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Is Perceived Control a Critical Factor in Understanding the Negative Relationship

Between Cognitive Test Anxiety and Examination Performance?

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A well established finding is that the cognitive component of test anxiety (worry) is

negatively related to examination performance. The present study examined how three self-

beliefs (academic buoyancy, perceived control, and test competence) moderated the strength

of the relationship between worry and examination performance in a sample of 270 final year

secondary school students. Participants completed self-reports of academic buoyancy,

perceived control, test competence, and cognitive test anxiety, that were matched with

examination grades in English, science, and mathematics. Results showed an interaction

between worry and perceived control. Students with higher perceived control performed

better at low levels of worry. As worry increased, the differential advantage offered by higher

perceived control diminished. At high levels of worry control made little difference to

examination performance. Interventions designed to reduce worry may not necessarily

improve examination performance unless they also target improved control.

Keywords: Test anxiety, academic buoyancy, perceived control, test competence,

examination performance

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Is Perceived Control a Critical Factor in Understanding the Negative Relationship Between

Cognitive Test Anxiety and Examination Performance?

A robust finding is that test anxiety, or to be more precise, the cognitive aspect of test

anxiety is associated with lower test and examination performance (e.g., Chapell et al. 2005;

Hembree, 1988). Examination performance may have profound consequences for students

and teachers. For students, examination performance can influence access to the job market

and future educational opportunities (e.g., Bradley & Lenton, 2007; Heath, Rothon, & Kilpi,

2008). For teachers, accountability systems use student examination performance as measures

of teaching quality (Perryman, 2006; von der Embse, Schoemann, Kilgus, Wicoff, & Bowler,

2016) in the US (e.g., Common Core State Standards Initiative) and internationally (OECD,

2013). Identifying those factors that exacerbate or ameliorate the relationship between test

anxiety and examination performance is, therefore, of practical and theoretical value. Such

findings can be used to inform the development of intervention to minimize influence of test

anxiety. In this study we examined three self-belief constructs (academic buoyancy,

perceived control, and test competence) that were likely to influence a student’s approach to,

and performance in, examinations, and whether those moderated the magnitude of the

relationship between cognitive test anxiety and examination performance.

Defining the Key Constructs

Test anxiety. Test anxiety refers to individual differences in an enduring, trait-like,

tendency to appraise performance situations (like examinations) as threatening (Spielberger

& Vagg, 1995). Persons high in test anxiety tend to anticipate failure, freeze in performance

situations, and have difficulty in concentrating in test settings (Zeidner, 2007, 2014). It has

been widely accepted for some time that test anxiety is a multidimensional phenomenon that

includes cognitive and affective-physiological elements (e.g., Lowe et al., 2008; Segool, von

der Embse, Mata, & Gallant, 2014). The cognitive element, often referred to as worry, refers

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to negative catastrophic thoughts concerning failure, and its consequences; the affective-

physiological element refers to feelings of tension and accompanying physiological

manifestations of anxiety such as an increased heart-rate.

Academic buoyancy. Academic buoyancy is the perceived capacity of a student to

withstand the pressures and challenges that are typical for school (e.g., competing deadlines,

examination pressure, and poor grades) and respond positively to experiences of failure

(Martin & Marsh, 2008). Unlike resiliency, which refers to responses to severe adversity

(e.g., school refusal and chronic bullying), academic buoyancy has greater relevance to

students facing every day stressors (Martin & Marsh, 2008, Martin, 2013). Indeed, academic

buoyancy has been described as an ‘everyday’ form of resilience (Martin & Marsh, 2009).

Perceived control. Perceived control refers to the degree of certainty a student has

about how to achieve good marks or avoid doing poorly (Connell, 1985; Martin, 2007). The

locus of perceived control is one of the three key elements of the attributional theory of

motivation (Graham & Taylor, 2016; Weiner, 2010); the other two being stability and

controllability. A student with high perceived control is able to see and understand the link

between their effort or strategy and the academic outcome whereas those low in perceived

control are at risk of helplessness or self-sabotage, such as a strategic withdrawal of effort

(Martin, 2001a, 2001b). Accordingly, perceived control influences how students prepare for

and perform in tests and examinations (Martin, 2010).

