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SYMBOLS [Ihya Ulum-Id-Din -Imam Al-Ghazali]

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In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful

ب�ي ر� ف�ضل� م�ن ه�ذ�ا

(This is from the grace of God)


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[May God bless his innermost being]


He has revealed only a part of his knowledge on the science of abjad which has both a spiritual and scientific attribute.


[Shaykh Ibn Arabi]

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Science of Abjad the alchemy of Arabic Language in the Holy Quran.






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Names Arabic letters values

Alif ا 1

Ba ب 2

Ta ت 400

Tha ث 500

Jim ج 3

Ha ح 8

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Kha خ 600

Dal د 4

Dhal ذ 700

Ra ر 200

Za ز 7

Sin س 60

Shin ش 300

Sad ص 90

Dād ض 800

Tā ط 9

Zā ظ 900

Ain ع 70

Ghain غ 1000

Fa ف 80

Qaf ق 100

Kaf ك 20

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Lam ل 30

Mim م 40

Nun ن 50

Waw و 6

Hā ه 5

Ya ي 10



1. The science of language

2. The Arabic letters

3. Numerical values of the Arabic Letters

4. Abjad

5. Pronunciation of Arabic letters

6. Holy Quran

7. Proof of science of abjad & science

8. The first light in the creation

9. Birth of Prophet Muhammad in the Quran

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The book of Science of Abjad is a follow up of my first book of ‘Spiritual and Scientific Research on Arabic Letters and Numbers’ but this time I went deeper in the search and exploiting the another part of the science of abjad. Abjad is defining normally as a chronogram, a mode of reckoning numbers by means of the letters of the alphabet; it remains a world to be explored.

The world of Science of Abjad may look like a virtual world but it is a reality, it can bring forward new discoveries on different subjects and issues. What I have written in my first book [Spiritual and Scientific Research on Arabic Letters and Numbers] today scientists are sharing the same point of views on different subjects, like the ‘First Stars in Universe Were Not Alone’ ScienceDaily (Feb. 4, 2011) and Does music affect a foetus [YouTube and MSN] and so on.

The Science of Abjad helps also to understand the verses of the Holy Quran in another way; if we will continue to rely on the textual analysis of the verses it will be very difficult to

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overcome the frontier of interpretation. We have to transcend this frontier but be very careful to avoid speculation.

The book is divided into four chapters, first chapter, the Arabic Letters and the numerical values, who are the Arabic letters, their existence, where they came from, why do they exist, and their composition and their utilities, second chapter, the science of Abjad and the life of the Holy Prophet Muhammad [ص] a different views on his life spiritually and scientifically and third chapter elaboration on the book of [Spiritual and Scientific Research on Arabic Letters and Numbers] and forth chapter, black hole and the science of abjad.

The extrapolation on these different subjects made us understand that the Arabic language in the Holy Quran together which the Arabic Letters and their numerical values is not only a language but also a science. Every word in the Holy Quran has a concrete and abstract part whether scientifically or spiritually.

The book is also the concern of abstract spirituality and science and as a researcher in the science of abjad bases on Arabic letters and numbers; with the science of abjad I have tried to bring science and spirituality on an understanding field where it is possible. It is like building a frontier between the two and to find common points and use it if we can.

The science of abjad does exists since a long time ago and Shaykh Ackbar Ibn Arabi [May God bless his innermost being] is the master of this science. He is like a teacher for me by his knowledge of that matter which he has shared in his books, I was inspired and fascinated by it and I should said that it is by his grace and help that I have learned this science.

It is very difficult to trace the origin of this science and who introduced numerology in Arabic letters there is only one saying which was published by Badhawi on that subject who was a Quran commentator but was rejected by the majority of the Muslim saviors and it was considered as a weak saying.

In science as in spirituality they have one thing in similarity; they go on the quest of something. When they experience the reality of what they do, they accept this reality, the only essential difference is that scientist continues to learn, expand their knowledge, while in abstract spirituality the masters have

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already undertaken the path and knew the beginning and the end of the track.

Scientists need to update their knowledge, align new discoveries, and indeed what they do. The body of knowledge and practices in spirituality is not updating because neither the contention nor the applications are challenged by the facts: the system has already reached its completion. Here we must mark the difference between three distinct areas: the cult, abstract spirituality and science.

The cult did not admit any new information: its basis risk to be shaken. Science must always include new information as it is incomplete. In the abstract spirituality, there is no need of new equipment since the system of knowledge is already full. Misunderstandings occur when people classify these different domains in the wrong categories. They imagine that science is like the abstract spirituality, completed, and that spirituality is an abstract sort of worship, instead of excluding any new knowledge and that the cult is open to new ideas while the cult did not in fact adopt new elements.


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The Arabic language is the mother of all languages and it is the first language existed since the beginning of the creation. The Arabic language did not take birth from other languages and even the forms of their letters. Our father Adam [a.s] had spoken his first language in Arabic, God instructed him to approach a group of Angels sitting near to him and greet them with the words Assalamualaikum (May God’s peace be upon you), they answered ‘and also upon you be God’s peace, mercy and blessings’.  From that day forward these words became the greeting of those submitted to God.  From the moment of Adam’s creation, we his descendents were instructed to spread peace.

