Download - January 2

Page 1: January 2

GUARDIAN ANGELSCatholic Church & School2 1 5 2 N D S T. W. * C H A S K A , M I N N E S O TA * W W W. G A C H A S K A . O R G * ( 9 5 2 ) 2 2 7 - 4 0 0 0


Continued on back page

!"#$%&#'()'*+&"#$",-'*+,&"$.The institute founded by Blessed Pauline and approved by Pope Leo XIII had attained great success throughout Germany when, in 1873, its members were forced into exile by the persecution of the Kulturkampf, the Prussian cultural struggle against all things Catholic in German lands.

Some went to South America.. Others emigrated to New Orleans, where, in April 1873, they founded a house and took charge of a parochial school. Mother Pauline followed shortly after and established a new provincial motherhouse, at Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania.

Since then these sisters have opened houses in diocese on the east coast and midwest, including the Archdiocese of St. Paul. That is, at Guardian Angels in Chaska (one of 54 parochial schools staffed by the order). The congregation’s western province is headquartered in Wilmette, Illinois.

In 1975 ninety women answered the call of Vatican II to re-examine religious life. Leaving the Sisters of Christian Charity, they began a journey to fashion a new religious community named the Sisters of the Living Word. With the inspiration of Annamarie Cook, their Foundress, they opened themselves to the Spirit in order to find new life for themselves and the people with whom and for whom they work.

Parishioners may know Sr. Rita Worm, Sr. Mary Nicholas Eiden, Sr. Donna Williams, Sr. Grace Rief, and Sr. Alice Boegeman.

Not many parishes and parochial schools can boast of a recognized saint having visited them. St. Michael’s in Stillwater proudly boasts being the parish church in which Blessed Solanus Casey was confirmed and where his uncle was pastor.

Someday, I believe Fr. Augustin Ravoux, the brave and intelligent missionary priest who founded our community among the Dakota people in 1842, should be a candidate for canonization.

Chaska’s Saint

Well, it turns out that Guardian Angels Church and School has the privilege of boasting of a saint’s visit between 1880 and 1881: Blessed Pauline von Mallinckrodt, beatified on April 14, 1985. One more miracle attributed to her intercession is needed for canonization.

Chaska’s saint, Pauline von Mallinckrodt, was born on June 3, 1817 in Minden (Westphalia), Germany. Her family’s great wealth and prestige did not close her mind to the hardships of others.

A Love for the Poor and Disabled

As a young woman, she was particularly involved with poverty-stricken families on the outskirts of Paderborn, Germany. She nursed the sick and brought them food. To aid them still further, she opened her own daycare center for the children of working mothers.

This undertaking which brought to her attention the needs of the blind children and led to her founding a school for the blind.

Founding the Sisters of Christian Charity

When Pauline’s works of charity became too vast for her to manage alone, the Bishop of Paderborn asked her to found a religious community.

On August 21, 1849, she and three companions became the first Schwestern der Christlichen Liebe (Sisters of Christian Charity), a congregation of consecrated religious sisters.

Throughout the entirety of her life, Blessed Pauline loved life and lived to the fullest. On April 14, 1985, Pope John Paul II declared her "Blessed" during the Beatification Ceremony held in Rome. Today, the Church honors the legacy of her Eucharistic spirituality and service to those in need by celebrating her feast day on April 30.

Her Chaska Visit

The foundress of the Sisters of Christian Charity, Mother Pauline von Mallinckrodt, visited the school and parish to encourage vocations to the religious life among the community’s young women. She talked with many young women about a life of teaching and helping the poor.

A Saint Among UsAn amazing discovery!

Page 2: January 2

THIS WEEK AT G.A.!"#$%&'()%#*(+'(,-..(/(01#$%&'()%#*(2'(,-..(

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CHURCH & SCHOOL STAFFListed Alphabetically

E-Mails for Staff: [email protected]: [email protected]

