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Instincts GenFinals

Page 2: Instincts gen finals (final)

4 Rounds• Written-1• Dries-1• Written-2• Dries-2

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Written Round -1Each question has 2 parts. 5 points for each part

10 points for the theme

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The 2 parts of each question are connected in a way. The connection is the theme.

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1.X was the son of the wandering sage Parashar and fisherman's daughter Satyavati, father of Dhritarashtra, Pandu, and Vidur; when Ambika and Ambalika were sent to him to bear children, his ugliness caused Ambika to close her eyes (resulting in Dhritarashtra's blindness) and made Ambalika turn pale (resulting in Pandu's physical infirmity).

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The Modified Scheme of Elementary Education or Madras Scheme of Elementary Education dubbed by its critics as Kula Kalvi Thittam, was an abortive attempt at education reform introduced by the Indian National Congress Government of the Madras State, led by Y in 1953. The scheme proposed the introduction of two shifts or sessions in elementary schools. In one session regular teaching would be done and during the second session, the students would be sent home to learn the occupations of their parents. It became controversial and was accused of being a casteist scheme to perpetuate the caste hierarchy.The controversy forced Y to resign from the government.

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2.X who suffered from a curse that says he would die if he ever engaged in sexual intercourse (he eventually died when he had sex with his second wife); his two wives took advantage of a spell through which they bore the sons of the gods.

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This is “Bhagwanji” and he died in Faizabad, UP in the year 1985. It is said that Bhagwanji looked uncannily like Y and his writing matched that of Y. On at least four separate occasions, Bhagwanji himself admitted that he was in fact Y but that it was in the best interest of the nation that he stay anonymous.

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3.Barring Krishna, X was most respected as an adviser by the Pandavas, whom he forewarned on various occasions of Duryodhana's plots to exterminate them, such as Duryodhana's plan to burn them alive in the house of wax. Excepting the prince Vikarna, X was the only one who protested against the humiliation of Draupadi in the Kaurava court. In that moment, Duryodhana viciously rebuked X, calling him ungrateful.When Krishna visited Hastinapura as a peace emissary of the Pandavas, he shunned Duryodhana's offer to stay in the royal palace, preferring instead the home of X, on account of him being the only neutral man in the Kaurava court.

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Y dodged death and had miraculously escaped near fatal disasters in his life, not once, but thrice. First he survived the Bubonic plague. Then within two months of Mahatma's assassination, Y suffered a massive heart attack, which he was later to attribute to the bottled up grief caused by Gandhiji's death. Timely action and combined efforts of his daughter, secretary and nurse saved his life. Again, in 1949 the plane he was travelling in developed some engine snag and lost radio contact before making emergency landing in some desert area of Rajasthan. When he returned to Delhi after the mishap, he received rousing welcome and standing ovation in the parliament of India.

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4.The story of X's birth is related dramatically in Mahabharata. Bharadwaja went with his companions to the Ganga River to perform his ablutions. There he beheld a beautiful apsara named Ghritachi who had come to bathe. The sage was overcome by desire, causing him to produce a reproductive fluid. Bharadwaja Muni captured the fluid in a vessel called a X, and X himself sprang from the fluid thus preserved. X would later boast that he had sprung from Bharadwaja without ever having been in a womb. X spent his youth in poverty, but studied Dharma and military arts such as archery, in which he gained expertise.

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Bihar in the 1970s became the testing ground for sampoorna kranti. In the 1930s and 40s, Y was the leader idealistic youth looked up to. He, perhaps, saw the same spirit of idealism and rebellion in the students who came out on the streets against corruption in high places. After leaving socialist politics for Vinoba Bhave’s Sarvodaya movement, Y had consistently expressed his disillusionment with political parties, and argued for a communitarian democracy. When Indira Gandhi declared the Emergency in 1975, Y’s focus shifted to rescuing democracy from authoritarian rule.

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5.It is said that in some military campaign Gandhara came under attack from Hastinapur. Hastinapur conquered Gandhara, killed the king Achala Suvala, and imprisoned all the male members of his line, saying that line was full of adharma. This included X and his 100 brothers.

Since all of them were sparsely fed (with one grain of rice each per day) in the prison, the family decided that at least one of them could survive and gave all the rice to X, the most cunning of them all, so that he could live on to take revenge. In some stories, X carves from the bones of his dead parents ___ that will never lose him a game.

