Download - IPod / ITouch Illustration

Page 1: IPod / ITouch Illustration

PROJECT IPod / ITouch Illustration

PurposeTransform an image from online or scanned into the computer into a vector format. The line art illustration needs to look as realistic as possible. All portions of the object need to be represented in the illustration.

Assignment· Illustrations are traced using a variety of tools including but not subject to: Pen Tool, Geometric Shapes, and the Pathfinder/Shape Modes Pallet.

· All edges need to be distinguished by a line/Color edge.

· .25-3pt. stroke lines are used for all lines created. Utilize smaller point sizes for detailed areas. · Portions of the illustrations that are black or dark in color should be filled in with black. All other areas should be filled in with white. Detail lines may remain an outline.

· Use the type tool to key in text if in the illustration. If the text is at a perspective, covert the text to out-line (Click TYPE, scroll down to CREATE OUTLINE). To manipulate the type try using: The Rotate Tool, Scale Tool, Sheer Tool, or the Reflect Tool.

· Portions of the illustration that are thick lines shapes should be created by a large stroke pt. and then converted to a path. (Increase stroke, Click OBJECT, PATH, and OUTLINE STROKE)

· Hide image before saving to turn in.

FORMAT IPod Illustration Image Template

TIME 1 hour


____ / 25 Line/Arc Quality ____ / 25 Attention to Detail

____ / 50 Grade: