Download - January, 2019 Fun and Celebration at our annual Festa · Club Liaisons The Iniezione is the monthly newsletter of the NorthWest Alfa Romeo Club, a non-profit organization of Alfa

Page 1: January, 2019 Fun and Celebration at our annual Festa · Club Liaisons The Iniezione is the monthly newsletter of the NorthWest Alfa Romeo Club, a non-profit organization of Alfa

Iniezione The newsletter of the NorthWest Alfa Romeo Club

A n Alfa Romeo sign shining in the window of

an Italian restaurant on a rainy December

evening is guaranteed to warm the heart of

any Alfisti, but that was nothing compared to the

warmth of the welcome inside!

Our annual Festa di Amici

at Marianna Ristorante in

Renton was held on Dec 9 to

celebrate our club, its many

activities and its wonderfully

enthusiastic members. It’s

always a fun and lively even-

ing, and this year it was ex-

panded into a Raccolta per

Apprezzamenti, a gathering to

appreciate all the hard work and

volunteer effort that went into

making sempreverde2018, the

AROC national convention we

held in August, such a huge suc-

cess. As such it attracted a rec-

ord turnout of over 75 people, and

allowed us to book the whole res-


Part of the appreciation was in the form of

a club subsidy towards the cost of members’

meal, but throughout the evening there were

numerous acknowledgements and thanks

for all the efforts that went into the conven-


The evening opened as usual with a fine

array of items for the si-

lent auction, which this

year was expanded into

the bar area of the restau-

rant. Bidding was enthu-

siastic and, for the most

sought-after items, highly

competitive, but no-one

seemed to be injured de-

fending their bid. Overall

the generosity of the do-

nors and bidders (fueled

by excellent and quickly-

devoured appetizers) raised over $2,100 for charity.

Cindy Akana and Julie Freguia quickly tallied the

bid sheets while dinner was enjoyed over lively


Fred Russell then introduced the formal part of

the evening with thanks to the team of event and

auction organizers, headed up by Bill and Judy

Gehring. He also called for a

Fun and Celebration at our annual Festa Record turn-out ensures a lively evening!

(continued on page 4)

January, 2019

In this issue…

* Festa di Amici ………... .. pp 1, 4

* President’s Column .............. p 2

* Car Prep at Authentic ……… p 3

* Race Prep at Prova …..….....p 3

* New Years Day Drive ……...p 5

* Alfas at the Salon Privee ……….

……………………………..….. p 6

* Letters ……………... ……….p 7

* New Club Logo ………… …..p 7

* Classifieds ……………...……p 7

* Membership Update ……..... p 8

* Membership Form …..……. p 10

* Calendar ……….......……... p 12

Next club events…

* New Years Day Drive …... Jan 1

* Club Meeting/Authentic

Motorcars ….. …………..….Jan 8

* Club Meeting/Prova

Motorsports ………………Feb 12

Page 2: January, 2019 Fun and Celebration at our annual Festa · Club Liaisons The Iniezione is the monthly newsletter of the NorthWest Alfa Romeo Club, a non-profit organization of Alfa

Iniezione page 2 January 2019


I was one of the seventy-five guests at Marianna

Ristorante in Renton on a rainy night in December. Fact

is, the whole restaurant was dedicated to NWARC and our

membership. Of course, the reason was the annual Festa di

Amici (Gathering of Friends) and silent auction. This year we

also dubbed the event Raccolta per Apprezzamenti in appre-

ciation of the convention efforts.

As I listened to the talking and laughing over the clinking of

dinnerware I enjoyed the festive atmosphere, thinking how we

should do this more than once a year! With a lot of repeat

guests and many first timers, it’s a wonderful mix and after all

the hard work that Judy & Bill Gehring have put in, it’s great

to see and hear all of it. I was so proud to be part of this club

and this event.

The Festa has a great team behind the scenes that handles

all of the chores. Thank you to Paul & Kristy Affolter, Cindy

Anderson, Debbie Hill, Diego Lasheras, Julie Freguia, Cindy

Akana, Jon Inge, Debi & Tony Schmid and Ken & Louisa

Case. Whether you’re making logos, being a greeter, tallying

the auction or handling décor, it is all greatly appreciated.

