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Insurance solutions exclusively for you, at your workplace!


Choose your contribution amount Increase your premium contribution as required. Choose any term between 10 – 30 years. Choose between 3 levels of cover (in the form of sum

assured) for the same amount of total annual contribution.

Flexibility of shifting between the three levels of cover (as per your changing requirements)

Flexibility of receiving your maturity proceeds as a lumpsum or in equal annual instalments over 3 or 5 years.

Level of Sum Assured

Amount of SA


Annual Prem*(Term-5)


Annual Prem* Term


Annual Prem*(Term+5)

Exclusive cover limits

This plan offers exclusive eligibility limits for your cover, without any medical tests, in the slabs as mentioned below:

Age Groups Max level of cover without


18 – 35 Upto 15 lakhs

36 - 40 Upto 10 lakhs

41 - 45 Upto 5 lakhs

46 - 50 Upto 2 lakhs

Accumulation of policy value

At the end of every year, the company will declare a bonus interest that will be applied on the allocable portion (premium after deduction of charges) of your premium.

This bonus interest will have a compounding effect on the value of your policy.

The payment of the accumulated value of your policy (including the bonus interest declared) is guaranteed on maturity, or in the case of unfortunate death, along with the sum assured.

Special “Allocation” feature

Additional allocation over and above the regular bonus interest, will be declared.

10 yr term

15 yr term

20 yr term

25 yr term

30 yr term

5th year

10% 15% 15% 15% 15%

10th year

10% 15% 15% 15% 15%

15th year

- 15% 15% 15% 15%

20th year

- - 15% 15% 15%

25th year

- - - 15% 15%

30th year

- - - - 15%The percentages above are expressed in term of the annual premium contribution and are subject to the condition that regular premiums have been paid till that date.

The Benefits

On Maturity The accumulated value of the policy will be paid at

maturity. If the value of your investment is more than the accumulated value of your policy, then that too will be paid.

On Death On death of the life assured up to age 7 years, the

accumulated value along with the bonuses will be paid.

On death of the life assured after age 7 years, the beneficiary will get the sum assured and the accumulated value, including bonuses will be paid.

Added Benefits

Loans : Available after 3 premium paying years.

Surrender Value Policy acquires a surrender value after 3

premium years. The guaranteed surrender value is 35% of {All

premiums paid – (first year’s premiums + rider premiums + extra premiums)}

Added Convenience

Special Form – To make the application process as simple as possible

Policy will be issued within 10 days of banking your cheque, subject to the completion of all requirements and disclosures.


Added protection to your family against any health hazards or unfortunate eventualities. Critical Illness Rider Major Surgical Assistance Rider Accident and Disability Benefit Rider Accident Benefit Rider Income Benefit Rider Waiver of Premium Rider


Age : 18 – 50 years Maximum cover ceasing age : 60 years Term : 10 – 30 years Minimum Premium : Rs. 9,000 p.a.

Charge structure

Premium allocation 48% of your premium in the first year. 90% in the 2nd and 3rd year. 95% from the 4th year onwards

Fixed charge of Rs. 300 per annum

The investment administration charges would be an amount equal to 1.25% of the investment value.

Mortality would be charged on an annual basis from the contribution.

SecurePlus Worksite – At a glance

Minimum Sum Assured Rs. 45,000 (Forty five Thousand)

Maximum Sum Assured No Limit

Minimum Premium Yearly - Rs. 9,000, Half-yearly - Rs. 4,500 Monthly - Rs. 750

Minimum Age At Entry 18 Years

Maximum Age At Entry 50 Years

Minimum Maturity Age 10 Years

Maximum Maturity Age 60 Years

Minimum Term 10 Years

Maximum Term 30 Years

Sum Assured In Multiples Of Rs. 1,000

Premium Payment FrequenciesYearly, Half-yearly and Monthly. The monthly mode is only though ECS (Electronic Clearing Service)

Premium Payment Period Entire Term Of The Policy

Benefit Coverage Period Entire Term Of The Policy

SecurePlus Worksite – At a glanceDeath Benefit During The Term Of The Policy

< 7 Years Of Age Accumulated Value Including Bonuses

> 7 Years Of Age Sum Assured + Accumulated Value Including Bonuses

Maturity Benefits Accumulated Value Including Bonuses

Surrender / Paid Up After 3 Full Years Premiums Have Been Paid

Policy Loans Allowed After The Surrender Value Period

Accident & Disability Benefit Rider (ADBR)

Accident Benefit Rider (ABR)

Critical Illness Benefit Rider (Accelerated) - (CIBR)

Major Surgical Assistance Rider - (MSAR)

