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    INTEGRAL , vol. 5 no. 1 , April 2000 1

    Johan Matheus Tuwankotta

    Studies on Rayleigh Equation


    Dalam makalah ini dipelajari persamaan oscilator tak linear yaitu

    persamaan Rayleigh : ( ) + = x x x x 12

    ( ) . Masalah kestabilan lokal

    di sekitar titik tetap dan hubungannya dengan paramater di bahas. Jugaakan dibuktikan eksistensi selesaian periodik yang dalam hal ini juga

    merupakan limit cycle dengan menggunakan teorema Poincare-Bendixson.

    Selesaian periodik tersebut akan dihampiri dengan menggunakan metode

    Poincare-Linsted. Sebagai perbandingan juga di hitung selesaian numerik

    dan dibandingkan dengan selesaian asimtotik


    In this paper we consider a type of nonlinear oscillator known as Rayleigh

    equation, i.e. ( ) + = x x x x 1 2( ) . We study local the stability of thefixed point in the presence of positive parameter . We are also looking atthe existence of the periodic solution which is also a limit cycle in this

    equation. Using Poincare-Bendixsons theorem we proof that the limit cycle

    exists. For small values of the parameter, we use asymptotic analysis to

    approximate the periodic solution. The method we apply in this paper is

    Poincare-Linsted method. We calculate also the numerical solution for the

    system and compare the result with the asymptotic.

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    2 INTEGRAL , vol. 5 no. 1 , April 2000

    I. Intr oductionConsider a system of differential

    equations( ) =u f t u, , ..(1)

    where u R 2 , f is a vector valuedfunction in R

    2and is a parameter. We

    assume that solution exists and is unique

    with given a initial value. This system

    is also known as a planar system. The

    system depended on the parameter .For a fixed , let u(t) = (t) be asolution of the system (the subscript

    shows the dependency on the

    parameter). This vector valued function

    parameterize by t defines a flow inthe two dimensional plane u = (x , y).

    The curve of points (x , y) generated by

    (t) when we let t run from - to + iscalled the trajectory. A collection of

    trajectories of different initial value is

    calling the phase portrait of the system.

    A simple question that arises is; how to

    know the phase portrait of a system.

    The best way to have the phase portrait

    of a system is to calculate the generalexpression of the solution of the system.

    Unfortunately, this is not an easy thing

    to do especially when f is non-linear.

    The second best way is to calculate the

    integral of the system. An integral (in

    this case) is a real valued, two variables

    function F(x, y) such that


    dtF x y( ( , ))

    = 0 , which is the

    derivative of F with respect to time

    evaluated at a particular solution zero.Consequently, F(x, y) = C define a

    curve in the (x, y) plane such that the

    flow of system (1) will map the curve

    to it self. Such a curve is called

    invariant curve of the system. In

    elementary courses on differential

    equation such a curve is called implicit

    solution. (Unfortunately not every

    system has an integral).

    We remark that if we can calculate one

    of those (either the solution or the

    integral) we will have a global picture of

    the flow. It means that the analysis is

    valid for all time (t) and everywhere inthe (x, y) plane. That is why these two

    methods are also known as global

    analysis technique. Naturally, when the

    global picture cannot be achieved, we

    can try to have a local picture. We can

    restrict our analysis in a small area

    around some interesting location. The

    question is, where the interesting

    location is.

    Some of the locations, which are

    considered to be interesting, are arounda fixed point or around a periodic orbit.

    A fixed point (also known as a constant

    of motion point, or critical point, or

    singular point) is a point (x0, y0) in the

    plane such that f(x0, y0) = 0. A periodic

    orbit is a solution (t) where a realnumber T such that (t + T) = (t)exists. Now supposed we have a

    periodic orbit that start at a particular

    point. After T time it will be back at that

    starting point. It means the trajectory

    will be a closed curve. The converse is

    also true if we assume that T is finite.

    The most common tool to understand

    locally the flow of the system is

    linearization. We expand f to its Taylor

    series around a particular solution, i.e.

    ( )( ) = +u f u ! (2)where the dots represent the higher

    order terms and represent the partial

    derivative with respect to spatialvariables. And then we can use linear

    analysis to obtain the information about

    the flow. See [1], [4] or [5] for


    Our goal in this paper is to analyze the

    non-linear oscillator known as the

    Rayleigh equation, i.e.

    ( ) + = x x x x 12

    ( ) .(3)

    where is a positive parameter. We

    give the analysis in the neighborhood of

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    INTEGRAL , vol. 5 no. 1 , April 2000 3

    the fixed point. We will also show that

    there exists a periodic orbit and that it is

    stable. This stable periodic orbit is alsoknown as the stable limit cycle. Due to

    the fact that the analytic calculation of

    the limit cycle is complicated, we will

    construct an approximation of its for a

    small parameter using Poincare-Linsted

    method. For a large parameter we can

    construct the approximation using

    boundary layer technique or singular

    perturbation technique (see [3]). These

    technique is mathematically non trivial

    so we will skip them. In this paper we

    will also construct the numericalcomparison of the analysis.

