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MOTIVATIONTo Keep Doing the Work You Love

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Use this as your guideline when planning and hosting your webinar:Before you begin: Be sure to open the mics up a few minutes early to chat with the audience. Call out attendees by name if you know them. This will help loosen them (and you) up a bit and sets the tone for the rest of the call. REMEMBER to press “RECORD”!

INTRODUCE YOUR TOPIC: 5 minutesWelcome to today’s webinar: “How to Win Back Your Motivation to Keep Doing the Work You Love”.

In this webinar, we’re going to tackle one of the most disheartening problems that all coaches face at some time in their practice – winning back your motivation when coaching seems to have lost its joy.

INTRODUCE YOURSELF: 5 minutes[PURPOSE: To help your audience emotionally identify with both your struggle—and your success.

Practice your story as follows:

o Who you are and what you do

(“My name is ____________________ and I am a ____________ coach who helps people who_____________________ to __________________________.”)

o Tell a story or anecdote about your past that illustrates the benefits of following your example

o Let them know where you are coming from—why you do what you do and how you struggled in the past before adopting and following what you’re about to teach them.

MAKE IT ALL ABOUT YOUR LISTENERS, even though your introduction seems to be all about you. They should feel as if you are telling the story they are already caught in—with the promise of achieving the same satisfying results as you.]

BODY CONTENT: 30 minutesNothing has more impact on people’s lives than a good coach. That’s why you got into it – to make a difference. But now you’re feeling burned out; or if not entirely burned out, drained. Tired. Overwhelmed. Or – worse – just not motivated.

What do you do to get your coaching mojo back? You’re asking yourself:

o Why you lost your joy in coaching

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o What you can do about it

o Whether or not you should do anything at all. Maybe it’s time to quit.

Before you take such a drastic step, let’s find the answer to those three questions. Let’s explore what’s really going on with you and your clients, and figure out exactly what to do about it.


Are you still serving the people you're meant to help? As you grow as a coach, your ideal client may very well change. Do a quick check in to make sure you're still working with the best clients… and remember that even when you have attracted the right clients, they can still be the wrong ones.

Return to your roots. Ask yourself who you enjoy helping, what you help them do and what results you enjoy seeing them achieve.

Think about sessions that went particularly well, ones that energized you or left you on a high. Think about the clients you helped. What was it about these particular clients and sessions that produced such a feeling of satisfaction and joy? (Particularly joy?) What was it that made you feel like you were in your perfect zone, fulfilling your purpose in life?

Now take it one step further. Don’t just think about clients: Think about people you have helped over your lifetime.

□ Who were they?

□ How did they get in touch with you?

□ What sort of things did you help them to do?

□ What revelations or epiphanies did you help them experience?

□ What was easy for you and hard for them?

□ What were the results?

□ Why did you help them? What was in it for you?

Think of volunteer positions you’ve held, friends and relatives who needed your expertise, extra projects at work that you particularly enjoyed back when you held a nine-to-five job, and local organizations who asked you to speak (or you volunteered to be a speaker. Think of workshops you’ve put on, videos you’ve made for ‘fun’ and questions you ask and answer in membership sites and Facebook groups.

Finally, ask yourself, “Is this who I’m helping now? Am I getting those same wonderful results?”

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Help yourself further by sending out short surveys or polls:

□ To your subscribers

□ To your Facebook Group members

□ In a blog post on your website

Once you’ve gotten back in touch with who you are best suited to help and how you can help them, do these three absolutely crucial things:

□ Make a short video for your home page and/or landing page

□ Ask for your ideal client specifically. Describe her and lay out your terms!

□ Make sure you have a “Who Should Work with Me” and “Who Should NOT Work with Me” paragraphs on your contact or discovery-session form page

On your main page or landing page, and in your video, focus on who you DO want. Speak directly to that person.

Now let’s address common causes of burnout.

Clients Who Drain Instead of Energize:

An ideal client doesn’t just fit a demographic or a niche, an ideal client is:

o Committed to doing the work

o Aware of what coaching is – and isn’t

o Open and receptive to new ideas and change

Here are three energy-draining client types that can seriously undermine your confidence and kill your enthusiasm for coaching.

