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  • Script Language Reference Edition: 2013

  • Script Language Reference

    Iris, Greek goddess of the rainbow

    Software that brings information

    The choice to name our software Iris is well thought over. You will find remarkable unique

    features that very well compare to how the Greek goddess Iris is described.

    In Greek mythology, Iris is a goddess of communication. She is the messenger of the gods, particularly Zeus and Hera, to humankind. She is pictured with wings and personifies the rainbow. It was said that Iris leaves Mount Olympus only to deliver messages to mankind who look to her as an advisor and guide, linking her between the worlds of the gods and humanity.

    One of the strong features of Iris SCADA and PanelWare relates to communication with the process. No other SCADA or PanelWare software supports the same high and accurate

    performance to bring process and production data to the operators, and back.

    Apart from carrying messages Goddess Iris had many other tasks to perform. One was to deliver a jug of water from the river Styx so to put whoever lies to sleep. The Greek called her 'The source of water from above'. If the Gods argue, or if they lie about something, Iris will get water out of the river Styx. With this water, the Gods must pledge the truth. If they lied, they lost their immortality.

    Besides the strong communication in Iris SCADA and PanelWare you also will find many smart engineering tools that will help you to generate quickly solutions for different type of

    applications. Iris SCADA and PanelWare holds a very strong event driven task handler. This guarantees that data is always handled correctly and communicated to the different modules

    (e.g. alarming, trending, visualization and more).

    Travelling through all dimensions, Iris uses her gifts to prevent unnecessary suffering by severing the silver cord that binds them to Mother Earth bringing relief from a slow death. Though she was sometimes called upon to deliver bad news, Iris was known as a sweet tempered Goddess with no enemies. This gave her access to the universe and welcome in all corners of the earth and beyond.

    Iris SCADA and PanelWare is independent from whatever type of control equipment. The unique architecture is suited for a wide variety of applications. Iris SCADA and PanelWare can

    be used in small stations and in large control rooms, in simple to mission critical applications. Iris SCADA and PanelWare can be fully adjusted and new functionality can be added always.

    Iris not being a mere follower and deliverer of others' messages, her other qualities are gentle strength and communication skills born out of the art of balance. She arrests action and creates harmony. Iris is a bringer of hope and justice through temperance rather than force. It has been said that all the colours of the rainbow blended together create the colour white, essence of the Spirit.

    Iris SCADA and PanelWare is not comparable with regular SCADA systems. It is software

    developed by engineers for engineers allowing easy and rapid application development, saving valuable engineering time. Even changes to the application can be made without

    stopping the process, if needed from a remote development station. All the different modules in Iris SCADA and PanelWare make it an ideal platform to develop specific solutions.

  • Script Language Reference

    Abstract This document is the Script Language Reference for Iris, a product of Raster Products B.V. Iris is a program build to control and visualize data from Programmable logic Controllers

    (PLC) or Process Control Systems (PCS) through highly efficient data communication. Iris is

    equipped with lots of extensive features, provided to create the best possible interface with the user.

    Raster Products B.V.

    P.O. box 3

    6620 AA DREUMEL

    The Netherlands

    Phone: +31 (0)487-572719

    Fax: +31 (0)487-573394

    E-mail: [email protected]


  • Script Language Reference


    Edition Date Author Description

    2009 16-JUL-2009 Alex Oskam Newly written for Iris V4

    2011 28-JAN-2011 Alex Oskam Slightly updated

    2013 10-AUG-2013 RvW Slightly updated

    This document is property of Raster Products B.V. No part of it may be reproduced or used in

    any form or by any means without written permission of the owner.

    Although this manual is written with the most care, Raster will not be responsible for any mistakes in this manual or damage that is a result of the information in this manual.

  • Script Language Reference

    2001-2013 Raster Products B.V. All right reserved

  • Script Language Reference

    Table of Contents 1. Abort - Aborts the current processing with a silent exception ...................................... 12

