Download - June 20, 2013 - Agenda - Streets and Freeways Subcommittee - Metro


Thursday, June 20, 2013 9:30 a.m.

Agenda Revised

Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority

Streets and Freeways Subcommittee

Mulholland Conference Room, 15th Floor

1. Call to Order Action (Bahman Janka) 1 min 2. Approval of Minutes Action (Subcommittee) Attachment 1: Draft May 16, 2013 Minutes Attachment 2: Sign in Sheet/Attendance Sheet Attachment 3: 90-Day Rolling Agenda 1 min 3. Chair Report Information (Bahman Janka) 5 min 4. Metro Report Information (Ben Jong) 5 min

5. State and Federal Legislative Update Information (Raffi Hamparian/

10 min Marisa Yeager/Michael Turner) 6. Caltrans Report Information (David Sosa) 10 min 7. CTC Update Information (Patricia Chen) 10 min 8. 2013 Call for Projects Information (Rena Lum) 10 min 9. Bike/Pedestrian Coordinator to Metro TAC Discussion (Renee Berlin/ 10 min (Attachment 4) Fanny Pan)

10. New Business Discussion (Subcommittee) 5 min 11. Adjournment Action (Subcommittee) 1 min The next meeting of the Streets and Freeways Subcommittee will be held on July 18, 2013 at 9:30 a.m. on the 15th floor, Mulholland Conference Room. A Discussion of the 2013 Call for Projects will be on the agenda. Please contact Benkin Jong at (213) 922-3053 should you have any questions or comments regarding this or future agendas. Agendas can be accessed online at:

Attachment 1

May 16, 2013 Streets and Freeways Meeting Minutes

Draft Streets and Freeways Minutes May 16, 2013

Thursday May 16, 2013 | 9:30am

Members & Alternates Present: Ofc. Christian Cracraft (A), Elaine Jeng, Mike Behen, Marianne Kim, Paul Maseblas, Charles Herbertson (A), Ramiro Adeva, Dale Benson, Bahman Janka (Chair), Ben Jong, Nancy Villaseñor, Ken Johnson, Michelle Mowery, John Asuncion. 1. Call to Order (Bahman Janka, Chair)

The meeting was called to order at 9:40 am.

2. Approval of the April 18, 2013 Minutes (Subcommittee) The minutes were approved, with no abstentions.

3. Chairperson Report (Bahman Janka, Chair) No report was provided.

4. Metro Report (Ben Jong, Metro) No report was provided.

5. State and Federal Legislative Update (Raffi Hamparian and Michael Turner)

Federal Mr. Turner announced that Mr. Hamparian is currently in Washington D.C. continuing the work on the America Fast Forward Bonds. They have been included in the president’s budget as a proposal as a way to fund transportation. The interest subsidy is not as high as Metro recommends. Also, Congress passed the Water Resources Bill. Now that that is done, both houses will start to look at the reauthorization of MAP-21, a short bill which comes up in October of this year and needs to be reauthorized. There are discussions that MAP-21 will probably be extended. Mr. Turner reported that Congressman Shuster will be visiting California to conduct some hearings at the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, and another hearing in San Bernardino later this month. Specific information will be emailed out to subcommittee members about these hearings as they take place. He reported on the Pension Reform Act which was passed in California. When the Pension Reform Act was passed, transportation labor unions went to the Department of Labor and said that California transit agencies should no longer able to receive federal transit funds because the Pension Reform Act adopted in California violates their collective bargaining agreement that are codified in section 13C. The labor unions have been objecting to every grant, from the Federal Transit Administration to every transit

Meeting Minutes REVISED Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority Streets and Freeways Subcommittee

Mulholland Conference Room, 15th Floor

Draft Streets and Freeways Minutes, May 16, 2013


agency in California, and the Department of Labor has been withholding that certification. As of now, there is about $400-$500 million on hold for various agencies throughout the state. Throughout the year, that total builds to about $2-$3 billion. Metro has about $100 million in grant on hold which could impact operating funds and projects. Metro has been working to resolve this issue. State Mr. Turner reported that the Cap and Trade revenue which is about $500 million will go to the general fund under the governor’s budget proposal. The budget subcommittees are starting their process of considering the recommendations. The Assembly subcommittee hearing was held yesterday, May 15th, at which a line of people objected to where the some of the money is being allocated. Lastly, with regards to MAP-21, a lot of the active transportation programs were combined into a transportation alternatives program. One of the challenges faced while the programs were combined, is that the details of how these programs are allocated are limited and there are a lot of questions on how funds are being allocated. The administration has proposed to create an alternative transportation program, in which they would basically control all the money. Essentially, the California Transportation Commission would distribute the money. Because Metro would like to see local distributions, we are looking for amendments to the governor’s trailer bill that would assure that the region receives a fair amount of that money.

6. Caltrans Report (Dale Benson, Caltrans)

Mr. Benson reported that the cities in the Metro region has so far obligated $88 million of $318 million allocated in 2012-2013, this is the Caltrans local assistance; this is less that 1/3 of funds that have been allocated. Caltrans is asking local agencies to come in for obligations for their projects. The obligation plan is on the Metro website at; however, it is not on the Caltrans website yet. Secondly, HSIP training is currently happening and a webinar will be available to those interested. The following training is coming up within the next few months.

