Download - IUFRO ALL-Division-5 Conference "Forest Products and Environment – A Productive Symbiosis” October 29 – November 2, 2007 - Taipei, Taiwan. Value-Focused.

Page 1: IUFRO ALL-Division-5 Conference "Forest Products and Environment – A Productive Symbiosis” October 29 – November 2, 2007 - Taipei, Taiwan. Value-Focused.

IUFRO ALL-Division-5 Conference "Forest Products and Environment – A Productive Symbiosis” October 29 – November 2, 2007 - Taipei, Taiwan.

Value-Focused Forestry in British Columbia: Competitiveness and Sustainability Issues in the

Secondary Wood Products Industry

Wellington Spetic, Robert Kozak, and Thomas Maness

Faculty of Forestry

The University of British Columbia

4th Floor - Forest Sciences Centre

2424 Main Mall

Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4, Canada

Email: [email protected]

Page 2: IUFRO ALL-Division-5 Conference "Forest Products and Environment – A Productive Symbiosis” October 29 – November 2, 2007 - Taipei, Taiwan. Value-Focused.

IUFRO ALL-Division-5 Conference "Forest Products and Environment – A Productive Symbiosis” October 29 – November 2, 2007 - Taipei, Taiwan.

1. Background

2. Objectives

3. Methodology

4. Results

5. Future Research

Page 3: IUFRO ALL-Division-5 Conference "Forest Products and Environment – A Productive Symbiosis” October 29 – November 2, 2007 - Taipei, Taiwan. Value-Focused.

IUFRO ALL-Division-5 Conference "Forest Products and Environment – A Productive Symbiosis” October 29 – November 2, 2007 - Taipei, Taiwan.


- The forest sector is one of Canada’s major economic


- the world’s largest exporter of forest products;

- forest industry accounts for nearly 3% of the GDP;

- over 10% of its total exports.

Page 4: IUFRO ALL-Division-5 Conference "Forest Products and Environment – A Productive Symbiosis” October 29 – November 2, 2007 - Taipei, Taiwan. Value-Focused.

IUFRO ALL-Division-5 Conference "Forest Products and Environment – A Productive Symbiosis” October 29 – November 2, 2007 - Taipei, Taiwan.

Background: the primary sector,

BC - with its large endowment of unique wood resources and access to strong markets - is Canada’s frontrunner…


Page 5: IUFRO ALL-Division-5 Conference "Forest Products and Environment – A Productive Symbiosis” October 29 – November 2, 2007 - Taipei, Taiwan. Value-Focused.

IUFRO ALL-Division-5 Conference "Forest Products and Environment – A Productive Symbiosis” October 29 – November 2, 2007 - Taipei, Taiwan.


however, this scenario is changing quickly for BC’s primary sector:

- mountain pine beetle infestation;- higher input prices (e.g. energy);- shifting demand for traditional commodities;- changes in export markets;- competition from lower-cost regions;- trade disputes (i.e. softwood lumber agreement);- appreciation of the Canadian dollar.

Page 6: IUFRO ALL-Division-5 Conference "Forest Products and Environment – A Productive Symbiosis” October 29 – November 2, 2007 - Taipei, Taiwan. Value-Focused.

IUFRO ALL-Division-5 Conference "Forest Products and Environment – A Productive Symbiosis” October 29 – November 2, 2007 - Taipei, Taiwan.


MPB infestation

Source: BC’s Ministry of Forests and Ranges

Source: BC’s Ministry of Forests and Ranges













Jan-04 May-04 Sep-04 Jan-05 May-05 Sep-05 Jan-06 May-06 Sep-06 Jan-07 May-07 Sep-07


Oct 07 = US$ 1.03

All-time high = US$ 1.06

C$ appreciation

Page 7: IUFRO ALL-Division-5 Conference "Forest Products and Environment – A Productive Symbiosis” October 29 – November 2, 2007 - Taipei, Taiwan. Value-Focused.

IUFRO ALL-Division-5 Conference "Forest Products and Environment – A Productive Symbiosis” October 29 – November 2, 2007 - Taipei, Taiwan.


