Download - JOHN MAYOR, ir · V? “God Save Our Queen, and Heaven Bless the Maple Leaf Forever.”1 Vol. I. rslo. 13. Wellesley Village.Ontario, Thursday, January 17th. 1901. J. W. GREEN. Editor

Page 1: JOHN MAYOR, ir · V? “God Save Our Queen, and Heaven Bless the Maple Leaf Forever.”1 Vol. I. rslo. 13. Wellesley Village.Ontario, Thursday, January 17th. 1901. J. W. GREEN. Editor


“ God Save Our Queen, and Heaven Bless the Maple Lea f Forever.”1

V o l . I. r s lo . 1 3 . W e l l e s l e y V i l l a g e . On t a r i o , T h u r s d a y , J a n u a r y 17t h . 1901. J. W. GREEN. Editor and Prop.

T.y. Lath. St. PiUiPsChurch:—l>ivine Herricc* **■ 10 o’clock Sunday morning. Sunday School from 1.3*1 to 3 p.m. Catechu men.' cht#* meet s

. the firnt three day* o f each week * t inn. m. S inging School Wednesday arid Sunday even-;

Rev. Daniel Lochner. Faator...................... jflL-.....


WM. GLAISTER. M. !>., C. M-,

/^O U ) and S ilver Medalist. Late Hons© Spr- V geoni Toronto General Hospital.

O rn cs HorKS:—8 to v.*« . m. \ to 2 p. m. and evenings.

[0 a n k o f l^am iiton

CAPITAL {paid f FRYE FI';-.L


*3..31 i2f>:



Wellesley.W ill te in Milllmnk every 2nd and

4th Tuesday.


^ e r c t y a n t ‘j a i l o rW E LLE S LE Y .

Ready made suit* *n<l uUfcer* eon*.


c. X. w iTT& t rroprl-tor.Every accommodation for llie travelli «

public. Table*. parlor mid bar *upplit*l with di« Heat.Telephone in connection.


LO U IS SHAUB, Prop. |Fir/.t-cittea ,B&rt Tables, Parlor# and Room#,

1£xccUent Fh r mers’ AcreOromodution .Good Stahling ahd A tten tive buetler*.

GEO. BELLINGERIssuer of Marriage Licenses. j

Strictly Confidential.;


Berlin Branch.A general hanking fruisineefr transacte,?. FARMERS* notes discounted, and advance*

made to cattle, ere.Special attention given tvocolleof in gS ALE

NOTES and money loaned thereon at low tat**.

COLLECTIONS made everywhere on faror- ! able terms.| Money may be #ent a ll over the world veryI cheaply by hank drafts and bank money or-

Savings Department.

Sumsof '1 arid, upward# received and interest allo twd at this best current rates.

I Int t’ tcomiwL.rriUnltwiee ayear.I I)epo#i*i*im<?y W w it hdri* wn at any time with- i put trouble or delay. •.( ;j VVdviLerate^ wny seem small wh<*.r»[.compared with that promised by speculator*. J the iocOhie U certain, the y tb^bentan.d-thu Tponey Oab be got w wanU*d

J. P. BELL. Agent.

spending a couple of weeks \inder. pie to surprise to him and ho had n->----- j the parental roof. : knowledge that lie was wanted

• | Mr. and Mrs. Angnst and George &en-. His whereabouts are stilt .Mrs. Edwards, of Guelph, has ar- T ,ltvi y r ,.ni1 Mrs. Krug. Bor- unknown but it is suspected that he

Tm. s'iienTSttffdtfy with c'.d acqtiain- accompanied some of bis comrades t;rce- in town. to their homes on his way through

Mr. J >lin Fleichhawr, Welleslev, ‘ Canada. The friends in tl e North - was a business visitor in town on <*"n T*rt' of the townsbi? ™ nM Monday. Mr. John Druar jr.. l ef t ‘ i l ‘w a« u‘"u- for Allest, n on Tcosdav after spend- Oration in Wellesley but the weight

Miss Hannah Braendle, of ing a few days M th acquaintances r>f the committee was in favor-o fHill, is spending a week in town j ^ ^ .......Shak^peure where the pn^-ntationwith her friend Miss Mellie Schnurr:.

Messrs. Cotsomire o f New Ham-■ .7r H . ' Z . v i nul be V ™ & * < * * -burg and Miss Cook, of MuskoVa,Spent Sinday at the home of Mr.


rived at Mrs. Bundy's and y i l l spend the winter with her.

Mr. John Spahr. merchant, of Mildmay, spent a few days in town last week visiuug tiis Hi-relumed on Saturday,

— t h i s —

^ I b i o n


Mr. .Tohn Run of the Ninth Line, ... ........x, . , , . . , will occur as soon as the young manj isi on the sick list having an attack, _ ,______ ,......*

>f Quinsy.- We hope for his quick j recovery.

Mr. Edward Boppre who. wa« united in marriage to Miss Rose Anna Runstpt tier lias with his wife ink n up their abode in town. Wo welcome Mr. and Mrs. Boppi-e to >ur midst.

Mr. Jos. E, Meyer and family have also started St. Clements life.

Our new suwmillers Ratz &Fl<*is<-hhauer, are taking in quite a

Mr. D. and Miss Mar Fleming • f<. v s».w log*, owing to the farmers visited friends in town on Saturday. ; tw ng advantage of the fine

Mr. and[Mrs. H. Newton, of the sleighing.[isited Mrs. Newt n ,Th-* young folks areltlso making

Huckctt, on Sunday.! rtS , f the sleighing by taking ex- Hilker, of Elmira, i i -orsions to outside jxii.its. few days with her; Mr John Huber lias sild his valu-

; able property and dwelling on King Mrs. (E otf) Monsinger returned; St., to John K. Meyer, for the

last Saturday alter spending a few j handsome sum of §1(150.00. weeks among, friends inthe Niagara ; _________________

M. Goetz

j sjicud a few days with friends on the ninth line.