    2. Abs - Gives the absolute value of a number (-ve sign is removed) .............................. 13

    3. And - Boolean and or bitwise and of two arguments .................................................. 14

    4. AnsiChar - A character type guaranteed to be 8 bits in size ........................................ 15

    5. AnsiCompareStr - Compare two strings for equality .................................................... 16

    6. AnsiCompareText - Compare two strings for equality, ignoring case ............................ 18

    7. AnsiLowerCase - Change upper case characters in a string to lower case .................... 20

    8. AnsiPos - Find the position of one string in another .................................................... 21

    9. AnsiString - A data type that holds a string of AnsiChars ............................................ 22

    10. AnsiUpperCase - Change lower case characters in a string to upper case .................. 24

    11. Append - Open a text file to allow appending of text to the end ............................... 25

    12. ArcCos - The Arc Cosine of a number, returned in radians ........................................ 27

    13. ArcSin - The Arc Sine of a number, returned in radians ............................................ 28

    14. ArcTan - The Arc Tangent of a number, returned in radians ..................................... 29

    15. Array - A data type holding indexable collections of data .......................................... 30

    16. AssignFile - Assigns a file handle to a binary or text file ........................................... 32

    17. Beep - Make a beep sound ..................................................................................... 34

    18. Begin - Keyword that starts a statement block ......................................................... 35

    19. Boolean - Allows just True and False values ............................................................ 36

    20. Break - Forces a jump out of a single loop .............................................................. 37

    21. Byte - An integer type supporting values 0 to 255 ................................................... 38

    22. Cardinal - The basic unsigned integer type .............................................................. 39

    23. Case - A mechanism for acting upon different values of an Ordinal ........................... 40

    24. ChangeFileExt - Change the extension part of a file name ........................................ 42

    25. ChangePage - Change a page ................................................................................ 43

    26. Char - Variable type holding a single character ........................................................ 44

    27. ChDir - Change the working drive plus path for a specified drive .............................. 45

    28. Chr - Convert an integer into a character ................................................................ 46

    29. ClearMailBox - Clears the current MailBox................................................................ 47

    30. CloseCurrentPage - Close a screen .......................................................................... 48

    31. CloseFile - Closes an open file ................................................................................ 49

    32. CompareStr - Compare two strings for equality ....................................................... 51

    33. CompareText - Compare two strings for equality, ignoring case ................................ 53

    34. CompareValue - Compare numeric values with a tolerance ....................................... 55

    35. Const - Starts the definition of fixed data values ...................................................... 57

    36. Continue - Forces a jump to the next iteration of a loop ........................................... 58

    37. Copy - Create a copy of part of a string or an array ................................................. 59

    38. Cos - The Cosine of a number ................................................................................ 60

    39. CreateDir - Create a directory ................................................................................. 61

    40. Currency - A floating point type with 4 decimals used for financial values ................. 62

    41. CurrencyDecimals - Defines decimal digit count in the Format function ..................... 63

    42. CurrencyFormat - Defines currency string placement in curr display functions ........... 64

  • Script Language Reference

    43. CurrencyString - The currency string used in currency display functions .................... 65

    44. CurrentPageName - Show the current page name ................................................... 66

    45. CurrToStr - Convert a currency value to a string ...................................................... 67

    46. CurrToStrF - Convert a currency value to a string with formatting............................. 68

    47. Date - Gives the current date ................................................................................. 69

    48. DateSeparator - The character used to separate display date fields .......................... 70

    49. DateTimeToFileDate - Convert a TDateTime value to a file date/time format ............. 71

    50. DateTimeToStr - Converts TDateTime date and time values to a string ..................... 73

    51. DateTimeToString - Rich formatting of a TDateTime variable into a string ................. 74

    52. DateToStr - Converts a TDateTime date value to a string ......................................... 77

    53. DayOfTheMonth - Gives day of month index for a TDateTime value (ISO 8601) ........ 78

    54. DayOfTheWeek - Gives day of week index for a TDateTime value (ISO 8601) ........... 79

    55. DayOfTheYear - Gives the day of the year for a TDateTime value (ISO 8601) ........... 80

    56. DayOfWeek - Gives day of week index for a TDateTime value .................................. 81

    57. DaysBetween - Gives the whole number of days between 2 dates ............................ 82

    58. DaysInAMonth - Gives the number of days in a month ............................................. 83

    59. DaysInAYear - Gives the number of days in a year .................................................. 84

    60. DaySpan - Gives the fractional number of days between 2 dates .............................. 85

    61. Dec - Decrement an ordinal variable ....................................................................... 86

    62. DecimalSeparator - The character used to display the decimal point ......................... 87

    63. DecodeDate - Extracts the year, month, day values from a TDateTime var. .............. 88

    64. DecodeTime - Break a TDateTime value into individual time values .......................... 89

    65. DegToRad - Convert a degrees value to radians ...................................................... 90

    66. Delete - Delete a section of characters from a string ................................................ 91

    67. DeleteFile - Delete a file specified by its file name ................................................... 92

    68. DirectoryExists - Returns true if the given directory exists ........................................ 94

    69. Div - Performs integer division, discarding the remainder ......................................... 95

    70. Do - Defines the start of some controlled action ...................................................... 96

    71. Double - A floating point type supporting about 15 digits of precision ....................... 97

    72. Downto - Prefixes an decremental for loop target value ........................................... 98

    73. Else - Starts false section of if, case and try statements ........................................... 99

    74. EncodeDate - Build a TDateTime value from year, month and day values ............... 101

    75. EncodeDateTime - Build a TDateTime value from day and time values .................... 102

    76. EncodeTime - Build a TDateTime value from hour, min, sec and msec values.......... 103

    77. End - Keyword that terminates statement blocks ................................................... 104

    78. EndOfADay - Generate a TDateTime value set to the very end of a day .................. 105

    79. EndOfAMonth - Generate a TDateTime value set to the very end of a month .......... 106

    80. Eof - Returns true if a file opened with Reset is at the end ..................................... 107

    81. Erase - Erase a file............................................................................................... 109