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God taught Adam all the names that to be existed “He taught Adam all the names of everything.” (Quran 2:31) God gave Adam the ability to identify and designate names to everything; He taught him language, speech and the ability to communicate. God instill Adam with an insatiable need for and love of knowledge.  After Adam had learned the names and uses for all things, God said to the Angels “‘tell me the names of these if you are truthful.’  They answered ‘Glory be to You, we have no knowledge except what You have taught us.  Verily it is You the All Knower, the All Wise.’” (Quran 2:31-32)

God turned to Adam and said:

“O Adam!  Inform them of their names,’ and when he had informed them of their names, He said:  Did I not tell you that I know the unseen in the heavens and the earth and I know what you reveal and what you have been hiding?” (Quran 2:33)

Adam [a.s] when was sent on earth knew a lot of languages and he even called one of his sons abjad [ابجد] so it is clear that our father Adam in his life time spoke Arabic language. May be later on perhaps of educational problem or of illiteracy and communication peoples had chosen secondary languages to communicate. In the time of the Holy Prophet Muhammad [ص] the beauty of the Arabic language had resurrected as the Holy Quran was revealed in Arabic.

Chapter 3 verse 190

Behold! In the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the alternation of night and day, - there are indeed Signs for men of understanding,-

The Holy Prophet Muhammad [ص] did not speak anything about the science of revelation except through signs and symbols [Ilm-Ulum-Id-Din Page 15 by Imam Al-Ghazali].

Signs are used normally to give indication and information which can be concrete and abstract and symbols are a representation sometimes with a conventional significance and symbol is not usually an abstract representation of ideas.

Chapter 12 verse 2

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We have sent it down as an Arabic Qur'an, in order that ye may learn wisdom.

The verses of the Holy Quran are signs from Allah and it is written in Arabic language, the verses give indication, information, admonition and to learn wisdom. Normally the Arabic language in the Holy Quran is the language of the soul concretely and the Arabic language in the Holy Quran is an exceptional one as it is the only language where you should involve yourself to understand its meaning as states in chapter 56 verses:

77. That this is indeed a Qur’an Most Honorable,

78. In Book well-guarded,

79. Which none shall touch but those who are clean:

80. A Revelation from the Lord of the Worlds.

Let us see how sometimes this involvement occurs.

For example: [ من man Rabbuka [Who is your [ ربكLord]

As we can see in the Arabic sentence there is no verb and even a preposition however in the English translation we have to put a verb to clarify the sentence. Man himself is a verb of God, as a verb in a sentence which will do the action and clarify the situation and in the interpretation man should involve in. Between [من] and [ربك] we had to put ‘You’ to complete the translation and make it understandable.

Chapter 7 verse 204. When the Qur'an is read, listen to it with attention, and hold your peace: that ye may receive Mercy.

The verses 78, 79 demonstrate that the Holy Quran is well-guarded and none shall touch but those who are clean. The Almighty God imposed one condition before you touch it, be clean, cleanliness of the body and the mind so that we can learn the wisdom of His Holy Book, when we read the Holy Quran the Almighty God reveals His message directly to us. However the verses of the Holy Quran have concrete and abstract meaning but we should be very careful only our Beloved Holy

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Prophet Muhammad [ص] knows the real meaning of this Most Honorable Book.

The letters [ ا و are used like vowels and together with the [ىthree signs [fatha, damma and kasra] they act like agents of communication in Arabic language. They give words different sound, meaning and indication and also in the verses. For example if we take the name of the Holy Prophet Muhammad[

م�د] [ص the sound [mu] is a continuous sound make by [م"ح the damma and the fatha found on the letters [ح] and [م] give an indication that the sound is travelling to the upper kingdom of God in us. Thus reciting prayer where there is the name of the Holy Prophet Muhammad[ص] is a blessing as it connects us directly to God.




The Arabic letters are alive and they communicate with us even if we do not know and feel it, this is why when we read the Holy Quran our mood and feeling change from worst to good and nostalgia of going back to God awakens. They are like enlighten beings in different forms.

The Arabic language is not only a language but also a science and the science of abjad [reference book: Spiritual and Scientific Research on Arabic Letters and Numbers] came from the heart of this science and the bases of the science of abjad are the six Sacred Names:

[ م�د اهللا حسن فاطمة على م"ح

[ حسين

Chapter 12

1. A.L.R. These are the symbols (or Verses) of the perspicuous Book. 2. We have sent it down as an Arabic Qur'an, in order that ye

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may learn wisdom.

It is very difficult to trace the origin of the Science of Abjad [Arabic letters and their numerical values] there is only one saying that was reported by Baidawi but was considered as a weak hadith. Surely this science should be existed since a long time ago and the majority of the saviors in Islam accepted that every Arabic letters has a numerical value there is no doubt about it.

The great savior Shaykh Ackbar Ibn Arabi  [May Allah bless his inner most being]  has used this science in his book Futuhat al-Makkiya [The Meccan Revelations] to point out the liberation of Jerusalem by the Muslim in the year of 583 by using the letters Alif Lam Mim [الم] with a spectacular computation. In his others books he has used this science to extrapolate the hidden realities of the Arabic letters like the book of Mim, Waw and Nun.

I have written my first book [Spiritual and Scientific Research on Arabic Letters and Numbers] with reference with the teaching of the great savior Shaykh Ackbar Ibn Arabi on the science of abjad. This science demonstrates that there are other types of knowledge in the Holy Quran still unknown.