Mr. Turnbull, of Nithburg, vi-dt- ‘ ed our town on lmstre<S last week.

Mr. Go rre Gl«*be, o f Listowel,J spent Sundav at his home in thisj village. '

District.Inspector Winkler. A. Fish. E

Baker anti D. Pollock spent Sun- [ dav in Elmira.



Our village was quite bnsy to- ;,thtr i n account of the township , <- >uncil holding its fi^st session for - the year. The appointment of i mr.nicijial-officers always attracts j a crowd.

A large attendance is expected at i the social t ) he he'd at the home of i Mr. Foster. Phair on Fritlay even in-*.

The Wellesler Plowing Sts-iety i will ly ,Id their annual mooting here on Friday, -Tan. 25th, when the jiast

; rear's business w ill lx- wound up an 1 new offic-rs elected.

preparations are being‘made for . the annual convention of the Wei- ! leslev township Sabbath School As­sociation, which meets in Boyd

! church, here, on Feb. 6th. (Set a program from Mr. Barboirp the

■tarv-treasnrer, and you will-,r»n. mit- wii,

A- quiet wedding took place thehome of Mr. Peter Diebel. when see that the three sessions to be

Wellesley Stage.Leavea WtjUcBlpy lor Bh-Ich every moniinK j

»t ? o clock- re‘un)i»M? limnt Jiately witter the ; Arriva l a f the Torun^o K.Xi|;irc8H.

Passengers Express Parcels carrie^A yessARps carefully «leirv*re«L BtiRRuRe ai»»l a ll binds o f Ireiarb? hHiidled w i'h promptness' ami a t reasonable rates. Draying done.




| Master A1mn.Ottmu»n.ofHa wl-e Miss Christina, was hel l w ill all lie interesting,j yil-e, srx-nCWwcday witli his friend 1I Fred Heinbuch.

; Government sc le Inspector Wink| 'er made his official visit to-dav.

The Canadian Foresters pur*>



r Large Sample Rooms,

ITT EG tbrouphou* on 11)8 most modernj>ian and wcll lt htfed and. heated in every room.


oil Stabling and Hostlers

Excellent Stabling,

Choicest Wines, Liquors,etc.

Beat accommodation for Commercial Travel

lore and Farmers, Good boatiem

l^c irrp J (e lt e rb o rn ’s


Ou r m e a t sare properly fattened and killed, and poese*# a flavor and tooth- someneub only found iu the choic-

C. F. Ottmannw e l l es Le y .

Manufacturer and dealer in all kinda of Jaivtfcle and double barneaa^ "whip*, combs, j l>rlushes, robes; blankets. beUavfcte.

Sole a Rent for the celebrated Pneumatic, tollara for the Towiiubip of Wellesley.

Special attention paid to the manufacture* of «oliarj»,

RcpairinR promptly attended to.

married to Mr. Henry Koch. The": a meeting o t «Re' North -Water-"'happy couple will move onto kis }GO Farmers’ Institute w ill be held father's farm one mile north .o f, ;n the township- hall. Crossbill, on Philipsburg. [Wednesday. Jan. 2:Srd. There

Rev. and Mrs. J. Langlioltz were j should be a full attendance at, both having an oyster Runner at tbe - visiting at, Mrs. V, Schmidt's on j sessions as important subjects are home of Mr. David Wrav on We-1 - Wednesday last. j to be taken up by prominent Cao-nesda" evening. No donbf tbe oys-j Mr. John Handstein is getting; adian speakers. The following is tors w ill suffer in a mvstie war. • better day by day, but he* is not 11* te official progranyf

I WeurvVrstand that Miss t ^ .U b k * todo any work yet. j after/o?n-.line Beh’ ntter and Mr. Fries are t-1 On Friday last Mr Adam Wag-j President’s address. By J. L.

| be married in the Lutheran cim rcli' f° r*h had the misforturne to fall ] Cmbach, of Elmira, here on Wednesday next. | backwards striking heavily upon j “ Corn growing. " By Jas. Fen-

* ,Ui> head. He \va iincvinscioii^ i tony of Wallenstein,j We arc. of cour«e. deli'dited h* w]lon pi* son found him, a short i --The importance of soil moisture, j 1rnow that tbe Maple Leaf is a’readv j tjm(? aftt>rWards, Iving on the ice land how to retain it.” By F. M.; hecomin- famous. Even McKinVv | with a wvere cat in Ms hi.juI. ; Lewis, Burford.| has noticed it and it took only a *. ~ o f ; -Care and application of man-: gance to convmcelnm tosubscnbe., j a re." By John McMillan, ex-M.P.,; Ho dees not believe m borrowing; j Seaforth.bis neighbor's paper but pavs his ------ ----------------— f.vkxinu.dollar like a man, Who will V THIRD LINE. j Address of welcome. By Reeve

ne3rt* Wellesley. Jan. I Short.The regular annual meeting of the i “ A gold mine on every farm. '

Zion Presbyterian church was he'd I By Rev. G. A. Mitchell, of Water- last Thursday evening, when the j loo.usual business was disposed of. A ; •• The cultivation o f the orchard.”

Highest Caah l*Hec paid for hides.

Fat youiiir cattle. wanted.

Wellesley PlaningAND

Saw Mill .y-n,RATZ k FLEISCHHAUER. Props.

0 0 0 *SHwin*r *n J Plaulnsr ilon« to ordot.

Lumber * I way.-, on hnn,l.R»»li am) Door. Fiirutah.rl to ord*r.

F U R N IT U R EA Eln» Stork of .-»rlor.-' liiuinR Room. B*,l

Room. H»ll. An«l Kiteh«n Kuniitur* *i I.«wMt Priors.


