Download - Invite mr.wright season 1

  • 1. A picture perfect partnership ofDiscovery Networks Asia Pacific and Canon

2. The partnership Discovery partnered with Canon in A unique cross-platform marketing campaign calledInvite Mr.Wright, a six-part series was on aired inTLC channel in December 2010. Using Canons latest cameras and printers to producemoving and still images, Ian Wright The funny globetrekker who captures the trip from his ownperspective, providing a unique take on his travels. 3. On-groundPress EventOn-Air TLCOnlineBrandAiring across Asia-Pacific: value ContestSEA, Taiwan, Japan, China,Social mediaAustralia, New Zealand Product Program hostCANNON CameraIan WrightThe travel series, Invite Mr. Wright Production of the 6-destination episodes: Japan, Indonesia, India, Vietnam, Australia, Singapore 4. Program hostIan Wright An English television host andcomedian. The most recognizable host ofGlobe Trekker. Over 50-episode hosted-program in the past 7 years. Wright now also stars in thecable channel Discovery Travel& Living show VIP Weekendswith Ian Wright. The latest of Ian Wright seriesis called Invite Mr Wright. Thesecond season started onMarch 2012. 5. Product tie-inCanon cameras andprinters Canon wanted a uniqueCanon EOS 60Dcampaign to promote itslatest camera and printerPIXMA MG8170 Printermodels Target to the travel savvyand looking to addvariety to the way theyrecorded the places theyvisit. 6. On-groundPress/Consumer event Invite Mr Wrightconsumer/press eventsconducted in Singapore(Harley troop) and Malaysia The commercial vignettesfeatured Ian Wright withCanon products werepromoted in all Canonoutlets 7. On-LineContestTo maintain interest, the campaign was complemented by show contest promos and vignettes. The contest was also set up, giving fans a chance to meet and spend time with Ian Wright in his home city of London. The dedicated Canon-branded Invite Mr Wright microsite contained series information and short clips from the series that included Canon products. Promotion on, and completed the 360 campaign.How to join the contest: Upload a snapshot you want to use Using the website, edit Mr. Wright into it and use the other tools to make it more interesting 8. Total campaign introduction vdo 9. The result of Season 1 The series were seen by 20 million viewers in SEA. The format registered strong performance against all key targets,especially with Women 25+, scoring 119% versus prime time averageaudience. The series also generated more than US$185,000 worth of press coverage,reaching more than 6 million readers in Singapore and Malaysia. The microsite had more than 233,000 page views from 55 countries. Coming of season 2 this year : of audience sources: AGBNMR Malaysia, Kantar Media Singapore, Kantar Media PhilippinesSource: