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ISPF Training Material


Interactive System Productivity Facility

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ISPF Training Material

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ISPF Training Material


Consider the Interactive System Productivity Facility (ISPF) program product an extension of the MVS Time Sharing Option (TSO) host system on which it runs. ISPF services complement those of the host system to provide interactive processing. ISPF is similar to a control program or access method in that it provides services to dialogs (applications) during their execution. The types of services provided by ISPF are:

Display services

File-tailoring services

Variable services

Table services

Miscellaneous services

Dialog test facility, including:

o Setting breakpoints

o Tracing usage of dialog services and dialog variables

o Browsing trace output in the ISPF log data set

o Examining and updating ISPF tables

o Interactively invoking most dialog services.

A dialog receives requests and data from a user at a terminal. The dialog responds by using ISPF services to obtain information from, or enter information into, a computer system.


To understand the dialog interface, you must first understand what a dialog is. A dialog is the interaction between a person and a computer. It helps a person who is using an interactive display terminal to exchange information with a computer.

The user starts an interactive application through an interface that the system provides. The dialog with the user begins with the computer displaying a panel and asking for user interaction. It ends when the task for which the interactions were initiated is completed.

A dialog developer creates the parts of a dialog, called dialog elements. Each dialog application is made up of a command procedure or program, together with dialog elements that allow an orderly interaction between the computer and the application user.

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The elements that make up a dialog application are:



Command tables

Panel definitions

Message definitions

File-tailoring skeletons


A dialog does not necessarily include all types of elements, particularly tables and skeletons, which certain kinds of applications do not use.


You can use ISPF to simplify the programming that provides interactive application operations. Operations performed during dialog execution include:

Identifying to the user choices of available processing routines

Invoking a requested routine, based on the user's choice

Prompting the user to enter data

Reading the data into a work area

Checking the data to verify that it is appropriate for the application

If the data is not appropriate for the application:

o Identifying the error to the user

o Prompting the user to enter new data and verifying that data

If the entered data is in the proper form:

o Displaying any information requested by the user

o Processing or storing the user's data, then advising the user of its disposition

Creating sequential output data sets or reports

Providing online messages, help, and tutorial displays to help users understand application processing.

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A developer, using an editor such as the PDF editor in Option 2 of ISPF, develops a dialog by creating its various elements at a terminal and storing them in libraries. You can use any available editor when creating dialog elements.

However, in addition to an editor, ISPF provides special facilities to aid dialog development. Examples of these facilities are:

A VIEW facility for displaying source data or output listings

Utilities to simplify data handling

Programming-language processing facilities

Edit models for messages, file-tailoring skeletons, panels, and DTL source

Library access services for accessing both ISPF libraries and other data sets.

Panel definitions, message definitions, and file-tailoring skeletons are created prior to running the dialog. These dialog elements are saved in libraries. The developer stores the program (after compilation) or command procedure in an appropriate system program library. During dialog testing, tables of data, log entries, and file-tailoring output data sets can be created by dialog processing. ISPF creates the log data set the first time the user performs some action that results in a log message, such as saving edited data or submitting a job to the batch machine. ISPF creates the list data set the first time a user requests a print function or executes a dialog that issues a LIST service request.

When the developer completes the functions, panel definitions, and any other dialog elements required by the application being developed, the dialog is ready to be processed under ISPF.


This chapter explains:

o How to begin an ISPF session

o How to use ISPF PFSHOW and FKA (function key area) commands

o How to use function keys

o How to use the utilities option

o How to use the edit option.

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And More…


To begin your ISPF session, after the TSO Ready prompt, type:


or type:


Then press Enter. ISPF and PDF are the default command names.

Figure 1. ISPF Primary Option Menu (ISR@PRIM)

Figure 1 shows the standard ISPF Primary Option Menu. Type FKA ON to view all of the function keys for the panel.

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1. The placement of the Command Line and the appearance of both the messages and function keys can be specified in Option 0, "ISPF Settings."

The CUA (Common User Access) guidelines define the appearance of panels and the interaction style for the SAA user interface. Besides moving the Command line, the CUA interaction style supports the use of both the Dialog Tag Language (DTL) and ISPF panel definition language when creating panel and message definitions.

If you prefer to see the Command line at the top of the screen, do not select the Command line at bottom field.

2. ISPF product panels display short messages in the upper-right corner of the panel, or in association to a field in error. Long messages are displayed directly below the Command or Option line if it is atthe top of the panel, directly above the Command or Option line if it is at the bottom of the panel, or in association to a field in error.


You might have questions about a menu, action bar, or pull-down choice after you have looked at the short and long messages. On most panels, panel-specific help is available on the action bar.

Figure 2 shows the help topics that appear when you select Help on the ISPF Primary Option Menu action bar.

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Figure 2. Help Topics Pull-down Menu on Primary Option Menu Action Bar (ISR@PRIM)

Within help, select the option you need from the pull-down or menu. When you have finished reading the information, use F12 to back up a panel, or F3 to exit to the panel from which you first entered Help.


Before you start working with ISPF, you should know the operation of your function keys. Use the PFSHOW and FKA (function key area) commands to display function key values on your terminal screen for easy reference.

The function keys on your terminal have default settings provided by ISPF. You do not have to use the function keys at all while you use the products, but they do make it easier to perform certain tasks.

To show all function keys, type PFSHOW or FKA on either a Command line or an Option line and press Enter.

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The first time you type either of these commands, you see all of the function keys displayed on the panel. The partial screen in Figure 3 illustrates a typical display of function keys where Panel display CUAmode is selected in Option 0, and Keylists are on.

Figure 3. Function Key Display when CUA Mode is Yes

If you type either of the commands again, you change the function keys displayed to only those that you defined as being on a short list of keys. If you type the command a third time, the keys do not display at all. As you can see, the commands work like a toggle. However, at any time, you can turn off the displayed keys by typing either pfshow off or fka off on either a Command line or an Option line and pressing Enter.

Pressing a function key has the same effect as typing the command on the Command line and pressing Enter. For instance, if a panel gives directions like this:

Enter the END command to terminate. you get the same result (termination) whether you type the word END and press Enter, or press F3.

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ISPF uses a library structure to name and organize data sets. This naming structure is similar to that used for TSO partitioned data sets: a three-part name, with member names following in parentheses. The parts of the ISPF library name are:

For most projects, the project name is your user ID.

Before you can create a member of an ISPF library, you must allocate the library. This is a different allocation from that which pairs a data set with a DDNAME that the operating system can recognize.

This allocation defines storage space for data sets or ISPF libraries so you can then use Edit (option 2) to create and update them.

To allocate an ISPF library or data set:

1. Select Utilities (option 3) from the ISPF Primary Option Menu or from the action bar. The panel shown in Figure 4 appears.

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Figure 4. Utility Selection Menu (ISRUTIL)

2. On the Utility Selection Menu, select the Data Set Utility.

3. On the Data Set Utility panel, select option A, Allocate new data set, and fill in the name of an ISPF library, as follows, using your user ID as the project name. See Figure 5

Note: If your project has certain naming conventions that you are required to follow, enter an acceptable name on this panel and continue with the exercise.

Figure 5. Data Set Utility (ISRUDA2S)

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Note: Option M - Enhanced data set allocation, only appears on the panel if your system supports managed data sets.

4. Press Enter.

5. On the Allocate New Data Set panel shown in Figure 6 are characteristics that you can specify for the new data set. Make sure that the number of directory blocks is not zero; you must allocate an ISPF library as a partitioned data set. For this exercise, make sure that the values you specify are the same as those shown on the following panel.

Figure 6. Allocate New Data Set Panel (ISRUAAP)

6. Press Enter.

7. Check to see if the message Data set allocated appears in the upper-right corner of the Data Set Utility panel, as shown in Figure 7. If these values on the Allocate New Data Set panel are not changed, they are in effect any time you create a library or data set,

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Figure 7. Data Set Utility with Data Set Allocated Message (ISRUDA2S)


In any input field on this panel, type an equal sign (=) followed by an option number, for example, 2, (=2) and press Enter. (If the input field is not empty, be sure to leave a blank space after the =2 command.) See Figure 8.

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Figure 8. Jump Function on the Data Set Utility Panel (ISRUDA2S)

Are you surprised to find yourself at the Edit Entry panel? This is another way to get around ISPF panels--it is called the jump function.

You can use the jump function to move from one option to another under the same primary option menu. Type an equal sign followed by a ISPF option number in any input field that is preceded by ===> or leader dots (...), press Enter, and you can go directly to that option without going back to the ISPF Primary Option Menu. You can disable the jump function from fields preceded by leader dots within Option 0 Settings by deselecting the Jump from leader dots option.

You can also access options by selecting them from the action bar.

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1. To create and edit member MEM1 of the ISPF library that you just allocated, enter the following name as shown in Figure 9

Figure 9. Edit Entry Panel (ISREDM01)

You do not need to fill in or change any of the other information on this panel. Press Enter.

Note: You can remove any warnings in the member by typing reset on the command line and pressing Enter.

2. On the panel shown in Figure 10, press the Tab key to move to the text area and enter the following paragraph (or some text of your own choice):

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Figure 10. Text Entry Before Pressing Enter (ISREDDE2)

3. When you finish typing the text, press Enter. The cursor moves below the last line of input, and ...

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Figure 11. Text After Pressing Enter (ISREDDE2)

all the text you just typed is now in capital letters! To understand what caused that to happen, we have to look at the edit profile for this data set.

4. First, move the cursor back to the Command line.


An edit profile is a set of characteristics that defines the way you can edit a data set. For example, a profile can be set up to edit data that is all in capital letters, or to edit data that is in mixed-case letters.

ISPF generates a default edit profile based on the library type of the data set you are editing. Usually, the default profile is suitable for the kind of data you want to put in the data set. Sometimes, however, it isnot.

To look at the edit profile for this data set, type:

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Command ===> profile

on the Command line and press Enter. The default edit profile appears on five lines above the data set member, as shown in Figure 12.

Figure 12. A Default Edit Profile (ISREDDE2)

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Effect of Caps Mode on Data

First, we will explain why everything you entered in mixed case letters suddenly changed to uppercase. The CAPS ON mode means that you can enter input any way you want (all lowercase, mixed case, all uppercase), but, when you press Enter, or save the data by pressing F3, everything you entered is changed to uppercase. This is useful when you are working with data that must be all uppercase, such as a COBOL program, but for some data sets, it can be inconvenient.