    II. Fixed Point AnalysisTo calculate the fixed point of the

    Rayleigh oscillator, we transform the

    system into a system of first order

    differential equations. This is done by

    setting x = x and y = x'. The Rayleigh

    equation then becomes

    ( )


    = +

    x y

    y x y y 1 2..(4)

    It is easy to see that the fixed point of

    (4) is only (0,0). In general, for a

    system like in (1) the fixed point is also

    depended on . The linearized systemof (3) written in matrix form is:









    . ..(5)

    From linear analysis we know that the

    stability of the fixed point (0,0)dependeds on the eigen-values of the

    linearized system (5). The information

    on the stability also gives information

    on the flow it-self around the point. In

    this case we have the eigen values

    1 2


    2, =

    . ..(6)

    For =0 we see that the eigen-valuesare purely imaginary 1,2 = i . This isclear since if = 0 , what we have is

    just a linear harmonic oscillator with all

    of the solutions being 2-periodic.Thus, the origin (0,0) is a center point if

    = 0. In general this statement is notalways true.

    Figure 1 : Phase portrait for = 0. Thefixed point in this case is a center point

    and all solutions are periodic of period

    2.Obviously the eigen-value of a non

    linear system should be non linearly

    dependent on the system. Thus if we

    linearize locally, we restrict the domainso that the non- linear effect can be

    considered as a small perturbation. If

    the real part of the eigen value is non-

    zero then we can choose the domain

    small enough so that the non-linear

    perturbance will be small enough. It

    implies that the real part will still be the

    same in sign (see [4],[5] for details).

    This is not the case for zero real part of

    the eigen-value.

    In the case of all the real parts of the

    eigen-values is zero we have to consider

    a higher order term on the expanded

    system. In the case that there is at least

    one is non zero, we can use Center

    Manifold Theorem (see [2] for details).

    This case does not arise on this problem

    so we omit it .

    For 0 < < 2 we can write the eigen

    values as

    1 2 2, ,=

    2, we have two different realeigen-values. Thus we will have two

    linearly independent eigen-vectors.

    Since the eigen values are different, then

    the origin will also be improper node

    sources. The phase flow is flowing out

    of the origin along two direction only.

    The picture in figure (1) until (4) are

    drawn using Maple V. It is clear that

    the analysis of the origin coincides with

    the numerical result using Maple V.

    Figure 4: Phase flow for = 2.5.

    III. Existence of the PeriodicSolution

    To proof the existence of the periodicorbit, we will apply a fundamental

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    INTEGRAL , vol. 5 no. 1 , April 2000 5

    theorem of Poincare-Bendixson. This

    theorem will be stated without proof.

    Theorem: Poincare-Bendixson If D is a

    closed bounded region of the (x, y)-

    plane and a solution u(t) of a non-

    singular system (1) is such that u(t) D,then the solution either a closed path,

    approaches a closed path, or approaches

    a fixed point.

    The theorem in other word says that if

    we have a closed and bounded region

    which the flow of the system in (1) is

    flowing into the region, then there is aperiodic solution or a fixed point in the

    region. We will apply this theorem to a

    general type of oscillator with damping

    by constructing a region which is

    invariant to the flow. After that we will

    relate the Rayleigh equation to the

    general equation we have.

    Consider now an oscillator equation

    known as Lienard equation, i.e.

    + + =x f x x x( ) 0 ..(7)

    We define F x f s ds


    ( ) ( )= 0


    assume it to be an odd function. Futher

    assume that for x > (a real positivenumber) F is positive, goes to infinity

    for x goes to infinity, and monotonically

    increasing , while for 0 < x < F isnegative.

    We transform (7) to a first order system

    using transformation (x, x) (x, y =x+ F(x)). Using this transformation we


    = =

    x y F x

    y x

    ( )


    Now define a transformation to polar

    coordinate by ( )R x y= +1


    2 2.

    Consequently we have R = -xF(x). It

    implies that for - < x < , R 0.Thus the flow on the circle domain with

    radius is flowing out of the domain.

    What we need to construct is a domain

    where the flow is flowing into the

    domain. See figure (5).

    Before we start constructing the domain,

    we first make some important remark on

    the gradient field of the flow. From (8)

    we can calculatedy



    y F x=

    ( ). It

    implies that on the y axis the tangent is

    horizontal and on the curve y = F(x) the

    tangent is vertical. One can clarify

    easily that if we start at an initial value

    say A we will have a trajectory as infigure (5) (this can be easily done by

    considering the negative or positiveness

    of x or y at certain location). The

    reflection symmetry of the system gives

    the negative trajectory.