The silent auction side raises money for charity thanks both

to the generosity of the 27 different donors and to the 31 dif-

ferent winning bidders, who spent a little over $2,100 in total.

What the bidders had to choose from was a fantastic assort-

ment of shirts, books, car accessories, art and more, all of it

provided to us by the following people.

Another bonus at this Festa was the presence of the legend

of Alfa of Tacoma; Carlo Durante. He and his brother Lino

have been helping many of us with our Alfas since 1975, and

it was great to have him there.

Lastly, it was great to go through the Year in Review slides

with Jon Inge and look back at what a wonderful year we’ve

had, especially with the addition of a national convention in

our region. Jon followed up with a very logical and deserving

presentation of the Alfista of the Year award to… Oh, you’ll

read fun info on page 4 of this issue!

Thanks to everyone who was part of this great Festa di

Amici. If you weren’t able to attend, make sure you don’t

miss it when next December comes around. In the mean-

time, there will be many great events throughout 2019 for you

to join along with. I’ll watch for you on the road or at an


- Fred Russell

President’s Column By Fred Russell

• Gordy Hyde and Dolly Samson • Keith Martin • Alex Voss/Books4Cars • Bill Gehring • Centerline International Alfa Romeo Parts • Lynn and Joe Faherty • Jane Emerson • NWARC • Jon Inge • Fred Russell • Tony Schmid/AJS Design • Garth Stein • Mr. Fiat • Diego Lasheras

• LeMay / America's Car Museum • AROC • Judy Gehring • Traci Kingstone • Shane Capper/Alfa Romeo of Kirkland • AROC • Garth Stein • Jon Norman/Alfa Parts • Warren Lubow/Wild About Cars • Burt Levy/Think Fast Ink • John van Rensburg/Group 2 • Alfa of Tacoma • Shannon Lowe/Authentic Motorcars

Page 3: January, 2019 Fun and Celebration at our annual Festa · Club Liaisons The Iniezione is the monthly newsletter of the NorthWest Alfa Romeo Club, a non-profit organization of Alfa

Iniezione page 3 January 2019

AROO (Alfa Romeo Owners of Oregon) Doug Zaitz

509-768-4312 [email protected]

FEN (Fiat Enthusiasts NW) Gordy Hyde


MGCCNWC (MG) Ken Bottini


Pacific Coast AROA (BC, Canada)

Don Best 604-939-5056 dlbest@telus

President Fred Russell

(425) 308-6621 [email protected]

Vice President David James

(206) 849-3211 [email protected]

Secretary Joanie Vivaz

(206) 420 8161 [email protected]

Treasurer Ken Case

[email protected]

Activities Directors Judy & Bill Gehring

425 822-4231 [email protected]

Chief Driving Instructor Mirko Freguia 206-795-0861

Membership Chairs Paul & Kristy Affolter

206-523-8534 [email protected]

[email protected]

Newsletter Editor Jon Inge

206-355-3111 [email protected]

Webmaster Earl Krygier

206-349-3913 [email protected]

Technical Wes Ingram

360-707-5701 [email protected]

15613 “C” Peterson Road Burlington, WA 98233

Facebook: NWARC

Board Members

Committee Leadership

Club Liaisons

The Iniezione is the monthly newsletter of the NorthWest Alfa Romeo Club, a non-profit organization of Alfa Ro-meo enthusiasts. NWARC is a regional chapter of the national Alfa Romeo Owners Club (AROC). Chapter meet-ings are typically held the second Tuesday of most months except December. Membership dues are $65 per year, which includes subscriptions to the digital and/or print versions of the Iniezione and the monthly national publica-tion, Alfa Owner. For information about joining the club, contact the Membership Chairs listed in the right hand column. Opinions expressed in the Iniezione are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the club. (The authors may simply be nuts!) Publication of articles describing technical procedures does not constitute an endorsement by the club, its officers or AROC. It is the responsibility of the person performing any procedure to accept all consequences of his or her actions. Wouldn’t it be nice if everyone would take personal responsibility?

Commercial advertisements in the newsletter are a win! Give your business added exposure while supporting the NWARC. Ad rates are: Fullpage: $110/Qtr, $275/Yr Half Page: $90/Qtr, $220/Yr Qtr Page: $65/Qtr, $170/Yr Business Card: $50/Qtr, $120/Yr. E-mail a color .jpg, .tif or .pdf file (300 DPI) to [email protected]

To subscribe to the digital newsletter, please sign up using the form at the lower right corner of the Club Web-site’s home page,

Informazioni Generali

Next Club Meetings

F or the February club meeting we are

returning to Prova Motorsports for a

Track Day double header.