1. Always late, canceling frequently, and not doing the work.

These clients are like people who buy gym memberships but rarely visit the gym. Some gyms don’t care as long as these people have paid their money, but you as a coach thrive on helping people experience transformation – and results. If a client has bought a package, you are going to feel frustration at the very least if they don’t commit.And if your client is paying by the session, it is going to impact you financially too. When a client cancels or is a no-show at the last minute, he or she is depriving you of planned income. You ‘lose’ your hourly fee, plus it’s a waste of your time.

o If you have one client that does this, the client is a problem client.

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o If you have five clients who do this, raise your prices and put explicit cancellation, no-show, and lateness policies in your client contract form and on your website!

2. Clients who expect you to be a therapist, not a coach.

These clients typically don’t understand the nature of coaching. They are either looking for someone to do things for them, addicted to starring in their own dramas, or they did not know they needed therapy first before contracting your services, and your coaching is bringing this out. This type of client is a good argument for the ‘pro’ side of offering complimentary Discovery Sessions. If a potential client spends his or her thirty minutes talking entirely about severe past emotional trauma or reveals he or she is in the middle of a heavy situation such as a divorce or bereavement, that’s the time to suggest therapy alternatives.

o If you have one client who does this, the client is going through something.

o If you have five clients who do this, you need to stop feeling responsible for your client’s emotions and set clear boundaries – for yourself as well as your clients.

3. Clients who fight you.

This type of client can drain people faster than any other. She argues with everything you suggest, questions your questions, and (next session) admits she’s still doing things the same old way. You get to dread her name in your appointment book: She makes you feel like she’s coaching YOU. And she can really vampire away your confidence.There’s nothing wrong with clients who question, and all the best coaches know that coaching is a two-way street: We often learn as much from our clients as they do from us. But this is something else altogether. What this client is looking for is someone to make her bad choices work. And that someone should not be you.

o If you have one client who does this, call her bluff. If she doesn't let go the reins of trust, offer to release her.

o If you have five clients who do this, realize you are attracting competitive and possibly perfectionist clients. Ask yourself why – and if you still want to work with them, change the questions you are asking to help them deal with what is holding them back.

Give your client avatar a tune-up. And don’t be afraid to release clients who drain you back to the universe. It’s as simple as saying, “I don’t feel I’m the right coach for you at this time.”


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What made you start your business in the first place? Is it still what gets you up in the morning? If not, what's your NEW why?

Apply the same “Why” process you use on clients to yourself. Become your own client. Or you could short-cut this process: Hire your own life coach and ask her to help you uncover your reasons and help you get back in touch with what you love most about coaching – or find your new ‘why’.

If you’ve asked your questions, you can take it one step further by utilizing the 5 Whys developed by inventor and industrialist Sakichi Toyoda, father of the man who would later create Toyota motors. He developed a rigorous trouble-shooting system of asking ‘why’ five times whenever a problem occurred. That way, he was able to go deep and not just correct the initial problem, but ensure that it was the best solution and that the problem didn’t recur. (It’s a variation of what business schools and universities teach in ‘critical thinking’: Not accepting the first answer, but digging deeper.)

Here’s an example:

Why do I want to go on coaching?

o Because I enjoy helping people get past blocks.

That’s where most people – coaches included – stop. But if you apply Toyoda’s method and keep on asking ‘why’, you get results like this:

o Why?o Because they are able to move forward after being frustrated and stuck.

o Why?o Because I help them see what’s holding them back.

o Why? o Because I ask questions only they can answer.

o Why? o Because I know they do have the answer, but they don’t know it.

o Why?o Because I’ve been in their shoes, and I remember how I felt when things became

clear to me.

Notice that I didn’t qualify or explain the ‘why’ in any way, using Toyoda’s method. If I was to say “Why do I enjoy helping people get past blocks?” I am almost leading the answer: It’s going to be about ‘helping people get past blocks’ rather than answering why I like it.

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When you use just a stark, plain ‘why’, what is more likely to come out of your head (or mouth) is pure stream-of-consciousness, tapping into the right side of your brain – the creative-intuitive side. It frees up that side of your brain the same way doing a left-brain task like washing the dishes does. (Ever notice that you get some of your best ideas or insights when you’re walking the dog or washing the car or gardening or putting away groceries?)

