Download - July 2015 Ke`Alemanaka - · Friday, July 17, 2015 Attendance and Offerings for May May Attendance 684 May Offerings $19,392 YTD Income as of 5/31/15 $320,276 YTD Expenses

Page 1: July 2015 Ke`Alemanaka - · Friday, July 17, 2015 Attendance and Offerings for May May Attendance 684 May Offerings $19,392 YTD Income as of 5/31/15 $320,276 YTD Expenses

Ke ʻAlemanaka

Ke ʻAlemanaka


An Inclusive and Caring Christian Community Vol.86 No.7 July 2015

From Rev. Liz


This summer, the worship schedule will change to one Sunday service at 9:00am, with the adult discussion and Bible Workbench gathering immediately after the service. The Sunday service will be Rite II with hymns and organ accompaniment. The choir and Family Ministries staff will have the summer off, but there will be nursery care in the parish house.

Why are we doing this? We’ve had a couple of summers when the Family Ministries staff has either taken off or had an abbreviated program but I don’t think the choir has been off for probably 10 years. The choir director, choir, and Sunday school staff need some time off before they get burned out. It’s quite a commitment to prepare every week for Sunday morning, especially when most of the folks in these two ministries are volunteers. Summer is a good time to try this because our lives seem to slow down during July and August and a 9:00 service is neither too early nor too late. One service will give both congregations the opportunity get to know one another a little better and will certainly give the 7:30 congregants the opportunity for hymns and singing during the service. The hymns will be relatively easy to pick up or relatively well-known for Episcopalians so we can make a joyful noise together. I’m also hoping this gives time for coffee and the paper before the service and provides a longer day for those who normally attend the 10:15 service. There’s always a concern that a change will result in lost congregants. Maybe this change will encourage people to join us! We’ll be asking the Sunday morning crowds over the first couple of July Sundays to submit the names of their favorite hymns. We’ll work them into the services over the summer. For those parents with children – although there won’t be Sunday School, please don’t not come because of your children. Attending worship is part of their Christian education and actually just a different form of Sunday School. If you move through the service with them, they may surprise you and actually participate. If they see that you’re interested and that this is important, they may follow your lead. We’ll have quiet crafts for them to do from Let us pray: A little kid’s guide to the Eucharist and What We Do in Church: An Anglican Child’s Activity Book. Children and young people

cannot learn how to be in church and to be church if they’re not brought to church. Please don’t prevent them from experiencing worship. Who knows? We might even have keiki homilies for them this summer! The summer schedule begins on July 12 and the last Sunday will be September 6, Labor Day weekend. Those who pray together, stay together – right?

July 5 Worship


Because many of our members and musicians will be attending the parish retreat at Camp Mokule`ia on this day, we will have

One Service Only

at 9 am

This will be a Rite II spoken service (no music). There will be no Sunday School, no nursery, and no Adult Discussion or Bible Study. But please join us for worship anyway.

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Ke ʻAlemanaka July 2015

Published monthly by The Parish of St. Clement

1515 Wilder Avenue, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822-4614 Office Phone: (808) 955-7745 Fax Phone: (808) 944-9325

Email: [email protected] Website:

Rector: The Rev. Elizabeth Zivanov

Associate Rector: The Rev. Christopher Golding School Director: Jodi Yoshioka

Director of Music: Mark Haworth Organist: River Kim

Parish Administrator: Carolyn Koehler Secretary: Joanna Polevia

Sexton: Jeff Malone Family Ministries: Jill Haworth,

Gail and Scott Suzuki-Jones

Senior Warden: Hilary Gangnes Junior Warden: Liz Baldwin Treasurer: Mary Carpenter

Clerk: Steven Kramer


Mary Carpenter Rebecca Charlton Michelle Comeau Liz Krueger Tom McManus Cathy Overstreet Susan Palmore Jim Quimby Jim Thomas



Hau`oli la hanau to all Those born in JUne

Items for Ke ̒Alemanaka may be submitted to the

Newsletter Editor, Arthur Buto

Phone: (808) 383-3930 Email (preferred): [email protected]


Friday, July 17, 2015

Attendance and Offerings for May

May Attendance 684 May Offerings $19,392 YTD Income as of 5/31/15 $320,276 YTD Expenses as of 5/31/15 $318,906

Ke ʻAlemanaka

If we missed your birthday, please let the office know!

