Download -" " The project has snowbolled woy beyond our originol expectotions. ... LDST 4QD-Telephone: 08456 O?. 03



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tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttlttttX Choirmon: Tony Porrini Treosurer: John Gollop Secretory: Pete Mofhe" t{- (Formed: 30tn ergrrt 1996 of the Casuorino Hotel, Botu Feminghi, Penang Islond) tt \' -'"'-- ---r--' ' -'' "'r"-. ' -"-"r -------, tt t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t ttt t t t ttt t tt t t t t t t t'F t t t t t t t t t t t t tNEWsLETTER 5PRIN6 2OOT

Ains of the Association

The Associotion oims to estoblish ond mointoin contoct with personnel ond their dependontswho served of Butterworth or Penong, by meons of Annuol Reunions in the UK snd the circulotion ofo membership list. The Associotion moy olso orronge holidoys in Moloysio from time to time.

Choirmon's Cornerf send greetings from on oreo devostoted by Foot ond Mouth Diseose. You will hove seen

Longtown just 4 miles owoy on TV ond perhops heord mention of HespinWood buriol site - this is

just holf o mile from my home. 5o f know how depressing the lost few months hove been for mony

of you. Perhops the worst is over in Cumbrio, but it will toke o long time for the economy torecove?. ff you ore toking c breok owoy for a few doys during the summer, pleose consider going

to one of the oreas hit most by this disoster. Both Devon ond Cumbrio hove much to offer ond

need some finonciol injection. Certoinly in Cumbrio, there ore mony borgoins to be hod ond theCounty is "Open for Business".

A/ly moin winter octivity for the Associotion hos been fhe development of the "FEAF 6ROVE

APPEAL" " The project has snowbolled woy beyond our originol expectotions. We now have theNrl BVA, RAF Chongi, RAF Seletor ond vorious Sguodron Associotions getting their contributionstogether for the project. As you will reod elsewhere, the first phose is paid for (7 trees withplogues ond o Large Pork Bench with the FEAF Crest). The aim now is to find E25OO by the end ofthe yeor so thot we con order ond construct o fitting memoriol to oll units of the FAR EAST AIRFORCE" Whether or not you hove olreody contributed, perhops you will consider some repaymentfor the hoppy times you spent in the For Eost.

I look forword to meeting eve?yone ogoin in October. I'm meeting with the other Associotionsot Lichfield to decide the formot of the Dedicotion Doy on 13th October. Hopefully mony membersof the other Associotions will olso be present ot the dedicotion, so the 13th October could be quitea memoroble occosion. BE THEREI!

Tony PorriniChairmon






a/:f:fif'f$$y^f.Af,./.f,,1:,A6$:f:6.:f=AAA,.f ,AAA$$.*-,\, :):j,):,);A$f ./ Friends of War Memoriols :l'

] n letter ond newsletter hos been received from the Friends of Wor Memoriols, reguesting IIq thot we drow our members ottention to this orgonisotion which is engoged fulltime in the Ir preservation of thot port of our herifoge morked by Wor Memoriols (not Wor Groves but :I t{emoriols). ff you would like o copy of this newslefter pleose contoct Pete /tAother. ir Alternotively, o copy of this Newsletter will be mode ovailable over the weekend t3/14 ]rOctober 2OO7. tll,/C )Cle:^'^r1il.r'.r:..r.f,,1 l-::Af$)G,.,).j../ lr;t.;A:l:..f:1.:f.Af ,f,.f.,/ ):/:j.:/*,/.)..1.).i / A

. : :- _ _. = -. -_ -. _l _

Christmos 6host loid to rest ofter neorly 5O veors

On the 25th December 1951, storemon/mechanic LAC Horry Wormold wos killed in onoccident with an Ambulonce on RAF Butterworth. He wos buried ot Penong WesternRoad Cemetry in g?aye 2t42 on the 27th December.