7. CTC Update (Patricia Chen, Metro) Ms. Chen reported on the CTC meeting held on May 7th regarding the Buy America Act. The first item was a report by USDOT, Division Administrator Vince Mammano gave a firm statement in favor of following Buy America provisions. Two commissioners expressed concerns about the impacts of Buy America on project delivery and suggested some things that Metro needs to do to try to move projects forward. Port of Long Beach staff testified that the Gerald Desmond Bridge project includes $15 million worth of utility relocation. The Port has an issue with one of their utilities and stated that if the issue is not resolved in a timely manner, delays will cost $162,000-$167,000 per day. Brian Annis, the Deputy Secretary for the new State Transportation Agency, talked about the California transportation infrastructure priorities process, which is the next life of the Statewide Transportation Needs Assessment that is now transitioning from CTC staff to the Transportation Agency. Mr. Annis is trying to identify long-term funding options. There are five different working groups; Highways, rail/mass transit, active transportation, streets and roads, and freight. Mr. Annis stated the importance of setting priorities for project types like pavement, bridges, the overall condition of the SHOPP program, capacity priorities such as HOV, gap closures etc.

Draft Streets and Freeways Minutes, May 16, 2013


Under the draft 2014 STIP Fund Estimates assumptions, Caltrans staff indicated that we are approaching a period of declining revenues if the state and federal excise tax continue to be assessed using the same per gallon fixed amount. That is because fuel standards are phasing in that are going to make cars so much more efficient that we will have less gallons being used, which means less gas tax revenues coming in. Next CTC meeting will be June 11, which will be the last meeting of the fiscal year.

8. Bicycle and Pedestrian Coordinator (Renee Berlin/Fanny Pan, Metro) Ms. Berlin and Ms. Pan (Metro) presented the idea of adding a member to the TAC committee to represent bicycle and pedestrian planning. This issue arose as a response to the Board increasing the Bicycle modal funding in the 2011 Call and most recently the Pedestrian modal funding mark in the 2103 Call. Bike and pedestrian representation can be filled by two different people one from each mode or one person to represent both modes depending on the preference of the SFS and TAC. Ms. Berlin and Ms. Pan hope to have a job description by next month’s SFS meeting to be reviewed by members. Mr. Janka (City of San Gabriel COG) suggested the position description be similar to the one developed to solicit the pedestrian representative. Ms. Berlin and Ms. Pan suggested the member(s) selected meet requirements similar to requirements for TAC and Streets and Freeways members as stated in the bylaws. Bylaws currently require that members must be full-time public employees and cannot be from a contracted consultant. Ms. Berlin suggested the person spend a large part of their time on bicycle and/or pedestrian oriented employment. Currently, there exists a balance of representation on the TAC, Ms. Berlin suggests to maintain that balance by having representatives should be selected be from an entity that will not contribute to an already highly represented agency on the TAC. It may be appropriate for the person(s) selected to act as either Dale Benson or Michelle Mawry’s alternate for the SFS. Ms. Pan explained that it is up to SFS and TAC to determine whether this member will be a voting or a non-voting member. At this moment, non-voting members include: SCAG, AQMD, Goods Movement, and Metrolink. Mr. Janka suggested this should be a voting member; there is not much advocacy for bike and pedestrian planning. Ms. Mawry suggested there should be two representatives, one for bike and one for pedestrian planning. They are two different issues with different concerns. They have different needs, and Ms. Mawry agrees, they should be voting members. Mr. Janka stated his concern with this person requiring being a full-time bicycle and pedestrian employee. Not all jurisdictions have the funding or need to dedicate a full-time position with these focuses. Some do work part-time and those people should not be excluded from applying for this position due to the lack of funding or need a city has for these initiatives. These will also allow a balance in TAC membership and not impede smaller jurisdictions from the bicycle and pedestrian planning discussion. Ms. Berlin suggests the person(s) selected should adhere to criteria’s similar to TAC membership. Must be government employee and not from a contracted agencies. “full

Draft Streets and Freeways Minutes, May 16, 2013


time staff from cities and not a paid consultant” cannot be someone who gets contracts from MTA. Ms. Berlin stated this position is not open to academics, nor someone who has a financial gain, who has contracts with the MTA in order to avoid any special interest on decision making. AAA is an example of a private entity that is not representing any single entity and they have a global expertise. A scope of work will be developed and a draft will be presented at the next SFS meeting. Ms. Villasenor asked, how challenging would it be to change the bylaws to allow broadening the pool of candidates? Ms. Pan responded that this requires a Board action. Ms. Jessica Meaney (Audience, Safe Route to School Partnership) asked if there is an opportunity for someone from the public health field to serve as the pedestrian planning representative on TAC. The County Department of Health (CDH) is dedicated to encourage walkability design. The CDH plays a major role in increasing active modes of transportation. Ms. Berlin reported that the person(s) must be transportation oriented. However, this requirement can be changed if someone is not found from the transportation industry. Mr. Janka suggested the criteria should not specify transportation oriented. The person(s) need to be focused on promoted healthy living, promoting walking, cycling, anything that is pedestrian and bicycle focus. The person(s) should be able to prove that they have worked on these issues. Ms. Mawry reported that the CDH is currently working on various transportation oriented projects and they are doing more and more on active modes of transportation to address the obesity epidemic. There’s more and more money coming to CDH and they may have a larger role on how we look at the roadway. Ms. Berlin stated her concern in having another county of LA representative or City of LA representative as these entities each already have three representatives on the TAC, which means there will no longer be an equal balance of representation on the TAC. No one entity should shift the balance. Ms. Janka stated that for next month’s meeting there should be a drafted description of the position and the SFS will either approve or not approve the final description. The working document will be sent out to SFS members and will be brought back for discussion next month. Ms. Mowery (Bicycle Coordination, City of Los Angeles) introduced the following motion. Recommend adding two voting members to the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC), one Bicycle coordinator and one Pedestrian coordinator. These positions could also serve as members and/or alternates to the Streets & Freeway Subcommittee. Staff will work with the Streets and Freeways Subcommittee to develop descriptions for these positions. Solicitations will be sent to public transportation agencies for nominations of full time government employees. Based on the applications received, the Streets & Freeway Subcommittee will make recommendations to TAC for their consideration.