A new paradigm change for British Columbia - shift from a volume-based to a more value-focused forest sector.

In line with sustainability concepts (i.e. economic + ecological + social values).

Page 8: IUFRO ALL-Division-5 Conference "Forest Products and Environment – A Productive Symbiosis” October 29 – November 2, 2007 - Taipei, Taiwan. Value-Focused.

IUFRO ALL-Division-5 Conference "Forest Products and Environment – A Productive Symbiosis” October 29 – November 2, 2007 - Taipei, Taiwan.


...a value-focused forest sector in BC would better take into account notions like:

- commodity industries wherever most appropriate;

- higher value commodities from more flexible mills;

- secondary wood products;

- non-timber forest products;

- ecosystem services.

Page 9: IUFRO ALL-Division-5 Conference "Forest Products and Environment – A Productive Symbiosis” October 29 – November 2, 2007 - Taipei, Taiwan. Value-Focused.

IUFRO ALL-Division-5 Conference "Forest Products and Environment – A Productive Symbiosis” October 29 – November 2, 2007 - Taipei, Taiwan.


Competitiveness - A Dynamic Concept

The term is used interchangeably with:

- comparative advantage (economic cost of production);

- financial performance of firms;

- productivity or technical efficiency;

Page 10: IUFRO ALL-Division-5 Conference "Forest Products and Environment – A Productive Symbiosis” October 29 – November 2, 2007 - Taipei, Taiwan. Value-Focused.

IUFRO ALL-Division-5 Conference "Forest Products and Environment – A Productive Symbiosis” October 29 – November 2, 2007 - Taipei, Taiwan.


Competitiveness - A Dynamic Concept

The term is used interchangeably with:

- overall performance of countries, regions, or industries;

- qualitative management concepts (firms’ capacities, human capital, innovativeness, knowledge-based value creation).

Page 11: IUFRO ALL-Division-5 Conference "Forest Products and Environment – A Productive Symbiosis” October 29 – November 2, 2007 - Taipei, Taiwan. Value-Focused.

IUFRO ALL-Division-5 Conference "Forest Products and Environment – A Productive Symbiosis” October 29 – November 2, 2007 - Taipei, Taiwan.


Increasingly, firms are incorporating sustainability issues

into their business strategies and operations.

for larger, multinational corporations:

- access to potential new markets and to ethical

investment funds;

- the ability to attract and retain top human resources;

- the creation of non-tangible product value;

- competitiveness, legitimization, and ecological


Page 12: IUFRO ALL-Division-5 Conference "Forest Products and Environment – A Productive Symbiosis” October 29 – November 2, 2007 - Taipei, Taiwan. Value-Focused.

IUFRO ALL-Division-5 Conference "Forest Products and Environment – A Productive Symbiosis” October 29 – November 2, 2007 - Taipei, Taiwan.


for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs):

...the jury is still out!

when compared to larger firms...

- SMEs tend to be more reactive, small-scale and ad hoc in their changes.

- virtually all secondary wood products industries are SMEs.

Page 13: IUFRO ALL-Division-5 Conference "Forest Products and Environment – A Productive Symbiosis” October 29 – November 2, 2007 - Taipei, Taiwan. Value-Focused.

IUFRO ALL-Division-5 Conference "Forest Products and Environment – A Productive Symbiosis” October 29 – November 2, 2007 - Taipei, Taiwan.


For BC’s secondary wood industries, we want to assess:

- long-term competitiveness factors of firms;- sustainability issues; and- their interrelationship.

Page 14: IUFRO ALL-Division-5 Conference "Forest Products and Environment – A Productive Symbiosis” October 29 – November 2, 2007 - Taipei, Taiwan. Value-Focused.

IUFRO ALL-Division-5 Conference "Forest Products and Environment – A Productive Symbiosis” October 29 – November 2, 2007 - Taipei, Taiwan.


There is an increasing need for inter- and multi-disciplinary research strategies.

