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Joint Admissions Exercise

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SS ee ee kk ii nn gg AA dd mm ii ss ss ii oo nn tt oo ::

Junior Colleges

Millennia Institute


Institute of Technical Education

Internet address:

Customer Service Centre Tel. No.: 6872-2220

Address: 1 North Buona Vista Drive S(138675)

ISSN 0217-3980

Ministry of Education SINGAPORE

Joint Admissions Exercise 2010

This information booklet is for students seeking admission to Junior Colleges, Millennia Institute, Polytechnics and Institute of Technical Education in 2010. This information is also available on the JAE website at

The information published in this booklet is correct as at 11 Sep 2009. No part of this publication, text or illustrations and maps may be

reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording or otherwise without the prior consent of the Ministry of Education and Singapore Land Authority.

Copyright Notice © 2009 Singapore Land Authority Maps Courtesy of SLA.

Produced by:

School Placement and Scholarships Branch Ministry of Education




Key Messages to Candidates i

Quick Guide for Registration ii

Worksheet iii

Proxy Form iv

Application Procedure v

Section 1 General Instructions 1

Section 2 Application Guide 7

Section 3 Courses Offered Under JAE 15

Section 4 Aggregate Computation & Subject Descriptions 25

a. Entry Requirements of Courses to Junior Colleges & Millennia

Institute 29

b. Entry Requirements of Courses to Nanyang Polytechnic 31

c. Entry Requirements of Courses to Ngee Ann Polytechnic 39

d. Entry Requirements of Courses to Republic Polytechnic 51

e. Entry Requirements of Courses to Singapore Polytechnic 57

f. Entry Requirements of Courses to Temasek Polytechnic 74

g. Entry Requirements of Courses to Institute of Technical Education 85

Annex A Posting of Applicants 90

Annex B Subjects Offered For Pre-U Course 91

Annex C Special Programmes & Scholarships 107

Annex D School Information

1. Junior Colleges & Millennia Institute 113

2. Polytechnics & Institute of Technical Education 171

3. Other Post-Secondary Education Institutions 172

Annex E Joint Polytechnic-Singapore Armed Forces Diploma Scheme 174

Annex F Home Team Merit Award (Polytechnic) 177



1 Students should check and confirm the accuracy of their CCA grades recorded in their school report books and inform their schools of any discrepancies by 02 November 2009. 2 The GCE ‘O’ Level results will be released in mid-January 2010 (tentative). The JAE registration will be conducted immediately after the release of the GCE ‘O’ Level results. 3 The JAE posting results will be released in late January (tentative).



This Quick Guide is for students who have sat for the 2009

Singapore-Cambridge GCE ‘O’ Level Examination.

1 All applications must be submitted online through the JAE Internet

System (JAE-IS). The JAE-IS is accessible through the JAE website at

2 Applicants should note the following:

2.1 You should complete the Worksheet on the following page before accessing the JAE-IS to submit your application.

2.2 You are advised to make full use of the 12 choices, where applicable.

2.3 JAE fees will be collected by the institution (i.e. JC, MI, Poly or ITE) that you are eventually enrolled in, together with other school fees after the exercise.

3 You are required to key in your NRIC / FIN and the JAE PIN to access

the JAE-IS. Your JAE PIN can be found in Form A, which will be issued to you together with your results slip for the 2009 Singapore-Cambridge GCE ‘O’ Level Examination.

4 SingPass is not required. Hence, you do not need to apply for SingPass.

WORKSHEET JAE 2010 This worksheet is provided to assist you before you proceed to do your online registration.

Please complete this worksheet before you proceed to do your online registration.


(A) Personal Particulars

Please check your personal particulars below and update it as necessary in the online system.

*denotes mandatory field

NRIC/FIN : _________________________ Block/House * : ______________________

Name : _________________________ Unit Number : ______________________

Contact Number : _________________________ Street Name* : ______________________

Mobile Number : _________________________ Postal Code* : ______________________

Email Address : ______________________

Your posting result will also be sent via SMS to the above mobile number _______________________________________________________________________________________________

(B) Course Preference

Note: You are only allowed to specify courses that you are eligible for, up to a maximum of 12 courses. You are advised to make full use of the 12 choices, where applicable. Please refer to your Form A and Information Booklet for course eligibility details.

Choice Order Course Code Choice Order Course Code

1st 7th



3rd 9th



5th 11th




(C) Elective Programmes

This section is only applicable to students who are eligible for the following elective programmes. Those who qualify and wish to apply must select the JC(s) offering the programme as one of your choice(s) in (B) Course Preference. Please note that you may apply for only ONE Programme.

Chinese Language Elective Programme (CLEP)

I would like to apply for CLEP in the following JC(s): � Hwa Chong Institution � Jurong JC � Nanyang JC � Temasek JC

Malay Language Elective Programme (MLEP)

I would like to apply for MLEP in the following JC(s): � Innova JC � Tampines JC

After you have completed this worksheet, please proceed to submit your application online at


To be completed by Candidate/ Parent/ Guardian/ Proxy* :


This form may take you 5 minutes to fill in. Please take note of the following points when you fill in the form.

To: Ministry of Education, Pupil Placement Officer (JAE Team)

I,_____________________________________(Candidate’s Name),_______________ (NRIC no./FIN*),

would like to appoint Mr/Mrs/Mdm/Miss* ________________________________________ (Proxy’s

Name), ________________________ (NRIC no.) to be my proxy to:

Delete where not applicable*

1 Collect GCE ‘O’ Level Examination results slips, Form A and other relevant documents on my behalf**

Yes No

2 Submit the duly completed JAE Worksheet on my behalf Yes No

By appointing the proxy, I have authorized the person to act on my behalf without any reservations. I will bear full responsibility if the proxy fails to perform any of the above as authorized by me.

I also understand that, by authorizing the proxy to complete and submit the duly completed JAE Worksheet, any choices made by the proxy would be officially binding.

________________________________ _________________ ____________ Name of Candidate Signature Date

NRIC/FIN/Passport No*: _________________________

* Please delete as appropriate

** Private Candidates will receive their results by post

Important Notes: 1) The appointed proxy must be age 21 and above. 2) The appointed proxy is required to bring the completed proxy form and supporting documents as listed

below to Ministry of Education, Customer Service Centre (MOE-CSC) during JAE registration period. The supporting documents are:

• Candidate’s original NRIC or Birth Certificate or Student Pass or Passport

• Candidate’s original Singapore-Cambridge GCE ‘O’ level Certificate(s) or Result Slip(s)

• Candidate’s original Secondary School’s Report Book or CCA Certificate(s)

The appointed proxy is required to produce original NRIC at MOE-CSC during JAE registration period.

Name of Candidate : ______________________________

NRIC no./FIN* : ______________________________

Contact No. : ______________________________





1 Joint Admissions Exercise (JAE)

1.1 The Joint Admissions Exercise (JAE) is conducted annually by the Ministry of Education (MOE) to allow holders of Singapore-Cambridge GCE ‘O’ Level certificate to apply for admission to courses offered by Junior Colleges (JC), the Millennia Institute (MI), Polytechnics (Poly) and Institute of Technical Education (ITE).

2 Eligibility

2.1 The following groups of students are eligible to participate in the JAE :

2.1.1 All Singapore Citizens or Permanent Residents (SC/PR) with valid GCE ‘O’ Level Examination results. However, any SC/PR who was previously admitted to a JC, MI, Poly, ITE* should not apply for an institution in the same category through the JAE.

2.1.2 International Students studying in a Government School, Government-Aided School or

Independent School in Singapore with valid 2009 Singapore-Cambridge GCE ‘O’ Level Examination results.

2.2 All students successfully admitted to a school through the Direct School Admission-JC (DSA- JC) / Direct Poly Admission (DPA) Exercises will not be able to participate in JAE. They will be informed of the school they have been admitted to under the DSA-JC/DPA together with the release of the GCE ‘O’ Level Examination results.

3 Alternative Admission Procedure

3.1 Alternative admission procedures are available to individuals who are not eligible to participate in the JAE but who wish to apply for admission to a JC, MI, ITE or polytechnic course, as follows:

3.2 To apply for a JC/MI/ITE Course

3.2.1 Students may approach the institution directly to seek admission. Alternatively, students may participate in the Joint Intake Exercise (JIE) for National ITE Certificate (Nitec) courses conducted by ITE annually. For courses offered under JIE and application instructions, please see ITE’s admission booklet or website

3.3 To apply for a Polytechnic Course

3.3.1 Students with special talents and aptitude may also participate in the Joint Polytechnic

Special Admissions Exercise (JPSAE) which is accessible at The JPSAE application period coincides with that of the

JAE. Students may participate in both the JAE and JPSAE. Consideration for

admission under both the JAE and JPSAE would be separate, and successful

applicants may be offered a course under the JAE and another course under the

JPSAE. Students who are offered courses under both JAE and JPSAE can decide to

accept one of the 2 offers. For acceptance of posting to polytechnics under either JAE

or JPSAE, students are to enrol in the chosen course during the common enrolment

period for JAE/JPSAE postings set by the polytechnics.

3.3.2 Students may, in addition, participate in other application exercises conducted

individually by the polytechnics [called the Direct Admissions Exercise (DAE)]. Students interested to participate in the DAE should contact the relevant polytechnics directly.

* Current Higher Nitec students and recently dismissed students who wish to seek readmission to ITE should approach ITE

directly instead of participating in JAE. Any JAE posting of these students to ITE could be invalidated by ITE.


3.3.3 To access the “Guide to Polytechnic Education”, students may visit

3.3.4 Students who have previously not received MOE subsidy, overseas or local sponsorship by the Singapore Government for a diploma/higher qualification will be eligible to apply for Tuition Grant (TG) and pay subsidised fees for diploma studies in one of the 5 polytechnics (NYP, NP, RP, SP or TP).

4 JAE Internet System (JAE-IS)

4.1 Applications for courses under the JAE should be submitted online through the JAE Internet System (JAE-IS). The JAE-IS is accessible through the JAE website at

4.2 The JAE registration will commence on the same day as the official announcement of the 2009 Singapore-Cambridge GCE ‘O’ Level Examination results. The JAE registration period will be held over a period of 5 calendar days (including Sunday), starting from 3.00 pm on the 1

st day of

registration until 4.00 pm on the last day of registration. The exact registration dates will be announced in the media together with the announcement on the release of the GCE ’O’ Level Examination results.

4.2.1 Internet and printing facilities will be made available in various locations, including

� Junior Colleges

� Millennia Institute

� Polytechnics

� ITE Campuses (refer to Annex D for details)

� MOE-Customer Service Centre (MOE-CSC)

4.2.2 Please refer to the JAE website at for details on the opening hours at the different locations.

4.3 Applicants should take note of the following:

4.3.1 Complete the Worksheet before accessing the JAE-IS to submit your application.

4.3.2 You are advised to make full use of the 12 choices, where applicable.

4.3.3 JAE application fees will be collected from the applicants by the institution (i.e. JC, MI, Poly or ITE) that they are enrolled in, together with other school fees after the exercise.

4.3.4 Applicants can make only one amendment to their application through the JAE-IS, with an additional amendment fee of $10 to be levied.

4.3.5 The JCs and MI offer a variety of subjects. You should check the website of the respective JCs/MI for more details on their subject combinations and requirements.

4.4 For more details on the application process, please refer to Section 2.

5 How To Apply

5.1 For students with 2009 Singapore-Cambridge GCE ‘O’ Level Examination Results

5.1.1 All students currently studying in secondary schools and are eligible for JAE will receive Form A (sample of Form A enclosed in paragraph 2 in Section 2), which is required for application to courses under the JAE. Form A contains the examination results, with the course codes for all the courses that the student is eligible to apply for under JAE. Section 3 (Tables 2 to 5) provides detailed description of the course codes and Section 4 (Table 7) provides detailed description of the subject codes. These course eligibility codes are generally based on examination results achieved at the:

a. 2009 Singapore-Cambridge GCE ‘O’ Level Examination only, or

b. a combination of one past year and 2009 Singapore-Cambridge GCE ‘O’ Level Examination. (The results of the two examinations are automatically combined in Form A for students who had used the same Singapore NRIC Number / Foreign Identification Number for both sittings).


5.1.2 Students who attended Government, Government-Aided, or Independent School (School Candidates) and are eligible for JAE will receive Form A from the secondary school (he or she last attended) on the day of the official announcement of the GCE ‘O’ Level Examination results release.

5.1.3 Students who are SC/PR and have sat for the GCE ‘O’ Level examinations in 2009 as Private Candidates and are eligible for JAE will receive Form A through the mail at their residential address (based on their examination registration records) on the day of the official announcement of the GCE ‘O’ Level Examination results release.

5.1.4 Eligible applicants can access the JAE Internet System (JAE-IS) using the JAE PIN. The JAE PIN can be found in Form A, which also provides the list of courses that the student is eligible to apply for under the JAE. The JAE PIN is issued once only and will not be replaced if lost. Students who have lost or forgotten their JAE PIN would have to register personally at Ministry of Education, Customer Service Centre (MOE-CSC). Students are therefore urged to take proper care of their Form A, and not misplace it.

5.2 For Singapore Citizens / Permanent Residents without 2009 Singapore-Cambridge GCE ‘O’ Level Examination Results

5.2.1 To register online using other years’ of GCE ‘O’ Level Examination results, applicants will need a valid SingPass in order to access the JAE-IS. Alternatively, they may also register personally at MOE-CSC during the registration period.

5.3 All applicants are strongly advised to complete the Worksheet found at the front page of the JAE information booklet before going online. Completion of the Worksheet will enable applicants to register more smoothly online.

5.4 Verification Slip

5.4.1 All applicants are strongly advised to print and retain a copy of the Verification Slip for their record after they have submitted their applications.

5.4.2 Applicants should note that if they are unable to view the Verification Slip, their application may not have been successfully submitted. They are advised to log on again to confirm that they have a copy of the Verification Slip.

6666 Posting Procedure

6.1 Applicants are posted to courses based first on the applicants’ merit and second, in the order of the applicants’ choice of courses [with the exception of Nanyang Polytechnic’s Diploma in Nursing (C97) and Ngee Ann Polytechnic’s Diploma in Health Sciences (Nursing) (N69)].

6.2 All applicants are first ranked in the order of their net aggregates (taking into account the various bonus points for which the applicants are eligible for) as follows:

6.2.1 For applicants to the 2-year JC course, the net aggregates are based on the First language and 5 relevant subjects (L1R5);

6.2.2 For applicants to the 3-year MI course, the net aggregates are based on the First language and 4 relevant subjects (L1R4);

6.2.3 For applicants to Poly courses and ITE’s Chemical & Life Sciences/Engineering/ Information Technology courses, the net aggregates are based on English language, 2 relevant subjects and best 2 other subjects (ELR2B2); and

6.2.4 For applicants to ITE’s Accounting and Business courses, the net aggregates are based on English language, 1 relevant subject and best 3 other subjects (ELR1B3).

6.3 Applicants with better aggregates will be considered for admission first. Each applicant is then considered for his/her choice of courses in the order of preference indicated, subject to available vacancies in the course.

6.4 However, applicants who indicate either the Nanyang Polytechnic’s Diploma in Nursing (C97) or Ngee Ann Polytechnic’s Diploma in Health Sciences (Nursing) (N69) as their first choice course will be given priority consideration if their aggregate of ELR2B2-C meets the pre-determined cut-off for the year. Please see Annex A for more information.


6.5 Bonus Points

6.5.1 Bonus points are given to students in the computation of their net aggregates. Table 1 provides details for the computation of bonus points. Please note that these bonus points are for ranking of students during posting (refer to paragraph 6.2). They are not taken into consideration in determining whether applicants are eligible for specific courses under the JAE. Please see Section 4 for details on the eligibility criteria.

Table 1 Computation of Bonus Points Available

S/No Type of Bonus Points No. of

Bonus Points Available

Maximum Bonus Points Allowable

1 For students seeking admission to JC/Poly/ITE and with the following CCA grades:

a. Grades of A1 – A2 b. Grades of B3 – C6

2 points 1 point

2 For students seeking admission to JC/MI courses and with grades of A1 to C6 in both their first languages (i.e. English and a Higher Mother Tongue). This is provided that these choices come before any Poly/ITE choices.

2 points

3 For students seeking admission to JC/MI courses and with grades of A1 to C6 in Malay/Chinese (Special Programme) (MSP/CSP) or Bahasa Indonesia (BI) as their third language. This is provided that these choices come before any Poly/ITE choices.

2 points

4 For students from feeder schools if they choose their affiliated Junior College course(s) as their:

a. 1st choice, or

b. 1st and 2

nd choices.

2 points

Limited to a maximum of 4

Bonus Points only for these 4 sections.

5 For students who had applied for the CLEP or MLEP and have been selected for the programme. 2 points

2 Bonus Points

Limited to a maximum of

6 Bonus Points only.

6.5.2 Students should check and confirm the accuracy of their CCA grades recorded in their

school report books and inform their schools of any discrepancies by 02 Nov 2009.

6.5.3 Please refer to Annex D for information on affiliated schools. 6.6 Manual Posting

Applicants who were unsuccessful in getting a place in any of their registered choices will be

manually posted by MOE at the end of the exercise to:

6.6.1 a JC course with vacancies, if applicants had indicated a JC course as their first choice;

6.6.2 an MI course with vacancies, if applicants had indicated an MI course as their first


6.6.3 a Poly course with vacancies, if applicants had indicated a Poly course as their first

choice, subject to applicants meeting the course’s minimum entry requirements;

6.6.4 a Higher Nitec course with vacancies, if applicants had indicated a Higher Nitec course as their first choice, subject to applicants meeting the course’s minimum entry requirements.


7 Release of JAE Posting Results

7.1 The results of your application will be released about two weeks after the JAE registration period through the following modes:

7.1.1 JAE-IS, accessible through the JAE website at admissions/jae;

7.1.2 JAE IVRS (Interactive Voice Response System) at telephone number 6691-2131;

7.1.3 Short Messaging System (SMS) via applicant’s mobile number (if provided by applicants during the JAE).

Note: Please note that with effect from 2009 JAE, Form D (hardcopy notification of posting results) will no longer be issued. You may print a copy of your posting results via JAE-IS.

8 Acceptance of Offer

8.1 Junior College / Millennia Institute

Students who are offered a course in a JC/MI must report to the JC/MI on the date stipulated in the JAE-IS. Generally, this will be the next working day following the release of the posting results. Any student who fails to report to the JC/MI on this date will be deemed to have forfeited his/her place; the place will be made available to other eligible applicants appealing for a place in the course.

8.2 Polytechnic / ITE

Students who have been offered a course in a Poly or ITE should expect to receive an enrolment package / posting letter by post after JAE posting results. Students are required to enrol at the Poly or ITE on the date stated in the package / letter. Any student who fails to report to the Poly or ITE on this date will be deemed to have forfeited his/her place; the place will be made available to other eligible applicants appealing for a place in the course.

9 Appeal / Transfer Applications

9.1 Students may appeal for a transfer to another course or institution only after the release of the JAE posting results. Appeals are evaluated on a case-by-case basis by the institution he/she has approached, and may be granted only when compelling reasons are presented and vacancies are available. Please note that students must report to the institution he/she is posted to (as stated in paragraphs 8.1 and 8.2 above) while waiting for the result of their transfer application. Any student who fails to report to the institution he/she is posted to will be deemed to have forfeited his/her place in the course; the place will be made available to other eligible applicants appealing for the course.

9.1.1 Appeal / Transfer Applications to JC/MI

Students who wish to appeal for a transfer to a particular JC/MI should approach the Principal of that JC/MI directly. The outcome of any such application will be provided by the JC/MI directly.

9.1.2 Appeal / Transfer Applications to Polytechnic / ITE

Students who wish to appeal for a transfer to a course in a Poly or ITE should approach the institution directly within 2 working days after the official release of the posting results. You may also go to for appeal to Polys or for appeal to ITE. The outcome of any such application will be provided by the Poly/ITE directly.


10 Ministry of Education Financial Assistance Schemes (MOE FAS)

10.1 The Ministry of Education provides financial assistance to students who are Singapore Citizens in Government or Government-Aided schools and those in Independent schools.

Students who wish to apply for the financial assistance scheme can obtain the application form

from their schools. They are to submit the application form together with the relevant documents

to their schools. The schools will inform them of the outcome of their applications.

10.1.1 MOE FAS For Government and Government-Aided Schools

The income limits and types of assistance given to needy students in Government or Government-Aided schools under this financial assistance scheme are shown in the table below:

Household Type Gross Income Limits

With 1 or 2 children Not exceeding $1,500 per month

With 3 or more children Not exceeding $1,800 per month

Schools Fees

Standard Miscellaneous Fees

Bursary Examination Fees



to students


subsidy of

school fees

100% subsidy of


miscellaneous fees


75% subsidy of national

exam (100% subsidy for

pupils under MCYS’ Public

Assistance Scheme)

10.1.2 Independent School (IS) Bursary

The income limits and types of assistance given to students in Independent Schools

under the IS Bursary are shown in the table below.

Income Limits (Meet one of the following criteria)

Monthly Gross Household


Gross Income Per Dependent

Child* (GIPDC) for

families with 3 or more children

Financial Assistance to Students+

100% subsidy of school fees

$750 Bursary

Not exceeding $1,500

Not exceeding $600

75% subsidy of national exam fees (100% subsidy for pupils under MCYS’ Public Assistance Scheme)

$1,501 - $2,500 $601 - $1,000 90% subsidy of school fees

$2,501 - $3,750 $1,001 - $1,500 75% subsidy of school fees $3,751 - $4,500 $1,501 - $1,800 50% subsidy of school fees $4,501 - $7,200 $1,801 - $2,900 33% subsidy of school fees

* Dependent children refer to unmarried children below 16 years old and unmarried children

above 16 years old but are receiving full-time education or are handicapped.

+ For IS Bursary recipients who are eligible for 90% to 33% subsidy of school fees and also

recipients of MOE scholarships, special awards or bursaries which provide part payment of

school fees, the fee subsidy will be capped at the annual school fees charged by each IS less

the annual amount of school and standard miscellaneous fees paid by students in government /

government-aided schools.



2 1 Application Period for JAE

1.1 The JAE registration will commence on the same day as the official announcement of the 2009 Singapore-Cambridge GCE ‘O’ Level Examination results. The JAE registration period will be held over a period of 5 calendar days (including weekends and Public Holidays), starting from 3.00 pm on the 1

st day of registration until 4.00 pm on the last day of registration. The exact

registration dates will be announced in the media together with the announcement on the release of the GCE ‘O’ Level Examination results.

1.2 Internet and printing facilities will be made available in various locations, including

� Junior Colleges

� Millennia Institute

� Polytechnics

� ITE Campuses (refer to Annex D for details)

� MOE-Customer Service Centre (MOE-CSC)

Please refer to the JAE website at for details on the opening hours at the different locations.

2222 How to Participate in JAE

2.1 Applications for courses under the JAE should be submitted online through the JAE Internet System (JAE-IS). The JAE-IS is accessible through the JAE website at

2.2 Applicants are to complete the Worksheet (provided on page(iii) of this booklet) (refer to Screen Shot 2) before submitting the online application on the JAE-IS.

2.3 To submit the application through the JAE-IS, applicants are required to enter their NRIC/FIN, together with the JAE PIN provided in the Form A (refer to Screen Shot 1).


Name Address

: NAM SIL : 123 ANG MO KIO #01-123 S(560123)

JAE PIN Centre Index No School Code

: KMP46767 : 0629510029 : 7310

Admission to the courses is competitive and is based on merit followed by order of choices Your GCE ‘O’ Level Examination results are as follows: 11 = A1 63 = A2 41 = A1 42 = A2 44 = A1 45 = A1 46 = A1 22 = A2 CCA = A1

Your aggregate scores are as follows: L1R5 = 07 L1R4 = 05 ELR2B2-B = 06 ELR2B2-C = 05 ELR2B2-D = 05 ELR1B3-A = 05 ELR1B3-B = 05 ELR2B2-E = 05 Based on the 2009 GCE ‘O’ Level Examination result, you are eligible to apply for JC (2-Year Duration), MI (3-Year Duration) and the following Polytechnic/ITE courses : C47 C48 C49 C50 C51 C52 C53 C54 C55 C56 C57 C58 C59 C60 C61 C62 C63 C64 C65 C66 C67 C68 C69 C70 C71 C72 C73 C74 C75 C78 C80 C81 C83 C85 C87 C88 C89 C93 C94 C96 C97 C98 C99 N40 N41 N42 N43 N44 N45 N48 N49 N50 N51 N53 N54 N55 N56 N57 N58 N59 N60 N61 N64 N65 N66 N67 N68 N69 N70 N71 N72 N73 N74 N75 N76 N77 N78 N79 N80 N81 N82 N83 N84 N85 N86 N87 N88 N89 N90 N91 R11 R12 R13 R14 R15 R16 R17 R18 R19 R20 R21 R22 R23 R24 R25 R26 R27 R28 R29 R30 R31 R32 R33 R34 R35 R36 R37 R38 R39 R40 R41 R42 R43 R44 S35 S36 S37 S38 S39 S40 S41 S42 S43 S44 S45 S46 S47 S48 S50 S51 S52 S53 S54 S55 S56 S57 S58 S63 S64 S66 S67 S68 S69 S70 S71 S72 S73 S74 S75 S76 S82 S85 S86 S88 S89 S90 S91 S93 S94 S95 S97 S98 S99 T01 T02 T04 T05 T06 T08 T09 T12 T13 T15 T16 T17 T18 T19 T20 T21 T22 T23 T24 T25 T26 T27 T28 T29 T30 T31 T33 T34 T35 T36 T37 T38 T39 T40 T42 T43 T44 T45 T46 T47 T48 T49 T50 T51 T52 T53 T54 V11 V13 V14 V15 V16 V17 V18 V19 V20 V21 V22 V25 V26 V27 V28 V29 V30 V33 V35 V38 V39 V40 V41 V42 V44 V45 V46 V47 V48 V49 V51 V52 V53 V54 V55 V56 V57 V58 V59 V60

You can also apply for other suitable courses for GCE ‘O’ students, offered by ITE. Please see ITE’s admission booklet on JIE.

Screen Shot 1 : Form A Page 1


Subject code and grade based on your examination results.

Aggregate types.

Poly/ITE Course codes you are eligible to apply.


2.4 Applicants are allowed to choose up to a maximum of 12 courses for which they are eligible. Applicants are advised to make full use of the 12 choices, where applicable. The choices should be listed in the order of preference.


(A) Personal Particulars

Please fill in your personal particulars below and update it as necessary in the online system. * denotes mandatory field

NRIC/FIN: ________________________ Block/House No.* : ____________________________

Name: _______________________ Unit No. : ____________________________

Contact No.: ______________________ Street Name* : ____________________________

Mobile No.: _______________________ Postal Code* : ____________________________

Email Address: ________________________________

Your posting result will also be sent via SMS to the above mobile number

(B) Course Preference

Note: You are only allowed to specify courses that you are eligible for, up to a maximum of 12 courses. You are advised to make full use of the 12 choices, where applicable. Please refer to your Form A and Information Booklet for course eligibility details.

Choice Order Course Code Choice Order Course Code 1

st 7





rd 9


4th 10th 5th 11th 6th 12th

(C) Elective Programmes

This section is only applicable to students who are eligible for the following elective programmes. Those who qualify and wish to apply must select the JC(s) offering the programme as one of your choice(s) in (B) Course Preference. Please note that you may apply for only ONE Programme

Chinese Language Elective Programme (CLEP) I would like to apply for CLEP in the following JC(s):

� Hwa Chong Institution � Jurong JC � Nanyang JC � Temasek JC

Malay Language Elective Programme (MLEP) I would like to apply for MLEP in the following JC(s):

� Innova JC � Tampines JC

Please complete this worksheet before you proceed to do your online application.

Screen Shot 2 : Form A Page 2

3333 How to Use The JAE-IS

3.1 Enter the JAE website at

3.2 Logon Page

3.2.1 The JAE-IS Logon Page (refer to Screen Shot 3) should appear after a short time. Please note that at times, this page may take a slightly longer period to appear. If the Logon Page does not appear after a prolonged period, please attempt to log on at a later time.

3.2.2 Applicants should enter their NRIC or FIN number, together with the JAE PIN.

Applicants should then click on the button <Logon> to get to the next page.


Screen Shot 3 : JAE Internet System (JAE-IS) Logon Page

3.3 Course Application Page

3.3.1 The Course Application Page (refer to Screen Shot 4) should appear.

3.3.2 Applicants are required to provide a valid Singapore address for future correspondence and should check that their personal particulars are correct, and make changes where applicable.

3.3.3 Applicants are allowed to indicate a maximum of 12 courses in the application. The JAE-IS would accept only valid course codes entered for courses that the applicant is eligible for. A complete list of course codes are provided in Form A.

3.3.4 Applicants must ensure that the choices are entered in the order of preference when submitting the application (please refer to paragraph 6 of Section 1 for further details on the Posting Procedure). There is no guarantee that applicants will automatically be granted a place in one of the courses applied for.

3.3.5 Applicants are strongly advised to complete this page within 10 minutes, as the system will “time-out” within 10 minutes.

3.3.6 Applicants should then click on the <Next> button to get to the next page.


Applicants are strongly advised to complete every page within 10 minutes, as the system will “time-out” after 10 minutes. Applicants must click on the <Submit> button in the JAE-IS at the bottom of the Verify Information Page (refer to Screen Shot 5) in order to complete the application process. Failure to do so would mean that the application is not submitted. The application is considered successfully submitted only when the Verification Slip Page (refer to Screen Shot 6) appears after clicking the <Submit> button in the JAE-IS at the bottom of the Verify Information Page. You should then print and retain a copy of the Verification Slip as proof of your course application.

Key in NRIC/FIN and JAE PIN found in Form A to logon.


Screen Shot 4 : Course Application Page

3.4 Verify Information Page

3.4.1 The Verify Information Page (refer to Screen Shot 5) should appear next.

3.4.2 Applicants are strongly advised to check and confirm that all the details in this page are correct.

3.4.3 To make changes, you may click on the <Previous> button. You will return to the previous page.

3.4.4 If you are satisfied that all details are correct, you may click on the <Submit> button to complete this application. Failure to do so would mean that the application is not submitted.

Check your personal particulars and update as necessary.

Click <Next> to proceed with the application.

Enter your choice of courses according to your preference.

You are using your results from 2009 GCE ‘O’ Level exam sitting.


Screen Shot 5 : Verify Information Page

3.5 Verification Slip (VS) Page

3.5.1 The Verification Slip Page (refer to Screen Shot 6) should appear next.

3.5.2 The application is considered successfully submitted only when the Verification Slip

Page appears. You should print and retain a copy of the Verification Slip as proof of your course application.

3.5.3 If the Verification Slip Page does not appear after a prolonged period, you should logoff

and logon again. If you are unable to receive the Verification Slip after repeated attempts, you should call MOE-CSC at 6872-2220 for assistance.

Ensure that your personal particulars are correct.

Click here if you want to make any changes to either your personal particulars or course application.

Ensure that the courses are correct.

Click here if you do not wish to continue. Your session will be terminated immediately, and all the changes you have made during this session will not be saved.

Click <Submit> to complete your application for JAE.















Screen Shot 6 : Verification Slip Page

Important You should print out a copy of the Verification Slip for reference.

Click here if you want to make any amendments to the application you had previously submitted. Important 1. A $10 fee will be

charged for any amendments made.

2. All applicants are

allowed to make ONE amendment only.

Click <Logoff> to exit from JAE-IS.
















Confirmation Number: S9000067C-1


4 Applicants Eligible for Elective Programmes Offered in Selected JCs

4.1 Applicants who are eligible for Elective Programmes in selected JCs may be presented with 2 additional screens after clicking on the <Next> button at the Course Application Page (refer to Screen Shot 4).

4.2 Elective Programme Selection Page

4.2.1 This Elective Programme Selection Page (refer to Screen Shot 7) presents the various Elective Programmes that the applicant is eligible for, taking into account the JC choice(s) that were selected at the Course Application Page.

4.2.2 The applicant is allowed to select only ONE elective programme. Please note that you must indicate your preference in the appropriate radio button before clicking on the <Next> button.

a. If you have indicated that you do not wish to apply for any Elective Programmes, you will be presented with the Verify Information Page (refer to Screen Shot 5).

b. If you have indicated that you wish to apply for one of the Elective Programmes, you will be presented with the Selection of Institution Page (refer to Screen Shot 8).

Screen Shot 7 : Elective Programme Selection Page

4.3 Selection of Institution Page

4.3.1 This Selection of Institution Page (refer to Screen Shot 8) presents the various JCs which offer the specific Elective Programme that you have selected. Please note that only JCs that you have indicated in your Course Application Page (refer to Screen Shot 4) will be made available for selection in this page.

4.3.2 You may select one or more of the JCs listed. Once done, you must click on the <Next> button. You should next be presented with the Verify Information Page (refer to Screen Shot 5).

You must select one of the radio buttons before continuing.

Click <Next> to proceed with the application.


Screen Shot 8 : Selection of Institution Page

5 Application and Amendment Fees

5.1 An application fee of $7 will be charged for your first application, and $10 for amendment made to your submitted application. You are allowed to make only one amendment. You are strongly advised to select your courses carefully before submission. All JAE application fees incurred will be collected by the institution (i.e. JC, MI, Poly or ITE) that you are enrolled in, together with other school fees after the exercise.

Click <Next> to proceed with the application.

You may select one or more JCs by clicking on the check box(es).



3 Table 2

JC Courses (2-Year Duration)

Junior College (JC)

Course Code

Special Programme Award Arts Science

International Baccalaureate

1. Anderson Junior College 21A 21S - - GCE ‘A’ Level

2. Anglo-Chinese Junior College

22A 22S -


• Humanities Programme



GCE ‘A’ Level

3. Anglo-Chinese School (Independent)

- - 51I • MEP International

Baccalaureate Diploma

4. Catholic Junior College 23A 23S - • ELEP GCE ‘A’ Level

5. Hwa Chong Institution 24A 24S - • AEP


• Humanities Programme

GCE ‘A’ Level

6. Innova Junior College 37A 37S - • MLEP GCE ‘A’ Level

7. Jurong Junior College 25A 25S - • CLEP GCE ‘A’ Level

8. Meridian Junior College 36A 36S - - GCE ‘A’ Level

9. Nanyang Junior College 26A 26S - • AEP

• CLEP GCE ‘A’ Level

10. National Junior College 27A 27S - • AEP

• Humanities Programme GCE ‘A’ Level

11. Pioneer Junior College 35A 35S - - GCE ‘A’ Level

12. Raffles Institution (JC) 28A 28S - • ELEP

• Humanities Programme


GCE ‘A’ Level

13. Serangoon Junior College

29A 29S - - GCE ‘A’ Level

14. St Andrew's Junior College

30A 30S - - GCE ‘A’ Level

15. Tampines Junior College 31A 31S - • MLEP

• DEP GCE ‘A’ Level

16. Temasek Junior College 32A 32S - • CLEP

• Humanities Programme


GCE ‘A’ Level

17. Victoria Junior College 33A 33S - • Humanities Programme

• DEP GCE ‘A’ Level

18. Yishun Junior College 34A 34S - - GCE ‘A’ Level

Note: (Table 2 JC Courses)

AEP = Ar t E lec t ive Programme CLEP = Language E lec t i ve Programme (Chinese)

DEP = Drama E lec t i ve Programme MLEP = Language E lec t i ve Programme (Ma lay)

MEP = Mus ic E lec t ive Programme ELEP = Language E lec t i ve Programme (Eng l i sh)


Table 3 MI Courses (3-Year Duration)

Table 4 Polytechnic Courses (3-Year Duration)

Course Poly Course Code

Course Group



Architecture SP S66 D Dip Architecture

Civil Engineering with Business (previously known as Civil Engineering & Management)

SP S68 C Dip Civil Engineering with Business

Green Building & Sustainability (previously known as Intelligent Building Technology)

TP T29 C Dip Green Building & Sustainability

Hotel & Leisure Facilities Management (previously known as Property Development & Facilities Management)

SP S95 C Dip Hotel & Leisure Facilities Management

Integrated Events & Project Management SP S50 C Dip Integrated Events & Project Management

Integrated Facility Management (previously known as Integrated Facility Design & Management)

TP T28 C Dip Integrated Facility Management

Landscape Architecture SP S94 D Dip Landscape Architecture

Leisure & Business Facilities Management NP N40 C Dip Leisure & Business Facilities Management

Real Estate Business NP N48 C Dip Real Estate Business

Sustainable Urban Design & Engineering (New) NP N89 C Dip Sustainable Urban Design & Engineering


Accountancy NP N51 B Dip Accountancy

Accountancy SP S75 B Dip Accountancy

Accountancy & Finance NYP C98 B Dip Accountancy & Finance

Accounting & Finance TP T02 B Dip Accounting & Finance

Arts Business Management (New) NP N91 B Dip Arts Business Management

Aviation Management & Services TP T04 C Dip Aviation Management & Services

Banking & Financial Services NYP C96 B Dip Banking & Financial Services

Banking & Financial Services SP S76 B Dip Banking & Financial Services

Banking & Financial Services NP N53 B Dip Banking & Financial Services

Business & Social Enterprise NP N79 B Dip Business & Social Enterprise

Business Administration SP S71 B Dip Business Administration

Business Information Technology TP T36 C Dip Business Information Technology

Business Management NYP C94 B Dip Business Management

Business Process & Systems Engineering TP T43 C Dip Business Process & Systems Engineering

Business Studies NP N45 B Dip Business Studies

Business/ Logistics & Operations Management/ Marketing

TP T01 B Dip Business/ Dip Logistics & Operations Management/ Dip Marketing

Course Code Millennia Institute (MI)

Arts (A)

Commerce (C)

Science (S)


1. Millennia Institute 43A 43C 43S GCE ‘A’ Level


Course Poly Course Code

Course Group


Communications & Media Management TP T40 B Dip Communications & Media Management

Culinary & Catering Management TP T18 B Dip Culinary & Catering Management

Customer Relationship and Service Management

RP R34 B Dip Customer Relationship and Service Management

Financial Business Informatics TP T17 C Dip Financial Business Informatics

Financial Informatics SP S46 C Dip Financial Informatics

Fund Management & Administration NYP C56 B Dip Fund Management & Administration

Hospitality & Tourism Management TP T08 B Dip Hospitality & Tourism Management

Hospitality & Tourism Management (previously known as Hospitality & Resort Management)

NYP C67 B Dip Hospitality & Tourism Management

Hotel and Hospitality Management RP R37 B Dip Hotel and Hospitality Management

Human Resource Management with Psychology SP S48 B Dip Human Resource Management with Psychology

Integrated Events Management RP R28 B Dip Integrated Events Management

International Business NP N85 B Dip International Business

International Business (New) SP S36 B Dip International Business

International Supply Chain Management NP N80 B Dip International Supply Chain Management

Law & Management TP T09 B Dip Law & Management

Leisure & Resort Management TP T19 B Dip Leisure & Resort Management

Logistics Management NP N58 B Dip Logistics Management

Marketing NYP C99 B Dip Marketing

Media Studies & Management NYP C93 B Dip Media Studies & Management

Retail Management TP T39 B Dip Retail Management

Sport & Wellness Management NYP C81 B Dip Sport & Wellness Management

Sports and Leisure Management RP R27 B Dip Sports and Leisure Management

Tourism & Resort Management SP S55 B Dip Tourism & Resort Management

Tourism & Resort Management NP N72 B Dip Tourism & Resort Management

Wellness, Lifestyle and Spa Management (New) RP R44 B Dip Wellness, Lifestyle and Spa Management


Applied Food Science & Nutrition TP T26 C Dip Applied Food Science & Nutrition

Applied Chemistry with Pharmaceutical Science (previously known as Chemical Process Technology)

SP S64 C Dip Applied Chemistry with Pharmaceutical Science

Baking & Culinary Science TP T44 C Dip Baking & Culinary Science

Biologics & Process Technology NYP C49 C Dip Biologics & Process Technology

Biomedical Informatics & Engineering TP T38 C Dip Biomedical Informatics & Engineering

Biomedical Science TP T27 C Dip Biomedical Science

Biomedical Science SP S98 C Dip Biomedical Science (Cardiac Technology)/ Dip Biomedical Science (Medical Technology)

Biomedical Science / Biomedical Laboratory Technology

NP N59 C Dip Biomedical Science/ Dip Biomedical Laboratory Technology

Biomedical Sciences RP R14 C Dip Biomedical Sciences

Biotechnology SP S72 C Dip Biotechnology

Biotechnology TP T31 C Dip Biotechnology


Course Poly Course Code

Course Group


Biotechnology RP R16 C Dip Biotechnology

Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering NP N56 C Dip Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering

Chemical & Green Technology NYP C55 C Dip Chemical & Green Technology

Chemical & Pharmaceutical Technology NYP C73 C Dip Chemical & Pharmaceutical Technology

Chemical Engineering TP T33 C Dip Chemical Engineering

Chemical Engineering SP S70 C Dip Chemical Engineering

Environmental Science RP R29 C Dip Environmental Science

Food Science & Nutrition (previously known as Food Science)

NYP C69 C Dip Food Science & Nutrition

Food Science & Technology SP S47 C Dip Food Science & Technology

Horticulture & Landscape Management NP N57 C Dip Horticulture & Landscape Management

Materials Science RP R17 C Dip Materials Science

Materials Science (New) SP S37 C Dip Materials Science

Molecular Biotechnology NYP C74 C Dip Molecular Biotechnology

Molecular Biotechnology NP N49 C Dip Molecular Biotechnology

Nutrition, Health & Wellness SP S44 C Dip Nutrition, Health & Wellness

Perfumery and Cosmetic Science (New) SP S38 C Dip Perfumery and Cosmetic Science

Pharmaceutical Science TP T25 C Dip Pharmaceutical Science

Pharmaceutical Sciences RP R22 C Dip Pharmaceutical Sciences

Pharmaceutical Sciences NYP C65 C Dip Pharmaceutical Sciences

Pharmacy Science NP N73 C Dip Pharmacy Science

Veterinary Bioscience (New) NP N90 C Dip Veterinary Bioscience

Veterinary Technology TP T45 C Dip Veterinary Technology


Aeronautical & Aerospace Technology NYP C51 C Dip Aeronautical & Aerospace Technology

Aeronautical Engineering SP S88 C Dip Aeronautical Engineering

Aerospace Avionics RP R20 C Dip Aerospace Avionics

Aerospace Electronics TP T50 C Dip Aerospace Electronics

Aerospace Electronics SP S90 C Dip Aerospace Electronics

Aerospace Electronics NP N75 C Dip Aerospace Electronics

Aerospace Engineering TP T51 C Dip Aerospace Engineering

Aerospace Engineering (Quality Systems) RP R40 C Dip Aerospace Engineering (Quality Systems)

Aerospace Systems & Management NYP C52 C Dip Aerospace Systems & Management

Aerospace Technology NP N65 C Dip Aerospace Technology

Audio-visual Technology NP N76 C Dip Audio-visual Technology

Bioengineering SP S58 C Dip Bioengineering

Biomedical Electronics RP R15 C Dip Biomedical Electronics

Biomedical Engineering NP N60 C Dip Biomedical Engineering

Biomedical Engineering NYP C71 C Dip Biomedical Engineering

Civil Aviation RP R39 C Dip Civil Aviation

Clean Energy TP T52 C Dip Clean Energy


Course Poly Course Code

Course Group


Clean Energy SP S45 C Dip Clean Energy

Clean Energy Management NP N84 C Dip Clean Energy Management

Common Engineering Programme (New) RP R42 C

Dip Aerospace Avionics/ Dip Aerospace Engineering (Quality Systems)/ Dip Biomedical Electronics/ Dip Civil Aviation/ Dip Digital Entertainment Electronics/ Dip Industrial and Operations Management/ Dip Micro and Nanotechnology/ Dip Supply Chain Management

Common Engineering Programme (New) SP S40 C

Dip Aeronautical Engineering / Dip Aerospace Electronics / Dip Bioengineering / Dip Clean Energy / Dip Computer Engineering / Dip Electrical & Electronic Engineering / Dip Mechanical Engineering / Dip Mechatronics & Robotics

Computer Engineering TP T13 C Dip Computer Engineering

Computer Engineering SP S53 C Dip Computer Engineering

Digital & Precision Engineering NYP C62 C Dip Digital & Precision Engineering

Digital Entertainment Electronics RP R38 C Dip Digital Entertainment Electronics

Electrical & Electronic Engineering SP S99 C Dip Electrical & Electronic Engineering

Electrical Engineering NP N43 C Dip Electrical Engineering

Electrical Engineering (New) NYP C48 C Dip Electrical Engineering

Electronic & Computer Engineering NP N44 C Dip Electronic & Computer Engineering

Electronics, Computer & Communications Engineering

NYP C89 C Dip Electronics, Computer & Communications Engineering

Electronics/ Media & Communication Technology/ Computer Engineering/ Microelectronics

TP T05 C

Dip Electronics/ Dip Media & Communication Technology/ Dip Computer Engineering/ Dip Microelectronics

Engineering with Business Management Programme (previously known as Engineering Common Programme)

NP N71 C

Dip Aerospace Electronics/ Dip Aerospace Technology/ Dip Audio-visual Technology/ Dip Biomedical Engineering/ Dip Electrical Engineering/ Dip Electronic & Computer Engineering/ Dip Marine & Offshore Technology/ Dip Mechanical Engineering/ Dip Mechatronic Engineering

Engineering with Business SP S42 C Dip Engineering with Business

Environmental & Water Technology NP N74 C Dip Environmental & Water Technology

Environmental Management & Water Technology

SP S52 C Dip Environmental Management & Water Technology

Industrial and Operations Management RP R11 C Dip Industrial and Operations Management

Information Communication Technology SP S85 C

Dip Information Communication Technology (Broadband and Security Services)/ Dip Information Communication Technology (Web Technology and Services)

Manufacturing Engineering NYP C88 C Dip Manufacturing Engineering

Mechanical Engineering SP S91 C Dip Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical Engineering NP N41 C Dip Mechanical Engineering


Course Poly Course Code

Course Group


Mechatronic Engineering NP N50 C Dip Mechatronic Engineering

Mechatronics TP T06 C Dip Mechatronics

Mechatronics and Robotics (previously known as Mechatronics)

SP S73 C Dip Mechatronics & Robotics

Mechatronics Engineering NYP C87 C Dip Mechatronics Engineering

Media & Communication Technology TP T12 C Dip Media & Communication Technology

Micro and Nanotechnology RP R30 C Dip Micro and Nanotechnology

Multimedia & Infocomm Technology NYP C75 C Dip Multimedia & Infocomm Technology

Nanotechnology & Materials Science NYP C50 C Dip Nanotechnology & Materials Science

Renewable Energy Engineering (New) RP R41 C Dip Renewable Energy Engineering

Supply Chain Management RP R21 C Dip Supply Chain Management

Telematics & Media Technology NYP C53 C Dip Telematics & Media Technology


Dental Hygiene & Therapy NYP C72 C Dip Dental Hygiene & Therapy

Health Management and Promotion (New) RP R43 C Dip Health Management and Promotion

Health Sciences (Nursing) NP N69 C Dip Health Sciences (Nursing)

Nursing NYP C97 C Dip Nursing

Optometry NP N83 C Dip Optometry

Optometry SP S67 C Dip Optometry

Outdoor and Adventure Learning RP R33 B Dip Outdoor and Adventure Learning

Sports and Exercise Sciences RP R26 C Dip Sports and Exercise Sciences


Applied Drama and Psychology SP S43 B Dip Applied Drama & Psychology

Child Psychology & Early Education NP N86 B Dip Child Psychology & Early Education

Chinese Media & Communication NP N88 B Dip Chinese Media & Communication

Chinese Studies NP N70 B Dip Chinese Studies

Early Childhood Education NP N66 B Dip Early Childhood Education

Early Childhood Studies (New) TP T54 B Dip Early Childhood Studies

Gerontological Management Studies TP T53 B Dip Gerontological Management Studies

Psychology & Community Services NP N77 B Dip Psychology & Community Services

Psychology Studies TP T48 B Dip Psychology Studies

Social Sciences (Social Work) (New) NYP C47 B Dip in Social Sciences (Social Work)


Business Applications RP R18 C Dip Business Applications

Business Enterprise IT NYP C68 C Dip Business Enterprise IT

Business Informatics NYP C78 C Dip Business Informatics

Business Information Systems RP R13 C Dip Business Information Systems

Business Information Technology SP S82 C Dip Business Information Technology

Business Information Technology NP N61 C Dip Business Information Technology

Cyber & Digital Security TP T15 C Dip Cyber & Digital Security

Digital Entertainment Technology (Games) NYP C70 C Dip Digital Entertainment Technology (Games)


Course Poly Course Code

Course Group


Digital Media SP S57 C Dip Digital Media

Digital Visual Effects NYP C57 C Dip Digital Visual Effects

Engineering Informatics NYP C80 C Dip Engineering Informatics

Financial Informatics NYP C58 C Dip Financial Informatics

Financial Informatics NP N81 C Dip Financial Informatics

Game & Entertainment Technology TP T16 C Dip Game & Entertainment Technology

Infocomm Security Management SP S54 C Dip Infocomm Security Management

Info-Communications TP T37 C Dip Info-Communications

Information Security NYP C54 C Dip Information Security

Information Technology TP T30 C Dip Information Technology

Information Technology NYP C85 C Dip Information Technology

Information Technology NP N54 C Dip Information Technology

Information Technology RP R12 C Dip Information Technology

Information Technology SP S69 C Dip Information Technology

Interactive and Digital Media RP R31 C Dip Interactive and Digital Media

Interactive Media Informatics TP T34 C Dip Interactive Media Informatics

IT Service Management RP R23 C Dip IT Service Management

Mobile & Network Services (previously known as Mobile & Wireless Computing)

TP T42 C Dip Mobile & Network Services

Multimedia & Animation NP N55 C Dip Multimedia & Animation

Music & Audio Technology SP S97 C Dip Music & Audio Technology

Network Systems & Security NP N64 C Dip Network Systems & Security


Maritime Business (previously known as Maritime Transportation Management)

SP S74 C Dip Maritime Business

Marine Engineering SP S63 C Dip Marine Engineering

Marine & Offshore Technology NP N42 C Dip Marine & Offshore Technology


Advertising & Public Relations NP N87 B Dip Advertising & Public Relations

Apparel Design & Merchandising TP T20 D Dip Apparel Design & Merchandising

Communication and Information Design RP R32 B Dip Communication and Information Design

Creative Writing for Television and New Media SP S41 B Dip Creative Writing for TV & New Media

Design for Interactivity RP R36 D Dip Design for Interactivity

Digital Animation (New) SP S35 D Dip Digital Animation

Digital Media Design (Animation) NYP C61 D Dip Digital Media Design (Animation)

Digital Media Design (Games) NYP C60 D Dip Digital Media Design (Games)

Digital Media Design (Interaction Design) NYP C59 D Dip Digital Media Design (Interaction Design)

Digital Visual Effects NP N78 D Dip Digital Visual Effects

Environment Design TP T46 D Dip Environment Design

Experience and Product Design SP S51 D Dip Experience and Product Design

Film, Sound & Video NP N82 D Dip Film, Sound & Video


Course Poly Course Code

Course Group


Game Design RP R35 D Dip Game Design

Games Design & Development SP S56 D Dip Games Design & Development

Industrial Design NYP C83 D Dip Industrial Design

Interactive Media Design TP T21 D Dip Interactive Media Design

Interactive Media Technology TP T49 C Dip Interactive Media Technology

Interior Architecture & Design TP T22 D Dip Interior Architecture & Design

Interior Design SP S89 D Dip Interior Design

Mass Communication NP N67 B Dip Mass Communication

Media and Communication SP S86 B Dip Media and Communication

Motion Graphics & Broadcast Design NYP C66 D Dip Motion Graphics & Broadcast Design

Moving Images TP T23 D Dip Moving Images

New Media RP R19 D Dip New Media

Product & Industrial Design TP T35 D Dip Product & Industrial Design

Product Design & Innovation NP N68 D Dip Product Design & Innovation

Retail & Hospitality Design TP T47 D Dip Retail & Hospitality Design

Sonic Arts RP R24 D Dip Sonic Arts

Space & Interior Design NYP C64 D Dip Space & Interior Design

Technology and Arts Management RP R25 D Dip Technology and Arts Management

Visual Communication TP T24 D Dip Visual Communication

Visual Communication NYP C63 D Dip Visual Communication

Visual Communication and Media Design (previously known as Creative Media Design)

SP S93 D Dip Visual Communication & Media Design

Visual Effects and Motion Graphics (New) SP S39 D Dip Visual Effects & Motion Graphics

Note: (Table 4 Polytechnic Courses)

1. The Poly technics are abbrev iated as fo l l ows :

NYP : Nanyang Poly technic NP : Ngee Ann Poly technic RP : Republ ic Poly technic SP : Singapore Poly technic TP : Temasek Poly technic

2. The poly technic Course Groups are abbrev iated as fol lows:

B : Bus iness-Related Courses C : Sc ience and Technology Courses D : Design Courses

3. Dip = Diploma

4. (New) = New course(s) of fered under the Joint Admiss ions Exerc ise (JAE) 2010


Table 5 ITE Courses (2-Year Duration)

Course / Award ITE Campus Course Code

Course Group


Higher Nitec in Accounting ITE College East V27 A

Higher Nitec in Accounting ITE College Central (Bishan Campus) V39 A

Higher Nitec in Banking Services ITE College Central (Bishan Campus) V52 A


Higher Nitec in Beauty & Spa Management (New) ITE College East V54 B

Higher Nitec in Business Studies (Administration) ITE College West (Clementi Campus) V33 B

Higher Nitec in Business Studies (Administration) ITE College Central (Bishan Campus) V38 B

Higher Nitec in Business Studies (Event Management) ITE College Central (Bishan Campus) V40 B

Higher Nitec in Business Studies (Service Management) ITE College West (Clementi Campus) V53 B

Higher Nitec in Business Studies (Sport Management) ITE College East V19 B

Higher Nitec in Early Childhood Education ITE College Central (Bishan Campus) V42 B

Higher Nitec in Hospitality Operations ITE College West (Clementi Campus) V41 B

Higher Nitec in Integrated Logistics Management ITE College East V22 B

Higher Nitec in Leisure & Travel Operations ITE College West (Clementi Campus) V51 B


Higher Nitec in Biotechnology ITE College East V18 E

Higher Nitec in Chemical Technology ITE College East V44 E


Higher Nitec in Civil & Structural Engineering Design (New) ITE College Central (Tampines Campus) V56 E

Higher Nitec in Electrical Engineering ITE College West (Dover Campus) V15 E

Higher Nitec in Electrical Engineering ITE College East V28 E

Higher Nitec in Electronics Engineering ITE College Central (Tampines Campus) V11 E

Higher Nitec in Electronics Engineering ITE College West (Dover Campus) V14 E

Higher Nitec in Electronics Engineering ITE College East V29 E

Higher Nitec in Facility Systems Design/ Higher Nitec in Process Plant Design/ Higher Nitec in Offshore & Marine Engineering Design (New)

ITE College Central (Tampines Campus) V57 E

Higher Nitec in Marine Offshore Engineering ITE College Central (Yishun Campus) V46 E

Higher Nitec in Mechanical Engineering ITE College West (Dover Campus) V17 E

Higher Nitec in Mechanical Engineering ITE College Central (Tampines Campus) V21 E

Higher Nitec in Mechanical Engineering ITE College East V35 E

Higher Nitec in Mechatronics Engineering ITE College Central (Tampines Campus) V13 E

Higher Nitec in Mechatronics Engineering ITE College West (Dover Campus) V16 E

Higher Nitec in Security System Integration ITE College West (Dover Campus) V60 E


Higher Nitec in Business Information Systems ITE College East V49 E


Course / Award ITE Campus Course Code

Course Group

Higher Nitec in Games Design & Development ITE College Central (MacPherson Campus)

V45 E

Higher Nitec in Information Systems Quality (New) ITE College Central (MacPherson Campus)

V58 E

Higher Nitec in Information Technology ITE College West (Dover Campus) V25 E

Higher Nitec in Information Technology ITE College Central (Tampines Campus) V26 E

Higher Nitec in Information Technology ITE College East V30 E

Higher Nitec in Mobile Unified Communications (New) ITE College Central (MacPherson Campus)

V59 E

Higher Nitec in Network Security Technology ITE College East V47 E

Higher Nitec in Network Security Technology ITE College West (Dover Campus) V48 E

Higher Nitec in Wireless Technology ITE College East V20 E


Higher Nitec in Visual Merchandising (New) ITE College Central (Bishan Campus) V55 B

Note: (Table 5 ITE Courses) 1. The ITE Course Groups are abbrev iated as fo l l ows :

A : Account ing Courses B : Bus iness Courses E : Chemical & Li f e Sc iences / Engineer ing / Informat ion Technology Courses

2. H igher Ni tec = Higher Nat i onal ITE Cert i f i cate 3. (New) = New course(s) of fered under the Joint Admiss ions Exerc ise (JAE) 2010






1 Aggregate Computation

1.1 The aggregate computation for admission to a Junior College (JC), Millennia Institute (MI), Polytechnic (Poly) or Institute of Technical Education (ITE) courses are shown in Table 6 below.