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Excerpt from “The Dramatic Decade”:“It is believed that Y played an important role in the decision to declare the Emergency: it was his suggestion, and Indira Gandhi acted on it. In fact, Indira Gandhi told me subsequently that she was not even aware of the constitutional provisions allowing for the declaration of a state of Emergency on grounds of internal disturbance, particularly since a state of Emergency had already been proclaimed as a consequence of the Indo-Pak conflict in 1971.”

Y was then the chief minister of West Bengal.

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6.Other names for X:• Vaikartana - the one who is related/belonging to the Hindu solar deity SuryaSuryaputra - son of Surya• Parashurama Shishya - disciple of Parashurama• Angaraj - King of Anga• Vijaya Dhari - one who wields Vijaya bow• Adhirathi - son of Adhiratha• Daanveer - the hero possessing undying charitable nature• Daanshoor - one who fought like a true warrior• Vrisha - one who is truthful in speech, engaged in penances, observant of vows, and kind even to

enemies• Sūtaputra - son of a Sūta or belonging to charioteer caste• Kaunteya - son of Kunti

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FITB and ID Y"The ____ will mirror faithfully the views of Hindustan's Muslims and the All Hindustan Muslim League in all its activities: economic, educational and social and more particularly political, throughout the country fearlessly and independently and while its policy will be, no doubt, mainly to advocate and champion the cause of the Muslims and the policy and programme of the All Hindustan Muslim League, it will not neglect the cause and welfare of the peoples of this sub-continent generally“- Y, in the year 1941.

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Exchange Sheets

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1.X was the son of the wandering sage Parashar and fisherman's daughter Satyavati, father of Dhritarashtra, Pandu, and Vidur; when Ambika and Ambalika were sent to him to be inseminated, his ugliness caused Ambika to close her eyes (resulting in Dhritarashtra's blindness) and made Ambalika turn pale (resulting in Pandu's physical infirmity).

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The Modified Scheme of Elementary Education or Madras Scheme of Elementary Education dubbed by its critics as Kula Kalvi Thittam, was an abortive attempt at education reform introduced by the Indian National Congress Government of the Madras State, led by Y in 1953. The scheme proposed the introduction of two shifts or sessions in elementary schools. In one session regular teaching would be done and during the second session, the students would be sent home to learn the occupations of their parents. It became controversial and was accused of being a casteist scheme to perpetuate the caste hierarchy.The controversy forced Y to resign from the government.

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2.X who suffered from a curse that says he would die if he ever engaged in sexual intercourse (he eventually died when he had sex with his second wife); his two wives took advantage of a spell through which they bore the sons of the gods.

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This is “Bhagwanji” and he died in Faizabad, UP in the year 1985. It is said that Bhagwanji looked uncannily like Y and his writing matched that of Y. On at least four separate occasions, Bhagwanji himself admitted that he was in fact Y but that it was in the best interest of the nation that he stay anonymous.

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X-PanduY-SC Bose

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3.Barring Krishna, X was most respected as an adviser by the Pandavas, whom he forewarned on various occasions of Duryodhana's plots to exterminate them, such as Duryodhana's plan to burn them alive in the house of wax. Excepting the prince Vikarna, X was the only one who protested against the humiliation of Draupadi in the Kaurava court. In that moment, Duryodhana viciously rebuked X, calling him ungrateful.When Krishna visited Hastinapura as a peace emissary of the Pandavas, he shunned Duryodhana's offer to stay in the royal palace, preferring instead the home of X, on account of him being the only neutral man in the Kaurava court.

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X dodged death and had miraculously escaped near fatal disasters in his life, not once, but thrice. First he survived the Bubonic plague. Then within two months of Mahatma's assassination, X suffered a massive heart attack, which he was later to attribute to the bottled up grief caused by Gandhiji's death. Timely action and combined efforts of his daughter,secretary and nurse saved his life. Again, in 1949 the plane he was travelling in developed some engine snag and lost radio contact before making emergency landing in some desert area of Rajasthan. When he returned to Delhi after the mishap, he received rousing welcome and standing ovation in the parliament of India.