Rev. Mr. Jim Bauhs, Deacon 227-4000Eric Crowell, Dir of Operations & Communications 227-4008Amy Gallus, School Principal 227-4010Fr. Paul Jarvis, Pastor 227-4000Fr. Thomas Joseph, Sacramental Minister within the Latino Community 227-4093Emily Klinker, Director of Faith Formation 227-4007Maria Koehn, Latino Administrative Assistant 227-4015Lori Reznick, School Administrative Assistant 227-4010Jean Rief, Pastoral Associate 227-4095 Jerry Roth, Parish Director 227-4002Miguel Salinas, Room Scheduling 227-4004Jennifer Salwei, Accounting 227-4001Teresa Schmidt, Director of Worship 361-0181Fr. Conran Schneider, O.F.M. (Pastoral Care) 361-0414Rev. Mr. Gregg Sroder, Deacon email: [email protected] 227-4092Brian Winfield, Maintenance Supervisor 227-4013

LAY-LEADERSHIP POSITIONSTRUSTEES Bill Meyer 448-4311 Steve Rasmussen 448-5922PARISH COUNCIL, Tim Collins 270-2341 [email protected] COUNCIL, Jim Healy 443-1340 [email protected] FAITH FORMATION COMMISSION, Ed Hajek [email protected] 960-4940SCHOOL ADVISORY COMMITTEE, Tom Tierney, [email protected] 239-8799PARENT/TEACHER ORGANIZATION (PTO) Cecilia Laube, laubes2006@yahoo,com 448-6161 Keith Erickson, [email protected] 368-7349PASTORAL CARE MINISTRY Dianne Eiden 201-6045USHERS/GREETERS Marty O’Keefe, [email protected] 368-7541PRAYER LINE, Jessica Oberpriller 361-3165 [email protected]

Knights of Columbus Calendar Raffle Results

Please call Steve at (952) 448-3127 or Chuck at (952) 448-2819 to collect your winnings. Congratulations!

Thanks to al1 who purchased our calendars and the businesses that donated the prizes to our raffle!


Upcoming Coffee & Donuts: Today: Jan. 2: Parish Council, Jan. 9: Council of Catholic Women, Jan. 16: Knights of Columbus, Jan. 23: Catholic Aid Society, Jan. 30: No Hospitality, Waffle Breakfast, Feb. 6: Marriage Encounter, Feb. 13: No Hospitality - Beef & Sausage Dinner

Next Weekend!s ReadingsFirst Reading — Isaiah speaks of the servant whom the Lord upholds; he shall bring forth justice to the nations(Isaiah 42:1-4, 6-7).Psalm — The Lord will bless his people with peace (Psalm 29).Second Reading — Jesus was anointed by God with the Holy Spirit; he went out healing and doing good (Acts 10:34-38).Gospel — A voice comes from heaven proclaiming Jesus as the beloved Son, with whom God is well pleased (Matthew 3:13-17).


Saturday Sunday Sunday SundayJan. 8 – Jan. 9 5:00 pm 8:00 am 10:00 am 6:15 pm Lectors Dan/Karen Lawrence Debra Bates Steve Rasmussen Heather JohnsonEucharistic Ministers Bill Meyer Bernice Pauly Joanne Wintroath Ben KeyportEucharistic Ministers Mary Meyer Kristin Vidmar Cathy Cress Georgianna KeyportEucharistic Ministers Karen Atkinson Bonnie Moore Rick Lindemeier Tricia FeilmeyerEucharistic Ministers Rachel Baker ------ Judy Lindemeier ------Eucharistic Ministers Laurie Forner ------ Angie Lindemeier ------Servers - Candle 1 Megan Schierman Ben Carlson Jake VanPelt Sammy KeyportServers - Candle 2 Karie Holmstadt Dallin Rosenwinkel Katie O’keefe Katie CollinsServer - Cross/Incense David Holmstadt Ben Vidmar Liam Wintroath ------Server - Cross/Incense Alison Gagnon Aaron Glaeser Mary Wintroath ------Homebound ------ Betty Young ------ ------Homebound/Greeter ------ Kathy Carlson ------ Mary MuhsSacristans Bill/Mary Meyer B. Moore Susan Hunziker Mollly Williams

Page 3: January 2


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ed calendar information for events e check our online calendar at


38 a.m.6:30 p.m.7:30 p.m.

School Resumes

Word & Communion Service, ChurchPrayer Shawl Ministry, OfficeKnights of Columbus Mtg, SFH



8 a.m.7 p.m.

Word & Communion Service, ChurchPTO Meeting, SFH



8 a.m.9:20 a.m.6 p.m.8 p.m.

Word & Communion Service, ChurchMass, ChurchCatechists Training, Conf, SFH6.1.5 Mass Music Rehearsal, Loft



8 a.m.After Church7 p.m.