Test competence. Test competence is the belief that one has the capacity to perform

well on tests and examinations (Topman, Kleijn, van der Ploeg, & Masset, 1992). Students

may hold competence beliefs about their academic subject knowledge, subject-specific

academic self-concept or self-efficacy in mathematics, English, science, and so on, but this

does not necessarily mean that those students will be confident about demonstrating that

knowledge under test or examination conditions (Putwain, Woods, & Symes, 2010). In

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addition to subject knowledge, successful examination performance requires students to be

able to work quickly under limited time conditions and to be able to successfully understand

and respond to assessment demands (Kleijn, van der Ploeg & Topman, 1994). Students with

high test competence believe that they have exam and test-taking skills to demonstrate their

knowledge under test conditions.

Test Anxiety, Self-beliefs, and Examination Performance

A small to moderate negative correlation has been found between cognitive test

anxiety and performance on tests and examinations (e.g., Cassady & Johnson, 2002; Putwain,

2008). This has been attributed to anxiety interfering with working memory capacity and

function (e.g., Owens, Stevenson, Norgate, & Hadwin, 2008; Putwain, Shah, & Lewis, 2014).

Importantly, this relationship remains when controlling for the influence of prior examination

performance (e.g., Putwain, Daly, Chamberlain, & Saddredini, 2016). That is, a change in test

anxiety precedes and predicts changes in subsequent examination performance that is not

simply an artifact of prior low attainment. As the relationship between the affective-

physiological component of test anxiety is typically negligible (e.g., Hembree, 1988; Seip,

1991), we focused solely on the cognitive aspect of test anxiety as being the component most

germane to the focus of this study (the relationship with examination performance).

Self-beliefs also show small to moderate positive correlations with examination

performance. Higher test and examination performance is related to higher academic

buoyancy (Martin, 2014; Putwain, Chamberlain, Daly, & Saddredini, 2015), higher perceived

control (Collie, Martin, Malmberg, Hall, & Ginns, 2015; Leim & Martin, 2012), and higher

test competence (Kleijn et al., 1994; Birenbaum & Pinku, 1997). Higher academic buoyancy,

perceived control, and test competence, are all implicated in a network of adaptive cognition,

emotion, motivation, behavior, and self-regulation (e.g., effort, persistence, effective use of

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cognitive strategies, and so on) that are all likely to result in better examination performance

(Kitsantas & Cleary, 2016; Martin, 2007).

Might Self-beliefs Moderate the Test Anxiety and Examination Performance


A moderating variable is one that changes the magnitude and/ or direction of the

relationship between two other variables (Fairchild & McQullin, 2010). Studies have

examined the moderating role of demographics (e.g., age, gender), task characteristics (e.g.,

difficulty, administration), and situational factors (e.g., feedback, time pressure) on the

relationship between cognitive test anxiety and examination performance (for reviews of

moderating factors see Hembree, 1988; Zeidner, 1998). No studies, to date, have examined

how self-beliefs might interact with cognitive test anxiety to predict examination

performance. Two related studies, however, suggest that self-beliefs might be a plausible

candidate. Putwain et al. (2016) reported an interaction between cognitive test anxiety and

academic buoyancy on task-focused coping; the negative correlation was amplified in low

buoyancy students. Putwain and Daly (2013) used a person-centered approach to show

distinct clusters of students with similar levels of test anxiety, but differing levels of

academic buoyancy and examination scores.