Draft Streets and Freeways Minutes, May 16, 2013


Motion was approved.

9. Short Range Transportation Plan No report was provided.

10. 2013 Call for Projects (Fanny Pan, Metro) Ms. Pan reported that at the April Board meeting, the Board approved preliminary modal funding marks and preliminary fund estimates, including a motion to increase the Pedestrian Improvements modal mark from 7.5% to 10% (increase of $3.75 million), using funds from the TAC Reserve Fund. Additionally, the Board directed that any Reserve funds remaining subsequent to TAC appeals could be used for Crenshaw Project pedestrian uses. Ms Pan also reported that at the May 1st TAC meeting, TAC members discussed the Board approved motion and approved the following motion: 1) uphold the historical integrity and transparency of the Call for Projects process in which TAC, as a countywide committee, has played an integral role; 2) restore the TAC Reserve to $4.2 million by backfilling $3.75 million from the 2012 Deobligation; 3) the TAC Reserve funds shall be designated for TAC’s allocation during the appeals process; 4) the Call for Projects process shall not award funds to any project(s) not submitted in the bi-annual Call for Projects by the application deadline for funding consideration; 5) and Deobligation funds shall be returned to the mode from which they originated for reprogramming in the bi-annual Call for Projects. Metro’s next step is to return to the Board in June with the preliminary project funding strategy including TAC’s May motion. Rainbow report (preliminary staff recommendation) will be available for distribution in early July. At the regular Streets and Freeways Subcommittee meeting in July, the modal leads will present the preliminary recommendations from the Rainbow report. TAC appeals are scheduled for July 30 and 31. Final award is scheduled for September.

11. FY 14 Draft Local Return Fund Marks (Susan Richan, Metro) Ms. Richan reported on the FY 2014 draft estimates and allocations of Proposition A, Proposition C and Measure R local return, TDA Article 3 and TDA Article 8. The Department of Finance provides population figures to make estimates on the budget proposal. At the request of City of Santa Clarita, Metro is using the latest posting of May 1st which was provided to the subcommittee. The latest posting does not affect other cities, the one agency that it does affect his LA County unincorporated which has been consulted about this draft and they provided their approval as long as it’s done in a fair manner across the board. The draft provided is backdated to January 1, 2013; however, it is for the population of 2012. The draft provided is for local return estimates. The amount received is always different than the amount listed on the draft-these are estimates. As soon as the vendors close out they have 30 days to turn in their reports to the state and within a few weeks Metro receives the funds, and within a few days those funds are distributed to agencies based on two months prior sales revenue. The actual allocation for 2013 will be available possibly in August. Each agencies finance department should have these numbers available. Local returns estimates for about 85-90% of cities are going up.

Draft Streets and Freeways Minutes, May 16, 2013


12. Congestion Mitigation Fee Update (Fanny Pan, Metro)

Ms. Pan announced an update on the Congestion Mitigation Fee project. The Congestion Mitigation Fee item that was originally scheduled for yesterday’s Planning and Programming Committee meeting was continued for 60 days. Contact Robert Calix with any questions at [email protected]

13. Bicycle Safety Education Campaign (Rubina Ghazarian, Metro) Ms. Ghazarian reported an update on the Bicycle Safety Education Campaign. Metro recently launched a campaign to increase bicycle safety in Los Angeles County called “Every Lane is a Bike Lane…Bicyclist may need a full lane; Please share the road.” The message has been included on the back of buses, billboards and has had spots on local radio stations throughout the region. The initial marketing campaign will end this month, however, the Office of Traffic Safety Grant: Bicycle Safety Classes begin this month thru September 2013. The goal of the “Every Lane is a Bike Lane” campaign is to educate both cyclist and motorist on rules of the road, decrease incidents and foster safe streets. Cyclists are allowed to use the full lane to safely navigate in certain traffic situation. The Bicycle Commuting Contract is set to build bicycle ridership by sponsoring 20 “Urban Expedition” community-based bicycle rides throughout Los Angeles County over the next 2 years. Currently, 40% of all car trips are two miles or less –these trips can easily be made on a bicycle. The classes will focus on safe bicycling etiquette, rules of the road, basic maintenance, and to build community with the goal that it will encourage riders of all ages and skill levels to consider bicycling for local trips. The OTS Grant: Bicycle Safety Classes was approved due to the 2006 Metro Bicycle Strategic Plan Policy Objective VI Strategy 1) to promote youth and adult bicycle education and safety programs and the 2012 SCAG RTP Goal 1: Decrease bike & pedestrian fatalities and injuries. Metro will be offering Bicycle Traffic Skills courses reaching 1,440 participants throughout communities in Los Angeles County. They will offer 90 - three-hour Need to Know and 30 - eight hour Traffic Skills classes. In 2012 there were 4226 reported bicycle collisions in the county; the goal of the classes is to reduce the number and severity of injuries and deaths in L.A. County from bicycle-related crashes by training cyclists with basic education and traffic skills. Ms. Ghazarian encourages jurisdictions to host classes in their facilities. Metro will offer marketing material to attract community members. Please contact Ms. Ghazarian for more details at [email protected].