1.2 The admission criteria for the various JC, MI, Poly and ITE courses are specified in Sections 4a to


Table 6 Aggregate Types Computation Criteria

L1R5 : For Junior College Course

L1 First Language - English/ Higher Mother Tongue


Relevant Subject 1 - Humanities/ Higher Art/ Higher Music/ Malay (Special Programme)/ Chinese (Special Programme)/ Bahasa Indonesia

Relevant Subject 2 - Mathematics/ Science Relevant Subject 3 - Humanities/ Higher Art/ Higher Music/ Mathematics/ Science/ Malay (Special Programme)/ Chinese (Special Programme)/ Bahasa Indonesia Relevant Subject 4 - Any GCE 'O' Level subjects (except Religious Knowledge and CCA) Relevant Subject 5 - Any GCE 'O' Level subjects (except Religious Knowledge and CCA)

L1R4 : For Millennia Institute Course

L1 First Language - English/ Higher Mother Tongue


Relevant Subject 1 - Humanities/ Higher Art/ Higher Music/ Mathematics/ Science/ Malay (Special Programme)/ Chinese (Special Programme)/ Bahasa Indonesia Relevant Subject 2 - Humanities/ Higher Art/ Higher Music/ Mathematics/ Science/ Malay (Special Programme)/ Chinese (Special Programme)/ Bahasa Indonesia Relevant Subject 3 - Any GCE 'O' Level subjects or CCA (except Religious Knowledge) Relevant Subject 4 - Any GCE 'O' Level subjects or CCA (except Religious Knowledge)


ELR2B2 : For Polytechnic Courses

Course Group Business-Related Courses


Science & Technology Courses


Design Courses (ELR2B2-D)

EL English

1st Group of Relevant Subjects

Elementary Mathematics Additional Mathematics

R2 2nd

Group of Relevant Subjects

Art / Art & Design Business Studies Combined Humanities Commerce Commercial Studies Economics Geography Higher Art Higher Music History Introduction to Enterprise Development Literature in English Literature in Chinese Literature in Malay Literature in Tamil Music Principles of Accounts

Addn Combined Science

Additional Science Biology Chemistry Combined Science Computer Studies Creative 3D Animation Design & Technology Engineering Science Food & Nutrition Fundamentals of Electronics General Science Human & Social Biology Integrated Science Physics Physical Science Science (Chem, Bio) Science (Phy, Bio) Science (Phy, Chem) Science (Phy, Chem, Bio)

Addn Combined Science

Add n Science

Art / Art & Design Biology Chemistry Combined Science Computer Studies Creative 3D Animation Design & Technology Engineering Science Food & Nutrition Fundamentals of Electronics General Science Higher Art Human & Social Biology Integrated Science Physics Physical Science Science (Chem, Bio) Science (Phy, Bio) Science (Phy, Chem) Science (Phy, Chem, Bio)

B2 Best 2 other subjects excluding CCA

ELR1B3 & ELR2B2 : For ITE Courses

Course Group

Accounting Courses (ELR1B3-A)

Business Courses (ELR1B3-B)

Chemical & Life Sciences / Engineering / Information

Technology Courses (ELR2B2-E)

EL English English EL


Elementary Mathematics Additional Mathematics Principles of Accounts

Elementary Mathematics Additional Mathematics

Elementary Mathematics Additional Mathematics

1st G





nt S



Biology Chemistry Combined Science Engineering Science Integrated Science Physical Science Physics Science (Chem, Bio) Science (Phy, Bio) Science (Phy, Chem) Science (Phy, Chem, Bio)



up o




t Sub



B3 Best 3 other subjects excluding CCA

Best 2 other subjects excluding CCA



Note: (Aggregate Types) 1. Grades for both Higher Mother Tongue Language (viz. Higher Chinese, Higher Malay and Higher Tamil)

and Mother Tongue Language (viz. Chinese, Malay and Tamil) cannot be used in the same aggregate computation.

2. “Merit” and “Pass” grades for the Mother Tongue ‘B’ Syllabus (viz. Chinese ‘B’, Malay ‘B’ and Tamil ‘B’)

cannot be used for the computation of aggregate points. 3. CCA may be included in the computation of the L1R4 aggregate for admission to the MI course, provided

that all the requirements on English, Mother Tongue Language and Mathematics are satisfied. You may wish to refer to Section 4a (Table 10).


Table 7

GCE ‘O’ Level Subject Description and Code

Subj. Subj. Code Subject Description

Type Code Subject Description


11 English as a First Language O 60 Economics (OSIE) O

12 Higher Chinese O 61 Commerce / Commercial Studies O

13 Higher Malay O 62 Principles of Accounts O

14 Higher Tamil O 63 Combined Humanities H

21 English as a Second Language O 69 Higher Art H

22 Chinese O 70 Higher Music H

23 Malay O 71 Literature in English H

24 Tamil O 72 Literature in Chinese H

25 Bengali / Gujarati / Hindi / Punjabi / Urdu O 73 Literature in Malay H

33 Geometrical & Mechanical Drawing O 74 Literature in Tamil H

34 Woodwork / Metalwork / Metalwork (Engineering) / Electricity & Electronics

O 75 History H

35 Geometrical & Building Drawing O 76 Geography H

36 Design & Technology O 77 Art / Art & Design O

37 Creative 3D Animation (Applied Subject) O 78 Music O

38 Introduction to Enterprise Development (Applied Subject)

O 79 Drama (OSIE) O

39 Fundamentals of Electronics (Applied Subject)

O 80 Fashion & Fabrics O

41 Mathematics (Syllabus B, C or D) M 81 Food & Nutrition O

42 Additional Mathematics M 82 Home Management O

43 General Science S 83 Health Science O

44 Physics / Engineering Science S 84 Bible Knowledge -

45 Chemistry S 85 Islamic Religious Knowledge -

46 Biology S 86 Hindu Studies -

47 Human & Social Biology S 87 Sikh Studies -

48 Additional Science S 88 Confucian Ethics -

49 Combined Science S 89 Buddhist Studies -

50 Science (Phy, Chem) / Physical Science S 90 Approved Asian / Foreign Languages O

51 Science (Physics, Biology) S 92 Chinese Language 'B' Syllabus -

52 Science (Chemistry, Biology) S 93 Malay Language 'B' Syllabus -

53 Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology) S 94 Tamil Language 'B' Syllabus -

54 Integrated Sci. / Additional Combined Sci. S 97 Chinese/Malay (Special Programme) H

57 Physical Education (OSIE) O 98 Mother Tongue Exemption -

58 Business Studies (OSIE) O 99 Others O

59 Computer Studies (OSIE) O


The codes for "Subject Type" in the table above are abbreviated as follows:

H: Humanities S: Science

M: Mathematics O: Others, including ‘O’ Level School-Initiated Electives (OSIE) and Applied Subjects






1 Admission Criteria to Junior Colleges and Millennia Institute

1.1 The 2-year Pre-U course is offered only in Junior Colleges (JC). To be eligible for admission to a JC course, applicants must satisfy the criteria specified in Table 8:

Table 8 Eligibility Criteria For Admission To Junior Colleges

Meet Subject Requirements as specified in Table 10 ? Aggregate Range for L1R5

(excludes bonus points)

For further details on computing the aggregate, please refer to Section 4 Table 6.

Yes No

≤ 15 Eligible for Conditional Admission

16 – 20 Eligible Eligible for Conditional Admission

only if students have grades of ‘A1’ or ‘A2’ in all the R5 subjects

1.2 The 3-year Pre-U course is offered only in Millennia Institute (MI). To be eligible for admission to the MI course, applicants must satisfy the criteria specified in Table 9:

Table 9 Eligibility Criteria For Admission To Millennia Institute

Meet Subject Requirements as specified in Table 10 ? Aggregate Range for L1R4

(excludes bonus points)

For further details on computing the aggregate, please refer to Section 4 Table 6.

Yes No

≤ 15 Eligible for Conditional Admission

16 – 20 Eligible Eligible for Conditional Admission

only if students have grades of ‘A1’ or ‘A2’ in all the R4 subjects

Ministry of Education SINGAPORE


Table 10 Subject Requirements

Subject Requirement

English Language A1 to C6

Mother Tongue Language * :

Chinese Language, Malay Language, Tamil Language

OR Higher Chinese Language, Higher Malay Language, Higher Tamil Language

OR Chinese Language ‘B’ Syllabus (CLB), Malay Language ‘B’ Syllabus (MLB), Tamil Language ‘B’ Syllabus (TLB)

A1 to D7

A1 to E8

Merit or Pass



OR Additional Mathematics

A1 to D7

A1 to D7

* Official Mother Tongue Languages refer to Chinese Language (CL), Malay Language (ML) and Tamil Language (TL) taken at the Singapore-Cambridge GCE 'O' Level Examination.

Non-Tamil Indian Languages (viz. Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi, Punjabi and Urdu) and Asian/Foreign Languages (viz. Arabic, Burmese, French, German, Japanese and Thai) approved by the Ministry of Education in lieu of an Official Mother Tongue Language could be considered as Mother Tongue Language in deciding admission eligibility.

2 Conditional Admission to Junior Colleges and Millennia Institute

2.1 If you are admitted conditionally to the JC or MI course, you are required to re-sit for the relevant language and/or mathematics papers by the following year’s GCE ‘O’ Level Examination.

2.2 For Students Admitted Conditionally to JC

2.2.1 If you fail to obtain the requisite language and/or mathematics grades at the GCE ‘O’ Level Examination by the end of JC-1, you will be transferred to 2

nd year of the MI course.

You have to leave the JC course regardless of whether you had been promoted to JC-2 based on internal examination results. If you still fail to obtain the requisite language and/or mathematics grades at the GCE ‘O’ Level Examination by the end of MI-2, you will be asked to leave the MI course.

2.3 For Students Admitted Conditionally to MI

2.3.1 If you fail to obtain the requisite language and/or mathematics grades by the end of MI-1, you will be given another year to obtain it (either in MI-1 or MI-2, depending on whether you pass the internal examination). If you still fail to obtain the requisite language and/or mathematics grade at the GCE ‘O’ Level Examination by the end of that year, you will be asked to leave the MI course.






To be eligible for consideration for admission to the various courses in Nanyang Polytechnic, applicants must obtain 26 points or better for the net ELR2B2 aggregate score (i.e. English Language, 2 relevant subjects and best 2 other subjects, including CCA Bonus Points) and meet the minimum entry requirements as shown in the table of courses in this section. CCA cannot be used to meet the minimum entry requirements. The 2009 JAE COP (Cut-Off Points) as shown in this section, i.e. the net ELR2B2 aggregate score of the lowest ranked students who were admitted to these courses through the 2009 Joint Admissions Exercise (JAE), are meant as a reference for applicants applying to these courses and do not constitute the admission scores for subsequent admission exercises.

Courses Course Code

Course Group

2009 JAE COP

Minimum Entry Requirements


Accountancy & Finance

C98 B 13

Banking & Financial Services

C96 B 14

Business Management


• Human Resource Management

• Retail Management

• Supply Chain Management

• Customer Relationship Management

C94 B 16

Fund Management & Administration





C99 B 16

Sport & Wellness Management

C81 B 16

Hospitality & Tourism Management

Specialisations: • Resort Management

• Hotel Management

C67 B 14

Subject Grade a) English Language 1-6 b) Mathematics (Elementary/ Additional) 1-6 c) Any three other subjects 1-6


To be eligible for selection, you must also have sat for at least one of the following subjects:

• Art / Art & Design

• Business Studies

• Combined Humanities

• Commerce/Commercial Studies

• Economics

• Geography

• Higher Art

• Higher Music

• History

• Introduction to Enterprise Development

• Literature in English/Chinese/Malay/Tamil

• Music

• Principles of Accounts


Courses Course Code

Course Group

2009 JAE COP

Minimum Entry Requirements

Media Studies & Management

C93 B 14 Subject Grade a) English Language 1-3 b) Mathematics (Elementary/ Additional) 1-6 c) Any three other subjects 1-6


To be eligible for selection, you must also have sat for at least one of the following subjects:

• Art / Art & Design

• Business Studies

• Combined Humanities

• Commerce/Commercial Studies

• Economics

• Geography

• Higher Art

• Higher Music

• History

• Introduction to Enterprise Development

• Literature in English/Chinese/Malay/Tamil

• Music

• Principles of Accounts


Biologics & Process Technology

Specialisations: • Biopharmaceutical


• Process Technology

C49 C 17

Chemical & Green Technology

Specialisations: • Environment & Water


• Clean Energy Technology

• Petrochemical Technology

C55 C 17

Chemical & Pharmaceutical Technology

Specialisations: • Petrochemical Technology

• Pharmaceutical Technology

C73 C 18

Subject Grade a) English Language 1-7 b) Mathematics (Elementary/ Additional) 1-6 c) Any one of the following subjects: 1-6

• Biology

• Chemistry

• Combined Science

• Design & Technology

• Engineering Science

• Fundamentals of Electronics

• Physical Science

• Physics

• Science (Physics, Biology)

• Science (Chemistry, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry)


Courses Course Code

Course Group

2009 JAE COP

Minimum Entry Requirements

Food Science & Nutrition

C69 C 17

Molecular Biotechnology

Specialisations: • Biomedical Sciences

• Bio-Pharmaceuticals

• Research & Development (Microbiology & Immunology / Molecular Biology & Forensic)

C74 C 15

Pharmaceutical Sciences

Specialisations: • Pharmaceutical Practice

• Clinical Trials

C65 C 14

Subject Grade a) English Language 1-7 b) Mathematics (Elementary/ Additional) 1-6 c) Any one of the following subjects: 1-6

• Biology

• Chemistry

• Combined Science

• Creative 3D Animation

• Engineering Science

• Food & Nutrition

• Fundamentals of Electronics

• General Science

• Physical Science

• Physics

• Science (Physics, Biology)

• Science (Chemistry, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry)


Aeronautical & Aerospace Technology �

C51 C 15

Aerospace Systems & Management �

C52 C 14

Biomedical Engineering

Specialisations: • Biomedical Device Design

• Biomedical Processes & Quality System

C71 C 19

Digital & Precision Engineering


• Mould & Tool Design Analysis

• Precision Tool & Component Manufacturing

C62 C 22

Electrical Engineering �

(New course in JAE)

C48 C -

Subject Grade a) English Language 1-7 b) Mathematics (Elementary/ Additional) 1-6 c) Any one of the following subjects: 1-6

• Biology

• Chemistry

• Combined Science

• Computer Studies

• Design & Technology

• Engineering Science

• Fundamentals of Electronics

• Physical Science

• Physics

• Science (Physics, Biology)

• Science (Chemistry, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry)


Courses Course Code

Course Group

2009 JAE COP

Minimum Entry Requirements

Electronics, Computer & Communications Engineering �

Specialisations: • Automation Design

• Embedded Systems Design

• Aerospace Electronics

• Wafer Fabrication Technology

• Wireless Communications

• Telematics System

C89 C


Manufacturing Engineering Specialisations: • Aerospace Manufacturing

• Automation Systems Design

• Manufacturing Software

• Product Engineering

C88 C 26

Mechatronics Engineering � Specialisations: • Automation & System


• Biomedical Engineering

• Wafer Fabrication Technology

C87 C 26

Multimedia & Infocomm Technology

Specialisations: • Infocomm Solutions

• Communications and Networking

• Interactive Media

• IT Service Management

C75 C 24

Nanotechnology & Materials Science Specialisations: • Advanced Electronic Materials

& Semiconductor Technology

• Functional & Structured Materials

C50 C 18

Telematics & Media Technology �

Specialisations: • System Design

• Product Design

C53 C 24

Subject Grade a) English Language 1-7 b) Mathematics (Elementary/ Additional) 1-6 c) Any one of the following subjects: 1-6

• Biology

• Chemistry

• Combined Science

• Computer Studies

• Design & Technology

• Engineering Science

• Fundamentals of Electronics

• Physical Science

• Physics

• Science (Physics, Biology)

• Science (Chemistry, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry)


Courses Course Code

Course Group

2009 JAE COP

Minimum Entry Requirements


Dental Hygiene & Therapy ��




Nursing � C97* C 28

Subject Grade

a) English Language 1-7

b) Mathematics (Elementary/ Additional) 1-6

c) Any one of the following subjects: 1-6

• Biology

• Chemistry

• Combined Science

• Engineering Science

• Food & Nutrition

• General Science

• Human & Social Biology

• Physical Science

• Physics

• Science (Physics, Biology)

• Science (Chemistry, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry)


Social Sciences (Social Work)

(New course in JAE)

C47 B - Subject Grade a) English Language 1-6 b) Mathematics (Elementary/ Additional) 1-6 c) Any three other subjects 1-6


To be eligible for selection, you must also have sat for at least one of the following subjects:

• Art / Art & Design

• Business Studies

• Combined Humanities

• Commerce/Commercial Studies

• Economics

• Geography

• Higher Art

• Higher Music

• History

• Introduction to Enterprise Development

• Literature in English/Chinese/Malay/Tamil

• Music

• Principles of Accounts

* Applicants require net ELR2B2-C aggregate score of 28 points or better to be eligible for C97.


Courses Course Code

Course Group

2009 JAE COP

Minimum Entry Requirements


Business Enterprise IT

Specialisations: • Enterprise Process &


• Enterprise Database & Management

C68 C 18

Business Informatics

Specialisations: • Business

• Information Technology

C78 C 17

Digital Entertainment Technology (Games)

Specialisations: • Games Programming

• Console Programming

C70 C 21

Digital Visual Effects

Specialisations: • Visual effects for games and

real time application

• Visual effects for animation and visualization

C57 C 20

Engineering Informatics

Specialisations: • Engineering Software


• Network & IT Services

• Integrated Logistics

C80 C 23

Financial Informatics

Specialisations: • Banking & Financial Services

• Banking & Financial


C58 C 17

Information Security

Specialisations: • InfoSecurity Technology

• InfoSecurity Management

C54 C 19

Information Technology


• Digital Entertainment

• Information Security

• Internet & Mobile Computing

• IT in Finance & Investment

• IT in Life Sciences




Subject Grade a) English Language 1-7 b) Mathematics (Elementary/ Additional) 1-6 c) Any two other subjects 1-6


To be eligible for selection, you must also have sat for at least one of the following subjects:

• Additional Combined Science

• Additional Science

• Biology

• Chemistry

• Combined Science

• Computer Studies

• Creative 3D Animation

• Design & Technology

• Engineering Science

• Food & Nutrition

• Fundamentals of Electronics

• General Science

• Human & Social Biology

• Integrated Science

• Physics

• Physical Science

• Science (Chemistry, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology)


Courses Course Code

Course Group

2009 JAE COP

Minimum Entry Requirements


Digital Media Design (Animation) �

Specialisations: • 2D and 3D Animation

• Character Animation

• Concept Art

C61 D 19

Digital Media Design (Games)

Specialisation: • Games Art & Design

C60 D 21

Digital Media Design (Interaction Design) �

Specialisation: • Interaction Design for Media &





Motion Graphics & Broadcast Design �

Specialisation: • Motion Design for Advertising,

Film & Edutainment

C66 D 18

Subject Grade a) English Language 1-7 b) Mathematics (Elementary/ Additional) 1-6 c) Any three other subjects 1-6


To be eligible for selection, you must also have sat for at least one of the following subjects:

• Additional Combined Science

• Additional Science

• Art / Art & Design

• Biology

• Chemistry

• Combined Science

• Computer Studies

• Creative 3D Animation

• Design & Technology

• Engineering Science

• Food & Nutrition

• Fundamentals of Electronics

• General Science

• Higher Art

• Human & Social Biology

• Integrated Science

• Physics

• Physical Science

• Science (Chemistry, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology)

Industrial Design �

C83 D 21

Space & Interior Design �

C64 D


Visual Communication � C63 D 16

Subject Grade a) English Language 1-7 b) Mathematics (Elementary/ Additional) 1-7 c) Any three other subjects 1-6


To be eligible for selection, you must also have sat for at least one of the following subjects:

• Additional Combined Science

• Additional Science

• Art / Art & Design

• Biology

• Chemistry

• Combined Science

• Computer Studies

• Creative 3D Animation

• Design & Technology

• Engineering Science

• Food & Nutrition

• Fundamentals of Electronics

• General Science

• Higher Art

• Human & Social Biology

• Integrated Science

• Physics

• Physical Science

• Science (Chemistry, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology)


Note: (Nanyang Polytechnic) The Polytechnic Course Groups are abbreviated as follows:

B: Business-Related Courses C: Science & Technology Courses D: Design Courses

� Applicants applying for these courses must ensure that they do not suffer from colour appreciation deficiency.

� Due to the special requirements of the healthcare professions, all applicants have to pass a medical examination and be free from physical handicap to ensure suitability. Whilst not comprehensive, the following conditions will lead to non-acceptance into the course: HBsAg positive/ Hepatitis B Carrier Legal blindness Active tuberculosis Profound deafness Psychiatric condition Uncontrolled asthma

Uncontrolled epilepsy Uncontrolled diabetes Uncontrolled hypertension Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) Mobility restricted (hindering performance) Physical dependence upon mobility equipment

� Candidates will be required to take a manual dexterity test by the relevant Selection Committee to determine their

suitability for admission to the course. � Applicants with severe colour appreciation deficiency may encounter difficulties in some modules with high reliance

on colour usage. Such candidates may be required to attend an interview to determine their suitability for admission to the course.

� Applicants applying these courses must ensure that they do not suffer from either colour appreciation deficiency or hearing deficiency.


The JPSAE is conducted at the same time as the JAE. Applicants who have special talents and/or demonstrate a strong passion/aptitude for the course, and wish to be considered based on criteria beyond academic results, are encouraged to also submit their applications through the JPSAE. Short-listed applicants under the JPSAE may be invited for an interview or test. For more information on JPSAE, applicants may logon to






To be eligible for consideration for admission to the various courses in Ngee Ann Polytechnic, applicants must obtain 26

points or better for the net ELR2B2 aggregate score (i.e. English Language, 2 relevant subjects and best 2 other subjects,

including CCA Bonus Points) and meet the minimum entry requirements as shown in the table of courses in this section.

CCA cannot be used to meet the minimum entry requirements.

The 2009 JAE COP (Cut-Off Points) as shown in this section, i.e. the net ELR2B2 aggregate score of the lowest ranked students who were admitted to these courses through the 2009 Joint Admissions Exercise (JAE), are meant as a reference for applicants applying to these courses and do not constitute the admission scores for subsequent admission exercises.

Courses Course Code

Course Group

2009 JAE COP

Minimum Entry Requirements


Leisure & Business Facilities

Management ② ④ ⑤

N40 C 15

Real Estate Business N48 C 18

Sustainable Urban Design & Engineering

(New Course in JAE)

N89 C -

Subject Grade a) English Language 1-7 b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) 1-6 c) Any one of the following subjects: 1-6

• Biology

• Chemistry

• Combined Science

• Computer Studies

• Design & Technology

• Engineering Science

• Fundamentals of Electronics

• Physical Science

• Physics

• Science (Chemistry, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry)


Courses Course Code

Course Group

2009 JAE COP

Minimum Entry Requirements



N51 B 11

Arts Business Management

(New Course in JAE)

N91 B -

Banking & Financial Services

N53 B 10

Business & Social Enterprise

N79 B 13

Business Studies

Options: • Entrepreneurship

• Human Resource Management

• International Business

• Marketing

• Marketing Communication

• Psychology

• Service Management

N45 B 12

International Business

N85 B 9

International Supply Chain Management

N80 B 15

Logistics Management

N58 B 16

Tourism & Resort Management

N72 B 10

Subject Grade a) English Language 1-6 b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) 1-6 c) Any three other subjects 1-6


To be eligible for selection, you must also have sat for at least one of the following subjects:

• Art / Art & Design

• Business Studies

• Combined Humanities

• Commerce/Commercial Studies

• Economics

• Geography

• Higher Art

• Higher Music

• History

• Introduction to Enterprise Development

• Literature in English/Chinese/Malay/Tamil

• Music

• Principles of Accounts


Biomedical Science / Biomedical Laboratory

Technology ①

N59 C 9

Molecular Biotechnology

Options: • Biopharmaceutical

• Entrepreneurship

• Forensic Medicine

N49 C 12

Pharmacy Science

N73 C 11

Veterinary Bioscience (New Course in JAE)

N90 C -

Subject Grade a) English Language 1-7 b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) 1-6 c) Any one of the following subjects: 1-6

• Biology

• Chemistry

• Combined Science

• Engineering Science

• Fundamentals of Electronics

• Physical Science

• Physics

• Science (Chemistry, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry)


Courses Course Code

Course Group

2009 JAE COP

Minimum Entry Requirements

Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering

Option: Pharma & Biopharmaceutical

N56 C 14 Subject Grade a) English Language 1-7 b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) 1-6 c) Any one of the following subjects: 1-6

• Biology

• Chemistry

• Combined Science

• Computer Studies

• Design & Technology

• Engineering Science

• Fundamentals of Electronics

• Physical Science

• Physics

• Science (Chemistry, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry)

Horticulture & Landscape Management

N57 C 19 Subject Grade a) English Language 1-7 b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) 1-6 c) Any one of the following subjects: 1-6

• Biology

• Chemistry

• Combined Science

• Design & Technology

• Engineering Science

• Fundamentals of Electronics

• Physical Science

• Physics

• Science (Chemistry, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry)


Aerospace Electronics ② ③ ⑤ Option: Minor in Business Management

N75 C 14

Aerospace Technology ② ③ ⑤ Option: Minor in Business Management

N65 C 12

Audio-visual Technology ② ④ ⑤ Option: Minor in Business Management

N76 C 15

Biomedical Engineering ② ④ Option: Minor in Business Management

N60 C 17

Clean Energy Management ② ④

N84 C 16

Subject Grade a) English Language 1-7 b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) 1-6 c) Any one of the following subjects: 1-6

• Biology

• Chemistry

• Combined Science

• Computer Studies

• Design & Technology

• Engineering Science

• Fundamentals of Electronics

• Physical Science

• Physics

• Science (Chemistry, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry)


Courses Course Code

Course Group

2009 JAE COP

Minimum Entry Requirements

Electrical Engineering ② ④

Options: • Minor in Business Management • Electronics • Engineering Management • Power Engineering • Solar Technology

N43 C 24

Electronic & Computer

Engineering ② ④

Options: • Minor in Business Management

• Aerospace Electronics

• Computer and Communication Systems

• Microelectronics

N44 C 23

Engineering with Business

Management Programme ② ④ ⑥

N71 C 20

Environmental & Water

Technology ② ④ ⑤

N74 C 15

Mechanical Engineering ② ⑤

Options: • Minor in Business Management

• 6-month Internship Programme

• Automotive Technology & Motorsport

• Biomedical Applications

• Design Innovation

• Environment & Energy Systems

• Precision Engineering




Mechatronic Engineering ② ④ ⑤ Options: • Minor in Business Management

• 6-month Internship Programme

• Aerospace Applications

• Automation & Robotics

• Micro Electromechanical Systems




Subject Grade a) English Language 1-7 b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) 1-6 c) Any one of the following subjects: 1-6

• Biology

• Chemistry

• Combined Science

• Computer Studies

• Design & Technology

• Engineering Science

• Fundamentals of Electronics

• Physical Science

• Physics

• Science (Chemistry, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry)


Courses Course Code

Course Group

2009 JAE COP

Minimum Entry Requirements


Marine & Offshore Technology ② ⑤

Options: • Minor in Business Management

• Design

• Oil & Gas

N42 C 17 Subject Grade a) English Language 1-7 b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) 1-6 c) Any one of the following subjects: 1-6

• Biology

• Chemistry

• Combined Science

• Computer Studies

• Design & Technology

• Engineering Science

• Fundamentals of Electronics

• Physical Science

• Physics

• Science (Chemistry, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry)


Health Sciences (Nursing) ⑦

N69* C 28 Subject Grade a) English Language 1-7 b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) 1-6 c) Any one of the following subjects: 1-6

• Biology

• Chemistry

• Combined Science

• Food & Nutrition

• General Science

• Human & Social Biology

• Physical Science

• Physics

• Science (Chemistry, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry)

Optometry ②

N83 C 13 Subject Grade a) English Language 1-7 b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) 1-6 c) Any one of the following subjects: 1-6

• Biology

• Chemistry

• Combined Science

• Engineering Science

• Physical Science

• Physics

• Science (Chemistry, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry)

* Applicants require net ELR2B2-C aggregate score of 28 points or better to be eligible for N69.


Courses Course Code

Course Group

2009 JAE COP

Minimum Entry Requirements


Psychology & Community

Services ⑩

N77 B 10 Subject Grade a) English Language 1-6 b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) 1-7 c) Any three other subjects 1-6


To be eligible for selection, you must also have sat for at least one of the following subjects:

• Art / Art & Design

• Business Studies

• Combined Humanities

• Commerce/Commercial Studies

• Economics

• Geography

• Higher Art

• Higher Music

• History

• Introduction to Enterprise Development

• Literature in English/Chinese/Malay/Tamil

• Music

• Principles of Accounts

Chinese Media & Communication N88 B 13 Subject Grade a) English Language 1-6 b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) 1-7 c) Higher Chinese or 1-4 Chinese 1-3 d) Any two other subjects 1-6


To be eligible for selection, you must also have sat for at least one of the following subjects:

• Art / Art & Design

• Business Studies

• Combined Humanities

• Commerce/Commercial Studies

• Economics

• Geography

• Higher Art

• Higher Music

• History

• Introduction to Enterprise Development

• Literature in English/Chinese/Malay/Tamil

• Music

• Principles of Accounts


Courses Course Code

Course Group

2009 JAE COP

Minimum Entry Requirements

Chinese Studies ⑪ N70 B 11 Subject Grade a) English Language 1-6 b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) 1-7 c) Higher Chinese or 1-4 Chinese 1-2 d) Any two other subjects 1-6


To be eligible for selection, you must also have sat for at least one of the following subjects:

• Art / Art & Design

• Business Studies

• Combined Humanities

• Commerce/Commercial Studies

• Economics

• Geography

• Higher Art

• Higher Music

• History

• Introduction to Enterprise Development

• Literature in English/Chinese/Malay/Tamil

• Music

• Principles of Accounts

Child Psychology & Early

Education ⑧ ⑨




Early Childhood Education ⑦ ⑨

N66 B 15

Subject Grade a) English Language 1-4 b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) 1-6 c) Any three other subjects 1-6


To be eligible for selection, you must also have sat for at least one of the following subjects:

• Art / Art & Design

• Business Studies

• Combined Humanities

• Commerce/Commercial Studies

• Economics

• Geography

• Higher Art

• Higher Music

• History

• Introduction to Enterprise Development

• Literature in English/Chinese/Malay/Tamil

• Music

• Principles of Accounts


Courses Course Code

Course Group

2009 JAE COP

Minimum Entry Requirements


Business Information Technology N61 C 14 Subject Grade a) English Language 1-6 b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) 1-6 c) Any two other subjects 1-6


To be eligible for selection, you must also have sat for at least one of the following subjects:

• Additional Combined Science

• Additional Science

• Biology

• Chemistry

• Combined Science

• Computer Studies

• Creative 3D Animation

• Design & Technology

• Engineering Science

• Food & Nutrition

• Fundamentals of Electronics

• General Science

• Human & Social Biology

• Integrated Science

• Physical Science

• Physics

• Science (Chemistry, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology)

Financial Informatics ②

N81 C 15

Information Technology ②

Options: • Business Management

• Infocomm Sales & Marketing

• Mobile Business Application

• Solutions Architect




Multimedia & Animation ② ④ ⑤ N55 C 16

Subject Grade a) English Language 1-7 b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) 1-6 c) Any two other subjects 1-6


To be eligible for selection, you must also have sat for at least one of the following subjects:

• Additional Combined Science

• Additional Science

• Biology

• Chemistry

• Combined Science

• Computer Studies

• Creative 3D Animation

• Design & Technology

• Engineering Science

• Food & Nutrition

• Fundamentals of Electronics

• General Science

• Human & Social Biology

• Integrated Science

• Physical Science

• Physics

• Science (Chemistry, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology)


Courses Course Code

Course Group

2009 JAE COP

Minimum Entry Requirements

Network Systems & Security ② ③⑫

N64 C 18 Subject Grade a) English Language 1-7 b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) 1-6 c) Any one of the following subjects: 1-6

• Biology

• Chemistry

• Combined Science

• Computer Studies

• Design & Technology

• Engineering Science

• Fundamentals of Electronics

• Physical Science

• Physics

• Science (Chemistry, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry)


Advertising & Public Relations

N87 B 12

Mass Communication ⑬

N67 B 10

Subject Grade a) English Language 1-3 b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) 1-7 c) Any three other subjects 1-6


To be eligible for selection, you must also have sat for at least one of the following subjects:

• Art / Art & Design

• Business Studies

• Combined Humanities

• Commerce/Commercial Studies

• Economics

• Geography

• Higher Art

• Higher Music

• History

• Introduction to Enterprise Development

• Literature in English/Chinese/Malay/Tamil

• Music

• Principles of Accounts


Courses Course Code

Course Group

2009 JAE COP

Minimum Entry Requirements

Digital Visual Effects ② ④ ⑤

N78 D 15

Film, Sound & Video ② ③ ⑤ ⑭

N82 D 11

Subject Grade a) English Language 1-5 b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) 1-7 c) Any two other subjects 1-6


To be eligible for selection, you must also have sat for at least one of the following subjects:

• Additional Combined Science

• Additional Science

• Art / Art & Design

• Biology

• Chemistry

• Combined Science

• Computer Studies

• Creative 3D Animation

• Design & Technology

• Engineering Science

• Food & Nutrition

• Fundamentals of Electronics

• General Science

• Higher Art

• Human & Social Biology

• Integrated Science

• Physical Science

• Physics

• Science (Chemistry, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology)

Product Design & Innovation ② N68 D 18 Subject Grade a) English Language 1-7 b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) 1-6 c) Any three other subjects 1-6


To be eligible for selection, you must also have sat for at least one of the following subjects:

• Additional Combined Science

• Additional Science

• Art / Art & Design

• Biology

• Chemistry

• Combined Science

• Computer Studies

• Creative 3D Animation

• Design & Technology

• Engineering Science

• Food & Nutrition

• Fundamentals of Electronics

• General Science

• Higher Art

• Human & Social Biology

• Integrated Science

• Physical Science

• Physics

• Science (Chemistry, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology)


Note: (Ngee Ann Polytechnic)

The Polytechnic Course Groups are abbreviated as follows:

B : Business-Related Courses C : Science & Technology Courses D : Design Courses

① The first year of Biomedical Science and Biomedical Laboratory Technology is common to all students. Students interested in the Diploma in Biomedical Laboratory Technology must not suffer from colour appreciation deficiency. At the end of the first year, they will attend an interview to be conducted by the Department of Laboratory Medicine, National University Hospital. Students not selected for the Diploma in Biomedical Laboratory Technology course will remain in the Biomedical Science course.

② Applicants with severe vision deficiency should not apply for these courses. ③ Applicants with colour appreciation deficiency are not eligible to apply for N64 (Diploma in Network Systems &

Security), N65 (Diploma in Aerospace Technology), N75 (Diploma in Aerospace Electronics) and N82 (Diploma in Film, Sound & Video).

④ Applicants with colour appreciation deficiency may apply for and be admitted into these courses if they pass an in-house test.

⑤ Applicants with hearing deficiency should not apply for these courses. ⑥ Students applying for N71 (Engineering with Business Management Programme) will spend the first semester

doing the common modules as the four major engineering courses (i.e. Electronic & Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronic Engineering). They will have one whole semester to discover their interest and affirm their decision. At the end of the first semester, they can apply to join one of the following nine engineering diploma courses with a minor in business management – Aerospace Electronics, Aerospace Technology, Audio-visual Technology, Biomedical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronic & Computer Engineering, Marine & Offshore Technology, Mechanical Engineering or Mechatronic Engineering.

⑦ Applicants for N66 (Diploma in Early Childhood Education) and N69 [Diploma in Health Sciences (Nursing)] have to pass a medical examination and be free from physical handicap.

Whilst not comprehensive, the following medical conditions may lead to non-acceptance into the Early Childhood Education and Health Sciences (Nursing) courses:

Active tuberculosis Uncontrolled epilepsy Psychiatric condition

HBsAg positive / Hepatitis B Carrier Uncontrolled asthma Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)

Legal Blindness Uncontrolled hypertension Mobility restricted

Uncontrolled diabetes Profound deafness Physical dependence upon mobility equipment ⑧ Applicants for N86 (Diploma in Child Psychology & Early Education) have to pass a medical examination.

Whilst not comprehensive, the following medical conditions may lead to non-acceptance into the Child Psychology & Early Education course:

Active tuberculosis Uncontrolled epilepsy Psychiatric condition

HBsAg positive / Hepatitis B Carrier Uncontrolled asthma Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)

Legal Blindness Uncontrolled hypertension

Uncontrolled diabetes Profound deafness

⑨ N66 (Diploma in Early Childhood Education) and N86 (Diploma in Child Psychology & Early Education)

As stipulated by the Pre-school Qualifications Accreditation Committee (PQAC), with effect from January 2009, all new childcare and kindergarten teachers must have at least 5 GCE 'O' level passes, including a minimum grade of B4 in English as a First Language (EL1) or a minimum band score of 6.5 in the International English Language Testing System (IELTS – General Training), and a Diploma in Early Childhood Care and Education - Teaching. Therefore, to be readily employed upon graduation, all applicants should have a minimum grade of B4 in EL1.

Interested applicants with a minimum of 5 GCE ‘O’ level passes, including a minimum grade of B4 in EL1 but a D7 in Mathematics may apply for the course directly to Ngee Ann Polytechnic through the Direct Admissions Exercise (DAE) @


⑩ Applicants for N77 (Diploma in Psychology & Community Services) are required to undergo a medical examination to facilitate placement for community projects and attachments. Psychiatric conditions may lead to non-acceptance into the course.

⑪ N70 (Diploma in Chinese Studies)

Applicants who are keen on a teaching career with the Ministry of Education (MOE) are encouraged to apply under a separate exercise administered by MOE. Applicants should apply directly to MOE at the MOE teach website @ Short-listed candidates will be invited for an interview to determine their eligibility for MOE teaching bursaries. Selected candidates for the teaching bursaries must pass a medical examination.

⑫ Applicants for N64 (Diploma in Network Systems & Security) who have successfully completed the Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) course at the local secondary schools will be granted exemptions for relevant modules if they pass a practical test on a module that is equivalent to their highest completed CCNA module.


Current GCE ‘O’ level holders who possess exceptional talent in areas such as leadership, community service, entrepreneurship, sports and the arts or demonstrate a strong passion or aptitude through work attachments, sustained involvement in projects and outstanding performance in competitions, may be considered for discretionary admission under the JPSAE based on criteria beyond academic results. Application is via the joint polytechnic online portal @ Short-listed candidates under the JPSAE will be invited for an interview. The JPSAE is conducted at the same time as the JAE. All NP courses are open to JPSAE applicants. These include the following two courses with course-specific requirements: ⑬ N67 (Diploma in Mass Communication)

Besides the JAE, application for admission to the Mass Communication (MCM) course is also conducted through the Joint Polytechnic Special Admissions Exercise (JPSAE) for candidates with 2009 GCE ‘O’ level results. Those with ‘O’ level results of previous years or qualifications other than GCE ‘O’ levels should apply directly to Ngee Ann Polytechnic through the Direct Admissions Exercise (DAE) for Mass Communication. Applicants with strong writing, creative thinking and interpersonal skills are encouraged to apply. Applicants who do not meet the English requirement under the JAE but have attained a minimum grade of B4 in English are eligible to apply under the JPSAE / DAE. Short-listed candidates under the JPSAE / DAE will be invited for an interview. JPSAE applicants for Mass Communication (MCM) should apply via the joint polytechnic online portal @ during the JAE period. DAE applicants for MCM may apply online @

⑭ N82 (Diploma in Film, Sound & Video)

Besides the JAE, application for admission to the Film, Sound & Video (FSV) course is also conducted through the Joint Polytechnic Special Admissions Exercise (JPSAE) for candidates with 2009 GCE ‘O’ level results. Those with ‘O’ level results of previous years or qualifications other than GCE ‘O’ levels should apply directly to Ngee Ann Polytechnic through the Direct Admissions Exercise (DAE) for Film, Sound & Video. Applicants with strong creative abilities and a desire to express themselves through the visual media are encouraged to apply. Short-listed candidates under the JPSAE / DAE will be invited for an interview. JPSAE applicants for Film, Sound & Video (FSV) should apply via the joint polytechnic online portal @ during the JAE period. DAE applicants for FSV may apply online @






To be eligible for consideration for admission to the various courses in Republic Polytechnic, applicants must obtain 26 points or better for the net ELR2B2 aggregate score (i.e. English Language, 2 relevant subjects and best 2 other subjects, including CCA Bonus Points) and meet the minimum entry requirements as shown in the table of courses in this section. CCA cannot be used in meeting the minimum entry requirements.

The 2009 JAE COP (Cut-Off Points) as shown in this section, i.e. the net ELR2B2 aggregate score of the lowest ranked students who were admitted to these courses through the 2009 Joint Admissions Exercise (JAE), are meant as a reference for applicants applying to these courses and do not constitute the admission scores for subsequent admission exercises.