Ashley Shoemaker of Hagerty will present

their new Track Day insurance program and

answer your questions, both about the pro-

gram itself and about Hagerty insurance

offerings in general.

Then our host Chris Benny will discuss

track day prep beyond the checklist, getting

yourself and your vehicle ready for high per-

formance driver education events.

Join us at 6:30 pm to socialize with your

fellow club members, with the formal meeting

starting at 7:00 pm.

Prova Motorsports

4022 23rd Avenue W

Seattle, WA 98199

- David James

J oin us at Authentic Motorcars on Jan-

uary 8th for the first club meeting of

2019. This will be a great opportunity

to tour the AMC showroom and shop area,

including the Alfas on display and available

for sale. Authentic kingpin Shannon Low

will be on hand to tell the story of each

unique car.

After a short business meeting, the

evening’s feature event will be a discussion

about preparing your car, whether for sale or

just for cars and coffee, This process in-

cludes both cosmetic detailing and creating a

good story to increase the interest in and

value of your vehicle.

Shannon will also talk about the various

sales outlets available to advertise your clas-

sic car, and what to do in order to get the

most money for it. Even if you are not con-

sidering selling at the moment, this is an op-

portunity to learn what you can do now to

maintain your Alfa’s condition, and to make it

more attractive if and when you are ready to

pass it on to a new owner.

Socializing starts at 6:30pm, with Authentic

graciously providing pizza, salads and water.

The formal meeting starts at 7pm.

Authentic Motorcars

17351 NE 70th Street

Redmond, WA 98052

6:30 - 9:00 pm

- David James

January 8 Authentic Motorcars, Redmond

February 12 Prova Motorsports, Seattle

Page 4: January, 2019 Fun and Celebration at our annual Festa · Club Liaisons The Iniezione is the monthly newsletter of the NorthWest Alfa Romeo Club, a non-profit organization of Alfa

Iniezione page 4 January 2019

special toast to Carlo and Lino Durante of Alfa of Tacoma,

(Carlo was present) to thank them for their many years of sup-

port in looking after our

members’ cars.

Next up was a presenta-

tion by Debi Schmid,

Gordy Hyde and Joe

Faherty, the three leaders

of our sempreverde2018

convention effort. They

recapped the many events

of that busy week and is-

sued “thank you” plaques

to several volunteers, rec-

ognizing the significant

team effort the convention had


Fred then returned to recognize

the club officers who lead all our

efforts and to introduce David

James, who was recently elected

to the Vice President position.

David succeeds Gordy Hyde,

whose retirement

to Palm Desert cre-

ated an opening -

and not a little en-


Then Fred an-

nounced the clubs

attractive new logo,

designed by Paul

Affolter; you may

have already no-

ticed it in the mast-

head on page 1!

More on this below.

This was followed

by our traditional “Year in Review” slide show, this time with

Jon Inge narrating. It’s only in reviews such as this that the

breadth and variety of

club activities really be-

comes apparent and it

really is rewarding to see

so many different events,

organized by so many

different people and en-

joyed by so many others.

To emphasize the point

about how much running

a successful club such

as ours is a team effort, Jon then displayed a slide of thanks

listing all the many writers (27) and photographers (29) who

contributed to the Iniezione newslet-

ter in 2018. This variety of viewpoint,

experience and style is a huge benefit

to the club, and certainly increases

the appeal of the newsletter!

The last major item on the agenda

was the much-anticipated award of

the Lorna Moore Alfisti of the Year

trophy. This year it went, most de-

servedly, to Debi Schmid, for her

work in leading the sempreverde2018

team. The award has

never before been given

to a previous winner

(Debi and Tony won it

jointly in 2008, which is

also when Tony made

the very impressive

award itself)), but when

you see such an

exceptional level of

planning, coordina-

tion and commit-

ment put forward in

the service of the

club, especially on

such a national

stage, it demands


Debi would be the

first to say that the

success of the con-

vention was the re-

sult of a huge team

effort, but teams of

this size need an

outstanding leader

to perform so well,

and Debi was most

certainly that.

