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         The  Fight  for  Life                                        By  Eva  Merlino                

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Ahhhhhhhhh!!! Justin did you take my laptop!!

“No you little dweed.” “Hey watch your mouth. Justin go to your room!” mom says as she

slowly walks towards me. She had he hands behind her back and was ready to help me look for

it. She always says that if she finds it right away I am in big trouble. As my mom walked in my room my back started to hurt real bad and my eyes got foggy. She found it right away and got mad at me. I could not focus, my heart felt like segment and I fell to the ground. The last thing I could remember was my mom screaming my dad’s name.

I woke up in the hospital the next day. My mom was sitting in a stool biting her nail and my dad was walking back and forth stroking his hair. My brother was looking in a mirror saying look at that good looking. He is such a snob. My mom saw me open my eyes and right away gave me a million kisses and hugs. I had a hard time figuring out what was happening. The doctor came in and I had me fill this sheet out.

Name: Jenny Macelroy Age: 16 Address: red wood new Hampton Phone number: 917 283 2728 Home phone number: 212 573 4658 Cause of problem: Doctor fills this out

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I started to get very nervous when it said cause of problem. The nurse came over with a sad face and told me that I had have cancer in my back and she does not know how long it will take to get it out. The doctors will try our hardest to get it out though. My head started spinning in all directions I cried for hours and hours. My mom came over crying and crying and hugged me but the news was not over. The doctor said that I had to go to the doctor’s office 3 times for chemotherapy. My mind was to clustered to think I had nothing to live for and I wish I could die. I could see my parents talking to the doctor with worried face. Every time I closed my eyes I saw my future dying slowly, my friends disappearing and everything gone. I got to leave about 2 days after. School was almost over and there was one more month. I went to the Raymore international school of Kentucky. I am in 11th grade almost 12th I really want to go to Florida collage I am a straight A student and I love math and biology! I have lots of friends and am the head of the cheer squad. I have been on the cheer leading team for 3 years and I do not want to stop now. I have worked my butt of to earn this and I am not stopping because of this thing in me. I am a mature 17-year-old girl and I know how to control my life. I am smart and funny and I love all my friends and I can take care of myself. I had the worst night; I could barely sleep because all I could think about was telling my friends I had cancer. Lets just say I have not been the nicest person these past years and neither have my friends. I was slowly realizing that I thought I was so cool just because I was a cheerleader and all those poor people the cheer squad had bullied it was time we had to stop this. This did not make me sleep better but I got at least I got 1 hour of sleep that night. I woke up the next day not ready for what was going to happen that day the truth.

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“Honey time for breakfast! Does pancakes with eggs ham and bacon with hash browns sound good?” My mom was one of those people that if something was wrong she had cooking on her side. When my grandma died she made 13 chocolate cakes in one week! God knows where those went; lets just say my mom did not lose weight that week! I ate really quick trying to avoid my brother. We ran to the bus and I sat next to my best friend Hannah I have sat next to her everyday of school since 3rd grade. “WHAT YOU HAVE CANCER! Omg I am so sorry what am I suppose to do with out you I mean you will of course not die right RIGHT!!!” “Calm down I do not know. I have to go to the doctor a lot and I am not looking forward to that!!! I am really sad that I will not spend as much time with you as I have been doing but you have to promise me that you will not tell anyone ok ok!” When we got to school I started getting back pains again but they went away after a while. I went to my first class, art. in art we are doing something called glass art. It is were you put glass together and make fun things like I made the American flag by melting glass together it was so fun but you get a lot of cuts. After class I always meet my boyfriend, Ty, by the water fountain. Ty and I have been dating 1 year and I really like him! After school I remembered that I had cheer practice and I did not know what to do. I was so angry when I realized that the 11th grade cheer finals were in 2 weeks and I had already missed one practice and I could not afford to miss one more. I called my mom to see if I could go to practice but she had to wait to call the doctor. The doctor said I was not aloud and I got so mad I was ready to explode. My cheer couch was not happy I am the head cheer caption and I cannot miss this meet. I told my mom that I had to stay after and study with Ty but I did not I went to cheer with all

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my friends. My phone was in my locker so when my mom would call I could not pick up. She got worried and well, decided to call Ty. He said that I was not with him and that he did not know where I was. My mom got really scared and drove to school I was in the middle of a pyramid when I saw my mom with a look on her face so mad I swore I saw red flames coming out of her head!!! She ran over to me and started to give me a whole speech about being safe and not going to cheer if she said so. She dragged me straight to the doctor to give me a check up. The doctor said I was fine my head hurt but I was fine. I really was mad at my mom for dragging me out of cheer for this stupid doctor stuff. My mom took me home right away she even made me stop to talk to this sociologist. 3 days after that cheer incident I started feeling worse and worse my hair started to fall out and I had to wear a wig to school!! It was itchy and gross and I hated it. The only good thing was that I got to skip school but I had to go and do some thing to take my cancer away but that was not making me feel better! Some times I would wake up in the middle if the night screaming with pain. The doctor gave me a bed that had something to help my back stay in place the whole night, and it has a button that if I am in so much pain it wakes my parents up to come help me I can move the bed up and down and side to side but it looks hideous. I woke up the next day with something in my head telling me that everything was going to be all right, but I knew it was not and I was right in the middle of history class I fell. Everyone crowded around me asking if I was ok but all I heard was CRACK!!!! I started to scream and yell. My arm could not move and neither could my legs. My history teacher called the ambulance as wet balls of water leaked out of my eyes like Niagara Falls. The next thing I knew I was in the hospital with 6 doctors surrounding me then a big round tube was stuffed

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in my mouth and my eyes sealed shut. I woke up with great pain in my back and head. My nurse rushed over as she was screaming my mother’s name “Catharine, Catharine come here quick your daughter in awake!!!!!!!” My mom rushed over and told me everything that happened. I had broken my spine and I could not move from my shoulders and down I was paralyzed I was so sad that I took everything out on my mom. “How could you do this I thought that you could have helped me now I can never move again I am stuck ahhhhhhhh!” That whole sentence left me in tears and it with my mom. I was done I had nothing to live for. My life was over, it was, it was. My eyes shut and that was the end, the end of Jenny Macelroy.