Courses Course Code

Course Group

2009 JAE COP

Minimum Entry Requirements


Biomedical Sciences R14 C 22

Biotechnology R16 C 26

Environmental Science R29 C 26

Materials Science R17 C 26

Pharmaceutical Sciences R22 C 24

Subject Grade

a) English Language 1-7

b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) 1-6

c) Any one of the following subjects: 1-6

• Additional Combined Science

• Additional Science

• Biology

• Chemistry

• Combined Science

• Computer Studies

• Creative 3D Animation

• Design & Technology

• Engineering Science

• Food & Nutrition

• Fundamentals of Electronics

• General Science

• Human & Social Biology

• Integrated Science

• Physics

• Physical Science

• Science (Chemistry, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology)


Courses Course Code

Course Group

2009 JAE COP

Minimum Entry Requirements


Aerospace Avionics R20 C 26

Aerospace Engineering (Quality Systems)

R40 C 22

Biomedical Electronics R15 C 26

Civil Aviation R39 C 24

Digital Entertainment Electronics

R38 C 26

Industrial and Operations Management

R11 C 26

Micro and Nanotechnology R30 C 26

Supply Chain Management R21 C 26

Renewable Energy Engineering

(New course in JAE)

R41 C -

Common Engineering

Programme ①

(New course in JAE)

R42 C -

Subject Grade

a) English Language 1-7

b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) 1-6

c) Any one of the following subjects: 1-6

• Additional Combined Science

• Additional Science

• Biology

• Chemistry

• Combined Science

• Computer Studies

• Creative 3D Animation

• Design & Technology

• Engineering Science

• Food & Nutrition

• Fundamentals of Electronics

• General Science

• Human & Social Biology

• Integrated Science

• Physics

• Physical Science

• Science (Chemistry, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology)


Communication and Information Design

R32 B 25 Subject Grade

a) English Language 1-5

b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) 1-7

c) Any one of the following subjects: 1-6

• Art/Art & Design

• Business Studies

• Combined Humanities

• Commerce/Commercial Studies

• Economics

• Geography

• Higher Art

• Higher Music

• History

• Introduction to Enterprise Development

• Literature in English/Chinese/Malay/Tamil

• Music

• Principles of Accounts

d) Any two other subjects 1-6


Courses Course Code

Course Group

2009 JAE COP

Minimum Entry Requirements

New Media R19 D 25

Sonic Arts R24 D 22

Technology and Arts Management

R25 D 25

Design for Interactivity R36 D 26

Game Design R35 D 25

Subject Grade

a) English Language 1-7

b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) 1-7

c) Any one of the following subjects: 1-6

• Art/Art & Design

• Higher Art

• Creative 3D Animation

• Additional Combined Science

• Additional Science

• Biology

• Chemistry

• Combined Science

• Computer Studies

• Design & Technology

• Engineering Science

• Food & Nutrition

• Fundamentals of Electronics

• General Science

• Human & Social Biology

• Integrated Science

• Physics

• Physical Science

• Science (Chemistry, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology)

d) One other subject 1-6


Outdoor and Adventure

Learning ②

R33 B 26 Subject Grade

a) English Language 1-6

b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) 1-7

c) Any one of the following subjects: 1-6

• Art/Art & Design

• Business Studies

• Combined Humanities

• Commerce/Commercial Studies

• Economics

• Geography

• Higher Art

• Higher Music

• History

• Introduction to Enterprise Development

• Literature in English/Chinese/Malay/Tamil

• Music

• Principles of Accounts

d) Any two other subjects 1-6


Courses Course Code

Course Group

2009 JAE COP

Minimum Entry Requirements

Sports and Exercise Sciences

R26 C 26

Health Management and Promotion

(New course in JAE)

R43 C -

Subject Grade

a) English Language 1-7

b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) 1-6

c) Any one of the following subjects: 1-6

• Additional Combined Science

• Additional Science

• Biology

• Chemistry

• Combined Science

• Computer Studies

• Creative 3D Animation

• Design & Technology

• Engineering Science

• Food & Nutrition

• Fundamentals of Electronics

• General Science

• Human & Social Biology

• Integrated Science

• Physics

• Physical Science

• Science (Chemistry, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology)


Business Applications


• Manufacturing and Logistics Systems

• Financial and Banking Applications

• Healthcare Applications

• Hospitality and Retail Systems

R18 C 24

Business Information Systems


• Human Resource Information Systems

• Finance and Accounting Information Systems

• Sales and Marketing Information Systems

R13 C 25

Information Technology


• Networking and Security

• IT Security

• Enterprise Infrastructure Management

R12 C 26

IT Service Management R23 C 26

Subject Grade

a) English Language 1-7

b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) 1-6

c) Any one of the following subjects: 1-6

• Additional Combined Science

• Additional Science

• Biology

• Chemistry

• Combined Science

• Computer Studies

• Creative 3D Animation

• Design & Technology

• Engineering Science

• Food & Nutrition

• Fundamentals of Electronics

• General Science

• Human & Social Biology

• Integrated Science

• Physics

• Physical Science

• Science (Chemistry, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology)


Courses Course Code

Course Group

2009 JAE COP

Minimum Entry Requirements

Interactive and Digital Media


• Digital Audio and Video

• Computer Animation

• Games Development

R31 C 24 Subject Grade

a) English Language 1-7

b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) 1-6

c) Any one of the following subjects: 1-6

• Additional Combined Science

• Additional Science

• Biology

• Chemistry

• Combined Science

• Computer Studies

• Creative 3D Animation

• Design & Technology

• Engineering Science

• Food & Nutrition

• Fundamentals of Electronics

• General Science

• Human & Social Biology

• Integrated Science

• Physics

• Physical Science

• Science (Chemistry, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology)


Customer Relationship and Service Management

R34 B 25

Hotel and Hospitality Management

R37 B 18

Integrated Events Management

R28 B 21

Sports and Leisure Management

R27 B 26

Wellness, Lifestyle and Spa Management (New course in JAE)

R44 B -

Subject Grade

a) English Language 1-6

b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) 1-6

c) Any three other subjects 1-6


To be eligible for selection, you must also have sat for at least one of the following subjects:

• Art / Art & Design

• Business Studies

• Combined Humanities

• Commerce/Commercial Studies

• Economics

• Geography

• Higher Art

• Higher Music

• History

• Introduction to Enterprise Development

• Literature in English/Chinese/Malay/Tamil

• Music

• Principles of Accounts


Note: (Republic Polytechnic)

The Polytechnic Course Groups are abbreviated as follows: B : Business-Related Courses C : Science & Technology Courses D : Design Courses ① The Common Engineering Programme allows a student to take a common course of study in the first year and be

streamed into one of the following Engineering diplomas from the second year onwards:

• Aerospace Avionics

• Aerospace Engineering (Quality Systems)

• Biomedical Electronics

• Civil Aviation

• Digital Entertainment Electronics

• Industrial and Operations Management

• Micro and Nanotechnology

• Supply Chain Management ② Due to the nature of the outdoor and adventure learning job requirements, candidates seeking admission into the

Diploma in Outdoor and Adventure Learning (DOAL) should enjoy working with youth in the outdoor environment consisting of natural and adventurous elements. The course will demand from students a substantial amount of involvement in physical activity and water based experiential activities. As such, having an affinity for the outdoors and adventure pursuits will be advantageous. Additionally, students should be able to show confidence in water whilst donning a personal flotation device.

DOAL candidates are allowed to enroll into RP on the condition that they pass a medical examination by a certified medical general practitioner. For information on the medical conditions and medical form for examination, please refer to The fee for the medical examination is to be borne by the applicant.

Candidates who do not pass the medical examination will not be accepted into the Diploma in Outdoor and Adventure







To be eligible for consideration for admission to the various courses in Singapore Polytechnic, applicants must obtain 26 points or better for the net ELR2B2 aggregate score (i.e. English Language, 2 relevant subjects and best 2 other subjects, including CCA Bonus Points) and meet the minimum entry requirements as shown in the table of courses in this section. CCA cannot be used to meet the minimum entry requirements.

The 2009 JAE COP (Cut-Off Points) as shown in this section, i.e. the net ELR2B2 aggregate score of the lowest ranked students who were admitted to these courses through the 2009 Joint Admissions Exercise (JAE), are meant as a reference for applicants applying to these courses and do not constitute the admission scores for subsequent admission exercises.

Courses Course Code

Course Group

2009 JAE COP

Minimum Entry Requirements


Architecture S66 D 17 Subject Grade

a) English Language 1-7

b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) 1-7

c) Any two other subjects 1-6


To be eligible for admission, you must also have sat for at least one of the following subjects:

• Additional Combined Science

• Additional Science

• Art / Art & Design

• Biology

• Chemistry

• Combined Science

• Computer Studies

• Creative 3D Animation

• Design & Technology

• Engineering Science

• Food & Nutrition

• Fundamentals of Electronics

• General Science

• Higher Art

• Human & Social Biology

• Integrated Science

• Physical Science

• Physics

• Science (Chemistry, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology)


Courses Course Code

Course Group

2009 JAE COP

Minimum Entry Requirements

Civil Engineering with Business S68 C 20 Subject Grade

a) English Language 1-7

b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) 1-6

c) One of the following 3rd

relevant subjects: 1-6

• Biology

• Chemistry

• Combined Science

• Design & Technology

• Fundamentals of Electronics

• Physical Science

• Physics

• Science (Chemistry, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry)

Hotel & Leisure Facilities Management


• Hotel & Leisure Management

• Property Facilities Management

S95 C 18 Subject Grade

a) English Language 1-7

b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) 1-6

c) One of the following 3rd

relevant subjects: 1-6

• Art / Art & Design

• Biology

• Chemistry

• Combined Science

• Design & Technology

• Higher Art

• Physical Science

• Physics

• Science (Chemistry, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry)

Integrated Events & Project Management

S50 C 13 Subject Grade

a) English Language 1-7

b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) 1-6

c) Any two other subjects 1-6


To be eligible for admission, you must also have sat for at least one of the following subjects:

• Additional Combined Science

• Additional Science

• Biology

• Chemistry

• Combined Science

• Computer Studies

• Creative 3D Animation

• Design & Technology

• Engineering Science

• Food & Nutrition

• Fundamentals of Electronics

• General Science

• Human & Social Biology

• Integrated Science

• Physical Science

• Physics

• Science (Chemistry, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology)


Courses Course Code

Course Group

2009 JAE COP

Minimum Entry Requirements

Landscape Architecture S94 D 18 Subject Grade

a) English Language 1-7

b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) 1-7

c) Any two other subjects 1-6


To be eligible for admission, you must also have sat for at least one of the following subjects:

• Additional Combined Science

• Additional Science

• Art / Art & Design

• Biology

• Chemistry

• Combined Science

• Computer Studies

• Creative 3D Animation

• Design & Technology

• Engineering Science

• Food & Nutrition

• Fundamentals of Electronics

• General Science

• Higher Art

• Human & Social Biology

• Integrated Science

• Physical Science

• Physics

• Science (Chemistry, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology)




• Business Development

• Finance

• Information Technology

• Integrated Accounting Practice

• International Business

S75 B 12

Banking & Financial Services


• Banking

• Financial Trading

S76 B 12

Business Administration


• Entrepreneurship

• Human Resource Management

• International Business & Trade

• Marketing Management

• Retail Management

• Logistics and Supply Chain Management

S71 B 13

Subject Grade

a) English Language 1-6

b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) 1-6

c) Any three other subjects 1-6


To be eligible for admission, you must also have sat for at least one of the following subjects:

• Art / Art & Design

• Business Studies

• Combined Humanities

• Commerce/Commercial Studies

• Economics

• Geography

• Higher Art

• Higher Music

• History

• Introduction to Enterprise Development

• Literature in English/Chinese/Malay/Tamil

• Music

• Principles of Accounts


Courses Course Code

Course Group

2009 JAE COP

Minimum Entry Requirements

Financial Informatics


• Accounting

• Finance

S46 C 13 Subject Grade

a) English Language 1-7

b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) 1-6

c) Any three other subjects 1-6


To be eligible for admission, you must also have sat for at least one of the following subjects:

• Additional Combined Science

• Additional Science

• Biology

• Chemistry

• Combined Science

• Computer Studies

• Creative 3D Animation

• Design & Technology

• Engineering Science

• Food & Nutrition

• Fundamentals of Electronics

• General Science

• Human & Social Biology

• Integrated Science

• Physical Science

• Physics

• Science (Chemistry, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology)

Human Resource Management with Psychology

S48 B 12

International Business

(New Course in JAE) S36 B -

Tourism and Resort Management S55 B 11

Subject Grade

a) English Language 1-6

b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) 1-6

c) Any three other subjects 1-6

Note: To be eligible for admission, you must also have sat for at least one of the following subjects:

• Art / Art & Design

• Business Studies

• Combined Humanities

• Commerce/Commercial Studies

• Economics

• Geography

• Higher Art

• Higher Music

• History

• Introduction to Enterprise Development

• Literature in English/Chinese/Malay/Tamil

• Music

• Principles of Accounts


Courses Course Code

Course Group

2009 JAE COP

Minimum Entry Requirements


Applied Chemistry with

Pharmaceutical Science ③ S64 C 18 Subject Grade

a) English Language 1-7

b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) 1-6

c) One of the following 3rd

relevant subjects: 1-6

• Chemistry

• Combined Science

• Physical Science

• Science (Chemistry, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry)

Biomedical Science ① ③ Specialisations:

• Cardiac Technology

• Medical Technology

S98 C 9

Biotechnology ③ S72 C 12

Subject Grade

a) English Language 1-7

b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) 1-6

c) One of the following 3rd

relevant subjects: 1-6

• Biology

• Chemistry

• Combined Science

• Physical Science

• Science (Chemistry, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry)

Chemical Engineering ③ S70 C 13 Subject Grade

a) English Language 1-7

b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) 1-6

c) One of the following 3rd

relevant subjects: 1-6

• Biology

• Chemistry

• Combined Science

• Design & Technology

• Physical Science

• Physics

• Science (Chemistry, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry)

Food Science & Technology ③

S47 C 14 Subject Grade

a) English Language 1-7

b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) 1-6

c) One of the following 3rd

relevant subjects: 1-6

• Biology

• Chemistry

• Combined Science

• Physical Science

• Physics

• Science (Chemistry, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry)


Courses Course Code

Course Group

2009 JAE COP

Minimum Entry Requirements

Materials Science

(New Course in JAE)

S37 C - Subject Grade

a) English Language 1-7

b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) 1-6

c) One of the following 3rd

relevant subjects: 1-6

• Biology

• Chemistry

• Combined Science

• Design & Technology

• Physical Science

• Physics

• Science (Chemistry, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry)

Nutrition, Health & Wellness


• Health & Fitness

• Nutrition

S44 C 13 Subject Grade

a) English Language 1-7

b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) 1-6

c) One of the following 3rd

relevant subjects: 1-6

• Biology

• Chemistry

• Combined Science

• Food & Nutrition

• Physical Science

• Physics

• Science (Chemistry, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry)

Perfumery and Cosmetic Science

(New Course in JAE)

S38 C - Subject Grade

a) English Language 1-7

b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) 1-6

c) One of the following 3rd

relevant subjects: 1-6

• Biology

• Chemistry

• Combined Science

• Physical Science

• Physics

• Science (Chemistry, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry)



Courses Course Code

Course Group

2009 JAE COP

Minimum Entry Requirements


Aeronautical Engineering ⑥ S88 C 12 Subject Grade

a) English Language 1-7

b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) 1-6

c) One of the following 3rd

relevant subjects: 1-6

• Combined Science

• Physical Science

• Physics

• Science (Physics, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry)

d) Any two other subjects 1-6

Aerospace Electronics ⑥ S90 C 14


S58 C 16

Clean Energy ⑥ S45 C 17

Subject Grade

a) English Language 1-7

b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) 1-6

c) One of the following 3rd

relevant subjects: 1-6

• Biology

• Chemistry

• Combined Science

• Design & Technology

• Fundamentals of Electronics

• Physical Science

• Physics

• Science (Chemistry, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry)

Common Engineering Programme

(New Course in JAE)

At the end of the first semester, students will opt for one of the following courses:

• Aeronautical Engineering ⑥

• Aerospace Electronics ⑥

• Bioengineering

• Clean Energy ⑥

• Computer Engineering ④

• Electrical & Electronic

Engineering ③

• Mechanical Engineering

• Mechatronics and Robotics ③

S40 C - Subject Grade

a) English Language 1-7

b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) 1-6

c) One of the following 3rd

relevant subjects: 1-6

• Biology *

• Chemistry *

• Combined Science

• Design & Technology *

• Fundamentals of Electronics *

• Physical Science

• Physics

• Science (Chemistry, Biology) *

• Science (Physics, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry)


* - At the end of the first semester, those offering these subjects as the 3

rd relevant subject cannot opt

for the Dip in Aeronautical Engineering (S88). This course also requires that applicants offer an additional 2 other subjects with Grades 1 – 6.


Courses Course Code

Course Group

2009 JAE COP

Minimum Entry Requirements

Computer Engineering ④ Specialisations:

• Business

• Computer Applications

• Computer Systems

• Networking

• Security

S53 C 19 Subject Grade

a) English Language 1-7

b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) 1-6

c) One of the following 3rd

relevant subjects: 1-6

• Biology

• Chemistry

• Combined Science

• Computer Studies

• Design & Technology

• Fundamentals of Electronics

• Physical Science

• Physics

• Science (Chemistry, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry)

Electrical & Electronic

Engineering ③ Specialisations:

• Aerospace Engineering

• Biomedical Engineering

• Business

• Communication Engineering

• Computer Engineering

• Control Engineering

• Design

• Microelectronics

• Nano Technology

• Power Engineering

• Robotics

S99 C 19 Subject Grade

a) English Language 1-7

b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) 1-6

c) One of the following 3rd

relevant subjects: 1-6

• Biology

• Chemistry

• Combined Science

• Design & Technology

• Fundamentals of Electronics

• Physical Science

• Physics

• Science (Chemistry, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry)

Engineering with Business

S42 C 14 Subject Grade

a) English Language 1-7

b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) 1-6

c) One of the following 3rd

relevant subjects: 1-6

• Biology

• Chemistry

• Combined Science

• Design & Technology

• Fundamentals of Electronics

• Physical Science

• Physics

• Science (Chemistry, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry)

d) Any two other subjects 1-6


Courses Course Code

Course Group

2009 JAE COP

Minimum Entry Requirements

Environmental Management & Water Technology

S52 C 14 Subject Grade

a) English Language 1-7

b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) 1-6

c) One of the following 3rd

relevant subjects: 1-6

• Biology

• Chemistry

• Combined Science

• Design & Technology

• Physical Science

• Physics

• Science (Chemistry, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry)

Information Communication

Technology ②


• Broadband and Security Services

• Web Technology and Services

S85 C 20 Subject Grade

a) English Language 1-7

b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) 1-6

c) One of the following 3rd

relevant subjects: 1-6

• Biology

• Chemistry

• Combined Science

• Computer Studies

• Design & Technology

• Fundamentals of Electronics

• Physical Science

• Physics

• Science (Chemistry, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry)

Mechanical Engineering


• Aeronautical Technology

• Mechanical Technology

• Precision Engineering

• Product Realisation

• Resort Facilities Management

• Systems Engineering

S91 C 20

Mechatronics and Robotics ③ S73 C 22

Subject Grade

a) English Language 1-7

b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) 1-6

c) One of the following 3rd

relevant subjects: 1-6

• Biology

• Chemistry

• Combined Science

• Design & Technology

• Fundamentals of Electronics

• Physical Science

• Physics

• Science (Chemistry, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry)


Courses Course Code

Course Group

2009 JAE COP

Minimum Entry Requirements


Optometry S67 C 12 Subject Grade

a) English Language 1-7

b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) 1-6

c) One of the following 3rd

relevant subjects: 1-6

• Biology

• Chemistry

• Combined Science

• Physical Science

• Science (Chemistry, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry)


Applied Drama and Psychology

S43 B 13 Subject Grade

a) English Language 1-6

b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) 1-7

c) Any three other subjects 1-6


To be eligible for admission, you must also have sat for at least one of the following subjects:

• Art / Art & Design

• Business Studies

• Combined Humanities

• Commerce/Commercial Studies

• Economics

• Geography

• Higher Art

• Higher Music

• History

• Introduction to Enterprise Development

• Literature in English/Chinese/Malay/Tamil

• Music

• Principles of Accounts


Courses Course Code

Course Group

2009 JAE COP

Minimum Entry Requirements


Business Information Technology


• Entrepreneurship

• E-Business Services

• New Media Marketing

S82 C 14 Subject Grade

a) English Language 1-7

b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) 1-6

c) Any three other subjects 1-6


To be eligible for admission, you must also have sat for at least one of the following subjects:

• Additional Combined Science

• Additional Science

• Biology

• Chemistry

• Combined Science

• Computer Studies

• Creative 3D Animation

• Design & Technology

• Engineering Science

• Food & Nutrition

• Fundamentals of Electronics

• General Science

• Human & Social Biology

• Integrated Science

• Physical Science

• Physics

• Science (Chemistry, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology)

Digital Media

S57 C 18

Infocomm Security Management S54 C 12

Information Technology


• Enterprise Systems

• Game Development

• Hospitality and Tourism

• Information Systems

S69 C 18

Subject Grade

a) English Language 1-7

b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) 1-6

c) Any two other subjects 1-6


To be eligible for admission, you must also have sat for at least one of the following subjects:

• Additional Combined Science

• Additional Science

• Biology

• Chemistry

• Combined Science

• Computer Studies

• Creative 3D Animation

• Design & Technology

• Engineering Science

• Food & Nutrition

• Fundamentals of Electronics

• General Science

• Human & Social Biology

• Integrated Science

• Physical Science

• Physics

• Science (Chemistry, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology)


Courses Course Code

Course Group

2009 JAE COP

Minimum Entry Requirements

Music & Audio Technology S97 C 11 Subject Grade

a) English Language 1-7

b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) 1-6

c) Any three other subjects 1-6


To be eligible for admission, you must also have sat for at least one of the following subjects:

• Additional Combined Science

• Additional Science

• Biology

• Chemistry

• Combined Science

• Computer Studies

• Creative 3D Animation

• Design & Technology

• Engineering Science

• Food & Nutrition

• Fundamentals of Electronics

• General Science

• Human & Social Biology

• Integrated Science

• Physical Science

• Physics

• Science (Chemistry, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology)


Maritime Business

S74 C 18 Subject Grade

a) English Language 1-7

b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) 1-6

c) Any two other subjects 1-6


To be eligible for admission, you must also have sat for at least one of the following subjects:

• Additional Combined Science

• Additional Science

• Biology

• Chemistry

• Combined Science

• Computer Studies

• Creative 3D Animation

• Design & Technology

• Engineering Science

• Food & Nutrition

• Fundamentals of Electronics

• General Science

• Human & Social Biology

• Integrated Science

• Physical Science

• Physics

• Science (Chemistry, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology)


Courses Course Code

Course Group

2009 JAE COP

Minimum Entry Requirements

Marine Engineering ③ Specialisations:

• Offshore Technology

• Shipboard Operations

S63 C 17 Subject Grade

a) English Language 1-7

b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) 1-6

c) One of the following 3rd

relevant subjects: 1-6

• Biology

• Chemistry

• Combined Science

• Design & Technology

• Fundamentals of Electronics

• Physical Science

• Physics

• Science (Chemistry, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry)


Creative Writing for Television and New Media

S41 B 13 Subject Grade

a) English Language 1-4

b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) 1-7

c) Any three other subjects 1-6

Note: To be eligible for admission, you must also have sat for at least one of the following subjects:

• Art / Art & Design

• Business Studies

• Combined Humanities

• Commerce/Commercial Studies

• Economics

• Geography

• Higher Art

• Higher Music

• History

• Introduction to Enterprise Development

• Literature in English/Chinese/ Malay/Tamil

• Music

• Principles of Accounts


Courses Course Code

Course Group

2009 JAE COP

Minimum Entry Requirements

Digital Animation

(New Course in JAE)

S35 D -

Experience and Product Design S51 D 17

Subject Grade

a) English Language 1-7

b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) 1-7

c) Any two other subjects 1-6


To be eligible for admission, you must also have sat for at least one of the following subjects:

• Additional Combined Science

• Additional Science

• Art / Art & Design

• Biology

• Chemistry

• Combined Science

• Computer Studies

• Creative 3D Animation

• Design & Technology

• Engineering Science

• Food & Nutrition

• Fundamentals of Electronics

• General Science

• Higher Art

• Human & Social Biology

• Integrated Science

• Physical Science

• Physics

• Science (Chemistry, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology)

Games Design & Development S56 D 15 Subject Grade

a) English Language 1-7

b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) 1-6

c) Any two other subjects 1-6


To be eligible for admission, you must also have sat for at least one of the following subjects:

• Additional Combined Science

• Additional Science

• Art / Art & Design

• Biology

• Chemistry

• Combined Science

• Computer Studies

• Creative 3D Animation

• Design & Technology

• Engineering Science

• Food & Nutrition

• Fundamentals of Electronics

• General Science

• Higher Art

• Human & Social Biology

• Integrated Science

• Physical Science

• Physics

• Science (Chemistry, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology)


Courses Course Code

Course Group

2009 JAE COP

Minimum Entry Requirements

Interior Design S89 D 17 Subject Grade

a) English Language 1-7

b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) 1-7

c) Any two other subjects 1-6


To be eligible for admission, you must also have sat for at least one of the following subjects:

• Additional Combined Science

• Additional Science

• Art / Art & Design

• Biology

• Chemistry

• Combined Science

• Computer Studies

• Creative 3D Animation

• Design & Technology

• Engineering Science

• Food & Nutrition

• Fundamentals of Electronics

• General Science

• Higher Art

• Human & Social Biology

• Integrated Science

• Physical Science

• Physics

• Science (Chemistry, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology)

Media and Communication


• Advertising Creative Services

• Radio & TV Production

S86 B 12 Subject Grade

a) English Language 1-4

b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) 1-7

c) Any three other subjects 1-6

Note: To be eligible for admission, you must also have sat for at least one of the following subjects:

• Art / Art & Design

• Business Studies

• Combined Humanities

• Commerce/Commercial Studies

• Economics

• Geography

• Higher Art

• Higher Music

• History

• Introduction to Enterprise Development

• Literature in English/Chinese/ Malay/Tamil

• Music

• Principles of Accounts


Courses Course Code

Course Group

2009 JAE COP

Minimum Entry Requirements

Visual Communication and Media Design

S93 D 14 Subject Grade

a) English Language 1-6

b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) 1-6

c) Any two other subjects 1-6


To be eligible for admission, you must also have sat for at least one of the following subjects:

• Additional Combined Science

• Additional Science

• Art / Art & Design

• Biology

• Chemistry

• Combined Science

• Computer Studies

• Creative 3D Animation

• Design & Technology

• Engineering Science

• Food & Nutrition

• Fundamentals of Electronics

• General Science

• Higher Art

• Human & Social Biology

• Integrated Science

• Physical Science

• Physics

• Science (Chemistry, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology)

Visual Effects and Motion

Graphics ⑤

(New Course in JAE)

S39 D - Subject Grade

a) English Language 1-7

b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) 1-7

c) Any two other subjects 1-6


To be eligible for admission, you must also have sat for at least one of the following subjects:

• Additional Combined Science

• Additional Science

• Art / Art & Design

• Biology

• Chemistry

• Combined Science

• Computer Studies

• Creative 3D Animation

• Design & Technology

• Engineering Science

• Food & Nutrition

• Fundamentals of Electronics

• General Science

• Higher Art

• Human & Social Biology

• Integrated Science

• Physical Science

• Physics

• Science (Chemistry, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology)


Note: (Singapore Polytechnic)

The Polytechnic Course Groups are abbreviated as follows:

B: Business-Related Courses C: Science & Technology Courses D: Design Courses ① The 1

st year of S98 (Dip in Biomedical Science) is common and at the end of Year 1, students opt for one of the

following programmes:

i. Biomedical Science (Cardiac Technology) ii. Biomedical Science (Medical Technology) ② The 1

st year of S85 (Dip in Information Communication Technology) is common and at the end of Year 1, students opt

for one of the following programmes: i. Information Communication Technology (Broadband and Security Services) ii. Information Communication Technology (Web Technology and Services) ③ Applicants applying for these courses must ensure that they do not suffer from colour appreciation deficiency. ④ Applicants applying for S53 (Dip in Computer Engineering) who are suffering from impairments must be prepared for

interviews and to undergo any manual dexterity or aptitude tests. ⑤ Applicants with colour appreciation deficiency applying for S39 (Dip in Visual Effects and Motion Graphics) will be

required to attend an interview to determine their suitability for admission to the course. ⑥ Applicants applying for these courses must ensure that they do not suffer from either colour appreciation deficiency or

hearing deficiency. JOINT POLYTECHNIC SPECIAL ADMISSIONS EXERCISE (JPSAE) Current GCE ‘O’ level holders who possess exceptional talent in areas such as leadership, community service, entrepreneurship, sports and the arts or demonstrate a strong passion or aptitude through work attachments, sustained involvement in projects and outstanding performance in competitions, may be considered for discretionary admission under the JPSAE based on criteria beyond academic results. Application is via the joint polytechnic online portal @ Short-listed applicants under the JPSAE will be invited for an interview. DIRECT ADMISSIONS EXERCISE (DAE) Application for admission to the Diploma in Nautical Studies is conducted as a separate admissions exercise by Singapore Polytechnic. An advertisement on this course will be published in the local newspapers. Interested applicants should apply directly to Singapore Polytechnic.






To be eligible for consideration for admission to the various courses in Temasek Polytechnic, applicants must obtain 26 points or better for the net ELR2B2 aggregate score (i.e. English Language, 2 relevant subjects and best 2 other subjects, including CCA Bonus Points) and meet the minimum entry requirements as shown in the table of courses in this section. CCA cannot be used to meet the minimum entry requirements. The 2009 JAE COP (Cut-Off Points) as shown in this section, i.e. the net ELR2B2 aggregate score of the lowest ranked students who were admitted to these courses through the 2009 Joint Admissions Exercise (JAE), are meant as a reference for applicants applying to these courses and do not constitute the admission scores for subsequent admission exercises.

Courses Course Code

Course Group

2009 JAE COP

Minimum Entry Requirements


Green Building & Sustainability T29 C 22

Integrated Facility Management

Electives: �

• Aviation Facilities

• Hospitality Facilities

T28 C 17

Subject Grade

a) English Language 1-7

b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) 1-6

c) Any one of the following subjects: 1-6

• Biology

• Chemistry

• Combined Science

• Design & Technology

• Engineering Science

• Physical Science

• Physics

• Science (Chemistry, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry)


Accounting & Finance

Electives: � • Accounting

• Banking

• Investment

T02 B 11 Subject Grade

a) English Language 1-6

b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) 1-6

c) Any three other subjects 1-6


To be eligible for selection, applicants must also have sat for at least one of the following subjects:

• Art/Art & Design

• Business Studies

• Combined Humanities

• Commerce/Commercial Studies

• Economics

• Geography

• Higher Art

• Higher Music

• History

• Introduction to Enterprise Development

• Literature in English/Chinese/Malay/Tamil

• Music

• Principles of Accounts


Courses Course Code

Course Group

2009 JAE COP

Minimum Entry Requirements

Business/ Logistics & Operations Management/ Marketing

The first year is common to all students and they will opt for one of the following diplomas at the end of Year 1:

i. Dip in Business ii. Dip in Logistics & Operations

Management iii. Dip in Marketing

Electives: � Dip in Business

• Banking

• Corporate Communications

• Finance & Investment • Human Resource Management • Entrepreneurship • Marketing • Tourism & Leisure Business

Dip in Logistics & Operations Management

• International Logistics

• Supply Chain

• Specialised Logistics

Dip in Marketing

• Services Marketing

• Business Calculus

T01 B 15

Culinary & Catering Management T18 B 14

Hospitality & Tourism Management

T08 B 13

Leisure & Resort Management

T19 B 14

Retail Management

T39 B 16

Subject Grade

a) English Language 1-6 b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) 1-6 c) Any three other subjects 1-6


To be eligible for selection, applicants must also have sat for at least one of the following subjects:

• Art/Art & Design

• Business Studies

• Combined Humanities

• Commerce/Commercial Studies

• Economics

• Geography

• Higher Art

• Higher Music

• History

• Introduction to Enterprise Development

• Literature in English/Chinese/Malay/Tamil

• Music

• Principles of Accounts

Aviation Management & Services

Concentrations: • Airport Management

• Airline Business

• Air Traffic Management

• Flight Operations

T04 C 10

Business Process & Systems Engineering

Concentrations: • Customer Relationship


• Systems Modeling & Simulation

T43 C 18

Subject Grade

a) English Language 1-7 b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) 1-6 c) Any one of the following subjects: 1-6

• Biology

• Chemistry

• Combined Science

• Design & Technology

• Engineering Science

• Physical Science

• Physics

• Science (Chemistry, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry)


Courses Course Code

Course Group

2009 JAE COP

Minimum Entry Requirements

Business Information Technology � T36 C 16 Subject Grade

a) English Language 1-7 b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) 1-6 c) Any three other subjects 1-6


To be eligible for selection, applicants must also have sat for at least one of the following subjects:

• Additional Combined Science

• Additional Science

• Biology

• Chemistry

• Combined Science

• Computer Studies

• Creative 3D Animation

• Design & Technology

• Engineering Science

• Food & Nutrition

• Fundamentals of Electronics

• General Science

• Human & Social Biology

• Integrated Science

• Physical Science

• Physics

• Science (Chemistry, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology)

Communications & Media Management

Options: �

• Journalism & Publishing

• Media & Marketing Management

• Broadcasting

T40 B 11 Subject Grade

a) English Language 1-3 b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) 1-7 c) Any one of the following subjects: 1-6

• Art/Art & Design

• Business Studies

• Combined Humanities

• Commerce/Commercial Studies

• Economics

• Geography

• History

• Higher Art

• Higher Music

• Introduction to Enterprise Development

• Literature in English/Chinese/Malay/Tamil

• Music

• Principles of Accounts

d) Any two other subjects 1-6


Courses Course Code

Course Group

2009 JAE COP

Minimum Entry Requirements

Financial Business Informatics �

Options: �

• Finance

• Banking

T17 C 14 Subject Grade

a) English Language 1-7 b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) 1-6 c) Any two other subjects 1-6


To be eligible for selection, applicants must also have sat for at least one of the following subjects:

• Additional Combined Science

• Additional Science

• Biology

• Chemistry

• Combined Science

• Computer Studies

• Creative 3D Animation

• Design & Technology

• Engineering Science

• Food & Nutrition

• Fundamentals of Electronics

• General Science

• Human & Social Biology

• Integrated Science

• Physical Science

• Physics

• Science (Chemistry, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology)

Law & Management T09 B 14 Subject Grade

a) English Language 1-4 b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) 1-6 c) Any three other subjects 1-6


To be eligible for selection, applicants must also have sat for at least one of the following subjects:

• Art/Art & Design

• Business Studies

• Combined Humanities

• Commerce/Commercial Studies

• Economics

• Geography

• Higher Art

• Higher Music

• History

• Introduction to Enterprise Development

• Literature in English/Chinese/Malay/Tamil

• Music

• Principles of Accounts


Courses Course Code

Course Group

2009 JAE COP

Minimum Entry Requirements


Applied Food Science & Nutrition

T26 C 16

Baking & Culinary Science

T44 C 16

Biomedical Science �

T27 C 11


T31 C 14

Chemical Engineering

T33 C 18

Pharmaceutical Science

T25 C 14

Veterinary Technology �

T45 C 11

Subject Grade

a) English Language 1-7

b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) 1-6

c) Any one of the following subjects: 1-6

• Biology

• Chemistry

• Combined Science

• Engineering Science

• Physical Science

• Physics

• Science (Chemistry, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry)

Biomedical Informatics & Engineering �

Electives: 4

• Audiometry & Hearing Devices

• Clinical Laboratory Equipment

T38 C 17 Subject Grade

a) English Language 1-7

b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) 1-6

c) Any one of the following subjects: 1-6

• Biology

• Chemistry

• Combined Science

• Design & Technology

• Engineering Science

• Physical Science

• Physics

• Science (Chemistry, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry)


Aerospace Electronics � �

T50 C 14

Aerospace Engineering � �

T51 C 13

Clean Energy �

T52 C 16

Computer Engineering

Electives: �

• Game Programming

• Network Security

• ASP.NET programming

T13 C 18

Subject Grade

a) English Language 1-7

b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) 1-6

c) Any one of the following subjects: 1-6

• Biology

• Chemistry

• Combined Science

• Design & Technology

• Engineering Science

• Physical Science

• Physics

• Science (Chemistry, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry)


Courses Course Code

Course Group

2009 JAE COP

Minimum Entry Requirements

Electronics/ Media & Communication Technology/ Computer Engineering/ Microelectronics �

The first year is common to all students and they will opt for one of the following diplomas at the end of Year 1:

1) Dip in Electronics (with

options)�: • Aerospace Electronics

• Business

• Robotics

• Networking 2) Dip in Media & Communication Technology (with electives)�:

• Wireless Networks

• Multimedia Services 3) Dip in Computer Engineering

(with electives)�:

• Game Programming

• Network Security

• ASP.NET programming 4) Dip in Microelectronics (with

electives)�: • Nanotechnology

• Materials Science

T05 C 21 Subject Grade

a) English Language 1-7

b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) 1-6

c) Any one of the following subjects: 1-6

• Biology

• Chemistry

• Combined Science

• Design & Technology

• Engineering Science

• Physical Science

• Physics

• Science (Chemistry, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry)

Media & Communication Technology

Electives: �

• Wireless Networks

• Multimedia Services

T12 C 20

Mechatronics �

Options: �

• Aerospace Engineering

• Process Control & Automation

• Robotics

T06 C 21


Courses Course Code

Course Group

2009 JAE COP

Minimum Entry Requirements


Early Childhood Studies � �

(New Course in JAE)

T54 B - Subject Grade

a) English Language 1-6

b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) 1-6

c) Any three other subjects 1-6


To be eligible for selection, applicants must also have sat for at least one of the following subjects:

• Art/Art & Design

• Business Studies

• Combined Humanities

• Commerce/Commercial Studies

• Economics

• Geography

• Higher Art

• Higher Music

• History

• Introduction to Enterprise Development

• Literature in English/Chinese/Malay/Tamil

• Music

• Principles of Accounts

Gerontological Management Studies

T53 B 15

Psychology Studies T48 B 8

Subject Grade

a) English Language 1-6

b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) 1-7

c) Any three other subjects 1-6


To be eligible for selection, applicants must also have sat for at least one of the following subjects:

• Art/Art & Design

• Business Studies

• Combined Humanities

• Commerce/Commercial Studies

• Economics

• Geography

• Higher Art

• Higher Music

• History

• Introduction to Enterprise Development

• Literature in English/Chinese/Malay/Tamil

• Music

• Principles of Accounts


Courses Course Code

Course Group

2009 JAE COP

Minimum Entry Requirements


Cyber & Digital Security �

T15 C 18

Game & Entertainment Technology �

T16 C 18

Information Technology �

Options: �

• Enterprise IT

• Enterprise Business Informatics

T30 C 20

Interactive Media Informatics �

Options: �

• Rich Media Commerce

• 3D Digital Entertainment

• Edumatics

T34 C 20

Mobile & Network Services �

Options: �

• Mobile Solutions

• IT Service Management

T42 C 23

Subject Grade

a) English Language 1-7

b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) 1-6

c) Any two other subjects 1-6


To be eligible for selection, applicants must also have sat for at least one of the following subjects:

• Additional Combined Science

• Additional Science

• Biology

• Chemistry

• Combined Science

• Computer Studies

• Creative 3D Animation

• Design & Technology

• Engineering Science

• Food & Nutrition

• Fundamentals of Electronics

• General Science

• Human & Social Biology

• Integrated Science

• Physical Science

• Physics

• Science (Chemistry, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology)


Electives: �

• Game Programming & Web Services

• Networking & Media Communications

T37 C 22 Subject Grade

a) English Language 1-7

b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) 1-6

c) Any one of the following subjects: 1-6

• Biology

• Chemistry

• Combined Science

• Design & Technology

• Engineering Science

• Physical Science

• Physics

• Science (Chemistry, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry)


Courses Course Code

Course Group

2009 JAE COP

Minimum Entry Requirements


Apparel Design & Merchandising �

Options: �

• Fashion Design & Merchandising

• Retail & Visual Merchandising

T20 D 14

Moving Images � Options: �

• Video

• Animation

T23 D 17

Visual Communication � (Visual Communication covers Advertising & Design)

Options: �

• Graphic Design

• Illustration

• Photography

T24 D 12

Subject Grade

a) English Language 1-6

b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) 1-7

c) Any three other subjects 1-6


To be eligible for selection, applicants must also have sat for at least one of the following subjects:

• Additional Combined Science

• Additional Science

• Art/Art & Design

• Biology

• Chemistry • Combined Science

• Computer Studies

• Creative 3D Animation

• Design & Technology

• Engineering Science

• Food & Nutrition

• Fundamentals of Electronics

• General Science

• Higher Art

• Human & Social Biology

• Integrated Science

• Physical Science

• Physics

• Science (Chemistry, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology)


Courses Course Code

Course Group

2009 JAE COP

Minimum Entry Requirements

Environment Design �

T46 D 19

Interactive Media Design �

T21 D 17

Interior Architecture & Design �

T22 D 14

Product & Industrial Design � �

T35 D 17

Retail & Hospitality Design �

T47 D 16

Subject Grade

a) English Language 1-7 b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) 1-7 c) Any three other subjects 1-6


To be eligible for selection, applicants must also have sat for at least one of the following subjects:

• Additional Combined Science

• Additional Science

• Art/Art & Design

• Biology

• Chemistry • Combined Science

• Computer Studies

• Creative 3D Animation

• Design & Technology

• Engineering Science

• Food & Nutrition

• Fundamentals of Electronics

• General Science

• Higher Art

• Human & Social Biology

• Integrated Science

• Physical Science

• Physics

• Science (Chemistry, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology)

Interactive Media Technology �

Concentrations: • 3D Simulations

• 3D Product Modeling

• 3D Displays

T49 C 21 Subject Grade

a) English Language 1-7

b) Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) 1-6

c) Any one of the following subjects: 1-6

• Biology

• Chemistry

• Combined Science

• Design & Technology

• Engineering Science

• Physical Science

• Physics

• Science (Chemistry, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry)

Note: (Temasek Polytechnic) The Polytechnic Course Groups are abbreviated as follows: B: Business-Related Courses C: Science & Technology Courses D: Design Courses

� Applicants applying for these courses must ensure that they do not suffer from complete colour appreciation deficiency.

Applicants with partial colour appreciation deficiency may apply. Applicants who do not satisfy the pre-requisite may lead to non-acceptance to the course of study.

� Applicants applying for these courses must ensure that they do not suffer from colour appreciation deficiency.

Applicants who do not satisfy the pre-requisite may lead to non-acceptance to the course of study.


� For safety reasons, applicants applying for these courses must ensure that they do not suffer from medical conditions

such as epilepsy or hearing impairment.

� Allocation of options/ electives will depend on students fulfilling the prerequisite of completing selected modules,

meeting criteria, and also availability of places in the respective courses.

� In addition to satisfying the Fitness requirement at the Polytechnic’s pre-enrolment medical examination and medical

requirements of other regulatory authorities (if applicable), applicants offered a place in T54 (Diploma in Early Childhood Studies) must also be free from physical disabilities.

Whilst not comprehensive, the following medical conditions may lead to non-acceptance into the Early Childhood Studies course:

Active tuberculosis Uncontrolled epilepsy Psychiatric condition

HBsAg positive / Hepatitis B Carrier

Uncontrolled asthma Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)

Legal Blindness Uncontrolled hypertension Mobility restricted

Uncontrolled diabetes Profound deafness Physical dependence upon mobility equipment

� Applicants admitted to T54 (Diploma in Early Childhood Studies) and are keen to register as pre-school teachers after

graduation must ensure that they obtain a minimum of B4 in their GCE ‘O’ Level English Language (English as a First Language) or a minimum band of 6.5 in the International English Language Testing System (IELTS – General Training). Applicants who do not meet the English requirement must ensure that they do so within 2 years of their registration as pre-school teachers.

� The first semester in T05 (Electronics/ Media & Communication Technology/ Computer Engineering/ Microelectronics)

and T50 (Diploma in Aerospace Electronics) are common. Suitable students from the Electronics/ Media & Communication Technology/ Computer Engineering/ Microelectronics course can join the Diploma in Aerospace Electronics course after their first semester.

JOINT POLYTECHNIC SPECIAL ADMISSIONS EXERCISE (JPSAE) & DIRECT ADMISSIONS EXERCISE (DAE) Besides the application through JAE, applicants who have special aptitude and talents and wish to be considered based on criteria beyond academic results are also encouraged to submit their applications through the JPSAE. Short-listed applicants under the JPSAE may be invited for an interview or test. For more information on JPSAE, applicants may logon to Candidates who are not eligible for JPSAE may appeal through DAE at APPLICATION FOR DIPLOMA IN CONSUMER SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY Applicants who are keen on a teaching career as Home Economics Teachers with the Ministry of Education (MOE) are encouraged to apply for the Diploma in Consumer Science & Technology course under a separate exercise administered by MOE. Applicants should apply directly to MOE at the following website:






To be eligible for consideration for admission to the Higher Nitec courses, applicants must have the minimum results as shown in the table of courses for this section. CCA cannot be used to meet the minimum entry requirements.

Minimum Entry Requirements Courses ITE Campus

Course Code

Course Group

Subject Grade


ITE College East V27 A Accounting

ITE College Central (Bishan Campus)

V39 A

Banking Services ITE College Central (Bishan Campus)

V52 A

a) English Language 1-7

b) Mathematics/Principles of Accounts 1-7

c) One other subject 1-7


ITE College West

(Clementi Campus) ④ V33 B Business Studies (Administration)

ITE College Central (Bishan Campus)

V38 B

Business Studies (Event Management)

ITE College Central (Bishan Campus)

V40 B

Business Studies (Service Management)

ITE College West

(Clementi Campus) ④

V53 B

Business Studies (Sport

Management) ③ ITE College East V19 B

Hospitality Operations ③ ITE College West

(Clementi Campus) ④ V41 B

Leisure & Travel Operations ③ ITE College West

(Clementi Campus) ④ V51 B

a) English Language 1-6

b) Mathematics 1-8

c) One other subject 1-7

Integrated Logistics Management

ITE College East V22

B a) English Language 1-7

b) Mathematics 1-7

c) One other subject 1-7

Early Childhood Education ② ITE College Central (Bishan Campus)


B a) English Language 1-4 b) Any two other subjects 1-6 Note: To be eligible for selection, you must also have sat for Mathematics.


Minimum Entry Requirements Courses ITE Campus

Course Code

Course Group

Subject Grade

Beauty & Spa Management ② ③ (New Course in JAE)

ITE College East V54 B a) English Language 1-7 b) Any two other subjects 1-7 Note: To be eligible for selection, you must also have sat for Mathematics.

Visual Merchandising ① ③

(New Course in JAE)

ITE College Central (Bishan Campus)

V55 B a) English Language 1-7 b) Any two other subjects 1-8 Note: To be eligible for selection, you must also have sat for Mathematics.


Biotechnology ① ITE College East V18 E

Business Information

Systems ① ITE College East V49 E

Chemical Technology ① ITE College East V44 E

Civil & Structural Engineering Design

(New Course in JAE)

ITE College Central (Tampines Campus)

V56 E

ITE College West

(Dover Campus) ④ V15 E Electrical Engineering ①

ITE College East V28 E

ITE College Central (Tampines Campus)

V11 E

ITE College West

(Dover Campus) ④ V14 E

Electronics Engineering ①

ITE College East V29 E

Facility Systems Design/ Process Plant Design/ Offshore & Marine Engineering Design

(New Courses in JAE)

The first year is common to all students. At the end of first year, students will select one of the following Higher Nitec courses based on merit: i. Higher Nitec in Facility

Systems Design ii. Higher Nitec in Process

Plant Design iii. Higher Nitec in Offshore &

Marine Engineering Design

ITE College Central (Tampines Campus)

V57 E

Information Systems Quality

(New Course in JAE)

ITE College Central (MacPherson


V58 E

a) English Language 1-8

b) Mathematics 1-7

c) One of the following subjects: 1-8

• Biology

• Chemistry

• Combined Science

• Engineering Science

• Integrated Science

• Physical Science

• Physics

• Science (Chemistry, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry)

• Science (Physics, Biology, Chemistry)


Minimum Entry Requirements Courses ITE Campus

Course Code

Course Group

Subject Grade

ITE College West

(Dover Campus) ④ V25 E

ITE College Central (Tampines Campus)

V26 E

Information Technology ①

ITE College East V30 E

Marine Offshore Engineering ITE College Central (Yishun Campus)

V46 E

ITE College West

(Dover Campus) ④ V17 E

ITE College Central (Tampines Campus)

V21 E

Mechanical Engineering

ITE College East V35 E

ITE College Central (Tampines Campus)

V13 E Mechatronics Engineering ①

ITE College West

(Dover Campus) ④ V16 E

Mobile Unified

Communications ①

(New Course in JAE)

ITE College Central (MacPherson


V59 E

ITE College East V47 E Network Security Technology ① ITE College West

(Dover Campus) ④ V48 E

Security System Integration ①

ITE College West

(Dover Campus) ④ V60 E

Wireless Technology ① ITE College East V20 E

Games Design &

Development ①

ITE College Central (MacPherson


V45 E a) English Language 1-8

b) Mathematics 1-7

c) One of the following subjects: 1-7

• Combined Science

• Engineering Science

• Integrated Science

• Physical Science

• Physics

• Science (Physics, Biology)

• Science (Physics, Chemistry)

• Science (Physics, Biology, Chemistry)

Note : (ITE) The ITE Course Groups are abbreviated as follows:

A : A: Accounting Courses B : B: Business Courses E: Chemical & Life Sciences / Engineering / Information Technology Courses

① Applicants applying for these courses must ensure that they do not suffer from colour appreciation deficiency. ② Applicants applying for Higher Nitec in Early Childhood Education [V42] and Higher Nitec in Beauty & Spa

Management [V54] have to pass a pre-admission medical examination.


SPECIAL ADMISSIONS EXERCISE (SAE) ③ ITE also conducts a Special Admissions Exercise for admission to the following courses.

Higher Nitec in Beauty & Spa Management [V54]

Besides the JAE, ITE College East also conducts a Special Admissions Exercise (SAE) for those who possess a good service mindset, pleasant disposition and good skin complexion and enjoy working in the beauty and spa industry to apply for V54 [Higher Nitec in Beauty & Spa Management]. Applicants who are interested to apply for the course may check directly with ITE College East for more information. Shortlisted candidates under SAE are required to attend an interview. All applicants also have to pass a pre-admission medical examination.

Higher Nitec in Business Studies (Sport Management) [V19]

Besides the JAE, ITE College East also conducts a Special Admissions Exercise (SAE) for those who possess a strong sports background and healthy lifestyle mindset to apply for V19 [Higher Nitec in Business Studies (Sport Management)]. Applicants who are interested to apply may check directly with ITE College East for more information. Short-listed candidates may be invited to attend an interview before the final selection.

Higher Nitec in Hospitality Operations [V41]

Besides the JAE, ITE College West (Clementi Campus) also conducts a Special Admissions Exercise (SAE) for those who possess a strong affinity towards customer service and have an outgoing personality to apply for V41 [Higher Nitec in Hospitality Operations]. Applicants who are interested to apply may check directly with ITE College West (Clementi Campus) for more information. Shortlisted candidates may be invited to attend an interview before the final selection.

Higher Nitec in Leisure & Travel Operations [V51]

Besides the JAE, ITE College West (Clementi Campus) also conducts a Special Admissions Exercise (SAE) for those who possess the right service attributes and a pleasant disposition, are outgoing and enjoy working in the tourism industry to apply for V51 [Higher Nitec in Leisure & Travel Operations]. Applicants who are interested to apply may check directly with ITE College West (Clementi Campus) for more information. Shortlisted candidates under SAE are required to attend an interview before the final selection.

Higher Nitec in Visual Merchandising [V55]

Besides the JAE, ITE College Central (Bishan Campus) also conducts a Special Admissions Exercise (SAE) for those who possess a passion for designing window and in-store displays to apply for V55 [Higher Nitec in Visual Merchandising]. Applicants who are interested to apply for the course must ensure that they do not suffer from colour appreciation deficiency and may check directly with ITE College Central (Bishan Campus) for more information. Shortlisted candidates under SAE are required to attend an aptitude test and interview before the final selection.

Dual Certification Course for Higher Nitec in Paramedic & Emergency Care and Nitec in Nursing

Application for admission to the 3-year and 3-month dual certificate course for Higher Nitec in Paramedic & Emergency Care and Nitec in Nursing is ONLY conducted through the Special Admissions Exercise (SAE) administered by ITE College East for those who possess a passion for wanting to save lives and strong interpersonal, critical thinking and decision making skills. The entry requirements are English Language (Grade 1-7), Mathematics (Grade 1-7) and an approved Science subject [Biology/Chemistry/ Combined Science/ Engineering Science/ Integrated Science/ Physical Science/ Physics/ Science (Physics, Biology)/ Science (Physics, Chemistry)/ Science (Chemistry, Biology)/ Science (Physics, Biology, Chemistry)] (Grade 1-7). Applicants who are interested to apply for the course must ensure that they do not suffer from colour appreciation deficiency and may check directly with ITE College East for more information. Short-listed candidates have to attend an interview. Due to the special requirements of the healthcare profession and in the delivery of direct patient care, all applicants have to pass a pre-admission medical examination and be free from physical and mental handicap to ensure suitability. Whilst not comprehensive, the following medical conditions will lead to non-acceptance into the course: a) Colour Appreciation Deficiency h) Uncontrolled Diabetes

b) Epilepsy i) Uncontrolled Hypertension

c) Legal Blindness j) HBsAg Positive / Hepatitis B Carrier

d) Active Tuberculosis k) Mobility Restricted (Hindering Performance)

e) Profound Deafness l) Physical Dependence Upon Mobility Equipment

f) Psychiatric Condition m)

g) Uncontrolled Asthma

Human Immunodeficiency Virus Positive (HIV +ve) / Acquired

Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)


④ ITE is building a new Regional Campus, ITE College West, at Chua Chu Kang to be ready by July 2010. A number of

training courses and training facilities in the existing ITE campuses will be transferred to the new Regional Campus. Students admitted in April 2010 into training courses indicated below will move to ITE’s new Regional Campus, ITE College West at Chua Chu Kang, in July 2010 to complete their training.

Higher Nitec Courses Campus

Business Studies (Administration) ITE College West (Clementi Campus)

Business Studies (Service Management)

Hospitality Operations

Leisure & Travel Operations

Electrical Engineering ITE College West (Dover Campus)

Electronics Engineering

Information Technology

Mechanical Engineering

Mechatronics Engineering

Network Security Technology

Security System Integration






B 1 Subjects Offered For Pre-U Course

1.1 The JCs and MI offer a variety of subjects. You should check the website of the respective JCs/MI for more details on the subject combinations offered by each of the JCs/MI.

Table B-1 Subjects Offered at H1, H2 and H3 Levels

Disciplines Subjects H1 H2 H3

MOE-Developed Syllabuses

Knowledge Skills General Paper �

Project Work �

Knowledge & Inquiry �

Languages Chinese Language �

Malay Language �

Tamil Language �

French �

German �

Japanese �

Art � � � Humanities & the Arts Economics � � �

Geography � � �

History � � �

Literature in English � � �

China Studies in English � �

China Studies in Chinese � �

India Studies � �

History (Chinese) � �

English Language & Linguistics �

General Studies in Chinese �

Chinese Language & Literature � �

Malay Language & Literature � �

Tamil Language & Literature � �

Music � �

Theatre Studies & Drama �

Management of Business# �

French �

German �

Japanese �

Biology � � � Mathematics & Science Chemistry � � �

Physics � � �

Mathematics � � �

Computing �

Principles of Accounting# �

H3 Programmes by MOE Partners##

NUS Geopolitics: War & Peace � Humanities & the Arts NUS Economy & Space �

SMU Game Theory and Competition �

NUS-MOE Humanities & Soc Sci Research �

NTU Numbers & Matrices � Mathematics & Science NUS Linear Algebra �

NTU Molecular Biology �

NTU Organic Synthesis & Mechanism �

NTU Contemporary Physics �

NTU Semiconductor Physics & Devices �

NTU-A*STAR-HCI Science Research �


Disciplines Subjects H1 H2 H3

NUS-A*STAR-NJC Science Research �

NUS-A*STAR-RJC Science Research �

NUS-A*STAR-VJC Science Research �

NUS-MOE Science Research �

NTU Science Research �

# Offered in Millennia Institute only

## NUS / NTU H3 programmes will be offered only if there are sufficient numbers of students opting for them.

Table B-2 Combinations of Subjects

Norm combination of subjects

Three H2 content-based subjects

One H1 content-based subjects

at least one H1 or H2 subject is from a contrasting discipline

H1 Mother Tongue Language (MTL)

H1 General Paper (GP)

H1 Project Work (PW)


a. You need not take the H1 MTL examination if you have obtained a D7 or better in Higher MTL at the GCE ‘O’ level as you would have deemed to have fulfilled the H1 MTL requirement. As MTL is an integral part of the GCE ‘A’ level curriculum, H1 MTL cannot be replaced with another subject and students should continue to be engaged in the learning of MTL.

b. You may offer H1 Non-Tamil Indian Language (Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi, Punjabi and Urdu) or H1 Foreign Language (French, German, Japanese) in lieu of MTL.

c. If you have the ability and passion for a particular subject and the time to manage your workload beyond the norm combinations of subjects, you may offer (a) an additional H1 or H2 subject or (b) up to two H3 subjects.

2 Subjects Offered at GCE ‘A’ Level

Knowledge Skills

2.1 General Paper Offered at: H1 Level (Compulsory for all students, except those taking Knowledge and Inquiry)

General Paper aims to enable students to develop language proficiency and skills such as critical reading, clear and effective communication, and the ability to evaluate arguments and opinions. Students will be encouraged to take a global perspective, while keeping in view shared historical and social experiences both within Singapore and in the region. Examinations : Students sit for two written papers.

• Essay (Paper 1): Students are required to write one 500 – 800 word essay.

• Comprehension (Paper 2): One or two passages of continuous prose will be set. Questions cover understanding (including literal comprehension and inference), vocabulary, summary and application.

2.2 Project Work

Offered at: H1 Level (Compulsory for all students)

Project Work gives students the opportunity to synthesise knowledge from various areas of learning, and critically and creatively apply it to real life situations. In the process, students acquire skills like collaboration, communication and independent learning. Students work in project groups of four to five members on a task. Students will be assessed on their performance both as a group member and individually. Examinations : Students offer three papers.

• Written Report (Paper 1): Each group submits a written report of 2500-3000 words based on the task that they have completed.

• Oral Presentation (Paper 2): Each group member is given an opportunity to present a part of the project and answer questions.

• Group Project File (Paper 3): Each group submits a Group Project File showing the thinking processes that the individual member and the group went through in completing the project as evidenced in: Preliminary Ideas, Group Project Proposal (not assessed), Evaluation of relevant print/non-print Material, and Insights and Reflections.

2.3 Knowledge And Inquiry

Offered at: H2 Level (In lieu of General Paper)

Knowledge and Inquiry (KI) may only be offered as a 4th

H2 subject. The subject gives students the opportunity to understand the nature and construction of knowledge by exploring different methods of inquiry in the sciences, the social sciences, mathematics and aesthetics. KI aims to provide opportunities for pupils to critically evaluate what is regarded as knowledge.

In the course of studying KI, students will develop:


• An understanding of the nature of knowledge

• An understanding of the different modes of inquiry in a variety of fields

• An awareness of the ethical dimensions of knowledge construction

• Critical thinking skills

• A capacity for independent learning

• An ability to communicate clearly and convincingly Examinations : Students offer three papers.

• Essay (Paper 1): Students are required to write two essays on the areas of learning identified in the content coverage.

• Critical Thinking (Paper 2): Students apply their knowledge and understanding of what they have learnt to unseen stimulus material.

• Independent Study (Paper 3): Students are required to carry out independent research and write a 2500 – 3000 word research paper on a topic of their choice on the nature and construction of knowledge. The selected topic must be focused and suitable for an in-depth study of six months’ duration.


2.4 Chinese Language Offered at: H1 Level

H1 Chinese Language places greater emphasis on listening and speaking skills. Less emphasis will be given to writing while the emphasis on reading remains unchanged. There are ten prescribed texts and a list of two hundred idiomatic phrases. The inclusion of prescribed texts emphasises the understanding of the contextual meaning of words and phrases rather than rote learning of the characters and words. The list of idiomatic phrases is accumulated from secondary school and provides a clear scope for learning. Examinations : Students undertake two components.

• One written paper, comprising Multiple-Choice, structured, free response and essay questions

• One listening comprehension examination

• One oral examination

2.5 Malay Language Offered at: H1 Level

H1 Malay Language is an enhancement of the Malay Language syllabus learnt at secondary level, with greater emphasis on listening and speaking skills. Students are required to write an essay, summary, comprehension and grammar items. Examinations : Students undertake two components.

• A written paper, comprising essay writing and tests on items such as comprehension, summary writing, proverbs and grammar

• One oral and listening comprehension examination 2.6 Tamil Language

Offered at: H1 Level

H1 Tamil Language has been designed to reinforce the basic language skills students have acquired in secondary schools. It is skills-based and thematic and communicative in approach. There is greater emphasis on oral and aural skills, as well as reading skills. Examinations : Students undertake two components.

• A written paper, comprising essay writing and tests on items such as comprehension and summary writing, meaning of vocabulary, cloze passage, idioms, joining and separation of words

• An oral/aural paper, comprising conversation and listening comprehension items

2.7 French/German/Japanese

Offered at: H1 & H2 Levels

H1 Foreign Languages build on the foundation of listening, speaking, reading and writing skills, including all the essential grammar taught at the secondary level. Students’ competency in the language is developed to a more mature level, primarily through content-based learning. Students will explore topic areas that will relate to the countries/communities where the language is spoken. The aim is to develop broad insights into the culture and civilisation of the country. Assumed knowledge: GCE ‘O’ level French/German/Japanese Examinations : Students undertake three components.

• Speaking

• Reading and Writing

• Listening

H2 Foreign Languages allow students to develop deeper insights into the culture and civilisation of the countries where the language is spoken, including, for example, the study of literary texts where appropriate. Students will also have to offer Coursework totalling approximately 2,000 words in French/German and 4,000 characters in Japanese. Students may treat their coursework in any way they wish – imaginative and/or creative – provided it arises from a body of reading or research and can be appropriately assessed. Assumed knowledge: GCE ‘O’ level French/German/Japanese


Examinations : Students undertake five components.

• Speaking

• Reading and Writing

• Essay

• Listening

• Coursework totaling about 2,000 words in French/German and 4,000 characters in Japanese

Humanities & The Arts 2.8 Art

Offered at: H1, H2 & H3 Levels H1 Art builds understanding about why and how artworks are created, and the cultural and social issues underlying artmaking and artworks in Singaporean, Asian and Western societies. Through the Study of Visual Arts, students learn about art concepts, use of art media and styles, and interpretation of images through the study of artists and artworks. It develops students’ visual literacy and appreciation of art and culture by honing their visual perception, critical analysis and aesthetic awareness. Examinations : Students sit for one written paper comprising structured questions and an essay.

H2 Art encompasses students’ own practice in fine and applied arts and the study of artworks and artists. Studio Practice exposes students to a variety of research and investigative processes, media and technologies for artmaking. Studio Practice enables students to create images and objects from ideas and experiences thus cultivating imagination, creative and critical expression. Study of Visual Arts engages students in in-depth analysis of artmaking and artworks. It deepens students’ understanding of art approaches and concepts for their own artmaking as well as nurtures students’ visual literacy and heightens their critical and aesthetic judgement. Examinations : Students undertake two components:

• One piece of coursework, comprising one finished artwork with not more than eight A2 sheets of preparatory studies.

• One written paper comprising structured questions and an essay.

H3 Art builds on H2 Art by deepening students’ critical thinking and understanding of the theoretical frameworks that govern the perception and practice of Art. H3 Theory of Art covers two broad topics: What is Art? and How is Art Relevant to Contemporary Society? These topics facilitate an in-depth investigation of the definition of Art and its significance and role in our lives. Pre-requisite : H2 Art Examinations : Students sit for one written paper comprising essay questions.

2.9 Economics Offered at: H1, H2 & H3 Levels

H1 Economics is equivalent to half of H2 Economics in terms of syllabus content and covers the core economic concepts and principles of the H2 syllabus. The emphasis is on the application of economics concepts and principles. It develops students in their ability to understand and interpret economic information in daily life. Students will also use the basic tools of economic reasoning to explain, analyse and resolve economic issues, and evaluate policy decisions in real world context. The overarching theme is Markets and Government and there are two sections, namely, Microeconomics and Macroeconomics. Examinations : Students sit for one written paper, comprising case study and essay questions.

H2 Economics provides a thematic approach to the understanding of economics. The themes comprise Market System, Market Failure & Government Intervention and National & International Economy. Students are required to demonstrate their understanding and ability to apply the tools of economic reasoning to explain, analyse and evaluate economic situations and policy decisions. The concepts, principles and issues are taught in the context of the Singapore economy, the regional economy and international economy. Examinations : Students sit for two written papers, comprising case study and essay questions.

H3 Economics builds on the foundational knowledge and skills in the H2 Economics syllabus. Students are expected to apply and integrate knowledge and understanding of topics, issues and concepts acquired at H2 level. The content is broadly organised into three themes: Study of Economics, Firms & Market Failure and Regional and International Economics. Students are required to critically analyse and evaluate economic concepts, theories and methods of inquiry through an in-depth understanding of economic issues and problems. Pre-requisite : H2 Economics Examinations : Students sit for one written paper, comprising resource-based questions and broad

essay questions.

2.10 Geography Offered at: H1, H2 & H3 Levels

H1 Geography aims to provide students with fundamental knowledge of physical geography, human geography and geographical techniques. Compulsory topics are Lithospheric Processes, Hazards & Management and The Globalisation of Economic Activity. A third topic is a choice of either: Hydrologic Processes, Hazards & Management or Urban Issues & Challenges. With H1 Geography, students will develop an appreciation of the key physical processes affecting the surface of the earth and the challenges and issues in today’s global economy. Examinations : Students sit for one written paper, comprising data response and structured essay



H2 Geography prepares students for studying geography and geography-related courses at the university level. It provides students with a good foundation in physical geography, human geography and geographical techniques. The physical geography topics cover the processes and management of the lithosphere, atmosphere and hydrosphere. It also examines current issues such as the Management of Transborder River Basins, which will enable students to appreciate the complexities and politics of water management. The human geography topics cover the globalisation of economic activities, as well as population and urban issues and challenges. With H2 Geography, students will develop a deep understanding of the geographical tensions, challenges and issues in today’s world. Examinations : Students sit for two written examination papers, comprising data response and

structured essay questions.

H3 Geography builds on the knowledge, understanding and competencies acquired in H2 Geography. It provides students who possess the ability and have the interest in Geography with opportunities to study geographical theories and conduct research. Students are challenged to explore the theoretical and critical discourses of Geography in the way it is perceived, defined and practised. There are two components: Geography Explored and Geography Enquiry. Geography Explored is a taught component, which focuses on the concepts and themes central to the practice of the discipline. Geography Enquiry is based on an individual investigation. Pre-requisite : H2 Geography Examinations : Students submit a 3000-3500 word research essay based on a topic of their choice

which has to be approved by Cambridge International Examinations.

2.11 History Offered at: H1, H2 & H3 Levels H1 History is a contemporary study of key international developments and issues in the twentieth century. It focuses on three themes The Cold War and How it Shaped the World, The Development of the Global Economy and Conflict and Cooperation, which provide students with valuable insights into the complexities of International Relations from 1945 to 2000. Through a thematic and issue-based approach, students will be able to recognise changes and continuities and understand the different interpretations of historical developments. Examinations : Students sit for one written paper, comprising source-based study and essay


H2 History is a contemporary study of the regional and international events in the twentieth century. It comprises two papers, namely International History (1945-2000) and History of Southeast Asia (c. 1900-1997). International History covers the three themes under H1 History namely The Cold War and How it Shaped the World, The Development of the Global Economy and Conflict and Cooperation.History of Southeast Asia (c. 1900-1997) covers the themes How Independence was Achieved, Challenges to Independent Southeast Asian States and Regional Conflicts and Cooperation. Through a thematic-comparative and issue-based approach, students will be able to recognise changes and continuity and understand the different interpretations of historical developments. H2 History is relevant to students who intend to pursue this subject at the tertiary level. Examinations : Students sit for two written examination papers, comprising source-based study and

essay questions.

H3 History builds upon the knowledge and skills of H2 History. It provides students with opportunities to explore historical issues and events in greater depth, to think independently and develop the skills of critical inquiry through an individual investigation of a historical topic. H3 History comprises two components, Investigating History and Historical Inquiry. Investigating History is a taught component that provides a theoretical understanding of the historian’s craft and how the knowledge of the past is acquired. Historical Inquiry is a research component that requires students to conduct an individual investigation of a historical question or an issue. Students will identify an area of historical interest, examine a variety of evidence, and interpret and evaluate the evidence to reach informed conclusions. Pre-requisite : H2 History Examinations : Students submit a 3000-3500 word research essay based on a topic of their choice,

which has to be approved by Cambridge International Examinations.

2.12 Literature In English

Offered at: H1, H2 & H3 Levels

H1 Literature in English is an introductory paper designed to provide students with a broad exposure to literary study. Literary texts of recognised importance and significance are chosen and span the main genres of poetry, prose and drama. Through the study of set texts and unseen poetry, students will develop skills of literary response and appreciation. Examinations : Students sit for one paper. The examination is open book.

• Reading Literature (Paper 1): Paper consists of essay and passage-based questions. Students will be examined on two set texts and unseen poetry.

H2 Literature in English consists of a compulsory paper, Reading Literature (Paper 1), which is offered by both H1 and H2 students, and an elective paper. The elective paper can be a period-based or topic-based paper. Students can choose an elective paper from two period-based and two topic-based elective papers set every year. Period-based papers focus on a distinct period of literary significance (e.g.The English Renaissance 1558 -1660) while topic-based papers focus on issues that span a range of periods and writers (e.g.Women in Literature). For the elective paper, students will offer three texts from a range of writers and genres. Examinations : Students sit for two papers. Both are open book.

• Reading Literature (Paper 1)

• Elective Paper. It comprises essay and passage-based questions.


H3 Literature in English will provide students with the opportunity to display their exceptional ability and interest in Literature. It is meant for students who are interested in pursuing the subject in greater depth and with greater specialisation. Students will engage in independent and self-directed research. Students can study a group of texts in view of their literary context, explore how particular critical theories inform the process of interpretation, examine various styles and modes of writing in texts, or analyse how particular themes are approached in texts. Pre-requisite : H2 Literature Examinations : Students undertake two writing tasks:

• a research essay (3000-3500 words)

• an evaluative commentary (800 – 1200 words)

2.13 China Studies (English /Chinese) Offered at: H1 & H2 Levels in both English and Chinese

H1 China Studies is an interdisciplinary Humanities subject that aims to promote students’ awareness of, and interest in, contemporary China. The syllabus focuses on the geopolitical, economic and socio-cultural forces related to China that are likely to shape events and trends in East Asia and beyond. The syllabus adopts a thematic approach based on four key themes, namely Culture and Society, Authority and Governance, Development and Challenges, and China and the World. Examinations : Students sit for one written examination paper, comprising case study and essay


H2 China Studies is an interdisciplinary Humanities subject that aims to promote students’ awareness of, and interest in, contemporary China. The syllabus focuses on the geopolitical, economic and socio-cultural aspects of China’s development since 1978, and helps students understand both the historical context that brought about these changes and the ongoing challenges which these changes create. The syllabus adopts a thematic approach based on four key themes, namely Culture and Society, Authority and Governance, Development and Challenges, and China and the World. Examinations : Students sit for two written examination papers, comprising case study and essay

questions. In addition, there is an Independent Study. For China Studies in English, students will submit a 2000-2500 word research essay based on an issue or topic of study related to China’s contemporary development. Taking into the considerations the typological differences between Chinese and English Language, a 3000-4000 word research essay is required for China Studies in Chinese.

2.14 India Studies Offered at: H1 & H2 Levels

H1 India Studies is an interdisciplinary Humanities subject that aims to promote students’ interest in studying issues related to contemporary developments in India. The syllabus focuses on the geopolitical, economic and socio-cultural forces related to India’s development, and their role in shaping events and trends in South Asia and beyond. The syllabus adopts a thematic approach based on four key themes, namely Society and Culture, Politics and Governance, Economic Growth and Challenges, and India and the World. Examinations : Students sit for one written examination paper, comprising case study and essay


H2 India Studies is a new interdisciplinary Humanities subject that is offered from 2009. The subject aims to promote students’ interest in studying issues related to contemporary developments in India. The syllabus focuses on the geopolitical, economic and socio-cultural aspects of India’s development since 1947, and helps students understand both the historical context that brought about these changes and the ongoing challenges which these changes create. The syllabus adopts a thematic approach based on four key themes, namely Society and Culture, Politics and Governance, Economic Growth and Challenges, and India and the World. Examinations : Students sit for two written examination papers, comprising case study and essay

questions. In addition, there is an Independent Study. Students will submit a 2000-2500 word research essay based on an issue or topic of study related to India’s contemporary development.

2.15 History (Chinese)

Offered at: H1 & H2 Levels

H1 History (Chinese) covers four broad regions and their history, which include History of East Asia, History of Southeast Asia, History of South Asia & West Asia and European History. Students are only required to choose one area as their course of study. Examinations : Students sit for one written paper, comprising open-ended questions.

H2 History (Chinese) covers the four broad regions identified for study under H1 History (Chinese) and their history. They include History of East Asia, History of Southeast Asia, History of South Asia & West Asia and European History. Students are required to choose two areas as their course of study. Examinations : Students sit for two written papers, comprising open-ended questions.

2.16 English Language And Linguistics

Offered at: H2 Level

H2 English Language and Linguistics is a Humanities subject that has been offered since 2009. English Language and Linguistics aims to develop students’ understanding and appreciation of the English language through an investigation of the nature of the language and some contemporary language issues. In Analysing Language Use, students examine language as a meaning-making system and how it varies according to use and user. Investigating Language Use in Society requires students to discuss language use in the larger


contexts of society, geography and time, such as the impact of globalisation and new communications media on language change, culture and identity.

Examinations : Students sit for two written papers, comprising text-based analysis, adaptive writing and essay questions.

English Language and Linguistics is distinct from existing subjects such as General Paper, Knowledge & Inquiry and English Literature. Students offering English Language and Linguistics will not be exempted from taking General Paper, and students in the Arts stream offering English Language and Linguistics will still need a contrasting subject. English Language and Linguistics can be taken together with English Literature.

2.17 General Studies In Chinese (GSC) Offered at: H1 Level

General Studies in Chinese covers current affairs in the Singapore, Asian and International contexts. It will enable students to identify patterns and links, recognise changes and continuity, and understand the interplay of forces that have shaped local as well as world events and developments.

Pre-requisite :A pass in GCE ‘O’ level Higher Chinese or H1 Chinese Language Examinations :Students sit for one written paper, comprising structured and free response questions on a comprehension passage as well as an essay writing component.

2.18 Chinese Language And Literature

Offered at: H2 & H3 Levels

H2 Chinese Language and Literature consists of language and literature components. For the language component, students are required to study both classical and modern Chinese. Teachers will use prescribed classical prose for the teaching of classical Chinese. Students will be required to achieve a better understanding of the prescribed classical prose by placing emphasis on both translation as well as understanding the key notions of the classical prose. For the teaching of modern Chinese, teachers will choose texts that best suit the learning needs and abilities of their students. For the literature component, new genres such as modern poetry and modern Wuxia novels (Swordsmen Fiction) will be included to inject more elements of interest into the syllabus. Teachers will also incorporate the history of Chinese literature in the teaching of prescribed texts. This will develop students’ ability in critically appreciating the social influence on the writers, the stylistics and the works of literature. Examinations : Students sit for two written papers.

• One paper (Paper 1) comprising Multiple-Choice and open-ended questions based on prescribed classical prose and modern prose.

• One paper (Paper 2) comprising essay questions based on classical and modern poems, modern short stories, modern play and modern Wuxia novel. It is an open book examination.

H3 Chinese Language and Literature offers students with the interest and aptitude in the study of Chinese language and literature to pursue the subject in greater depth. It consists of two components, namely A) Free Writing, and B) Critical Analysis. The Free Writing Component requires students to compose a piece of prose, short story or commentary. The Critical Analysis component is further divided into two sub-components, namely Contemporary Chinese Literature (Unseen text) and Classical Chinese Literature (Prescribed texts). The prescribed texts include The Analects (4 chapters), Tang Poetry (6 pieces) and Song Poetry (6 pieces), Dream of the Red Mansions (5 plots) and The Water Margins (5 plots). Students will choose one of the four sets of prescribed texts during their course of study.

Pre-requisite : H2 Chinese Language and Literature Examinations : Students sit for one written paper, comprising open-ended questions for two

components. An open book format will be adopted in the Classical Chinese Literature (Prescribed texts) component.

2.19 Malay Language And Literature

Offered at: H2 & H3 Levels

H2 Malay Language and Literature caters for students who are keen to deepen their interest and passion in the language, literature and culture. It consists of language and literature components. For the language component, greater emphasis is placed on the appreciation or understanding of texts and writing skills. The literature component helps students better understand and appreciate Malay literary work by developing their skills in literary analytical skills and literary appreciation of various literary genres, namely novel, short stories, poetry and drama. Examinations : Students sit for two written papers.

• Paper 1, comprising essay questions and tests on items such as comprehension, vocabulary and summary writing

• Paper 2, Literature Paper, comprising tests on a novel, short stories, poetry and drama. It is an open book examination.

H3 Malay Language and Literature allows students to pursue the subject in greater depth. There are two components, namely the expressive writing and the critical analysis. Both components are an extension of the H2 Malay Language and Literature syllabus, which allow students to critically analyse literary texts and to apply the literary knowledge in creative writing. Pre-requisite : H2 Malay Language and Literature Examinations : Students sit for one paper, comprising two sections. Section A is on expressive writing,

where students write a short story or a play, or a commentary on a given issue. Section B requires students to write a critical analysis based on prescribed texts as well as unseen texts. An open book examination format will be adopted.


2.20 Tamil Language And Literature Offered at: H2 & H3 Levels

H2 Tamil Language and Literature comprises language and literature components. In addition to skills development, students will be given wide exposure in various literary genres such as novels, short stories and plays. Examinations : Students sit for two papers.

• Paper 1, which comprises essay writing and tests on items such as summary writing, comprehension, cloze passage, and constructing of sentences using idioms.

• Paper 2 (Literature Paper) comprising tests on a novel, a selection of short stories, a play, poetry and prose. It is an open book examination.

H3 Tamil Language and Literature is an extension of the H2 syllabus. Students will undergo extensive language-based training and will be exposed to a wide spectrum of literary content. Pre-requisite : H2 Tamil Language and Literature Examinations : Students sit for one paper, comprising two sections. Section A is on expressive writing,

where students write a short story or a play, or a commentary on a given issue. Section B requires students to write a critical analysis based on prescribed texts as well as unseen texts.

2.21 Music

Offered at: H2 & H3 Levels

H2 Music is designed to engage students in music listening, performing and composing. Students are provided with opportunities to discuss music-related issues, transfer learning and to make music. The content includes a range of works from the Western Music tradition as well as prescribed topics from the Asian Music tradition. Students are also allowed to major in either performing or music writing, according to their interests and abilities. Pre-requisites : GCE ‘O’ Level Music; OR A pass in Grade 5 Practical and Grade 6 Theory or Practical

Musicianship examinations of the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music (ABRSM), or the equivalent standard from other examination boards; OR In the absence of the qualifications above, a pass in the written selection test and practical audition on an instrument conducted by the JC.

Examinations : Students undertake two components.

• A written examination

• A choice of either: (a) 25 min Recital (Performing: Major) and a folio of two sets of music writing

exercises and composition (Music Writing: Minor) OR

(b) 15 min Recital (Performing: Minor) and a folio of four sets of music writing exercises and composition (Music Writing: Major)

H3 Music is intended for students who display an exceptional ability and interest in the academic study of Music. It provides students with an intellectually challenging course, which extends the study of Music at H2. Students will develop understanding of musical techniques, approaches, perspectives and related issues. The areas of study include analytical studies, performance studies and composition studies. Pre-requisite : H2 Music Examinations : Students submit a 3000-3500 word research essay based on a topic of their choice, which has to be approved by Cambridge International Examinations.

2.22 Theatre Studies & Drama

Offered at: H2 Level

Theatre Studies & Drama gives students the opportunity to develop understanding and critical thought about theatre and drama from a variety of historical and cultural settings. It also fosters enjoyment of theatre and drama. Students are expected to formulate informed and independent opinions on a range of dramatic texts. Examinations : Students sit for three papers.

• World Theatre and Drama (Paper 1): An open-book written examination.

• Critical Commentary (Paper 2): A 2000 to 2500 word analysis and evaluation of the creative process leading to their Individual Skills Presentation, which is a component of the Practical Assessment.

• Practical Assessment (Paper 3): It comprises an Individual Skills Presentation and a Group Presentation.

2.23 Management Of Business Offered at: H2 Level (Offered at Millennia Institute only) Management of Business is centred on themes of people in organisations (i.e. who they are), the functions they perform (i.e. what they do), and the procedures and tools that facilitate them in decision-making (i.e. how they do). It emphasises the need for businesses to remain responsive to changes in the external environment. Students study key topics on people in organisations, marketing, production, business finance and information for decision making. These topics encompass a wide range of management concepts to tools and techniques for effective functioning of businesses. Students will develop skills in analysing and solving business problems besides skills in interpretation of information and effective communication. Examinations : Students sit for two written papers.

• Paper 1 comprising short answer structured questions and a case study

• Paper 2 comprising data response and essay questions


Mathematics & Science

2.24 Biology Offered at: H1, H2 & H3 Levels H1 Biology provides a foundation in biology. It provides students with fundamental knowledge of how life works at the cellular and molecular level and covers more fundamental aspects of topics like Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry, DNA Science and Genomics, and the Applications of Molecular and Cell Biology. With H1 Biology, students would be able to understand news reports of research and industry developments in the biological sciences, and identify their social, ethical and some legal implications. Students would be able to form their own informed opinions in these areas and present their views coherently and convincingly. Assumed knowledge: GCE ‘O’ level Biology, as a single subject or as part of a science course e.g.

Science (Biology/Chemistry) Examinations : Students sit for two written papers.

• One paper with Multiple-Choice Questions

• One paper of structured and free response questions

H2 Biology prepares students adequately for studying biology and biology-related subjects at the university. Students are provided with a good foundation in Cell and Molecular Biology and have the opportunity to study how life works at the cellular and molecular level. The topics covered include Cellular Physiology & Biochemistry, DNA Science & Genomics, Genetics including the Genetics of Viruses & Bacteria, Diversity & Evolution, and the Applications of Molecular & Cell Biology. With H2 Biology, students should be able to put forward hypotheses and design experiments to test them. Students would also develop an appreciation of the wide variety of career possibilities in the emerging biological sciences. Assumed knowledge: GCE‘O’ level Biology, as a single subject or as part of a science course e.g.

Science (Biology/Chemistry) Examinations : Students undertake four components.

• One paper with Multiple-Choice Questions

• One paper of structured and free-response questions based on core topics

• One paper of structured and free response questions based mainly on application topics

• School-based Science Practical Assessment (SPA)

H3 Proteomics integrates knowledge in biology and chemistry in the study of the chemistry of proteins. It requires fundamental knowledge in both H2 Biology and H2 Chemistry. H3 Proteomics seeks to stimulate and challenge students who want to pursue an exciting area of development in molecular biology in greater depth. Topics included are Protein Chemistry, Analytical Studies, and Protein Structure & Function. Pre-requisite : H2 Biology and H2 Chemistry Examinations : Students sit for one written paper comprising structured and free response questions.

2.25 Chemistry

Offered at: H1, H2 & H3 Levels

H1 Chemistry provides students with an understanding of basic chemistry principles and equips them to apply the principles to solving problems. Students will acquire fundamental knowledge in physical chemistry, inorganic chemistry, and organic chemistry. The topics covered include Stoichiometry, Redox Reactions, Atomic Structure, Chemical Bonding, Chemical Energetics, Equilibria, Reaction Kinetics, Chemical Periodicity, and Organic Chemistry.

Assumed knowledge:GCE ‘O’ level Chemistry, as a single subject or as part of a balanced science course e.g. Science (Physics/Chemistry)

Examinations : Students sit for two written papers.

• One paper comprising Multiple-Choice Questions

• One paper comprising structured and free response questions.

H2 Chemistry prepares students to study chemistry and chemistry-related subjects at university level by providing a good foundation in physical chemistry, inorganic chemistry, and organic chemistry. The content extends from the topics in H1 Chemistry and also includes a wider range of topics beyond H1 Chemistry. These include Atoms, Molecules & Stoichiometry, Atomic Structure, Chemical Bonding, Gaseous State, Chemical Energetics, Electrochemistry, Equilibria, Reaction Kinetics, Chemical Periodicity, Group II Chemistry, Group VII Chemistry, Chemistry of Transition Elements, and Organic Chemistry. Assumed knowledge: GCE ‘O’ level Chemistry, as a single subject or as part of a balanced science course e.g. Science (Physics/Chemistry). Examinations : Students undertake four components.

• One paper comprising Multiple-Choice Questions

• One paper comprising structured questions

• One paper comprising free response questions

• School-based Science Practical Assessment (SPA)

H3 Pharmaceutical Chemistry offers students who are passionate about organic chemistry an opportunity to delve into an exciting area of application in drug chemistry. Students will learn to apply chemical principles to understand drug action, drug design, molecular synthesis and characterisation. Some of the specific sections covered in the context of drug action and development include: Properties of Functional Groups & Drug-Receptor Interactions, Molecular Stereochemistry, Reaction Mechanisms, Separation & Analytical Techniques, and Classes of Drugs. Pre-requisite : H2 Chemistry

Examinations : Students sit for one written paper. You may not offer this subject together with NTU Organic Synthesis & Mechanism.


2.26 Physics Offered at: H1, H2 and H3 Levels H1 Physics provides students with basic knowledge of physics and the application of physics in the real world. Topics covered include Measurement, Kinematics, Dynamics, Forces, Work, Energy and Power, Wave Motion, Superposition, Current of Electricity, DC Circuits, Electromagnetism, and Quantum Physics. Through this course, students will acquire an understanding of basic physics principles and use these principles to solve problems.

Assumed knowledge: GCE‘O’ level Physics, as a single subject or as part of a science course e.g. Science (Physics/Chemistry).

Examinations : Students sit for two written papers.

• One Multiple-Choice Question paper

• One paper of structured questions

H2 Physics provides a sound basis for students planning to specialise in physics or engineering. It will develop their understanding of scientific concepts and their investigative scientific skills. The course covers more topics in the areas of Mechanics, Waves, Electricity and Magnetism, and Modern Physics. New areas of knowledge and basic fundamental concepts that form the basis for some of today’s technological developments are also included, for example Quantum Physics. Additional topics include Motion in a Circle, Gravitational Field, Oscillations, Thermal Physics, Electric Fields, Electromagnetic Induction, Alternating Currents, Laser and Semiconductors, and Nuclear Physics. Students will develop a thorough understanding of important physics principles and practical skills and use them to solve a wide range of problems. Assumed knowledge: GCE‘O’ level Physics, as a single subject or as part of a science course e.g

. Science (Physics/Chemistry). Examinations : Students undertake four components.

• One paper comprising Multiple-Choice Questions

• One paper comprising structured questions

• One paper comprising longer structured questions

• School-based Science Practical Assessment (SPA)

H3 Essentials of Modern Physics provides students who have exceptional ability and passion in physics the opportunity to pursue topics in Modern Physics in greater depth. The topics covered include Relativity, Quantum Theory of Light, Matter Waves, Quantum Mechanics, Solid State Physics and Photonics. Through this course, students will be exposed to the more recent developments in the subject and apply this knowledge in solving challenging problems. Pre-requisite : H2 Physics Examinations : Students sit for one written paper. You may not offer this subject together with NTU Contemporary Physics or NTU Semiconductor Physics & Devices.

2.27 Mathematics Offered at: H1, H2 & H3 Levels

H1 Mathematics provides a foundation in mathematics for students who intend to enrol in university courses such as business, economics and social sciences. Students will develop mathematical thinking and problem solving skills. The course covers Functions and Graphs, Calculus, Probability and Statistics. A major focus of the syllabus will be the understanding and application of basic concepts and techniques of statistics. This will equip students with the skills to analyse and interpret data, and make informed decisions. Assumed knowledge: GCE ‘O’ level Mathematics Examinations : Students sit for one written paper.

H2 Mathematics prepares students adequately for university courses including mathematics, physics and engineering where more mathematics content is required. Topics covered include Functions and Graphs, Sequences and Series, Vectors, Complex Numbers, Calculus, Permutations and Combinations, Probability and Statistics. Students will learn to analyse, formulate and solve different types of problems. Students will also learn to work with data and perform statistical analyses. Assumed knowledge: GCE‘O’ level Additional Mathematics Examinations : Students sit for two written papers.

H3 Mathematics offers students who have a strong aptitude for, and are passionate about mathematics, an opportunity to further develop their mathematical modelling and reasoning skills. The topics included are Graph Theory, Combinatorics and Differential Equations. Students are required to study all three topics. There are opportunities for students to visualise and explore theorems, and to read and write mathematical proofs. Students will also learn the process of mathematical modelling for real-world problems, which involves making informed assumptions, validation and prediction. Pre-requisite : H2 Mathematics Examinations : Students sit for one written paper.

2.28 Computing

Offered at: H2 Level

H2 Computing prepares students well for university courses in engineering, computing and computational science. Students will develop knowledge and skills in computing with an emphasis on problem solving. Topics covered include problem identification, problem analysis and formulation; fundamental programming language elements and object-oriented programming, data bases, file organisation and access, network fundamentals and computer security. Students will learn a programming language and understand the use and impact of developments of computer systems and technology on people and society. Examinations : Students undertake three components.

• Two written papers (Papers 1 & 2)

• Coursework (Paper 3)


2.29 Principles of Accounting Offered at: H2 Level (Offered at Millennia Institute only)

Principles of Accounting provides students with a foundation in accounting. It is designed to give students a sound understanding of financial and managerial accounting concepts and practices and to apply them in a variety of real-life businesses as well as personal situations. The financial accounting component is built on the following themes: the fundamentals of the accounting system, the policies and practices adopted by businesses, and the skills in analysing and evaluating accounting information for decision-making. The managerial accounting component covers the core topics of cost behaviour, marginal costing concepts for decision-making and budgetary controls. Examinations : Students sit for two written papers. Refer to Table B-3 for the pre-requisite(s) for the H3 programmes offered by MOE.

Table B-3

Pre-requisites for H3 Programmes (MOE)

Programme Title Pre-requisite(s)

H3 Art H2 Art

H3 Economics H2 Economics

H3 Geography H2 Geography

H3 History H2 History

H3 Literature in English H2 Literature in English

H3 Chinese Language & Literature H2 Chinese Language & Literature

H3 Malay Language & Literature H2 Malay Language & Literature

H3 Tamil Language & Literature H2 Tamil Language & Literature

Humanities and the Arts

H3 Music H2 Music

H3 Proteomics H2 Biology and H2 Chemistry

H3 Pharmaceutical Chemistry

(May not be offered together with NTU Organic Synthesis & Mechanism)

H2 Chemistry

H3 Essentials of Modern Physics

(May not be offered together with NTU Contemporary Physics or NTU Semiconductor Physics & Devices)

H2 Physics

Mathematics and Science

H3 Mathematics H2 Mathematics

3 H3 Programmes Offered By MOE Partners

Humanities & The Arts

3.1 NUS Geopolitics: War & Peace

Geopolitics: War & Peace introduces key ideas and contemporary themes of geopolitics. Students will learn about the geography of conflict, war and peace-making in the twentieth century. Students will be led to understand the current and future trends and debates, including issues such as the New (and old) World Order, terrorism, peacekeeping and conflicts in and over 'cyberspace' and natural resources. The course introduces students to a wide-range of sources and encourages critical use of media, academic material and internet resources. The objective of the course is to develop a deeper and life-long understanding of the geography of international affairs. Mode : University-taught course Pre-requisite : H2 Geography or History Assessment : Students undertake the following components:

• Continuous assessment (one group project, one individual project)

• Final examinations

3.2 NUS Economy & Space

Economy & Space examines relationships between economy and space through a focus on 'development'. Through interrogating theories, strategies and trajectories of 'development', students will develop an understanding of the past and contemporary global political economy and its geographies. The course will emphasise the geopolitical and cultural backdrops to 'development' and attendant economic geographies amidst debates about 'globalisation', international trade and investment. Mode : University-taught course Pre-requisite : H2 Geography Assessment : Students undertake the following components:

• Continuous assessment (one group project and tutorial performance)

• Final examinations


3.3 SMU Game Theory and Competition

Economic agents with divergent objectives and interests compete against one another in a variety of settings. Firms compete for sales and customers, countries compete for foreign investments and over trade quotas and workers compete for jobs. This programme will introduce students to the principles of game theory, with applications to market competition, business and other areas of economic life. Students will learn to use the concepts of prisoners’ dilemma, game of chicken, Nash equilibrium in simultaneous-move games, roll-back equilibrium in sequential games and the use of mixed strategies and signalling to analyse economic problems in market competition and resource allocation. Mode : University-taught course Pre-requisite : H2 Economics Assessment : Students will be assessed through:

• Class participation

• Mid-term test

• Final examination

3.4 NUS-MOE Humanities & Soc Sci Research

The objectives of the programme are:

• To expand students’ understanding of the individual and society through explorations of the different dimensions of the world;

• To equip students with some knowledge of research methods;

• To encourage students to think critically and creatively about complex issues in their research area; and

• To cultivate in students the passion for independent learning. Students are involved in research and are mentored by practising researchers from the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, National University of Singapore. Mode : Research Pre-requisite : H2 Economics, or H2 Geography, or H2 History, or H2 Literature in English, or H2

Chinese Language and Literature, or H2 Malay Language and Literature Assessment : Students are assessed via an extended essay.

Mathematics & Science

3.5 NTU Numbers & Matrices

Numbers & Matrices offers students who have a strong aptitude for, and are passionate about mathematics, an opportunity to further develop their mathematical reasoning skills and enhance their understanding and appreciation of fundamental mathematical tools like number theory and matrix algebra as well as their relevance in modern applications. The topics covered include: basic number theory (divisibility and modular arithmetic), matrix algebra (solutions of systems of linear equations, properties of matrices, connection with geometry) and vector spaces (basic properties, basis, rank and nullity). Several applications of these tools are also discussed, including: cryptography (symmetric-key cryptosystems, Hill cipher, RSA cryptosystem), coding theory, Internet search engines, genetic and population growth, etc. Mode : University-taught course Pre-requisites : H2 Mathematics Assessment : Students undertake the following components:

• Mid-term tests

• Final exam You may not offer this subject together with NUS Linear Algebra.

3.6 NUS Linear Algebra

Linear Algebra serves as an introduction to the most basic concepts in linear algebra that are routinely applied in fields like science, engineering, statistics, economics and operations research. The vector spaces within which the general ideas are developed are all real vector spaces. The objective of the course is to inculcate a facility in both the algebraic and geometric viewpoints of linear algebra. Formal proofs will be presented only if they are necessary for a proper understanding of the fundamental concepts and techniques. The course will develop basic skills in computing with vectors and matrices (with or without any mathematical software). It will also highlight examples of the more important applications of linear algebra in other fields. The major topics included are: systems of linear equations; matrices; determinants; Euclidean n-space; subspaces; linear independence; basis and dimension; rank of a matrix; orthogonality and orthonormal bases; eigenvalues and eigenvectors; diagonalization; linear transformations from Rn to Rm; and, applications. Mode : University-taught course Pre-requisite : H2 Mathematics Assessment : Students sit for the following.

• Mid-term tests

• Computer Lab quiz

• Final exam

Students may also be assigned additional continuous assessments in the form of lecture quizzes or homework assignments. You may not offer this subject together with NTU Numbers & Matrices.


3.7 NTU Molecular Biology

Molecular Biology focuses on the areas of Biomolecules and Recombinant DNA Technology. Biomolecules explores the 3-dimensional structure of nuclei acids and proteins and offers insights into forces that govern their structure and functions. Students will learn to assess databases and softwares to analyze and to visualize the 3-D structures of biomolecules. Recombinant DNA Technology introduces modern biotechnology concepts and methodologies, which includes DNA/protein manipulation and analysis, mass spectroscopy and NMR. Students will also be introduced to biomedical technologies such as stem cell research, as well as the generation of knockout /transgenic animals. Teaching mode includes lectures, tutorials, computer and wet-lab experiments. Mode : University-taught course Pre-requisite : H2 Biology Assessment : Students undertake two components:

• Laboratory Assessment

• Final Examination

3.8 NTU Organic Synthesis & Mechanism

A principle role of organic chemistry is the preparation of compounds, which have a wide variety of applications such as dyes, fragrances, polymers, and most significantly, pharmaceuticals. Organic synthesis can be successful when combined with an understanding of the molecular mechanism of the transformations involved. The programme features the combination of ideas in organic synthesis and reactions to mechanisms, so as to build a strong foundation for further studies in Organic Chemistry. The mechanistic approach and the use of the retrosynthesis method in the analysis of synthetic pathways for complex molecules will enable students to appreciate the beauty and usefulness of organic chemistry. The programme completes the process of organic synthesis study through the learning of characterisation techniques used to determine the molecular structure of compounds. Mode : University-taught course Pre-requisite : H2 Chemistry Assessment : Students undertake the following components.

• A final examination

• Mid-term tests

• Laboratory assignments You may not offer this programme together with H3 Pharmaceutical Chemistry

3.9 NTU Contemporary Physics

Contemporary Physics is a fresh look at some topics in contemporary physics research. The course will be taught by NTU professors who themselves are actively engaged in the respective research areas. The following topics will be covered: 1. Nanoscale Physics – Starting with basic quantum physics and progressing to ideas of quantum

confinement, this topic will examine the physical structure and properties of low-dimensional systems and quantum dots. Methods of fabrication (molecular beam epitaxy, chemical vapour deposition) and analytical techniques (microscopy and diffraction) will be discussed in sufficient detail for a strong appreciation of the topic. Finally it takes a look at current research ideas in molecular electronics and photonics.

2. Semiconductor physics – This topic looks at why modern technology is so reliant on this class of material, particularly in logic devices and opto-electronic components. The topic closes with a look at spin electronics.

3. Biophysics – This topic includes the world of biomolecules (proteins, DNA) and the mechanisms of their motion, the transmission of electrical signals in nerves and the response of plants and animals to electrical and magnetic stimuli. Mode : University-taught course Pre-requisite : H2 Physics Assessment : Students undertake the following components:

• Final Exam

• Term tests

• Laboratory work You may not offer this subject together with H3 Essentials of Modern Physics or NTU Semiconductor Physics & Devices.

3.10 NTU Semiconductor Physics & Devices

Semiconductor Physics & Devices is designed to stimulate students’ interest in science and engineering, and to help them broaden their education experience in a different environment. It is intended for students wishing to pursue deeper studies in physics and semiconductors. Students enrolled in the course will learn the key theorems of semiconductors and operating principles of semiconductor devices. Hands-on sessions on semiconductor materials and devices will be provided. Students will also acquire an understanding and appreciation of the driving force behind the convergence of semiconductor technologies, which is imperative to our daily life, and its evolution through this programme. Mode : University-taught course Pre-requisite : H2 Physics Assessment : Students undertake the following components:

• Final Exam

• Term tests

• Laboratory assignment (report and viva) You may not offer this programme together with H3 Essentials of Modern Physics or NTU Contemporary Physics.


