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Page 1: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905
Page 2: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Now Boys, All Together?

Rah! Rah! Rah!

Rip! Ree! Rive!

Scarlet and Black,


and all ^o to


Qorner Gamp and Gravier Streets,


For Chemicals, Drugs,

Surgical Instruments,

Chemical Glassware,

Toilet Articles, etc.

Quality, Reliability and Satisfaction are their

Guiding Principles

NOTE:—All You Fellows!

Page 3: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

The McDermottSurgical Instrument Co. Ltd,


Surgical Instruments and Appliances, Artificial Limbs,

Trusses, Crutches, Elastic Hosiery, etc.

516 AND 518 ST. CHARLES STREET,Cor. Lafayette Square, NEW ORLEANS.



Capital and Surplus, $3,000,000.00


20 to 24 East 20th Street.tSIABLISntU I842.

No. ri Rue D'Hauteville.

B. H. HOLMES CO. m.No. 819 CaLi\al Street, NEW ORLEANS.

The Largest and Most Complete DepartmentStore in the South.


Page 4: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

The New Steinway

Miniature Grand

Piano(Trade Marked)

is proving a constant andincreasing source of won-derment and delight to all

musicians and music - lovers.

Scientific experiments and acous-

tical researches have determined the

exact size, namely, five feet ten in-

ches, necessary to reproduce the remark-able attributes and qualities of our larger

Grand Pianos. An}- Grand under this size

crosses the danger line, as it cannot vield a

tonal result superior to that of the discarded

Square or the present Upright Piano. The fuii,

rich and sweet tone of the Steinway Miniature Grandand its dainty appearance are already' giving the utmost

satisfaction to thousands of purchasers, and we recommenda thorough examination and trial of this unique instrument

STEINWAY & SONS,Steinway Hall, 107 and 109 East 14th St.

NEW YORK.' Svibyray Express Station at the Door.

$259others sell for $300.

For a tirand new PIANO worth |400.

Guaranteed ten years All the improve-ments—cover, stool and book |10.00

down; $5.00 monthly. Same quality as


"When it comes from

the Grunewald's you can rely

upon its goodness."

PianosOf the greatest

Jlrtlstic merit.

Used and recommended by all

the musical celebrities, profes-sion teachers, schools, colleges

and conservatories of music.

The Leaders .are







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^rfaiiipttt of tljp Unifaprstty,

ItjiH Sambalaga is rrapfttfully


Page 9: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Dr. Edwin Boone CraigheadP/Mlo by Hitchkr-Bealtic

Page 10: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Edwin Boone Craighead

HE life of Edwin Boone Craighead began forty years ago beneath the

clear sky and amidst the dense woods of Missouri. His mind and

character broadened and deepened under the fostering influence of

rugged natural surroundings and impressive natural scenery. This

excellent educational training performed by Nature was supplemented

by an efficient scholastic course which culminated, in so far as his

native state is concerned, in an A. M. degree from Central College.

Dr. Craighead was one of those elect few in whom the inspiration

of knowledge for its own sake is strong, and he pursued his studies further at Vander-

bilt. Yet, not satisfied with the graduate work there completed, he visited the renowned

educational institutions of Europe, drinking in at their pure fountains the learning and lore

of centuries. Leipsic and Paris were the centers of his student life while on the conti-

nent, and when he sailed for his native land he had added a fine capstone to his education.

How varied were the lines of study which he had followed is shown by the different

positions which he occupied during his comparatively short but creditable career as an

educator. Emory and Henry College, in Virginia, first called him to the chair of Latin

which he left to fill the higher place of President of Pryor Institute in Tennessee. The

enviable reputation which he here gained caused him to be summoned to Wofford College,

South Carolina, to the professorship of Greek. Again he was called away to accept the

presidency of Clemson Agricultural and Mechanical College. Here again his abihties

shone out so brightly that he was called back to his Alma Mater, Central College, to

assume its presidency.. But even here his ascent to distinction did not stop. Three

years ago Dr. Craighead was elected President of the Missouri State Normal College,

where he acquitted himself with such marked ability that he was called upon to fill the high

and responsible office of President of the greatest and most promising university in the

South—the Tulane University of Louisiana.

He quickly adapted himself to new conditions and speedily adjusted himself to new

circumstances. The disorder which was inevitable upon the vacation of the presidential

chair he quickly turned to system; the new problems which presented themselves he

solved; the greater duties which were his to perform he undertook ably and manfully;

the strangers whom he met he speedily and invariably won.

Tulane's destiny is said to be a high and noble one; her course is a far and briUiant

one; with a hand so firm, so steady, so competent at her helm, she will surely weather

all gales, ride safely through disadvantageous conditions, and enter unharmed into the

coveted haven of achievement. S. W.

Page 11: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905


A mixturf tl|ia of all iat I|ahp

®ur inya, our rarta. our atrtfr;

liitl]in tljPBf rofarrs you hitU finii

A pot-pourri of life.

Page 12: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Board of Administrators

CHARLES ERASMUS FENNER, LL.B., LL.D., President, . j/34 First Street

ROBERT MILLER WALMSLEY, Second Vice-President, . j^i^ First Street

JAMES McCONNELL, LL.B., 182^ St. Charles Avenue

EDGAR HOWARD FARRAR, M.A., .... 2209 St. Charles Avenue

WALTER ROBINSON STAUFFER, .... 1506 Jackson Avenue

HENRY CINDER, 1320 Philip Street

JOHN BAPTIST LEVERT, 1530 Third Street

ASHTON PHELPS, 1129 Jackson Avenue

CHARLES JANVIER 144.3 Webster Street

WALKER BRAINERD SPENCER, A.B., LL.B., . . 1433 Pleasant Street

BEVERLEY ELLISON WARNER, A.M., D.D., . . 2113 Chestnut Street

WALTER DENIS DENEGRE, A.B., LL.B., . . 2343 Prytania Street

JOHN DYMOND, Jr., A.B., LL.B., .... i'j2i Jackson Avenue


GUSTAF REINHOLD WESTFELDT, .... 2617 St. Charles Avenue

E. B. KRUTTSCHNITT, 1^39 Fourth Street

CHARLES ROSEN, 4^30 Prytania Street

Ex Officio


Governor of Louisiana

Mayor of New Orleans

State Superintendent of Public Education


Finance Committee: Robert M. Walmsley, Chairman; John B. Levert, Ashton


Real Estate Committee: Charles Janvier, Chairman; Henry Ginder, Walter

R. Stauffer, John B. Levert, Walker B. Spencer.

Committee on Education: Charles E. Fenner, Chairman; James McConnell,

Edgar H. Farrar, Beverley E. Warner, Henry Ginder, Walter D. Denegre, Walker B,

Spencer, John Dymond, Jr., Daniel C. Scarborough.

Committee on Rules: Henry Ginder, Chairman; Walter R. Stauffer, Charles E.


Law Committee: James McConnell, Chairman; Edgar H. Farrar, Walker B.


Secretary and Treasurer: Joseph Anatole Hincks.


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Officers of

Instruction and Administration

EDWIN BOONE CRAIGHEAD, M.A., LL.D., President.JAMES HARDY DILLARD, M.A., D.Lt., LL.B., Vice-Chairman of the Faculty,

Dean of the Academic Colleges, and Professor of Latin.

[in order of election.]

STANFORD EMERSON CHAILLE, A.M., M.D., LL.D., Dean of the MedicalDepartment and Professor of Physiology, Hvgiene, and Pathological Anatomv.

ERNEST SIDNEY LEWIS, M.D., Professor 'of General and Clinical Obstetrics andDiseases of Women and Children.

JOHN BARNWELL ELLIOTT, A.B., M.D., Ph.D., Professor of the Theory andPractice of Medicine and Clinical Medicine.

JOHN HANNO DEILER (Graduate Royal Normal College of Munchen-Freising),Professor of German Language and Literature.

ALCEE FORTIER, D.Lt., Professor of Romance Languages.ROBERT SHARP, A.M., Ph.D., Professor of English.

EDMOND SOUCHON, M.D., Professor of Anatomy and Clinical Surgery.

JOHN MORSE ORDWAY, A.M., Professor of Biology (Newcomb College).

WILLIAM WOODWARD (Graduate Massachusetts Normal Art School), Professorof Drawing and Painting (Newcomb College).

HENRY DENIS, LL.B., Professor of Civil Law and Lecturer on the Land Laws ofthe L^nited States.

JOHN ROSE FICKLEN, B.Let., Professor of History and PoKtical Science.

JOHN WILLIAMSON CALDWELL, A.M., M.D., Professor ofChemistrv and Geology.ELLSWORTH WOODWARD (Graduate Rhode Island School of Design), Professor

of Drawing and Painting and Director of Art Instruction (Newcomb College).

BRANDT VAN BLARCOM DIXON, A.M., LL.D., President of Newcomb Collegeand Professor of Physiology.

JANE CALDWELL NIXON, Professor of English and Rhetoric (Newcomb College).

EVELYN WALTON ORDWAY, B.Sc, Professor of Chemistry (Newcomb College).

MARIE AUGUSTIN, Professor of French (Newcomb College).

FRANK ADAIR MONROE, Professor of Commercial Law and the Law of Corporations.HARRY HINCKLEY HALL, LL.B., Dean of the Law Department and Professor of

Criminal Law, the Law of Evidence and of Practice under the Code of Practice ofLouisiana.

MARY LEAL HARKNESS, A.M., Ph.D., Professor of Latin (Newcomb College).

WILLIAM BENJAMIN SMITH, A.M., Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics.LOUIS FAVROT REYNAUD, M.D., Professor of Materia Medica, Therapeutics,

and Clinical Medicine.

WILLIAM HENRY CREIGHTON, U. S. N., Professor of Mechanical Engineering.RUDOLPH MATAS, M.D., Professor of General and Clinical Surgery.

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FREDERICK WESPY, Ph.D., Professor of German (Newcomb College).

ABRAHAM LOUIS METZ, M.Ph., M.D., Professor of Chemistry and Medical Jur-


LEVI WASHINGTON WILKINSON, M.Sc, Professor of Industrial and Sugar Chem-


THOMAS CARGILL WARNER ELLIS, A.B., LL.B., Professor of Admiralty and

International Law.EUGENE DAVIS SAUNDERS, LL.B., Professor of Constitutional Law, Common

Law, and Equity.

MARY CASS SPENCER, A.B., M.Sc, Professor of Mathematics (Newcomb College).

CLARA GREGORY BAER (Graduate Posse Normal School of Gymnastics), Professor

of Physical Education (Newcomb College).

JAMES ADAIR LYON, Jr., A.M., Professor of Physics (Newcomb College).

WALTER MILLER, A.M., Professor of Greek.

PIERCE BUTLER, A.M., Ph.D., Professor of History (Newcomb College).

SUSAN DINSMORE TEW, Ph.D., Professor of Greek (Newcomb College).

GERTRUDE ROBERTS SMITH (Graduate Massachusetts Normal Art School),

Professor of Drawing and Painting (Newcomb College).

MARY GIVEN SHEERER (Graduate Cincinnati Art Academy), Professor of Ceramic

Decoration (Newcomb College).

ALBERT LEFEVRE, A.B., Ph.D., Professor of Philosophy.

GEORGE EUGENE BEYER (University of Berlin), Associate Professor of Biology

and Curator of Museum.DOUGLASS SMITH ANDERSON, M.A., Associate Professor of Electrical Engineer-

ing, Professor of Physics.

MORTON ARNOLD ALDRICH, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Economics and Soci-


WILLIAM BENJAMIN GREGORY, M.E., Assistant Professor of Experimental

Engineering and Mechanism.WILLIAM PRENTISS BROWN, M.A., Assistant Professor of English and Latin.

HENRY FISLER RUGAN, Assistant Professor of Mechanic Arts.

BENJAMIN PALMER CALDWELL, A.B., Ch.E., Ph.D., Assistant Professor of


JOSEPH NETTLES IVEY, A.M., Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Mathematics.

IMOGEN STONE, A.M., Assistant Professor of Enghsh (Newcomb College).

JULIA CAROLINA LOGAN (Graduate State Normal College of Tennessee),

Instructor in English (Newcomb College).

PAUL EMILE ARCHINARD, A.M., M.D., Demonstrator of Microscopical Anatomy

and Bacteriology.

HENRY BAYON, A.B., M.D., Demonstrator of Anatomy.

LUTHER SEXTON, M.D., Lecturer and Clinical Instructor on Minor Surgery.

KATE ANN ATKINSON (Graduate Peabody Normal School), Instructor in Latin

(Newcomb College).

EDWARD WYNN JONES, M.D., Lecturer and Clinical Instructor on Diseases of

Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat.

ISADORE DYER, Ph.B., M.D., Lecturer and Chnical Instructor on Diseases of the


OLIVER LOUIS POTHIER, M.D., Assistant Demonstrator of Microscopical Anatomy

and Bacteriology.

HAMPDEN SIDNEY LEWIS, A.B., M.D., Demonstrator of Obstetrics.


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CLARISSE CENAS, Instructor in French (Newcomb College).

SIDNEY PHILIP DELAUP, B.Sc, M.D., Assistant Demonstrator of Anatomy.

MARION SIMS SOUCHON, M.D., Assistant Demonstrator of Anatomy.

JOHN BARNWELL ELLIOTT, Jr., A.M., M.D., Lecturer and Clinical Instructor

on Physical Diagnosis.

ERASMUS DARWIN FENNER, A.B., M.D., Lecturer and Clinical Instructor on

Diseases of Children.

HAMILTON POLK JONES, M.D., Assistant Demonstrator in the Chemical Labora-


HERMANN BERTRAM GESSNER, M.A., M.D., Demonstrator of Operatiye Surgery.

KATHARINE KOPMAN (Graduate Newcomb Art Department), Instructor in Draw-

ing (Newcomb College).

JOHN FREDERICK OECHSNER, M.D., Assistant Demonstrator of Anatomy.

JOHN JOSEPH ARCHINARD, M.A., M.D., Assistant Demonstrator of Microscopical

Anatomy and Bacteriology.

A^NIELIE ROMAN (Graduate Newcomb Art Department), Assistant Teacher of Draw-

ing (Newcomb College).

GEORGE SAM BEL, M.D., Lecturer and Clinical Instructor on Physical Diagnosis.

LOUISIANA JOHN CATLETT, M.E.L.,Instructorin Mathematics (Newcomb College).

WILLIAM MARTIN PERKINS, B.Sc, M.D., Assistant Demonstrator of Operative


ABBIE "RICHMOND, MA., Teacher of Mathematics (Newcomb College).

VIOLA DENESA SIRERA, M.A., Assistant Teacher of German and Latin (NewcombCollege).

RALPH HOPKINS, A.B., M.D., Instructor in Physiology, Hygiene, and Pathological

Anatomy.JAMES BIRNEY GUTHRIE, B.Sc, M.D., Instructor in Materia Medica and Thera-


ADAM WIRTH, M.Ph., Demonstrator in Charge of Pharmaceutical Laborator}^

HORACE CRUMP, Instructor in Physics.

ADELIN ELAM SPENCER, M.A., M.Sc, Instructor in Chemistry (Newcomb College).

MARY WILLIAMS BUTLER (Graduate Newcomb Art Department), Teacher of

Drawing (Newcomb College).

CARL JOSEPH LEHRMANN, Instructor in Mechanic Arts.

JOHN PETER PEMBERTON, Instructor in Drawing (Newcomb College).

JOHN SMYTH, Jr., M.D., Instructor and Demonstrator of Minor Surgery.

WILLIAM WALTON BUTTERWORTH, M.D., Lecturer and Clinical Instructor on

the Practice of Medicine.

PIERRE JORDA KAHLE, B.Sc, Instructor in French.

J. W. WdODMLLE, Instructor in History.

ELLA MAY JOOR, A.AL, Teacher of History and English (Newcomb College).

LUCY CHURCHILL RICHARDSON, Teacher of Physical Education (NewcombCollege).

ROSS EDMOND BREAZEALE, LL.B., Quiz-Master (Law Department).

JAMES MARTIAL LAPEYRE, LL.B., Quiz-Master (Law Department).

JULES BLANC MONROE, A.B., LL.B., Quiz-Master (Law Department).

ALLAN CHOTARD EUSTIS, B.Sc, Ph.B., M.D., Assistant Demonstrator in the

Chemical Laboratory.

KATHARINE MARGUERITE REED, A.M., Teacher of History, Latin, and Enghsh(Newcomb College).


Page 16: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

JOHN LEO HENNESSEY, Instructor in Spanish (Newcomb College).

LEON C. WEISS, Instructor in Drawing.

MARGUERITE ]\IAY DURIEUX, Instructor in Spanish (Newcomb College).

J. GIFFEN LEVY, Assistant in English.

JOSEPH ANATOLE HINCKS, Secretary and Treasurer of the Tulane Educational

Fund.RICHARD KEARNY BRUFF, Secretary of the University.

LEONORA MARTHA GAGE, Secretary of Newcomb College.

OSWALD CADOGAN BELFIELD, Secretary to the Dean of the Medical Department.

MINNIE MARIE BELL, Librarian in Charge of the Tulane University Library.

ERIN ELIZABETH SHERRARD, B.Sc, Registrar of Newcomb College.

JOHN ANDREW BACON, Librarian in Charge of the Medical Department Library.

EMMA PARHAM RANDOLPH, Librarian in Charge of the Newcomb College


O. N. JONES, B.E., Assistant Professor of Ciyil Engineering.

LOUISE BEERSTECHER KRAUSE, Assistant Librarian, Tulane University Library.

ANDRE WOGAN, Assistant in Treasurer's Office.

TUDOR TUCKER HALL, Mechanician in Physical Laboratory.


ALICE BOWMAN, Lady in Charge of the Josephine Louise House (Newcomb College).

ALICE EMMA HENDERSON, Lady in Charge of Dining Hall.

MARIA WILKINS SHIELDS, Lady in Charge of The Gables (Newcomb College).

ELIZABETH :M0RT0N HUSBANDS, Lady in Charge of Newcomb House (New-

comb College).

SUE BLACKMAN BENNETT, Lady in Charge of Warren House (Newcomb College).

MARGARET GREEN DAVIS, Lady in Charge of Morris House (Newcomb College).

ETHEL ALICE TAYLOR, Stenographer to the President.

ALVINA LAMBERT, Stenographer, Art Department (Newcomb College).

GRACE RODD, Organist (Newcomb College).

DESIREE ROMAN," Clerk at Pottery (Newcomb College).

JACOB MEYER, Potter (Newcomb College).

JAMES MILLER, Assistant Potter (Newcomb College).


JOSEPH NORMAN HEDRICK, Engineer (Newcomb College).

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Alumni Association of

Tulane University of Louisiana

1905 officers

Charles Rosen, President

Dr. W. M. Perkins, Vice-President Rathbone DeBuys, C.E., Treasurer

Geo. H. Terriberry, Secretary Miss Gertrude Kerr, Historian

Executive Committee

Department of Philosophy and Science

Douglas Anderson Henry Malochee

Arts and Sciences Department

Charles Rosen'


Technological Department

Rathbone E. DeBuys Warren Johnson


Miss Gertrude Kerr.

Mrs. Geo. S. Dodds

Law Department

Wm. C. McLeod John G. Robin

Medical Department

• W. M. Perkins Hermann Gessner


Page 20: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Newcomb Alumnae

Helen De Grange McClellan, President

Gertrude Kerr, '99, Secretary

Florence Dymond, '91, Treasurer

Nettie Byrnes, '90, Vice-President

Elizabeth Hurt Robinson, '91, Vice-President

Sophie Bachime, '92, ........ Vice-President

Eliza Harrel, '93, Vice-President

Asi:nath Genella Dodds, '94, Vice-President

Carolyn Richardson, '95, Vice-President

Viola Sirera, '96, Vice-President

Abbie Richmond, '97, Vice-President

Lillian Espy Reed, '98, Vice-President

Gertrude Kerr, '99, Vice-President

Katharine Reed, '00, Vice-President

Cecelia Lenard, '01, Vice-President

Sadie Shelby, '02, Vice-President

Kitty Monroe, '03, - - Vice-President

Lenore Meyer, '04 Vice-President


Page 21: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Special Lecturers

Government Work and Workers in Washington,

Convention of 1787,

Trading Stations on tiie Congo,

Explorations in Greece,

The Mediaeval Universities in Italy,

Self Improvement in English,

The Metropolis of the South,

The Civil Law, ....The Professional Man as a Citizen,

Robert E. Lee, ....Mines and Mining, ....The Mosquito Question,

A Municipal Problem,

Spanish Domination in Louisiana,

The Drainage and Sewerage Problem,

Education in Louisiana,

Judah P. Benjamin,

W. B. Gregory


F. Wespy

Walter Miller

Robert Sharp

W. P. Brown

M. J. Sandeps

Judge W. B. Sommerville

Dr. B. E. Warner

Hon. E. B. Kruttschnitt

B. V. B. Dixon

Dr. Quitman Kohnke

James J. McLoughlin

Alcee Fortier

George G. Earl

W. B. Smith

Hon. J. B. Aswell

Pierce Butler


Page 22: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Wi® iTBibTlif ®

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The Academic Faculty


JAMES HARDY DILLARD, M.A., D.Lt., Dean and Professor of Latin.

JOHN HANNO DEILER, Professor of German.

ALCEE FORTIER, D.Lt., Professor of Romance Languages.

ROBERT SHARP, M.A., Ph.D., Professor of English.

JOHN ROSE FICKLEN, B.Let., Professor of History and Political Science.

JOHN WILLIAMSON CALDWELL, A.M., M.D., Professor of Chemistry and


WILLIAM BENJAMIN SMITH, A.M., Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics.

WALTER MILLER, M.A., Professor of Greek.

ALBERT LEFEVRE, A.B., Ph.D., Professor of Philosophy.

GEORGE EUGENE BEYER, Associate Professor of Biology.

MORTON ARNOLD ALDRICH, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Economics and


WILLIAM PRENTISS BROWN, M.A., Assistant Professor of English and Latin.

BENJAMIN PALMER CALDWELL, A.B., Ch.E., Ph.D., Assistant Professor of


JOSEPH NETTLES IVEY, A.M., Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Mathematics.

HORACE CRUMP, B.E., Instructor in Physics.

PIERRE JORDA KAHLE, B.Sc, Instructor in French.

J. W. WOODVILLE, B.A., Instructor in History.

WILLIAM HENRY CREIGHTON, U.S.N., Professor of Mechanical Engineering.

LEVI WASHINGTON WILKINSON, M.Sc, Professor of Industrial and Sugar


DOUGLAS SMITH ANDERSON, M.A., Associate Professor of Electrical Engineer-

ing, Professor of Physics.

WILLIAM BENJAMIN GREGORY, M.E., Assistant Professor of Experimental

Engineerirg and Mechanism.

HENRY FISLER RUGAN, Assistant Professor of Mechanic Arts.

O. N. JONES, B.E., Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering.

CARL JOSEPH LEHRMANN, Instructor in Mechanic Arts.

L. C. WEISS, Instructor in Drawing.

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Class of 1905

class Colors

Scarlet and Black.

Class Yell

Rah! Rah! Rah!

Rip, Ree, Rive!

Scarlet and Black!


Class Song

Four long j'cars ha\'e we spent at Tulane in our life;

Four long years have we worked as a class;

In that time have we met man\' hardships and strife,

But our trials will end here at last.

It is here at Tulane that great ties have been formed.

Holding Seniors together most dear;

Recollections of pleasure, of joy, will be warmed

In our hearts as we live year to year.

From the Class of '05 many lights, let us pray,

May some day brightly shine in our land


In mechanics and arts, and in Law every day.

Let '05's at the top always stand.

Alma Mater, Tulane ! Thou hast proven most dear,

Thou hast done for us all in thy power,

Now it rests on our shoulders to help every year

Thy fair name in glory to tower. Edw. O. Tabor, '05.


S. W. Stern, President

S. G. F. Haas, Vice-President

S Wp-t« SSecretary

^- \^Eiss, - -( Treasurer

J. S. HuEY, Historian


Page 29: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

History of the Class of 1905

UT of the strenuous chaos of a dawning century, in the year nineteen

hundred and one, rose a dazzHng star, the guiding light of a class

destined to be great in the stupendous enterprises of a productive age.

Rising, ever rising, the beacon of 1905's success majestically ascended

the arch of the heavens, passing the intermediary constellations in a

blaze of glory unparalleled in stellar magnificence, till, now, in the

fourth year of its journey, all points on the intellectual horizon are touched with the

incipient tints of mental supremacy. One-half of the first quadrant has thus been

traversed and our star is still climbing the heavenly dome above us to a position in

the center of the firmament, where it will linger to the end of eternity, shedding efful-

gent light upon the greatness of a class long before called to the land of its fathers.

From the time the Class of 1905 entered upon its successful career to the present day,

the number of members has suffered a sad diminution. However, those remaining are

bound together by the close ties of friendship and co-operation. In bidding our Alma

Mater farewell, we do so only in a figurative sense, for our future efforts, both material

and spiritual, will be gladly directed toward the uplifting and maintenance of her fair

name in the eyes of all posterity. The Seniors of nineteen hundred and five have spoken.


Page 30: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905



Amacker, Walter K-.JA^, T. U. A. A., (i) (2) (3) (4) Scientific, Class Historian (3),

Forum, Secretary Forum.

BoHNE, Frederick Henry, Jr., 0KI , Scientific, Speaker Glendy Burke (3), Varsity

Football Team (3), Manager Varsity Football Team (4), Vice-President Class (3),

Sub. Editor Jambai.aya (3), Chapel Choir (i) (2) (3) (4).

Brumby, Robert Eldridge, KA, Literary, Glendy Burke (i) (3) (4), Speaker GlendyBurke (4), Dormitory Tennis Club, Assistant Baseball Manager (3), President

Dormitory Tennis Club First Term, Associate Editor Olive and Blue (4), Editor

Tulanian, Editor-in-Chief Tulanian Second Term, Chairman Dormitory HouseCommittee.

Crawford, Charles Campbell, Jr., IX, Mechanical Engineering, Class Secretary

and Treasurer (3), Junior German Club, President Tulane German Club (4),

Chapel Choir (i) (2) (3) (4).

GosSERAND, L. H., Literary, French Circle (i) (2) (3), French Play (i) (2), Tulane His-

tory Club (2) (3) (4), Forum, Literary Society (2) (3) (4), Magazine Editorial Staff

(2), Secretary Tulane History Club (4), Secretary Forum (4), Winner Glendy Burke,

Forum, Medal for Oratory (3), Member of Louisiana Historical Society (4),

Roscoe Kory, Literary, Forum Literary Society.

Hall, Harold Henry, Mechanical Engineering.

Haas, S. G. Frank, 2'Tir, Chemical Engineering, Forum, Literary Society (3) (4), Class

Vice-President (4).

Habans, Paul B.,2'r2', KA(I>, Chemical Engineering, Vice-President Class (3).

Hadden, C. F., KA0, Mechanical Engineering.

Huey, John Spencer, Mechanical Engineering, President Class (3), Secretary (2), Jam-B.A.LAYA (2), Class Historian (i) (2) (4).

Lake, Orloff, //A'/4 , Mechanical Engineering, President Class (3).

Levy, A. Giffen, Literary, Forum Literary Society, Tulane-Texas Debate (3).

Page 31: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Lewis, John Hampden, (PJB, Mechanical Engineering, Class Editor Jambalaya (4),

Junior German Club, Tulane German Club, Secretary Tulane German Club (4).

Many, John L., Jr., KM, Mechanical Engineering, Class Secretarj- (3), Vice-Presi-

dent (2), Managing Editor Olive and Blue, Editor-in-Chief of Jambalaya.

Moreno, Arthur Alphonse, KA, Literary, Associate Editor Olive and Blue (4), Man-ager Varsity Baseball Team (2) (3), Nominating Committee T. U. A. A., ChairmanTulane Smoker Committee, Class President (2), Sub. Editor Jambal.a.y.a. Board (i)

(2), Censor Forum, Marshal Founders Day (2) (3), Tulanian Board, Student OratorFounders Day.

Payne, Frank Tisdale, J'A', KM, Mechanical Engineering, Class Secretary (i). ClassFootball Team (i) (2), Varsity Football Team (3) (4), Junior German Club, TulaneGerman Club, Business Manager Jambalaya (4).

Pearce, William Miles, Mechanical Engineering, Chapel Choir.

Raymond, Reginald Irving, Scientific, Assistant Curator of Museum, Instructor in


Rogan, Daniel Bartley, 2T.J, KM, Chemical Engineering, Forum Literary Society

(3) (4), Yell Leader (4).

Smith, J. Marten, 0Jd, Mechanical Engineering,

Stern, S. Walter, Literary, Forum Literary Society (2) (3) (4), Class President (3)

(4), Secretary Forum (3), Sub Editor Jambalaya (3), Vice-President AcademicBoard (3), Vice-President Forum (4), President Academic Board (4), President

Student Body (4), Presiding Officer Inter-Society Debate (4), Chief Marshal of

Founders Day (4).

Tabor, Edward O., Literary, Forum Literary Society (i) (2) (3) (4), Vice-President

Forum (i), Forum President (2), Presiding Officer Tulane-Texas Debate 1903,Tulane History Club (3), Composer Class Song (4), Forum President (4), ForumRepresentative in successful Inter-Society Debate, 1905.

Weiss, Solomon, Classical, President of Forum (3) (4), Editor Tulane L^niversity Maga-zine, Sub. Editor Jambalaya (i) (4), Forum, Glendy Burke, Medal for Oratory,

Forum, Glendy Burke Debate (3) (4), Alternate on Tulane-Texas Debate (3), Class

Treasurer (4), Editor-in-Chief of Tulanian.

Williams, George Elliot, £A', KM, Mechanical Engineering. Class Football Team(i) (2), Captain Class Football Team (2), President Junior German Club (2), TulaneGerman Club, Varsity Football Team (3) (4), Assistant Business Manager J.\mba-laya (4).

Willis, Thomas L., 0KI, KJ0, Civil Engineering, Class President (i). Class Secretary

(i). Varsity Baseball Team (2) (3) (4), Varsity Baseball Captain (3) (4), Class Editor

Jambalaya (3), Forum Literary Society (4).

Wood, Ralph Bouligny, JKE, KA0, Mechanical Engineering, Vice-President (i),

Class President (i) (2), Class Editor Jambalaya (i). Class Football Team (i) (2),

Varsity Football Team (2) (3) (4), Captain Varsity Football Team (3) (4), Nominat-ing Committee T. U. A. A.


Page 32: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905




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Page 34: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Junior Class, 1906

class Colors

Orange and Blue.

Class Yell

' Hi! Yi! Ki! Yi!

Ki! Yi! Klix!

Tulane Juniors,



First Term.

C. A. Wright,

E. F. Neild, .

R. H. Oliver,

G. C. Badger,






Second Term

E. F. Neild

F. Stern

R. G. Robinson

J. T. Chambers


Page 35: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Junior Class History

HAT the most memorable date in the history of Tulane University

hitherto was Oct. i, 1902, made so by the entrance into its portals

of that astonishing aggregation of virtue, talent, courage, strength,

beauty and genius, well known as the Class of 1906, has been made

clear by previous historians. The second and last event without par-

allel in the history of the institution will be the graduation day of

this Class of 1906. This will be told by the future historian. It

remains for the present historian to chronicle a very few achieve-

ments of the year now passing. But where great and noble deeds are the mere com-

mon place, where shall we seek for the exceptional that alone constitutes the interesting?

We must find it, by all logic, in the httle acts, the few performances of the type usual in

other classes, indulged in by this class merely by way of change and recreation. But

such incidents would have htde interest and must be omitted. And so from mere

monotony of the extraordinary, the history must be brief. That the personnel of this class

is endowed with genius, beauty, strength and courage, is no sense of vanity, for we can-

not help it. That our history is filled to overflowing with deeds of unexampled bril-

liancy and success does not make us proud,— it is all so easy, and, incidentally, the

other classes are so easy.

Having, by the dignity of our bearing, by the sagacity and wisdom of our appear-

ance, proclaimed abroad the fact that we were Juniors, we proceeded, among other

numerous accomplishments, to arrange the subject of Calculus according to our own

ideas. There were instances in which even our learned professor was compelled to

meditate for weeks at a time before he was able to completely master our new methods

of integration. Indeed, so eagerly did we grasp the great difficulties and problems of

this beautiful study that the succeeding classes hereafter will be able to complete the sub-

ject in a very short time, so thoroughly have the obstacles been removed by our genius.

Since we do not wish to manifest a spirit of boastfulness and do not wish to incur

an ill-feeling in our fellow-classes by mentioning a subject which is necessarily disagree-

able to them, very little will be said concerning athletics. It was, however, never our

wish that our great reputation should so alarm the other classes that they would not

even venture to meet us in the usual contests of inter-class athletics. Such, nevertheless,

was the case, and many of our famous victories must go down to history as never having

been won, for the reason that the battles were never fought, no opponents daring to

appear in the field when our banner was unfurled.

The bond which has held this class together is exceptionally strong. Excellent and

numerous as we were in the beginning, the quality has steadily improved, while the

quantity has scarcely diminished. All have drunk deep of the Pierian spring; and all

have felt the glow of the feu sacr/.

If this is not sufficiently clear,

" In summer when the da_vs are long,

Perhaps you'll understand the song."


Page 36: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Junior Statistics

Badger, George Chester, JKI, KM, Mechanical Engineering, Forum (i) (2) (3),

Manager of Class Football Team (i) (2), Class Football Team (i) (2), Assistant

Manager Varsity Football Team (3), Class Treasurer (3), Spanish Circle (3).

Barbe, Paul Jules, 2"A^, KA^, Mechanical Engineering, Forum (i). Varsity Football

Team (2) (3), Class Football Team (i) (2), Varsity Baseball Team (i) (2), Class

Baseball Team (i) (2).

Bein, Charles Edward, Mechanical Engineering.

Boyd, Albert Cyprian, Mechanical Engineering, Spanish Circle (3).

Bres, Joseph Hughes, Literary, Forum (i) (2) (3), Secretary of Forum (3), French

Circle (i) (2) (3), Treasurer French Circle (2), French Play (i). Assistant Manager

of Class Football Team (i) (2), Sub. Editor of Jambalaya (i) (2) (3) Editor

Tulanian (3), Tulane History Club (3).

Cafeery, Jefferson, IAE, Fox Head, Literary, Junior German Club, Vice-President

of Class (2), French Circle (2) (3), Vice-President of French Circle (3), Assistant

Business Manager of Ohve and Blue (2), Business Manager of Olive and Blue (3),

Captain of Class Track Team (i). Dormitory Board (2).

Calongne, Sidney Edward, nKA,KJ0, Civil Engineering, Forum (i) (2) (3), Class

Treasurer (i). Censor of Forum (i), Class Football Team (i) (2), Manager of

Class Baseball Team (2).

Cate, Charles TLdwarH, KI , ATF , KJ(I> ,Civil Engineering, Vice-President of Class (2),

Spanish Circle (3), Vice-President of Spanish Circle (3), Vice-President of Dormitory

Tennis Club (2), Varsity Football Team (2) (3), Class Football Team (i) (2), Varsity

Baseball Team (i) (2), Class Baseball Team (i) (2), Captain of Class Baseball

Team (i).

Chambers, John Taylor, KM, Civil Engineering, Forum (i) (2), Censor of Forum

(i), T. U. A. A., Tulane German Club, Class President (i), Spanish Circle (3),

Varsity Football Team (2) (3), Class Football Team (i) (2), Captain of Class

Football Team (i) (2) (3), Class Baseball Team (i) (2), T. U. A. A. Nominating

Committee (3), Class Treasurer (3).

CuLBERTSON, Charles William, KJ0, KI , Literary, French Circle (2) (3), Vice-

President of French Circle (3), Spanish Circle (3), History Club (3), Stunt Com-

mittee Tulane Night (3).

Davidson, Jr., John, UKA, Mechanical Engineering, Glendy Burke (i) (2), Sergeant-

at-Arms of Glendy Burke (2), French Circle (2), Trea.surer of French Circle (2),

Chapel Choir (2) (3).


Page 37: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Deiler, Alfred Conrad, Chemical Engineering, Chemical Society, Chapel Choir (2)

(3), Glendy Burke (2).

DuREL, Lionel Charles, Literary, Forum (i) (2) (3), Treasurer of Forum (2) (3),

French Circle (i) (2) (3), Secretary of French Circle (2), President of French Circle

(3), French Play (i). Class Treasurer (2), Business Manager of Tulanian (3), Assist-

ant Business Manager of Olive and Blue (3), Spanish Circle (3), Tulane History

Club (3).