Income Benefit Rider (IBR)

Waiver of Premium RiderRemarks * 3 Levels Of Life Insurance Cover - Basic [(Premium Paying

Term - 5) * Annual Premium], Standard [(Premium Paying Term) * Annual Premium] & Enhanced [(Premium Paying Term + 5) * Annual Premium]

1st Year - 52%

2nd & 3rd Year - 10%

4th Year Onwards - 5%

Notes * Age Is Defined As Age Nearer Birthday

Riders Allowed


Underwriting Guidelines

Category DefinitionEducated life employed with a company as approved by ICICIPru for worksite business.The Applicant must be In full time employment of the worksitecompany

Initial requirements Salaried Application Form with ACREmployer’s Certificate (to include Age & Income of theapplicants from the Worksite) which will also serve as a J ETdocument;If (Above) is not provided then a separate Age proof & J ET Document (mostly Salary Slip) is required

Eligibility Under J ET/ Medical requirements

Allowed only to the employees of approved Worksite’s andthe Case can be decided as per the approved J ET norms forWorksite Casesf application cannot be allowed under J et norms for worksite cases, current norms for application form and medical reports would apply.

**Maximum limit for eligible Plan S.A. +Rider S.A (duly rated up but notincluding non-medical plans) **

Subject to criteria below the case can be allowed as Non – medical

Age at entry:

18 - 35 yrs Upto Rs. 15,00,000/- death risk36 – 40 yrs Upto Rs. 10,00,000/- death risk 41-45 yrs Upto Rs. 5,00,000/- death risk

46-50 yrs Upto Rs. 2,00,000/- death riskRating Factor for Sum Assured 1Rating Factor for Income Benefit Rider 1

Underwriting Guidelines

NoteIf the person has opted for CIBR/MSAT rider then normal application form has to be filled The total rated Up SA allowable ( listed above) would be considering all existing policies with ICICI Pru ( excluding investment plans & Zero death benefit policies) . This is to ensure that at any given point, life cover exposure of ICICI Pru on any Outside the jet norms, the application will be considered with normal application form and current norms for medical reports.


Choose your contribution amount Increase your premium contribution as required. Choose any term between 10 – 30 years. Choose between a Zero Death benefit or 3 levels of

cover (in the form of sum assured) for the same amount of total annual contribution.

Flexibility of shifting between the three levels of cover (as per your changing requirements)

Level of Sum Assured

Amount of SA


Annual Prem*(Term-5)


Annual Prem* Term


Annual Prem*(Term+5)

Exclusive cover limits

This plan offers exclusive eligibility limits for your cover, without any medical tests, in the slabs as mentioned below:

Age Groups Max level of cover without


18 – 35 Upto 15 lakhs

36 - 40 Upto 10 lakhs

41 - 45 Upto 5 lakhs

46 - 50 Upto 2 lakhs

Accumulation of policy value

At the end of every year, the company will declare a bonus interest that will be applied on the allocable portion (premium after deduction of charges) of your premium.

This bonus interest will have a compounding effect on the value of your policy.

The payment of the accumulated value of your policy (including the bonus interest declared) is guaranteed on maturity, or in the case of unfortunate death, along with the sum assured.

Special “Allocation” feature

Additional allocation over and above the regular bonus interest, will be declared.

10 yr term

15 yr term

20 yr term

25 yr term

30 yr term

5th year

10% 10% 10% 10% 10%

10th year

10% 10% 10% 10% 10%

15th year

- 10% 10% 10% 10%

20th year

- - 10% 10% 10%

25th year

- - - 10% 10%

30th year

- - - - 10%The percentages above are expressed in term of the annual premium contribution and are subject to the condition that regular premiums have been paid till that date.

The Benefits

On Maturity The accumulated value of the policy will be used to

purchase an annuity. Choose b/n 5 annuity options Life Annuity Life Annuity with return of purchase price Life Annuity guaranteed for 5, 10 or 15 years Joint Life, Last Survivor with return of purchase price Joint Life, Last Survivor without return of purchase price

On Death On death of the life assured, the beneficiary will get

the sum assured and the accumulated value, including bonuses. The beneficiary can either take it as a lumpsum or opt for an annuity.

Added Benefits

Loans : Not Available Surrender Value

Policy acquires a surrender value after 3 premium years.

The guaranteed surrender value is 35% of {All premiums paid – (first year’s premiums + rider premiums + extra premiums)}

Added Convenience

Special Form – To make the application process as simple as possible

Policy will be issued within 10 days of banking your cheque, subject to the completion of all requirements and disclosures.