In chapter 36 [Ya-Sin] [ verse 36 [ىس

Glory to Allah, Who created in pairs all things that the earth produces, as well as their own kind and things of which they have no knowledge.

This verse states that God has created in pairs all things like man and woman, positive and negative forces, good and evil hence letters and numbers are also pairs for each other and certainly they should work together and which gave birth to the science of abjad.

The total of the numerical values of the letters of the verse 36 [huruf al jumal] gives 4456 and if we add [4+4+5+6=19] and this shows that the knowledge of the science of abjad is issued from the tree of 19 lights as illustrated in the book of ‘Spiritual and Scientific Research on Arabic letters and Numbers’

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The key word in the verse is the word pairs [ازواج] 7+6+1+3+1=18 and the word pairs is written in plural form, multiply 18

by two, 18*2=36 or 17+19 or 12+24. 12 and 24 are also the numerical values of names Allah [12] and the Holy Prophet Muhammad [ص] when we remove the zero in their numerical values.

[اهللا] 5+3+3+1=12 and م�د] [م"ح 4+4+4+8+4=24 , the names Allah and the Holy Prophet Muhammad [ص] are both present in the attestation, there is no god except Allah and Muhammad is a Messenger of Allah. 

[ الله إال إله م�د ال الله م"ح رسول ].


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Chapter 30 v 22

[1] Who are the Arabic Letters?

[2 ]

Where they came from?


What are thier



What are their utility?


Why did they



Of what is composed

their components?

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22. And among His Signs is the creation of the heavens and

the earth, and the variations in your languages and your colors:

verily in that are Signs for those who know.

Chapter 12 v1, 2

1. A.L.R. These are the symbols (or Verses) of the perspicuous Book.

2. We have sent it down as an Arabic Qur'an, in order that ye may learn wisdom.

Chapter 16 v 104

104. Those who believe not in the Signs of Allah, - Allah will not guide them, and theirs will be a grievous Penalty.

105. It is those who believe not in the Signs of Allah that forge falsehood: it is they who lie!

As we can see in chapter 12 verses 1, the Arabic letters are symbol or even may be verses or even signs. They are like angels with angelic mission under the command of God and they obey only Him and knew only what their Lord has taught them and they play a particular task in the words of the Holy Quran. The Arabic letters form a type of community where everyone has different function and sometimes the significations of the letters are linked with their numerical values.

The Arabic language is the first language spoken by our father Hazrat Adam [a.s], when God breath in Him he said ‘Alhamdulillah’ [Praise be to Allah] hence it is clear that the first language which was existed and spoken was the Arabic language and we could said that all languages take birth from it. Hazrat Adam [a.s] knew various languages and had transcended the time until the modern era.

Who are the Arabic Letters?

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Arabic letters are symbols used to give sign, every Arabic letters has his Creator’s name and translation and Created form and translation for example [Arabic letter Alif-Creator’s name Badi-translation The Wonderful Originator and Created form Aql-i-kul and translation –Absolute Reason] [from the book Study in Tassawuf by Shaykh Al Akbar Ibn Arabi may Allah sanctified his inner most being] Hence a word can have different meaning by the way we look at it whether literally or with the eye of the science of abjad.

Where they came from?

They came from the first Light that manifested at the very beginning of the creation by God, they are the DNA of knowledge by exploring the Arabic letters with the help of the science of abjad we can learn a lot of thing in the creation.

Why did they exist?

Every Arabic letters with their Creator’s name and Created form gives an indication and information about the letters present in the Arabic words and the part they are playing. The Arabic letters have different personalities and as we do know that every words in the Holy Quran has different meaning and the Arabic letters sometimes help us to get a starting point to understand it.

What are the compositions of the Arabic Letters?

As they came from the first Light of God they are composed of

light, the six sacred names, [ م�د اهللا على م"ح حسين حسن فاطمة ] the elements of nature [water,

earth, fire, air and ether] and with different colors [red, yellow, black, green and white] from these components the Arabic letters get their capacities, forces and energy. They move from place to place by sound and light and it is the light which will take the last relay, sound and light are as vehicles. This is why words when they enter the brain they are transformed into liquid state and then to light.

What are their utilities?

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They formed words which give birth to different knowledge and hide their abstract meaning and they are under the command of Allah, knowledge is not acquired we have to seek for it. The best word is the word of Allah and the best guidance is the guidance of Prophets said the Holy Prophet Muhammad [ص].

The numerical values of the Arabic letters are the capacities of light they contain in and which can be summarized by grouping the light in a certain formula like 40 to 4 by removing the zero or by grouping by the set of ten 4X10

However this does not mean that the powers of an Arabic letters vary with its numerical value but it defines its part it will play in certain occasion. The light and the elements present in the letters will work together to accomplish a particular task when require by the command of God. The capacities of the elements in each letter is different but this does not mean that if the numerical value of a letter is greater than the others that they are more powerful because each letters occupies a different place in the theory of emanation.

All created things move from one stage to another and this constant renewal occurs in the creation every day and their secret lies in the word of the Holy Quran and the names of Allah, known only by the heirs of the Holy Prophet Muhammad .[ص]

The words and the letters travel in our body to the soul by using sound and light as vehicle and light take over to make them attain their final destination.

Chapter 5 verse 38


1 1


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O ye who believe! Do your duties to Allah, seek the means of approach unto Him, and strive with might and main in His cause: That ye may prosper.