Fred then closed out the

evening by drawing tickets

for the many door prizes,

once again thanking all

involved for the success of

the club and of another

outstanding Festa.

- Jon Inge

photos: Lindsay Geyer

Festa Fun and Celebration - continued

Page 5: January, 2019 Fun and Celebration at our annual Festa · Club Liaisons The Iniezione is the monthly newsletter of the NorthWest Alfa Romeo Club, a non-profit organization of Alfa

Iniezione page 5 January 2019

S tart your day and your New Year with an enjoyable

drive in your favorite Alfa Romeo with visits to

Snoqualmie Falls, and to LeMay - America's Car Mu-


This year we'll gather at 8:30 am in the Starbucks at 17196

Redmond Way, Redmond, near the back of the Safeway park-

ing area. I'll provide route guides and after a short driver/

navigator talk, we’ll head out for back roads to Snoqualmie

Falls for a stop and viewing. The snack shop, store and rest-

rooms will be open that day and the falls are always awaiting

visitors. Parking is free on the left side of the road.

We continue our drive on back roads, wandering south

through Ravensdale and past Black Diamond. If someone

breaks off from the drive to visit the Black Diamond Bakery, I

won't feel bad. You'll just have to drive faster to catch up. We

wander along the twisty and scenic Green Valley Road and

past the old Neely Mansion. Hopping onto Hwy 18 West-

bound, we head to Federal Way and into the Northshore area

before dropping down historic McMurray Road to the tide

flats. Of course, this will lead us around and

into Tacoma.

Our end point will be the LeMay - America's

Car Museum, a little after noon; we’ll park our

Alfas on the plaza just in front of the museum

entry. Entry as a group is discounted but you

must have the $10 in cash. For lunch, choose

either Pacific Grill inside the museum, or Al-

fred's Café about 3 blocks north of the muse-

um; both are similarly priced and have similar

menus. Pick a favorite after we purchase our

entry tickets / wristbands for the museum.

We’ll be on our own schedule to enjoy the

exhibits. The key displays are the 125 Honda

motorcycles on display from the Brown Malo-

ney Collection, the Tuners display, the actual

Bullitt Mustang that Steve McQueen drove, and the He-

roes of Bavaria BMW display. Of course there are other

cool things to see, but those are new and amazing.

Sound good? Plan to be there... no RSVP re-

quired. Just be at the Starbucks around 8:30 +/- 10

minutes. See you there!

- Fred Russell

Tuesday, January 1 New Year’s Day Anti-Football Drive, Redmond

Upcoming Events

Page 6: January, 2019 Fun and Celebration at our annual Festa · Club Liaisons The Iniezione is the monthly newsletter of the NorthWest Alfa Romeo Club, a non-profit organization of Alfa

Iniezione page 6 January 2019

I look out of the window whilst typing this and it is dark and

cold and it has been raining again. Spring seems such a

long way in the future and our glorious English summer is

becoming but a memory. To lift your spirits (and mine) here is

a memory from a splendid concours event held at Blenheim

Palace in Oxfordshire from August 31 to September 2.

The event in question was Salon Privé which once again

was held in the stunning surrounds of the palace . For the first

time the Duke of Marlborough allowed the event to take place

right by the side of the palace which made for a far better

back drop. There was a wonderful selection and variety of

cars, but here are two of my favorites.

- Adapted from an article and photographs by

Jonathan Sharp, VeloceToday, Dec 11, 2018

Alfas at the 2018 Salon Privé, Blenheim Palace

This 1933 Alfa Romeo 8C 2300 Tipo Le Mans was imported into the UK by Thompson and Taylor of Brooklands in 1937. It is a matching numbers lungo chassis car that was built to the same specification as the Sir Henry (Tim) Birkin/Lord Howe Le Mans winning car of 1931.

Sold new to NSU of Nerkarsulm of Germany this Alfa Romeo SZ dates from 1960 and is fitted with original and rare aluminum-magnesium wheels. Always privately owned and never used on a race track. A multi class and best in show concours winner.

