Download - J!-ENT INTERVIEWS ANNA TSUCHIYA - nt2099-ENT: You have worked with a lot of overseas musicians, such as Duff McKagan, Matt Sorum (VELVET REVOLVER, Guns N’ Roses), Josh Freese (A


A J ! - E N T S P E C I A L F E AT U R E A R T I C L E

B Y W Y N N E I P, H I R O S H I TA G AWA , M I S T Y C R E E C H a n d D E N N I S A . A M I T HO P E N I N G B I O b y D AV I D H I C K E Y ( C O U R T E S Y O F AV E X E N T E R TA I N M E N T, I N C . )

“ N A N A P R E M I U M L I V E ” P H O T O S b y M A S AY U K I N O D AI M A G E S C O U R T E S Y O F AV E X E N T E R TA I N M E N T, I N C .

A N N A T S U C H I YA O F F I C I A L W E B S I T E : w w w. a n n a - t . c o mA N N A T S U C H I YA O N i T U N E S - C L I C K H E R E J!-ENT


ANNA TSUCHIYA’s upcoming CD+DVD Single “BUBBLE TRIP”. The single will be released on August 1st. Image courtesy of Avex Entertainment, Inc.

nna TSUCHIYA has packed much into her short career since she first started model-ing in her teens in the late

1990s. She has appeared in fashion shows, television commercials, per-formed as a stage actress and found time for a recording career. She did much to confound her image as a pop idol by starring as a foul-mouthed, leather-clad yakuza biker girl in the hit movie “Kami-kaze Girls.” ANNA scored her first top 10 hit with her third single “Rose,” the opening theme song to the anime television series “NANA,” in 2006. Born in Tokyo on March 11 1984 to a Japanese mother and American father, ANNA TSUCHI-YA did not have to wait long for her introduction to the showbiz world, getting her first break modeling for the Japanese teen fashion magazine Seventeen in 1998, aged 14. This break led to appearances on television and her becoming the first Japanese model to model for the jeans brand Edwin. Her profile was raised when she starred in Tetsuya Nakashima’s award-winning 2004 movie “Kami-kaze Girls,” alongside another idol, Kyoko Fukada. ANNA’s music career began in 2002 as half of the rock duo Spin Aqua. The group earned a record deal with P-Vine, but quickly disbanded without making an impact, allowing ANNA to pursue a solo career. The six-track mini-album “Taste My Beat,” released in 2005 on the Avex Trax “indie” imprint Mad Pray, featured ANNA on the cover in her characteristic panda-eye black mascara, but ANNA’s look was more sweet-sucking gothic vamp than Dusty Springfield’s girl next door. Musically, the album was all pol-ished, pop-metal riffing and power ballads with obligatory soaring

string arrangements. An album of remixes was re-leased in early 2006, featuring reworkings by respected house pro-ducers Shinichi Osawa (of Mondo Grosso) and Yukihiro Fukutomi, among others. ANNA continued to cultivate an edgy image, which had first begun with her appearance in “Kamikaze Girls,” on her debut full-length, “strip me?” (2006). The album peaked at number 11 in the Oricon charts and featured guest turns from A Perfect Circle drummer Josh Freese and session players who had previously worked with Garbage and Avril Lavigne. Most of the lyrics were in English and penned by ANNA. The album also brought on board the hard rockin’ rhythm section of Duff McKagan and Matt Sorum (Guns N’ Roses, Velvet Revolver) on

“rose,” which was used as the open-ing theme to the anime NANA, based on a popular manga series of the same name. “rose” reached number 6 on the Oricon chart and ANNA capitalized on its success by performing a sold-out tour of Japan’s club venues and performing at one of Japan’s biggest summer rock festi-vals, Summer Sonic. The album was not without its brighter, poppier moments, though, encapsulated in the sprightly re-working of Cyndi Lauper’s adult-pop hit “True Colors.” Also in summer 2006, ANNA performed nine songs (and mod-eled) as part of the Japanese fashion, music and anime showcase, Tokyo Summer Collection in Paris, leading some excited sections of the French media to dub ANNA “the Japanese Madonna.” Despite a rise in her musical


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“I respect NANA because NANA knows and understands people’s pain.

Therefore NANA can live strongly fleetingly. ANNA TSUCHIYA inspi’

NANA is my style.”


profile, ANNA kept her hand in acting when she took on the voice of Lindsay Lohan’s character in the Japanese-language version of the Disney film “Herbie Fully Loaded.” ANNA TSUCHIYA will make her US debut at Anime Expo 2007 with a live concert in Long Beach, Calif. as part of her “2007 Summer World Tour” which includes perfor-mances in Japan, Taiwan and Korea. J!-ENT was recently given the opportunity to interview ANNA TSUCHIYA.

J!-ENT: You were born to a Japanese mother and an Ameri-can father. Did you grow up in Japan? Have you lived in the United States before? If you have, what do you remember most from where you lived in the United States?ANNA: I grew up in Japan. I remembered up until I was in elementary school, I’ve visited America many times to go camp-ing with my father, and the gar-

den was full of trees.