When you qualify or explain the ‘why’ in your question, you’re forcing yourself back into conscious thinking and rationalization. That’s when you’re more likely to repeat old scripts or previous answers – ones that may no longer be valid.

This method becomes even more powerful when you troubleshoot with it, as Toyoda did, looking at the negative side.


Why don’t I enjoy coaching anymore?

o Because I just want to sleep all day

o Why?o Because my stomach knots up at the thought of a one-on-one client day.

o Why?o Because my brain is in a fog and I feel I don’t ask the right questions.

o Why?o Because I failed with Client X and I had to give him his money back.

o Why?o He thought that paying ‘good money’ meant I was a slave.

o Why?o Because I wasn’t firm enough with boundaries from the beginning.

o Why?o Because I ignored the signs he was a bully in my eagerness to land a client.

What this technique also does is take the emotion out of your questioning. The word ‘why’ on its own is neutral, and therefore objective. It becomes much more comfortable to acknowledge truths you might not face otherwise; such as you ignored the signs and weren’t firm enough with boundaries from the beginning.

This type of exploration can give you instant insight into the deeper causes of what is not really the problem, but the effect – that shallow level of the first answer. It can also point you instantly to the best solution.

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But let’s finish this step on a positive note. Why did you become a coach? What was it that made you excited, joyful, eager to get up every morning?

List ten things you love about coaching: Then zero in on the one aspect above all others that brings you the most joy. Then go back and start from there.


At this point, you have probably realized the actions you need to take: Fire an abusive client, refer one who makes you feel under-qualified to help to the right type of coach, clarify your ideal client, make your boundaries crystal clear, add a cancellation policy and so forth.

But what do you do if the problem isn’t your client at all? Or your coaching methods? Or anything to do with coaching?

If you’re nodding your head at that, most likely you’ve fallen victim to either overwhelm or growth that is too rapid. That requires a different set of fixes.

If you don't love blogging or podcasting or Facebook livestreams, why are you doing them? Take a look at your to-do list and get rid of the things that aren't fun so you can make room for more of what is! If you like Instagram better than Facebook or you’re a Pinterest natural, then pour your efforts into those platforms and cut down Facebook interaction to auto-shares from your favorite other platforms. A Pinterest and Instagram-oriented social media management and scheduling SaaS or plugin such as Tailwind should make that easy.


There are three proven ways to ditch:

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1. Eliminate the offending task or strategy altogether

2. Automate it

3. Get someone else to do it.

If you are going to eliminate something you hate doing altogether, don’t just hit the ‘Delete’ button: Consider if there is some way you can repurpose it so that your work has not been wasted.

For example, taking a membership site that has become a pain to run and create content for, and retiring it with a “last chance” special offer. Explain there won’t be any more updates, but those still paying monthly have one last chance to keep access by paying a low, one-time payment for a Lifetime Membership – or even just let members know they will still have lifetime access: Just no new material.

If you follow this strategy, it’s a good idea to have a new offer to replace it with. Perhaps you’ve realized that you want to create a much different, higher-priced membership. Offer current members lifetime access to the old one or an ‘early bird special’ upgrade to the new one. That way, you’re giving your existing members a win-win choice.

Or you can convert the membership site resources to packages and digital eBooks, and sell these off individually for everyone as a retirement offer.

Automating something that feels like a chore could be doing your active social media posting via Pinterest and Instagram, and syncing with Facebook so that your pins and Instagram images are auto-shared, making minimal visits to Facebook yourself. (You don’t want to drop Facebook altogether since it still has the lion’s share of the market. But you can certainly cut down your time there so that it no longer feels like a dull duty.)

Getting someone else to do it has more benefits than you might think. For example, if you absolutely loathe formatting the lessons for your Udemy or Teachable course, then contract someone expert at putting such courses together on those platforms to do it for you. They will most likely love what you hate about this task (or at least find it easy through constant repetition and practice), and their skill will make your course run without a hitch.

If you hate video creation, outsource it. If you dread setting up a webinar, outsource it.

Dump, automate, or get someone else to do it: That’s a tried-and-true way to cut down on overwhelm and disorganization.