Page 7: January, 2019 Fun and Celebration at our annual Festa · Club Liaisons The Iniezione is the monthly newsletter of the NorthWest Alfa Romeo Club, a non-profit organization of Alfa

Iniezione page 7 January 2019

FOR SALE - 1993 Spider Veloce. 35K miles. One owner. 5

Speed. Red with black leather interior. Bra and tonneau cov-

er. Always garaged. Nice car! $13,500, or any reasonable

offer. My Ex and I would love to see it go to a good home.

Many thanks!

Sheldon Hunt, 425-310-2191 [email protected]

Classified Ads - Cars & Parts For Sale/Wanted

D ear Fred,

In your December column you asked us to write to

you and tell you “what you appreciate about the peo-

ple, events and services provided by NWARC / AROC.”

For me it’s not one thing; rather it's the sum of many things,

some of them remarkable, in total amazing. Alfa Romeo,

NWARC and AROC may best be characterized as communi-

ty. I feel welcomed as a member of the tribe, even though

I’ve been away for a few years.

Examples: Shop owners who will help you understand

something about your car, something deep and complex, that

you can take care of on your own. Master technicians who

will apply everything they have learned to care for your car

with both expertise and patience. Merchants who offer parts

you need that cannot amount to more than a few sales per

year. Owners who have saved parts for your car, and who

will send them to you when needed, sometimes for free, so

that they go to a good home. Owners who ask you to drive

their car, so great is their enthusiasm for it. Past owners who

will visit and chat, giving you their impression of your car

when they owned one like it.

Club members who give generously of their time and talent

to create amazing events. Club volunteers who produce con-

sistently interesting communications including Iniezione.

Event organizers who will encourage you to run your non-Alfa

when your Alfa does not pass tech. Event participants who

exhibit the tops in sportsmanship, courtesy and good humor,

creating a joyous atmosphere for all. Collectors and prepar-

ers who display astounding cars, and participants who re-

spect that privilege. Event organizers who welcome you and

your less-than-astounding car to the same show, proud of the

variety evident in the participant community.

My view? It’s a privilege to be part of such a community.

Sometimes I can get folks to laugh with what my brother told

me when he found I was moving into the world of Alfa:

Alfa Romeo: It’s not a car. It’s a religion.


Mark Thornton

Letters to the President

New NWARC Club Logo

A s announced at the Festa on

Decembeer 9, our club

officialy has a new logo!

Our previous logo (left) was

designed by Tony Schmid thirteen

years ago, the last time we hosted

a AROC national convention, which

we called a Potlatch. The logo per-

fectly reflected this Northwest Indian

theme; at a traditional potlatch the hosts demonstrate their

wealth and generosity by giving away their valuables, and at

that convention we gave away a Spider!

Now we’ve hosted another

AROC national convention, this

time as sempreverde2018, a cele-

bration of the beauty of our Ever-

green state. Paul Affolter has de-

signed an appropriate new logo to

mark the event, with the Alfa

cross and serpent rising behind

Mount Rainier while a serpent-like

road leads the way to the mountains. Stickers with the new

logo were given to all Festa attendees; watch for it to appear

in other formats and on articles of clothing and other club

items in the near future! - Jon Inge

Page 8: January, 2019 Fun and Celebration at our annual Festa · Club Liaisons The Iniezione is the monthly newsletter of the NorthWest Alfa Romeo Club, a non-profit organization of Alfa

Iniezione page 8 January 2019


Congratulations to all these worthy members celebrating

their club membership Anniversaries this month!

Doug Zaitz – 31 years

Pete Bristow – 20 years

Joe McCarthy – 11 years

Mike Leonetti – 8 years

Miguel Salguero – 6 years

Richard Arnold – 4 years

Steven Merrill – 4 years

Kevin Wang – 4 years

Brian Williams – 3 years

Edward Hackett – 1 year

Paula Lantsberger – 1 year

Jim Scott – 1 year

Stephen Sestrich – 1 year

Bret Storo – 1 year

Craig Wilson – 1 year

New Members

We have no less than 6 new

members in November-December! :

- Please welcome John Bender,

from Issaquah

- With a 2018 Stelvio Ti Sport, wel-

come Cameron Birch from Bothell

- With another Stelvio, welcome Robert Freid in Woodinvolle

- From up in Sumas, WA, welcome Patrick Mason

- Please welcome Michael Smith from Shoreline, WA, with a

Giulia Quad

- And from up in Mount Vernon please welcome Bill WIltsey

and his 2018 Giulia

We are continuing to grow with the new cars!