You might prefer to have the text in this member appear in mixed case letters. You can change the profile to make that happen.

To do this, perform the following steps:

1. On the Command line, type:

Command ===> caps off

and press Enter. You see that the line in the profile changes, but the text stays the same.

2. Now, type over two or three lines of the upper case text, the way you originally typed it, and press Enter. See Figure 13.

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Figure 13. Text Display with Caps off in the Edit Profile (ISREDDE2)

See the difference?

Another way to change letters from uppercase to lowercase is to use the LC line command. Conversely, the UC line command can change letters from lowercase to uppercase. To change the case of all the lines use the block command Lcc and Ucc.

Effect of Sequence Numbers on Data

Use F23 or Shift F11 to scroll to the right side of this data set. The numbers you see at the right side of the data set are sequence numbers. See Figure 14

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Figure 14. Text After Scrolling to Right Side (ISREDDE2)

Sequence numbers keep track of the number and sequence of the lines of data in a data set.

Look at the edit profile again. In this edit profile, sequence numbering is on (NUMBER ON STD). This is all right for certain kinds of data; PL/I programs are a good example. However, when you are creating panels, messages, CLISTs or REXX EXECs, or skeletons for your ISPF dialogs, you must be sure to set sequence numbering to off before you begin entering data (if the edit profile you are using is not already set up that way).

Here is why. When you try to run the dialog, or try to use Dialog Test (option 7) to test the panel and message definitions, they do not format correctly because the processing reads the sequence numbers as part of the definitions. You receive a message about invalid characters in the panel or message definition, and no matter how thoroughly you review your input for mistakes, you will forget that on the far right side of the data set, where they are not visible, lie the sequence numbers.

Therefore, to save yourself some time, always check the edit profile before you enter data in a new data set, and make sure the defaults are appropriate for the kind of data you want to put there. To eliminate the sequence numbers, type:

Command ===> unnum

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on the Command line and press Enter. Notice that NUMBER ON STD changes to NUMBER OFF in the edit profile. The numbers have disappeared! See Figure 15.

Figure 15. Right Side of Edit Panel without Sequence Numbers (ISREDDE2)

To clear the edit profile display from the screen, type:

Command ===> reset

on the Command line and press Enter. The RESET or RES command does not take you out of the member; it simply removes the profile display. While you are still in this member, practice using some of the function keys. For example, try:

o Scrolling down to the bottom of the data, and then scrolling back to the top using F7 and F8

o Requesting help using F1 (To exit from the help panel, press F3.)

o Splitting the screen using F2 and swapping the cursor between the screens using F9. (To end split-screen mode, enter the =X command.)

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See what happens if you try to edit the same member on both screens.


There are two kinds of commands within the Edit option:

o Primary commands

o Line commands

Primary commands are the ones you type in on the edit Command line at the top of your data. For example: PROFILE, CAPS OFF, UNNUM, and RESET.

Line commands are commands that you enter on the edit line numbers, which are located on the left side of the data. Suppose you want to add a line or a group of lines to this member. You can use the I (INSERT) line command, like this:

****** *************************** Top of Data ******************************** 000100 I 0200 This line command inserts one line. 000300 I5 400 This line command inserts five lines. 000500

When you press Enter, lines are inserted. Try it!

To delete a line or a group of lines from the data, type:

****** *************************** Top of Data ******************************** 000100 D 0200 This line command deletes one line. 000300 000400 000500 D3 600 This line command deletes lines 000600, 000700, and 000800. 000700 000800 000900 DD 000 This pair of line commands deletes lines 001000, 001100, 001100 and 001200. DD 200 001300 001400 001500

To repeat a line or a group of lines in the data, type:

****** *************************** Top of Data ******************************** 000100 R 0200 This line command repeats line 000200 once. 000300 R4 400 This line command repeats line 000400 four times. 000500

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RR 600 This pair of line commands repeats lines 000600 through 000700 000900 once. 000800 RR 900 001000 001100 RR2 00 This pair of line commands repeats lines 001200 through 001300 001400 twice. RR 400 001500 001600 000017


Pressing F3 saves the member and takes you back to the Edit Entry panel, where you see the Member MEM1 saved message in the short message area in the upper-right corner. See Figure 16.

Figure 16. Member Saved Message on the Edit Entry Panel (ISREDM01)

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You should use the Data Set Utility (option 3.2) to allocate your private libraries before continuing.

You can use the same defaults for your private libraries that you used for the userid.PURPLE.PROSE library. Make sure the number of directory blocks is not zero; all of your PRIVATE libraries should be partitioned data sets.

PDF BROWSE PRIMARY COMMANDSYou can enter the following commands on the command line while using the Browse function.

BROWSE [member] BRO



EDIT [member]

FIND string [NEXT ] [CHARS ] [col-1 [col-2]] F [ALL ] [PREFIX] [FIRST] [SUFFIX] [LAST ] [WORD ] [PREV ]


LOCATE {line-number | label} LOC L



VIEW [member]

You can use the following format to enter label definitions on the command line: .ccccc Defines a label (PDF component internal symbol), which is equated to the top line on the screen. Can be used with LOCATE to scroll directly to that line.

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You can enter the following commands on the command line on member list displays.







SAVE [list-id]

SELECT {pattern | * } [lcmd] SEL S

SORT [field1[field2]]


On all member list displays except those for option 3.1 and 3.4, you can enter the following one-character command at the beginning of a line.

S Selects the member. On option 3.1 and 3.4 member list displays, you can enter the following one-character commands at the beginning of a line.

B Browses the member.

C Copies the member.

D Deletes the member.

E Edits the member.


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Resets the member.

J Submits the member.

M Moves the member.

P Prints the member.

R Renames the member. When using this command, you must also enter the new name to the right of the member name.

T TSO command.

V Views the member.

W WS command.

TSO commands, CLISTs, and REXX EXECs can be entered in member lists that have an expanded line command field. These are member lists displayed by using option M of the Data Set List utility. Here, any command other than B, D, E, P, R, or V is considered to be a TSO command, CLIST, or REXX EXEC.

PDF Data Set List Commands


You can enter the following commands on the command line on option 3.4 data set list displays.






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SAVE [list-id]


SORT [field1[field2]]






On option 3.4 data set list displays, you can enter the following one-character commands at the beginning of a line. Any other command entered at the beginning of a line is considered to be a TSO command, CLIST, or REXX EXEC.

B For a library or partitioned data set, displays a member list. You can then use the S command to select a member to browse. For a sequential data set, displays the data set in browse mode.

C Catalogs the data set.

CO Copies a data set.

D Deletes an entire data set. Displays a Confirm Delete panel if you request confirmation.

E For a library or partitioned data set, displays a member list. You can then use the S command to select a member to edit. For a sequential data set, displays the data set in edit mode.

F Frees unused space in a data set.

I Displays library or data set information.


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For a library or partitioned data set, displays a member list.

MO Moves a data set.

NX Unexclude a line from display.

NXF Unexclude the first of a set of excluded data sets.

NXL Unexclude the last of a set of excluded data sets.

P Prints the library or data set.

PX Prints an index listing.

R Displays a panel, on which you can rename the library or data set.

RA Adds a data set to a reference list.

RS Resets statistical data.

S Displays library or data set information in short format.

U Uncatalogs the data set.

V For a library or partitioned data set, displays a member list. You can then use the S command to select a member to view. For a sequential data set, displays the data set in view mode.

X Excludes a data set from the list.

Z Compresses a library or data set.

= Repeats the last line command entered.



While you are using the PDF editor to edit or view data, the following commands can be entered on the command line.




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BOUNDS [left-col right-col] BOUND BNDS BND

BROWSE [member]

BUILTIN cmdname



CHANGE str-1 str-2 [range] [NEXT ] [CHARS ] [X ] [col-1 [col-2]] CHG [ALL ] [PREFIX] [NX] CHA [FIRST] [SUFFIX] C [LAST ] [WORD ] [PREV ]


COPY [member] [AFTER label ] [BEFORE label]

CREATE [member] [range] CRE

CUT [lptr-range ] [DEFAULT | clipboardname ] [REPLACE ] [DISPLAY ]


DELETE {ALL X|NX } DEL {range X|NX } {ALL range}

EDIT [member]


EXCLUDE str [range] [NEXT ] [CHARS ] [col-1 [col-2]] EXC [ALL ] [PREFIX] EX [FIRST] [SUFFIX] X [LAST ] [WORD ] [PREV ]

FIND str [range] [NEXT ] [CHARS ] [X ] [col-1 [col-2]] F [ALL ] [PREFIX] [NX]

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FLIP [label1] [label2]





LOCATE {label } LOC {line-number} L


MODEL [CLASS [class-name]] MOD

MODEL [model-name [qualifier...]] {AFTER label } [NOTE ] MOD {BEFORE label} [NONOTE]

MOVE [member] [AFTER label ] [BEFORE label]


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PASTE [clipboardname] [AFTER label][BEFORE label] [KEEP]







REPLACE [member] [range] REPL REP


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SORT [range] [X ] [sort-field1...sort-field5] [NX]

STATS [mode]

SUBMIT [range] SUB

TABS [ON ] [STD] TAB [OFF] [ALL] [tab-character]




VIEW [member]


Under Edit or View, you can enter the following line commands at the beginning of a line by typing over the line number. If you do not enter a number for the value of n, the default is 1 except for:

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The shift commands, which default to 2 column positions

The TE command, which defaults to the number of lines remaining on the screen

The TF command, which defaults to the current right boundary.