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The same goes for your personal life too. If cooking supper every night takes more energy than it’s worth, then arrange for others to rotate that chore with you (or for you). Order in through one of many apps like Skip the Dishes or Chef’s Plate. (HelloFresh if you’re in Canada.)


What services like these last two do is save you time and take the thinking out of chores like cooking supper. They’re a cut above ordering take-out food through services like Skip the Dishes in that you get fresh ingredients and recipes for quick meals the whole family can help you cook and assemble.

Organizations like TaskRabbit can also help you find local help to do just about anything for you and your family.

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Or even just hire a personal assistant as well as a VA if your business is making real money, and your life is full to overflowing.

The takeaway here is if something in your life is causing you to lose energy and is sabotaging your business and mission, get creative. Find ways to divest yourself of these weights around your ankles.


When people start to outsource, they often begin with individual tasks. You can't just stop doing your bookkeeping or updating your website, but if those things are dragging you down, you CAN get them off your plate...and on to someone else's.

That’s a simple way to do it, and if you know exactly which specific tasks are draining you, and what you need your freelance contractor to do, it’s a good strategy.

Business tasks that frequently seem to sap the energy of creative people include:

o Shopping cart set up and maintenance

o Autoresponder set up and maintenance

o Webinar tech management

o General tech management

o Bookkeeping

o Creating content for websites, blogs, emails, members and courses

o Graphic design

o Formatting

o Travel and events coordination

o Social media management

o Transcriptions

And I’m sure you can think of a few more.

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But if you apply a system to your outsourcing, it will work even better. Think in terms of planning and team-building.

If you’ve ever tried outsourcing before, you’ll know that the drawback with assigning tasks piecemeal, on an as-needed basis, is that you find yourself too busy to send your contractor raw material when you’ve agreed to do so. In fact, you may even have wasted money, purchasing a block of time and then finding yourself too overwhelmed to create tasks for her or pull together the data you need.

When you plan and prioritize your outsourcing, however, and think about building a team, that’s when outsourcing really comes into its own.

Start by deciding where your real problem areas are. Look for and identify:

□ Tasks you hate

□ Tasks and actions you never perform and/or always procrastinate over

□ Functions and activities that take far too long to do (and don’t directly generate income)

□ Areas of your business in which you lack the right skills

Now look for repetitive, recurring tasks and occasional or one-time-only tasks. List all the recurring tasks. Seek a virtual assistant with skills either in all these tasks or – if there are too many or the workload turned out to be excessive – in project management and coordination.

You will find VAs have a wide area of talents and skills. There are Infusionsoft-certified VAs; VAs who are whizzes at all types of technology; ones that just specialize in webinar technology; ones that specialize in general office administration, and so forth. Check references and interview your potential VA. Ask her questions, the way you would a client. Query her on:

o What do you specialize in? What are your skills?

o What do you do if you feel a task or project is outside your scope?

o What do you do if you run into a problem you weren’t anticipating in a project?

o What can you take off my plate?

A great way to take much of the learning curve out of working with contractors: Check out Melissa Ingold’s Time Freedom website and download her free workbook, “How to Help Your Assistant Make Money For You”.

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Next, take a quick quiz to instantly figure out what you need to delegate first.


But here’s Melissa Ingold’s real secret weapon for overwhelmed coaches who want to reclaim their sacred creative time: The Goddess Boss Academy.

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No, you don’t have to learn anything new—the Academy provides a library of twenty-five project kits you can hand off straight to your VA or contractor, covering specific and common projects for your business. On top of that, you get a new project kit every month, complete with a step-by-step guide that gives you a clear overview of what needs to be done and ensures that you know what you’re talking about when you communicate about the things you want done. That’s along with checklists, templates you can customize (or your VA can) and more.

What the monthly Goddess Boss Academy package does is take all the thinking, research, and guesswork off your plate, helping you handle contractors like a pro.


But there is more to the coaching life than just business. You need to free up time – which you’re going to do with dumping, automating, and outsourcing – for your own personal growth.

The best coaches have cutting-edge knowledge of new insights and advances in the coaching world. The best coaches are also keenly aware that they are on the same journey as their clients; just in a different place, with new destinations yet to explore.