J!-ENT: You write a lot of lyrics in English. As a child, did you learn both Japanese and English from your parents? Do you use English much besides in your lyrics?ANNA: Yes, I learned both languages but because I went to a private school in Japan and my parents were divorced, we spoke Japanese at home. But I’ve always listened to music and watched movies in English.

J!-ENT: You first stepped into the entertainment world as a model at the age of 14. How did it all start, and how did you end up in the music business? Did you grow up wanting to become a singer?ANNA: My older sister was a model and so people from her office scouted me as well. When I was modeling, I appeared in a serialized column about learning how to play the guitar and a lot of it was about music. People from

the record label Ki/oon saw it and wanted to hear my voice. So, I auditioned with them. Then after that, I gave birth and I left Ki/oon, but I still wanted to continue making music and I was signed by Avex.

J!-ENT: Looking back, how would you describe “ANNA” from Spin Aqua in 2002, and what do you think of your music from that era?ANNA: Since I really like music, I was able to find the place where I belong. But looking back, I guess the music was different than what I now want to make.

J!-ENT: Did being part of a band help you as a solo artist in any way? Do you sometimes miss being part of a band at all?ANNA: I did miss it before but not now. Formally, I’m doing solo but it feels like I’m in a band. My band members understand me, and we get along really well.

J!-ENT: What inspires you when

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you write your music? Do you write them out in a heartbeat, or is it usually a long process?ANNA: I write them out in a heartbeat. What I feel and experience changes on a daily basis, so whenever possible, I try to write down in one shot how I felt at the moment. As for what inspires me… Daily life, art, mov-ies, music from other artists, the reality of this world, everything.

J!-ENT: Of all the songs you have written before, is there any particular song that you identify yourself with the most?ANNA: “FROZEN ROSE”, “Kuroi namida” and “Take me out”.

J!-ENT: In the last couple of years, you gained a lot of fans because of your ties with NANA the anime. How was it like when you first learned that you were chosen to be the singing cast of NANA Osaki, the vocal-ist of the punk band, BLACK STONES? ANNA: When I first found out, I was really happy. I know that anime has made an impact on adults, kids, and all sorts of differ-ent people. So I was really happy that I’m able to make rock music for an anime.

J-ENT: Have you read the origi-nal manga series before? Do you have a favorite character in the series?ANNA: Yes, I have. My favorite character is NANA.

J!-ENT: How do you compare yourself to NANA Osaki? Is there something you like about her, or hate about her? ANNA: I respect NANA because NANA knows and understands people’s pain. Therefore NANA can live strongly fleetingly. ANNA TSUCHIYA inspi’ NANA is my style.

J!-ENT: There are a lot of peo-ple outside of Japan who enjoy listening to Japanese music. You performed in Europe last summer and were well received then. Were you aware that you have fans outside of Japan?

ANNA: No, I didn’t but I found out during that time.

J!-ENT: In July, you will be per-forming in Los Angeles. How does it feel when you found out that you would be coming to perform at Anime Expo in the United States this summer?ANNA: I’m looking forward to it. I’m not worried. I can’t worry about whether they’ll like me or not. I’m just there to perform my own music.

J!-ENT: Both you and OLIVIA

performed at Shibuya-AX for “NANA PREMIUM LIVE”. How was that experience?ANNA: It was such a good concert. I love OLIVIA, her voice, and her songs. The thing that made me the happiest was that I was able to enjoy the music.

J!-ENT: If we were to look into your CD or MP3 player right now, what music would we find in there?ANNA: Nirvana, Gwen Stefani, Cyndi Lauper and CREED.

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ANNA TSUCHIYA inspi’ NANA (BLACK STONES) performing at “NANA PREMIUM LIVE”. Photo by Masayuki Noda

J!-ENT: You have worked with a lot of overseas musicians, such as Duff McKagan, Matt Sorum (VELVET REVOLVER, Guns N’ Roses), Josh Freese (A Perfect Circle), as well as Japanese musicians from THE MAD CAPSULE MARKETS and ACIDMAN. Specifically last year, you took part in the album “SOUL SESSIONS” by former BOØWY guitarst, Hotei Tomoyasu, singing the song “QUEEN OF THE ROCK”. What was it like to collaborate with all these well-known musi-cians?’ANNA: Being able to work with all these artists that I like was something I couldn’t even dream about. I was really grateful for it.

J!-ENT: We give our fans a chance to ask questions to their favorite artists. We selected five questions from your fans:

a. As you and OLIVIA are working together for the NANA anime, how is your rela-tionship with her? – submitted by Guilherme Costa (Osasco, Sao Paulo, Brazil)ANNA: OLIVIA and I get along quite well. We haven’t gone out together but as a person, I like her a lot. And I love her voice.

b. If you could visit any place in the world, where would you go? – submitted by Flow R. (Los Angeles, California, USA)ANNA: Santa Fe.

c. What music artist would you most like to work with if you could? – submitted by Ally C. (United Kingdom)ANNA: Cyndi Lauper

d. You sing many of your songs in English, but do you speak English fluently? -submitted by Vanessa S. (New York City, New

York, USA)ANNA: No. Even though I can understand it perfectly, I can’t speak it much. But I can hold simple conversations.

e. What do you think you would be doing, if you were not singing or acting? – submit-ted by Mariko C. (San Francis-co, California, USA)ANNA: A dolphin trainer.