    82. Except - Starts the error trapping clause of a try statement .................................... 110

    83. Exit - exit abruptly from a function or procedure .................................................... 111

    84. Exp - Gives the exponent of a number .................................................................. 112

    85. ExpandMailBox - Expands a MailBox ..................................................................... 113

    86. ExpandPowerTree - Expands a PowerTree ............................................................ 114

  • Script Language Reference

    87. ExtractFileDir - Extracts the dir part of a full file name ........................................... 115

    88. ExtractFileDrive - Extracts the drive part of a full file name .................................... 116

    89. ExtractFileExt - Extracts the extension part of a full file name ................................. 117

    90. ExtractFileName - Extracts the name part of a full file name ................................... 118

    91. ExtractFilePath - Extracts the path part of a full file name ...................................... 119

    92. File - Defines a typed or untyped file .................................................................... 120

    93. FileAge - Get the last modified date/time of a file without opening it ...................... 122

    94. FileDateToDateTime - Converts a file date/time format to a TDateTime value ......... 123

    95. FileExists - Returns true if the given file exists ....................................................... 124

    96. FileGetAttr - Gets the attributes of a file ................................................................ 126

    97. FileSearch - Search for a file in one or more directories .......................................... 129

    98. FileSetDate - set the last modified date and time of a file ....................................... 131

    99. Finally - Starts the unconditional code section of a try statement ............................ 133

    100. FloatToStr - Convert a floating point value to a string .......................................... 135

    101. FloatToStrF - Convert a floating point value to a string with formatting ................ 136

    102. Flush - Flushes buffered text file data to the file .................................................. 139

    103. For - Starts a loop that executes a finite number of times .................................... 141

    104. ForceDirectories - Create a new path of directories ............................................. 142

    105. Format - Rich formatting of numbers and text into a string .................................. 143

    106. FormatCurr - Rich formatting of a currency value into a string ............................. 146

    107. FormatDateTime - Rich formatting of a TDateTime variable into a string .............. 149

    108. FormatFloat - Rich formatting of a floating point number into a string .................. 154

    109. Frac - The fractional part of a floating point number ............................................ 157

    110. Function - Defines a subroutine that returns a value ............................................ 158

    111. GetCurrentDir - Get the current directory (drive plus directory) ............................ 161

    112. GetDir - Get the default directory (drive plus path) for a specified drive ................ 162

    113. GetPageDir - Returns the page directory ............................................................. 163

    114. GetTagProp - Reads a property of a tag.............................................................. 164

    115. GetTagValue - Reads the value of a tag .............................................................. 166

    116. Goto - Forces a jump to a label, regardless of nesting ......................................... 169

    117. If - Starts a conditional expression to determine what to do next ......................... 170

    118. Implementation - Starts the implementation (code) section of a unit .................... 172

    119. Inc - Increment an ordinal variable .................................................................... 175

    120. IncDay - Increments a TDateTime variable by + or - number of days ................... 176

    121. IncMillisecond - Increments a TDateTime variable by + or - number of mseconds . 177

    122. IncMinute - Increments a TDateTime variable by + or - number of minutes .......... 178

    123. IncMonth - Increments a TDateTime variable by a number of months .................. 179

    124. IncSecond - Increments a TDateTime variable by + or - number of seconds ......... 180

    125. IncYear - Increments a TDateTime variable by a number of years ........................ 181

    126. Infinity - Floating point value of infinite size ........................................................ 182

    127. InputBox - Display a dialog that asks for user text input, with default ................... 183

    128. InputQuery - Display a dialog that asks for user text input ................................... 184

    129. Insert - Insert a string into another string ........................................................... 185

    130. Int - The integer part of a floating point number as a float .................................. 186

  • Script Language Reference

    131. Integer - The basic Integer type ........................................................................ 187

    132. Interface - Used for definitions ........................................................................... 188

    133. IntToHex - Convert an Integer into a hexadecimal string ..................................... 191

    134. IntToStr - Convert an integer into a string .......................................................... 192

    135. IsInfinite - Checks whether a floating point number is infinite .............................. 193

    136. IsLeapYear - Returns true if a given calendar year is a leap year .......................... 194

    137. LastDelimiter - Find the last position of selected characters in a string .................. 195

    138. Length - Return the number of elements in an array or string .............................. 196

    139. LinkedPopup - Open a Linked Popup .................................................................. 197

    140. Ln - Gives the natural logarithm of a number ...................................................... 198

    141. Log10 - Gives the log to base 10 of a number ..................................................... 199

    142. LongDateFormat - Long version of the date to string format ................................ 200

    143. LongInt - An Integer whose size is guaranteed to be 32 bits ................................ 201

    144. LongTimeFormat - Long version of the time to string format ................................ 202

    145. LowerCase - Change upper case characters in a string to lower case .................... 203

    146. Max - Gives the maximum of two integer values ................................................. 204

    147. MessageBox - Displays a message, symbol, and selectable buttons ...................... 205

    148. MessageDlg - Displays a message, symbol, and selectable buttons ....................... 206

    149. MessageDlgPos - Displays a message plus buttons at a given screen position ....... 208

    150. Min - Gives the minimum of two integer values ................................................... 210

    151. MinsPerDay - Gives the number of minutes in a day ............................................ 211

    152. MkDir - Make a directory .................................................................................... 212

    153. Mod - Performs integer division, returning the remainder..................................... 213

    154. ModalPopup - Open a Modal Popup .................................................................... 214

    155. MonthOfTheYear - Gives the month of the year for a TDateTime value ................. 215

    156. NegCurrFormat - Defines negative amount formatting in currency displays ........... 216

    157. Not - Boolean not or bitwise not of one arguments .............................................. 218

    158. Now - Gives the current date and time ............................................................... 219

    159. Null - A variable that has no value ...................................................................... 220

    160. NumEditor - Shows a numerical popup to write the value of a tag ........................ 222

    161. Or - Boolean or or bitwise or of two arguments ................................................... 224

    162. Ord - Provides the Ordinal value of an integer, character or enum........................ 225

    163. PageBack - Show Previous Page ......................................................................... 227

    164. PageForward - Show Next Page ......................................................................... 228

    165. Pi - The mathematical constant .......................................................................... 229

    166. Popup - Open a Popup ...................................................................................... 230

    167. Pos - Find the position of one string in another ................................................... 231

    168. Pred - Decrement an ordinal variable .................................................................. 232

    169. Private - Starts the section of private data and methods in a class ....................... 233

    170. Procedure - Defines a subroutine that does not return a value ............................. 234

    171. PtInRect - Tests to see if a point lies within a rectangle ....................................... 237

    172. Public - Starts an externally accessible section of a class...................................... 238

    173. RadToDeg - Converts a radian value to degrees .................................................. 239

    174. Random - Generate a random floating point or integer number ............................ 240

  • Script Language Reference

    175. Randomize - Reposition the Random number generator next value ...................... 242

    176. RandomRange - Generate a random integer number within a supplied range........ 244

    177. RandSeed - Reposition the Random number generator next value ........................ 245

    178. ReadLn - read a complete line of data from a text file ......................................... 247

    179. ReadRecipe - read a recipe file. .......................................................................... 249

    180. RecodeDate - Change only the date part of a TDateTime variable ........................ 250

    181. RecodeTime - Change only the time part of a TDateTime variable ........................ 251

    182. RemoveDir - Remove a directory ........................................................................ 252

    183. RemoveMailBox - Removes a MailBox ................................................................. 253

    184. Rename - Rename a file .................................................................................... 254

    185. Repeat - repeat statements until a ternmination condition is met ......................... 256

    186. ReplaceDate - Change only the date part of a TDateTime variable ....................... 258

    187. ReplaceTime - Change only the time part of a TDateTime variable ....................... 259

    188. Result - A variable used to hold the return value from a function ......................... 260

    189. ReWrite - Open a text or binary file for write access ............................................ 261

    190. RmDir - Remove a directory ............................................................................... 263

    191. Round - Rounds a floating point number to an integer ......................................... 264

    192. SecsPerDay - Gives the number of seconds in a day ............................................ 265

    193. SetCurrentDir - Change the current directory ...................................................... 266

    194. SetMailBox - Sets a MailBox to a specific value .................................................... 267

    195. SetPageDir - Sets the page directory .................................................................. 268

    196. SetTagValue - Sets a value of a tag .................................................................... 269

    197. Shl - Shift an integer value left by a number of bits ............................................. 272

    198. ShortDateFormat - Compact version of the date to string format .......................... 273

    199. ShortInt - An integer type supporting values -128 to 127 ..................................... 274

    200. ShortString - Defines a string of up to 255 characters .......................................... 275

    201. ShortTimeFormat - Short version of the time to string format .............................. 276

    202. ShowMessage - Display a string in a simple dialog with an OK button ................... 277

    203. ShowMessageFmt - Display formatted data in a simple dialog with an OK button .. 278

    204. ShowMessagePos - Display a string in a simple dialog at a given screen position ... 281

    205. Shr - Shift an integer value right by a number of bits .......................................... 282

    206. Sin - The Sine of a number ................................................................................ 283

    207. Single - The smallest capacity and precision floating point type ............................ 284

    208. SmallInt - An Integer type supporting values from -32768 to 32767 ..................... 285

    209. Sqr - Gives the square of a number .................................................................... 286

    210. Sqrt - Gives the square root of a number ............................................................ 287

    211. StopRunTime - Stops the runtime....................................................................... 288

    212. String - A data type that holds a string of characters ........................................... 289

    213. StringReplace - Replace one or more substrings found within a string .................. 290

    214. StrToCurr - Convert a number string into a currency value ................................... 291

    215. StrToDate - Converts a date string into a TDateTime value .................................. 293

    216. StrToDateTime - Converts a date+time string into a TDateTime value .................. 294

    217. StrToFloat - Convert a number string into a floating point value ........................... 295

    218. StrToInt - Convert an integer string into an Integer value .................................... 296

  • Script Language Reference

    219. StrToIntDef - Convert a string into an Integer value with default ......................... 298

    220. StrToTime - Converts a time string into a TDateTime value ................................. 300

    221. Succ - Increment an ordinal variable .................................................................. 301

    222. Tan - The Tangent of a number ......................................................................... 302

    223. TBits - An object that can hold an infinite number of Boolean values .................... 303

    224. TDateTime - Data type holding a date and time value ......................................... 305

    225. TextFile - Declares a file type for storing lines of text .......................................... 306

    226. TFloatFormat - Formats for use in floating point number display functions ............ 308

    227. TFormatSettings - A record for holding locale values ........................................... 311

    228. Then - Part of an if statement - starts the true clause.......................................... 313

    229. ThousandSeparator - The character used to display the thousands separator ........ 315

    230. Time - Gives the current time ............................................................................ 316

    231. TimeAMString - Determines AM value in DateTimeToString procedure .................. 317

    232. TimePMString - Determines PM value in DateTimeToString procedure .................. 318

    233. TimeSeparator - The character used to separate display time fields ...................... 319

    234. TimeToStr - Converts a TDateTime time value to a string .................................... 320

    235. To - Prefixes an incremental for loop target value ............................................... 321

    236. Tomorrow - Gives the date tomorrow ................................................................. 322

    237. Trim - Removes leading and trailing blanks from a string ..................................... 323

    238. TrimLeft - Removes leading blanks from a string ................................................. 324

    239. TrimRight - Removes trailing blanks from a string ............................................... 325

    240. Trunc - The integer part of a floating point number ............................................. 326

    241. Try - Starts code that has error trapping ............................................................. 327

    242. TStringList - Holds a variable length list of strings ............................................... 330

    243. TwoDigitYearCenturyWindow - Sets the century threshold for 2 digit years ........... 334

    244. Unit - Defines the start of a script file ................................................................. 335

    245. Until - Ends a repeat control loop ....................................................................... 338

    246. UpperCase - Change lower case characters in a string to upper case .................... 340

    247. Uses - Declares a list of Units to be imported ...................................................... 341

    248. Var - Starts the definition of a section of data variables ....................................... 344

    249. Variant - A variable type that can hold changing data types ................................. 346

    250. VarType - Gives the current type of a Variant variable ......................................... 347

    251. VarTypeMask - Mask for the meta-type part of a Variant variable ......................... 350

    252. While - repeat statements whilst a continuation condition is met .......................... 353

    253. WideString - A data type that holds a string of WideChars ................................... 355

    254. Word - An integer type supporting values 0 to 65535 .......................................... 357

    255. WriteLn - write a complete line of data to a text file ............................................ 358

    256. WriteRecipe - write a recipe file.......................................................................... 360

    257. WriteTagValue - Writes a value of a tag .............................................................. 361

    258. Xor - Boolean xor or bitwise xor of two arguments .............................................. 364

    259. Yesterday - Gives the date yesterday.................................................................. 365

  • Script Language Reference

    Error! Use the Home tab to apply Kop 1 to the text that you want to appear here.Error! Use the Home tab to apply Kop 1

    to the text that you want to appear here.

