Download - Introducing Livestock-Guarding J R 1985 Introducing livestock...sheep-shaped dogs live with the flock day and night. Rarely will a coyote challenge the presence of a dog three times

Page 1: Introducing Livestock-Guarding J R 1985 Introducing livestock...sheep-shaped dogs live with the flock day and night. Rarely will a coyote challenge the presence of a dog three times

Introducing Livestock-Guarding Dogs

Livestock-guarding dogs are one of avariety of tools that sheep and goatproducers are finding effective forpreventing livestock losses to predators.Guarding dogs are used alone or incombination with other controls tokeep predators out of flocks and herds.

These floppy-eared, sheep-sized,sheep-shaped dogs live with the flockday and night. Rarely will a coyotechallenge the presence of a dog threetimes its own size.

For centuries, dogs have been themethod of choice for guarding flocksfrom wolves, bears, and wildcats insouthern Europe and Eurasia. Now,this Old World concept in predatorcontrol is being adopted by livestockgrowers across the United States.

In the United States, guarding dogsare used primarily with livestock thathave high rates of predationsheepand goats. Field-testing results groupsheep and goats together, and examplesthat refer to sheep also apply to goats.

A new application is the use of dogsto guard cattle from the endangeredtimber wolf in northern Minnesota.The potential of this technique withcattle and other livestock appearspositive, although results are not yetavailable.

Positive results in field trialsControlled field-testing of traditional

guarding breeds dates from the late1970's. Biologists at Hampshire College,


Forming a social bond between sheep and dog is a two-way process. Here a week-old lambinvestigates a resting A nato/ian Shepherd. Young lambs will often show more curiositytoward a new guarding dog than older ewes will show.

Amherst, Massachusetts, and theUSDA Sheep Experiment Station,Dubois, Idaho, are leaders in thiseffort. By 1984, the results wereimpressive-65 to 75°lo of dogs workedto the satisfaction of the cooperatingproducers.

Livestock growers in at least 35states were using these dogs, and theyreported them to be working equallywell with large flocks (1,000 or more)and small ones (100 or less). Theyworked in range operations and within

Extension Circular 1224 I June 1985

fenced pastures. Researchers at Hamp-shire College are continuing to explorethe use of dogs in different managementsystems.

Hampshire College biologists com-pared the frequency of attacks reportedby producers, before and after gettinga dog. On their 1982 questionnaire,with a sample of 158 adult dogs,cooperators reported that 98 of thedogs were with flocks that experiencedreduced losses. Of the 75 dogs withflocks that reported frequent attacks (6

Oregon State University Extension Service

Page 2: Introducing Livestock-Guarding J R 1985 Introducing livestock...sheep-shaped dogs live with the flock day and night. Rarely will a coyote challenge the presence of a dog three times

or more a year) before getting dogs, 50reduced and 25 eliminated losses topredators.

Researchers at the USDA SheepExperiment Station reported benefitsin addition to reducing predator lossesIn a survey of 40 producers, 39 saidtheir dog brought them peace of mind;24 said they relied less on other formsof predator control; and 21 said thedog eliminated the need for nightconfinement.

Choosing a dogProducers in the United States can

select dogs from several Old Worldbreeds, including Anatolian Shepherd(Turkey), Castro Laboreiro (Portugal),Great Pyrenees (Spain, France),Komondor and Kuvasz (Hungary),Maremma (Italy), Shar Planinetz(Yugoslavia), and Tibetan Mastiff(Tibet).

Good dogs can be found within anyof these breeds because basic behaviorsare the same among them. However,differences in temperament can befound between individuals of the samebreedand these differences are greaterthan those between dogs of differentbreeds.

When you choose a dog, it's betterto ask about bloodlines than to rely onthe general reputation of any particularbreed. Select a dog from a workingline, by leasing or purchasing a dogfrom a breeder. Some breeders advertisein trade magazines; some offerguarantees.

Behavior and managementA guarding dog must show three

basic behaviors to be effective:1. It must be trustworthyit must not

injure livestock or interfere withroutines of feeding, breeding, andlambing.

2. It must be attentiveit must stayvery close to its charges.

3. It must be protectiveit must barkwhenever a predator shows up.

Guarding dogs are docile andinquisitive when approaching live-stock. They react to changes in routine,alternately rushing out with threateningbarks and then retreating to the flock.Only rarely does a protecting dog fightwith a predator.

The behavior of the well-knownherding dogs varies greatly from thatof guarding dogs. Herding dogsdisplay a predatory pattern of stalkingand chasing sheep. A handler moves

the livestock by controlling the directionof the chase.

The two types of sheepdogswithtwo different behaviorscan both bevaluable assets on the same farm orranch. They have separate jobs; youuse them in different ways.

Training a guarding dog is largely amatter of raising a pup with the stock.Keep in mind that you don't want tomake a pet out of a dog you expect tostay out with the flock.