July 5 Mariko Ikeda July 13 Scott Flaherty Ava Hurd July 14 Vi Loo July 15 Annette Jim July 18 Zoemi Kennedy July 20 Scott Hauger July 22 Joe Krueger July 23 Beth Fincke July 24 Pamela Lino July 25 Michele Morikami July 26 Phoebe Golding Heather McVay July 27 Todd Baldwin Kathleen Norris July 28 Roger Mehle July 30 Tevita (David) Lino Abby Yang

Sunday Worship Time Change

Beginning July 12

Through September 6

One Service Only at 9 am

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July 2015 Page 3 Ke ʻAlemanaka

Mahalo Nui Loa

♥ To all of the Farmers Market volunteers. Your unselfish efforts keep our market going!!!

♥ To Joanna Polevia for emailing out the weekly Farmers Market reminders… very, very helpful!

Our new Parish Directory was distributed at the annual meeting in January. Shown below are a few corrections. Please make these changes to your directory. If you don’t have the latest version (bright blue cover), please call the office or stop by and pick one up. Also, if you have a photo that you would like us to include, please email it to [email protected] or call the office and arrange to have your picture taken.

Anderson, Pam – Correct phone #: 735-1632 Hawk, Sam – New address: 1345 S. Beretania St #101,

Honolulu 96814-1802 Isaki, Leslie – New address: 45-553A Duncan Drive,

Kaneohe 96744 New home email:

[email protected] Roach, Marty – New apartment #: 275;

New zip code: 968221-1183

Directory Additions and Corrections

Choir News

Many of you know that our choir director, Mark Haworth, is now in the postulancy process toward ordination to the diaconate and priesthood. Normally, the bishop assigns a postulant to another parish during his or her second year in the program. This means that Mark would leave St. Clement’s at the end of this year and become a liturgical assistant with another congregation on Oahu beginning in January, 2016.

As Mark and I discussed the summer schedule, it sounded like a good idea to both of us that he step down as choir director in the fall so he can take on more liturgical responsibilities during his last three months with us. This would also allow an interim director to work with the choir from the beginning of the church program year and into Christmas, making for a smoother musical transition. And it will also help the rest of us get used to seeing Mark in different roles before he is reassigned by the bishop. This is an important step for Mark as he moves through the postulancy process. I hope we can all support him on his journey. If you have any questions, please feel to talk with me or with Mark.

Reminder Evening Prayer

1st Wednesday of Month

July 1, 2015 - 7 pm


Master Hooker’s


Richard Hooker is on vacation

this month. Look for more

answers to your

questions in the

August issue.

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Ke ʻAlemanaka July 2015

The Goldings Like This -


From now, and throughout 2015, the Golding family will share some of their “Likes” with you as a fun little “getting to know you” exercise. Chris likes St. Benedict of Nursia (c. 480-547), founder of the Order of St. Benedict and Abbot of Monte Cassino. Benedict established the first monastic communities in Western Europe and wrote what has been described as a “firm but reasonable rule” for the brothers and sisters of the Order. The Rule of Benedict continues to bring guidance and inspiration to both monastic and non-monastic communities around the world. Benedict is remembered in the Episcopal Church on July 11.

Julia likes St. Hildegard of Bingen (c. 1098-1179), a Benedictine abbess and visionary. Hildegard studied music as part of monastic life, and later produced a variety of liturgical music. As a visionary, she was blessed with an array of mystical experiences. Some of these were so vivid that she felt that she had experienced the Divine through all her five senses. Hildegard is remembered in the Episcopal Church on September 17.

Phoebe likes St. Phoebe (1st century), deacon of the early church and companion of St. Paul the Apostle. Phoebe is referenced in Paul’s Letter to the Romans (Chapter 16.1-2). She was intrusted to deliver the Letter to the Church in Rome. Phoebe is also referred to as a “patron of many,” a highly regarded position in the culture of the time. Phoebe is arguably one of the first women of the church to have a formal ministry role. Although far from the structured ordained ministry that exists in the church today, Phoebe’s role of senior servant leadership helped to shape the development of later Christian ministry. Although not remembered in the Episcopal Church, Phoebe is commemorated in Roman Catholic and Orthodox Churches on September 3, and in the Lutheran Church on October 25.