_______________________________________________________________________________ | <[n | 2] | Shifts data left two positions or the specified number | | <<[n | 2] | of positions. | |_____________|__________________________________________________________| | >[n | 2] | Shifts data right two positions or the specified number | | >>[n | 2] | of positions. | |_____________|__________________________________________________________| | ([n | 2] | Shifts columns left two positions or the specified | | (([n | 2] | number of positions. | |_____________|__________________________________________________________| | )[n | 2] | Shifts columns right two positions or the specified | | ))[n | 2] | number of positions. | |_____________|__________________________________________________________| | A[n] | Identifies the line after which copied, moved, or model | | | lines are to be inserted. | |_____________|__________________________________________________________| | B[n] | Identifies the line before which copied, moved, or model | | | lines are to be inserted. | |_____________|__________________________________________________________| | BOUNDS | Displays the column boundary definition line. | | BOUND | | | BNDS | | | BND | | |_____________|__________________________________________________________| | C[n] | Copies one or more lines from one location to another. | | CC | | |_____________|__________________________________________________________| | COLS | Displays a position identification line. | | COL | | |_____________|__________________________________________________________| | D[n] | Deletes one or more lines. | | DD | | |_____________|__________________________________________________________| | F[n] | Redisplays one or more lines at the beginning of a block | | | of excluded lines. | |_____________|__________________________________________________________| | I[n] | Inserts a blank data entry line. | |_____________|__________________________________________________________| | L[n] | Redisplays one or more lines at the end of a block of | | | excluded lines. | |_____________|__________________________________________________________| | LC[n] | Converts all uppercase alphabetic characters in one or | | LCC | more lines to lowercase. | | LCLC | | |_____________|__________________________________________________________| | M[n] | Moves one or more lines from one location to another. | | MM | | |_____________|__________________________________________________________| | MASK | Displays the contents of the mask when used with the I |

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| | (insert), TE (text entry), and TS (text split) line | | | commands. | |_____________|__________________________________________________________| | MD | Makes NOTE, MSG, INFO, and COLS lines into data lines. | | MDD | | | MDMD | | |_____________|__________________________________________________________| | O[n] | Rearranges a single column list of items into multiple | | OO | column, or tabular, format. | |_____________|__________________________________________________________| | R[n] | Repeats one or more lines. | | RR[n] | | |_____________|__________________________________________________________| | S[n] | Redisplays one or more lines with the leftmost | | | indentation in a block of excluded lines. | |_____________|__________________________________________________________| | TABS | Displays the tab definition line. | | TAB | | |_____________|__________________________________________________________| | TE[n] | Inserts blank lines to allow power typing for text | | | entry. | |_____________|__________________________________________________________| | TF[n] | Restructures paragraphs following deletions, insertions, | | | splitting, and so forth. | |_____________|__________________________________________________________| | TS[n] | Divides a line so that data can be added. | |_____________|__________________________________________________________| | UC[n] | Converts all lowercase alphabetic characters in one or | | UCC | more lines to uppercase. | | UCUC | | |_____________|__________________________________________________________| | X[n] | Excludes one or more lines from a panel. | | XX | | |_____________|__________________________________________________________|


Picture Strings - Special Characters for String-1:

P'=' Any character

P'¬' Any character that is not a blank

P'.' Any character that cannot be displayed

P'#' Any numeric character, 0-9

P'-' Any non-numeric character

P'@' Any alphabetic character, uppercase or lowercase

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Any lowercase alphabetic character P'>'

Any uppercase alphabetic character P'$'

Any special character, neither alphabetic nor numeric. If you are using an APL or TEXT keyboard, you can use the following additional characters in a picture string: P'

' Any APL-specific or TEXT-specific character P'_'

Any underscored non-blank character.

Picture Strings - Special Characters for String-2

P'=' Equal to the corresponding character in string-1

P'>' Converts the corresponding character in string-1 to uppercase

P'<' Converts corresponding character in string-1 to lowercase.

Character String Format

Simple string: cccccc (no embedded blanks or commas)

Delimited string: 'ccccc' or "ccccc"

Hex string: X'hhhh' or 'hhhh'X

Text string: T'cccc' or 'cccc'T

Picture string: P'ssss' or 'ssss'P

Character string: C'cccc' or 'cccc'C

Previous string: * (single asterisk)


Following table describes the ISPF system commands in alphabetical order.

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______________________________________________________________________________ | ISPF System Commands | |______________________________________________________________________________| | Command | Description | |___________________________________|__________________________________________| | ACTIONS | Moves the cursor between the action bar | | | and the panel body. | |___________________________________|__________________________________________| | AUTOTYPE | Allows you to type a partial data set or | | | member name, press a program function | | | key, and ISPF completes the name for | | | you. | | | | | | Note: AUTOTYPE is not a true ISPF | | | system command because it is not | | | built into the base code of ISPF | | | and it works only on panels that | | | are written to understand it. | |___________________________________|__________________________________________| | BACKWARD | Alias for the UP command. Scrolls toward | | | the top of the data. | |___________________________________|__________________________________________| | BOTTOM | Alias for the DOWN MAX command. Scrolls | | | to the bottom of the data. | |___________________________________|__________________________________________| | CANCEL | If CANCEL is requested from an action | | | bar pull-down, the action taken depends | | | on whether you are running in host or | | | GUI mode: | | | | | | o In host mode, the pull-down is | | | removed and the cursor is positioned | | | on the first action bar choice. | | | | | | o In GUI mode, the CANCEL command is | | | returned to the dialog. | | | | | | If CANCEL is requested from a panel | | | displayed using the DISPLAY, TBDISPL, or | | | SELECT service calls, the DM component | | | places the command in ZCMD and sets a | | | return code of 0 from the display | | | screen. | | | | | | If CANCEL is requested from a panel | | | displayed using the DISPLAY or TBDISPL | | | service calls and the panel was defined | | | with a PANEL tag (DTL) or a )PANEL | | | statement, the DM component returns the | | | command in ZVERB and sets a return code | | | of 8 from the display screen. | |___________________________________|__________________________________________| | CMDE | If CMDE is entered on any command line, | | | a pop-up panel (ISPCMDE) with a | | | 234-character command input field is | | | displayed. | | | | | | You can enter up to 234 characters using | | | the entry field provided. ISPF allows | | | TSO commands, CLISTS, and REXX execs and | | | parameters to be entered in the input |

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| | field. This panel is processed much like | | | the PDF Option 6 panel. Data passed to | | | this panel is translated to uppercase | | | characters. Data passed from this panel | | | remains as it appears on the panel. | | | | | | If input has been entered on the panel | | | from which CMDE was called, it is saved | | | and displayed when the pop-up panel | | | ISPCMDE is displayed. | |___________________________________|__________________________________________| | COLOR | Changes the default colors on | | | seven-color display devices. | |___________________________________|__________________________________________| | CRETRIEV | The actions of the CRETRIEV (conditional | | | retrieve) command are based on the | | | position of the cursor when you enter | | | the command: | | | | | | o If the cursor is within the primary | | | input field when you enter the | | | CRETRIEV command, the command does | | | the same processing as the RETRIEVE | | | command; the DM component places the | | | previous command entered, if any, in | | | the command input field. | | | | | | o If the cursor is not within the | | | primary input field, the CRETRIEV | | | command does the same processing as | | | a CURSOR command; the DM component | | | places the cursor at the beginning | | | of the first input field on the | | | panel, which is usually the option | | | or command field. | |___________________________________|__________________________________________| | CUAATTR | Changes the default values of panel | | | colors, intensities, and highlights for | | | CUA panel element attributes. | |___________________________________|__________________________________________| | CURSOR | Moves the cursor to the first input | | | field on the panel being displayed, | | | generally the option or command field, | | | or moves the cursor to the alternate | | | command field if one has been designated | | | on the )BODY statement. If invoked a | | | second time on a panel with scrollable | | | data, this command causes the cursor to | | | be moved to the second input field. | | | Scrollable data panels include a View, | | | Browse, Edit, or table display panel or | | | a panel with a scrollable dynamic area. | |___________________________________|__________________________________________| | DOWN | Scrolls toward the bottom of the data. | |___________________________________|__________________________________________| | DSLIST [list name|DSname level] | Enables you to build a data set list | | | from any command line. You can specify | | | either a personal data set list name or | | | a data set list name level on the | | | command. If you do not put quotation | | | marks around the dsname level, the TSO | | | prefix is used as the first qualifier in |

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| | the dsname level. | | | | | | By issuing the command with no | | | parameters, you cause a list of | | | available personal data set lists to be | | | displayed. | |___________________________________|__________________________________________| | DTEST parameter number | Enables you to start, or change the | | | conditions of, a dialog test. | | | Specifying a parameter number is | | | required, and different conditions of | | | dialog test result. For example, if you | | | enter DTEST 8 while running an | | | application under Dialog Test, the 7.8 | | | Breakpoints panel is displayed. After | | | setting the breakpoints, you return to | | | your application with the new | | | breakpoints activated. The panels that | | | you can call up with DTEST are: | | | | | | 1 Invoke Functions panel | | | | | | 2 Invoke Display Panel panel | | | | | | 3 Invoke Variables panel | | | | | | 4 Invoke Tables panel | | | | | | 5 Display Browse log panel | | | | | | 6 Invoke Dialog Services panel | | | | | | 7 Invoke Traces selection panel | | | | | | 8 Invoke Breakpoint panel | |___________________________________|__________________________________________| | END | Stops the current operation and returns | | | to the previous menu. If the ISPF | | | Primary Option Menu is displayed, this | | | command ends ISPF. | | | When entered on a selection panel | | | displayed by the SELECT service, the END | | | command causes a redisplay of the next | | | higher menu in the hierarchy. When | | | entered on a panel displayed by the | | | tutorial program, it stops the tutorial | | | and causes a redisplay of the menu from | | | which the tutorial was started or the | | | panel from which HELP was requested. | | | | | | When the END command is entered on a | | | panel displayed by a dialog function | | | through the DISPLAY or TBDISPL service, | | | the dialog function must take whatever | | | action is appropriate to terminate and | | | return control. Entry of the END command | | | is signalled by a return code of 8 from | | | the DISPLAY or TBDISPL service. | |___________________________________|__________________________________________| | ENVIRON [ENBLDUMP[ON|OFF]] | Allows you to reduce service time by | | [TERMTRAC[ON|ERROR|DUMP|OFF]] | gathering data that can be helpful in | | [TERMSTAT [QUERY]] | diagnosing problems. Functions provided |