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X-ViduraY-Sardar Patel

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4.The story of X's birth is related dramatically in Mahabharata. Bharadwaja went with his companions to the Ganga River to perform his ablutions. There he beheld a beautiful apsara named Ghritachi who had come to bathe. The sage was overcome by desire, causing him to produce a reproductive fluid. Bharadwaja Muni captured the fluid in a vessel called a X, and X himself sprang from the fluid thus preserved. X would later boast that he had sprung from Bharadwaja without ever having been in a womb. X spent his youth in poverty, but studied Dharma and military arts such as archery, in which he gained expertise.

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Bihar in the 1970s became the testing ground for sampoorna kranti. In the 1930s and 40s, Y was the leader idealistic youth looked up to. He, perhaps, saw the same spirit of idealism and rebellion in the students who came out on the streets against corruption in high places. After leaving socialist politics for Vinoba Bhave’s sarvodaya movement, Y had consistently expressed his disillusionment with political parties, and argued for a communitarian democracy. When Indira Gandhi declared the Emergency in 1975, Y’s focus shifted to rescuing democracy from authoritarian rule.

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X-DronacharyaY-JP Narayan

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5.It is said that in some military campaign Gandhara came under attack from Hastinapur. Hastinapur conquered Gandhar, killed the king Achala Suvala, and imprisoned all the male members of his line, saying that line was full of adharma. This included X and his 100 brothers .Since all of them were sparsely fed (with one grain of rice each per day) in the prison, the family decided that at least one of them could survive and gave all the rice to X, the most cunning of them all, so that he could live on to take revenge. In some stories, X carves from the bones of his dead parents ___ that will never lose him a game.

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Excerpt from “The Dramatic Decade”:“It is believed that Y played an important role in the decision to declare the Emergency: it was his suggestion, and Indira Gandhi acted on it. In fact, Indira Gandhi told me subsequently that she was not even aware of the constitutional provisions allowing for the declaration of a state of Emergency on grounds of internal disturbance, particularly since a state of Emergency had already been proclaimed as a consequence of the Indo-Pak conflict in 1971.”

Y was then the chief minister of West Bengal.

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X-ShakuniY-Siddharth Shankar Ray

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6.Other names for X:• Vaikartana - the one who is related/belonging to the Hindu solar deity Surya• Suryaputra - son of Surya• Parashurama Shishya - disciple of Parashurama• Angaraj - King of Anga• Vijaya Dhari - one who wields Vijaya bow• Adhirathi - son of Adhiratha• Daanveer - the hero possessing undying charitable nature• Daanshoor - one who fought like a true warrior• Vrisha - one who is truthful in speech, engaged in penances, observant of vows, and kind even to enemies• Sūtaputra - son of a Sūta or belonging to charioteer caste• Kaunteya - son of Kunti

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FITB and ID Y"The ____ will mirror faithfully the views of Hindustan's Muslims and the All Hindustan Muslim League in all its activities: economic, educational and social and more particularly political, throughout the country fearlessly and independently and while its policy will be, no doubt, mainly to advocate and champion the cause of the Muslims and the policy and programme of the All Hindustan Muslim League, it will not neglect the cause and welfare of the peoples of this sub-continent generally“- Y, in the year 1941.

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X-KarnaY- Jinnah Blank-Dawn

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ThemeThe parallels between characters of the Mahabharatha and characters of the Indian independence movement in the Great Indian Novel

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Dry-1+10/-10 on Pounce

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1. What’s been blanked out?

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Damn Daniels White Vans

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2. ID X and YDespite going on to shape the sound of some of Britain's best musical acts, X wasn't assigned to pop music when he started work as a producer on the Parlophone label. Instead, he worked as a producer of regional folk music and comedy records. When Y's manager sent him a demo tape, after several labels had turned Y down, he agreed to sign the band first and then gave them an audition, thereby flouting the most important rule of music management, and changing the course of his life forever.

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X- George MartinY- The Beatles

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3. Who is X?Born to a wealthy bourgeois family in Paris in 1628, X was an author whose oeuvre includes classics such as Little Red Riding Hood, Puss in Boots, Cindrella, and Sleeping Beauty; he is thus regarded as the founder of the fairy-tales genre. Much of X's work is derived from pre-existing folk tales, and X himself may have in turn influenced the works of the Grimm Brothers.