Word & Communion Service, ChurchQuilters, SFHThursday Night Choir Rehearsal



8 a.m. Word & Communion Service, Church



9 a.m.

9 a.m.4:30 p.m.5 p.m.

Spanish Speaking Parishioner Baptism Prep Class, SCC Conf. Rm.Overeaters Anonymous Group, Conf.Little Ringers Rehearsal, ChurchMass (with Children’s Liturgy), Church



8 a.m.9:15 a.m.10 a.m.Noon4 p.m.4:30 p.m.6:15 p.m.7 p.m.

Mass, ChurchAdult Choir Rehearsal, LoftMass with Sunday School, ChurchMass in Spanish, ChurchAdult Bible Study, SFH6.1.5. Music Rehearsal, Church6.1.5 Mass, ChurchSunday Evening Basketball, Gym

Mass Intentions … Mass intentions may be for the living and the departed, with a + designating in the bulletin a deceased person. There is a $10 suggested donation per Mass intention. Permission from the sick person or his/her family must be granted before a name’s inclusion in these prayers. To schedule a Mass intention, call Jean in the parish office (see contacts, page 2)

Baptism … Sacramental preparation is required for all parents. Godparents and Grandparents are also encouraged to attend. Baptismal prep sessions are given every other month and Baptism Masses are the following month. Call Jean in the parish office (see contacts, opposite page) to schedule a child for Baptism and the parents for baptismal prep.

Prayers of the Faithful ….If you would like a name included in our Prayers of the Faithful for the sick, please call the Parish Office.

Penance...Saturdays from 4:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. and anytime by appointment.

Matrimony...pre-registration required one year in advance; marriage preparation course is required.

Anointing… 1st weekend of the month following each Mass. For other requests, please contact the office.


!"#$#%&'()!"*$+%(,)!"#$#%&'()!"*$+%(,Remember the fun we had last year with Chocolate & Chuckles? Well, you now have a new opportunity to enjoy! This will be an all day Marriage Enrichment at Pax Christi in Eden Prairie on Sat. Jan. 29th, 2011. Not only will we enjoy Mark Gunger's hilarious videos, "Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage," we will also be treated to presentations by his own team. They will be here-in Minnesota!!!

It is scheduled to run from 9am-4pm. Lunch and beverages will be included. There is room for only 120 couples so register as soon as you can. The website is: WWW.LAUGHYOURWAY.COM

All married and engaged couples are invited to attend this terrific event. It is sponsored by the TwinCities WorldWide Marriage Encounter communities. In fact, our Chaska community will be serving the lunch! For more information or questions contact: Dennis & Jane Hively @952-448-6702. Come and have a fun day of love and laughter!!!

!-./01234567889601.:2;66My name is Chris Koebnick and I am a member here at Guardian Angels Church and a senior at Holy Family Catholic High School. For my Senior Leadership and Service Project at Holy Family, I am currently holding a children’s book drive to support the Read Indeed Literacy Organization. The mission of this organization is

to help end illiteracy by collecting and distributing used books to needy children all over the world. Could you please help me by donating any used children’s books you might have? A box for donations is located in the kiosk in the back of the church. You can also check out Read Indeed at . Thank you! Let’s make the World a better place – one book at a time!

-8/<6=>?-21456@1><216.3?23?.8356=816A>3B>1<Care for Creation—That the riches of the created world may be preserved, valued, and made available as God’s precious gift to all.

Unity of Christians--That Christians may attain full unity, witnessing to all the universal fatherhood of God

Page 4: January 2




• There is no Wednesday class on January 5th

• There is no Wednesday Women’s Bible Study session on January 5th

• There is no Psalms Bible Study session on January 3rd

• There are no Sunday (Sunday School and Latino FF) class on January 2nd

• RCIA will meet on January 2nd

• There is a catechist meeting on Wednesday, January 5th

• Saturday, January 9th 2010 regular schedules resume – please see calendar on our website if you have any questions.

Catechist of the week will return in January. As you are thinking about all of the gifts the Jesus has given you this Christmas season – please remember the amazing volunteers involved in Faith Formation – they are all truly gifts from God!

Have a Blessed New Year! From Guardian Angels Faith Formation

->/8567(&$"6@&E'KCalling all 6th, 7th & 8th grade Guardian Angels parishioners and your friends— come to our indoor beach party Saturday, January 15th!