I found this in the book of the great savior Shaykh Ackbar Ibn Arabi [may Allah sanctify his inner most being] in his book mim,waw and nun concerning the verse 110 of chapter 3 of the Holy Quran 110 [Ye are the best of peoples, evolved for mankind, enjoining what is right, forbidding what is wrong, and believing in Allah. If only the People of the Book had faith, it was best for them: among them are some who have faith, but most of them are perverted transgressors.] The signification of the term use in the Holy Quran ‘ma’ruf’ announce the notion of a traditional community and the signification of this must be transposed, as the community of letters is an esoteric order.

If we use the word [ peoplesامة] with numerical values 400+40+1441[we have the presence of numbers 1, 4, 4] and the word letter in Arabic [حرف] 8+200+80 288 and 144*2 288, we can understand why Shaykh Ackbar Ibn Arabi has created a relation about what he said above, that is there is an abstract belonging between the word [حرف] and .[امة] The verse indicates that there are two types of communities one for mankind and another for letters.


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The numerical values of the Arabic letters follow a particular method which is unique in the computation system, it begins with number 1 and end with 9 [1 to 9] and follows with the multiple of ten [10, 20, 30, 40 to 90] and then hundreds [100,200,300,400,500,600,700,800,900] and the series end with [1000]. However only the letter Lam Alif [ال] breaks the rule of this system with a numerical value of 31 [30+1].

Chapter 72 verse 28.

"That He may know that they have [truly] brought and delivered the Messages of their Lord: and He surrounds [all the mysteries] that are with them, and takes account of every single thing."

The key word of the verse is ‘account’ also translate as count or computation [احصى] 10+90+8+1 removing the zero 1+9+8+119 [1 and 9]Verse 28 like 28 Arabic Letters.

The numerical value of the verse gives 3086 and removing the zero 179 count a letter only once in a word [171]

17119*9 and 171 100+71 removing the zero in 100 1 and 1*7171 like the numerical of [الم] Alif Lam Mim.

This system may has taken birth from the abbreviation [الم] Alif Lam Mim is like a key that open the door of the Holy Quran and he may be also the key of the numerical system in

the Science of Abjad. The abbreviation [الم] has two madda [ ] mainly on the top of letter Lam and Mim and the madda sound like an alif .The numerical value of [الم] is 711+30+40 and removing the zero [1+3+4 = 8] and adding the two madda 1+12 hence 8+210, removing the zero we get one [1] and in the process of the science of abjad the system begins with one and restart with a number one forward, [1] [10] [100] [1000] - [1 to 9] [1*10] [10*10] [10*100].

The name Adam [ادم] 1+4+40 45 and 4+59

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In the process of the creation man was created at last hence Hazrat Adam [a.s ] was the last to be created and 9 is the last number in every series of numbers. Alif is the first letter in Adam with numerical value 1 [1 to 9]. The numerical system in the Science of Abjad begins with number one and ends with nine and continues in the multiple of ten.




The word abjad symbolize the Arabic letters with a numerical value and abjad (ابجد) is a mysterious word which contains the first four Arabic letters in numerical order (Alif 1, Ba 2, Jim 3 and dal 4). Every Arabic letters has a numerical value and the numerical values of the letters can be used in computations with and without taking the zero into account. This can be sound absurd, but it is one of the empirical rules of Abjad computation.

To illustrate the rule, one can make a computation with the first letter, the middle letter or the last letter of a single word or for every single word forming a sentence. In other combinations one can use a single letter in a word but not twice, though there can be several occurrences of the same word in a single sentence.

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Mathematical operations like addition, subtraction, division and multiplication are used in Abjad computation. The operations cause a number or a value, having a unique Arabic letter to undergo different combination, expansion and contraction leading to a breakdown or ascension of combinations of letters. This is explained by the examples below:


May be seen as splitting of a number leading to an ‘expansion’ of a letter, the letter Qaf ( which has a numerical value of (ق 100 can be divided into two giving (50+50) which is the numerical value of [ + ن the symbolism of which is Nur ,[ نand Nar.


To illustrate that, we would take the word of Allah Almighty in Arabic. (هللا) The letters are ,(ا) ,(ل) (ل) and (ه) having numerical values of 1, 30, 30 and 5 respectively. In order to show the multiplication, the zeroes in the value of letters (ل) are not taken into account. These are truncated such that the absolute value of (ل) is 3. As a result if we perform the multiply operation [5X3X3X1=45], which leads us to a symbolism: 45 is the Abjad for Adam and once can extrapolate that Prophet Adam (peace be upon him) has been created to the best Stature (Ahsani taqweem, S95V4).


After the process there will be the same like a union of man and woman (X+Y) a same subject will be obtain not a different one (the birth of a human being).

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Like the subtraction of our ‘I’ in our existence which leads to the perfection of mankind. (Eve came from the desire of Adam) (45-21) =24.


The science of Abjad opens up a secret world with endless possibilities. Abjad is a science helping mankind to understand his own world and its importance with the help of Arabic letters, words and their associated mathematical computations in the light of the verses of the Holy Quran.

The Arabic language used in the Holy Quran is complex and cryptic and we cannot said that with abjad manipulation we will be able to decode its secret but abjad is a way to show us how the Holy Quran is not easy to understand and the beauty of this Holy Book.