Models of test anxiety propose that competence beliefs play an important role in

determining the degree and severity of anxiety (e.g., Segool et al., 2014; Zeidner &

Matthews, 2005). All things being equal, a student with low competence beliefs, and

anticipates failure, is more likely to experience a high degree of test anxiety. Empirical

evidence bears out this prediction for academic buoyancy (Putwain, Connors, Symes, &

Douglas-Osborn, 2012), perceived control (Pekrun, Goetz, Frenzel, Barchfeld, & Perry,

2011; Pekrun, Goetz, Perry, Kramer, Hochstadt, & Molfenter, 2004), and test competence

(Preiss, Gayle, & Allen, 2006; Putwain et al., 2010). Furthermore, negative correlations have

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also been reported between general academic anxiety and academic buoyancy/ perceived

control (Martin & Marsh, 2008; Martin, Colmar, Davey, & Marsh, 2010). Given that lower

academic buoyancy, perceived control, and test competence, are all implicated as antecedents

on test anxiety, why might these constructs also interact with test anxiety?

According to theory, test anxiety is a multi-causal phenomenon that will be influenced

by many factors other than self-beliefs. Other factors include metacognition, coping

strategies, and motivation (Zeidner & Matthews, 2005), study strategies (Preiss et al., 2007;

Lowe et al., 2008), perceived test importance (Segool et al., 2014), and attentional bias

(Putwain, Langdale, Woods, & Nicholson, 2011). Thus it is possible that some students will

become highly test anxious for reasons unrelated to their academic buoyancy, perceived

control, or test competence. For instance, if a student held a strong metacognitive belief that

worry was an effective coping strategy, they might still become highly test anxious by

ruminating on the consequences of failure, even though they believe themselves to be

buoyant, in control, and good at taking examinations (see Matthews, Hillyard, & Campbell,

1999; O’Carroll & Fisher, 2013).

Notwithstanding the possibility that self-beliefs might contribute to test anxiety, or

that over time test anxiety might also impact on self-beliefs, cognitive test anxiety would also

be expected to interact with self-beliefs. That is, self-beliefs might alter the magnitude of the

cognitive test anxiety and examination performance relationship. At present there is no

empirical evidence for how self-beliefs might moderate the cognitive test anxiety and

performance relationship. We address this gap in the literature in the present study by

examining how academic buoyancy, perceived control, and test competence, might interact

with cognitive test anxiety to predict examination performance. Broadly speaking, we would

anticipate that stronger self-beliefs (i.e., higher academic buoyancy, perceived control, or test

competence) would buffer performance against the negative impact of test anxiety. That is,

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the performance of high worry students who believe that they can withstand the pressure of

testing (high buoyancy), are certain how to attain good marks (high perceived control), or

believe they can demonstrate their knowledge under examination conditions (high test

competence), might be less adversely influenced.

Research Questions and Hypotheses of the Present Study

This study set out to address the question of whether self-beliefs (academic buoyancy,

perceived control, and test competence) moderated the negative relationship between

cognitive test anxiety and examination performance. As demographic variables (gender, age,

and socio-economic background) have all been shown to account for a small proportion of

variance in test anxiety scores (e.g., Putwain, 2007, Putwain & Daly, 2014) these were

included as covariates. The following hypotheses were tested:

H1: Self-beliefs (academic buoyancy, perceived control, and test competence) will negatively

correlate with cognitive test anxiety.

H2: Self-beliefs (academic buoyancy, perceived control, and test competence) will positively

correlate, and cognitive test anxiety negatively correlate, with examination performance.

H3: Self-beliefs (academic buoyancy, perceived control, and test competence) will moderate

the negative correlation between cognitive test anxiety and examination performance.


Sample and Procedure

Data were collected from 270 participants (male n = 88, female n = 178, and 4 not

reported) from two English secondary schools. Students were in their final year of secondary

schooling (Year 11), following the eighteen-month programmed of study leading to the

secondary school leaving qualification (the General Certificate of Secondary Education:

GCSE), and had a mean age of 15.01 years (SD = .89). The sample was ethnically

heterogeneous; typical for urban metropolitan areas of England (Asian n = 128, black n = 35,

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white n = 62, other n = 30, mixed heritage n = 15). Student eligibility for free school meals

(FSM) was used as a proxy for low income (n = 34 eligible). A small proportion of the

sample data were missing (0.9%) and these were imputed using the expectation maximization

algorithm in SPSS. This approach is preferable to listwise deletion or replacing missing

values with the scale mean which may distort the distribution (Graham, 2012).

