Download - ITP 140 Mobile App Technologies - University of Southern Dreamweaver Modern Web Sites 12 Tags • Element = Opening


ITP 140 Mobile App Technologies

Web Pages

Overview •  HTML •  Editors •  CSS •  HTML5 •  Hosting


Graphic representation of a minute fraction of the WWW, demonstrating hyperlinks

HTML •  Web servers store and serve web pages •  Web browsers retrieve pages and render their content

based on the HTML and CSS •  HyperText Markup Language is the main markup language

for web pages •  Consists of 2 components

–  Text •  Content of the page

–  Tags •  Instructions for how to format and display web pages •  Surrounded by < and > •  Examples

–  Format text in certain styles and colors –  Insert media such as images, sounds, videos, Flash, etc. –  Create divisions and containers in the page –  Administrative details of the page including scripting

•  Tags have attributes


Skeleton for All HTML Files


<html> <head> <title>Title of Page</title> </head> <body> ----------------------------- Contents of HTML page ----------------------------- </body> </html>



Head and Body


HTML •  Using HTML, we mark up content with tags to provide structure •  We call matching tags, and their enclosed content, elements

–  An element is composed of three parts: an opening tag, content and a closing tag

–  There are a few elements, like <img>, that are an exception to this rule –  Opening tags can have attributes

•  Attributes give you a way to provide additional information about an element –  Closing tags have a / after the left angle bracket, in front of the tag name to

distinguish them as closing tags •  Your pages should always have an <html> element along with a

<head> element and a <body> element –  Information about the web page goes into the <head> element –  What you put into the <body> element is what you see in the browser


HTML Tag Examples •  Opening and Closing Tags <p>Ernest Hemingway</p> <em>The Sun Also Rises</em>

•  Self-Closing Tags <img src="image.jpg" /> <br /> <hr />

HTML Example


<html> <head> <title>Fox and Dog</title> </head> <body> The <i>quick</i> brown <b>fox</b> jumped over the <a href="">lazy dog</a>. </body> </html>


Web Browser

HTML Code •  You can view the HTML code for any web


•  Most whitespace (tabs, returns, spaces) are ignored by the browser, but you can use these to make your HTML more readable (to you).


HTML Editors – Text •  You can create HTML pages in a text editor


•  Examples: –  Notepad on Windows –  Komodo Edit on Mac


HTML Editors – WYSIWYG •  WYSIWYG = What You See Is What You Get


•  Example: §  Adobe


Modern Web Sites


Tags •  Element = Opening Tag + Content + Closing Tag •  Some tags are block elements

–  Displayed as if they have a linebreak before and after them –  Examples are <h1> ... <h6>, <p>, and <blockquote>

•  Other tags are inline elements –  Appear in line within the flow of the text in your page –  Examples are <b>, <q>, and <a>

•  Elements that don't have any HTML content by design are called empty elements –  Examples are <br>, <img>, and <hr> –  To be HTML compliant, put / before > such as <br />


Tags •  Logical styles define how the affected text is to be

used on the page –  The browser decides how to display the text –  Examples: <code>, <em>, <h1>, and <strong>

•  Physical styles define how to display the affected text –  For the most part, these styles display the same,

regardless of the browser type –  Examples: <b>, <i>, <sub>, and <sup>



Comments and Special Characters •  Comments

–  Will not be displayed in the browser –  Use <!-- before your comments and --> to end it –  Your comments can span multiple lines

•  Special Characters


<!-- This is a comment in HTML code -->

Character Named Entity (nonbreaking space) &nbsp;

& &amp;

© &copy;

® &reg;

< &lt;

> &gt;

Links •  The Web got its spidery name from the plentiful

connections between web sites •  These connections are made using anchor tags to

create links •  Use the <a> element

–  The href attribute specifies the destination of the link –  The content (between <a> and </a>) is the label for the link

•  By default, it's underlined (and usually blue) to indicate you can click on it

•  You can use words or an image as the label for a link


Hypertext References •  Internal – links to anchors on the current page

–  Use the id attribute to create a destination anchor in a page –  Use # followed by a destination anchor id to link to that location

in a page •  Local – links to other pages within your domain

–  A relative path is a link that points to other files on your website relative to the web page you are linking from

–  Use .. to link to a file that is one folder above (or parent folder) the file you are linking from

•  Global – links to other domains outside of your site –  Absolute links are those that include the entire pathname



Guide to Better Links •  Keep your link labels concise

–  Use few words or an image •  Keep your link labels meaningful

–  Never use link labels like click here or this page –  Test your page by reading just the links on it

•  Do they make sense? •  Or do you need to read the text around them?

•  Avoid placing links right next to each other



Images •  Use the <img> element to place images in

your web page –  The src attribute is how you specify the location

of the image file •  You can include images from

–  Your own site using a relative path –  Other sites using an absolute path



CSS •  CSS = Cascading Style Sheets

–  Control the presentation of your HTML –  The purpose is to separate the style of a web page from its content –  Styles have rules and properties

•  Example – CSS Zen Garden –

•  3 ways to include styles –  Inline – styles are embedded right within the HTML code they affect

–  Internal – put the <style> element in the header of the page inside the <head> element

–  External – contained in its own text file (ending in .css) using the <link> element in the <head> element



Colors •  You can specify colors in several ways:

–  color name •  W3C has listed 17 valid color names for HTML & CSS •  Aqua, Black, Blue, Fuchsia, Gray, Green, Lime, Maroon, Navy, Olive,

Orange, Purple, Red, Silver, Teal, , Yellow –  rgb value using decimal values from 0 to 255 OR percentage from 0

to 100% •  rgb (0, 255, 0) •  rgb (0, 100%, 0)

–  hexadecimal (hex) value such as #00FF00 •  The combination of RGB values gives more than 16 million

different colors •


Hexadecimal Colors •  Examples

Red Green Blue Hex value Red FF 0 0 #FF0000

Green 0 FF 0 #00FF00

Blue 0 0 FF #0000FF


Black 0 0 0 #000000

Cyan 0 FF FF #00FFFF

Yellow FF FF 0 #FFFF00

Magenta FF 0 FF #FF00FF

Fonts •  Customize by changing the color, font-family, font-weight, etc. •  Fonts are divided into “Font Families”

–  cursive, fantasy, monospace, sans-serif, and serif –  The serif family includes type with serifs

•  Serifs are semi-structural details on the ends of some of the strokes that make up letters and symbols

•  Used in newspaper print, since serifs help one's eye move along a sentence

–  The sans-serif family include type without serifs •  From the French sans, meaning “without” •  Usually more readable on computer screens

–  Monospace fonts have a constant character width •  Can also use font names

–  Examples - Arial, Courier New, Times New Roman •


Common Fonts

HTML5 •  Fifth revision of the HTML standard

–  HTML4 was standardized in 1997 –  XHTML 1.0 in 2000 and XHTML 1.1 in 2001

•  W3C and WHATWG are working together –  W3C = World Wide Web Consortium


–  WHATWG = Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group •

•  Many features of HTML5 have been built with the consideration of being able to run on low-powered devices such as smartphones and tablets

•  Changes in the markup –  Semantic changes such as adding <nav> and <footer> and using

<audio> and <video> instead of <object> –  Deprecated tags have been dropped such as <font> and <color>


HTML5 APIs •  Specifies scripting APIs

–  HTML5 alone cannot provide animation within web pages –  Either JavaScript or CSS3 is necessary for animating HTML



Web Hosting •  Many companies provide web hosting

–  Find one that meets your needs –  All of them have access to the same domain names –

•  Examples: –  bluehost – –  hostmonster – – –

•  Shopping Carts –


Creating Web Pages •  You will create web pages on your local machine

–  HTML files (.html, .htm) –  Image files (.png, .jpg, .jpeg, .gif) –  CSS files (.css)

•  Need to put the files on a web server –  USC – web server for students is aludra

•  To transfer files to the web server, use a FTP (File Transfer Protocol) program –  Windows – FileZilla –  Mac OS – Fetch, Cyberduck –  Get free software at –  Web Space –


Important Info •  In an URL if you do not specify a file, the web

server will look for a file name index.html –  This will be your main page for your website

•  On the web server, you need to put the files for your website (html pages, css files, images, etc.) in a folder named public_html


Setting Up Your Student Account •  Log into aludra using an FTP client

–  FileZilla on Windows –  FileZilla, Fetch, or Cyberduck on Mac

•  Create a folder called public_html •  Your URL is


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