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| | include: | | | | | | o Enabling Abend dumps when ISPF is | | | not in TEST mode | | | o Tracing and dumping ISPF terminal | | | input and output data and errors | | | o Collecting terminal characteristic | | | information. | |___________________________________|__________________________________________| | EPDF datasetname [Browse] [View] | Enables you to edit, browse, or view a | | [Macro macroname] [Profile | data set from a command line. | | profilename][Panel | | | panelname][Recover] [Format | Browse Invoke Browse instead of edit. | | formatname] [Mixed YES|NO] | | | | View Use View mode (End/Save/Cancel | | | disabled). | | | | | | Macro macroname Invoke the editor or | | | view using the initial macro | | | specified by macroname. Not | | | valid with Browse. | | | | | | Profile profilename Invoke the editor or | | | view using the edit profile | | | specified by profilename. Not | | | valid with Browse. | | | | | | Panel panelname Use alternate panel name | | | specified by panelname. | | | | | | Format formatname Invoke the editor | | | using the format table | | | specified by formatname. | | | | | | Mixed YES|NO Use mixed option for 5550 | | | terminals. | |___________________________________|__________________________________________| | EXHELP | Provides general information about the | | | contents of a panel. | |___________________________________|__________________________________________| | EXIT | Requests that the current function be | | | ended. When entered on a panel displayed | | | by the tutorial program, EXIT stops the | | | tutorial and causes a redisplay of the | | | menu from which the tutorial was started | | | or the panel from which HELP was | | | requested. | | | | | | o If EXIT is requested from a panel | | | displayed using the DISPLAY, | | | TBDISPL, or SELECT service calls, | | | the DM component returns the command | | | in ZCMD and sets a return code of 0 | | | from the display screen. | | | | | | o If EXIT is requested from a panel | | | displayed using the DISPLAY or | | | TBDISPL service calls and the panel | | | was defined using a PANEL tag (DTL) | | | or a )PANEL statement, the DM | | | component returns the command in | | | ZVERB and sets a return code of 8 |

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| | from the display screen. | |___________________________________|__________________________________________| | FKA [ON|SHORT|OFF| | Toggles through the different forms of | | PREFIX|NOPREFIX] | the function key area. The first time | | | you enter the FKA command (without | | | parameters), the long form of the | | | function key area is displayed. The long | | | form includes the keys that have a | | | format specified as either long or short | | | in the keylist. If you enter the command | | | again, the short form is displayed. The | | | short form displays only those keys that | | | have the short format specified in the | | | keylist. If you enter the command once | | | again, the keys are removed from the | | | display. Therefore, if you continue to | | | enter the command, the different choices | | | are toggled: | | | | | | o Long form (default) | | | o Short form | | | o No display. | | | | | | The form that you select affects all | | | panels displayed in the session. The DM | | | component updates the system variable | | | ZFKA to represent the current state of | | | the function key area form and saves the | | | value in the system profile. | | | | | | FKA ON displays the long form of the | | | function key area. | | | | | | FKA SHORT displays the short form of the | | | function key area. | | | | | | FKA OFF specifies that the function key | | | area will not be displayed. | | | | | | If you are running in GUI mode, FKA | | | PREFIX displays the F= prefix on the | | | push button. | | | | | | If you are running in GUI mode, FKA | | | NOPREFIX removes the F= prefix from the | | | push button. | |___________________________________|__________________________________________| | FORWARD | Alias for the DOWN command. Scrolls | | | toward the bottom of the data. | |___________________________________|__________________________________________| | HELP | Displays additional information about an | | | error message, or provides tutorial/help | | | information for panels, fields on | | | panels, commands, and options. | |___________________________________|__________________________________________| | INT | Starts the ISPF Workstation Tool | | | Integration dialog. Use the dialog to | | | configure workstation tools and file | | | extensions for ISPF actions and services | | | for Edit and View when used in | | | conjunction with workstation edit and | | | view. |

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|___________________________________|__________________________________________| | ISPDTLC | Invokes the ISPF DTL Conversion Utility. | | | See the ISPF Dialog Tag Language Guide | | | and Reference for additional parameters | | | and calling options. | |___________________________________|__________________________________________| | ISPFVAR [LMSG(ON|OFF) | | Sets the following system variables: | | ABTAB(ON|OFF) | PSTAB(ON|OFF) | | | | SESM(ON|OFF) | JUMP(ON|OFF) | | LMSG Display long message in pop-up | | EDPRT(ON|OFF) | EURO(ON|OFF) | | ABTAB Tab to action bar choices | | SPLTLINE(ON|OFF)] | PSTAB Tab to point-and-shoot fields | | | SESM Select Session Manager mode | | | JUMP Jump from leader dots | | | EDPRT Edit the PRINTDS command. | | | EURO Enable the EURO currency symbol. | | | SPLTLINE Always show split line. | |___________________________________|__________________________________________| | ISPFWORK | Starts the ISPF Workplace. | |___________________________________|__________________________________________| | ISPLIBD [libtype] | Invokes the LIBDEF Display Utility. The | | | optional parameter, libtype, identifies | | | a specific LIBDEF library definition to | | | be displayed. All LIBDEF definitions for | | | the current logical screen are displayed | | | if the parameter is omitted, if the | | | parameter is longer than eight | | | characters, or if the parameter | | | specifies ISPPROF as the library name. | | | See ISPF Dialog Developer's Guide and | | | Reference for more information about the | | | ISPLIBD command. | |___________________________________|__________________________________________| | ISPPREP | Allows you to create preprocessed | | | panels, those for which ISPF has | | | partially processed the panel definition | | | before it is stored in the panel data | | | set, either interactively or in batch | | | mode. | |___________________________________|__________________________________________| | ISRRLIST | The action bar interface into referral | | | lists. | |___________________________________|__________________________________________| | ISRROUTE | The action bar interface into the ISPF | | | command stacking routing. ISRROUTE also | | | provides an interface to the SELECT | | | service from the ACTION/RUN statement | | | within a pull-down choice. The | | | parameters are the same as the ISPEXEC | | | interface to the SELECT service. | |___________________________________|__________________________________________| | KEYLIST [PRIVATE|SHARED|OFF|ON] | The parameters on this command determine | | | where, or if, ISPF looks for keylists. | | | The default setting for KEYLIST is | | | equivalent to issuing the KEYLIST | | | PRIVATE command, which means that the | | | program looks in the user's profile | | | table for the keylist specified on a | | | panel before looking in the xxxxKEYS | | | table allocated in ISPTLIB. | | | | | | The KEYLIST SHARED command means that | | | ISPF looks only in the xxxxKEYS table |

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| | allocated in ISPTLIB for the keylist. | | | | | | Using either the PRIVATE or SHARED | | | parameter performs an implicit KEYLIST | | | ON command. Both of the parameters are | | | local to each application, so setting | | | PRIVATE for application X does not | | | affect application Y, which might be | | | using SHARED. | | | | | | By specifying KEYLIST OFF, you cause | | | ISPF to ignore the keylist on all | | | logical screens and use the ZPF | | | variables for controlling function keys. | | | This is in effect only for the | | | application for which you enter the | | | command. | | | | | | The KEYLIST ON command causes ISPF to | | | recognize keylists again, with the | | | parameter (SHARED or PRIVATE) that was | | | in effect immediately prior to the | | | KEYLIST OFF command. KEYLIST ON and OFF | | | are equivalent to the Enable and Disable | | | keylist choices on the Function keys | | | pull-down discussed in the Keylist | | | Settings section of the Settings (Option | | | 0) chapter of the ISPF User's Guide | | | Volume II. SHARED and PRIVATE also | | | appear on the Function keys pull-down in | | | "Keylist Settings". | | | | | | The KEYLIST command with no parameters | | | causes the Keylist utility to start. | |___________________________________|__________________________________________| | KEYS | Displays the PF Key Definitions and | | | Labels panel, which allows you to change | | | the ZPF variable settings (ZPFVARs), as | | | in previous versions of ISPF. However, | | | if the KEYS command is issued from a | | | panel with an active keylist, the | | | associated Keylist Utility panel Change | | | pop-up window is displayed. | | | | | | Note: If the KEYLIST SHARED command has | | | been issued, or the SYSTEM | | | parameter has been specified on | | | the KEYLIST keyword on the )PANEL | | | statement, this action causes | | | only a BROWSE of the keylist. | | | Refer to the Dialog Developer's | | | Guide and Reference for more | | | information about the SYSTEM | | | parameter in the )PANEL | | | statement. | |___________________________________|__________________________________________| | KEYSHELP | If KEYSHELP is defined, KEYSHELP | | | provides you with a brief description of | | | each key defined for a panel. | |___________________________________|__________________________________________| | LEFT | Scrolls left. | |___________________________________|__________________________________________|

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| LIST [PRINT|DELETE|KEEP] | Allows you to process the list data set | | | without exiting ISPF. | |___________________________________|__________________________________________| | LOG [PRINT|DELETE|KEEP] | Allows you to process the log data set | | | without exiting ISPF. | |___________________________________|__________________________________________| | MSGID [ON|OFF] | With no parameters, displays a message | | | indicating the message ID of the last | | | message displayed. With a parameter of | | | ON or OFF, indicates whether a message | | | number is to be added to the beginning | | | of interactive long message text. During | | | entry to ISPF, the mode is initialized | | | to OFF, and the message ID is not | | | displayed as part of the long message | | | text on interactive displays. If the | | | addition of the message ID would cause | | | long message text to be truncated, the | | | message is displayed in a pop-up window. | | | | | | Messages that have the message number | | | included in the long message text will | | | continue to display the message number, | | | even when MSGID OFF is in effect. Also, | | | the message number will appear twice | | | when MSGID ON is in effect. | | | | | | The MSGID ON/OFF command affects only | | | the current logical screen, so when you | | | are running in split screen, one screen | | | can have MSGID ON and the other MSGID | | | OFF. The MSGID command will return only | | | the MSGID of a message for its own | | | logical screen. | | | | | | An option on the Log Data Set Defaults | | | and List Data Set Defaults panels, which | | | are choices on the Log/List pull-down on | | | the ISPF Settings panel, | | | | | | Log Message ID . . . _ (/ = Yes) | | | | | | allows you to select whether the message | | | ID is written to the log data set as | | | part of the long message text. The | | | initial default is unselected. Note that | | | not all lines in the log data set | | | originate from a message member. | | | Therefore, not every line in the log | | | data set will have a message number | | | associated with it. | | | | | | Note: This facility does not affect | | | long message text returned by the | | | GETMSG service, messages | | | displayed in the Error Box, or | | | messages displayed by TRACEX. | |___________________________________|__________________________________________| | NOP | The classic no operation command. | |___________________________________|__________________________________________| | NRETRIEV | Data set and library name retrieved. | |___________________________________|__________________________________________|