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    1. Abort - Aborts the current processing with a silent exception

    1.1. Unit


    1.2. Type


    1.3. Description

    The Abort procedure stops the current processing and exits to the last exception block. In

    doing so, no end user message is produced - the abort is silent.

    1.4. Syntax procedure Abort;

    1.5. Example

    1.5.1. Name

    Aborting from a try block

    1.5.2. Code begin

    // enter a try block


    ShowMessage('Before abort');


    ShowMessage('After abort');


    ShowMessage('Exception occurred');


    ShowMessage('After try');


    1.5.3. Result Before abort

    Exception occurred

    After try

  • Script Language Reference

    Error! Use the Home tab to apply Kop 1 to the text that you want to appear here.Error! Use the Home tab to apply Kop 1

    to the text that you want to appear here.

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    2. Abs - Gives the absolute value of a number (-ve sign is removed)

    2.1. Unit


    2.2. Type


    2.3. Description

    The Abs function returns the absolute value of a negative or positive number. It does this by

    removing a negative sign, if found. The Number can be any numeric type, and can even be a Variant, as long as it can be converted to a number. For example, a Variant set to a string '-

    1.23' will work fine. Always, Abs converts the Variant to an Extended floating point number

    prior to removing any negative sign, even if the result is an integer value.

    2.4. Syntax function Abs(Number : Numeric type) : Numeric type;

    2.5. Example

    2.5.1. Name

    Illustrating absolute values of different data types

    2.5.2. Code var

    float : single;

    int : Integer;

    varVar : Variant;


    float := -1.5; // small negative floating point number

    int := -7; // negative integer

    varVar := '-98'; // variants are converted to floating point!

    ShowMessage('Abs(float) = '+FloatToStr(Abs(float)));

    ShowMessage('Abs(int) = '+FloatToStr(Abs(int)));

    // variants are converted into extended floating types

    float := Abs(varVar);

    ShowMessage('Abs(varVar) = '+FloatToStr(float));


    2.5.3. Result Abs(float) = 1.5

    Abs(int) = 7

    Abs(varVar) = 98

  • Script Language Reference

    Error! Use the Home tab to apply Kop 1 to the text that you want to appear here.Error! Use the Home tab to apply Kop 1

    to the text that you want to appear here.

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    3. And - Boolean and or bitwise and of two arguments

    3.1. Unit

    Iris Standard

    3.2. Type


    3.3. Description

    The and keyword is used in two different ways: 1. to perform a logical or Boolean 'and' of

    two logical values. If both are true, then the result is true, otherwise, the result is false. 2. To

    perform a mathematical 'and' of two integers. The result is a bitwise 'and' of the two numbers. For example: 10110001 and 01100110 = 00100000

    3.4. Syntax 1 Boolean expression and Boolean expression

    2 Integer expression and Integer expression

    3.5. Example

    3.5.1. Name

    Illustrate both types of and usage

    3.5.2. Code var

    num1, num2, num3 : Integer;

    letter : Char;


    num1 := $25; // binary value : 0010 0101

    num2 := $32; // binary value : 0011 0010

    // and-ed value : 0010 0000 = $20 = 32 dec

    letter := 'G';

    // and used to return a boolean value

    if (num1 > 0) and (letter = 'G')

    then ShowMessage('Both values are true')

    else ShowMessage('None or only one true value');

    // and used to perform a mathematical and operation

    num3 := num1 and num2;

    ShowMessageFmt('$25 and $32 = $%x',[num3]);


    3.5.3. Result Both values are true

    $25 and $32 = $20

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    4. AnsiChar - A character type guaranteed to be 8 bits in size

    4.1. Unit


    4.2. Type


    4.3. Description

    The AnsiChar type is used to hold single characters. It is guaranteed to be 8 bits in size. It

    can be assigned from a character or integer value.

    4.4. Syntax type AnsiChar = #0..#255;

    4.5. Example

    4.5.1. Name

    Different ways of assigning to and from an AnsiChar

    4.5.2. Code var

    myChar : AnsiChar;


    myChar := 'g'; // assign from a character constant

    ShowMessage('Letter g = '+myChar);

    myChar := #65; // assign from an integer constant

    ShowMessage('#65 = '+myChar);

    myChar := Chr(66); // using chr to convert a number

    ShowMessage('Chr(66) = '+myChar);


    4.5.3. Result Letter g = g

    #65 = A

    Chr(66) = B

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    5. AnsiCompareStr - Compare two strings for equality

    5.1. Unit


    5.2. Type


    5.3. Description

    The AnsiCompareStr function compares String1 and String2 for equality. This is the modern,

    Locale safe form of CompareStr. All Ansi commands support multi-byte and accented

    characters. It returns these values: String1 < String2 : -ve numberString1 = String2 : 0String1 > String2 : +ve number The comparison is not affected by length - it is carried out

    on a letter by letter basis. But a longer string is greater than a shorter, otherwise matching string. The comparison is case sensitive.

    5.4. Syntax function AnsiCompareStr(const String1, String2 : string) : Integer;

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    5.5. Example

    5.5.1. Name

    Compare various strings

    5.5.2. Code // remember to declare the procedure at type using the following line

    // procedure comparestrings(const string1, string2: string);


    // compare two obviously different strings

    CompareStrings('HELLO', 'WORLD');

    // compare identical strings

    CompareStrings('Hi 2 you', 'Hi 2 you');

    // upper case letters follow lower case in iris

    CompareStrings('ABC', 'abc');

    // all letters follow numbers in iris

    CompareStrings('abc', '123');


    // compare two strings, and show which is bigger than the other

    procedure TUntitled.CompareStrings(const string1, string2: string);


    result : Integer;


    // compare some strings

    result := AnsiCompareStr(string1, string2);

    if result < 0 then ShowMessage(string1+' < '+string2);

    if result = 0 then ShowMessage(string1+' = '+string2);

    if result > 0 then ShowMessage(string1+' > '+string2);


    5.5.3. Result HELLO < WORLD

    Hi 2 you = Hi 2 you

    ABC > abc

    abc > 123

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    6. AnsiCompareText - Compare two strings for equality, ignoring case

    6.1. Unit


    6.2. Type


    6.3. Description

    The AnsiCompareText function compares String1 and String2 for equality, ignoring case. This

    is the modern, Locale safe form of CompareStr. All Ansi commands support multi-byte and accented characters. It returns these values: String1 < String2 : -ve numberString1 = String2

    : 0String1 > String2 : +ve number The comparison is not affected by length - it is carried out

    on a letter by letter basis. But a longer string is greater than a shorter, otherwise matching string.

    6.4. Syntax function AnsiCompareText(const String1, String2 : string) : Integer;

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    6.5. Example

    6.5.1. Name

    Compare various strings

    6.5.2. Code // remember to declare the procedure at type using the following line

    // procedure comparestrings(const string1, string2: string);


    // compare two obviously different strings

    CompareStrings('HELLO', 'WORLD');

    // compare identical strings

    CompareStrings('Hi 2 you', 'Hi 2 you');

    // ansicomparetext treats upper and lower case identically

    CompareStrings('ABCdef', 'abcDEF');

    // all letters follow numbers in iris

    CompareStrings('abc', '123');


    // compare two strings, and show which is bigger than the other

    procedure TUntitled.CompareStrings(const string1, string2: string);


    result : Integer;


    // compare some strings

    result := AnsiCompareText(string1, string2);

    if result < 0 then ShowMessage(string1+' < '+string2);

    if result = 0 then ShowMessage(string1+' = '+string2);

    if result > 0 then ShowMessage(string1+' > '+string2);


    6.5.3. Result HELLO < WORLD

    Hi 2 you = Hi 2 you

    ABCdef = abcDEF

    abc > 123

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    7. AnsiLowerCase - Change upper case characters in a string to lower case

    7.1. Unit


    7.2. Type


    7.3. Description

    The AnsiLowerCase function creates a copy of MixedString with all letters converted to lower

    case. All Ansi commands support multi-byte and accented characters.

    7.4. Syntax function AnsiLowerCase(const MixedString : string) : string;

    7.5. Example

    7.5.1. Name

    Converting a mixed case string to lower case

    7.5.2. Code var

    SimpleString : string;


    SimpleString := AnsiLowerCase('The Cat Sat on The MAT');

    ShowMessage('SimpleString : '+SimpleString);


    7.5.3. Result SimpleString : the cat sat on the mat

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    8. AnsiPos - Find the position of one string in another

    8.1. Unit


    8.2. Type


    8.3. Description

    The AnsiPos function looks for a substring Needle in a string HayStack, returning the position

    in the string of the first occurrence. All Ansi commands support multi-byte and accented

    characters. if the string is not found, 0 is returned. The search is case sensitive.

    8.4. Syntax function AnsiPos(const Needle, HayStack : string) : Integer;

    8.5. Example

    8.5.1. Name

    Find a word in a sentence

    8.5.2. Code var

    position : Integer;


    // look for the word 'cat' in a sentence

    // note : that this search is case sensitive, so that

    // the first 'cat' is not matched

    position := AnsiPos('Cat', 'The cat sat on the Cat mat');

    if position = 0

    then ShowMessage('''Cat'' not found in the sentence')

    else ShowMessage('''Cat'' was found at character '+IntToStr(position));


    8.5.3. Result 'Cat' was found at character 20

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    9. AnsiString - A data type that holds a string of AnsiChars

    9.1. Unit


    9.2. Type


    9.3. Description

    The AnsiString data type is used to hold sequences of characters, like sentences. Each

    character is an AnsiChar, guaranteed to be 8 bits in size. An AnsiString can hold any number of characters, restricted only by memory. Unlike ShortStrings, AnsiStrings are pointer

    referenced variables. Storage is allocated for an AnsiString only when needed. for example,

    assigning the value of one AnsiString to another does not allocate storage for a copy of the first string. Instead, the reference count of the first string is incremented, and the second

    AnsiString set to point to it. But when the second string is changed, new storage is obtained for this new string, and the reference count for the first string is decremented. AnsiStrings

    can be assigned from other strings, from functions that return a string, and with

    concatenations as in the sample code.

    9.4. Syntax type AnsiString;

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    9.5. Example

    9.5.1. Name

    Assign to two AnsiStrings and manipulate these

    9.5.2. Code var

    string1, string2 : AnsiString;


    // assign a famous sentence to the first string

    string1 := 'Hello World';

    // assign to the second string

    // this simply points string2 at string1

    // the 'hello world' string storage has a reference count of 2

    string2 := string1;

    // add to the second string

    // this disassociates from string1 - new string storage is

    // created to hold the string2 value

    string2 := string2 + ', how is everyone?';

    // and finally, set the length of the first string to 5

    SetLength(string1, 5);

    // display both strings

    ShowMessage('String1 = '+string1);

    ShowMessage('String2 = '+string2);


    9.5.3. Result String1 = Hello

    String2 = Hello World, how is everyone?

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    10. AnsiUpperCase - Change lower case characters in a string to upper case

    10.1. Unit


    10.2. Type


    10.3. Description

    The AnsiUpperCase function creates a copy of MixedString with all letters converted to upper

    case. All Ansi commands support multi-byte and accented characters.

    10.4. Syntax function AnsiUpperCase(const MixedString : string) : string;

    10.5. Example

    10.5.1. Name

    Converting a mixed case string to upper case

    10.5.2. Code var

    SimpleString : string;


    SimpleString := AnsiUpperCase('The Cat Sat on The MAT');

    ShowMessage('SimpleString : '+SimpleString);


    10.5.3. Result SimpleString : THE CAT SAT on THE MAT

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    11. Append - Open a text file to allow appending of text to the end

    11.1. Unit


    11.2. Type


    11.3. Description

    The Append procedure opens a file given by FileHandle to allow subsequent writes to append

    to the end of the file. You must use AssignFile to assign a file to the FileHandle before using Append. This is often used when logging information - existing log data must be preserved,

    with the new log information appended to the end. Use write or WriteLn to write to the file

    after this Append is executed.

    11.4. Syntax procedure Append(var FileHandle : TextFile);

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    11.5. Example

    11.5.1. Name

    Appending a line of text to an existing file

    11.5.2. Code var

    myFile : TextFile;

    text : string;


    // try to open the test.txt file for writing to

    AssignFile(myFile, 'Test.txt');


    // write a couple of well known words to this file

    WriteLn(myFile, 'Hello');

    WriteLn(myFile, 'World');

    // close the file


    // reopen to append a final line to the file


    // write this final line

    WriteLn(myFile, 'Final line added');

    // close the file


    // reopen the file for reading


    // display the file contents

    while not Eof(myFile) do


    ReadLn(myFile, text);



    // close the file for the last time



    11.5.3. Result Hello


    Final line added

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    12. ArcCos - The Arc Cosine of a number, returned in radians

    12.1. Unit


    12.2. Type


    12.3. Description

    The ArcCos function is a mathematical function giving the value in radians of the Arc Cosine

    of Number. PI radians = 180 degrees

    12.4. Syntax function ArcCos(const Number : Extended) : Extended;

    12.5. Example

    12.5.1. Name

    The ArcCos of 0.5 gives 60 degrees

    12.5.2. Code var

    float : single;


    // the arccos of 0.5 should give 60 degrees

    float := ArcCos(0.5);

    float := RadToDeg(float); // convert result to degrees

    ShowMessage('ArcCos of 0.5 = '+FloatToStr(float)+' degrees');


    12.5.3. Result ArcCos of 0.5 = 60 degrees

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    13. ArcSin - The Arc Sine of a number, returned in radians

    13.1. Unit


    13.2. Type


    13.3. Description

    The ArcSin function is a mathematical function giving the value in radians of the Arc Sine of

    Number. PI radians = 180 degrees

    13.4. Syntax function ArcSin(const Number : Extended) : Extended;

    13.5. Example

    13.5.1. Name

    The ArcSin of 0.5 gives 30 degrees

    13.5.2. Code var

    float : single;


    // the arcsin of 0.5 should give 30 degrees

    float := ArcSin(0.5);

    float := RadToDeg(float); // convert result to degrees

    ShowMessage('ArcSin of 0.5 = '+FloatToStr(float)+' degrees');


