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Connecting with God, each other and the world

January 2015


20 Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you have a grievance against someone. “Forgive as the Lord forgave you”. Colossians3:13

21 We lift up all nurses and doctors and ask a blessing upon them as they work long hours and have demanding jobs but we see your Hand at work through them, so we pray that this continues.

22 Lord we pray for protection for all our police, ambulance and firemen who have had to go out into dangerous situations. Cove they with your hand.

23 We simply come to say thank you for all the wonders you have bestowed upon us and we are sorry for not saying it often enough, forgive us.

24 Lord we lift up Monkton Café and all who work in their. You have blessed it greatly in the past and ask for your continued blessings.

25 Lord we ask that you will be with all members who are ill and are in hospital or in a nursing home. We ask that they feel your presence and your love.

26 Pray for those in the Bible Study Group who seek a depth of understanding through His word. May they be blessed in their journey with in-sight.

Reading Psalm 113: 1-3

Praise the LORD, you his servants;

praise the name of the LORD. Let the name of the LORD be praised,

both now and forevermore. From the rising of the sun to the place

where it sets, the name of the LORD is to

be praised. Charity Number: SC004271

27 Pray for the peace of Jerusalem and all those living in that area. .

28 Pray today for the unemployed in our community. That they may find work and enjoy the restoration of dignity through Him.

29 Pray for those who are weighed down by worry, guilt or despair. That He will restore, comfort and free them.

30 Bless all the people who are fighting depression. Fill their heart with love and give them strength to carry on. Amen.

31 We ask for wisdom and courage to go out and spread your Holy Word..

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13 Lord we lift up those who have needed to use the foodbank. We just pray that in the coming year all those who are in struggling situations will change with you by their side.

14 Pray today for the people who feel lonely and forgotten - let His love comfort them. Where children are abandoned or abused - let His love protect them. Where communities suffer prejudice for their faith - let His love shield them.

15 Pray for peace and harmony within our church.

16 Pray today for all our Christian brothers and sisters suffering persecution in all parts of the world for their faith. Give thanks for their amazing courage, strength and determination.

17 Pray for our Political Leaders as they deliberate on decisions which affect all of us, that they may prioritise in terms of social justice, poverty, fairness, equality and family values.

18 We lift our hearts and voices to you to give the glory that you deserve. Lord we give thanks for our safe journey to church and ask that you place a hand of protection over your children.

19 Father, bless your children who are blighted by addiction. We ask that you take each one by the hand and lead them back onto the right path.

This month we will take some time to give thanks for God’s blessings

through last year.

1 Let us give thanks for the year past and for many gracious blessings and opportunities each has received. We ask His forgiveness for all the things we failed Him last year and humbly dedicate ourselves to His service and glory in 2015.

2 Give thanks for the leaders of our Young Church and Youth Organisations. Pray God’s richest blessings on them as they continue to inspire our young people to make a difference in the lives of others through His Holy Word.

3 Give thanks for all our volunteers and all

churches who give time and commitment in

every area of community world outreach. May

they continue to feel His power and direction in

their lives as they move forward renewed and

strengthened by His guiding hand.

4 Give thanks for David, a preacher of Christ’s

Gospel and for his ministry at MPN. As we are

fed and instructed through his sermons, pray

that the Lord would give him a special anointing

of the Holy Spirit. We ask that he would also

receive abundant grace and courage to face the

demands of his work and office in 2015.

5 Give thanks for the support, friendships,

donations and prayers of partner churches who

joined us to build the foodbank. The glory of

this project belongs to God and His hand guides

us in every aspect of it. Under His hand it has

expanded. Under His hand it is sustained.

6 Lord, we give thanks and praise for the

success of the Sutherland House cookery

project and in the coming months we pray

that you will bless the new classes.

7 Lord, we give thanks and praise for Messy

Church and all the joyous times that have

been shared in your name. We just pray that

you touch each member and volunteer.

8 Give thanks and ask God’s protection of the Manse family as they seek to strengthen and prosper our church through the Word of God. Pray His richest blessings on Linda as she faithfully supports David in his ministry

9 Lord, we give thanks to you for the many

prayers that have been answered.

10 We give thanks for each of our organisations within the church and ask that you touch them as we go into a New Year. Bless them with hope and wisdom.

11 Lord, we give thanks for the Gathering and

ask for your continual blessing as it spreads

your holy word in Monkton.

12 Pray and give thanks for God’s saving grace

in a world full of anguish and hurt. “For God

so loved the world that He gave His only

begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him

should not perish but have everything”.
