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Mrs. EJ. Lorraine RufTln and theMisses Weddell, who hare been guestsof Mlnton W. Talbott at his countryP'ace, "Talbott Hall," near Norfolk,have returned to their home In Rich¬mond. Mrs. Ruffln aud the Misses Wed-doll attended the garden fete whichwas Given at "Talbott Hall" last week.Of Interest Here.Mr. and Mrs. Charles Charlton Thorn,of Atlanta, Oa., have announced the

engagement and approaching marriageof thoir daughter, Helen, to LieutenantThomas Simons Slnkler, Jr., UnitedStated Army, formerly of Charleston, S.C., now stationed at Fort McPheraoq,tia. The ceremony will take place attho home of the bride's parents InDruid Hill some time during November.The announcement Is of much Interestto fashionable society in Virginia,where the groom Is prominently relat¬ed, and u number of gueutB from herowill attend the wedding this fall In theBouth.Arrive Thla Week.Mrs. H. J. Redfleld ana MIbs Francis

Redfleld, of Montclalr, N. J., will ar¬rive In Richmond the latter part ofthis week to bo the guests of Mrs.W. H. Urquhart at her home, 105 EastFranklin Street. Mrs. Redfleld andMIbs Redfleld will be Joined here byLieutenant J. J. Redfleld, who is sta¬tioned at Camp Lee,VUHIns Here.

Mrs. 15. T. Brady, of Roanoke, Isspending several days In Richmondthis week as the guest of her sister,Mrs. John W. Richardson, and ColonelRichardson, at their home, on GroveAvenue.

Miss Mary Ward, of Lynchburg, Isalso vlBltlng Colonel and Mrs. Rich¬ardson for a short stay.Pretty Howe Wedtfi»B.Palms, potted plants and autumn

flowers decorated the home of Mr. andMrs. Thomas Jefferson Noble, of Gln-ter Park, yesterday for the marriage oftheir daughter. Miss Wane ColemanNoble, to Alexander Mason Harris, ofthis city. The ceremony was perform¬ed by Rev. Charles Franklin Myers, ofthe First Presbyterian Church. Greens¬boro. N. C., and took place at 11 o'clockIn the presence only of relatives and a

few close friends.The bride wore a smart traveling

suit of midnight blue cloth, with a

hat to match, and carried a bouquet ofBride roses and lilies of the }'allcy-She was given away by her father,.with whom sh<.- entered the parlorB, andthey were met at the ImprovlBcd altarby the groom and I'hlllp W. Murray,of Newport News, a fraternity brotherof Mr. Harris, who acted as best man.

Miss Lillian Victoria Noble, who was

her sister's maid of honor and on yattendant, wore a two-toned gown ofwisteria satin, with a picture hat ofthe same shade, and carried a bouquetof pink roBebuds.

Mr. and Mrs. Harris left Immediate¬ly after the ceremony for a Northernwedding trip, and they will be at homeon their return at 301 North AddisonStreet. A number of informal affairshave beeen given thia week in honorof the bride.Prominent Wffldln^«A wedding of Interest in Virginia so¬

ciety. which will take place on Thurs¬day evening. November 1. at S1. I auIsEpiscopal Church. Norfolk, will be thatof Miss Jano Nelson Marr to MartinNlsbet Shaw, of Carne.vs Point. N. J.

The wedding will be a quiet one. andthe ceremony, which be T,pe.r/formed at 6.30 o'clock by Rev. H. H.Covlncton, rector of the church, willbe witnessed only by relatives, a fewIntimate friends, and a number of out-of-town guests.

Th«; bride is the attractive daughterof '"olonel end Mrs. Robert AthlestanMarr, a granddaughter of Mrs. Hopean.l the late James Barron Hope, wellknown a*? "poet, patriot, scholar. Jour¬nalist and the knightly Virginia gen¬tleman." and a great-niece of JohnQuinrv Marr, who was first Confederateoilier* killed In the War Between theHUte*. Mr. Shaw is a son of Mrs.H. 1*. Shaw, of Charlottesville.ItU'lt School linnet.

