Download - Job Work - July11 - Idt

  • 8/2/2019 Job Work - July11 - Idt


    CA Rajesh Kumar T R

    Job Work under Central Excise

  • 8/2/2019 Job Work - July11 - Idt


    Dictionary Meaning

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    Unabridged Dictionary:

    Work done by Job

    Chambers Dictionary: A task, bit of work Chambers Dictionary

  • 8/2/2019 Job Work - July11 - Idt


    Definition as per Central Excise Provisions

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    Under notification 214/86 - CE

    Job work means

    i. Processing or working upon raw materials orsemi-finished goods

    ii. Supplied to the Job workeriii. To complete a part of whole the process

    iv. Resulting in manufacture or finishing of anarticle or any operation

    v. Essential for the process

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    Job Work under Cenvat Credit Rules

    Similar definition as discussed under notification

    214/86 CE dated 25.03.1986

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    Job Work under Valuation Rules

    Job Worker means a person

    i. Engaged in the manufacture or production

    ii. On behalf of the Principal manufacturer

    iii. From inputs and capital goods supplied byi. Principal manufacturer

    ii. Any person authorized by him

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    Supreme Court on Job WorkPrestige Engineering

    No new article should be manufactured i.e. Jobworker is a person contributing only labour andskill on the supplied materials.

    Job Worker should return the same article afterprocessing to the customer

    An activity would not be job work when job workercontributes own material with material supplied tomanufacture different goods. no new article

    should be manufactured at the hand of the jobworker and he should return the same article afterprocessing to the customer

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    Job work V/s Manufacture A job worker can be construed as a manufacturer

    depending on the process

    Process undertaken by Job Worker can eitheramount to manufacture or not

    Job worker would be construed as manufacturereven though the materials are not owned by thejob worker

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    Hired Labour A person who hires himself out to work for and

    under control of another for wages.

    Controlled and supervised by manufacturer whohires them.

    A person who has no independent entity withseparate establishment unit.

    However, if manufactures on own account, he

    cannot be said to have hired himself out.

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    Hired Labour V/s Job Work If master servant relationship or principal

    agent relation exists between raw materialsupplier and job worker.

    Raw material supplier would be the manufacturer

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    Valuation under Job work Excise duty in hands of job worker is not payable

    if materials / semi-finished goods are sent under:

    Notification 214/86 CE

    Cenvat Credit Provisions

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    Rule 10A of Valuation Rules This provision provides that

    Where goods are manufactured by job worker

    On behalf of principal manufacturer

    Duty would be payable on the sale value at which

    principal manufacturer sells the goods Sold from factory: transaction value

    Sold from depot: Normal transaction value

    Price is not sole consideration: Rule 6 of valuation rules

    For consumption by sister units: Rule 8 of valuation rules

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    Valuation upto March 2007 No specific provision in valuation rules

    Valuation was based on material cost + jobcharges

    The above mechanism was confirmed bySupreme Court in

    Ujagar Prints V/s CCE

    Pharmasia ltd

    If goods are under MRP- MRP lessabatement

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    Job work under service tax Job work under sec 65(19)(v) Production or

    processing of goods for, or on behalf of, the


    Liable when process is not amounting to


    Exempt from tax when:

    Results in manufacture of excisable goods

    Undertaken under Cenvat provisions

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    Exemptions Exemptions from payment of duty when:

    Job work is under Cenvat provisions

    Job work under notification 214/86

    Job work for SSI units

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    Job Work under Cenvat Rule 4(5)(a) allows manufacturer to send

    materials for job work.

    The goods after processing can be brought backfor further processing

    Goods can also be dispatched directly from placeof job work subject to permission fromcommissioner

    These are independent of exemption providedunder notification 214/86

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    Goods should be returned within 180 days afterjob work

    Provision applies whether or not job workundertaken amounts to manufacture

    Any input can be sent under the said provision

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    Job work under notification

    214/86 This notification was issued to grant exemption

    from job work amounting to manufacture

    Both raw material and semi-finished goods canbe sent

    Exemption is available even if the activity resultsin intermediate product

    Exemption is available subject to the declaration

    to be filed with the jurisdictional officer of jobworker

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    Job worker would be exempt from all duties andcess subject to undertaking from principalmanufacturer

    No time limit has been prescribed for return of


    Some inputs are excluded from provisions of thenotification

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    Job work for SSI unitsAs they dont pay duty, goods cannot be sent

    under cenvat provision

    SSI unit has to file a declaration to AC that goodsafter job work will be used in factory for

    manufacture of products exempt from duty

    SSI unit is also required to file another declarationto AC of job worker that goods will be used afterjob work

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    Exemption is available only for goods covered bySSI exemption

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    Other removals Rule 16A allows for removal of:

    Inputs received in factory

    As such or after partially processed

    For further processing, testing, repair, re-


    Fulfillment of conditions specified by Commissionerof Central Excise

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    Removal of semi-finished goodsRule 16B

    The manufacturer subject to conditions ofCommissioner can remove semi-finished goods

    The removal should be for carrying outmanufacturing process

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    Sp. Procedure for excisable goodsRule 16C

    A manufacturer with specific permission canremove excisable goods

    For carrying out test or any process notamounting to manufacture

    The provision doesnt apply to proto type sent outfor trial and development

    Conditions as specified in permission will have to

    be followed

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    Job Work V/s Works Contract -

    VAT A pure job work not liable to VAT i.e. there is no

    transfer of property

    Where there is transfer of property VAT wouldbe applicable

    Works contract is a contract for work i.e. itinvolves use of both material and labour

    The tax can be levied only on the goods involved

    in the contract and not on contract

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    If the job work transaction involves use or transferof material, job worker would be liable for VAT

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