    13.5.3. Result ArcSin of 0.5 = 30 degrees

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    14. ArcTan - The Arc Tangent of a number, returned in radians

    14.1. Unit


    14.2. Type


    14.3. Description

    The ArcTan function is a mathematical function giving the value in radians of the Arc Tangent

    of Number. PI radians = 180 degrees

    14.4. Syntax function ArcTan(const Number : Extended) : Extended;

    14.5. Example

    14.5.1. Name

    Get the ArcTan of PI/2

    14.5.2. Code var

    float : single;


    // the arctan of pi/2 should give 1.0

    float := ArcTan(PI/2);

    ShowMessage('ArcTan of PI/2 = '+FloatToStr(float));


    14.5.3. Result ArcTan of PI/2 = 1.00388479232788

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    15. Array - A data type holding indexable collections of data

    15.1. Unit

    Iris Standard

    15.2. Type


    15.3. Description

    The array keyword provides single and multi dimensional arrays (indexable sequences) of

    data. Arrays in Iris always have a fixed, unchangeable size. They may be single or multidimensional - the latter being an array of arrays (of arrays etc). The size and range of

    such a multidimensional array is always given for the highest, leftmost array - the parent


    15.4. Syntax type Name = array[index type|Ordinal..Ordinal {,...}] of Base type;

    15.5. Example 1

    15.5.1. Name

    Declaring and using arrays

    15.5.2. Code var

    IntArr : array[0..20] of integer;

    i : Integer;


    // use indexing to furnish an array

    for i := 5 to 20 do

    IntArr[i] := i * 5;

    // now use indexing to display 2 of the elements

    ShowMessage('element 7 = '+IntToStr( IntArr[7] ));

    ShowMessage('element 20 = '+IntToStr( IntArr[20] ));


    15.5.3. Result element 7 = 35

    element 20 = 100

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    15.6. Example 2

    15.6.1. Name

    Declaring and using multidimensional arrays

    15.6.2. Code var

    FloatArr : array[0..9,20..29] of single;

    x,y : Integer;


    // use indexing to furnish an array

    for x := 0 to 9 do


    for y := 20 to 29 do

    FloatArr[x,y] := x+(y/100);


    // now use indexing to display 2 of the elements

    ShowMessage('coordinate [3,24] = '+FloatToStr( FloatArr[3,24] ));

    ShowMessage('coordinate [8,22] = '+FloatToStr( FloatArr[8,22] ));


    15.6.3. Result coordinate [3,24] = 3.24

    coordinate [8,22] = 8.22

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    16. AssignFile - Assigns a file handle to a binary or text file

    16.1. Unit


    16.2. Type


    16.3. Description

    The AssignFile procedure assigns a value to FileHandle for a FileName in preparation for

    reading or writing to that file. Takes a text file variable type as the handle. The file is treated

    as a textfile when opened. if the file name is an empty string, then file access is made to the console standard input and output streams.

    16.4. Syntax procedure AssignFile(var FileHandle : TextFile; const FileName : string);

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    16.5. Example

    16.5.1. Name

    write to a text file, and then read back its contents

    16.5.2. Code var

    myFile : TextFile;

    text : string;


    // try to open the test.txt file for writing to

    AssignFile(myFile, 'Test.txt');


    // write a couple of well known words to this file

    WriteLn(myFile, 'Hello');

    WriteLn(myFile, 'World');

    // close the file


    // reopen the file for reading


    // display the file contents

    while not Eof(myFile) do


    ReadLn(myFile, text);



    // close the file for the last time



    16.5.3. Result Hello


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    17. Beep - Make a beep sound

    17.1. Unit


    17.2. Type


    17.3. Description

    The Beep procedure creates a very short and quiet sound through the internal speaker of

    your PC. It is used as an indication that the user has done something wrong.

    17.4. Syntax procedure Beep;

    17.5. Example

    17.5.1. Name

    Very simple!

    17.5.2. Code begin



    17.5.3. Result No result specified

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    18. Begin - Keyword that starts a statement block

    18.1. Unit

    Iris Standard

    18.2. Type


    18.3. Description

    The begin keyword is fundamental to Iris - it starts statement blocks. The begin-end pair

    fence in a set of statements. You may place such a block anywhere in your code. It is

    particularly sensible in if and for statements, even if only one statement is required. It means that adding an additional statement in the future is easy.

    18.4. Syntax begin



    18.5. Example

    18.5.1. Name

    Some examples of the begin statement

    18.5.2. Code var

    myChars : array[1..2] of char;

    myBytes : array[1..2] of Byte;

    i : Integer;

    // the begin statement always starts the code part of a subroutine


    // use a for block to assign to both arrays

    for i := 1 to 2 do


    myChars[i] := Chr(i+64);

    myBytes[i] := i+64;


    // use a for block to observe the contents

    for i := 1 to 2 do


    ShowMessage('myChars['+IntToStr(i)+'] = '+myChars[i]);

    ShowMessage('myBytes['+IntToStr(i)+'] = '+IntToStr(myBytes[i]));



    18.5.3. Result myChars[1] = A

    myBytes[1] = 65

    myChars[2] = B

    myChars[2] = 66

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    19. Boolean - Allows just True and False values

    19.1. Unit


    19.2. Type


    19.3. Description

    The Boolean type provides an enumeration of the logical True and False values. Unlike other

    languages, it is not a number - it will only allow these values. This makes the code much

    more reliable.

    19.4. Syntax type Boolean = (False, True);

    19.5. Example

    19.5.1. Name

    Boolean assignments and tests

    19.5.2. Code var

    same : Boolean;

    small, large, i : Integer;


    small := 23;

    large := 455555;

    // test directly to see if these numbers are the same size

    if small = large

    then ShowMessage('small = large')

    else ShowMessage('small large');

    // use a boolean to hold and test this outcome

    same := (small = large);

    if same

    then ShowMessage('small = large')

    else ShowMessage('small large');

    // assign a direct logical value to this boolean

    same := True;

    if same

    then ShowMessage('same is True')

    else ShowMessage('same is False');


    19.5.3. Result small large

    small large

    same is True

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    20. Break - Forces a jump out of a single loop

    20.1. Unit


    20.2. Type


    20.3. Description

    The Break procedure forces a jump out of the setof statements within a loop. Like the goto

    statement, it should be used with caution. It is important to note that the Break statement

    only jumps out of the current loop - not out of any nested loops above it. The goto statement can.

    20.4. Syntax procedure Break;

    20.5. Example

    20.5.1. Name

    Breaking out of a loop for good reason

    20.5.2. Code var

    i : Integer;

    s : string;


    s := '';

    // a big loop

    for i := 1 to 10 do


    s := s + IntToStr(i) + ' ';

    // exit loop when a certain condition is met

    if Random(4) = 2 then Break;


    ShowMessage('i = '+IntToStr(i));

    ShowMessage('s = '+s);


    20.5.3. Result i = 6

    s = 1 2 3 4 5 6

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    21. Byte - An integer type supporting values 0 to 255

    21.1. Unit


    21.2. Type


    21.3. Description

    The Byte type is the smallest form of integer, occupying 8 bits (1 byte) of storage. It supports

    only the positive integers from 0 to 255.