Abjad is a great help to research the understanding of the verses of the Holy Quran, sayings of the Holy Prophet (ص) and the sayings of the friends of Allah Almighty (The Awliya, Q). The secret of Abjad sheds light to the verses of the Holy Quran (S44V58) Verily, We have made this (Qur'an) easy, in thy tongue, in order that they may give heed.

The saviour Shaykh Al Akbar Ibn Arabi in the famous book of Futuhat Al-Makkiya has given the exact year the city of Jerusalem would be liberated through a marvelous numerical manipulation of the first Muqatta'at of the Holy Quran [ALM (:[(الم and it is said that the Holy Quran is guidance for Humanity.

However, the intrinsic computational matrix of the Holy book is yet to be discovered. The science of Abjad leads to the unspoken guidance and surreal meaning of every verse, word and their arrangements in the Holy Quran. This, in turn, leads to a more accurate meaning of the verses of the Holy Quran.

Whenever you get in the ocean of abjad you have the feeling of getting to a new world beyond thinking and resonance , if you take three objects of the same sides and you put one on the top of a slope and one after the another until the feet of the slope

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and when you will look at a distance at the objects we will have the impression that the object on the top is bigger it is a logical detection as our mind work in that way and in abjad manipulation we have to overcome our own resonance even though it would be very difficult to accept.


Every Arabic letter has its own interpretation and secret, they are alive as these letters are from the Guarded Tablet coming from the light of God and revealed to the Holy Prophet (ص) The letter Alif is the origin of all the forms and all these letters are present in every creatures of Allah Almighty.

The word Huruf (حروف) ( 8+6+2+8 = 24 ) which means ’letters’ in Arabic has the same numerical value of as the name Muhammad. The letters are composed of fourteen forms and there are twenty points present with them and only one of the points is found under the letter (19+1). If a letter is expanded, one can get the letters which on addition sums the initial letter. For example, Arabic letter (و) waw having numerical value 6 can be viewed as (2X3) ب and ج. This is true for other letters also.

The word abjad [ابجد] is composed of (Alif1, Ba2, Jim3 and Dal 4).

Every letter represents one element in the science of Abjad:

Alif represents Fire

Ba is for air

Jim represents Water

Dal is for the Earth

Ha is for Ether

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They are the vital elements for the survival of the human race. The letter Ha (ه) represents also the breathe.

Only Allah the Almighty God knows the secret of the creation of the Heavens and the Earth.


The Arabic letters (Huruf al Hija’) normally are composed of 28 letters if we add the letter hamza (ء) there will be 29 and 30 if we add the letter Lam Alif (ال).Shaykh Al Ackbar Muhiyuddin Ibn Arabi (r.a) has classified the letters according to the theory of emanation in that way [[اهعحغخقكجشىضنرطدتزسصظثذفبمو and every Arabic letters has a numerical value. I have classified them in two columns.

Huruf al Hija’


Huruf al Hija’


ا 1 و 6ه 5 م 40ع 70 ب 2ح 8 ف 80غ 1000 ذ 700خ 600 ث 500ق 100 ظ 900ك 20 ص 90ج 3 س 60ش 300 ز 7ى 10 ت 400ض 800 د 4ل 30 ط 9ن 50 ر 200

2997 2998


There are 14 forms of the Arabic letters ( ف ع ط ص س د ج ب اى ه ن م adding their numerical value (ك


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[1+5+5+4+2+8+7+9+9+6+4+3+2+1=66] 66 like the numerical value of name Allah (اهللا), there are 20 points used in letters and only one of the points is found under the letter .(ب) If we multiply the numerical value of letters which are used to write the name of the Holy Prophet (ص) ( د ح removing the zero (م[4, 8, 4 4X8X4 = 12864+64] as we do know a human being has the form of the name Muhammad hence all these Arabic letters formed part in us that is they gave our body the form of a human being.

If we look at the letters in a scientific way the letter nun (ن) is as a nucleus with a neutron in and letter (ت) as a neutron and a proton in and letter (ث) a neutron, a proton and an electron. Atom is a like a grain of light with energy hiding in and with neutron, proton and electron.

All Arabic letters are consonants; three of them, however Alif, waw and Ya are also used as long vowels or diphthongs Alif, waw and Ya ( ى و ] (ا 10+6+1=17 like word (رسول) 2+6+6+3=17] they are not present in every word but their sound are present in the words by using three symbols fatha, kasra and damma these sound we made it every day voluntary or involuntary.

The articulation and the movement of the three vowels are present in our body, they are like three driving force in different schema like the movement of blood in the heart and in the movement of the breath in body and they made three different movement, ascending, descending and horizontal.

According to Shaykh Al Ackbar Ibn Arabi (r.a) the alif is considered like a separation (واو) [descending] God created man by His image and waw ‘revelation’ and ‘transmission’ (واو) [horizontal]and ya ‘connection’ [ascending]. These three facts explain the part play by a Master towards a disciple where he learn the adept how to separate from the desire of worldly pleasures and step by step he reveals to him secret spiritual knowledge and then he help him to connect to his Lord.

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The three vowels [ ى و are present in the sound of three [اArabic letters [ ن و ] [م ن و ن و ا و م ى these three [مletters are exceptional as they are present at the end of pronunciation. [ ى و ] . 10+6+1=17, 1+6+1=8[ا ن و +50 [م

6+40=96 ,5+6+4=15 .Hence 96+17113 and we add the numerical values of the six Sacred names 12+24+11+27+20+19=113 and the word al-kamiya science of alchemy [the Arabic word al-kamiya’ ] is the origin of the word alchemy which is used to denote the meaning alchemy [[الكيمياء 1+1+10+40+10+20+30+1113. All these give us an idea about the transmutation and evolution of these letters and words in the Holy Quran.






