Henry, Orloff, WA'^, Mechanical Engineering, Glendy Burke (i) (2), Sergeant-at-Arms

of Glendy Burke (i) (2), Treasurer of Glendy Burke (2), Spanish Circle (3).

King, Edward Lacy, KI, Scientific.

King, Julian Boardman, KI, Mechanical Engineering.

Landau, Alfred Katz, Chemical Engineering, Glendy Burke (i) (2) (3), Sergeant-at-

Arms of Glendy Burke (3), Chemical Society, Spanish Circle (3).

Langerman, August Rudolph, Sugar Engineering, T. \J. A. A., Chemical Society.

Lemann, Jacob, Literary, Forum (2) (3), Censor of Forum (2), French Circle (i)

Spanish Circle (3), T. U. A. A.

Levy, Aaron Gretzner, Civil Engineering, T. U. A. A.

Logan, Richard Bland, IX, Literary, Junior German Club, Tulane German Club,

French Circle (i) (2).

Love, William Alvin, KA, Literary, T. U. A. A., Class Baseball Team (2), French

Circle (I) (2) (3).

McCall, Harry, 2"A', Literary, Class President (i) (2), Class Treasurer (i). Junior

German Club, Tulane German Club, President of Junior German Club (2), Class

Marshal (i) (2), T. U. A. A.

Mason, Nicholas Boddie, Scientific, Glendy Burke (2) (3), Clerk of Congress of

Glendy Burke (3), Spanish Circle (3), Dormitory Tennis Club (2) (3).

Mestier, Louis John, Jr., Sugar Engineering, Forum (3), Assistant Treasurer of

Forum (3), Chemical Society, Spanish Circle (3).

Neild, Edward Fairfax, KA, Mechanical Engineering, T. U. A. A., Dormitory

Tennis Club (2) (3), Vice-President of Dormitory Tennis Club (3), Vice-President

of Class (3), Class Football Team (2), Spanish Circle (3), President of Class (3)

Nix, Raphael Robert, Literary, Forum (i) (2) (3), Contestant for Forum-Glendy

Burke, Medal for Oratory, Varsity Football Team (3), Class Football Team (2).

NicOL, Walter Hilliard, IN, Civil Engineering, Forum (3), Spanish Circle (3),

Secretary of Spanish Circle (3), Class President (2), Class Football Team (2).

O'Kelley, Thomas Ferdinand, JTJ, Mechanical Engineering, Fox Head, Junior

German Club, Class Treasurer (i) T. U. A. A.

3 3.3

Page 38: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Oliver, Ralph Harry, Literary, Forum (i) (2) (3), Treasurer of Forum (i),Vice-Presi-

dent of Forum (2) (3), French Circle (2), Class Secretary (3), Class Treasurer (2),

Dormitory Tennis Club (2) (3), President of Dormitory Tennis Club (2),Sub. Editor

of Jambalaya (3), Tulane History Club (3), Dormitory Board (2), Class Baseball

Team (2), Secretary of T. U. A. A. (3).

Pettigrew, Herbert Noel, Civil Engineering, Forum (i) (2) (3), Censor of Forum (2),

Dormitory Tennis Club (2), Dormitory Committee (3), Class Football Team (2),

Spanish Circle (3).

Reusch, Alfred Joseph, Mechanical Engineering, Class Baseball Team (2).

Robert, James Marshall, Mechanical Engineering, Spanish Circle (3).

Robinson, Robert Gibson, <PJd, KJ(D, Chemical Engineering, Forum (i), Junior

German Club, Senior German Club, Fox Head, Chapel Choir (2) (3), Associate

Editor of the Olive and Blue (2) (3), Dormitory Tennis Club (2), Vice-President of

the Junior German Club (2), T. U. A. A., Class Secretary (3).

Sharp, Robert Edward Brunswick, IX, Mechanical Engineering, Glendy Burke (2)

(3), Fox Head, Junior German Club, Tulane German Club, Associate Editor of Ohve

and Blue (2) (3), Class Historian (3), Sergeant-at-Arms of Glendy Burke (2).

Simon, Willie Joseph, Mechanical Engineering, French Circle (i) (2) (3), French Play

(i), Spanish Circle (3), Class Football Team (2).

Stagg, Truman, Mechanical Engineering.

Stern, Ferdinand, Mechanical Engineering, Forum (3), Spanish Circle (3), Dormitory

Board (3), Sketch Club (3) Dormitory Tennis Club (2) (3), Secretary and Treasurer

of Dormitory Tennis Club (2) (3), T. U. A. A., Varsity Football Team (i) (2) (3),

Class Football Team (i) (2), Class Baseball Team (i) (2), T. U. A. A. Nominating

Committee (3), Vice-President of Class (3), President of Dormitory Tennis Club (3).

Taddiken, John Frederick, Jr., IN, KA0, Mechanical Engineering, Forum (i) (2),

French Circle (i). Class Secretary (i). Manager of Class Football Team (3) Dormi-

tory Tennis Club (2), Substitute Varsity Football Team (3), Class Football Team(i)

(2) (3), Vice-President of Class (2), Manager of Varsity Baseball Team (3).

Tete, Auguste Joseph, Mechanical Engineering, Spanish Circle (3), President of

Spanish Circle (3), Forum (i), Dormitory Tennis Club (2), Manager of Varsity

Track Team (3).

Winn, Claude May, Scientific, Forum (i) (2) (3).

Worms, Charles Newman, Literary, Forum (i) (2), Sketch Club (i) (2) (3), Editor of

Tulane University Magazine (i), French Circle (i) (2), Tulane History Club (2) (3).

Wright, Charles Allen, KS, Mechanical Engineering, Glendy Burke, (2) (3) Ser-

geant-at-Arms of Glendy Burke (2), Clerk of Congress of Glendy Burke (2), Class

President (2) (3), Spanish Circle (3), Treasurer of Spanish Circle (3).


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Page 41: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Sophomore Class

class Colors

Gold and Black.

Class Yell

Zipity Zip! ko-ax! ko-ax!

Zipity Zip! ko-ax! ko-ax!

Zipity Zip! ko-ax! ko-ax I,

Tulane Sophomores—Gold and Black.

Class Motto

"The class what am."


First Term.

Esmond Phelps

Stirling Paekerson,

C. H. GlLLI.^N





Second Term.

W. L. Landau'

H. Dreyfuss

C. W. Kernan

F. L. Rice


Page 42: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

History of the Class of 1907

'N writirg a history of the glorious Class of 1907, it is hardly neces-

sary to rehearse in detail the deeds of her Freshman year, so well

have they been recorded by her historian of that period. In chron-

icling the achievements of her Sophomore year, however, it might be

well to give an outline of the past record upon which her present

greatness is founded.

The first day of her Freshman career, 1907 met 1906 in a cane-rush, and would have

won easily but for consideration of tradition and the tribulations already in store for the

Sophs. The third day, in order to keep the Sophs from being misled as to their true

position, she soundly spanked them for being over presumptuous. One morning in

November the sun shone on the wind-mill with its alternate blades resplendent in gold

and black. This deed, hitherto unaccomphshed in the annals of Tulane, was done by

1907. When Tulane night came round, 1907 was the moving spirit of the occasion.

On Founders Day it was 1907 that saved the public of New Orleans from getting the

false impression that 1906 was running things at the university. After this the Sophs,

realizing the power of the Freshmen, retired from the Sophomore business. Thereafter

the college enjoyed the unannoyed influence of the most glorious Freshman class that

had yet entered its portals.

So much for her past; now let us take into consideration her present greatness.

There are three things of which 1907 is especially proud. They are: First, the con-

scientiousness with which she has taken care of the Freshmen; second, her vivacity,

and third, the seriousness with which she has devoted herself to study.

From the very beginning of the present session, 1907 has conscientiously cared for

the Freshmen. She has left no stone unturned in giving them a thorough training for

future great work, and never for an instant has her thoughtfulness in regard to them

relaxed. At the opening of college, realizing the necessity of instilling in boys habits of

neatness, she set them on a firm footing with Jupiter Pluvius; and fearing that they should,

in the introduction, catch cold, she kept their blood in healthy circulation by massage.

Realizing, too, that there are certain fundamental principles by which all children

should be disciphned, she has had printed for the benefit of the Freshmen a list of appro-

priate rules by which they are to govern themselves. Further, realizing that it is unprofit-


Page 43: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

able to lay down rules, and not see to their enforcement, 1907 has, on occasions, deemed

it necessary to assist the Freshmen in following the narrow path. One notable occasion

of this kind was that on which sage 1907 deemed it necessary, as an object lesson to

remove derbies from the craniums of two presumptuous Freshmen. Such a head-gear

1907 thought inappropriate for boys as young as the Freshmen.

In the Class of 1907 there is a spirit of gigantic energy of Ufe. It is to this spirit

that is due her unqualified triumphs over two most worthy adversaries, igo6 and 1908.

It was this gigantic energy which enabled her to remove from the very highest gables

of the university seven 1906 standards, and to replace the blue on the wind-mill blades

with black within two hours after their appearance. This energy has enabled her to

completely control the Freshmen in the face of double her numbers, and it is to it that

is due the interest with which she has entered into each Tulane Night. It was on

account of this same spirit that 1907 was able to furnish to the Glendy Burke Literary

Society both of her representatives in her most important debate, and that 1907 was

able to put forth a football team which should so astonish the Freshmen by the score of

eleven to nothing in favor of 1907. It might be well to say that, in her victories over

her two rivals in the Sophomore-Freshman struggles, 1907 has not been wholly selfish.

She has often had the deepest feelings of pity for them in their misfortunes. She has

often felt that in a less brilliant sphere they might have shone forth, and she has, on

various occasions, where no real harm could be done, allowed them to be victorious.

Thus have I striven to give from an important standpoint a vague idea of the man-

ner in which the Class of 1907 has surmounted the difficulties of her under-classhood.

Let us hope that she will solve as successfully the more important problems of her upper-

classhood, and that she will accomplish greater achievements.



Page 44: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Sophomore Statistics

Aiken, J. Gayle, JX, Literar_v, Junior German Club, Glendy Burke Literary Society.

AucoiN, James Bernard, Mechanical Engineering.

Briede, Otto F., Jr., Civil Engineering.

Calongne, Wilford F.,nKA, Civil Engineering.

CusACHS, Philip G., Mechanical Engineering, Glendy Burke Literary Society.

Dreyfuss, Henry L., Vice-President (2), Mechanical Engineering, Varsity Football

Team, Class Football Team.

FiCKLEN, Alexander, IX, Scientific, Glendy Burke Literary Society, Chapel Choir,

Associate Editor Tulanian, Associate Editor Jambalaya, Associate Editor Olive andBlue, Junior German Club, Tulane Night Committee, Secretary G. B. L. S.

Gillean, Charles H. H., KA, Literary Class Secretary and Treasurer, Treasurer Junior

German Club, Treasurer Glendy Burke Literary Society, Assistant Literary Mana-ger Tulanian, Tulane Night Committee.

Grehan, Austin J., Mechanical Engineering.

Hardie, Harry, JA', Classical, Fox Head, Junior German Club, Glendy Burke Literary


Hein, Herbert M., Civil Engineering.

HiRSCH, Leo L., Mechanical Engineering, Dormitory Tennis Club.

Houston, Percy H., Mechanical Engineering, Forum,^Literary Society.

IVENS, Edmund M., 0KI, Mechanical Engineering, Varsity Baseball Team.

Joubert, Ch.\rles E., UKA, Mechanical Engineering, Varsity Baseball Team, Class

Football Team.

Kaufman, Percy S., Mechanical Engineering.

Kernan, Clive W., SAE, Literary, Secretary of Class (2), Olive and Blue Board, Fox

Head, Tulane Night Committee, Vice-President Junior German Club.

Kerr, Charles M., SAE, JTP, Mechanical Engineering, Tulane Night Committee.

Kilpatrick, James J., J TJ, Scientific, Fox Head, President Sketch Club, Manager Class

Football Team, Junior German Club, Tulane Hockey Team, Jambalaya, Prize for



Page 45: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Landau, W. Loeber, Scientific, President of Class (2), Glendy Burl<e Literary Society,

Associate Editor Tulanian, Glendy''Burke-Forum Debate, Chapel Choir, Chemical


Larue, Ferdinand L., Mechanical Engineering.

Mills, William P., Mechanical Engineering, Class Football Team.

Matthews, William H., Scientific, Treasurer Junior German Club.

Monroe, Winder P., IX, Mechanical Engineering, Class Historian, Junior German

Club, Fox Head.

Murphy, Robert E., Mechanical Engineering, Forum, Literary Society.

Nelson, B. Stanley, Mechanical Engineering.

Owen, Chauncey H., Civil Engineering.

Parkerson, Stirling, J.4£, Literary, Junior German Club, Class Football Team, Fox

Head, Vice-President of Class, OHve and Blue Board.

Patton, Ralph C, Mechanical Engineering, Tulane Night Committee.

Phelps, Esmond, IX, Classical, Junior German Club, Jambalaya Board (i), ^Manager

Baseball Team (i), Tulane Night Committee, Fox Head, President Junior German

Club, President of Class, Critic of Glendy Burke.

Pragst, Ernest, Mechanical Engineering.

Quinlan, P.atrick H., Jr., Civil Engineering.

Raymond, H.arold E., Mechanical Engineering, Associate Editor Jambal.\ya.

RuGAN, Warren M., Mechanical Engineering, Captain Class Football Team, Tulane

Night Committee.

Rice, Fr.azer L., KI, Scientific, Treasurer of Class (2).

Reese, Henry B.. Scientific.

Riess, Oscar, §KI, Civil Engineering, Class Football Team.

RORDAM, Roy R., Civil Engineering, Forum Literary Society, Treasurer French Circle

Spencer, Lewis C, Scientific, Glendy Burke Literary Society, French Circle.

Sinclair, Donald, IIKA, Civil Engineering, Class Football Team.

Talmage, John V. N., Mechanical Engineering.

Theriot, George J., Mechanical Engineering.

Warriner, George Douglas, Chemical Engineering.

Webb, Rufus C, IXT, Scientific, Forum Literary Society, Class Football Team.


Page 46: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905
Page 47: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905
Page 48: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Freshman Class, 1908

Class Yell

Rip! Rah! Roe!

Rip! Rah! Ree!

Freshman, Freshman,

Don't you see?

Freshman large. Freshman great,

Tulane Freshman,


Class Colors

Brown and White.


First Term.


W. B. Reily .

C. R. Armstrong

E. Wood





Second Term.

F. Talmage

W. B. Reily

C. R. Arustrong

E. Wood


Page 49: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Freshman Class History

I F THE privileges which appertain to the office of Class Historian

I value none more highly than the one which now permits me to

place upon record my humble but sincere estimate of the worth,

as I have learned to know and to appreciate it, of the distin-

guished Class of 1908.

No class in college has, during its incumbency of maintaining

the dignity of Freshmen, been more sorely beset by soul-vexing

trials and difficulties, but let us thank God that it had strength

above them all, and with patient and undeviating resolution it pursued the even tenor

of its wa}', triumphantly conquering each trial, surmounting each difficulty, and fear-

lessly and fully discharging each duty as it saw and understood it.

And as we look around us today, we are confronted on all sides by manifold and

cheering evidences of the glorious fact that it understood its duty well, and that per-

formance has been on a par with understanding.

As long as the students of Tulane remain true to their college and true to themselves,

they must and they will generously and gratefully acknowledge the lasting debt which

the student body of this college owes to the unselfish college spirit, to the untiring

patience, the unswerving loyalty, the splendid and unconquerable courage of the Fresh-

men, the glorious Class of 1908.

As they have been, so will they continue to be, the steadfast friends and the cour-

ageous companions of the students, who justly feel that they honor themselves when they

speak of this class.

Their past records, illuminated by achievements of a notable order, give assurance

that they will make good the judgement that thought them worthy of the honor of being

called the "Greatest Class of Tulane," for they are made of the stuff which, when occa-

sion demands and duty calls, dares do all that may become a man—and do it well.


Page 50: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Freshman Statistics

Armstrong Charles Rice, ATQ, Mechanical Engineering, Sketch Club, Class Sec-

retary, Campus Fund Committee, Junior German Club.

Eankston, Marion, Mechanical Engineering.

Uradburn, William P., Jr., Mechanical Engineering.

Bres, Edward Sedley, JKE, Civil Engineering, Junior German Club, Sub. Editor

Jambalaya, Assistant Manager Class Football Team, Campus Fund Committee.

Cefalu, Frank Dominick, Mechanical Engineering.

Chaille, David Jamison, JTJ, Mechanical Engineering, Junior German Club, Class

Football Team.

Chapman, Thomas R., Classical.

Craft, Frederick Gustine, Mechanical Engineering, Glendy Burke.

CoYLE, Walter McKee, Scientific, Glendy Burke, Class Football Team

Davidson, Percy Randolph, Civil Engineering.

Desposito, William Kelly, Mechanical Engineering.

Dunn, Joseph H., Scientific.

DuRR, George Ernest, Mechanical Engineering.

JElgutter, Morris Jacques, Mechanical Engineering, Forum.

Fisher, Warren William, Mechanical Engineering.

IFoLEY, Arthur Moring, Civil Engineering.

Garland, Allen T.,ITKA, Literary, Forum.

Grant, Walter Kastler, i'.4£, JTF, Mechanical Engineering, Class Football Team.

Haag, Lee Keller, Mechanical Engineering, Class Football Team.

JIerold, Jacob Brooks, Mechanical Engineering, Forum.

Holliday, Lewis Ware, JKE, Civil Engineering, Class President, Chairman Tulane

Night Committee.

Jamison, Stanford Chaille, JTJ, Scientific, Junior and Senior German Clubs.

Kaufman, Charles Bernard, Mechanical Engineering.

Lee, Fergus Sidney, Classical.

Lisso, Egan, Scientific, Forum.

Xittell, Isaac F., Scientific.

XiUDLUM, Joseph Reginald, Literary, Forum.

Z^YONS, LuciEN Eugene, Jr., ATQ, Mechanical Engineering, Junior German Club,

Campus Fund Committee, Sub. Editor Jambalaya, Tulane Night Committee.


Page 51: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Magne, Louis William, Mechanical Engineering.

Mayer, Charles William, Mechanical Engineering.

Menefee, James Chappell, /7iir.4 , Literary, Forum.

Michael, Jeffrey Charles, Scientific.

Miller, Elmo Joseph, Mechanical Engineering.

MoiSE, Garner Hillhouse, Mechanical Engineering, Manager jClass Football Team,

Class Football Team.

MoNROSE, Clarence Fabien, Civil Engineering.

Morris, Pendleton Stewart, Jr., Mechanical Engineering.

Moses, Carroll, Civil Engineering, Glendy Burke.

Mysing, Peter Rocquet, Mechanical Engineering.

Otis, Frank Griffith, Scientific.

Tearce, Francis M., Jr., Literary.

Terret, St. John, Classical, Forum, Glendy Burke, Winner of Medal for Oratory.

PORTILLA, Albert, Mechanical Engineering.

Trados, Rufus, Mechanical Engineering.

QuiNius, Edward Paul, Mechanical Engineering.

Randon, Jules O. A., Mechanical Engineering.

IRasch, Jacob, Jr., Mechanical Engineering.

Reily, William Boatner, ]^.,^AE, JTF, Scientific, Class Football Team, Junior

German Club, Varsity Football Team, Assistant Business Manager Olive and Blue.

Ruiz, Nio, JTJ, Scientific, Class Football Team, Junior German Club.

JlussELL, Harry Hamilton, Jr., <PJ9, Classical, Forum.

Salmen, Frederic William, Mechanical Engineering.

Sandidge, John Howard, Civil Engineering.

Scott, Newman Steele, KA, Civil Engineering.

Seiler, Samuel Sidney, Civil Engineering.

Smith, Ogden Gillis, Mechanical Engineering.

Strack, Henry Frederick, Mechanical Engineering.

Talmage, Franklin Crane, Mechanical Engineering.

Thorgeson, Torvald Garfield, Civil Engineering.

Westfeldt, Thomas Dugan, 2X, Civil Engineering, Class Football Team, Junior Ger-

man Club, Editor Olive and Blue.

Wood, Elmer Earl, 2AE, JTF, Class Treasurer, Class Football Team.

Zeugel, Frederick, Jr., Mechanical Engineering.


Page 52: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905
Page 53: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Special Student's Statistics

Anderson, R. J., Sugar Engineering, Forum.

Ansley, Edward C, (PJd, ATP, Literary, Glendy Burke, French Circle, Sons of Rest.

AucoiN, Adolphe a., Scientific.

Bankston, Emmett F., 0KI, Mechanical Engineering, Forum.

Bein, Charles E., Mechanical Engineering.

Bloom, Charles J., Course No. III.

Blum, J. E., Literary.

Comeaux, J. S., Sugar Engineering.

Crespo, Sidney, Mechanical Engineering.

Curtis, Edward E., ATA, Scientific, Junior German Club.

Dart, William K., IAE, Literary, Glendy Burke (i) (2) (3), Class Historian (i) (2),

Assistant Business Manager Olive and Blue (i), French Circle (i) (2) (3), Class

Football Team (i), Associate Editor Olive and Blue (i) (2), Editor-in-Chief Olive

and Blue (3), Winner of Jambalaya Humorous Contest (i), Critic of the Glendy

Burke (i) (2), Sub. Editor of Jambalaya (2), President of the French Circle (2),

History Club.

Davis, Bemiss N., Electrical Engineering.

Daste, Eugene H., Industrial Chemistry.

Fears, John C, Jr., KI, ATF, Mechanical Engineering, Class Football Team (i),

Sons of Rest.

FiNLAY, Robert C, Course No. III., Class Editor Jambalaya (2).

Gannon, J. B., ATQ, Scientific, Junior German Club.

Hardy, Charles S., KI , Mechanical Engineering, French Circle, Spanish Circle, Glendy

Burke, Class Football Team.

Hechinger, C. C, Scientific.

HoERNER, John H., Mechanical Engineering, Glendy Burke, Spanish Circle.

Humphreys, W. B., Chemica! Engineering.

Kaiser, Herbert W., Course No. II., Forum, Assistant Treasurer of Forum (i). Chapel

Choir, History Club, French Circle Vice-President of Special Class (2).

Kinberger, James M., KI, ATF, Mechanical Engineering, Class Football Team (i)

(2), Class Baseball Team (i). Captain of Class Baseball Team (i). Manager Class

Baseball Team (i), Varsity Football Team (2), Class Secretary (2).

4 49

Page 54: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

King, Edward L., Course No. III., KJ, Class Editor Jamb.a.laya (3).

Kreh, Hermann A., Sugar Engineering.

LiNDHE, J. B., Jr., Civil Engineering.

LoRCH, A. ;M., Jr., Literary.

Lynch, John C, Scientific.

McCoOK, J. W., KA, Course No. III., Junior German Club, Class Football Team.

Janvier, George, ATQ, Scientific, Junior German Club, Tulane German Club, \'arsity

Football Team, Captain of Class Football Team, Class Historian, Sons of Rest,

Sketch Club.

Mackie, Charles W., Jr., Literary, Sons of Rest.

Menendez, Joseph G., Sugar Engineering.

Meyer, Harry W., 0Jd, ATF, Literary, Glendy Burke, Sons of Rest.

Mills, George H.,i'.4£, Scientific, Junior German Club.

Moss, L. L., Mechanical Engineering.

Moss, A. Hugh, Jr., IAE, JTF, Course No. III., Varsity Football Team, Class Foot-

ball Team, Sons of Rest.

Nunn, W., Literary.

Phelps, Edwin P., Mechanical Engineering, Glendy Burke.

Philips, P. Tarleton, Mechanical Engineering.

Ragan, Samuel C, Civil Engineering, Sons of Rest.

Riggs, W. F., Chemical Engineering.

Seidenbach, J. Leslie, Scientific.

Seip, John M.,0Jd, JTF, Civil Engineering, Sons of Rest.

Shilstone, T. M., Mechanical Engineering, Forum.

Smith, J. Martin, (PAd, Mechanical Engineering.

SwiTZER, J. H., Jr., Mechanical Engineering.

Vigo, Sidney G., Mechanical Engineering.

Vila, Oscar J., Scientific.

Vincent, E. S., Scientific.

Webre, C. j.. Mechanical Engineering, President of Special Class, Varsity Baseball


Williams, P. H., Literary.

Zeek, C. F., Jr., IX, Literary, Glendy Burke, Secretary and Treasurer of Special Class.


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Page 58: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Medical Department


EDWIN BOONE CRAIGHEAD, President of the University.

STANFORD EMERSON CHAILLfi, A.M., M.D., LL.D., Dean and Professor of

Physiology, Hygiene, and Pathological Anatomy.

ERNEST SIDNEY LEWIS, B.Sc, M.D., Professor of General and Clinical Obstet-

rics and Diseases of Women and Children.

JOHN BARNWELL ELLIOTT, A.B., M.D., Ph.D., Professor of the Theory and

Practice of Medicine and Clinical Medicine.

EDMUND SOUCHON, M.D., Professor of Anatomy and Clinical Surgery.

LOUIS FAVROT REYNAUD, M.D., Professor of Materia Medica, Therapeutics,

and Clinical Medicine.

RUDOLPH MATAS, M.D., Professor of General and Clinical Surgery.

ABRAHAM LOUIS METZ, M.Ph., M.D., Professor of Chemistry and Medical


[in order of election.]

PAUL EMILE ARCHINARD, A.M., M.D., Demonstrator of Microscopical Anatomy

and Bacteriology.

HENRY BAYON,A.B., M.D., Demonstrator of Anatomy.

LUTHER SEXTON, M.D., Lecturer and Clinical Instructor on Minor Surgery.

EDWARD WYNN JONES, M.D., Lecturer and Clinical Instructor on Diseases of

Eye and Ear, Nose, and Throat.

ISADORE DYER, Ph.B., M.D., Lecturer and Clinical Instructor on Diseases of the


OLIVER LOUIS POTHIER, M. D., Assistant Demonstrator of Microscopical Anat-

omy and Bacteriology.

HAMPDEN SIDNEY LEWIS, A.B., M.D., Demonstrator of Obstetrics.

SIDNEY PHILIP DELAUP, B.Sc, M.D., Assistant Demonstrator of Anatomy.

MARION SIMS SOUCHON, M.D., Assistant Demonstrator of Anatomy.


Page 59: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

JOHX BARXAVELL ELLIOTT. Jr., A.^L, M.D., Lecturer and Clinical Insmiaor

on Phj"5ical Diagnosis.

ERASjMUS DARWTN FENNER, A.B., M.D., Lecturer and Clinical Instructor on

Diseases of Children.

HA:MLLT0N POLK JONES, M.D., Assistant Demonstrator in the Chemical


HERMAJN^' BERTR.\M GESSXER. A.M., M.D., Demonstrator of Operative


JOHX FREDERICK OECHSXER, M.D., Assistant Demonstrator of Anatomy.

JOHX JOSEPH ARCHIXARD, A.M., M.D., Assistant Demonstrator of Microscop-

ical Anatomy and Bacteriology.

GEORGE SAM BEL, M.D., Lecturer and Clinical Instructor on Physical Diagnosis.

WTLLLOI AIARTIX PERKLN'S, B.Sc, M.D., Assistant Demonstrator of Operative


RALPH HOPKIXS, A.B., M.D., Instruaor in Physiology, Hygiene, and Pathological


JAMES BIRXEY GUTHRIE, B.Sc, M.D., Instructor in ilateria Medica and


ADAAI 'ttTRTH, M.Ph., Demonstrator in charge of the Pharmaceutical Laboratory.

T'JHX S^IYTH, Jk., ;M.D.. Instructor and Demonstrator in the Laboratory of Minor

WTLLLlil \V. BUTTZRW'ORTH. M.B., Lecmrer and Clinical Instructor on the

Practice of Medicine.

ALLAN" CHOTARD EUSTIS, B.Sc, Ph.B., M.D., Assistant Demonstrator in the

Chemical Laboratory.

Page 60: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Sn i^lcmcriam


Of the Class of 1905,

WHO DIED IN New Orleans,September ist,



Of the Class of 1906,

WHO DIED IN New Orleans,November 22d,


' © Sratli lljmi art ptrrnal lift:

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Eternal pt&te, rtrrnal teat."


Page 61: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

The Medical Department and Its


lURING the )'ear 1834 this institution was founded as the "Medical

College of Louisiana," and in 1847 became the "Medical Depart-

ment of the University of Louisiana." In 1884, the name "TheMedical Department of the Tulane University of Louisiana " was

adopted. It is the oldest medical college in the southwest, and has

the greatest number of alumni. May, 1904, it had conferred diplo-

mas on four thousand and eighty-one, namely: On three thousand

seven hundred and thirty-seven graduates in medicine, and three

hundred and forty-four graduates in pharmacy.

There are eight professors (including Dr. L. F. Reynaud, Professor Emeritus, Mate-

ria Medica), four associate professors, twenty-eight lecturers, instructors and demonstra-

tors, and seventeen chiefs of chnic and assistant clinical instructors at the Charity Hos-

pital, making a total of Jifty-six.

For the session of 1904-5, there are four hundred and ninety-three (493) matriculates.

Of this number twenty-three (23) are post graduates, one hundred and twenty-two (122)

are eligible for graduation in medicine.

Pharmacy students number twenty-seven (27).

April 25th, 1904, the Louisiana Supreme Court decided in favor of the validity of

Mr. Alexander C. Hutchinson's will of Nov. 20th, 1902, whereby the Medical Department

is to receive the benefit of about $800,000. This addition to the quarter of a milHon dol-

lars, already invested in the Medical Department, will give to it a greater sum for addi-

tional improvements than is possessed by any Southern and by most Northern colleges,

so that future students will derive from Mr. Hutchinson's philanthropic bequest a very

great increase in the educational advantages of this college, and its diplomas, past as

well as future, will give additional repute.

The Charity Hospital, two squares distant from the college, contains over tiine hun-

dred beds, and for the year 1903, the sum total of all cases treated therein was 32,634.

In the year 1899 there was added to the Charity Hospital the Milliken Memorial, a

superb, modern and model building for the accommodation of two hundred sick children.

The administrators of the Charity Hospital elect annually, by competitive e.xam-

ination in March or April, eighteen resident students from the fourth-year class, whohave passed all third-year requirements. These students are entitled to board and

lodging in the institution free of charge. The administrators also elect seventeen

externes, who serve as assistants in the outdoor clinics.

AU four medical classes are required to spend a large share of the time daily at the

bedside of patients, where they are instructed and quizzed by a professor or assistant.


Page 62: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Besides this, they have free access to the different wards at all times during the vear,

which affords a most excellent opportunit\' for research.

The Charity Hospital is the largest hospital in the United States where students are

given bedside instructions, and for the study of diseases of the South and Southwest, is

without doubt the greatest place in the world.

To the fame of her professors throughout the country—yes, throughout the world,

and to the practical experience given in the Charity Hospital, Tulane owes the value of

her medical "sheepskins."

Dr. Stanford E. Chaille, our dean, has been connected with the Medical Depart-

ment many years. He has given the best of his life in faithful service and loyalty to the

position of trust which he holds. Each succeeding year has brought added responsibilities

to him, and as these responsibilities have piled up, his head has grown whiter and whiter,

until now there isn't a strand of black to silhouette against the whiteness. And while

he has passed the allotted three score and ten by several years, he is an old man in

years only. His step is firmer and his eye brighter than many a man of forty. He is

hale and hearty, and every day he may be seen tramping off six miles "hke he is paid for

it." The weather must be inclement, indeed, to keep him indoors and prevent him tak-

ing his "six-mile jaunt." He climbs three flights of stairs just as regularly as his

students, and with as little effort. He is punctuality itself, and he will not tolerate laziness

or slothfulness in any form. Two of our greatest dreads are : Professor Chaille (in

examination), and Dr. Chaille (Dean).

A universal favorite, abrupt and to the point, yet gentle and considerate, an evo-

lutionist with facts and arguments to convince the most skeptical; an unexcelled success

as a spinner of smutty yarns; on the most profound subjects he holds his audience spell-

bound—charmed, with his reasoning and wit. And 3'et, with all his perceptiveness, he is

sublimely unconscious of the fact that the boys simply worship him. To us his hoary

locks are as a crown of thorns endured through years of constant upward toil ; the penalty

for being honest and faithful and bearing others' burdens.

To us he is a god—a man; not going to heaven—not afraid of hell. And when Dr.

Chaille vacates the dean's chair, there will be regret, strong and genuine among the

students and alumni, for while it is possible, it is not probable that his successor will be

the popular dean as well as the strenuous dean. The most we can hope for is to emu-

late Chaille. This is worthy of a noble effort.

Projessor Ernest S. Lewis.—A man with a big heart and a glad hand. Never too busy

to tell a good story, but "he must have fresh air." A popular man with the ladies—and

an expert. We of the South recognize him as authoritv, but he is the mortal dread of

Seniors. Any physician who is not thoroughly familiar with his "quilling" process is

handicapped, and should acquaint himself with the method at once.

Professor Jno. B. Elliott, Sr.—The man who dishes out "Theory and Practice" in

great gobs, and gives sodium sulphite by the dipperful. And woe is he who doesn't

know that the Stegom}'a carries yellow fever and that the Anopheles carries malaria.


Page 63: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

His theory of immunity and the blood count are something fierce, but you've got to know'em to get that coveted sheephide. He is appropriately classed with the great and the good.

Projessor Edmond Sotichon.—Every spring he gives jobs to the Seniors; about the

same time he gives h 1 to the Sophomores. Nobody knows anatomy better than

Souchon, and nobody demonstrates its "peckylarities" better than he does with his

lantern sMdes. A surgeon of great renown; an e.\cellent man. President of the Louisi-

ana State Board of Health. Possibly this accounts for his non-belief in the mosquito

being the sole method of conveying the germ of yellow fever.

Projessor Louis F. Reynaiid.—For eleven years he was connected with the college

resigned his chair in 1904. He was one of the best friends of the students; ready and

willing to help them at all times, his advice was much sought, and it has been said that

he didn't have an enemy in the world. His goodness of nature and his great ability as

a clinician, inspired all who knew him with admiration and respect. For several years

his health had been failing under the constant strain of lecturing, and we had expected

his resignation a year or two previous, nevertheless, when the announcement of his resigna-

tion did come, it was received with deep regret, for all who knew him loved him.

Projessor Rudolph Malas.—A man with the energy of ten ordinary men— busy

always- Well informed on all subjects; a voluminous reader, an e.xcellent conversation-

alist, and with principles utterly devoid of unfairness. He has a most profound respect

for "technique," and his operations are beautiful illustrations of modern surgery. Hegets more work out of the Juniors than everybody else together—and then he's not

satisfied. He would take the paltry few minutes left them if he could. His course in

surgery is not excelled by any in the country, and his fame is far reaching. His "Incise

freely" is characteristic; it is also the terror of his patients.

Projessor A. L. Metz.—The ugliest man in the faculty, with a proboscis that is the

pride of him and "his boys." It is also a phenomenal smeller, instantly detecting the

faintest odor of putrefaction in the student body. Annually he says we can't have punch

next Founders Day. A man who has seen the world in all its phases—a self-made manwho today is one of the world's authorities in medicolegal cases, and who is justly proud

of his course in medical jurisprudence. He is an expert chemist and a most excellent

teacher. He is Professor of Chemistry. During the four years he gets more work out

of us than any other member of the faculty. In a crisis the boys can depend on him to

pull them over.

Projessor Jno. T. Halsey.—This is our first experience with Jno. T., and we mustn't

say anything real bad about him—he might get angry. But his "Keneen" does grate

harshly on our Southern ears and his jrog lab tickles our palates. He came to us this year

and told us that we must study. We thought he was joking; but after noting that he

flunked about forty, we belieA'e that he meant it. He does not hold examinations without

notice. A thorough gentleman at all places and at all times. He spent years preparing

himself, and right here let me say, "There isn't a more competent clinician in NewOrleans than Dr. Jno. T. Halsey." But he does look funny floundering around in a sea

of malaria. Possibly he never saw a case before he came to Tulane.


Page 64: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Hobble Gobble! Razzle Dazzle!

Sis, Boom^ Bang!

Hit the Grit! Burn the Wind!

Medical Gang!


