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  • Introduction Continuous traffic growth through developed areas and difficulties in building new transportation infrastructure have caused a need for careful monitoring of operating conditions on existing transportation facilities. New strategies for traffic control must be developed in order to manage the increase in traffic volume in Kajang


  • Traffic congestion and long queues at intersections during peak hours is the major problems in Kajang. Growing numbers of road users and limited resources provided by current infrastructures lead to increasing of traveling times. This problem is mainly due to poor coordination between adjacent traffic signal controls, resulting in inefficient progressive traffic flows (or commonly known as the unattainable green wave effect). Inability of existing method in determining traffic demand and provide suitable time split when the traffic volume exceeds its capacity is another main factorwhich lead to traffic congestion.


  • Study Objective

  • Study Methodology

  • Case study

  • Intersection 1

  • Factor table

    BilVehiclePassenger Car Unit1Car / van / jeep / mpv12Lorry < 5 ton1.753Lorry > 5 ton2.254Trailer 35Mini Bus2.56Bus2.757Motorcycle0.35

  • Data of intersection

    PhaseTraffic Flows in 1 hourTotalCarLorry5tonTrailerMini BusBusM/cycle(pcu/hr)1810301002125099021,1101370023501,277375220000340875PCU UNIT11.752.2532.52.750.35

  • PhaseNumber of LanesSaturation Flow per Lane (pcu/hr)Saturation Flow (pcu/hr)Actual Flows (pcu/hr)Flow / Saturation Flow RationGreen Time Split12180036009900.270.3122180036001,2770.350.40232180036008750.250.287 TotalY= 0.87

  • Intersection 2

  • Factor table

    BilVehiclePassenger Car Unit1Car / van / jeep / mpv12Lorry < 5 ton1.753Lorry > 5 ton2.254Trailer 35Mini Bus2.56Bus2.757Motorcycle0.35

  • Data of intersection

    PhaseTraffic Flows in 1 hourTotalCarLorry5tonTrailerMini BusBusM/cycle(pcu/hr)1552123001216658285035160222281,038339031000220475490042190033801,139PCU UNIT11.752.2532.52.750.35

  • PhaseNumber of LanesSaturation Flow per Lane (pcu/hr)Saturation Flow (pcu/hr)Actual Flows (pcu/hr)Flow / Saturation Flow RationGreen Time Split12180036006580.180.222180036001,0380.290.3232180036004750.130.14 42180036001,1390.310.34TotalY= 0.91

  • Summary of results

    Intersection Cycle time C (sec )Effective Green time Ge(sec) 12101952381361



  • Calculation of offset time :

    Offset time : L/S - ( Qh+ loss) Where Q = Number of vehicles queued per lane, vehicle. h = Discharge Headway of queued vehicle in seconds/vehicle. Typical value of h is 2 seconds / vehicle. S = Average Speed in meter in second L = Distance between intersections in meter Loss1 = Loss Time associated with vehicles starting from rest at the first downstream signal (2 seconds can be used as a default).

  • Offset 1

    S= 10 m/sL1= 670 mQ1= 19 vehh=2 sec per vehloss =2 secOffset1 =(670/10)-(19x2+2) =27 secOFFSET=27 sec

  • intelligent urban traffic system

  • PROPOSED URBAN TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT SYSTEMThe following applications are linked up to form an intelligent UTMS in order to solve the problems in the study area.Traffic Control Center Automatic and Intelligent Traffic ControlTraffic Surveillance SystemTraveler Information SystemA good communication system is very crucial for the following purposes:1-Synchronization of controller timer at each intersection for offset implementation.2-Exchange of traffic data between controllers.3-Malfunction reporting from each controller to the control room.4-Incident reporting to the control room.

  • the full adaptive traffic system

  • Mitigation of Traffic Congestion

  • Logical Architecture

    Contrary to centralised control, the proposed system is based on a fully distributed system. In this system, all timings are calculated by the local signal controller. Coordination with adjacent intersections is possible if each controller can provide its neighbors with some information about its status, its future timing strategy and the time at which it expects the vehicles to leave its intersection before the controller starts optimising the signalised intersection under its control.

  • Physical Architecture

    Physically the system consists of three basic components, namely the sensor (eitherinductive loops, smart camera or infra red system) for collecting traffic data, the controller for controlling traffic flows at an individual intersection and coordinator forcoordinating the timing of an individual controller with its neighbours The Local Area Network (LAN) approach is proposed to link up all controllers. Each computer or microprocessor at the traffic light controller is given an IP (InternetProtocol) address. Each computer will share traffic data and timing with its neighbours for coordination purposes. In case where proactive control is required such as giving priority to an emergency vehicle, the computer at the control room will override the timing at each intersection with pre-determined timing that gives priority flows for an intended route.