The Junior French Club of John Mar-rhull High School will give a Hal¬lowe'en da nee

*to-morrow after school,

in 'he gymnasium, for the benctlt oftiic French orphans.


:.5r.- Robert Davy Eaglesfleld and herRHinll son. Robert Davy Eaglesfte'.d. Jr.,of'polls, Ind.. will arrive shortlyii> be t1'" guests of Mr. and Mrs. Has-Vim iirthsoii. at Bon Air.

y, Katheryn Riggs. of Washington,)U1V ;,.>sn :Me recent guest of friends InGir.ter Par!:.

Mrs. t'her.ter Markley, of Roanoke.1who hns been visiting friends here. Isnow the guest of her parents, Mr. andMrs. L. It. Brltt, in Norfolk.

Miss Eliza Montgomery will leave to¬morrow for Norfolk to attend thoWigg-Slmmons wedding, which takesplace there Saturday.

L. L. Llttlepage, of King WilliamCounty, Is visiting Mra. W. P. Turnerfor a short tlm*s.

Dr. and Mrs. Paul Jones, of Norfolk.are spending a few days in this city.Mrs. Joel Kldd, of Ruhmond, has

been a recent guest of Mrs. W. P. Tur¬ner. at "Be'.levlew."Mr. and Mrs. R. I. Bartlett have been

the recent guests of friends in Rich¬mond for a brlof stay.Judge and Mra. Samuel Cecil Gra¬

ham. of Tazewell, are spending thisweek at the Jefferson Hotel.


A meeting of the Godmothers' Leaguewill be held this afternoon at 4 o'clockIn room 630, Jefferson Hotel. Reportswill be made by the chairmen of eachdistrict and also from the various mili¬tary organizations.

Mrs. C. W. Massie, chairman of theGodmothers for the Blues, requests allwomen interested in the soldiers' wel¬fare to meet this morning at 11 o'olockIn room 630, Jefferson Hotel. Thismeeting is for tho purpose of semiringa godmother for each soldier in theBlues* organization, and women whoare interested are urged to attend.

HIade.-Brlgga.[Special to The Times-Dispatch.]

WAVERLY, VA., October 24..Yester¬day James William Green Slado andMiss Anna Atkinson Brlggs. of SussexCounty, were Jolne In matrimony atHomevllle. The ceremony wa» per¬formed by Rev. George E. Booker, D.D. pastor of Court Street MethodistChurch, Lynchbutg, Va. The groom isa son ot Dr. J. F. Rlade, a physician ofStony Creak. Va. The bride Ih a daugh¬ter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Brlggs. ofHomevllle. They will reside at "Fair-view."

Feregoy In Acquitted.C. B. Peregoy, of Ashland, charger]

with assaulting Walter Day at the[Richmond branch of the American Locomotlve "Company, was acquitted yes¬terday by a Jury in the HustingsCourt.


Serr1c*a of Teacher* and RthvUn B«-ln« KilUtnl to Make Work Sne¬

er** In Virginia.Preparation for the State-wide food

conuervation campaign, to be wavedthe week of October 28-November 4.takes another long stop forward to-''a.v when clrcularB from State Super¬intendent of Public InBtructton Stearnesand AsnlBtant Food Conservation Cam¬paign Director Montgomery are Bent toevery school officer, toacher, pupil andcounty director of the State.ThcKO circulars emphasiso tho ur¬

gent necessity for enlisting everybodyin the movement. In the week of thecampaign, all householders will beasked to sign a card pledging them¬selves to follow Instructions to bemailed them by the National Food Ad¬ministration from time to time. Theseinstructions will have for their purposethe conservation of foods most neededby America's allies and will suggestthe best and most wholesome substi¬tutes for these foods. Jt is pointed outthat the administration asks no oneto suffer hardship or to go hungry. Thoidea Is merely to afford every one an

opportunity to aid In winning the war.Mr. Montgomery's circular announces

that C. Edwin Michael, of Roanoke.State campaign director, has challeng¬ed the East to a contest In which vic¬tory will go to the section of tho Statesecuring the greatest number ofpledges. Mr. Montgomery calls uponall county directors to accept the chal-lenge and to do their utmost to win.The circular Intimates that there

might be agents of the German govern¬ment at work In the rural communitiesin an effort to defeat the purpose ofthe campaign. Wherever opposition I*found, It Is (suggested that It be re¬ported at oncc. Federal secret ser¬vice will Investigate all such reports

LIBRARY FUND GROWS.South Boston and Blackstane Add $221

to Help Provide Boakafor Moldlrra.

The War Library Fund was swelledyesterday by checks from South Bostonand Hlackstone for 1100 and $121 re¬spectively. A letter from the directorof the work In York to Dr. H. II. Mc-Ilwalne. State director, also was en¬couraging. It stated that $300 wouldsoon be raised there.

I Even wltlj these contributions, how-ever. Virginia is far short of its ap¬portionment of $25,000. Nearly $20,-000 more is needed, and Dr. Mcllwaln'eis bending every effort to get this sumbefore the middle of November. Hisgreatest trouble now is to get direc¬tors for the several counties. He saysthat with little help In getting thematter before the people ho is con¬fident that Virginia would quicklycontribute her share in this work.

Dr. Mcllwaine says that he does notwish any more old magazines sent tohis oliice for shipment to Camp Lee.The camp, he explains, is glutted withthese and cannot use any more. Cur¬rent magazines, however, are wantedami can be sent to camp by any one.

PARADE AT FAIRCheslrrflcld County Plans to Honor

Selectman at CourthouseTo-day.

An Important feature of ChesterfieldCounty Fair, opening at CheBterfleldCourthouse to-day, will be the parade<'t the county's men who have beendrafted Into the National Army. A re¬union of the men and their relativeshas been planned for the afternoon.Congressman Montague will speak.This afternoon the cornerstone of the

new county courthouse will be laidwith appropriate exercises arranged bydirectors of the fair.Chesterfield has planned long for this

event. It expects attendance to breakall previous records, and has preparedto entertain large crowds.

Sell Plxdnl's' Effceta.An order has been entered by Judge

Edmund Waddlll, of the United StatesDistrict Court, subjecting tho furnish-ini-*s of the William B. l'iczinl heme, atWilliam Byrd Park, to public auction.The sale will be made Tuesday morn-ing at 10:30 o'clock.

AMUSEMENTSHour's Travel Festival.Travel tie luxe via "Howe's Special"

will be the treat of patrons at theAcademy to-night, Friday and Saturdaymatinee, when Lyman H. Howe willpresent his new production. It willconduct spectators to Southern France,take them to the world's highest alti¬tudes In tho Alps, and aboard UncleSamp's super - Dreadnoughts "some¬where in the Atlantic."

Science and Comedy at tyrie.More fascinating and thrilling in the

rrrlm horrors they depict tinn the firsttwo episodes of "The Ketrcat of theGermans," presented at the Lyric thefirst-half of the week, will be the sec-ong and third to be exhibited as a sup¬plement to the vaudeville show thatcomes to-day for the latter half of theweek. Prominently featured on thevaudeville bill is the amazing feath¬ered songster. "The Mystic Bird," whichwill sing and whistle all sorts of tunes,from grand opera selections to ragtime,under the direction of Master Paul, theboy violin virtuoso. Other features onthe bill include Elliott and WeBt, ec¬centric novelty dancers; Nevlns andGordon, character comedy duo, present¬ing the laughing skit, "The Typist andthe Typo"; Brown, Harris and Brown,a trio of all-around entertainers, andFred La Kcine, In his scientific exhibl-tlon, "Taming Electricity," a combina-tlon of science and comedy.

