Download - IRAQ: Shelter & NFI Cluster Priority Districts for 2019...2 2019 Geographical priorities The Shelter and NFI Cluster has analysed data1 and for the HRP 2019 the following geographical

  • 05 May 2019 OCHA Iraq and Shelter & NFI Cluster Team [email protected] / [email protected]


    The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply the official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations

    Shelter & NFI Cluster Priority Districts for 2019

    Date: Source:

    LegendPriority district

    District boundary

    Governorate boundary



  • 2

    2019 Geographical priorities

    The Shelter and NFI Cluster has analysed data1 and for the HRP 2019 the following geographical areas

    with highest needs are prioritized, based on two criteria:

    Percentage of people in need (based on MCNA data)

    Concentration of people in need of shelter and NFI

    Based upon the above, some specific priority districts for out of camp population have been identified

    and will therefore be the focus in 2019.

    Important note! Districts with large urban centers such as Mosul and Ramadi have high needs, but have

    also been attracting a lot of actors with various funding sources, especially non-humanitarian ones (e.g.

    recovery/stabilization). Moreover, needs in these areas are far larger than the capacity and impact of

    our collective humanitarian response. As such, humanitarian partners should prioritize smaller, peri-

    urban or rural areas, where shelter and NFI interventions would trigger community mobilization

    mechanisms, and the targeted approach in beneficiaries’ selection would not exacerbate tensions

    1 Partners’ assessment data, MCNA VI, DTM, Intention surveys, CCCM FSMT, SC and UN-HABITAT reporting tool for war-damaged shelter repair activities, World Bank Damage and Needs Assessment, etc.

    SHELTER CLUSTER TARGET - Based on MCNA, 2018 Achievement and Cluster SAG AnalysisOverall

    Governerate District Pre-crisis


    (est 2015)

    NFI Target

    IDPs Out of




    IDPs Out of


    Total IDPs NFI Target







    NFI Target









    Anbar Falluja 482,187 - - 34,123 - - 21,666 29,952 51,618 85,741

    Anbar Haditha 103,944 - - - - - 2,072 1,064 3,137 3,137

    Anbar Heet 171,858 - - - - - 6,426 13,603 20,029 20,029

    Anbar Ramadi 695,552 1,619 2,061 5,274 10 - 15,433 33,664 49,098 54,381

    Baghdad Abu Ghraib 134,292 - - 1,966 - - - - - 1,966

    Baghdad Karkh 2,133,779 3,161 3,251 6,774 1 - - - - 6,775

    Baghdad Mada'in 111,360 - - 144 - - - - - 144

    Baghdad Mahmoudiya 143,365 - - 188 - - 1,774 3,154 4,928 5,115

    Baghdad Resafa 2,242,877 - - 187 - - - - - 187

    Dahuk Amedi 197,815 - - 1,901 - - - - - 1,901

    Dahuk Dahuk 394,767 4,896 911 6,613 509 - - - - 7,122

    Dahuk Sumel 257,625 9,363 6,201 52,602 189 - - - - 52,791

    Dahuk Zakho 402,136 4,670 2,713 28,682 692 - - - - 29,373

    Diyala Ba'quba 138,261 3,477 906 5,040 - - - - - 5,040

    Diyala Khanaqin 428,095 - - 3,399 - - 10,920 5,194 16,114 19,513

    Erbil Erbil 1,330,667 25,701 444 30,169 1,765 - - - - 31,934

    Erbil Makhmur 113,293 - - 4,520 - - 2,005 344 2,348 6,868

    Kirkuk Daquq 121,331 1,395 2,583 8,906 150 - - - - 9,056

    Kirkuk Hawiga 336,492 - - - - - 3,992 8,061 12,053 12,053

    Kirkuk Kirkuk 1,046,580 12,444 8,923 24,275 7 - 3,282 7,922 11,204 35,487

    Ninewa Akre 41,256 2,945 2,916 5,862 21 - - - - 5,882

    Ninewa Hamdaniya 1,119,623 - - 33,832 - - 16,727 3,226 19,953 53,785

    Ninewa Mosul 1,223,374 42,994 20,557 181,513 817 - 32,372 17,453 49,825 232,154

    Ninewa Shikhan 38,314 2,525 1,608 20,329 152 - - - - 20,481

    Ninewa Sinjar 298,149 2,077 3,608 5,686 808 - 2,101 3,102 5,203 11,696

    Ninewa Telafar 496,095 2,661 3,134 5,795 622 - 13,193 14,103 27,296 33,713

    Ninewa Tilkaif 165,180 2,881 2,140 5,021 254 - 4,038 2,070 6,108 11,383

    Salah al-Din Balad 193,393 - - - - - 1,665 2,782 4,447 4,447

    Salah al-Din Daur 287,372 - - - - - 2,210 5,772 7,982 7,982

    Salah al-Din Samarra 96,908 3,879 4,975 8,854 7 - 1,050 2,867 3,916 12,777

    Salah al-Din Shirqat 189,732 - - 3,001 - - 3,354 6,656 10,010 13,011

    Salah al-Din Tikrit 296,477 7,596 7,891 17,701 618 - 5,720 13,012 18,732 37,051

    Salah al-Din Tooz 233,439 3,139 2,388 5,528 528 - - - - 6,055

    Sulaymaniyah Dokan 53,764 - - 404 - - - - - 404

    Sulaymaniyah Kalar 230,546 2,571 553 3,968 14 - - - - 3,983

    Sulaymaniyah Sulaymaniya 969,274 10,006 2,235 17,095 337 - - - - 17,432

    17,815,143 150,000 80,000 530,150 7,500 0 150,000 174,000 324,000 861,650



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