L ht> « n rve ’ i" « f und*rtaldn*‘ *ood» on band A l*o k>ar»« whuro roouirod.


^ ^ S H O E S

W e have now in stock j a full line of boots, shoes, rubbers, overshoes, felt

! goods, etc, at the lowest prices.

Ordered work a spec­ialty.

Highest price for hides.


The directors of the cheese fac­tory are doing their best to boom matters for the coming season. Al­though last- Saturday was verT' tormy a large number of farmers

were present, at the meeting and manifested a strong derire do have

few changes were made in the By F. M. Lewis.Board of Managers, also Mr. Wra.j -Our boys and farm life .” By Thompson, of Nithburg, was ap-1 John McMillan,

all arrangements completed as soon ] pointed caretaker instead of M r.. There w ill be good music in the as possible. Mr. P a r r , who is to be j Philip Kaufman of the fifth line.! evening and allure invited to at-the cheese maker for the coming season, was present and gave an in­teresting address. I f the farmers PHILIPSBURG.

The former Secretary-treasurer.Mr.; tend both sessions.James Freeborn, wishing to be ye-1 lieved of the books, a motion was i

would only unite their efforts and made and carried that Jas. B. Ham-1 go into the business in earnest they mood act for the ensuing year. A f j Jan - iea>. rwi.might have a share o f the immense ter the conclusion of the general I Mr. E. D. Eidt has bought- the profits that are goinginto the poc-; business a motion was made to? in-: store and post office building from kets of their more enterprising crease the Rev. Mr. Andersoq’s ?a Mrs. E. Lohr. He has recently neighbors. A glance at the unnual 1 ary $25, and unanimously carried, b<*cn appointed post-master and reports of the other factories proves thus showing the appreciation of w ill shortly take possession of the this. Bnrely the fanners of this his services. Mr. Anderson is a property. He will not. for the pre- community won’t let, a g «x l thing [faithful preacher of the gospel and i sent resign his position as teacher pass. A nieetijjjg o f the directors j anxious to win souls for the Master h n t-he school here, but intends to will he held next Saturday evening 1 in whose service he is engaged. i en’arge the stock to a considerable

o'clock. . ___________extent.' Mr. G. B. Schmidt, of Lisbon is here at present cutting down oak trees and manufacturing the timber into barrel staves. He will be oc­cupied here for some weeks. Geo. is an old timer at this business and understands it thoroughly.

Adam Doering, of Doering’s Cor­ners, had a bee this week drawing the timber which McDermott’s


-------- : Jan. ISth, 1901.Jan. wth. 1901. The reception of and presentation

Mr. Louis Kuhry, Milw-uukeo. t0 'pr00per Smith has not yet, come Wis . left for Berlin Saturday after j nff Not because North nEasthope spending a few days with relatives • was no ready and enthusiastic but and old acquaintances in town. > i,ecause the brave young soldier has

Miss Lon Tracey is visiting at Mr S not yet hove in sight. It is only Alois Diebohl’s. i fair to Trooper Smith to say that

Miss Julia Mosser, Dasfawood, is the affair was intended as a com- Continued on local page.

Page 2: JOHN MAYOR, ir · V? “God Save Our Queen, and Heaven Bless the Maple Leaf Forever.”1 Vol. I. rslo. 13. Wellesley Village.Ontario, Thursday, January 17th. 1901. J. W. GREEN. Editor




■Office: — Next North of Reiner’s Factory, in the Village of

‘ Wellesley.

Subscription $1.00 .a year in ad­vance. Otherwise $1.25.


An exchange says : Tesla, the elec­trician, claims that in a little while he'll he able to communicate by wire with the inhabitant of Mars. So says an exchange. It is to be hoped for his own sake that Tesla has made no such claim. A scien­tific man i not elavated in public es­timation by voluntarily entering the ranks of the fakirs, and true scientists do not boast of what they are going to do. They do it.

* * *There is a young man in the

United States, a son of a late rail­way President, who refuses to ac­cept the fortune bequethed him by his father, says, it repre­sents the earning that should have gone to the employes. His argu­ment may be all right, but its work-

111* each Inner-1 out seems to be at fault. The AiirfH.nK«ofcoi.yfor»<iverti«.n,M.t«n.nft young man is working as a printer

& ; ? „ ! Of ten has to walk from place toW ;I Nicices m.-H.iir.-d Nonpareil. K eta. p.r , n]tt0e looking for Work. When thoU-

line forftrii mecrtion; 1c. per hue fur each 1 . . . . . . , .•ubsequent iimertimi. j sands of dollars lie waiting his com-

.......... ...........- " ; mand. Would his time not lie bet-EDITORIAL NOTES. ter employed in spending this for-j

----- ! time in charities rather ,tlian have)Tho opponents of capital punish-! it. eventually fall into the hands of

mcnt have just got another argu- t)jr> government, or more likely the j Went to add to their already largo j lawyers, stock. A man in the State of Maine ■.

-------AIIVKRTISIN/I RATES:— -------------On® Six Three.

Ye«r. Moirtbi.Month. One Column,...—.... *27 fclS:Half Column........... *7 V* ^

GENTLEMEN!It will Pay you to buy your clothes from

Koehler,T h e T a i l o r . ; ^

His prices are right.

Satisfaction guaranteed.

Try him before buying elsewhere.

—his name is Oliver Cromwell, by the way—was convicted of murder twelve years ago jynd sentenced t' penitentiary for life, that State having abolished the death jx»n ilty A weak or so ago his entire inno cence of the crime was established and he was set free. His twelve years were gone, but the State was able to give him hack what was left of his life.


B y S t a n l e y M o K e o w n B r w n — A H is t o r y ok t h e F ir s t C o n ­

t in g e n t .