J!-ENT: Speaking of acting, you were most known by your American fans as Ichigo the “Yanki” girl in “Kamikaze Girls” (Japanese title: “Shimotsuma Monogatari”, 2004). And re-cently, you played the part of a beautiful oiran courtesan in “Sakuran” (2007). How do you balance your acting and your music careers? Do you enjoy one more than the other? Does acting help you write your mu-sic in any way?

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A S P E C I A L F E AT U R E U P N O W O N J ! - E N T



ANNA: Right now I’m filming one movie a year, so I’m able to handle it. I have thought of wanting to concentrate in making music, but because filming mov-ies and meeting different kinds of people have given me so much experience, they’re very helpful when I’m writing my lyrics.

J!-ENT: Your film “Kamikaze Girls” (Shimotsuma Monogatri) was distributed in America but would you ever consider doing any acting for any major US films? Do you have interest in doing that?ANNA: Oh sure! If I can speak English. (laughing)

J!-ENT: You are seen abroad as a trendsetter. When it comes to clothing, do you like to wear a lot of rock-inspired clothing? Is your favorite color for your clothing black?ANNA: Yes, I love it.

J!-ENT: Whenever you are not

busy working, what do you like to do in your free time?ANNA: I like to go drinking. (laugh) Also, sometimes it gets tiring to be in a big city like To-kyo, so I like to go to places with lots of nature.

J!-ENT: If you were to use one word to describe yourself, what word would that be, and why?ANNA: Rose. It has thorns but it’s a flower that wants to bloom most beautifully.

J!-ENT: In all J!-ENT interviews, we have a section where we give you five words, and for each of these words, we would like to hear the ANNA TSUCHI-YA definition.

a. LOVEANNA: The purpose in life.

b. SUCCESSANNA: Something to grasp.


ANNA: Beautiful silence.

d. SEXANNA: To confirm one’s love for each other.

e. NANAANNA: Chance.

J!-ENT: What final words do you have for your fans outside of Japan?ANNA: Let’s Rock!

For more information on ANNA TSUCHIYA, please visit:

ANNA TSUCHIYA on iTunes - Click here

WYNNE IP is an entertainment writer-at-large for J!-ENT.

HIROSHI TAGAWA is in charge of the J!-ENT Japan Operations.

DENNIS A. AMITH is the founder/owner of J!-ENT and an entertainment writer-at-large.

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ANNA TSUCHIYAstrip me?MAD PRAY RECORDSCTCR-14493, DURATION: 54:04Rel. August 2, 2006, ANNA TSUCHIYA on iTunes - Click here

1. zero2. rose3. NO WAY4. Lovin’ you5. Under My Mask6. True Colors7. Give me kiss & kiss8. Forever9. Interlude10. Change your life11. eccstasy12. Jane13. Grooving beating14. knock down15. SLAP THAT NAUGHTY BODY


ANNA TSUCHIYA, the model and actress who stars in the film “Shimotsuma Monogatari” (aka “Kamikaze Girls” in the US) has released her first full length solo album. I was very much loving ANNA’s first mini-album “Taste My Beat” released in 2005, so I have been waiting for a full length album to be released. I expect that probably this ANNA TSUCHIYA album that will turn people on to her music. You have the song “rose” which is used as the opening theme for the popular anime series “NANA” (as well as the song “zero”) and also included is “Lovin’ you”, TSUCHIYA’s theme song for the Japanese version of the film “SILENT HILL”. For those not familiar with TSUCHIYA’s music, it’s alternative rock. Where the last album I felt had a style influenced by one of her favorite artists, Gwen Stefani but this time around, ANNA tries out different styles. “strip me?” includes even more collaborations with musicians such as Joey Carbone, Gary Newby (of the Railroad Children), Motokatsu Miyagmi (of Mad Capsule Markets), Josh Freese (A Perfect Circle), Michael Ward (Avril Lavigne, the Wallflowers), Justin Meldel-Johnson (Beck, Macy Gray) and many more. And like her previous album and work, ANNA TSUCHIYA writes the lyrics to her songs and nearly every song is in English. All in all, every song on this album, I enjoyed. You get a great balance of music and despite ANNA not being able to speak fluent English, her vocals and songwriting skills in English is very well-done. All in all, an awesome album that I highly recommend. - DENNIS A. AMITH


The first mini-album from ANNA TSUCHIYA, the popular hapa model and actress in Japan who is known for singing English (very well) but unable to speak it fluently (nothing new - Example: Celine Dion’s US debut). TSUCHIYA’s music can be classified as alternative rock and on this mini-album, she writes nearly every song and is sup-ported by talented musicians such as Josh Freese (drummer for A Perfect Circle), Jus-tin Meldal-Johnson (bassist of Beck) and guitarist Michael Ward. If I were to compare ANNA TSUCHIYA, I would probably make a comparison to one of her favorite artists Gwen Stefani during her No Doubt years. Also, a hint of Evanescence and Michelle Branch. There are similarities but of course differences. Overall, I really dig ANNA’s music.

