Download - Ireland's Energy Futures

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Course MJ 2413 – Energy and Environment

Division of Energy Systems Analysis Department of Energy Technology

Winter Semester 2012/2013


Group Members:

Estrella Piechulek

Sahana Naganathan

Dharshana Siriwardhana

Caroline Saul

Andrea Ranzanici

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1. Business as Usual

Transport and Residential the two most demanding sectors

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1. Business as Usual

• 87.7% of the demand met by oil and natural gas (2010)• Most of the fossil fuels imported

Serious problem with ENERGY SECURITY

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2. Demand Side Management

1. Peak Load Management

2. Efficiency Improvements

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2. Demand Side Management

-10 % Energy Demand by 2040

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3. 20/20/20 and Beyond

1. REFIT 2 and REFIT 3:Feed-in Tariff: Wind, Hydro, Landfill gas and Biomass

2. TRANSPORTATION: Electric cars: 10% by 2020Biofuel mix: 10% by 2020, 19% by 2040

3. EFFICIENCY MEASURESEfficiency: +20 % in 2020Public Sector: -33% consumption by 2020 (from ‘00 values)

4. OFFSHORE ENERGY (envision)1500 MW of ocean energy by 2020 4500 MW of offshore wind by 2030

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3. 20/20/20 and Beyond

202020 + offshore Scenario in 2040: -25% compared to BAU

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3. 20/20/20 and Beyond2020 2040



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4. GHG Mitigation

• Transport scenario not reducing GHGs since no RES defined• The lower values of GHG Emissions for the 202020+offshore

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5. References

Statistics:– SEAI– EuroStat– C.S.O– S.E.I.

Projections:– SEAI– I.E.A.– Forfas– S.E.I.

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