StanelyJ'cl e wn Brown's • ,'itl> the Royal Canadians,” is a imnd- some 300-page book, just issued comprising a bright, faithful nar­rative of the deeds of the first con tingent in South Africa. Mr. Brown was with the regiment as war corres­pondent for The Mail and Empire, and lias written a splendid story ol this memorable campaign from Q lebec to Pretoria and home again, 'ne firstJedftr n lias been purchase t

Mail and Empire, and al

C. D. KOEHLER,Merchant Tailor,

Wellesley. |IJ m

You can save money an every jvp

f t '

f t '

f t :*-f t "

f t -l :• I♦ . f -


W ill have some odd lines on our counters 7*f t f

which will be sold off very cheap. ft;

Odd lines of men’s boots and shoes sold ^ ;f t :at cost.

Special bargains in men’s underwear, ft:• f t -

flanneletts, wrapperettes, top shirts.

Save Money. Men’s all wool socks 2 for 25c.

purchase at the



Everything in ssware

lanijis silverware, knives, forks j

and spoons.

Special bargain day on Saturday.

A call solicited.



* trouble to show goods.

i s

About thirty years ugo a young man was hanged at Waukegan,Illinois on what appeared to be the at'raightest kind of evidence that lie had murdered his employer.Two rpj)(years afterwards the murdered j t h r o n x h t h e tnAe pri<^ of the book man's wife <• mfossed on her death- .ll()IM, is *, .25, it is offered together f*“l that She had conm itted thr|witha three-month's subscription enme and gave in r i >n hr i , , Tlw ^ Mfcil and Empire, or which her confession was amplyi r)c year substantiated. It lieing then too 1 .te to resuseftsi <he lu.i ged mun, he was ••out” by the trunsm tion the matter of his existence. Hang­ing is hut a poor use to put a man to.

You cun save money by haying

your kitchen supplies ip the

basement at the China Hall.


subscrifftions to the week- j ly, for $1.50, with 10c. extra post*j age if ordered by mail.



STRATFORD, OntFire doors east of<th<- VW.f office. |


f t :

ftf t :

ftf t -f t :

f t "f t : f t

f t • f t :

f t :

f t :

f t

f t :

f t :

f t :

f t ' - f t :

f t :

f t :

Lowest clubbing rates with all the leading Canadian journal*.


Yorkshire PigsF-OR sale:.

F Berdux & Son,riK>tJgSAI,g AKK> BETAIL-—



At the municipal eleejions in Oshawa a voting machine was used with wonderful success. No hal-j lots were Spoiled; the voting was absolutely secret; and there was no j possibility of juggling. The results j were known in a minute or two af­ter the polls were c osed. Every- "KLLESLBY thing was “ on the square” and I ,; there will not he any protest court I pm vexing a there. What a bless- j ing it would be if every election j voting could lie carried out in that ;happy wav. The cost of these vot- ■■■'.■•■* y ■ —r—--.-",,. ■'ing machines are said to he high,but then they do away with elec- • M ■ R E A D E ,tion courts—which come high, too. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR In most cases pretests are caused by j Benin watertoo.the defeated candidate1* liojje that ofkick tlie verdict of the ballot h >y may !kl:tipket and he elected after all.The voting machine does away with : . .ali hopes of this kind so that the WESTERN BANK OF i

Pedigrees given. Joth sexe:

# # # ” •



V|?ft t i-Tloy.t*e, Berlin.

Reasonable P rid s .



a a & a m a e a a m 00000000^ 001 0000^



Department is folly equip­

ped for doing all kinds of

Job Printing.

country may quietly settle down to ! ordinary business the day after the elections instead of worrying along fiir months before the strength of j the political parties, and the real! elected candidates are known. Prop-' or voting machines would be cheap atfany price.

^Tlie blue Ixmk .containing the public accounts for the Dominion up to June 30th last, is issued. ' It contains a bewildering array of figures, among Jvbioh is an item of over ten millions of dollars jiaid otji for interest on the public debt. Amongst the agreeable item a are the surplus of eight million dollars and the net receipts, alxmt $500,000 fr^m the Yukon. There was also a healthy increase in the Barings bafik deposits amounting to nearly a million dollars, and the banks havy nearly four million dollars more bills in in circulation than .in the previous year. The net debt of the Dominion! is $265,403,806.89.



Kltfbt pages of sutttfn&rfoed und classified

EightjiMgesofpracticftlagri- cujtural itiu| live »toekartidoB.

Eight peffee of interestin* fretipn Hud mfttffcgine fea-

Weekly Mail Empire.3 Sections. 24 Pages.

$r.6o Per Year.Balance of lOdO free with ettbecriptioh


i O u r 6 stlrnQte5.L_ _ — — . . . . . 1JN O . Y O U N G

Merchant(Juming and filing saws at

very reasonable rates.

Satisfaction guaranteed.

C. J. FOX, Manager

Grtpital Authorized * • $ ljtoO.WK3uW rib«d . - 5')0,otoP#itl Uji - . . .Ucserw Fund - - - lltt.iiTO

A ( loueral Rnnkiu* Pu.iUM* Hone. .

LISBONBrick and Tile

YARDS.Fluent WHIT? BRICK, Wire Cut Briok end

Stock Brick, on blind.

I manufacture FIRST CLASS PTOE BRICK, equal to anr fire brick made on the continent.

A lei, a .peoial CIRCLED BRICK lor use rti wella. ,


Order* promptly filled.


That Please






W e t I h ‘ l e y ,



Weismiller’s old stand.