The weather outside may not look the part - but we think it is the perfect time for a BEACH PARTY!!!

We will begin the party at 6:00 p.m. in the school gym. Once the party goers arrive we will have food, beach games, music, and lots of fun! The cost for this fun filled evening is only $5.00! Admission gets you 2 slices pizza and a beverage. If you bring a friend who is not from G.A., the two of you will be admitted for only $8.00! Additional snacks will be available for purchase at the event.

Come dressed for a beach party but please no swim suits or sand!

Door Prizes!

Questions? E-mail Nancy Nelson: [email protected]

!-.//=25?6LMNNHalos – don’t forget to mark your calendars for the annual area parish middle school group Lock – In CHILLFEST!! This year it will be held on Friday January 28th details will be coming after the Christmas break!

OE#PHCQ6HC6=&H'"6&CD6=(%%#P,"HFGrowing in Faith and Fellowship - our Adult ministry is growing by leaps and bounds watch for more act ivies in the New Year!

Remembering a National Hero:

Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Come join the Christian communities of the Minnesota River Valley at the Rev. Martin Luther King Celebration at Shepherd of the Hill Church, Monday, Jan. 17, 7 p.m., at 145

Engler Boulevard, Chaska. Rev. Gordon Stewart (Shepherd of the Hill), Fr. Paul Jarvis (Guardian Angels); music by Momoh Freeman. All Guardian Angels parishioners are invited to join Fr. Paul and others in remembering the triumph of truth and courage and integrity.


ND14G$%&'()%#1%4&(.+(((?@+-(B*;*Holy Family Catholic High School invites you to join us for our winter open house, on Thursday, January 13th at 6:30 p.m. Come tour the school, meet the people, ask questions and learn about the academic, extracurricular and spiritual opportunities Holy Family Catholic High School has to offer!

8101 Kochia Lane • Victoria, MN 55386• 952.443.1955

A saint is Christ’s disciple, totally attached, faithful, trusting in God. A saint is also totally independent, detached from idols and society’s games, delusions, misconceptions. A saint is a human citizen of heaven, here and now. A saint lives in the world, but not of the world. A saint loves God, loves others as oneself.?

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Page 6: January 2

A saint takes his hands off the steering wheel of his life and lets God steer. That’s scary, for God is invisible. A saint also has hands that move the world. He has feet that move through the world with a sure step.

A saint does not let others play God to him. A saint takes his orders from the General, not from the army. A saint also does not play God to others.

A saint is a little Christ. Not only do we see Christ through His saints, as we see a light through a stained glass window. But we also understand the saints only through Christ, as we understand eggs only through chickens.

The saints are our family. We are one Body. They are our legs and we are theirs. That’s why their birthdays into everlasting heaven in the here-after – their feast days – are our days of feast and celebration. (Some canonized saints’ feast days are not their death days.)

We become saints not by thinking about it. And not by writing about it. But by simply doing it. There comes a time when the “How?” question stops … and we just do it. If the one we love were at our door knocking to come in, would we wonder how the door lock works, and how we could move our muscles to open it?

St. Francis of Assisi once told his monks that if they were in the midst of the Beatific Vision and a tramp knocked at their door asking for a cup of cold water, turning away from the heavenly vision to help the tramp would be the real heaven, and turning away from the tramp to keep the blissful vision would be turning from God’s face.

A saint is one who sees who the tramp is: Jesus. And acts on this insight.

So, how does someone become a saint?One becomes a saint in one’s life (see above) by being reborn in baptism and living one’s baptismal calling. One doesn’t become a

saint after one is dead … one is recognized as someone who clearly believed, who clearly was a saint...or a disciple of Christ.

This really shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone. Jesus told us that plenty of so-called believers will say “Lord, Lord” after passing beyond. They will seem to be Christian, perhaps from their words and associations. Maybe even frequent attendance at Mass. But the Lord will not recognize them because they did not live out Jesus’ instructions for heavenly citizenship. Now! Read the Gospel of Matthew 25.

The formal recognition process, called canonization (done for our sake, not the saint’s … we’re the ones in need of inspiring examples) normally can’t begin until five years after the individual’s death, although this requirement was waived by the pope for Mother Teresa.

A diocesan bishop, a religious order, or even an individual can present, and financially support, a cause for canonization. A postulator, who acts as a legal advocate, is then chosen to coordinate and promote the cause. The writings of the person under consideration must be scrutinized, witnesses interviewed concerning the sanctity of the person and reported miracles investigated.