    Our purpose is now to proof that R(A) >

    R(D). This can be done by considering

    the line integral

    R D R A dRABCD

    ( ) ( ) . = We split thecurve ABCD into three segments AB,

    curve ABCD into three segments AB,

    BC, CD. We also have two expressions

    for dR, i.e.

    Figure 5: Constructing the invariant


    dRxF x

    y F xdx dR F x dy=


    ( )

    ( )( )or .

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    6 INTEGRAL , vol. 5 no. 1 , April 2000

    We first consider segment AB and CD.

    If A (= (0, yA )) is high enough then we

    know that y-F(x) is large while -xF(x) isbounded. Thus for yA going to infinity,

    the integrals dRAB

    and dRCD

    go tozero. It also means that the integral is

    dominated by the line integral in the

    segment CD. In segment CD we have

    dR F x dyBC B


    = ( ) . Since we assumethat for x > , F is positive and

    monotonically increasing, we see thatthe integral will be negative and

    monotonically decreasing (it is clear

    since the integration is from positive

    values to the negative values of y). Also

    it is continuosly dependent on yA. Thus

    if yA goes to infinity the integral goes to


    It means that we can choose yA large

    enough such that R(A) > R(D). In the

    same way we can show R(-A) < R(-D).

    Now consider the domain in figure (5)

    which is bounded by the circle withradius , the two trajectories and theline segment connecting the

    trajectories. This domain defines an

    invariant closed and bounded domain.

    Moreover, the flow is going into the

    domain. Hence the Poincare-

    Bendixsons theorem applies. We know

    that the only fixed point of the Lienards

    system is the origin. The conclusion is

    that we have at least one periodic

    solution. Moreover, since F is

    monotonically increasing andconsequently the integral in the segment

    BC is monotonically decreasing, the

    condition that if = then leads toprecisely one periodic solution.

    The question arises is how to

    apply this result to the Rayleigh

    equation. If we differentiate The

    Rayleigh equation, we have

    ( ) + =x x x x 1 3 02( ) . ....(9)

    Define z x= 3 and transform (7)into

    ( ) + =z z z z 1 02 ....(10)The solution of (9) is just a solution of

    ordinary Rayleigh equation with an

    additional constant. Thus by setting the

    constant to be zero, we have the original

    solution. Since (10) satisfies the

    assumption we now find that there exists

    at least one periodic solution. We can

    proof that in the case of (10), =. Thuswe have a unique periodic solution.

    IV. Asymptotic Approximation

    The next aim is to approximateasymptotically the periodic solution of

    Rayleigh equation. We will apply the

    Poincare-Linsted Method to

    approximate the periodic solution. We

    will first give a short introduction to the

    method. Details of the method can be

    found in [4].

    Consider a second order differential

    equation of the form

    ( ) + = x x f x x , , (11)It is easy to see that for = 0, allsolutions are 2-periodic. For 0 weassume that there exists a periodic

    solution with period T() starting atinitial values x(0) = a() and x'(0) = 0.The fact that the period and the location

    or the periodic orbit are dependent on is natural. Define a time transformation

    = t such that in this new timevariable, the period of the periodic orbit

    is 2. We write -2 = 1 - ().Obviously, the periodic solution is alsodependent continuesly on . Thus weassume that we can write the periodic

    solution as

    x x x x( ) . = + + +0 12

    2 ! ..(12)

    With the new time variable we can write

    (11) in the form of (the dot represents

    the derivative with respect to )

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    INTEGRAL , vol. 5 no. 1 , April 2000 7

    ( )"" ,"

    ,x x x f xx

    + = +



    If we write the right hand side as

    ( ) g x x, ", and transform it to itsintegral form, then the periodicity

    condition of the solution leads to two

    equations, i.e.

    ( )

    ( )

    F a g x x d

    F a g x x d









    ( , ) sin( ) , ", ,

    ( , ) cos( ) , ", ,

    = =

    = =


    Implicit function theorem gives the

    conditions for the existence of a non-

    trivial solution of (13) in the

    neighborhood of = 0, provided

    ( )( )

    F F


    1 20


    , .(14)

    For the case that the existence condition

    is satisfied we will have a unique

    periodic solution. This is in agreement

    with the previous analysis (we have

    proven that the Rayleigh system has a

    unique periodic solution). Note that if

    (14) fail to hold, it does not mean that

    there is no periodic solution. In many

    cases such as in hamiltonian system, the

    periodic solution is not isolated so that

    apriory we know that the condition fails

    to hold.

    It is instructive to apply the method.

