Download - JINR seminar on cold nuclear fusion, Dubna, Russia, July 2014 (Русский)

  • 1. 1 , , .. Cold Fusion Power, International OSNovation Systems, Inc., Santa Clara, CA . .. , , 7 2014

2. 2 1983 DELPHI . .. , , 7 2014 3. 3 . ... , 1888, 16- . .. , , 7 2014 4. 4 The pressure for conformity is enormous. I have experienced it in editors rejection of submitted papers, based on venomous criticism of anonymous referees. The replacement of impartial reviewing by censorship will be the death of science. , . ... . .. , , 7 2014 5. 5 . .. , , 7 2014 6. 6 . .. , , 7 2014 7. 7 , . . . , , , . , 10,000 . . .. , , 7 2014 8. 8 : s (E) = S (E) E-1 exp(-2p(E)) 2p(E) = 31.41/E 1/2 E . S(E) - , . exp(-2p(E)), . eff = E + Ue , Ue = e2/ Ra. Ue = 27 . . .. , , 7 2014 9. 9 . , , . . .. , , 7 2014 10. 10 , . , . . .. , , 7 2014 11. 11 .. , .. , . LXXI, . 4, 1960 ., . 581. -. .. .. , -, . . .. , , 7 2014 12. 12 25 , , . . .. , , 7 2014 13. 13 , 1989 . .. , , 7 2014 14. 14 , , , . , - . , 100 . . .. , , 7 2014 15. 15 - . .. , , 7 2014 16. 16 . . .. , , 7 2014 Michael C.H. McKubre, Francis L. 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