Upon completion, a report is sent to the Congregation for the Causes of Saints for further study. Theologians and other experts review the materials. If it is found that the person’s life is characterized by virtue, martyrdom, alleged miracles or age-long public devotion by the faithful, the congregation will recommend to the pope that the church declare the servant of God worthy of veneration. The cause is then officially opened.

A miracle attributed to the person’s intercession after death is needed for beatification, then another one for canonization. The diocesan bishop where the alleged miracle occurred carries out that investigation.

The pope decrees the various stages toward canonization and decides on what day the feast of the saint is to be celebrated. His act of canonization is regarded as authoritative.

Continued from back page

In nine weeks, we’ll be entering Lent. And during this Lenten period, we’ll be featuring, before our Friday Stations of the Cross, inspirational stories about the lives of “imperfect saints.”

These are inspirational Christian men and women of great faith who’ve not yet been canonized, though perhaps flawed in some cases Some may have been beatified, such as Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha. None have ever been officially recognized by the Catholic Church as official / canonized examples, because they weren’t Catholic Christian. Or because they are still (mortally) alive.

More examples, Fr. Andre Rublyev, canonized in the Orthodox Christian tradition … Bill Wilson (“Bill W.”), founder of Alcoholics Anonymous … Archbishop John Ireland … Dr. Martin Luther King … “Servant of God” Dorothy Day … Blessed Pope John XXIII … Fr. Thomas Merton … Archbishop Fulton Sheen … Fr. Augustin Ravoux, our founder … Fr. Gregory Boyle, a Jesuit working among L.A. gangs … Mary Jo Copeland of Sharing and Caring Hands.

Blessed Junípero Serra, founder of the California missions … Cardinal Joseph Bernadin, Archbishop of Chicago … Fr. Edward Flanagan, founder of Boys Town … Fr. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, paleontologist and philosopher … Monsignor Georges Lemaître, professor of physics and “Big Bang” theorist … Blessed John Duns Scotus, Franciscan philosopher … Fr. Karl Rahner, Vatican II theologian … Fr. Jan Hus, founder of the Moravian community … Fr. John Courtney Murray, Vatican II theologian … Jean Vanier, founder of “L’Arche” community of developmentally disabled adults … Fr. António de Andrade, first explorer of Tibet … Fr. Matteo Ricci, Jesuit missions in China.

We gather on Lenten Fridays as imperfect saints to be inspired by imperfect saints


Page 7: January 2

Continued from front pageIn addition to walking our school’s halls and classrooms as well as worshipping in our church (she saw it before the 1902 fire), she stayed as a guest at the house formerly between G.A.’s gym and the playground set.

Parish and school community members should take pride in this visit by the saint. I also ask students and parents to invoke Blessed Pauline’s intercessory assistance with our parish and school. It now looks like we have another friend in high places.

We are privileged to have a (second class) relic of Blessed Pauline. Mark your calendars: We’ll be remembering Blessed Pauline’s feast day next April 30th, and every April 30th after that. ~ Fr. Paul

Saints are not freaks or exceptions, they are the operating model for human beings.

Because, as Charles Peguy put it, “Life holds only one tragedy, ultimately: Not to have been a saint.”

Saints are not freaks or exceptions. They are the standard operating model for human beings. In fact, scripture reveals that all believers are saints. “Sanctity” means holiness. All men, women and children – born or unborn, beautiful or ugly, rich or poor, jailor and jailed, cared for and caregiver, voting for this party or that – are holy, for they bear the image of God.

St. Paul would, in his letters, refer to his letters’ readers as saints, as holy men and women through their conversion to Christ.

Saints are not perfect. They aim for perfect love, but are not free from error.

Saints are not the opposite of sinners, those deluded by selfishness and fear to varying degrees. There are no opposites of sinners in this world. There are only saved sinners and unsaved sinners – those actively embracing Christ and His teachings (directions on how to live in here-and-now heaven as well as here-after heaven).

Thus holy does not mean “sinless” but “set-apart:” called out of the usual ways of the distrusting, contractual world – “I’ll scratch your back if you scratch mine” – to the way and destiny of everlasting life with God. Beginning at Baptism, deepening through a sacramental and loving life, and reconciling after repeated detours back to the old life.