Has his shelves filled with the , most elegant lines o f Winter I (Suitings in all the Up-to-Date Patterns. The very\—----- ----j__ _§1_ 5best methods are used in cut- _ ____ting and fitting, and f:y,r;.|PETEB, GLEBE*arftele that goes out o f my\ »e*u» *»stapi, aB4 shop is guaranteed. ■■ n,

- t * *

My PRICES are as Low as the Lowest.

ONTARIO.My W ORK is as Good

as the Best.My Liquor Store

~ ^ l T * ; i i i i n t ' n i a i f f i i i B i r a r . J • i T i i i a i i i l i a i i r > i. f i l i’, '~ i l i l m i f e i i H f

Page 3: JOHN MAYOR, ir · V? “God Save Our Queen, and Heaven Bless the Maple Leaf Forever.”1 Vol. I. rslo. 13. Wellesley Village.Ontario, Thursday, January 17th. 1901. J. W. GREEN. Editor

M *«- Fresh oysters just in. H.E.Ratz.C an ge s of advertisements most

be in this office not later than Mon­days.

Mrs. J. G. Reiner and Mrs. Jas.| O'Donnell were visiting friends in New Hamburg on Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Ballard, of Moore­fleld, were guests at Mr. H. Alte- man's the fore part of the week for a couple of days.

Quite a number from here at­tended a pleasant dance given by mine host Schmidt of the Philips­burg hotel, on Tuesday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. J. Schmidt, Misses

Sale Bills Concert Posters



Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Koehler spent Sunday last with relatives in Heid­elberg.

The snow-falls of the early part of the week have made the sleigh­ing fairly good here.

Messrs. H. and A. Hasenpflug. alf Gleiser and M. Btmdscho. of Milverton spent Sunday in town.

Messrs. Fred and Jos. Hartman and Miss M. Hartman, of New Hamburg were guests at the Albion hotel on Wednesday.

Township council met. in Cross- hill on Monday last. The print­ing contract for this year has been j awarded to the W eiiesijy Maple


(Continued from first page. >

gang recently cut in his woods. There were eight or ten teams en­gaged drawing it to Hamburg sta­tion. A pleasant time was spent in the evening.

W e recently sent you word that that Henry Hohnstein had made a record by killing 450 hogs in this neighborhood. “Tommy” Gloeck- ler has beaten this record, as he at­tended all the wurst-soupa— and still lives.

H A W K 6 V ILLE .

J Ella, Tina and Bella Pfeffer, and ! Anna More, all of Milverton, were 1 Leaf.

Cards, Circulars or any- ghests at the Royal hotel on Sun- Quitea number from here attend- ^ • _ u . u ----- ! day last.

with his bride, in G a lt . Thar were held, on a charge of alleged bigamy and brought to Berlin for triii’ . William Powley. the elder, and the first husband of the woman under arrest, reached Berlin oil Fri­day, from the Southern. States, where he and, hissonBenjamin have been during, ;thc summer and fall. The-party reached Berlin salely.and were in the hallway leading to the council chamber when Smith saw a chance to escape, suddenly wheel­ed round, bolted through the open door and cleared the steps at a bound. He was fleet as a hare, and

thing in the line of Printing.


Sleighing now.Buttlie skating has disappeared.

Saw-logs and wood are being hauled to town in large quantities.

Miss Rosa Lenhardt, jnst north of town, is lying quite ill with la

grippe.Messrs. Geo. Schmidt and R.

Wegoher, of Berlin, were in town yesterday.

Mr. John V. Leis is seriously ill with la grippe at present, at his home in this village.

Rev. Father Aeymans and Mr. Zimmer, of St. Agatha, were the guests of Wellesley friends on Mon­day.

North Waterloo Farmers' Insti­tute w ill hold a meeting at Cross­hill on Wednesday, Jan. 23rd, after­noon and evening. Every far*ier should be present.

Yon are always sure of a good smoke when you take a “ Knapp" cigar. It iB pure goods and delici ons flavor, and you can buy it atall first -class houses. K n a pp B ros., Berlin.

The annua] meeting of the W e ll­esley Plowing Society will be held at Crosshill on Friday, Jan. 25th, at 1 o'clock, p. m., for the purpose of electing officers and transacting general business.

Mr. Sam. Ratz, the genial and portly young landlord of "The Arlington ” hotel, Tavistock, and Mr. Chas. Mohr, also of that vil­lage, were calling on their Wellesley freinds one day last week.

The heavy snow storm which set in yesterday has completely chang­ed the condition of the roads into excellent sleighing. The storm

| though some chase was given, ho The following from the Eden j suceeeGetI in ruining his pursuers.

Grove correspondent of the W alk-j He carried with him a pair of erton Telescope, refers to Mr. Art hand-cuffs. Powley gave bonds

ed the hockey match at Berlin last j Robinson, teacher of the school J for bis wife's appearance on Thnrs-A merry sleigh-load of yonng ' Friday evening and saw the county j here: “ On Friday quite a number jday. Smith is not yet caught..

people from this village spent a town pucksters chase the Galt team J from oar school section went to the j ' ----------------------------home of j all over the ice. j house of Mr. W a t* >n to present our J CARD OF TH ANK S.most enjoyable time at the

Mr. Henry Hostettler on Tuesday evening by invitation.

When you want a first-elas smoke ask for a “ G and B " cigarIt's one of the most enjoyable and j i deaf mute he easy smokers on the market. They J ng young man all sell it. K n app Bros., Berlin. | from town.

Miss Sarah Hammond, of Royu j The sympathy of the community j Oaks, M idi., who is home on a visit goes out to Mr. Jos. Bast, a mile to her relatives on the 5th line, j vnd a half south of here, whose lit- qx>nt the early part of this week a tie child died on Saturday last from

“ ” ' ' ' a sudden illness. The funeral oc­curred yesterday at the Mennonite ;**»*mjtery, third line.