- Paul and Kristy Affolter

who can still drive an old manual tranny

Membership Update

Page 9: January, 2019 Fun and Celebration at our annual Festa · Club Liaisons The Iniezione is the monthly newsletter of the NorthWest Alfa Romeo Club, a non-profit organization of Alfa

Iniezione page 9 January 2019

Page 10: January, 2019 Fun and Celebration at our annual Festa · Club Liaisons The Iniezione is the monthly newsletter of the NorthWest Alfa Romeo Club, a non-profit organization of Alfa

Iniezione page 10 January 2019

Name: _____________________________________________________________________

Spouse: ____________________________________________________________________

Address: ___________________________________________________________________

City/State/Zip: ______________________________________________________________

Home Phone: _______________________________________________________________

Alt. Phone: _________________________________________________________________

E-mail Address: _____________________________________________________________

Do you wish to be affiliated with the local Alfa Club? Yes…. NWARC

Please indicate your interests:

Technical______ Tours______ Social_______ Rally_______ Vintage Cars_______

Cost: $68 annual AROC / NWARC dues Make check payable to: ALFA ROMEO OWNERS CLUB

Or… Online registration




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The following members provide Alfa Mentoring!!!

Contact any of them for good Alfa info!

Model/Series Member Name Contact 164 / GTV-6 Dan Jardine [email protected] GTV Dave Emerson [email protected] Spiders, GTV Fred Wright [email protected] 80’s Spiders Harry Reed [email protected] Almost Anything! Fred Russell [email protected]

Member Mentors

Member Recommendations Have a parts or service provider you have found to be highly satisfactory? Share your wisdom with us all at [email protected]. With your help, we can all be better auto-motive consumers.

Burien Upholstery, Burien - Upholstery, carpets

Convertibles Only - Convertible top repair/replacement

Dent Solutions, Mobile - Paintless dent removal

Mark 2 Collision Center, Lynnwood - Collision repair

Muffler King - Kirkland Custom exhaust services

North Kitsap Auto Rebuilt, Poulsbo - Collision repair

Professional Glass Company, Seattle - Windshield Re-placement

NW Crafted Interiors (was S&S Custom), Everett - Auto Upholstery & Interiors

Security Safe & Lock, Inc., Bellevue - Lock rebuilding

Sound Wheel Works, Bellevue - Wheel repair

Tire Rack Internet - Tires, wheels and parts

Vancity Plating, Burnaby BC - Chrome plating and polish-ing

All the above providers have been recommended by one or more club members as being highly satisfactory but are not specifically endorsed by NWARC.

1965 Giulia 1600, 2018 Goodwood Revival (Petrolicious, Nick Dungan)

Page 11: January, 2019 Fun and Celebration at our annual Festa · Club Liaisons The Iniezione is the monthly newsletter of the NorthWest Alfa Romeo Club, a non-profit organization of Alfa

Iniezione page 11 January 2019

Page 12: January, 2019 Fun and Celebration at our annual Festa · Club Liaisons The Iniezione is the monthly newsletter of the NorthWest Alfa Romeo Club, a non-profit organization of Alfa

Iniezione page 12 January 2019

Northwest Alfa Romeo Club 9301 236th Street SW Edmonds, WA 98020

Alfa 1900 on the 2018 Winter Marathon Rally - Pierpaolo Romano, Sports Car Digest

• Jan 1 New Years Day Anti-Football Drive / Redmond

• Jan 8 NWARC Meeting / Authentic Motorcars, Redmond

• Feb 12 NWARC Meeting / Prova Motorsports, Seattle

• Mar 10 Car Control Clinic (provisional)

• Mar 12 NWARC Meeting / tba

• Apr 9 NWARC Meeting / tba

• Apr 25 High Performance Driving Experience (provisional)

• June 19 Twilight Lapping Evening (5 pm - dusk) (provisional)

• July 5-7 SOVREN Historics / Pacific Raceway, Kent, WA

• July 6 NWARC Historics BBQ / Gary & Marie Patitz’ Home, Auburn, WA

• Aug 31 Crescent Beach Concours d'Elegance / White Rock BC

• Nov 17 Driving School/HPDE (provisional)

2019 Calendar of Club & Local Car Events