    Note that this is an asymptotic method

    so that it is valid for 0. Thus wetake equal to small parameter . Thecalculations are rather routine and

    lengthy. We write the result of the

    calculation up to order 4. The

    calculation is done using Maple release

    V. The periodic solution is

    approximated by (11) where


    2)(x 0 =



    1)(x 1 =






    1)(x 2










    1)(x 3












    59)(x 4




    and = t. Obviously this is anontrivial thing to do but nevertheless,

    as we noted above it is instructive to do

    it. Furthermore, we also calculate the

    period, i.e.

    T O= + +21




    2 4 5 ( ) .

    The location of the periodic solution is



    = + +









    4 5

    ( )

    We will check on this result with a

    numerical integration of the system

    using MatLab 5.2.

    V. Numerical ResultWe will now check the approximation

    above using a numerical integration.

    We plot both of the result in one picture

    so that we can immediately compare theresult.

    We use only the first approximation

    x() = x0() and O(5) approximationfor . This has the advantage of a verylong time-scale. It means that the

    approximation is valid for quite a long

    time and in this case until -4. Thenumerical integration is done using

    build in integrator in MatLab 5.2 for

    non-stiff system, i.e. ODE45. This

    integrator uses Runge-Kutta scheme for

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    8 INTEGRAL , vol. 5 no. 1 , April 2000

    integration. We plot the result in figure

    (6), (7), (8) and (9). The curve plotted

    by symbol o represent the numericalsolution and the line curve is for the

    asymptotic approximation.

    In figure (6) and (7) we take =0.05.Thus the approximation is still good

    until 16,000 second. For numerical

    integration this long time integration is

    not recommendable. We have to worry

    also about the numerical error. Thus we

    integrate with initial values x(0) = a and

    x(0) =0 for 20 second only. Obviously

    we can expect a very good result in thecomparison.

    Figure 6: The comparison between

    numerical result and asymptotic

    approximation for =0.05. This picturerepresents the time evolution of the

    periodic solution.

    Figure 7: The comparison between

    numerical result and asymptotic

    approximation for =0.05 on the (x,


    In figure (8) and (9), we increase thevalue of to 0.25. We integrate withthe same initial values for 280 second.

    This is already longer than the time-

    scale of validity of the approximation.

    Thus we expect to see an O() deviationon the picture. In figure (8) the

    deviation is not very clear but in figure

    (9) it is.

    Figure 8: The comparison of the timeevolution for =0.25.

    Figure 9: The comparison in the (x, x)-

    plane for =0.25.

    To make the error even clearer we plot

    the error defined as the difference

    between the numerical solution and the

    asymptotic solution in figure (10) and


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    INTEGRAL , vol. 5 no. 1 , April 2000 9

    Figure 10: The error on x.

    Figure 11: The error on x.

    VI. Remarks and AcknowledgmentWe have shown an example of

    asymptotic approximation of a periodic

    solution of a planar system. This

    Poincare-Linsted method can also be

    extended to higher dimension system.

    We note that it is not trivial to do so.

    Beside the method we have used here

    there is also a simpler method to get theapproximation. The method is called

    averaging method. This is a very natural

    method introduced intuitively by

    Lagrange et. al.. Unlike the Poincare-

    Linsted method, this method is more

    general since it can be applied to

    approximate non-periodic solutions.

    The disadvantage of the averaging

    method is that , to get a higher order

    approximation is non-trivial , while for

    the Poincare-Linsted method it is

    routine. Also in extending the time-

    scale, using averaging method is rather

    difficult. For a higher dimension case,

    where everything is restricted, averagingis easier to apply.

    We would like to express our gratitude

    to Santi Goenarso for her diversified

    contribution. We also like to thank our

    student Maynerd Tambunan for

    providing a comparison work for the

    Maple calculation.


    [1] Boyce, W.E., Di Prima, R.C.,Elementary Differential Equations

    and Boundary Value Problems, John

    Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York et.

    al., 1992.

    [2] Carr, J., Applications of Center

    Manifold Theorem, Applied

    Mathematical Science 35, Springer-

    Verlag, New York, 1981.

    [3] O Mailley Jr., R. E., Singular

    Perturbation Methods for Ordinary

    Differential Equations, Applied

    Mathematical Science 89, Springer-

    Verlag, New York, 1991.

    [4] Verhulst, F., Nonlinear Differential

    Equations and Dynamical Systems


    ed., Springer-Verlag, Berlin,


    [5] Wiggins, S., Introduction to

    Nonlinear Dynamical System, Text

    on Applied Mathematics 2,

    Springer-Verlag, New York, 1990.

    [6] Guckenheimer, J., Holmes, P.,

    Nonlinear Oscillations, DynamicalSystems and Bifurcations of Vector

    Fields, Applied Mathematical

    Science 42, Springer-Verlag, New

    York, 1983.

    Author Johan Matheus Tuwankotta is a lecturer

    at the Mathematics Department ITB.

    E-mail address: [email protected]

    Received August 25, 1999; revised