    21.4. Syntax type Byte = 0..255;

    21.5. Example

    21.5.1. Name

    Showing maximum and minimum byte values

    21.5.2. Code var

    A, B : Byte;


    // set the values of this data type

    A := 5;

    B := 100;

    ShowMessage('A = '+IntToStr(A)+' and B = '+IntToStr(B));

    ShowMessage('A + B = '+IntToStr(A+B));


    21.5.3. Result A = 5 and B = 100

    A + B = 100

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    22. Cardinal - The basic unsigned integer type

    22.1. Unit


    22.2. Type


    22.3. Description

    The Cardinal type is an Integer whose size is not guaranteed. It is the basic unsigned integer

    type, and currently has the same capacity as the LongWord: 32 bits. to hold very large

    integers, use the Int64 type.

    22.4. Syntax type Cardinal = 0..4294967295; // at the time of writing

    22.5. Example

    22.5.1. Name

    Showing the capacity of Cardinal

    22.5.2. Code var

    A, B : Cardinal;


    // set the values of this data type

    A := 1;

    B := 999999;

    ShowMessage('A = '+IntToStr(A)+' and B = '+IntToStr(B));

    ShowMessage('A + B = '+IntToStr(A+B));


    22.5.3. Result A = 1 and B = 999999

    A + B = 1000000

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    23. Case - A mechanism for acting upon different values of an Ordinal

    23.1. Unit

    Iris Standard

    23.2. Type


    23.3. Description

    The case keyword provides a structured equivalent to a sequence of if statements on the

    same variable. The case statement is more elegant, more efficient, and easier to maintain than multiple if nestings.

    23.4. Syntax 1 case Ordinal expression of

    Ordinal value {,ordinal value...} : Statement;


    else Statement;


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    23.5. Example

    23.5.1. Name

    Standard case statement usage

    23.5.2. Code // remember to declare the procedure at type using the following line

    // procedure showcolour(colour : string);


    colour : string;

    number : Integer;


    // show the colour before it has an assigned value


    // now set the colour and try again

    colour := 'Green';


    // calculations can also be used in the case statement

    number := 17;

    case number mod 2 of

    0 : ShowMessage(IntToStr(Number)+' mod 2 = 0');

    1 : ShowMessage(IntToStr(Number)+' mod 2 = 1');

    else ShowMessage(IntToStr(Number)+' mod 2 is unknown');



    // procedure to show the colour of a passed

    procedure TUntitled.ShowColour(colour : string);


    // use a case statement to see the colour of the passed var

    // note how important the else clause is, even though we have

    // apparently covered all string values!

    case colour of

    'Red' : ShowMessage('The colour is Red');

    'Green' : ShowMessage('The colour is Green');

    'Blue' : ShowMessage('The colour is Blue');

    'Yellow' : ShowMessage('The colour is Yellow');

    else ShowMessage('The colour is Unknown!');



    23.5.3. Result The colour is Unknown!

    The colour is Green

    17 mod 2 is 1

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    24. ChangeFileExt - Change the extension part of a file name

    24.1. Unit


    24.2. Type


    24.3. Description

    The ChangeFileExt function changes the Extension value of a file FileName, returning the new

    value as a string.

    24.4. Syntax function ChangeFileExt(const FileName, Extension : string) : string;

    24.5. Example

    24.5.1. Name

    Renaming Test.exe to Test.bak

    24.5.2. Code var

    oldName, newName : string;


    // try to rename the current test.exe to test.bak

    oldName := 'Test.exe';

    newName := ChangeFileExt(oldName, '.bak');

    // show the old and new values

    ShowMessage('Old name = '+oldName);

    ShowMessage('New name = '+newName);


    24.5.3. Result Old name = Test.exe

    New name = Test.bak

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    25. ChangePage - Change a page

    25.1. Unit

    Iris Standard

    25.2. Type

    Frame Function

    25.3. Description

    Opens a new screen instead of the active screen

    25.4. Syntax procedure ChangePage(PageName: string);

    25.5. Example 1

    25.5.1. Name

    Open the screen 'ScreenName'

    25.5.2. Code begin



    25.5.3. Result No result specified

    25.6. Example 2

    25.6.1. Name

    Open the screen 'ScreenName' in the frame 'FrameName'

    25.6.2. Code begin



    25.6.3. Result No result specified

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    26. Char - Variable type holding a single character

    26.1. Unit


    26.2. Type


    26.3. Description

    The Char type is a simple variable type used to hold a single character. It can be assigned

    from a character constant, or an integer.

    26.4. Syntax type : Char = #0..#255;

    26.5. Example

    26.5.1. Name

    Different ways of assigning to and from a Char

    26.5.2. Code var

    myChar : Char;


    myChar := 'g'; // assign from a character constant

    ShowMessage('Letter g = '+myChar);

    myChar := #65; // assign from an integer constant

    ShowMessage('#65 = '+myChar);

    myChar := Chr(66); // using chr to convert a number

    ShowMessage('Chr(66) = '+myChar);


    26.5.3. Result Letter g = g

    #65 = A

    Chr(66) = B

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    27. ChDir - Change the working drive plus path for a specified drive

    27.1. Unit


    27.2. Type


    27.3. Description

    The ChDir procedure sets the working drive + path values to the supplied Directory. There

    are as many working directories as drives on the target machine. if the directory is invalid, you will get an error such as ElnOutError, and the directory will remain unchanged.

    27.4. Syntax procedure ChDir(const Directory : string);

    27.5. Example

    27.5.1. Name

    Getting and setting the directory for the C: drive

    27.5.2. Code var

    directory : string;


    // get the directory for the c drive

    GetDir(2, directory);

    ShowMessage('default C drive directory = '+directory);

    // set the c directory to this value


    GetDir(2, directory);

    ShowMessage('default C drive directory = '+directory);

    // try to set to an invalid value


    GetDir(2, directory);

    ShowMessage('default C drive directory = '+directory);


    27.5.3. Result The following output is representative, and will necessarily vary

    from PC to PC:



    EInOutError ('Invalid file name')


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    28. Chr - Convert an integer into a character

    28.1. Unit


    28.2. Type


    28.3. Description

    The Chr function converts an IntValue integer into either an AnsiChar or WideChar as


    28.4. Syntax function Chr(IntValue : Integer) : AnsiChar;

    28.5. Example

    28.5.1. Name

    Showing Chr usage

    28.5.2. Code var

    tab : char;

    crlf : string;


    // show the use of chr

    tab := Chr(9);

    crlf := Chr(13)+Chr(10);






    28.5.3. Result Hello World



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    29. ClearMailBox - Clears the current MailBox

    29.1. Unit

    Iris Standard

    29.2. Type

    MailBox Function

    29.3. Description

    Clears the current mailbox. MailBoxes can be used to pass structrured values to for example


    29.4. Syntax procedure ClearMailbox;

    29.5. Example

    29.5.1. Name

    Using MailBoxes

    29.5.2. Code begin

    // set the mailbox 'mymailbox' to the object 'unit23'


    // the following could be done in a linked popup

    // write a value to the tag '[mymailbox].open', - which will be


    // remove the mailbox


    // the following could be done in another linked popup

    // set the mailbox 'mymailbox' to the object 'unit23.modulea'


    // write a value to the tag '[mymailbox].status', - which will be unit23.modulea.status


    // clear the current mailbox



    29.5.3. Result

    Unit23.Open is written inside popup 1

    Unit23.ModuleA.Status is written inside popup 2 that is a popup from popup 1

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    30. CloseCurrentPage - Close a screen

    30.1. Unit

    Iris Standard

    30.2. Type

    Frame Function

    30.3. Description

    Closes the active screen. Note that this can also be a popup screen.