Page 65: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905
Page 66: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

1 BV ^"9


Si B B


•"V* c J Ci

Page 67: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905
Page 68: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Officers, Class of 1905

J. B. Thigpen, President

L. O. Clarke, Vice-President

A. K. Naugle, Secretary

L. H. Landry, Treasurer

E. D. Craft, Editor Jambalaya

C. E. Hutchinson, . . . . - . . . Sub. Editor Jambalaya

W. R. DuPREE Sub. Editor Jambalaya

Class Yell

Sick man, well man, dead man, stiff,

Dig 'em up, cut 'em up, what's the diff;

Humerus, tumorous, dead or alive,

Tulane Medical— 1905.

Class Colors

Cut Glass Grey and CherryjRed.


Page 69: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

History of Class of 1905

'T CAME to pass in the sixteenth year of the reign of Chaille, the Great, while

Metz.the modest, whose surname is Truthful, was still dispensing pneumatic

lectures concerning the love wherewith he loved "his boys," that there

assembled together a great number of young men at the ^Medical Department,

who, because there had been none like unto them before, neither should any come after

that should equal them, called themselves the Class of 1905.

These self-same _voung men were Freshmen the first year because they had never

before faced the man who smiles like a volcano when he murmurs, "Have you got the

money?" Neither had they heard that time-honored "Address of Welcome" which hath

inspired unto snores the latent abilities of three generations of credulous students.

After the "Address of Welcome" had been shown due respect, on account of its

age, and the applauding palms had lost their soreness, the class discovered that they were

democratic and must needs have a president to steer them up against as much trouble as

possible. Following the precedent established when Jonah swallowed the whale, they

cast lots and lots fell on a young man who had black hair and smoked a pipe. This black-

headed young man with the pipe soon showed that he had rare abihty as a diplomat and

could also do a few pneumatic stunts that showed that he was fast learning the ways of a

professor. Under his enterprising rule the class continued to be Freshmen and strove

most diligently to acquire enough big words to find out what the lecturers were talking

about. This strenuous search continued until the strenuosity of it began to cause neurotic

S3'mptoms to appear in the faces of some, while the outcome of the races showed more

plainly on other fair countenances, ^^'hen the balmy spring days began to appear, some

of the poetic members of the class discovered that "case" rhymed with "base" and "call"

rhymed with "ball," so a body of nine of the more poetic appointed themselves a committee

to study this sort of poetry and report to the class the results of their scientific research.

Their investigations were carried out under the difficulties of having classes to come at

the wrong time of day every day of the week and e.xaminations finally put an end to their

labors before the report had made any great headway. After the session's work was done

and "exams" were over the boys dispersed to their respective homes to pursue the chase

after learning which they had carried on so untiringly during the session, and all swore to

be back next time early enough to pay their respects to the "Address of Welcome."

6 65

Page 70: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

The Sophomore year of the Class of 1905 was remarkable for the fact that nothing

remarkable transpired during that year. A president was chosen because he was needed

to carry the troubles of the class. This time lots fell on a young man whose hair was

black and curly, and who did not smoke a pipe. He soon showed that he was as wise as

a sphinx, for he "said nothing and sawed wood." Under his rule the class worked and

grew knowing, accumulating a stock of "peckylarities" that was a joy to relate. It was

during this year that the Faculty tried to see if they could work the class to death, but

found that they had underestimated the appetite of 1905 for good, hard, laborious labor.

The president, who was a very modest young man, and never insinuated himself into cir-

cumstances where he was not desired (which being interpreted so that the way-faring man,

though an academic student, may know, means that he did not "butt in"), set the pace

for the class by showing the amount of work he could do, and the class strung along in

his wake like a bunch of good little lambs. 1905 was fast acquiring the reputation of

being capable of doing more work than any class that had gone before them, and even

had time to play tennis and baseball while the professors were thinking of something new

to tell them.

The most uneventful year of the Hfe of 1905 was the Junior year. This time the

"Address of Welcome" was getting so old that it tottered when it was lead out to do its

little stunt, and if it had not been doing that little stunt for so long that it had become

automatic in its performance, it surely would have failed from senility. This time there

was only a hushed applause for fear of waking those who were asleep, and the noise of

hearty applause might have proven too much for the aged harangue to stand.

The president of the class was chosen because he had neither hair nor youth, and

because of the respect which the class had for the aged. During this year the amount of

work to be done was gradually gone through in that thorough manner that is characteristic

of 1905 in all its undertakings. The study of poetry was resumed by the baseball com-

mittee with more favorable opportunities than during the previous sessions. During the

latter part of this (Junior) year some of the young men of the class became so expert at

high vaulting that they were thought to be sufficiently proficient to jump onto an ambu-

lance and were admitted as internes to the Charity Hospital.

The Senior year was the one that was to amount to more than any other with the

class, for they were to be given a mutton hide with a seal on it, and the signatures of the

professors who had made the boys hustle for the past four years were to be pasted on one

corner of the cuticle. This )'ear the "Address of Welcome" was dragged out and dusted

off, a new ribbon was tied about its neck and it was put through that same old performance

that is so familiar to the students, in which it ilaps one paw up in the air and then wiggles


Page 71: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

its nose and then turns sidewise and flaps the other paw at the crowd. (Xow that some

money has been willed to the Medical Department they will he able to blow themselves

for a new "Address of Welcome," and it is to be hoped that there will be a tablet erected

to the memory of the one that has served so faithfully and so long). The Faculty showed

their appreciation of the amount of work that 1905 had been doing by adding two more

lecturers to the list that had been lecturing to previous classes. Each of these new instruc-

tors brought with him an "ology" that he swore was the most important of any that had

ever been presented to a lot of suffering students. This year the class president was chosen

because there was nothing peculiar about his hair and also because he had a majority of

votes at the election. His manner of handling the Faculty has been the striking feature of

his term of rule and if they continue to do as he tells them, there will soon be turned out

from the Medical Department the best drilled and best qualified class of men that has

ever gone out from that honored institution, and the faculty will be proud to say that the

members of that class were among the students thev once instructed.



Page 72: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Class Roll, 1905

Applewhite, G. H., . . . Okla.

Babin, W. J. (M.Ph.), ... La.

Blair, F. F., Ala.

Blair, W. A., Ala.

*BODENHEIMER, J. M. (A.B.), . La.

*Bohne, p. W. (A.B.), ... La.

BoREY, A. H., La.

BoYCE, W. A., Tex.

Brent, W. H., Miss.

fBROOKS, A. T. (A.B.), ... La.

Buhler, G. a., Tex.

Burt, W. E., Ala.

Caboche, L. A., . . . . La.

Carson, F. L. (Ph.Ch.) . . Okla.

Carter, W. N., .... Ga.

Chalker, R. E. (B.S), . . Fla.

*Chamberlain, W. B. (B.S.), . La.

Champenois, F., .... La.

Chapman, A. F., .... Miss.

Chisolm, J. S. (A.B.), . . Ala.

Clarke, L. O. (B.S.), . . . La.

*Clark, H., N. Y.

Cole, H. C, ..... La.

Craft, E. D., La.

*Crawford, L. B., . . . . La.

Dean, N. B., Ala.

DiCKEN, R. E. (M.D.), . . Miss.

Douglass, F. M., .... Tex.

DuPREE, W. R., .... Tex.

Duval, J. W., Tex.

EcuYER, E. E., La.

Ehlert, J. M., La.

Farrior, J. B. (A.B.), . . . Fla.

FiNLEY, J. W., Tex.

Fonville, W. D., . . . . Ala.

Frellsen, J. p., .... La.


Page 73: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

GoDCHEAUx, P. M., . . . La.

Goss, F. L., Miss.

GR.4Y, W. p., Miss.

*Gremillon, F. v., . . . . La.

Gresham, G. L., .... Ala.

Griffith, J. K., .... La.

Griggsby, R. a., .... Tex.

Hagood, R. B., .... Ala.

Hairston, E. J. (M.D.), . . Miss.

Hamilton, F., La.

Hand, L. E. (M.D.), . . . Ala.

Harrington, C. B. (B.S.), . La.

Haspel, M. D., La.

Herbert, C. H., .... Miss.

Herring, R. A., .... Miss.

*HoLCOMBE, R. G. (A.B.), . . La.

*Halderith, C. p., . . . . La.

Hollingsworth, S. L. (B.S.), Miss.

Holmes, G., Tex.

Hudson, L. B., Ala.

Hutchinson, C. E. (.\.B.), . Fla.

Johnson, W. B., . . . . La.

Jordan, S. E., Ala.

Jordan, S. N., Tex.

Kahle, p. J. (B.S.), . . . La.

Kauffmann, O. E., ... La.

Kearny, R. A., .... La.

Keitz, E. S. (A.B.), ... La.

Kennedy, A. A., .... La.

Landry, L. H., La.

Lanier, W. C., La.

Lazar, H. L., Miss.

Lea, V. a., Miss.

*Leckert, E. L., .... La.

Lehmberz, C. E. (M.D.), . Tex.

Magee, M. M. (M.D.), . . Miss.

Magruder, L. F., . . . . La.

*Mahxer, E. W., .... La.

Mahone, J. R., .... Tex.

MAINEGR.A, R. J., . . . . La.

Martin, L. E Miss.

Mitchell, J. L., .... Tex.

Morgan, E. H. (M.D.), . . Tex.

Muller, J. S., La.

Nance, M. L., Miss.

N.augle, a. K., .... Miss.

NORilAN, J. H., .... N. C.

OzENNE, G. A., .... Xa.

Palmer, J. T., Ark.

P.ATE, S. J.,Tex.

Pelham, W. E.. Jr. (Ph.G.), S. C.

Petty, J. H., Tex.

Phelps, H. K La.

Plauche, J. W., .... La.

Pou, J. F., Jr., Miss.

Pr.att, J. O., La.

Prudhomme, W. p., ... La.

Pryor, R. B., Ala.

QuiMA, M. E., Fla.

RiCHfi, E. J., La.

RuLFS, C. H., Tex.

*Sal.atich, p. B., .... La.


Page 74: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Sanders, G. O. (B.S.), - - La.

Sanders, T. E. (A.B.), - - Ark.

Sartor, T. R., . . . . . La.

Sancier, M. E., .... La.

Sewell, J. a., La.

*Shands, H. R. (A.B.), . . . La.

SiSTRUNK, W. E., Jr. (Ph.G.), Ala.

Slack, J. A., Miss.

Sperry, J. a., Ga.

Sutton, C. W., N. C.

*THETroRD, S. L., .... Ala.

Wymer, J. J.,

*Interne in Charity Hospital. tPartial Course.

Thigpen, J. B., .... Miss.

Thomas, C. A., .... Okla.

Tompkins, R. D., . . . . Fla.

Toombs, P. W. (A.B.), . . Miss.

Upton, G. H., La.

Vincent, R. W., .... La.

*Wallbillich, C. a., . . . La.

Whitman, L. O., .... Minn.

Williams, M., La.

Wilson, J. W., Tex.

Wise, O. P., S. C.



Page 75: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905
Page 76: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

DEPAPTji^"jS^*' /.t/. OeSfrgue.


.L.H.M^rti. T.J-S^H /f.J^ S.L.Wk,!€l,. Plijl HiS"'/- O.flt^^K'i"""'-

Page 77: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

H.D.Hins- l.S.iltitj- iu,j J.jue.V.,. J.l.Snctd. LrRoy imwc. J. L. GaUot,\

Page 78: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Class of 1906

Class Yell

We cut dead men, we cure sick;

Where are the drugs that we can't mix?

Where are the patients we can't fix?

Tulane Medical— 1906.


Thos. Spec Jones, Presidenl

Clarence R. Williams, Vice-President

Jno. S. Wood, Secretary

M. Thomas Lanaux, Treasurer

E. W. Anderson, Historian

Geo. W. Stevens, Sub. Editor Jambalaya

Jesse L. Adams, Sub. Editor Jambalaya


Page 79: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

History of the Class of 1906

N taking upon himself the task of chronicling a few facts about the

Class of 1906, its historian would rejoice if it were possible for him

to give an individual sketch of every man whose name appears upon

its niU, krowirg how rich such a record would be in examples of

duty performed, obstacles overcome, and success achieved. But he

must forego this pleasure, and content himself with an attempt to

make a brief sketch of the class as a whole, reflect in some small measure some of the

most striking characteristics of its individual members.

In looking back over the career of the class since its organization in the fall of 1902,

we find that while there have been times for rejoicing and times for regret, yet the successes

have outnumbered the failures, the victories have overshadowed the defeats, and there

has been steady progress in the mastery of those principles and the acquirements of that

skill which will bring rich rewards in the years that are to come.

In all phases of college life the Class of 1906 has made itself felt as a factor of power

and influence. In class-room work, while our record is not always brilliant, yet the

memory of it will never bring the blush of reproach to our cheeks. It is true that at times

our quiz answers have wrought sad havoc with the peace of mind of our beloved dean, but

it was because in his presence the emotional strain of the moment put our reasoning power

to flight. We were at times noisy in the microscopical laboratory, but it was possibly due

to our unrestrained enthusiasm over the marvelous sights revealed to us in the micro-

scopical world. We sometimes sleep in the lecture room, but it may be because we have

been too zealous in our work the night before, and have burned our lights to the wee sma'


In a political way we number within our ranks some geniuses of the truest type, and

most ardently and faithful do they labor at certain seasons, with the happy result that our

offices are always ably and amply filled.

In the realm of athletics we have done little. We have no practice field of easy

access, and would be handicapped in any efforts we might make in that direction. But

the fact which is most largely responsible for our lack of achievement in athletics is that

so many of our men feel that they are now face to face with the more serious things of hfe,

and that their time for play has passed. They believe that the dissecting room is of more

importance to them than the baseball diamond, and that the hospital ward promises

richer returns than the gridiron.


Page 80: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Yet, we have not been without our heroes of brawn and muscle. And while my

reader may be surprised to find in the history of so civil and peace-loving an organization

as a medical class, a record of martial achievements and victories won on the ireld of battle,

yet we have had here our champions. And this history would be untrue and incomplete

without mention of those two memorable occasions when the bloody field of the tennis

court witnessed the standard of 1906 waving in triumph over the prostrate forms of its

conquered foes.

In its varied personnel, our class furnishes as many interesting types as could be found

in any similar organization. We have the Jew and the Gentile, the Frenchman and the

German, the Russian, the Spaniard, the man from the North, the East, the South and

the West. We have funny men and serious men ; handsome men and ugly men ; brilliant

men and stupid men; men who are always at their post, and men who are never there.

But the source of our greatest pride is the fact that within our ranks are numbered so

many men who realize with Edison that there is more genius in perspiration than in

inspiration,—men of unfailing energy and untiring industry, who are ardently, yet cheer-

fully putting their whole strength into their work, seeming to have caught the spirit of

Carlisle's words: "Blessed is the man who has found his work; let him ask no other

blessedness." And if the historian may for the moment assume the role of prophet, he

will say that for these men the future holds lives of noble achievement, and rewards rich

in material wealth, and in the love and admiration of the thousands whose suffering they

will have relieved, and whose li\'es they will have brightened.

Earl Wills Anderson, Historian.


Page 81: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Junior Statistics

Adams, Jesse L. (B.S.),

Ader, Henry F. (A.B.), .

Anderson, Carl L. (A.B.),

Anderson, Earl W. (B.Ph.),

Anderson, Smylie S.,

Bailey, Robert,

Bath, Joseph, . .

Bennett, John J., .

Black, Wm. T.,

Boyd, Hugh K. (A.B.),

Bradley, C. Horace, .

Brown, Walter D.,

Buchanan, Alfred P.,

Bufkin, Chas. L., . .


Bush, David A., . .

Calcote, John L., . .

Cazayonx, J. Fernand,

Chaffe, Christopher F.,

La. Chamberlain, John F., . . Miss-

La. Cohn, Isidore (B.S.), . . . La.

Ga. Cole, C. Grenes, . La.

Ga. Conn, Thomas F., . . . . Miss.

Miss. Cox, Geo. W., Tex.

Tex. Crain, a. Penn, .... La.

La. Cross, A. Barnard, . . . La.

La. CUMMINGS, J. B. T Ala.

Tex. D'Alfonso, Anthony, . . La.

S. C. Darby, J. Whelbert, . . . La.

Tex. Daspit, Henry, Jr., ... La.

Tex. Day, Emory C, .... La.

Tex. Dearman, Wm. A., . . . . Miss.

La. DeBergue, Edward J. (M.Ph), La.

La. Donaldson, Louis T., Jr., La.

Ala. Dunn, J. Fred, .... La.

Miss. Eddins, C. Ira, .... Miss.

La. Fittz, Sam'l C, .... La.

La. French, R. Clement, . . . Miss.


Page 82: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Gallaway, a. Hubert, . . Tex.

Gardiner, G. Logan, . . . La.

Glenn, Oscar, Tex.

Grace, Wm. H., .... Fla.

Graves, James Q., Jr., . . La.

GuiLBEAU, Eric E., ... La.

GwiN, P. Eugene (A.B.), . . Ala.

Hargrave, Robt. L., . . . Tex.

Harper, J. Wallace, Jr., . Tex.

Harrington, Eager R., . . La.

Harris, Wm. H., .... La.

Heflin, Andrew J., . . . La.

Heintz, Ludwig C, ... La.

Henrigues, Adolph DeC. (Ph.G), La.

Herold, Arthur A., . . . La.

Herring, Cassie B., . . . Miss.

Hoeflich, C. Wm., . . . Tex.

Inman, Bennie W., ... Miss.

Jamison, Alfred (B.Phil.), . Miss.

Jones, Thos. Spec, ... La.

King, Howard D., ... La.

Klein, Kutchen T., . . . Miss.

Lamon, John W., . . . . La.

Lanaux, M. Thos., . . . La.

Landry, Jerome E., . . . La.

Laub, Sol W., Miss.

Lemkowitz, David G., . . Miss.

Levin, Israel H., . . . . N. Y.

Levy, Louis, La.

Lowry, Dee L., .... Tex.

McGill, .'Albert G., . . . Ark.

McKinnon, D. Angus, . . Fla.

Magoun, Pete E., . . . . La.

Manar, Edgar \^'., . . . Miss.

Mann, D. Aden, .... Tex.

Markham, Louis N., . . . Tex.

Marks, Lewis H., .... La.

Martin, Leonidas H., . . Tex.

Mayeux, Sam'l J La.

Meyer, Henry J., - - - - Tex.

Montgomery, Wm. E., . . I.Iiss.

MouLEDOUS, Andrew D. (Ph.G), La.

Mounger, Harvey T., . . . La.

Napier, E. Leroy, .... Ala.

NicOLLE, Henry T. (A.B.), . La.

Noble, S. Franklin, . . . Tex.

O'CoNNELL, Geo. A Ala.

Perkins, Ruffin T. (A.B.), . La.

Pettit, Doctor A., ... Miss.

Pipes, Wm. H. (B.S.), ... La.

Plunkett, Randolph S., . . Miss.

Pollock, J. Ernest, . . . La,

Pratt, Geo. K., Jr., . . . La.

Proctor, John M., . . . Ark.

Pugh, Wm. W., Jr., ... La.

Richardson, W. Polk, . . Tex.

RiGNEY, Paul (B.S.), . . . Ala.

RoBiCHAUX, Eugene C., . - La.

Safley, Thos. J., . . . . Tenn.

ScHARFF, Edwin S., ... La.

Seagle, Richard L. (Ph.G)., N. C.

Sequeira, Luis, . . Nicaraugua


Page 83: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Sneed, James E., . . . Tex

Sneed, Wm. N., Jr., . Tex

SoRP, Wm. H., . . . . Tex

Stephens, Geo. W., La

Stevenson, Wm. A., La

Stowe, Le Roy, . . . Tex

Strong, Robt. A., . . La

Talbot, Paul T., . . . Tex

Taylor, Edward B., . . Tex

Thomason, Louis M., . La

Thomson, Wilbur F., . . Tex

Wallace, George, . . La

Weilbaecher, J. O. (Ph.G ,A.B.), La

tPartial Course Student.

Weston, Henry, .... Miss.

White, Henry T., . . . . Ala.

White, Wm. T. (A.B.), . . Tex.

Whitely, Seals L. (M.Ph.), . Ga.

Wilbert, Benijah G., . . La.

Wild, Wm. F., La.

Williams, Clarence R., . . Tex.

Williams, Simon M., . . . Miss.

Wilson, Sidney J., ... Tex.

Wilson, Thos. B., . . . . La.

Wood, John S., .... Ark.

fWooD, Oscar,

Woodcock, W. Cleveland, . Ark.


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Page 85: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905
Page 86: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Class of 1907

Class Yell

O je he, ja-ha!

: Ja-ha-ha-ha


Soph. Medical!

Rah, Rah, Rah!


G. E. KoRNEGAY, N. C. (17), President

B. T. Wise, Jr., Ga. (35), Vice-President

J. W. Talleson, Tex., Secretary

R. D. ScHiMMELPFENNiG, Ark., Treasurer

A. B. Childs, La. (10), ........ Historian

B. T. Wise, Jr. (35), Siih. Editor Jambalaya

S. M. Blackshear (24), , Sub. Editor Jambalaya


Page 87: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

History of the Class of 1907

N the year nineteen hundred and three there came a crowd to the

sacred portals of this grand institution, a gang of geniuses whowooed ahke the race track and the lecture room. This body of

men was of a most representative type, for all corners of the

globe had followers.

Professor Metz recognized the value of such a distinguished

body at once, and invited them into the assembly room to listen

to his famous lecture on "Us Don't Have Any Trouble."

After this intellectual feast the boys shook hands, called each

other "Doctor," compared notes on desirable boarding houses

and went off in search of new homes. After being comfortably situ-

ated they settled down to work.

The class numbered about eighty and was composed of men who had ful-

filled all the requisites of a splendid education. Refinement, gentleness andunusual brightness of intellect is the only possible diagnosis after a close

inspection of the Class of 1907. Its members are gifted with those precious

qualities that make some men so far superior to the rest, and their stately mien andinteUigent expression puts the noble chanticleer to shame; these "characteristics" have

their "peculiarities" and ought to be considered "unique."

A meeting was held shortly after the opening of the session in which oratory flowed

like water. After the smoke of political battle had cleared away, it was found that a full

set of officers had been elected. The president immediately seized the reins of governmentand appointed committees, one of which has to its credit the selection of the most beautiful

class pin in the university.

The members of the class were soon linked together by the sacred chain of friendship,

and the most perfect harmony has prevailed.

The professors and instructors showed them many favors, and to this stimulus is duethe success of the class, and as a reward of their efforts the class picture will be hung on

the "Temple of Fame," New York City.

Before the close of the session, the class was attacked by a most terrible germ, "Poli-

ticocci." The ravages of this disease were terrible, but not daunted, the Sophomore class

is again at the topmost round in the ladder of fame.

After a most pleasant summer they returned to college with a grand determination

to be an honor and credit to their institution. Their fame had spread abroad during the

holidays and 3'oung men from all over the South, having heard of this magnificent class,

have had their names enrolled upon its golden register. They, too, have evinced great

interest in their class, and every new member is a star of the fifty-first magnitude, and

with one hundred and twelve stars the Class of 1907 is a constellation among the classes.

Aesculapius, from his bejeweled throne on Mount Olympus, looks down with admira-

tion upon the Sophomore class and pronounces them as his worthiest sons, for their

pathway has been strewn with pearls of success and the \'ictor's crown awaits them in the

"Temple of Knowledge."Eugene de Bell.\rd, Jr., Historian.


Page 88: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905
Page 89: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Medical Sophomore Statistics

Armstrong, R. L., . . . . La.

Benton, J. B., Miss.

BONDREAU, M. (21), . . . La.

Brock, F. W., ..... Miss.

Brown, G. L. (B.S.), . . . Miss.

Brown, M. M., Tex.

BuNKLEY, E. P., .... Tex.

Burton, W. M., La.

Caine, a. M. (30), .... Ala.

Carrington, D. C, . . . . Tex.

Causey, E. M. (A.B.), . . . Miss.

Cockerham, B. L. (31), . . Miss.

COCKFIELD, L. A. (12), . . . La.

Collins, M. M. (B.S.), ... La.

CoLViN, C. C, La.

Crane, J. B., Tex.

Cunningham, B. L., ... Ark.

Day, E. C, La.

DE Bellard, E., JR- (18), Cen. Am.

Ferrell, H. D. (9), . . . . La.

FiGNEROs, J. F., Cuba.

Floyd, T. J., Ala.

FORTENBERRY, S. C, - . . MisS.

Frierson, I. E., Miss.

Frith, A. P., La.

Fry, S. W. (27), Tex.

Fuller, F. A., Tex.

Garland, G. P., La.

Gellespie, S., La.


Goodwin, O. P. (3), . . . La.

Greenwood, H. A. (4), . . La.

Greer, L. L. (32), . . . . Miss.

Hartzog, C. M. (s), ... Miss.

Hawkins, M. C, Jr., . . . Ala.

Hickman, W. P., .... La.

Hill, O. A. (8), La.

Hirriat, C. a. (39), . . . La.

HiRSCH, D. P., Miss.

Israel, S. P. (16), .... La

Jacobs, C. C, Cuba.

Janell, C. M. (38), .... La.

Jastremski, v., La.

Jordan, M. H. (26), . . . Ala.

Kelly, H. J., La.

Kornegay, G. E., Jr. (17), (Pres),N. C.

Lambert, R. A. (A.M.), . . Ala.

Levin, A. L. (11), .... Tex.

Lyons, R. (A.B.), (28), ... La.

McGlathery, R. (22), (B.S), . Miss.

McClelland, B. A., . . . La.

McDonald, W. E. (12), . . La.

McLaurin, J. B. (23), . . . La.

Mower, F. D. (A.B.), S. Carolina.

Nipper, W. W., Tex.

Orr, W. R. (14), .... Miss.

Philley, J. B., Tex.

Pridgen, J. L., Tex.


Page 90: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

PoYNOR, I. P., Tex.

Pendeegast, E. M., Jr., . . La.

Reagan, R., Miss.

Richardson, O. J., . . . . La.

Reisor, a. S. (6), (B.S.), . . La.

Royals, T. E. (B.S.), . . . Miss.

RoBARDS, E. M. (36), . . . La.

Robertson, S. L., .... Miss.

Roger, C. S. (37), (A.B.), . . La.

Rowland, R. W., .... Miss.

St. Martin, H. P La.

Sanderson, E. L., . . . . La.

Salerno, E. F., La.

Sanford, J. H., La.

Saporito, L., La.

ScARDiNO, p. H Tex.

Secrest, J. M., Ala.

Sharp, W. S., Tex.

Sloss, E. B. (7), Miss.

Smith, J. M., Miss.

Smith, M. A. (2), .... La.

Smith, R. E., La.

Smith, J. L., La.

Stallworth, J. L. (25), . . Ala.

Stewart, V. O. (29), . . . Miss.

Stevens, W. A. (33), (B.S.), . Miss.

Strange, W. R. (20), . . . La.

SwANSON, B. G., Ga.

Tarpley, J. O., La.

Taylor, H. O., La.

Taylor, A. G. (i), .... La.

Thomas, G. A. (13), . . . La.

Wilson, J. J., Jr. (34), . . Miss.

Witte, K. L., Tex.

Woods, C. E. (15), . . . . La.

Welch, Jas. (B.Ph.), . . . Miss.

Wimberly, E. a., .... La.

Young, T. (B.S.), .... La.


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Page 93: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Class of 1908

Class Yell

Rah! Rah! Rah!

Zinc Sulphate!

Medical Freshmen,

Class Colors

Royal Purple. Old Gold.

Class Flower


Class Motto

Kill or Cure.


T. F. Long, .

W. W. Leake,

S. P. Holland,

W. D. Phillips,

L. B. Austin,

B. Wilkinson,,

C. P. May, .


L. Mitchell,








Sub. Editor Jambalaya

Suh. Editor Jambalaya


Page 94: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

History of the Cl^ss of 1908

HE illustrious Class of 1908 was launched into the mysteries of this

world on the memorable day of October 20th, 1904. We (in other

words, Metz's babies) were born 118 strong and can boast of more

variations than any other class in college.

It was shown at the very start that the class was made of fighting

material, at the election of her officers. The fight was so hotly contested that it required

three meetings to land the successful candidates.

F. F. Long, the Alabama Senator, was landed safely in the chair and has certainly

shown 1908 some wonderful things. He, with his magnetic appearance and gentle voice

has been of invaluable service, and we sincerely regret that his term expires so shortly.

On the night of Dec. 3rd, 1904, our class was most royally entertained by Dr. and

Mrs. Metz, at their elegant home in Rosa Park. Right here let me drop a word to all

those who may come after us in the study of medicine at Tulane. Whenever you have

the blues or feel downhearted, or home-sick, go to Metz's and be cured.

Our class has held up the standard of all previous first year classes, in regard to

examinations. Over 70 per cent, of the class passed Sir Hopkins' examination in physi-

ology and hygiene.

While our class was not represented on the football team of last season, we will be

in the game next year. We have with us Watkins of Sewanee, who played center on that

team last season, and also made the All Southern. We are glad to have him with us

and are expecting great things of him next fall. While our friend Watkins has been

trained and understands the game thoroughly, we have others who, with a little work on

the gridiron, will easily make the varsity.

I have been requested to write something about the handsome men of the class, but

as we have none who are worthy of mention in that capacity, I will postpone it to a future

time; in the meantime we will await developments.

But when it comes to politicians, we are greatly blest. Every one of us is a politician

in some sense of the word. Of course, we, like all other distinguished bodies, have our

leaders among us. Long, Leake, Philipps, W. D., Lamot, Mitchell and many others.

So ends the history of the Class of 1908, and, my dear classmates, let us hope that

our coming years at Tulane will be as enjoyable as the closing one.



Page 95: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Medical Freshman Statistics

Aquilar, Julio, Central America.

Applewhite, A. S., . . . . Miss.

Austin, L. B., Miss.

Benson, L. P., La.

Berry, T. M., La.

Blair, H. C, Ala.

Blow, F. T., Tex.

Brindjonc, Eng., . . . France

BuRCH, G. E., La.

Burton, O. M., La.

Casey, James B., . . . . La.

CoNLEY, J. W., Tex.

Coulter, W. W., .... Ala.

Crain, A. B., Tex.

Culotta, p. a., La.

Culpepper, J. C, . . . . La.

Daly, O. P., La.

Davis, J. S. (Tern. Pres), . . Tex.

Decuir, J. a., . . . . Unknown.

Derouen, Robt. F., ... La.

Dunn, I. S., La.

Farmer, C. F., Miss.

Ferguson, E. C, .... Tex.

Fletcher, H. Quigg (A.B.), . Ga.

Fougerouse, H. L., . . . . La.

GoMiLA, Frank R., . . . . La.

Gowan, W. T.,

Hardy, P. H., La.

Henry, M. C. (B.A.), . . . Miss.

Hayes, Wm. McLeod, . . . La.

Hill, F. R., La.

HiNES, S. G., La.

Holland, S. P., Ala.

Johnson, B. F., Jr., . . . Miss.

Kay, Thos., La.

Kergosien, a. a., .... Miss.

KiNBERGER, FrANK J., . . . La.


Lacour, a. B., La.

Lamothe, F. E., Jr., . . . La.

Long, T. F., Ala.

Leake, W. W., Jr. (B.?.), . . La.

Love, L. A., La.

McGiMSEY, J. v., .... La.

McNeese, W. T., .... Miss.

Mahoney, F. O., . - . . Ark.

May, C. p., ..... . La.

Miller, L., La.

Milter, E. S., Ala.

Minnus, a. D., Ala.

Mitchell, L., La.

Odom, G. L., La.

Owens, B. B., L T.

Oestreich, B. S., .... Tex.

O'Ferrall, J. T., Jr., . . . Miss.

Perrault, J. S., .... La.

Perry, F. E., La.

Phillips, J. C, Miss.


Page 96: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Phillip, W. D., La.

Plasencia, W., Cuba.

Prosser, J. T., La.

Rew, Chas. E., La.

Richard, C. V., La.

Roelling, G. F. (B.S.), . . La.

RowE, R. B., Ark.


St. Philip, F. P., Jr.,




Smith, C. E., Ark.

Stollenwerck, B. S., . . . Ala.

Stroud, E. F., Te.x.

Taquino, G. J., La.

Tarlton, J. L., La.

Thamer, J. a., Miss.

Wright, D. H.,


Utsey, W. T.,

Vance, J. W. C,

Veazie, a. v.,

Ventress, J. P., .

ViCKERS, W. C, .

Watkins, M. a.,

Waterson, C. J.,

Wellborn, H. P.,

Wilkinson, B.,

Williams, H. E.,

Willis, A. H.,

Wilson, R. De L.,

Winn-, R. B., . .

Wise, S. P. (A.B.),

Woodward, J. S.,

. . . . Ala.

















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Page 99: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Class 'o5-'o6

Class Yell

H and 2 and S. O. 4,

Just a sip and nothing more,

Skull and crossbones River, Styx,

Tulane Pharmacy 5 and 6.

Class Colors

White and Black.

Class Flower



H. Kenney, President

J. R. Bryan, . . . Vice-President

Geo. W. Faivre, Secretary

R. H. MOERS, Treasurer

W. Leake . . ....... Siih. Editor Jambalaya


Page 100: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Pharmacy Class

Ash, G. G.

Bryan, J. R., Vice-President.

Bourgeois, H. J., Editor Phagocyte.

Carver, J. D.

Eaton, E. E.

Faivre, G. W., Secretary.

FossiER, W. S., A.B.

Ferguson, E., Med.

Geiger, J. Casson, Jr.

Guenard, R. S., Editor Medical Bulletin.



Kenney, H. p.. President.

Leake, W. W., B.S., Med., Sub. Editor


Lawhead, Guy.

Laiche, a. J., A.B.

Mayfield, O. S.

Morris, S. Roy.

MoERS, R. H., Treasurer.

Martin, L. E., Med., Varsity Football


Phillips, W. D., B.S.

Pridgen, J. H.

Richard, Jules C.

LoHNs, Otto C.

scroggin, h. m.

Strealy, a. C.

Smith, Alva P.

Smith, Wallace R.


Page 101: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905




Page 102: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Ambulance Corps

Dr. J. M. Batchelor,

Dr. J. A. Danna,

Dr. S. W. Stafford,


House Surgeon

First Assistant House Surgeon

Second Assistant House Surgeon

E. L. Leckert


p. B. Salatich

H. Clarke

F. V. Gremillion


Ambulance Corps

C. H. Wallbillich

H. R. Shands

L. B. Crawford



S. L. Thetford


J. J. Wymer

W. B. Chamberlin


A short History of the Ambulance Corps

PREVIOUS to the year 1885, all sick and injured people were conve3-ed to the

hospital in city wagons and various vehicles improvised of every fashion. This,

at least, was detrimental to the chances for the patient's recovery, if said patient

was severely shocked before the journey to the hospital was begun.

Acting upon the suggestion of Dr. A. B. Miles, in his annual report as House Surgeon

of the Charity Hospital, it was determined to establish a service by means of which the

injured could be given immediate medical attention at the place of accident, and conveyed

to the hospital for further treatment, if it was deemed advisable, or to their homes. This

was accomplished by the inauguration of the ambulance service.

Dr. A. B. Miles, in his annual report of 1885, speaking of the ambulance service,

states as follows: "This service organized on the 2d of February, is working satisfactorily.

Its success is due mainly to the competency of the ambulance corps, and the zeal with

which they discharge their duty. Lives have been preserved by the prompt aid rendered


Page 103: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

on the spot in cases of poisoning and surgical accident." This service has been main-

tained out of the general revenues of the hospital, but at times, donations have been sent

to be used as a special fund for this purpose. Two ambulances were used from the

beginning, but since then, a third, to be used in case of emergency, has been purchased.

These ambulances have been in daily use since Feb. 2, 1885.

Now, a few words relative to the organization of the ambulance corps. When first

organized it consisted of fourteen members ; at present it consists of sixteen. These men

are known as ambulance surgeons, or internes.

The position of interne or ambulance surgeon is not the first thing that a Tulane

first-course medical student obtains, as the pubhc in general think. Indeed, the position

is one of greater importance than this, and one about which the laity know very little.

An interne position is obtained by competitive examination. Only third and fourth

course medical students of Tulane University are allowed to compete. This opens the

field to 200 or 250 men. From the results of the first examination, a certain number of

men are chosen who are requested to appear for a second. From this last examination,

the number of men corresponding to the number of vacancies for that year, taken in the

order of their grades, are recommended by the Board of Examiners to the Board of

Administrators for appointment. In each examination, one question from each branch

of medicine is given, and in the first, several practical cases are given to test the degree

of practical knowledge the appUcant possesses.