Reaching out and continuing your own life education is a step you don’t want to miss. It gives you time for your own sacred space. Time to breathe – quite literally if your personal growth activities include meditative activities like Yoga, Tai Chi or QiGong.

You may be tempted to just download a Yoga course from the net, and that’s certainly one option. But we are human beings. We thrive on connection. Without it, we’re like a lone Canada Goose battling the elements of winter without the rest of the flock to provide an anchor, shelter us from the wind, provide encouragement just by their presence when the

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going gets tough. Collectively, there is tangible spiritual energy when we engage in activities with others.

You can ask questions and get them out there without those questions reverberating endlessly around your own head. You can get feedback, other opinions, insights – and the instant attention of your own coach or teacher, as well as other classmates or group members.

In fact, the connection with other real, live human beings may be the piece you are missing; the piece that is causing you right now to lose motivation and feel like you’re going through the motions. Even if you’re an introvert – and many coaches are – you can find a group activity that energizes and revitalizes you, from being alone together doing Qi Gong exercises without speaking to painting in a painting class.

Your growth activities, in fact, shouldn’t be all about coaching or business. Personal growth is a huge factor in what makes a great coach, so make sure you get a mix of external emotional stimulation and knowledge-increasing activities.

Hiring your own coach for whatever area you are feeling challenged in is also a ‘must-have’ activity to engage in, at whatever point feels right to you. So ask yourself, what training programs or retreats can you join that will help get you excited again? Not only will learning new things help keep you motivated, but it will also make you a better coach.


Do your current programs get great results for your clients? Where can they be improved? What needs to be retired? Review all your existing programs in the light of what you've discovered about yourself and your ideal client, and update them to match your new, more motivated self.

Take any program or program component that generates the best results and the most excitement, and see:

o What you can strip away from around it, to highlight it even more

o What additional programs you can build from it

These areas are not only most likely to tap into your true coaching passion, but they also demonstrate the areas of interest for your ideal clients.

Go with the flow. Add offers, programs and additional resources that allow you to build off work already done. Find the easiest and most fun ways to augment your business – and create passive income with at least a portion of them.

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For example, adding a weekly Q & A for your Facebook Group members or subscribers requires very little prep work on your part, but provides a great deal of value to your fans and subscribers. The beauty of doing this within a closed Facebook Group is that you can make your Q & A a simple Facebook Livestream, instead of setting up and promoting a webinar, with all the technology and promo that entails.

Another great way to please your clients and subscribers: A weekly or monthly critique, if your coaching focuses on topics with elements like website design or branding.

Post in your Facebook group that you’ll be doing a critique webinar, so if anyone wants to submit a link to their site or a screenshot of their home page, they’ll have a chance to be critiqued as a live case-study during the webinar.

This requires no preparation from you – just your expert input during the critique session. And asking people to submit via your Facebook group in advance allows you the option of previewing, in case you do want to make some quick notes first.

Think of it: Even twenty to forty minutes of your time, up close and personal via an exclusive webinar or Facebook Livestream for your group offers the closest thing to personal coaching outside personal one-on-one coaching… for free.

It’s an investment in your community, and you can’t delight or reward fans and clients much better than that!

Deliver unscheduled goodies to your group members, subscribers, and clients too.

o Checklists or templates

o Infographics

o Free previews of your books

o High-value email mini-courses

o Free webinars teaching something they really need to learn

o Webinar replays

o Permanent access to recordings

o Webinar or video transcripts

o An app or tool they can use

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o Tips – tip sheets are always popular

o A how-to guide

And polls, quizzes, and contests too.

All of these perks can be quickly created – by you or someone else, depending on your skills and preferences – from work you’ve already done, so that creation time is minimal.

Above all, what you can offer is listening and responding.

You can also stagger your interactive features like live critiques or Q & As, so they don’t become a grind. “For the month of November, I’m going to be doing Live Q & As.” Or “this summer, take a break from the kids and join me for a weekly live meditation group”.

It is much easier to do this in a Facebook Group than in a one-on-one coaching session. It doesn’t take more than ten minutes a day to check in and respond to questions and comments. (If a question requires more than a few seconds to answer it, make it a rule to send them to the right person or resource instead of dealing with it there: For example, your Help Desk or your FAQ page.)