14. Countywide Safe Routes to School Strategic Plan (Tham Nguyen, Metro) Ms. Nguyen reported on the Countywide Safe Routes to School Strategic Plan. Safe Routes to School’s model consists of education, encouragement, engineering, enforcement, and evaluation to reach their goal. The goal of the SRTS Strategic Plan is to identify strategy to help local communities establish new SRTS programs and sustain and enhance existing efforts. Within LA County, 30% of students live within a half mile of school and 37% live within 2 miles, for a total of 67% of students who live within walking and bicycling distance to school if conditions were safe and parents felt comfortable having their kids walk or bicycle to school. However, about 51% of students commute to schools by private vehicle and 33% walk or bike. This plan hopes to encourage safe active modes of transportation to and from school. In 2011, 18% of collisions involved pedestrian and cyclist victims. Of those collision, over 20% are age 16 and under. Therefore, it is important to address safety issues for those who are already

Draft Streets and Freeways Minutes, May 16, 2013


walking and bicycling. Up to 14% of morning traffic is from parents driving children to school causing more traffic congestion for shorter trips. Also, since 1980, obesity prevalence among children and adolescents has tripled. The Safe Routes to School Programs can be part of the solution by improving walking and bicycling conditions and provide safe travel options and by increasing physical activity and promote health. The program offers several trainings for parents and students that cover bicycle skills, pedestrian safety, health, and other benefits to active modes of transportation. The Strategic Plan will include exploring strategies to: assess current efforts and needs, opportunity for exchange of resources and information, identify data needs and performance metrics, provide technical resources, and pursue additional funding sources. Next steps include: continue to seek stakeholder input, implementation of pilot program by having SRTS workshops and Parent/Student Surveys, and there will be a SRTS page on coming soon.

15. New Business (Subcommittee) No new business was reported.

16. Adjournment (Subcommittee) The meeting was adjourned at 11:30am The next Streets and Freeways Subcommittee meeting will be held on June 20, 2013.

Attachment 2

Sign In Sheet/Attendance Sheet


Attendance Record 2012-2013MEMBERS AND ALTERNATES 2013

Name Agency Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec


Marianne Kim Automobile Club X X X

Steve Finnegan (A) Automobile Club

David Sosa Caltrans X X

Alberto Angelini (A) Caltrans

Sgt.Cindy Pontes California Highway Patrol X X

Ofc. Christian Cracraft (A) California Highway Patrol X X X

Paul Maselbas County of Los Angeles X X

Allan Abramson (A) County of Los Angeles X X X X

Elaine Jeng League of Cities (South Bay Cities COG) X X X X

Robert Boardman (A) League of Cities (South Bay Cities COG)

Mike Behen League of Cities (No. County Trans Coalition) X X X X

Debbie O' Leary (A) League of Cities (No. County Trans Coalition) X X X

Sharon Perlstein League of Cities (Westside Cities) X

Charles Herbertson (A) League of Cities (Westside Cities) X X X X

Fred Zohrehvand League of Cities (Arroyo Verdugo Cities) X X X

(A) League of Cities (Arroyo Verdugo Cities)

Bahman Janka (Chair) League of Cities(San Gabriel Valley COG) X X X X

Craig Bradshaw (A) League of Cities(San Gabriel Valley COG)

Steve Forster (Vice-Chair) League of Cities (Gateway Cities/South East) X X

Charlie Honeycutt (A) League of Cities (Gateway Cities/South East) X X

Robert Brager (A) League of Cities (Los Virgenes/Malibu)

Ramiro Adeva League of Cities (Los Virgenes/Malibu) X

Fulgene Asuncion Metro X X X

Alan Patashnick (A) Metro

Carlos Rios City of Los Angeles X X

Arsen Mangasarian (A) City of Los Angeles X X

Mark Cristoffels (A) Long Beach

Nancy Villasenor Long Beach X X X X X

Ken Johnson Arterial ITS Working Group X X X

Phill Wray (A) Arterial ITS Working Group

Michelle Mowery Bicycle Coordination X X X X

Dale Benson Pedestrian Coordination X X X X

LaDonna DiCamillo (ex-officio) Goods Movement

Lupe Valdez (A) (ex-officio) Goods Movement X X

John Asuncion (ex-officio) SCAG X X

Pablo Gutierrez(A) (ex-officio) SCAG X X

Vacant TDM/AQ Subcommittee

Attachment 3

90-Day Rolling Agenda


06/19/2013 Ad Hoc Sustainability

Oral Report on Active Transportation and Design Policy: Overview and Schedule

Martha Welborne

06/19/2013 Ad Hoc Sustainability

RTP/SCS Joint-Work Program: Status Report

Receive and file status report on the Joint-Work Program between Metro and the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) to implement the 2012-2035 Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy (RTP/SCS).