Having succeeded in obtaining this appointment, an interne is forced to reside at

the hospital, and is subject to call, day or night, to any of the duties assigned to him.

Each interne is assigned to certain wards and clinics, over which he has complete control,

under the supervision of the house surgeon, his assistants, and the visiting staff. Besides

this daily inside work, as ambulance surgeon he serves 48 hours continuously, out of every

eight days, on ambulance duty. During this time he treats all emergency cases and

.answers all ambulance calls. This appointment is good for two years. The sixteen

internes, two assistant house surgeons, and the house surgeon, compose the resident staff.

The ambulance service has been brought to such a state of efficiency by each suc-

ceeding house surgeon, that at present it is an absolute necessity to the public, and indis-

pensable to the proper workings of such a magnificent charitable institution. It is second

lo none in the whole United States.


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Professors and Instructors

BRANDT VAN BLARCOM DIXON, A.M., LL.D., President of Newcomb College,and Professor of Philosophy.

ELLSWORTH WOODWARD, Professor of Drawing and Painting, and Director ofArt Instruction.

WILLIAM WOODWARD, Professor of Drawing and Painting.

JANE CALDWELL NIXON, Professor of English and Rhetoric.EVELYN WALTON ORDWAY, B.Sc, Professor of Chemistry.MARIE AUGUSTIN, Professor of French.MARY LEAL HARKNESS, A.M., Ph.D., Professor of Latin.

FREDERICK WESPY, Ph.D., Professor of German.MARY CASS SPENSER, M.Sc, Professor of Mathematics.CLARA GREGORY BAER, Professor of Physical Education.

JAMES ADAIR LYON, Jr., A.M., Professor of Phvsics.

PIERCE BUTLER, Ph.D., Professor of History.

SUSAN DINSMORE TEW, Ph.D., Professor of Greek.GERTRUDE ROBERTS SMITH, Professor of Drawing and Painting.

MARY GIVEN SHEERER, Professor of Ceramic Decoration.

IMOGEN STONE, A.M., Assistant Professor of English.

JOHN PETER PEMBERTON, Instructor in Drawing.SUSAN WILLIAMS MOSES, A.M., Assistant Professor of Languages.JOHN LEO HENNESSY, Instructor in Spanish.

LAURA ALICE McGLOIN, A.M., Instructor in Biology.

JULIA CAROLINA LOGAN, Instructor in English.

CLARISSE CENAS, Instructor in French.

KATHERINE KOPMAN, Instructor in Drawing.AMELIE ROMAN, Instructor in Drawing.MARY WILLIAMS BUTLER, Instructor in Drawing.LOUISIANA JOHN CATLETT, Instructor in Mathematics.ABBIE RICHMOND, A.M., Instructor in English.

VIOLA DENESA SIRERA, A.M., Instructor in German and Latin.

ADELIN FLAM SPENCER, A.M., M.Sc, Instructor in Chemistry.

MYRA CLARE ROGERS, A.M., Instructor in Latin.

LUCY CHURCHILL RICHARDSON, Instructor in Physical Education.

KATHARINE MARGUERITE REED, A.M., Instructor in History.

BERTHA ELINOR FRANKENBUSH, A.M., Instructor in Mathematics.

HP 1






Page 107: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

/, /, ELECTRIC Or-/em (O


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Page 110: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Class of 1905

class Colors

Garnet and Gold.

Class Yell

Ray, Ray, Ray,

Who come? We come, Newcomb.

Ray, Ray, Ray,

Who come? We come, Newcomb,

Naughty Five, Naughty Five, Naughty Five.


Hilda M. Blount, President

Hariette Waters, Vice-President

Josephine Pearce, Secretary

Netta Russell, . . ' Treasurer

Della Mohr, Historian-

Class PoemSerious, sensible, jolly and fair.

Earnest, impulsive, high-minded and true,

Naturally happy, of cheerfulness rare,

In truth, just mere words can't describe them to you;

On account of their learning they've won great renown.

Right worthy are they of the "Cap and the Gown;"

So, three cheers for the record the Seniors hand down.


Page 111: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

A History of the Class of 1905

HE history of the Class of 1905 begins with the settlement at

Newcomb of various Freshmen from the States of Louisiana,

Mississippi, Florida and Alabama, in October of the year

1 90 1. While yet a green and timid people they invaded this

new territory, content for a while with merely holding their

own and making no aggressions on neighboring classes. Butwhen once this timidity had grown into assurance, and the newmembers had acquired the virtue of "sticking together"—that

virtue which for four years has been characteristic, and hasbrought victories in dramatics, literature and athletics—the

natural contest for supremacy began. It has been a many-sided contest and now, almost at its close, I think we may honestly, and not boastfully

either, say that we have made ourselves masters of our college world.

The first decided victory for the 1905's was on the Field of Drama, where, though

Caesar's horse was only a hobby, all of the enemy at Philippi fell together, and the victory

was voted to be the most noteworthy that had been won on Newcomb soil. The leaders

of this great conquest were warriors from Florida, one of whom has followed victory with

victory until in her Senior year she has been chosen president of her class.

It is not a fair history which passes over unnoticed the struggles and failures of a

people. So this will record the defeat of 1905 in its first battle on the Field of Athletics; in

its Sophomore year the flourishing band gave way before a more practiced and skilled

people. But there was neither retreat nor despair, merely a bracing-up and a resolution

so strenuously lived up to that in its Junior year the team broke every Newcomb record,

and carried off as trophy the hard-earned and hotly-contested championship cup. Theband was led by the same captain who now stands at its head, and who will "hold her own"irresistibly until the cup is again, and for the last time, carried off by 1905.

I know they were said to be "frivolus"—this fun-loving class—and not perfect

models of the sober and dignified seekers after knowledge. But one proof will be sufficient

to show that a healthy body was valued as being the perfect affinity of a healthy mind.

For it was in that same all-glorious Junior year that 1905 changed the usual run of things,

and the Seniors were worsted on the debating stand by the "Woman suffragist" who"trailed in the dust" the banners of former non-believers and opponents. And though

the four-year history of 1905 has been everything but a fable, I can not refrain from

drawing just one little moral which, among many other important lessons, must be taken

away from their college life by the girls of 1905. They must meet defeat individually as

bravely as they have met it as a class, and they must receive victory as unboastingly and

modestly as they have individually and collectively, from the moment of their first triumph

until their appearance in the garb of Seniorhood—the long coveted and triumphantly

realized Cap and Gown.Historian.


Page 112: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905


To 905

A PROPHECY(The Past, 1901)

"I predict," said the one who had far-seeing eyes,

"That this band of Minervas who are soon to arrive,

By their originality 'II cause great surprise,

And leave for all ages the deeds of '05."

A REALIZATION(The Present 1905)

Would you believe this was said in the year 1901,

When our real work at Newcomb had scarcely begun ?

And now in reviewing the things we have,done.

The good we've accompHshed, through hardships and fun.

We predict that life's struggles will overwhelm none,

Because of the battles we've all fought and won.

AN APPRECIATION(The Future, 1910)

"Advance and achieve was the standard they raised,

For four years they kept it, brave hearts, undismayed


And we, too, by all shall be honored and praised.

If we play life's drama as '05 has pla)'ed.


Page 113: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Newcomb Senior Statistics

Blount, Hilda M., KKF, ()!, Playwright (i), Secretary (2), French Circle (2), Basket-

ball Team (2-3-4), Historian (3), Agonistic (3-4), Sub. Editor Jambalaya (3),

Class President (4), Class Orator (3), Y. W. C. A.

Cahn, Mabel J., French Circle (1-2-4), Playwright (2), Agonistic (3-4), Basketball

Team (3-4), Sub. Editor Jambalaya (3), Editor-in-Chief Jambalaya (4), Public

Debater (3).

De Grange, Beatrice, Agonistic (3-4), French Circle (3), Sub. Editor Jambalaya (4),

Secretary Agonistic (4).

Fayers, Aline F., Class President (3), Agonistic (3-4), Glee Club (3), Y. W. C. A.

Godchaux, Carrie W., Treasurer (i) and (2), Pla3T^Tight (2), Agonistic (3-4), French

Circle (1-2-4), Basketball Team (2-3-4), Basketball Captain (3-4), Public Debater


Hart, Gladys, Agonistic (3-4).

Jackson, Genevieve, 775(?, Y. W. C. A. (3-4), Basketball Team (3-4), Agonistic (4).

Jordan, Mabel, Sub. Editor Jambalaya (2), Agonistic (3-4), French Circle (2-3-4),

President French Circle (4), Y. W. C. A.

Lisso, Essie, Vice-Presider.t (i). President (2), Basketball Team (2-3-4), Agonistic (3-4),

Speaker Agonistic (4), Olive and Blue (1-2-3-4), French Circle (4).

Mauberret, Mathilde, Agonistic (3-4).

Menge, Edna, Agonistic (3-4).

MOHR, Della, Basketball Team (2-3-4), Agonistic (3-4), Secretary Agonistic (3),

Symposium (3), Class Historian (4).

Murphy, Flora, IIBfP, 6J, Agonistic (3), Vice-President (3), Basketball Team (2).

Norton, Mildred, .4077, 61, French Circle (1-2-3), Y. W. C. A. (1-2-3-4), Secretary

is). Glee Club (3).

Pearce, Josephine G., Secretary (i), Vice-President (2), Basketball Team (2-3-4),

Agonistic (3), Secretary (4), French Circle (4).

Reames, Eleanor E., French Circle (3), Basketball Team (3-4), Agonistic (3-4),

Treasurer Agonistic (4), Public Debater (3), Sub. Editor Jambalaya (4), Clerk of

Congress of Agonistic (3), Newcomb Business Manager of Tulanian (4).


Page 114: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Hembert, Frances, Agonistic (3-4), French Circle (2).

Robertson, Mel., A'AT, 61, President (i), Sub. Editor Jaiibalaya (2), Historian (2),

Treasurer (3), Olive and Blue (3-4), Basketball Coach (3-4), Assistant Business

Manager Jambalaya (3-4).

Reid, Clothilde, Agonistic (3-4).

Russell, Netta A., French Circle (3-4), Agonistic (3-4), Basketball Team (2-3-4),

Treasurer (4).

Sanders, Flora M., AOII, dl, Treasurer of Agonistic (3), Glee Club (3), Historian (i)

French Circle (1-4).

'Stern, Gertrude, Agonistic (3-4).

.Spearing, Jessie, Agonistic (4).

Waldhorn, Augusta, French Circle (2-3-4), Agonistic (3-4), Newcomb, Editor-in-Chief

of Tulanian (3).

Waters, Hariette,/75(?, 61, Corresponding Secretary, Y. W. C. A., Clerk of Congress

of Agonistic (3), Speaker of Agonistic (3), Basketball Team (3-4), French Circle (3),

Vice-President (4), President of Y. W. C. A. (4).


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Page 116: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Junior Class, 1906

class Colors

Gold and Black.

Class Yell

Rickety Rix! Rickety Rix!

Sis! Boom! Bah!

Naughty Six! Haughty Six!

Rah! Rah! Rah!


Viola Murphy, .......... President

Edith Farrar, Vice-President

Beatrix Fortune, ....... Secretary and Treasurer

Edith Follett, ......... Class Historiati


Page 117: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Who is She?

She has "two lips, indifferent red; item, two grey eyes, with hds to them; item, one

neck, one chin, and so forth." She is cheerful, s3Tnpathetic, unselfish, enthusiastic,

athletic and highly intellectual.

She has two generous foes, 1905 and 1907.

She has two staunch friends, 1904 and 1908.

She never cuts chapel, gym, nor classes.

She never creates a disturbance on the arcade.

She never attempts to paint the college red or any other color.

She always remembers that there are trash baskets on the campus.

She always pays her class dues—when misfortune overtakes her.

She knows the exact location of every mountain range, river, city, and town, including


She has invented the phrase, "the English Channel is shallow in width."

She knows more about brachiopods, trilobites, ichthyosaurs, and rocks, than Mr.

Dana himself.

She has made an interesting discovery as to the meaning of mummery.

She adores Math and German ; while Latin is a pleasant relaxation after one whole

hour of Spanish or Art.

She can make worse puns than Dr. Dixon's.

She has the histrionic ability of a Bernhardt, a Mansfield, a Sothern, and a Jefferson.

She is the "pride of Newcomb's Faculty."

Why say more ? She does the things that have been left undone and never does the

things she ought not to do.

Who is she ? Naughty Six.


Page 118: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Newcomb Junior Statistics

Converse, Edna, Y. W. C. A., French Circle, Agonistic.

CoppEE, Nellie, XQ, Captain Basketball Team (2), Basketball Team (3), Agonistic.

CzARNOWSKi, Olga, Y. W. C. A., French Circle, Agonistic.

Emerson, Eliza, Y. W. C. A., Sub. Editor Jaiibalaya (2-3), Agonistic, Substitute

Basketball Team (3).

Farrar Edith, XQ, Vice-President (3), Agonistic, Y. W. C. A., French Circle.

Follett, Edith, French Circle, Agonistic, Substitute Basketball Team (2-3), Class

Historian (3).

Fortune, Beatrix, Agonistic, French Circle, Secretary and Treasurer (3), Substitute

Basketball Team (2-3).

GuNBY, Edith, French Circle.

Hardie, Ella, XQ.

Lawler, Ruby, Agonistic, French Circle.

Lewis, Clara, XQ, French Circle, Agonistic, Basketball Team (2), Substitute Basketball

Team (3), Sub. Editor Olive and Blue.

Lob, Buel.ah, Agonistic, Basketball Team (2), Captain Basketball Team (3), Sub.

Editor of Jambalaya (2).

LoEB, Mathilde, Agonistic, French Circle, Basketball Team (2-3).

Lovell, Fanny, Basketball Team (3), Agonistic.

Marechal, Edith, Agonistic.

Murphy, Viola, /7i3(?, Sub. Editor Jajibal.aya (i), \'ice-President (i), Secretarv andTreasurer (2), President (3).

Provosty, Andr£, AOn.

Randolph, Norma Pearce, Agonistic, French Circle, Y. W. C. A.

SuMMEY, Mary, Y. W. C. A., Agonistic, Basketball Team (2-3).

Vallas, Edna, Y. W. C. A., French Circle, Agonistic, Class Historian (2), Sub. Editor

Jambalaya (3), Substitute Basketball Team (3).


Abraham, Jeanne, Agonistic, -P.

Aiken, Edith, /77J<P, Agonistic.

Craig, Hester, KKF. Basketball Team (3).

Miller, Edna.

Minor, Mary, KKF, Basketball Team (3), Agonistic.


Page 119: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905



^ ^^ O-o^-Tci'n©

TjaugKtu- sevenJ^oiughK- seven

V?rg,>,uHai%le4 Sec.




Page 120: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905
Page 121: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

History of the Class of 1907

N October the first, nineteen hundred and three, the Class of 1907 came

to hfe. Ever)-thing was in readiness for the new infant. The other classes

stood waiting around, and the green of 1906 still lir gered on the campus


But, lo! A surprise was in wait for all. Instead of an ignorant

Freshman baby, 1907 sprang forth full-fledged like Minerva from the brain

of Jupiter. The Sophomores looked abashed to see a younger class so

superior and the Juniors held out the hand of friendship to their new sister.

All through her initial year at college Minerva II. lived up to her promising first

appearance and during this term she is even surpassing it. You must be wondering what

some of our famous exploits are.

To begin at the end, our latest and greatest achievement was beating the Juniors in

one of the best basketball games ever played at Newcomb. We are the only Sophomores

who have even been victorious over an upper class. Isn't that something to be proud of?

The ambition of our life at college is to win the championship cup. We still have the

Seniors to beat—but we'll hear the end of the story later. They say pride comes before

a fall, so we will not boast.

Then our class play last year was another triumph. The best I can sa}- is that it was

quite worthy of nineteen seven. Our play of this year is still with the cup in the misty

future, but you may be sure it will be a good one.

Besides these things, we have performed other notable deeds. We have numerous

and sundry times been victorious in locker room fights, and we have subdued the Freshmen

so that they are forced to acknowledge our e.xalted Sophomoric rank.

Time and space forbid that we should go into further detail concerning ourselves,

but w^e hope that this short sketch will suffice to give you a shght idea of the greatness cf

our illustrious class of nineteen sever.



Page 122: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Class of I 907

When the world was young,

When time was a youth,

W'hen women were angels.

When men stood for truth,

There existed a college

Of learning untold.

With towers and turrets,

And pillars of gold.

Therein were three classes

Of different degree,

These boasted of lasses

Of high pedigree.

Seniors, Juniors and Freshmen,

Their ranks did comprise,

The latter were youthful,

(Please hide your surprise).

But in process of time

The Invincihles came.

And a new class arose,

But without a new name.

Too clever for Freshmen,

And too gifted by far,

To be mentioned with Juniors

(Don't they give you a jar ?)

Too young and good-looking

To be classed with that band.

Who with gowns wildly floating

Roamed over the land.

But the oldest professor

A sage of great fame.

At last answered the problem.

And gave them a name.

Said he: "As Sophia

For wisdom doth stand,

Sophomore surely fits them.

Sophs, I'm yours to command."


Page 123: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Newcomb Sophomore Statistics

I^REAZEALE, Marie, A'A7 ', (-y^', Y. W. C. A. (2), French Circle (1-2), Sub. Editor of

Jambalaya (2), Basketball Team (1-2), Erglish Circle.

Bres, Nell, French Circle (1-2), English Circle (2).

DuPR^, Lily, .4077, 61, Secretary of Class (i), President English Circle.

GuNTER, Anne H., Y. W. C. A. (1-2), Pla_^^vright (i), President (2), French Circle (i),

Basketball Team (2), EngHsh Circle.

Handy, Jo, .4077, Sub. Editor Jambalaya (i), English Circle.

Handley, \'irginia B.,77£(/>, Sub. Editor Jambalaya (i), Vice-President Y. \\'. C. A.(2), Class Secretary (2), Basketball Team (2), Enghsh Circle.

Hart, Fr.ancis, Substitute Basketball Team (2), English Circle.

Henold, Bertha, Secretary Enghsh Circle, Substitute Basketball Team (2):

HiNCKS, Leda, President Class (i), French Circle (1-2).

Hinton, Banita, Enghsh Circle.

HiNTON, Helen, English Circle.

Hugo, Nettie, Y. W. C. A., English Circle.

Hopkins, Carrie M.,nB'P. 61, Sub. Editor Jambalaya, Basketball Team (2).

Loeber, Pauline, XQ, 6J, French Circle (i), Basketball Team (2), Class Vice-Presi-

dent (1-2), EngUsh Circle, Olive and Blue Editor Forum, 6J.Lyon, Bessie, Class Treasurer (2), Y. W. C. A., Secretary (2), Basketball Team (2).

Many, Anna E., .4077, 61, Basketball Captain (2), Y. W. C. A.

M.4URY, Helene, 77£(2>, 61, Class Editor Olive and Blue, Class Historian (2), Basketball

Team (2).

McColl.4m, Edna, English Circle, French Circle (i). Substitute Basketball Team (2).

Miller, Emily V. D., Class Poet (1-2), Y. W. C. .\. (1-2), French Circle, English

Circle, Treasurer.

Moss, Caroline, English Circle.

Patterson, Josephine, Y. W. C. A., Enghsh Circle.

Parlance, Evelyn, French Circle (1-2).

Russell, Elizabeth.ScHiUDT, Dorothea A., French Circle (1-2).

Saunders, Marguerite, .4077, Historian (i). Corresponding Secretary of English Circle.

Simmons, Alma, English Circle.

Taylor, Alice, French Circle (1-2).

Terwillicer, Hattie, Y. W. C. A., Enghsh Circle.

White, Emily, English Circle.

Rosenbaum, Ruth.Trible, Irene.

Specials of 1907Charles, Daisy, IIB(P, Y. W. C. A., English Circle.

Danziger, Edna, French Circle (1-2), English Circle.

Feld, Ruby, English Circle.

Grehan, .A.LICE, English Circle.

Krower, Edn.a, French Circle (1-2), English Circle.

Ogden, Ella Louise, Enghsh Circle.


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Page 126: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Class History of 1908

EWCOMB has cause to remember long the glorious first of October,

1904. For on this day there entered a class whose brillianc}' and spirit

have never been and never will be equalled in the history of Tulane Uni-

versity. Never were there such girls, and never were done such noble

deeds. So strong is the innate sense of this most wonderful class that not once has 1908

suffered from inexperience—that malady so common to ordinary Freshmen. Far from

succumbing to the evil results of verdancy, we have instead caused others to suffer from

the intense light of our brillianc}\ All Newcomb is dazzled by the glow.

Reluctantly I write such seemingly exaggerated praise as the above, but my duty as

historian bids me set forth the truth—howe^'er flattering it may be, and however modest

I may feel about the achievements of my class.

Thus to continue/'^^all the Faculty hold us in highest esteem. There is not one pro-

fessor who is not delighted when a division of 1908 enters the room to recite to him or her.

This is but natural; it must be so great a relief—so great a change for the better—for one

who has just heard the lessons of some other class, 1907 for example, to hear ours, well

learned and well understood as the}^ always are.

But enough said of our intellectual superiority; you have doubtless, gentle reader,

already heard from other sources much more about it than this whole book could contain.

Now, as to our traditional foes, the Sophomores. Of course, you know of our fights with

them; how we fastened their lockers and hid the keys, and how in revenge they thought

they would shut us up in the locker room. But there they reckoned without their host.

They did succeed in entrapping three or four of our number, but these the rest of us

immediately went about to rescue. We could not force the door, so we went around

under the window and put up a ladder. One of the '08 's was about to climb down by

means of it when overwhelming numbers of Sophs came, and, with a great struggle, bore

it away. They left us, but we were not, as they thought, at the end of our resources.

Ah, Sophomores, you learned a thing or two that day. \A'e piled up tables and chairs and

the girl at the window jumped. She landed safely and triumphantly just as the Sophs came

hurrying back. They were defeated and, in acknowledgment of the fact, they unlocked

the door and thus allowed the remaining Freshmen to leave the room in *.he usual dignified

and conventional manner. This is but one of many incidents which go to prove that 1907

cannot impose upon 1908—the former think that they have to deal with the same kind

Page 127: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

of Freshmen as those Newcomb possessed last year, and in this mistaken idea they have

more than once came to grief.

Ah, gentle reader, I would I could continue forever in the narrative of 1908's deeds

of prowess, but unfortunately, space is lacking. So, in the name of our great and glorious

class, I must bid you farewell till you come, sometime in the spring, to witness the best

play that was ever produced; a play chosen by the 1908's, and written by a 1908.

To '08

To thee, O mighty Class of 1908,

In a most learned college, wisest class,

To thee I pledge a love that ne'er'U abate.

Long after I from Newcomb's walls will pass.

To be thy worthy member I'll e'er try,

Though to be that I know is hard, indeed;

Since thee to equal, other classes sigh.

For thou in wisdom other classes lead.

Oh, nineteen eight! Indeed, a great class thou;

And oh, thy future seems so bright to me.

If only things will always be as now,

I'll have no more to wish for, as to thee.

If thou'U fulfill the promise of this hour,

Thou'llt proN'e thyself proud Newcomb's fairest flower.


Page 128: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Newcomb Freshman Statistics


Adler, Berenice.Blum, Adele, French Circle.

Boyd, Minnie, French Circle.

Brinkmann, Gertrude F.

Callan, Mary E.

Campbell, Mary B.

Cunningham, Laura L., French Circle.

Delbert, Elmir, French Circle.

Danziger, Miriam, French Circle.

Davis, Marjorie C.

Drake, Irene Aubrey, KKF, French

Circle, Y. W. C. A.

Farrar, Mildred, XQ, French Circle.

Frierson, Lucia, AOH.Gardemal, G. Anna, President (2d half),

French Circle.

Gaunt, Esther.Gayden, Margaret K.

Goldstein, Lillian Finlay.

Grabenheimer, Sadie.

Hart, Nellie S., Treasurer (2d half),

Sub. Editor Jambalaya, French Cir-

cle, Y. W. C. A.

Hatlestad, Elsa.

Hereford, Flavia, French Circle.

HiLLER, Irma H., French Circle.

Jung, Lillian M., AOU, French Circle.


Laroussini, Nina M., 1730, FrenchCircle.

Manion, Katherine, Secretary ( I St half).

Mayer, Maomi B.

McInnis, Malcolm.Moore, Frances.Monroe, Adele, KKF, Vice-President

(2d half). Treasurer (ist half).

Norman, Anita J., KKF, Secretary (2d

half), Sub. Editor Jambalaya.Owen, Edith.PrSot, Nina M., XQ, Vice-President (st

half). Class Historian.

Randolph, Gladys Pierce.

Reuss, Helene E.

Rood, Urilda B., Y. W. C. A.

Simpson, Margie.Stearns, Shirley J., French Circle, Y.

W. C. A.

Tebo, Jessie Wing, /75(P, President (ist

half), French Circle, Y. W. C. A.

Waldhorn, Elsie, French Circle.

Weil, Fannie.Weil, Gladys.Williams, Edna.Williams, Loolahbel.Woods, Uland Lee, Y. W. C. A.

*Dreyfous, Emma, French Circle.

908 Specials

Aarons, Beatrice D.

Barrow, Zoe Gayoso.Breed, Rae.Bush, Ruth Esther, KKF, French Cir-


Crippen, Lucille.

Calloway, 'LEA,nB0.Flaspoller, Gertrltde.

Ford, Florence, KKF.Garrott, Lillian.

J ELLISON, Hazel Kyrke.Johnson, Joyce Amy.Lampton, Nurcelia.Legendre, Virgie, XQ, French Circle.

Levert, Ella, XQ.McCulloch, Kate.Sanders, Lelia Harrison, Class Editor

of Olive and Blue, Editor of Y. W.C. A.

Terry, Kate.

Page 129: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905


Page 130: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Art School


Red, Yellow and Blue.


The "Lamb."

Art Students' Body

Bemis Sharp, - - President

Jane Gibes, Vice-President

May Thomason, Secretary

Edna Reed, Treasurer


Edna Reed, President

Jane Gibbs, Vice-President


Juanita Mauras, President

Sadie Irvine, Vice-President

Gladys Randolph, Secretary

Ernestine Bres, Treasurer


Lillian Loeber, President

Anne Robertson, Vice-President

Margaret Shelby, Secretary

Julia Mcgruder, Treasurer


Fannie Warren, . President

Alma Woodward, Vice-President

\ SccTctdTyVera Morel, i ^'

I Treasurer


Zelia Barnett, Captain


Page 131: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

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Page 132: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905


Senior Class

Florence E. Atkins.—"The sweetest girl."

Zelia M. Barnett.—"The winning girl." Captain Basketball Team.

Lucy E. Denham.—"The impressionist girl."

Dertha Drennan.—"The original girl."

Jane T. Gibbs.—"The sterhng girl." Vice-President Art Student Body, Vice-President

Senior Class.

Louisie E. Howe.—"The brilliant girl."

Florence Jardet.—"The knowing girl."

Daisy T. Joor.—"The striving girl." Editor Jambalaya.

Marguerite Labarre.—"The fascinating girl." Editor Olive and Blue.

Edna L. Reed.—"The jolly girl." President Senior Class, Treasurer Art Student Body

Bemis Sharp.—"The charming girl." President Art Student Body.

Mary E. Thomason.—"The sunny girl." Secretary Art Student Body.

Junior Class

Marie Ernestine Bres, Treasurer Junior Class.

Cynthia Littlejohn.

Claire E. Crawford.

Gertrude Monroe.

Estelle F. Holley.

Juanita Mauras, President Junior Class, Sub. Editor Jambalaya.

Anna Simpson.

Gladys G. Randolph, Secretary Junior Class.

Sadie A. E. Irvine, Vice-President Junior Class.

Sophomore Class

Julia Byrne.

Edna Dean.

Lillian Loeber, President Sophomore Class, Sub. Editor Jambalaya.

Anna Mohr.

Julia Michel.

Anne Robertson, President Sophomore Class, Sub. Editor Jambalaya.

Margaret Shelby, Secretary Sophomore Class.

Id.a Tharp.128

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Page 135: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Freshman Class

Marian Beane.

Alice Brady.

Minerva Dickinson.

Matilda Gray.

Marian Irvine.

Elizabeth L.\nsing.

Annabel McQuiston.

Ma\ ^Iorel.

Vera Morel, Secretary-Treasurer Freshman Class, President Freshman Class.

Fannie Warren, Sub. Editor Jambalaya.

Lynne Watkins, Editor Olive and Blue.

Alma Woodward, Vice-President Freshman.

Ella Wood.


Henrietta D. Bailey, '03.

Mrs. Henry Garic, '03.

Eefie Shepard, '03.

Anita P. Kelley, '04.


M.ARIA L. Benson.

Margaret G. Boroughs.

E. Ruth Burgess.

Mrs. C. B. Crabites.

Esther H. Elliot.

Marguerite E. Gillis.

Velma Hand.

Nina E. Harper.

Lucia D. Jorden.

Margaret Sterling Lea.

Louise Lebeuf.

Virginia S. Maes.

Elizabeth K. Paterson.

Maude Robinson.

Minnie J.Schmidt.

Margaret J.Stubbs.

Jennie M. Walker.

Helene Weis.

Leonore Woods.

A. I. Duggan.

Charlotte Payne.

Emma J.Urquhart.

S.iLLY Holt.

Mrs. p. Wraight.


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Art Crafts


Miss SheererMiss Benson

Miss BaileyMiss Wraight

Miss LittlejohnMiss Holley

Miss SimpsonMiss Robinson

Miss HoweMiss Irvine

Miss MurphyMiss Mauberret

Miss Stern

Miss UrquhartMiss Jorden

Miss HoltMiss Crawford

Miss SharpMiss Lebeuf

Miss ScudderMiss Labarre

Miss PayneMiss Norton

Miss MengeMiss De Grange

Independent Designers

Miss KennonMiss Jackson

Mrs. L. NicholsonMiss Ryan

Miss E. Hoa-Le BlancMiss Levy

Miss RossMiss R. Urquhart

EmbroideryMrs. Smith

Miss BensonMiss Robinson

Miss HoltMiss Mauras

Miss ElliottMiss Lebeuf

Miss BaileyMiss Drennan

Miss BurgessMiss Garic

Miss DugganMiss Sharp

Miss Mass


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Page 139: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

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Page 140: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Law Department


EDWIN BOONE CRAIGHEAD, LL.D., President of University.

HARRY HINCKLEY HALL, B.L., Dean, and Professor of Criminal Law, the Law

of Evidence and of Practice under the Code of Practice of Louisiana.

EUGENE DAVIS SAUNDERS, B.L., Professor of Constitutional Law, Common Law,

and Equity.

HENRY DENIS, B.L., Professor of Civil Law and Lecturer on the Land Laws of the

United States.

THOMAS CARGILL WARNER ELLIS, A.B., B.L., Professor of Admiralty, Inter-

national Law, and Constitutional Law.

FRANK ADAIR MONROE, Professor of Commercial Law and the Law of Corpora-






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History of the Class of 1904-05

IN THE twenty-first of last November, the eighty-six men who compose the

great class of nineteen four-nineteen five, began the great charge up the paths

of legal knowledge to capture and occupy the Supreme Court of the land.

Dean Hall in his opening talk told of the high requirements of the lawyer of to-day.

But he also cheered us by telling of the high place we would take in the affairs of the State,

and even of the Nation, if we became judges and succeeded in our Charges. He finally

presented us with the most dangerous and effective weapon of the lawyer, the Code of

Practice. He said that if properly used and understood, this book, with the aid of another

infernal machine, the Civil Code, would win the fight for us.

Although he did not say it in so many words, his talk left us with the uncanny feeling

that these codes could be of great service to us, if properly used and understood,

but if a single article in their make-up were overlooked they would immediately become

more dangerous to the owner than to anyone else, and would surely result in our losing

the action.

As soon as we became acquainted with one another, we realized that we must elect

a leader, or president, and have permanent organization. Therefore, Mr. Dupre was

elected temporary chairman, and the campaign was started with four tickets in the field.

The contest was very close, requiring three days to complete it. After the two weakest

tickets were dropped, the fight became fast and furious, and the two candidates, Mr. Gar-

land, of Opelousas, and Mr. Smith, of Orleans, were boosted up to have a look at the

skies by the orators of their respective parties. The members of the class finally per-

suaded these eSusive fountains of oratory, that, although ]\Ir. Garland and Mr. Smith

were both worthy of keeping their lofty seats, they were needed to lead the class. So the

gentlemen were allowed to return to our midst from their stay among other heavenly


Mr. Smith was finally declared elected by a fair majority, and in his speech of accept-

ance he assured the class that while he had enjoyed his visit and stay among the skies,

nevertheless, he was honored and glad to return to this common-place world to act as

president of such a class.

The reader must not suppose that we are merely students and grinds, incapable of

having a good time. Of course, our greatest joys are derived in the mastering of complex

legal subjects, but we vary our amusements. This was shown, and our abihty as enter-

tainers estabhshed, at the annual hop given on Founders' Day.


Page 144: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

As the history goes to the press, the question of who will represent the class as vale-

dictorian is being discussed. Judging from some of the men entering the contest, it

should be very close. Anyone who expects to attend is advised to come prepared for a

sudden rise in the temperature, as we have inside information that the air will be warm,

if not positively hot, on that occasion.

With most classes this part of the session has witnessed cramming and worry over

the great final test to come when we have to pass in review before the Faculty. But with

the present class this is not the case; we look forward to the examinations with confidence,

and our only fear is that the Faculty will do away with them as unnecessary. (The mem-bers of the Faculty will please not read the above paragraph.)

Anyone having suff'ered from the effect of hot air caused by reading the above, will

present his claims to Denis, the "student," not the "lecturer."

Artist.—Fine paintings, gentlemen,—this one—"God Bless Our Home."

Lean.—Country Law Student.—Say (pause), got one, "GoU Darn Our Boarding


Page 145: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Class of 1904-05 Statistics

Adams, Sturges Quincy.Adolph, Walter Edward.Alba, Louis Richard.Alford, Gus Lafayette.Allen, Matthew Jackson.Bagwell, Walter Lee.

Berlin, Henry Hugh, Bdll, IV.

Blossman, Eugene Sampson.Blanchard, Lawrence Grain, IV.

Broussard, Joseph Otto, A.B.

Brown, Joseph Glifford, A.B.

Carter, Howell, Jr.

Gasey, Joseph Anderson, A.B.

Casserly, J.AMES Gharles, A.M.GooKE, Nath.aniel Dobson.Claverie, John Michael, Jr.

Daly, Bernard John.Dart, Henry Plauche, JR-, A.B.,-r.4£,


Davenport, Frank Benjamin.Denis, Arthur Hewes, IX, IV., Law

Editor, Tulane German Glub, His-


Devlin, Daniel Joseph, AKE, A.B.

DuPAs, Paul Louis.

DupRE, Gilbert Louis, Jr., A.B., ATQ,T. A. A.

EsTOPiNAL, Benjamin Franklin.Fields, Harvey Goodwyn, B.I., ZAK,


FuRLOw, Thomas Edwin, KA, B.A.

Gallagher, William James.Gautreaux, James Scallen.

Gardiner, Samuel Walter.Garland, Joseph Moore, /7X^.Gaskill, Fred Chester, A.B.

Gill, Alonzo Preston.Gilbert, Philip Henry.Goldman, Louis.

Gremillion, Landry Phidias.

Grima, Alfred, A.B., Georgetown.

Hays, Clifford East, IV.

Houghton, William Allen.Himel, Rene Hector, A.B.

Holcombe, Charles Andrews, IV., KA.IvEY, Joseph Nettles, IV., Ph.D., A.M.Ingram, Wyatt H.

Janvier, John, ATQ, Assistant Football


Kearney, George Ross.

Keller, Lee Frederick.Kennedy, Robert Price, A.B.

King, Thomas Howard.King, Thomas George.Kramer, Paul.Kohn, Edwin Cicero.

La Cour, Arthur Burton, AKE, Var-

sity Football.

Laurendine, Charles Medrick.Laurendine, John Merrill.LooMis, John Richard.McCoRiiicK, Vivian Ignatius.

McMuRKAY, Henry Bernard, Jr., A.B.

Maloney, Henry Herbert.Magne, Frank William, A.B., Tulane

Varsity Football.