  • A good communication system is very crucial in an urban traffic control for the following purposes:

    Synchronization of controller timer at each intersection for offset implementation. Exchange of traffic data between controllers. Malfunction reporting from each controller to the control room. Incident reporting to the control room. Use of the smart camera for surveillance purpose. Data compilation at the control room would be used for the benefit of road users and research purposes.


  • Sensor is a crucial element in an intelligent traffic control. The most common sensor is inductive loop. It is very common in vehicle actuated system to detect vehicle presence. It is also very common in an urban traffic control system to count the number or to measure headway of approaching vehicles. However, the main drawback of the inductive loop is its failure to measure queue length accurately. Another type of sensor is video detection system. This system is very flexible and able to carry out traffic count and measure queue length accurately. The price of commercial video detection system is very high as compared to inductive loop system. However a local institution has developed a low cost video detection system with the same capability as the commercial system.


  • CCTV SystemIncident Detection

    2. Classify Vehicles

    3. Traffic Counting

    4. Measuring Vehicles Speed

    5. Other Beneficial Items

  • 1. Incident Detection1 -Operated through video image processing by observing pixels on detection lines drawn across traffic lanes on monitor to detect incident.

    2- Installation of loop detector is not required (which would cause traffic disturbance

  • 2. Classify Vehicles1- Used to classify vehicles by measuring the pixel in passenger car unit on the screen.

    2- Differentiate the pixel by using varies colour array would be another possible option.

  • 3. Traffic CountingBy observing a few pixels for each traffic lane, which are considered as detectors, of which, the pixel values will surge or shrink drastically every time a vehicle passes the detectors. A computer programme is then written to count this surge or shrinkage.

  • 4. Measuring Vehicles Speed

  • PROPOSED TRAFFIC CONTROL CENTERThe Traffic Control Center (TCC) is the hub where all of the Kajang City traffic control systems are monitored. The TCC is proposed to be located at the Kajang Town Municipal Council Building and allows the various components of traffic management (signals, control boxes, real time video and simulations) to be effectively managed by a team of traffic engineers who monitor and maintain signals throughout the city. TCC would serve as the main operational and control point for traffic signals.


  • PROPOSED AUTOMATIC AND INTELLIGENT URBAN TRAFFICCONTROLAutomatic and intelligent traffic control is a key measure in urban traffic management, and thisis reflected in the number of urban traffic control (UTC) systems in use today. UTC is therefore a key application within UTMCsystems. UTC include ITS applications that focus on traffic control devices, such as traffic signals, ramp metering, and the dynamic (or variable) message signs on highways that provide drivers real-time messaging about traffic or highway status.

  • Smart Eye TDS enables monitoring of road traffic and automatic intervention in critical traffic situations. Smart eye TDS is based on a novel CMOS vision chip. The system determines the traffic status from the object data supplied by the chip in the integrated signal processor. The smart eye Centre enables simple configuration and maintenance. The software can be installed on any Windows PC/notebook and enables comfortable remote maintenance. Smart eye Server enables the simple connection of smart eye sensors to your database. Traffic data is transmitted in a format similar to XML.

    Traffic Data Sensor (TDS)

  • WavetronixSmartSensor HD is another option of smart sensor. The WavetronixSmartSensor HD uses the latest technology to collect consistently accurate traffic data in high definition. Patented Digital Wave Radar II measures traffic volume, individual vehicle speed, average speed, 85thpercentile speed, average headway, average gap, lane occupancy, vehicle classification and presence. Operating at five times the bandwidth, SmartSensor HD has five times the resolution of the original SmartSensor, a detection range of 250 feet and the ability to detect up to 10 lanes of traffic simultaneously


    Wavetronix SmartSensor HD

  • PROPOSED SMART SURVEILLANCE SYSTEMThe smart surveillance system consists of the smart cameras and the microprocessorswhich are connected to the control room computer. The integration of these advancedimage sensors with high-performance processors into an embedded system facilitatesnew application classes such as smart cameras.Smart cameras not only capture imagesor video sequences, they further perform high-level image processing.


    Car Navigation System

    SMS/MMS System or Personal Digital Assistant

  • Variable Message Sign (VMS)

  • Car Navigation System

  • SMS/MMS System or Personal Digital Assistant

  • CONCLUSIONThe system could not be coordinated to optimize a group of traffic controllers because its actions are unpredictable. Multi-plan timing system could be set based on computed timing that gives It is undeniable that setting up a ITS system in this Kajang town area would be a very wise decision as it will help to lessen the congestion in Kajang and also will benefits the town here as has smoother traffic flow.