Self-report data were collected early on in the first term of the school year (October).

A questionnaire pack was completed by students in a period of the timetable used for

administrative purposes so not to interfere with routine lessons. Questionnaires were

administered by a trained teacher who followed a standardized script that included

information about the purpose of the study, ethical aspects (withdrawal, consent, and so on),

and that the questionnaires did not constitute a ‘test’). The pack included an information

sheet, consent sheet, test anxiety questionnaire, and self-belief questionnaire. The

presentational order of the test anxiety and self-belief questionnaires was counterbalanced

and the ordering of test anxiety and self-belief items, within each questionnaire, were

randomly determined. Written permission to collect data was provided by the school Head

Teacher and as well as the individual participants. Participants were not offered any


Grades in English, mathematics, and science, were taken from examinations sat

Approx 6 weeks later in December. Actual GCSE examinations were scheduled in May and

June of the following year. Examinations for some subjects, including English, mathematics,

and science, were offered at one of two levels of difficulty (intermediate or higher). At the

point our study was conducted, GCSE examination scores were graded using an eight-letter

system using a criterion-referenced approach against grade descriptors provided by the Office

for Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (e.g., Office of Qualifications and

Examinations Regulation, 2011). The highest grade was a Grade A*, followed by Grade A,

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Grade B, and so on down to a grade G1. Students who are entered for the intermediate tier can

gain a maximum grade of C (the minimum pass grade) whereas students who are entered for

the higher tier can gain a maximum grade of A*.

It is common practice in English schools to schedule at least one round of mock

GCSE examinations. The examination grades used in this study were taken from one such set

of mock examinations. Mock examinations were taken under formal conditions designed to

replicate those taken for actual GCSE examinations (i.e., examinations are taken in silence by

the whole year cohort in the examination hall seated in rows) rather than as informal class

tests. The purpose of mock examination results was to gauge likely GCSE results, inform

final decisions about the tier of entry a student was entered for, and the level of support and/

or intervention offered to students in their final six months of secondary school for students

who are not reaching target grades. GCSE results determine, for students, future post-

compulsory educational opportunities and job prospects (Onion, 2004; Roberts, 2004). For

teachers, GCSE results are used in performance review and can determine pay increments

and promotional opportunities. GCSE results are also used to rank order schools for local

districts based on GCSE grades and the school inspectorate can recommend school

management is replaced or even that a school is closed where GCSE targets are repeatedly

missed (Perryman, 2005, 2006). Due to the conditions under which mock examinations are

taken, their proximity to actual GCSE examinations, and the use of results to indicate likely

GCSE outcomes, although the stakes were not as high as for actual GCSE examinations, we

would argue that the mock GCSE sufficiently represented a high-stakes examination


1 From 2016 onwards, lettered grades will be gradually replaced with numerical grades 1-9 (Office of

Qualifications and Examinations Regulation, 2016).

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Cognitive test anxiety. Cognitive test anxiety was measured using the six-item worry

scale from the Revised Test Anxiety Scale (Hagtvet & Benson, 1997). Participants responded

to items (e.g., ‘During exams I find myself thinking about the consequences of failing’) on a

scale of 1 – 4 (1 = Almost never, 2 = Sometimes, 3 = Often, and 4 = Always). Data collected

using this scale has shown internal consistency and validity (construct, predictive, and

discriminatory) in samples of secondary school students, including those in England (e.g.,

Putwain & Daly, 2014; Putwain, Woods, & Symes, 2010). A good level of internal

consistency was shown in the present study (Cronbach’s α = .78). Cronbach’s α = .70 is the

minimum acceptable value for internal consistency (Cortina, 1993).

Academic buoyancy. Academic buoyancy was measured using the four-item

Academic Buoyancy Scale (Martin & Marsh, 2008). Participants responded to items (e.g., ‘I

don’t let study stress get on top of me’) on scale of 1 – 5 (1 = Strongly disagree, 3 = Neither

agree nor disagree, and 5 = Strongly agree). Previous research using samples of secondary

school students have shown data collected using this scale to demonstrate validity (construct,

predictive, and discriminant) and internal consistency (e.g., Malmberg, Hall, & Martin, 2013;

Martin, 2013). Internal consistency, in the present study, was good (Cronbach’s α = .78).