Meunier, Roger Francois.

Mithoff, Hy^man, Editor of O. and B.

Nunez, Fernand Joseph.Neuhauser, David Adrian.Nixon, Clark.O'Connell, Martin Henry, A.B.

Parlance, Walter Charles, IX, IV.,

Tulane German Club.

PoRTEOus, William Alexander.Randle, Robert Oakley, A.B.

Richard, Edward Henry.RivARDE, Louis Robert.Robbert, Edward Martin.Robertson, George Winter, J" A', KM,

A.B., Tulane German Club.

Robertson, Thomas Washington, B.S.

Ryan, Edward John.Saucier, Harry Stuart, T. A. A.

Sbis.\, Anthony Joseph.Smith, Merrill Neville, J' A', Varsity


Smith, Ventress Jones, IV.

Teissier, Fernand Fortune, A.B.

Tompkins, Linn Clingmann.Thompson, Matthew Cary.

Wall, Isaac Dickson, Jr., IV., i^.4, B.S.

Ward, Joseph Frank, B. O., nKA,l\.,T. A. A.

Weick, John Stephen.Wolf, Samuel.WooDviLLE, John Leopold Warren,

KA0.Wooten, William Leonidas.Wright, Simeon Tankisley.


Page 146: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905
Page 147: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

The Song of the Epicure

^F chests of gold or wealth untold

Release from death could buy,

My blessed share, I'd watch with care,

And guard with sleepless eye.

And when grim death, with oppressive breath,

Would come on the fated day;

Release should I gain, and a new lease obtain,

And send death, crestfallen, away.

But since man can't for pelf, purchase life for himself,

Of what use is money to me ?

If I'm fated to die, now say, why should I

With sighs and laments troubled be?

Be it mine then to quaff, with a jest and a laugh,

The witie as it sparkles like dew,

Just add to these three, and complete all will be.

Some friends who are tipsy and true.

Sol Weiss, '05.


Page 148: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

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Page 149: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Kappa Alpha(Founded 1865)

Chapter Roll

Alpha.—Washington and Lee University.

Gamma.—University of Georgia.

Delta.—WoUord College.

Epsilon.—Emory College.

Zeta.—Randolph-Macon College.

Eta.—Richmond College.

Theia.—Kentucky State College.

Kappa.—Mercer University.

Lambda.—University of Virginia.

N'ti.—Alabama Polytechnic Institute.

Xi.—Southwestern University.

Omicron.—University of Texas.

Pi.—University of Tennessee.

Sigma.—Davidson College.

Upsilon.—University of North Carolina.

Phi.—Southern University.

Chi.—^Vanderbilt University.

Psi.—Tulane University.

Omega.—Central University of Kentucky.

Alpha Alpha.—University of the South.

Alpha Beta.—University of Alabama.

Alpha Gamma.—Louisiana State University.

Alpha Z>e//a.—Wilham Jewell College.

Alpha Epsilon.—S. W. Presbyterian University.

Alpha Zeta.—William and Mary College.

Alpha Eta.—Westminster College.

Alpha Theta.—Kentucky University.

Alpha Iota.—Centenary College.

Alpha Kappa.—Missouri State University.

Alpha Lambda.—Johns Hopkins University.

Alpha Mil.—Millsaps College.

Alpha Nil.—Columbian University.

Alpha Xi.—University of California.

Alpha Pi.—Leland Stanford, Jr., University.

Alpha Rho.—University of West Virginia.

Alpha Sigma.—Georgia School of Technology.

Alpha Tail.—Hampden-Sidney College.

Alpha Upsilon.—University of Mississippi.

Alpha Phi.—Trinity College.

Alpha Chi.—Kentucky Wesleyan University.

Alpha P5/.—Florida State College.

Alpha Omega.—^. C. A. & M. College.

10 145

Beta Alpha.—Missouri School of Mines.

Beta Beta.—Bethany College.

Beta Gamma.—College of Charleston.

Beta Delta.—Georgetown College.

Beta Epsilon.—Delaware College.

Beta Zeta.—Universitv of Florida.

Page 150: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

State Associations




North Carolira.



Alumni Chapters

Norfolk, Va.

Richmond, \'a.

New York Cit}".

Raleigh, N. C.

Macon, Ga.Lexington, Ky.

Petersburg, Va.

Talladega, Ala.

St. Louis, Mo.Ale.xandria, La.

Jackson, Miss.

Atlanta, Ga.

Hampton, Va.

Chattanooga, Tenn.Montgomery, Ala.

Augusta, Ga.Staunton, Va.

Jacksonville, Fla.

Shreveport, La.

Centreville, Miss.

Hattiesburg, Miss."

Mobile, Ala.

Dallas, Texas.

Frankhn, La.

Kansas City, Mo.San Francisco, Cal.

Baltimore, Md.Little Rock, Ark.

Anniston, Ala.

Jonesboro, Ark.

Nashville, Tenn.

Selma, Ala.

Memphis, Tenn.Knoxville, Tenn.

New Orleans , La.

Houston, Tex.


Page 151: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905



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Page 154: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Kappa Alpha—Psi Chapter(Founded 1881)

In Faculty

Edwin Boone Craighead

Robert Sharp

John Rose Ficklen

Albert Lefevre

P. JoRDA Kahle

Hampdes S. Lewis

John J. Archinard

Ross E. Breazeale


Arthur A. Moreno

Charles Henry Howard Gillean

Edward Fairfax Neild

William Alvin Love

Robert E. Brumby

N. Steal Scott

Joel Woodruff McCook


Clarence E. Hutchinson

J. Brown Farrier

G. C. Clark

P. J. Kahle

W. J. Prudhomme

G. D. Hudson

W. B. Chamberlain

John Chamberlain

r. g. holcomb

S. G. Thelford

W. H. Piper

Hay Sanford

F. D. Mower

W. W. Wilson

C. P. May

I. H. Wall



E. D. Holcombe

Page 155: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Sigma Chi(Founded in 1855)

Chapter RollAlpha.—Miami University.

Beta.—University of Worcester.

Gamma.—Ohio Wesleyan University.

Epsilon.—Columbian University.

Zeta.—Washington and Lee University.

Eta.—University of Mississippi.

Theta.—Pennsylvania College.

Kappa.—Bucknell University.

Lambda.—Indiana University.

Mu.—Denison University.

Xi.—DePauw University.

Oniicron.—Dickinson College.

Rho.—Butler College.

Phi.—Lafayette College.

Chi.—Hanover College.

Psi.—L^niversity of Virginia.

Omega.—Northwestern University.

Alpha Alpha.—Hobart College.

Alpha Beta.—University of California.

Alpha Gamma.—Ohio State University.

Alpha Epsilon.—University of Nebraska.

Alpha Zeta.—Beloit College.

Alpha Eta.—State University of Iowa.

Alpha Theta.—Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Alpha Iota.—Illinois Wesleyan University.

Alpha Lambda.—University of Wisconsin.

Alpha Nil.—University of Texas.

Alpha Xi.—LTniversity of Kansas.

Alpha Omicron.—Tulane University.

Alpha Psi.—Albion College.

Alpha Rho.—Lehigh University.

Alpha Sigma.—University of Minnesota.

Alpha Upsilon.—University of South California,

Alpha Phi.—Cornell University.

Alpha Chi.—Pennsylvania State College.


Page 156: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Alpha Psi.—Vanderbilt University.

Alpha Omega.—Leland Stanford, Jr., University.

Delia Delta.—Purdue University.

Zela Zeta.—Central University.

. Zeta Psi.—University of Cincinnati.

Eta Eta.—Dartmouth College.

Theta Theta.—University of Michigan.

Kappa Kappa.—University of Illinois.

Lambda Lambda.—Kentucky State College.

Mu Mu.—West Virginia University.

Nu Nil.—Columbia University.

Xi Xi.—University of Missouri.

Omicron Omicron—University of Chicago.

Rho Rho.—University of Maine.

Tau Tati.—Washington University.

Upsilon Upsilon.—University of Washington.

Phi Phi.—University of Pennsylvania.

Alumm Chapt



New York.

San Francisco.

Columbus, O.


St. Louis.


Los Angeles.







Kansas City.


Springfield, 111.


New Orleans.

St. Paul.


Alumni Associations

Detroit. ^^'estern New York.

State of Washington.

Page 157: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Tirrf;/, riiil'i.

Page 158: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905
Page 159: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905
Page 160: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Alpha Omicron ChapterEstablished 1886.

In Faculty

Jules Blanc Monroe, '99.


George E. Williams, '05.

Charles C. Crawford, Jr., '05.

Frank T. Payne, '05.

R. Bland Logan, '06.

Harry McCall, '06.

Brunswick Sharp, '06.

Winder P. Monroe, '07.

John Gayle Aiken, '07.

Harry Hardie, '07.

Esmond Phelps, '07.

Chas. Franklin Zeek, '07.

Alexander Ficklen, '07.

Thomas D. Westfeldt, '08.


George W. Robertson, '06.

Arthur H. Denis, '06.

Walter Parlance, '06.


LoiTis B. Crawford, '05.


Page 161: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Alpha Tau Omega Chapters

Province I.

Alabama, Georgia, and Florida.

Alabama Alpha Epsilon.—Alabama Polytechnic Institute.

Alabama Beta Beta.—Southern University.

Alabama Beta Delta.—University of Alabama.Georgia Alpha Beta.—University of Georgia

Georgia Alpha Theta.—Emory College.

Georgia Alpha Zeta.—fiercer University.

Georgia Beta Iota.—School of Technology.

Florida Alpha Omega.—University of Florida

Province II.

California, Colorado, Louisiana and Texas.

Calijornia Gamma Iota.—University of California.

Colorado Gamma Lambda.—University of Colorado.

Louisiana Beta Epsilon.—Tulane University.

Texas Gamma Eta.—University of Texas.

Province III.

Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Nebraska, Kansas and Minnesota

Illinois Gamma Zeta.—University of Illinois.

Illinois Gamma Chi.—University of Chicago.

Indiana Gamma Gamma.—Rose Polytechnic Institute.

Indiana Gamma Omicron.—Purdue University.

Michigan Alpha Mii.—Adrian College.

Michigan Beta Kappa.—Hillsdale College.

Michigan Beta Lambda.—University of Michigan.

Michigan Beta Omicron.—Albion College.

Nebraska Gamma Theta.—University of Nebraska.

Kansas Gamma Mu.—University of Kansas.

Minnesota Gamma Nu.—Univ. of Minnesota.

Province IV.

Maine, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Vermont.

Maine Beta Upsilon.—University of Maine.

Maine Gamma Alpha.—Colby College.

Massachusetts Gatntna Beta.—Tufts College.

Rhode Island Gamma Delta.—Brown University.

Vermont Beta Zeta.—University of Vermont.

Province V.

New York and Pennsylv.a.nia.

New York Alpha Omicron.—St. Lawrence University.

New York Alpha Lambda.—Columbia University.

New York Beta Theta.—Cornell University.

Pennsylvania Alpha Iota.—Muhlenberg College.


Page 162: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Province V.

New York and Pennsylvania—Continued.

Pennsylvajiia Alpha Upsilon.—Pennsylvania State College.

Pennsylvania Alpha Pi.—W. and J. College.

Pennsylvania Tan.—University of Pennsylvania.

Pennsylvania .Alpha Rho.—Lehigh University.

Province VI.

North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia.

North Carolina Alpha Delia.—University of North Carolina.

North Carolina Chi.—Trinity College.

South Carolina Beta Xi.—College of Charleston.

Virginia Delta.—University of Virginia.

Province VII.


Ohio Alpha Nu.—Mt. Union College.

Ohio Alpha Psi.—Wittenberg College.

Ohio Beta Eta.—Wesleyan University.

Ohio Beta Mu.—Wooster University.

Ohio Beta Omega.—State University.

Ohio Gamma Kappa.—Western Reserve University.

Province VIII.


Tennessee Alpha Tan.— S. W. Pres. University.

Tennessee Beta Pi.—Vanderbilt University.

Tennessee Beta Tau.—S. W. Baptist University.

Tennessee Omega.—University of the South.

Tennessee Pi.—University of Tennessee.

Alumni Associations

Allentown, Pa. Dayton.

Atlanta. Georgia.

Birmingham. LouisviUe.

Boston. Manila.

California. New York.

Chicago. Nebraska.

Cleveland. Pittsburg.

Colorado. Texas.



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Alpha Tau Omega The Beta Epsilon

Chapter(Established 1887)

In Faculty

Allan C. Eustis John B. Elliott, Jk

In Academic Department

George Janvier Ernest Briant Norman

Charles Rice Armstrong John Bertram Gannon, Jr.

Lucien Eugene Lyons, Jr. Matthew Harry Lovat Saunders

John Parker Montgomery Donald Brevard Gannon

In Law Department

Gilbert L. Dupre, Jr. Clark Nixon

John Janvier.

In Medical Department

W. E. SiSTRUNK (Alpha Epsilon) A. F. Long (Alpha Epsilon)

Randolph Lyons


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Delta Tau Delta(Founded in 1859)

The Active Chapters


Lambda.—Vanderbilt University.

Pi.—University of Mississippi.

Phi.—Washington and Lee University.

Beta Epsilon.—Emory College.

Beta Theia.—University of the South.

Beta Iota.—University of Virginia.

Beta Xi.—Tulane University.

Gamma Eta.—Columbian University.

Gamma Iota.—Universitv of Texas.


O nicron.—University of Iowa.

Beta Gamma.—University of Wisconsin.

Beta Eta.—University of Minnesota.

Beta Kappa.—University of Colorado.

Beta Pi.—Northwestern University.

Beta Rho.—Leland Stanford, Jr., University.

Beta Tail.—University of Nebraska.

Beta Upsilon.—University of Illinois.

Beta Omega.—University of California.

Gamma Alpha.—University of Chicago.

Gamma Beta.—Armour Institute Technology.

Gamma Theia.—Baker University.


Beta.—Ohio University.

Delta.—University of Michigan.

Epsilon.—Albion CoUege.

Zeta.—Adelbert College.

Kappa.—Hillsdale College.

Mil—Ohio Wesleyan University.

Chi.—Kenyon College.


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Beta Alpha.—Indiana University.

Beta Beta.—DePauw University.

Beta Zeta.—University of Indianapolis.

Beta Phi.—Ohio State University.

Beta Psi.—Wabash College.

Gamma Delta.—West Virginia University.


Alpha.—Allegheny College.

Gamma.—Washington and Jefferson College.

Rho.—Stevens Institute of Technology.

Upsilon.—Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.

Omega.—University of Pennsyh^ania.

Beta Lambda.—Lehigh University.

Beta Mu.—Txilti College.

Beta Nu.—Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Beta Omicron.—Cornell University.

Beta Chi.—Brown University.

Gamma Gamma.—Dartmouth College.

Gamma Epsilon.—Columbia University.

Gamma Zeta.—\\'esleyan University.

Allumni Chapters

Chicago. Milwaukee. Pittsburg.

New York. Indianapolis. Atlanta.

Cincinnati. Boston. Toledo.

San Francisco. Minneapolis. St. Louis.

Philadelphia. Cleveland. Richmond,

Detroit. Association Far East.


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Delta Tau Delta—The BetaXi Chapter

(Established in 1889.)

In Faculty

Pierce Butler

Active Chapter

William B. Johnson, '05 (Medical)

M. Thomas Lanaux, '06 (Medical)

Thomas Ferd. O'Kelley, '06

James J. Kilpatrick, '07

D. AsHFORD O'Kelley, '07

S. Chaille Jamison, '08

Arthur A. Gilmore, '08

William D. Maginnis, Jr., '08

David J. Chaille, '08

S. Mansfield Copp, '08

Nio Ruiz, '08.

Edward Earle Curtis, '08


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Kappa Sigma

(Founded in 1867)

Chapter Roll

Psi.—University of Maine.Alpha Rho.—Bowdoin College.

Beta Kappa.—New Hampshire College.

Alpha Lambda.—University of V'ermont.

Gamma Delia.—Massachusetts State College.

Bela Alpha.—Brown University.

Alpha Kappa.—Cornell University.

Pi.—Swarthmore College.

Alpha Delta.—Pennsylvania State College.

Alpha Epsilon.—University of Pennsylvania.

Alpha Phi.—Bucknell University.

Beta Delta.—Washington and Jefferson College.

Beta Iota.—Lehigh University.

Beta Pi.—Dickinson College.

Alpha Alpha.—University of Maryland.Alpha Eta.—George Washington University.

Zeta.—University of Virginia.

Eta.—Randolph Macon College.

Mu.—Washington and Lee LTniversity.

Nu.—William and Mary College.

Upsilon.—Hampden-Sidney College.

Beta Beta.—Richmond College.

Delta.—Davidson College.

Eta Prime.—Trinity College.

Alpha Mil.—University of North Carolina.

Beta Upsilon.—North Carolina A. and M. College.

Alpha A^!r..—Wofford College.

Alpha Beta.—Mercer University.

Alpha Tail.—Georgia Institute of Technology.Beta Lambda.—University of Georgia.

Beta.—University of Alabama.Beta Eta.—Alabama Polytechnic Institute.

Theta.—Cumberland University.

Kappa.—Vanderbilt University.

Lambda.—University of Tennessee.Phi.—Southwestern Presbyterian University.

Omega.—University of the South.

Alpha Theta.—Southwestern Baptist University.

Beta Nu.—Kentucky State College.

Alpha Upsilon.—Millsaps College.

Gamma.—Louisiana State University.

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Sigma.—Tulane University.

Iota.—Southwestern University.

Tau.—University of Texas.

Xi.—University of Arkansas.

Alpha Omega.—William Jewell College.Beta Gamma.—Missouri State University.

Beta Sigma.—Washington Universitv.

Beta Chi.—Missouri School of Mines.

Alpha Psi.—University of Nebraska.Beta Tan.—Baker Universitv.

Beta Omicron.—University of Denver.Beta Omega.—Colorado College.

Gamma Gamma.—Colorado School of Mines.Alpha Sigma.—Ohio State Universitv.

Beta Phi.—Case School of Applied Science.

Chi.—Purdue University.

Alpha Pi.—W'abash College.BeteTTheta.—University of Indiana.

Alpha Gamma.—University of Illinois.

Alpha Chi.—Lake Forest University.

Gamma Beta.—University of Chicago.

Alpha Zeta.—University of Michigan.Beta Epsilon.—Universit}- of Wisconsin.

Beta Mu.—University of Minnesota.

Beta Rho.—University of Iowa.

Beta Zeta.—Leland Stanford, Jr., University.

Beta Xi.—University of California.

Beta Psi.—University of Washington.Gamma Alpha.—University of Oregon


Alumni Chapters

Boston, Mass. Pine Bluff, Ark.Danville, Va. Ruston, La.W'aco, Tex. ]Memphis, Tenn.Washington, D. C. Buffalo, N. Y.Norfolk, Va. San Francisco, Cal.

Atlanta, Ga. Denver, Col.

Yazoo City, Miss. Louisville, Kv.Philadelphia, Pa. Concord, N. 'C.

Pittsburg, Pa. Ithaca, N. Y.New York City, N. Y. Fort Smith, Ark.New Orleans, La. Los Angeles, Cal.

Chicago, 111. Little Rock, Ark.Indianapolis, Ind. Lynchburg, Va.St. Louis, Mo.


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Sigma Chapter(Established


In Faculty

William Prentiss Brown

John Smyth, Jr.

Ralph Hopkins

S. M. D. Clark

Charles Edward Gate

Charles William Culbertson

Charles Syme Hardy

James Maurice Kinberger


Julian Boardman King

Charles Allen Wright

Frazer Lee Rice

John Calhoun Fears

Edward Lacy King


John William Finley, A¥

Levin Freeland Magruder, AT

Marion Ernest Quina

John Augustus Sperry

William Ellerbe Pelham, XQ

Jesse Lucas Adams, F

James Quarles Graves

RosELL McGlathery, r

Andrew Shuttleworth Reisor, F

Wallace Weston Nipper, /

Henry Quigg Fletcher, BA,

Miller Craft Henry, AF

John Tolson O'Ferrell


Thomas Edwin Furlow, F Benjamin Franklin Estopinal


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Phi Delta Theta(Founded 1848)

Chapter Roll

Quebec Alpha.—McGill University.

Maine Alpha.—Colby College.

New Hampshire Alpha.—Dartmouth College.

Vermont Alpha.—University of Vermont.

Massachusetts Alpha.—Williams College.

Massachusetts Beta.—Amherst College.

Rhode Island Alpha.—Brown University.

Neiv York Alpha.—Cornell University.

New York Beta.—Union University.

New York Delta.—Columbia University.

New York Epsilon.—SATracuse University.

Pennsylvania Alpha.—Lafayette College.

Pennsylvania Beta.—Pennsj'lvania College.

Pennsylvania Gamma.—Washington and Jefferson College.

Pennsylvania Delta.—Allegheny College.

Pennsylvania Epsilon.—Dickinson College.

Pennsylvania Zeta.—University of Pennsylvania,

Pennsylvania Eta.—Lehigh University.

Pennsylvania Theta.—Pemisylvania State College.

Virginia Beta.—University of Virginia.

Virginia Gamma.—Randolph-Macon College.

Virginia Zeta.—Washington and Lee University

North Carolina Beta.—University of North Carolina.

Kentucky Alpha Delta.—Central University.

Kentucky Epsilon.—Kentucky State College.

Tennessee Alpha.—Vanderbilt University.

Tennessee Beta.—University of the South.

Georgia Alpha.—University of Georgia.

Georgia Beta.—Emory College.

Georgia Gamma.—Mercer University.

Georgia Delta.—Georgia School of Technologj'.

Alabama Alpha.—University of Alabama.

Alabama Beta.—Alabama Polytechnic Institute.

Ohio Alpha.—Miami University.

Ohio Beta.—Ohio Wesleyan University.

Ohio Gamma.—Ohio University.

Ohio Zeta.—Ohio State University.

Ohio Eta.—Case School of Applied Science.

Ohio Theta.—University of Cincinnati.

Michigan Alpha.—University of Michigan.

Indiana Alpha.—Indiana University.

Indiana Beta.—Wabash College.

Indiana Gamma.—Butler College.


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Indiana Delia.—Franklin College.

Indiana Epsilon.—Hanover College.

Indiana Zeta.—DePauw College.

Indiana Theta.—Purdue University.

Illinois Alpha.—Northwestern University.

Illinois Beta.—University of Chicago.

Illinois Delta.—Kno.x College.

Illinois Zeta.—Lombard College.

Illinois Eta.—University of Illinois.

Wisconsin Alpha.—University of \\'isconsin.

Minnesota Alpha.—University of Minnesota.

Iowa Alpha.—Iowa ^^'esleyan University.

Iowa Beta.—University of Iowa.

Missouri Alpha.—University of Missouri.

Missouri Beta.—Westminster College.

Missouri Gamma.—Washington University.

Kansas Alpha.—University of Kansas.

Nebraska Alpha.—University of Nebraska.Colorado Alpha.—University of Colorado.

Mississippi Alpha.—University of Mississippi.

Louisiana Alpha.—Tulane University.

Texas Beta.—University of Texas.

Texas Gamma.—Southwestern University.

California Alpha.—University of California.

California Beta.—Leland Stanford, Jr., University.

Washington Alpha.—University of Washington.

Boston, Mass.Harvard University.

Providence, R. I.

New York, N. Y.

Syracuse, N. Y.

Schenectady, N. Y.

Baltimore, Md.Pittsburg, Pa.

Philadelphia, Pa.

Washington, D. C.

Louisville, Ky.

Columbus, Ga.Macon, Ga.

Selma, Ala.

Mobile, Ala.

Cincinnati, Ohio.

Cleveland, Ohio.

Athens, Ohio.

Alumni Chapters

Hamilton, Ohio.

Franklin, Ind.

Crawfordsville, Ind.

Galesburg, 111.

Peoria, 111.

Milwaukee, ^Ms.

Minneapolis, Minn.Kansas City, Mo.Omaha, Neb.Oklahoma City, Okl. T.

Salt Lake City, Utah.

Los Angeles, Cal.

Spokane, Wash.Meridian, Miss.

Richmond, Va.

Nashville, Tenn.Atlanta, Ga.

Montgomerv, Ala.

New Orleans, La.

Akron, Ohio.

Columbus, Ohio.

Toledo, Ohio.

Detroit, Mich.Indianapohs, Ind.

Chicago, 111.

Bloomington, 111.

LaCrosse, Wiss.

Menasaha, Wis.

St. Paul, Minn.St. Louis, Mo.Denver, Colo.

Austin, Texas.

San Francisco, Cal.

Portland, Oreg.

Seattle, Wash.


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Louisiana Alpha(Established in 1889)

Levi W. Wilkinson

Hamilton Polk Jones

Hermann Bertrand Gessner

In Faculty

Marion Souchon

James Birney Guthrie

Horace Edward Crump

Gordon King


James Martin Smith, '05

John Hampden Lewis, '05

Robert Gibson Robinson, '06

Wythe Whiting, N. Y. ,Alpha

John McCreery Seip, '07

Harry Watkins Meyer, '08

Harry Hamilton Russell, '08

Edward C. Ainsley, Special


George Hampden Upton

Percy Walthall Toombs

Miles A. Watkins, Tenn. Beta

Mortimer H. Jordan, Ala. Alpha

E. B. Sloss, Ala. Beta


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Sigma Alpha Epsilon(Founded March 9, 1856, at the University of Alabama)

Roll of Chapters

Maine Alpha.—University of Maine.

Massachusetts Beta (jpsilon.—Boston University.

Massachusetts Iota Tan.—Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Massachusetts Gamma.—Harvard University.

Massachusetts Delta.—Worcester Polytechnic Institute.

Ne'au York Alpha.—Cornell University.

New York Mu.—Columbia University.

New York Sigma Phi.—St. Stephen's College.

Pennsylvania Omega.—Allegheny College.

Pennsylvania Sigma Phi.—Dickinson College.

Pennsylvania Alpha Zeta.—Pennsylvania State College.

Pennsylvania Zeta.—Bucknell University.

Pennsylvania Delta.—Gettysburg College.

Pennsylvania Theta.—University of Pennsylvania.

Washington City Rho.—George Washington University.

Virginia Omicron.—University of Virginia.

Virginia Sigma.—Washington and Lee University.

Virginia Theta.—Virginia Military Institute.

North Carolina Xi.—University of North CaroUna.

North Carolina Theta.—Davidson College.

South Carolina Gamma.—\\'offord College.

Georgia Beta.—University of Georgia.

Georgia Psi.—Mercer University.

Georgia Epsilon.—Emory College.

Georgia Phi.—Georgia School of Technology.

Michigan Iota Beta.—University of Michigan.

Michigan Alpha.—Adrian College.

Ohio Sigma.—Mount Union College.

Ohio Rho.—Case School of Applied Science.

Ohio Delta.—Ohio Wesleyan Universit}'.

Ohio Epsilon.—University of Cincinnati.

Ohio Theta.—Ohio State University.

Indiana Alpha.—Franklin College.

Indiana Beta.—Purdue Universit}'.

Illinois Psi Omega.—Northwestern University.

Illinois Beta.—University of Illinois.

Illinois Theta.—University of Chicago.

Minnesota Alpha.—University of Minnesota.

Wisconsin Alpha.—University of Wisconsin.

Iowa Beta.—Uni^-ersity of Iowa.

Kentucky Kappa.—Central University.

Kentucky Iota.—Bethel College.

Kentucky Epsilon.—Kentucky State College.


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Tennessee Zeta.—Southwestern Presb}'terian Universit_y.

Tennessee Lambda.—Cumberland University.

Tennessee Nn.—Vanderbilt University.

Tennessee Kappa.—University of Tennessee.Tennessee Omega.—University of the South.

Tennessee Eta.—Southwestern Baptist University.

Alabama Mu.—University of Alabama.Alabama Iota.—Southern Uriversity.

Alabama Alpha Mu.—Ala. Polytechnic Institute.

Missouri Alpha.—Uriversity of Missouri.

Missouri Beta.—Washington University.Nebraska Lambda Pi.—Uni\-ersity of Nebraska.

Arkansas Alpha Upsilon.—University of Arkansas.Kansas Alpha.—University of Kansas.

Colorado Chi.—University of Colorado.

Colorado Zeta.—Denver University.

Colorado Lambda.—Colorado School of Mines.

California Alpha.—Leland Stanford, Jr-. University.

California Beta.—University of Cahfornia.

Louisiana Epsilon.—Louisiana State University.Louisiana Tau Upsilon.—Tulane University of Louisiana.

Mississippi Gamma.—University of Mississippi.

Te.xas Rho.—Universitv of Texas.

Alumni Associations

Adrian, Mich.

Atlanta, Ga.

Boston, Mass.

Chicago, 111.

Cleveland, Ohio.

Detroit, Mich.

Indianapolis, Ind.

Jackson, Miss.

Lexington, Ky.

Los Angeles, Cal.

Macon, Ga.

Memphis, Tenn.

New Orleans, La.

Philadelphia, Pa.

San Francisco, Cal.

Schenectady, N. Y.

St. Louis, Mo.

Washington, Ga.

Alliance, Ohio.

Birmingham, Ala.

Chattanooga, Tenn.

Cincinnati, O.

Denver, Colo.

Florence, Ala.

Kansas City, Mo.

Lake Charles, La.

Little Rock, Ark.

Louisville, Ky.

Madison, AVis.

Milwaukee, Wis.

New York, N. Y.

Pittsburg, Pa.

Savannah, Ga.

Shreveport, La.

AA'ashington, D. C.

Wilmington, N. C.

Worcester, Mass.


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Sz-LiUTT Phils .

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Sigma Alpha Epsilon

Louisiana Tau-Upsilon Chapter(Established Januar}' 22, 1897)

In Faculty and on Board of Administrators

James Hardy Dillaed, '77, (Virginia Sigma).

James Adair Lyon, Jr., '93 (Tennessee Zeta, Virginia Omicron).

Ernest Benjamin Kruttschnitt, '73 (Virginia Sigma).

AcademicWilliam Kernan Dart, '06.

Jefferson Caffery, '06.

Abram Hugh Moss, Jr. (Virginia Theta), '06.

Clive Wetherill Kernan, '07.

Stirling Parkerson, '07.

Charles Macdonald Kerr, '07.

George Hardwick Mills, '07.

Walter Kastler Grant, '08.

Elmer Earl Wood, Jr., '08.

William Boatner Reily, Jr., '08.

MedicalLuther Oakes Whitman, '05 (^linnesota Alpha).

Herbert Claiborne Cole, '05 (Louisiana Epsilon).

Thomas Earl Sanders, '05 (Arkansas Alpha Upsilon).

John Overton Pratt, '05 (Louisiana Epsilon, Virginia Omicron).

Thomas Buffington Wilson, '06 (Louisiana Epsilon, Tennessee Omega).

Christopher Freeman Chaffe, '06 (Louisiana Epsilon, Virginia Omicron)

George King Pratt, Jr., '06 (Louisiana Epsilon, Virginia Omicron).

Ama?a Dorham Stollenwerck, '07 (Alabama Iota).

Archibald Glenn Taylor, '07.

John Posey Ventress, '08.

William Walter Leake, '08.

Frederick Cleveland Rowell, '08 (Kentucky Kappa).

James Vance McGimsey, '08.

LawHenry Plauche Dart, Jr., '05.


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Delta Kappa Epsilon

(Founded 1842)

Roll of Chapters

Phi.—Yale University.

Theta.—Bowdoin College.

Xi.—Colby College.

Sigma.—Amherst College.

Gamma.—Vanderbilt University.

Psi.—University of Alabama.

Upsilon.—Brown University.

Chi.—University of Mississippi.

Beta.—University of North Carolina.

Eta.—University of Virginia.

Kappa.—Miami University.

Lambda.—Kenyon College.

Pi.—Dartmouth College.

Iota.—Central University of Kentucky.

Alpha Alpha.—Middlebury College.

Omicron.—University of Michigan.

Epsilon.—Wilhams College.

Rho.—Lafayette College.

Tail.—Hamilton College.

Mil.—Colgate University.

Nu.—College of City of New York.

Beta Phi.—University of Rochester.

Phi Chi.—Rutgers College.

Psi Phi.—DePauw University.

Gamma Phi.—Wesleyan University.


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Psi Omega.—Rensselaer Polytechnic.

Beta CAJ.—Adelbert College.

Delia Chi.—Cornell University.

Delta Delta.—University of Chicago.

Phi Gamma.—Syracuse University.

Gamma Beta.—Columbia University.

Theta Zeta.—University of California.

Alpha Chi.—Trinity College.

Phi Epsilon.—University of Minnesota.

Sigma Tan.—Mass. Institute of Technology.

Tail Lambda.—Tulane University.

Alpha Phi.—Toronto University.

Delta Kappa.—University of Pennsylvania.

Tau Alpha.—McGill University.

Sigma Rho.—Leland Stanford, Jr., University.-

Delta Pi.—Universitv of Illinois.

New York, N. Y.

Detroit, Mich.

Providence, R. I.

Cleveland, Ohio.

Rochester, N. Y.

Chattanooga, Tenn.

Syracuse, N. Y.

Springfield, Mass.

Memphis, Tenn.

Alumni Chapters

Cambridge, Mass.

San Francisco, Cal.

Buffalo, N. Y.

Minneapolis, Minn.

Hartford, Conn.

Grand Rapids, Mich.

Indianapolis, Ind.

Madison, Wis.

Austin, Tex.

Covington, Ky.

Chicago, 111.

Washington, D. C.

Lexington, Ky.

Troy, N. Y.

St. Louis, Mo.

Harvard University.

Denver, Col.

Nashville, Tenn.

Seattle, Wash.


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Delta Kappa Epsilon—Tau Lambda


(Established 1898)

In Faculty

John Barnwell Elliot. Charles Noel Chavigny.


George Chester Badger. Ralph Bouligny Wood.

Julio Sorzano Jorrin. Edward Sedley Bres

Lewis Ware Holliday.


Harley Shands. Henry Daspit.

Armand Wicks. Alva Pearce Frith.


Daniel Devlin. Arthur Lacour


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Phi Kappa Sigma

(Founded in 1850)

Roll of Chapters

Alpha.—University of Pennsylvania.

Delta.—Washington and Jefferson College.

Epsilon.—Dickinson College.

Zf/(7.—Franklin and Marshall College.

Eta.—University of Virginia.

Mil.—Tulane University.

Rho.—University of Illinois.

Tail.—Randolph-Macon College.

Upsilon.—Northwestern University.

Phi.—Richmond College.

Psi.—Pennsylvania State College.

Alpha Alpha.—Washington and Lee University.

Alpha Gamma.—University of West Virginia.

Alpha Delta.—University of Maine.

Alpha Epsilon.—Armour Institute of Technology.

Alpha Zeta.—University of Maryland.

Alpha Eta.—College of Charleston.

Alpha Theta.—University of Wisconsin.

Alpha Iota.—Vanderbilt University.

Alpha Kappa.—University of Alabama.

Alpha Lambda.—University of CaUfornia.

Alpha Mil.—Mass. Institute of Technology.

Alpha Nu.—Ga. School of Technology.

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Alumni Chapters


New York.

New Orleans.






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Mu Chapter

(Founded in 1858—Re-established in 1900)


F. H. BoHNE, Jr-, '05.

T. L. Willis, '05.

E. M. IvENS, '07.

E. F. Bankston, '07.

O. RiEss, '07.


P, W. BoHNE, '05.

T. R. Sartor, '05.

R. A. Kearney, '05.

G. A. O'CONNELL, '06.

E. L. Napier, '06.

H. A. Greenwood, '07.

H. D. Ferrell, '07.

M. M. Brown, '07.


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Sigma Nu(Founded 1869)

Chapter List


Pi.—Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pa.

Beta Rho.—University of Pennsj'lvania, Philadelphia.

Beta Sigma.—University of Vermont, Burlington, Vt.

Gamma Delta.—Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, X. J.

Gamma Epsilon.—Lafayette College, Easton, Penn.

Gamma Theta.—Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y.


Lambda.—Washington and Lee University, Le.xington, Va.

5J^?wa.^-Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn.

Psi.—University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. C.

Beta Tan.—North Carolina A. and M. College, West Raleigh,

Gamma Iota.—State College of Kentucky, Lexington.


Mil.—University of Georgia, Athens, Ga.

Theta.—University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Ala.

Iota.—Howard College, East Lake, Ala.

Kappa.—North Georgia Agricultural College, Dalonega, Ga.

Eta.—Mercer University, Macon, Ga.

