Download - Intelligent Robotic Sensor Agents for Environment Monitoring Presented by: Yousuf Ajmerwala Intelligent Environments Copyright 2003 © CSE - UT Arlington.


Intelligent Robotic Sensor Agents for Environment Monitoring

Presented by:

Yousuf Ajmerwala

Intelligent Environments

Copyright 2003 © CSE - UT Arlington.


• What is an Intelligent Robotic Sensor ?

• Intelligent Sensor System

• Applications in an Intelligent Environments

Definition in context of an Intelligent Environment

• Robotic Intelligent Sensor Agent:

– Capable of storing data

– Capable of processing data

– Capable of motion

– Acting on the environment to improve the experience of its users

System Architecture

• Provide task directed information gathering

• Model based multi sensor fusion

• Agent based resource management framework

• Redundant multi carrier communication systems

System Architecture

• Intelligent task directed information gathering

– Selective environment perception

• Focus on parameters important for a task

• Avoid irrelevant data

• Efficient use of each sensor

System Architecture

• Model based multi sensor fusion

– System that has sensors covering all aspects of the geometric environment perception process: far away, near to, touching, and manipulation

– This model will provide modularity, plug-n-play and transparency for sensor fusion and knowledge extraction

System Architecture

• Multi Sensor Fusion Framework

– Organize data collection from different types of sensors

– Produce local and global world models

– Continuously update world models

By integrating heterogeneous sensor data into a composite model of 3D object shape, surface and material properties, such as texture, elasticity, heat transfer characteristics, radiation, and contact forces

System Architecture

• Agent based resource management framework

– Division of a task into sub tasks

– Scheduling of the sub tasks

– Each sub task assigned to a specialized R-ISA

System Architecture

• MPLS – Multiple Protocol Label Switching

– Integration of Layer 2(ATM) and Layer 3 (IP)

– Any selection of Layer 2 technologies and Layer 3 protocols to provide a certain quality of service

– MPLS – convenient for time sensitive sensors

Development & Evolution

• R-ISA’s should be able to cannibalize/ recycle other agents– Modular Reconfigurable structures

• E.g., recycle dead agents– Energy reserves– Spare parts

• E.g., repair wounded/dead agents– Reincarnation of a new agent

– Status advertising mechanism• E.g., discover agent functionalities

• E.g., monitor health of other agents

Development & Evolution

• Cooperating Agents

– Able to work together with both Mobile & Static agents to achieve a specific goal

• E.g., two R-ISA’s could assume best relative positions to take the stereo image of an environment

• E.g., one R-ISA could illuminate the subject so the other could take the image

Development & Evolution

• Evolutionary Mechanism

– Allow transfer of learning and behavioral genes (Knowledge Base) obtained via experience from one R-ISA to another R-ISA.

Relevance to Intelligent Environments

• Monitor environment parameters to maintain a natural living environment


• Even though the field of robotics has advanced, there is work to be done to address the communication needs of the agent

– Communication protocols

– Developing communication grammer


• Wireless Intelligent Sensor Network for Environment Monitoring

• Petriu, Patry,Whalen, Daher, Groza. Intelligent Robotic Sensor Agents for Environment Monitoring

Q & A

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