3.11 NTU-A*STAR-HCI Science Research (Offered only to HCI students)

Hwa Chong Institution (HCI), in collaboration with Nanyang Technological University and A*STAR Graduate Academy, is offering the H3 Research Programme to talented students with a passion in Science. The programme aims to broaden students’ research interests by providing a stimulating environment that will enrich their basic science training. Each student is matched with a mentor, and will engage in collaborative research with leading scientists and researchers working on real-world scientific problems. Besides exposure to major advances in the life sciences and new technologies, they will be trained to think critically and independently. The students’ completed research projects will be assessed and accredited by the Nanyang Technogical University. Mode : Research Pre-requisites : At least one H2 Science / Mathematics relevant to the research area and have some relevant science research experience Assessment : The formal assessment will consist of three components:

• Research Project Process assessment

• Research Paper

• Presentation with Oral Defence 3.12 NUS-A*STAR-NJC Science Research

(Offered only to NJC students)

In collaboration with the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) and the National University of Singapore (NUS), National Junior College (NJC) offers NUS-A*STAR-NJC Science Research, a programme specially designed for students who have strong inclinations towards science research. This rigorous programme aims to develop scientific inquiry skills, advanced laboratory techniques and critical thought. The programme requires the students to extend their learning of H2 Science subjects in a 6-month scientific research study under the mentorship of qualified scientists from A*STAR Research Institutes and NJC teachers. The students' work will be examined under the agency of the National University of Singapore and by whom they will eventually be accredited. Mode : Research Pre-requisites : Two H2 Science subjects Assessment : Students undertake the following components:

• Laboratory Work

• Research Plan and Research Paper

• Presentation with Oral Defence

3.13 NUS-A*STAR-RI Science Research (Offered only to RI(JC) students)

Raffles Institution (Junior College), RI(JC) is offering research opportunities at the Higher 3 (H3) level through the NUS-A*STAR-RI Science Research programme. This programme is in partnership with the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) and the National University of Singapore (NUS). The programme aims to provide an opportunity for students with exceptional ability and interest in science research to develop an in-depth understanding in a specialised area and to acquire skills in scientific inquiry, in the applications of advanced laboratory techniques and in developing critical and analytical thinking needed to evaluate scientific ideas. Students in this programme will undertake a research study under the mentorship of professional research scientists from A*STAR research institutes with the guidance of teachers from RI(JC). The students’ completed research project will be assessed and accredited by the National University of Singapore. Mode : Research Pre-requisites : Relevant H2 subject(s) and has obtained at least a GPA of 3.2 (for Raffles Programme students) or 6A1 (for ‘O’ Level students), or its equivalent. Assessment : The completed research project comprises the following:

• Research Plan and Laboratory Work

• Research Paper

• Presentation with Oral Defence

3.14 NUS-A*STAR-VJC Science Research (Offered only to VJC students)

Victoria Junior College has partnered with the National University of Singapore and the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) to offer NUS-A*STAR-VJC Science Research at Victoria Junior College. Students in this H3 science research programme will undertake an individual investigative study in Physics or Chemistry or Biology under the guidance of teachers and the mentorship of research practitioners from NUS or A*STAR research institutes. Intellectually rigorous and mentally demanding, the investigative study will enable students to deepen their learning in a specific area of science, develop critical thought and engage in the intricacies of scientific research that goes on in universities and research institutes. This programme is accredited and examined by the National University of Singapore. Mode : Research Pre-requisites : H2 Biology / Chemistry / Physics / Mathematics (any two) Assessment : The research project will be assessed and graded by NUS. Students will submit

one science research project with the following components:

• Research Plan and Research Paper

• Presentation with Oral Defence


3.15 NUS-MOE Science Research

The objectives of the Science Research are:

• To encourage students to undertake research projects in a scientific and technological community

• To promote an early appreciation of the content, methods, culture and ethos of research through immersion in the process of scientific inquiry; and

• To enable students to engage actively in research by carrying out substantial parts of the research independently and responsibly

Students will be involved in research and are mentored by practising mathematicians, scientists, medical researchers and engineers from the Faculties of Science, Medicine and Engineering of the National University of Singapore (NUS) and participating Research Centres/Institutes such as the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, the Tropical Marine Science Institute, the Defence Science & Technology Agency, and the Singapore Botanic Gardens. This programme is accredited and examined by the National University of Singapore. Mode : Research Pre-requisites : H2 Biology / H2 Chemistry / H2 Physics / H2 Mathematics Assessment : Students undertake the following components:

• Laboratory Work

• Research Plan and Research Paper

• Presentation with Oral Defence

3.16 NTU Science Research

The NTU Science Research aims to develop the inquiry mind of students with strong research interest and passion in the field of Science under the mentorship of NTU academic staff. Students will have the opportunity to experience the main elements of a research project such as conceptualising and analysing a research problem, and in the process, sharpen their investigative, experimental and critical thinking skills in problem solving and innovation. This programme will be examined and accredited by the Nanyang Technological University. Mode : Research Pre-requisites : H2 Biology / H2 Chemistry / H2 Physics / H2 Mathematics (any two) Assessment : The formal assessment consist the following:

• Researcher Assessment

• Research Paper

• Presentation with Oral Defence

Refer to Table B-4 for the pre-requisite(s) for the H3 programmes offered by MOE Partners.


Table B-4 Pre-requisites for H3 Programmes (MOE Partners)

Programme Title Pre-requisite(s)

NUS Geopolitics: War & Peace H2 Geography or History

NUS Economy & Space H2 Geography

SMU Game Theory & Competition H2 Economics

Humanities and the Arts

NUS-MOE Humanities & Soc Sci Research H2 Economics, or H2 Geography,or H2 History, or H2 Literature in English, or H2 Chinese Language and Literature, or H2 Malay Language and Literature

NTU Numbers & Matrices

(May not be offered together with NUS Linear Algebra)

H2 Mathematics

NUS Linear Algebra

(May not be offered together with NTU Numbers & Matrices)

H2 Mathematics

NTU Molecular Biology H2 Biology

NTU Organic Synthesis and Mechanism

(May not be offered together with H3 Pharmaceutical Chemistry)

H2 Chemistry

NTU Contemporary Physics

(May not be offered together with H3 Essentials of Modern Physics or

NTU Semiconductor Physics & Devices)

H2 Physics

NTU Semiconductor Physics & Devices

(May not be offered together with H3 Essentials of Modern Physics or

NTU Contemporary Physics)

H2 Physics

NTU-A*STAR-HCI Science Research

(Offered only to HCI students)

At least one H2 Science / Mathematics relevant to the research area and have some relevant science research experience.

NUS-A*STAR-NJC Science Research

(Offered only to NJC students)

Two H2 Science subjects

NUS-A*STAR-RI Science Research

(Offered only to RI(JC) students)

Relevant H2 subject(s) and has obtained at least a GPA of 3.2 (for Raffles Programme students) or 6A1 (for ‘O’ Level students), or its equivalent.

NUS-A*STAR-VJC Science Research

(Offered only to VJC students)

H2 Biology / H2 Chemistry / H2 Physics / H2 Mathematics (any two)

NUS-MOE Science Research H2 Biology / H2 Chemistry / H2 Physics / H2 Mathematics

Mathematics and Science

NTU Science Research H2 Biology / H2 Chemistry / H2 Physics / H2 Mathematics (any two)

The above information is accurate at the time of print. Updates can be found on



C 1 Special Programmes Offered In JCs

1.1 Humanities Programme

1.1.1 The Humanities Programme is offered by the Ministry of Education to encourage bright students to study humanities subjects at the pre-university level (and subsequently at the undergraduate level).

1.1.2 Besides offering the General Paper (students offering Knowledge & Inquiry need not offer General Paper), a Mother Tongue Language (MTL) (students offering Mother Tongue Language And Literature (MTLL) need not offer Mother Tongue Language (MTL)) and Project Work at H1 level, Humanities scholars must offer H2 Literature in English and a second H2 Humanities subject chosen from China Studies, Economics, English Language and Linguistics, Geography, History and India Studies. The choice of the third H2 subject may include Art, China Studies, Economics, English Language and Linguistics, Foreign Languages, Geography, History, India Studies, Mother Tongue Language and Literature, Music or Theatre Studies & Drama (see Table C-1 below). In addition to three H2 subjects, Humanities Scholars have to offer a contrasting subject which may be Knowledge & Inquiry (KI) or from the Maths/Science group*.

Table C-1 H2 Subjects for Humanities Scholars

H2 Subjects Remarks

First H2 • Literature in English

This subject is compulsory.

Second H2

• China Studies+

• Economics

• English Language and Linguistics

• Geography

• History

• India Studies

Select one from the range of subjects.

Third H2

• Art

• China Studies+

• Economics

• English Language and Linguistics

• Foreign Languages

− French

− German

− Japanese

• Geography

• History

• India Studies

• Mother Tongue Language and Literature

− Chinese Language and Literature

− Malay Language and Literature

− Tamil Language and Literature

• Music

• Theatre Studies & Drama

Select one from the range of subjects.


* Humanities Scholars interested in offering both H2 Mathematics and KI may choose to offer KI in place of the third H2 Humanities subject.

+ China Studies is available in either English or Chinese.


1.1.3 Students interested in the Humanities Programme should have already applied for it during the application period in October each year. For these students, they should join one of the following JCs where they have the benefit of humanities tutors to guide them in their course of study under the scheme:

a. Anglo-Chinese JC b. Hwa Chong Institution c. National JC d. Raffles Institution (JC) e. Temasek JC f. Victoria JC

1.1.4 The Humanities Scholarships are available to eligible students interested in the programme. The application form (containing details of the application procedure) for the Humanities Scholarships can be downloaded from education/scholarships/moe-preu/humanities/.

1.2 Chinese/Malay Language Elective Programmes (CLEP/MLEP)

1.2.1 The CLEP is conducted in Hwa Chong Institution, Jurong JC, Nanyang JC, Temasek JC and Dunman High School* to encourage students who have the ability and interest in Chinese to study H2 Chinese Language and Literature. Likewise, the MLEP is available at Innova JC and Tampines JC to encourage students who have the ability and interest in Malay to study H2 Malay Language and Literature.

1.2.2 All students in the CLEP will take the H2 Chinese Language and Literature Papers 1 and 2 at GCE ‘A’ Level. In addition, all CLEP students must offer one more content unit of CL-related subject (such as H1 General Studies in Chinese, H1/H2 China Studies in Chinese, H1/H2 History (Chinese) or H3 Chinese Language and Literature).

1.2.3 All students in the MLEP will take the H2 Malay Language and Literature Papers 1 and 2 at GCE ‘A’ Level, and will be given the option to offer H3 Malay Language and Literature.

1.2.4 Students in the CLEP and MLEP will have the opportunity to participate in enrichment activities with special emphasis on creative writing, appreciation of literary works and immersion programme. Also, interested students will have the opportunity to participate in teaching-related service learning projects.

1.2.5 Students must have good overall results in the GCE ‘O’ Level Examination, obtaining one of the following:

a. Grade B3 in Higher Chinese/Malay; or

b. Grade B4 in Higher Chinese/Malay and B3 in Literature in Chinese (Full and Elective)/ Literature in Malay (Full and Elective); or

c. Grade A2 in Chinese/Malay.

1.2.6 Students who wish to apply for the CLEP or MLEP should do so when they apply online via the JAE Internet System (JAE-IS). Students who apply for CLEP or MLEP and are selected for the programme can enjoy two bonus points for admission to the respective JCs. (see Section 2 for application details).

1.2.7 Students who gained admission into the JC using the 2 bonus points awarded for CLEP/MLEP are required to remain in the CLEP/MLEP and sit for the GCE ‘A’ Level H2 Chinese/Malay Language and Literature. Students who fail to do so may be asked to leave the JC.

1.2.8 Students who are successfully enrolled in the CLEP or the MLEP after the JAE will be considered for the Language Elective Scholarships (Chinese) (CLES) or Language Elective Scholarships (Malay) (MLES) respectively. Students need not apply for these scholarships as those who meet the short-listing criteria will be invited for the selection interviews. For more information on CLES/MLES, please refer to: a. (for CLES); and

* Dunman High School currently only admits their own Integrated Programme (IP) students for CLEP at year five and six.


b. (for MLES).

1.3 Language Elective Programmes (LEP) in French, German and Japanese

1.3.1 LEP in French, German and Japanese are available at the Ministry of Education Language Centre (MOELC) (Bishan) to encourage academically able and linguistically talented students to study these languages at H2 level.

1.3.2 All students in these LEP will take French, German or Japanese at H2 level. There will be opportunities for them to participate in enrichment activities, with emphasis on understanding and appreciating French, German or Japanese culture.

1.3.3 The Language Elective Scholarships (LES) are available to eligible students interested in the above programmes at MOELC (Bishan). The application form (containing details of the application procedure) for the Language Elective Scholarships can be downloaded from: a.

(for LES French); b.

(for LES German); and c.

(for LES Japanese).

1.4 Art Elective Programme (AEP)

1.4.1 The Art Elective Programme (AEP) is offered at Hwa Chong Institution, Nanyang JC and National JC for academically able and artistically talented students who wish to offer a rigorous art programme at pre-university level. The programme prepares students for the GCE 'A' Level H2 Art and H3 Art.

1.4.2 Students who wish to apply to offer AEP should first be posted to the school/JCs offering AEP. They can apply for AEP through the school/JCs.

1.4.3 After having been admitted to the school/JCs offering AEP, students will be admitted into the AEP if they pass an internal selection test administered by the school/JCs. Preference would be given to students who:

a. Achieve a good GCE 'O' Level pass in Art;

and / or

b. Possess a good portfolio of artwork

1.4.4 Students who have successfully enrolled in the AEP and who are eligible will be considered for the Art Elective Scholarships after the JAE. The application form (containing details of the application procedure) for the Art Elective Scholarships can be downloaded from

1.5 Music Elective Programme (MEP)

1.5.1 The Music Elective Programme (MEP) is offered at Anglo-Chinese JC, Anglo-Chinese School (Independent), Dunman High School*, Raffles Institution (JC) and Temasek JC for academically able and musically talented students who wish to offer a rigorous music programme at pre-university level. The programme prepares students for GCE ‘A’ Level H2 Music and H3 Music. The programme at ACS (Independent) prepares students for the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) Music at Higher Level.

1.5.2 Students who wish to apply to offer MEP should first be posted to the schools/JCs offering MEP. They can apply for MEP through the schools/JCs.

1.5.3 Students will be considered for admission into the MEP if they meet the following criteria:

a. Admission to Anglo-Chinese JC, ACS (Independent), Raffles Institution (JC) or Temasek JC based on merit (i.e. the net L1R5 aggregate),


* Dunman High School currently only admits their own Integrated Programme (IP) students for MEP at year five and six.


b. Meet any of the criteria below:

i. Obtained passes in the Grade 5 Practical and either Grade 6 Theory or Grade 6 Practical Musicianship examinations of the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music (ABRSM), or the equivalent standard from other examination boards;


ii. Obtained a GCE ‘O’ Level pass in Music;


iii. In the absence of the qualifications stated above, obtained a pass in the written selection test and practical audition on an instrument (e.g. piano, rebab, erhu, sitar) conducted by the MEP school or junior college.

1.5.4 Students who have successfully enrolled in the MEP and who are eligible will be considered for the Music Elective Scholarships after the JAE. The application form (containing details of the application procedure) for the Music Elective Scholarships can be downloaded from music/.

1.6 Drama Elective Programme (DEP)

1.6.1 The Drama Elective Programme (DEP) is offered by three JCs: Anglo-Chinese JC, Tampines JC and Victoria JC. The programme prepares students for GCE ‘A’ Level H2 Theatre Studies and Drama (TSD).

a. Students applying for the Humanities Scholarships may offer Theatre Studies & Drama as one of the two H2 subjects that must be studied in addition to H2 Literature in English.

b. Students who wish to study Theatre Studies & Drama, should choose any one of the colleges offering the subject.

c. Although there is no prerequisite for the subject, each College will have its own

internal selection process for the course.

1.7 English Language Elective Programme (ELEP)

1.7.1 The ELEP is offered at Anglo-Chinese JC, Catholic JC and Raffles Institution (JC) to encourage students who have an interest in and a flair for the English language to pursue English Language and Linguistics at the pre-university level (and subsequently at the undergraduate level).

1.7.2 Students offering English Language and Linguistics as one of their H2 subjects at one of the ELEP centres will enjoy additional facilities and special enrichment programmes. Students in non-ELEP centres can also offer English Language and Linguistics, but only students enrolled in the 3 ELEP centres are eligible to apply for the English Language Elective Scholarships.

1.7.3 Students applying for the English Language Elective Scholarships must have good overall results in the GCE ‘O’ Level Examination, including a distinction in English Language. Students on the Integrated Programme will be assessed based on equivalent results in their schools’ internal examinations. Students from both the Arts and the Science streams may apply for the scholarship.

1.7.4 After the JAE exercise, students who are successfully enrolled in one of the ELEP centres may apply for the scholarship through the JCs they have been posted to. The application form (containing details of the application procedure) for the English Language Elective Scholarships can be downloaded from scholarships/moe-preu/english/


2 Other Scholarships in Junior Colleges

2.1 Edusave Scholarships in Junior Colleges

Three schemes funded by Edusave are available for students enrolled at the JC1 level in Independent Schools/JCs (IS/IJC) that offer the Integrated Programme (IP) and charges independent school fees. The schemes are as follows:

2.1.1 Edusave Entrance Scholarships for Independent Schools (EESIS), 2.1.2 Edusave Scholarships for Integrated Programme Schools (ESIP), and 2.1.3 Edusave (Independent Schools) Yearly Awards [E(IS)YA].

Only Singapore Citizens who have met the necessary criteria will be considered for the scholarships.

2.2 Edusave Entrance Scholarships for Independent Schools (EESIS)

2.2.1 Extension of the EESIS to Recipients of the EESIS at Secondary Level

a. Recipients of the EESIS at Secondary Level will be offered an extension of their EESIS if they are admitted to an IS/IJC offering IP during the Joint Admissions Exercise (JAE). This is provided that the IS/IJC offering IP charges independent school fees at JC level. The extension will be offered for the period after the student has been admitted to the IS/IJC through the JAE.

b. Recipients of the EESIS at Secondary Level admitted to IS/IJC offering IP and charging independent school fees under the Direct School Admission Exercise for Junior College (DSA-JC) will also be offered the extension of the EESIS in that school.

c. Students eligible for the extension of the EESIS will be informed through Form A. They will be eligible for EESIS only after they are admitted into the IS/IJC.

2.2.2 What the EESIS Awards Cover

a. At JC level, the EESIS covers the school fees charged by the IS/IJC offering IP per month, less the amount of school and standard miscellaneous fees paid by students in government/government-aided JCs per month. Upon extension, the tenure of the EESIS is up to the end of the students’ studies in JC 2.

b. For students given the EESIS award, and are also

i. admitted to one of the Ministry’s special programmes (eg. Art Elective Programme, Music Elective Programme);


ii. awarded any other scholarship (eg. Humanities Scholarship, MOE Pre-University Scholarship, Language Elective Scholarships),

The EESIS award will cover the school fees per month less the amount of school and standard miscellaneous fees paid by students in government/government-aided JCs per month, less the fee subsidy enjoyed under the special programme/scholarship.

2.3 Edusave Scholarships for Integrated Programmme Schools (ESIP)

2.3.1 Award of the ESIP

a. Students who were not awarded the EESIS at Secondary Level and admitted to IS/IJC offering IP during the JAE may be eligible for an alternative Edusave scholarship - the Edusave Scholarships for Integrated Programmme Schools (ESIP). This is provided that the IS/IJC offering IP charges independent school fees at JC level. The ESIP will be offered for the period after the student has been admitted to the IS/IJC through the JAE.

b. Students meeting any of the following criteria will be eligible for the ESIP:

i. Enrolled in the Gifted Education Programme (GEP) at Secondary 4;



ii. Met the EESIS eligibility criteria based on their performance in the PSLE;


iii. Performed well in the O Level examinations to come within the top 5% of all students (Singapore Citizens) who have taken the O Level examinations based on their L1R5 scores.

c. Students who are eligible for ESIP based on the critiera in 2.3.1b. who are admitted to IS/IJC offering IP charging independent school fees under the Direct School Admission Exercise for Junior College (DSA-JC) will also be offered the ESIP in that school.

d. Students eligible for the ESIP will be informed through Form A. They will be eligible for ESIP only after they are admitted into the IS/IJC.

2.3.2 What the ESIP Awards Cover

a. At JC level, the ESIP covers the school fees charged by the IS/IJC offering IP per month, less the amount of school and standard miscellaneous fees paid by students in government/government-aided JCs per month. The tenure of the ESIP is up to the end of the students’ studies in JC 2.

b. For students given the ESIP award and are also

i. admitted to one of the Ministry’s special programmes (eg. Art Elective Programme, Music Elective Programme);


ii. awarded any other scholarship (eg. Humanities Scholarship, MOE Pre-University Scholarship, Language Elective Scholarships),

The ESIP will cover the school fees per month, less the amount of school and standard miscellaneous fees paid by students in government/government-aided JCs per month, less the fee subsidy enjoyed under the special programme/scholarship.

2.4 Edusave (Independent Schools) Yearly Awards [E(IS)YA]

2.4.1 The Edusave (Independent Schools) Yearly Awards [E(IS)YA] are available for students admitted to an IS/IJC offering IP charging independent school fees, but are not recipients of the EESIS, ESIP or any other school fee subsidies under a MOE Special Programme/Scholarship.

2.4.2 The E(IS)YA are offered to Singapore citizens who are within the top 5% of all students in that level in each IS/IJC offering IP, based on their school examination results at the end of the year. These awards are offered to encourage and reward students who have excelled academically for that year.

2.4.3 The yearly awards cover the annual school fees charged by the IS/IJC offering IP for that year less the annual amount of school and standard miscellaneous fees paid by students in government/government-aided JCs, less any fee subsidy provided under the special programme, Ministry/school programme, Independent school Bursary or any other scholarship.

2.5 MOE Pre-University Scholarships

2.5.1 The MOE Pre-University Scholarships are offered by the Ministry of Education to top students who have achieved outstanding academic results and excelled in co-curricular and other activities. The application form for the MOE Pre-University Scholarships (containing details of the application procedure) can be downloaded from




1 Junior Colleges & Millennia Institute

1.1 Aggregate Scores Of Junior Colleges 1.1.1 Table D-1 shows the L1R5 net aggregate of the lowest ranked students who were

admitted to the JCs through the 2009 Joint Admissions Exercise (JAE). These aggregate scores are meant as a reference for applicants applying to the JCs and do not constitute the admission scores for subsequent admission exercises.

Table D-1

L1R5 Aggregate Scores (With Bonus Points) of Students Admitted To Junior Colleges In The 2009 Joint Admissions Exercise (JAE)

S/No Junior College Arts Science/IB

1 Anderson JC 9 7

2 Anglo-Chinese JC 7 6

3 Anglo-Chinese School (Independent) - 5

4 Catholic JC 11 10

5 Hwa Chong Institution 3 3

6 Innova JC 19 20

7 Jurong JC 12 15

8 Meridian JC 9 10

9 Nanyang JC 10 10

10 National JC 5 4

11 Pioneer JC 16 17

12 Raffles Institution 3 3

13 Serangoon JC 17 17

14 St. Andrew's JC 9 8

15 Tampines JC 12 13

16 Temasek JC 7 6

17 Victoria JC 5 4

18 Yishun JC 20 20

1.2 Information on JCs and MI

1.2.1 The following pages highlight useful information on the JCs and MI.


School Code 0705


4500 Ang Mo Kio Avenue 6 (569843)

Tel : 64596822 Fax : 64598734 School Website :

Bus Services : 13, 45, 86, 162, 269, 825, 851, 852, 853

Nearest MRT Station

Yio Chu Kang

School Vision : A vibrant and collaborative learning community where caring leaders are groomed to be best for the world

School Mission : To nurture AJCians to be morally upright, resilient and caring leaders with the passion to seek knowledge and the drive to excel

Type of School : Government/ Mixed/ Full Day

Mother Tongue : Chinese/ Malay/ Tamil

Bonus Points given for Affiliated Schools

: Nil

: Arts : 4 to 9 Science : 2 to 7

Net Aggregate range of 2009 JAE pupils posted to 2009 JC1 Subjects Offered : H1 Subjects

Biology, Chemistry, China Studies (Chinese), Economics, General Studies in Chinese, Geography, History, Literature In English, Mathematics, Physics, General Paper, Project Work, Chinese Language, Malay Language, Tamil Language.

H2 Subjects

Biology, Chemistry, Chinese Language & Literature, Economics, Geography, History, Literature in English, Malay Language & Literature, Mathematics, Physics, Tamil Language & Literature.

H3 Subjects

Chemistry, Chinese Language & Literature, Geography, History, Literature in English, Mathematics, Physics.

CCA Offered Sports & Games : Air Rifle/Shooting, Badminton, Basketball, Bowling, Hockey, Netball, Soccer, Squash, Sports Club,

Table Tennis, Tennis, Track & Field, Volleyball, Chess (Chinese & International), Wushu. Uniformed Groups : Not Available Performing Arts : Band-Symphonic, Choir, Drama-English, Drama-Chinese, Ensemble-Guitar, Ensemble-Harmonica,

Orchestra-Chinese, Dance (Contemporary, Chinese, Indian & Malay) Clubs & Societies : Audio Visual Aids Club, AJ Enterprise Club, Climbing Club, CXtreme (Computer Club), Debating And

Oratorical Society, Interact Club, Chinese LDDS, Tamil LDDS, Malay LDDS, Outdoor Activities Club, Photography Society, Publications, Red Cross Humanitarian Network, Students’ Council, Visual Arts Club, Project Eureka (Science Research), Youth Flying Club

Special Programmes Offered

MOE Programmes : Not Available School-based Programmes : 1. Science Research 2. Service-Learning CIP 3. Student Leadership Programme 4. Character Development Programme 5. Career Guidance / Work Attachment Programme 6. ALPHA Programme for the academically-able students 7. GP improvement & enrichment programmes 8. Sports and Games Development Programme


Achievements in 2009 for Junior College Level

Special Award (SEA , SDA )

SEA - School Excellence Award; SDA - School Distinction Award Special Award SDA

• SDA (2006 – 2013)

Character Development

Level Two Award ( )

SAA - Sustained Achievement Award; ODA - Outstanding Development Award Physical & Aesthetics

BPA - Best Practices Award

• BPA Staff Well-being (2006 – 2013) Academic Value-added

• BPA Teaching and Learning (2004 – 2013)

• SAA Aesthetics (2006 – 2010) Best Practices

• SAA Physical Fitness (2006 – 2009)

Level One Award ( )

AA - Achievement Award; DA - Development Award

• AA Academic Value-added (2009) (Silver)

• AA Aesthetics (2009)

• AA Physical Health (2008 – 2009) – CHERISH Award (Gold)

• AA Sports (2009)

• DA Character Development (2006 – 2011)

• DA National Education (2006 – 2011)

Other Awards:

• Singapore Quality Class (2004 – 2013)

• People Developer (2004 – 2010)

Sports & Games Competition : Shooting National Schools Air Rifle Championships (Girls): 2009 – 3rd, 2008 – 1st , 2007 – 2nd National Schools Air Rifle Championships (Boys): 2009 – 4th North Zone Schools Air Pistol Championships (Girls): 2009 – 1st North Zone Schools Air Pistol Championships (Boys): 2009 – 1st Volleyball National Schools Championships (Girls): 2008 – 4th, 2007 – 2nd National Schools Championships (Boys): 2009 – 3rd, 2008 – 4th, 2007 – 2nd, 2006 – 1st Basketball National Schools Championships (Girls): 2007 – 4th National Schools Championships (Boys): 2008 – 2nd, 2007 – 4th, 2006 – 2nd Wushu National Schools Championships (Girls): 2009 – 4th, 2008 – 4th, 2006 – 4th National Schools Championships (Boys): 2009 – 3rd, 2008 – 3rd, 2007 – 3rd Tchoukball National Schools Championships (Girls) : 2009 – 1st National Schools Championships (Boys) : 2009 – 3rd SYF Central Judging 2008/9 : Choir (Gold with Hons), Symphonic Band (Gold with Hons), Chinese Orchestra (Gold with Hons),

Int’l Dance (Gold with Hons), Indian Dance (Silver), Chinese Dance (Silver), Malay Dance (Silver), Guitar (Bronze), Harmonica (Silver), Chinese Drama (Silver), English Drama (Gold)

Other School Features

Founded in 1984 and located centrally in Ang Mo Kio, Anderson Junior College has grown from its humble beginnings into the top junior college of the North Zone. The college is built on and sustained by a strong caring ethos as reflected in the college motto “Non Mihi Solum” (Not for Myself Alone). This caring culture motivates AJCians to reach for greater heights, achieve their fullest potential and empower them to serve their community, while supported and guided by a team of nurturing and committed teachers and school leaders.

Academic Excellence Our student-centred learning approaches focus on quality innovative teaching and academic excellence. The college seeks to stretch students beyond the confines of the classroom in their learning experience. Students who are strong in academics are enrolled into the Alpha Programme which seeks to stretch them beyond the academic field to leadership and service and groom them to be scholars and leaders.

The Science Research Programme is well-established in the college. Science students are exposed to science research at various levels in their time with the college. As Anderson JC is the North Zone Centre of Excellence for Science, our Elementz Lab, equipped with high-end science research equipment is located onsite. The college also has its own Nanotechnology Lab. Our students are involved in the MOE Science Research Programme (SRP), the Nanyang Research Programme (NRP), the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology Outreach Programme and various attachment programmes at local research institutes. The following are some of our students’ achievements at Science competitions:


� S’pore Science & Engineering Fair: 2007 – 1 Gold, 1 Bronze & 2 Merit, 2008 – 1 Silver & 1 Bronze, 2009 – 2 Silver & 2 Merit

� Shell Science Fair 2008 – 2 Silver & 2 Bronze

� Elementz Sci Research Conference & Exhibition: 2007 – 2S & 3B, 2008 – 1G, 4S & 3B, 2009 – 2G, 1S, 2B & 3 Commendn

� NTU IEEE Science Symposium: 2007 – 1st prize and 3rd prize , 2008 – two 3rd prizes

� A*STAR JC Science Award: 2008 – 2 students, 2009 – 5 students

� NUS S’pore Chemical Science Fair (SCSF) 2009 – 1 Nickel Award & 1 Honorary Award

� PET Rocket competition 2008: 4th

� NUS Physics Quiz: 2008 – 3rd prize, 2009 – 1st prize

� Singapore Chemistry Olympiad: 2008 – 3 Bronze & 1 Merit

� NEA Environment Project Competition 2008 – 2nd, Best Exhibition Booth Display Arts students are also stretched through a combination of in-house designed enrichment programmes, external competitions and seminars. Our students have done well in various competitions in the Humanities, English and the Mother Tongue Languages:

� English Int’l Competitions and Assessments for schools: 2008 – 1 medal winner, 14.8% with Distinction /High Distinction

� Commonwealth Essay Competition 2008 – 1 Commendation Award

� NUS Students’ Political Association Essay Writing 2009 – 3rd (individual)

� VJC-EDB Business Symposium: 2007 – 3rd, 2008 – 2nd, 2009 – 1st

� NUS History Seminar 2009 – Best Overall Team Award

� URA Challenge for Urban and Built Environment (CUBE) 2009 – Merit Award

� Inter-school English/Chinese & Chinese/English Translation Contest 2008 – 3rd

Choice within a holistic education programme The AJ experience is further enhanced by well-integrated customised programmes that aim at the holistic development of AJCians. These programmes stretch AJCians in Student Leadership and Community Involvement through Service Learning while developing their character through the acquisition of critical Lifeskills and Values. AJCians are also given the opportunity to pick up a new skill, acquire a new hobby or simply learn something new about themselves – in this, they are allowed to exercise choice in their selection of modules in the college’s Civics Electives programme, Festival of Life for the aesthetics and Sports Education Programme. To help AJCians realise their potential and ambitions, they are exposed to Career Guidance to prepare them for study and career after their time with the college.

The college has a wide array of quality CCA programmes to suit student interests. The college is renowned for its excellent performing arts group such the college Choir which has been in the Choral Excellence Programme since 2002 and regularly achieves top honours at national and international competitions. In 2008, at the 10th Concorso Corale Internazionale in Riva del Garda, Italy, not only was the Choir awarded the Gold V Diploma and was the Champion in the Mixed Youth Choirs category, it was also crowned the winner of the Public Prize and the Grand Prize. The college Symphonic Band was awarded Gold with Distinction at the 2008 National Band Competition and was placed 2nd overall. The college’s Chinese Orchestra, Dance and cultural groups have also garnered top national honours in inter-school competitions. Other Co-Curricular Achievements:

CLDDS: � Invited to perform at the 2009 SYF Performance Night – Chinese Drama Presentation � National Chinese Calligraphy Competition 2009 (org by NTU Chinese Soc) – Silver Award TLDDS: � Inter-JC Drama Competition 2008 by RDG – Silver Award & Best Actor Award � Inter-JC Competition:

2008 – 1st (Singing Competition), 2nd (Thirukural Recitation), 3rd (Rangoli Competition), Overall Challenge Trophy; 2009 – 1st (Singing Competition: Tamil Rap), 2nd (Stand Up Comedy), 4th (Short Film Competition), Overall Challenge Trophy

� Arangam 2008 (Inter-Tertiary Tamil Drama Competition): Silver Award � Inter-JC Tamil Song singing Competition 2008 – 2nd � Inter-JC Tamil Debate: 2007 – Champion and Best Speaker Award, 2008 – 3rd prize and Best Speaker Award � 2008 Inter-JC Tamil Competition: Poetry Writing – 1st, Singing Competition – 2nd MLDDS: � Annual Inter-Institution WAU Design Competition: 2007 – 1st, 2008 – 2nd � Poetry Writing Competition (ASAS ’50 and NIE/NTU) 2008: Merit Award � Word Building Game (ASAS ’50 and NIE/NTU) 2009 – Consolation Prize � Pesta Pantun Competition (Malay Language Soc, NUS) 2008 – 2nd (Team) , 2009 – 2nd (Team) & Best Performance (Indiv) Chess: � Raffles Inter-School Chinese Chess Competition (Raffles Cup): 2006, 2007, 2008 – 1st � 2nd Annual Hwa Chong Inter-JC Team Chess Championship: 2008 – 1st � Singapore Polytechnic Battle of the Wits 2008: 1st (team), 1st (individual blitz) CXtreme (Computer Club): USA First Vex Robotics Challenge 2008 in Los Angeles, Excellence Award (World Champion) Debating & Oratorical Society: ACJC NFL Oratorical Competition 2008 – 2nd prize (Impromptu Category) Photography Society: NJC Colour Photography Competition SNAP! 2009 – 1st prize, 2 Consolation, 3 Hon Mention and the School

Challenge Trophy

The college strives to be a vibrant and collaborative learning community where caring leaders are groomed to be best for the world. At Anderson JC, every student is given an equal opportunity to fulfil his or her potential.


School Code 0803


25 Dover Close East (139745) Tel: 67750511 Fax: 67775479 School Website : Bus Services : 74, 91, 92, 95, 191, 196, 198, 200

Nearest MRT Station : Buona Vista School Vision : ACJC is a Methodist Institution committed to an all-

round education of the highest standards based on Christian principles and a consciousness of self, others and God

School Mission : ACJC upholds noble ambition and character, for the

service of God and nation

Type of School : Government-Aided Sch/ Mixed School/ Full Day Mother Tongue : Chinese/ Malay/ Tamil

Bonus points given for Affiliated Schools

: Anglo-Chinese School (Independent), Geylang Methodist Secondary School, Paya Lebar Methodist Girls' School (Secondary), Methodist Girls' School (Secondary), Anglo-Chinese School (Barker Road), Fairfield Methodist Secondary School

: Arts : 2 to 7 Science : 2 to 6

Net Aggregate range of 2009 JAE pupils posted to 2009 JC1 Subjects Offered : H1 Subjects Art, Biology, Chemistry, China Studies in Chinese, China Studies in English, Chinese Language,

Chinese B, Economics, General Studies in Chinese, Literature in English, General Paper, Geography, History, Malay Language, Malay B, Mathematics, Physics, Project Work, Tamil Language, Tamil B

H2 Subjects Art, Biology, Chemistry, China Studies in Chinese, Chinese Language and Literature, Theatre Studies

& Drama, Economics, English Language, Knowledge & Inquiry, Literature in English, Geography, History, Malay Language and Literature, Mathematics, Music, Physics, Tamil Language and Literature

H3 Subjects Art, Biology, Chemistry, Chinese Language and Literature, Economics, Literature in English,

Geography, History, Malay Language and Literature, Mathematics, Music, Physics, Tamil Language and Literature

Civics, Co-Curricular Activity, National Education, Physical Education, Character Development,

Leadership Development

CCA Offered Sports & Games : Air Pistol / Rifle, Badminton, Basketball, Bowling, Canoeing/Rowing/Dragon Boat, Cross-Country,

Floorball, Golf, Hockey, Netball, Rugby, Soccer, Squash, Swimming, Table-Tennis, Tennis, Track & Field, Volleyball, Water Polo

Uniformed Groups : Boys' Brigade Primers Performing Arts : Band - Symphonic, Choir, Dance Society, Harp Ensemble, String Ensemble, Guitar Ensemble,

Chinese Orchestra, ACSian Theatre, Indian Dance

Clubs & Societies : Art Club, Arts Council, Chinese Cultural Society, Christian Fellowship, Creative Writing Circle,

Debating And Oratorical Society, Entree Council, First Aid Unit, Gardening & Landscaping Club, Interact Club, Library Council, Lifeguard Corps, Malay Cultural Society, Media Resource Crew, Media Club, National Education Council, Photographic Society, Publications Committee, Science & Mathematics Council, Strategic Games Club, Students' Council, Tech Council, Tamil Cultural Society

Others : External CCAs are recognised in ACJC (verification needs to be provided)


Special Programmes Offered MOE Programmes : Music Elective Programme

Drama Elective Programme English Language Elective Programme MOE Creative Arts Programme MOE Humanities Programme MOE Humanities and Social Science Research Programmes MOE Science Research Programmes MOE English Language Elective Scholarships MOE Humanities Scholarships MOE Music Elective Scholarships MOE Pre-U Scholarships West Zone Centre of Excellence (Language Arts)

School-based Programmes : ACJC Science Research Programme ACJC Science Research Symposium ACJC Economics Symposium Humanities Symposia ACJC-EDB Entrepreneurship Education Programme Aesthetic education through performing arts Work Attachment Programme "So you want to be…" series Elective leadership modules & CCA Leaders Camp Extensive Local & Overseas Community Involvement Programmes

Achievements in 2009 for Junior College Level

Special Award (SEA , SDA ) Special Award

SEA - School Excellence Award; SDA - School Distinction Award

• SDA - School Distinction Award (2008 - 2012)

Character Development

Level Two Award ( ) Physical & Aesthetics

SAA - Sustained Achievement Award; ODA - Outstanding Development Award

BPA – Best Practices Award

Academic Value-added

• SAA Sports (11th Award)

• SAA Physical Fitness (8th Award) Best Practices

• SAA Aesthetics (8th Award)

• ODA (Character Development) (2008 - 2012)

• BPA Teaching and Learning (2008 - 2012)

Level One Award ( )

AA - Achievement Award; DA - Development Award

• Trim and Fit Award (Gold)

• Academic Value-added Award 2005, 2006, 2007

• Aesthetics

• Sports

• MINDEF Physical Fitness Performance Merit Award

• MINDEF Physical Fitness Performance Most Improved JC Award

Other Awards

• Singapore Quality Class (2007 - 2010)

Sports & Games Competition

: National Ten-pin Bowling A Girls 1st, National Netball A Girls 1st, National Golf A Boys 1st, National Ten-pin Bowling A Boys 2nd, National Canoeing A Girls 2nd, National Rugby A Boys 2nd, National Squash A Boys 2nd, National Swimming A Boys 2nd, National Swimming A Girls 2nd, National Soccer A Boys 3rd, National Hockey A Girls 3rd, National Squash A Girls 3rd, National Tennis A Boys 3rd, National Tennis A Girls 3rd, National Volleyball A Girls 3rd, National Waterpolo A Girls 3rd, National Badminton A Boys 4th, National Cross Country A Boys 4th, National Track & Field A Boys 4th, National Track & Field A Girls 4th, National Waterpolo A Boys 4th.

SYFCentral Judging : Choir (Gold with Honours), Indian Dance (Gold with Honours), Drama (Gold), Chinese Orchestra

(Gold), Guitar Ensemble (Gold), Symphonic Band (Gold), Chinese Drama (Silver), Harp Ensemble (Silver), String Ensemble (Silver), Dance (Bronze), Art (1 Gold, 2 Silvers & 2 Bronzes).

Other College Awards : Singapore Sports Council Sporting Singapore Inspiration Award (Silver) 2006 Others :

• International Individual Award, NASA Fundamental Aeronautics Student Competition 2009

• Beijing Youth Science Creation Competition – 2 Golds, 1 Youth Science Creation Award

• 12th National Olympiad in Informatics – Silver


• Odyssey of the Mind Singapore Finals - 1st Runners-Up in Division 3 category

• National Junior Robotics Competition - Best Video Award (Gold), Best Image Award (Gold), 2 Silvers and 2 Bronzes

• National Weather Study Project (NWSP) – Champions

• 13th Materials Science and Engineering Challenge – Silver

• Singapore Science and Engineering Fair 2009 - 2 Silvers

• EDB Film Competition – Silver

• MOE Invitational Debating championships - 1st Runners-Up • 1 student represented Singapore in Bridging Minds Debates 2009 • South Zone COE Youth Photo Competition - 2 3rd prizes

Other School Features And Achievements

Scholarships and Book Prizes achieved by our students include: 1. A*STAR JC Scholarships DSTA Overseas Scholarships DSTA JC Scholarships Education Merit Scholarships Firefly Scholarships Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore Scholarship MOE Overseas Teaching Scholarships Public Service Commission Scholarships SAF Merit Scholarships SAF Local Medicine Scholarships Singapore Police Force JC Book Prize Students can look forward to an all-round development through participation in the following: a) National Research Programmes - MOE-NUS Science Research Programme - MOE-NTU Nanyang Research Programme - MOE-A*STAR Local Research Institutes Attachment Programme - MOE-Temasek Life Sciences Laboratories Research Attachment Programme - MOE Humanities and Social Science Research Programme - MOE Creative Arts Programme b) ACJC Enrichment Programmes - ACJC-NUS/NTU Science Research Attachments - ACJC Science Research Symposium - National Science Olympiads - London International Youth Science Forum - ACJC Humanities Symposia Series - ACJC-Overseas Alumni Peer Mentoring Programme - ACJC China Immersion Programme - Model United Nations Conference - ACJC Keynote Arts Lecture Series c) Extensive local and overseas community involvement programmes that emphasises empathy and serving others before self d) ACJC Co-curricular Programme

The ACJC CCA programmes are vibrant and energetic. Many of the teams have repeatedly garnered accolades on the national and international fronts. Among our athletes are Singapore's Sportsboy, Sportsgirl and Sportsmen of the Year, SEA Games medallists and Olympians. Also worthy of mention is our Concert Band, Choir and Debate Team who have made their mark on the international scene. We are home to over 60 CCAs who compete in a diversity of competitions and events.

e) ACJC Leadership Development Programme

Students can look forward to a comprehensive leadership development programme which equips them with necessary skills and attitudes to lead others. There will also be ample opportunities to hone these skills in leadership situations when students are called to lead in various capacities.


School Code 7001


121, Dover Road ( 139650 ) Tel: 67731633 Fax: 67731433 School Website : Bus Services : 14, 33, 74, 166, 196, 97, 197, 198 Nearest MRT Station : Dover, Buona Vista School Vision : Every ACSian: A Scholar, an Officer and a Gentleman

(Years 1 - 4) Every ACSian: A Scholar, a Leader and a Global Citizen (Years 5 - 6)

School Mission : To be a world-class institution in nurturing the holistic

development of our students

Type of School : Independent School/ Mixed School/ Single Session

Mother Tongue : Chinese/ Malay/ Tamil

Bonus Points given for Affiliated Schools

: Nil

Net Aggregate range of 2009 JAE pupils posted to 2009 JC1

: IB : 2 to 5

Subjects Offered : International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme


ACS(I) is the first and only national school in Singapore to offer the IBDP in 2006. The International Baccalaureate Organisation (IBO) has authorised ACS(I) as an IB World School with its first examinations in November 2007. The IBDP, created in 1968, is a demanding pre-university course of study and is specially designed for highly motivated secondary school students. The programme has earned a reputation for rigorous assessment, giving IB diploma holders access to the world’s leading universities. The IBO, has shown, over the course of 30 years, that students are well prepared for university work. For more information about the IBDP, please refer to the school website at and the IBO website at The IBDP requires a student to offer 6 examination subjects as well as complete the Theory of Knowledge course, write an Extended Essay in one of the chosen subjects of research and participate in the Creativity, Action and Service Programme.

Students offering the full IB diploma must take 3 Higher Level (HL) subjects and 3 Standard Level (SL) subjects. They must select 1 subject each from Groups 1 to 5. The 6th subject may be an arts subject from Group 6, or an additional subject from Groups 1 to 4, or further mathematics SL, or computer science from Group 5.

IB Subjects Offered in 2007/2008 Grp 1: English A1, Chinese A1(HL/SL) Grp 2: English A2, Chinese A2 (HL/SL) English B, Chinese B, Malay B, Tamil B, French B (SL) Spanish ab initio, French ab initio, German ab initio, Mandarin ab initio, Malay ab initio (SL) Grp 3: Business & Management, Economics, History, Geography (HL/SL), Ecosystems & Societies (SL) Grp 4: Physics, Chemistry, Biology (HL/SL) Grp 5: Mathematical Studies (SL), Mathematics (HL/SL), Further Mathematics (SL), Computer Science (HL/SL) Grp 6: Music (HL/SL), Visual Arts (HL/SL) , Theatre Arts (SL) Core

Requirements: Theory of Knowledge, Extended Essay, Creativity, Action & Service

Others: Pastoral Care, Physical Education School Fees : Singaporeans - $400 per month Singapore Permanent Residents - $480 per month International Students - $800 per month

Miscellaneous Fees : Nil

Supplementary Fees : All Students - $50 per month


CCA Offered Sports & Games : Air Rifle / Air Pistol, Badminton, Basketball, Canoeing/Rowing/Dragon Boat, Cricket, Cross Country, Golf,

Hockey, Netball, Rugby, Sailing, Soccer, Softball, Squash, Swimming, Table Tennis, Ten-Pin Bowling, Tennis, Touch Rugby, Waterpolo.

Uniformed Groups : Boys' Brigade Primers, NCC (Land), NCC (Sea), NCC(Air), NPCC, Scouts, St John's Ambulance Brigade,

Military Bagpipe Band

Performing Arts : Symphonic Band, Choir, Drama – English, Philharmonic Orchestra, Chinese Performing Arts (Chinese Drama,

Dance and Festive Drums), Modern Dance, Guitar Orchestra

Clubs & Societies : ACSPress, Astronomy, Art Club, Chess, Chinese Chess, Christian Fellowship, Co-Operative Society,

Computer Services, Debate, Environment Club, Health & Recreation, Interact Club, Library Council, Media Resources, Photography, Robotics, Science Research Challenge, Videography

Others : INK! – students’ publication Team, ACS(I) Webpages Team, Fencing, Odyssey of the Mind, Mathematics and

Science Olympiads

Special Programmes Offered MOE Programmes : Music Elective Programme

School-based Programmes : Science Research Challenge, Careers, Opportunity and Guidance, Pastoral Care and Career

Guidance, Creativity, Action & Service, Deans’ List Programme, Overseas Educational Programme – Windows on the World Programme, Youth Leadership Programme

Achievements in 2009 for Junior College Level

Special Award (SEA , SDA ) Special Award

SEA - School Excellence Award; SDA - School Distinction Award

• School Excellence Award

Character Development

• School Distinction Award

Physical & Aesthetics

Level Two Award ( )

SAA - Sustained Achievement Award; ODA - Outstanding Development Award

Academic Value-added

BPA - Best Practices Award

• BPA (Organisational Effectiveness) Best Practices

• BPA (Teaching and Learning)

• BPA (Staff Well-Being)

• BPA (Student All-round Development)

• Outstanding Character Development Award


• SAA (Physical Fitness)

Level One Award ( )

AA - Achievement Award; DA - Development Award

• AA (Academic Value-added)(Special/Express) - Silver

Sports & Games Competition

: National A Boys Squash 4th, National Tenpin Bowling A Boys 3

rd , National Hockey A Boys 4

th, National

Sailing A Boys 3rd, National Sailing A Girls 3

rd, National Softball A Boys 2

nd, National Rugby A Boys 3

rd ,

National Canoeing A Boys 1st , National Cricket A Boys 2

nd , National Swimming A Boys 3

rd, National Tennis

A Boys 2nd

, National Waterpolo A Boys 3rd

SYF Central Judging (2009)

: Band Secondary Gold with Honours, Band College Bronze, Choir Secondary Gold, Choir College Silver, English Drama Secondary Bronze, Chinese Drama Secondary Gold, Chinese Drama College Silver, Dance Secondary Silver, Dance College Gold with Honours, Guitar Secondary Gold with Honours, Guitar College Silver, Strings Secondary Gold, Strings College Silver.

SYF Central Judging (2008)

: English College Drama Gold with Honours

Best Unit Award : Not Applicable Others : Cherish Award (3 Gold Awards); Partnership Outstanding Award

Odyssey of the Mind World Champions (15 Awards) 2008 Prime Minister’s Book Prize 19

th International Biology Olympiad – 2 Silver Medallists

40th International Physics Olympiad – 1 Gold Medallist

38th International Physics Olympiad – 1 Gold Medallist

39th International Chemistry Olympiad – 1 Bronze Medallist

48th International Mathematics Olympiad – 1 Bronze Medallist


Other School Features And Achievements

The Anglo-Chinese School (Independent), founded in 1886, is one of the premier educational institutions in Singapore. It is a Methodist institution with a strong foundation in Christian values and principles, a tradition of excellence, and a global perspective. The school philosophy is firmly grounded in the belief that the students are serious in intent and are therefore expected to work hard to achieve excellence in their studies as much as in non-academic pursuits. Every staff member provides learning opportunities for each child and is strongly encouraged to help in the achievement of these expectations by the parents and supporters of the school (Old Boys’ Association, Church, Alumni, Board of Management and other stakeholders). Our vision is that every ACSian will be A Scholar, Officer, and Gentleman for Year 1 to 4 and A Scholar, Leader and Global Citizen for Year 5 and 6 - a person who shows excellence in learning, in leading and in living. With these aspects of character fully-developed, the ACSian will be equipped and educated to serve society well in his later life.


School Code 0802


129 Whitley Road (297822) Tel: 62524083 Fax: 62537267 School Website : Bus Services : 105, 132, 151, 153, 154, 156,186, 966, 985 Nearest MRT Station : Toa Payoh, Novena, Orchard School Vision : CJC: a place of excellence in learning and living. School Mission : We cultivate in each young person the skill and

attitude to embrace challenges wisely and courageously. We foster a community that cares for the dignity of young people, nurturing them to be men and women of compassion. We broaden their vision so that they become leaders committed to serve in faith and with integrity.