One of the people who otfended the funerol wos Associotion member John Leor, Johnwos repotFioted very eorly in 195? and did not heor the outcome of the officiol enguiryinto the deoth. Eoch Chrisfmos since thot frogic day, he hos remembered Harry ondwondered just how the occident hoppened. Some little time ogo John osked if theAssociotion could help and he wos put into contoct with the Air Historicol Bronch (RAF)of the Ministry of Defence in London.

John hos since received full detoils of the circumstonces surrounding the occident ondsoys, "The letfer is guite grophic in its description of the occident ond possibly why ithoppened. r om now relieved to loy this ghost, which hos come back to me eve?yChristmos for the post 49 yeors"a.r qJ :.! :]r _:r =r !: =: :"l,; tn 'i! i! '!,. .r,; ",," 'i,; 'l,t

Associotion ArchivistAll members ore reminded that Dove Croft is the Association Archivist. Sorother thon let those old photogrophs etc poss oway ond get lost with thePossoge of time, contoct Dove who wilt photocopy/scon them ond return themsafely' This woy we will build o true ond occurote record of former times.






This is o book by ex-oirmon Ernest 6 Dorch bosed on hidden notes mointoined throughout

the period of his ordeol. He tells of his betroyol by the Jovonese; his honding over by

them to the invoding Joponese ond his subseguent imprisonment for neorly 3 t/2 yeors in

Jovo, singopore oni Kuching (sarawok) hoving reached there by hell-ships' The rsBN

Nrmber is: o 75411-161 X. Availoble from Book-sellers (price €,11.99).

Members moy recoll thot I wos tosked with pointing out to the Maloysion outhorities, the

poor state of the 2oo or more commonweolih shields ond crests disployed in the ceiling of the

Notionol Memoriot Kuolo Lumpur. I om pleosed to report thot some Progress is being mode to

hove the oreo refurbished. Meetings hove token ploce between the British Defence Aftoche,

the Heritoge Minister ond other members of the Molaysian oovernment' Hopefully, we will

hove some positive news of the restorotion before long. Tony Porrini

:: Remembrance Sundoy - 'Cenotqph' Kuolo LumPur

:l:,, Witt you be in Maloysia during November this yeor or do you know of ony ex-RAF colleogues

-., who will? If so, ore you prelored to ottend o Remembronce Doy Service ot the Cenotoph in

,- ir"f" Urmpur onsundoy llth November 20O1. If interested, please contoct Tony Porrini for

=. detoils.

Bodoed 6oods

Sweatshirts ' Et6.?5Acrylic JerseY - E?O.7OWoo! JerseYs '828.25

Polo Shirts - 815-25Gold wire bodge - €,18.00

Royal threod bodges ' 83.75(Penang or Butterworth crest embroidered on

left breast)Colours ovoiloble for eoch ore Royol, Novf,Moroon, Bottle &een, Red, Light Blue Black

Light Grey ond Yellow

Members con order direct from:Terrane Promotions

Terrane House

Whisby WaY Ind. EstoteLincoln, LN6 3LQot52?-697000

e-moil : [email protected] :


Do vou remember?

Cpl Michoel Flint ATC RAF Butterworthfrom 1959 to t962. Sodly, Michoel died in

t989. However, his brother Lynden would

be very pleose to heor from anyone who

knew Michoel. Contact Lynden Flint, ?4O

Horrogote Rd, Leeds, LDST 4QD-

Telephone: 08456 O?. 03 Oz

a- - - - - - - - - - -

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FEAF 6rove UPdote

The RAF Butterworth/Penang Associotion is working with other Associotions with

links with the For Eost Air Force, to create o "FEAF hove ond Ar\emorial" ot the Nationo!

Atemoriol Arboretum at Lichfield. This tree plonting ond plogue ceremony will take ploce

on Soturdoy 13th October 2@1.

Sufficient funds hove otreody been pledged to establish o grove of 7 trees with o

singfe bench seat. Sometime in 2OAZ o permonent *FEAF Monument" will be built os o

centrepiece. The g?ove will be locoted odjocent to the existing For Eost orea which,

omongst others, commemorotes those who died on the Burmo Roilwoy ond as o result ofother events in the For Eost during WWfI. ft is felt thot this is o fitting ploce for the-FEAF @ove".

If you would like to moke o contribution, big or smoll to the project o donotion form

is ottoched with this newstetter. The torget of E?,5OO.OO has been set for the second

phose of the project.

L. * -. - -.

E L. * -. -. -. -. -. -.

f,. G il * c. r c. r. -.

r r. .. D -. -. -.

E -.

@@@@@ @ @ @ @@ @ @ @ & @@@@@@@@@@&@e@@@,@@@@@@@@@@@ Letter from o well wisher@@

@ The following letter wos received from Jone Wood in February of this yeor.

@6@ Dear Mr Mother, @

@ When I hoppened upon the notice of the RAF Butterworth ond Penong 9S reunion in the British Legion Mogazine it brought bock very mony memories.

- G@'-.,,..,, --J'-'. ..'-J--'',- .. -. --J-'. -. , -.-_--.

o@@@ I wos living with my porents in Penong oi the time of Peorl Horbour. Our house wos on Ciptne seofront overlooking the Norfh Chonne!, between the E & O Hotel ond town. We $@ wotched the dog fights over Butterworth ond the Chonnel ond often wondered whot @

@happened to the pilots who were shot down and proyed they hod survived. Later the @

$ Jopon"re had fhings very much os they wished and used to bomb regulorly ever*y morning. y

%or;-"r;.",Jrn"ft"r wos composed of crotes full of sond omonged round the base o+ oio"S" $S casuorino tree just behind the seo wall. @

@@@ Moy I wish you oll a very hoPPy Reunion - you deserve it. O@(}


Jone Wood

@(On your beholf, I hove thonked Jone for her veey kind letter. PM)


@ @ & e @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ &







AAemory Lone from Don Brereton

Does onyone shore these memories?

Don Brereton 0151 -g?4 OgOl or 12 Quarry Rd, Thornton, Liverpool, L23 4TB

1. @oup Coptoin Boxter getting his ear bitten by the gibbon.

2. SWO Preston hiding in the bushes to catch oirmen leoving the mess with feo in

their mugs.

3. Hugefigureof ocomel ontopof o. ..? -. .Christmos1956.4. Duke of Edinburgh's visit 1956 - some doy os RAF ore hitting Egyption Airfields.5. Any ex - RAF Bidon/Song Song people out there.6. Remember 'Pinky' from 45 Sgn, how did he get owoy with weoring o gold eorring in

1955/56?7. Chin Peng the Chinese who worked in the Airmons NAAFI.8. The RNZAF pinching 45 Sgn sign from flight line in one of their Bristol Freighters.9. The Fire opplionce getting bogged down in the sond when the Stotion Flight Meteor

7 hod o nose wheel lock down ot the wrong ongle.10. The RAFP upsetting eve?yone when they culled the wild dogs oround the stotion.11. AArs Fleming'the ongel of Butferworth'1955-57 of the WVS. Who wos the other

womon with her?12. Did you eve? go on leove in Singopore ot the Toc-H or Soncles Home?

13. Remember Joe Rozells ond his Hawoins.

14. 'The Polished Oaf' - 2cts - The RAF Butterworth iAogozine. Editor: 6 B Parker,Asst Eds: M S Downer & J lves, Art Eds: 46 Richordson, R E Boobyer, 6 Jones.

15. York Hotel Singopore (very posh now) $2.00 Laege Anchor, $?.4O for 2 doz egg

sondwiches.16. Remember the 'For Eost Tronsport Wing Route Guide'

I hove recently been in touch with the following:

SAC Derek Timmis, MT Section 1955/56 - Billet ?t4 from Stoke.SAC Dove 'Scouse' Mortin, Stotion Flight 1955-56 - Billet 214. Dove is the one who

used to ploy the piono in the NAAFI Bor most Fridoy & Soturdoys. Remember the oldsguodron songs: The Tottooed Lody, When I wos bock in Blighty, etc?

If you wont to get in touch with the obove pleose ring me.

