achieved 100% on each formative assessment whether individually or in a group.

Discuss the results in reference to the learning objectives. Are students learning what was intended they learn?

Each of the learning objectives was obtained throughout the unit. I designed each objective to be achievable by each and every student and in return the students were successful. The students did a great job on listening, inquiry and participation during each lesson and in the end they reached the final goal and learned about the people from history and how they could contribute to our world today.

Discuss any adaptations based on the results of formative assessments.

The lesson that 80% of the students missed a problem on was the George Washington lesson and I believe it was due to the community resource visitor. The students really enjoyed the visitor Chief Ward, but it did not allow much time for the actual lesson, so on the following day I reviewed the lesson and had a class discussion about the points they missed.

Identify differentiation needed to help all students meet the goals and objectives of this unit.

It was necessary to read the questions aloud on each formative assessment to ensure that each student was able to achieve the objectives. A percent of the students knew the answers, but there are various reading levels in the classroom, including my focus student A that is unable to read an entire sentence without pictures that provide insight to the words.

Summative Assessment

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What did the disaggregated data of the assessment reveal?

The data revealed that 80% of the students achieved every objective throughout the entire unit. The other 20% were not far behind; there was not a single assessment that a student missed more than 4 questions. Although, after reviewing the data the 20% that did not achieve each objective missed objectives in different areas, no one assessment was alike.

Discuss the results in reference to the learning objectives.

The results showed that 80% of the students achieved each objective successfully. The data also revealed that there was not an isolation lesson that I did not achieve successfully, but showed that the other 20% of the students missed objectives from different lessons.

Did all students learn what was intended they learn? Explain.

I feel that each of the students learned and achieved what I had intended for them, but a few of the students missed various points in different lessons. One lesson that really stood out was George Washington and I think it was because we had a community visitor and not enough attention and time was focused on the actually lesson. Harriet Tubman was another lesson that had a weakness, but I solely think it is based on student interest and that finally showed at the completion of the lesson.

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Table 3.3.2a Chart/Table/Graphs of disaggregated data for the Pre-assessment (limited to one page) Due to the varied nature of data collected by the teacher candidates, each candidate is asked to create a chart/table/graph that includes data for the Whole Class, Subgroup, and Focus Students. Title the table/chart/graph and use labels to accurately portray the data.









5 pts. Achieved 10 pts. Achieved 15 pts. Achieved 20 pts. Achieved

Whole Class


Focus Students

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Table 3.3.2b Chart/Table/Graph of disaggregated data for the Summative Assessment (limited to one page) Due to the varied nature of data collected by the teacher candidates, each candidate is asked to create a chart/table/graph that includes data for the Whole Class, Subgroup, and Focus Students. Title the table/chart/graph and use labels to accurately portray the data.








A 90-100% B 80-89% C 70-79% D 60-69% F 59-0%

Whole Class


Focus Group

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Task #4 -Reflection and Professionalism Narrative 4.1.1 Reflection on Learning Objectives (limited to 2 pages)

Based on the analysis of all the assessment results, identify TWO learning objectives from the unit where students were most successful.

Give more than one reason for each of the successes identified.

Discuss at least TWO things to do differently in the future to extend these successes to continue students’ academic growth.

Objective 2: Students will learn how to be a good friend to others by using compassion, caring and treating each other equally. Florence Nightingale

The students showed and shared examples on how they could be a good friend in the classroom, on the playground and at home. Students inquired about how people lived and worked without electricity. Students inquired about how Florence was able to care for the hurt soldiers, but did not have a hospital or doctor’s office like today.

I would like to partner students with a Kindergarten or 4K student to read a book or help assist on an art project and help the younger student to accomplish something they have been struggling with. I also would like to assign the students a daily task log for a week, so they can list positive things they have done to be a good friend at school or at home.

Objective 4: Students will learn how to treat one another fairly even though we all have different characteristics. Show and provide examples on equal rights. Helen Keller

Students achieved the brown bag task by working together as a team, everyone was allowed equal time to contribute, they had to collaborate their ideas to reach the end goal. Students identified their senses and how important they are realizing the difference it makes if you do not have just one of them let alone two. Students showed compassion for others and helped assist their peers.

I would like for the students to learn various letters of the alphabet in Braille. I would like for the students to wear ear plugs and sound proof head phones and try to communicate and read to a partner, at the end I would like each partner to take a test to review what they learned. I think this would allow the students to see how difficult it truly is to de deaf and or blind.

Based on the analysis of all the assessment results, identify TWO learning objectives from the unit where students were least successful.

Give more than one reason for the identified lack of success for each.

Discuss at least TWO things to differently in the future to improve students’ performance.

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Objective 3: Students will learn how to be a good citizen in school and out in the community by helping others, being a leader and lending a hand to our neighbors. George Washington

Students were unable to define citizen; the word just got skipped over and not focused on during the lesson. Students know how to help their neighbors, around school and in their community they were just unaware that it made them a good citizen. Students were also unable to define cooperating, which was another focus point in the lesson and a new vocabulary word.

I would like to have a task were students can use and show leadership in groups or partners. I also would like my students to participate in a community service project.

Objective 5: Students will learn to respect one another by standing up for a friend that is being bullied, showing courage, notice the differences of each person and how that makes our world unique. Harriet Tubman

Students were very unfamiliar about slavery. They were not able to give examples of slavery with guided discussion. The students do a great job of showing respect to another and teachers in the classroom.

I would like to have the students work in groups to create posters against bullying to hang around the school. I would like to have a secret ballot box where the students list one unique characteristic about one of their peers and as I read them the students can guess who the trait belongs too.