111 /12






























































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The numerical value of the table gives 6213 and if we add with [ ى و [ا 1+6+1=8 [ ن [ و 15=4+6+5م 6213+8+156236.

6236 is also the number of verses that the Holy Quran contains.

There are 14 Arabic letters which are present at the beginning of 29 chapters of the Holy Quran ( ه ن م ل ك ق ع ط ص س ر ح ا] (ى 20+100+70+9+90+60+200+8+1+10+5+50+40+30 = 693 ] 6936X9X3 = 162 like the word Insane [man](انسنا) [1+50+60+50+1=162] and the word Alim (عليم) [All Knowing] appears at least 162 in the Holy Quran. There are 6236 verses in the Holy Quran, 6+2+3+617.

The abbreviations present at the head of the 29 chapters of the Holy Quran:

40+30+1=71 [الم] (1)

200+30+1=231 [الر] (2)

40+60+9=109 [طسم] (3)

90[ص] (4)

100[ق] (5)

50[ن] (6)

90+40+30+1=161[المص] (7)

200+40+30+1=271[المر] (8)

9+5=14[طه] (9)

60+9=69[طس] (10)

60+10=70[يس] (11)

40+8=48[حم] (12)

90+70+10+5+20=195[كهيعص] (13)

حم عسق ] (14) ]100+60+70+40+8=278

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71+231+109+90+100+50+161+271+14+69+70+48+195+278=16931+6+9+3=19 [1X6X9X3=162]

In the " huruf al jumal " [the total of the numerical value] sometimes in a numerical value of a name or a word another explanation can trigger out for example the name Allah

(اهللا) [ 5+30+30+1=66 ] [5X3X3X1=45 like Adam 40+4+1=45]. The name Allah is the conglomeration of all names and at the very beginning of the creation God had taught it to the Prophet Adam (a.s) “And He taught Adam the names of all things; ---- (S2V31).The Prophet Adam (a.s) is the first Knower ((عليم)) of mankind.

There are 14 sun letters and 14 moon letters:

Adding the numerical values of:

Sun Letters 4050/81

Moon Letters 1945/55


19451+9+4+5=19+928 [like 28 Arabic letters]

818+1=9 555+5=10 9+1019

The presence of the sun and the moon letters in a word indicate that there is a combination of two forces which make words alive and active and which is confirmed by the number 19. The sun letters is like an active force and the moon letters like a passive force, the former gives forms and the latter gives life to the words.

The science of Arabic letters are proceed by that of names, that is composed letters and we will not be able to understand them deeply if we do not know the elements of what they are composed.

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The Holy Quran was revealed in Arabic language and it contains 6236 verses with 30 parts.

Chapter 12 verses 2: We have sent it down as an Arabic Qur'an, in order that ye may learn wisdom.

Chapter 20 verses 113: Thus have We sent this down - an Arabic Qur'an - and explained therein in detail some of the warnings, in order that they may fear Allah, or that it may cause their remembrance [of Him].

Chapter26 verses 195: In the perspicuous Arabic tongue.

Chapter 41 verses 3: A Book, whereof the verses are explained in detail; - a Qur'an in Arabic, for people who understand;-

The numerical value of the word Quran is 352 [قراءن] 50+1+1+200+100 and multiplying 3*5*230 like 30 chapters.

The Holy Quran is a conglomeration of knowledge in every field whether in religious matters, scientifically, mathematically, history and so on. It includes also some parts of the three others sacred books like the Psalms, the Torah and the Gospel. The word Quran (قراءن) appeared at least 70 times in the Holy Quran.


The Holy Quran contains a science which was left behind that is the science of abjad [The science of Arabic letters and numbers] we should be very grateful to Hazrat Shaykh Al Akbar Ibn Arabi [May God bless his innermost being] who has opened a long time ago the door of this science and this has allowed me to write my first book [Spiritual and Scientific Research on Arabic Letters and Numbers]. In the book on page 83 in chapter ‘Fertilization’ last paragraph I have written that ‘the baby in the placenta can develop personal behavior’ and if you go on and you have a look on the video [Does Music Affect A Foetus?] you will see a baby have different behavior in certain occasion.

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This show that the science of abjad is true and real and I will introduce once more the chapter of fertilization for your perusal below.


After fertilization the egg divide into 46 chromosomes 23 from the spermatozoid and 23 from the ovule in the number 23 there are two numbers 2 and 3, 2 like the numerical of bā (ب) and 3 Jim (ج) the bā represents the earth and Jim the sky like the body and mind like two pairs.

These chromosomes contain the DNA that contains the genetic materials of the chromosomes and then the different parts of the body of the future baby will be made. The sperm scientifically is represented by an X and the ovule by a Y if the X is dominant the fœtus will become a boy and if the Y is dominant it will be a girl.

Between the sperm and the ovule there are like two opposite force who want to be dominant can we said! If the bā has a masculine characteristic hence the Jim will have a feminine one in this point of view the bā will be positive and the Jim negative.