Xi.—Emory College, Oxford, Ga.

Beta Theta.—Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn, Ala.

Gamma Alpha.—Georgia School of Tech'y, Atlanta, Ga.


Epsilon.—Bethany College, Bethany, W. Va.

Beta Beta.—DePauw University, Green Castle, Ind.

Beta Nu.—Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.

Beta Zeia.—Purdue University, Lafaj'ette, Ind.

Beta Eta.—University of Indiana, Bloomington, Ind.

Gamma Pi.—University of West Virginia, Morgantown, W. Va,

Beta Iota.—Mt. Union College, Alliance, Ohio.

Beta Upsilon.—Rose Polytechnic Inst., Terre Haute, Ind.


Gamma Gamma.—Albion College, Albion, Mich.

Gamma Beta.—Northwestern University, Evanston, 111.

Gamma Lambda.—University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wi?.


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Gamma Mu.—University of Illinois, Champaign, 111.

Gamma Nil.—University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich.Gamma Rho.—University of Chicago, Chicago, 111.

Delta Thcia.—Lombard University, Galesburg, 111.


Beta Mu.—State University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa.Gamma Sigma.—Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa.

University of Minnesota, MinneapoHs, Minn.


Nu.—Kansas State University, Lawrence, Kan.Rho.—Missouri State University, Columbia, Mo.

Beta XL—William Jewell College, Liberty, Mo.Gamma Xi.—State School of Mines and Metallurgy, RoUa, Mo.

Gamma Omicron.—Washington University, St. Louis, Mo.


Upsilon.—University of Texas, Austin, Texas.Phi.—Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, La.

Beta Phi.—Tulane University, New Orleans, La.

University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Ark.


Gamma Eta.—State School of Mines, Golden, Colorado.Gamma Kappa.—University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado.


Gamma Chi.—University of Washington, Seattle, W'ash.

Gamma Zeta.—University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon.


Beta Chi.—Leland Stanford, Jr., University, Stanford, Cal.

Beta Psi.—University of Cahfornia, Berkley, Cal.

Alumni ChaptersBirmingham, Alabama. Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

San Francisco, California. Boston, Massachusetts.

Pueblo, Colorado. Kansas City, Missouri.

Denver, Colorado. St. Louis, Missouri.

Atlanta, Georgia. New York City, New York.Chicago, Illinois. Charlotte, North Carolina.

Indianapolis, Indiana. Sahsbury, North Carolina.

Davenport, Iowa. Columbus, Ohio.Des Moines, Iowa. Cleveland, Ohio.

Louisville, Kentucky. Dallas, Texas.

Shelbyville, Kentucky. Seattle, W^ashingtor.

Milwaukee, Wisconsin.


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Chapter Roll

Members in Faculty

Dr. Isadore Dyer. Dr. Batchelor.

Active Members

W. K. Amacker.

Paul J. Barbe.

Thos. S. Jones.

R. A. Lambert.

W. H. NicoL.

W. D. Philips.

J. F. Taddiken, Jr.

Clyde Webb.


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Pi Kappa Alpha(Founded at University of Virginia, March i, 1868)

Active Chapters

Alpha.—University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Va.

Beta.—Davidson College, North Carolina.

Gamma.—William and Mar}- College, \Mlliamsburg, Va.

Zeta.—University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tenn.

Eta.—Tulane University, New Orleans, La.

Theta.—Southwestern Presbyterian University, Clarksville, Tenn.

Iota.—Hampden-Sidne}', \'irginia.

Kappa.—Kentucky University, Lexington, Ky.

Mu.—Presbyterian College, CUnton, S. C.

A^ii.—Wofford College, Spartenburg, S. C

OinicroH.—Richmond College, Richmond, Va.

Pi.—Washington and Lee University, Lexington, Va.

Rho.—Cumberland University, Lebanon, Tenn.

Sigma.—Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn.

Tail.—University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. C.

Z7^5/7(7«.—Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn, Ala.

Phi.—Roanoke College, Salem, Ysl.

Chi.—University of the South, Sewanee, Tenn.

Psi.—Georgia Agricultural College, Dalonega, Ga.

Omega.—Kentucky State University, Lexington, Ky.

Alpha Alpha.—Trinity College, Durham, N. C.

Alpha Beta.—Centenary College, Jackson, La.

Alpha Gamma.—Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, La.

Alpha Delta.—Georgia School of Technology, Atlanta, Ga.

Alpha Epsilon.—North Carolina A. and M. College, Raleigh, N. C.

Alpha Zeta.—University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Ark.

Alpha Eta.—University of Florida, Lake City, Fla.

Alpha Theta.—University of West Virginia, Morgantown, W. Va.


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Alumni Chapters

Alpha.—Richmond, Va.

Beta.—Memphis, Tenn.

Gamma.—"\^^lite Sulphur Springs, W. Va.

Delta.—Charleston, S. C.

Epsilon.—Norfolk, \'a.

Zeta.—Dillon, S. C.

Eta.—New Orleans, La.

Theta.—Dallas, Te.x.

Iota.—Knoxville, Tenn.

Kappa.—Charlotts\dlle, \'a.

Lambda.—Opelika, Ala.


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Eta Chapter


Academic Department

Orloff Lake, '05.

John Davidson, '06.

Sidney E. Calongne, '06.

Orloff Henry, '06.

WiLFORD F. Calongne, '07.

Charles H. Joubert, '07.

Donald Sinclair, '07.

Allen Garland, '08.

James C. jMenefee, 'cS

Medical Department

Pratt Garland, '07.

Wm. p. Hickman, '07, (Alpha Beta).

S. E. Frierson, '08, (Theta).

Law Department

Joseph Moore Garland, '05.

Joseph F. Ward, '05.


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Alpha Kappa Kappa Fraternity(Medical.)

Chapter Roll

Alpha, .... Medical Department, Dartmouth College, Hanover, N. H.

Beta, .... College of Physicians and Surgeons, San Francisco, Cal.

Gamma, . . . Tufts College, Medical School, Boston, Mass.

Delia, .... Medical Department, University of V^ermont, Burhngton, Vt.

Epsilon, . . . Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, Pa.

Zeta, .... Long Island College Hospital Medical School, Brookl}m, N. Y.

Eta, .... College of Physicians and Surgeons, Chicago, 111.

.Theta, .... Maine Medical School, Brunswick, Maine.

Iota, .... Medical Department, University of Syracuse, Syracuse, N. Y.

Kappa, .... Milwaukee Medical College, Milwaukee, Wis.

Lambda, . . . Medical Department, Cornell University, New York City, N. Y.

Mu, .... University of Pennsylvania, Medical Department, Philadelphia, Pa.

Nu, .... Rush Medical College, Chicago, 111.

Xi, Medical Department, Northwestern University, Chicago, 111.

Omicron, . . . Miami Medical College, Cincinnati, Ohio.

Pi, Ohio Medical University, Columbus, Ohio.

Rho, .... Denver & Gross Medical College, Denver, Colo.

Sigma, .... Medical Department, University of California, San Francisco, Cal.

Tan, .... University of the South, Sewanee, Tenn.

Upsilon, . . . Medical Department, University of Oregon, Portland, Oregon.

Phi, .... University of Nashville, Nashville, Tenn.

Chi, .... Medical Department, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn.

Psi, .... Medical Department, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn.

Omega, .... Medical Department, University of Tennessee, Nashville, Tenn.

Alpha Beta, . . University of Tulane, New Orleans, La.

Alpha Gamma, . University of Georgia, Augusta, Ga.

Alpha Delta, . . McGill University, Montreal, Canada.


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Alpha Beta Chapter

Membership Roll

Fratres in Facultate

J. M. Batchelor, M.D.Henry Bayon, M.D.

G. S. Brown, M.Ph., M.D.S. P. Delaup, M.D.

H. B. Gessner, M.D.Gordon King, M.D.

E. S. Lewis, M.D.H. S. Lewis, M.D.

A. L. Metz, M.Ph., M.D.

J. F. Oechsner, M.D.O. L. POTHIER, M.D.

Marion Souchon, M.D.

Fratres in UrbeT. J. FiNLEY, M.D.

Allen Jumel, M.D.W. J. Schmidt, M.D. (Tau).

I. B. Wilson (Tau\

Fratres in Universitate

(Active Members)

Joseph Bath.W. H. Brent.

A. P. Buchanon.L. T. Donaldson, Jr.

P. M. Godchaux.A. A. Herold.

c. w. hoeflich.Vincent Jastremski.

M. H. Jordan.P. Jorda Kahle.

E. S. Keitz.

H. J. Meyer.Leroy Napier.

J. W. Plauche.C. S. Rogers.M. E. Saucier.

p. h. scardino.

C. E. Smith.

E. B. Sloss.

H. P. St. Martin.G. W. Stephens.

P. T. T.^lbot.

M. a. Watkins.B. G. Wilbert.

S. J. Wilson.H. E. Williams


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Phi Chi Fraternity

List of Chapters

Alpha.—Louisville Medical College, Louisville, Ky.

Beta.—Kentucky School of Medicine, Louisville, Ky.

Gamma.—University of Louisville, Louisville, Ky.

Delta.—Hospital College of Medicine, Louisville, Ky.

Epsilon.—Kentucky University, Louisville, Ky.

The/a.—University College of Medicine, Richmond, Va.

Kappa.—Georgetown University, \\'ashington, D. C.

Eta.—Medical College of Virginia, Richmond, Va.

Omicroii.—Tulane University, New Orleans, La.

Mu.—Indianapolis Medical College, Indianapolis, Ind.

Nil.—Birmingham Medical College, Birmingham, Ala.

Zeta.—University of Texas, Galveston, Tex.

Chi.—Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, Pa.

Iota.—University of Alabama, Mobile, Ala.

Phi.—Columbia University, Washington, D. C.

Benj. W. Dudley Alumni Chapter, LouisvUle, Ky.

13 193

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Omicron Chapter—Phi Chi Fraternity

(Established December 20, 1902.)

Chapter Roll

Associate Members

J. J. Archinard, M.D. Jno. J. Halsey, M.D.

Geo. S. Bel, M.D. Joseph Hume, M.D.

S. M. D. Clark, M.D. King Logan, M.D.

J. B. Elliott, Sr., M.D. Samuel Logan, ;M.D.

J. B. Elliott, Jr., M.D. ' Geo. W. F. Rembert, M.D

A. C. EusTis, M.D. F. H. Watson, M.D.

E. D. Fenner, M.D.


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Active Members

J. L. Adams, B.S. (KI)

S. M. Blackshear. -_

H. K. Boyd, A.B.

J. F. Chamberlain (A'^).

W. B. Chamberlin, B.S. (KA).

L. O. Clark, A.B. (KA).


J. B. Farrior, A.B. (KA).

J. Q. Fletcher, A.B. (KI).

R. C. French.

J. Q. Graves (KI).

R. G. HoLCOMB, A.B. (KA).

C. E. Hutchinson, A.B. (KA).

T. S. Jones {IN).

W. W. Leake, B.S. (lAE).

T. F. Long (ATQ).

C. P. May (KA).

F. D. Mower, A.B. (KA).

W. E. Pelham, Jr., Ph.G. (KI).

W. D. Phillips, B.S. (IN).

J. O. Pratt (IAE).

M. E. Quina (KI).

T. E. Sanders, A.B. (IAE).

J. H. Sanford (KA).

J. A. Sperry (KI).

W. E. Sistrunk, Jr., Ph.G. (ATQ).

A. G. Taylor (IAI).

R. D. Tompkins.

P. W. Toombs (<1>J0).

C. A. Wallhillich (KI).

H. I. White.

W. I. White, A.B.

L. O. Whitman (IAE).

J. J. Wilson (A'.4).

B. T. Wise, A.B.

S. P. Wise, A.B.

G. P. Garland (UKA).


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Delta Omicron Alpha

Roll of Chapters

Alpha.—Tulane, New Orleans.

Beta.—College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York City.

Gamma.—Cornell, New York City.


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Alpha Chapter


Henry E. Gautreaux, M.D., New Orleans, Touro Inf.

Howard Clark, '05, Charity Hospital, New York City.

Chas p. Holdrith, '06, New Orleans, Charity Hospital.

Joe B. Thigpen, '05, Miss.

Daniel Angus McKinnon, '06, Fla.

J. Fred Dunn, '06, New Orleans.

Leo H. Martin, '06, Texas.

Lewis H. Marks, '06, New Orleans.

John S. Woods, '06, Ark.

L. M. Thoiiason, '06, New Orleans.

Wm. Sory, '06, Texas.

Adolph Henriques, '06, New Orleans.

Henry Weston, '06, Miss.

RoBT. A. Strong, '06, New Orleans.


Page 226: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Pi Beta Phi

Roll of Chapters


Vermont Alpha.—Middlebury College.

^j Vermont Beta.—University of Vermont.

Columbia Alpha.—Columbian University." "

Pennsylvania Alpha.—Swathmore College.


" " ' Pennsylvania Beta.—Bucknell College.

^^i Pennsylvania Gamma.—Dickinson College.

Ohio Alpha.—Ohio University.

Ohio Beta.—Ohio State University.

New York Alpha.—Syracuse University.

New York Beta.—Barnard College.

Massachusetts Alpha.—Boston University.

Maryland Alpha.—Woman's College of Baltimore.


Illinois Beta.—Lombard College.

Illinois Delta.—Knox College.

Illinois Epsilon.—Northwestern University.

Illinois Zeta.—Illinois University.

Indiana Alpha.—Franklin College.

Indiana Beta.—University of Indiana.

Indiana Gamma.—University of Indianapolis.

Michigan Alpha.—Hillsdale College.

Michigan Beta.—University of Michigan.


Iowa Alpha.—Iowa Wesleyan University.

Iowa Beta.—Simpson College.

Iowa Zeta.—Iowa State College.

Wisconsin Alpha.—University of Wisconsin.

Missouri Alpha.—Uriversity of Missouri.


Louisiana Alpha.—Tulare University.

Kansas Alpha.—Kansas University.

Nebraska Beta.—Uriversity of Nebraska.

Texas Alpha.—University of Te.xas.

Colorado Alpha.—University of Colorado.

Colorado Beta.—Denver University.

California Beta.—University of California.


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Louisiana Alpha of Pi Beta Phi

Active Chapter

Harriette Waters, '05.

Flora Beasley Murphy, '05.

Genevieve Lucy Jackson, '05.

Viola May Murphy, '06.

Edith Bayne Aiken, '06.

Helen McAlpin Rainey, '06.

Celeste Bush Janvier, '06.

Stella Hayward, '06.

Alba Toutant Beauregard, '06.


Carrie May Hopkins, '07.

Hel£ne Maury, '07.

Daisy Charles, '07.

Jesse Wing Tebo, '08.

Mary Ashley Townsend Stanton, '08.

Nina Marguerite Laroussini, '08.

Marian Moore Beane, '08 (xArt).

Lea Calloway, '08.


Page 230: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Alpha Omicron Pi

Roll of Chapters

Alpha.—Columbia University.

Pi.—Tulane University.

Nil.—University of New York.

Kappa.—Randolph-Macon College, Virginia.

Zela.—University of Nebraska.

Omicron.—University of Tennessee.


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Pi Chapter(Established in 1898)

In Faculty

Katherine M. Reed.

In College

Flora M. Sanders, '05.

Andree J. Provosty, '06.

JosiE Handy, '07.

Anna Many', '07.

Mildred Norton, '05.

Lily Dupre, '07.

Marguerite Saunders, '07.

Lillian Jung, '08.

Lucia Frierson, '08.

Edna L. Reed, '05.

In Art Department

Ernestine Bres, '06.

Julia Byrne, '07.


Page 234: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Chi Omega

Roll of Chapters

Psi.—University of Arkansas.

Chi.—Kentucky University.

Upsilon.—Southwestern Baptist University.

Tau.—University of Mississippi.

Sigma.—Randolph-Macon Woman's College.

Rho.—Tulane University.

Pi.—University of Tennessee.

Omicron.—University of Illinois.

Xi.—Northwestern University.

Mu.—University of Wisconsin.

Nu.—University of California.

Lambda.—University of Kansas.

Kappa.—University of Nebraska.

Phi Alpha.—Columbia University.'

Iota.—University of Texas.

Fayetteville Alumnae.

Washington City Alumnae.

Atlanta Alumnae.


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Rho Chapter

Helen Marion Coppfir,.

Clara Lewis.

Edith Farrar.

Pauline Loeber.

Lillian Loeber.

Fannie Stearns \A'arren.

Maud Loeber.

Anais Legendre.

Nina Pr£ot.

Ella M,\rie Levert.

Vergie Legendre.

Ella Hardie.

Mildred Farrar.


Page 238: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Kappa Kappa Gamma(Founded in 1870)

Chapter Roll


Phi.—Boston University.

Beta Epsilon.—Barnard College.

Psi.—Cornell University.

Beta Tan.—Syracuse University.

Bea Apha.—University of PennsA'lvania.

Bea loa.—Svvarthmore College.

Gamma Rho.—Allegheny College.


Lambda.—Buchtel College.

Beta Gamma.—Wooster University.

Beta Nu.—Ohio State University.

Beta Delta.—University of Michigan.Xi.—Adrian College.

Kappa.—Hillsdale College.


Delta.—Indiana State University.

Iota.—DePauw University.

Mil.—Butler College.

Eta.—University of Wisconsin.

Beta Lambda.—University of Illinois.

Upsilon.—Northwestern University.

Epsilon.—Illinois Wesleyan University.


Chi.—University of Minnesota.

Beta Zeta.—Iowa State University.

Theta.—Missouri State University.

Sigma.—Nebraska State University.

Omega.—Kansas State University.

Beta Mil.—Colorado State University.

Beta Xi.—Texas State University.

Beta Omicron.—Tulane University.

Pi.—University of California.

Beta Eta.—Leland Stanford, Jr., University.

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Alumni Associations

Boston, Mass.

New York, N. Y.

Beta Iota, Philadelphia, Pa.

S3'racuse, N. Y.

Philadelphia, Cynwyd, Pa.

Pittsburg, Pa.

Columbus, O.

Cleveland, O.

Akron, O.

Wooster, O.

Adrian, Mich.

Detroit, Mich.

Bloomington, Ind.

Indianapolis, Ind.

Greencastle, Ind.

Bloomington, 111.

Chicago, 111.

Madison, Wis.

Iowa City, la.

St. Louis, Mo.

Minneapolis, Minn.

Lincoln, Neb.

Kansas City, Mo.

Denver, Col.

Pi, Berkeley, Cal.

Seattle, Wash.


Page 242: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Beta Omicron Chapter(Established in 1904)

In Faculty

Mary Case Spencer. Adelin E. Spencer.

Active Chapter

Kate Adair Monroe.

Charlotte Prentiss.

Adele Ford.

Hazel Ellis.

LuciLE Vardell.

Hilda M. Blount.

Mel Robertson.

Mary L. Minor

Hester Craig.

Gertrude Monroe.

Marie E. Breazeale.

Florence Ford.

Adi5le Monroe.

Ruth E. Bush.

Anita Norman.

Irene Drake.

Florence Powell.


Phoebe Nixon Williams.


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Kappa Delta Phi

(Organized for the promotion of college spirit.)

In the Faculty


Roll of Members

T. L. Willis, '05.

R. B. Wood, '05.

C. F. Hadden, '05.

G. E. Williams, '05.

J. L. Many, Jr., '05.

F. T. Payne, '05.

P. B. Habans, '05.

D. B. RoGAN, '05.

C. E. Gate, '06.

J. T Ghambers, '06.

G. G. Badger, '06.

P. J. Barbe, '06.

W. K. Dart, '06.

Culbertson, '06.

F. Taddiken, '06.

S. E. Galogne, '06.

R. Robinson, '06.


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Sigma Tau Sigma

Chapter Roll

Rudolph J. Anderson.

Gustavo A. Baeo.

Louis G. Carol.

S. G. Frank Haas.

Paul B. Habans.

Julio Sorzano Jorrin.

A. R. Langermann.



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The Ivy—Tulane Law Chapter(Installed January i, 1905.)

Roll of ChaptersHarvard Alpha.—Harvard University.

Cincinnati Beta.—Universiy of Cincinnati.

Ohio Gamma.—Ohio Wesleyan.

Til/a lie Delia.—Tulane University.


Henry P. Dart, Jr., President

Joseph N. Ivey, Vice-President

Joseph F. Ward, Secretary-Treasurer

Charter MembersHenry Hugh Berlin.

Lawrence C. Blanchard.

Henry P. Dart, Jr.

Arthur H. Denis.

Joseph N. Ivey.

Walter C. Parlance.

Ventress J. Smith.

Isaac D. Wall.

Charles A. Holcombe. Joseph F.^Ward.


Samuel W. Gardiner.

George R. Kearney.

Paul Kraemer.

Clifford E. H.'iYS.

Edward H. Robbert.


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Theta Sigma—Louisiana Mu Chapter(Established in 1904)

FoundersMarie E. Breazeale, KKF.

Carrie M. Hopkins, /7B(P.

Gertrude Monroe, KKF.

In Faculty

Susan Moses, KAd.Adelin Spencer, KKF.

Mary C. Spencer, KKF.


Edith Aiken, '06, IIB'P.

Marie Breazeale, '07, KKF.Hilda M. Blount, '05, KKF.

Irene A. Dr.4ke, '08, KKF.Lily Dupre, 07, AOU.

Edith Farrar, '06, A'fl.

Mildred Farr.4r, '08, XQ.

Carrie Hopkins, 'o-],nB<P.

Lillian Jung, '08, AOn.Pauline Loeber, '07, XQ.

Anna Many, '07, .40/7.

Helene Maury, 'o7,nB(P.

Mary Minor, '06, KKF.Flosa B. Murphy, 'o^.HB^.

Mel B. Robertson, '05, KKF.Flora M. Sanders, '05, AOU.

Harriette Waters, 'o^,nB^.


Gertrude Monroe, '06, KKF. Margaret Boroughs, Special, IJB^.


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Sigma Gamma(A society organized at the Gables for the promotion of self government)

Honorary Member

F. Josephine Hallonquist.


Jeanne J. Abraham.

Lucille Buelah Abraham.

Nathalie Birdsey Amsden.

Hilda Bluestein.

Margaret Graham Borroughs.

Ruby Florence Feld.

Velma Hand.

Malcolm McInnis.

Janie Nichols.

Ruth Naomi Rosenbaum.

May Scharff.

Edna Gertrude Schwarz.

Margie Simpson.

Jessie Spearing.

loNE Stern.

Irene Gay Irible.

Emily White.

M. Edna Williams.

Loolahbel Williams.

Carrie H. Wolff.



Page 251: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

ERE'S to the mosquito that used to bite

All of us poor little girls at night;

No more can he sing around my head,

For Mr. Mosquito is dead, dead, dead.




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1 ' ^ ' 1 ' *-1 1 ' ^^—' \ iw—J '—J I J X^ J I N—^ (^/ y

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Page 254: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

1905 Jambalaya Board

John L. Many, Jr., Editor-in-Chief (Academic).

Edgar D. Craft, Editor (Medical).

Arthur H. Denis, Editor (Law).

Miss Mabel Cahn, Editor (Newcomb).

Miss Daisy Joor, Editor (Newcomb Art).

Frank T. Payne, Business Manager.

George E. Williams,

Miss Mel Robertson,Assistant Business Managers

Sub. Editorial Board


J. H. Lewis, '05.

S. Weiss, '05.

H. Oliver, '06.

J. H. Bres, '06.

H. Raymond, '07.

A. FiCKLEN, '07.

E. S. Bres, '08.

L. E. Lyons, Jr., '08.


C. E. Hutchinson, '05

W. R. DuPREE, '05.

G. W. Stevens, '06.

J. L. Adams, '06.

B. T. Wise, Jr., '07.

S. N. Blackshear, '07.

W. W. Leake, Jr., '08.

L. Mitchell, '08.


B. De Grange, '05.

E. Reames, '05.

E. Vallas, '06.

E. Emerson, '06.

M. Breazeale, '07.

C. Hopkins, '07.

N. S. Hart, '08.

G. P. Randolph, '08.


E. Reed, '05.

J. Mauras, '06.

L. LOEBER, '07.

A. Robertson, '07

F. Warren, '08.


A. H. Denis.


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Published every Wednesday by the Students.

EDITORIAL STAFFWm. Kernan Dart, 'o6, Editor-in-Chief

John L. Many, Jr., '05, Managing Editor



Arthur A. Moreno, '05.

R. E. Brumby, '05.

Robert G. Robinson, '06.

Brunswick Sharp, '06.

Clive Wetherill Kernan, '07.

Sterling Parkerson, '07.

E. P. A. FiCKLEN, '07.

Thomas D. Westfeld, '08.

NEWCOMB.Miss Essie Lisso, '05.

Miss Clara Lewis, '06.

Miss Helene M.\ury, '07.

Miss Leila Sanders, '08.

Miss Lynne Watkins, Art.

DEPARTMENTS.Hyman Mithoef, Law.

George E. Kornegay, Jr., Medical.

Henry P. Dart, Jr., '03, Alumni'


Jefferson Caffery, '06, Business Manager, Tulane Dormitory.


Lionel C. Durel, '06, Academic.

W. BoATNER Reily, 'o8. Academic.

Miss Mel Robertson, '05, Newcomb.

William W. Leake, '07, Medical.


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Page 258: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Ciilane jHetiical iSulletin

""l;/- MED. DEPT., TULANE UNIVERSITY, New Orleans, La., Wed., Dec. 14, 1904. IneixTSrKasESSioIl

Published semi-monthly for students and Alumni of the Medical Department of Tulane



H0W.A.RD Cl.\rke, '05, Editor-in-Chief.


Jos. J. Wymer, '06, Charity Hospital.

Dr. S. Paul Klotz, '03, Touro Infirmary.

David Haspel, '05, Senior Class.

Adolph Henrigues, '06, Junior Class.

S. M. Blackshear, "07, Sophomore Class.

C. P. May, '08, Freshman Class.

R. S. Guenard, '05, Pharmacy Class.

D. A. McKiNNON, '06, Exchange.

Dr. p. E. Becket, '03, Alumni.

Lewis H. Marks, '06, Business Manager.

J. Fred Dunn, '06, Assistant Business Manager.

R. T. Perkins, '06, Second Assistant Business Manager.


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Page 260: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905



Forum, Glendy Burke and Agonistic societies of Tulane University

of Louisiana, New Orleans.


Sol Weiss, Forum, Editor-in-Cliief (First Term).

Augusta Waldhorn, Agonistic.

Alexander Ficklen, Glendy Burke.

\. A. Moreno, Forum.

LoEBER Landau, Glendy Burke.

R. E. Brumby, Glendy Burke, Editor-in-Chief (2dTerm)

Edith Farrar, Agonistic.

J. H. Bres, Forum.

Edith Aitken, Agonistic.


Lionel C. Durel, Forum, Business Manager.

Eleanor Reames, Agonistic.

N. Mason, Glendy-Burke.


Page 261: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

HfcL m m mt mm®^'

t rdLENlDtisf FORqMBUS


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Page 263: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Glendy Burke Literary Society


R. E. Brumby, .......... Speaker

A. FiCKLEN, Secretary

N. B. Mason, ......... Clerk oj Congress

C. H. GiLLEAN, . . - . . . . . . . Treasurer

A. L. Landau, ..-.-.... Sergeant-at-Arms

Ed. Phelps, ............ Critic

MembersJ. Aiken.

E. Ansley.

W. McKee Coyle.

G. Craft.

W. K. Dart.

F. H. Bohne.


R. E. Brumby.

C. Hardy.

H. Hardie.

A. L.!.

Loeber L-And.\u

Robert B. Sharp.

C. Moses.


L. C. Spencer.

O. Henry.

C. Wright.

J. T. Nix.

A. Vigo.

C. F. Zeek.

N. B. Mason.


Esmond Phelps.

Edwin Phki.p.s.


Page 264: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Glendy Burke Literary Society

The Glendy Burke Literary Society was founded January 21, 1880, and was for a

long time the only thing of its kind at Tulane. It numbers on its rolls now, twenty-four

generations of alumni, who are making the name of Tulane famous, and in the hst of

honorary members hung in its hall, may be seen the names of many of the most prominent

business men in the city.

Although there have been no radical changes in the constitution of the Glendy Burke,

there are several improvements on the former customs of the society. In the first place,

manual initiation has been abohshed, not as an inducement to membership, but because

it was thought that it was more in keeping with our character, as a dignified body, assem-

bled for earnest purposes, to have the initiations of a literary character. Accordingly, the

only ordeal preliminary to membership is either a declamation or an oration, in place of

the former paddlings and duckings.

The past year has been an especially important one for the literary societies of Tulane

and Newcomb. Acting on advice given them by former members of the Tulane Magazine

Board, they re-organized the magazine under the name of the Tulanian, and it is now

flourishing under their joint auspices. As membership of the editorial boards is Hmited

to the literary societies, there is an increased incentive towards joining in the forensic work.

This is only one of the advantages, however. It is recognized by all prominent men

that the training given by a literary society is one of the most important things given in

the college education. The ease and fluency acquired during student days is of use to a

man during all the rest of his life. We have been singularly fortunate so far in having

presidents who have recognized this, and it is to be hoped that in the future, as in the

past, one of the noblest ambitions of the head of Tulane will be to have his name inscribed

with those of other illustrious ones, on the hst of honorary members of the Glendy Burke.

Page 265: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

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Page 266: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

The Forum

First Term.

S. Weiss

R. H. Oliver

W. K. Amacker



H. N. Pettigrew




Treasurer .

Asst. Treasurer


Second Term.

Edward O. Tabor

S. Walter Stern

J. H. Bres

Lionel C. Durel

Louis J. Mestier

Arthur A. Moreno

W. K. Amacker.

R. J. Anderson.

E. F. Bankston.

J. H. Bres.

T. A. Chapman.

L. C. Durel.

H. Dreyfuss.

M. J. Elgutter.

A. T. Garland.

L. H. Gosserand.

S. G. F. Haas.

J. B. Herold

P. H. Houston.



H. W. Kaiser.


J. Lemann.

E. Lisso.


J. R. Ludlum

J. C. Menefee.

L. J- Mestier.

A. A. Moreno. •

R. E. Murphy.

W. H. NicoL.

R. H. Oliver.

St. J. Perret.

H. N. Pettigrew.

D. B. Rogan.


H. H. Russell.

T. M. Shilstonf.

F. Stern.

S. W. Stern.

R. B. Stevens.


R. C. Webb.

S. Weiss.

T. L. Willis.

C. M. Winn.

A. J. Wyly, Jr.

C. N. Worms.


Page 267: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

The Forum

The name of Roman was orce the highest title and the most honorable distinction in

the ancient world. That word signified greatness,, achievement, fame, glory and success.

And today in our little college world the name "Forum" signifies as much. The epithet

stands for all that is high and noble, energetic and successful in forensic and literarv life

at Tulane. Born but five years ago, the Forum has already assumed its place of leader-

ship. Ever since its foundation, its halls have rung with an eloquence in oratory and

debate never realized at this university before, and on every occasion, when in contest

with Glendy Burke, the high standard of excellence of the Forum has been most telling.

But there is an adequate explanation for her success; it lies in the fact that unceasingly

from the first meeting in October to the jollification in May, there is present in the Forum

Hall, a spirit of determination and seriousness that must result in victor}- and success

alone. It is this spirit instilled by its founders, inherited by the junior members and by

them cultivated that has made the Forum a permanent and powerful factor in Tulane

forensics. Perseverance, grit and earnest endeavor are the secret of the Forum's success.

Urged on by the vigor of youth and the ambition to succeed, the Forum has won

laurels, such as few organizations can boast. She has met her sister society five times in


Page 268: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

debating and oratorical contests, and not once has she been defeated in debate; only once

did she lose the medal for oratory, Beginning with the second contest, a silver loving

cup was put up as a prize; the society winning three victories with no intervening defeat,

to have permanent possession of the cup. In 1902 the Forum, represented by Messrs.

Itman and Goldstein, won; in 1903 Messrs. Veith and Powell received a "tie" decision;

in 1904 A. Giffen Levy and Sol Weiss gained another victory, and in 1905 the Forum was

once more piloted to victory by Messrs. Edw. O. Tabor and Sol Weiss, thereby gaining the

final and necessary victory to retain permanent possession of the cup, which now makes

a handsome ornament for the Forum Hall. The medal for oratory this year was won

by Mr. St. John Ferret, also of the Forum. Is this not a history of which every Forum

man can be justly proud ?

Two years ago the Forum furnished one man for the Tulane-Texas debate, last year

one Forum man made the team and one was alternate, and this year it promises well to

furnish all three men for the Tulane team'. This showing demonstrates that to the Forum,,

debating is a serious matter.

Mention should be made of other events in the society's life. We have at last a home

for the Forum, which will shortly be suitably furnished. The two literary societies of

Tulane, together with the Agonistic of Newcomb, have done a great service to Tulane by

organizing and publishing a university magazine—"The Tulanian." The first editor-in-

chief and business manager were both Forum men. That the undertaking is a success is

proved by the excellence of the magazine. The membership of the Forum is exceptionally

large, and made up of hard working and earnest fellows. We might continue to sing her

praises, but our tale is well summed up- in the lines of our immortal bard

"Thus far our fortune keeps an upward course.

And we are graced with wreathes of victory."

E. O. T.


Page 269: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

The Tulane-Texas Debates

First Annual DebateHeld at New Orleans, La., April 21, 1901.

SUBJECTResolved, That the United States should not retain permanent control over the


DEBATERSTiilane. Texas.

F. C. Claiborne, Law. D. R. Perkins, Law.

R. J. Schwartz, '02. W. H. Bishop, Law.

Tulane upheld the affirmative and received the decision.

JUDGESE. B. Kruttschnitt. Chas. F. Buck. A. Brittin.

PRESIDING OFFICERJudge Newton C. Blanchard.

Second Annual DebateHeld at Austin, Texas, April 18, 1902.

SUBJECTResolved, That the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate,

should conclude reciprocity treaties with foreign countries, along lines prescribed by


DEBATERSTulane. Texas.

C. A. Du Champ, Law. J. D. Debrell, Law.

C. D. ToMKiES, Grad. E. T. Moore, Law.

ALTERNATESH. P. Dart, Jr. W. H. Bishop, Law.

JUDGESA. W. Terrell. T. N. Brown. A. P. Woolridge.


Tulane upheld the affirmative and lost.

Page 270: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Third Annual DebateHeld at New Orleans, La., April 17, 1903.

SUBJECTResolved, That the United States should refuse admission to all immigrants between

the ages of 15 and 60 years, who can neither read nor write, the wife of a qualified immi-grant excepted.

DEBATERSTulane. Texas.

F. E. Powell, '03. W. A. Cocke.

J. H. GiEFOiL, Law. J. A. Debrell, Law.

ALTERNATESGeo. H. Wright. J. P. Luton.

JUDGESJudge Chas. Parlance.

Judge O. O. Provosty. Geo. H. Terreberry.

Tulane upheld the negative and lost.

Tulane-Texas DebateFirst debate of the second series of annual debates between Tulane and the University

of Texas, held at Austin, Texas, April 20, 1904.

SUBJECTResolved, That the history of trade unions in the United States in the past twenty

years shows a tendency detrimental to the general welfare.

DEBATERSTulane. Texas.

J. L. W. WooDviLLE, '04.J. P. Luton.

A. GiFFEN Levy, '05. T. J. Milliken.

ALTERNATESSol Weiss, '05. Mr. True.

Tulane upheld the negative side and secured the unanimous decision of the judges.

JUDGESHon. a. p. Woolbridge. Major Ira H. Evans. Dr. R. J. Briggs.

Second debate of the second series, held at New Orleans, La., April, 1905.

SUBJECTResolved, That independent action is more effective than efforts for reform within

previously existing parties as a means of securing good municipal government.

DEBATERSTidane. Texas.

A. Giffen Levy, '05. Chas. Mays.Edw. O. Tabor, '05. J. P. SniPSON.

Sol Weiss, '05. J. I. Kercheville (Alt



Page 271: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905
Page 272: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905




Essie Lisso, Speaker

Beatrice De Grange, Secretary

Eleanor Reames, Treasurer

Beatrix Fortune, ........ Clerk of Congress


Edith Follett, .......... Speaker

Olga Czarnowski, Secretary

Mary Summey, .......... Treasurer

Essie Lisso, ......... Clerk of Congress

Abraham, Jeanne.

Aiken, Edith.

Blount, Hilda.

Cahn, Mabel.