Her persona is sexy with a nice touch of bad girl behavior especially when you read her lyrics. This mini-album definitely kicks ass with songs that are musically and lyrically catching such as “Taste My Skin”, “Ah Ah”, “Somebody Help Me” and a good dose of sharp, melodic hooks as the guitar-playing enhances the overall ambience of her songs. The majority of the songs are all in English with one song in Japanese (MY LULLABY). An exciting album worth checking out!- DENNIS A. AMITH


ANNA TSUCHIYACHANGE YOUR LIFEMAD PRAY RECORDSCTCR-40229, DURATION: 15:36RELEASE DATE: January 25, 2006Anna Tsuchiya on iTunes - Click here

1. Change your life2. ONLY WANT YOU3. Every moment4. Change your life ~version 5~


It’s ANNA TSUCHIYA’s major debut single and it’s definitely a good start. She’s got the right looks and the right voice as a rock artist and she’s got the support from another round of musicians from around the world since the release of her indie album, “Taste My Beat”. May it be the all-English lyrics that ANNA has written for herself, the arrangement of “Change your life” and “Every moment” that was done by Gary Newby (The Railway Children) or the composers such as Joey Carbone who provided the melodies to “ONLY WANT YOU” and “Every moment”, this debut single has definitely a certain western sound to it. The CD single art features various shots of ANNA in a black babydoll undergarment with a cigarette in a car, and I love the shot on the back of the CD cover with her looking through the rear mirror, showing her dark purple eye shadows. Even though the single was listed as a rock album, to me there is a certain R&B feel to it; perhaps that’s why it somewhat reminded me of a rock version of Christina Aguilera, minus all the dancing. Amongst all the rock numbers is the acoustic ensemble of “Every moment” which is a refreshing song on its own. While “Change your life” seemed to have a fuller blended sound due to more background guitars, I slightly prefer the drier version of “Change your life ~version 5~” with more emphasis on the individual instruments, and the ending guitar solo is quite tasty. All in all, this is a refreshing single, and the first step of ANNA in establishing herself as Japan’s premium rock artist.


< THE MODEL SINGERFashion model and actress ANNA TSUCHIYA’s solo debut with Avex’s MAD PRAY RECORDS


MAD PRAY RECORDSCTCR-40230, DURATION: 12:08Rel. March 23, 2006

The first thing that caught my eye with this single was the image of ANNA TSUCHIYA on the cover: she’s wearing an elegant, long green dress kissing a disco ball. I opened the CD insert, and a beautiful body shot of ANNA popped into my eyes as she lay down on her side, reminding me of the model side of ANNA. I put the CD into the player, and once again it is the rocker ANNA that we know. The double A-side CD single contains three contrasting pieces and gave us a chance to appreciate the different sides of ANNA TSUCHIYA the artist. “SLAP THAT NAUGHTY BODY” is a fun, loud, upbeat rock song, so next time when you see the boy you want, remember to sing like ANNA did, “slap that naughty body, move your a** over here now!” Oh yeah, and there are asterisks all over the lyrics of that song, and the music was once again played and arranged by world-class western musicians.

“MY FATE” is my favorite in this single, as I find ANNA’s English lyrics really came through in this power ballad. The last track “BLUE MOON” is a relatively calmer song; there were no drums, no guitars, no bass, but mainly the piano and a synthesized orchestra. Compared to the first single, there is definitely no more of that R&B sound I was referring to, and as someone who has really enjoyed her music thus far, I am hoping this is where ANNA’s music is heading.



ANNA TSUCHIYATaste My xxxremixxxxxxx!!!!!!!! Beat Life!MAD PRAY RECORDSCTCR-14463/B, DURATION: 52:33RELEASE DATE: March 23, 2006Anna Tsuchiya on iTunes - Click here

1. Ah Ah (Shinichi Osawa Remix) remixed by Shinichi Osawa (Mondo Grosso)2. Taste My Skin (SABOTEN HARD CORE REMIX) remixed by MO’SOME TONEBENDER3. In My Hands (Norino remix) remixed by RYOJI (of Ketsumeishi)4. FROZEN ROSE (otona mix) by Kodai Tazawa (ex. SUPERCAR/aM)5. MY LULLABY (DOUBLE K REMIX) remixed by Motokatsu Miyagami (THE MAD CAPSULE MARKETS) + GAZAEBAL6. Somebody Help Me (CAPTAIN FUNK ‘80 GBGB Bootleg Mix) remixed by CAPTAIN FUNK7. Change Your Life( Yukihiro Fukumoto Remix) remixed by Yukihiro Fukitomi8. ONLY WANT YOU (BDB RMXX) remixed by BDB9. Every Moment (FILTERING INFERNO MIX) remixed by RAM RIDER10. Somebody Help Me (TATSUYA OE ‘89 Remember Acid Mix) remix by TATSUYA OE