Type of School : Government-Aided/ Mixed/ Full Day

Mother Tongue : Chinese/ Malay/ Tamil

Bonus points given for Affiliated Schools

: Assumption English School, CHIJ Secondary (Toa Payoh), CHIJ Katong Convent, Montfort Secondary School, St. Anthony's Canossian Secondary School, St. Gabriel's Secondary School, CHIJ St. Joseph's Convent, St. Joseph's Institution, St. Patrick's School, CHIJ St. Theresa's Convent, Hai Sing Catholic School, Catholic High School, Holy Innocents' High School, Maris Stella High School, CHIJ St. Nicholas Girls' School

: Arts : 2 to 11 Science : 2 to 10

Net Aggregate range of 2009 JAE pupils posted to 2009 JC1 Subjects Offered : H1 Subjects

Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Economics, English Literature, Geography, History, Mathematics, Chinese, Malay, Tamil, Project Work, General Paper, China Studies in English, General Studies in Chinese.

H2 Subjects Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Economics, English Literature, English Language & Linguistics, Geography, History, Mathematics, Chinese, Malay, Tamil, Knowledge & Inquiry

H3 Subjects Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Economics, English Literature, Geography, History, Mathematics

CCA Offered Sports & Games : Air Rifle / Shooting, Badminton, Basketball, Canoeing, Cross-Country, Fencing, Golf, Gymnastics,

Hockey, Judo, Lawn Bowls, Netball, Rugby, Soccer, Swimming, Ten-Pin Bowling, Tennis, Track & Field, Volleyball.

Uniformed Groups : Not Available Performing Arts : Band - Symphonic, Choir, Dance - Modern, Drama - English, Guitar Ensemble, Chinese Orchestra

(Guzheng), Chinese Drama.

Clubs & Societies : Astronomy Club, Bridge Club, Chess Club - International, Chinese Cultural Society, Debating /Public

Speaking Society, Editorial Club, Environment Club, First Aid Club, Film Sound & Video Club, Indian Cultural Society, Indian Cultural Society, Interact Club, Legion Of Mary, Library Society, Magazine Society, Malay Cultural Society, Mathematics Society, Nexus Club, Outdoor Adventure Club, Science Honours Society, Sports & Fitness Club, St Vincent de Paul Society, Student Council.

Others : Not Available

Special Programmes Offered MOE Programmes : English Language Elective Program (ELEP) Scholarships available. School-based Programmes : Religious/Ethics Programme, Local & Overseas Community Service Learning

Program, Integrated Leadership Development incorporating NYAA, REACH Cambridge (UK) enrichment programme, Enrichment program - History & Literature.


Achievements in 2009 for Junior College Level

Special Award (SEA , SDA ) Special Award

SEA - School Excellence Award; SDA - School Distinction Award

• Not Available

Character Development / NE

Level Two Award ( ) Physical & Aesthetics

SAA - Sustained Achievement Award; ODA - Outstanding Development Award

BPA - Best Practices Award Academic Value-added

• SAA (Physical Fitness)

• ODA (Character Development)(2009-2013) Best Practices

• ODA (National Education)(2009-2013)

Level One Award ( )

AA - Achievement Award; DA - Development Award

• AA (Academic Value-added) (Junior College) BRONZE

• CHERISH Award (’08-’09)

• TAF Award – Gold

• Aesthetics

• Sports

Sports & Games Competition

: Air Pistol: Commonwealth Youth Games 2008 10m Pistol (Indv.) – Mens 2nd, Female 2nd National Inter Schools ‘A’ Division Air Pistol: Boys Team 2nd, Girls Team 2nd, Indv. Girls Champion Canoeing: Girls Overall Team 2nd runners up. Cross Country: Girls Team 3rd, Boys Team 6th

Fencing: Men’s Team - Champion, Indv. Men’s: Sabre 1st Foil, 1st Indv. Women’s: Epee 1st, Sabre 2nd Golf: Boys Team 4th Gymnastics (Rhythmic): Girls Team 2nd , Indv. Overall - 1st & 3rd , Ribbon 3rd , Ball 3rd Gymnastics (Trampoline) : Boys Team 3rd Judo: Indv. Boys 3rd

Rugby: U-20 Police Cup Plate 2nd runners up. Track & Field: Girls Team 6th, Boys Team 5th, Girls Indv. 400m 2nd

SYF Central Judging : Band (GOLD with Honours ‘09), Dance (GOLD ‘07-‘09), Drama (GOLD ‘06, Bronze ’08), Choir

(GOLD with Honours ‘09), Guitar (Bronze ‘09), Guzheng (Bronze ‘09), Chinese Drama (Silver ‘09) SYF Competition : Not Applicable Best Unit Award : Not Available Others : CJC Academic & Sporting Scholarships available. : National Youth Achievement Award – 140 Awardees in 2009. : NAPFA GOLD Award : Choir – Biennial overseas competitions Other School Features And Achievements

Centre for the Performing Arts: 752 seat theatre. Our hostel, on campus, accommodates all our scholars. Specialist training facilities: Band, Chinese Orchestra, Dance Studio, Fencing (2 Pistes), Guitar, Judo, Rock climbing wall (10 lanes), Shooting range (air-conditioned), English Language laboratory, Film Studio, Soccer field.



661 Bukit Timah Road (269734) Tel: 64683955/56 Fax: 67695857 / 64674366 School Website : Bus Services : 66, 67, 74, 151, 154, 156, 157, 170, 171, 174, 852,


Nearest MRT Station : Newton School Vision : A World-Class Institution of Leaders School Mission : With our blend of tradition and innovation, we nurture

leaders in research, industry and government, who have the integrity, wisdom, passion and vision to succeed in the global environment and serve our nation.

Type of School : Independent/ Mixed/ Single Session Mother Tongue : Chinese/ Malay/ Tamil

Bonus Points given for Affiliated Schools

: Hwa Chong Institution

: Arts : 1 to 3 Science : 1 to 3

Net Aggregate range of 2009 JAE pupils posted to 2009 JC1

Subjects Offered : H1 Subjects Project Work, General Paper, Chinese Language, Malay Language, Tamil Language, Geography, History, Economics, Literature in English, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, China Studies (Chinese), Art

H2 Subjects Knowledge & Inquiry, Chinese Language & Literature, Malay Language & Literature, Tamil Language, Art, Music, Geography, History, Economics, Literature in English, Mathematics, Computing, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, China Studies (English), China Studies (Chinese), English Language & Linguistics

H3 Subjects Chinese Language & Literature, Malay Language & Literature, Art, Music, Geography, History, Economics, Literature in English, Mathematics, Proteomics, Chemistry, Physics, NUS/NTU/SMU Modules & SMU Advanced Placement, Humanities and Social Science Research Programme, Science Research Programme, HCI-NTU-A*STAR H3 Science Research Programme, Nanyang Research Programme

School Fees : Singaporeans - $300 per month Singapore Permanent Residents - $360 per month International Students – ASEAN $450 per month; Others $600 per month Miscellaneous Fees : Nil Supplementary Fees : Nil CCA Offered Sports & Games : Shooting, Badminton, Basketball, Canoeing, Cross Country, Fencing, Golf, Gymnastics, Judo, Netball,

Rugby, Soccer, Softball, Squash, Swimming, Table Tennis, Tae-kwon-do, Ten-Pin Bowling, Tennis, Touch Rugby, Track & Field, Volleyball, Water Polo, Wushu.

Uniformed Groups : Ventures And Rovers Performing Arts : Band - Concert, Choir, Dance - Chinese, Dance - Modern, Ensemble - Guitar, Ensemble - Harmonica,

Ensemble - String, Orchestra – Chinese, Dance – Malay, Dance – Indian, Drama – English, Drama – Chinese


Clubs & Societies : Art and Craft Club, Astronomy Club, Chess and Bridge Club, Chinese Calligraphy & Brush Painting, Chinese Society, First-Aid Club, Geography/Environment Society, Green Club, Health And Fitness Club, History/Current Affairs Society, Indian Cultural Society, Interact Club, Infocomm Society, Japanese Cultural Club, LDDS - English, LDDS - Malay, Library Council, Lion Dance Troupe, Mathematics Appreciation Society, Micromouse Club, Network Society, Outdoor Activities Club, PA/AVA, Photographic Society, Science Research Council, Sensorium Vale (Digital Media), Students' Council, Weiqi Club

Others : Not Available

Special Programmes Offered MOE Programmes : Art Elective Programme, Humanities Programme, Chinese Language Elective

Programme, Bicultural Studies Programme School-based Programmes : 1. Hwa Chong Integrated Programme 2. Entrepreneurship Programme 3. Global Outreach Programme 4. Science and Mathematics Talent Programme 5. Political Leaders Attachment Programme 6. Scholarships Day 7. Science Research Programme 8. Sabbaticals (40 modules) 9. Talent Attachment & Grooming (TAG) 10. Integrated Boarding Programme

Achievements in 2009 for Junior College Level

Special Award (SEA , SDA ) Special Award

SEA - School Excellence Award; SDA - School Distinction Award

• SEA (2007-2011) Character Development

• SDA (2005-2009)

Physical & Aesthetics

Level Two Award ( )

SAA - Sustained Achievement Award; ODA - Outstanding Development Award Academic Value-added

BPA - Best Practices Award

• SAA (Aesthetics) Best Practices

• SAA (Fitness)

• SAA (Sports)

• BPA (Student All-Round Development) (2005-2009)

• BPA (Teaching and Learning) (2005-2009)

• BPA (Staff Well-Being) (2005-2009)

• ODA (Character Development Award) (2006-2010)

• Thinking Culture – Best School (National) Award

Level One Award ( ) AA - Achievement Award; DA - Development Award

• TAF Award (Gold)

National Education (2009-2011)

Sports & Games Competition

: College Section: National Basketball A Boys 1st, National Basketball A Girls 1st, National Fencing (Sabre) A Boys 1st, National Shooting (Air-rifle) A Girls 1st, National Softball A Boys 1st, National Squash A Girls 1st, National Volleyball A Boys 1st, National Wushu A Boys 1st, National Cross Country A Girls 2nd, National Gymnastics (Trampoline) A Boys 2nd, National Table Tennis A Girls 2nd, National Table Tennis A Boys 2nd, National Track & Field A Girls 2nd, National Water Polo A Boys 2nd, National Judo A Boys 2nd, National Judo A Girls 2nd, National Cross Country A Boys 3rd, National Fencing (Foil) A Boys 3rd, National Fencing (Sabre) A Girls 3rd, National Fencing (Epee) A Girls 3rd, National Netball A Girls 3rd, National Softball A Girls 3rd, National Squash A Boys 3rd, National Track & Field A Boys 3rd, National Tennis A Girls 4th.

SYF Central Judging : Chinese Dance (Gold with Honours), Chinese Orchestra (Gold with Honours), Choir (Gold with

Honours), Modern Dance (Gold with Honours), Concert Band (Gold), Malay Dance (Gold), Indian Dance (Gold), String Ensemble (Gold), Harmonica (Silver), English Drama (Gold), Chinese Drama (Silver), Harmonica Ensemble (Silver), Guitar (Bronze)

SYF Competition : Arts & Craft 2007/8 - 1 Gold with Honours, 2 Gold, 3 Silver, 1 Bronze Best Unit Award : Not Applicable


Others : TOP PERFORMING SCHOOL in 2008/9 Singapore Biology Olympiad, Singapore Chemistry Olympiad, Singapore Mathematics Olympiad and Singapore Informatics Olympiad. TOP AWARDS in INTERNATIONAL Olympiads, A*STAR Talent Search, Singapore Science & Engineering Fair, Singapore Chemical Science Fair, Taiwan International Science Fair, STOCKHOLM Junior Water Prize; 14 WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP TITLES (2006-2009) in Stanford Global Innovation Tournament, Oracle ThinkQuest, Odyssey of the Mind World Finals, Purple Comet International Math Meet, Intelligent Ironman Creativity Contest, Future Problem Solving Program International Finals, Global Talentrepreneur Innovation & Collaboration Business Competition, 5th World Choir Games, International Regions Mathematics League WINNERS of the Citibank National Youth for Causes Competition, Foyle Young Poets of the Year Award, Land Transport Authority Book Prize, Lee Kuan Yew Awards, Monetary Authority of Singapore Essay Competition, National Life Science Business-Plan Competition, NUS Centennial Writing Competition, NUS National Arts Quiz, NUS National Debating Challenge Shield, SMU Debates, Ministry of Finance Budget Debate Challenge 2009, Oxford and Cambridge Society of Singapore Letter-writing Competition, Prime Minister’s Book Prize, GSK-EDB Essay Writing Competition, NUS Chancellor’s Challenge Shield (Current Affairs).

Other School Features & Achievements Hwa Chong provides a world-class curriculum for its high-achieving students. Virtually all our students go on to leading universities, with a strong entry each year to Cambridge, Cornell, Duke, Harvard, Imperial College, MIT, Oxford, Peking, Princeton, Shanghai Fudan, Stanford, Tsinghua and Yale. In 2009, 5 Hwa Chong alumni topped their cohort at HARVARD, SHANGHAI FUDAN, WEST POINT, OXFORD and LSE. Our Humanities Programme is one of the world’s leading Oxford and Cambridge entry centres outside the UK, with over 300 students to date. Hwa Chong has produced the highest number of Most Outstanding National Science Scholars amongst all junior colleges in the A*STAR Honours List for 5 consecutive years from 2004 to 2008. Hwa Chong is the TOP PERFORMING SCHOOL in the 2008/9 Singapore Biology Olympiad, Singapore Chemistry Olympiad, Singapore Mathematics Olympiad and Singapore Informatics Olympiad. In 2009, 2 Hwa Chong students made Singapore proud by coming in 1st and 3rd in the WORLD at the International Biology Olympiad. The school also offers advanced research programmes in biomedical, biotechnology and bioengineering, defence science, environmental engineering, nanotechnology, material science, interactive digital media & electronics. The school has done well on the world stage, winning the reputable British Foyle Young Poets of the Year Award, and emerging World Champions in the Stanford Global Innovation Tournament, Oracle ThinkQuest, 5th World Choir Games, Future Problem Solving Program International Finals, Purple Comet Mathematical Competition and Odyssey of the Mind World Finals between 2007 and 2009. Our students have also won numerous medals for the country at International Science, Math and Informatics Olympiads, including Gold Medals for Singapore in Physics and Biology. Hwa Chong’s mission is to nurture leaders for the nation. The institution prides itself on having produced 50 President's Scholars to date, a record among Junior Colleges. Many Hwa Chong students have also won prestigious scholarships from leading organizations like A*STAR, EDB, GIC and PSC. Indeed, Hwa Chong is more than a school that produces top scholars. We also want our high ability students to embrace the values of hard work, integrity, passion, and compassion. Hwa Chong is the first and only independent school to set up a Beijing satellite campus and pioneer the FutureSchools@Singapore. On 26 June 2009, the South China Morning Post, Hong Kong’s premier English daily, featured Hwa Chong Institution as amongst the World’s Most Innovative Schools. Our aim is to develop independent and passionate learners, and prepare every student for a lifetime of achievement.



21 Champions Way, Singapore 737902

Tel: 63983401 Fax: 68943655 School Website : Bus Services : 161, 168, 901, 900A Nearest MRT Station : Woodlands School Vision : To be an institution of excellence that champions positive

change for a better world School Mission : To nurture leaders and advocates with the passion to

serve with honour and humility Type of School : Government/ Mixed/ Full Day Mother Tongue : Chinese/ Malay/ Tamil

Bonus Points given for Affiliated Schools

: Nil

Arts : 9 to 19 Net Aggregate range of 2009 JAE pupils posted to 2009 JC1


Science : 5 to 20

Subjects Offered : H1 Subjects

General Paper, Project Work, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Economics, Geography, History, English Literature, Chinese Language, Malay Language, Tamil Language, General Studies in Chinese.

H2 Subjects

Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Computing, Economics, English Literature, Geography, History, Knowledge and Inquiry, Chinese Language and Literature, Malay Language and Literature, Tamil Language and Literature.

H3 Subjects

Physics, Chemistry, Proteomics, Mathematics, Economics, English Literature, Geography, History.

CCA Offered Sports & Games : Shooting, Badminton, Basketball, Canoeing, Cross Country, Floorball, Hockey, Netball, Snooker, Soccer,

Table Tennis, Taekwondo, Ten-Pin Bowling, Tennis, Track & Field, Volleyball, Wushu, Touch Rugby, Cuesports

Uniformed Groups : Not Available Performing Arts : Choir, Modern Dance, English Drama, Musicians' Club, Chinese Orchestra, Symphonic Band Clubs & Societies : Students' Council, New Media Club, Cheerleading Club, Entrepreneurship Society, Strategy Club, Library

Council, Japanese Cultural Society, Outdoor Activities Club, Red Cross Humanitarian Network.

Special Programmes Offered MOE Programmes : Malay Language Elective Programme School-based Programmes : Confident Communicators Programme, Scientific Enterprise Programme, Scholar

Development Programme, Pursuit of Passion Programme, Globalisation Immersion Programme

Achievements in 2009 for Junior College Level

Special Award (SEA , SDA ) Special Award

SEA - School Excellence Award; SDA - School Distinction Award

• Not Available Character Development

Level Two Award ( ) Physical & Aesthetics

SAA - Sustained Achievement Award; ODA - Outstanding Development Award

BPA – Best Practices Award Academic Value-added

• Not Available

Best Practices

Level One Award ( )

AA - Achievement Award; DA - Development Award

• CHERISH Award – Silver (2008 – 2009)

• Aesthetics


Sports & Games Competition : National ‘A’ Division Basketball - Boys Team (2


National Cross Country Championships - Boys Team (10


- Girls Team (8th)

National Track and Field Championships - Boys Team (Overall 8


- 200m (1st)

- 4 x 100m (2nd

) - Javelin (7


- 4 x 400m (8th)

- Girls Team (Overall 10th)

- 4 x 400m (8th)

National ‘A’ Division Taekwondo Championships - 1

st in Poomsae Individual Female Black Belt

National ‘A’ Division Soccer - Boys Team (Quarter-Finals)

National Floorball Championships - Boys Team (10


- Girls Team (5th)

North Zone Shooting Championships - Air Pistol

- Girls Team (Silver) - Girls Individual (1 Silver)

- Air Rifle - Boys Team (Bronze)

SYF Central Judging : International Dance Drama (Silver)

Indian Dance (Silver) Symphonic Band (Bronze)

SYF Competition : Not Applicable Best Unit Award : Not Applicable Others : MOF Budget 2009 Video Competition – 2


NTU National Cashflow Competition – 2nd

Australian Informatics Competition – 1 Distinction, 1 Credit Singapore Association of Tamil Writer Short Story Writing Competition – 1


MOE-NTU Nanyang Research Programme – Gold Award MOE-A*STAR 9

th Singapore Science & Engineering Fair – Finalist

Other School Features And Achievements

Innova is the Centre of Excellence for New Media and New Media Arts. New Media and New Media Arts are infused into the curriculum to enhance the learning experience for students who are engaged in lessons that allows them to be creative in expressing themselves using the different media. We have the state-of-the-art New Media Arts studio for digital broadcasting, podcasting, TV and high-definition film production, and digital animation. We are proud that many award-winning works are produced in the studio by our students.

As a college under the MOE’s LEAD ICT@School scheme, we are recognised for our leadership role in the use of ICT to enhance teaching and learning for students. Our teachers are in the forefront of curricular innovation, ever-ready to engage students in the learning using the latest technologies. This culture of innovation has been recognised by MOE through the college’s achievement of the 2008 INNERGY Award.

At Innova, our teachers continuously upgrade themselves to give their best to our students. Our staff development effort is clearly recognised by the achievement of the People Developer Award in 2008. We see our students grow their character and develop their intellectual capacity under the unrelenting care and passion of our teachers.

We discover and cultivate each student’s true talents in sports, technology, music and the arts. Our Pursuit of Passion (P.O.P.) Programme helps students unleash their hidden talents and realize their dreams. Through the programme, we support our students’ passion, be it completing the marathon, scaling the mountain or scuba diving in the deep blue sea.

Students with a strong interest in science will benefit from the Scientific Enterprise Programme and our well-equipped laboratory facilities known as the Star Labs. Our students get to work on scientific research with institutions of higher learning and research centres. Their works have been presented at scientific research conferences and received recognitions.

Innova is proud of our Leadership Development Programme where every Innovian is being developed into a leader, actualising themselves and inspiring others. Outstanding Innovians have the opportunity to take part in the Scholar Development Programme to further prepare themselves for garnering prestigious scholarships. At Innova, every student is truly a leader.



800 Corporation Road (649809) Tel: 65624611 Fax: 65624505

School Website :

Bus Services : 99, 157, 174, 174M, 185, 198, NR5, 502, 502B, 625

Nearest MRT Station : Boon Lay

School Vision : An Edupreneurial College that serves as:

- a Centre for Holistic Education

- a Hub for Creativity and Innovation

- a Hive for Character and Leadership Development

- an Incubator for Entrepreneurial Talent

- a Platform for Education Consultancy

School Mission : To groom Globalised Independent Life-long Learners who practise values-based leadership.

Type of School : Government/ Mixed/ Full Day

Mother Tongue : Chinese/ Malay/ Tamil

Bonus Points given for Affiliated Schools

: Nil

Arts : 5 to 13 Net Aggregate range of 2009 JAE pupils posted to 2009 JC1


Science : 5 to 15

Subjects Offered

: H1/ H2/ H3 Subjects Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Economics, Geography, History, Literature in English.

H1 Subjects

General Paper, China Studies (English), English Language and Linguistic, General Studies (Chinese), Project Work, Chinese Language, Malay Language, Tamil Language

H2 Subjects China Studies (Chinese), History (Chinese), Language & Literature (Chinese/ Malay/ Tamil)

CCA Offered Sports & Games : Archery / Shooting Club, Badminton, Basketball, Cross Country, Hockey, Netball, Rugby, Soccer,

Squash, Table Tennis, Taekwando, Tennis, Touch Rugby, Track & Field, Volleyball. Uniformed Groups : Not Available Performing Arts : Band – Concert Band, Choir, Dance – Modern/ Malay/ Indian, Orchestra – Chinese Clubs & Societies : Audio & Video / PA Club, Chess Club, Chinese Reading / Publications, Civil Defence Club,

Entrepreneur Club, Indian Cultural Society, Interact – Alumni Connection Club, LDDS - Chinese, LDDS - English, Library Council, Lion Dance / Wushu, Malay Cultural Society, Photographic Society, Research and Development Club, Students' Council, Yoga Club.

Others : Not Available Special Programmes Offered MOE Programmes : Chinese Language Elective Programme (CLEP) School-based Programmes 1. Direct University Admission Programmes (Murdoch University, Australia) : 2. Overseas Experiential Learning Programmes 3. Entrepreneurship Programme 4. Character and Leadership Development Programme 5. Interest Development Programme (e.g. Inline skating, Tourism Studies in

Chinese) 6. Scholars Development Programme 7. International Talents Management Scheme 8. Thinking and Innovation Programme (JJindogu Programme)


Achievements in 2009 for Junior College Level

Special Award (SEA , SDA )

SEA - School Excellence Award; SDA - School Distinction Award Special Award

• Not Applicable

Character Development

Level Two Award ( )

SAA - Sustained Achievement Award; ODA - Outstanding Development Award Physical & Aesthetics

• ODA (Character Development) (2006 - 2010)

• SAA (Physical Fitness) - 7th Award Academic Value-added

BPA - Best Practices Award

• Not Applicable Best Practices

Level One Award ( )

AA - Achievement Award; DA - Development Award

• AA (Physical Fitness) - Gold

• AA (Aesthetics)

Sports & Games Competition : 1. 'A' Division Girls Inter-College National Badminton Championship (2nd) 2. 'A' Division Boys Inter-College National Badminton Championship (2nd) 3. M1 Inter School Touch Rugby Tournament (2nd) SYF Central : Chinese Drama (Silver) Judging (2009) Indian Dance (Silver) Malay Dance (Silver) Modern Dance (Silver) Symphonic Band (Silver) Chinese Orchestra (Bronze) Best Unit Award : Not Applicable Others : 1. National Schools Chess Team Championships 2009 (3rd) 2. Inter-school Malay Poetry Recital Competition (3rd) 3. Nanyang Research Programme (Merit Award) 4. NUS Business School Case Championship (3rd) 5 Students for the Advancement of Global Entrepreneurship, SAGE (2nd) 6. Youth Entrepreneurship Symposium 2009 (2nd) 7. The National Community Safety and Security Programme (CSSP) award Other School Features And Achievements 1. Centre of Excellence for Character Development (West Zone) 2. Trim and Fit Scheme (Gold)



21 Pasir Ris Street 71 (518799) Tel: 63493660 Fax: 63493667 School Website : Bus Services : 3, 39, 53, 81, 89, 109, 358, 518 Nearest MRT Station : Pasir Ris School Vision : A leading institution acclaimed for its academic

distinction and richness of learning experiences in a culture of initiative and empowerment

School Mission

: To cultivate learned men and women of calibre, with the heart and will to lead and serve in a challenging world

Type of School : Government/ Mixed/ Full Day Mother Tongue : Chinese/ Malay/ Tamil Bonus Points given for Affiliated Schools

: Nil

Arts : 5 to 9 Net Aggregate range

of 2009 JAE pupils posted to 2009 JC1


Science : 2 to 10

Subjects Offered

: Meridian JC has consistently achieved academic value-added results for five consecutive years, with SAA for Academic Value Addedness in 2007 & 2008. In the A level examinations, more than 96% of our students obtained at least 3 H2 passes.

H1 Subjects

Biology, Chemistry, Chinese, Chinese B, Economics, General Paper, General Studies in Chinese, Geography, History, Literature in English, Malay, Mathematics, Physics, Tamil, Project Work.

H2 Subjects

Biology, Chemistry, Chinese, Economics, Geography, History, Literature in English, Malay, Mathematics, Physics

H3 Subjects

Biology, Chemistry, Economics, Geography, History, Literature in English, Mathematics, Physics. CCA Offered Sports & Games : Badminton, Basketball, Canoeing, Fencing, Floorball, Netball, Rockclimbing, Sailing, Shooting(Air

Rifle/Pistol), Soccer, Squash, Table-tennis, Taekwondo, Tennis, Tenpin Bowling, Volleyball, Wushu. Uniformed Groups : Not Available

Performing Arts : Chinese Orchestra, Choir, International Dance, Guitar Ensemble, Symphonic Band, Chinese Drama,

English Drama, Malay Dance Clubs & Societies : AVA, Business Club, Chinese Cultural Society, College Publications, Debates, Health & Fitness Club,

Indian Cultural Society, Intellectual Games Club, Library Society, Malay Cultural Society, ODAC, Photography Club, Service Learning Club, Students’ Council

Others (Leadership Opportunities)

: Student Council Appointment, House Committee Appointment, CCA Appointment, Class Appointment, Project Appointment

Special Programmes Offered MOE Programmes : Not Available School-based Programmes : � Chrystal Programme: Nurtures every Meridian to have a personal vision and be

anchored in principles in the pursuit of their vision � Careers & Scholarships Programme: Equips Meridians with the knowledge and

skills to make informed decisions about their future pursuits � Talent Management Programme: Grooms future leaders and scholars with the


capacity to excel in challenging undertakings � Leadership Development Programme: Provides opportunities for students to

build and develop their leadership capacities. � Reach Programme: Nurtures the passion to serve and the initiative to take on

service-learning and social entrepreneurship � Xcite! Programme: Fuels interest in Science through interactive activities,

competitions, attachments and summer programmes at Cambridge University, University of Melbourne and Perimeter Institute, external research attachments and in-house Science Research programme.

� Global Immersion Programme: Provides opportunities to Meridians to gain exposure in emerging economies such as India, China, the UAE and South East Asia.

Achievements in 2009 for Junior College Level

Special Award (SEA , SDA ) Special Award

SEA - School Excellence Award; SDA - School Distinction Award

• Not Applicable

Character Development

Level Two Award ( )

Physical & Aesthetics

AA (Sports) 2006 - 2009 AA (Aesthetics) 2005 - 2009 SAA (Aesthetics) 2008 - 2009

SAA – Sustained Achievement Award; ODA – Outstanding Development Award

BPA-Best Practices Award

Academic Value-added

SAA (Academic): 2007, 2008 AA (Academic) : Gold 2005 - 2008

• BPA(T& L): 2009

• SAA (Academic Value-Added): 2007, 2008

Best Practices BPA (T&L): 2009

• SAA (Aesthetics): 2008 - 2009

Level One Award ( )

AA - Achievement Award; DA - Development Award

• Academic Value-Added Gold (2005 - 2008); Top value-added JC

• Aesthetics: 2005 - 2009

• Sports: 2006 - 2009

• Cherish Award (Bronze): 2008

• National Education: 2009

Sports & Games Competition

: National Inter-Schools Badminton (Girls – 3rd), National Inter-Schools Pilot Pen Badminton (Girls Doubles – 1st, Girls Single – 3rd), National Inter-Schools Canoeing (Boys – 5th), National Inter-Schools Fencing (Boys Epee – 1st), National Inter-Schools Sailing (Boys - 4th , Girls – 4th), National Inter-Schools Shooting (Air Pistols Boys – 1st), National Inter-School Soccer (Boys – 2nd , Girls – 3rd), National Inter-School Wushu Team (Boys – 3rd , Girls – 1st ), National Inter-Schools Floorball (Boys – 2nd, Girls – 1st), National Inter-Schools Taekwando Pomsae (Boys - 2nd , Girls – 3rd, Overall – 3rd

), 2008 SEA Fencing Championship (3rd Senior Team, 3rd Junior Team, 2nd Cadet Individual & 3rd Junior Team)

SYF Central Judging : Chinese Orchestra (Silver), Choir (Gold with Honours), Guitar Ensemble (Gold), Malay Dance (Gold),

International Dance (Silver), Symphonic Band (Gold), Chinese Drama (Silver), English Drama (Gold). SYF Competition : Not Applicable Best Unit Award : Not Applicable Others : Singapore International Model United Nations Conference – 3 Best Resolution Paper Awards Australian National Chemistry Quiz – 2 High Distinction, 7 Distinction, 4 Credit University of New South Wales (UNSW) International Science Competition – 3 Distinction Australian Mathematics Competition – 1 High Distinction, 27 Distinction Singapore Mathematical Olympiad – 3 Bronze, 5 Honourable Mention Choir – Olomouc 2008 (2 Gold, 1 Category Grand Champion, Grand Finals Overall 1st Runner-up Band – 2008 National Band Competition (Gold, Open Division 3rd) 2009 5th Asian Junior Wushu Championship, Tan Xiang Tian, Bronze medal (Nanquan) 2009 Aseanpreneurs Alpha Challenge (BizClub) - Category A 1st 2009 MOE Invitational Debating Championship – Best Speaker Award 2009 Arangam-Inter-Tertiary Youth Drama Festival (Indian Clutural) – Gold Award & Most Creative

Award 2009 Annual Montage Photo Competition (NUSPS) – Champion for ‘Yip Hoi Kee’ School Challenge



Other School Features And Achievements

Meridian Junior College may be a young college, but we have made our presence felt as a dynamic institution offering quality education and rich learning experiences. For the 2004 to 2007 A Level Examinations, Meridian JC emerged as the top value-added college. The emphasis on quality learning is also evident in our CCAs; the achievements we have garnered stand testimony to the dedication and effort invested by all involved.

The Meridian culture is vibrant and forward-looking. It inspires all Meridians to reach for greater achievements, develops their capacity to take on challenges and empowers them to initiate projects for their peers and the community at large. And Meridians have done the College proud, snaring top honours in competitions and charting new territory in community service and entrepreneurial pursuits. In the process, they are transformed into young men and women of calibre and imbued with the desire to excel in their future endeavours.

The Meridian experience is enhanced by customised programmes that look after the holistic development of Meridians and provides opportunities for a well-rounded college life. There is a wide array of exciting local and overseas activities such as service-learning, entrepreneurial and research projects, global immersion programmes, attachments at local universities, companies and voluntary welfare organisations, and summer school programmes at prestigious overseas universities and institutions. Those who have shown laudable aptitude for academic pursuits and those who have outstanding sports talents are awarded the Professsor Tan Teck Meng Scholarship. The Outstanding Volunteer Award is conferred on the individual who has shown commitment, compassion and creativity in a variety of community projects as well as inspired others to rally under the banner of service while the Outstanding Leader award is conferred to student leaders who have demonstrated exemplary leadership. These student leaders are recognised for their ability to inspire their team towards achieving a common vision by role-modeling a high level of commitment and constantly challenging the limitations and constraints.



128 Serangoon Avenue 3 (556111) Tel: 62842281 Fax: 62855147 School Website :

Bus Services : 22, 24, 53, 58, 73, 133, 105, 135, 136, 156, 853

Nearest MRT Station : Lorong Chuan (2-min walk)

School Vision : A value-added college that nurtures leaders with a global outlook.

School Mission : Uphold Values; Impart Life skills; Maximise Potential

Type of School : Government-Aided/ Mixed/ Full Day

Mother Tongue : Chinese/ Malay/ Tamil

Bonus Points given for Affiliated Schools

: Chung Cheng High School (Main) Chung Cheng High School (Yishun)

Arts : 4 to 10 Net Aggregate range

of 2009 JAE pupils posted to 2009 JC1

Science : 3 to 10

Subjects Offered : H1 Subjects

Art, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, China Studies in Chinese, Chinese Language, Economics, General Paper, General Studies in Chinese, Geography, History, Literature in English, Malay Language, Project Work, Tamil Language

H2 Subjects

Art, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Chinese Language & Literature, Economics, English Language & Linguistics, Geography, History, Knowledge & Inquiry, Literature in English, Malay Language & Literature, Tamil Language & Literature

H3 Subjects

Art, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Chinese Language & Literature, Economics, Geography, History, Literature in English

CCA Offered

Sports & Games : Badminton, Basketball, Dragon Boat, Judo, Netball, Rugby, Soccer, Table Tennis, Tennis, Touch Rugby, Volleyball, Outdoor Activities Club.

Uniformed Groups : Not Applicable

Performing Arts : Symphonic Band, Choir, Modern Dance, English Drama, Chinese Drama, Guzheng Ensemble, Chinese Orchestra.

Clubs & Societies : AEP Club, PA/AVA Club, BizClub, Channel News Nanyang , Chess Club, Chinese Cultural Society, Debate And Journalism, Flag Party, Green Committee, Indian Cultural Society, Interact Club, Robotic Club, Film Art Club, Literary Liaison, Media Resource Library, Malay Cultural Society, Photographic Society, Pugilistic Society, Science Society, Service-Learning Club, Student Council, RCHN-NYJC Chapter.

Others : House Committee, Class Committee Student Interest Groups: Bridge Club, Floor-ball; Guitar Ensemble, Heritage X’pose, J-fire, NY Joke Club, PAWS; Piano Ensemble; Project Inspiring Lives; Soccer Girls, Strategic Board Games Club, etc.

Special Programmes Offered

MOE Programmes : Art Elective Programme (AEP) and Chinese Language Elective Programme (CLEP) School-based Programmes : Career & Higher Education Guidance Programme; Counselling Programme;

Managing Self, Leading Others (MSLO) Programme; NYJC Life-skills Programme; Overseas Service-Learning Expedition; Overseas Student Exchange Programme; PE Enrichment Programme; Scholar Development Programme; Student Leadership Development Programme

S6 Centre of Excellence for Chinese Language and Art. Peking University (PKU)’s appointed agency to recruit outstanding ‘A’ Level students


Achievements in 2009 for Junior College Level

Special Award (SEA , SDA )

SEA - School Excellence Award; SDA - School Distinction Award Special Award

• SDA – School Distinction Award (2009 – 2013)

Character Development

Level Two Award ( )

SAA - Sustained Achievement Award; ODA - Outstanding Development Award Physical & Aesthetics

BPA-Best Practices Award

• SAA – Aesthetics (2008 & 2009) Academic Value-added

• SAA – Academic Value-added (2009)

• BPA – Staff Well-being (2009 – 2013)

Best Practice (Staff Well-being)

Level One Award ( ) AA - Achievement Award; DA - Development Award

• Character Development Award (2008)

• Academic Value-added Award – Silver (2006), Silver (2007), Gold (2008)

• Aesthetics and Sports Awards – 2006, 2007, 2008 & 2009

Sports & Games Competition

: Volleyball Boys: National Schools ‘A’ Division Volleyball Championships (2004 & 2005: Champion; 2006: 3rd position; 2007 & 2008: Champion; 2009 – 2nd position) Volleyball Girls: National Schools ‘A’ Division Volleyball Championships (2004: 4th position, 2005 & 2006: 2nd position; 2007 & 2008: 3rd position; 2009: Champion) Table Tennis Boys: National Schools ‘A’ Division Table Tennis Championships (2007: 2nd position; 2008: 4th position; 2009: 3rd position) Table Tennis Girls: National Schools ‘A’ Division Table Tennis (Girls) Championships (2007 & 2009: 3rd position) Judo: National Schools ‘A’ Division Judo Girls’ Championships (2007, 2008 & 2009: 3rd position) National Schools ‘A’ Division Judo Boys’ Championships (2007: 4th position; 2008: 3rd position) National Schools Judo Individuals Championships (2007-2 Bronze; 2008-2 Gold & 3 Silver & 1 Bronze; 2009: 3 Bronze) Kyu Grade Judo Championships (2005: 2 Gold & 1 Silver & 1Bronze; 2006: 2 Gold & 1 Silver & 3 Bronze, 2007: 2 Gold; 2008: 1 Gold & 1 Silver & 1 Bronze) Age-group Judo Championships (2005: 2 Silver & 3 Bronze; 2007: 1 Silver & 1 Bronze; 2008: 2 Gold & 3 Silver & 1 Bronze; 2009: 4 Gold & 3 Silver & 4 Bronze) Canoeing Men: National Kayak Marathon 2006 (K1 Junior Men): Silver; National Junior Canoeing Championships 2006 (K1 Men 500m): Gold; (K1 Men 1000m): Silver, National Schools ‘A’ Division Canoeing Championships (2006 K1 Men 1000m): Gold; (2007 T2 Men 500m): Bronze Canoeing Women: National Kayak Marathon 2006 (K2 Junior Women): Bronze, (2007 T1 Women): 1st and 2nd, (2007 K1 Women): 2nd; National Junior Canoeing Championships 2007 (K1 Women 1000m): 1st and 3rd; (K2 Women 500m): 1st; National Schools ‘A’ Division Canoeing Championships (2006 K1 Women 500m): Bronze; (2007 K1 Women 1000m): 4th; (2008 MR 500 Women Open Category): 2nd Dragon Boat Championship: National Schools ‘A’ Division Dragon Boat Championships (2004: Gold for 10 crew men; 2006: Bronze for 20 crew men; 2006 & 2008: Silver for 10 crew women; 2006 & 2008: Bronze for 20 crew women; 2009: Bronze for 20 crew men; 2009: Bronze for 10 crew men; 2009: Silver for 20 crew women; 2009: Silver for 10 crew women) Pugilistic and Wu Shu Nanyang University 2005 Lion Dance Invitational Competition: Bronze National Inter-School WUSHU Championships 2008, A-Div Sword-event : 1st National Inter-School WUSHU Championships 2008, A-Div Spear-event: 2nd


SYF Central Judging : English Drama (2004: Bronze; 2006: Silver; 2008: Bronze); Chinese Drama (2007 & 2009: Gold); Chinese Orchestra (2005: Silver: 2007: Gold, 2009: Gold with Honours); Symphonic Band (2005: Silver; 2007 & 2009: Gold); Choir (2005, 2007 & 2009: Silver); Modern Dance (2005, 2007 & 2009: Silver); Guzheng Ensemble (2005 & 2007: Silver; 2009: Gold)

SYF Competition : National Art & Crafts Competitions (2004: 2 Gold with Honours & 3 Gold; 2006: 2 Gold with

Honours, 1 Gold and 2 Silver; 2008: 2 Gold with Honours & 3 Gold) Best Unit Award : Not Applicable Others : Awarded the SZSSC Colours Awards (2006, 2007, 2008 & 2009)

Other School Features And Achievements

College Achievements � Business Excellence (People) Certification (2004 – 2010) � CHERISH Award (2006 & 2008: Bronze) � HPB Model Canteen Award (2005 – 2009)

Student Achievements Art Enrichment:

� UOB Painting of the Year Competition (2005: 2 Distinctions & 3 Highly Commended; 2006: 2 Distinctions & 2 Highly Commended; 2007: 3 Highly Commended; 2009: Most Promising Young Artist Award & 1 Highly Commended

� Stop Vandalism Art Competition 2005 organised by the National Library Board, First Prize and 2 Highly Commended Awards in the Category D (ages 17 -19) � Sentosa Flowers 24-Hour Marathon Mural Painting Competition 2006 (Top 5 positions) � INK 2007 Comic Drawing Competition: Gold, Silver and Bronze, 2 Merit and 1 Highly Commended Awards � Digital Art Competition on Environment : 2007- Gold; 2008-Bronze � Be Yourself, Be in Control Youth Gambling Prevention Poster Design Competition 2007 organised by SWCDC

- 1st and 3rd Prize, Open Cat. � Culture by the Bay Student Art Competition 2007 organised by National Heritage Board-1St Prize � The Asia Pacific Lifestyle Contest 2007 organized by Wacom Asia Pacific- 1 Grand Prize Winner

� ARMS Student Art Competition 2007 Organised by Army Museum of Singapore (ARMS)- 4 Merit Awards:

� Graphite 2007 Manga Art Competition 2007 organised by NUS Anime Club- 1 Gold Award (Character Design Category) � Anti-Drug Comic Strips Competition 2008: Top 3 prizes, 8 Merit Award � Laptop Sticker Design Competition 2008- 1st Prize � National Schools Digital Media Award organised by MOE (2009: 1 Gold, 1 Silver and 1 Bronze) � Singapore Land Authority Art Competition (2009: 2 Merit Awards)

Chinese Language Enrichment

� Secondary Schools On-The-Spot Chinese Essay Writing Competition 2004 & 2005 -1st Runner-up-Category A � Taipei City Govt City Cup Chinese-English Impromptu Speech Competition 2005, 1st Prize (Pre-U Category) � National On-the-Spot Chinese Creative Essay Writing Competition 2007:Pre-U Category -1st Prize & 1 Merit Prize � Literary Competition for Tertiary Students 2007 (Prose Category) co-organised by NUS and NTU- 2nd Prize & 1 Merit � National Chinese Calligraphy Competition organised by NTU (2007: 1 Gold; 2009: 1 Bronze) � 24th National ‘Hui-Chun’ Calligraphy Competition 2007 organised by The Chinese Calligraphy Society of Singapore-

1 Gold Award � On-the-Spot Calligraphy Competition organised by Telok Ayer Community Club & Singapore Calligraphy

Association 2007- 1st Prize � 18th National Chinese Calligraphy Competition 2007 organised by Friday Weekly and The Chinese Calligraphy Society

Singapore- 2nd Prize JC Category. � 11th International Calligraphy and Art Exhibition 2007orgainsed by Singapore Calligraphy & Seal-Carving Society

- High School Category-Top Prize � Singapore Chinese Bridge - Chinese Oratorical Contest (2008: 3rd; 2009: 3rd) � Chinese Humorous Oratorical Competition 2008-2 Merit Awards � National Chinese General Knowledge Competition 2008-Silver Award � Mandarin Speaking Award - Chinese Oratorical Contest: (2009: 2nd)

Malay Language and Tamil Language Enrichment

� Inter-JC Tamil Drama Competition (Katha Kalachebam) (2005: 2nd) � 2007 National News Writing Competition organised by Berita Harian-2nd � Commonwealth Essay Competition 2007 Organised by The Royal Commonwealth Society- Commended Award � Annual Aadiperukku 2007 organised by PJC-1st & Challenge Trophy � JJ-ICS LITERARY COMPETITIONS 2007 organized by JJC-2nd in Quiz & 3rd in Tamil Poem

Mathematics Enrichment

� Australian Informatics Competition (2007: 5 Distinctions & 9 Credits; 2008: 1 Distinction Award) � American Invitational Mathematics Examination (AIME) 2007: 4 Distinctions � American Mathematics Competition (2008: 1 Distinction Award; 2009: 3 Distinction Awards) � National Olympiad in Informatics (2005: Silver Medal; 2008: 1 Bronze Medal) � Singapore Mathematical Olympiad (2008: 1 Bronze)


Science Enrichment � Singapore Chemistry Olympiad (2005: 2 Bronze; 2006: 1 Bronze; 2007: 1 Bronze; 2008: 1 Silver, 6 Bronze & 1 Merit) � RJC Toy Challenge (2005: Honourable Mention; 2007: 1st position) � NTU-JC-HSA Challenge 2005- Biomed McGraw Hill Best Overall Performance Award and the JC Idol award � NUS Singapore Chemistry Olympiad 2006 :1 Bronze Medal and 1 Honourable Mention � NTU Physics Concept Test 2007: 1 Distinction & 3 Merits � NTU Chemistry Concept Test 2007: 1 High Distinction, 3 Distinctions & 7 Merits

Others � Robo Grand Prix 2005: 2005-Merit Trophy;2006-1st and 3rd runner up - organised by Temasek Polytechnic � IT Challenge Trophy 2005-organised by Temasek Polytechnic -Champion -2005 & 2006 (JC/ITE Cat ) � Singapore Inter-school Micro mouse Competition organised by Ngee Ann Poly : 2005- 1st Runners up; 2006- Champion;

2007-1st Runner Up

� Singapore Robo Grand Prix Pre-season Challenge 2007 organised by Temasek Poly-1st Runner Up

� Singapore Robotic Game 2007 organised by Republic Polytechnic- 2nd Runner Up, JC/ITE Category � Singapore Robo Grand Prix TP Challenge Trophy (JC/ITE Category): 2007- 1st Runner Up, 2008 -1st & 2nd Runner-up � National Junior Robotics Competition(NJRC)2007 : Tertiary Category- Two Merits � Singapore Robo Grand Prix (2008 F1 Masters: 1st & 3rd Runner-up; 2009 R1: Champion) � Roving DV(Chinese) Competition by Channel News Asia: 2006 -1st Position;2008-Best Story Award � Roving DV (English) Competition 2006 by Channel News Asia -Top 5 prizes � Schools Video Awards (2005 & 2006: 1 Silver; 2007: 1 Gold & 1 Silver) � Schools Digital Media Awards (2008; 1 Gold; 2009: 1 Gold, 1 Silver & 1 Merit) � Inter-JC Othello Championship 2006: Champion (5 consecutive year) � 1st position -Wei Qi Lanke Cup 2006

� "3R Lifestyle for Everyone Competition 2007" organised by Mountbatten Constituency CC.-1st Prize � "Build & Row" 2007 organised by Changi Simei CC- 1st Prize � NUS JC Entrepreneurship Business Plan Write-Up Competition: 1st runner up � I&E Outreach Boot camp 2005 jointly organized by NTU/Simulation ST Consultancy, 3rd position � National Youth Achievement Awards (2007: 30 Student Councillors)


� Most Inspiring Chinese Language Teacher Awards (1999,2002,2003,2004,2005, 2006, 2007) � Inspiring Tamil Teacher Award (2004) � Microsoft- MOE Professional Development Award (2004) � NTUC-SPEA Outstanding PE Teacher Award (2006) � MOE Innergy Award (Bronze) (2007) � Excellence Service (EXSA) Awards by SPRING Singapore – 3 Silver Awards (2009) � National Day Awards – Commendation and Long Service Medals (1999 – 2009) � Post-graduate Scholarships Awards – 2 recipients (2009)


School Code 0701

NATIONAL JUNIOR COLLEGE 37 Hillcrest Road (288913)

Tel: 64661144 Fax: 64684535 School Website :

Bus Services : 151 154 156 157 170 170X 171 174 66 67 67A 67W 74 852 961 961C

Nearest MRT Station : Newton

School Vision : NJCians have sound moral values and a deep sense of responsibility to College and Country. Their passion for knowledge is nurtured in a vibrant learning environment which fosters academic excellence, critical and creative thought and an enterprising spirit. They are prepared to lead with sensitivity and serve with honour.

School Mission : College of the Nation: Home of Scholars and Leaders who Serve with Honour

Type of School : Government School/ Mixed School/ Full Day/ Integrated Programme School with Boarding

Mother Tongue : Chinese/ Malay/ Tamil

Bonus Points given for Affiliated Schools

: Nil

Arts : 2 to 5 Net Aggregate range of 2009 JAE pupils posted to 2009 JC1


Science : 2 to 4

Subjects Offered : H1 Subjects Biology, Chemistry, China Studies in Chinese, Chinese Language, Economics, Geography, General Paper, General Studies in Chinese, History, Literature in English, Malay Language, Mathematics, Physics, Project Work, Tamil Language

H2 Subjects Art, Biology, Chemistry, China Studies in Chinese, Chinese Language & Literature, Economics, Geography, History, Knowledge & Inquiry, Literature in English, Malay Language & Literature, Mathematics, Music, Physics, Tamil Language & Literature

H3 Subjects Art, Chemistry, Chinese Language & Literature, Economics, Geography, History, Literature in English, Malay Language & Literature, Mathematics, Physics, Tamil Language & Literature, NUS-A*STAR-NJC Science Research

CCA Offered

Sports & Games : Aikido, Badminton, Basketball, Canoeing & Dragon Boat, Cricket, Cross Country/Track & Field, Floorball, Hockey, Netball, Shooting, Soccer, Softball, Squash, Table Tennis, Tennis, Touch Rugby

Uniformed Groups : Not Available Performing Arts : Angklung, Chinese Dance, Chinese Orchestra & Guzheng Ensemble, Choir, Guitar Ensemble,

Harmonica Band, Indian Dance, Malay Dance, Piano Ensemble, String Orchestra, Symphonic Band, Western Dance

Clubs & Societies : Aesthetics Club, AVA & PA Club, CLDDS, College Publications, ELDDS, Greenlink, ILDDS, Innovation Club, Interact Club, Mathematics Society, MLDDS, Outdoor Activities Club, Science And Technology Society

Others : Student Council, NE Club, Sapphires Club Special Programmes Offered MOE Programmes : Integrated Programme (IP), Art Elective Programme (AEP), Humanities Programme


School-based Programmes : Character and Leadership Development Drama-in-Production Programme, Integrated Programme with Boarding, Leadership Symposium, Outdoor Adventure, Sapphire Scholars Programme Acceleration and Extension Accelerated Mathematics Programme, Art Elective Programme (AEP), Encounter China Programme, Exploration and Discovery, Music Programme, Orion, Science Training and Research Programme (STaR), SPIRE Sabbaticals, Global Classroom Experience - Overseas Attachment, Work Experience, Community Projects

Achievements in 2009 for Junior College Level

Special Award (SEA , SDA ) Special Award and

The Lee Kuan Yew NE Award

SEA - School Excellence Award; SDA - School Distinction Award

• The Lee Kuan Yew NE Award (2008-2012)

Character Development

• SEA (2008-2012)

• SDA (2005-2009)

Physical & Aesthetics

Level Two Award ( )

Academic Value-added

SAA - Sustained Achievement Award; ODA - Outstanding Development Award

• ODA (National Education) (2002-2006, 2008-2012) Best Practices

• ODA (Character Development) (2008-2012)

• SAA (Aesthetics) College Section: 1999 – 2000, 2003 – 2009

• SAA (Physical Health) College Section: 1999 – 2009

• SAA (Sports) College Section: 2006 – 2009

• SAA (Physical Health) Secondary Section: 2007- 2009

BPA – Best Practices Award

• BPA (Student All-Round Development) (2005-2009)

• BPA (Staff Well-Being) (2005-2009)

• BPA (Teaching and Learning) (2005-2009)

Level One Award ( ) AA - Achievement Award; DA - Development Award

• Aesthetics – Secondary Section (2007, 2008)

• Sports & Games Competition 2009

: National Air Pistol A Girls 1st, National Air Rifle A Boys 1st, National Air Rifle A Girls 3rd, National Canoeing A Boys 1st, National Canoeing A Girls 1st, National Canoeing B Boys 3rd, National Canoeing B Girls 2nd, National Cricket A Boys 4th, National Softball A Girls 4th, National Squash A Girls 4th, Table Tennis A Boys 4th.