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| PANELID [ON|OFF] | Indicates whether or not the panel | | | identifier (ID) is to be displayed. If | | | you enter PANELID without any | | | parameters, the command toggles the | | | display of the panel ID. If an action | | | bar is present, the ID is displayed | | | immediately below the action bar, | | | indented one space. If an action bar is | | | not present, the DM component displays | | | the ID indented one space in the left | | | corner of line 1 on the panel. | | | | | | Note: In GUI mode, the panel identifier | | | is placed on the title bar rather | | | than on the first line of the | | | panel. | | | | | | During initial entry to ISPF, the | | | PANELID is set to OFF. The ID is | | | displayed only if the panel contains a | | | protected-field attribute byte in row 1 | | | column 1 (relative to the action bar) | | | and is padded with one blank. | |___________________________________|__________________________________________| | PFSHOW [ON |OFF|TAILOR] | Toggles through the different forms of | | | the function key area. The first time | | | you enter the PFSHOW command (without | | | parameters), the long form of the | | | function key area is displayed. If you | | | enter the command again, the short form | | | is displayed. If you enter the command | | | once again, the keys are removed from | | | the display. Therefore, if you continue | | | to enter the command, the different | | | choices are toggled: | | | | | | o Long form (default) | | | o Short form | | | o No display. | | | | | | The form that you select affects all | | | panels displayed in the session. The DM | | | component updates the system variable | | | ZPFSHOW to represent the current state | | | of the function key area form and saves | | | the value in the system profile. | | | | | | PFSHOW ON displays the long form of the | | | function key area. | | | | | | PFSHOW OFF specifies that the function | | | key area will not be displayed. | | | | | | PFSHOW TAILOR displays a panel that lets | | | you specify the set of function keys | | | (primary, alternate, or all) for which | | | definitions are to be displayed and the | | | number of keys per line to display in | | | each function key definition line. | |___________________________________|__________________________________________| | PRINT | Records a snapshot of the physical | | | screen image in the list data set for |

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| | subsequent printing. | | | | | | For the PRINT, PRINT-HI, PRINTL, and | | | PRINTLHI commands, a screen image can | | | exceed 121 characters. When it does, the | | | line must be split when the output is | | | being directed to a printer other than a | | | 3800. The line length is obtained from a | | | user-modifiable specification on the | | | ISPF Settings panel for the list data | | | set. The default length for printing is | | | 121 characters. | | | | | | Using Print Commands with DBCS | | | | | | The print commands are affected in the | | | DBCS environment as follows: | | | | | | o DBCS character printing | | | | | | Because shift-out and shift-in | | | characters do not occupy positions | | | on a printer, ISPF inserts a blank | | | character before each shift-out and | | | after each shift-in. | | | | | | o Fields affected by the OUTLINE | | | keyword | | | | | | Field-outlining information is | | | imbedded in the record as a | | | set-attribute (SA) order. Each SA | | | order occupies three bytes. An SA is | | | required to start field-outlining, | | | one to end field-outlining, and one | | | to change field-outlining. | | | Therefore, each affected field | | | normally takes six additional bytes. | | | | | | Thus, the record-length of print command | | | output is larger than the screen width. | | | The LIST file should be large enough to | | | contain the expanded records. If not, | | | the output might not print correctly. | | | | | | Note: The PRINT command is disabled if | | | you are running in GUI mode. | |___________________________________|__________________________________________| | PRINTG | Allows you to send the information on | | | the current logical screen to a | | | Graphical Data Display Manager (GDDM*) | | | graphics printer. | | | | | | Notes: | | | | | | 1. In split-screen mode, ISPF adds the | | | split line to the top logical | | | screen. If you issue the PRINTG | | | command from the top screen, the | | | split line is printed along with the | | | logical screen. | | | |

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| | 2. Also, in split-screen mode, PRINTG | | | prints all data in the visible | | | portion of the logical screen, but | | | only the graphics area data in the | | | nonvisible portion of the logical | | | screen. | | | | | | If you use the other print commands | | | (PRINT, PRINT-HI, PRINTL, and PRINTLHI) | | | to print screen images containing a | | | graphics area, the part of the screen | | | containing the graphics area prints as | | | blanks. | | | | | | If you issue the PRINTG command as a | | | COMMAND option on a DISPLAY service | | | request, only data already defined to | | | GDDM at the time the service request is | | | issued will be printed. Any GDDM fields | | | defined by the dialog (using GDDM | | | commands) prior to issuing the DISPLAY | | | service request will be printed. | | | | | | Before issuing the PRINTG command from a | | | command line you must first have | | | initialized the GDDM graphic interface | | | using the GRINIT service. | | | | | | PRINTG does not provide return codes to | | | a dialog; however, it does display | | | completion or error messages. | | | | | | For information about how to specify | | | parameters related to using the PRINTG | | | command, see the Print Graphics Parms | | | section of the Settings (Option 0) | | | chapter of the ISPF User's Guide Volume | | | II. | | | | | | Note: The PRINTG command is disabled if | | | you are running in GUI mode. | |___________________________________|__________________________________________| | PRINT-HI | Same as PRINT, except that | | | high-intensity characters on the screen | | | are printed with overstrikes to simulate | | | the dual-intensity display. | | | | | | See Using Print Commands with DBCS under | | | the PRINT command. | | | | | | Note: The PRINT-HI command is disabled | | | if you are running in GUI mode. | |___________________________________|__________________________________________| | PRINTL | Causes a snapshot of the logical screen | | | image to be recorded in the ISPF list | | | file for subsequent printing. In | | | split-screen mode, the PRINTL command | | | prints what would be seen if | | | split-screen were not in effect. | | | | | | See Using Print Commands with DBCS under | | | the PRINT command. |

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| | | | | Note: The PRINTL command is disabled if | | | you are running in GUI mode. | |___________________________________|__________________________________________| | PRINTLHI | Same as PRINTL, except that | | | high-intensity characters on the logical | | | screen are printed with overstrikes to | | | simulate the dual-intensity display. | | | | | | See Using Print Commands with DBCS under | | | the PRINT command. | | | | | | Note: The PRINTLHI command is disabled | | | if you are running in GUI mode. | |___________________________________|__________________________________________| | PSCOLOR | Globally alters the color, intensity, | | | and highlighting of point-and-shoot | | | fields through a pop-up dialog. Valid | | | choices include the following: | | | | | | Color Intensity Highli|ht | | | | | RED HIGH NONE | | | PINK LOW BLINK| | | GREEN REVER|E | | YELLOW USCOR| | | BLUE | | | TURQ (Turquoise) | | | WHITE | | | | | | To restore the ISPF default values, | | | delete any new values you have entered | | | (leaving the entry fields blank) and | | | press Enter, or select the Defaults | | | field. | |___________________________________|__________________________________________| | RCHANGE | Repeats the action of the previous | | | CHANGE command (change one character | | | string to another) (Edit and View only). | |___________________________________|__________________________________________| | REFACTD nnnnnnnn xx | Calls the personal data set list named | | | nnnnnnnn and retrieves the data set in | | | position xx | |___________________________________|__________________________________________| | REFACTL nnnnnnnn xx | Calls the personal data set list named | | | nnnnnnnn and retrieves the data set in | | | position xx. | |___________________________________|__________________________________________| | REFADDD nnnnnnnn | Updates the personal data set list named | | | nnnnnnnn with the most recently | | | referenced data set. | |___________________________________|__________________________________________| | REFADDL nnnnnnnn | Updates the personal library list named | | | nnnnnnnn with the most recently | | | referenced library. | |___________________________________|__________________________________________| | REFLISTD xx | Calls the reference data set list dialog | | | and retrieves the data set in position | | | xx. | |___________________________________|__________________________________________| | REFLISTL xx | Calls the reference library list dialog | | | and retrieves the library in position |

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| | xx. | |___________________________________|__________________________________________| | REFOPEND | Calls the personal data set open dialog. | |___________________________________|__________________________________________| | REFOPENL | Calls the personal library list open | | | dialog. | |___________________________________|__________________________________________| | RESIZE | Increases the size of a pop-up window to | | | fill the entire 3270 physical display | | | area. The initial RESIZE command | | | increases the pop-up window to its | | | maximum size, and the following RESIZE | | | reduces the window to its original size. | |___________________________________|__________________________________________| | RETF | Retrieves commands from the command | | | stack moving in the direction from the | | | oldest command in the command stack | | | toward the most recent commands in the | | | command stack. Forward retrieve (RETF) | | | retrieves the oldest command on the | | | command stack, if RETF is entered | | | immediately after a command is executed, | | | before performing a RETRIEVE. | |___________________________________|__________________________________________| | RETP | Causes a pop-up panel to be displayed | | | with a list of the last 20 commands in | | | the retrieve stack. Retrieve pop-up | | | (RETP) enables you to select by number | | | the command to be retrieved. The command | | | selected is retrieved to the command | | | line, as it is when using other retrieve | | | commands. You will not be able to change | | | the commands in the retrieve pop-up | | | until the command is selected and | | | retrieved to the command line. | | | | | | The RETP pop-up panel has an OPTIONS | | | action bar choice that allows you to set | | | the minimum number of characters | | | required to save a command in the | | | retrieve stack and to choose whether to | | | position the cursor at the beginning or | | | end of the retrieved command when the | | | command is retrieved to the command | | | line. RETP displays the pop-up panel if | | | the retrieve stack is empty, which | | | allows the user to change the retrieve | | | options. | |___________________________________|__________________________________________| | RETRIEVE | Repeatedly entering RETRIEVE causes the | | | commands most recently entered from the | | | primary input field, usually the ZCMD | | | field, to be displayed on the command | | | line. The commands are displayed one at | | | a time, in the reverse sequence to which | | | they were entered (last-in, first-out). | | | This allows you to easily recall a | | | command for resubmission from the | | | command line. You can edit the command | | | before entering it if you wish. | |___________________________________|__________________________________________| | RETURN | Causes an immediate return to a primary |

