Download - Joey & Danielle's Wedding

  • 1. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Suraci, Jr.

2. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Suraci, Jr.Danielle & Joe 3. Through the years 4. They grew together 5. On August 4th, 2012Joe & Danielle became united as ONE 6. Joe & Danielle were happy to be engaged 7. She told her family 8. He told his family 9. And of course, they told their friends 10. Their location, Anthonys Ocean View 11. The day has finally arrived 12. The bridal party was ready 13. The grooms party was ready to goGoing,Going,Finally Gone 14. Waiting to go to the ceremony 15. (Cont.) 16. (Cont.) 17. Guests are waiting 18. The Waiting Game Here they come 19. Karolina Dudzik Jennie Vega & &Peter Doria Matt Novak 20. Jazna GodoyKrissa Taylor & &Krzysztof Fekieta Shawn Cushion 21. Maid of HonorSarah Kalafut The Best Man Erik Suraci 22. Ring Bearer & Flowergirl 23. Here Comes The Bride 24. Steve giving his beautiful daughter Danielle to Joe 25. Do you Danielle Take JosephDo you Joseph Take Danielle 26. You may kiss your bride 27. I now pronounce youMr. & Mrs. Joseph Suraci, Jr 28. Picture Time 29. Dont drop the brideor the groom 30. Picture time (cont,)My hair is messy now 31. Picture time (cont.) 32. Bride & Groom Pictures Are we done yet? 33. Pictures (cont.) 34. They enter the reception 35. Karolina & Peter Jennie & Matt 36. Jazna & KrzysztofKrissa & Shawn 37. Sarah & Erik The Ring Bearer &The Flowergirl 38. The Groom & BrideMr. & Mrs. Joseph Suraci, Jr. 39. First Dance 40. First Dance Continues 41. Enjoying their first dance as husband & wife 42. Daddy/Daughter Dance 43. Mommy/Son Dance 44. Maid OfHonorToastSarah Kalafut 45. TheBestMan ToastI told myself I wasnt gonna cry..First and foremost, Id like to take this opportunity to thank everyone in the room for comingto this special evening. And a special thanks to those who traveled to be here.especiallythose who took the very demanding and strenuous journey all the way from West Haven. AlsoId like to apologize for my brother for being dumb enough to give me a microphone with anopen forum and open bar. Heres to years of payback pal!!Most of you may already know me but for those who dont I am Erik, Joes Little but muchBigger brother.Today is the day that we celebrate a man who is hard working, determined, personable, strongminded, inspiring, handsome and witty Well enough about me today is supposed to be ableJoe and Danielle!! 46. When Joe asked me to be his best was kinda like being asked to sleep with QueenElizabethbecause its a great honorbut nobody really wants to do it!!I would like to ask the happy couple to take part in an old wedding tradition. Danielle could you place yourhands on the table in front of you palms down, and now Joe could you place your hands palms down on topof Danielles. Please stay like this throughout the speech and I will explain the significance a little later on.A wise man once told me that the best mans speech should last as long as it takes the groom to make loveSo thank you all very much ladies and gentlemen, have a great day!!I have had a few buddies of mine say that they would love to be a fly on the wall when Joe and I weregrowing up just to hear us argue and fight. You would have been the witness of Joes brilliant idea of makinga slipping slide out of a solar cover for the pool and tearing my knee open, playing pirates on the couch andJoe LITERALLY throwing me off head first into the heater and cracking my head open, or even knocking myteeth out on numerous occasions, whether it be from sports or throwing me into a chair Needless to say,we drove our Parents Completely NUTS! My mother and father used to call us the not me kids, becausewhenever something happened and my parents asked who did it, our answer, every time was. NOT ME!!MOM..DAD.. Years later, I stand before you and admit that 9 times out of 10, it, in fact, really was one of us. For those who happen to live under a rock, Joe is a very competitive person. I mean, the kid shows up an hour before a softball game to do pre-game stretches. Im pretty sure Ive seen him stretch before playing Xbox, just saying. I actually feel very bad for when he has kids because he will NEVER take it easy on them in video games. The poor kids are going to grow up with never knowing what victory feels like because Joe ran the score up on them their entire childhood. 47. Who here remembers shark boy? Well, Joe used to ( key words, used to ) have so many overlapping teeth in his mouth, that he literally looked like a shark. He had more teeth in his mouth than I have on my zipper for Christ sake. Joe is responsible for single handedly putting the tooth fairy out of business and filing for bankruptcy!! Typically, vows usually read for better or for worse. These could not have been any morefitting because Joe, you couldnt have done any better. And Danielle, you literally couldnt have done anyworse!It was nearly over a decade ago when I first met Danielle. I will never forget that day because literally withinthe first 20 minutes of meeting her, I threw her into her cousin Jens pool fully clothed. We laugh about itnow, but she was not very happy at all at the time. We have been through a lot together, even going as farback as her running into my room in complete terror on our Hawaii trip to hide from someones maniac,screaming mother ( I wont mention any names ). Danielle is known to be a sweetheart and a very kind andgentle person, which is all true but Ive seen different sides of Danielle. I can remember the first time mymother heard Danielle swear. My mom was in such shock and horror as if she had just seen a ghost, when inreality Joe hears it all the time. Ive heard it firsthand.Everyone knows what Joes pet name for Danielle is. And for those who dont its Peeesh. But not manypeople know about Danielles pet name for Joe Isnt that right Pookie? Or if Danielle is mad, PookieMonster. Thats gotta be a hit to the old ego. 48. With that being said ladies and gentlemen, some of you may be wondering why at the beginning of thespeech I asked Joe to place his hands on top of Danielles Well Joe take a good look, because unfortunatelythis is going to be the last time you will ever have the upper hand!!All joking aside, Danielle you look absolutely beautiful tonight, youve been like a sister to me from day oneand I can legitimately say that I love you like family. And I truly wouldnt want my brother to spend the restof his life with anyone other than yourself. You truly are one in a million and quite frankly, you are the onlyperson to make Joe glow like he does when you are in his presence. I not only congratulate you, but I thankyou for discovering love with Joe, so that I can have the honor of calling you my sister in-law.And Joe, you have been the best big brother a kid can ask for and you have truly help shape me into theindividual I am today. You have always been there for me through thick and thin and I have always looked upto you weather you believe it or not. I couldnt be any happier for you that you are marrying the love of yourlife and beginning this next chapter in your life. And this is a true honor to be your best man today.So I quote Marriage is not about finding a person you can live with, its about finding the person you cantlive without. Its safe to say Joe and Danielle have definitely found this person in each other. 49. Cake Time 50. Throwing the bouquet 51. Joe trying to find the garter 52. Throwing the garterHut, hutBlue 42 HIKESet 53. Garter / Bouquet Winners 54. DANCING 55. Dance Off 56. Shots, ShotsShots, Shots, ShotsEVERYBODY !!!! 57. TEBOWING 58. More Dancing 59. Last Dance from the DJ 60. Congratulations