Converse, Edna.

CoppEE, Nellie.

Czarnowski, Olga.

De Grange, Beatrice.

Emerson, Eliza.

Farrar, Edith.

Follett, Edith.

Fortune, Beatrix.


GoDCH.Aux, Carrie.

Hart, Gladys.

Jackson, Genevieve.

Lawler, Ruby.

Lewis, Clara.

Lisso, Essie.

Lob, Beulah, K.

Loeb, Mathilda.

Lovell, Fannie.

Marechal, Edith.

Mauberret, Mathilde.

Menge, Edna.


Minor, Mary.

MoHR, Bella.

Randolph, Norma.

Reames, Eleanor.

Ried, Clothilde.

Russell, Netta.

Spearing, Jessie.

Stern, Gertrude.

Summey, Mary.

Vallas, Edna.

Waldhorn, Augusta.

\\'aters, Hattie.

Page 273: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Le Cercie Francais

(Fond^ en 1900)


Lionel Le. Durel, . . . President

Chas. Culbertson, First Vice-President

Jefferson Caffery, ....... Second Vice-President

Chas. Hardy, Secretaire

R. P. Rordam, . . ........ Tresorier

M. le Professor A. Fortier, Directeur



Bres, J. H.

Caffery, J.

Dart, W. K.

Fortier, Prof. A.

Gosserand, L. H.

Kahle, p. J.

Kernan, C. W.

Kaiser, H. W.

Lewis, J. H.

Spencer, L. C.

Webre, a.

Worms, C. N.

Rendon, J.

Love, A.

Durel, L. C.

Simon, W. J.

Hardy, Chas.


Rordam, R. P.

Davidson, John.

Larue, F.

Wright, C. N.

Taddiken, F.


Page 274: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Le Cercle Francais de Newcomb

Mlle. Marie Augustin, Directrice

Mlle. Mabel Jordan, ......... Prtsidente

Mlle. Leda Hincks, Vice-Presidenie

Mlle. Clara Lewis, Secretaire

Mlle. Edna Vallas, ......... Tr/soriere

Comite d' Amusements

Mlle. Hild.a Blount. Mlle. ^NIabel Cahn.

Mlle. Alice Grehan. ]\Ille. Leda Hincks.

Mlle. Mabel Jordan. ]Mlle. Nina Laroussini.

Mlle. Clara Lewis. AIlle. Edna Vallas.

MembresEdith Aiken.

Hilda Blount.

Adele Blum.


Nell Bres.

Mabel Cahn.

Edna Converse.

Laura Cunningham,

Olga Czarnowski.

Miriam Danziger.

Elmire Delbert.

Edith Farrar.

Mildred Farrar.

Edith Follett.

G. A. Gardemal.

Carrie Godchaux.

Edith Gunby.

Alice Grehan.

Flavia Hereford.

Iema Hiller.

Leda Hincks.

Lucia Jordan.

Mabel Jordan.

Nina Laroussini

Ruby Lawler.

Clara Lewis.

Virgie Legendre.

Essie Lisso.


Mary Elise Morphy.


Josephine Pearce.

Norma Randolph.

Netta Russell.

Dora Schmidt.

Alma Simmons.

Jessie Tebo.

Edna Vallas.


Page 275: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Newcomb English Circle

Lily Dupee, President

Marguerite Saunders, Corresponding Secretary

Emily Miller, Treasurer

Bertha Herold, . - Recording Secretary

MembersBreazeale, Marie.

Bres, Nell.

Charles, Daisy.

Danziger, Edna.

DuPRE, Lily.

Feld, Ruby.

GuNTER, Nan.

Handley, Virginia.

Handy, Josie.

Hart, Frances.

Herold, Bertha.

Hinton, Bonito.

Hinton, Helen.

Hugo, Nettie.

Krower, Edna.

LoEBER, Pauline.

McCollam, Edna.

Miller, Emily.

Moss, Caroline.

Morphy, Mary Elise,

Ogden, Eloise.

Patterson, Josephine.

Saunders, Marguerite

Simmons, Alma.

Terwilliger, Hattie.

Tribble, Irene.

White, Emily.

16 241

Page 276: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Tulane History Club


Prof. J. Rose Ficklen, Director

Miss Lillie Richardson, President

Miss Abbie Richmond, Vice-President

L. H. GossERAND, ....... Secretary and Treasurer


Prof. John R. Ficklen.

Prof. Alcee Fortier.

Prof. Pierce Butler.

Mr. Wm. Beer.


Mr. J. H. Bres.

Mr. Edw. O. Tabor.

Mr. W. K. Dart.

Mr. Harry Oliver.

Mr. C. N. Worms.

Mr. C. W. Culbertson.,

Mr. H. W. Kaiser.

Mr. Lionel Durel

Mr. L. H. Gosserand

Miss Lillie Richardson.

Miss D. S. Vickers.

Miss Isabel Warner.

Miss Huger.

Miss Eleanor A. Riggs.

Miss Harrietxe Boyer.


Page 277: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905
Page 278: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905
Page 279: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Thomas A. Barry


Tulane University Athletic Association


J. N. IvEY, . . . . . . . . - . . . President

Thomas A. Lanaux, . ....... Vice-President

R. H. Oliver, Secretary

Dr. H. B. Gessner, ......... Treasurer

F. H. BoHNE, ........ Football Manager

G. C. Badger, ....... Assistairt Football Manager

J. F. Taddiken •

. . Baseball Manager

A. J. Tete, ......... Track Team Manager

Advisory Board

J. N. IvEY. Dr. H. B Gessner. F. H. Bohne.

Walter Miller. O. J. Long. J. F. Taddiken.

A. J. Tete.


Page 280: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905
Page 281: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905
Page 282: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Tulane Varsity Football Team

Thomas A. Barry, .......... Coach

John Janvier, Assistant Coach

F. H. BoHNE, .......... Manager

G. C. Badger, ........ Assistant Manager

Line UpFrank Magne, ........... Center

R. R. Nix, Right Guard

A. Lacour, Left Guard

Martin, Right Tackle

F. Stern Lejt Tackle

M.N Smith,\ _ - Right End

R. B. Wood, Captain, f*

H. N. Dreyfuss, Left End

J. T. Chambers, Quarterback

H. Clark, Fidlback

G. E. Williams,i d- h u hi, u

P. J. Barbe, ( ^'S'" ^"^/^'"-^

F. T. Payne, .......... Left Halfback


IS. Applewhite. Salatich. Sanford

Reily. Cate. Gremillion. G. Janvier.


Tulane, ii

Tulane, lo

Tulane, lo

Tulane, o

Tulane, 5

Tulane, o

Total, 36



Ruston, o

Miss. A. & M., ... o

Marion, o

Sewanee, 18

L. S. U., o

Alabama, 5


Page 283: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905
Page 284: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905
Page 285: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Varsity Baseball Team

J. F. Taddiken, .......... Manager

O. J. Long, ........ Assistant Manager

T. L. Willis, . . . . . . . . . . Captain


Fuller, )

> .'

. . . . . . . . .. PitchersPlauche,


Rowland, Catcher

Willis, Captain, . . , ist Base

IvENS, 2nd Base

Webre, ........... Short Stop

JouBERT, ........... ^rd Base

Gate, ............ Left Field

Barbe, ........... Center Field

OzENE, . . . . . . . .. . . Right Field


Page 286: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Sophomore Football Team

Sophomores organized their team this year mainl}' to promote college spirit. Both

faculty and students were amazed when it was rumored about tlie grounds that the annual

contest of the lower classes was to be played for the benefit of the Campus Fund.

The teams were handled by Kilpatrick and Moise, who managed the affairs in a

most creditable manner. Rain was feared, but spirit was there, and in spite of everything,

a very good sum was added to the fund.

The team of '07 was far from being the best team in college, but every effort was

made to beat the Freshmen, who were the undisputed champions over the Prep. Schools.

This effort was felt when the game started. It was by constant practice and the strongest

determination that the Sophs, succeeded in defeating the Freshmen by a score of 6 to o.


Page 287: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

The TeamLyons, Left End

Calongne, Lejl Tackle

Sinclair, Lejl Guard

Webb, Centre

Parkeeson Right Guard

Mills, ............ Right Tackle

Lattimer, Right End

RUGAN, Captain, Lejl Haljback

Dreyfuss, ........... Fullback

RiEss, . . . . . . . . . . . Right Haljback

KiLPATRiCK, Manager, Quarterback



Hein. Lareau.

RORDAN. Gillean.


Page 288: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Tulane Dormitory Tennis Club


F. Stern, ......... President and Treasurer

E. F. NiELD, .......... Vice-President

N. B. Mason, Secretary

MembershipAucoiN, A. A.

Brumby, R. E.

Herold, J. B.



Lisso, E.

ludlum, j. r.'

Mason, N. B.

NiELD, E. F.,

Oliver, H.

Stern, F.

Zeek, C. F.


Page 289: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905





Page 290: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905


Senior Basket-Bali


Ray! Ray! Ray!Who Come! We Come! Newcomb!Ray! Ray! Ray!Who Come! We Come! Newcomb!Naughty-five ! Naughty-five ! Naughty-fi\'e


Line UpHilda M. Blount, Goal—FoncardGenevieve Jackson, .-...-.. Goal—BackwardEssie Lisso, ........ Riglit Foru'ard GuardNetta Russel, ........ Lejt Forward GuardJosephine Y. Pearce, ....... Right Backu-ard GuardDella Mohe, ........ Lejt Backward GuardCarrie N. Godchaux, Captain, Center

Mabel J. Cahn (Goal), ")

Eleanor Reames (Guard), > ....... Substitutes

Gertritde Stern (Center), )

Mel Robertson, Coach


Page 291: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905


Mary Minor, ......... Forward GoalMary Summey, Right Forward GuardFanny Lovell, Lejt Forward GuardBuELAH Lob (Captain), Center

Mathilde Loeb, Right Backward GuardHelen M. Coppee, Lejt Backward GuardHester Craig, Backward Goal

SubstitutesTrix Fortune, j Eliza Emerson,

[ GoalsEdna Vallas, >• . . . Guards Edith Follet, S

Clara Lewis, )


Rickety Rix! Rickety Rix! Rip! Rah! ReelSis! Bum! Bah! Rip! Rah! Rix!

Naughty Six! Haughty Six! Newcomb Juniors!

Rah! Rah! Rah! Nineteen Six!

17 267

Page 292: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905


Sophomore Basket-Bail Team

Katherine Craighead,

Anne Gunter,

Helene Maury,

Anna Many (Captain),

Bess Lyon, .

Marie Breazeale,

Carrie Hopkins, .

Virginia Handley,

Edna McCollam, 1

Pauline Loeber, [I

Bertha Herold, J


. Forward Goal

Right Forward Guard

Left Forward Guard


Right Backward Guard

Lejt Backward Guard

Backward Goal


The RecordSophomores, 38

Sophomores, 28

Juniors, 28

Juniors, 27

Page 293: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

j^^ (o 00 m- d- i-sn^-i a- ^ an .j_d„ fan^

WaU(j,hT^- seven,


Q un li>- Jf-opsn The. V ill. ^ ^^ I |

^ o • •

QU. ^.CZ^ Cgpuint Hopkins.The. U H- hsn<< ^ Vn<^e^

L/onI ne. en a rn'5>io>-| Jvimpe-r

HaridU/ caTc-he^ ,}?̂

Page 294: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905
Page 295: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Newcomb Tennis Club


Anna Many, President

Bess Lyon, Vice-President

Marie Breazeale, Secretary-Treasurer


Nell Coppee.

Beatrix Fortune.

Fanny Lovell.

Pauline Loeber.

Helens Maury.

Carrie Hopkins.

Nan Gunter.

Edna Krower.

Alma Simmons.

Caroline Moss.

Nell Bres.

Marie Breazeale.

Florence Ford.

Bess Lyon.

Anna Many.

Eppu Barr.


Page 296: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

X. Y. Z.

Page 297: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Young Woman's Christian Association(Orgarized Nov., 1901)


Hareiette Waters, President

Virginia Handley, Vice-President

Bess Lyon, Secretary

Anna Many, Treasurer

Active Members

Hilda Blount.

Edna Converse.

Olga Czarnowski.

Bertha Drennan.

Eliza Emerson.

Edith Farrar.

Anne Gunter.

Nettie Hugo.

Mary Harkness.

Virginia HandLey.

Genevieve Jackson.

Lucia Jordan.

Mabel Jordan.

Bess Lyon.

Anna Many.

Mary Minor.

FR.4NCES Moore.

Josephine Patterson.

Phoebe Palfrey.

Abbie Richmond.

Norma Randolph.

Gladys Randolph.

Urilda Rodd.

Mel Robertson.

Viola Sirera.

Mary Summey.

Harriette Waters.

Masie Walker.


Page 298: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905
Page 299: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Tulane German Club


Chas. C. Crawford, President

Thos. Lanaux, Vice-President

J. Hampden Lewis, Secretary

Gilbert Dupre, Treasurer


George E. Williams.

Harry McCall.

Brunswig Sharp.

Robert G. Robinson.

George Janvier.

Arthur Denis.

Arthur Lacour.

Lewis B. Crawford.

Harley Shands.

FR.ANK T. Payne.

Ernest Norman.

Thos. F. O'Kelley.

John T. Chambers.

Challe Jamison.

Walter Parlange.

George Robertson.

Arthur Gilmore.

John T. Chamberlain.


Page 300: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Junior German Club


Esmond Phelps, . - President

Clive W. Kernan, Vice-President

C. H. H. Gellean, Secretary

Wm. Matthews, • - - Treasurer

Committee on Outsiders

W. p. Monroe.

George Janvier.

James K. Kilpatrick.


Harry Hardie.

Bert Gannon.

Chaille Jamison.

Clifford Lyons.

Alexander Ficklen.

Ernest Norman.

Ashford Kelley.

Stirling Parkerson.

J. G. Aiken.

George Mills.

Nio Ruiz.

Charlie Armstrong.

Dan Gannon.

J. W. McCooK.

Edward Bres.


Tom Westfeldt.

LuciEN Lyons.

Harry Sanders.

David Chaille.


Page 301: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905


Page 302: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Tulane Sketch Club


Jas. J. KiLPAiRicK, ......... President

George Janvier, . . . . . . . . Secretary and Treasurer

Prof. W. W. Woodward, Director


Allen G. Miller.

M. G. Goldstien.

S. M. Copp.

L. I... Landau.

Ferdi Stern.

Charles Armstrong.

S. C. Ragan.

D. J. Chaille.


Page 303: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905
Page 304: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Class Play of Newcomb 1906


Nellie Coppee Edith AikenMary Summey Edith MarechalBeatrix Fortune Andree ProvostyEdith Follett Edna Converse.

A Box of Monkeysby grace LIVINGSTON FURNISS.

CHARACTERSEdward Ralston, a promising young American, half owner of the Sierra

Gold Mine, ......... Nellie CoppeeChauncey Oglethorpe, his partner, second son of Lord Doncaster, Beatrix FortuneMrs. Ondego-Jones, an admirer of rank, ..... Mary MinorSierra Bengaline, her niece, a prairie rose, .... Edith FarrarLady Guenevere Landpoore, an English primrose, daughter of the Earl

of Paynaught. ........ Edith Aiken

Act I. Drawing room of Mrs.' residence.

Act II. Same.

Class Play of Newcomb Sophomores


CAST OF CHARACTERSLilybel, ^ ( Marie BrazealeSnowflake, > . Three little pickaninnies. . . \ Edna DanzigerRuby, . ) ( Evelyn ParlanceUncle Poke, ; _

_ qj^ ^-^^ ^^^^^^^_ . . . \Josie Handy

Aunt Betty,\ ) Virginia Handley


. . Margaret's cousins. . . . \

Helene MauryFred, )

°) Bonita Hinton

George (The concjuering hero), Anna ManyBessie (An "enfant terrible"), Bessie LyonMrs. Engram (Margaret's Mother), ..... Lily DupreMargaret, Pauline Loeber

Act I. Sitting room in Mrs. Engram's house.

Act II. Same.Act III. Library.

Stage Manager, Carrie HopkinsBusiness Manager, Emily Miller


Page 305: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Le Cercle Francais

Le Capitaine Tie

(Comedie en 3 Actes.)


Le Capitaine Tie, ......... St. John Perret

Desambois, .......... Alfred W'ebre

Celestin Magis, ......... W. J. Simox

Bernard, . L. H. Gosserand

Baptiste;.J. Randox

Un Invite, W. K. Dart

Madame de Guy-Robert, . ...... Hampden LE'ms

Lucile, J- H. Bres

El Barometro

(Comedia en un acto.)

La Condesa, ......... E. F. Nield

El Disconocido, ......... Auguste Tete

Victorina, J- Chambers

Anselino, ........... Robert


Page 306: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905







Page 307: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905




Thursday, March i6, 1905, at half-past one o'clock in the afternoon.

Order of ExercisesTuLANE Song.Prayer, . His Excellency P. L. Chapelle, Archbishop of New Orleans

and ."Apostolic Delegate.

( On behalf of Faculties—Pres. Brandt Van B. DixonAddresses of Welcome, i On behalf of Alumni—-Mr. William S. Parkerson

( On hehalf of Students—Mr. Arthur A MorenoMusic.On behalf of the Board of Administrators, . . Judge Charles E. FennerInaugural Address, . . Edwin Boone Craighead, M.A., LL. D.Music.Conferring of Honorary Degrees.Addresses, . . Hon. Newton Crain Blanchard, Governor of LouisianaMusic.

Rev. Beveriey E. Warner, D. D.Benediction, . The Rt. Rev. Davis Sessums, D.D., Bishop of Louisiana

18 273

Page 308: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Hail the Olive and the Blue !

By Walter Miller

ING no more the famed Cephissus,

With his olive groves divine:

Sing no more the bright Ilissus,

Where Athena's blue hills shine.

Sing the Olive of our college;

To Tulane all hearts be true,

Olive-wreathed shrine of knowledge.

Hail the Olive and the Blue ! :

Blue the billows rolling lightly

From the Gulf upon our strand;

Blue the Southland skies, whence brightly

Phoebus greets our sunny land.

Blue the sapphire, fading never;

But there's blue of nobler hue

Fair Tulane's! With joy we'll ever

Hail the Olive and the Blue! :|

Gray-green olive, blue-bells swinging

In our garlands intertwine.

Blue and Olive's glories singing

Every heart and voice combine.

'Neath her flag Tulane rejoices.

Marching on to vict'ries new;

In her praise unite her voices:

Hail the Olive and the Blue! : 1

Page 309: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Shovel and Tongs

p^]^v(ai 1 //j/ 1 • \/

i 1, W 'y


NE warm August morning, Mary Lou Endicott, the grand-daughter

of a bishop, was sitting upon the ground in a shady nook beside

one of the dehghtful springs belonging to her grand-father's

summer home in ' North Georgia. Near her sprawled the

bishop's private secretary, who had graduated from the Uni-

versity of the South only a few years before, and had not yet

acquired that dignified air becoming to one who aspires to the

clergy. He was playing a solitary game of "mumble-peg,"

while Mary Lou watched him with a very lackadaisical, bored e.xpression upon her

usually vivacious face.

"Please stop playing with that knife," she finally begged; "it makes me nervous to

see you interested when I haven't a thing in this world to do. Why don't you tr}' to

amuse me? You are not a bit polite today. I am going to tell grandfather to makeyou work in the morning hereafter."

The young man sat up hastily, straightened his broad shoulders and pushed his hat

back from his forehead.

"What would you have me do?" he asked an.xiously; "I am sure that I was perfectly

willing to let you play mumble-peg with me, but you dechned very rudely."

"Who wants to play mumble-peg?" she returned petulantly. "Don't vou know of

anything more exciting than that ? Haven't you something entertaining in j-our numerous

pockets ?"

"Nothing but a pack of cards," he answered, drawing them from his pocket, "and

I don't suppose that it's proper that I should have those. However, thev are trick cards,

and I'll do a few 'stunts' for you if )'ou want me to."

"Never!" she said firmly. "Nothing could be more stupid. I wonder why some

people hke cards anyway? I used to think that I dishked them, because grandmother

was brought up a Presbyterian and could not play with them when she was young. But

lo and behold! I find that my antipathy was not inherited after all, because now that

she is an Episcopalian, she is just foolish about whist and euchre."

"Most card games are decidedly stupid," answered her companion, meditatively.

"Not all of them, though," said Mary Lou, mischievously. "I have heard of one

rather exciting game, but I wouldn't dare to breathe the name here. Grandmother's

prejudice still holds good in that instance. If anyone were to play a certain game begin-

ning with a "P" on these premises and she were to hear of it, I verily believe that she

would have the sinner turned out into the wintry blasts."

"Suppose we play, then," he suggested. "A. wintry blast or two wouldn't be so

bad this kind of weather."

"Do you know how to play?" she questioned in a tone of affected horror.


Page 310: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

"You mean poker? I have never heard of a college man who didn't know a httle

about it. It's really very interesting."

"Oh," she said; "please tell me about it—it's the only game of cards I ever really

wanted to play. Do you know," she added, "I believe I'll get you to teach me all about

it. Would that be very wicked ? It's such a stupid day, and I haven't had a single

exciting experience for two long months."

"It wouldn't be so awful, I don't suppose," said the secretary, smiling. "We needn't

use any chips."

Mary Lou looked all about them, so as to be sure no one was near, then settled her

skirts and collected her wits for learning this delightfully wicked game of poker.


Two or three days later, Mary Lou and the secretary were playing checkers on the

porch, when suddenly, after about a dozen games had been pla3'ed, the former pushed all

the men into a pile and said


"Grandfather is out, so let's play poker again."

"Horrors, no!" answered the secretary. "Suppose your grandmother should come

out here."

"Oh, she would never know the difference if she did," rephed the girl. "If you

don't play with me, I shall tell the bishop that you taught me how," she added, warningly.

"Anything to please you, then. Wait a minute, and I'll get my cards."

Soon after, just as the two were absorbingly interested, a sweet voice was heard from

a window just back of them.

"What are you playing, dearie? I can't understand it at all; it is so rapid—some-

times you throw down the cards without looking at them scarcely, and then deal over

again. And you use such queer expressions."

At the first sound of her grandmother's voice, Mary Lou had jumped about six

itiches. Now she sat looking at the embarrassed secretary with a scared expression on

her face, utterly at a loss what to answer.

"Why, grandmother," she said, with a nervous laugh, "haven't you ever played this?

I don't think it is a new game." Then, as a bright thought struck her: "It is called

'Shovel and Tongs.'"

The secretary looked relieved, and Mrs. Endicott repeated the name in a puzzled


"What an odd name for a game of cards. However, it looks interesting. Is it

hard to learn ?"

She left the window and appeared on the porch a few seconds later. The two poker-

players were tolerably composed by this time, and Mary Lou answered: "No'm, not

so very hard. This is only the second time I have played."

"Then, my dear, do teach it to me. It looks just as nice and exciting as anything

I know. It seems to be scientific, too."


Page 311: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

The dignified old lady seated herself at the table, shuffled the cards gracefully, gave

them to Mary Lou, and asked for her first lesson in "Shovel and Tongs." The young

man choked as he heard the name and disappeared suddenly in the direction of the water

pitcher. When he returned ten minutes later, calm and collected, he beheld the two

nearest relatives of the bishop deeply engrossed in the greatest gambling game of the

world. Mrs. Endicott learned rapidly and soon developed a perfect passion for the game.

She played whenever she could get a partner, and even taught several of her friends how

to play. Much to the amusement of the bishop's grand-daughter and secretary, "Shovel

and Tongs" soon became the favorite pastime in a certain little summer resort in North


The following autumn Mrs. Endicott went on to Austin to visit the wife of Bishop

Gonzales. About a week after her arrival she began to feel a longing for a game of cards.

Mrs. Gonzales did not care at all for this diversion, so Mrs. Endicott succeeded in per-

suading the two sons of the household to play with her. The boys were about fourteen

and fifteen years old, and the game which Mrs. Endicott proceeded to teach them was

"Shovel and Tongs."

Just as the card party was in full swing the bishop walked into the room in search

of a book. Hearing a few familiar (the bishop had been a college man) yet objectionable

words, such as "straight," "royal flush," full house," and a few others, he paused in his

search with a look of intense surprise on his face. This was soon mingled with amaze-

ment and incredulity, then with interest. He came forward and stood behind Mrs.

Endicott's chair.

"What are you playing?" he asked her.

"Isn't it fascinating?" she replied. "Mary Lou and my husband's private secretary

taught it to me last summer. I have just begun to teach it to your boys. They seem to

learn rapidly."

The bishop's eyes twinkled. "What is it called?" he asked.

" 'Shovel and tongs.' They do give games such foolish names, don't they?"

"They surely do," said the bishop, and began to laugh. Some minutes later Mrs.

Endicott came to the conclusion that he was never going to cease. His sun-burned face

really looked red, and tears were rolling down his cheeks. Finally he wiped his eyes and

took a deep breath.

"What is the matter?" asked Mrs. Endicott, while the two bovs seemed very much

astonished at their father's behavior. "Have you ever played it before ? You seem to

be enjoying rather pleasant reminiscences."

"Well, I don't reckon that it would be exactly right for me to saj' I have ever played

it. Still, I did see the other fellows at college play once or twice."

The corners of his mouth twitched and Mrs. Endicott had great fears of another

siege of laughter, so she said quickly: "Well, what about it?"

"Nothing," said the bishop, "except that it was not then called 'shovel and tongs.'

It masqueraded under the name of another fireside implement."

"What was that?"


Page 312: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

"See if you can guess, Mrs. Endicott."

"Let me see. Grate, fender, shovel and tongs, poker—poker!" she cried out, in


The bishop was too weak to say much, so he merely nodded assent. "That very

same," he chuckled, going ofi to the verge of hysterics.

"I don't believe it," said Mrs. Endicott, indignantly. "Poker? Why, Mary Lou

and the secretary. She's going to marry that young man next March. Surely, mygranddaughter—poker!" Her voice subsided to a whisper.

Bishop Gonzales takes a great deal of pleasure in telling how he once walked into

the same hbrary in which he usually writes his sermons, and beheld the wife of Bishop

Endicott teaching his children how to play poker, under the euphonious name of "Shovel

and Tongs."


Page 313: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905


Page 314: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905


4. IV 4- 4-


MOTTOThere's always room for one more.


COLORSBlack and Blue.


Father Rest, William :\Iaginnis, Jr.


First Son, Arthur Gilmore

Second Son, . . . Samuel RaganThird Son, John MontgomeryRecording'Son, .- Edw. Ansley

Sacred Keeper of the Badge, W^ B. Reily

Sacred Artist, G. Janvier

Janitor, *Nio Ruiz

Valet, W. McK. Coyle


Harry Meyer.John Seip.

*Chas. Mackie.Hugh Moss.

Jeff. Caffery.*Ernest Norman.

fHARRY Sanders.

Expelled for attending classes. fSuspended for studying.


Page 315: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

It's a game

Folk will play,

'Til the very end of time;

But its name

I'll delay,

'Til the last line of this rh3-me.

Now it's win.

Now it's lose,

Now it's tire and give way;

Once vou're in,

You can't choose,

But to take your chance each day.

Now it's smiles.

Now it's tears.

Now it's struggle, toil and strife;

And its wiles.

Fools and seers.

All have felt; for this is—Life.


A funny language, I declare,

In little words and big;

The man who gets a "hon's" share,

We're apt to call a pig.


Page 316: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

The Youth Awakes from a Day Dream

HERE was once a Youth. Having an idea that there was a

Main Chance waiting for him at College, and Knowing that

nowhere else could he be a true Sport and attract more

attention, this youth directed his foot towards Tulane.

There was one Possibility that had never played Hide-

and-seek in his weak mind. Where he came from, he was a

Senior, and whenever he came around the small boys gave him

their Marbles. Sometimes the professors spoke to him, but

they were Chastised if they did not raise their hats when

they did so. That he possessed less Knowledge than other People had not occurred to

him. Tulane was but a gambling ground for Lambs, not an institution of learning.

On the Opening day he strolled into

Gibson Hall, with a Large Pad on each

shoulder, a pair of Peg-top Trousers, and

an air of Here-I-Come on the Middle of

his face. Besides these attributes he wore

a dicer and a Medium-Sized Grin. Strange

to say, the president did not offer him a

Job as assistant, neither did the second-

year sports regard him with due respect.

Instead, before he knew it, his dicer

resembled an Imitation of a relief map

of the Rocky Mountains, and he was doing

Delsarte and Oratory for Universal amuse-

ment. His face put the Grin out, and

Substituted somewhat the appearance of

a Cross-Section of a Ham Sandwich. In a

word, his confidence had Departed, for

he had found Individuals whom the Tale

of his superiority had not reached.

When the Trained Nurse had left the house

of the youth, and he ate a general diet

instead of Pepton and Sterilized Milk, he

came Back. His mother told him not to

associate with Rough Boys. And first he

went Down Town and invested in a small

soft hat and a thin voice, besides a Pony and three Cubebs. Moral! There is no



Page 317: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

We]]-H,iveYcuQct The


Page 318: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Pass Words to Clinics

Gentlemen, allow me to interpolate here that I am professor of physiology, hygiene

and pathological anatomy.


These are the essentials, gentlemen, you either know it or you don't know it.—


Stomach tube.



H. S. Lewis.

Remember your anatomy, gentlemen, and don't forget this, please.—/. B. Elliott, Jr.

Incise freely and drain.


Don't forget )'Our 'istory, gentlemen.


Differential diagnosis.


Humor the babies.


On the War-path.


Never kill your patients with medicine.

.T. B. Elliot, Sr.

Paquelin cautery.


Plenty of fresh air and sunshine.

E. S. Lewis.

Well, boys, we won't have punch Founders' day.



Tom Lanaux and the race track.

Johnson and his opera glasses.

J. K. Griffith and his chew of tobacco.

Dupre, his Prince Albert and that horse pistol.

C. L. Anderson and his lu.xuriant moustache.

Metz and ''His" boys.

Bradley and the boarding-house knives.

Pettit and the napkin.

Marks and the microscopical laboratory.

Metz's platinum and the Freshman.

Pothier and his rabbits.

Cross and his tambourine voice.

Smith and his dogs.

Sexton and his pocket bistuary.

Cazayoux and the Charity Hospital.

Henriques and the staff seats.


Page 319: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Life in the Dormitory


Page 320: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Boys Will Be Boys

T ONE of our most fashionable clubs there was assembled a group

of young men of the age of twenty-four, or thereabout, all seem-

ingly congenial, and all lounging about in decidedly free and

comfortable positions. Ash trays, bottles and glasses were con-

spicuous, and with many an interval for a puff and a toast, each

one present was taking his turn at entertaining the others. Whether

it was cigar or wine which recalled these reminiscences I leave it

to you to imagine, for that's not my part of the story.

Most of us had had our turn already, so it was now Dick's time to amuse the crowd,

and knowing that the twinkle in his eye meant something funny, everyone unconsciously

settled himself more comfortably as if to enjoy this story to the utmost.

"Well, if it's up to me," said Dick, "I suppose I'll have to stand the pressure, besides

it was so absurdly funny that it would be a shame to let you fellows miss a laugh. It all

happened when I was a Junior out at the university, and every detail of the incident stands

out as clearly as if it happened yesterday. My room-mate, whom for convenience we

will call Harry, was, at that time, firmly convinced that the world, in general, and college

men, in particular, were badly in need of salvation; so to the great delight of both his

parents, he had decided iipon the ministry as his profession. Now I'll give Harry credit

for this much, if we didn't agree with him, we did, at least appreciate his sincerity, and

respected his principles as well as the manner in which he lived up to them, and what is

more, we certainly showed our interest by affording him a good large field for practice.

"As perhaps you may have suspected, the rest of us weren't trying to convert ourselves

into human air-ships by growing a pair of wings, so an occasional lark, the exact nature

of which need not be divulged, was not entirely barred from our weekly schedule. In fact,

we rather felt it our duty to go out after dark just to see if, without the aid of the sun, we

could read the signs in front of various well-known places; or if the night were too dark

for that, to take them down and prove our remarkable power of visualizing by painting

on them, with the class colors, some well remembered words which we had seen or heard.

Then, after this was accomplished and we had gone inside the buildings to which we had

been attracted by the signs, and had drunk the health of those present, of the professors,

of absent friends, in short, of everybody and everything that happened to be mentioned,

we turned our steps once more towards the dormitory, there to find comfort for our tired

bodies in slumber which often lasted beyond the first recitation period next morning.

"It was after just such a celebration that the crowd of us were preparing for bed,when

a brilliant thought struck one of the fellows, who immediately passed it around for criti-

cism and approval. Well, it sounded sufficiently exciting and unusual, and there was

nothing left to do but to act on his suggestion. Harry, after an edifying evening spent in

stud3dng the heavens for data for his astronomy class, had, of course, been for many hours


Page 321: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

safe in the arms of Morpheus; and he really looked so unsuspecting as he lay there, and

seemed such an easy victim that our conscience (I use the term purposely in the singular

because I really believe we had only one among us) began to hurt. However, the chance

was too good to be lost, so we didn't waste much time in sentimental scruples and, in

scarcely more time than it takes to tell it, cotton was suspended from the windows and

doors, and stuffed into bowls, pitchers and tubes, and, with suppressed explosions of

laughter on the part of us bo3's, and much wiggUng on the part of six harmless garter-

snakes, long strings of coarse thread were attached to all of them. Everything was in

readiness; dead silence fell upon the group; a signal was given and simultaneously with

the igniting of the cotton, the snakes were thrown into poor Harry's bed. As their cold,

slimy bodies touched his warm skin and squirmed about his hands and feet, an expression

first of discomfort, then of fear, and finally of horror spread over his face. "With a start

of terror he opened his eyes, took in the whole situation, and then in tones of most intense

dismay, he shrieked : 'Fire! Snakes! Snakes! Fire!' and was out of bed so quickly it madeone dizzy to watch him. But at his very first cry for help, the flames were extinguished,

and the snakes quickly withdrawn by means of the strings, in\'isible in the dark, and after

they had been hastily precipitated into the yard below, we rushed excitedly upon the

scene to inquire what on earth was the matter. Poor Harry, half distracted with fright

and the suddenness of the thing, tried to explain and tell us all about it, while we, unable

to find either fire or snakes, began to argue with the terrified boy that the whole afi'air

had simply existed in his own brain. We then began to tease and joke, and to insist

that he tell us where and how he got that "beautiful drunk," promising upon our word

of honor as gentlemen never to let the matter leak out, and heartily congratulating him

upon the splendid manner in which he had become one of us.

"Of course. Ha- ry expostulated and entreated, vowed and declared, and finally was

driven to swear that he hadn't been anywhere, seen anybody, or touched a drop of any-

thing that night or any other night. But his denials merely making matters worse, we

decided that an ice cold shower was the one thing necessary to relieve Harry's feverish

condition and to clear his hazy memory.

"So a bath had Harry, and a laugh had we, and what did you ask? Did wetell him the truth? I should think not. Don't you ever remember of hearing the

saying, 'Where ignorance is bliss, etc?' Well then, what's the good of learning proverbs

or anything else, I'd like to know, if you can't put your knowledge to some practical use

when the opportunity presents itself?"


Page 322: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905



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Page 323: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

"Ven I Vas inVeRrCruz"


Page 324: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Our Book Department

Jokes I Have Never Dared to Tell. By M. A. Aldrich, Ph.D. (Harvard). 8 vo.,

T574 pp. (with annotations by the author on the "margin"). Price 15c.

The Chalk Line. By Will B. S. An enlightening disquisition on AssjTia and its

relation to Mardi Gras and the Negro question. Given free on receipt of postage.

How They Were Parted. By Al Lefevre. A discussion on tonsorial art, illustrated

by photographs of the author.

Hints to College Presidents. By R. K. Bluff. 5 vols. $10 net.

Never Too Late. An interesting treatise on matrimonial matters. By W. H. P. C.

Bound in macaroni, $1.50; in paper, 50c.

How to be Happy Though Good. An able book on the gas engine and centrifugal

pump, by an expert.

How to Lose an Election. By the late ward boss, A. A. Molino. The experience of

the author qualifies him to write on this topic. Illustrated by photos of the author at

various stages of the campaign.

Of What Use Are Freshmen ? By M. N. B. Deep investigation and long experience

have qualified the authoress for expressing authoritative views and asking pertinent ques-

tions. For gratuitous distribution.

Things I Have Seen. By an academic bored president. A companion book to "Remin-

iscences of Genius;" formerly published as "Wild Animals I Have Met."

{With apologies to Milton's Lycidas)

Weep for her, woeful brethren, weep for her,

For Carrie, your sorrow is full sore


Forced as you are through society's door.

So sports the maiden in the high-heeled shoes.

And yet anon holds up her coiffeured head,

And tricks the men; and with new-gathered might,

Shiver with her brilliance in the ball-room's light.

So Carrie has sunk low, but captured males,

Through the fine art of her who trims the nails.

("Lines to a Senior upon having her hands manicured for her first formal dance.")


Page 325: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905


Page 326: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

From Freshy to Senior

|f5>HEN a Freshman comes to Tulane,

Funny feelings wrap his heart;

On his weak mind is a great strain,

Every Sophomore makes him start.

Measely, puny and despised then,

By the Sophomore, Junior too.

On the campus he is beaten.

Forced to shine some Senior's shoe.

Past this stage, the Sophomore's risen.

Thinks he's lord o'er Freshmen now;

And he goes about a "quizin,"

With the Freshies for a row.

But his pride drops in a hurry,

For the Juniors do him bluff;

And he's muchly in a flurry,

Seeing he's not red hot stuff.

Next theJuniors' think that they

Are quite the thing by now,

Forgetting how many a day

They were threshed in man)^ a row

(Made in some cold pond to lay).

But the Senior at a college.

Rules supreme quite ever\'where;

He ranks first in sport or knowledge,

Nowhere does he lose his share.

Faculty looks up to Senior,

Freshmen think him some renown;

Sage or wiseman, or a leader,

When he dons that cap and gown.

All salute to Senior knowledge.

Doflf your hats to him at once


Highest product of a college

Even tho' he be a dunce.

—Edw. O. Tabor, '05.


Page 327: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

/^tjf^^i^n A/. Y.

Page 328: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Chie[ Chef,

Potter, .


Milk Carrier,

Nut Cracker,

Nut Picker,


The "Cook;'


MOTTOKeep the Pot a'Boiling.

AIMTo be friends with the Medicals.

COLORSChocolate and Cream.


MEETING PLACEWherever we can.


Edith MarechaiHelen ConversOlive Kelley

Helen M. CoppeeLucille Crippen

Tri.x FortuneLucia Frierson


A Thanks Offering

I thank thee, mother, for the bo.x you sent,

The fruit, the cakes, the pies and salad, too;

The candy tied in bo.x with ribbon blue.

Just as an angel on a mission bent.

I do not mean this, mother, for a hint.

But mean to give to you just what is due;

For thanks to you, I send with meaning true,

I know the feeling with which it was sent.

But now 'tis gone, yet something still remains,

It left behind the traces of a pain


And every night I, in my visiors see,

That box which you, oh mother, sent to me.

But all these little pains were not in vain.

So please remember, send that box again.—Minnie Boyd.


Page 329: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905


\\ ^'^

I i


Page 330: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

An Addition to History

HE ancient and geometrical joke told on Gregory, who afterwards becamepope in spite of his punning capacities, is entirel}' false and absurdly

groundless. After a long and scientific search among the weeds in the

various fields of learning, the following document was discovered, which

may throw some light on the origin of the story: "And lo, scarcely had

the third chime sounded from the point three, four, when the slave

owner issued with his wares from an exactty definite position on the

Y-axis. He stationed himself on an asymptote, and mailed a solitary

letter, for he was in one to one correspondence with a young lady. This

done, he anxiously awaited customers, with his knees crossed like a

pair of co-ordinate axes. He was not kept long in expectation. A strange figure,

actuated by the springs of reasoning, not reckoning, moved along towards him. This

figure was perfectly real, tho' if it had not been, it would not interfere in the least with

our concept of it. When it reached the slave owner, it became gradually perceptible that

it was Dr. Wilham Benjamin Smith, no other. He saluted the trafficker in human blood

with an elhpsoidal movement of his head.

"What have you there?" he demanded, sternly.

"Angles," answered the man; "Angles, just inported from—" He stopped, amazedby the change produced in Dr. Smith's countenance by the words he had spoken.

"I wish to purchase them immediately," shrieked Dr. Smith, producing from his

pocket a rho, a phi, and a delta. "Name your price."

But the dealer in slaves was \'\'yly. He prepared a diplomatic speech, and delivered

it somewhat after the following manner. -'Although these slaves seem to be precisely

similar, they vary all the wa}' from minus infinity to plus infinity. Therefore, if I were to

sell them to 3'ou I would have to demand a price in harmonic proportion with their values."

"I deny that they are not precisely similar, and therefore deny that you are just in

charging different prices for them."

"How so ?" asked the slave owner.

"They are faultless, are they not?" asked Dr. Smith.

"Yes.""Therefore they are all right."

"Yes," repeated the skve owner, not suspecting his proximity to a pitfall.

"0. E. D.," said Dr. Smith, triumphantly; "They are all right angles, and do you

dare deny, in defiance of elementary geometry, that all right angles are similar?

The slave owner was crushed and humiliated. He " '

The writer of the manuscript must have either wept a bitter tear or used a fountain

pen at this point, for the rest of the document is entirely illegible. However, we mayreasonably suppose that Dr. Smith purchased the angles according to his own idea, and

that they are those which are now installed in his class-room at Tulane Universitv to

the eternal annoyment of himself and others.


Page 331: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905


Page 332: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

College Occurrences

Demonstrator of Anatomy (picking up muscles of forearm).—What is this?

Student.—Flexor Carpi Digitalis.

Prof. Chaille.—What great pest has been brought from Italy to America?


{Skin Clinic)

Demonstrator.—What are the appendages of the skin ?

Student.—Legs, arms, ears, nose and others.

{Operating Room)

(Senior to classmate).—What operation did Prof. Matas perform on Wilson?

(Ans.)—He removed his appendicitis.

Why do medical men think Cohn belongs to the vegetable kingdom?

Because he is composed of Carbon, Oxygen, Hydrogen and Nitrogen.

(Committee to a Freshman.)—Give me twenty-five cents for Jamb.^l.^^ya.

Freshman.—I never eat Jambalaya.

Dr. Souchon.—What is the longest bone in the body.

First Course Man.—The backbone.

(One second course man to another.)—First: What did Prof. Souchon say of

importance in his lecture on anatomy ? Second : I was asleep, too.

Souchon.—What is the "pecularity" of the nose?

Freshman.—It is between the eyes and projects outwards.

Prof. Metz (to a Sophomore.)—Why do you sit so far away during my lectures?

Sophomore.—Doctor, I don't want to catch those big rocks that you distribute for


Belfield persists in telling the students that he is not a doctor, showing that he knows

a good thing when he has it.


Prof. Metz, in a lecture on the chemical elements, told the students that all the

elements are named for the various countries in which they were first found—for example,

germanium, for Germany, etc.

Student (Jarrell.)—Professor, after what country is IleUum named ?


Page 333: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Medical College Questions

Why do some people consider Dr. Dyer an undesirable teacher ?

Because he tries to teach his students a skin game.

Why is it said that Dr. Batchelor is liable to give us an unfair deal if he should examine

Because he has shown himself to be an expert grajter.

The Class of '06 should excell in hygiene,

For in its roster a Bath is seen.

For reasons of temper don't be at a loss,

Because in our class list you see A. B. Cross.

Why do they move at such a nice pace ?

Because if you look good you'll find they have Grace.

If they get as boisterous as a child,

Go ask Dr. Chaill^ how they got Willy Wild.

If the class would lead they should not flinch.

For with the possession of Pipes they have a lead pipe cinch.

Our class shows the result of having been through the mill,

For they possess Marks, and no other class will.

At the Senior Study Warming













Rules and Maxims.

All drinks are good drinks.

No jags allowed except under special permission.

Everyone gets an even start.

No recall system.

Once boozed, stay boozed.

No outsider need know the physical condition of the gang.

No professors, dead-heads, or W. C. T. U.'s allowed.

Select your special post early in the evening.

This is no helping hand mission.

Remember you can't get boozed on ice water.

Every one for himself. God for us all.

No special cars.

By Order 0} the Committee.


Page 334: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

A Senior's Toast

Whene'er I drink the sparkhng wine.

Effervescent, bright,

My cares all vanish like the dark

Before the morning light.

Why should I whine and peek and pine ?

Why should I fret and fear?

Since die I must and turn to dust,

I'll seek my pleasure here.

Let us drink then the draught,

Which by Bacchus was quafft;

Let us drive care and sorrow away;

For at each emptied bowl,

Away troubles roll.

Like mists in the sun's early ray.


Page 335: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Seeing Maude Adams"I want to see Maud Adams," announced the Littlest One in oil class one morning."So do I," echoed the Littler, Little and Bis One."But we haven't the money," wailed the Littlest One, sadly. Then a bright thought

struck her. "Let's redeem our locker keys and get our fifty cents and go to the pit."

"Let's," "All right," and "Bully," were heard from the three others.

So it was that four Seniors trailed into the office and laid down four locker keys, receivingin exchange the coveted fifty cents. Four radiant Seniors they were, as they "cut class" andsat in the sun. Then blank despair was east over them by the practical Littlest One saying:"How will we go? Some of us can not go on Saturday to the matinee, and we have nobody to gowith at night."

"Ask John to take us.""Not if he were the last man on earth.""Why don't you ask 'Willy?' " asked the Lazy One, as she stroBed past."The very thing," exclaimed the again radiant four. "The Little One wUl have to ask

him, as she is his niece."

But the Little One had slipped off home for lunch. So the other three decided to waylayher when she came back and make her ask "Willy."

At lunch time the Littlest met "WUly" in the hall. "There is a committee waiting for youdown stairs, professor," she said.

"Do they want money?" he asked, with one hand on the window ready to jump out if theydid. On being assured they did not, he went down stairs the usual way. Here he was met bythe Littler One.

"Please stay here, professor, the Little One wants to ask you something," she said. Sohe sat down and the Littlest One did not run away, while the Littler One, the Big One and theLazy One watched for the Little One.

"There she is, run, Littler One, and catch her before she goes to the pottery," said the LazyOne. So the Little One was made acquainted with the plans and hailed them as an inspiration.She told "WUly," and coming back, told the others that he wanted to see them. They refusedto move, so she pulled the Littler One, who pulled the Littlest One, who in turn pulled the BigOne.

"Now, what is your plan? Just to butt right into the pit?" They agreed that was theirplan. "Then I'm your man," he said.

That night the conductor looked somewhat surprised when our elegant crowd alighted infront of the Tulane at seven o'clock. The pit crowd had not begun to collect, so "Willy" wasable to procure a most advantageous place whence to "butt in," as he expressed it. As thecrowd collected he began to discourse with lavish gestures and a total forgetfulness of the open-eared and highly interested audience around him.

"A most striking series of cartoons for Jambalay.4.. First deep despair—no money. Ho,an idea," his fore-finger went to his forehead and brilliancy and inspiration lit up his features."Then the rush on the secretary with locker keys. Blank despair again." (Here I want to givethe professor a hint, that deep despair is not as becoming to hmi as a bright idea.) "No escort.Ho, another idea! Next I am seen in a corner surrounded by girls of all sizes. Now, I am suresomething will happen before we get home, one of us wQl get killed on the stairs or some othersmall thing."

Suddenly, after they were all safely seated in the pit, and were trying to keep "Willy" inorder, the Little One burst into an uncontrollable fit of laughter.

"What is it?" "What's the matter?" "Tell us about it/'

"The girl behind me said to the man with her, 'Wait a minute, 'till I put my gmn away,'and then stuuk it right behind me," explained the Littler One at last." 'I tried not to laugh butcould not keep from it."

In the touching scene where Babbie steals away from the Manse garden in grief, the Littler

One began to feel wildly in the laps of every one near her.

'Here, take this," said the sympathetic Big One, handing her a man's large handkerchief,that she had kept in reserve for her own tears.

"I'm not crj'ing, I don't want a handkerchief, I want the opera glasses," whispered theLittler One, loudly and indignantly.

As they emerged from the pit entrance "Willy" said: "Let's do it again.""O, yes, we must," said the Big, Little, Littler and Littlest One with one voice.

Bertha Drennan.301

Page 336: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905
Page 337: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Money as a Fool Developer

AST night as "Weary" and I sat chatting over our grog and cigars,

I cast a retrospective glance over my shoulder and immediately

began to comment on the utility of the expression: "What

fools these mortals be."

As I leaned leisurely back in my chair and watched the

rings of smoke curling towards the ceiling, I began to recall the

different means by which people constantly endeavor to display

to the greatest possible advantage just what they are not.

A particularly pathetic case was that of Ma\' Simple, )'es, just simple May was what

hey called her on week-days. She came of the proverbially poor, but honest folk. Her

father kept a small set of books in a dingy little ofEce, while our heroine stood guard at a

ribbon counter in one of the great down-town stores. May wasn't beautiful, in fact she

was not even pretty. Her hair was a disappointed sorrel, while her face had a hand-made

look; but the boys declared she was prime, so now and then a caller came to lay a bunch

of blue forget-me-nots on her shrine and to assure her that he had long worshipped in

silence but that he had at last been goaded to desperation by the shafts from the love-

god's bow, and that he could no longer repress his holy passion. Her "steady" was one

of those well known gentlemen who mount a tripod at the street corner and separate the

gulHble from their hard earned plunks. May frequently passed him when he was handing

out something like this: "Gentlemen, I take pleasure in presenting to you this morning a

matter to which I trust you will give your absolute and undi\ided attention. I have

here an article, an every-day necessity; a nail file. Now, gentlemen, let me assure you

right here that I am not selling these valuable files, I am not asking for one cent of your

money; I don't want it. I am simply advertising for a house that pays me a handsome

salary to distribute these articles.

"I am going to place this file in this envelope and will also drop in a beautiful pair of

sleeve links and a genuine Hot Springs crystal. Remember, I am going to pass out only

a very limited number of these samples, but before I begin the distribution, I wish to call

your attention to another article, a royal leather-bound pocket memorandum book, some

thing that no gentleman can afford to be without in these strenuous days. Now, this

book is worth a dollar of any man's money, but I am not going to ask 3-ou that; I am not

going to ask fifty cents, but, gentlemen, I am going to sell a few of these valuable books

for the insignificant sum of twenty-five cents, and to every man who gives me this amount,

I am going to give an envelope of valuable presents. Remember, you are getting these

valuable articles absolutely free, and without price."

It was May's delight to hear her "Romeo" wax eloquent as he drew the suckers into

his net.


Page 338: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Small was booked for a visit on Sunday night, and ^Ma)' was impatiently watching

the flight of time. The days had passed slowly indeed, but at last Friday came and

the \\'eek promised to pass off without mishap, when on Saturday night papa Simple came

home in a fit of the wildest excitement. He had just been informed through some attor-

neys that he had come into possession of a million left by a gouty old relative who had

shuffled off in England. Mamma Simple went into "hysteriks," while !May and papa

became too full for utterance. But Mrs. Simple, whom her neighbors considered a very

plain and unassuming little woman, suddenly regained her composure and straightened

up with hauteur that would have made a princess green with envy. It began to dawnon her hitherto benighted intelligence that they were no ordinary people, that nature had

fashioned them to be a power in the great social machinery and that the world would

suffer an irretrievable loss unless they responded to the call. Before the week was over,

Mrs. Simple had decided that their name was entirely too plain, too common for people

of such significance and that the press should say, "At the elegant home of ]Mr. and Mrs.

Vanderhousen there will be given thus and so by the charming and accomplished daughter.

Miss Xyminia, etc., etc." With one accord they declared that famiharity is vulgar, and

that every one who should attempt such gross informalities should be met with a frown

that would make Medusa take to the tall grass in terror. Lytel Small, who had been the

hero about whom there had clustered so many of May's romantic pictures, suddenly

became an old edition and was received in a manner as cold as the charities of this world.

She even dared to hint that he should become conspicuous by his absence. Small's

heart was broken into smitherines, but he bound up the pieces and took himself oft" to

some remote parts and there by meditation most profound endeavored to survive the


A great debut was planned, and in due course of time, a bunch of fashionably cut

rags and a mite of a woman were thrown into the social vortex, while mamma "Vander-

housen" sat by and looked on with as much dehght and satisfaction as an old maid would

experience upon discovering a man under her bed. Papa grew restless; he drifted into

Wall Street and made a dump, of course he was a wise one and could make a killing, but

Dame Fortune was fickle and he lost more. He finally came to the conclusion that he

was in the right church but the wrong pew, so he played the ponies and the ponies played

ping pong with his green. In despair he had to admit that when it came to matters

sporting, he was a few chips shy.

Vanderhousen grew discontented and began to hint that all was not gold that ghttered,

while simple little Ma}^ sighed for the Kttle home with its bare floors and cromo pictures,

but mama was stubborn and quickly put a quietus on such plebian expressions and con-

tinued to plan more of those functions at which the chief endeavor is to be equally as

foolish and as artificial as those better able to play the fool.

Moral.—We may know a man for half a century and consider him sensible, plain

and unassuming, but "good fortune" will speedily determine his depth of mind and

spot-light like will reveal his true nature.


Page 339: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Notes from the Art School


"Please, young ladies, don't eat the models."

"Young ladies, this is not an afternoon tea, but, oil class."

"When in doubt, use the pallette knife. But—not on me."

First Senior.—"Where did Flossie get that chin ?"

Second Senior.—"Why, Mr. Woodward made it to order."

NOTES FROM COMPOSITION CLASS"Don't make sissified drawings."

"Those are such poverty-stricken trees. Please enrich them."

"Nothing could be more difficult than to paint a head in oil; except, of course, to

paint two heads."

"If that is snow, then I wish it was not. If it is sand, it is a mighty sandy place."

"Now, as to that road. I will draw you one right."

NOTICENotice is hereby given to the public that three additions have been made to the Senior

Art Class.—"Uncle L.," "Uncle Fred," Uncle Will."

At a recent meeting of the art student body, it was decided to award a diploma to

"Uncle L.," this May. He is very young, but on account of his hard labor, the body

decided to award him one with the "twelve stars."

Marian Beane.—"This fellow is wise enough to play the fool.

And to do that well, craves a kind of wit."

Minerva Dickinson.—"A daughter of the gods.

Divinely tall, and most divinely fair."

Mathilda Gray.—"Shrine of the Mighty, can it be

That this is all that remains of me ?"

Marian Irvine.—"I am nothing if not critical."

Bessie Lansing.—"With the smile that was child-like and bland."

Annabel McQuiston.—"The glass of fashion,

The mold of form,

The observed of all observers."

May Morel.—"Her voice was ever gentle, soft and low;

An excellent thing in woman."Vera Morel.—"I loathe that low vice—curiosity."

Lynn Watkins.—"Some unite in glorious Milton."

Fan Warren.—"Some are born great.

Some achieve greatness.

And some have greatness thrust upon them."

Ella N. Woods.—"Her golden locks were hanging down her back."

Alma Woodward.^" She held her head up high and cared for no man—-she-"

20 303

Page 340: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Hnd now that we're about to close,

CQc wish to aay farewell;

^ou may be sure that we arc sure

I^bat we all wish you well.


Page 341: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905
Page 342: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

John S.Talmage Co.LTD.

RICEin jobbing quantities





New York


Charleston, S. C.


Page 343: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

55?/I».^> Hi''^ ^l> i /-%«^ f^ ^^-w^ ^^'^ store is looked upon as\J/7v M: <X9K\M.\ji\ V^Cll" the fashion center of New

l^j ^<i^ « Orleans. Season after seasontero/WeW VjFieStriS the highest types of style-ele.

^^^^^^^^^^^__^_^__^____^^_^^^^^^^^^^ gance find representation in

our displays and command theapproval and admiration of the most fastidious women and keenest style-critics.

A visit here will be the s( urce of much pleasure and profit to you.

Commercial National BankOF NEW ORLEANS

Capital Stock paid in. $300,000 travellers and commercial"-^ letters of credit issued, available

Surplus Fund (Earned) 175,000 '" ^" p^''' °' '^^ *'°''''^' ^""^ Transfersmade by Cable.


WM. MASON SMITH, President 1. M. LICHTENSTEIN, Vice-President

J. H. FULTON, Vice-President and ManagerWM. J. MITCHELL, Cashier W. W. MESSERSMITH. Ass't Cashier



=Read the=


The Times-DemocratNew Orleans, La.


Page 344: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905



a View of the Men's Tlcademic Gol/e^es



Graduate Department H. Sophie Newcomb College

College of Arts and Sciences Law Department

College of Technology Medical Department

20 Buildings

106 Instructors 1400 Students

6000 Alumni

The largest Faculty and the largest enrollment of any urban Uni-

versity in the South.

Full Courses in Languages, Sciences, Engineering, Law, Medicine,

Pharmacy, Art. Seven separate Departments. Extensive Libraries,

Laboratories and Workshops. Splendid Department for women in the

Newcomb College.

Board and lodging in fine new dormitories at low rates. Annual

expense to students low. Send for catalogue.




Page 345: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

New Orleans Railways CompanyGeneral Offices 3t7 'Garonne Street,



The St. Charles Ave., Tulane Belt and Clio Line Cars carry

Passengers to and from the Tulane University.

New Orleans Lighting Company, (Lessee)

'Baronne and Common Streets.


from the clouds he little dreamed that in the 20th century the electric current

would have become a commercial necessity.

Yet to-day, to properly illuminate your store, you must use the electric arc

and incandescent bulb, and your factory is antiquated if it is not fitted with

modern direct connected electric motors.

You literally burn your way into the mind of the public by using a sign of

glowing lamps at night and keep yourselves and others cool in summer by

means of electric fans. Phone our expert, 175; he'll call around and tell you

how cheaply all this can be done.

N. 0. and Carrollton R. R. Light and Power Company,

General Offices, 217 "Baronne Street.


Page 346: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905


Manufacturers of

Hi^h Grade Fertilizers, Raw Bone,

Pure Raw Ground Bone, Tlcid

Phospiiate, Kainit, Land Plaster


stern's Ammoniated Raw Bone Super Phosphate for Cotton and Corn

Standard Tobacco Fertilizer for Tobacco

High Grade Sugar Fertilizer for Sugar Cane

Special Rice Fertilizer for Rice and Oats

Stern's Raw Bone Vegetable Fertilizer for Truck Farmers

Agricultural Almanac and Price List Mailed FREE. Highest Cash Price Paid for Bones




Phone 103

Page 347: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905


««i atm>t0u»*0m0*af>m0»mtttmitt*^tmimmt0m0m»tfm0>m0ttm>>^tmt»m*mim»0mi,0ttmfm»tMm0>tt^i»»0m^>r

Do You Entertain at Home ?

If so, there are occasions when you are

looking for something especially good

in Eatables, Wines, Liquors, Etc., Etc.

Try SOLARI who has catered to the most

exacting trade for nearly half a century.

A. M. & J. SOLARILimited

Royal and Iberville StreetsSt. Charles and L.otjisiana A.venues

Agents »» Park & Tieford's " Ml Favorita Cigars


Uhe rjCouisiana Tfationai i^ank \

of y/eiv Orteans

Capital $ 500.000.00Surplus and Profits, earned 646,000.00Deposits 5,302,866.3 7

R. H. WALMSLE\, President S. P. WALMSLEY, Vice President

J. F. COURET, Cashier L. J. D'AQUIN, Asst. Cashier.

Accounts of Banks, Bankers, Corporations, Firms and Individuals

respectfully solicited. We endeavor to satisfy our patrons by prompt-

ness, diligence and courtesy. Drafts drawn, International Cheques,

Travelers' Letters of Credit issued, available in all parts of the world.

31 a





Page 348: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Take-Down Rel^eatiDg ShotgunsThe notion that one must pay from fifty dollars upwards in order to get

a good shotgun has been pretty effectively dispelled since the advent of

the Winchester Repeating Shotgun. These guns are sold within reach


of almost everybody's purse. They are safe, strong, reliable and handy.

When it comes to shooting qualities no gun made beats them. Theyare made in 12 and 16 gauge. Step into a gun store and examine one.

FREE: Send name and address on a postal card for our large itlastraied catalogue.


HARTWIG MOSS, President TELEPHONE 1455 L. JANVIER, Secretary



No. 220 Baronne Street, NEW ORLEANS, LA.


Page 349: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905



Cash Capital - - $1,000,000.00

Surplus Earned - - 300,000.00


A. BRITTIN, Vice-President GILBERT H. GREEN, 2d Vice-Pres't

E. H. KEEP, Cashier E. M. TOBY, Assistant Cashier

Established 1803

E. e. PALMER & eO., Limited

Paper Type Presses

U33 to U39 Gamp Street


We are completely equipped to furnish new printing plants with all that is

required; and make a specialty of this.

F. F. Hansel! (Si Bro. Limited

Publishers, Booksellers and Stationers,

Artists' Materials,

Picture Framing, Fine Stationery Engraving,

Kodaks and Athletic Goods.

Agents GLOBE WERNICKE Book Cases and Filing Cabinets

New^ Orleans.315

Page 350: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905


are perfect in every respect. The sportsman is never dis-

appointed in the working of his gun if it's a Stevens—theyare safe, strong, accurate, durable, and convenient to handle.

Ask your dealer, and insist on our

goods. If you cannot obtain them wewill ship direct, express prepaid, upon

receipt of price.

DoN't Fail to send for illustrated cat-

alog. It is a book of ready referenceand appeals to all interested in the grandsport of shooting. Mailed for 4 cents in

stamps to pay postage.

HIT THE MARK with our RIFLE PUZZLE ! This clever novelty will be mailed FREE upon request.




^^ 4>^J



Page 351: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905




The Highest Grade

Champagnein tKe -world

For sale everywhere

Paul Gelpi ® Sons, Agents V^^^m^I^^,' Lo1xu°k«a

Tjhe jCiverpool and jCondon and Siobe

insurance Company

j& j0^



First-class accommodations for one thousand guests. Table d'hote and a la

carte service. New restaurant, ground floor, Gravier Street entrance. Arrange-

ments made for Weddings, Banquets, Receptions, Theatre Supper Parties.

ST. CHARLES BATHSNew system electric baths and massage. Turkish, Russian, Roman and plain

baths. Experienced chiropodist, manicure and massage operators in attendance.

Open day and night. Ladies' days, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 8 a. m to 3 p. m.

A. R. BLAKELY & CO., Proprietors


Page 352: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Established 1817


Jewelers and Silversmiths"^«-

Makers of Tulane Buttons

Incorporated iSSS


CASH CAPITAL $ 500,000.00

ASSETS 1,110,926.94

NET SURPLUS 287,157.44


R. E. CRAIG, Vice-President. FERGUS G. LEE, Secretary.

Specialty of Children's Pictures. Artistic Photography In all Its Branches.


929 Canal Street l\ew Orleans

Old and faded pictures copied and enlarged In crayon, oil or water colors.


Forum Literary Society, Phi Delta Theta Fraternity, Glendy Burke Society, Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity,

Eappa Delta Phi, Olive and Blue, Sigma Nu, I. V. Law Club, Jambalaya Board,

Ambulance Corps, Medical Class, (1908).


Page 353: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

JAS. NICHOLS, President. T. L. MACON, Vice President. R. L. EIMERY, Secretary.

7/fechanics & TJraders insurance Co,

of 9/eiv Orleans



CAPITAL . . . . ^300,000

SURPLUS 112,000

TOTAL ASSETS . . . 634,000

EMORY S NORTON, General Agents,


Mechanics' and Traders' Insurance Co.

National Fire Insurance Co.

Northern Insurance Co.

United States Fidelity and Guaranty Co.

Fire, Steam-boiler and Personal Accident


Liability, Surety, Judicial and all Other Bonds

See us for Rates and Approved Forms

Pavl, Andey Albert Bendernagel

WHEN TROUBLE BEGINSto multiply and the world begins to look dark



Is there anything quite so com-forting as the knowledge of a snugSavings Account?

Does it ever occur to you thattrouble vyill come some day?

And are you prepared for it?

You may fall sick, work may getslack, accidents may happen.

Hove good it is to have money inBank, always ready if you need it!

BESIDES DRAWING 3 PERCENT. COMPOUND INTEREST.Deposit a part of your wages each

week and stick to it.

One Dollar will start an account.



KOOm 7U7

Tulane - Newcomb Building

New Orleans Louisiana



" The Thrifty Wage-Earners' Bank."


Page 354: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

^6c tSHort Grandis the very latest thing in Pianos. They are specialized by both the Emersonand Hardraan Manufacturers, and are, without doubt, the most pronouncedsuccesses of the age. We invite inspection of these magnificent instruments,

as well as the Kimball Pipe Organ. In addition to these, we represent the

Crown, Kimball, Bstey, Standard, Kroeger, Harrington, Junius Hart andother makes of pianos, offering the widest range of selection at lowest prices

consistent with quality, and on easy terms.

Junius Hart Piano House, Ltd.J. p. SINHONS, Treas and Mgr. 1001 Canal St., NEW ORLEANS.

HONORS to GRADUATES are fully expressed by presenting: a

Sold by all Reliable Dealers. For 25 years the Standard of the World.

L. E. Waterman Co. 173 Broadway, New York.


Tjhe SS/gr White !^id^. with the Sold Tjower

v/iaison Blanche

Ohwartz dt Ssaacs Co,jCimitad

'Jfew Orleans' Sreat *De~

partment Store

Canal and 'Dauphine otreeis


Page 355: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905


when about to sit for his picture

"Take me as I am, with heavy lines in my face, I wantthe world to know who Oliver Cromwell was."


"Make me like the Caesars."

While we prefer to please the Cromwells', we can and do please the



Baronme Street and Theatre Arcade.

J^mJSOIIIiG js the consideration in any

SOCiifltV^ ///la/ic/a/ contract.

Especially where the contract reaches twenty years—or

more—into the future. There are other things to be

considered, but the first—and greatest—is SECURITY.There are many good life companies, but the

EQUITABLE i-; the only one which has over eighty


WISDOM & LEVY, General Agents,NEW ORLEaJVS. L71.

Lewis .Johnson, President W.umEN Johnson, ManagerHenrv D. Ste.vrns, Sec }• and Treas, at ship yauds


Machine Forge and Pattern Shops and Brass Foundry,

Julia from Delta to Water Streets,


Shipyards for Building and Repairs to Steel and Wooden Vessels,

Boiler, Tank and T'ipe Shops,

diLGIERS, LA.Phone 921. p. 0. Drawer 241.


Page 356: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905


Located in the

Second Healthiest Place in

the United States

Covington, La.

OFFERS unexcelled advantages in its thorough courses of study in Science, Mathematics,History, Ancient and Modern Languages, and Military Drill. Scholarships are ofifered

the Academy by Tulane University, New Orleans, La., and Washington & Lee Univer-

sity, Lexington, Va. The Dormitory is of brick, furnace-heated, gas-lighted, with stationerywashstands in all the rooms. The baths are always supplied with hot and coid water. Twoboys occupy a room; each boy is provided with a separate bed; and everything is done topromote their comfort and physical well-being while giving them a thorough preparatoryeducation. The Academy grounds comprise about thirty acres, including baseball, football

and basket-ball field; tennis courts, golf-links, and a large gymnasium with swimming poolattached.

The number of pupils is limited and each one is thus enabled to receive greater individual

attention. Write for catalog, or further information to

Wlvl. A. DIXON, Principal.

Cbe Tntcrcollcdiate Bureau of

Jlctidemic Costume


makers of the

Caps, 6ownsand Roods

To tlie American Colleges

and Universities from theAtlantic to the Pacific.

Ricb Gown$ for tbc Pulpit una BencD.

Illustrated Bulletin, Samples, etc,

upon request.

New Orleans


Leather Post Cards,

Printing and



233 Baronne Street.

3 Per cent. Interest paid on

Savings Accounts.

2 Per cent. Interest paid on

Checking Accounts.


JInterstate t

i Trust and Banking {

^ Company 5

t ^Capital and Surplus, $910,000.00

213 CAMP ST.


The Ballejo

Grocery Co.Limited


Felicity and Urania Streets

J^ew Orleans, La.

Phone, Main 505


Page 357: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Suppose you have aFire to=ni^ht

Get solid protection and insure with

LEON IRWINPire and Gasualty


838 Gravier Street

Telephone, Main 585

OfficersAlbert Bloom, President.

John E. Bouden, .Jr., Vice-PresidentWilliam W. Bouden, Cashier

C. W. Fox, Jr., Ass't Cashier

morgan State Bank£l)artre$ and Custontbouse $ts.,

new Orleans, Ca.

DIRECTORSGeo. Q. Whitney John E. Bouden, Jr.

H. H. Flaspollkh, of B. H. FlaspoUer's SonsMaurice Stern, of Lehman, Stern & Co. Ltd.

Ira E. Wight, of Woodward Wight & Co. Ltd.A. MoNTELEONE, Pi'op. Commercial Hotel

Chas. M. Whitney, of Whitney Iron WksAd, Grossman, of J. Grossman's Sons

Ben. C. Casan.\s, Pres. Merchants Coffee Co.WiL. H. Douglas Albert Bloom


Philadelphia Ice Ceam

Company, Ltd.



riade of Pure Jersey


1075- 1077 Camp St., Cor. Calliope

Telephones, Main J^S.J-I2/J.



Insurance613 Common St.

Geo. W. Young, PresidentT. S. Witherspoon, 1st Vice-President

T. P. Thompson, 2d Vice-PresidentJohn T. Gibbons, 3d Vice-President

John J. Lawrence, Cashier

provident Bankand TLxuQX Company

No. 221 Camp Street

GENERAL BANKINGThree per cent, interest per annum on Savings

Deposits, payable semi-annuallySafety Deposit Vaults to rent at $5.00 per year

and upwards

Your Account Solicited


Page 358: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905




Wall Paper, Lace Curtains,

l^iigs. Interior Decorations,

^ ^ 6hc., ^c. ^ ^



Ladies' and Children's


O'Ha re^Carriga nSporting Goods Co.

C>24' Commercial Place

AtKIetic Otxtfitters

FisKing TstcRle, Tennis, GolfBase Ball Goods

Best Quality, Lcwest Prices

We deliver the goodsGo where the crowd goes

Pictures andTheir Frames

Deserve all the consideration that inmany cases is given them, and in mostcases more.

A stock must be large and varied inorder that the innumerable styles of pic-

tures we have now a-days be appropriatelyframed. Our stock is large and varied, andmost carefully selected, and orders areexecuted by craftsmen of large experience.

Though a step lower in price you willfind us a step higher in quality and style.




Main Office

323 Carondelet Street



C. Bennette Moore

Artistic Photoist

to Plenty of People

157 Baronne Street

Page 359: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

New York Chicago San Fhancisco



Gem Union Drawing Instruments


Made of rolled German silver aud English

tool steel. All other drawing

supplies at right prices.

Our PKoto Department will

take care of your developing aud printing.

Work done by an expert.

A. W. SKARDON'S SONSDealers in

Staple and Fanct


Nos. 2141 and 2143 Magazine St.

Corner JacKson Avenue

Telephone Main 1141.

Frank Damehon J. Ooden PiehsonJohn Fischer, Superintendent

iamprnit - Person OI0.LIMITED

Manufacturing StationersPrinters, Lithographers, Engravers,

Embossers, Blank Book Makers, Office

Furniture and Supplies of Every Description.


Long Distance Phone Main 329.

Spencer'sBusiness Go/Ie^e

JVew Orleans, La.

Greatest Business Practice TrainingSchool in the South

Bookkeeping, three months. Ohartier's

Electric Shorthand, most wonderful educa-

tional discovery of the age. Your moneyback if you cannot write 125 words per

minute after six to twelve weeks' study, andread your notes like print.

Oscar J. Debat Octave Shares



Telephones Main 3188R, 32.53W.


Page 360: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905

Hausauer^Jones Printing Go.


Specialists in College Printing and Binding

The "Quality" Kind


Page 361: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905


Page 362: Jambalaya [yearbook] 1905


Commission Merchant It is your duty

for the sale of as members of the University

to subscribe to and

Provisions,support the

Dairy Products, TtilaneFlour, Grain,





No. 511 Poydras Street

New Orleans, La.




The Chas. H. Elliott Co.The Largest College Engraving House in the World

"WorKs : 17tH Street and LeHi^H Avenue,PHILADELPHIA. PA.

Commencement Invitations and Class Day Programs; Dance Programs and Invitations;Menus; Class and Fraternity Inserts for Annuals; Class and Fraternity Stationery;

Class Pins and Medals, (write for catalogue); Makers of Superior Half-Tones.

The End.


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