Don Brereton

(I wos enjoying the obove until I got to the egg sondwiches - P/r4)

Sorry Don, Q3 "on top of o................ Christmos" hos me beot, ond this is from o mon whothought he was good ot deciphering senior officer scribble. Free drink for the correctonswer - TP is poying.



,btl ,r-r:4.:aj:r-tlr:t-:5:c-ilt|.t:eljclttlltl.t5tt.lttrt..t.xtta.xa..tttrt.(t,, r, t t r r r. t a t t t a t a a t t a t t r t t. l a, J I a r t r a t t t t, J I t t a t t t t t. r a i*4 2001 Reunion Weekend - Solihull r,

tt3/14 October

jTin" zOOt UK Reunion of the RAF Butterworth ond Penong Association is scheduled to toke ploce 17* ot th. Jorvis Internotionol Hotel, Solihult on Soturdoy and Sunday 13th ond 14th October. The i;tsweekend will provide o chance to renew old ocguaintonces ond dine in good compony. The weekend trt ' ,-ur--.-!-- ^^-----.- ^^ ^L- .,t^^r---, r-L^-^^--- ., --.-tr r .-rr-.rl :. .- ; --

- - l,iwill stort with o dedicotion ceremony ot the Notionol Arboretum neor Lichfield - locoted ot ii aWeWaS on the A38 between Lichfield ond Burton-on-Trent. On Sundoy the AOM will be held, iaf*during which the occounts ond subscriptions will be discussed, your committee will hove to be 1jappointed ond ony other A6M motters addressed. Initiol detoits ond cosfs ore: !:


', Soturdoy 13th Oct - 12.OO A,leet ot Notionol Arboretum neor t,t, : .-.-:. -.'.- : -;:-' ..'----:-."

---.. /i, Lichfield. Dedicotion ond tour the t't^l-a-rr.---ei: Arboretum ot leisure. ?1 - 5.oo AAeef ond greet ot the Jorvis. 7ili; - 7.OO Assemble for Dinner (Dress: Jocket & Tie) I., iL - 7.3o Dinner Zll v"trts'.

71 Sundoy 14th Oct - 1O.OO AGM ,:it1 Cosf (per person): - Soturdoy: f,$9.99 Dinner, Bed & Breokfost, ;:{ 6..r.r'-- ?^^t?^ir-- }Z Buffet, TealCoffee i:tl- Friday (if reguired): €59.00 Dinner, Bed & ti.L ;__li,-'-^'-_L:" --'' 7i: Breokfost onlY 'r;li J'" J-- <> -, .j. -. "^a -; ;'z lz <z ta lz !>Ja <z .-b <! <-- J, <1. J. J- -'._ J,. it. -'-. .r- r.- r-.i: f *-ra":^f lf 1r* ^ ^ hr i^r b.r r,.r '',.r i4 ;.{ ;,.r i.r hr ;.r x x ir}F;"rtf -}f !,f -r,f -tf *XIrX{.f tr.?tf ** ';a t? Once hotel bookings are confirmed on ogendo /hotel E routing informotion will be notified to those * ti,)*2Y anendins. &';

v I -,1- -t

2 I See Reunion Booking Proformo ottoched to this Newsletter f i,-a{Lf/1 * If you intend fo be present, pleose respond eorly and no loter than 28 Aug,r.rst * i:2 .:Y y"*. y y.* t? ;-? *ii * * x x x ;+ * * iF ik * * * -uk')^r * ar * * {r Lr dr -)"r k * k i* * j

6ElEAta-tt-t+.E_1-tl.taEU.Eltltltltt. lot!,xt.t.a.ttt.iaa-tIatt5r]ta.r5,, t LIJJ ,*tJ LU LtJ t rJ ALIJ LU- AtJi.J-i ,JZ irJ it!'irJ'i tJt' L4'Lt-('q_;I

i _ rhe BpA reom

Ii Choi"^on; Tony Porrini Homethwoife i! n ockcliff e, Ii ::::;-"'' !, Carlisle,i cA6 4AA !i otzzs-6r45s3 !i:

i "[email protected] [email protected] ( text only)

Secretory: Pete irlofher 25 Budham Woy,Brocknell,PG12 7PEot34-429238peter. motherl @which. net

101 Lowry Hill Rd,

Carlisle,CA3 OER

01228-535967john@gol lop. f reeserve.