Martha Welborne

06/19/2013 Ad Hoc Sustainability

Biomethane Implementation Plan

Authorize the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to adopt the Biomethane Implementation Plan.

K. N. Murthy

06/19/2013 Ad Hoc Sustainability

Oral Report on Sustainability Practices in Highway Construction

Doug Failing

06/19/2013 Ad Hoc Sustainability

Oral Report on Regional Open Space Strategic Planning

Martha Welborne

06/19/2013 Ad Hoc Sustainability

Oral Report on Active Transportation and Design Policy: Overview and Schedule

Martha Welborne

06/19/2013 Ad Hoc Sustainability

Oral Report on Countywide Sustainabillity Planning Policy Implementation Plan: Pilot Projects/Community Partnerships

Martha Welborne

06/19/2013 Ad Hoc Sustainability

Oral Report on Countywide Safe Routes to School Strategic Plan and Complementary Efforts

Martha Welborne

Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority


06/19/2013 Finance, Budget and Audit Committee

Metrolink Budget and LACMTA's Commuter Rail Program

A.�Amend the LACMTA Budget for FY 2013-14 to reflect the programming of funds to the Southern California Regional Rail Authority (SCRRA) FY 2013-14 Budget (Attachment A), and LACMTA’s Commuter Rail Program for FY 2013-14 (Attachment B) as follows;

1)�$ 54,955,000 for Metrolink Operations, using Proposition C 10% funds; 2)�$ 2,094,759 for Right of Way (ROW) Security, using Proposition C 10% funds;3)�$ 4,500,000 ROTEM reimbursement, using Measure R 3% funds;4)�$ 250,000 for a Joint Development Station Project, using Measure R 3% funds

B.�Reprogram $919,000 in FY 2010-11 and FY 2011-12 Proposition C 10% prior year operating surplus funds for three projects (Attachment C);

C.�Reprogram $500,000 in project savings from the Lang Siding project, to the Doran Street grade crossing improvement project (Attachment D);

D.�Program $16,006,500 in new Proposition C 10% funds to SCRRA for LACMTA’s contribution to the renovation and rehabilitation program for FY 2013-14 (Attachments A and B);

Paul Taylor

06/19/2013 Finance, Budget and Audit Committee

Receive and file Progress on Budget Themes and Performance Metrics

Progress on Budget Themes and Performance Metrics

Paul Taylor

06/19/2013 Finance, Budget and Audit Committee

Updated Long Range Transportation Plan FinancialForecast

Accept the LRTP Financial Forecast Update

Martha Welborne

06/19/2013 Finance, Budget and Audit Committee

Measure R Project Finance Acceleration Plan

Amend Measure R to advance “Funds Available Beginning” dates for Transit Corridor Projects

(Also on Executive Management Committee)

Martha Welborne

06/19/2013 Finance, Budget and Audit Committee

FY14 Audit Plan

Adopt the FY14 Proposed Audit Plan.

Ruthe Holden

06/19/2013 Finance, Budget and Audit Committee

Management Audit Services FY 2013 Third Quarter Report

Receive and file the third quarter report of the Management Audit Services (Management Audit) for the period ending March 31, 2013.

Ruthe Holden

06/19/2013 Finance, Budget and Audit Committee

Excess Liability Insurance Program

Receive and file report on excess liability insurance.

Terry Matsumoto

06/19/2013 Finance, Budget and Audit Committee

Receive and File Fiscal Year 2010-2012 Triennial Review Report

Paul Taylor

06/19/2013 Finance, Budget and Audit Committee

Transportation Development Act(TDA) Article 8 Fund Program

Adopt Findings, Recommendations and Resolution for FY 2013-14 TDA Article 8 Unmet Transit Needs

Paul Taylor

06/19/2013 Finance, Budget and Audit Committee

Oral Report - Monthly Report from the Chief Financial Services Officer

Terry Matsumoto

06/19/2013 Finance, Budget and Audit Committee

Fiscal Year 2014 Transit Fund Allocations

Approve Fiscal Year 2014 Transit Fund Allocation and Related Actions

Paul Taylor

06/19/2013 Finance, Budget and Audit Committee

Prop A and C Local Return Capital Reserve

Establish new and amend existing capital reserve accounts for the cities

Paul Taylor

06/19/2013 Finance, Budget and Audit Committee

Receive and file report on FY13 Third Quarter Financial Performance

Paul Taylor

06/19/2013 Planning and Programming Committee

Oral Report on Highway Program Project Budget and Schedule Status.

Doug Failing

06/19/2013 Planning and Programming Committee

Eastside Phase 2 Transit Corridor Authorize the CEO to execute contract modification to contract PS4320-2006.

Martha Welborne

06/19/2013 Planning and Programming Committee

2013 Countywide Call for Projects

Approve preliminary project funding strategy for the 2013 Countywide Call for Projects

Martha Welborne

06/19/2013 Planning and Programming Committee

Measure R I-710 South Early Action Project List Update

Approve updated Measure R I-710 South Early Action Project List (Attachment A).

