Download - Install Intention Activator

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The INTENTION ACTIVATOR is a software program designed to keep your

ATTENTION on your INTENTION. This is done by installing a small scrolling

marquee on the very top of your computer “Desktop”.

The program continuously displays your "intention statements" on your

Desktop…leaving your other applications undisturbed. It runs along the top of

your screen .…causing you to automatically…and effortlessly focus on them.

Anytime your Desktop is displayed the scrolling marquee reminds you of your

intention. It keeps you focused on what you want and increases your motivation

and desire to make it happen. If you are using another program you can either

shut it off, or just leave it running in the background.

The INTENTION ACTIVATOR comes with sample "intention statements".

However, you can create your own database by typing in your own intentions and

determining which ones you want to work on NOW.

As you add new ones they are saved to the INTENTION ACTIVATOR database

so you can view them at any time.

The intention statements scroll by to remind you to focus on what you desire.

Even if you only glance at them a few times a day, your subconscious gets the idea

that this is what you really want.

Why? Because your subconscious doesn’t miss a trick. Whatever you give your

dominate attention to is what will show up in your life.

As you are working or playing at your computer, you’ll find yourself

occasionally glancing up at the scrolling intention statements on your screen.

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Your unconscious mind sees these and activates them with no effort whatsoever

on your part

Instead of just letting yourself get tossed and turned by the uncertain waves

of circumstance, you can take charge of your fate and your destiny.

The INTENTION ACTIVATOR uses computerization to literally immerse you

into focusing on only what you desire -- and materialize your desires faster than

ever. It helps to activate your subconscious powers to bring forth your desire at

rapid speed.

Installation of the Intention Activator

The Intention Activator software will work on ALL computers with a Microsoft

Windows operating system. This includes ALL versions of Windows. Sorry, but it

will not work on an Apple or Macintosh

If the file you download is not on your Desktop, we suggest moving the Intention

Activator file there before you begin, however it will install from anywhere you

downloaded it.

SELF-EXTRACTING version - If you downloaded the “Self-Extracting” file just

click on it and follow the instructions. It self-extracts or “unzips” itself without

the need to use an additional unzip program.

You will see a screen where you are prompted to click on “Unzip”. Before you

unzip the file please note that the following will be highlighted in blue - “Click

Browse choose Desktop”. What this means is in order to install the program

on your Desktop (which is where you want it) you need to click on the Browse

button and choose Desktop as the place you would to install and run the


ZIP FILE version – We suggest downloading the Self-Extracting file version, but

if you choose to downloaded the Intention Activator zip file (non-self-extracting)

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you will need to unzip the file. Windows XP has a built-in unzip program that

works on most computers. If you do not have XP or the file won’t unzip on your

computer then you will need to use Win Zip or any other unzipping program.

After you unzip the file (if you are not using the Self-Extracting version) click on

the Intention Activator. vs2.exe setup file and the program will self-install.

Just follow the prompts. It will only take a minute.

You should now have one file on your Desktop with a YELLOW “IA” icon. When

you click on the YELLOW “IA” icon you will be able to run the program.

After you install the program the original Intention Activator. vs2.exe file

(either the self-extracting or zip version) will remain on your DESKTOP or

wherever else you downloaded it unless you remove it. The program does not run

from this file so it can be removed or put in another location. We suggest you

make a copy of this file and put it on a disk or CD. If your computer crashes you

will be able to use it to reload the program.

The Intention Activator has been fully tested and is now running on thousands of

computers. If you have a problem running the program there can only be two


(1) The file you downloaded was corrupted during the download process. This

sometimes happens with files downloaded from the Internet. The main reason is

some ISP’s compress and decompress files when they are downloaded. The

solution is to delete the version you have on your computer and download

another copy. This should resolve the problem..

(2) There is a compatibility issue with you computer. What this means is you may

have a missing file needed to run the program or some other compatibility issue

with you particular computer. The fact that the program successfully runs on

thousands of different computers all over the world indicates the problem is NOT

with the program file. Unfortunately in this situation it would be impossible for

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us to diagnose your computer. You will need to find someone who can actually

see your computer and work on resolving the problem.


To start the program just click in the YELLOW “IA” icon on your Desktop..

The Intention Activator has two display options…

Screen Scrolling Mode. In this mode your Intention Statements scroll across

your screen at any point you choose for a long as you want to “remind” you what

you truly desire. The scrolling statements keep your mind focused on what you

want instead of what you don’t want, which is the basic premise of all of Dr.

Anthony’s Deliberate Creation programs.

Subliminal Flash Mode. When you no longer choose to have the scrolling

statements displayed on your screen, you can choose the “Subliminal Flash


When set on the “Subliminal Flash Mode”, your Intention Statements are

“flashed” at various speeds that you can choose in the setup.

They are absorbed directly by your conscious mind... and "activated"

automatically by your sub-conscious mind. The Subliminal Flash Mode places

your sub-conscious mind into a psychologically peaked state that allows both

hemispheres of your brain to work in co-operation... to bring forth your desires

These Intention Statements or "commands" are programmed without any

resistance from your logical, “conditioned” mind. The one that is keeps you for

being, doing and having what you desire.

In the Subliminal Flash Mode, you cannot actually “see” the Intention statements

because of the speed in which they are delivered to your screen. In this mode your

conscious mind will merely see a "flicker" — it won't have the opportunity argue

or send conflicting messages or objections to your sub-conscious.

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In the Subliminal Flash Mode the Intention Statements or commands you have

set up will bypass the conscious mind and go right to the sub-conscious where it

is acted upon without delay. This is important because, your conscious mind isn't

responsible for changing your patterns or bringing forth your desires. Only your

subconscious can do that!