What is a saint? First of all, one who knows she or he is not perfect and still self-separates from God and others and his/her true self. That is, still sins. A saint knows all the news, both the bad news of sin and the good news of salvation. A saint is a true scientist, a true philosopher:

A saint knows the truth. A saint is a seer, one who sees what’s truly there. A saint is a realist.

A saint is also an idealist. A saint embraces heroic suffering out of heroic love. The cross teaches us that true love only comes with some

self-sacrifice. A saint also embraces heroic joy. (This is one of the criteria for canonization: Saints must have joy.)

A saint is a servant of Christ. A saint is also a conqueror greater than Alexander, who only conquered the world. A saint conquers herself, himself. What does it profit a person if he conquers the whole world but does not conquer himself?

A saint is so open that he can say, with St. Paul, “I have learned, in whatever situation I find myself, to be self-sufficient. I know how to live in humble circumstances; I know also how to live with abundance” (Phil. 4:11-12). A saint marries God “for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, till death.” A saint is also so determined, so stubborn, that he or she will die before compromising the truth, and will write credo (“I believe”) in the sand with her/his own blood as she/he dies. (One saint actually did this.)

A saint is a sworn enemy of the world -- not earth or the beautiful capacities of human society, but the creepier, self-oriented tendencies of humans. A saint is locked in mortal combat with principalities and powers.

A saint is also a friend and lover of the world. He kisses this sin-cancered world with the tender lips of the God of John 3:16, or Mother Teresa. A saint declares God’s war on this world, sinking the cross (powerful sign of God’s love, of self-sacrificing love) into the enemy-occupied world … like a sword, the hilt held by heaven. At the same time she or he stretches arms out on that very cross as if to say, “See? This is how wide my love is for you!”

A saint climbs higher than anyone else in the world. A saint is the real mountain climber. A saint is also lower than anyone else in the world. As with water, he flows to the lowest places — like Calcutta or the ghettos of L.A.

A saint’s heart is broken by every little sorrow and sin – totally aware of suffering and therefore compassionate.

A saint’s heart is also so strong that not even death can break it. It is indestructible because it’s so breakable

What is a Saint?

Invocations to Blessed Pauline

Please pray these invocations weeklyBlessed Pauline, our sister in Christ!

The accomplishment of God’s will was a guiding principal of your life. Pray for us, your sisters and brothers at Guardian Angels, that by listening to God’s Word, we may be granted light for our everyday decisions.

Blessed Pauline, our teacher!

You persevered in your YES to the Lord, even in the darkest moments of your life. Through your intercession, obtain for your Chaska school’s principal, teachers, alumni, students and their parents the grace to entrust ourselves and our work unreservedly to God’s guidance.

Blessed Pauline, our mother!

During your life, you were available for God and for the service of the poor. Obtain for us a heart open to every need we meet.

Continued on page 6

Page 8: January 2

Stewardship Report for Week 26 of o

Decembe our fiscal y

er 25 & 26, year

, 2010

Actual BudgetOver/


Envelope offering 12,988

Electronic offering 3,164

Plate offering 4,949

Christmas offering 9,901

Total offering 31,002 19,500 11,502

Year-to-date Total offering 382,720 507,000 -124,280

See!!Prayers are indeed answered.!I asked you earlier for prayers for warmer, drier weather so we could make repairs on the school building … and we got it. Just before the rain was to come.

As most school parents and parishioners already know, Guardian Angels experienced a water infiltration problem in the lower level of our School and Faith Formation building’s north main entrance area.

As an important first step in correcting this problem, Guardian Angels contracted with Tom Diethelm, a school alumnus, to waterproof the outer wall of the northeast side of the school entrance. (He was one of three bids.) Tom's construction company excavated the problem wall area. Once exposed, they sealed the underground wall area with a waterproof coating and insulation. The excavated dirt was then returned and compacted for the winter. Additional work will be completed in the spring that will capture water flow from the school building and channel it to 2nd street. Big thanks go out to Tom and his workers for completing this initial phase in spite of the unusual and difficult winter conditions that have prevailed in Minnesota this December. There were three feet of snow above the frozen ground!

You know how we like to thank folks around here. Tom is doing us a huge favor by fitting this in amidst all his other projects. Please consider sending him a nice note of thanks to Tom Diethelm Builders; 14355 Jonathan Carver Parkway (County Road 45); Carver, MN 55315. (952) 448-3589

More great news!