Yet, literature indicates that there is no single universally adopted and practised methodology for measuring competitiveness, sustainability issues, and the relationship between the two.

Page 15: IUFRO ALL-Division-5 Conference "Forest Products and Environment – A Productive Symbiosis” October 29 – November 2, 2007 - Taipei, Taiwan. Value-Focused.

IUFRO ALL-Division-5 Conference "Forest Products and Environment – A Productive Symbiosis” October 29 – November 2, 2007 - Taipei, Taiwan.


... on the negative side: it may hinder the ability to easily draw from existing


... on the positive side:unique opportunity to address these issues in BC’s secondary wood industry and benchmark them against other producing regions.

Page 16: IUFRO ALL-Division-5 Conference "Forest Products and Environment – A Productive Symbiosis” October 29 – November 2, 2007 - Taipei, Taiwan. Value-Focused.

IUFRO ALL-Division-5 Conference "Forest Products and Environment – A Productive Symbiosis” October 29 – November 2, 2007 - Taipei, Taiwan.


• Existing literature• Theoretical ideas and


• Qualitative and quantitative empirical evidence or data

• Descriptive and inferential results

• Refining and understanding of the phenomenon

• Final representation

• Analytical framework• Classification and

categorization of the phenomenon




Research Framework

Adapted from: Ragin (1994); Jeucken (2004)

Page 17: IUFRO ALL-Division-5 Conference "Forest Products and Environment – A Productive Symbiosis” October 29 – November 2, 2007 - Taipei, Taiwan. Value-Focused.

IUFRO ALL-Division-5 Conference "Forest Products and Environment – A Productive Symbiosis” October 29 – November 2, 2007 - Taipei, Taiwan.


Today’s presentation includes information from:

a. the current literature; and

b. in-person and telephone interviews.

Content Analysis

Descriptive statistics

Page 18: IUFRO ALL-Division-5 Conference "Forest Products and Environment – A Productive Symbiosis” October 29 – November 2, 2007 - Taipei, Taiwan. Value-Focused.

IUFRO ALL-Division-5 Conference "Forest Products and Environment – A Productive Symbiosis” October 29 – November 2, 2007 - Taipei, Taiwan.

BC's Total Wood Products Manufacturing Shipments








1996 1999 2002 2005

C$ b




...the current situation:

Page 19: IUFRO ALL-Division-5 Conference "Forest Products and Environment – A Productive Symbiosis” October 29 – November 2, 2007 - Taipei, Taiwan. Value-Focused.

IUFRO ALL-Division-5 Conference "Forest Products and Environment – A Productive Symbiosis” October 29 – November 2, 2007 - Taipei, Taiwan.



US Great Lakes



5 -

1 -

3 -



Workers Skill Level



Industry & Market Structure

Te chnology



Secondary Wood Products Manufacturing: performance on selected qualitative dimensions of five global regions

Source: Jaakko Poyry

Page 20: IUFRO ALL-Division-5 Conference "Forest Products and Environment – A Productive Symbiosis” October 29 – November 2, 2007 - Taipei, Taiwan. Value-Focused.

IUFRO ALL-Division-5 Conference "Forest Products and Environment – A Productive Symbiosis” October 29 – November 2, 2007 - Taipei, Taiwan.

Few (if any) scientific studies on competitiveness, sustainability, and their interrelationship on BC’s (SMEs) wood products manufacturing sector.

As far as other developed economies and industries are concerned...

1. Competitiveness & SMEs:

- under unprecedented pressure from globalization;- need to learn to cope with a new production

paradigm;- need to engage in knowledge-based economic


...the current situation:

Page 21: IUFRO ALL-Division-5 Conference "Forest Products and Environment – A Productive Symbiosis” October 29 – November 2, 2007 - Taipei, Taiwan. Value-Focused.

IUFRO ALL-Division-5 Conference "Forest Products and Environment – A Productive Symbiosis” October 29 – November 2, 2007 - Taipei, Taiwan.