DVD:4 Minutes, Region 2, 4:3- Ah Ah (Shinichi Osawa remix - radio edit version-)remixed by Shinichi Osawa (Mondo Grosso)


I’ll be perfectly honest with you that when I heard that ANNA TSUCHIYA was releasing a remix album, I may have rolled my eyes. First, I was thinking that she has only released one mini-album and also that her rock music is something that I wouldn’t expect for remix consideration. Second, I have been critical of albums that get remixed because simply, labels tend to hire club DJ’s and the end result sometimes are just totally bad. But once I saw who was collaborating on this remix album, I ate my words because the people involved on this remix album are very well known people who are involved in successful remixes. My oh my... You get Osawa Shinichi of MONDO GROSSO remixing “Ah Ah”, you get Pizzicato Five member and popular remixer Yukihiro Fukitomi giving “Change your Life” some analog synth treatment. When I saw Miyagami Motokatsu of MAD CAPSULE MARKETS doing a remix for “MY LULLABY”, I expected digital explosion of different proportions and got it. You also get RYOJI from Ketsumeishi, RAM RIDER, Tazawa Kodai of SUPERCAR and many more. That’s just a great group of people to work with. Everyone has their own interpretations of remix albums and I tend to be harsh reviewing them. But I will say that this one is very cool. The remixers still manage to retain TSUCHIYA’s rock style but yet giving their own different interpretations of a song. A very well-done remix album!— DENNIS A. AMITH

< ANNA GETS REMIXED!In a surprise release, rocker ANNA TSUCHIYA gets a remix album!


The popular manga series “NANA” has recently gotten the anime treatment and the first theme song for the series is by model/actress and rocker ANNA TSUCHIYA. The CD single comes with three tracks. The first track is the song “ROSE” which is used for the “NANA” anime series and is an English/Japanese rock song. Compared to previous CD singles and songs on her mini-album “Taste My Beat”, you get a lot of guitar and it’s a genuinely a very cool, hard hitting rock song from ANNA. The second track is “Lovin’ you” which is a song used in the Japanese

version of the American film “SILENT HILL”. The third track is “Ah Ah” which is an ANNA inspi’ NANA version of the song found on her “Taste My Beat” mini-album. I’ll just say that “Ah Ah” has a Rage Against the Machine “Killing in the Name” feel to it. All in all, an awesome CD single and defi-nitely my favorite CD single to come from ANNA TSUCHIYA yet!- DENNIS A. AMITH

grooveworldJ!-ENT JAPAN

A dramatic and also yet sexy new CD single from ANNA TSUCHIYA. “Kuroi Namida” (Black Tears), The latest CD single (her fourth CD single overall, second for the “NANA” animated series) from actress and singer ANNA TSUCHIYA, in this case ANNA TSUCHIYA inspi’ NANA (BLACK STONES) showcases a side of ANNA TSUCHIYA musically that I have not seen before. Used as the third ending theme for the animated series of “NANA”, I have to say that I was very impressed with this CD single. Having listened to previous ANNA TSUCHIYA CD singles and albums, I have looked at ANNA TSUCHIYA music that reminded me a lot of the rock band HEART and even Pat Benatar. With most songs by ANNA TSUCHIYA from previous CD singles and albums being in English, “Kuroi Namida” is a Japanese song that embodies the similar rock sound that we have heard previously from her and also OLIVIA inspi’ REIRA (TRAPNEST). “Kuroi Namida” is not an upbeat rock song, guitar-driven and it’s actually a ballad that you feel the emotion of sadness. Gave me a new look at ANNA TSUCHIYA as with what “a little pain” had did for OLIVIA. Of course, as you move on to the other tracks, track 2 (JUST CAN’T GET ENOUGH) is a cover of the popular Depeche Mode song (or to be more politically correct, lyrics and music by original DM member and Yaz band founder Vince Clark). And no DM inspired synth on this version. It’s a true ANNA TSUCHIYA style rock song. Very cool cover especially when ANNA hums the well-known instrumental part of the song. And what ANNA TSUCHIYA release is complete without the inclusion of a sexy ANNA TSUCHIYA written song. The third track “I’m addicted to you” is a hard hitting rock song that features lyrics such as “My gosh, you seduce me; Baby, hold on to my precious body; Darlin’ please satisfy my filthy desire”. Can anyone scream “caliente” for me? The fourth track features a deep sadness version of “Kuroi Namida” which is still guitar driven but in balance with the inclusion of piano and an orchestra. Bundled with the CD single is the DVD for “Kuroi Namida” and although a ballad with sense of sadness, the music video is anything







Catalog #: CTCR-40247 | Dur. 17:45Release date: January 10, 2007ANNA TSUCHIYA on iTunes - Click here

1. Kuroi Namida2. JUST CAN’T GET ENOUGH (*)3. I’m addicted to you4. Kuroi Namida ~deep sadness version)

NOTE: Track 2 (JUST CAN’T GET ENOUGH”, a cover of the popular Depeche Mode song and is listed as sung by Anna Tsuchiya and not an Anna Tsuchiya inspi’ Nana (Blackstones) song.