• SYF Central Judging 2009

: Chinese Dance (Gold with Honours), Malay Dance – Sec (Gold), Malay Dance – JC (Gold with Honours), Indian Dance (Gold with Honours), Symphonic Ensemble (Gold), Chinese Orchestra (Gold), Choir (Gold with Honours), Guzheng Ensemble – Sec (Gold), Guzheng Ensemble – JC (Gold), Harmonica Ensemble (Silver), Guitar Ensemble (Silver), Angklung (Bronze), String Orchestra (Bronze), English Drama – Sec (Bronze), Chinese Drama – Sec (Gold), Chinese Drama – JC (Silver),

Other Awards : � Singapore Quality Class (SQC) – 2005-2007, 2008-2010 � MINDEF Physical Fitness Performance Award - Merit � CHERISH Award (Silver) – 2008-2009 � PARTNERS Award (Outstanding) – 2006-2011 Other School Features 1. NJC Integrated Programme with Boarding NJC provides a seamless 6-year Integrated Programme with Boarding. We firmly believe in the holistic development of our students in the moral, cognitive, physical, social and aesthetic domains. Being a school with a rich and illustrious history, our programmes are anchored in values and culture and are, at the same time, forward looking, to prepare our pupils to successfully meet the challenges of the future. The major thrusts of our Integrated Programme with Boarding are: � Sustained development of character

NJC will adopt a holistic and developmental approach towards character education, by integrating and infusing values across into the academic and non-academic domains of the curriculum starting from Secondary 1. This will provide students with seamless learning of content knowledge, skills and values, for example, during science and literature lessons, outdoor activities, and other enrichment activities.


� Leadership development in all domains - intellectual, social, physical and aesthetic Students will experience different aspects of leadership development to develop their individual abilities. For example, students will be exposed to leadership theory, strategic thinking and philosophy and learn from inspiring role models. They will have opportunities to conceptualise, plan and organise, manage and participate in special activities that will help them and their peers develop as leaders.

� Opportunities to nurture rootedness and community awareness

NJC places great emphasis on National Education. Students will have more time to develop strong relationships with peers, seniors and form a close attachment to the College. There will be more opportunities to serve, contribute and give back to the community. Such bonds contribute towards a heightened sense of rootedness to the nation. Through the diversity of experiences made possible by the 6-year IP, students will also be exposed to the thinking and principles behind social/economic policies as well as future leadership challenges.

� Modular Curriculum from Secondary 1 to 4

Apart from the foundational modules, students will get to choose from a range of elective modules. Block scheduling will enable students to engage in a choice of collaborative and research projects with varied opportunities to work with their seniors.

� Boarding Experience

All students who join NJC from Sec 1 will get to experience boarding at different junctures of their school life at NJC. Student leaders in JC will also have the opportunity to experience boarding. This diverse mix of students will allow for a rich boarding experience for all students.

For more details about the NJC Integrated Programme, please visit our website at 2. Science Training and Research Programme The College hosts Sigma Labs - South Zone Science and Technology Centre. This Centre of Excellence aims to create an awareness of and cultivate a research culture in the sciences through a variety of activities that cater to students of different abilities and interests. We have the state-of-the-art equipment, normally found only in universities and research facilities. Sigma Lab’s flagship programme is the Science Training and Research (STaR) Programme. This is a six-month enrichment programme that equips selected students with basic scientific research skills and opportunities to conduct science research projects under the mentorship of scientists. It is exclusive to our College and is offered to outstanding Science students. Students will be involved in advanced research and scientific training using sophisticated instruments and equipment, as well as engage in full-time research attachment with our partners from renowned A*STAR research institutes and other institutes of higher learning, such as Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology (IMCB), Institute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology (IBN), Institute of Material Research and Engineering (IMRE), Institute of High Performance Computing (IHPC), Institute of Chemical Engineering and Science Ltd (ICES), NUS and NTU and many more. The College also provides overseas research attachment for selected students to the Korea Science Academy (Korea), Intellectual Boarding School (Russia), Moscow Chemical Lyceum (Russia) and Waseda University Honjo Senior High School (Japan). Numerous student participants graduate annually in the STaR Symposium to mark the end of their research attachment. Those who excel are highly encouraged to participate in the Singapore Science and Engineering Fair (SSEF) and A Star Talent Search (A*TS). The NUS-A*STAR-NJC H3 Research, also known as H3-Science Training and Research (H3-STaR) Programme is a H3 subject that takes the mode of a scientific research project. This programme is designed for academically able NJC students who are inclined towards science research. It aims to develop, in these students, scientific inquiry skills, advanced laboratory techniques, and critical thinking. The programme requires the students to extend their H2 Science subjects in a 6-month research study in a specific area in Science. Each student will undertake a individual research study and would be mentored by qualified scientists from the Research Institutes (RIs) and supervised by Science teachers from NJC.

3. Sapphire Scholars Programme – Every Student a Leader Our Sapphire Scholars Programme seeks to prepare motivated NJCians for scholarships and entry into prestigious universities through a systematic programme of enrichment activities. The Programme aims to develop: � Well-rounded individuals who excel in their studies and also possess a strong portfolio on their CCA involvement; � Confident and discerning individuals who are knowledgeable about geopolitical issues and can conduct themselves well in any

situation; � Committed individuals who have a strong sense of dedication and sharing towards the community and nation. All Sapphire Scholars are given the flexibility to chart their own development. However, guidance is always close at hand if needed. Each Sapphire Scholar is allocated an experienced tutor (called a Sapphire Mentor) who will advise and guide his/her charge so that they constantly shape their personal targets and overall portfolio towards attaining the scholarship of their choice. Apart from this guidance, students on the Sapphire scheme will also be given further leadership opportunities and exposure to give them the added competitive edge in their applications for top scholarships and universities. 4. Accelerated Mathematics Programme The Accelerated Mathematics Programme provides capable Mathematics students with opportunities to develop a deeper understanding of Mathematics. The Programme includes a more rigourous and challenging Mathematics curriculum, Mathematics-related Research opportunities, participation in Mathematics competitions as well as Mathematics-related enrichment activities.


5. Art Elective Programme NJC is the first junior college to offer the Art Elective Programme (AEP). With a rich and varied curriculum, artistically talented students are offered the opportunity to experiment and develop their interests through various media which will deepen and widen their knowledge and appreciation of Art and Design. These include drawing and painting, sculpture, graphic design, ceramics, photography, printmaking, 3D computer modelling and animation, and video editing. The programme also emphasises the theoretical aspect of art education - students have to undertake a course in the critical and historical aspects of Southeast Asian and Western Art so as to provide them with the foundational knowledge for art criticism. Our AEP students have participated in external exhibitions and received numerous accolades for their outstanding work. 6. Humanities Scholars Programme The Humanities Scholars offer H2 Literature in English and other humanities subjects as part of the requirement of the scholarship awarded by MOE. As part of the holistic development of the scholars, they are directly involved in 2 overseas programmes: 1. Overseas Enrichment Programme (OEP) - The programme is designed to enhance their appreciation and understanding of

History, Geography, Economics and socio-political-cultural aspects of our neighbouring countries. The programme is partly funded by the Ministry as part of the award of the Humanities Scholarship.

2. The Humanities Scholars Programme in NJC also extends the OEP to a twinning programme with a top Vietnamese High School for the first part of the exchange programme.

7. NJC Music Programme The NJC Music Programme provides musically talented students with the opportunity to acquire a higher proficiency in music, thereby building the foundation for further music studies at higher levels. It aims to develop critical thinking, listening and creativity through music studies and interpretative activities like composing and performing. At the same time, it aims to cultivate keen awareness of local and global musical cultures. 8. Attachments, Immersion & Exchange Programmes In line with the College's vision to nurture our student's passion for knowledge in a vibrant learning environment, we provide opportunities for our students to have firsthand experience through attachment programmes with the local as well as overseas tertiary educational institutions, companies and grassroots organisations. The attachments aim to deepen our students' interest in particular disciplines (like law and medicine) and professions, and also to increase their awareness of their role as members of society and how they can contribute to it. Similarly, cultural exchanges with reputable overseas institutions serve to enable our students to gain an understanding of the culture as well as to improve their proficiency in the language of the host country. Deserving particular mention are the Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) the College signed with Korea Science Academy (KSA), the premier education institution of science and technology in Korea in 2005, and with Waseda University Honjo Senior High School in Japan in 2007. The MOUs establish sustained partnerships with these overseas schools to allow NJC students to go on research attachments or engage in collaborative projects and exchange programmes. Our Attachment Programmes comprises:

� A total of about 70 research placements with renowned institutions of higher learning both local and overseas in fields such as mathematics, chemistry, electronics and material engineering.

� Cultural / sports student exchange programmes with schools in China, Germany, Japan, Korea, Russia, Taiwan and Vietnam. � Work attachments with various private companies, law firms, hospitals and other organisations. Other School Achievements � A*STAR Talent Search (A*TS) 2009 - 2 Merit Awards � Intel International Science & Engineering Fair 2009 – Representation � Nanyang Concept Test 2008 - 6 High Distinction, 14 Distinction, 11 Merit Awards � Nanyang Research Programme 2008/2009 – 2 Gold Awards � 11th National Olympiad in Informatics – Overall First and Overall Third in JC Category and Overall First in Secondary Category � 1st Singapore Junior Physics Olympiad 2008 - 1 Silver, 7 Silver, 13 Merit Awards � Singapore Science & Engineering Fair 2009 - 6 Gold, 2 Silver, 5 Bronze and 8 Merit Awards � Singapore Science Olympiad 2008/2009 – Biology – 1 Silver, 1 Merit; Chemistry – 5 Silver, 7 Bronze, 1 Merit; Physics – 1 Merit For more achievements please visit our website at:



21 Teck Whye Walk (688258) Tel: 65646878 Fax: 67651861 School Website :

Bus Services : 975, 190, 985

Nearest MRT Station : Choa Chu Kang / Phoenix Station (LRT)

School Vision : Always Serving, Always Learning

School Mission : Nurturing a Community of Committed Learners and Compassionate Leaders

Type of School : Government/ Mixed/ Full Day

Mother Tongue : Chinese/ Malay/ Tamil

Bonus Points given for Affiliated Schools

: Nil

Arts : 9 to 16 Net Aggregate range of 2009 JAE pupils posted to 2009 JC1


Science : 3 to 17

Subjects Offered : H1 Subjects

General Paper, Project Work, Chinese Language, Malay Language, Tamil Language, China Studies in English, Geography, History, Economics, Literature in English, General Studies in Chinese, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology

H2 Subjects

Chinese Language & Literature, Malay Language & Literature, Tamil Language & Literature, China Studies in English, Geography, History, Economics, Literature in English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Art, Computing and Knowledge and Inquiry

H3 Subjects Chinese Language and Literature, Maths and Science-related University modules at NUS and NTU

CCA Offered Sports & Games : Archery, Badminton, Basketball, Canoeing, Cuesports, Hockey, Netball, Rugby, Taekwondo, Ten-Pin

Bowling, Tennis, Touch Rugby, Volleyball

Uniformed Groups : (Attached to schools and organisations) Performing Arts : Band - Symphonic, Choir, Dance - Modern, Orchestra - Chinese, English Drama Society, Chinese

Drama Society, Malay Cultural Society, Tamil Language Society

Clubs & Societies : Astronomy Club, Audio & Visual Club, Chess Club, Debate Society, Eco-Club, IT Club, Interact Club,

Media Club, Outdoor Activities Club, PJ Ambassador Club, Reading Club (Chinese), Students' Council, China Desk

Others : Student-initiated CCAs

Special Programmes Offered MOE Programmes : Not Available School-based Programmes : Arts & Aesthetics Programme – “Bringing Arts to the Students”: Invitation of

performing groups to College Active Citizenship Programme - Students liaise and work closely with the Singapore

Civil Defence Force, Singapore Police Force and neighbouring primary schools School-based counselling programme Cluster Science Day – Einstein’s Cradle Engaging China Programme GP Seminar for Graduating Students (Panel of external speakers) Higher Education Day, Career Seminar Headstart Enrichment Programme – Social Graces and Etiquette Workshops,

Interview Skills Workshops, Personal Effectiveness Talks Night Study Programme Language Enrichment Camps (Chinese)


Level-wide Leadership Programme Leadership Training Camp (LTC) Overseas Community Involvement Programme Overseas Study Trips (e.g Australia, China, India, UK) Overseas Immersion Programme (China, India) Sirius Scholars’ Programme Twinning Programme with High School Attached to Capital Normal University

(Beijing), Shanghai No.8 & Guangming High School (Shanghai) Fudan University (Direct Admission) Work Shadowing Programme

Achievements in 2009 for Junior College Level

Special Award (SEA , SDA ) Special Award

SEA - School Excellence Award; SDA - School Distinction Award

• Not Available

Character Development

(ODA for Character Devt)

(DA for NE)

Level Two Award ( )

SAA - Sustained Achievement Award; ODA - Outstanding Development Award

Physical & Aesthetics

• ODA (Character Development) (2009)

• SAA (Academic Value Added) (2009)

Academic Value-added

BPA – Best Practices Award Best Practices

• Not Available

Level One Award ( )

AA – Achievement Award; DA – Development Award

• (AA) Physical Fitness – GOLD (2008)

• (AA) Physical and Aesthetics (2008)

Sports & Games Competitions (2008-2009)


Archery Association of Singapore Inter-School Competition 2008 - Individual Male – Gold - Individual Female – Silver - Team – Bronze

National Inter-School Badminton (Girls) Championships 2009 - Top 8

National Inter-School 10 Pin Bowling Championship 2009 - Individual Girls – Silver - All events Title – Champion - Step Ladder in Grand Finals’ Master – 3rd

National Canoe Marathon 2008 - Junior Women K2 Category – 2nd National Women’s Kayak 2008 - K2 500m – 2nd

Singapore Canoe Marathon 2009 - Junior Women K1 – 1st - Senior Men C1 – 1st - Novice Men K2 – 3rd - Novice Men C1 – 3rd & 5th - Junior Men K2 – 2nd - Junior Men C2 – 2nd National Inter-School Canoeing Championships 2009 - C2 500m (Boys) – Silver - C2 1000m (Boys) – Gold

Cuesports – Teen Games 2008 (9 Balls) - Team 1st Cuesports – Teen Games 2009 (9 Balls) - Team 1st

National Inter-Schools Netball Championships 2008 – top 8 Daisy Tan Cup 2009 – 2nd National Inter-School Netball Championships 2009 – top 8


National Inter-Schools Rugby Championships 2008 - Plate Championship : 2nd runner-up M1 Schools Series 10s Rugby Tournament 2008 – 3rd National Inter-School Rugby Championships 2009 - Plate Champions

National Inter-Schools Volleyball Championships 2008 – 3rd National Inter-Schools Volleyball Championships 2009 – top 8 West Zone Schools Colours Award 2008 – Team Award in Volleyball

Hong Kong Wushu International Festival 2009 - Sword Routine – 2nd, 3rd - Spear Routine – 2nd, 3rd

National Inter-School Wushu Championships 2009 Girls - 2nd International Spear – 3rd - 2nd International Sword – 2nd, 3rd - 2nd International Changquan – 4th

Boys - 42 style Taiji Quan – 3rd - 2nd International Spear – 2nd

SYF Central Judging (2008)

: English Drama – Silver

SYF Central Judging (2009)

Chinese Drama - Gold International Dance – Bronze Indian Dance - Silver Malay Dance – Gold Symphonic Band - Silver Choir - Silver Chinese Orchestra - Bronze

Others (2008-2009)

Singapore Land Authority Spatial Challenge 2009 - SLA Spatial Challenge Champion - Best Use of Global Information System (GIS) Award

Singapore Land Authority Art Competition 2009 - Merit Award

Association of S’pore Tamil Writers Short-story Writing Competition 2009 – Individual 4th

Ravindran Drama Group Drama Competition 2009 – Silver Award

Schools Digital Media Award 2008 – Merit Award

The Fourth International Children’s Art Competition 2008 – 2nd, 3rd and Merit Awards

Mech Challenge 2008 – 1st

19th National Chinese Calligraphy Competition 2008 – 1st

Inter-Collegiate Debates 2008 organised by ACJC - 3rd position

White Box Festival 2008 – Best Actress

Inter-JC Malay Poetry Recital Competition 2008 – 2nd

Arangam Drama Competition 2008 - Silver Other School Features And Achievements Annual “Aadiperukku” - Inter-ethnic, Inter-JC, IT-webpage design competition and cultural extravaganza Metro-SIF-PJC (for women and abused children of Cambodia) since 2006 and on-going Project Agape (Blood Donation Drive) Social Entrepreneurship Projects (Citibank-YMCA Youth for Causes Programme, Pioneer Heartbeat Project in collaboration with MINDS)



1 Raffles Institution Lane (575954) Tel: 64199888 Fax: 64199898 School Website :

Bus Services : 410 (Bishan St 21), 93, 156, 157, 163 (Braddell Rd, back gate) 54, 851, 852 (Marymount Road), 52, 130, 132, 162, 166, 167, 980 (Upp Thomson Rd)

Nearest MRT Station : Bishan, Marymount

School Vision : Auspicium Melioris Aevi (Hope Of A Better Age)

School Mission : To Nurture Thinkers, Leaders And Pioneers, Men And Women With Character, Confidence And Commitment Who Will Serve By Leading And Lead In Serving Whatever Their Chosen Paths May Be

Type of School : Independent/ Mixed/ Full Day

Mother Tongue : Chinese/ Malay/ Tamil

Bonus Points given for Affiliated Schools

: Raffles Girls' School (Secondary), Raffles Institution

Net Aggregate range of 2009 JAE pupils posted to 2009 JC1

: Arts : 2 to 3

Science : 2 to 3

Subjects Offered : H1 Subjects

Art, Biology, Chemistry, China Studies in English, Chinese Language, Economics, English Literature, General Paper, General Studies in Chinese, Geography, History, India Studies, Mathematics, Malay Language, Physics, Project Work, Tamil Language

H2 Subjects Art, Biology, Chemistry, China Studies in English, Chinese Language and Literature, Economics, English Language Studies, English Literature, Geography, History, India Studies, Knowledge & Inquiry, Malay Language and Literature, Mathematics, Music, Physics, Tamil Language and Literature, Theatre Studies & Drama

H3 Subjects Art, Biology, Chemistry, Chinese Language and Literature, Economics, English Literature, Geography, History, Malay Language and Literature, Mathematics, Music, Physics, Tamil Language and Literature

Other Subjects Civics, Physical Education

School Fees : Singaporeans - $300 per month Singapore Permanent Residents - $360 per month Foreign Students (Students under the Raffles Programme from Raffles Institution and Raffles Girls’

School (Secondary) - $500 per month International Students (Non Raffles Programme) - $1,200 per month Miscellaneous Fees : -

Supplementary Fees : All Students for 2010 intake onwards- $35 per month CCA Offered Sports & Games : Archery, Badminton, Basketball, Canoeing, Cricket, Cross Country, Fencing, Floorball, Gymnastics, Hockey,

Judo, Netball, Rugby, Sailing, Soccer, Softball, Shooting, Squash, Swimming, Table Tennis, Ten-Pin Bowling, Tennis, Touch Rugby, Track & Field, Volleyball, Water Polo, Wushu, Ultimate Frisbee

Uniformed Groups : Not Available


Performing Arts : Symphonic Band, Chamber Ensemble, Choir, Chinese Dance, Raffles Players, Indian Dance, Guitar Ensemble, Harmonica Club, Jazz Club, Chinese Orchestra, Piano Ensemble, Raffles Rock, Lion Dance Troupe, Raffles Dance, Street Dance

Clubs & Societies : Alchemy Club, Art Club, Astronomy Club, Audio & Video/ PA Club, Biology Society, Chess- International & Chinese, Weiqi, Bridge, Computer Science Club, Community Advocate , Debating And Oratorical Society, Raffles Economics & Current Affairs Society, Electronics Club, Entrepreneurs’ Network, Red Cross Humanitarian Network (Raffles Chapter), Film Club, French Connection, Gavel Club, Environment Society ( Raffles One Earth), History/Current Affairs Society, Interact Club, Japanese Club, LDDS – Chinese, LDDS – Indian, LDDS – Malay, Library, Mathematics Society, Outdoor Activities Club, Photographic Society, Raffles Press & Writer’s Guild, Singapore Youth Flying Club, Students’ Council, Youth Club @ Boon Lay.

Others : External CCAS e.g. Uniform Groups, Golf, SNYO, SYCO (recognised) Special Programmes Offered MOE Programmes : Humanities Scholarships Programme

Music Elective Programme (MEP) English Language Elective Programme (ELEP)

School-based Programmes : Raffles Asia Programme Raffles Bi-Cultural Programme (China) Raffles Bi-Cultural Programme (India) Raffles Middle East Programme (RMEP) Raffles Renaissance Programme Raffles Café Scientifique Electives@Raffles Research Labs Programme Raffles Research Attachment Programme Overseas Science Programmes Raffles Science Outreach Programmes Raffles Biophilia Programme RJC Physics Building Competition Raffles Public Policy Programme

Raffles Meet-the-People Session Attachment Programme

Raffles Ecological Literacy Programme Raffles Adventure Leadership Programme Raffles Leadership through the Ages Programme Foundations of Service Learning Programme International Service Learning Elective Programme.

Achievements in 2009 for Junior College Level

Special Award (SEA , SDA ) Special Award

SEA - School Excellence Award; SDA - School Distinction Award

• SDA (2004-2008) Character Development

Level Two Award ( ) Physical & Aesthetics

SAA - Sustained Achievement Award; ODA - Outstanding Development Award

• BPA (Staff Well-Being) (2007-2011) Academic Value-added

• BPA (Student All-Round Development) (2007-2011)

• BPA (Teaching and Learning) (2007-2011) Best Practices

• BPA (Organisational Effectiveness)(2007-2011)

• ODA (Character Development) (2007-2011)

• SAA (Aesthetics)

• SAA (Physical Fitness)

• SAA (Sports)

Level One Award ( )

AA – Achievement Award; DA – Development Award

• DA (National Education) (2007-2009)

• TAF Award - Gold


Sports & Games Competition


CCA Achievement

Badminton (Boys) Gold

Badminton (Girls) Gold

Cricket Gold

Cross Country (Boys) Gold

Cross Country (Girls) Gold Hockey ( Boys) Gold Judo ( Boys) Gold

Rugby Gold Squash (Boys) Gold Swimming (Boys) Gold Swimming (Girls) Gold Table Tennis (Boys) Gold Table Tennis (Girls) Gold Tennis (Boys) Gold

Tennis (Girls) Gold Tenpin Bowling (Boys) Gold

Trampoline (Boys) Gold

Track & Field ( Boys) Gold Track & Field ( Girls) Gold Waterpolo (Boys) Gold

Waterpolo (Girls) Gold Basketball (Girls) Silver Judo ( Girls) Silver Netball Silver Sailing (Boys) Silver

Sailing (Girls) Silver Shooting ( Rifle Boys) Silver Shooting ( Rifle Girls) Silver

Softball (Girls) Silver Squash (Girls) Silver Tenpin Bowling (Girls) Silver Floorball ( Girls) Bronze Shooting ( Pistol Boys) Bronze

Shooting (Pistol Girls) Bronze Softball (Boys) Bronze

Basketball (Boys) 4th

Soccer (Girls) 4th

Wushu (Girls) 4th

TOTAL 21 Golds 10 Silvers 4 Bronzes

SYF Central Judging


Chamber Ensemble Gold with Honours Chinese Dance Gold with Honours Chinese Drama Gold

Chinese Orchestra Gold Chorale Gold Guitar Club Gold Harmonica Club Silver Indian Dance Gold with Honours Malay Dance Silver Modern Dance Gold with Honours

Symphonic Band Gold

SYF Competition : Not Applicable

Best Unit Award : Nil

Others : Sporting Singapore Inspiration – Organisation Award 2007 (Gold), SQC

Other School Features And Achievements Whole person development, focusing on excellence in all fields.


School Code 0710 SERANGOON JUNIOR COLLEGE 1033 Upper Serangoon Road (534768) Tel: 62850779 Fax: 62825318 School Website: Bus Services : 25, 55, 62, 80, 81, 82, 101, 107, 112, 113, 119, 132,

136, 153, 325, 854 Nearest MRT Station : Kovan School Vision : Every SRJCian A Graduate With Imagination,

Character and Values School Mission : Fire The Imagination, Hone The Character,

Strengthen The Values Type of School : Government/ Mixed/ Full Day Mother Tongue : Chinese/ Malay/ Tamil Bonus Points given for Affiliated Schools

: Nil

Arts : 8 to 17 Net Aggregate range

of 2009 JAE pupils posted to 2009 JC1


Science : 8 to 17

Subjects Offered :

H1 Subjects Art, Biology, Chemistry, China Studies (Chinese & English), Chinese Language, Economics, General Paper, General Studies in Chinese, Geography, History, Literature in English, Malay Language, Mathematics, Physics, Project Work, Tamil Language

: H2 Subjects

Art, Biology, Chemistry, Chinese Language & Literature, Economics, English Language & Linguistics, Geography, History, Literature in English, Malay Language & Literature, Mathematics, Physics, Tamil Language & Literature

: H3 Subjects

Art, Biology, Chemistry, Chinese Language & Literature, Economics, Geography, History, Literature in English, Mathematics, Physics

CCA Offered Sports & Games : Basketball, Canoeing, Netball, Rock Climbing, Runners’ Club, Shooting, Soccer (Boys), Soccer (Girls),

Taekwondo, Ten-pin Bowling, Tennis, Touch Rugby, Track & Field, Volleyball Uniformed Groups : Not Applicable Performing Arts : Choir, Modern Dance, Guitar Ensemble, Guzheng Ensemble, Symphonic Band Clubs & Societies : AVA Club, Community Champions Council, Library Council, Nature Society Serangoon, Outdoor

Activities Club, Photographic Society, Pilates, Student Council, S*STAR, The Podium, Yoga Special Programmes Offered MOE Programmes : Not Available School-based Programmes

: SR Global Classroom Scholarship

- The SR Global Classroom Scholarship aims to equip students with leadership skills and acquire a global outlook to prepare them for the challenges of the 21st Century. SR Global Classroom scholars participate in the Advanced Leadership Programme, the SR Internship Programme and the SR Global Classroom Experience at full subsidy.

Advanced Student

Leadership Programme

- Leadership Packages I & II (adapted from Kouzes and Posner’s 5 Practices of Exemplary Leaders), Camp ASPIRE, Leadership Seminars

SR Global Classroom

Experience - Educational Fieldtrips and Community Projects in China (Lijiang,

Yangshuo), Vietnam (Ho Chi Minh City, Lao Cai) and East Malaysia (Sarawak)


- Twinning Programme with Sacred Heart Canossian College (Hong Kong)

- Student Exchange Programme in Japan

- Dance Experience Programme with the renowned Sydney Dance

Company - Science Research Programme at Trinity College (Melbourne) - Executive Immersion Programme – Shanghai (for students

offering China Studies ) - Global Immersion Programme – Ho Chih Minh City SR Internship programme - Students on this exclusive programme are given exposure to the

world of work in diverse fields such as banking, healthcare, hospitality, law and theatre. They will be put under the close guidance of experts from these industries.

Get REAL! - Reaching out to the Environment, Aged and Less Fortunate

This is a Community Outreach Programme using the Service Learning Approach.

Distinguished Speaker

Series - A special programme designed to expose our students to special

men and women of exceptional imagination, character and values. Scientific Insights@SRJC - Leading scientists are invited to share their knowledge from the

frontiers of scientific research with our students to help them contextualise their learning of Science.

WILL Run - An annual fund-raising event to fire the imagination and hone the

character of our students. Staff and students run 10 km together in this event which seeks to challenge them to break personal barriers for a worthy cause.

Achievements in 2009 for Junior College Level

Special Award (SEA , SDA ) Special Award

SEA - School Excellence Award; SDA - School Distinction Award

• Not Available Character Development

Level Two Award ( ) Physical & Aesthetics

SAA - Sustained Achievement Award; ODA - Outstanding Development Award

BPA – Best Practices Award Academic Value-added

• Not Available

Best Practices

Level One Award ( )

AA – Achievement Award; DA – Development Award

• TAF Award

• Aesthetics Sports & Games Competition

: 2009 Canoeing � Singapore Canoe Federation Canoe Marathon 2009: K2 Junior Women 22KM - 3rd � Singapore Canoe Federation Canoe Marathon 2009: K2 Junior Men 27KM - 5th Position Medal � Singapore Canoe Federation National Junior Championship 2009: 1000m K1 Girls “B”- 3rd

: 2009 Rock Climbing

� ClimbMax Difficulty & Speed Climbing (Republic Polytechnic): Speed Climb Girls- 3rd � ClimbMax Difficulty & Speed Climbing (Republic Polytechnic): Difficulty Novice Girls - 3rd � National Schools Sports Climbing Competition: “A” Div Girls Speed (Individual) - 1st � National Schools Sports Climbing Competition: “A” Div Boys Speed (Individual) - 1st & 2nd � National Schools Sports Climbing Competition: “A” Div Girls Speed (Team) - 2nd � National Schools Sports Climbing Competition: “A” Div Boys Speed (Team) -1st � National Schools Sports Climbing Competition: “A” Div Mixed Speed (Team) – 1st � Teen Games (Speed): U21 Girls - 2nd � Teen Games (Speed): U21 Boys - 1st, 2nd � Rockamania (Temasek Polytechnic): Difficulty Novice Boys - 2nd & 3rd � Rockamania (Temasek Polytechnic): Difficulty Novice Girls - 3rd

: 2009 Soccer � North Zone Soccer Competition - Champion


: 2009 Shooting Club � National Schools North Zone Shooting Championships: Rifle Male (Team) - 2nd � National Schools North Zone Shooting Championships: Rifle Female(Team) - 2nd � National Schools North Zone Shooting Championships: Pistol Male (Team) - 3rd

: 2009 Taekwondo

� NTU Taekwondo Open Championship: Ee Jang Category (Team) - 3rd � National Inter-School Taekwondo Championship: Poomsae Yellow Belt (Individual) - 1st � National Inter-School Taekwondo Championship: Poomsae Green Belt (Team) - 3rd � National Inter-School Taekwondo Championship: Poomsae Black Belt (Team) - 3rd

: 2009 Touch Rugby

� M1 Singapore Rugby Union Round 1 (M1 Schools Rugby Series): U20 Plate – 2nd

: 2009 Runners’ Club � Northeast CDC Sub-urban Run (2 KM Fun Run) - 1st � Sembawang 5 KM Road Run Championships (Ladies Junior) - 1st, 2nd, 3rd � Sembawang 5 KM Road Run Championships (Men Junior) - 1st, 2nd, 3rd � SAFRA Singapore Bay Run & Army Half Marathon (School Team Challenge) - 3rd

SYF Central Judging : 2009 SYF � Modern Dance (retained status of Gold with Honours due to participation in Asian Youth Games) � Silver: Guzheng Ensemble, Guitar Ensemble, Symphonic Band � Bronze: Choir 2007 SYF � Gold with Honours: Modern Dance � Silver: Malay Dance, Indian Dance, Guzheng Ensemble, Guitar Ensemble, Symphonic Band 2005 SYF � Silver: Choir, Indian Dance, Modern Dance, Malay Dance, Guitar Ensemble, Guzheng Ensemble,

Symphonic Band

SYF Competition : 2008 SYF Art & Craft Exhibition: Silver

2006 SYF Art & Craft Exhibition: Gold Other School Features And Achievements 1. Instructional Programme � 2007 NUS Arts Quiz – 3rd � 2009 URA Urban Design Competition – 3rd � 2009 Fastest Finger Graphic Calculator Competition – 3rd 2. Sports & Games � Runners’ Club

o 2008 Nike Human Race – Champion � Canoeing

o 2008 Singapore Canoe Federation National Championship K4 500m (Girls) - 3rd o 2008 Singapore Canoe Federation Women’s Kayaking Championship K4 200m - 2nd o 2008 Singapore Canoe Federation Women’s Kayaking Championship K4 500m - 3rd

� Rock Climbing

o 2008 NTU Pumpfest Womens’ Novice Category: 1st o 2008 National Schools Sports Climbing Competition (Difficulty & Speed) U17 Girls Difficulty (Individual) - 3rd o 2008 National Schools Sports Climbing Competition (Difficulty & Speed) U17 Boys Speed (Team) - 4th o 2008 National Schools Sports Climbing Competition (Difficulty & Speed) U17 Girls Speed (Team) - 2nd o 2008 National Schools Sports Climbing Competition (Difficulty & Speed) U19 Girls Speed (Team) - 2nd & 3rd o 2008 Climb Fiesta (Ind Girls) - 1st, 2nd & 3rd o 2008 Climb Fiesta (Ind Boys) - 2nd & 3rd o 2007 French Sch Difficulty Females under 18 - 2nd & 3rd o 2007 French Sch Difficulty Males under 18 - 3rd o 2007 Rockmaster (men novice) - 2nd o 2007 Rockmaster (women novice) - 3rd o 2007 Climb X Inter JC Difficulty - 2nd o 2007 Climb Fiesta Female - 1st, 2nd & 3rd o 2007 Climb Fiesta Male - 1st o 2007 Rockmania Speed Climbing Boys - 1st o 2007 NSSCC Team Mixed - 3rd o 2007 NSSCC Individual Girls - 3rd


� Shooting o 2008 National Schools North Zone Shooting Championships: Rifle Male (Individual) - 1st o 2008 National Schools North Zone Shooting Championships: Rifle Male (Team) - 3rd o 2008 National Schools North Zone Shooting Championships: Rifle Female (Team) - 2nd o 2008 National Schools North Zone Shooting Championships: Air Pistol Male (Individual) - 2nd o 2008 National Schools North Zone Shooting Championships: Air Pistol Female (Team) - 2nd o 2007 National Schools North Zone Shooting Championships: Rifle Male (Individual) - 1st o 2007 National Schools North Zone Shooting Championships: Rifle Female (Team) - 3rd o 2007 National Schools North Zone Shooting Championships: Air Pistol Male (Individual) - 3rd o 2007 National Schools North Zone Shooting Championships: Air Pistol Male (Team) - 3rd

� Soccer o 2008 National Inter-School Soccer Tournament ‘A’ Division Soccer Girls (Group Stage) - 3rd o 2008 National ‘A’ Division Soccer Boys (Group B) - 3rd o 2008 North Zone Soccer Competition - Champion o 2007 North Zone Soccer Competition - Champion

� Taekwondo o 2008 National Inter-JC Poomsae Championships - 1 Silver, 19 Bronze o 2008 2nd National Taekwondo Poomsae Championships (Male Ind Black Belt) - Silver o 2008 2nd National Taekwondo Poomsae Championships (Male Indv Black Belt) - Bronze o 2007 National Inter-JC Poomsae Championship - 2 Gold, 2 Silver and 10 Bronze o 2007 NTU Taekwondo Open - 2 Bronze o 2007 1st National Poomsae Championships - 1 Silver, 2 Bronze

� Touch Rugby o 2008 International Schools Invitation: Plate - Champion o 2008 Singapore Polytechnic Under-20 Touch Rugby: Cup Champion o 2008 RSN Touch Rugby Invitational - 3rd o 2008 M1 SRU Touch Invitational Round 1: U17 Cup - 3rd o 2008 M1 SRU Touch Invitational Round 1: U20 Bowl - 3rd o 2008 M1 SRU Touch Invitational Round 2: U17 Bowl - 3rd o 2008 M1 SRU Touch Invitational Round 2: U20 Plate - 3rd o 2008 International & Singapore Schools Athletic Touch Rugby Championship (ISSAC) - 3rd o 2007 M1 Touch Rugby Series: Bowl – 2nd

� Ten-pin Bowling o 2008 Invitational Bowling Tournament (Team) - Champion o 2008 Invitational Bowling Tournament (Individual Male) - Champion

3. Clubs & Societies � 2009 PESA (Plain English Speaking Award) - 2nd � 2008 PESA (Plain English Speaking Award) - 1st � 2006 PESA (Plain English Speaking Award) - 3rd � 2006 Gavel Club - 3rd � 2006 Little India Shopkeepers and Heritage Association Debate Competition - 3rd � 2006 National Schools Team Chess Championships (North Zone open category) - 1st � 2006 Singapore Polytechnic Chess Challenge (Blitz Chinese Chess Poly/JC Div) - 1st � 2006 Annual All-Arts festival (Thai Matha Thendral – Costume & Comical Drama) - 2nd � 2006 Inter-School Short Play Competition (Lianhe Zaobao) - 2nd



55 Potong Pasir Avenue 1 (358389) Tel : 62857008 Fax : 62850037 School Website : Bus Services : SBSTransit: 8, 26, 31, 90, 142 , 151, 154 (PIE)

SMRT Buses: 857, 966, 985 (PIE) 13, 107, 107X, 133, 142, 147, 853 (Upper Serangoon Road) 142 (Potong Pasir Ave 1)

Nearest MRT Station : Potong Pasir NE10 School Vision : Every Saint A Servant Leader School Mission : Empowering Saints to Learn, to Lead and to Serve Type of School : Government-Aided/ Mixed/ Full Day Mother Tongue : Chinese/ Malay/ Tamil

Bonus Points given for Affiliated Schools

: St. Andrew's Secondary School, St. Margaret's Secondary School, Christ Church Secondary School, Kuo Chuan Presbyterian Secondary School, St. Hilda's Secondary School, Anglican High School, Presbyterian High School

: Arts : 4 to 9

Science : 2 to 8

Net Aggregate range of 2009 JAE pupils posted to 2009 JC1

Subjects Offered : H1 Subjects

Art, Biology, Chemistry, China Studies (Chinese), China Studies (English), Chinese Language, Economics, General Paper, General Studies in Chinese, Geography, History, Literature in English, Malay Language, Mathematics, Physics, Project Work, Tamil Language

H2 Subjects Art, Biology, Chemistry, Computing, Chinese Language and Literature, Economics, Geography, History, Knowledge & Inquiry, Literature in English, Malay Language and Literature, Mathematics, Music, Physics, Tamil Language and Literature

H3 Subjects Biology, Chemistry, Economics, Geography, History, Literature in English, Mathematics, Physics

CCA Offered

Sports & Games : Badminton, Basketball, Canoeing, Cricket, Cross Country, Hockey, Netball, Rhythmic Gymnastics, Rock Climbing, Rugby, Soccer, Swimming, Table Tennis, Ten-Pin Bowling, Tennis, Touch Rugby, Track & Field, Volleyball, Water Polo

Uniformed Groups : Not Available Performing Arts : Chamber Music, Chinese Orchestra ,Choir, Concert Band, Chinese Drama, English Drama, Guitar

Ensemble, Modern Dance

Clubs & Societies : Art & Craft Club, Audio & Video/ PA Club, Bloggers’ Club, Chinese Cultural Society, College Publications, Computer Club, Culinary and Homemaking Club, Debating and Oratorical Society, Environmental Club, House Council, Indian Cultural Society, Innovation and Enterprise Club, Interact Club, Library Council, Malay Cultural Society, Mentoring Club, Outdoor Activities Club, Photographic Society, Saints For Christ, Sports & Fitness Club, Strategy Club, Students' Council, Youth Ambassadors

Others : House Council, Class Leadership appointments, Saints Connect Special Programmes Offered MOE Programmes : Not Available School-based Programmes : Academic Enrichment, Arts Enrichment, Career Guidance, Learning Festival,

Student Counselling and Mentoring, Local and Overseas Community Involvement, Overseas Exchange Programme, Moral Education, Pastoral Care, Scholarship and Talent Development Programme, Service Learning, Innovation and Enterprise, Work Shadowing


Achievements in 2009 for Junior College Level

Special Award (SEA , SDA ) Special Award

SEA - School Excellence Award; SDA - School Distinction Award

• Not Available Character Development

Level Two Award ( ) Physical & Aesthetics

SAA - Sustained Achievement Award; ODA - Outstanding Development Award

BPA – Best Practices Award Academic Value-added

• SAA (Physical Fitness) – 4th award

• SAA (Sports) – 2nd award Best Practices

Level One Award ( )

AA - Achievement Award; DA - Development Award

• TAF Award - Gold

• Sports

• Aesthetics

Sports & Games Competition

: 2009 National A Division Championship: 1st – Rhythmic Gymnastic 2nd – Hockey (Girls), Soccer (Girls), Water polo (Girls) 3rd – Tenpin Bowling (Girls), Tenpin Bowling (Boys), Hockey (Boys); 4th – Rugby, Netball, Soccer (Boys) Tennis (Boys), Canoeing (Girls), Canoeing (Boys) 2008 National A Division Championship: 2nd - Rugby, Tenpin Bowling (Boys), Soccer (Girls), Hockey (Girls), Hockey (Boys); 3rd - Tenpin Bowling (Girls), Tennis (Boys), Cricket (Boys); Rhythmic Gymnastic, Water polo (Girls), Canoeing (Girls) 4th - Netball, Basketball (Girls), Table Tennis (Girls), Soccer (Boys)

SYF Central Judging : 2009 SYF Results

Band (Gold), Dance (Gold), Choir (Silver), Chinese Orchestra (Silver), Chinese Drama (Silver), Guitar (Bronze) 2008 SYF Results: English Drama (Silver), Art & Craft (Gold with Hons - 1 Award, Gold-1 Award , Bronze -2 Awards)

Others : 2009

NUS Business School Case Competition (1st) National Chinese General Knowledge Competition (Best Individual Award) National Weather Study Project (2nd) 2nd China Studies in English Schools Debate (2nd and Best Speaker Award) Singapore CAN! DISCOVER RACE (2nd/6th) Angus Ross Prize-International (3rd) American Mathematics Competition (5 Distinctions) Joint MOE-HPB CHERISH (Bronze) National Economics and Financial Management Quiz (Merit) 2008: 9th International Festival of Advent and Christmas Music (Gold overall for Youth; Silver for Folklore) Singapore Youth Science Fair (Gold Award and Most Enterprising Project) Nanyang Research Programme (5 Gold, 6 Merit) Nanyang Concept Test (Physics: 1 High Distinctions, 4 Distinctions; Chemistry: 1 High Distinctions, 4 Distinctions) American Mathematics Competition (5 Distinctions) National Olympiad for Informatics (Bronze) School Digital Media Award (Merit) Singapore Mathematics Olympiad (4 Bronze; 2 Hon Mention)

Other School Features And Achievements

The College offers values-based Student Leadership Development Programme in line with the College vision of “Every Saint A Servant Leader”. The Moral Education and Pastoral Care programmes are based on the belief that "No one is here by chance". The College has been awarded the People Developer Standard in 2001 (renewed in 2004 and 2007).



2 Tampines Avenue 9 (529564) Tel: 67841955 Fax: 67810061 School Website : Bus Services : 3, 9, 12, 17, 19, 21, 29, 37, 81, 293, 518 Nearest MRT Station : None School Vision : Every Student in University School Mission : To inspire excellence of achievement, driven by a

passion for learning and a zest for life Core Values : Integrity, Commitment, Perseverance, Teamwork,

Social Responsibility, Independent Learning, Innovation

Type of School : Government/ Mixed/ Full Day Mother Tongue : Chinese/ Malay/ Tamil Bonus Points given for Affiliated Schools

: Nil

Arts : 7 to 12 Net Aggregate range of 2009 JAE pupils posted to 2009 JC1


Science : 6 to 13

Subjects Offered : H1 Subjects

Art, Biology, Chemistry, China Studies, Chinese Language, Economics, General Paper, General Studies in Chinese, Geography, History, Literature in English, Malay Language, Mathematics, Physics, Project Work, Tamil Language

H2 Subjects Art, Biology, Chemistry, China Studies in English, Chinese Language & Literature, Economics, Geography, History, Literature in English, Malay Language & Literature, Mathematics, Physics, Tamil Language & Literature, Theatre Studies & Drama

H3 Subjects Chemistry, Malay Language & Literature, Mathematics, Physics

CCA Offered Sports & Games : Badminton, Basketball, Canoeing, Hockey, Netball, Rock Climbing, Shooting, Soccer, Softball,

Squash, Table Tennis, Tennis, Track & Field, Volleyball, Wushu

Uniformed Groups : Not Available Performing Arts : Band, Choir, Guitar Ensemble, Chinese Orchestra, Chinese Dance, Malay Dance, Indian Dance,

Modern Dance, Chinese Drama, English Drama

Clubs & Societies : Chess Club, Chinese LDDS, Debating Society, English LDDS, First Aid Society, Health And Fitness

Club, Infocomm Club, Gavel Club, Indian Cultural Society, Interact Club, Library Society, Malay LDDS, Outdoor Activities Club, Science & Environment Club, Students’ Council

Others : National Youth Achievement Award Special Programmes Offered MOE Programmes : Malay Language Elective Programme, Drama Elective Programme School-based Programmes : Mentorship Programme for High Achievers at TPJC [HATP], TPJC International

Education Programme [ Europe, Japan, India, China, Middle East, South East Asia], Outdoor Adventure Overseas Experience, Student leadership and character development programmes, Opportunities to lead students in primary and secondary schools in innovative learning experiences e.g. EDURACE; HUMANITIES day; Mathematics Mentoring Programme.


Achievements in 2009 for Junior College Level

Special Award (SEA , SDA ) Special Award

SEA - School Excellence Award; SDA - School Distinction Award

• Not Available Character Development

Level Two Award ( ) Physical & Aesthetics

SAA in Aesthetics

SAA - Sustained Achievement Award; ODA - Outstanding Development Award

BPA – Best Practices Award

Academic Value-added

• SAA in Aesthetics

Best Practices

Level One Award ( )

AA - Achievement Award; DA - Development Award

• AA – Physical & Aesthetics (2007)

Sports & Games Competition

: National Inter-School Wushu Championship 2008 – 4th in ‘A’ Division Boys Group Sparring, 3rd in ‘A’ Division Boys Group Quanshu For ‘A’ Division Games 2009, top 6 positions in 2 sports/games: Table Tennis and Canoeing, Top 8 positions in 2 sports/games: Soccer and Tennis National Inter-School Shooting Championships 2009 ‘A’ Division: Air Rifle Boys (East Zone Team 2nd, Individual East Zone 2nd), Air Pistol Boys (East Zone 2nd), Air Rifle Girls (East Zone Team 4th), TPJC Canoeing Team (PA Paddle Championship 2009) - 1st in Junior Women K2, 2nd in Novice Men, 8th in Novice Men K2, National Inter-Schools Wushu Championship 2009 – 4th in ‘A’ Division Boys Group Quanshu

SYF Central Judging : SYF Central Judging 2009

Gold with Honours – Modern Dance Gold - Malay Dance, Chinese Dance Silver - Indian Dance, Chinese Orchestra, Band, Choir, Guitar Ensemble, Chinese Drama

SYF Competition : Not Available Others : Not Available Other School Features And Achievements in 2008/2009 Academic-Related Achievements:

• Australian Mathematics Competition 2008 – 5 Certificates of Distinction, 13 Certificates of Credit and 12 Certificates of Proficiency

• International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) 2008 for Mathematics, - 1 Certificate of High Distinction, 2 Certificates of Distinction and 5 Certificates of Credit

• Fastest Finger Graphic Calculator Competition 2008 – 2nd in position

• 2008 American Mathematics Competition – 3 Certificates of Distinction

• 2009 American Mathematics Competition – 1 Certificate of Distinction

• National Cashflow Competition 2008 – Finalist

• 5th National PET Rocket Competition 2008 – Car Dash Category - 4th Overall

• 6th National PET Rocket Competition 2009 - Car Dash Category – 1st and 2nd runners-up

Co-Curricular Achievements:

• Performance at the PS21 Star Service Award Ceremony by Guitar Ensemble

• Singapore National Othello Championship 2008 – 2nd in position

• 24th Raffles Cup Inter-School Chinese Chess Competition 2008 – 5th and 8th position

• National Youth Weiqi Championship 2009 – 3rd Runner-Up

• SAJC Thai Maatha Thendral, Inter-JC Indian All Arts Competition 2008 – 2nd place in the Tamil Poetry writing category, 1st place in the singing category

• Arangam 2008 – Gold Award, First place in prepared drama category, first place in improvisation category, best supporting actress – 2, overall championships

• Arangam 2009 (Tamil Drama Competition) – Gold with Honours, Overall Champions in the Finals Best Actor Award

• Sorchilambam 2009 – 3rd runner up

• JJC Cup (Chess) – 6th position

• Samarak Temasek -- 2nd place and best male singer award

Other Achievements:

• Singapore Environmental Council Schools’ Green Audit Awards 2008/2009 -- Lotus School’s Green Audit Award in 08 & 09

• National Youth Achievement Award – 1 Gold, 1 Silver and 2 Bronze


• 2009 Pre-U Seminar New Media Artwork Presentation – top 10 position

• Professional Learning Community Pilot School for the East Zone with a strong focus on staff professional development and collegiality

• President’s Award for Teachers (Finalist 2008)

• Winner of “Arif Budiman Teachers’ Award” Tampines Junior College aims to provide quality education for all students to enable them, with the support of their teachers, to reach their highest potential and to realise the college vision of “Every Student In University”. The college fervently believes that the students are at the core of all its endeavours. As such, the college offers students a broad and challenging range of subjects and co-curricular activities to enable them to obtain a holistic education. As a student-centred college, Tampines Junior College has highly qualified, talented, dedicated and compassionate staff. Our hallmark is discipline and care. We provide quality education as the staff form positive relationships with their students and place students and their learning at the centre of what they do. In the college’s commitment to excellence in education, the teachers of Tampines Junior College stand sturdy and determined to impart strong values to the students which will in turn empower them with integrity, self-discipline and self-confidence to face the world.