James likes St. James, son of Zebedee (1st century, died c. 44), one of Jesus’ Twelve Apostles. He is sometimes referred to as “James the Great” to distinguish him from a number of other Saints named “James.” The son of Zebedee and Salome, James was the brother of the Apostle John (the beloved disciple). The biblical witness mentions that James is one of the three Apostles to bear witness to the Transfiguration, and the Acts of the Apostles (Chapter 12.1-2) records his death as a martyr, executed by King Herod. James is well-known in modern times, particularly through the “Way of St. James,” the pilgrimage of Santiago de Compostela. Over 235,000 pilgrims walk the journey each year (individuals choose a journey ranging from 60 to 380 miles) as a way of spiritual growth, retreat, and self-discovery. James is remembered in the Episcopal Church on July 25.

July 17 marks the six month anniversary of our family’s arrival in Hawai’i, and commencing my ministry at St. Clement’s.

In doing a quick Google search for “six month anniversaries” for this article, I find lots of puppy love romance stories, many of them between teenagers, keen to celebrate their short but intense relationships. And there are lots of sickly sweet sayings, like “You are the peanut to my butter” and “You are the water to my ocean.” Normally, I balk at any overly romanticized version of love, relationships, or partnerships. But somehow, when it comes to the Parish of St. Clement, I quickly set aside any squeamishness over such matters. Too often parish churches have been places where the expectations of what is “right,” “good,” and “proper” has been controlled, often by a small group of individuals craving attention, power, or control. Sadly, many communities I worshipped at and ministered to in Australia fit this description. Dysfunction was okay if it operated to single out those who were “not like us.” While I have no doubt that the American church is not immune to this sort of behavior, St. Clement’s is thankfully and joyously different. This is why, when it comes to “St. Clem’s,” I don’t hesitate to say, “I am in love with this place.” Finally, a community where all are accepted and included (not simply tolerated!). Finally a church where it is not about conforming to the norm, but walking the Way as a full version of myself. I’ve had, and still have, many loves in my life, but when it came to parish community, I never thought I’d use that word, never mind get gushy about it. But St. Clement’s, you’ve won me over. So while every love story is beautiful, ours is my favorite! ~~ Peace and blessings Chris+

Every Love Story is Beautiful but

Ours is My Favorite

P.S. This is definitely gushy, Rev. Chris! Liz+

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July 2015 Page 5 Ke ʻAlemanaka

Sunday, June 14, the Parish honored our 2015 graduates and their families. The worship service included laying on of hands by the congregation. Photos by Arthur Buto.

2015 St. Clement’s Graduates

Kashmira Tata - Daughter of Kalpana and Xerxes Tata, Kashmira graduated from Sacred Hearts Academy on May 23 and will be a freshman at the University of Colorado at Boulder in the fall. She was accepted into the Music Performance program and will study violin with Prof. Charles Wetherbee. In Kashmira’s words, “I have a long road and many years of hard work ahead, but I hope to play in a professional symphony orchestra one day.”

Tevita Lino - Son of Tau`eva and Soane Lino, Tevita graduated from Kaimuki High School on May 30 where he excelled in athletics, in particular football in which he played quarterback and was the captain of the team. Tevita is still deciding between Lewis and Clark College in Portland, Oregon, Pacific Lutheran University in Forest Grove, Oregon, and California Lutheran University in Thousand Oaks, California.

Lauren-Ashley Fujioka - Daughter and step-daughter of Melissa Fujioka Burnz and Robert Burnz and daughter of Ryan Fujioka, Lauren-Ashley graduated from Kailua High School on May 30 where she excelled in cheerleading, student leadership, and Hawaiian ensemble. She will attend Windward Community College in the fall and then transfer to an out-of-state university to become a registered nurse in pediatrics (“no work/full time student”). Lauren-Ashley will be taking a trip to Idaho this summer to visit her parents before school starts.

Janie Schaefer - Daughter of Kikilia Fordham and Rudie Schaefer, Janie graduated from Punahou School on June 6. At Punahou, her focus was in the Dramatic Arts. Next fall she will be a freshman at Ithaca College in Ithaca, New York, where she will be pursuing a BFA in Acting in the Department of Theatre Arts.

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Ke ʻAlemanaka July 2015

Sun Mon Tue Wed

1 8:00 SCS Chapel-CH 10:00 Healing Eucharist-CH 5:30 Overeaters Anon-PH 5:30 Tae Kwan Do-PG 5:45 Na’Ohana BOD-SL 7:00 Evening Prayer-CH

5 Parish Retreat @ Camp Mokule’ia 9:00 Holy Eucharist-CH 7:00 Daily Reflections-PH

6 Clergy Sabbath 5:30 Tae Kwan Do-PG 6:00 EFM Class-SL 7:00 Mankind Project-MB 7:30 AL-Anon-PH

7 1:15 Parish Staff Meeting-PH1 2:30 Tourist Wedding-CH 5:00 Labyrinth Open-PKG

8 8:00 SCS Chapel-CH 10:00 Healing Eucharist-CH 5:30 Overeaters Anon-PH 5:30 Tae Kwan Do-PG

12 9:00 Holy Eucharist-CH 10:30 Bible Study-PH2 10:30 Adult Discussion-PH 10:30 Prayer Chain Mtg-PH2 7:00 Daily Reflections-PH

13 Clergy Sabbath 10:00 Tourist Wedding-CH 5:30 Tae Kwan Do-PG 6:00 EFM Class-SL 7:00 Mankind Project-MB 7:30 AL-Anon-PH

14 9:30 Holy Eucharist-Arcadia 1:15 Parish Staff Meeting-PH1 6:00 Vestry-PH

15 8:00 SCS Chapel-CH 10:00 Healing Eucharist-CH 5:30 Overeaters Anon-PH 5:30 Tae Kwan Do-PG

19 9:00 Holy Eucharist-CH 10:30 Bible Study-PH2 10:30 Adult Discussion-PH 3:00 Vow renewal-CH 7:00 Daily Reflections-PH

20 Clergy Sabbath 10:30 Tourist Wedding-CH 5:30 SCS BOD Mtg.-PH 5:30 Tae Kwan Do-PG 6:00 EFM Class-SL 7:00 Mankind Project-MB 7:30 AL-Anon-PH

21 1:15 Parish Staff Meeting-PH1

22 8:00 SCS Chapel-CH 10:00 Healing Eucharist-CH 2:00 Tourist Wedding-CH 5:30 Overeaters Anon-PH 5:30 Tae Kwan Do-PG St. Mary Magdalene

26 9:00 Holy Eucharist-CH 10:30 Bible Study-PH2 10:30 Adult Discussion-PH 7:00 Daily Reflections-PH

27 Clergy Sabbath 5:30 Tae Kwan Do-PG 6:00 EFM Class-SL 7:00 Mankind Project-MB 7:30 AL-Anon-PH

28 1:15 Parish Staff Meeting-PH1

29 10:00 Healing Eucharist-CH 2:30 Tourist Wedding-CH 3:00 YO! House Cooking-KIT 5:30 Overeaters Anon-PH 5:30 Tae Kwan Do-PG

Summer Worship One Service Only - 9 am

Followed by Bible Study

and Adult Discussion

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July 2015 Page 7 Ke ʻAlemanaka

Thu Fri Sat

2 3:00 Book Study-Kahala Nui 4:30 Farmers Market-PKG

3 July 4 Holiday School & Offices Closed

Parish Retreat @ Camp Mokule’ia

12:30 Tourist Wedding-CH 8:00 Strivers for Sobriety-PH

4 Parish Retreat @ Camp Mokule’ia 9:00 Altar Guild INDEPENDENCE DAY

9 3:00 Book Study-Kahala Nui 4:30 Farmers Market-PKG

10 10:30 Tourist Wedding-CH 8:00 Strivers for Sobriety-PH

11 9:00 Altar Guild 9:00 iFoG-PH 11:00 Tourist Wedding-CH

16 3:00 Book Study-Kahala Nui 4:30 Farmers Market-PKG

17 10:30 Tourist Wedding-CH 8:00 Strivers for Sobriety-PH Ke`Alemanaka Deadline

18 9:00 Altar Guild 10:30 Food Dist. Prep-KIT/PH 11:30 Food Distribution-PH/KIT

23 3:00 Book Study-Kahala Nui 4:30 Farmers Market-PKG

24 8:00 Strivers for Sobriety-PH

Last Day of SCS Summer School

25 9:00 Altar Guild 9:00 NAMI Event-PH St. James the Apostle

30 3:00 Book Study-Kahala Nui 4:30 Farmers Market-PKG Ke`Alemanaka Assembly

31 8:00 Strivers for Sobriety-PH

Key CH - Church

PH - Parish House, main hall

PH1 - Mee�ng room 1 in Parish House

PH2 - Mee�ng room 2 in Parish House

MB - Music Building

SL - Staff Lounge

KIT - Kitchen

PG - Playground

PKG - Parking Lot

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Ke ʻAlemanaka July 2015

Right: St. Clement’s School after-schoolers wishing everyone a “great summer!” Can you spot St. Clement’s own Aniaa and Phoebe among the keiki? Photo by Sandy Souza.