DVD:5 minutes, Region 2, 4:31. Kuroi Namida Music Video

but. Featuring ANNA TSUCHIYA on the beach wearing a black dress, rolling around in the sand feeling her body. Can I get another “Caliente”! And last, included with a DVD is an ANNA TSUCHIYA inspi’ NANA BLACK STONES sticker and a flyer promoting the January 10th release of her live DVD release “ANNA TSUCHIYA 1st Live Tour BLOOD OF ROSES” and her upcoming CD single in February “LUCY” also ala ANNA TSUCHIYA inspi’ NANA (BLACK STONES). Love her as an actress (“Shimotsuma Monogatari, “Sakuran”) or the rock n’ roll girl that she is, I have to give ANNA TSUCHIYA well deserved props for this CD single. “Kuroi Namida” is a beautiful ballad that showcases a side of ANNA TSUCHIYA’s music that we rarely see released as a mainstream CD single.


grooveworldJ!-ENT JAPAN

Looking at the cover of “LUCY”... Oh, Ms. naughty! Last month’s review of “Kuroi Namida” by ANNA TSUCHIYA inspi’ NANA (BLACK STONES), I wrote about the departure from the girl who looks that she can kick my ass transformed to a sultry, seductive ANNA TSUCHIYA for the ballad. “LUCY” marks the return of ANNA TSUCHIYA’s original rockin’ style of music ala inspi’ NANA (BLACK STONES) and this time, she has some impressive company behind the music. On guitar is Wes Borland (from Limp Bizkit, Big Damn Faces and Black Light Burns). On bass guitar is Chris Chaney (from Jane’s Addiction, The Panic Room, Camp Freddy and worked with Alanis Morisette). On drums is Josh Freese (from Nine Inch Nails and A Perfect Circle). “LUCY”, The latest theme song to be used for the “NANA” animated series is 90% in English and 10% in Japanese. Lyrics were written by ANNA and Rie Eto and the music isa fast pace, hard hitting, guitar jarring rock song. ANNA TSUCHIYA brings an interesting rock component to Japan with the majority of all her rock songs written by her in English but yet doesn’t speak it fluently. Nevertheless, this CD single shows off the diversity of music from ANNA TSUCHIYA. As the first track “LUCY” shows the hard rock side of her personality, the second track “better day” features a Michelle Branch, Sheryl Crow-ish type of sound which is written by ANNA but the music from music producer and composer Joey Carbone. Carbone is known for introducing many American performers to the Japanese market such as Kim Carnes, Joseph Williams (formerly of ToTo), Bill Champlin (of Chicago) and producing songs for actress Alyssa Milano (“Charmed”, “Who’s the Boss”) and actor Edward Furlong (“Terminator 2”). The song is definitely different for her style of music but she definitely does a great job singing that style. And as always, no ANNA TSUCHIYA CD single is complete without a sexy ANNA song and the third track “Dance with me” is a pop track arranged by Gary Newby (from the Railway Children) is it. If Justin Timberlake is bringing “sexy back”, in Japan, sure Kumi Koda is known for being sexy but ANNA TSUCHIYA lyrics scream “sexy”! As always, we love to spotlight the lyrics from ANNA TSUCHIYA’s sexy songs and for “Dance with Me”, it goes like this:







Catalog #: CTCR-40249/B | Dur. 10:26Release date: February 7, 2007

1. LUCY2. better day3. Dance with me

NOTE: Only the first track is credited as a Anna Tsuchiya inspi’ Nana (Blackstones) song. Track 2 and 3 are Anna Tsuchiya songs.

DVD:5 minutes, Region 2, 4:31. LUCY Music Video2. LUCY original animation clip (TV SIZE VER.)

ANNA TSUCHIYA on iTunes - Click here

“ Your milk makes me melt downLet’s do It, do It. Now I want to eat you. Baby,

baby sleep with me. Baby, boy come to mommy. I’m coming, I’m coming”.

Now, that is hot! Caliente! As for the DVD that accompanies the CD single, it features a rock-based music video with ANNA TSUCHIYA rocking out with her band and playfully cosplaying in different outfits and having fun. Personally, I think TSUCHIYA’s gesture on the cover of the CD says it all. Also, featured is an original animation clip of “LUCY” from the “NANA” animated series. All in all, a well-balanced CD single showing her different takes on different music styles and an artist who continues to bring something new with each release. Check it out! — DENNIS A. AMITH




JUNE 28-JULY 2For more information, please visit


ANNA TSUCHIYA inspi’ NANA (BLACK STONES)ANNA TSUCHIYA inspi’ NANA (BLACK STONES)Mad Pray RecordsCTCR-14537DURATION: 42:34RELEASE DATE: February 28, 2007Website: http://www.anna-t.comClick here to purchase ANNA TSUCHIYA music on iTunes

01. rose02. Without You03. zero04. scream05. Take me out06. Kuroi Namida07. I ’m addicted to you08. LUCY09. rose -Street Live Edi t ion-10. Kuroi Namida -TV Live Edi t ion-

DVD:Durat ion: 10 minutes, 4:3, Region 2NANA SPECIAL STREET LIVE at Shinjuku Stat ion Square 25th July 200601. rose02. zero03. Kuroi Namida -BLACK STONES or ig inal animat ion c l ip (Studio Live TV size ver)-


Nana, the protagonist for the self titled anime is brought to life by rocker ANNA TSUCHIYA. Though not an actual punk herself ANNA does a good job of portraying one. Her music breaths life into the complicated character drawing upon not only her outward toughness but the inner vulnerability Nana normally reframes from showing. The album contains all of her OP and ED themes and insert songs, with the original “NANA” opening, “Rose”, beginning the album. In it ANNA sings about the pain Nana endured throughout her youth and her need to feel loved. “Without You” is a great rock song with hints of punk hidden within the guitar riffs. The lyrics are a declaration of Nana’s belief that she doesn’t need anyone in her life, displaying her pride and need for self sufficiency. “zero” follows in the same style, lyrically it’s another testament to Nana’s need to do things her way. “scream” utilizes ANNA’s raspy voice, backing it with heavy bass and steady rock guitars. It stands out from the other tracks do to its more hard-hitting rock sound.

< Bringing Rock Music to the MassesJapanese rocker ANNA TSUCHIYA brings her flair to “NANA” anime series

While the others have some melodic elements, “scream” comes across as what most would consider a true rock song; rough and at times slightly chaotic. “Take me out” is the first slower track on the album. A lovely power rock ballad, ANNA’s voice almost seems sweet backed by the melodious guitars. The next track “Kuroi Namida” is also a rock ballad, though it contains more power then the previous one. Maintaining the strong rock sound that’s present throughout all the songs, it has the most harmonious tone and steady rhythm. The bittersweet melody is the perfect backdrop for ANNA’s melancholy lyrics of depression and loss.Picking the pace back up is “I’m addicted to you”. The guitars set the tone for ANNA’s lyrics which capture the hormonal rush of desire that comes with falling in love with someone. “LUCY” continues the fast pace. A seemingly fun song it comes with the great message of accepting who you are and encouraging others to do the same. The bonus songs “rose -Street Live

Edition-” and “Kuroi Namida -TV Live Edition-” are both wonderful tracks with ANNA’s live vocals adding an extra dose of emotion to the songs. Both tracks also verify that ANNA can sing wonderfully live, sounding near identical to her album tracks. The DVD is a notable addition to the album, containing a live performance of two songs and a special animated clip. The original animation clip from the producers of “NANA” is a nice bonus for fans of the two main characters Nana O. and Nana K. (a.k.a. Hatchi). It highlights both of their troubled romantic relationships while “Kuroi Namida” plays in the foreground. ANNA’s live performance from the “NANA STREET LIVE” shows what an amazing entertainer she is. Aggressive and rowdy she knows just how to get a crowd riled up, as a large group of would be moshers will attest to. She and her guitarist often interact with the crowd, urging them on to show their excitement; leaving the viewer wishing that they were also there to enjoy it live as well.



NANA BESTANNA TSUCHIYA inspi’ NANA (BLACK STONES)OLIVIA inspi’ REIRA (TRAPNEST)Cuttiing Edge RecordsCTCR-14540/B (DVD), CTCR-14541DURATION: 1:01:07RELEASE DATE: March 21, 2007Website: Website: here for OLIVIA music on iTunesClick here to purchase ANNA TSUCHIYA music on iTunes

01. rose -1st OP song- (BLACK STONES)02. a l i t t le pain -1st ED song- (TRAPNEST)03. zero - Inserted Song- (BLACK STONES)04. Wish -2nd OP song- (TRAPNEST)05. Star less Night -2nd ED song- (TRAPNEST)06. Kuroi Namida -3rd ED song- (BLACK STONES)

07. LUCY -3rd OP song- (BLACK STONES)08. stand by me -4th ED song- (BLACK STONES)09. Shadow of Love - Inserted Song- (TRAPNEST)

10. Winter s leep -4th ED song- (TRAPNEST)


11. ANACHY IN THE UK12. LUCY ~Studio Live Version~OLIVIA inspi ’ REIRA (TRAPNEST)13. Nothing’s gonna take my love14. Recorded Butterf l ies ~Live Version~

DVD:Durat ion: 19 minutes, 4:3, Region 2TV Animat ion NANA Non-telop Opening & Ending Cl ips

01. rose02. a l i t t le pain03. Wish04. Star less Night05. Kuroi Namida06. LUCY07. stand by me08. Winter s leepNANA Original Animat ion Cl ipsANNA TSUCHIYA inspi ’ NANA (BLACK STONES)09. Kuroi Namida10. LUCYOLIVIA inspi ’ REIRA (TRAPNEST)11. a l i t t le pain ~studio l ive~12. Wish

