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Qualification Level 3 Extended Diploma in Creative Media Production – Games Design Y1

Unit number and title L3 Unit 3 – Research Techniques for the Creative Media Industries.

Start date Wednesday 3rd September, 2014

Deadline Thursday 18th December, 2014

Assessor name Jordan Eastwood

Assignment title Unit 3 JE1 – Research Report for Game Studio.

The purpose of this assignment is to:

Unit 3 LO1: Understand the nature and purposes of research in the creative media industries.Unit 3 LO2: Be able to apply a range of research methods and techniques.Unit 3 LO3: Be able to present results of research.


Looking at the Industry is important, designers come up with good ideas that are original and people research into that gameplay mechanic to expand on its fun factor, Research is important and key to developing a Video Game, You need references for your work, characters, environments, gameplay mechanics, enemies, boss fights, combat systems etc.

You started making your own Video Game and are willing to create a niche in the market, so you decide to create a Research Report on a Video Game series but decided you wanted all primary research, so you decided to play one of the games in the series to get an understanding on the games before you detail a report about it, when using your research a publishing company has asked you to make it in-depth, marking terminology, aspects of the game you are looking at, what you could take from that game and use in your own in terms of graphics, gameplay, mechanics and how did your research help you.

The publishing company has also asked to find out how financially viable that product has made, so a research report on financial gains and losses for the game series chosen, a questionnaire would be the best bet to gain key research and find what the public want in terms of the genre.

In the final requirement the Publisher has asked you to detail and present your findings, this presentation should detail the game, about the game, findings, financial, conclusion etc. just feeding the knowledge to the publisher that you have researched in fine detail about the game you are trying to create by using the research findings you have provided.


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Tasks Grading Criteria Mapping

Task 1

You have decided to develop a Research report on different types of research you can use, the games company has asked you to look into 4 major types that can develop your knowledge and understanding of what you can use.

You must produce a report on different types of research and what resources you can use to develop your research as a whole. Describing 4 different types and what sub research types can be used.

When evidence is produced it must be uploaded to your blog in the Task 1 section. The title of this blog post is: Types of Research.

Unit 3 P1/M1/D1

Task 2

You must produce a report to research into a video game, the game should be from Classic and current generation and a written detailed report about the games and its history, and additional to this a section in the report should include the history of the product and financial review. Not just looking at the game but also the media surrounded by the product as well.

A questionnaire will be created about the product and handed out to the public to fill in and return to collect research data.

When evidence is produced it must be uploaded to your blog in the Task 2 section. The title of this blog post is: Report on Classic and Modern game research.

Unit 3 P2/M2/D2

Task 3

This task will require a presentation to be prepared notifying everything you have found about the game, looking from the game in the past, modern era and analysing your research techniques to get this information, looking at the game in a detailed form.

Slides will be added and presented as well in person and on the blog.

When evidence is produced it must be uploaded to your blog in the Task 3 section. The title of this blog post is: Research Findings Presentation

Unit 3 P1/M1/D1Unit 3 P2/M2/D2Unit 3 P3/M3/D3

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Assessor Jordan Eastwood

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Unit 3 Research Techniques for the Creative Media Industries

P1: Describe the nature and purposes of research in the creative media industries with some appropriate use of subject terminology[IE]

M1: explain the nature and purposes of research in the creative media industries with detailed illustrative examples and with generally correct use of subject terminology

D1: comprehensively explain theNature and purposes of research in the creative media industries with elucidated examples and consistently using subject terminology correctly

P2: apply research methods and techniques with some assistance[IE]

M2: apply research methods and techniques competently with only occasional assistance

D2: apply research methods and techniques to near-professional standards working independently to professional expectations

P3: present results of research

M3: present results of research competently

D3: present results of research to near-professional standards.