22 Bedok South Road (469278) Tel: 64428066 Fax: 64428762 School Website : Bus Services : 12, 31, 38, 196, 197, 229 Nearest MRT Station : Bedok School Vision : A Vibrant Institution, A Dynamic Learning Culture, A

Caring People School Mission : Broaden Minds; Touch Hearts; Enrich Lives Type of School : Government/ Mixed/ Full Day Mother Tongue : Chinese/ Malay/ Tamil Bonus Points given for Affiliated Schools

: Nil

Arts : 4 to 7 Net Aggregate range of 2009 JAE pupils posted to 2009 JC1

: Science : 2 to 6

Subjects Offered

: H1 Subjects General Paper, Project Work, MTL, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Economics, Geography, History, English Literature, China Studies (Chinese)

H2 Subjects Knowledge & Inquiry, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Computing, Economics, Geography, History, English Literature, Art, Music (MEP), Chinese Language & Literature, Malay Language & Literature, Tamil Language and Literature, China Studies (Chinese), China Studies (English)

H3 Subjects Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Economics, Geography, History, English Literature, Art, Music (MEP), Chinese Language & Literature

Note - All MEP students will offer both H2&H3 Music and CLEP students will offer H2 Chinese

Language and Literature as well as H1/H2 China Studies in Chinese. CCA Offered Sports & Games : Air Rifle, Archery, Badminton, Basketball, Bowling, Chinese Pugilistic Club (Wushu), Climbing, Cricket,

Floorball, Netball, Outdoor Activities Club, Soccer (Boys & Girls), Squash, Swimming, Table Tennis, Taekwondo, Tennis, Touch Rugby, Track & Field, Volleyball.

Cultural and Performing Arts

: Artivity, Chamber Ensemble, Chinese Cultural Club (Drama, Calligraphy), Chinese Orchestra, Choir, English Drama, Guitar Ensemble, Indian Cultural Society, Malay Cultural Society, Modern Dance Club, Piano Ensemble, Symphonic Band.

Clubs & Societies : Creative Writing and Journalism Club, Debating Club, Entrepreneur Club, First Aid Club, House

Committee, InfoComm Club (combining AV, IT & photography) LEO Club, Library Club, Science Council, Students' Council and Tourism Club.

Others : Student Interest Groups, SNYO, SYCO Special Programmes Offered MOE Programmes : • Chinese Language Elective Programme (CLEP)

• Music Elective Programme

• Humanities Programme

School-based Programmes : • 4-Year Integrated Programme (Temasek Academy) – see • 4-year Music Elective Programme • 4-year Chinese Language Elective Programme (CLEP)


• Mazarin Programme: The pinnacle flagship talent development programme where the most outstanding TJCians form action research groups to plan and execute a project they are passionate about to make a difference to the college, community or the environment. Only the most outstanding TJCians are invited to join this programme and Mazarinites are mentored by the College Leaders, HODs, DyHODs and specialist tutors, attend a variety of workshops, and are heavily involved in College Development Programmes.

• Temasek Student Leadership Congress & Student Leadership Camp: TJ leaders develop their leadership qualities through adventure and resilience programmes, and also get many opportunities to Interact with top leaders in Singapore, participate in competitions, action research teams and innovation workshops.

• SportsXcel: SportsXcel scholarships are awarded to student athletes who have achieved a Top 4 placing in National Schools competitions from Secondary 3 onwards (Individual or Team). In addition, they should be of good academic standing. Recipients of this award will receive S$800 a year as well as reimbursement of school fees. They will also be inducted into the College’s sports development programme, which includes internship at various organizations that support sporting activities.

• Temasek Internship Programmes (TIP): In TIP, TJCians learn from experts as an intern in one of many professional fields, including law firms, architecture, media, research companies and other organisations.

• Overseas Outreach Programmes: Annually, service learning teams are formed by TJCians and tutors to make a difference to the lives of others in Cambodia and Yunnan.

• Outward Bound: Be part of the Outward Bound family and explore the nature in Korea and India. Trips are held in December every year.

• Student Interest Groups: Pursue your areas of interest and passion through SIGs. Innovate, conceptualise and initiate programmes. Some SIGs include Astronomy, Muay Thai, Kayaking etc.

• Immersion & Exchange Programmes: In line with the College’s vision to nurture our student’s passion for knowledge in a vibrant learning environment, TJC has established partnerships with reputable local and overseas institutions. Our attachment programmes comprise: Humanities Trip, Tianjin Immersion Programme, TA LEP Nanchang Exchange Programme, JC LEP Taiwan Immersion programme, JC LEP China Immersion Programme, China Studies Study Tour, Bicultural Europe Immersion Programme, Malay Immersion Programme in Bintan, Malay Language Homestay in Malaysia and Bintan.

• Special Project Groups

• Temasek (University-style) Electives: eg, Film Appreciation, Psychology etc

National Research Programmes • NUS Science Research Programme, NUS Humanities and Social Sciences Research Programme, NUS Creative Arts Research Programme, NTU Technology and Engineering Programme, International & Singapore Mathematics Olympiads, International & Singapore Physics & Chemistry Olympiads

Achievements in 2009 for Junior College Level

Special Award (SEA , SDA ) Special Award School Excellence Award

SEA - School Excellence Award; SDA - School Distinction Award

• School Excellence Award (2008-2014)

Character Development

Outstanding Devt Award

Level Two Award ( )

Physical & Aesthetics

SAA (Physical Fitness) SAA (Aesthetics)

SAA - Sustained Achievement Award; ODA - Outstanding Development Award BPA – Best Practices Award

Academic Value-added

Bronze Award

• Outstanding Development Award for Character (2006-2010)

• BPA (Staff Well-Being) (2008-2014)

• BPA (Student All-Round Development) (2008-2014)

Best Practices

BPA Teaching & Learning BPA Staff Well-Being BPA Student All-Round Development

• BPA (Teaching and Learning) (2008-2014)

Sustained Achievement Awards: Physical Fitness (1999-2009); Aesthetics (2002-2009) Academic - Top Value-Added (1999, 2000 and 2003),


Level One Award ( )

AA - Achievement Award; DA - Development Award

• Development Award (National Education) (2005-2007)

• Achievement Award (Sports) (2006-2009)

• Achievement Award (Aesthetics) (2009)

• Achievement Award (Academic, Bronze Value-Added 2006-2008)

Other Awards

• Public Service Award for Organisational Excellence (2005)

• Singapore Quality Class (2008-2011)

• Singapore Innovation Class (2005-2008)

• People Developer Standard (2004-2007)

• Thinking Culture Award Best School (National, Zonal) (2004, 2006)

• HP INIT (Gold) Award 2005

• Innopreneur Award 2004

• Innergy Gold Award 2003

CCA related achievements 2008

: Air Rifle: Home Team NS Inter-school Shoot Air Rifle Men & Women Teams – 4th Bowling Bowling (Boys & Girls): Overall 4th position Bowling Boys’ Doubles Event: 2nd position Debate Debate (English): SRJC Debate Invitational Champions Floorball National Inter-School Floorball A Division Championship – 3rd Position Golf Golf (Girls Individual) : Overall 4th position Golf (Boys - Individual) : Overall 3rd position Swimming Swimming (Girls): 3rd position Swimming (Boys): 4th position Table Tennis National Inter-School Table Tennis A Division Team Championships (Girls) – 4th Position Taekwondo National Inter-School Taekwondo Championships Poomsae A Division (Team) – Champions Touch Rugby Blacks Fun Touch Competition – 1st & 2nd Position Waterpolo National Inter-School Water Polo A Division Girls Championships 2009 (Girls) - 4th Position Wushu Individual Championships - (1 Silver, 1 Bronze) Malay Cultural Club Inter-Secondary Schools ML Public Speaking Competition – Champion Tourism Club STB Singapore Education Awards – Finalist Climbing Club NTU National Bouldering Competition (Individual) – 2nd Entrepreneurship Club ASEC-GEC (ASEAN Science Challenge - Global Enterprise Challenge) – 1st & 2nd Position Civil Service Club (CSC) - Young Entrepreneur Competition 2009 – Prize Winners SMU-EDGE Global Enterprise Challenge – Prize Winner

SYF 2009 : Chamber Ensemble (Bronze), Chinese Orchestra (Gold with Honours), Chinese Drama (Bronze),

Choir (Silver), Guitar Ensemble (Silver), International Dance (Gold), Symphonic Band (Silver), Inter-Tertiary Tamil Drama Competition (4th)

SYF 2008 : English Drama (Gold with Honours) Visual Arts (Gold) Other Achievements

• TJC has developed and refined the already successful problem based learning approach for our Science subjects, known as the THINK© cycle and also developed an organic chemistry game known as SynTactic©. These products are testimony for our college’s strong leadership in teaching and learning in addition to innovative pedagogy. Both products are copyrighted to the college.

• TJC is the Zonal centre of Excellence for Research

• A School Staff Developer Prototype College with focus on staff professional development

• National Youth Achievement Award (2001-2009)

• Lions International Platinum Award for LEO Club of Temasek JC (2007/2008)

• International LEO Club Excellence Award (1996, 2001, 2003)


• Outstanding LEO Club Award (1984-2008) Leo of the Year Award (2007, 2008)

• Cherish Award (Gold) (2008)

• Lions Home for the Elders Best Partner Award (2007)

• MINDEF Physical Fitness Best Performance Award (1997-2005)

• NAPFA Gold Award (1996-2008)

• STB Singapore Education Award Recipient ( TJC Tourism Club) 2008

• Singapore Book of Records (Largest Logo Made from Footwear) 2009

• Singapore Book of Records (Most Number of Laps in a 400m Relay) 2009

• Singapore Book of Records (Biggest National Flag made by bottle caps) 2009

International and National Achievements of our students in 2008/2009 include:

• Royal Commonwealth Society Essay Writing Competition (Highly Commended Award & Commended Award)

• GlaxoSmithKline-EDB JC Book Prize Essay Writing Competition (Merit Prizes)

• Singapore Mathematical Olympiad 2008 (Gold, Silver & Bronze Awards in Open, Senior Categories)

• Singapore Model United Nations 2008 (Best Delegation)

• Malay Language National Debate Competition (Champion, Best Overall Speaker & Best Speaker prizes)

• American Maths Competition (13 Distinctions)

• Australian Maths Competition (5 High Distinctions, 16 Distinctions, 14 Credits)

• Write Away: Annual Writing Competition (1st & 2

nd prizes)

• Inaugural Inter-JC China Studies Debate (1st runner-up)

• Computer Creative Writing Competition (3rd prize)

• Design with a Graphing Calculator Competition (2nd


• The National Public Policy Forum organised by law firm Bickel & Brewer and NY University (Best Case Internationally)

• The OCBC Securities Stock Challenge 2008 (4th)

• ASME NTU Mech Challenge 2009 (3rd)

• Singapore Amazing Flying Machine Competition 2009 (Gold Award (Flight Theory), Silver Award (Creativity))

• MYMCA Global ExoroGame TM Challenge 2008 (3rd)

• LEO of the Year Award

• National Chinese Music Competition (2nd

, ZhongRuan Section)

Many TJCians have won prestigious scholarships from A*Star, DSTA, EDB, GIC, Keppel Group, LTA, MFA, MOE, MOH, NHG, Natsteel, and PSC etc. A great number of TJCians are also accepted into some of the world’s most distinguished universities such as Caltech, Cambridge, Harvard, MIT, Oxford, Peking and Yale.

Scholarships and Awards Available at TJC:

• TJC Academic Scholars, TJC Arts Book Awards, TJC Service Award, College Advisory Committee Awards for Academic Excellence, Lucy Khoo Book Awards, TJC Performing Arts Award, TJC SportsXcel Scholarships, TJC SportsXcel Merit Award, Sportswoman / Sportsman of the Year Awards, Personal Development Programme Awards, TJC Award for Community Outreach, Students’ Council President Award, TJC TA LEP Scholarship.

Many TJCians are also recipients of the following scholarships and study awards: MOE Pre-U Scholarships, MOE Humanities Scholarships, MOE Music Elective Programme Scholarships, MOE Chinese Language Elective Programme Scholarships, A*Star JC Science Award, DSTA-JC Study Awards, Prime Minister’s Book Prize, SPF-JC Book Prize, TriTouch-Bodynits Scholarship etc.

Teachers’ Awards:

• Outstanding Youth in Education Award (Finalist, 2009)

• President’s Award for Teachers (Finalist, 2005)

• Most Caring Teacher (Commendation) Award (1996, 1998, 2002, 2004)

• Most Inspiring Tamil Teacher Award (2003)

• Winner of the Arif Budiman Teacher Award 2009 (Motivation) Temasek Excellence is about holistic excellence – it is about developing greatness in intellect, character and leadership. It is what we as a College aspire to achieve – true greatness! At Temasek Junior College, we help you to achieve Excellence. Join the company of outstanding individuals who have garnered distinguished ‘A’ level results and CCA achievements, received prestigious scholarships and study awards, and who now count among the top leaders, thinkers and shapers of this country. When you join our family, you will be privileged to experience a vibrant learning culture with dynamic tutors who are leaders and scholars, and be groomed by mentors who have won numerous awards such as the President’s Award for Teachers and the Most Caring Teacher Award.



20 Marine Vista (449035) Tel: 64485011 Fax: 64438337 School Website : Bus Services : 13, 16, 31, 36, 36m, 55, 76, 135, 196, 197 Nearest MRT Station : Kembangan, Eunos School Vision : Outstanding, Outperforming, Out Having Fun School Mission : To be a Premier institution known for its Academic

Excellence, Diversified Curriculum and ability to produce Responsible and Global-Minded Citizens who are Leaders in their chosen fields

Type of School : Government/ Mixed/ Full Day Mother Tongue : Chinese/ Malay/ Tamil Bonus Points given for Affiliated Schools

: Victoria School

Arts : 2 to 5 Net Aggregate range of 2009 JAE pupils posted to 2009 JC1


Science : 2 to 4

Subjects Offered : H1 Subjects Biology, Chemistry, Chinese Language, Economics, English Literature, General Paper, Geography,

History, Malay Language, Mathematics, Physics, Project Work, Tamil Language, India Studies H2 Subjects Art, Biology, Chemistry, Chinese Language & Literature, Computing, Economics, English Literature,

Geography, History, Knowledge & Inquiry, Mathematics, Music, Physics, Tamil Language & Literature, Theatre Studies & Drama, China Studies in English, India Studies, China Studies in Chinese

H3 Subjects Biology, Chemistry, Economics, English Literature, Geography, History, Mathematics, NUS-A*STAR-

VJC Science Research, Physics CCA Offered Sports & Games : Air Rifle, Badminton, Basketball, Cricket, Cross Country, Golf, Fencing, Floorball, Frisbee, Hockey,

Kayaking, Netball, Rock-climbing, Sailing, Soccer, Softball, Squash, Swimming, Taekwondo, Ten-pin Bowling, Tennis, Track & Field, Volleyball, Wushu

Uniformed Groups : Not Available Performing Arts : Chinese Orchestra, Choir, Dance Club, Drama Club, Guitar Ensemble, Harmonica Band, Piano

Ensemble, String Ensemble, Symphonic Band Clubs & Societies : Animal Welfare Club, AstroPhysics Club, Artery, Art Club, Bizclub, Career Development Council,

Cheerleading, Chemistry Society, Chinese Society, Civics Tutorial Council, College Magazine, Debating and Oratorical Society, Earth Watch, Firefly Club, First Aid Club, General Paper Society, Global Affairs Society, Health and Fitness Club, Horticultural Society, Indian Cultural Society, Interact Club, Library Council, Japanese club, Malay Cultural Society, Mathematics Society, Medical Society, Outdoor Activities Club, PA Crew, Photographic Society, Robotics Club, Science Research Society, Singapore Youth Flying Club, Strategic Games Club, Subjectif, Students' Council, Writers' Circle, Infocomm Club

Others : Not Available Special Programmes Offered MOE Programmes : 1. Humanities Programme 2. Integrated Programme 3. Theatre Studies & Drama 4. NUS-A*STAR-VJC Science Research

School-based Programmes : 1. Overseas Exchange Programme 2. Beyond Borders Programme 3. Work Attachment and Mentorship Programme 4. Scholars’ Programme 5. 8P Character Development Programme


6. Olympiad Training Programme 7. Arts Programme 8. Science Enrichment and Research Programme

Achievements in 2009 for Junior College Level

Special Award (SEA , SDA ) Special Award SDA

SEA - School Excellence Award; SDA - School Distinction Award

• SEA (2007-2011)

Character Development National Education

• SDA (2004-2008)

Physical & Aesthetics

Level Two Award ( ) BPA – Best Practices Award

Academic Value-added

• BPA (Staff Well-Being) (2004-2008)

• BPA (Teaching and Learning) (2004-2008) Best Practices

• BPA (Student All-Round Development) (2006-2010)

• SAA (Aesthetics)

• SAA (Physical Fitness)

• SAA (Sports)

• SAA (Academic Value-Added)

Level One Award ( )

DA - Development Award

• AA (Academic Value-added)(Junior College) - Silver

• DA (Character Development) (2006-2008)

• DA (National Education) (2006-2008)

Sports & Games Competition

: National Sports Championships 2009

First position 1. Floorball (Boys)

2. Hockey (Girls) 3. Soccer (Boys)

4. Soccer (Girls)

5. Softball (Girls) 6. Sailing (Boys)

7. Sailing (Girls)

Second position

1. Cross Country (Boys) 2. Hockey (Boys)

3. Floorball (Girls)

4. Volleyball (Girls) 5. Wushu (Boys)

6. Wushu (Girls) 7. Track & Field (Boys)

8. Golf (Boys)

9. Tennis (Girls)

Third position

1. Cricket (Boys)

2. Basketball (Boys) 3. Basketball (Girls)

4. Track & Field (Girls)

SYF Central Judging : SYF Gold with Honours 2009 1. Choir SYF Gold 2009 1. Chinese Orchestra 2. Symphonic Band 3. Dance SYF Silver 2009 1. Guitar Ensemble 2. Harmonica Ensemble 3. String Ensemble 4. Chinese Drama


SYF Competition : SYF Art and Crafts Exhibition 2008 – Gold SYF Art and Crafts Exhibition 2008 – Silver

Best Unit Award : Not Available

Others : 1. Singapore Quality Class 2. Best Practice Award "Staff Well-Being". 3. Best Practice Award "Teaching and Learning". 4. Best Practice Award “Student All-Round Development” 5. Sustained Achievement Awards: (i) Physical Fitness (ii) Sports (iii) Arts 6. CHERISH Award 7. Green Lotus Award

Other School Features And Achievements 1. Special facilities - East Zone S&T Centre, 800-seater Performance Theatre, Electives Learning Hub, Music Studio,

Air-conditioned Classrooms & Hall, Sports Complex, Rock-climbing wall, Abseiling and Igloo (Students’ lounge) 2. MOE Invitational Debate Championship 2009- Champions and Overall Best Speaker 3. Budget 2009 Essay and Video Competitions- Top Prize 4. NUS Singapore Model U.N. Conference 2009- Overall Best Delegation



3 Yishun Ring Road (768675) Tel : 62579873 Fax: 62574373 School Website : Bus Services : 800, 812, 167, 169, 171, 980 Nearest MRT Stations : Yishun, Khatib School Vision : The choice college of leaders with passion and

integrity School Mission : To nurture righteous leaders, responsible global citizens,

who pursue excellence in all endeavours Type of School : Government/ Mixed/ Full Day Mother Tongue : Chinese/ Malay/ Tamil Bonus Points given for Affiliated Schools

: Nil

Arts : 10 to 20 Net Aggregate range of 2009 JAE pupils posted to 2009 JC1

: Science : 3 to 20

Subjects Offered : Yishun JC was the top college for value-added performances in H2 Biology, H2 Chemistry, H2

Computing, H2 Economics, H2 History, H2 Malay Language, H2 Mathematics, H2 Physics, H1 Geography and H1 Literature at the 2007 GCE ‘A’ Level Examination.

YJC also topped all colleges in value-added performances for % passes in 3 H2 passes or more, H2

Mean Subject Grade and Mean ‘A’ Level Points. At the 2008 GCE ‘A’ Level Examination, YJC achieved top value-added performances in H2 Malay

Language and Literature, H2 Mathematics, H2 Physics, H2 Music, H1 Geography and H1 History. As in the previous year, YJC also topped all colleges in value-added performances in % passes in 3

H2 passes or more, H2 Mean Subject Grade and Mean ‘A’ Level Points. H1 Subjects Art, Biology, China Studies (in Chinese & English), Chemistry, General Paper, Mathematics, Chinese,

Chinese B, General Studies in Chinese, Literature in English, Malay, Malay B, Tamil, Tamil B , Physics, Project Work

H2 Subjects Art, Biology, Chemistry, China Studies (in Chinese & English), Chinese Language & Literature,

Computing, Economics, Literature in English, Knowledge and Inquiry, Geography, History, Malay Language & Literature, Mathematics, Physics, Tamil Language & Literature

H3 Subjects Art, Biology, Chemistry, Chinese Language and Literature, Economics, Literature in English, Geography,

History, Malay Language and Literature, Mathematics, Physics, Tamil Language and Literature CCA Offered Sports & Games : Air weapons, archery, basketball, cueball, fencing, floorball, netball, racket games (badminton,

squash, tennis), sepak takraw, sailing, soccer, swimming, table tennis, ten-pin bowling, track & field / cross country, volleyball, wushu

Uniformed Groups : Not Available Performing Arts : Symphonic band, choir, Chinese dance, Indian dance, Malay dance, Chinese orchestra, guitar

ensemble, (English and Chinese) drama Clubs & Societies : Art Club, Media Club, Chinese Cultural Society, Entrepreneurship Club, First Aid Club, Indian

Cultural Society, Interact Club, English Literary Drama and Debating Society, Library Council, Malay Cultural Society, Outdoor Activities Club, Students’ Council

Others : Not available


Special Programmes Offered MOE Programmes : Not available School-based Programmes : 1 Adventure camps and Outward Bound Singapore (OBS) Course 2 Work attachment programme to allow students to gain critical insight and

exposure to career opportunities in leading organisations in line with career aspirations.

3 Overseas service-learning expeditions: student-initiated expeditions to serve the community at regional level.

4 Overseas immersion-cum-exchange programmes with renowned high schools in China, such as Ningbo Xiaoshi High School and Shandong Experimental High School.

5 Science research student exchange programme with Mahidol Wittayanusorn School in Bangkok, Thailand

6 YJC-University of Canberra Preparatory Programme (Diploma in Business Administration)

7 China Studies experiential learning journey: a study trip that facilitates the acquisition of first-hand learning experiences about China

8 International Science Fair (Thailand, 2005), (Korea, 2006), (India, 2007), (Japan, 2008), (Singapore, 2009)

9 Science research programme to nurture passion and talent in research through attachment stints to research institutes and institutes of higher learning (eg Nanyang Research Programme, NTU, NUS; Junior Talent Development Programme – with NUS), investigative activities and competitions (local and international).

10 Student leadership programmes are built into the leadership development structure using the RaDiAL (Responsibility and Diversity in Active Leadership) Leadership and Character Development framework. The YJC leadership development structure has 12 student leadership committees which serve to provide ample opportunities for all students to develop their leadership potential. These committees take up issues such as environmental consciousness, student welfare, globalisation, innovation and enterprise, and community involvement.

Achievements in 2009 at Junior College Level

Special Award (SEA , SDA )

Special Award

SEA – School Excellence Award; SDA – School Distinction Award

• Nil

Character Development


Level Two Award ( )

Physical & Aesthetics

SAA – Physical Fitness SAA – Aesthetics

SAA – Sustained Achievement Award

Academic Value-added


• SAA – Academic Value-added (2nd Award)

• SAA - Aesthetics

Best Practices

• SAA – Physical Fitness (1999-2009) 11th award

Level One Award ( )

AA – Achievement Award; DA – Development Award

• DA – Character Development Award

Sports & Games Competition

: 2008 National Inter-school Archery Competition ( 3 silvers and 3 bronzes) 2008 ‘A’ Division Golf (1 bronze) 2008 ‘A’ Division Floorball (1 silver and 1 bronze) 2009 North Zone Air Weapons Competition (‘A’ Div Boys Pistol: Individual 3rd, Team 2nd; ‘A’ Div Girls Rifle: Individual 3rd, Team 3rd ) 2009 National Inter-school Bowling Championships (3rd) 2009 National Inter-school Floorball Championships (Boys 4th; Girls 4th) 2009 National Inter-school Swimming Championships (Boys – 1 bronze) 2009 National Inter-school Wushu Championships (1 silver and 2 bronzes)

2009 SYF Central Judging

: Chinese drama (gold), choir (silver), international dance (silver), Indian dance (silver), Malay dance (silver), Chinese orchestra (silver), symphonic band (silver), guitar ensemble (bronze)

SYF 2008 : Art (bronze); Drama (bronze) 2007 SYF Central Judging

: Chinese orchestra (silver), symphonic band (silver), guitar ensemble (silver), Chinese dance (silver), Indian dance (silver), Malay dance (silver), Chinese Drama (bronze), choir (bronze)


Others : Cherish Award (silver) 2008 - 2009

Elementz Science Research Conference and Exhibition : 3 golds and 2 bronzes (2006); 3 golds, 3 silvers and 2 bronzes (2007); 1 gold, 1 silver and 1 bronze (2008); 1 silver, 1 bronze and 6 commendations (2009)

2009 NTU Nanyang Research Programme (1 merit award)

2009 A*STAR JC Science Award (1 award)

2009 NUS Junior Talent Development Programme (1 Top Research Paper award)

2009 NUS Chemistry Camp Quiz (1st and 3rd)

2009 Australian Big Science Competition (3 distinctions and 12 commendations)

2008 NEmation (gold)

2009 School Digital Media Award (gold)

Other School Features And Achievements

• YJC clinched the Silver Academic Value-added Award in 2006, the Gold Academic Value-added Award in 2007, 2008 and 2009. The college was also awarded the SAA Academic Value-added Award in 2008 and 2009. YJC has sustained its academic value-added performance since 2004.

• Secondary school students with good academic results who choose the College as their first choice for their JC education are eligible to apply for the Yishun Junior College Academic Scholarship Awards ( $1000 each)

• Best Suggestion of the Year at MOE ExCEL Day 2004, 2005, 2007, 2008

• YJC was represented at the International Science Fair in Bangkok, Thailand 2005, the Science International Conference in Seoul, Korea 2006, the International Student Science Fair in Lucknow, India 2007, the International Science Fair in Kyoto, Japan 2008 and the International Students’ Science Fair in Singapore 2009.

• Total Defence Award: The Meritorious Defence Partner Award 2007, The Distinguished Partner Award 2008, 2009

Yishun Junior College places great emphasis on character building, values education and leadership development. We strive to provide well-formulated programmes and a supportive environment conducive for teaching and learning. We have pioneered various programmes and projects, and we will proudly continue to do so to be a distinctive provider of quality education. In our continual quest to be a value-added JC, we aim to provide diversity. In 2002, we were the first JC to venture into flexible subject combinations for JC students. With the new JC curriculum, we are one of the few JCs offering the full range of new curricula, including H1and H2 China Studies (in English and Chinese), and Art. The differentiated programmes cater to the varied background and needs of every student. In a nurturing environment and with a strong team of committed and passionate teachers, Yishun JC provides opportunities for students to develop holistically and realise their potential to the fullest. The college takes pride in seeing YJcians gain admission to the universities and YJC emerging as one of the top value-added JCs. Our mission is to mould YJCians into righteous leaders, responsible global citizens who pursue excellence in all endeavours. We aspire to be the choice college of leaders with passion and integrity.


School Code 0908


60, Bukit Batok West Avenue 8 (658965) Tel: 63023700 Fax: 63023767 School Website : Bus Services : 66, 157, 174, 174e, 178, 506, 941 Nearest MRT Station : Bukit Batok - change to bus 66, 157, 174, 941, 506,

174e - 15 minutes by foot

School Vision : A forward-looking community of Passionate Learners Creative Thinkers Confident Leaders Cultured Individuals School Mission : Nurturing Talents to Achieve Success

The MI mission is to nurture our students to be grounded on the core values of INTEGRITY, RESILIENCE, RESPECT and RESPONSIBILITY, so that they succeed as contributing members of society. This is done, in partnership with our stakeholders, by providing a variety of programmes and opportunities to students to have a broad-based learning experience and space to pursue their passion and interests.

Type of School : Government/ Mixed/ Full Day Mother Tongue : Chinese/ Malay/ Tamil Bonus Points given for Affiliated Schools

: Nil

Arts : 11 to 20 Commerce : 8 to 20

Net Aggregate range of 2009 JAE pupils posted to 2009 MI 1


Science : 9 to 20

Subjects Offered : H1 Subjects

Compulsory H1 :

Contrasting H1 :

General Paper, Project Work, Mother Tongue Languages Art, Chemistry, Economics, Geography, History, Literature, Mathematics, Physics, Biology, China Studies

H2 Subjects (Students must meet minimum requirements to offer certain subjects. The details are available on the MI website)

Art, Chemistry, Economics, Geography, History, Literature, Management of Business, Mathematics, Mother Tongue Languages, Physics, Principles of Accounting, Biology

CCA Offered

Sports & Games : Badminton, Basketball, Floorball, Hockey, Netball, Rugby, Silat, Soccer, Track & Field, Tennis, Ten-Pin Bowling, Touch Rugby, Volleyball, Wushu.

Uniformed Groups : Not Applicable

Performing Arts : Dance - Indian Dance, Malay Dance, Modern Dance, Angklung/Kulintang Ensemble, Symphonic Band

Clubs & Societies : Art Club, Chinese Cultural Society, Entrepreneurs' Club, Indian Cultural Society, Infocomm Club, Service Learning Club, Library Club, Malay Cultural Society, National Education Council, Photographic Society, Drama Club, Students' Council, Robotics Club, Sports Council

Others : The school supports student-initiated interest groups or CCAs, in line with its mission of 'Nurturing Talents for Success'. At the moment we have interest groups in Ultimate Frisbee, Hip-Hop and Literati Club.


Special Programmes Offered MOE Programmes : Not Available

School-based Programmes : MI offers a skills-based approach for preparing students for the A level examination and beyond. In addition, MI also offers a dual track education where students may do an industry-oriented diploma course in addition to the A Levels. The following Diploma courses are available to all students – Diploma in Enterprise Development, Diploma in Business Management, Advanced Diploma in Mass Communications, Specialist Diploma in Psychology, Certified Accounting Technician Qualification and Diploma in Business Administration. A comprehensive Home Tutorship Programme and a unique mentorship programme create a warm and caring psychosocial environment for learning. Teachers provide guidance and support to help students clarify and work towards their educational/career aspirations. The Interactive Reading Programme, which is compulsory for all, develops critical thinking, passion for lifelong learning and an interest in current affairs. The Health and Fitness programme is a renowned one for reducing obesity and improving fitness. The Job Attachment Programme allows students to apply their learning in authentic contexts. Other special programmes such as the MI.World Programme – which includes the Asia-Europe Classroom Project and Student Exchange Programmes with Japan, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Germany, Sweden and Italy, allow our students to acquire skills to operate at ease in an inter-connected world.

Achievements in 2009 for Junior College Level

Special Award (SEA , SDA ) Special Award

SEA – School Excellence Award; SDA – School Distinction Award

• Not Available Character Development

Level Two Award ( ) Physical & Aesthetics

SAA – Sustained Achievement Award; ODA – Outstanding Development Award

BPA – Best Practices Award Academic Value-added

• SAA (Physical Fitness)

Best Practices

Level One Award ( )

AA – Achievement Award; DA – Development Award

• DA (Character Development)(2006-2008)

• TAF Award – Gold

• Aesthetics

• Sports

Sports & Games Competition

: 2009: Asia Pacific Floorball Championship –Representation Touch Football JC League -4th National Inter-School Wushu Championship: 2nd, 1st International Routine Sword

3rd, 42 Style Taiji Sword 3rd, 2nd International Routine Cudgel 4th, 2nd International Routine Spear

4th, 1st International Routine Nan Dao


National Inter-School Hockey Competition: Girls-4th National Inter-School Golf Competition: Girls-4th (individual) National Inter-School Track & Field: 200m Boys-2nd, 400m Boys-1st (New Schools Record) S’pore Junior Athletics Championships: 200m U-20 Boys-1st

SYF Central Judging : 2009:

SYF Dance: Malay Dance (Gold); Modern Dance (Gold); Indian Dance (Gold) SYF Instrumental Ensemble: Anklung/Kulingtang Ensemble (Gold); Symphonic Band (Bronze) SYF Drama: Chinese (Silver) 2008: SYF Drama: English (Bronze) Symphonic Band: 2nd National Band Competition (Silver)

Best Unit Award : Not Applicable


Others : 2009: 2008 LCCI (2ND level book-keeping and accounts) Exam – Country (Singapore) Gold Medal; World (International) Gold Medal 10th Chan Soo Sen Cup Chinese Impromptu Speech Competition- 3rd. Also clinched the Most Commendable Speaker Award Singapore “Chinese Bridge – Chinese Oratorical Contest 2009”- 3rd

YMCA Mandarin Speaking Awards – 2nd with Gold Honour Roll National Inter-JC Malay Poetry Recital Competition- Overall Champion ARANGAM – The Tamil Youth Theatre Festival – Bronze Tamil Oratorical Competition 2009 for Junior Colleges and Centralised Institute- Runners-up The 2nd Chinese Bridge-Chinese Proficiency Competition for Foreign High School Students (Singapore Zone) – 1st; Winner will represent Singapore to compete with representatives from other countries in Chongqing, China Asia-Europe Classroom-NET Award (2007 & 2008) - 2nd consecutive win SLA-GIS Competition: 2nd Runners-up & Best Exhibit award 2008: FIRST Tech Challenge World Championship: Quarterfinalist FIRST Tech Regional (Pennsylvania): Think Award Vex World Championship: Excellence Award and Future Award IVP Silat Championships:Women Class B: Gold - Solo freestyle, 6 Silver - (1) Women Class B, (5) Best of the Best; 1 Bronze - Men Class B SLA-GIS Competition: 1st Runners-up Thai Matha Thendral Tamil All Arts Competition: 2nd runners-up for Poetry, 2nd runners-up for Singing, 2nd runners-up for Comedy Drama and Clinched Challenge Trophy 11th Inter-school Chinese Drama Competition: Silver 11th Inter-School Short Play Competition (in Mandarin): Silver Thaalam' Inter JC/CI All Arts Competition: 1st in singing, 1st runners-up in Dance and Clinched Challenge Trophy Mutiara Bahasa and Khazanah Sastera (Language and Literature Quiz Competition): Champions Inter JC/CI Tamil Debate: Runners-Up MINDEF NAPFA Best Performer Award (4th Consecutive) MOE TAF – Gold (4th Consecutive)

Other School Features and Achievements Millennia Institute is establishing itself to be an A level institution with a Business focus. In addition to the Dual-Track Programme, MI offers an enriched curriculum through business opportunities. The MI Mart programme which is conducted in partnership with CapitaLand is one such example. MI is committed to 'Nurturing Talents for Success' as seen in the newly developed 'Talent Management Programme'. This is targeted at high achievers in various fields in the academic and non-academic areas. Together with a wide range of programmes such as Leadership Camps, Activism, Internship Programmes and specialised Mentorship schemes, MI has established itself as a place of opportunities, a 'Home Away from Home' for its past, present and future students.


2 Polytechnics & Institute of Technical Education

2.1 You should read the prospectuses from the Polytechnics and ITE before you opt for any courses conducted by these institutions. The prospectuses will tell you all that you need to know about the courses offered by the institutions, the fees you will have to pay, the rules and regulations you have to comply with and other useful information. You may refer to the prospectuses at your school’s library or obtain them from the institutions as follows:

S/No. Institution Contact Number & Internet Address

Cost of Prospectus

1. ITE College Central (Bishan Campus) 21 Bishan St 14 Singapore 579781


2. ITE College Central (MacPherson Campus) 201 Circuit Road Singapore 379498

6580-5066/ 6580-5068

3. ITE College Central (Tampines Campus) 2 Tampines St 92 Singapore 528889


4. ITE College Central (Yishun Campus) 20 Yishun Avenue 9 Singapore 768892


5. ITE College East 10 Simei Ave Singapore 486047



6. ITE College West (Clementi Campus) 6 Lempeng Drive Singapore 128496



7. ITE College West (Dover Campus) 20 Dover Drive Singapore 138682



Admission Booklet obtainable free-of-charge

at any of these campuses


Nanyang Polytechnic 180 Ang Mo Kio Ave 8 Singapore 569830


$7 per copy or access the prospectus online at



Ngee Ann Polytechnic 535 Clementi Road Singapore 599489


$7 per copy or access the

prospectus online at




Republic Polytechnic 9 Woodlands Avenue 9 Singapore 738964


Access the prospectus online at


S/No. Institution Contact Number & Internet Address

Cost of Prospectus


Singapore Polytechnic 500 Dover Road Singapore 139651


$7 per copy or access the prospectus online at prospectus


Temasek Polytechnic 21 Tampines Ave 1 Singapore 529757


$7 per copy or access the prospectus online at home/prospectus.htm

3 Other Post-Secondary Educational Institutions

3.1 LASALLE College of the Arts and Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts (NAFA) are private, non-profit arts institutions offering courses in visual and performing arts. Both institutions receive financial support from the Ministry of Education for their diploma courses. Interested applicants should apply to the institutions directly.

3.2 LASALLE College of the Arts

LASALLE College of the Arts (LASALLE) offers a wide range of practice-based contemporary

creative education. LASALLE offers diploma programmes in the areas of: Arts Management,

Dance, Music (Jazz, Popular Music, Classical Music and Music Technology), Theatre

(Technical Theatre Arts, Acting and Musical Theatre), Design (Communication Design Interior

Design, Fashion Design, Product Design and Fashion Management), Fine Arts (Painting,

Printmaking and Sculpture), Film, Animation Art, Interactive Art and Video Art. Additionally,

LASALLE offers programmes in the same broad areas leading to a Bachelor of Arts (Hons) or

Master of Arts. These degree programmes do not receive funding support from MOE.

Eligible candidates can apply for the MOE tuition grants for diploma studies at LASALLE.

3.2.1 Entry Requirements for Foundation

GCE ‘O’ Level 5 subjects including English (C6 or higher).

Note: Audition or Portfolio requirements apply, including ABRSM/Trinity Guildhall pre-requisite of Grade 6 Practical and Grade 5 Theory for all Music applicants. For Music Technology applicants, ‘O’ Level Physics or Mathematics (C6 or higher) is required.

3.2.2 Audition/Portfolio Presentation

Upon presenting the above qualifications, all applicants will be required to attend an interview with audition or portfolio presentation to demonstrate their creative potential.

3.2.3 Programmes Enquiries

For more information on LASALLE's programmes and admission requirements, please contact:

LASALLE College of the Arts 1 McNally Street Singapore 187940 Tel: 6496-5222 Email: [email protected]

Fax: 6496-5223 Website:


3.3 Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts

The Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts (NAFA) offers full-time diploma courses in the visual and performing arts, as well as fashion studies. These include Design (Interior Design, Environmental Design and 3D Design), Multimedia, Design & Media, Visual Communication, Arts Management, Music Performance, Theatre, Dance, Fashion Design and Fashion Merchandising & Marketing. Two diploma courses, namely Art (Teaching) and Music (Teaching), are conducted in conjunction with the National Institute of Education (NIE) to train art and music teachers for secondary schools. NAFA also offers 14 Bachelor's and Master's Degree programmes in the visual arts, music, arts management, theatre arts and fashion in collaboration with reputable universities in the United Kingdom and the United States of America. These degree programmes do not receive funding support from MOE. Over the years, NAFA has produced a distinguished list of artists, designers and performing arts specialists including 10 Cultural Medallion Winners and 10 Young Artist Award Winners.

3.3.1 Entry Requirements

Minimum entry requirements for NAFA’s diploma courses are 4 GCE ‘O’ Level credits,

and a grade of C6 for the GCE ‘O’ level English paper. All applicants are required to sit

for an entrance examination/ audition and passing this examination/audition is

necessary for admission. Applicants who do not meet the minimum entry requirements

may be considered for conditional admission if they pass the entrance

examination/audition with high scores and pass the English Proficiency Test. Eligible

candidates can apply for the MOE tuition grants for diploma studies at NAFA.

3.3.2 Programmes Enquiries

For more information on NAFA’s full range of courses and admission requirements,

please contact Marketing & Admissions:

Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts

80 Bencoolen Street Singapore 189655

Tel: 6512-4071 Email: [email protected]

Fax: 6337-9363 Website:




E 1 Sponsorship of Courses

1.1 The Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) is offering sponsorship to GCE 'O' Level school leavers who would like to pursue a 3-year full-time Diploma course at Nanyang Polytechnic (NYP), Ngee Ann Polytechnic (NP), Republic Polytechnic (RP), Singapore Polytechnic (SP) or Temasek Polytechnic (TP). The courses available for sponsorship in each Service are as follows:



All courses are available for sponsorship

All Electronic, mechatronic, Electrical, Mechanical, Marine, Info-Tech, Digital and computer

related engineering courses.

• Aeronautical Engineering • All Electronic Engineering courses • All Mechatronics Engineering courses • All Mechanical Engineering courses • All Electrical Engineering courses • Computer Engineering • Computer Network • Manufacturing Engineering • Microelectronics • Telecommunication Engineering

• Info-communications • Network & System Security • Micro & Nanotechnology • Infocomm Tech • Clean Energy • Aerospace Avionics • Aeronautical & Aerospace • Aerospace Engineering(Quality

Systems) • Aerospace Technology • Aerospace Systems & Management • Aviation Avionics • Digital & Precision Engineering • Multimedia & Infocomm Technology

2 Eligibility

2.1 Academic Requirements

2.1.1 The academic requirements for the above courses are the same as those stated in this booklet for the respective polytechnics.

2.2 Other Requirements

2.2.1 Applicants must:

a. be Singapore Citizens (Our Army also accepts Permanent Residents); b. at least 16½ years old; c. be medically fit.

2.2.2 Selection for admission is based on merit and shall be at the sole discretion of the

respective polytechnics and the SAF.


3 Terms of Service and Benefits

3.1 Applicants can choose to serve in the Army, Navy or Air Force either as a Combat or non combat/ Combat-Technical or a Technical/ Operational-Technical Specialist.

3.2 Successful applicants will serve a minimum of 5 years for males (inclusive of full-time NS) and 4

years for females.

3.3 Tuition and other compulsory fees required by the polytechnic will be paid for by the SAF. 3.4 Trainees will be paid a monthly allowance of $1000 for Combat/ Combat-Technical Specialists,

$800 for an Engineering/ Technical/ Operational-Technical Specialist and $600 for a Non Combat Specialist throughout the 3-year course at the polytechnic. A study bonus of $1200 is payable upon successful completion of each semester in one sitting.

4 Career Prospects

4.1 Combat Specialist

4.1.1 As a Combat Specialist, you form the backbone of the organisation, taking on multifaceted role that provides the capabilities to our needs to function effectively. In peacetime, you will hone your chosen skills as well as train and motivated others. When the need arises, you will lead troops into the battle. As an Instructor, you will pass on your experience and expertise that will benefit the grooming of future specialist.

4.2 Engineering Specialist

4.2.1 As an Engineering Specialist, you work on a wide range of high-tech equipment, from tanks and weapons to communications and information systems. You will provide expertise to maintain our defence technology and ensure the function and performance of sophisticated electronics.

4.3 Non Combat Specialist 4.3.1 You stock the right supplies at the right time for the safety and survival of our forces.

Well trained in the latest IT and logistics management systems, you will purchase, monitor and deliver a wide range of supplies to our troops. So whether you are maintaining a stockpile of essential supplies or distributing them, your job is an incredibly important one. The much needed support you provide sustains our operational readiness. Our supply chain management system is one of the best in the world and as part of the logistics teams, you contribute to the efficiency of our organisation.

4.4 Combat-Technical Specialist

4.4.1 As a Combat-Technical Specialist, you will embark on a challenging and rewarding career that few can offer. You will be trained to be a leader of men, handling, servicing and maintaining modern and sophisticated equipment and weapon systems.

4.5 Operational-Technical Specialist

4.5.1 As an Operational-Technical Specialist, you will work in the specialised Command,

Control and Communication environment. In this exciting job, you will be co-ordinating all airborne missions and executing deployment of our air defence weapon systems. You will also be responsible for servicing and maintaining highly sophisticated equipment, including state-of-the-art communications systems, advanced radar tracking and sensor systems.

4.6 Technical Specialist

4.6.1 As a Technical Specialist, you will acquire hands-on skills and in-depth knowledge of

high technology equipment and systems. You will be employed in engineering/ maintenance work, which will cover areas of specialization such as in the fields of telecommunications, radar, engines and weapon systems.


5 Career Advancement

5.1 After acquiring sufficient skills in the respective specialist fields, graduates will be eligible for professional upgrading to higher vocational levels corresponding to higher appointments. Those with outstanding performance, leadership qualities and management abilities may also be converted to Officers.

6 Application Procedure

6.1 Applicants are requested to apply PERSONALLY after the release of the GCE 'O' Level

Examination results at:

SAF Careers Centre

3 Depot Road #01-66

Singapore 109680

6.2 All applications to this Scheme are independent of those applied through the Ministry of Education's Joint Admissions Exercise (JAE). You are therefore advised to apply for courses under the JAE in addition to your application to the SAF Careers Centre. For enquiries, please contact the SAF Careers Centre at the following telephone numbers:

Army : 1800 - 6872769

Navy : 1800 - 2780000

Air Force : 1800 - 2701010

7 Summary

7.1 In summary, the Joint Polytechnic-SAF Diploma Scheme (JPSDS) is a career plan that allows you to study for a Diploma of your choice and be financially independent at the same time. And once you obtain your diploma, your future is secured with an exciting and challenging career awaiting you in the Singapore Armed Forces.



F 1 Sponsorship of Courses

1.1 The Home Team Merit Award (Polytechnic) or in short, HOME Award (Polytechnic) sponsors successful applicants for a 3-year full-time diploma course in the 5 Local Polytechnics. The HOME Award is also open to existing polytechnic students as well as students who are waiting for admission to the local polytechnics. Upon graduation, successful recipients may have a choice of pursuing a career with either the Home Affairs Uniformed Services (HUS) or Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA). The choices are listed as follows:

1.1.1 Central Narcotics Bureau (CNB) 1.1.2 Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA) 1.1.3 Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) 1.1.4 Singapore Police Force (SPF) 1.1.5 Singapore Prisons Services (SPS)

2 What the HOME Award Offers

2.1 A monthly allowance of $1,000; 2.2 Payment of tuition and compulsory fees; 2.3 Study bonus of $1,200 per semester if the student passes all modules in that semester.

3 Eligibility Criteria

3.1 Be a Singapore Citizen; 3.2 Have good ‘O’ Levels/Nitec/Higher Nitec results; 3.3 Have already gained admission (or likely to secure a place) in a local polytechnic and in any

academic discipline; 3.4 Be medically and physically fit (i.e have at least a “Pass” for NAPFA); 3.5 Have a strong interest in Home Team careers.

4 Entry Rank Upon Graduation

4.1 Upon graduation, recipients would be appointed to the Junior Officer Scheme of Service on the prevailing entry rank and starting salary for diploma holders.

5 Bond

5.1 All recipients would be required to fulfil a bond of 4 years.

6 National Service Liability

6.1 Male recipients who have yet to serve their NS may choose 1 of the 5 departments of their choice. However, for those who have chosen SPF or SCDF, they would be required to serve the organizations as regular officers for a period of 5 years under the Minimum Term of Engagement (MTE) in order to be deemed as having completed their NS obligations. The bond period of 4 years would run concurrently with the 5-year MTE period.



6.2 For males who choose to go to either CNB, ICA or SPS instead of SPF or SCDF, they would be required to serve out their NS first before commencing their 4 year bond with the particular Home Team department of their choice.

7 Application Procedure

7.1 Interested applicants may apply for the Home Team Merit Award at the following url: and submit your supporting documents.

7.2 Applications can be sent in from 1 March 2010 to 14 May 2010. Completed application forms

and supporting documents should be submitted to the following address by 14 May 2010:

Ministry of Home Affairs Home Team Career Centre New Phoenix Park 28 Irrawaddy Road Singapore 329 560 7.3 Alternatively, interested applicants who have queries or require further clarifications may also

call the Home Team Career Centre (HTCC) at the following hotline number: 6478 2303.

8 Summary

8.1 As a member of the Home Team, successful applicants will have the unique opportunity to play their part in keeping Singapore safe and secure, in dealing with real-life safety and security challenges facing Singapore. With this Home Team Merit Award (Polytechnic), you will not only be given the opportunity to fulfil your dream career, but will also be allowed to study for a Diploma of your choice and be financially independent at the same time.