Mr Louis J, Koehler left for Avl- ! Mr^ Robinson with a beau- j ~ * an(1 faraily jner the latter-part of last week. j present andtoe follow,ng « 1 - » to return our sincere thanks'

to tho friends whose many kind nes-os helped to soften our affliction

.vliere he has secured a situation at I<lre!<s : ‘ A few of "our many friends uis trade as a shoemaker. Although i *lttVe assembled here thus evening

is a very entertain-< during th T illn e * and death of th e *■who is much missed ; k™ <* our respect, in order to show

nest at Mr. Robert Freeborn's, in this village.

The fourteenth unnnal conven­tion of the Wellesley TownshipSabbath School Association will bo j M AJU BA D AY .held in Boyd's Church, Crossbill, on Wednesday, Feb. 6th, at 10.30a. m., sharp. There will be a fore­noon, an afternoon and an evening session.

Mr. Thos Dewar intends to erecta handsome residence on his farm ., , __ .Tij<, 1 General Cronjo—was forced to snr-

Jacob K. Forler.

The days between the 18th to 20th of February, 1900, w ill bo memor able in the history of the Booth African war. The part taken by the Canadian troops on that dav when the “ lion of the north”—

just east of here, next season, neighbors gathered,the fore part of this week and hauled the brick (25,000) from Hohl’s brick yard The “ bee" made quite a procession in passing through the village.

. . , . loving wife and mother who passedour appreciation ot vour labor as a , , , *. , . to her eternal home last week,teacher, and we trust you may ac- *cept it in the spirit in which it i> given, and although your time has been short amongst us, we will not allow the future to break the tie that bound us together, and while it is your duty to take your depar­ture from umongst us, let our aim in life be to live so we shall all meet again where parting is no more.' ”


Albert Smith, a young Berlin musician who is well known in vVellesley, having come here ■**veral times with concert- com-

. 1«inies, has been getting into a peck render will be spoken of as a work 0f trouble over an imprudent mat-

___ * _____ __:___a. irru - ---=

BORN.On Monday. 14th Jan.. to Mr. and Mw. Alex.

F. McTavi»h, North Hast bop* : a eon.


\V«lne*<Uy, J*n. l«th. 190L

To-day's quotations a re :Wheat (standard)..................... 60c to 62cOats.................................... 25cBariev................................ 34ePeas: .................................56c

Undrawn. Drawn Chickons, per lb 5c 6cGeese, per lb 5c 6cDucks, per lb 6c 7cTurkeys per lb 8c So

Other product are bought at the-se prices:Butter, f> l b ...................... 18c

O B IT U A R Y .

FO R LER .-In Wollmilpy on Thvir*day, Jan. loth. lw l. Mary Koch, wife of Mr Jacob K . Forler, ago 1 6i years, eight v, months and one day.

The death of Mrs. Forler, early last Tuesday morning, although not unexpected, created a profound sensation of sorrow in this village where she lias continuously resided for 43 years and has always been held in the very highest esteem She was born in Neustrelitz, Mech- lenberg Bchwerein, Germany, and came to Canada with her father in 1854, settling at Petersburg. In 1856 she was married to Mr. Forler

worthy o f any regiment. The posi- fomoniai venture lately. The B e r - _______ ^ ......................„tion they occupied is clearly depict- News-Record says:— Albert J Eggs, ^ doz.......................15c to l?oetl in the picture which The Week- who was married in Galt l i z a r d l b . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0 ^ly Globe is giving free to its yearly ttboatafortnigntago to Mrs. Powley . . . . 5csubscribers. A sample copy can be Qneenst, Berlin, was arrested, along -<<en at this office. It is certainly -worthly of a place in every Cana­dian home.

was quite unexpected, neither ou r1 m Berlin, removing to this viUiage local prophets, the weather bureau i two years later where they have

or Hicks' almanac having given a hint o f what was coming.

Fresh Fish.P U B L IC L IB R A R Y M EETING.

Salmon trout 7 l-2c per lb.The annual meeting of the Wei- j lesley Public Library was held in ! the Opera House last Monday even- F r e s h w a t e r h e r r i $ 2 5 0 b b l Q r 2 5 cmer. a iroodlv number beintr oresent.. : o v »

resided ever since" Besides her bereaved husband she .leaves a

Rev. Geo. A . Mitchell, B. A ., of ] arrow ing fam ily o ften childrenWaterloo, w ill preach a m issionary! H eary Duench’ Geor^ ’ H « nry , sermon at the Union church, in this f ,lliam and Emma- in Wellesley ; village on Sunday afternoon next at Jobn’ in Wiarton ; Mrs. Jas. O’-

the usual hour— 3 o’clock. AU are invited to hear this eloquent speak­er. The Sunday School of thischurch, which has been closed for iummrnu '"*’*'*’ “ “ **“ *"'**“ '*" --------!some weeks past, w ill re-open o n ' she * * * * * away * » - Forler !; taken ill in the latter part of Jane j

t last since which time she has never j

ing, a goodly number being present.Mr. John Walton, the president,

was .ailed to the chair, and Mr. A. J. Saunders was appointed secre­tary.

The minutes of the last annual meeting were read and adopted.

The auditors’ report showed the financial standing of the Library to be as fo llows:

RECEIPTS.Bal. on hand.........................$ 21 63 ;Membership fees.................. 33 50Legislative grant.................. 181 00Sale of magazines, e t c ......... 8 50


Ladrador herring 25c per doz. m

Try our tea from 16c to 50c per lb. Coffee at 12 l-2c to 20c per lb.

Try our Gee Whiz at 5c a package^.

$244 63

Donnell, Yale, M ich .; Mrs. Henry j Rent, light, etc * DITU$ 25Smith Hampstead ; Jacob, A y r ;: Paid for books.......... 198 35and Lonis, of Detroit. A ll the j M t o o e M a w w o * expns. 2177

! children were at her bedside when j$222 31

Sunday next .