Doug Failing

06/19/2013 Planning and Programming Committee

Los Angeles County Bus Rapid Transit and Street Design Improvement Study

Receive and file update on the Los Angeles County Bus Rapid Transit and Street Design Improvement Study.

Martha Welborne

06/19/2013 Planning and Programming Committee

San Fernando Council of Governments' Transportation Priorities

Receive and file response to Board directive (March Item 67) on the San Fernando Valley Council of Governments’ Transportation Priorities.

Martha Welborne

06/19/2013 Planning and Programming Committee

Metro Construction Mitigation Program For Transit Projects

Staff recommends the Board approve a Model Construction Relations Program that has been deployed in support of all major transit projects commencing with the Orange Line. Approval of this Model will establish the agency’s commitment to implement those mitigation measures identified in the Final Environmental Impact Statement and Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIS/FEIR) for each project. The Model Construction Relations Program is structured to conform with the expenditure guidelines set forth in the Federal Transportation Administration 2 CFR Part 225.

Staff recommends that clear agency guidelines be provided to aid in managing public expectations for the scope and breadth of project activities that may be conducted to address the rigors and impacts of construction as the projects proceed. It is necessary to ensure that any such activities are consistent with federal and state funding requirements and that mitigation measures are consistent with the obligations set forth in the adopted environmental documents as they are imple

Lynda Bybee

06/19/2013 Planning and Programming Committee

Review of Business Assistance Programs During Construction of Light Rail Transit.

Receive and file review of business assistance programs.

(Carried over from May)

(Also on Construction Committee)

Lynda Bybee

06/19/2013 Planning and Programming Committee

Receive and file the Regional Rail Update through May 2013.

Paul Taylor

06/19/2013 Planning and Programming Committee

Receive and file the report on the implementation progress on Motion No. 20, May 2013 LACMTA Board.

Paul Taylor

06/19/2013 Planning and Programming Committee

Metro Willowbrook Station/Rosa Parks Station Facility Improvements

1. Authorize the Chief Executive Officer to negotiate the integration of the Willowbrook/Rosa Parks Station within an adjacent parcel owned by the Los Angeles County Community Development Commission (Commission) including the potential purchase of part of the parcel, contingent on availability of funds; and2. Authorize the Chief Executive Officer to extend the Jenkins/Gales Martinez, Inc. (JGM) contract for up to $500,000 for the design of a Metro facility and associated station improvements.

Roger Moliere

06/20/2013 System Safety and Operations Committee

Advertising Policy

Adopt revisions to Metro's Advertising Content Guidelines as detailed in Attachment A. The Advertising Guidelines are a section of the Board-approved Metro System Advertising policy.

(Carried over from May)

Lynda Bybee

06/20/2013 System Safety and Operations Committee

Nominees for Membership on Metro Service Councils

Approve the nominees for membership on Metro San Fernando Valley, San Gabriel Valley, South Bay, and Westside/Central Service Councils.

Paul Taylor

06/20/2013 System Safety and Operations Committee

ROW Trash and Vegetation Removal Services

Request for additional authority

Frank Alejandro

06/20/2013 System Safety and Operations Committee

June 2013 Service Changes

Receive and File

Frank Alejandro

06/20/2013 System Safety and Operations Committee

Silver Line Corridor Bus2Bus Six-Month Evaluation

Receive and File

Frank Alejandro

06/20/2013 System Safety and Operations Committee

Up to 30 Zero Emission Buses Frank Alejandro

06/20/2013 System Safety and Operations Committee

Air Dryers

Approve Contract Award

Frank Alejandro

06/20/2013 System Safety and Operations Committee

Transit Court Update

Receive and file

(Carried over from May)

Karen Gorman

06/20/2013 System Safety and Operations Committee

Receive and file report on Improving Accessibility at Metro.

(also on EMC)

Paul Taylor

06/20/2013 System Safety and Operations Committee

Concessions Program Concept for Metro Owned Facilities - Report of Completed Study

Receive and file

Roger Moliere

06/20/2013 Construction Committee

Crenshaw/LAX Transit Corridor Project C0988

Authorize the Chief Executive Officer to award Contract No. C0988 Crenshaw/LAX Transit Corridor Design-Build to TBD.

K. N. Murthy

06/20/2013 Construction Committee

Report on the Review of the I-405 Sepulveda Pass Widening Project Community Claims Process

Receive and file this OIG report

Karen Gorman

06/20/2013 Construction Committee

Crenshaw/LAX Transit Corridor Project

A. Approve and adopted project definition changes, CEQA Addendum and Findings; and

B. Approve and adopt the second set of definition changes, CEQA Addendum and Findings.

K. N. Murthy

06/20/2013 Construction Committee

Regional Connector Transit Corridor Project

Authorize the CEO to negotiate and execute a Contract Modification to Contract No. E0119 with The Connector Partnership Joint Venture (CPJV) Inc. to continue providing bid phase engineering support services during the solicitation process, and to provide design support services during construction through FY14 for the Regional Connector Transit Corridor Project, in an amount not-to-exceed $8,000,000, increasing the total contract value from $39,594,562 to $47,594,562.

K. N. Murthy

06/20/2013 Construction Committee

Review of Business Assistance Programs During Construction of Light Rail Transit.

Receive and file review of business assistance programs.