Perceived control. Perceived control was measured using the four uncertain control

items from the high-school version of the Motivation and Engagement Scale (Martin, 2007).

Participants responded to items (e.g., ‘When I get a good mark I’m often not sure how I’m

going to get that mark again’) on scale of 1 – 5 (1 = Strongly disagree, 3 = Neither agree nor

disagree, and 5 = Strongly agree). Item scoring was reversed such that a higher score

represented higher perceived control. Extensive research has documented the psychometric

properties of data collected using the high-school version of this scale (e.g., Green, Martin, &

Marsh, 2007; Plenty & Heubeck, 2013). In the present study the internal consistency was

adequate (Cronbach’s α = .70).

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Test competence. Test competence was measured using four items from the Study

Management and Academic Results Test (Topman et al., 1992) adapted by Putwain et al.

(2010) to refer to GCSE examinations rather than tests in general. Participants responded to

items (e.g., ‘I can easily manage the amount of material taught for the GCSE exams) on scale

of 1 – 5 (1 = Strongly disagree, 3 = Neither agree nor disagree, and 5 = Strongly agree). Data

collected using this scale has shown internal consistency and predictive validity (Kleijn, van

der Ploeg, & Topman, 1994; Putwain et al., 2010). Internal reliability, in the present study,

was good (Cronbach’s α = .79).

Examination grades. English, mathematics, and science examinations were based on

the GCSE curriculum appropriate to that point in the programmed of study. Examinations

were marked by teachers against standardized descriptors using an eight-point grading system

(grades A* – G). Letter grades were converted to a numerical equivalent (A* = 8, A = 1, B =

2, G = 1). In this metric a higher grade had higher numerical value. Although it is not

possible to establish the internal reliability of the examination grade data collected for this

study, previous research has suggested that GCSE examination data show high internal

consistency (mean Cronbach’s α = .82; Bramley & Dhawan, 2011) and teachers’ marking

corresponds closely to that of independent raters (mean r =.90; Dhawan & Bramley &, 2013).


Descriptive Statistics and Bivariate Correlations

Descriptive statistics and bivariate correlations are reported in Table 1. All variables

were normally distributed (skewness and kurtosis within ±1) with the exception of English

examination grades, that showed a slight negatively skew (-1.01) and leptokurtic distribution

of scores (1.29). Worry negatively correlated with academic buoyancy, perceived control, test

competence, and examination grades in English, science, and mathematics. Academic

buoyancy, perceived control, test competence, positively correlated with academic buoyancy,

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perceived control, test competence, and examination grades in English, science, and

mathematics. Positive intercorrelations were shown between examination grades in English,

science, and mathematics, and academic buoyancy, perceived control, test competence.

[Table 1 here]

Hierarchical Regression Analysis

We examined interactions between worry, and academic buoyancy, perceived control,

and test competence, in a hierarchical regression analysis. Demographic variables gender (0 =

male, 1 = female), age, and FSM eligibility (0 = no FSM, 1 = FSM), were entered in Step 1.

The main effects for worry, academic buoyancy, perceived control, test competence, were

entered in Step 2. Two-way interactions between worry and academic buoyancy, perceived

control, test competence, were entered in Step 3. Worry, academic buoyancy, perceived

control, and test competence, were mean-centered prior to analysis in order to reduce

potential multicolinearity effects in the interaction terms (Aiken & West, 1991). As

examination grades in English, science, and mathematics, were positively intercorrelated and

showed a similar pattern of correlations with worry, academic buoyancy, perceived control,

and test competence, we aggregated them into a single score (Cronbach’s α = .80, M = 5.41,

SD = 1.51, skewness = -.65, and kurtosis = .15). Despite the positive intercorrelations

between worry, academic buoyancy, perceived control, and test competence, the average

variance inflation factors suggested model parameters were not biased (mean VIF = 1.71).