Bishop Bob Fitzpatrick’s Visitation

and Informal Hymn Sing May 31, 2015

Photos by Arthur Buto

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July 2015 Page 9 Ke ʻAlemanaka

Farmers Market Ministry Teams

Volunteer to help with this ministry by contacting Pam Fern (943-8987 or 561-1070) or Tim Hurd (372-9563)

Vestry Highlights June 2015

The vestry met on June 9, 2015. Highlights include: The vestry welcomed two guest speakers to start off the meeting: • Mark Haworth came to discuss his ordination program. • Julia Golding came to discuss Mainly Music, a wonderful

outreach program designed to bring community families with babies and toddlers together with music.

The Listening Process will be starting in July with help from the vestry, so stay tuned. The maintenance of the Loo Parish House was discussed. • The things that currently need to be done are painting and

refinishing the floors. Rev. Chris discussed supporting James Fitzpatrick in the Young Adult Service Corps. It was decided that he will be invited to speak to the vestry at its July meeting.

~~ Submitted by Steve Kramer Clerk of the Vestry

The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, July 14, at 6 pm. Parishioners are welcome and encouraged to attend the Vestry Meetings. We serve a light supper prior to the meeting and enjoy having visitors.

Task July 2 July 9 July 16 July 23 July 30

Point Person for Set Up and Parking

3:00-5:30pm Keith Kalway Keith Kalway Jim Quimby Pam Fern Pam Fern

Parking 3:30-5:30 pm Jim Thomas Pam Fern Sue Quimby TBD TBD

Set Up 4:15-4:45 pm Jim Betts

Nellie McLaughlin Jim Betts

Susan Palmore Liz Ho

Pam Fern Dana Anderson TBD

Point Person 5:30-7:30 pm

Receipts, Rents 6:30-7pm

Martha Morgan Susan Palmore Michele Morikami Martha Morgan TBD

Take down/ Closing* 7:20-8pm

Beth Fincke Joe Krueger Arthur Buto*

Soane Lino Sandy Souza

John Marlowe*

River Kim Ken Morikami

Pam Fern*

Beth Fincke Jim Mattingly Terry Ledford*


Pam Fern - contact by Phone 561-1070

Sisters and brothers in Christ, Last month St. Clement's was privileged to host a group from Greenland for a special screening of Inuk (

Ann Andreasen, Director of Children's Home Uummannaq, spoke about the complex political and cultural fabric of Greenland, particularly in

relation to new views on traditional hunting practices. The article below from The Guardian Weekly (May 22, 2015), may be of interest to you. Trinitarian blessings. ~~ Submitted by Rev. Chris

Inuit Film Follow Up

Photo by Jean Michel Huctin

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Ke ʻAlemanaka July 2015

A Conference sponsored by NAMI Hawaii [National Alliance

on Mental Illness], in partnership with The Parish of St. Clement and the Cathedral of St. Andrew. For family members, volunteers, church staff, greeters, clergy, and anyone in contact with the seriously mentally ill.

When: Saturday, August 29, 2015, 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Where: Vi and Paul Loo Parish Hall

Suggested donation: $10, Registration on-line by August 22, see NAMI Hawaii website, Agenda includes a general session led by Jerry Coffee, Clinical Director of IHS and Dr. Denis Mee-Lee, Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, UH Manoa, plus choice of three breakout conversations: 1) First and Second Responses to the mentally ill; 2) Mental Illness in Your Family; and 3) Faith

and the Mentally Ill, led by Rev. Alison Dingley, retired Episcopal priest and former shelter manager at IHS, and Kumi Macdonald, Executive Director, NAMI Hawaii.

Mental Health: A Compassionate Response Sunday, August 29, 2015

8:00am to 12:30pm

Featuring a conversation with Carla

Houser, Director of YO! House, and young adults as staff and clients of Waikiki Health’s drop-in center for teens at risk in Waikiki.