The bā (ب) is the first Arabic letter which was formed from Alif manifested later on like Adam the first man so if the bā represents Adam in this context then Jim will be Eve (Hawa) the union of two forces which unite together in the same principle. The word ( مWو ات�Xس� ) ( 4+1+6+4+6 21 translate as sky has the same numerical value of Hawa (Eve) (ح�و�ا) ( 1+6+6+821. Man is active who give forms and woman is passive and conceives as we can see in letter Jim [ج].

If we add 23 and 23 46, 4 is the numerical value of dāl (د) and 6 waw (و) with these two letters we can get the word wadda ( دYو� ) (to love, wish for) ‘God wanted to make Himself known He made the creation’. 46 (40+6), 40 (م) the mim represent

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man and 6 (2X3) (ب et ج) union of earth and the sky, the body and the mind.

The letter bā and Jim are symbolic and represent in another dimension the bā represents the element air and the Jim the element water, biologically air like the breath and water like the blood and spiritually Imam Hassan represents the element air and Imam Hussein water. 23 (2X36) (2X36) and 6+6 = 12 like the 12 signs du zodiac.

As we have noticed the fœtus as it developed accumulate information coming from the moral and physical conditions of the mother there is something new that we have to elaborate that is by the presence of letters bā and Jim, the baby in the placenta can develop personal behavior.

We have learned how animals could develop by information that they received coming from their appropriate environment, if animals which are considered to have an inferior intelligence compare to man who possess a well develop mind hence why the baby in the mother cannot develop a personal behavior or even the faculty of thinking depending in the world he is!


13. Then We placed him as (a drop of) sperm in a place of rest, firmly fixed;

14. Then We made the sperm into a clot of congealed blood; then of that clot We made a (foetus) lump; then we made out of that lump bones and clothed the bones with flesh; then we developed out of it another creature. So blessed be Allah, the best to create!

(1) The chapter 23 verses 14 have 4 numbers (1,2,3,4) one l’Alif le 2 bā (ب) le 3 Jim (ج) and 4 dāl .(د) Alif represents element Fire, bā (air), Jim (water) and dāl (earth) these four elements are vital for the formation of a human being.

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(2) The numerical value of verse 14 491 4X9X1=36, why 36 as a future time all human being have to pray and made charity. Prayer salât (صلاة) ( 4+1+3+9 = 17 ) and charity zakat (زكوة) ( 4+6+2+7=19 ) ( 19+17 36) and 491 4X9+1=37 and [S23V1423+14=37] a future mother will give birth normally within 36 or 37 weeks.

(3) The verse has 127 letters and a fœtus will take the form of a future human being in 12 weeks after coagulation and 127 (12X7) 84 days and 8+4=12 like 12 weeks.

(4) The verse 14 was writing in six parts like man undergoing the six different stages of a complete reproductive evolution [Earth, inorganic world, mineral world, vegetable world, animal world and human world representing by letter mim numerical value 40]


15. We have enjoined on man kindness to his parents: In pain did his mother bear him, and in pain did she give him birth. The carrying of the (child) to his weaning is (a period of) thirty months. At length, when he reaches the age of full strength and attains forty years, he says, "O my Lord! Grant me that I may be grateful for Thy favor which Thou has bestowed upon me, and upon both my parents, and that I may work righteousness such as Thou mayest approve; and be gracious to me in my issue. Truly have I turned to Thee and truly do I bow (to Thee) in Islam.”

Another scientific proof is found on the website of ScienceDaily, an article written on February 6th 2011 and title ‘First Stars in Universe Were Not Alone’

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Science News

First Stars in Universe Were Not AloneScienceDaily (Feb. 4, 2011) — the first stars in the universe were not as solitary as previously thought. In fact, they could have formed alongside numerous companions when the gas disks that surrounded them broke up during formation, giving birth to sibling stars in the fragments.

These are the findings of studies performed with the aid of computer simulations by researchers at Heidelberg University's Centre for Astronomy together with colleagues at the Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics in Garching and the University of Texas at Austin (USA). The group's findings, just published the journal Science, cast an entirely new light on the formation of the first stars after the Big Bang.

Stars evolve from cosmic gas clouds in a fierce and complex battle between gravity and internal gas pressure. The density of the gas increases due to its own gravitational pull. This causes the gas to heat up, as a consequence the pressure rises, and the compression process comes to a halt. If the gas manages to get rid of the thermal energy, compression can continue and a new star is born. This cooling process works especially well if the gas contains chemical elements like carbon or oxygen. Stars forming in this way are normally low in mass, like our Sun. But in the early universe these elements had yet to emerge, so the primordial cosmic gas could not cool down very well. Accordingly, most theoretical models predict the masses of primordial stars to be about a hundred times greater than that of the Sun.

Heidelberg astrophysicist Dr. Paul Clark and his colleagues investigated these processes with the help of very high resolution computer simulations. Their findings indicate that

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this simple picture needs to be revised and that the early universe was not only populated by huge, solitary stars. The reason is the underlying physics of the so called accretion disks accompanying the birth of the very first stars. The gas from which a new star forms rotates, and so the gas is unable to fall directly onto the star, but first builds up a disk-like structure. Only as a result of internal friction can the gas continue to flow onto the star.

If more mass falls onto this disk than it can transport inwards, it becomes unstable and breaks into several fragments. So instead of forming just one star at the centre, a group of several stars is formed. The distances between some of the stars can be as small as that between Earth and the Sun.