TO DAY'S BEAUTY TALKYou oan enjoy a delightful sham¬

poo with very little efTort and for a

very trifling cost, if you get fromyour druggist a package of can-throx and dissolve a teaspoonfal ina cup of hot water. This makes a

full cup of shampoo liquid, enoughso it is easy to apply It to all thehair instead of Just the top of thehead. Your shampoo is now ready.Just pour a littlo at a time on thescalp and hair until both are en¬tirely covered by the daintily per¬fumed preparation that thoroughlydissolves and removes every bit ofdandruff, excess oil and dirt. Afterrinsing, the hair dries quickly, witha flufliness that makes it seemheavier than it is, and takes on arich luster and a softness thatmakes arranging it a pleasure.Adv.


Demo*«4ra4lea To-Morraw Mght InHoaor of Men (aolng <.

Camp L«ra /

. All preparations have been made forthe patriotic celebration to be givenby the colored branch of the Ameri¬can Red Cross to-morrow night at 7o'clock for the colored drafted menwho are to leave for Camp Lee Sat¬urday morning, thus completing: theflrst quota from this city. Beveralcommittee meetings were held lastnight, as a result of which those Inchhrge feel greatly encouraged anilare of the opinion that the event willbe the lnrgent ever inaugurated bythe colored cltizons of Richmond. Thefinal meeting of the commltteen willbe held to-night at 0:30 at the South¬ern Aid Koclety, and then the line ofmarch will be announced.

Colored men and women are pleasedthat many of the white people of thecity are doing all In their power tohelp make the celebration a succcss,and they hopo that the white employ¬ers will allow their employees to leavethflr work at 4 o'clock In the after-noon, so that they can get In the lineof march.

Following the street parade, severalspeeches will be delivered, and mes¬sages from the Governor and Mayorwill be read. Those speaking ot theCity Auditorium are: John StewartBryan, Mrs. John Stewart Bryan andMrs. I). B. Munford, Maggie L. Walker,colored; Dr. Roscoe C. Brown, colored;Dr. R. V. Peyton, colored, and Dr. W.T, Johnson, colorcd. J

Besides the speaking at the Audlto-

rlum. all the colored choirs and musi¬cal olubi la the city and student* ofthe Armstrong High School will ren¬der muslo for the occaalon. The col¬ored (selectmen will be given comfortkite as sqUvenlro.Following the meeting at the Audi¬

torium, a reception will be given atW. I. Johnson's Hall.

New Vhorrh for Glsler Park.The Methodlstn of dtnter Park, who

have been conducting Sunday school Inthe Chamberlayne School building forthe past f«w months, will m«et to¬night for church organization. It Inproposed to ask for a pastor at thocoming session of the conferencewhich opens In I^ynchburg on Novem¬ber 14. A site has been secured uponwhich a suitable building Is to be«reoted as soon aa It Ib deemed prac¬ticable.

SafeTIlUfcInfants m* Invalids


MALTED MILKRich milk, malted grain, in powder form.For infants, invmlideuJgrowing children.Pure nutrition, upbuilding ike whole body.Invigorate* nursing mother* mm the aged.Mors nutritious than tea, coffee, etc.Instantly prepared. Requires no cooking.S6b»titotes Cost YOU Same Pries


When you get the famous "red, white and blue" package youKNOW the "Aragon" quality is in it.what a relief, afterbuying loose goods, which vary from week to week.

"Aragon" BrandTea Coffee Rice

UniformityTry them on our guarantee.your money back if you are notdelighted. Never loose; never in tea stores.

ARAGON COFFEE CO.Telephone Madison 154.

8c Allowed for Empty Cans in Good Order.

Our Liberty Loan Booth will be incharge of the Ladies of St. Paul'sChurch to-day.


Stylish Coats12.


There is a brave array of these Coats in sizes13,15, 17 and 19.

Plaids and mixtures in browns, greens andgrays.