Other assumptions required for hierarchical regression analysis were also met including

independence of residual data, multivariate normality, and linearity between test anxiety and

examination performance. Results are reported in Table 2.

[Table 2 here]

Demographic variables accounted for a small proportion of variance and were not

statistically significant predictors of examination grades. Worry, and academic buoyancy,

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perceived control, test competence, accounted for an additional 10% of variance in

examination grades. Worry predicted a lower examination grade (β = -.31, p <.001) and

perceived control predicted a higher examination grade (β =.19, p =.002). Two-way

interactions between worry and academic buoyancy, perceived control, test competence,

accounted for an additional 3% of variance in examination grades. A statistically significant

interaction was found between worry and perceived control (β = -.15, p =.02) that we probed

using simple slope analyses at ±1SD.

The negative relationship between worry and examinations grades at mean perceived

control (B = -.70, p <.001) became weaker at low levels (-1SD) of perceived control (B = -

.30, p =.21) and stronger at higher levels (+1SD) of perceived control (B = -1.09, p <.001).

This interaction is graphed in Figure 1. Although this finding might seem paradoxical at first

sight, a visual inspection of Figure 1 shows that at lower levels of worry (-1SD) students with

high perceived control achieved better examination grades than their counterparts with low

levels of control. The advantage offered by high perceived control diminished with increasing

levels of worry. At higher levels of worry (+1SD) the examination grades of students with

higher (+1SD) and lower levels of worry (-1SD) converged.


This study set out to address the question of whether self-beliefs (academic buoyancy,

perceived control, and test competence) moderated the relationship between cognitive test

anxiety (worry) and examination performance. Self-report data for self-belief constructs and

worry were collected from a sample of final year secondary school students and examined in

relation to mock GCSE examinations in English, science, and mathematics. Worry predicted

lower, and perceived control predicted higher, examination grades, over and above the

variance accounted for by demographic covariates. Furthermore, perceived control moderated

the relationship between worry and examination performance. At lower levels of worry,

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students with higher perceived control performed better than those with lower perceived

control. The performance advantage offered by high perceived control diminished as worry

increased. Academic buoyancy and test competence did not predict examination grade (when

included in the regression analysis together with worry and perceived control) or moderate

the worry and examination performance.

Results supported H1. Self-beliefs (academic buoyancy, perceived control, and test

competence) correlated negatively with worry. This is consistent with models of test anxiety

in which the appraisal of a performance-evaluative situation is judged, in part, on one’s level

of perceived competence (e.g., Segool et al., 2014; Zeidner & Matthews, 2005). All things

being equal, students who perceive themselves as less able to withstand the pressure of

testing (low buoyancy), who are not certain how to avoid failure (low perceived control), and

who do not believe that they can demonstrate their knowledge under examination conditions,

report greater worry. Competence beliefs are usually conceptualized in relation to academic

competence (e.g., academic self-efficacy or academic self-concept). In this study we

examined additional forms of self-beliefs that are relevant to test anxiety. Empirically

speaking, these results support, and build on, prior work linking higher academic buoyancy to

lower worry (Putwain et al., 2012, 2015) and lower academic anxiety (Martin, 2013; Martin

et al., 2010), and higher test competence to lower test anxiety (Putwain et al., 2010).

Results supported H2. Self-beliefs correlated positively with examination performance

whereas worry correlated negatively with examination performance. These findings are

consistent with cognitive-motivational theories linking self-beliefs and emotions to academic

achievement (Pekrun 2006; Pekrun & Perry, 2014). Positive self-beliefs facilitate the use of

flexible learning strategies, effort, and persistence whereas negative emotions, such as

anxiety, undermine strategic use of learning strategies and disrupt attentional focus. However,

being mindful not to overstate the substantive implications of these findings, the correlations

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between academic buoyancy/ test competence and examination grades were small and only

statistically significant for mathematics and science respectively. This is consistent with other

findings (e.g., Martin, 2014; Putwain et al., 2015) suggesting that impact of buoyancy and

test competence on cognitive-motivational factors and examination performance may not be

as great as that of worry and perceived control. Notably, when all three self-beliefs were

simultaneously entered into step 2 of the regression model, along with worry, it was only

perceived control and worry that emerged as statistically significant predictors of

examination performance.