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| | option menu or to the display from which | | | you entered a nested dialog. The RETURN | | | command simulates repeated END commands, | | | up to some appropriate stopping point, | | | without displaying intervening panels. | |___________________________________|__________________________________________| | RFIND | Repeats the action of the previous FIND | | | command (find one or more occurrences of | | | a specific character string) or the FIND | | | part of the most recent CHANGE command | | | (Browse, Edit, and View only). | |___________________________________|__________________________________________| | RIGHT | Scrolls right. | |___________________________________|__________________________________________| | SAREA | Displays the Status Area pop-up window. | |___________________________________|__________________________________________| | SCRNAME screen name [PERM|ON|OFF] | Causes the logical screen in which the | | | command is entered to be given the | | | screen name specified. The name can be | | | any set of 2 to 8 characters that | | | conform to member naming rules, except | | | NEXT, PREV, LIST, ON, and OFF. | | | | | | PERM is an optional parameter to | | | indicate that ISPF does not allow the | | | SCRNAME parameter on a SELECT statement, | | | or the setting of the modifiable system | | | variable ZSCRNAME, to override the value | | | being assigned by this SCRNAME command. | | | The PERM setting lasts for the duration | | | of the logical screen. After you end the | | | logical screen, the setting is no longer | | | active. | | | | | | SCRNAME ON causes the name that you | | | specify for the screen to be displayed | | | in the panelid area of the screen, if | | | panelid is OFF. SCRNAME OFF removes the | | | screen name from visible display. | |___________________________________|__________________________________________| | SETTINGS | Displays the ISPF Settings panel. | |___________________________________|__________________________________________| | SPLIT [NEW] | Causes the screen to be divided into two | | | logical screens separated by a | | | horizontal line or changes the location | | | of the horizontal line. If you have | | | de-selected the Always show split line | | | option in Settings, there is no split | | | line in 3270 mode. In GUI mode, each | | | screen is shown as a separate physical | | | window. | |___________________________________|__________________________________________| | SPLITV | On 3290 terminals, causes the screen to | | | be separated into two vertical logical | | | screens. | | | | | | The SPLITV function is not active if the | | | actual screen data display is more than | | | 80 characters wide. | |___________________________________|__________________________________________| | START | Starts a dialog in a new logical screen. | | | If a logical screen does not exist, it |

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| | will be created. | | | | | | You can use the START command to do the | | | following: | | | | | | o Issue a command from the ISPF | | | command table; for example, | | | START KEYLIST | | | | | | o Issue a command with parameters (in | | | single quotes; for example, | | | START 'ISRROUTE BRI' | | | | | | o Start a dialog; for example, | | | START PANEL(ISRUTIL) | | | | | | Notes: | | | | | | 1. If you are running in GUI mode, | | | issuing the START command creates a | | | new window. | | | | | | 2. If you are running on the host and | | | invoke START from a pull-down | | | choice, the screen will be split | | | where your cursor is located within | | | the pull-down. | | | | | | 3. This function does not change the | | | limitation number of logical | | | screens. If ISPF already has the | | | maximum number of screens when the | | | START command is issued, the screen | | | is re-split; that is, the split line | | | might move on the host, or a window | | | is reused if you are running in GUI | | | mode. | |___________________________________|__________________________________________| | SWAP [LIST | PREV | NEXT | screen | When no parameters are given (in 3270 | | name | n] | mode), moves the cursor to where it was | | | previously positioned on the other | | | logical screen of a split-screen pair. | | | | | | When operating in split-screen mode, | | | pressing the SWAP key (F9) causes ISPF | | | to ignore any entry on the command line. | | | | | | When no parameters are given (in GUI | | | mode) and there are more than two | | | screens present, defaults to SWAP LIST. | | | | | | Entering SWAP LIST displays the ISPF | | | task list. The task list displays the | | | following information about all of the | | | active logical screens: | | | | | | o Screen ID (ZSCREEN) | | | | | | o Screen name | | | | | | o Panel ID | | | |

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| | o Application ID | | | | | | o Session type (GUI or 3270) | | | | | | You can select from this list the screen | | | you want to display or start a new | | | screen or application. The screen you | | | select replaces the screen from which | | | you issued the command. | | | | | | Using a listed parameter changes the | | | focus (in GUI mode) or display (in 3270 | | | mode) to the PREVious, NEXT, or | | | specified logical screen. | | | | | | PREV changes the focus or display to the | | | next lower screen number until reaching | | | 1, then wraps back to 32 or the last | | | number used. | | | | | | NEXT displays the next highest screen | | | number until the last number used is | | | reached (ISPF maximum 32, your | | | installation might vary), then will wrap | | | back to number 1. | | | | | | SWAP screen name changes the display or | | | focus to the screen called screen name, | | | if it is active. See the SCRNAME command | | | for more information about screen names. | | | | | | SWAP n, where n is a number, changes the | | | display or focus to the specified screen | | | number, if it is active. | |___________________________________|__________________________________________| | SWITCH (3270 | GUI) | Switches the mode of screen display | | | between GUI and 3270. | |___________________________________|__________________________________________| | TOP | Alias for the UP MAX command. Scrolls to | | | the top of the data. | |___________________________________|__________________________________________| | TSO | Allows the user to enter a TSO command, | | | CLIST, or REXX command procedure. | | | | | | | | | Do not enter the following commands | | | after the TSO command: | | | | | | o LOGON, LOGOFF | | | o ISPF, PDF, ISPSTART, and SPF | | | o TEST | | | o Commands that are restricted by TSO | | | or PCF | | | | | | You can enter a CLIST or REXX name after | | | the TSO command, but the following | | | restrictions apply: | | | | | | o The CLIST or REXX command procedure | | | cannot invoke the restricted | | | commands shown in the preceding | | | list. |

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| | | | | o Restrictions that apply to CLIST | | | attention exits are described in | | | ISPF Dialog Developer's Guide and | | | Reference | | | | | | o TERMIN command procedure statements | | | cause unpredictable results. | |___________________________________|__________________________________________| | TSOCMD | Displays the ISPF Command Shell panel. | |___________________________________|__________________________________________| | TSOGUI [ ON | OFF ] | ON specifies that the ISPF/TSO window is | | | resumed and all TSO line mode output and | | | input is directed to the ISPF/TSO | | | window. | | | | | | OFF specifies that the ISPF/TSO window | | | is suspended and all fullscreen and line | | | mode data appears in the 3270 window | | | until TSOGUI ON command is issued. | |___________________________________|__________________________________________| | TUTOR [panelid] | Calls the ISPTUTOR program to display | | | specified tutorial panels. | | | | | | To display a particular tutorial panel, | | | enter the TUTOR command along with the | | | panel identifier of the desired tutorial | | | panel as a parameter. | | | | | | If you issue the TUTOR command without a | | | parameter, the general tutorial help | | | panel (ISP00000) is displayed. | |___________________________________|__________________________________________| | UP | Scrolls toward the top of the data. | |___________________________________|__________________________________________| | WINDOW | Moves a pop-up that is currently | | | displayed. | | | | | | If more than one pop-up is displayed on | | | your logical screen, only the active (or | | | most recent) pop-up will move. | | | | | | A pop-up can only be moved within the | | | logical screen from which it originated. | | | | | | Note: The WINDOW command is disabled if | | | you are running in GUI mode. | |___________________________________|__________________________________________| | WS | Modelessly starts the command you | | | specify, providing a seamless interface | | | between host and workstation | | | applications. For example, when running | | | in GUI mode, you can enter the following | | | command to invoke a workstation editor | | | on file test.fil: | | | | | | WS e.exe test.fil | |___________________________________|__________________________________________| | WSCON | Displays the Initiate Workstation | | | Connection panel. Using this panel, you | | | can start a workstation connection. | | | There are some restrictions to consider |

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| | if you choose to start a workstation | | | connection with this command: | | | | | | o At the completion of ISPF command | | | processing, or program, clist, or | | | REXX exec execution, ISPF does not | | | reprocess the panel from which the | | | command was invoked. The panel is | | | simply relaunched to the screen | | | without processing, for example, the | | | panel's )INIT section. So, if | | | certain constructs are defined | | | within the panel sections based on | | | the ZGUI variable (non-blank | | | indicating connection in GUI mode), | | | these constructs are not defined | | | properly until after the Enter key | | | is pressed following the WSCON | | | command. | | | | | | o When connecting to the workstation | | | in GUI mode, the first panel | | | displayed in GUI mode might not | | | contain group boxes and images that | | | are defined on the panel. After you | | | press the Enter key, causing the | | | panel to be reprocessed, these | | | constructs are visible in GUI mode. | |___________________________________|__________________________________________| | WSDISCON | Disconnects your workstation connection. | | | There are some restrictions to consider | | | if you choose to disconnect from a | | | workstation with this command: | | | | | | o At the completion of ISPF command | | | processing, or program, clist, or | | | REXX exec execution, ISPF does not | | | reprocess the panel from which the | | | command was invoked. The panel is | | | simply relaunched to the screen | | | without processing, for example, the | | | panel's )INIT section. So, if | | | certain constructs are defined | | | within the panel sections based on | | | the ZGUI variable (non-blank | | | indicating connection in GUI mode), | | | these constructs are not defined | | | properly until after the Enter key | | | is pressed following the WSDISCON | | | command. | | | | | | o When disconnecting from GUI mode, | | | the name of any group boxes defined | | | on the panel from which you issued | | | WSDISCON, will display on the screen | | | in 3270 mode. After you press the | | | Enter key, causing the panel to be | | | reprocessed, these names disappear | | | and any panel text under the names | | | reappears. | | | | | | o If in GUI mode and in split screen |