Based on the analysis of assessment results, what other conclusions could be made about the students’ learning?

I was amazed to see how their inquiring minds worked and how interested they were in each of the people from history. When I began the unit most of the students were unfamiliar with several of the people, but as the unit continued to move forward they got more interested and inspired to learn. The participation and interaction was excellent, there were only a couple of instances that I had to redirect attention. The students exceeded my expectations and I could not have asked for it to have gone any better. After the summative assessment I reviewed the areas that were missed on the exam, hoping to correct any misconceptions and return that they will remember or recall this unit in the future. Making the lessons unique and intriguing is what kept the attention of my students, they walked in the next day and ask, “who are we learning about today?”

Based on the analysis of assessment results, how did making adaptations to instruction ultimately affect student learning?

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Making the adaptations was completely necessary to ensure that each of the students had an equal opportunity to achieve the unit objectives. The picture cards for new vocabulary words were a tremendous help and reading the formative quizzes aloud helped those unable to read on level to be successful as well. When students were assigned to groups, I assigned the groups so that each learning environment would promote success from every individual. I also think allowing the students to help create the study guide that would be used for the exam, allowed each student to share various ideas that stood out to them throughout the unit, but allowed me to include areas of focus from the list of lesson objectives

Narrative 4.2.1 Reflection on Future Professional Development (limited to 1page)

Identify at least TWO aspects of instruction that could be improved. Explain reasoning.

What specific professional development opportunities/activities will help to acquire that knowledge or skill?

Aspect 1: Classroom discussion I tend to elaborate and allow the students to continue asking questions. Although I think this is an important process, I need to know when to redirect and focus on the objectives for the lesson. The students tend to veer off task and it takes up valuable lesson time.

As I continue to finish my student teaching assignment, I hope to achieve this task and I think it comes with practice. I do notice that it is happening, just feel bad for the students and want to allow everyone a chance to answer, where in reality that is not possible for every question and concern. I would like to do more research on classroom time management and ways to improve it. I would be interested in attending an online seminar or ground class.

Aspect 2: Bathroom breaks I know this one may sound odd, but it seemed that I was constantly asked if a student could use the restroom. At the start of my lesson students were just returning from recess, when they are instructed to take care of those details, but as for every child playing is more fun. This caused a lot of disruptions and the students that were leaving were missing valuable information.

In the future when my students return from recess or lunch, I will dedicate the first five minutes to a drink and bathroom break. I think this will allow for minimal disruptions and the students will all be present to hear the focus points and objectives of the daily lesson. I do understand that there are circumstances that arrive, but I plan to implement a plan of action.

Table 4.3.1 Communication Log (limited to 2pages)

Date Person

Contacted Method of Contact Reason for Contact Result or Impact on


Follow Up (if


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Date Person

Contacted Method of Contact Reason for Contact Result or Impact on


Follow Up (if



Principal In-person General contextual information/reduced lunches/ # of students

Better understanding of the students in the district



Cooperating Teacher

In-person Classroom contextual information/ Students on the IEP

Better understanding on what adaptations that will be needed for the unit



Cooperating Teacher

In-person Unit topic/Areas of content Selecting an appropriate topic and content area


9-17 Student In-person Behavior

Student was continually causing disruptions in the classroom by making noises. Pulled the student into the hall to discuss action.



Cooperating Teacher

In-person Review lesson plans Make necessary corrections Y

9-19 Police Chief In-person Community resource visitor Visit with students about citizenship and ways they can help in the community


9-23 Parent In-person Illness

Student has established medical disability and was planning to be gone several days. Reviewed the lessons that would be covered and expected to be completed.


9-23 Cooperating Teacher

In-person Review unit Check for any mistakes or adaptations that may need to be made


9-23 Police Chief Via-phone Confirming class visit N/A N

10-4 Cooperating Teacher

In-person Reviewed unit outcome Help to improve next unit and fix any misconceptions or understandings


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Narrative 4.3.2 Reflection on Impact of Communications (limited to 1 page)

The communication within the school personnel and community resources helped to improve the unit and each selected person gave a different insight. My cooperating teacher helped to make my unit successful; she offered so many helpful tips and ideas to improve the classroom atmosphere. She also helped me to decide what adaptations would be necessary for my students in need. My cooperating teacher played a major role in the developing process and the selection of the content area that would be addressed. The principal did an excellent job with providing the numbers and facts I needed to learn more about the district and the students in the school system. She presented me with several helpful sheets with various ways to look at and assess the numbers in the district. The police chief did an excelled job on providing the students with resources available in the community and how they can help make our community a cleaner, stronger and better place to be and live. My favorite part was finally getting to meet a parent of a student, I think this really helps to pull it all together and helps me as a teacher to better understand the student. I enjoyed visiting with each of the individuals that participated in helping ensure that my unit was a complete success.

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Appendix A

Pre-Assessment Document and Rubric

Pre-Assessment Document: Pre-Assessment Social Studies Unit.pptx Rubric:

Student Participation 5pts. Volunteers 5pts. Inquiry 5 pts. Engaged 5 pts. Total points








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Pre-Assessment is worth a total of 20 points

Points are based on a whole number scale

There will be no partial points

Place an “X” under each area if the student meets the expectations

Appendix B

Lesson Plan 1: Lesson Plan 1 Florence Nightingale.docx Lesson Plan 2: Lesson Plan 2 Helen Keller.docx

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Appendix C

Formal Assessment and Rubric: Formal Assessment.docx Informal Assessment and Rubric: Informal Assessment.docx Summative Assessment and Rubric: Summative Assessment.docx