Bal on hand................... $ 22 26The report was adopted.The Librarian’s report showed

Mr. and Mrs. H. Alteman drove ab)e to leave her bed. The j tjjat there were in the library a to-to North Easthope to go with the procession to Shakespeare t-o meet ber brother. Trooper Smith, on his return from South Africa. Like hundreds of others they were dis­appointed as the yonng man failed to arrive. It is thought that he is visiting with some of his comrades whose home are farther east in the Province as he knew nothing what­ever of the demonstration awaiting him.

The storage capacity at the W e l­lesley Roller Mills has been comp­letely exhausted so that Mr. Reiner has been compelled to cease buying grain for the present. Abont 20.- 000 bushels are in the mill jnst now. and the quantity is being reduced as rapidly as the mills can grind It. The mill, however, is still buying some o f the hard varieties, such as Scott, Amber, Reliable, Democrat. Railway connection would make a wonderful improvement in the Wel­lesley grain market

funeral occurred on Sunday, Rev. D. Lochner conducting the impres­sive services in the presence of an immense congregation, many people not being able to get into the church. Deceased’s six sons acted as pallbearers. Among the rela­tives and friends present at the fun- eial from a distance were: MrChris. Forler (brother of Mr. J. K . Forler) of Southampton, and his son, Alvin, of W iarton ; Mrs. Ham- mill, and Mr. Rothaermal, of M il­verton ; Mr. and Mrs. Kincaid, N ew ­ton ; Mr, Jacob Hammill, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Seigner, and Mr. Alex. Hahn, New Ham burg; Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Hammill, and C. Ham- mill and daughter, of Stratford ; Mr. Pfanner, Philipsburg; Mr, Kress and Mrs. Jno Wagner, St. Agatha; Mr .and Mrs Peter Doer- sam, Poole; Mr. Thos. O ’Donnell and Miss Maggie McDougall, Gads hill, and Mr. and Mrs. Henry K il­ler, of Linwood.

tal of 735 books, valued at $418.: there were 256 members on the ro ll ; the library is open every dry. The following table gives the number of books in the library, together with the number issued during the year:

Subject. Issued History......... ....... 169

Don't forget your laundry every 2nd Tuesday.

^ H Y . E. R ATZfeW e l l e s l e y Ontario.

Biography Voyages and Travel Science and Art — General Literature. Poetry and Dram a..Religious.................Fiction....................Miscellaneous.........










3415835The report was adopted.The following were then elected

as the Board of Directors for the ensuing year: Rev. D. Lochner,Dr. Glaister, Messrs. Walton, Hogg, Saunders, Zinkann, Pumaville, Ar- nott and Green.

The first meeting of the new Board will be held on Friday even­ing when the officers w ill be chosen.

COLD WEATHERA s the cold weather sets in we expect all our old customers and as many new ones to call and see our stock o f winter goods.

W e have no special bargain day. W e give bargains every day.

J. N. ZINKANNGeneral Merchant

com. queen * wri fl.IAli £


Page 4: JOHN MAYOR, ir · V? “God Save Our Queen, and Heaven Bless the Maple Leaf Forever.”1 Vol. I. rslo. 13. Wellesley Village.Ontario, Thursday, January 17th. 1901. J. W. GREEN. Editor


In view of the strong feeling ex­pressed at the Wellesley nomination meeting recently we publish the following suggestions by Provincia Road Commissioner Campbell, as showing one way in which the making and sustaining of townshi] roads could be carried on if the. statute labor system should be abol­ished:

Do away, with the statute labor »-oll entirely.

To raise the money required, levy a rate on the assessment- of the township. {This would require a tax not likely exceeding 5<J c< nts for every day of statute labor as now demanded.—Ed.]

For road purposes, divide the township into a convenient number o f divisions, usually four.

Apportion the money equally among the road divisions, keeping in view all circumstances, v iz .: im- l>ortunce of roads, works needed on them, benefits resulting to the greatest number of people, amount o f traffic, assessment, etc.

Appoint one township road com­missioners to advise and consult j with, and carry out the direction of the council.

Councillors should not act as com-} missioners, as they are subject to] undue influence from the rutepay-; ers and their term of office is un­certain.

A general plan lor road improve­ment should 1m* laid down by the! council for the commissioner to ! follow.

This plan should specify the wjuth u> u- traded, width and, depth of road metal, character el drainage, etc ; ol ail roads.

Roads o f important e should not be loss than twenty-four lcet between the inside edges of open ditelies.

No roads should be of less width than eighteen.

Ea’ i.v in the ye.-.r the council und the commissioner should go over all ; the roads to consider the work t" lie undertaken.

Work of construction, sued ns hauling gravel, ditches and drain­age', building of bridges and e;;I verts, should lie done by contract, and snjK'rviscd by the road com­missioner.

Tbo sume man anil tennis should ■: lie hired to ojH'rate the lhachinorv for fhe entire season, or longer, if] possible, as they become proficient and do better work. This applies, jxirtieularly to the ojieratitm of a ;

°roud grader.The commissioner sh ufld keep a |

pay roll to return quarterly to the ] council, showing w m have been jiaid and the amount jiuio, tiid io .I to be then filed for auditors.

This roll will" art us a cheek on favoritism on the part ol the Com m iss ion erW ork should- lie divide, i as much os possible among the resi­dents of tin; tmvndwp desiring it.

Work should be e >:um,. . cod w ipr a definite end in view ami > >ntm- ued systematically lrom year to year if necessary until the entire ro«d mileage has been brought to a pr i.-er stainn.rd

m m m m m m m m m m m * m r n m r n m m m m n m m « % m g m m mmm


Cold W eather W ants. %m




Owing to the short spell of cold weath­er so far this season, heavy w in ter, goods have not moved out as readily as desired— there­fore in order to m ike room for spring goods— w e w ill for the balance of this month give special inducements on ladies’jackets, shawls, tweed dress -goods, etc., also men’s ulsters, overcoats and reefers.