When: Saturday, September 19 5:30 p.m. Where: Vi and Paul Loo Parish Hall

A festive dinner of chili and macaroni salad will be served. This is the same menu the outreach committee of St. Clement’s prepares once a month and delivers to YO! House. Join the festivities for a silent auction and other opportunities to support this special program that keeps young people safe and treats their physical needs at an on-site medical clinic, trains them for academic and business futures in the GED center, and provides meals, clothing, and counseling for their daily, often challenging lives. For more information, see Jane Anderson or Dana Anderson. More information to follow in the August Ke `Alemanaka.

A Celebration of YO! House Saturday, September 19, 2015

5:30 pm


Above: Cards, hats, ties, and a little dance, too!!! Photo by Jill Haworth.

Happy Fathers Day 2015!

We’ll cheer at the game, but never at church. What would people think of us? Pews haven't been sold for at least a century, but this is my pew. Stand, sit, kneel, stand, kneel: it’s quite a good workout for a Sunday morning. The choir’s away and the rest of us suddenly have lost our voices.

We are a broad church, have been from the very start. That’s why we have fights. Book of Common Prayer needs a more modern label: user’s manual. Only life prepares Sunday School teachers for the daunting task ahead. A vestry of nine often will be split at least eighteen diff’rent ways.

Episcopal Haiku The haiku is a multilayered and complex poetic form originating in Japanese culture, characterized by a three-line construction, 17 syllables, and requiring deep contemplative thought. Taken from “Episcopal Haiku” by Sarah Goodyear and Ed Weissman.

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July 2015 Page 11 Ke ʻAlemanaka

Sunday July 5 July 12 July 19 July 26

Lectionary Year B










2 Samuel 5:1-5,9-10 Psalm 48

2 Corinthians 12:2-10 Mark 6:1-13

2 Samuel 6:1-5,12-19 Psalm 24

Ephesians 1:3-14 Mark 6:14-29

2 Samuel 7:1-14a Psalm 89:20-37

Ephesians 2:11-22 Mark 6:30-34,53-56

2 Samuel 11:1-15 Psalm 14

Ephesians 3:14-21 John 6:1-21

Flowers Adrienne Lau Kiki Fordham Beth Fincke Beth Fincke Adrienne Lau

Lector Hew Reynolds Mary Carpenter Kathleen Norris Keith Kalway

Lector/EM Martha Morgan Sam Hawk Dana Anderson Paris Priore-Kim

Euch. Min Jim Quimby Jim Quimby Brad Siefkes Scott Hauger

Altar Guild Beth Fincke Annette Jim

Sandy Souza

Beth Fincke Annette Jim

Sandy Souza

Pam Fern Beth Fincke Annette Jim

Cecelia Fordham Beth Fincke Annette Jim

Ushers Terry Ledford Jackie Oda

Sandy Souza

Liz Baldwin Sandy Souza

Liz Baldwin Arthur Buto

Kingsley, Joni, & Tyler Wong

Arthur Buto Terry Ledford

Sandra Kagesa Sandy Souza

Coffee Hour Tahmi Brodhead Moani Crowell

Arthur Buto Leslie Isaki

Martha Laxson Tau ‘eva Lino

Beth Charlton Nellie McLaughlin

Kingsley, Joni, & Tyler Wong

Liz Baldwin Cecilia Fordham

Miwako Shen

Greeters Team: Keith Kalway 9:00 am Service: Jane Anderson, Elizabeth McCutcheon, Keith Kalway

JULY 2015 Lay Minister Schedule


* * * * * * * * * * * * 9:00a Service * * * * * * * * * * * *

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Sundays July 12 thru September 6

9 am One Service Only

10:30 Bible Study & Adult Discussion

Wednesday, July 1

7 pm Evening Prayer

Friday, July 3 - Independence Day observed

Offices and School Closed

Friday, July 3 thru Sunday, July 5

Parish Retreat at Camp Mokule`ia

Sunday, July 5

9 am One Service Only at church (see page 1

Tuesday, July 14

6 pm Vestry Meeting

Friday, July 17

Ke`Alemanaka Deadline

Saturday, July 18

10:30 am Food Distribution and Lunch

Saturday, July 25

9 am NAMI Hawaii Mental Health conference

Thursday, July 30

8:30 am Ke`Alemanaka Assembly

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Parish Office Hours:

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 8:30 am to 4 pm

Tuesdays - 8:30 am to 8 pm


3 pm - Book Study at Kahala Nui

4:30 pm Farmers Market


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: 7 pm