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Question And DiscussionQuestion 11.What advantages use the software visio

Each Visio diagram templates includes stencils, sets of images that are specific to a discipline. Stencils are particularly useful in these areas, since computer engineering has a common visual vocabulary-a database is presented by the same image in any given flowchart. Visio also has a scheduling template that can be used to create either traditional calendars or Gantt charts, which of coursecan be tied to Excel and other data sources.

If your company is not using Visio or is considering expanding use of the software, you should definitely download this guide as starting point for introducing the application to a wider base in your enterprise.Also be sure to check outCustomGuide user tip sheetsfor a wide variety of productivity software, from Adobe Acrobat to Microsoft Access, all available here in the IT Downloads library.One of the main advantages of using Visio as opposed to other diagramming software is that is shares a common interface with the other applications in the Microsoft Office Suite, and therefore much less of a learning curve is required to start using the software, if one is familiar with Office, which is generally the case, given the suite's ubiquity within most organisations. This is a major advantage where collaboration is essential, for example, where an Information Architect must share receive input from clients, designers, creaters of content to be placed on the site and so on, since it really only requires that a version of Office that includes Visio is installed, rather than specialised software that the other contributors wouldn't neccessarily need. Other important features that are of use to the Information Architect are the project planning elements, meaning timelines and dates for implementation for features planned in the wireframes are integrated neatly into the project. Visio will also aid the analysis of existing sites, by listing links and identifying broken ones, and identifying changes in the site since it was last diagrammed by Visio. Visio also aids with databases, in that it can reverse engineer a database and diagram a model of the database, thus aiding two important elements in Information Architecture, structure of information on a website and structure of information within a database. Visio should be considered an importnat tool in the initial planning stages of a website, which is clearly highly importnat to the Information Architect, and its interoperability with other products is a key point that puts it at an advantage over some other diagramming tools.

Question 2List 10 category of drawing type in visio1.



4. 5. 6.

Question 3Get familiar with the visio interface.Describe A,B,C and DDescribe ATool Bars

For using to make the draw line,save,make a new file change type of writing.Beside that, we can change the size of capital.Also that have tool bars for helps for informations.

Describe BType of ShapesThere are many different shapes,drawings,paintings and so on to produce a structure such as organizational charts.

Describe CGraph This graph can be write word or draw something for patten,image,logo, or something about drawing parts.

Describe DInforamtion Helpsthis feeback can be helped visio to solve problems frequently encountered by users visio , besides the user can evaluate this software.

ConclusionThe conclusion I 've learned about how to create a business structure , server , so the organization and the charts