* Comes with mouse pad


With a consistent barrage of music from the “NANA” anime series since Fall 2006, the release of “NANA BEST” is the long awaited compilation of top hits from ANNA TSUCHIYA inspi’

NANA (BLACK STONES) and OLIVIA inspi’ REIRA (TRAPNEST). More than likely if you are a fan of ANNA TSUCHIYA and OLIVIA, you may have purchased the previous BLACK STONES and TRAPNEST albums. So, what is new? Offered on this compilation are special tracks such as “ANACHY IN THE UK” (note: spelled wrong on the listing credits but spelled correctly inside the lyrics booklet as “ANARCHY”) and “LUCY ~Studio Live Version~ from ANNA TSUCHIYA inspi’ NANA (BLACK STONES) and “Nothing’s gonna take my love” and “Recorded Butterflies ~Live Version~” from OLIVIA inspi’ REIRA (TRAPNEST). If you are a hardcore fan of the “NANA” anime series, the DVD does come with the non-telop opening and

ending clips plus original animation clips from the “NANA” animated series. The insert booklet comes with the lyrics and a collage of pictures from the anime. Also, the “NANA BEST” DVD version comes with a “NANA” mouse pad using the cover image found on the CD version. If you have not purchased any of the CD singles or albums or are a completist, then definitely purchase “NANA BEST”. The album is definitely an awesome compilation for the “NANA”, ANNA TSUCHIYA or OLIVIA fans but for those who already own the CD singles and previous albums, you may need to consider if the extras are enough to warrant a purchase. - DENNIS A. AMITH


of slower rock such as “MY FATE” and “ecstasy” and heavier ones with lots of distorted guitars, like “Some-body Help Me”, “Lovin’ you”, etc. Some of the songs got a differ-ent arrangement compared to the album versions; while most of them received a more rock treatment. Others such as “Every moment”, “BLUE MOON” and “Forever” were played as an acoustic ensemble, with the inclusion of a female violinist, as ANNA and everyone in the audience slowed down to catch their breath and enjoy a more peaceful moment during the live. ANNA also changed into a white top during this “Special Session” acoustic segment and her powerful voice projected clear and loud when singing those songs. After the interlude, ANNA elec-trified the crowd again with “change your life”, while appearing with a slightly more feminine look, wearing a sheer babydoll dress and a pair of boots. The concert also featured her version of Cyndi Lauper’s “True Colors”, which was one of the tracks on her debut full-length album, received a lot of crowd participation during various parts of the song. The regular portion of the live concluded with the fun “SLAP THAT NAUGHTY BODY” and two songs

from the popular NANA animated TV series, “rose” and “zero”. There was not a lot of mono-logue segments in the DVD but I was a little surprised when I heard her talking voice as it sounded quite a bit lower than her singing voice. ANNA and her band came out for 3 more songs for the encore, including one of her favorites, “FROZEN ROSE”, during which the female violinist came out to per-form once again. As a bonus, the DVD included several minutes of backstage prepa-ration footage as ANNA and her team traveled all over the country for this tour, and I find it most fun to see that they would huddle and yell a different cheer before each con-cert, sometimes even using words that had to be censored. Overall, the rock roots of ANNA TSUCHIYA can clearly be felt through this DVD. I find the way she presented her-self on stage as a premier female rock artist quite mesmerizing, so I would say definitely give ANNA a shot when you want to take a break from those male rockers out there.


hile the world of Japa-nese rock is domi-nated by male artists, ANNA TSUCHIYA managed to break

into the scene with her unique and powerful voice, her punk and wild look, and captured the attention of many rock lovers. This DVD was filmed on Sep-tember 3, 2006 at Shibuya CLUB QUATTRO, her final show of AN-NA’s 1st tour, following her smash hit debut album “strip me?” that was released just a month prior. ANNA appeared in front of her sold-out audience in a sexy leather vest and a pair of jeans, her hair in red and black, matching the colors of her eye shadow. The starting rock number “knock down” warmed up the already packed crowd, followed by the slightly slower but harder “NO WAY” and then the sexier “Taste My Skin”. In my opinion, ANNA’s husky voice has always fitted the sound of what I expect from a rocker, and so with the energy from the supporting band members and the enthusiastic crowd, one can really feel the vibe that was being deliv-ered on and off stage. ANNA sang most of her set in English and there was a good mix





CTBR-92045, Region 2 DVD

Main feature: Approx. 80 minutes, 16:9 LB

Special feature: Approx. 7 minutes, 4:3

Release date: January 10, 2007

DVD:01. knock down02. NO WAY03. Taste My Skin04. MY FATE05. Lovin’ you06. Somebody Help Me07. Under My Mask08. ecstasy-Special Session-09. Every moment


10. BLUE MOON11. Forever-Interlude-12. Change your life13. True Colors14. SLAP THAT NAUGHTY BODY15. rose16. zero-Encore-EN1. Ah AhEN2. Give me kiss & kissEN3. FROZEN ROSE

-Special Contents-


Visit ANNA TSUCHIYA’s Official Website

A promotional concert flyer for ANNA TSUCHIYA’s upcoming Summer 2007 concerts.







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