1. Competitiveness & SMEs:

- innovations and value generating activities;- (-) SMEs lack the resources for large investments;

but- (+) SMEs are flexible and quicker to adapt;- (+) SMEs have increased in most developed


...the current situation:

Page 22: IUFRO ALL-Division-5 Conference "Forest Products and Environment – A Productive Symbiosis” October 29 – November 2, 2007 - Taipei, Taiwan. Value-Focused.

IUFRO ALL-Division-5 Conference "Forest Products and Environment – A Productive Symbiosis” October 29 – November 2, 2007 - Taipei, Taiwan.

2. Sustainability & SMEs:

- almost entirely focused on larger enterprises;- linkages with larger companies’ supply chains;- SME’s cumulative impact high importance for

sustainability;- business case for sustainability can create

opportunities; but can also act as a market barrier.

3. Competitiveness Sustainability:

- Literature shows positive, negative, and no relationships.

Page 23: IUFRO ALL-Division-5 Conference "Forest Products and Environment – A Productive Symbiosis” October 29 – November 2, 2007 - Taipei, Taiwan. Value-Focused.

IUFRO ALL-Division-5 Conference "Forest Products and Environment – A Productive Symbiosis” October 29 – November 2, 2007 - Taipei, Taiwan.


1. Long-term competitiveness factors for BC’s secondary


a. innovative management.

- entrepreneurial culture

- “business people”

- market forces government

- ability to attract capital

- design

- good sourcing

- customers services

Page 24: IUFRO ALL-Division-5 Conference "Forest Products and Environment – A Productive Symbiosis” October 29 – November 2, 2007 - Taipei, Taiwan. Value-Focused.

IUFRO ALL-Division-5 Conference "Forest Products and Environment – A Productive Symbiosis” October 29 – November 2, 2007 - Taipei, Taiwan.


b. specialization.

- higher-end customized market

- commoditizing product markets

d. branding.

- technology & design

e. each segment needs its own mix of traditional factors.

- i.e. access to technology, fibre, capital, markets,

and labour.

Page 25: IUFRO ALL-Division-5 Conference "Forest Products and Environment – A Productive Symbiosis” October 29 – November 2, 2007 - Taipei, Taiwan. Value-Focused.

IUFRO ALL-Division-5 Conference "Forest Products and Environment – A Productive Symbiosis” October 29 – November 2, 2007 - Taipei, Taiwan.


2. Sustainability.

a. the Green Building effect

- green value-chain

- BC’s booming construction sector (residential,

2010 Olympics) specifiers LEED points

secondary producers and their suppliers

Page 26: IUFRO ALL-Division-5 Conference "Forest Products and Environment – A Productive Symbiosis” October 29 – November 2, 2007 - Taipei, Taiwan. Value-Focused.

IUFRO ALL-Division-5 Conference "Forest Products and Environment – A Productive Symbiosis” October 29 – November 2, 2007 - Taipei, Taiwan.


3. Competitiveness Sustainability.

a. the Green Buildings and Healthy Houses effects

- SMEs dependent on value chain


- first-mover advantages

- differentiation opportunities

b. others

- “green” capital? targets for SRI?

- “green” process innovations vs. end-of-pipe


Page 27: IUFRO ALL-Division-5 Conference "Forest Products and Environment – A Productive Symbiosis” October 29 – November 2, 2007 - Taipei, Taiwan. Value-Focused.

IUFRO ALL-Division-5 Conference "Forest Products and Environment – A Productive Symbiosis” October 29 – November 2, 2007 - Taipei, Taiwan.

Future Research:

- complete the inductive phase

- empirical measurements (survey research)

- as a benchmark, extend the study to NZ, Chile, and Brazil

- finalization (retroductive) phase (policy recommendations)

Page 28: IUFRO ALL-Division-5 Conference "Forest Products and Environment – A Productive Symbiosis” October 29 – November 2, 2007 - Taipei, Taiwan. Value-Focused.

IUFRO ALL-Division-5 Conference "Forest Products and Environment – A Productive Symbiosis” October 29 – November 2, 2007 - Taipei, Taiwan.

Thank you!

Email: [email protected]