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Charles Perrault

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4.This is a photo from El Diablo restaurant, located on a Spanish island called Lanzarote, northwest of Morocco.

Lanzarote is part of the Canary islands, and the restaurant is set against the backdrop of the Timanfaya National Park.

What is its speciality? (Better photo on next slide)

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Situated on a dormant volcanoThe restaurant relies on the dormant volcano producing bursts of heat or hot vapour, which rise through a hole in the ground to brown the food placed over it on a cast iron grill

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5.The phrase “Plata o plomo” consisting of two elements, best described X’s relationship with the Columbian government. “Plomo” was an effective, inescapable policy whose execution resulted in the deaths of hundreds of individuals, including civilians, policemen and state officials. And “Plata” meant he also bribed countless government officials, judges and other politicians.What did “Plata o plomo” stand for? And whose policy was this?

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Silver or Lead

Pablo Escobar

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6.The United States of America remained officially neutral in World War I till 1917. But America strongly supported her allies Britain and France by providing them with logistics and troop support. There were Airforce Expeditionary Forces with aircraft sent for the aid of Britain and France. As USA officially neutral, they couldn't put up the Star Spangled Banner on the fighter planes. But the pilots of America wanted the Europeans to know that they were Americans and display their identity high.

So they drew a Native American figure on their aircraft. What tradition is this said to have lead to?

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A tradition of attack helicopters (and UAVs) etc. to be named after Native American tribes

• Attack Helicopter Apache

• Armed Reconnaissance Helicopter OH-58D Kiowa Warrior

• Rotorcraft H-13 Sioux

• Turbine-powered helicopter UH-1 Iroquois etc

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7. FITB. Also, give the modified nicknameArthur Conan Doyle used Holmesian techniques to find out the identity of ______ _____ _____ (a nickname given to the criminal). He claimed that the criminal was actually a girl, so he modified the nickname slightly.

Based on the letters that were supposed to have been written by the criminal, Sir Doyle claimed that he/she was literate, and had travelled in America.

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Jack The Ripper

Jill The Ripper

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8.In an Ask Me Anything Session on Reddit, Bill Gates was asked:

"Are there any purchases that you are adamant about being frugal over? That one thing you just won’t spend much money on?"

He replied saying:

"I think people's spending instincts are set when they are in high school. I don't like spending a lot of money on clothes or jewelry (for me - I do like to buy nice things for my wife)."

What tongue-in-cheek reaction did this create?

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Someone anonymously bought him Reddit Gold

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9.Put FundaDiaconis is a professor of Mathematics and Statistics at Stanford University and, formerly, a professional magician.

What he and his fellow researchers discovered is that most games of chance involving coins aren’t as even as you’d think. For example, even the 50/50 coin toss really isn’t 50/50 — it’s closer to 51/49, biased toward whatever side was up when the coin was thrown into the air.

However spinning a one penny coin, especially one with the X on the back, gives even more pronounced odds — the penny will land tails side up roughly 80 percent of the time.

Why does this happen?

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The side with Lincoln’s head on it is a bit heavier than the flip side, causing the coin’s center of mass to lie slightly toward heads. The spinning coin tends to fall toward the heavier side more often, leading to a pronounced number of extra “tails” results when it finally comes to rest.

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10. What are we talking about?In Spanish, it’s called “Sé como José.” It started off in English as an ironic jab at the social justice warriors aka people prone to lengthy and hostile verbal debates on social media.This later came to be used to spread awareness against Facebook’s campaign.

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Be like Bill memes

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11In November 1937, the Modern Review of Calcutta carried a profile of X. The essay was written under the pen name "Chanakya".Some excerpts-“What is he aiming at with all his want of aim? What lies behind that mask of his, what will to power, what insatiate longings? His conceit is already formidable. It must be checked. We want no Caesars.”"intolerance of others and a certain contempt for the weak and inefficient"“the emotion that it [his mere smile] had roused in the multitude” “just tricks of the trade to gain the goodwill of the crowds whose darling he had become.”“He might still use the language and slogans of democracy and socialism, but we all know how fascism has fattened on this language and then cast it away as useless lumber.”Who is the essay about? Who wrote it?