You can start a pup in the lambingbarn, or out in a pasture with olderstock. The goal of training is that dogand sheep will form a social attachmentto one another.

Sometimes, this means confiningdog and sheep in a pen where they canget to know one another on friendlyterms. A pup that sleeps with sheepand barks at strange activity is on itsway to becoming an effective guardian.

Remember this motto: "If the dogisn't with the sheep, it's not where it'ssupposed to be."

Estimating costsThe cost of a dog depends on your

initial acquisition costs (purchase priceand delivery), annual maintenance(food and health), and its longevity. In1984, breeders were asking $300 to$600 for puppies. Typical maintenanceranged between $175 and $200 a year.

You can figure your own costs byadding acquisition costs to maintenancecosts; then divide that total by thenumber of years of useful service thedog should give you.

Dogs are expected to begin workingat about 1 year of age; so years ofuseful service generally equals actualage minus 1. Figure your cost this way:

1. Add your purchase cost, yourpuppy year costs, and the total adultcost.

2. Divide this total by the number ofyears of useful service.

From this formula, you can see theannual cost will decrease with eachadditional year of ownership. Barringaccident or illness, you can expect alifespan of 10-12 years. However,untimely deaths take their toll duringthe early years, primarily because ofaccidents.

Through age 2.5, 2 of every 10 dogson the range, and 1 of every 10 usedaway from the range, dies each year.After age 2.5, 1 of every 20 dogs dieseach year. Good management shouldensure a long life for all dogs.

Herding dogs, like this Border Collie, stalk sheep in acrouched position. Sheep react by moving away fromthis predatory behavior. Shepherds control the direc-tion of the stalking movements to guide sheep fromone location to another. Photo courtesy LornaCoppinger.

Many ranchers in the Southwest are using guarding dogs to protect their Angora goats.Two or more dogs may work together where predation is severe. These Shar Plan inetz-Maremma crosses enabled this rancher to increase the size ofhisflock.

An Anatolian Shepherd stands alert with his flock of sheep. The rounded head and floppy ears are char-acteristic of all the traditional guardian breeds. Males weigh 90 to 110 pounds;females, 75 to 95 pounds.

Current programsSeveral programs across the country

can provide educational materials andanswer questions on the behavior andmanagement of guarding dogs.

The Oregon State University Exten-sion Service is sponsoring a pilotprogram designed to demonstrate theeffectiveness of guarding dogs. AnExtension specialist is available tofurnish literature, give workshops andseminars, and assist in procuring dogs.

Oregon's program is an outgrowthof the research and field testing atHampshire College and the 5 years offield trials at the USDA SheepExperiment Station.

For educational materials andinformation about where to get aguarding dog, write or phone thenearest program:

Livestock Dog ProjectDepartment of Fisheries and Wild-

lifeNash HallOregon State UniversityCorvallis, OR 97331

phone (503) 754-4531

New England Farm CenterHampshire CollegeAmherst, MA 01002

phone (413) 253-7065

Guarding Dog ProjectUSDA Sheep Experiment StationDubois, ID 83423

phone (208) 374-5506

For further readingCoppinger, L., and R. Coppinger, "So

firm a friendship," Natural History,March 1980, pp. 12-26.

Coppinger, L., and R. Coppinger,"Livestock-guarding dogs that wearsheep's clothing," Smithsonian,April 1982, pp. 64-73.

Coppinger, R., and L. Coppinger,"Livestock-guarding dogs," CountryJournal, April 1980, pp. 68-77.

Green, J., and R. Woodruff, GuardingDogs Protect Sheep from Predators,USDA Agricultural InformationBulletin 455, 1983, 27 pp. Singlecopies are available at no chargefrom: Guarding Dog Project,USDA Sheep Experiment Station,Dubois, ID 83423.

Page 3: Introducing Livestock-Guarding J R 1985 Introducing livestock...sheep-shaped dogs live with the flock day and night. Rarely will a coyote challenge the presence of a dog three times

6The Oregon State University Extension Service provides education and information basedon timely research to help Oregonians solve problems and develop skills related to youth,family, community, farm, forest, energy, and marine resources.

Extension's agriculture program provides education, training, and technical assistance topeople with agriculturally related needs and interests. Major program emphases includefood and fiber production, business management, marketing and processing, and resourceuse and conservation.

This publication was prepared by Jay R. Lorenz, Extension wildlife specialist, OregonState University.

Extension Service, Oregon State University, Corvallis, O.E. Smith, director. Thispublication was produced and distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8and June 30, 1914. Extension work is a cooperative program of Oregon State University,the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and Oregon counties.

Oregon State University Extension Service offers educational programs, activities, andmaterials without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, or disability as required byTitle VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972,and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Oregon State University ExtensionService is an Equal Opportunity Employer.