Download - INSPIRE-2 and Lessons Learned - Australian Centre for Space … · 2019. 9. 23. · • INSPIRE-2: start to delivery in 10 months (first partial stack to delivery in 4 months). Cash

Page 1: INSPIRE-2 and Lessons Learned - Australian Centre for Space … · 2019. 9. 23. · • INSPIRE-2: start to delivery in 10 months (first partial stack to delivery in 4 months). Cash

INSPIRE-2 and Lessons Learned

Aust. CubeSat Conf. 2019

Iver H. Cairns 1, C. Charles 2, A. Dempster 3, J. Funamoto 1, J.W. Cheong 3, W. Peacock 1, J. Lam 3, B. Osborne 3, W. Andrew 3, T. Croston,1,3, B. Southwell 3, R. Boswell 2, A. Monger, 1 C. Betters 1, S. Leon-Saval 1, J. Bland-Hawthorn 1, J. Khachan 1, X. Wu 1, S. Manidis 1, H. Brown 1, D. Dall 1, D. Tsifalkis 2, & S. Gordon1

1. U. Sydney, 2. ANU , 3.UNSW

Page 2: INSPIRE-2 and Lessons Learned - Australian Centre for Space … · 2019. 9. 23. · • INSPIRE-2: start to delivery in 10 months (first partial stack to delivery in 4 months). Cash

1. Cubesats

• Units of cubes of 10.0 cm x 10.0cm x 10.0cm• < 1.3 kg per U ...

• Power of standards! Dotcom … price, capabilities, COTS. …

• ➔ Focus on instruments / services & not on bespoke satellite bus: not “toys for the boys & girls”

• 2U and 3U common now but trending bigger with time …


Page 3: INSPIRE-2 and Lessons Learned - Australian Centre for Space … · 2019. 9. 23. · • INSPIRE-2: start to delivery in 10 months (first partial stack to delivery in 4 months). Cash

• Started 30/9/2015 & delivered 19 August 2016 .... < 10 months

USydney: 3+ payloads, components, assembly, integration, testing, launch, overall project, legal, leadership, ....

• QB50 multi-Needle Langmuir probe (mNLP)• Nanophotonic spectrograph (Nanospec)• Radiation counter • Microdosimeter

UNSW - Sydney: Spacecraft design, integration, testing, software

• Kea GPS instrument

ANU: Spacecraft COTS parts, groundstation, advice, AITC ...

Groundstations: ANU and UNSW

2. The INSPIRE-2 / AU03 CubeSat

➔ CubeSats can carry real instruments & be complex

Page 4: INSPIRE-2 and Lessons Learned - Australian Centre for Space … · 2019. 9. 23. · • INSPIRE-2: start to delivery in 10 months (first partial stack to delivery in 4 months). Cash

• The 3 Australian QB50 CubeSats after thermal vacuum testing in Wombat-XL at ANU’s AITC:


➔ 1) Australia can make CubeSats & 2) groups / constellations is natural evolution.

Page 5: INSPIRE-2 and Lessons Learned - Australian Centre for Space … · 2019. 9. 23. · • INSPIRE-2: start to delivery in 10 months (first partial stack to delivery in 4 months). Cash

Design, Building, & Testing

• De-risk ➔modified version of UNSW design & mostly COTS bus

• INSPIRE-2 carried real instruments & was complex

Page 6: INSPIRE-2 and Lessons Learned - Australian Centre for Space … · 2019. 9. 23. · • INSPIRE-2: start to delivery in 10 months (first partial stack to delivery in 4 months). Cash

3. In Orbit

• Launched from ISS 26 May 2017 (KSC ?? April)

• Radio quiet for 16 days. Major operation with

radio amateurs to establish contact.

• First beacons detected 11 June 2017

• Expected lifetime ≤ 1 year due to drag & re-entry

• Re-entered late November 2018 (1.5 year life).

Page 7: INSPIRE-2 and Lessons Learned - Australian Centre for Space … · 2019. 9. 23. · • INSPIRE-2: start to delivery in 10 months (first partial stack to delivery in 4 months). Cash

3.1 First file downloaded for


• Spacecraft battery, solar cells, and temperatures all fine.

• Can see expected effects of day – night transitions

• Balmy day in space

battery voltage


charging current

output current

200100Time (mins)

Page 8: INSPIRE-2 and Lessons Learned - Australian Centre for Space … · 2019. 9. 23. · • INSPIRE-2: start to delivery in 10 months (first partial stack to delivery in 4 months). Cash

INSPIRE-2 lived over 1 year in space!

Battery voltage

Charging current

Current on 3.3 or 5 V rail


Days since 19 June 2017400300100

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4.0 Damaged

in a Space

Weather event



• Stable battery voltage and

day-night solar cell variations

• Spacecraft went quiet for 1.5

months after 1st major solar

particle event for 1 year:

space weather event.

• Filesystem corrupted & Tcom = 0

due to Comms board damage.

• Recovered spacecraft & reset


• Space weather damage



Page 10: INSPIRE-2 and Lessons Learned - Australian Centre for Space … · 2019. 9. 23. · • INSPIRE-2: start to delivery in 10 months (first partial stack to delivery in 4 months). Cash

5. Conclusions

• INSPIRE-2 and 2 other Australian-built QB50 CubeSats are in space now:- Demonstrated existence of Australian space capability and breaking the

economic barrier to Australia entering space community

• INSPIRE-2 had 5 instruments (mNLP, Nanospec, Kea GPS, and 2 radiation detectors), 4 Australian, and a mostly COTS bus. (Complex & sophisticated)

• INSPIRE-2: start to delivery in 10 months (first partial stack to delivery in 4 months). Cash cost < $150 K. Multiple students.

• INSPIRE-2 was alive in space for 1.5 years, in good health except for Comms.

• Strong evidence that INSPIRE-2 suffered a large space weather event in July 2017 that damaged its Comms system.

– Unlucky since only large event in the last 1.5 years.

• INSPIRE-2 orbital variations provide evidence for atmospheric variations, space weather / SSA effects …. ongoing work.

• Remember … 1) Power of standards & COTS, 2) Focus on outcomes not engineering (not toys ..), 3) Low cost, real benefits, 4) Lifetimes > 1 year, 5) Constellations … 6) Science, engineering, commercial, Government …

Page 11: INSPIRE-2 and Lessons Learned - Australian Centre for Space … · 2019. 9. 23. · • INSPIRE-2: start to delivery in 10 months (first partial stack to delivery in 4 months). Cash

Change in slope of altitude (t) with major F10.7cm radio events

Day s of Mission

a (km) F10.7 cm radio flux

Relatively upwards

Relatively downwards

Clear IncreaseIn slope