We will now be contacting Patrick Sieben, who’s been working on the north campus tuckpointing, to restore the inside wall space … damaged by this water infiltration. We’re working with an Eagle Scout candidate on a beautiful garden plan for the front of the building, beginning when there’s warmer weather.

Even more great news!

By the time this bulletin goes to press, we will have carpeted the wood main stairway in the school. Additional areas to be carpeted will be the hallway from the 1st floor main hallway to the parish office and the hallway leading into the nurse's office. Once the internal walls are repaired, we will also be re-carpeting Ms. Peg Scott's classroom.

Litt le Ringers is for chi ldren 4 -years old through 2nd grade. They play color-coded bel ls for prelude and post -communion once a

month. Rehearsals are usually 30 minutes before mass.

I f you have a chi ld who wants to have fun, give glory to God and become more comfortable having a role in the church, please

consider joining our group.



Contact: Tami Hed, 952/448-0557; [email protected]

Mark Your 2011 Calendars!!! Saturday, Jan. 8th at 5pm Mass Saturday, Feb. 5th at 5pm Mass Saturday, Mar. 5th at 5pm Mass Saturday, Apr. 9th at 5pm Mass Saturday, May 14th at 5pm Mass All rehearsals are at 4:30pm in

the church.

The G.A. Parent-Teacher Organization invites you to attend the 2010-11 Open Door Meeting to be held Tuesday, Jan. 4th from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. in St. Francis Hall. We will be sharing some of the initiatives sand events that we are planning for the year. Hope to see you there!

Page 9: January 2

Decorating the Church for Christmas!

Page 10: January 2

[email protected]

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Compilation and Review Services(612) 743-7439 (Cell) 116 2nd St. East(952) 448-9939 (Home) Chaska, MN 55318

Email: [email protected]

River GablesChaska Apartment Homes

This Adult Community has all the conveniencesMake life easier and more enjoyable.

Here community and hospitality are basic beliefs.Call 952-448-9201 for a tour


706 Walnut StreetChaska, MN.

Telephone: 952-36-1BANKFax: 952-361-2200

COMMUNITY IS MORE THAN JUST OUR NAMEMonday-Friday 9-6 • Saturday 9-1

Jeff Burzinski, F.D.I.C.

LUXURY FACILITY FOR YOUR FAMILY PETSIn Town Boarding with a Country Atmosphere

Huge Indoor/Outdoor Kennels • In-Floor Radiant HeatAir Conditioning • Two 2½ Acre Outdoor Play Parks

Pampered Pet Program • DayCareDeluxe Cat Condos with Large Windows & Sunning Ledge


10500 Great Plains Blvd. • Hwy. 101 & Flying Cloud Dr. • Chanhassen952.445.6403 • For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-877-205-9844 or 952-440-3944

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[email protected] Office Principal Life Ins. Co. Securities offered through Princor Financial Services Corp. 800-247-4123 Member SIPC Principal Life and Princor are members of the Principal Financial Group(r) Des Moines, IA 50392

MARK SANDAPrincor Registered

Representative/Principal LifeFinancial Representative


(952) 445-29161/3 of a mile

south of Hwy. 41on Hwy. 169

Consider RememberingYour Parish in Your Will.

For further information, please call the Parish Office.

Family Vacations • Escorted Tours • Business Travel • Groups952-448-3434

Marlene Van Hecke, Owner“WE BRING THE WORLD TO YOU”

952-443-2336 •

$5 Donation to Guardian Angelswhen you sign up for our service

(with mention of ad)

GILLES CONSTRUCTIONDale Gilles, Parishioner

Remodeling, Kitchens,Decks and Repair Work

FREE ESTIMATES 952-212-5883

110 W. 2nd Street, Chaska, MN952-448-6477

Tom AbtsHead Golf

Professional•Victoria, MN

Bert & Bonnie Notermann934-5299 Eden Prairie

LISA’S PLACEB A R & G R I L L9 5 2 - 4 4 8 - 7 6 2 2

205 Broadway No. Carver, MN

Need help finding a doctor or clinic?Call the ‘Ask St. Francis’

Information Line


Help Your Church5% of my commission willbe donated to your church.

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Restrictions — Call for DetailsRE/MAX Action West

Brian Klingelhutz 612-508-9707