Download - Interprise Suite - 360 Degree View of Customer & Contacts

Page 1: Interprise Suite - 360 Degree View of Customer & Contacts

360 Degree View of Customer & Contacts See all Notes, Emails, Cases, Opportunities, Campaign Waves, Activities like Meetings, Calls, Call Backs, To Dos, Document Attachments, Custom Pricing with Qty breaks, Transaction History, Outstanding Orders/Quotes, Recent Sales, Aged Debt Analysis, Transaction Disputes, Buying Patterns etc. in one form.

Customer Terms Can have different terms for each customer. You can also have different term groups which enables us to offer multiple payment terms to a customer based on the type of customer. This allows a customer via eCommerce to decide how to pay.

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Active flag so they do not appear in searches if marked as inactive Unlimited number of customers

Sales Order Processing Management Pick multiple items from search list. Sell stock, none stock items, matrix items, kit items etc. You can also edit stock descriptions if required on the fly. If a customers part code or description has been entered in setup then these will be used as well. We have due dates on every item line. Audit trial of changes to the order so you can see who did it and amended it.

Allocate or promise stock qty to a customer as taking the order

Drill down on allocations On Purchase Order Qty so you can see who stock has been promised to and to see when more stock is coming in so you can tell the customer when they may get the stock if you don’t have any in.

Special Selling interface for Matrix items

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Special Selling interface for Kit Items

Order Entry Cross Sell & Up Sell Prompts Prompts the user to prompt the customer and add these items to the order easily.

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Order Entry Accessories & Substitutes Prompts the user to prompt the customer and add these items to the order easily.

Profit Calculation by item line and overall

Drop Ship option and default by item line This allows you to create a purchase order on the fly or process them all in bulk later on.

Allow Back Order option set by customer and can be overridden on each order

Allow multiple payments against the same order

You can also process the credit card online as an option.

Status Driven Order Processing You decide if you want separate credit approval, pick notes and invoices.

Print and Process orders in Batches or Individually

Auto Allocation of Stock Routine So you can pick by warehouse by Delivery Route, Customer Rank, Sales Order number, Item Due Dates, Item and then allocate stock to orders.

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Detailed Confirm Pick and Pack Routine

Allows for re-picking non found items or changing qty, locations etc

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Consolidation of Orders Allows you to create one invoice for the same customer with relevant information on item lines like source document, customer order numbers etc.

UK SSD Analysis / Intrastate

Agent & Sales Rep Management Can see linked transactions and orders pending and commission paid.

Agent & Sales Rep Commission Calculation Routine Pay commission by percentage of invoice value or based on profit value. You can also sort by invoices paid so you only pay commission on paid invoices. You can split one invoice between many Sales Reps on order entry. Agents can be linked to a supplier account and a Bill can be created automatically if required. Commission remittance sheet can be produced for each commission run and emailed to the Agent or Rep.

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Credit Control Management With send copy invoices feature, enter notes and payment promised dates.

Overall Aged Debtor Enquiry Showing all debtors including foreign currency ones in base values.

Predicted Cash Flow Based on average number of days that individual customers have historically paid applied to their outstanding debts.

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Statement & Debtor Letter Production With Lowest cost routing of documents

Pricing Methods There are many ways to deal with pricing. There is retail or wholesale price as default combined with Mark up% on last cost, Product Group Discount Bands, Last Price they paid, Special Price List with Qty Breaks by Unit of Measure, Promotional pricing and Specific Customer prices on specific items for this customer overriding other prices.

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Export and Import Customer Price Lists You can then edit the price lists in Excel and them import them back or edit them within the program.

Multi Currency Price Lists

RMA Returns Management Return Options like Qty Good (Back into normal Stock) and Faulty (into faulty location)

Credit Note Management From RMA or Invoice or Manual Entry

Recurring Sales Orders Routine when customers have repeats at regular intervals

Ship To or Delivery Address View of Customer

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Service Contracts with SLAs

Hyperlink Drilldown on transactions

Grouping, Sorting by columns

Chose columns to display

Advanced search options

Ability to pick multiple items in search screens at once

Mouse and Keyboard Supported menu options

Report Previews, Report Writer & Wizard

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Business Intelligence

Unlimited Companies

Multi Currency

Fax Integration out of the box (web service so no modems or set-up required)

Email Integration out of the box

Lowest Cost Routing for batch document production for Email/Fax/Print

Assigned To Filtering - My / List / Team / or All Options