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Page 1: Innovation and regional policy

Innovation and regional policy

Daniel Gabaldón-Estevan | Moscow 20/05/2016Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Valencia- Valencia (ES) - [email protected]

Международная научно-практическая конференция «Международная и региональная интеграции: перспективы и вызовы»

Май 20, 2016

Page 2: Innovation and regional policy


Innovation system

EU regions

Technological and advanced

services providers’


Legal & institutional framework

Scientific environment

Productive environment

Adapted from Fernández, I., et al. (1996)

National systemof innovation

Regional systemof innovation

(Freeman, 1987; Lundvall, 1988, 1992; Nelson, 1993)

(Cooke, 1993 and 2001; Saxenian, 1985; Jaffe et al., 1993)


Innovation and Innovation Systems

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Five targets for the EU in 2020

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Cohesion Policy 11 thematic objectives for 2014-2020

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EU regional policy founding focus

Research & innovation

Information & communication technologies

Making small and medium-sized businesses more competitive

Moving towards a low-carbon economyInnovation

[Regional policy is delivered through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Cohesion Fund.][National and regional authorities, in cooperation with the European Commission, are responsible for managing the funds from day to day.]

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EU regional policy founding focus

Research & innovation

Information & communication technologies

Making small and medium-sized businesses more competitive

Moving towards a low-carbon economyInnovation

Page 7: Innovation and regional policy

EU regional policy founding focus

Research & innovation

Information & communication technologies

Making small and medium-sized businesses more competitive

Moving towards a low-carbon economyInnovation

Page 8: Innovation and regional policy

EU regional policy founding focus

Research & innovation

Information & communication technologies

Making small and medium-sized businesses more competitive

Moving towards a low-carbon economyInnovation

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EU regional policy founding focus

Research & innovation

Information & communication technologies

Making small and medium-sized businesses more competitive

Moving towards a low-carbon economyInnovation

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European Territorial Cooperation (ETC) or Interreg

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1. Consult the stakeholders. One key task for ‘good governance’ is to ensure effective prioritisation and agenda setting for innovation policy.

2. Engage different regional actors in boosting the innovation systems and strategies and give power to them by providing them with specific roles and appropriate resources for action. Define their roles clearly instead of encouraging competition among them, in particularly between those belonging to the innovation support subsystem (e.g. universities, R&D institutes, business associations, technology centres, financing institutions, etc).

3. Encourage cooperation between the innovation system actors and promote trust among all of them. Create and maintain channels and processes for cooperation and information flow between the different stakeholders.

4. Avoid fragmentation. A combination of top-down and bottom-up approaches should preferably be applied; the top-down approach to have a clearer vision of the big picture and the bottom-up approach to maintain concrete outcomes.

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5. Improve regional coordination. In order to respond to greater complexity of the innovation systems, regional innovation governance becomes the main vehicle to achieve enhanced coordination.

6. Analyse, plan, finance, create and coordinate. Undertake analysis together with professional, external experts. Develop plans for a number of years and provide financing and stability for the same time horizon. Create suitable, professional structures for action implementation.

7. Communicate your initiatives. Continuous communication with the regional innovation system players improves effectiveness and efficiency of offered innovation support services.

8. Ensure strong and legitimate leadership. The involvement of regional and local leaders helps promote strong innovation awareness, and ability to mobilise local/regional groups for innovation activities.

9. Seek stability. Effective innovation systems need stable policies, strategies and resources. Long-term objectives and core directions should not be put at stake with elections and new political cycles.

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10. Facilitate regional empowerment. Involve regional stakeholders and share tasks with them, engage regional champions, create consensus, get political backing from politicians and stakeholders, boost governance by intensive communication/networking, and deploy as far as possible suitable financing and human resources.

11. Promote client-oriented innovation systems. The innovation support needs identification can be done using tools such as innovation demand surveys, market analyses, competitive intelligence actions, foresight exercises, among others.

12. Develop a regional shared vision. A regional vision statement can galvanise local stakeholders to achieve defined objectives.

13. Link innovation policy to other policy domains. There is great potential for linking innovation policy with other policy areas.

14. Create new bodies to smooth over the development of innovations systems. Governments may need to remedy structural deficits by creating new institutions to mediate between different government fields and priorities.

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15. Prepare to be part of multilevel governance systems. More important than undertaking lobbying and “marketing” activities, regions should make an effort to establish long-term policies and strategies with demonstrable impact as a way to better communicate and interact with other governance levels.

16. Plan the use of EU Structural Funds. Structural Funds can be a main vehicle for promoting systemic regional innovation, particularly in less favoured regions.

17. Adopt a “learning innovation policy” approach. Learning, evaluation and accountability all become more important as governance structures change and decision making become more complex.

18. Monitor and evaluate your achievements. Innovation policies without sound monitoring and evaluation do not make sense.

19. Benchmark. While economic, institutional and historical context is very important, it is possible to learn from other regions and countries.

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Daniel Gabaldón-Estevan | Moscow 20/05/2016Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Valencia- Valencia (ES) - [email protected]

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