West Lodge Cottage,3 Boynton,Bridlington,vo16 [email protected]

Treosurer: John 6ollop

Archivist: Dove Croft

Ir ..?,-.,r-.',-.-,- n*n,,,*,*.i




Shorps Roundup

e-moil from Eric & Polly ShorP:

Deor eoch ond all,You might like to check out the following. It is only of use if you drow o Pension,

which I reckon you oll do. An outfit colled "Stoy Warm TXU" offer 6os & Electricityutility of o flot rote per onnum unmetered. I know it sounds too good to be true. They

soy they don'f write lefters, send bills, reod meters (often). You just Poy by directdebit or o poy book ot the Post Office. The phone number to ring is OSOO t694 694.Don't be put off by on onswer mochine. Kick it into touch and give it onother try until

you get through!! Ask all the questions you like. Hove by you o recent 6os ond

Electricity bill for customer ond supply numbers plus your Notionol Insuronce No

(To prove you ore on old F). There is o web site to ploy with ond it is full of good gen.

http z / / v1e1'51. txu - europe . com

the toble below will give you the going rotes. It is worked out, number of people

ogoinst number of bedrooms you hove. A number of ex-apprentices round here hove

signed up. I reckon Joon ond I will come out €15 o month better off, ond not botherguite os much to turn the heoter offll

Regords. Eric & Polly



A Ceremony to dedicate Phase 1 of the FAR EAST AIR FORCE GROVE, will take place at the I

National Memorial Arboretum on Saturday 13fr October 2001.

For memberc of the RAF Butterworth and Penang Association, this event will be the first partof Annual Reunion Weekend at Solihull. (See separate information with the Newsletter).

The plan is that members and their spouses should proceed direct to the National MemorialArboretum, attend the dedication, enjoy tfie Buffet Lunch with memberc of other FEAF relatedAssociations, and after touring the rest of the Arboretum Site, to make their way to Solihull in time

settle in at the Jarvis for our Meet and Greet and Annual Dinner.

- Final details of the format of the Ceremony are being finalised. However, it is envisaged that there. will be a short Dedication Service in the Arboretum Chapel, followed by the formal planting of I trees and- the unveiling of the Memorial Bench. [fiedals may be worn.

FREE ADMISSION to the Arboretum will be made available to all those supporting the event on theday. Members of a'llthe ex-FEAF organisations and their spouses and dependents will be welcome toattend. All members are therefore invited to arrive at the Arboretum from 11.30am for the Chapel Servicewhich will commence at 12.1Spm. The Tree dedication will follow, after which everyone will be welcome to abuffet lunch and then to visit the rest of the Arboretum for the afternoon.

It has been decided to arcept the use of the refreshment arrangements available at the Arboretum,rather than have people navigating their way to Clubs and Pubs in the local area.

There is a small and enthusiastic organising committee who are finalising the arrangements.However, we really do need to have some idea of attendance numbers as the hire of PA Systems and otherfactors come into play dependent on numbers attending on this specialday.

COSTSSome costs will be found from the FEAF GROVE ACCOUNT. However, it has been agreed that a charge of€6 per head should be made to pay for the Buffet, printing costs and other incidentals on the day.

LOCATIONThe National Memorial Arboretum is located near the A38 at Alrewas, between Lichfield and Burton-on-Trent. Access by public transport is difficult.

ADMINISTRATIONPlease consider as soon as possible whether you are attending, complete the form below and dispatch it asindicated with payment of E6-00 per head for those attending. ONLY POSITIVE RESPONSES ARE' REQUIRED. Each Association will be advised the names and numbers attending by the end of September.' Admission and Buffet Tickets will be issued on arrival.

. FURTHER INFORMATIONlf any further advice or information is required, please contact Tony Parrini (Chairman).