(Carried over from May)

(Also on Planning & Programming Committee)

Lynda Bybee

06/20/2013 Construction Committee

Metro Construction Mitigation Program For Transit Projects

Staff recommends the Board approve a Model Construction Relations Program that has been deployed in support of all major transit projects commencing with the Orange Line. Approval of this Model will establish the agency’s commitment to implement those mitigation measures identified in the Final Environmental Impact Statement and Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIS/FEIR) for each project. The Model Construction Relations Program is structured to conform with the expenditure guidelines set forth in the Federal Transportation Administration 2 CFR Part 225.

Staff recommends that clear agency guidelines be provided to aid in managing public expectations for the scope and breadth of project activities that may be conducted to address the rigors and impacts of construction as the projects proceed. It is necessary to ensure that any such activities are consistent with federal and state funding requirements and that mitigation measures are consistent with the obligations set forth in the adopted environmental documents as they are imple

Lynda Bybee

06/20/2013 Executive Management Committee

Oral Report - Receive Report of the Interim Chief Communications Officer.

Lynda Bybee

06/20/2013 Executive Management Committee

Receive and file this report on the Evaluation of the Organizational Structure of the LACMTA.

Karen Gorman

06/20/2013 Executive Management Committee

Measure R Project Finance Acceleration Plan

Amend Measure R to Advance “Funds Available Beginning” Dates for Transit Corridor Projects

(Also on Finance Budget and Audit)

Martha Welborne

06/20/2013 Executive Management Committee

Receive and file report on Improving Accessibility at Metro.

(also on System Safety & Ops)

Paul Taylor

06/20/2013 Executive Management Committee

Purple Line Subway Extension Project (Westside)

Authorize the CEO to execute a 10 year lease agreement, including two 5 year options with Wilshire Vermont Housing Partners, LP for the rental of 2,469 sq. feet located at 3183 Wishire Blvd., L.A. at a rental cost of $XXX over the initial 10 year term of the lease.

Roger Moliere

06/20/2013 Executive Management Committee

ORAL REPORT - Monthly update on the Project Labor Agreement and Construction Careers Policy Targeted Worker Hiring Requirements as requested at the March 25, 2013, Board meeting.

Michelle Caldwell

06/20/2013 Executive Management Committee

Oral Report - Update on TAP Working Group Paul Taylor

06/20/2013 Executive Management Committee

Receive and file Civil Rights Compliance Update Paul Taylor

06/20/2013 Executive Management Committee


Authorize the Chief Executive Officer to:

A. Execute contract modification No. 2 to Contract No. PS6940-2992, Temporary Contract Administration Staffing Support Services Bench (Bench), to increase the cumulative contract value of Bench contracts in an amount not-to-exceed $3,000,000, increasing the cumulative contract value from $500,000 to $3,500,000; and

B. Extend the period of performance up to 24 months;

C. Add or replace other qualified firms on the bench.

Michelle Caldwell

06/20/2013 Executive Management Committee

Access Services Budget

Approve Access Services FY14 Budget

Frank Alejandro

06/20/2013 Executive Management Committee


Approve the revised Los Angeles – San Diego – San Luis Obispo (LOSSAN) Rail Corridor Agency Joint Powers Agreement (JPA); and,

B.�Amend the LACMTA Budget for FY 2013-14 to include up to $350,000 in new Measure R 3% funds for LOSSAN JPA start up costs;

Paul Taylor

06/20/2013 Executive Management Committee

Off-Site Storage & Maintenance of Inactive Records

Award a ten year, indefinite delivery/indefinite quantity contract under Bid No. PS64403026 with Iron Mountain Information Management, LLC, the lowest responsive and responsible bidder for off-site storage and maintenance of inactive records. The recommended award is for an amount not-to-exceed $2,890,533 inclusive of sales tax and five one-year options, effective August 1, 2013.

Michelle Caldwell

06/27/2013 Regular Board Meeting

Fare Change Approval for Youth On The Move Program

Approve the Fare Change to give free EZ and Metro Passes to the Youth On The Move Program.

Lynda Bybee

06/27/2013 Regular Board Meeting

Regional Connector Transit Project.

A. Hold a public hearing on the proposed Resolution of Necessity.

B. Adopt the Resolution of Necessity authorizing the commencement of an eminent domain action to acquire RC- 464, RC- 465, consisting of the real property and the immovable fixtures and equipment (hereinafter the “Property”).

Roger Moliere

06/27/2013 Regular Board Meeting

Crenshaw LAX Transit Corridor Project


RECOMMENDATION A.Hold a public hearing on the proposed Resolution of Necessity.B.Adopt the Resolution of Necessity authorizing the commencement of an eminent domain action to acquire SW-0103, consisting of the real property and the immovable fixtures and equipment (hereinafter the “Property”).

Roger Moliere

06/27/2013 Regular Board Meeting

Crenshaw LAX Transit Corridor Project


A. Hold a public hearing on the proposed Resolution of Necessity.B. Adopt the Resolution of Necessity authorizing the commencement of an eminent domain action to acquire CR-3101, consisting of the real property and the immovable fixtures and equipment (hereinafter the “Property”).

Roger Moliere

06/27/2013 Regular Board Meeting

Crenshaw LAX Transit Corridor Project.


A. Hold a public hearing on the proposed Resolution of Necessity.B. Adopt the Resolution of Necessity authorizing the commencement of an eminent domain action to acquire SW-0104, consisting of the real property and the immovable fixtures and equipment (hereinafter the “Property”).

Roger Moliere

06/27/2013 Regular Board Meeting

Crenshaw LAX Transit Corridor Project


A. Hold a public hearing on the proposed Resolution of Necessity.B. Adopt the Resolution of Necessity authorizing the commencement of an eminent domain action to acquire CR-3101, consisting of the real property and the immovable fixtures and equipment (hereinafter the “Property”).

Roger Moliere

06/27/2013 Regular Board Meeting

Crenshaw LAX Transit Corridor Project.

A. Hold a public hearing on the proposed Resolution of Necessity.

B. Adopt the Resolution of Necessity authorizing the commencement of an eminent domain action to acquire SW-0101, consisting of the real property and the immovable fixtures and equipment (hereinafter the “Property”).

Roger Moliere

07/17/2013 Finance, Budget and Audit Committee

Oral Report - Monthly Report from the Chief Financial Services Officer

Terry Matsumoto

07/17/2013 Finance, Budget and Audit Committee

Receive and file NA

07/17/2013 Finance, Budget and Audit Committee

Financial Advisory PoolAuthorize the Chief Executive Officer to execute a (number) six years (fixed price) contracts inclusive of two one-year options, for financial advisoyr/consultant services pool, effective August 1, 2013.

Terry Matsumoto

07/17/2013 Finance, Budget and Audit Committee

Excess Liability Insurance ProgramAuthorize the Chief Executive Officer to negotiate and purchase excess liability insurance.

Terry Matsumoto

07/17/2013 Planning and Programming Committee

Oral Report on Highway Program Project Budget and Schedule Status.

Doug Failing

07/17/2013 Planning and Programming Committee

County Eligibility to Receive Measure R Equity Funds

A. Allow the County to receive Measure R equity funds.

B. Require the cities of Burbank, Glendale, La Canada Flintridge, and the County Los Angeles to jointly develop a recommended project list for future programming years that will allow the County to "catch up" with its population share of the Arroyo Verdugo Subregion Highway Operational Funds.

C. Require all other subregions that receive Highway Operational Funds to continue developing future recommended projects using the need-based, instead of population-based, methodology.

Doug Failing

07/17/2013 Planning and Programming Committee

Receive and file the South Bay Measure R Highway Program (SBHP) Strategic Transportation Element.

Doug Failing

07/17/2013 Planning and Programming Committee

Award Landscape Contract Doug Failing

07/17/2013 Planning and Programming Committee

Countywide Call for Projects


A. Recertify $__ million in existing Fiscal Year (FY) 2013-14 commitments from previous Countywide Calls for Projects and authorize the expenditure of funds to meet these commitments as shown in Attachment A;

B. Deobligate $__ million of previously approved Countywide Calls for Projects funding, as shown in Attachment B;

C. Authorize the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to: 1) Negotiate and execute all necessary agreements for approved projects; and 2) Amend the FY 2013-14 budget, as necessary, to include the 2013 Countywide Call for Projects Recertification and Extension funding in the regional Programs budget; and

D. Receive and file time extensions for __ projects shown in Attachment C.

Martha Welborne

07/17/2013 Planning and Programming Committee

Receive and file Park and Ride update. Doug Failing

07/17/2013 Ad Hoc Congestion Pricing

Contract Amendment increase amount of DBOM agreement not to exceed $5m

Paul Taylor

07/18/2013 System Safety and Operations Committee

Articulation Diaphragms

Approve Contract Award

Frank Alejandro

07/18/2013 System Safety and Operations Committee

Upgraded ADA Provision for 550 Bus Buy

Award a contract change order and increase the life-of-project budget

Frank Alejandro

07/18/2013 System Safety and Operations Committee

Short-Range Transit Plan (SRTP) Update

Receive and File

Frank Alejandro

07/18/2013 System Safety and Operations Committee

Receive and file report on Improving Accessibility at Metro

(also on EMC)

Paul Taylor

07/18/2013 System Safety and Operations Committee

Landscape and Irrigation Maintenance Services (Excluding MOL)

Award New Contract

Frank Alejandro

07/18/2013 System Safety and Operations Committee

Increase the Life of Project Budget for Light Rail Vehicle Procurement (P3010), CP#206035 by XXXX, increasing the Life of Project from $335,410,000 to XXXX.

This LOP increase is to exercise Options 1 & 4 of the P3010 Contract for 97 Additional Vehicles.

Frank Alejandro

07/18/2013 Executive Management Committee

Oral Report - Receive Report of the Interim Chief Communications Officer.

Lynda Bybee

07/18/2013 Executive Management Committee

ORAL REPORT - Monthly update on the Project Labor Agreement and Construction Careers Policy Targeted Worker Hiring Requirements as requested at the March 25, 2013, Board meeting.

Michelle Caldwell

07/25/2013 Regular Board Meeting

Receive and file staff's report in response to the Najarian Motion.

Doug Failing

08/15/2013 Executive Management Committee

Oral Report - Receive Report of the Interim Chief Communications Officer.

Lynda Bybee

Attachment 4

Bicycle/Pedestrian Coordinator to Metro Technical Advisory Committee