The reason the Subliminal Flash Mode works is because your sub-conscious mind

"sees" things you don't even realize. Every sound. Every picture. Every phonetic

nuance. Everything!

That's where Intention Activator takes over!

When you use the Intention Activator, whether in the scrolling or the Subliminal

Flash Mode you are delivering positive, self-programming statements to your

sub-conscious mind every minute you are using your computer. The Intention

Statements are captured by your sub-conscious then "processed" unconsciously...

without any effort or work required from you. It's all automatic!

You can set the Intention Activator to zap these commands at 1 second intervals.

In just one hour you can have 3,600 subliminal invisible flashes that continually

program your sub-conscious to activate your command. Your sub-conscious has

no choice. It MUST bring forth your desire.

Even if you only use your PC for an hour each day, or 3-4 times a week... that's

still 10,000 - 15,000 positive commands that are blasting through your conscious

barrier and into your sub-conscious mind where they will be acted upon without


I am sure you can see how powerful this is and how much it could help you to

achieve all your dreams and desires.

Using the Intention Activator is as easy as I-2-3!

Here is a screenshot of the control panel

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Intention Activator offers you a comprehensive, yet easy to use control panel that

allows you to customize all the features of the program with just a click of your


Step 1 - Create Your Intention Statements

The Intention Activator comes with 3 SAMPLE “Intention Statements” pre-

programmed. You can use them or delete them. The purpose is to give you an

idea of what the statements look like scrolling across your screen.

You can add, edit or delete your “Intention Statements”. You can also arrange

them in any order you choose. We would suggest starting with one or two

statements and keep using them until you have achieved your intention.

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Once you decide on what you want to create and focus on, you can create an

“Intention Statement” using the guidelines discussed in the “Power of Intention”


The software comes with a few sample Intention Statements already entered in

the program that you can use or modify of you wish. This is what the box will

look like after you have typed in and clicked on Add.

Once you have manifested your desire, or even if you change your mind, all you

have to do is highlight the Intention Statement, click on "delete".

You may add a limitless number of Intention Statements or Edit your current

Intention Statements with ease any time you choose. Want to add a new goal?

Just add it to the list, click on "Save", and your changes are instantly saved and

ready to be displayed whenever you choose to use the Intention Activator. It's

that simple!

Step 2 - Customize The Intention Activator To Suit Your Needs...

Intention Activator’s easy-to-use, yet comprehensive control panel allows you to

customize all the features of the program with just a click of your mouse…

Choose your font — choose a SIZE font you're comfortable with, change the

COLOR, make the words BOLDER for times when your desktop is cluttered or

smaller for when you want to "hide" the text in the background... Just click on


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The following screen will open that will allow you to customize your Font, Color,

Size, etc.

Select the contrast — Your messages can flash or scroll in BOLD on the screen,

or OPAQUE in the background... so as not to disturb you while working on other


Set your display to Flash or Scroll - Choose whether you want to use the

Subliminal Flash option or you would like the have the Intention Statements

Scroll across your screen

Set your display location — set your Intention Statements to flash or scroll

where is most convenient for you... on top of your screen, randomly over the

screen, dead in the center or on the bottom.

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Set the Subliminal Flash Message Frequency Interval or Speed — Set

your message to display at intervals anywhere from 1 to 600 seconds apart. Flash

messages more regularly for stronger influence, or less frequently for

maintenance. You can adapt these settings to suit your needs and preferences.

Set Subliminal Flash Message Time display — We suggest spending a little

time adjusting the time display so that you are comfortable with it. You sub-

conscious can read the display in milliseconds so you do not have to be able to

read it like the Scrolling Display. If the Subliminal Flash default display setting is

too slow (you can read the Intention Statements on your screen) you can drop it

down to as low as 10 milliseconds — that's 1/100th of a second! Remember, in

the Subliminal Flash Mode you don’t need to be able to read it because it is a

subliminal programming. Let you sub-conscious do all the work for you!

Set the Scrolling Display Frequency – Once again, set it at a speed that is

comfortable and enjoyable for you to read as it scrolls across you screen

Test Your Intention Statements— Click on the "test" button to see a preview

of your Intention Statements in action. If there is anything you don’t like you can

change it right then and there and test it again before you go “live”!

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Step 3 - Click "OK"

You’re Ready To Start Benefiting From This Amazing Program!

All of the above only takes a few seconds. Your preferences are saved when you

click on OK. More than likely you won’t want to change them again but if you do

you can open the control panel and click on the changes and you’re done.

When you click "OK", the Intention Activator automatically retreats to the system

tray on your desktop.

The Intention Activator automatically interacts with your desktop environment,

displaying flashing or scrolling Intention Statements wherever you selected on

your screen, without interfering with your operation of your computer. In the

Subliminal Flash Mode, even though it is "hidden", it will continue to work for

you in the background... without any effort or work on your part!

The Intention Activator will automatically cycle through each of your selected

Intention Statements, and display them in the order that you have listed them in

the setup or randomly at intervals you define — even while you're using your PC

for other tasks!

Just think... Every Minute You're Using Your PC - whether you choose the

Scrolling Marquee so you can see them scroll by on your screen, or select the

Subliminal Flash Mode, you will be magnetizing and attracting your desires.

The Intention Activator is the most effortless and EASY TO USE sub-conscious

programming tool ever created. Every minute you are at your computer means

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you are Activating your desires. Nothing could be faster. The results of this

effortless programming device will positively amaze and delight you!

If you have any question on running the software you may contact our customer

service at [email protected]

Important Note: - This publication is designed to provide accurate information in

regard to the subject matter covered. It is offered with the understanding that the

author is not engaged in rendering medical or psychological service. This book is

not intended to be a substitute for therapy or professional advice, nor does it

guarantee any specific benefit or outcome to the reader.