Results offered partial support for H3. Perceived control, but not academic buoyancy

or test competence, moderated the relationship between worry and examination performance.

This supports theorizing that test anxiety is a multi-causal phenomenon. Although self-

beliefs, such as perceived control, can contribute to one’s level of test anxiety, there might be

other reasons why an individual may become highly test anxious (e.g., avoidance coping

strategies or metacognitive beliefs in the usefulness of worry). Thus, some individuals with

high perceived control still become test anxious and vice versa. Although we anticipated the

performance of high worry students might be less adversely affected if they were high in

perceived control, our results showed the performance of low worry students was only better

than their high worry counterparts if they were also high in perceived control. With

increasing worry, the performance advantage of high perceived control gradually declined.

From the perspective of cognitive-motivational theory, it would seem plausible that the

capacity of persons high in perceived control to deploy their competencies is undermined at

higher levels of worry. This could be due to the high worry interfering with attentional

resources (e.g., Owens, 2008; Putwain et al., 2014) or not being able to deploy the use of

strategic learning strategies (e.g., Spada & Moneta, 2012). At low worry, although students

may not have been susceptible to the interfering effect of worry on attention resources or

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learning strategies, if students are low in control they may not know how to deploy their


Academic buoyancy and test competence did not interact with worry to predict

examination performance or predict examination grades in the hierarchical regression

analysis over and above the other predictors (worry and perceived competence). This may be

partly a result of being weakly related to examination performance (rs = .12 – .16). It is also

possible that academic buoyancy and test competence might contribute to a sense of control.

Students with a belief that they can ‘bounce back’ from failure or that they can demonstrate

their knowledge under examination conditions might come to develop a greater sense of

certainty that they can achieve good marks or avoid failure (see Collie, Martin, Malmberg,

Hall, & Ginns, 2015; Martin et al., 2010). Thus, academic buoyancy and test competence

might be indirectly related to academic performance via perceived control. This would imply

a more complex relationship between worry and different types of self-beliefs (moderated


Implications for Practice

Combinations of cognitive and behavioral interventions are effective in reducing

worry and other aspects of test anxiety (e.g., Ergene, 2003, von der Embse, Barterian, &

Segool, 2013) but less so for improving examination performance (Vagg & Spielberger,

1995). Our findings shed some possible light on this anomaly. Reducing worry would only

offer potential benefit for the performance of those persons who were high in perceived

control. If students were low in perceived control, reducing worry would offer a limited

performance benefit. Thus, interventions that aim to reduce test anxiety and improve

performance, rather than those that solely to reduce test anxiety, need to focus on both

reducing worry and increasing perceived control. Attributional retraining is a form of

intervention designed to encourage control attributions over the perceived causes of success

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or failure (e.g., Hall, Perry, Goetz, Ruthig, Stupnisky, & Newall, 2007; Stewart, Clifton,

Daniels, Perry, Chipperfield, & Ruthig, 2011). It is possible that attributional retraining could

be used in tandem with cognitive and behavioral approaches to test anxiety in intervention in

order to both reduce worry and improve performance. Given the instrumental role played by

teachers in shaping attributions when providing feedback to students (Hattie & Timperley,

2007), there may also be a role for psychologists in preparing teachers to use the principles of

attributional training during routine instruction and assessment (Margolis & McCabe, 2006).


There are four limitations that we would like to highlight. First, we used data from a

mock GCSE rather than an actual examination. Although we argue that that mock GCSE

examinations are high-stakes there is no doubt that the pressures associated with actual mock

GCSE examinations (and other tests and examination results used to select students for the

job market or further education or evaluate teachers) will be higher. It is possible that the

relationships identified in this study would be amplified in a higher-stakes setting. For

instance, one’s ability to withstand pressure (high academic buoyancy) may become more

relevant when the pressure associated with higher-takes examinations in increased. Second,

we speculated that academic buoyancy and test competence may be precursors of perceived

control but cannot test for this possibility using the cross-sectional design used in this study.