Added protection to your family against any health hazards or unfortunate eventualities. Critical Illness Rider Major Surgical Assistance Rider Accident and Disability Benefit Rider Accident Benefit Rider Waiver of Premium Rider


Age : 20 – 50 years (with Life cover), 20 – 65 years (without Life cover)

Vesting date : 50 – 60 years (with Life cover), 50 – 75 years (without Life cover)

Term : 10 – 30 years Minimum Premium : Rs. 10,000 p.a.

Charge structure

Premium allocation 70% of your premium in the first year. 85% in the 2nd and 3rd year. 95% from the 4th year onwards

Fixed charge of Rs. 300 per annum

The investment administration charges would be an amount equal to 1.25% of the investment value.

Mortality would be charged on an annual basis from the contribution.

SecurePlus Pension Worksite – At a glance

Minimum Sum Assured Zero

Maximum Sum Assured No Limit

Minimum Premium Yearly - Rs. 10,000, Half-yearly - Rs. 5,000, Monthly - Rs. 834

Minimum Age At Entry 20 Years

Maximum Age At Entry 50 Years (with Life Cover); 65 years (without Life Cover)

Maximum Maturity Age 60 Years

Minimum Term 10 Years

Maximum Term 30 Years

Sum Assured In Multiples Of Rs. 1,000

Premium Payment FrequenciesYearly, Half-yearly and Monthly. The monthly mode is only though ECS (Electronic Clearing Service)

Premium Payment Period Entire Term Of The Policy

Benefit Coverage Period Entire Term Of The PolicyDeath Benefit During The Term Of The Policy Sum Assured + Accumulated Value Including Bonuses

Maturity Benefits Accumulated Value Including Bonuses is used to purchase an annuity

SecurePlus Pension Worksite – At a glanceSurrender / Paid Up After 3 Full Years Premiums Have Been Paid

Policy Loans Allowed After The Surrender Value Period

Accident & Disability Benefit Rider (ADBR)

Accident Benefit Rider (ABR)

Critical Illness Benefit Rider (Accelerated) - (CIBR)

Major Surgical Assistance Rider - (MSAR)

Waiver of Premium RiderRemarks 4 Levels Of Life Insurance Cover - Zero, Basic [(Premium

Paying Term - 5) * Annual Premium], Standard [(Premium Paying Term) * Annual Premium] & Enhanced [(Premium Paying Term + 5) * Annual Premium]

1st Year - 30%

2nd & 3rd Year - 15%

4th Year Onwards - 5%

Notes * Age Is Defined As Age Nearer Birthday

Riders Allowed


Underwriting Guidelines – Zero Death Benefit

Category DefinitionEducated life employed with a company asapproved by ICICI Pru for worksite business.The Applicant must be In full time employment ofthe worksite company

Initial requirements Salaried Application Form with ACREmployer’s Certificate (to include Age of theapplicants from the Worksite) If (Above) is not provided then a separate Age proof is required

Eligibility Under J ET/ Medical requirements It is a jet product as death benefit is nilRating Factor for SumAssured Nil

Underwriting Guidelines – With Death Benefit

Category DefinitionEducated life employed with a company as approved by ICICIPru for worksite business.The Applicant must be In full time employment of theworksite company

Initial requirements Salaried Application Form with ACREmployer’s Certificate (to include Age & Income of theapplicants from the Worksite) which will also serve as a J ETdocument;If (Above) is not provided then a separate Age proof & J ET Document (mostly Salary Slip) is required

Eligibility Under J ET/ Medical requirements

Allowed only to the employees of approved Worksite’s andthe Case can be decided as per the approved J ET norms forWorksite Casesf application cannot be allowed under J et norms for worksite cases, current norms for application form and medical reports would apply.

**Maximum limit foreligible Plan S.A. + RiderS.A (duly rated up but notincluding non-medicalplans) **

Subject to criteria below the case can be allowed as Non – medical

Age at entry: 18 - 35 yrs Upto Rs. 15,00,000/- death risk36 – 40 yrs Upto Rs. 10,00,000/- death risk

41-45 yrsUpto Rs. 5,00,000/- death risk

46-50 yrs Upto Rs. 2,00,000/- death riskRating Factor for SumAssured 1Rating Factor for IncomeBenefit Rider 1

Underwriting Guidelines – With Death Benefit

NoteIf the person has opted for CIBR/MSAT rider then normal application form has to be filled The total rated Up SA allowable ( listed above) would be considering all existing policies with ICICI Pru ( excluding investment plans & Zero death benefit policies) . This is to ensure that at any given point, life cover exposure of ICICI Pru on any Outside the jet norms, the application will be considered with normal application form and current norms for medical reports.