According to Dr. Clark, this realization opens up exciting new avenues for detecting the first stars in the universe. In the final stages of their lives, binaries or multiple stellar systems can produce intense bursts of X-rays or gamma rays. Future space missions are being planned specifically to investigate such bursts from the early universe. It is also conceivable that some of the first stars may have been catapulted out of their birth group through collisions with their neighbors before they were able to accumulate a great deal of mass.

Unlike short-lived high-mass stars, low-mass stars may survive for billions of years. "Intriguingly," says Dr. Clark, "some low-mass primordial stars may even have survived to the present day, allowing us to probe the earliest stages of star and galaxy formation right in our own cosmic backyard."

Together with Dr. Simon Glover and Dr. Rowan Smith, Dr. Paul Clark is a member of the star-formation research group headed by Prof. Dr. Ralf Klessen at Heidelberg University's Centre for Astronomy. Also involved in the research were Dr. Thomas Greif of the Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics (Garching) and Prof. Dr. Volker Bromm of the University of Texas.

This research was funded by the Baden-Württemberg Foundation as part of the International Top-Level Research II programme. Additional support came from the FRONTIER innovation fund of Heidelberg University as well as the German Research Foundation, the US National Science Foundation, and NASA.

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On pages 11 to 13 of the book [Spiritual and Scientific Research on Arabic Letters and Numbers-Chapter Light] I have mention that the first Light that appeared at the beginning of the creation is a combination of the five sacred names. What is written in the article of Light and that science had discovered on the first stars looked very familiar but with the science of abjad we can learn further more.

For a better understanding I will recommend you to read the book [Spiritual and Scientific Research on Arabic Letters and Numbers]. Below is the article written about the first light appeared at the very beginning of the creation.

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The diagram 1 shows the combination of the five sacred names, Holy Prophet Muhammad (ص), Imam Ali (r.a), Hazrat Fatimah Zahra (r.a), Imam Hassan (r.a) and Imam Hussein (r.a).

The name of the Prophet Muhammad (ص) was placed in the middle to equilibrate the diagram 1 and if we add the Arabic letters representing five Sacred Names they will be equaled ( د ا( ه ( ج م (ب [ 5+4+1=10 ] [ 2+4+3=10 ] or we add their middle letters ( ط م ) (ل س م ] (س 9+4+3=16 ] [ 6+4+6=16 ] and [ ج ب ا

م ه [د [ 3+2+1+4+5+4 19]which may give an explanation about the first light that came out of the Gange Makfi where the creation started. According to a Hadith Kudsi, ‘God was a hidden treasure and He makes the creation to make Him Known by his creatures.’

The name of the Prophet Muhammad (ص) was placed in the middle not only as a balance but to show us that he is present in the four other names (1 [ا]+ 4=[ 5د [ ) ( 2+[ ]=3ب [ 5ج [ ) and 5 the numerical value of (ه) representing by the Prophet Muhammad ) ,and taking the middle letter of each four names (ص) س ط ل(س ( 6+6+9+3=24 ) and 24 is the numerical value of the Prophet Muhammad (ص). Furthermore if we take ( س س ط (ل

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and do not use twice a letter ( س ط ) (ل 60+9+30=99 ) like the 99 names of God and if we add the name Muhammad with 99 =100 names. To the Sufi the Holy Prophet Muhammad (ص) is the Universal Prototype, the place of all gathering of all possibilities.

Diagram 1 shows the first light which appeared at the very beginning of the creation and this is mention in the Holy Quran in chapter 53 verse 1 [By the star when it goes down]

The numerical value of the verse 1 of chapter 53 gives [903] and when removing the zero in the numbers [48].

The word (stars) [نجم] ( 40+3+50 93) is written in plural form, the word stars symbolize the conglomeration of different light or forces going on a travel towards a destination whether from the lower kingdom to the superior one or from the top to the lower.

But this verse explains also the beginning of something in the creation.

I will give you another example where the science of abjad can enlighten us on different subjects likes the year and the month and the day of the birth of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (ص) are found in the Holy Quran in chapter 74 verses 30. The Holy Quran existed before the arrival of man in the creation and all that would happen from the beginning until the end were already revealed.

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In the Holy Quran (S74V30):

ر ش ع ت ع س ت ا ه ى ل ع

200 300 70 400 7


60 400 1 5 10 3



Over it are Nineteen.

Divide the verse in 3 parts.



1+5+10+30+70=116 removing the zero 1+5+1+3+7 17

570 removing the zero 57 and 930 = 93

575*7 = 35 and 939*3 = 27


17 is the numerical value of word [رسول] [messenger]3+6+6+217 and three numbers were used in the combination [2,3and 6] and from these numbers we can get 632.


(S74V30) 74*302220 and 570+930+1161616

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2220-1616604 and S747*4 = 28



570 5+7+0=12 930 9+3+0=12 12+12=24

The Holy Prophet Muhammad (ص) was born (in the lunar year of “Ammul fil”) on Monday the 12th Rabi’ul Awwal to most historians, which corresponds (probably) to March/April 570 A.D. The month of Rabi’ul Awwal is the 3rd month of the Islamic calendar; the verse is divided into three parts. The Holy Prophet Muhammad (ص) left the world on the 12th Rabi’ul Awwal 632 on the 11 Hijri at the age of 62.


Chapter 16 verse 16

And marks and sign-posts; and by the stars (men) guide themselves.

The verse shows the quality the Holy Prophet Muhammad (ص) as he is a guide for every creatures of God in the universe.