Thus, important contributions of academic buoyancy and test competence may not have been

evident from the findings of this study. It would be beneficial for future research to employ a

longitudinal design, in order to temporally separate academic buoyancy and test competence

from perceived control, to examine this possibility.

Third, this study was conducted on a narrow sample of adolescent students at the end

of secondary education. It is not clear whether there is a developmental dynamic to self-belief

constructs which may limit the generalization of these findings to students of adolescent (and

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older) students. To verify this possibility, it would be prudent to examine the roles of worry

and self-belief constructs in both older and younger students.

Fourth, the overall model accounted for approximately 15% of the variance in

examination performance. At first sight, this might not appear a particularly large proportion of

the variance accounted for. However, it is in keeping with findings from the extant literature

showing that text anxiety and self-beliefs constructs can typically account for up to 6-7% of the

variance in examination and test scores (e.g., Marsh & Martin, 2011; Seipp, 1991). There are

likely to be a multiplicity of other influences on examination performance including cognitive

ability, familial background, socio-demographic factors (e.g., deprivation), school, and teacher

factors. Any assessment of the likely contribution to examination performance made by

student-centered constructs (e.g., cognitive test anxiety and self-beliefs) must be mindful of the

myriad competing influences. In particular it would be useful to establish the role of cognitive

test anxiety and control on examination performance over and above the variance accounted for

by prior examination performance. Hence, future research should endeavor, where possible, to

include pre-measures of examination performance.


Perceived control moderated the relationship between worry and examination

performance. At lower levels of worry, performance of persons higher in perceived control

was better than for those lower in perceived control. However, the performance advantage

offered by perceived control diminished as worry increased. This suggests that test anxiety is

multi-causal and some persons may become test anxious for reasons other than their self-

beliefs. Furthermore, interventions designed to reduce worry and improve examination

performance should include elements of attributional retraining.


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Table 1

Descriptive statistics and bivariate correlations for test anxiety, academic buoyancy, perceived control, test competence, and Year 11 mid-term

examination results in English, mathematics, and science.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

1. Worry — -.69*** -.72*** -.66*** -.22** -.27*** -.30***

2. Academic Buoyancy — .71*** .87*** .12 .13 .15*

3. Perceived Control — .71*** .27*** .31*** .27***

4. Test Competence — .15 .16** .15

5. English Grade — .58*** .64***

6. Science Grade — .76***

7. Mathematics Grade —

Range 1–4 1–5 1–5 1–5 1–8 1–8 1–8

Mean 2.37 2.86 3.25 2.77 5.84 5.07 5.32

SD 0.69 0.89 0.81 0.83 1.71 1.78 1.64

Cronbach’s α .78 .78 .70 .79 — — —

*p ≤ .05. **p ≤ .01. ***p ≤ .001.

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Table 2

Hierarchical regression analysis to examine the interactions between worry, academic buoyancy, perceived control, and test competence in

predicting examination grade, after controlling for demographic variables.

R2 ΔR2 F (df) B SE β VIF

Step 1 .01 .01 0.89 (2, 237)

Gender .01 .01 .09 1.01

Age -.02 .10 -.02 1.01

Free School Meal -.01 .01 -.05 1.02

Step 2 .12 .11 6.87 (4, 233)***

Worry -.70 .18 -.27*** 1.68

Buoyancy -.23 .15 -.13 2.10

Perceived control .36 .15 .18** 1.64

Test competence -.08 .16 -.01 1.97

Step 3 .15 .03 2.30 (3, 230) *

Worry × Buoyancy -.11 .23 -.05 2.57

Worry × Perceived control -.40 .19 -.15* 1.48

Worry × Test competence .04 .23 .02 2.64

Note. VIF = Variance Inflation Factor *p ≤ .05. **p ≤ .01. ***p ≤ .001.

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Figure 1. The interaction between worry and perceived control in predicting examination










Low (-1SD) Mean High (+1SD)


an E







Low (-1SD)


High (+1SD)