^ W e respectfully request that our numerous pat-We show you this #

week a cut of our fam- # rons kindly bring their counterchecks along, whenous ^

0 settling their accounts.0

D o w n

D r a f t

D r u m

H e a t e r s ,

These are highly re­commended by our cus­tomers who have had them in use for years as . .. being good heaters and " 0

wood-savers.Orders for same left ^

with Mr . KrsstxiiER will 0

have juroffept and care- ful attention. 0

0 ■

r t t # m n m







emu I

Mr. M. F.' died v.eek. Mr agent f< r i He was ,m i


t.fa ! 53; deaths. male ]12.t-.-L. X ’, unarriaiges 15.

E'-- druggist of' Port!he?’e n M -nday -of last I

was teli 'grajih<»ii Vi- ’ thirty-five years.;mri-b f man. ami much 1!eLtr> es i. ft led e i-eased-alt. 1iWlin, and otherterUio ^ !

Manufacturer, Mdlar and Merchant,

W E S L L iE S L F i Y , O M T .0■M


The Council for Waterin') lor the eomoosel '»f The. Waterloo !Tov;nsb ’

d > Q PER YE AR 0 * 0


The LondonFree Press

A Progressive andPopular Paper.

the County of \ —

current year is i kssentjai.i.y a jikwspapkr.—Th* Fr,following men:

Thomas ShawPre.s i., now in its fifty-first gw srntlally h newspni>or for the home ci While 'UstinKuistle 1 for ft, ft* r prise. ,n r. In>rn t-iki-n fr«m the In training of it* ei ton-lmi).nothing to It* eolunms rhiit » the moral sense of »eIf-rcM>c< pn-pl.-.

The Maple Leaf$L00 Per Year.

ami Tiimajn Sehantz; Galt, Robert ](iilhoipi and George La ird; Welles- ] hv H 'W a ’ tee and .J Fislicr: Wil-

tii-'f find New Hamburg, W. R. Plum {THE market rtE-POitfs- Are fail »*>.i up-to- aiiii•l isiah Hallman :Berlin,*George ' nil- the hoes- <vnn !:«»;Defes and "J. S. A n th irtN orth r>!unfric«. Pri -t-in and Avr. S. J.( ’hen— ttp.d M. ltobson ; Woolwich and Elmirk, J- Wa’ ker'afnl A. Pet- rson.


a-rkel ith th.irli.h Jiye stiMik im-l #rein !

i ap-to-.luftexews, ‘

1-1 speeinl IV ETKJtl.V A U V ( O l . r v j f feature, ioii-tnrti-t l-y J. K. V.S.,1Honor (rroie.nte f). V. C. Artirlos m-r-mr i ovei-y Satur.loy (leKtinit with nil olssses ui ]

•ienee: Mlso <,uestilms'alid km i

At „ tbiy mmiicbsiL < Osh aw a the ballot

•leetions -i?i; s discarded


tifak t i 6 to a ll » 3uii> ,

W ith all the leading Canadian

Dailies and Weeklies,Get our rates before renewing

your subscriptions.a m i th e Im p e r ia l A u t o m a t ic V o t i n g : x f ;W s - A eomeiete history o f »h - JM iie h in e Wits s u b s t i tu t e d tl (Tl'for. , if Of nits'all f-ver the Ui o «n world iu tlie Is ) !


Bimon Bnyder of Waterloo, is Pri'sident ot the Canada Furnituiv C(X ijmny.

Mr. Theo. Musselman has bought the farm of Mr. Andrew Fowler one mile north of Haw eaville. He also purchased the stock and im- pleiuonts,

A byld robbery was pcrpetrati d at Elmira recently. Tne thiei went through two trunks in He:- ki k s hotel, belonging to Wm Lowell ' f Galt, and f ee .red sixty gold plat d double i m open fap-c watches.

James Burton, of Emh o, the in­sane prisoner who } a’ e t- e Wixxl- wt >ck .jail uuth irit ef* so ju ch trouble recent ly and was laior re­moved to the London Asylmn, dieu on Friday morning.

Returns of births, death and marriages for the half year in the Township of Woolwich, ending 31st Dec, JM100, a re : Bii ths, males ill

• HfefcejTtion ! [4 to W ts it frt' O il-1

1 Tliere was a large vote registered ’ eMt HI"1 m>(<>-iUn: <u*>,imti hr8 , and the result was kn nvn ihevery : oomih-EtkfiAXAiLty NKivs- -Mywi-Kraph -ward in one minute after the close, ] wbi'e the result of the entire pell;

; for the town was anm .uncoil at seven ^ sPOu m o sew s - u f«u minutes pa-1 five. Under the old

] system ballots. Tlie new system of ] ' . ‘lacker,i voting has proved a great success j «»Jf. b-iwim#. foorbait. h«ek«y.• ^knt ra-diiig, tcottu ig aaad niDniiig,

: $ 2 ;

NJiib Ah' lb lb lb \b if/Ab lb ilvde iV ibob W ile iVM nV W iV ih if, it, -yixv-xv sa.- s e A S X ^ s v s w .a ir * < k r W 0 s e r 3 b * V ■■&& & /£■

•J| Use Farmers’ Favorite Condition Powderfor your stock. iT

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hi fact, the Free Press ia the most- com yjetg Hnd up-tG-tatopaper west o f Toronto; from : » to i» pages *hro«gh the w (jek. and 1# page? \ <gi Katurday. I t is bright end VeaUalde: j news for old and young.

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