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12A Chinese teenage prodigy in the board game Y labelled X “weaker” than him and confidently declared that he could beat it. “Even if X can defeat Lee Se-dol, it can’t beat me,” 18-year-old Ke Jie said on his microblog account.Y originated in ancient China more than 2,500 years ago, and is one of the oldest games of its type played today. It was considered one of the four essential arts of a cultured Chinese scholar in antiquity.

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Go, and Google’s DeepMind AlphaGo

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13.Who made this tweet?

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Vijay Mallya

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14.Who talking about what?It was when I turned to her belief in astrology and numerology that I sensed I had gone too far. "Who said I believe in astrology and numerology?" X retorted, eyes ablaze. [...]In desperation I decided to claw things back. With minutes to go I said "You are a very tough person, ____ ______". I meant it as praise but the comment backfired. "People like you have made me so"[...]I stretched out my hand and said "_____ ______, a pleasure talking to you". X replied "I must say it wasn't a pleasure talking to you. Namaste". X rebuffed my proffered hand, unclipped and banged down the mike and left the room.

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Karan Thapar about his interview with Jayalalithaa

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Written Round-2ID the topic/inspiration for these Iron Maiden songs from the lyrics

+10 for each right answer

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1.As the sun breaks, above the ground,An old man stands on the hill.As the ground warms, to the first rays of lightA birdsong shatters the still.

His eyes are ablaze,See the madman in his gaze.

Fly on your way, like an eagle,Fly as high as the sun,On your way, like an eagle,Fly and touch the sun.

Now the crowd breaks and a young boy appearsLooks the old man in the eyeAs he spreads his wings and shouts at the crowdIn the name of God my father I fly.

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2. Wake alone in the hillsWith the wind in your faceIt feels good to be proudAnd be free and a raceThat is part of a clanAnd to live on highlandsAnd the air that you breatheSo pure and so clean

When alone on the hillsWith the wind in your hairWith a longing to feel Just to be free

Is it right to believeIn the need to be freeIt's a time when you dieAnd without asking whyCan't you see what they doThey are grinding us downThey are taking our landThat belongs to the clans

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3. I know, captain, that you've done this work beforeWe've got a problem you can help us I'm sureThe Colonel's gone rogue, and his methods are unsoundYou'll take a PBR up river; Track Him Down!

There's a conflict in every human heartAnd the temptation is to take it all too farIn this war things get so confusedBut there are some things which cannot be excused

He's acting like a god - an insane lunaticYour mission - exterminate with extreme prejudiceThe route is dangerous and your progress may be slowHere is the file and it's all you need to know

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4. In the gloom, the gathering storm abatesIn the ships gimlet, eyes awaitThe call to arms to hammer at the gatesTo blow them wide, throw evil to its fateAll summers long the drills to build the machineTo turn men from flesh and blood to steelFrom paper soldiers to bodies on the beachFrom summer sands to Armageddon's reach

Overlord, your master not your godThe enemy coast dawning gray with scudThese wretched souls puking, shaking fearTo take a bullet for those who sent them hereThe world's alight, the cliffs erupt in flameNo escape, remorseless shrapnel rainsDrowning men, no chance for a warrior's fateA choking death, enter Hell's gate

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5.There calls the _______There comes a ship over the lineBut how can she sail with no wind in her sails and no tide?She... onward she comesOnward she nears out of the sunSee, she has no crewShe has no life, wait but here's two.Death and she life in death, They throw their dice for the crewShe wins the ______ and he belongs to her now.Then, crew one by oneThey drop down dead, two hundred menShe, she, Life in Death.She lets him live, her chosen one.

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6.All alone in a crowded roomHe tries to force a smileThe smile it beamed or so it seemedBut never reached the eyes, disguiseMasquerading as the funny man do they despiseThe false smile maketh of the manGlass empty or half fullTry to make some sense or sorrows drownAll looks well on the outsideUnderneath the solemn truthThere’s something that inside has died

Tomorrow comes tomorrow goesBut the cloud remains the sameWonder why he’s feeling downTears of a clownMaybe it’s all just for the bestLay his weary head to restWas forever feeling drownedTears of a clown

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7.I've been looking so long for you now you won't get away from my grasp.You've been living so long in hiding in hiding behind that false mask.And you know and I know that you ain't got long now to last.Your looks and your feelings are just the remains of your past.You're standing in the wings, there you wait for the curtain to fall.Knowing the terror and holding you have on us all.Yeah, I know that you're gonna scratch me, maim me and maul.You know I'm helpless from your mesmerising cat call.Keep your distance, walk away, don't take his bait.Don't you stray, don't fade away.Watch your step, he's out to get you, come what may.Don't you stray, from the narrow way.I'm running and hiding in my dreams you're always there.You're the _______ __ ___ ______, you're the devil, you're just out to scare.You damaged my mind and my soul it just floats through the air.Haunt me, you taunt me, you torture me back at your lair.

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8.You'll take my life but I'll take yours tooYou'll fire your musket but I'll run you throughSo when you're waiting for the next attackYou'd better stand there's no turning back.

The Bugle sounds and the charge beginsBut on this battlefield no one winsThe smell of acrid smoke and horses breathAs I plunge on into certain death.

The horse he sweats with fear we break to runThe mighty roar of the Russian gunsAnd as we race towards the human wallThe screams of pain as my comrades fall.

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Exchange Sheets

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1.As the sun breaks, above the ground,An old man stands on the hill.As the ground warms, to the first rays of lightA birdsong shatters the still.

His eyes are ablaze,See the madman in his gaze.

Fly on your way, like an eagle,Fly as high as the sun,On your way, like an eagle,Fly and touch the sun.

Now the crowd breaks and a young boy appearsLooks the old man in the eyeAs he spreads his wings and shouts at the crowdIn the name of God my father I fly.

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Icarus and Daedalus

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2. Wake alone in the hillsWith the wind in your faceIt feels good to be proudAnd be free and a raceThat is part of a clanAnd to live on highlandsAnd the air that you breatheSo pure and so clean

When alone on the hillsWith the wind in your hairWith a longing to feel Just to be free

Is it right to believeIn the need to be freeIt's a time when you dieAnd without asking whyCan't you see what they doThey are grinding us downThey are taking our landThat belongs to the clans

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Scottish Independence struggle

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3. The song Edge of Darkness is based on a critically-acclaimed movie. ID the movie/the book which the movie is based upon.

I know, captain, that you've done this work beforeWe've got a problem you can help us I'm sureThe Colonel's gone rogue, and his methods are unsoundYou'll take a PBR up river; Track Him Down!

There's a conflict in every human heartAnd the temptation is to take it all too farIn this war things get so confusedBut there are some things which cannot be excused

He's acting [?] like a god - an insane lunaticYour mission - exterminate with extreme prejudiceThe route is dangerous and your progress may be slowHere is the file and it's all you need to know

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Apocalypse Now

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4. In the gloom, the gathering storm abatesIn the ships gimlet, eyes awaitThe call to arms to hammer at the gatesTo blow them wide, throw evil to its fateAll summers long the drills to build the machineTo turn men from flesh and blood to steelFrom paper soldiers to bodies on the beachFrom summer sands to Armageddon's reach

Overlord, your master not your godThe enemy coast dawning gray with scudThese wretched souls puking, shaking fearTo take a bullet for those who sent them hereThe world's alight, the cliffs erupt in flameNo escape, remorseless shrapnel rainsDrowning men, no chance for a warrior's fateA choking death, enter Hell's gate

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Normandy Landings

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5.There calls the _______There comes a ship over the lineBut how can she sail with no wind in her sails and no tide?She... onward she comesOnward she nears out of the sunSee, she has no crewShe has no life, wait but here's two.Death and she life in death, They throw their dice for the crewShe wins the ______ and he belongs to her now.Then, crew one by oneThey drop down dead, two hundred menShe, she, Life in Death.She lets him live, her chosen one.

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Rime of the ancient mariner

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6. “Tears of a clown” is Iron Maiden’s tribute to which famous personality?All alone in a crowded roomHe tries to force a smileThe smile it beamed or so it seemedBut never reached the eyes, disguiseMasquerading as the funny man do they despiseThe false smile maketh of the manGlass empty or half fullTry to make some sense or sorrows drownAll looks well on the outsideUnderneath the solemn truthThere’s something that inside has diedTomorrow comes tomorrow goesBut the cloud remains the sameWonder why he’s feeling downTears of a clownMaybe it’s all just for the bestLay his weary head to restWas forever feeling drownedTears of a clown

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Robin Williams

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7.I've been looking so long for you now you won't get away from my grasp.You've been living so long in hiding in hiding behind that false mask.And you know and I know that you ain't got long now to last.Your looks and your feelings are just the remains of your past.You're standing in the wings, there you wait for the curtain to fall.Knowing the terror and holding you have on us all.Yeah, I know that you're gonna scratch me, maim me and maul.You know I'm helpless from your mesmerising cat call.Keep your distance, walk away, don't take his bait.Don't you stray, don't fade away.Watch your step, he's out to get you, come what may.Don't you stray, from the narrow way.I'm running and hiding in my dreams you're always there.You're the _______ __ ___ ______, you're the devil, you're just out to scare.You damaged my mind and my soul it just floats through the air.Haunt me, you taunt me, you torture me back at your lair.

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Phantom of the Opera

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8.You'll take my life but I'll take yours tooYou'll fire your musket but I'll run you throughSo when you're waiting for the next attackYou'd better stand there's no turning back.

The Bugle sounds and the charge beginsBut on this battlefield no one winsThe smell of acrid smoke and horses breathAs I plunge on into certain death.

The horse he sweats with fear we break to runThe mighty roar of the Russian gunsAnd as we race towards the human wallThe screams of pain as my comrades fall.

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Charge of the Light Bridage

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Dry-2+10/-10 on Pounce

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1.In 1953 the boss of Coca Cola met President Eisenhower requesting him to create a 7.5 cent coin. This was because something that had become a popular way of buying Coke by the 1950s which was preventing the company from increasing prices. Why did Coke want a 7.5 cent coin?

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Vending machines

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2. This is a telegram sent by a US diplomat to President Nixon. What genocide is the Telegram referring to?Our government has failed to denounce the suppression of democracy. Our government has failed to denounce atrocities. Our government has failed to take forceful measures to protect its citizens while at the same time bending over backwards to placate the ______ dominated government and to lessen any deservedly negative international public relations impact against them. Our government has evidenced what many will consider moral bankruptcy, (...) But we have chosen not to intervene, even morally, on the grounds that the ______ conflict, in which unfortunately the overworked term genocide is applicable, is purely an internal matter of a sovereign state. Private Americans have expressed disgust. We, as professional civil servants, express our dissent with current policy and fervently hope that our true and lasting interests here can be defined and our policies redirected.

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Bangladeshi GenocideThis is the “Blood Telegram,” by Archer Blood, last Consul General of Dhaka which was a scathing criticism of US support for the Bangladeshi genocide.

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3.Excerpts from an article from The Hindu-President Pranab Mukherjee's attempt at culinary bonhomie with the Israelis during his address to the Knesset left a bit of bad taste.In his address on Wednesday, he said: "Indian population enjoy the taste of X" However, he pronounced it as Y.The Hindu's correspondent at the event saw the Israeli MPs look at each other for a moment after that reference. Hopefully not much was read into the slip.

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Hummus and hamas

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4.The Spad VII was a highly successful American fighter plane built during WW I. It was a single bay biplane with extra mounted struts. The engine was 330 pounds and it had a 37 mm cannon mounted. The wheel mountings of this plane and the occasional payload explosive (this was before the development of bombers) case it carried were made of an unusual choice of material- paper mache. Except for the primary parts of the plane like the engine , the propeller and the skin , auxiliary parts like the cockpit seat were completely manufactured using paper mache. Why did they choose to do so?

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If made of a metal like aluminum and if it falls into enemy hands, they wanted to minimize the amount of metal(a crucial resource) that the enemy got hold of. That's why they even made explosive casings with paper mache.

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5. FITB or Put FundaMartin gathers his inspiration from a huge variety of sources including films; visiting museums and art galleries; reading comics and books; and collecting ephemera and trivia. He continues to be fascinated by crowds: their vibrancy, pattern, and range of detail and humour provide him with limitless source material: "I love their movement and energy."

He is also constantly on the look-out for puns and wordplay to use in his pictures. Gradually, from all of this meticulous research, astonishing craft and patience his unique scenes are created. A picture takes Martin many months to draw, with ____ added when he comes to what he feels is a “good place” for ____, he explains.

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Where’s Waldo/Wally/etc.

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6.The Hollandic _____ Line is a series of defence systems conceived by Maurice of Nassau in the early 17th century . The Hollandic ____ Line proved its value less than forty years after its construction during the Franco-Dutch War, when it stopped the armies of Louis XIV from conquering Holland, although the freezing over of the line came close to rendering it useless. In the 20th century the Line was extended to include the city of Utrecht.How does this defensive system work- something that can probably work only in the Netherlands?

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Floods parts of the country as a defense system.

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7. What is this map about?

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67 countries the US is obliged to go to war for

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8.ID XThe concept of X was originally introduced outside of print media at the National Press Club in July 1979. This was at a Conference of the Women's Institute for Freedom of the Press by Katherine Lawrence of Hewlett-Packard. This was part of an ongoing discussion of a clash between written policy of promotion versus action opportunities for women at HP. The term was coined by Lawrence and HP manager Maryanne Schreiber.

The term was later used in March 1984 by Gay Bryant. She was the former editor of Working Woman magazine and was changing jobs to be the editor of Family Circle. In an Adweek article written by Nora Frenkel, Bryant was reported as saying, "Women have reached a certain point--I call it the X. They're in the top of middle management and they're stopping and getting stuck."

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Glass ceiling

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9. What is the question?Operation Teapot aimed to answer a bunch of questions. One of them was this:

“After the bomb, Can I, ______________?”

The answer was "Yes", since the composition is still maintained, but “Don't expect it to be same/great".

(picture on the next slide)

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After the bomb, can I drink a beer?(or beverages in general)

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10. ID XX was founded in 1947 as a non profit organization. So their financial status is not known but estimates peg X to be one of the most cash rich organisations in the US.

X's international headquarters is located on an 376-acre campus outside Princeton. They have offices all over the USA. Overseas office locations, all of which are associated with for-profit subsidiaries include Amsterdam (X Global BV headquarters), London ( X Global BV), Seoul (X Global BV), Paris, Amman, Warsaw, Beijing, and Kingston, Ontario.

X employs 2,700 individuals, including 240 with doctorates and an additional 350 others with "higher degrees." Critics point to the fact that X has a monopoly in most of its products which would be the subject of anti-trust lawsuits if in any other industry. Though not all of us may be familiar with X, we would definitely have heard of people who’ve used some of their services .

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Educational Testing Services - ETS

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11. What change was made from picture 1 to 2? (Clues if no one objects)

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Defragmentation of Mona Lisa or “Mona Lisa Defragged”

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12. Who is X?X is a well known person you’ve all heard of. He famously won a libel action against the Daily Star, which had alleged he had paid for sex with a prostitute. He had secretly given a friend £19,000 for an alibi. The alibi was (accidentally) for the wrong night, so was never needed, yet despite his slightly miraculous triumph, X couldn’t help greeting the friend at one of his star-studded Christmas parties – in front of other guests – with the jocular salutation: “This man owes me £19,000 and has not paid it back”. That reckless, suicidally arrogant joke incensed the friend so much he took the tale of the fake alibi to the News of the World, sparking a chain of events that would lead to X’s incarceration for perjury.

X’s profession however was not hindered much, and he continued doing what he did while in prison.

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13.These are the exceptions to how certain things are depicted in a subreddit:

X - always with a monocle and tophat.Israel - is a cube always. Jewish Physics.Nepal - is in the shape of its flagY - always with sunglasses.Kazakhstan - always as a brick.Singapore - as a triangle.

Which subreddit, and X and Y?

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Sub- r/PolandballX-EnglandY-America

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14. What is the phrase? (blank is indicative of length)There are several theories on the origin of this phrase.

One of the theories for the origin of this phrase is that, it comes from a group called X, a tier of 7-10 year old Girl Scouts or Girl Guides, who kept the name of a mythical creature. They were known for being kind and helpful, performing household chores while family is sleeping. As a reward for doing these good deeds, without expecting in return, they received badges or at times, Y’s.

A popular marketing practice employed by many stores in post-World War II US was the distribution of stamps with each purchase. The number of stamps given out varied with the amount of the purchase. These stamps were collected by customers and later redeemed for household gifts. The stamps got their name, “____ _____,” from the colour of the earliest stamps. The relationship between a purchase and the collection of these “____ ______" equated with doing a good thing (supporting the local vendor) and getting a bonus (the valuable stamps).

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Brownie Points

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Thank You!