Download - Italy group- June 8-12, 2020 - Agenda · “Smile Design Integrating Esthetics and Function a Three Step Analysis” (9:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon) Dr. Dean VAFIADIS Dr. Dean Vafiadis

Page 1: Italy group- June 8-12, 2020 - Agenda · “Smile Design Integrating Esthetics and Function a Three Step Analysis” (9:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon) Dr. Dean VAFIADIS Dr. Dean Vafiadis



New York University - College of Dentistry SHORT-TERM International Graduate Certificate Program “Current Concepts in American Dentistry”

Egregio Dottore,

Abbiamo il piacere di presentarle il programma del prossimo Stage di Specializzazione :

“A d v a n c e s i n I m p l a n t o l o g y a n d O r a l R e h a b i l i t a t i o n ”

che si svolgerà presso il New York University College of Dentistry con inizio il prossimo 8 GIUGNO 2020

Il College of Dentistry della New York University, oggi la più grande Scuola privata di Odontoiatria degli Stati Uniti, organizza con

successo da 30 anni gli Stage di Specializzazione dedicati a dentisti stranieri. Questi Stage, della durata di una settimana l’uno,

sono articolati in lezioni teoriche, laboratori, esercitazioni pratiche, video live surgeries , etc. che insegnanti del College of Dentistry

della NYU o Relatori di fama espressamente invitati preparano e svolgono su diversi temi odontoiatrici.

Teach the Teacher’s Program: I partecipanti dovranno, nel corso del programma, esercitarsi nella produzione e presentazione dei

propri casi clinici, completi di iconografie di qualità e di procedure evidence based. Scopo del programma è anche quello di

addestrare i partecipanti a parlare in pubblico e sostenere in una panel discussion le proprie metodiche, raggiungendo la confidenza

necessaria con la materia per proporsi in futuro come relatori, così come molti dei nostri alumni hanno già fatto a livello

internazionale. Gli Stage sono a numero chiuso e sono organizzati con un servizio di TRADUZIONE IN ITALIANO, dando così la possibilità di seguire le

lezioni anche a chi non parla correntemente la lingua Inglese.

New York University rilascia un attestato di partecipazione alla fine di ogni settimana di lezioni. Al termine del Programma completo

di frequenza a sei settimane di Stage ( almeno 4 seguite negli U.S.A.) e la presentazione

del FINAL WRITTEN REPORT su due casi clinici trattati, viene rilasciato ai partecipanti

l’International Achievement Certificate in IMPLANTOLOGY & ORAL

REHABILITATION, oppure nella materia svolta nella tesi finale ( Periodontics /

Prosthodontics / Endo / Oral Surgery etc.)

La quota di iscrizione allo STAGE è di € 2.500 ed è comprensiva di : tasse universitarie, materiali di laboratorio e didattici, coffee-breaks, pranzi.


Naturalmente l'occasione di studio è anche di vacanza essendo la New York University situata sulla centralissima First Avenue a Manhattan, proprio nel cuore della Grande Mela! Sarà così per Lei possibile visitare agevolmente New York e familiarizzare con questa città unica al mondo.

Per la prenotazione di viaggio ed alloggio le suggerisco di provvedere QUANTO PRIMA alla prenotazione per mezzo dei diversi siti disponibili sul web. Per ogni ulteriore informazione ci potrà contattare in segreteria al numero 3339553450.

Page 2: Italy group- June 8-12, 2020 - Agenda · “Smile Design Integrating Esthetics and Function a Three Step Analysis” (9:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon) Dr. Dean VAFIADIS Dr. Dean Vafiadis


New York University College of Dentistry Linhart Continuing Dental Education Program

“Current Concepts in American Dentistry: Advances in Implantology and Oral Rehabilitation”

June 8-12, 2020 (Monday- Friday)

Monday, June 8, 2020 ............................................................................................... 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. CDE Theatre

Dr. Jaime JIMENEZ Chairman and Professor, Department of Implant Dentistry at the European University in Madrid, Spain; Graduate (DDS and PhD) from Complutense University of Madrid; Graduate of International Certificate Program in Periodontics and Implant Dentistry, New York University College of Dentistry; Former Faculty in the Ashman Department of Periodontology and Implant Dentistry at NYUCD; International Program Director in Spain for the NYUCD Linhart Continuing Dental Education Program; Dr. Jimenez has lecture in over 15 countries; Member of various national and international dental societies. Private practice in Madrid, Spain. Author of international publications in the field of implant dentistry.

“Esthetic Digital Implant Dentistry: Indications & Limitations”

Digital implant dentistry is something that all clinicians have on mind, but most of them still believe it is something with so many limitations that they are not convinced to use it. Restoring patients with implant is one of the most challenging area in dentistry, especially in the anterior area. The applications of various technological advances in implant dentistry and in all aspects of the diagnostic, treatment planning, surgical, and restorative phases are gaining popularity. Computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) technology are used to generate stereolithographic surgical guides and prefabricated interim prostheses to facilitate implant surgery but there are still some clinical questions in terms of where are the limitations and possibilities for the clinician, in the use of intra- oral scanner, especially when treating full arch cases. This type of digital devices nowadays can reduce the number of surgeries, giving better prognosis, resulting in shorter treatment times, thus better patient satisfaction. Due to advances in technology (diagnostic tools and imaging) but also our understanding of biological mechanisms, the enormous amount of researches in the field of aesthetic implant dentistry, as well as the advances in the diagnostic tools, has led to a completely different era regarding dental extraction and replacement of missing tooth. Implant dentistry will always be benefit by a teamwork approach, creating a great communication between all the participants of the different areas in dentistry. During the presentation, different clinical scenarios and an evidence based update in digital implant dentistry will be covered, with the indications and contraindications; as well as the different steps in the clinical surgical and prosthetic procedures.

Learning Objectives: • Biology behind implant placement.

• Surgical tips for the Placement of immediate implants.

• Digital protocols to document patients.

• Indications & Limitation for Guided Surgery.

• Advantage of doing digital temporaries for immediate loading.

• How to duplicate the emerge profile digitally.

• Limitations on contemporary Digital implant dentistry.

Page 3: Italy group- June 8-12, 2020 - Agenda · “Smile Design Integrating Esthetics and Function a Three Step Analysis” (9:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon) Dr. Dean VAFIADIS Dr. Dean Vafiadis

Tuesday, June 9, 2020 ............................................................................................... 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

CDE Theatre

Dr. Isaac TAWIL Dr. Isaac Tawil received his Doctor of Dental Surgery Degree from New York University College of Dental Surgery and has a Master’s degree in Biology from Long Island University. Dr. Tawil is the co-Director of AIE (Advanced Implant Educators) Dr. Tawil has received his Diplomate from the International Academy of Dental Implantology as well as his fellowships with the International Congress of Oral Implantology, the Advanced Dental Implant. He has received the President’s Service Award for his volunteer work in places such Honduras, Tijuana, Dominican Republic, China and Lima Peru. Dr. Tawil is a member of American Academy of Implant Dentistry, Academy of Osseointegration, American Dental Association and the New York State Dental Association. Dr. Isaac lectures internationally on advanced dental implant procedures using the latest technology, including in China, Thailand, Peru, Korea, Singapore, Japan, The Dominican Republic, and Mexico. Dr. Isaac also teaches live surgical seminars in his office and abroad, as well as hands on courses globally. He has been featured in Inside Dentistry magazine. He maintains a general private practice in Brooklyn, NY where he focuses on implant therapy.

“Creative Ridge Expansion Solutions Utilizing Piezoelectric Solutions”

9:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon

“Immediate Implant Placement and Extraction Site Management” (1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.)

Management of the narrow ridge is a common challenge in modern prosthetically-driven implant dentistry. Treatment using a simple and highly predictable procedure for alveolar ridge expansion can be employed utilizing this new technology. The clinician discusses new techniques and technologies to enhance your practice. Learn:

- to understand the anatomy and techniques necessary to obtain proper expansion and soft tissue closure - the instruments needed to perform simple procedures utilizing piezo surgical units, ridge expansion

kits and ridge implants 

This course will focus on alveolar defects seen immediately following tooth removal with emphasis on evaluation, classi cation, and treatment guidelines of extraction socket. Parameters to be assessed include gingival phenotype, buccal plate status, number of bony walls a ected, and soft tissue status. Clinical and CBCT based diagnostic and treatment protocols will be featured that include evaluation, timing, and sequence of extraction site management for both soft and hard tissue grafting. Graft materials, bioactive modi ers and the use of membranes will be presented in a step-by-step protocol. Live surgery will be performed, including a maxillary premolar site. The hands-on segment will include models for sequential protocols of extraction site management including the application of bone graft and membrane. LEARNING OBJECTIVES

- Describe sequential surgical treatment planning for implant treatment, including alternative treatments, based on interactions between implants and host tissues.

- Review basic bone-grafting procedures following tooth extraction. - Describe an aesthetic patient evaluation and risk assessment and distinguish between advanced and

complex esthetic implant case types. - Describe predictable soft tissue management of extraction site

Page 4: Italy group- June 8-12, 2020 - Agenda · “Smile Design Integrating Esthetics and Function a Three Step Analysis” (9:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon) Dr. Dean VAFIADIS Dr. Dean Vafiadis

Wednesday, June 10, 2020 ........................................................................................ 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

CDE Theatre Dr. Jonathan LEVINE Clinical Assistant Professor, Clinical Director of the CDE Advanced Aesthetic Program at New York University College of Dentistry; Founder & CEO, GLO Science; Member, American Academy of Prosthodontics; Boston University Goldman School of Dentistry, Board of Advisors, Cornell University, CALS, Board of Advisors; Private Practice in New York City Limited to Prosthodontics and Aesthetics.

“Smile Design Integrating Esthetics and Function a Three Step Analysis”

(9:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon)

Dr. Dean VAFIADIS Dr. Dean Vafiadis received his DDS degree and Prosthodontic specialty training at New York University College of Dentistry. He is currently the Director of the Full-Mouth Rehabilitation CE course at NYU. He is an Associate Professor of Prosthodontics at NYU College of Dentistry. He has lectures nationally and abroad for NYU Continuing Education department. Dr. Vafiadis published and lectured on various topics such as Aesthetics, Implant designs, Computer restorations, Ceramic materials and Occlusion. He is the founder of the New York Smile Institute in NY. It is an educational center, full service laboratory and learning facility as well as a private practice location for a multi-specialty practice for Implant and Aesthetic Dentistry. Currently he is lecturing for the Continuing Education program at NYUCD for Dental Districts in US, Europe and Asia. His patient base includes many Celebrities, Sports Figures, Fortune 500 Company executives, Producers, Directors and Writers in the film industry, Executives in the Fashion world and World renowned Chefs and Restaurant Owners. He maintains his private practice Valentino Building near Rockefeller Center. He has completed a World Tour of Digital Realities of Dentistry in 2017-18, lecturing at 42 cities, in 7 countries, in 3 continents. Dr. Vafiadis primary professional mission is to educate, publish and invent new technologies that will help change the dental profession and patients’ lives. He is a Fellow of the AAED, and a member of ACP, AO, AAID, ICOI, AACD and the ADA.

“Implants in the World of Aesthetics”

(1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.)

The clinician today is faced with a myriad of challenges as the uncertainty of our world moves at a dizzying pace. The notion of being a professional and being insulated to fluctuation in our politics and economy is a thing of the past. To be successful today the key is to understand our patients’ needs and develop the skills for motivating our patients to “wow “where they can see themselves transformed. The 3-Step Analysis is principled on a methodical approach to solving esthetics: Identify the problem, Visualize the solution, and Choose the appropriate technique to get you to the visualized solution. Whether we use the classic technique of diagnostic wax-up or a digital smile design to visualize, we want to excite and motivate our patients. In this lecture, we will show both analog and digital techniques to visually communicate with our patients with a focus on esthetics and function.

Over the past several years there have been many changes with regard to anterior implant aesthetics. Using provisional restorations and sound digital imaging techniques we can place implants in the proper areas to optimize implant aesthetics. Using principles of facial aesthetic design we can enhance all facial and dental aesthetics in combination with natural teeth and implants. Materials and selection of various ceramics will also be discussed. Finalizing all the patients’ treatments with prosthodontic occlusion principles will allow our patients restorations to have a long term prognosis.

Page 5: Italy group- June 8-12, 2020 - Agenda · “Smile Design Integrating Esthetics and Function a Three Step Analysis” (9:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon) Dr. Dean VAFIADIS Dr. Dean Vafiadis

Thursday, June 11, 2020 ........................................................................................... 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. CDE Theatre

Dr. Henriette LERNER Henriette Lerner is founder and Director of HL Dentclinic and Academy in Baden-Baden, Germany, an academic clinical, teaching and research facility of Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt on Main. She is President of Digital Dentistry Society International (DDS). Since 1990 she was granted the degree of Doctor Medic. (DMD degree) from the Faculty of Dental Medicine, Temeschburg, Romania. Among other certifications, she is a Board member & Expert DGOI, (German Society of Oral Implantology), ICOI Diplomate, Editorial advisor of scientific papers (Practical Implantology Paper, DGOI Oral Implantology, Digital Implantology, Germany). Her domain expertise is in the fields of clinical research, advanced techniques of digital workflows in complex implant cases, soft & hard tissue augmentation, aesthetics and function in complex implant cases. She is author of various scientific papers and book chapters, (Esthetics in Dentistry/Implant Esthetics) covering the area of implantology, grafting esthetics and dental surgery.