Large roll collar or the new scarf collar in con¬trasting color.

Deep cuffs, wide belts, trimmed with large but¬tons.

Good heavy weight and exceptionally stylishand pleasing. Third Floor.

Mew B©©tee§, Miitteirns amsdlSweaters foif tine Balby

Mothers by the hundreds are finding our Infants*Department to be the most complete in Richmond.and prices the lowest.Dainty little Bootees hand

crocheted wool or all silk,in all white or trimmed withpink and blue, 15c to $2.08pair.

Infants' Mittens of handcrocheted wool, in whiteand solid colors and white

trimmed with pink and blue.25c to 75c.

Infants' Sweaters, madeof fine all wool yarn, handcrocheted in white, trimmedwith blue and pink and solidblue and pink trimmed withwhite. $1.50 to $2.50.

Third Floor.

Air© Yom Kntitting for tihe Soldiers?Yarns.the kind and shade you want have been hardto got and high in price.We have Just received five hundred hanks in the realolive drab shade, guaranteed all wool.

75c Per HairakThe price is very reasonable and the supply Juat as wesaid.five hundred hanks.You'd better buy at once. Main Floor. v





"The moet comfortable corset I ever had. I like my figure In, It better thanever before."

ANOTHER WELL-KNOWN WOMAN RE-ORDERED WITH THIS REMARK:"I am solos away, and want another to take with me. They are entirelysatisfactory."

STILL A THIRD AGREED WITH US:"This corset really does revolutionize."


THE Sta-Rite introduces to women comfort, convenience andadvantages that cannot be secured in any other corset in the

world.Sta-Rite is a twentieth-century invention intended to add to

the comfort of corset-wearing and to make the putting-on andtaking-off of a corset a pleasure. It also provides style andelegance that, combined with the marvelous self-opening andself-closing front clasps, place the Sta-Rite beyond even theapproach of any other make.

Have the Sta-Rite demonstrated for you, whether you needa corset now or not. It is the one you will eventually buy. Seeit and be prepared for the corset comfort and exquisite style thatyou will get by wearing a Sta-Rite."

Delicious Home CookingBat Bread* a Specially.

BrukfMt, 7ilB-9iOO. Dinner, U|3*-2HBSapper, 6 i30-7130.CLOSED SUNDAYS

J. W. C. A. CAFETERIAFifth Street. Near Mala.

Albert SteinMisses" nnd Children's Wliito

CanYas Laced Shoes.SpecialPrices.


Soft Draped Lyons Velvet HatsNew Ostrich Trimmings.Smart Fur Hats

Gold and Silver Appliques.Pau Velvet Taillevr Hats

Military Effects and the Youthful Rolled HatMuch in Vogue.



Elegant Gifts ftZ Fall BrideThis old-established house is headquarters forHANDDSOHE GIFTS OF STERLING SILVER

and our assortments for this season is so large and variedand prices so reasonable as to render it an easy matter tomake a selection both suitable and attractive.

Inspection and Comparison Is Very Cordially Invited.

The Nowlan CompanyLeafttag Jewelers, 921 East Main Street.








A «mall flown - payment.iHcei ni>vttiInt von desire lqyo«>r home. Terms arra»*e<.<o suit vour convmiIviic*. Andour uricv* «« lowest.

T. 10-25-17

fvlontague Mfg. CoS. \V. Cornrr Tenth i.ud MnlnSTOIIE AM) OKFiriS I'

WARREN PAINT CO,700 W. Broad Street,

Glass, Varnishes, Taints. j

SilverwareIn NewDesign

Onr stocks of SIlerwar®are fresh from the fore-most sllersmltlis of thecountry .and show the verynewest designs and Ideas.

Quality, too. Is an im¬portant feature, yet youare not expected to payexhorbant prices.ours aro

lower than elsewhere, be¬cause we aro out of thehigh rent district.

/. T. Allen & Co.JEWELERS,

Fourteenth and Main