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Page 1: Introduction to Web hosting

Web Hosting 101A guide to successful web hosting...

Page 2: Introduction to Web hosting

What is Web Hosting ?

Well, as you might be aware of, Web Hosting is the process of running a website over the world wide web.It is a gradual process that involves pragmatic steps such as:

Website Development/ Designing

Purchasing Domain Name

Buy web space for going live over the web.

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What is Web Development ?

When you think of running a website , you first plan to design a beautifully crafted website, developed using the latest technology.Some people choose to develop a website from the very beginning as per their needs, while some prefer using CMS’s such as WordPress, Joomla, Wix etc.

Some of the advanced Web Development technology are:Php, , java , python etc.

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What is a domain name ?

The domain name would be the URL via which people using the internet will come across your website over this vast digital network - the world wide web.Choosing a suitable domain name is very important as it affects the futuristic probability of good returns.

If the domain name chosen is appropriate and serves your needs, it will help to further optimize the search engine results which will further push your business over the web.

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Some domain names

Some of the most common domains are:1).com2).net3).org4).co

and then the regional domains such as .fr , .in , .au etc.

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Who is a Web Host ?

Any internet service provider who runs an independent dedicated server, allowing the internet users to rent some web space so that they can host their web based applications is a Web Host.There are various web hosts that one can come across over the net.Some of the famous web hosts are:1)IX Web Hosting2)BlueHost3)GoDaddy

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What are the Types of Web Hosting

Web Hosting can basically be divided into 2 major types:

Dedicated HostingShared Hosting

But there have been further variations in this field of web hosting which has lead to further terms such as WordPress Hosting, Linux Hosting,Windows Hosting Cloud Hosting etc.

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Dedicated Hosting

Like the name says you gets a dedicated server which provides you with premium services such as super fast speed, high RAM, high cache memory, great server uptime, higher bandwidth and best data security and privacy maintenance.

The only concern about Dedicated Hosting would be that it is kind of costly when compared with the other types.

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Shared Hosting

A feasible option for the enthusiast web savvy beginners would be too choose a shared host initially. Shared hosting can definitely be cheap, reliable to some extent(depending upon the reputation of the hosting company you choose to take services from), 24x7 server maintenance and customer care.

Basically, since the hosting provider controls and manages all the queries on the server side, you don't have to worry about the backend.

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WordPress Hosting

People have found WordPress to be really interesting and easy to handle. Since the demand for using WordPress powered website rose day by day, the need for a suitable web hosting service provider also developed with time.Some web hosts started to provide premium hosting services in alignment with WordPress and its needs.This rose to the much hyped WordPress hosting.Some of the famous WordPress Hosts are BlueHost, IX Web Hosting, Hostgator.

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Linux and Windows Hosting

Did you know that Linux OS powers most of the mainframe servers over the web ?The demand for Windows had always been high, because of its graphical attunement. But ever since humans started to emerge out as technologically smarter species , the world of Open Source started to rise and shine. With it grew the demand for hosting websites on varying OS platforms, a major clash between Linux and Windows majorly, because of their widespread popularity and ease to use.

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Time to host a site !

Now that you understand the various types of web hosts, their key features and how the process of hosting a website works, you might as well be careful in choosing the necessary so as to seek the best

output and early returns.

Thank You..