    30.4. Syntax procedure CloseCurrentPage;

    30.5. Example

    30.5.1. Name

    Close the current screen

    30.5.2. Code begin

    // closes the screen



    30.5.3. Result No result specified

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    31. CloseFile - Closes an open file

    31.1. Unit


    31.2. Type


    31.3. Description

    The CloseFile procedure closes an open file given by FileHandle. The file must have been

    assigned, and opened with Append, Reset or ReWrite. The file is closed, and the handle is

    made available for further assignment to files.

    31.4. Syntax procedure CloseFile(var FileHandle : TextFile);

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    31.5. Example

    31.5.1. Name

    Closing after write and read operations

    31.5.2. Code var

    myFile : TextFile;

    text : string;


    // try to open the test.txt file for writing to

    AssignFile(myFile, 'Test.txt');


    // write a couple of well known words to this file

    WriteLn(myFile, 'Hello');

    WriteLn(myFile, 'World');

    // close the file


    // reopen the file in read only mode


    // display the file contents

    while not Eof(myFile) do


    ReadLn(myFile, text);



    // close the file for the last time



    31.5.3. Result Hello


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    32. CompareStr - Compare two strings for equality

    32.1. Unit


    32.2. Type


    32.3. Description

    The CompareStr function compares String1 and String2 for equality. It returns these values :

    String1 < String2 : -ve numberString1 = String2 : 0String1 > String2 : +ve number The

    comparison is not affected by length - it is carried out on a letter by letter basis. But a longer string is greater than a shorter, otherwise matching string. The comparison is case sensitive.

    32.4. Syntax function CompareStr(const String1, String2 : string) : Integer;

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    32.5. Example

    32.5.1. Name

    Compare various strings

    32.5.2. Code // remember to declare the procedure at type using the following line

    // procedure comparestrings(const string1, string2: string);


    // compare two obviously different strings

    CompareStrings('HELLO', 'WORLD');

    // compare identical strings

    CompareStrings('Hi 2 you', 'Hi 2 you');

    // upper case letters follow lower case in iris

    CompareStrings('ABC', 'abc');

    // all letters follow numbers in iris

    CompareStrings('abc', '123');


    // compare two strings, and show which is bigger than the other

    procedure TUntitled.CompareStrings(const string1, string2: string);


    result : Integer;


    // compare some strings

    result := CompareStr(string1, string2);

    if result < 0 then ShowMessage(string1+' < '+string2);

    if result = 0 then ShowMessage(string1+' = '+string2);

    if result > 0 then ShowMessage(string1+' > '+string2);


    32.5.3. Result HELLO < WORLD

    Hi 2 you = Hi 2 you

    ABC > abc

    abc > 123

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    33. CompareText - Compare two strings for equality, ignoring case

    33.1. Unit


    33.2. Type


    33.3. Description

    The CompareText function compares String1 and String2 for equality, ignoring case. It

    returns these values : String1 < String2 : -ve numberString1 = String2 : 0String1 > String2 : +ve number The comparison is not affected by length - it is carried out on a letter by letter

    basis. But a longer string is greater than a shorter, otherwise matching string.

    33.4. Syntax function CompareText(const String1, String2 : string) : Integer;

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    33.5. Example

    33.5.1. Name

    Compare various strings

    33.5.2. Code // remember to declare the procedure at type using the following line

    // procedure comparestrings(const string1, string2: string);


    // compare two obviously different strings

    CompareStrings('HELLO', 'WORLD');

    // compare identical strings

    CompareStrings('Hi 2 you', 'Hi 2 you');

    // ansicomparetext treats upper and lower case identically

    CompareStrings('ABCdef', 'abcDEF');

    // all letters follow numbers in iris

    CompareStrings('abc', '123');


    // compare two strings, and show which is bigger than the other

    procedure TUntitled.CompareStrings(const string1, string2: string);


    result : Integer;


    // compare some strings

    result := CompareText(string1, string2);

    if result < 0 then ShowMessage(string1+' < '+string2);

    if result = 0 then ShowMessage(string1+' = '+string2);

    if result > 0 then ShowMessage(string1+' > '+string2);


    33.5.3. Result HELLO < WORLD

    Hi 2 you = Hi 2 you

    ABCdef = abcDEF

    abc > 123

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    34. CompareValue - Compare numeric values with a tolerance

    34.1. Unit


    34.2. Type


    34.3. Description

    CompareValue allows floating point numbers to be compared in a tolerant way. if the two

    numbers are close enough together, they are deemed to be equal. The delta value is the permitted tolerance. There seems no point to the author in providing the Integer version of

    this function with no delta. TValueRelationship supports the following values: LessThanValue

    -1EqualsValue 0GreaterThanValue 1

    34.4. Syntax function CompareValue (const A, B : Single|Double|Extended; delta : Single|Double|Extended) : TValueRelationship;

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    34.5. Example

    34.5.1. Name

    Comparing floating point numbers

    34.5.2. Code var

    A : Single;

    B : Single;

    C : Single;


    A := 23.0;

    B := 23.0;

    C := 23.1;

    // compare 2 equal floats

    case CompareValue(A, B, 0) of

    LessThanValue : ShowMessage('A < B');

    EqualsValue : ShowMessage('A = B');

    GreaterThanValue : ShowMessage('A > B');


    // compare 2 unequal floats

    case CompareValue(A, C, 0) of

    LessThanValue : ShowMessage('A < C');

    EqualsValue : ShowMessage('A = C');

    GreaterThanValue : ShowMessage('A > C');


    // compare 2 unequal floats - but allow for a difference of up to +/- 0.2

    case CompareValue(A, C, 0.2) of

    LessThanValue : ShowMessage('A < C');

    EqualsValue : ShowMessage('A = C');

    GreaterThanValue : ShowMessage('A > C');



    34.5.3. Result A = B

    A < C

    A = C

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    35. Const - Starts the definition of fixed data values

    35.1. Unit

    Iris Standard

    35.2. Type


    35.3. Description

    The const keyword is used to start a section of constant definitions. The section is terminated

    by the next keyword in a program. Within the section, one or more constants may be


    35.4. Syntax const Name1 = Expression1;

    35.5. Example

    35.5.1. Name

    Illustrating the different constant types

    35.5.2. Code const

    MAX_LINES = 3;

    CRUDE_PI = 22/7;

    HELLO = 'Hello World';


    i : Integer;


    // display our crude value of pi

    ShowMessage('Crude Pi = '+FloatToStr(CRUDE_PI));

    // say hello to the world


    // display max_lines of data

    for i := 1 to MAX_LINES do



    35.5.3. Result Crude Pi = 3.14285714285714

    Hello World




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    36. Continue - Forces a jump to the next iteration of a loop

    36.1. Unit


    36.2. Type


    36.3. Description

    The Continue procedure forces a jump past the remaining statements within a loop, back to

    the next loop iteration. Like the goto statement, it should be used with caution. It is

    important to note that the Continue statement only jumps to the start of the current loop - not out of any nested loops above it. The goto statement can.

    36.4. Syntax procedure Continue;

    36.5. Example

    36.5.1. Name

    Skipping loop processing for certain loop values

    36.5.2. Code var

    i : Integer;

    s : string;


    s := '';

    // a big loop

    for i := 1 to 9 do


    // skip loop processing for certain values of i

    if (i = 3) or (i = 7) the