“The Digital Path for Perfect Aesthetics on Implants”

Today’s dentistry and oral surgery is symbiosis of art, medicine, science and technologies. The artistic view of the dentist creates mentally and digitally through contemporary software the final smile. 2D and 3D visualization of the ideal proportions are the beginning point for the backward planning. We reconstruct today bone, soft tissue and teeth with high percentage of predictability. Newest studies concerning this data will be presented. Virtual planning, and manufacturing on teeth and implants are state of the art in the daily work. Course Objectives: 1. Learn the fully digital pathway in complex implant reconstruction cases.2. Digital data acquiring (Photo, Video, CBCT, IOS, Face scan)3. 3 D Smile design4. Digital Implant Planning5. Surgical Guides6. Provisional prosthetic reconstruction planning and manufacturing.7. Final data acquiring8. Final reconstruction, Prosthetic Design, Materials and Technologies9. Digital occlusal adjustment for long-term maintenance.

10. Future technologies: the future is now.

Page 6: Italy group- June 8-12, 2020 - Agenda · “Smile Design Integrating Esthetics and Function a Three Step Analysis” (9:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon) Dr. Dean VAFIADIS Dr. Dean Vafiadis

Friday, June 12, 2020 ........................................................................................... 8:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. CDE Theatre

Dott. Prof. Roberto CONTE................................................................. 09:00 a.m. – 10:30a.m.

Dott. Prof. Roberto CONTE Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia presso l'Università di Padova. Diplomato nel Corso di Specialità di Anatomia Implantologica presso l'Universitè Claude Bernard Lyon 1.Docente nel Corso di Specialità di Anatomia Implantologica Università Claude Bernard Lyon 1.Docente nel Corso di Specialità di Anatomia Implantologica Università Jean Monnet Saint Etienne. Autore di pubblicazione su European Journal of Implant Prosthodontics- Autore di pubblicazioni su Dental Cadmos in Italia, ZMK Zahneilkunde, Management Und Kultur in Germania. Relatore e docente in programmi in Implantologia in Italia e all'estero a Belgrado ed Essen. Clinical Coordinator “NYU Tutor Project in Italy” New York University College of Dentistry C.D.E. Italian Graduates Association, Private Practice in Padova -Italy

“PRGF-Fattori di crescita e Atrofie”


(10:30 a.m. – 01:00 p.m. )



Cerimonia Consegna Attestati di Partecipazione

e Tesi Finali

Il trattamento chirurgico delle atrofie, prevede una rigenerazione dei tessuti duri e molli,che non e' esente da complicanze e

insuccessi. L'aspetto chirurgico è quello che è determinante per ottenere il risultato morfologico che vogliamo con la

minore invasività' dei tessuti che possa favorire la migliore risposta Tissutale. Il goal della chirurgia ossea è dato dalle

applicazioni della chirurgia piezoelettrica, la quale assicura una predicibilità alta ,in contemporanea, da una bassa

morbilità migliorando la performance chirurgica. La guarigione della ferita può seguire due vie: la prima è la

riparazione cicatriziale, la seconda e' la rigenerazione e la restitutio ad integrum. Per ottenere questo sono fondamentali i

fattori di crescita presenti già prima della chirurgia.

Page 7: Italy group- June 8-12, 2020 - Agenda · “Smile Design Integrating Esthetics and Function a Three Step Analysis” (9:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon) Dr. Dean VAFIADIS Dr. Dean Vafiadis

General Informations & Registration Policy Lectures held in english will be translated in italian / Le lezioni in inglese saranno tradotte in italiano

Registration fees//Quota di iscrizione: € 2.500,00

Tutti i programmi e la domanda di ammissione nei nostri siti: www.UNINY.IT

Chairman // Responsabile Scientifico: Dott. Prof. Saverio Ravazzolo, A.Associate Professor - New York University College of DentistryNYU Linhart Continuing Dental Education Program - Italy Program DirectorViale Cadorna 8 – 30026 Portogruaro – VeneziaTel. +39-333 955 3450 - Email : [email protected]

Program Venue // Sede del Meeting:

New York University – College of Dentistry- 345 east, 24 street, New York City, (ingresso sulla 24^ strada all’incrocio con la First Avenue).

Informazioni Iscrizioni :

“New York University College of Dentistry C.D.E. Italian Graduates Association”

Tel . +39 333 955 3450 Email : [email protected]