Acknowledgement, validation and visibility are what we all crave on a human level. When you interact, you are telling your followers “you matter. I know you”. That creates tremendous loyalty within a group.

You’re also doing what 70% of all other coaches don’t do. That gives you an advantage over competitors who are “too big” or just not that interested in connection unless they’re receiving megabucks for a session.

The beauty of this strategy is that you can rigidly control your interaction and limit it to a time length and period of your choice. One that suits your lifestyle. And when you’re ready to bring out new paid offers, packages and programs, you have a highly-interested audience, ready and willing to buy.

Remember that you did get into this to help others – if you didn’t, if you only want megabucks and no work, then this isn’t the webinar for you. But if you wish to get your motivation back and keep on helping people, these are all strategies you probably already know about: You just need to set them to work for you.

And keep on helping on your terms. Conserve your precious energy. (Nothing wrong with that!)


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No, it's not all about money. Here's the problem so many coaches face though: their rates are so low that just to pay the bills, they have to work far more hours every week than is healthy. Raise your prices, reduce the number of one-on-one hours that you work, and you'll automatically be less stressed and more motivated.

Yes, it’s true that seven-figure entrepreneurs do have at least seven streams of passive income. That’s where your expert contractors can help you set up those too.

If you’re not sure what to charge, use the Time Freedom Business calculator to find out what an hour of your time is really worth.


Meanwhile, ask yourself these questions:

o Do I have a waiting list?

o Do I turn away clients?

o Do I receive multiple questions on social media, in blog comments, or via email?

If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these, it’s a sign you need to raise your rates. That’s right! Don’t be afraid to weed out those who can’t afford you: What you’ll be left with is those who are serious about needing your coaching and are willing and happy to pay for it.

In fact, put right on your website when you are qualifying clients, “My ideal client is one who is easily able to afford my rates without causing themselves financial stress.”

S-P-E-L-L I-T O-U-T!

I’m not kidding.

Those who aren’t yet ready for your coaching can waste hours of your energy, asking for deals, payment plans, special prices or even free coaching.

The only time you should ever coach for free is when YOU choose to do so. And a good rule-of-thumb is to provide freebies for clients, group members, and customers who have already proven they can do the work; people who have invested in you with their time, feedback or finances. Giving these members of your community a Q & A session will feel priceless to them. Giving free coaching to someone who isn’t ready for it means you will waste time and energy reinventing the wheel, only to have them disappear eventually without ever having achieved anything you set out to help them with.

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If you answered ‘yes’ to all three of those questions – do I have a waiting list? Do I turn away clients? Do I receive multiple questions on social media, blog comments, or email? – then you are overdue for raising your rates.

Charge what you are worth. Let your existing clients know a rate change is coming. Sure, you might lose one or two clients but:

o The others will be happy to stay

o Even better ones will soon fill the empty slots

Time and again, this is the experience of coaches who finally raise their rates.

So, that’s a start on getting back your motivation. I can’t stress enough, now is the time to make space for you. Get rid of non-essentials or outdated programs. Simplify. Automate. Outsource. And – a great big tip here – don’t bother trying to do the automation yourself. Outsource the automating too.

When you finally have room in your life for you again, for creativity, for letting the dreams in, that’s when your motivation will return. And life will seem brighter than ever before if you follow what you’ve learned today.

In a few moments, I’m going to be taking questions, but first…


Let your attendees know you share even more information in your upsell or signature product, course or program.

o List its key benefits

o Tell them how it works (e.g. tiered program; coaching package with follow-up methods included; etc.)

o Tell them how to access it (e.g. link embedded on their screens; link in webinar chat box; link at the end of the webinar, etc.)

o Give a coupon code or FAST ACTION incentive

Segue into…

And now it’s time to finally get to some of those great questions I’ve been seeing in the chat box...

Q&A Time: 10 minutes

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I promised this would only take an hour of your time, so it’s time to wrap up. If you still have questions, check out…

[Tell them where to reach you: E.g. Facebook page, your free forum, landing page link, etc.

Restate your offer, sales page link, Fast Action bonus or coupon.

Thank everyone for attending.