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| | mode when you invoke the WSDISCON | | | command, you are disconnected from | | | the workstation and the screen from | | | which you issued WSDISCON is | | | displayed in the full 3270 emulator | | | session without a split line, | | | regardless of any Always show split | | | line settings. The other ISPF | | | sessions are hidden and available | | | for display after the swap command | | | is entered. Additional split | | | requests cause the split line to be | | | redisplayed, provided the Always | | | show split line setting is selected. | | | | | | o If popup windows are displayed in | | | GUI mode when the WSDISCON command | | | is issued, those popup windows are | | | suspended on the 3270 session and | | | the panels display as fullscreen | | | panels. If new addpops are then | | | invoked, these new panels display as | | | popups. | | | | | | o You cannot disconnect using the | | | WSDISCON command when running in | | | batch GUI mode. | | | | | | o If the CODEPAGE and CHARSET | | | parameters were specified (on the | | | WSCON service, or on the Initiate | | | Workstation Connection panel, or on | | | the ISPSTART GUI statement) when | | | your workstation connection was | | | made, these values might no longer | | | be the host codepage and character | | | set in 3270 mode following a | | | WSDISCON command. The values | | | returned from the terminal query are | | | restored as the active codepage and | | | character set. If your emulator does | | | not support codepages, the CODEPAGE | | | and CHARSET parameter values | | | originally specified on your | | | ISPSTART statement are used. If | | | these ISPSTART parameters were not | | | specified, ENGLISH is the default | | | specification. | |___________________________________|__________________________________________| | ZKEYS | Displays a panel that lets you view and | | | change the current function key | | | variables. This command is equivalent to | | | selecting the Global PF Key settings | | | choice from the Function keys pull-down | | | on the ISPF Settings panel. | |___________________________________|__________________________________________|

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You can use the scrolling commands if the dialog function invokes the DISPLAY service for panels with scrollable areas or scrollable dynamic areas, the table display service (TBDISPL), or the interfaces to the PDF component VIEW, BROWSE, and EDIT services. During processing of the tutorial, ISPF interprets these commands as follows:

UP (F7/19) Same as the UP command

DOWN (F8/20) Same as the SKIP command

LEFT (F10/22) Same as the BACK command

RIGHT (F11/23) Same as the Enter key (display the next page). When scrollable data is displayed, scrolling enables you to move the screen window up, down, left, or right across the information. Only up and down scrolling is allowed for table displays and scrollable areas. When scrolling is allowed, a scroll amount is commonly displayed at the top of the screen (line 2). This amount determines the number of lines, or columns, scrolled with each use of a scroll command. To change the scroll amount, move the cursor to the scroll field and type over the displayed amount. Valid scroll amounts are:

0-9999 Specifies the number of lines (up or down) or columns (left or right) to be scrolled.

Note: If you specify a scroll amount of 0, no scrolling occurs.

PAGE Specifies scrolling by one page. For scrolling purposes, a page is defined as the amount of information currently visible on the logical screen. Function key definition lines are not a part of the page. In split-screen mode, for example, a Browse display might have 12 lines by 80 columns of scrollable data. In this case, a scroll amount of PAGE moves the text up or down by 12 lines, or right or left by 80 columns.

DATA For up and down scrolling, specifies scrolling by one line less than a page. For left and right scrolling, it is one column less than a page.

HALF Specifies scrolling by half a page.

MAX Specifies scrolling to the top, bottom, left margin, or right margin, depending upon which scrolling command is used.

CSR Specifies scrolling based on the current position of the cursor. The line or column indicated by the cursor is moved to the top, bottom, left margin, or right margin of the screen, depending upon which scrolling

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command is used. If the cursor is not in the body of the data or if it is already positioned at the top, bottom, left margin, or right margin, a full-page scroll occurs.

Note: Scroll amount is not used for scrollable areas. The current scroll amount is saved in the application profile. There are three scroll amount values: one for Browse (ZSCBR), one for Edit and View (ZSCED), and one for member lists (ZSCML). When you type over the scroll amount, the new value remains in effect until you change it again. The value MAX is an exception. Following a MAX scroll, the scroll amount reverts to its previous value. The scroll amount field is optional. If the input field following the command field in the panel body is exactly four characters long, it is assumed to be the scroll amount field. Otherwise, the system variable ZSCROLLD, which can be set by the dialog, is used to determine the default scroll amount. If there is no scroll amount field and ZSCROLLD has not been set, the default is PAGE. When you enter a scroll request, the variables ZSCROLLA and ZSCROLLN are set. ZSCROLLA contains the value of the scroll amount field, such as MAX or CSR. ZSCROLLN contains the number of lines or columns to scroll, computed from the value in the scroll amount field. For example, if a dialog is in split-screen mode, 12 lines are currently visible and you request DOWN HALF, ZSCROLLN contains a 6. The system variable ZVERB contains the scroll direction (DOWN in this case). If the value of ZSCROLLA is MAX, the value of ZSCROLLN is not ignored. You can also use any valid scroll amount as part of the scroll command. For example, type:

Command ===> UP 3

and press Enter, or type:

Command ===> 3

and press the UP function key. Either form results in a temporary, one-time override of the scroll amount. If ISPF does not recognize the value specified on the command line as a valid scroll amount, such as PAGE, DATA, HALF, MAX, CSR, or a positive integer, the value is interpreted as a command and passed to the function in control.

ISPF/TSO Command Quick Reference

GeneralKEYS Displays the PF Keys for that panelPFSHOW Shows all PF Keys at the bottom of the panelPFSHOW OFF Removes the PF Keys from the bottom of the panel

Scroll OptionsPAGE Scroll by entire screen (length or width) – no matter where the cursor is locatedCSR Scroll based on where the cursor is located on the screenHALF Scroll by ½ a screen (length or width) – no matter where the cursor is located


Main Menu Option 1

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= 1 on Command LineFile-Aid Option 1 (9.19;1)Line Command B with 3.4 file listPanvalet Option 1 (L.1)

Command Line Commands:F xxxxx LAST = Find last occurrence of xxxxxF xxxxx FIRST = Find first occurrence of xxxxxF ‘xxxxx’ = Find next occurrence of xxxxxF xxxxx ALL = Find next and count all occurrences of xxxxxF xxxxx column# = Find next occurrence of xxxxx starting in column #F xxxxx column# ALL = Find next and count all occurrences of xxxxx starting in column #M PF7 = Move to top of the file## PF7 = Move up in the file by ## linesB PF8 = Move to bottom of the file## PF8 = Move down in the file by ## linesTOP = Move to the top of the fileBOTTOM = Move to the bottom of the fileBOT = Move to the bottom of the fileCOLUMNS = Display a ruler at the top of the screenCOL = dittoCOLS = dittoCOL ON = dittoCOLUMNS OFF = Remove the rulerLEFT ## = Move the displayed data ## columns to the Left## PF10 = dittoRIGHT ## = Move the displayed data ## columns to the Right## PF11 = dittoKEYS = Displays the function keys and their meaningsRESET = Reset the fileRES = dittoSWAP = Switch between split screensHOLD = Put the current session of TSO on hold and start a new one=x = Exit the current TSO sessionHEX = Display the data in Hexadecimal modeHEX OFF = Turns the Hexadecimal mode off

Function Keys:PF1 = HelpPF2 = Split screen at the cursor’s locationPF3 = ExitPF4 = Exit or Return PF5 = Find next occurrence of last F commandPF6 = Change next occurrence of last C commandPF7 = Move upPF8 = Move downPF9 = Swap between split screensPF10 = Move left PF11 = Move rightPF12 = Cancel or Repeat (redisplays the previous Command Line command)PF13 – 24 are usually repeats of the above

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Viewing (Similar to Browsing but with Line Command options)How:

Main Menu Option 1= 1 on Command LineFile-Aid Option 1 (9.19;1)Line Command B with 3.4 file listPanvalet Option 1 (L.1)

Command Line Commands:F xxxxx LAST = Find last occurrence of xxxxxF xxxxx FIRST = Find first occurrence of xxxxxF ‘xxxxx’ = Find next occurrence of xxxxxF xxxxx ALL = Find next and count all occurrences of xxxxxF xxxxx column# = Find next occurrence of xxxxx starting in column #F xxxxx column# ALL = Find next and count all occurrences of xxxxx starting in column #M PF7 = Move to top of the file## PF7 = Move up in the file by ## linesB PF8 = Move to bottom of the file## PF8 = Move down in the file by ## linesTOP = Move to the top of the fileBOTTOM = Move to the bottom of the fileBOT = Move to the bottom of the fileLEFT ## = Move the displayed data ## columns to the Left## PF10 = dittoRIGHT ## = Move the displayed data ## columns to the Right## PF11 = dittoKEYS = Displays the function keys and their meaningsRESET = Reset the fileRES = dittoSWAP = Switch between split screensHOLD = Put the current session of TSO on hold and start a new one=x = Exit the current TSO sessionHEX = Display the data in Hexadecimal modeHEX OFF = Turns the Hexadecimal mode offCUT = With C or CC line command will copy the line(s) to temporary storage

Line Commands:COL = Display a rulerCOLS = dittoD = Remove the rulerC = Copy the current lineCC = Block copy of lines (requires a set of 2 CC)

Function Keys:PF1 = HelpPF2 = Split screen at the cursor’s locationPF3 = ExitPF4 = Exit or Return PF5 = Find next occurrence of last F commandPF6 = Change next occurrence of last C commandPF7 = Move upPF8 = Move downPF9 = Swap between split screensPF10 = Move left

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PF11 = Move rightPF12 = Cancel or Repeat (redisplays the previous Command Line command)PF13 – 24 are usually repeats of the above

Quick Browse (QB)

Note: QB and QE works from a list of filenames. They work from independent lists of filenames therefore it is up to you to set them up


Enter QB on the Command Line.

Screen: Example

------------------------- EDS - Extended BROWSE Panel ------------------------ COMMAND ===> ENTER LIBRARY NUMBER ===> 15 MEMBER ===> CJ023* (Blank or pattern for member selection list) OTHER PARTITIONED OR SEQUENTIAL DATA SET: DATA SET NAME ===> VOLUME SERIAL ===> (If not cataloged) 1 IMSVS.IMP1.CTLBLK.PSBSRC 13 BSG.CLIST 2 IMSVS.IMP1.CTLBLK.DBDSRC 14 PAN.ISPF.CLIST 3 15 KZZVGF.HP.JCL 4 16 5 17 6 18 7 XCC1.CNTLLIB 19 8 XCC1.APOLLO.READER 20 9 RDC1.PROCLIB 21 10 XCC1.DTDLIB 22 11 IMSVS.IMP1.CTLBLK.PSBSRC 23 IMSVS.IMP1.DBDLIB 12 IMSTEST.IMT3.CTLBLK.PSBSRC 24

Screen Set Up:

The QB and QE screen first comes up without any of the 24 filenames filled in. I’ve entered filenames 1, 2, 7-15, and 23. The filenames you enter can be in any order.

Tab to the Filename List and type in the main part of the filename.

How to Use the Screen?

The example above will bring up a list of files that is in KZZVGF.HP.JCL that begins with CJ023, in this case CJ02300, CJ02310, and CJ02320, you can select the specific one which you want to browse from the list by using the S line command. If you don’t want to use one of the filenames in the library list, blank out the library number and tab to Data Set Name and type in the full filename. Press the ENTER key to execute the request.

You are now in browse or view mode and can use the appropriate Command Line and line commands and function keys.

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How:Main Menu Option 2= 2 on Command LineFile-Aid Option 2 (9.19;2)Line Command E with 3.4 file listPanvalet Option 2 (L.2)

Command Line Commands:F xxxxx LAST = Find last occurrence of xxxxxF xxxxx FIRST = Find first occurrence of xxxxxF ‘xxxxx’ = Find next occurrence of xxxxxF xxxxx ALL = Find next and count all occurrences of xxxxxF xxxxx column# = Find next occurrence of xxxxx starting in column #F xxxxx column# ALL = Find next and count all occurrences of xxxxx starting in column #M PF7 = Move to top of the file## PF7 = Move up in the file by ## linesB PF8 = Move to bottom of the file## PF8 = Move down in the file by ## linesTOP = Move to the top of the fileBOTTOM = Move to the bottom of the fileBOT = Move to the bottom of the fileLEFT ## = Move the displayed data ## columns to the Left## PF10 = dittoRIGHT ## = Move the displayed data ## columns to the Right## PF11 = dittoKEYS = Displays the function keys and their meaningsRESET = Reset the fileRES = dittoHOLD = Put the current session of TSO on hold and start a new one=x = Exit the current TSO sessionHEX = Display the data in Hexadecimal modeHEX OFF = Turns the Hexadecimal mode offSAVE = Save the changes and stay within the fileCAN = Cancel, do not save changesCANCEL = Exit without saving changesCUT = With C or CC line command will copy the line(s) to temporary storagePASTE = With A or B line command will paste the data from temporary storage into the

fileC xxx yyy = Change the next occurrence of xxx to yyyC xxx yyy ALL = Change all occurrence of xxx to yyyC xxx yyy # ALL= Change all occurrence of xxx to yyy that start in column #X ALL = Exclude from the screen all lines within the fileCREATE = Will bring up a panel to specify a filename to create (must be used with C, CC,

M, or MM line command) – This way does not place the file within the same PDS unless you specify.

CREATE filename = Will create the file within the same PDS with the specified data (must be used with C, CC, M, or MM line command)

REPLACE = Will bring up a panel to specify a filename to replace (must be used with C, CC, M, or MM line command) – Works similar to CREATE without a filename.

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REPLACE filename = Will replace the contents of the file within the same PDS with the specified

data (must be used with C, CC, M, or MM line command)COPY = Will bring up a panel to specify a file to copy into the current file (must be used

with A or B line command)COPY filename = Will copy the file that is specified as long as it is within the same PDS naming

convention (again requires the A or B line command).SORT a,b = Sort the data based on column a thru column b in ascending sequenceSORT a,b d = Sort the data based on column a thru column b in descending sequenceSUB = Submits a jobPROFILE = Displays the High level settings for the datasetPROF = dittoREC = Turns dataset recovery onRECOVERY = dittoRECOVERY ON = dittoREC OFF = Turns dataset recovery offNULLS = Allows entry of data at the end of the line without hitting the END or EOL keyNULLS ON = dittoNULLS OFF = Protect the non-displayed characters after the last visible character on the lineNUM ON COB = Sets the dataset up for COBOL programsNUM ON STD COB = Sets the dataset up for standard COBOL programs, data input only in

columns 7 thru 72, and removes characters from columns 73 thru 80, automatically sets the file up for nulls on.

CAPS ON = Changes all input to Upper CaseCAPS OFF = Keeps the input as typedRENUM = Re-assigns the line numbersX ALL = Exclude all lines

Line Commands:

A = Copy or Move After this lineB = Copy or Move Before this lineCOL = Display a rulerCOLS = dittoC = Copy the current line (and B or A)CC = Block copy of lines (requires a set of 2 CCs and B or A)D = Delete the current lineDD = Block delete of lines (requires a set of 2 DDs)M = Move the current line (and B or A)MM = Block move of lines (requires a set of 2 MMs and B or A)X = Exclude this lineXX = Block exclude of lines (requires a set of 2 XXs).label = This allows you to set a label for higher level control of Change, Find and Sort

commandsF = Redisplay first excluded lineF# = Redisplays first # number of excluded linesL = Redisplay last excluded lineL# = Redisplay last # number of excluded linesO = Overlay – must be used in conjunction with C or MOO = Block command for OverlayTS = Text split – splits the line based on where the cursor is located) = Shift to the Right 1 column)n = Shift to the Right n columns)) = Block Shift to the Right 1 column (requires a set of 2)))n = Block Shift to the Right n columns

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( = Shift to the Left 1 column(n = Shift to the Left n columns(( = Block Shift to the Left 1 column (requires a set of 2)((n = Block Shift to the Left n columns uc = Change lower case to upper caseucc = Block command to change lower case to upper (requires a set of 2)lc = Change upper case to lower caselcc = Block command to change upper case to lower (requires a set of 2)TE = Text editor will wrap around and connect words that were split when typingTF = Text first line of each paragraph, will define the right boundary for the


Function Keys:PF1 = HelpPF2 = Split screen at the cursor’s locationPF3 = Exit and SavePF4 = Exit or Return without Saving PF5 = Find next occurrence of last F commandPF6 = Change next occurrence of last C commandPF7 = Move upPF8 = Move downPF9 = Swap between split screensPF10 = Move left PF11 = Move rightPF12 = Cancel or Repeat (redisplays the previous Command Line command)PF13 – 24 are usually repeats of the above

Quick Edit (QE)


Enter QE on the Command Line. (Warning if you are in any of the Option 9 utilities, it has its’ own listing of QE files).

Screen: Example


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How to Use the Screen:

QE works just like QB, except you will be in Edit mode after pressing ENTER.

File Utilities (Main Menu option 3 and 9.19)

3.2 (Data Sets)

Blank If the option code is left blank and an ISPF Library or Other Partitioned, Sequential, or VSAM data set name is filled in, the characteristics for that member will be displayed and retained for use in allocating similar files.

A Allocates a Partitioned or Sequential data setR Renames the entire Partitioned, Sequential, or VSAM data setD Deletes the entire Partitioned, Sequential or VSAM data setC Catalogs a data set U Uncatalogs a data setS Same as BlankMV VSAM utilities

3.3 (Move/Copy Utility)C Copies an entire data set or a member of a Partitioned data setM Moves an entire data set or a member of a Partitioned data setCP Copy and PrintMP Move and Print

3.4 (Data Set List Utility)

Enter the entire partitioned, sequential or VSAM file name as possible. If you only remember parts of the file name, you can use the * (asterick) symbol for wildcarding or leave off the last nodes of the name and a file list will be displayed. Warning if you use the * symbol as the first node it can take a long time for the results to come back.

High-Level Commands (for partitioned data sets)b browsecxrestorrestore via a quicker background utilityd deletee edithdelete deletes migrated/archived fileshmigrat migrates dasd files to tapem member lists allocationssort column name Used on the command line, resequences the displayed

list based on the column name supplied.u uncatalogs the file= repeats the last command/ Command pop up

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Low-Level Partitioned or Sequential Data Set Commandse Edit existing or create a new member if e file-name is placed on

the command lineb Browsed Deletessort column name Used on the command line, resequences the displayed member

ist based on the column name supplied.

Native TSO (Main Menu option 6 or at the READY prompt)

Retrieve Retrieves messages/files sent to you from another system or user.

XMIT dsn(‘’) Transmits a file to another user on another IPC system.

Additional Information

1. When you see *** on the screen press the ENTER key.2. In most cases you can enter =# on the Command Line and automatically transfer to that utility (# can

be 1 for browse, 2 for edit, 9.12 for SDSF, etc.).3. The semicolon character (;) can be used to represent the ENTER key when stringing utility options,

for instance 9;37;1;1;3 will put you into the Endevor Develop Batch option.

FIND Command

Format: F string [NEXT] [CHARS] [X]Options: ALL PREFIX NX


Meanings: NEXT - locates the next occurrence of the stringCHARS- locates the occurrence of the exact stringX - locate the string in the EXCLUDED linesALL - locate the first occurrence and count how many occurrences of the string

occursPREFIX – locate the string where the string is used as the prefix to a word (actually looks

for the string with a space before it)NX - locate the string within NON-EXCLUDED linesFIRST - locates the first occurrence of the stringSUFFIX – similar to PREFIX but looks at the end of the word.LAST - locates the last occurrence of the stringWORD - locates the string as an entire word (must have a space before and after).PREV - locates the previous occurrence of the string

Special String CharactersP’=’ displays any characterP’.’ displays any non-displayable character

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P’#’ displays any numericP’-‘ displays any non-numericP’@’ displays any alphabeticP’<’ displays any lower case alphabeticP’>’ displays any upper case alphabeticP’$’ displays any special characterX’hex value’ finds the hex value

Multiple Screens

You can open multiple swap screens the normal default is only 2. This new method will allow you to have up to 8.

1. Move your cursor to the command line and type in NEW then press the F2 button.2. F9 will only work with 2 screens, to toggle between the other swapped screen you can:a. Type in LIST and press F9 on the command line then move your cursor to the appropriate screen

number (the 2 screens the F9 will automatically toggle between are marked with * and – by their assigned number).

b. Type in =n and press F9 also on the command line (=n is the number associated with the screen).c. Type in NEXT and press F9 on the command line to bring up the next screen.d. Type in PREV and press F9 on the command line to bring up the previous screen.3. To exit the swap session type in =X on the command line.

With Chameleon you can define Button Pads that will have the above commands already coded to them.

1. While in TSO, open SETTINGS and BUTTON PADS.2. Type in a name (examples: Next, New, List, Prev, Exit).3. Either click on the Build button or type in the following String value (this example is for LIST):

<HOME> list PF9.4. Click on the ADD button.5. Repeat steps 2 – 4 until you have all the buttons you want.6. Click on OK to exit.

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